How sick leave is now considered in a new way. How to calculate sick leave (calculation example). Maximum amount of hospital disability benefit

Each of us at least once faced, or will face, the need to take sick leave.

According to labor law, sick leave - this is a certain basis for receiving assistance associated with temporary disability due to health problems.

As you know, in 2017, an electronic sick leave was introduced. That is, the employer fills out a sick leave certificate online, which removes unnecessary red tape with papers.

sick leave in 2018 may also be completed electronically. To fill out an online sick leave, you will need to fill out a special electronic form in the system and, of course, certify it with the electronic signatures of the employer and the person taking the sick leave.

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sick leave calculator in 2018

To calculate the sick leave on our own, we will substitute the following simple formula into the calculator:

The amount of sick leave payments in 2018 \u003d (the amount of payments for the previous 2 years / 730 days) * the number of days of sick leave

It is worth noting that the amounts that are taken for calculations have limits for cases of very large or very small salaries.

For example, in 2017 this amount should have been no higher than 755 rubles, which are subsequently divided into 730 days.

If you don't quite understand how to use sick leave calculator in 2018, then see the examples that we provide in this article, or ask your question in the comments .

Calculation of sick leave in 2018

If we schematically present the procedure for calculating sick leave in 2018, then it will look like an algorithm of several stages:

  1. Calculation of average earnings for the relevant period
  2. Calculation of the amount of average earnings for 1 day
  3. Setting the daily allowance
  4. Decree on the amount of the hospital benefit itself (that is, how much a person will eventually receive).

What affects the calculation of sick leave in 2018?

  1. First of all, for the sick leave, the period for which the calculation will be carried out is determined. This period is set, it is 2 previous years. That is, if sick leave is calculated in 2018, then the 16th and 17th years are taken into account.
  2. Calculation of actual earnings. This is the amount that a person received, including everything: the salary itself, as well as vacation pay, benefits, various bonuses and surcharges, and so on.
  3. Calculation of the average earnings for 1 day for the given period. The calculation of the average daily earnings is very simple - all salaries for the previous 2 years are added up and this amount is divided by 730 days.
  4. Calculation of worker experience.
  5. Calculation of the total amount of sick leave that the employee will receive in his hands.

Sick leave calculation scheme

What changes will be in the calculation of the sick leave in 2018?

In 2018, the sick leave will be calculated taking into account the years 2016 and 2017. Because of this, there was an increase in the maximum possible earnings, which can be taken into account when calculating the sick leave. Thus, the maximum average earnings per day for calculating sick leave in 2018 increased to 2017.81 rubles(compared to previous years).

It cannot be said that, according to the government decree, in 2018, from January 1, the minimum wage (minimum wage) will increase to 9489 rubles (for comparison, for 2017 the minimum wage = 7800 rubles).

Below is a table that will help you calculate sick leave. It contains the necessary control figures for this:

Indicators for calculating sick leave 2018 The value of the indicators from January 1, 2018 (after the increase in the minimum wage)
Billing period 2016 and 2017
Maximum earnings limit when calculating sick leave

in 2016 - 718,000 rubles;

in 2017 - 755,000 rubles;

The maximum possible earnings in 1 day (average value) 2017.81 ruble.
Minimum possible average daily earnings (average value) RUB 311.97
Minimum wage (SMIC) 9489 rub.
The number of days taken to calculate sick leave in 2018 730 days

Who can get sick leave in 2018?

Who is entitled to sick pay anyway? In 2018, the following groups of citizens can apply for sick leave:

  1. Sick and injured workers
  2. Employees who care for children or incapacitated relatives
  3. In the event of a quarantine, everyone who is under quarantine can count on sick leave
  4. Rehabilitation workers
  5. In the case of prosthetics
  6. Also, a sick leave can be issued in case of pregnancy and childbirth, by the way, a fairly common occurrence in 2018.

Experience for sick leave in 2018

Sick leave in 2018 will receive according to the “old scheme”. As before, there is no single fixed amount for everyone. You will find a calculation scheme and a sick leave calculator in the article above, but it is worth recalling that the calculation of the amount of sick leave depends on the salary for 2 years and the length of service of the employee.

Here are a few important points when calculating sick leave for 2018:

  • If a more than 8 years experience, then the employee can receive 100% of his average income for the previous 2 years
  • If a experience from 5 to 8 years, then for such employees the size of the sick leave is 80% of the average income
  • If a experience less than 5 years, then the amount of sick leave will be 60% of the average wage for the previous 730 days (this is the period that is taken into account by law)
  • If experience less than 6 months, then the amount of sick leave for such an employee will be equal to the Minimum Wage (SMIC) for 2018.
  • In the case of part-time work, or more correctly, part-time work, for such workers a sick leave is also required. In this case, the sick leave is calculated according to the scheme: the amount of income for the billing period is divided by the number of days worked.
  • Fired employees are also entitled to sick leave payments in 2018 if the former employee fell ill within 30 days after the termination.
  • In case of business closure, workers must apply for sick leave payments to the local social insurance authorities.

Insurance experience for sick leave

What is called insurance experience for sick leave in 2018 ? This is the period during which the employee of the enterprise was insured in case of temporary disability caused by illness, injury, quarantine, etc.

The insurance period for sick leave in 2018 includes the periods:

  1. When a person worked under an employment contract in an institution
  2. Periods of work in government posts
  3. Insurance experience obtained in other types of service (it could be a sole proprietorship, for example).
  4. Service in the army and law enforcement agencies is also included in the insurance record for sick leave for 2018.

How is sick leave paid?

Many may think that sick leave for employees is paid by the employer, but this is only partly true. In fact, the sick leave calculation scheme for 2018 is as follows:

  1. If the employee is more than 3 days- Sick leave is paid by the employer
  2. If an employee is sick for more than 3 days- Sick pay is paid by the Social Insurance Fund, so don't worry and don't ruin yourself, but use the sick leave as a little vacation.

Sick leave scheme

An example of calculating sick leave in 2018


  • Glebov Gleb Glebovich was hired in 2007.
  • His salary = 15,000 rubles per month.
  • He decided to take sick leave for 7 days

Sick leave calculation logic:

  • At the time of 2018, GGG has more than 8 years of work experience, therefore, he should receive 100% of the average daily earnings calculated for the last 2 years of work.
  • It is worth taking into account the norms of maximum earnings, if the salary. the payment exceeds or below the norm, then the calculation will be carried out according to the upper or lower bar (the dimensions of the maximum and minimum possible sick leave are given in the article above).

Calculation algorithm:

  • Since the salary of GGG did not change, it is logical that in 2016 and 2017 he earned the same amount.

16 and 17 year: 15,000 rubles per month * 12 months per year = 180,000 rubles. for 1 year

Therefore, for 2 years: 180,000 + 180,000 = 360,000 rubles for the previous 2 years

  • Now you need to calculate the average income for 1 working day: 360,000 divided by 730 = 493.1 rubles per day.
  • Since the experience of YYY is more than 8 years, the sick leave will be calculated based on 100% of the average earnings per day.
  • GGG took 7 sick days in 2018, he earned 493.1 rubles a day for the previous 2 years, therefore, we simply multiply:

7 days of sick leave * 493.1 rubles of daily earnings = 3451.7 rubles.

If you have any difficulties in calculating sick leave, then you can write about it in the comments to the article, the administration, or other users, will definitely help you deal with the problem.

Making a sick leave carried out in a special form, which you can see in the photo below.

It is worth saying that not every medical organization has the right to issue sick leave. Only accredited medical institutes have this right. For example, neither emergency doctors, nor medical personnel in blood transfusion centers, nor employees of the emergency departments of polyclinics and hospitals HAVE THE RIGHT TO ISSUE HOSPITAL SHEETS.

Example of a sick leave form

What do you need to apply for sick leave?

For registration, you only need a passport.

Sick leave deadlines.

The sick leave list indicates exactly the date it was filled out, so that, at the request of the patient, this date can correspond either to the date of admission to the hospital or the end date of the sick leave. If you ended up in the hospital after the end of the working day, then be sure to ask the doctor to fill out a sick leave sheet with the date of the next day. Since, you will not receive wages for the already worked day.

Important that a sick leave CANNOT BE ISSUED FOR THE PAST PERIODS.

Getting sick leave abroad?

If you fell ill outside the country, for example, during a business trip, then you must definitely obtain the appropriate supporting documents in the country of residence. Upon your return, you can simply legalize them and provide them to a medical institution at the place of residence, where a special commission will accept it.

Sick leave on vacation?

In 2018, everything will remain the same in this matter. That is, if you fall ill during your vacation, then having received a sick leave, you can extend your paid vacation for the entire period of the sick leave.

sick leave term 2018

Deadlines for sick leave in fact, it is completely unpredictable. No one can say exactly how many people will get sick. But, there are rules according to which doctors write out sick leaves. For 2018, the terms of sick leave are as follows:

  • Your doctor may issue sick leave for up to 15 days(calendar)
  • Dentists and paramedics can only issue sick leave up to 10 days
  • If a person does not recover within the allotted time, then a special medical commission extends the term of the sick leave for another 15 days. It is important that the commission cannot extend sick leave for more than 15 days at a time.

After recovery and return to work, the deadline for submitting a sick leave to the accounting department of the enterprise is no later than 6 months!

You can receive the hospital payments themselves along with an advance payment, or wages.

Filling out a sick leave by a doctor in 2018

Proper completion of sick leave very important. First of all, this is important for the doctor who writes out the sick leave and for the accountant of the enterprise where the patient works. But, the workers themselves do not interfere with seeing sick leave sample to know what to look out for in order to avoid correcting errors.

How to fill out sick leave in 2018

Basic rules for filling out sick leave in 2018:

  1. To be completed in Russian
  2. Printed capital letters
  3. black ink
  4. Starting from the very first cell in the graph
  5. You can't go beyond the boundaries of the cells
  6. The sick leave can be filled out with a gel pen (BUT NOT a ballpoint pen), or printed out on a computer.
  7. Medical corrections when filling out a sick leave are not allowed.
  8. The diagnosis, or the reason for the sick leave is not indicated. Instead, a special code is entered, where: 01 - illness, 02 - worker injury, 03 - quarantine. This is done to maintain the anonymity and inviolability of medical confidentiality.

Often our users write about errors when filling out sick leave, so the team medical portal 47medportal. en, strongly advises you to use these rules and check that sick leave is filled out correctly.

Completion of the sick leave by the employer in 2018

It is important for any employer to understand that if he accepts a sick leave filled out with medical errors, the Social Insurance Fund has the right to refuse to compensate such employer.

Here are a few basic rules for filling sick leave for 2018:

  • The name of the institution can be indicated either in full or in abbreviated form. That is, if the name of the institution does not fit into 29 cells, then you simply interrupt the name, but in no case go beyond the cells.
  • The employer must fill in the “Date of commencement of work” column if the employment contract has been terminated or cancelled.
  • You can find the sick leave calculator on the website of the Social Insurance Fund at the following link (

Sick leave accrual

In this concluding chapter, we would like to summarize the sick leave in 2018 year. If you draw a line under the entire article, then the bottom line will be the following:

  1. Calculation of accrual of sick leave will be based on a person's earnings for 2016 and 2017
  2. The upper limit of the maximum possible earnings was increased, in 2018 - it is 1,473,000 rubles
  3. The minimum wage (minimum wage) has also been increased - from January 1 it is equal to 9489 rubles, which will also significantly affect sick leave
  4. The number of days into which the total two-year earnings will be divided = 730 days, and for maternity leave = 731 days for 2018.

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Legislation is gradually changing, improving for citizens. 2019 promises many innovations in all regulatory areas. Let us consider in more detail the issue of sick leave and payments related to compensation for temporary disability.

The whole truth about sick leave

The disability certificate, or, as it is most often called, the sick leave is a significant document for both the citizen and the organization where he works. After all, it is this sheet that is the primary justification for the fact that the employee did not skip the work process.

And according to him, the accounting employee will calculate the allowance for the time while the employee was sick (or sick leave).

This document can be obtained not only by an employee on the occasion of his own illness, but also by a woman who is expecting a child, a citizen who is caring for her relative or a child, a person who is undergoing sanatorium treatment, as well as other individuals provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Since the FSS assumed the obligation to pay for sick leave, “professional” illnesses and work-related injuries are classified as insured events.

How to make a sick leave without errors in 2019?

The sheet is formed and also issued on a special form, which is approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. A valid sick leave can not be issued by any medical institution, as is commonly believed, but only by having access to medical activities.

To get a disability certificate, you only need to have an identity document with you. Other documents, including an insurance policy, are not needed.

The bulletin can be taken during the first visit to the doctor or when the sheet is closed. The date of the first application is indicated in the paragraph "Date of issue". Turning to the doctor after working days, it is better to ask him to sign the sick leave the next day.

Otherwise, a twofold situation will arise: the person has worked all day and the sheet opens on the same date. The employer will not pay wages and benefits for that day at the same time.

It is also forbidden to issue a sick leave "backdating".

A situation may arise that the disease has overtaken abroad and the doctors issued a certificate there. A person can claim the right to compensation in the Russian Federation if he legalizes the issued certificates and submits them to his medical institution.

If the illness fell during paid leave, it can be extended by the number of days that the person was sick. Or transfer, having agreed this fact with the management, for another period. In this case, sick leave is issued as usual.

But at your own expense, vacation cannot be extended this way and the sick leave will be opened only after it.

How many people will get sick - no one can say. But according to the law, the attending physician can write out a sheet for a maximum of 15 days, a dentist - for a maximum of 10 days.

If, nevertheless, there is a need to extend the sick leave, then this is done by the medical commission and for a period of only 15 days.

After the disability sheet is closed, it must be given to the accounting department. The sheet has its strength for no more than six months.

But, of course, you can’t hesitate, because this is a document confirming that a person has not skipped the work process.

Rules for calculating sick leave payment in 2019

2018 did not bring global innovations in the calculation of cash benefits for sickness. Compensation accrued for the time while a person was on sick leave is not determined by a specific amount. Everything rests on the salary and insurance experience of a citizen.

It is worth noting that if the average salary for the years taken into account exceeds the established limit, then the maximum allowable amount will be taken for calculation.

The insurance period of an employee is the period during which he was, in fact, insured against his temporary disability.

This includes:

  1. Work under a standard employment contract/
  2. Treasury or municipal service /
  3. Work as an individual entrepreneur, priest, deputy, etc. /
  4. Work in law enforcement, military service.

Conventionally, the entire calculation of sick leave is as follows:

  • calculation of the average salary for the specified period;
  • calculation of average earnings per day;
  • calculation of the daily allowance;
  • determining the amount of the benefit.

If the insurance period does not exceed six months, then each month spent on sick leave closes with one. That is, since January of this year, this amount is equal to 11,280 rubles.

The employer must remember that three days at the beginning of the sick leave are paid directly by the organization, and the subsequent ones by the FSS.

Calculation and payment of a sick leave for a permanent employee and an external part-time worker in 2019

To calculate sick leave, a permanent employee must adhere to the following scheme:

  1. Over the past few years, the total base of income is taken, on which insurance accruals were made.
  2. The resulting final result is divided by 730 days (average earnings come out).
  3. The percentage of payment is determined, taking into account the insurance experience.

For example: a person has been working for five years at the same enterprise. His income base for two years is 335,200 rubles.

335,200 / 730=459.18 (rubles);

459.18 * 60% = 275.51 (rubles).

Every day, while on sick leave, a permanent employee will be paid 275.51 rubles. The organization will pay for the first three days - 826.53 rubles; the remaining allowance is the FSS.

To calculate a sick leave for a part-time employee, you must adhere to the following scheme:

  1. To apply for a sick leave in a medical institution, you must ask for several sheets on which the main place of work and the second job are indicated.
  2. With prolonged work in one place, the employee develops an income base, based on which both employers will pay sick leave.
  3. If over the past two years the employee has moved from one place of work to another, then you need to take a certificate in form 180H from each organization.
    Upon presentation of these certificates at work, the employee will be paid a cash allowance (Article 13 of the Federal Law-255).

If a citizen cannot provide a certificate 180N, he needs to write an application, according to which they will make a request to the territorial FIU to transfer data on all payments.

This document contains the amount of salary and other cash payments for several years; the current year with the transfer of insurance premiums; the total number of days when a person did not work, parental leave, maternity leave; the period of suspension of a person from work with full or partial salary retention based on the laws of the Russian Federation.

The rules for paying sick leave can be found in the video.

Paying sick leave for child care

In the event of illness in the family of a child or children, a citizen may apply for monetary compensation for child care. The procedure for issuing a sheet in this case is somewhat different from the usual procedure.

In the disability certificate, the doctor enters the age of the child, the code of kinship with the one who will sit with the child. The line where the amount is indicated is left blank, because in this case the entire amount of the benefit is paid by the FSS.

A sick leave for child care is issued to that family member or other relative who, in fact, looks after / looks after him. That is, if the sheet is issued to the mother, she does not have the right to work while, for example, the grandmother is sitting with the child.

In addition, several family members can take sick leave alternately within the time limits established by law.

In case of a disease in a family of several children, both parents can receive sick leave. One will provide a sheet at the place of work for the first child, the second - for the second.

A disability certificate is not given if:

  • the child is over 15 years old and the teenager is being treated in a hospital;
  • the citizen is on paid leave;
  • the citizen is on maternity leave;
  • employee on maternity leave.

The term for which the ballot is issued depends on the age of the child. If a child is under 7 years old, the sick leave is issued for the entire duration of the illness, if from 7 to 15 years old - up to two weeks, depending on the illness, over 15 years old - up to three days.

Payment for sick leave for child care depends on the type of treatment. When treating at home, the first ten days are paid from the insurance experience of the guardian (relative), the following days are considered 50% of the average earnings.

In outpatient treatment, the amount of the benefit depends only on the insurance period.

Sick pay after retirement

It happens that sick leave has to be paid by an employee who has already left. It turns out that either he fell ill after his dismissal, or before leaving, but he brought the sheet after leaving the organization.

In the first case, the law stipulates the following: the benefit is paid in the amount of 60% of the average salary if the illness occurred within a month after the dismissal. In this case, for what reason the contract was terminated, it does not matter. Sick leave is paid only to former employees.

In the second case, the allowance is paid and calculated according to the general rule.

Table for determining the amount of hospital benefits depending on the length of service and the reason for the employee's disability in 2019

Reason for absenteeism Insurance experience Payout amount
Illness of the employee

employee injury,


dental intervention according to the doctor's indications,

treatment in health resorts after the hospital.

Up to 5 years 60%
5 to 8 years 80%
Over 8 years 100%
Occupational Illness,

work injury.

Irrelevant 100%
Child care at home Up to 5 years First 10 days 60%, next 50%
5 to 8 years First 10 days 80%, next 50%
Over 8 years First 10 days 100%, next 50%
Caring for a child in the hospital Up to 5 years 60%
5 to 8 years 80%
Over 8 years 100%
Illness of an employee that occurred no later than a month after dismissal Irrelevant 60%

When is sick pay limited?

Sick leave is paid taking into account the legislative norms of the Russian Federation, which impose some restrictions on this process:

  1. The income base for two years should not exceed the allowable amount (Article 14, Clause 3 of Federal Law-255).
    That is, in 2014 the allowable value is 624,000 rubles, for 2015 - 670,000 rubles.
    Accordingly, in 2018 this value is 1,294,000 rubles.
    This amount will be used to calculate the sick leave.
  2. The disability certificate should not contain notes about violation of the regime.
    That is, if the patient has violated the prescribed regimen, the date of the violation is put on the sheet, and starting from it, the allowance is calculated from the minimum wage.
  3. Length of insurance period.
  4. When caring for a child, the amount of the benefit depends on the age and type of treatment.

When will sick leave be paid and who will do it

Starting from 2011 and to this day, sick leave, excluding the first three days (which are paid by the employer), is paid by the FSS. In the near future, it is assumed that the fund will take full responsibility for paying sick leave.

The organization will only need the correct calculation of the payment of benefits.

So, after the employer checks the validity of the sick leave, it is transferred to the FSS, where they can also check all the data indicated in the document. An employee of the fund has the right to check the accuracy of the data: he can make a call to a medical institution and ask if the doctor who signed the sick leave is working, whether the person who provided the certificate was actually treated, whether there were any non-compliance with the treatment regimen, etc.

After receiving the sick leave, the FSS calculates the amount of the benefit on the sheet within ten working days. An employee can receive this benefit as early as the next payment (whether it is an advance payment or a salary).

If the employee provided sick leave a couple of days before the salary, then temporary disability benefits are paid in the next period. The Fund controls the accuracy of entering information on the sick leave, and the employee of the organization must correctly calculate the amount of the benefit.

Here an important role is played by the insurance period and the non-insurance period, the average salary over the past few years, the presence of notes on the sheet, the time of illness, the maximum limit for the amount of sick leave.

The most important legislative changes in 2019

As such, there were no changes regarding the payment of hospital bills in 2019. The only thing that can change is the calculation of interest based on the length of service.

This year it is planned to increase the insurance period by six months. In other words, in order to receive 100% sick pay, you need to have an experience of 8 years and 6 months. Until 2028, it is planned to increase the insurance period for a maximum payout of up to 15 years.

In this case, the FSS will take over all payments for sick leave.

Otherwise, everything remains the same. 2019 promises to be a solid year.


Finally, the time when workers in organizations were afraid of getting sick is over. Legislation stood up to protect ordinary citizens.

Now, in order to receive a good sickness benefit, it is enough to have an uninterrupted insurance record. And it is not necessary to work in only one organization.

Certificates for sick leave can be collected from former places of employment.

Therefore, do not neglect the documents that the accounting department issues upon dismissal, they can still come in handy.

Learn about the calculation of the sick leave from the video.

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How sick leave is calculated: basic rules and formula for calculating sick leave + 6 examples of calculating disability benefits for employees + formula for calculating sick leave due to pregnancy and childbirth for women.

According to statistics, people spend most of their time at work. In the process of life, they naturally get sick or get injured. If this happens during the period of official employment, then employees are entitled to sick leave.

Sick leave is a type of material support for the working population during a period of deteriorating health - one's own or one's loved ones, children. They are also accrued to working women who are in a position who are preparing for the upcoming birth and motherhood.

To calculate the amount of financial assistance, a formula is used, which, alas, is not clear to everyone. In order to analyze the method and future amount of payments depending on various factors, we will tell you how sick leave is calculated and what their amount will be in each of the situations.

How sick leave is calculated according to general rules: the basic formula

The fact that every working citizen of Russia has the right to issue a paper on temporary disability and receive compensation for this is stated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Who is eligible for financial assistance? All citizens who are officially employed and who make contributions to the FSS - the Social Insurance Fund.

Everyone is entitled to sick leave: both those who work overtime and those who work only a few hours a day. The difference is only in the amount of benefits received.

What can be compensated for? For injuries, illnesses, and not only their own, but also their families. You can receive financial compensation if you catch a cold on a rainy day, and if your relative needs to be looked after due to a serious illness.

The number of days for which you can take sick leave and receive financial assistance depends on the complexity of the situation.

If the matter concerns the employee himself, then he has the right to issue paid sick leave for:

  • 30 calendar days per year is the maximum allowable number of sick days for all sick employees.
  • 90 calendar days - in cases where the disease has dragged on, and this can be confirmed by a medical commission.
  • 120 calendar days - when the employee is very sick, and the commission talks about the possibility or necessity of opening a disability.

If we are talking about a disability certificate, which is issued due to the illness of one of the family members (most often children), then temporary disability can be issued for 60 calendar days of illness per year. But in some situations, this period can be increased or decreased.

Such situations include the following:

  • The age of the child, due to whose illness, the employee cannot come to work, is less than 7 years. Then forced vacations can reach up to 90 days a year.
  • The age of the child or children ranges from 7 to 15 years old. This reason reduces the maximum allowable number of days of incapacity for work to 45.
  • The child is disabled regardless of the group. In such cases, sick leave is due up to 120 days of illness per year.

In addition to exceptions, there are also situations where sick leave is not paid at all. These include circumstances such as remission of a chronic disease or treatment of a citizen over 15 years old in a hospital.

Now let's go directly to the question of how sick leave is calculated in Russia in accordance with legislative norms.

So, for each working person, a fairly simple formula is used:

At first glance, everything looks quite simple, but, as a rule, when starting to calculate the amount of compensation, questions often arise. This is not very surprising, because in order to calculate the amount, you need to understand what data to substitute in the formula.

Let's analyze them in more detail:

    SDZ or average daily earnings.

    This value is the "arithmetic average" earnings of each employee in one day. How is this value calculated?

    To obtain it, you need to analyze the income for the last two years of work (they are called the billing period), and divide them by the number of days in two years. The last value is unchanged and always equals 730.

    Each year the maximum amount of earnings is limited. If we sum up these marginal values, and divide them by 730, then we get the maximum size of the average daily income.

    Well, if your earnings are close to such figures, and you can calculate your average earnings per day using this scheme. But what if you are getting minimum wage for your work? How is sick leave calculated in such a situation?

    In such cases, it is necessary to apply the minimum wage, that is, the value. Then the calculation and size of the minimum allowable average earnings will look a little different.

    The amount of insurance experience (C%).

    As it turned out, not only the average daily earnings, calculated for the last two years of work, has an impact on the amount of benefits. Their size is also affected by how many years of experience an employee has. Depending on the length of service, the percentage by which we multiply other values ​​\u200b\u200bis also depends.

    Number of sick days.

    The number of days you were forced to be off work is written on your sick leave. To finally calculate the amount of the benefit, you need to multiply all the previously considered values ​​​​by the number of days.

    Please note: if you get sick or injured, the first 3 days of your absence will be paid by the employer, and the rest by the Social Insurance Fund. If the reasons for the absence were different, then the FSS will pay benefits from the 1st day.

6 actual situations from life, how sick leave is calculated

Despite the fact that we have fully analyzed the components of the formula in order to calculate the allowance, we will look at examples of how to do this. We will give a few standard and not so situations that you may need in your own calculations.

Example #1. How is sick leave calculated as a general rule for an employee who works full time?

Let's say that a bank manager is ill and wants to be compensated for the period when he is unable to go to work.
He was sick for 5 days.

The work experience is 9 years.

In 2016, he earned 700 thousand rubles, and in the previous year - 720 thousand rubles.

Calculate how much he will receive. To do this, we first calculate the size of his average daily earnings: (700,000 + 720,000) / 730 \u003d 1945, 21 rubles.

Now we will transfer all the data to the formula, and find out how much the bank manager can compensate. At the same time, remember that due to the long experience, we will take into account 100% of the average earnings.

1945.21 * 100% * 5 \u003d 9726.05 rubles. - this is the amount of compensation the manager will receive for his forced break from work.

Example #2. How are sick leave calculated for an employee who has worked quite a bit, and his experience is less than six months?

It also happens that a new employee who has just got a job gets sick. In such situations, remember that the amount of the benefit cannot be more than the minimum wage for 1 calendar month, and the sick leave will be calculated based on 60% of the average daily earnings. Let's calculate with an example.

A new accounting assistant got a job 3 months ago. Alas, the weather was cold and she caught a cold, which left her ill for 9 days.

How is sick leave calculated in such a situation?

To begin with, let's remember how much the minimum wage is and what is the minimum daily wage. We will not take into account the previous two years of work, since they simply do not exist.

So, we multiply the minimum earnings by 60%: 367 * 60% \u003d 220.20 rubles.

We multiply the amount received by the number of days, and we get the answer - 1981.80 rubles.

Example #3. How are sick days calculated when earnings for previous years amounted to a very small amount?

Low-paying jobs today are, unfortunately, not uncommon. Because of this, sometimes the earnings of employees for the year are so small that they do not even reach the minimum in the country. This is especially true for those who have changed several jobs in a year or have been unemployed for a long time.

Imagine a situation: an employee of the company fell ill and spent 6 days on sick leave. His experience is not great yet - only 5 years. And earnings for the past years amounted to: in 2016 - 112 thousand rubles, and in 2017 - 113 thousand rubles.

To begin with, let's calculate his average daily earnings: (112,000 + 113,000) / 730 = 308.22 rubles.

It turns out that we receive an amount that is lower than the minimum established by law. How is the benefit calculated under such circumstances?

According to the current laws, in such situations it is necessary to use the minimum amount of average income, that is, 367 rubles.
Then the amount of the benefit will be: 367 * 80% * 6 = 1761.60 rubles.

Example number 4. How is the disability benefit calculated if the sick employee has violated the regime?

Situations when an employee, in fact, left work for a while to undergo treatment, and at that time violated the regime, are very common. And the law has established a rule for such ill employees: if an employee, while on treatment, violated the regime, and the doctor made a note about this, then from the moment the regime was violated, the sick person will receive benefits based on the minimum wage in the country.

Let's explain this with a simple example: a factory engineer went on sick leave for 10 days. Of these 10 days, he spent 4 days in the hospital, after which he violated the regimen. The doctor himself made a note about this.

The employee's length of service is 10 years, and the total amount of money earned for 2016 and 2017 amounted to 1,300 thousand rubles.
Since the engineer complied with the regime for 4 days, his material compensation for these days will be calculated according to the “standard” formula:
1780, 82 * 100% * 4 \u003d 7123.28 rubles.

The remaining 6 days of illness due to a violation of the regime will be calculated differently:
367*100%*6 = 2202 rubles

In total, due to non-compliance with the rules, the employee will receive an allowance equal to 9325.28 rubles.

Example number 5. How is sick leave calculated if the total salary for 2 billing years exceeded the maximum limit?

This does not happen often, but still in rare cases, conscientious employees in high positions receive very high salaries that exceed the amount allowed when calculating the average daily wage.

Then you need to take into account that it is not allowed to exceed such a limit by law, and the allowance will still be calculated from the maximum allowable amounts.

Imagine that one of the directors of a large enterprise was injured, as a result of which he had to be in treatment for 14 days.

His experience has already exceeded 15 years, and the income for 2016 and 2017 amounted to 730 and 760 thousand rubles. respectively.

It turns out that both the first and second total earnings for the year exceed the limit. This suggests that the sick leave for the director will be calculated according to the maximum average income per day. Recall that it is 2017.81 rubles.

In total, for his 14 days of illness, the employee will receive benefits in the amount of:

2017.81 * 100% * 14 \u003d 28,249.34 rubles.

Example number 6. How is sickness compensation calculated if they work part-time?

Now quite often you can get a job, where instead of an 8-hour working day, for example, a 4-hour day is set. The sick leave in such cases will be calculated according to the same formula, but with time adjustments.

The editor of a small publication works every day except weekends, but only for 4 hours. In winter, the employee fell ill, and stayed on treatment for 8 days.

Her experience is 7 years. Her earnings for 2016 amounted to 134 thousand rubles, and for 2017 - 135 thousand rubles.

First, let's see how her daily income will be calculated. It will be: (134,000 + 135,000) / 730 \u003d 368.49 rubles.

Now let's correct this figure in relation to the length of the working day. If it is 4 hours instead of 8, then we get: 368.49 / 8 * 4 = 184.25 rubles.

Having all the necessary components, the sick leave will now be calculated as follows:

184.25 * 80% * 8 \u003d 1179.20 rubles.

We examined the most common situations, how temporary disability benefits are calculated. It is worth noting that sick leave is always calculated not for missed work, but for calendar days.

And now let's talk about another question from this topic - how sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth is calculated.

From this video you will learn how to correctly calculate sick leave.

How sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth is calculated: features and formula

On the one hand, sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth is calculated according to a similar scheme with the usual disability benefit. But in reality there are differences between the calculations, and they are very significant.

The main difference lies in the formula itself, according to which the payment of funds is carried out:

As you can see, the formula is very similar to the previous one, but one element is missing here - the length of service.

The fact is that when calculating benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, the length of service does not matter. Only average earnings for the last 2 years are taken into account, taking into account the deduction of days of incapacity for work, as well as the number of days of incapacity for work.

By the way, the number of days allotted for women for pregnancy and childbirth can be:

  • 140 days - if the birth was easy.
  • 156 days - if complications occur during childbirth.
  • 194 days - if several children were born at once.

As for the calculation of the average daily income, then, as a general rule, it should not exceed the established limits, and also should not be below the minimum threshold.

Since the insurance period is not taken into account, for working women it is 100% by default. But if a woman has too little experience - up to 6 months, then the amount of the allowance will be calculated based on the minimum wage.

Let us give an example of a standard situation. The airline employee went on maternity leave. Due to the birth of twins, it lasted 194 days. Previously, she worked full time, and in 2016 and 2017 she received a total salary of 315 thousand rubles.

The average daily income per day for her is 431.51 rubles.

The total amount of maternity benefits or, more simply, maternity benefits will be:

431.51 * 194 \u003d 83,712.94 rubles.

As you can see, such benefits are calculated quite simply, but there are still some features.

Recall that this calculation applies only to working women, whose experience already implies the presence of two settlement years.
If there is no experience, then the allowance is calculated only based on the minimum wage.

If a woman went on maternity leave as a student, then the amount of payments for her will be equal to the scholarship. In cases of compensation for female military personnel, maternity allowances will correspond to the amount of allowance.

Dismissed women in connection with the liquidation of the organization can also apply for benefits. They are entitled to 300 rubles.

Special attention should be paid to situations where women work in parallel in two jobs, part-time. If this type of work has been carried out for many years, then the allowance is due to employees of both employers.

Let's sum it up...

We analyzed how sick leave is calculated for employees of the Russian Federation and provided the most relevant examples of situations. In order to independently calculate the amount of the due allowance, substitute your numbers into the formula. Thus, in a matter of minutes you can calculate what the amount of compensation will be in your case.

How will the calculation and payment of sick leave in 2017 be carried out, examples.

In 2017, the principles of registration and payment of sick leave will remain unchanged. In this case, the employee should take into account the peculiarities of calculating and paying sick leave in the next year.

General provisions

The current regulatory framework regulates the following grounds for issuing sick leave:

illness or injury that led to temporary disability;

  • quarantine
  • installation of a prosthesis
  • treatment in a sanatorium
  • pregnancy

Registration of a sick leave in 2017 is carried out as part of the established procedure:

  1. Mandatory examination by a doctor, which confirms the basis for issuing a sheet.
  2. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor can issue a sick leave, which opens from the date of contacting the medical institution.

The period for which a sick leave is issued depends on several parameters. The deadline, which is issued in a medical institution, is 30 days. After the first visit, sick leave is issued for a period that cannot exceed 10 days. After that, the validity period can be extended as a result of a second visit. In addition, a special commission can extend sick leave up to 12 months if the disease or injury has serious consequences.

Depending on the reason for applying for a sick leave in 2017, the current standards determine the following maximum terms:

  • care for a child in case of illness - from 30 to 60 days, depending on age
  • disability - 5 months
  • pregnancy - 140 days

Sick leave payments in 2017: significant features

Payment for sick leave in 2017 is carried out from two sources: employer funds (first 3 days) and FSS (starting from the 4th day). If the reason for registration is child care, then funding comes exclusively from the FSS.

In the following cases, the employee will not be able to issue a sick leave:

  • the established hospital regime is violated
  • activities are carried out under a contract
  • if the injury was the result of an unlawful act
  • if the employee is suspended from duty or performs activities without appropriate permits
  • if the sick leave is issued after the end of the disease

Nuances of calculations and payments

The calculation of sick leave in 2017 is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Fixing the total salary that the employee received over the past two years
  2. Calculation of the average daily income. To do this, the total income is divided by 730 days (for a leap year - 731 days)
  3. The result obtained is multiplied by the number of working days during which the employee was on sick leave.
  4. The seniority coefficient is applied, which is determined on the basis of the following principles:
  • if the length of service is up to 6 months, then for each month of sick leave, the employee will receive more than 1 minimum wage
  • for an experience of 3-5 years, K 0.6 is applied
  • for an experience of 6-8 years, K 0.8 is applied
  • if the experience exceeds 8 years, K 1.0 applies

The maximum amount of payment to an employee during the year cannot exceed 270,450 rubles.

Calculation example

The total salary of an employee for the last two years is 860 thousand rubles. At the same time, the work experience reaches 9 years and the sick leave is issued for 10 days. In this case, the payout will be:

860,000 / 730 x 10 x 1 \u003d 11,780.82 rubles.

The amount calculated for the sick leave is paid after the employee returns to the workplace at the next salary payment. This amount will be subject to withholding tax.

In addition, it is worth considering the following nuances when calculating sick leave in 2017:

  1. If the injury was received at work or the employee suffered an occupational disease, then the sick leave payment will be 270 thousand rubles
  2. If an employee falls ill during vacation, then you must contact the medical facility. In this case, the sick leave will be open from the first day of going to work or transferred to another day in agreement with the employer
  3. Sick leave for pregnancy or child care is paid exclusively from the FSS. In this case, the duration of the sick leave is regulated at the legislative level.
  4. If an employee is a part-time employee and operates in several companies at once, then he will be able to apply for sick leave in each organization
  5. If the time interval between the termination of the employment contract and the illness of the employee is less than 30 days, then sick leave is issued with K 0.6 of the amount of the average salary at the corresponding place of work.

The payment of sick leave in the next year is carried out at the expense of the employer and the funds of the FSS. For registration, you will need to contact the medical institution and obtain the appropriate certificate. When calculating the payout, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • total income for the last two years
  • number of sick days
  • work experience

Sick Leave Calculation: Fundamental Principles and Changes in 2017

The calculation of sick leave is based on a number of key rules that should guide every accountant. These include the following:

  1. Payment for sick leave in 2017 in case of illness or injury is carried out from 2 sources: the first 3 days are paid from the employer's funds, the remaining days - from the social insurance fund. If the sick leave is issued to care for a sick relative, due to quarantine, the need to undergo rehabilitation in a sanatorium, then it is paid in full from the FSS.
  2. The calculation of the sick leave is carried out on calendar days falling on the full period of illness, with the exception of days when the employee was suspended from the performance of official duties and he was not entitled to wages on these days. A list of such exceptions can be found in Article 9 of Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006.
  3. The amount of the disability benefit due is calculated on the basis of the employee's average salary. This indicator is determined for the previous 2 years. If a person works at this place of work recently, then the data provided by his previous employers are taken into account. To calculate the average earnings, the total wages for 2 years are divided by 730.
  4. The amount of the benefit is directly related to the duration of the insurance period. If it does not exceed 5 years, sick leave is calculated based on 60% of average earnings. With an experience of more than 5 years, but not more than 8, the ratio of 80% of the average wage is already applied. And, finally, with an experience of more than 8 years, the size of the sick leave is equal to the average earnings. At the same time, starting from the 11th day of sick leave, the allowance is accrued in the amount of ½ of the average earnings, no matter what insurance period you have.
  5. The calculation of the sick leave in 2017 is based on all payments that were made in favor of the employee and from which the employer transferred insurance premiums for the previous 2 years.

As you can see, changes in the calculation of sick leave in 2017 are practically not significant. To illustrate the application of these principles, let's try to show how to calculate sick leave in 2017 using a specific example.

Suppose a certain Ivanova Marina Nikolaevna, having an insurance record of 7 years, fell ill in the period from January 16 to January 25, 2017. Accordingly, guided by the above rules, to calculate the average earnings, we need the period of 2015 and 2016. According to the accounting department, her total salary for 2015 was 480,000 rubles, and for 2016 - 520,000 rubles. Thus, over the previous 2 years, she earned a total of 1,000,000 rubles. Please note that this amount takes into account all payments in favor of M.N. Ivanova, for which the company where she works transferred insurance premiums to off-budget funds.

So, the average earnings of Ivanova M.N. is 1,369.86 rubles (1,000,000/730). Given that her insurance experience is more than 5, but less than 8 years, we use a coefficient of 0.8 (80%). Thus, to calculate the allowance for 10 calendar days of sick leave, the average earnings are applied at the rate of 1,095.89 rubles. (1,369.86 rubles x 80%). Accordingly, payment for sick leave Ivanova M.N. will amount to 10,958.90 rubles. (1,095.89 rubles x 10 calendar days).

It is very convenient to use a free online calculator for calculating patients, which is offered by various services on the Internet. By entering the information necessary for the calculation, within a few seconds you will receive a calculation of the amount of the benefit in accordance with all applicable rules and restrictions, as well as links to legislative acts.

How sick leave is paid in 2017 if earnings are less than the minimum wage

It happens that an employee who is on sick leave has no earnings in the billing period, or it is extremely small, not even reaching the minimum wage. In this case, the calculation of the sick leave is based on the value of the minimum wage. Here is a corresponding example of calculating sick leave in 2017.

So, suppose that Ivanova M.N., who participated in our previous calculation, did not work in the billing period of 2015 and 2016. It is also not possible to replace these years with some others, since she was not on maternity leave, but simply did not work during these years. An employee fell ill in July 2017 for a period of 10 calendar days.

In this case, you will have to start from the size of the minimum wage, which from the second half of 2017 will be 7,800 rubles. We calculate the average earnings by multiplying the minimum wage by 24 months and dividing by 730. Its size will be 256.44 rubles. Now we multiply this amount by 80% based on the existing insurance experience and get the amount of daily earnings for calculating sick leave 205.15 rubles. Accordingly, sick leave payment for 10 calendar days will amount to 2,051.50 rubles.

What are the limits on disability benefits?

The current legislation limits the maximum amount of average earnings, based on which the allowance is determined. It is provided that the amount that serves as the basis for calculating benefits for each year should not exceed the limit of the base for calculating insurance premiums in the same year. Given that in 2015 this limit was 670,000.00 rubles, in 2016 - 718,000 rubles, dividing the amount for 2 years by 730, we get the average earnings limit for 2017 at the level of 1901.37 rubles. For a large amount, the FSS simply will not accept calculations.

How to correctly calculate the insurance period for calculating sick leave

There are certain subtleties of which periods can be included in the calculation of seniority for sick leave, and which cannot. The list of periods to be included in 2017 is enshrined in Article 16 of Federal Law No. 255-FZ, as well as Rules of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 91 dated February 6, 2007. These periods include public or military service. While the period of work under GPC agreements is not taken into account when calculating the length of service. If a situation arises when the periods seem to overlap one another, then one of them is applied. To confirm the length of service, in addition to entries in the work book, employment contracts can be used if there is suddenly no entry in the book, a military ID confirming the time of service, as well as individual entrepreneur documents confirming the transfer of insurance premiums for the period of doing business.


The sick leave calculator from the Kontur.Accounting service will help you calculate the amount of benefits. The calculator is available for free and without registration. To calculate the amount of payments under the disability certificate, you must:

  1. On the "Initial data" tab, enter the dates from the sick leave.
  2. On the "Pivot Table" tab, enter information about the employee for the last 2 years (or previous years, if the employee wrote an application for the replacement of years). Designate the district coefficient and indicate the proportion of the part-time rate.
  3. On the "Results" tab, indicate the length of service of the employee and find out the amount of sick leave.

The calculation will take several minutes. If you are an employee, add our calculator to your Bookmarks so that you can calculate sick leave if necessary. If you are an enterprise accountant, appreciate the convenience of working with a calculator. Kontur.Accounting has many other convenient tools for keeping records and payroll.

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Calculation rules: sick leave in 2018

In 2018, the rules for calculating sickness benefits will not change. But we will recall the statement on the replacement of years, which was made by the Ministry of Labor back in 2016.

When calculating benefits, the accountant uses the amount of earnings for the two years (January to December) before the year in which the injury, maternity leave, or illness occurred. For the calculation, payments are taken for which insurance premiums were accrued, i.e. periods of illness, care for sick family members or an infant are excluded. And there is a separate rule for employees who were on maternity or parental leave in the previous two years. They may replace one or both years of the billing period with previous years if that increases the benefit. Previously, the FSS allowed the replacement of years by any earlier years. But in 2016, the Ministry of Labor clarified that replacement is possible only for the next few previous years. If an employee wrote a statement about replacing years with earlier years, then ask her to rewrite the statement.

The benefit is paid for the entire period of illness for which the sick leave is issued. But there are exceptions, which are listed in paragraph 1 of Art. 9 No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006.

Example. How to choose a billing period for sick leave.

An employee of the company was on maternity leave, and after that on parental leave in 2016-2017. In June 2018, she goes to work, falls ill in August, and after recovery brings sick leave from August 17 to 24 - eight calendar days.

The employee went on maternity leave in February 2016 and did not work for almost the entire billing period (2016-2017). She is writing an application for a change of years for 2012-2013, when she had a management position and a high salary. But in connection with new clarifications from the Ministry of Labor, the accountant asked her to rewrite the application for the replacement of years for 2013-2014.

After that, the accountant made calculations in two ways: based on earnings for 2013-2014 and based on earnings for 2015-2016. At the first calculation, the allowance turned out to be more, and it was assigned to the employee.

How to calculate daily earnings in 2018

There is a minimum and maximum earnings, the boundaries of which cannot be violated. To calculate daily earnings in 2018, you need to divide the taxable income for 2016 and 2017 by 730 days and compare it with the minimum and maximum values.

The minimum wage is calculated according to the minimum wage. Since May 2018, it has been 11,163 rubles. If an employee works part-time, then earnings should be reduced accordingly. If a multiplying factor is applied in the region, then it must be applied. In the base part, the minimum average daily earnings in 2018 will be 367 rubles (11,163 rubles * 24 months / 730 days).

The maximum earnings are limited to the maximum amount of payments for the year with which contributions to the FSS are paid. For 2017, this is 718,000 rubles, for 2018 - 815,000 rubles. Thus, the maximum daily earnings in 2018 will be (718,000 + 815,000) / 730 = 2,100 rubles.

If the employee's daily earnings are below the minimum, then the sick leave is calculated based on the minimum wage. If the earnings exceeded the maximum, then the established maximum amount is used to calculate the sick leave.

How the amount of sick leave depends on the length of service in 2018

The amount of sick leave also depends on the worker's length of service. The list of documents for confirming the insurance period is given in section 2 of the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period.

  • If the worker's experience is less than six months, then you first need to calculate the average daily earnings and compare it with the minimum minimum wage. Average daily earnings are calculated using the formula: employee's total earnings / 730 days. Daily earnings according to the minimum wage is 367 rubles. The allowance is issued based on the value of the average daily earnings, which will be greater.
  • If the worker's experience is from six months to 5 years, then the average daily earnings are multiplied by 60%. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the average daily earnings are not higher than the maximum.
  • If the work experience is from 5 to 8 years, then the average daily earnings must be multiplied by 80%. We also compare the average daily earnings with the maximum.
  • And if the work experience of an employee is more than 8 years, then we take 100% of the average daily earnings to calculate the sick leave. We also monitor the amount of daily earnings.

All this is true when an employee is sick himself, caring for a sick child in a hospital, or caring for an adult family member at home. If the employee cared for a sick child at home, then for the first 10 days of sick leave he receives the amount of average daily earnings multiplied by the percentages indicated above, and for the following days of sick leave, for any length of service, the employee receives 50% of daily earnings.

Sick leave is accrued even if the employee left the company, and then fell ill within 30 days and opened a sick leave. Then, regardless of the length of service, when calculating sick leave, we multiply the average daily earnings by 60%.

There are also limits on which sick leave is paid for caring for a child or other family member:

  • If the child is under 7 years old, then 60 days of care per year (or up to 90 days per year, depending on the disease) are paid.
  • If the child is between 7 and 15 years old, 45 days of care per year are paid and no more than 15 days for each case of illness.
  • If the child is over 15 years old, no more than 30 days a year and no more than 7 days per case of illness are paid. The same applies to adult relatives who need care due to illness.

An example of calculating sick leave for caring for a sick child

An employee brought a sick leave for child care to the accounting department from April 10 to April 23, 2018 (14 calendar days). The child is 5 years old, in 2018 he fell ill for the first time and received treatment at home. The employee has been working for three years, and the accountant calculated the allowance for the first 10 days of illness, based on 60% of earnings, and the next 4 days, based on 50% of earnings. Earnings for 2016 amounted to 420,000 rubles, and for 2017 - 480,000 rubles. These amounts are less than the maximum limits.

The allowance for the first 10 days will be:

(420,000 + 480,000) / 730 * 60% * 10 days = 7,397.26 rubles.

The allowance for the next 4 days will be:

(420,000 + 480,000) / 730 * 50% * 4 days = 2,465.75 rubles.

In total, the amount of the benefit: 7,397.26 + 2,465.75 = 9,863.01 rubles.

Calculation of sick leave in 2018 on video

What days are paid by the FSS and the enterprise

The insured pays the first three days of sick leave in case of illness or injury of the employee. The Fund pays for the following days of an employee's illness or the entire period of sick leave if the employee was caring for a sick family member.

Kontur.Accounting is a convenient online service for the joint work of an accountant and a company manager. Keep records in our service, calculate salaries and sick leave, send reports. The first 14 days of work are free for everyone!

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