How to eat to lose weight at home. Proper nutrition and exercise are the key to being slim. What should you eat to lose weight? What should be your serving size to lose weight?

Do you want to know what you need to eat to lose weight without harming your health?
You will find a list of the 20 best foods for weight loss in this article.

Not all calories are created equal. Different foods can have completely different effects on hunger, hormones, and the number of calories you burn. In this article, we will talk about the 20 best products for weight loss, the effectiveness of which is proven by science.

1. Eggs

Previously, eggs were avoided because of their high cholesterol content. However, recently everything has changed. Recent studies show that eggs do not negatively affect blood cholesterol levels and do not lead to heart attacks. Moreover, they are one of the best foods for weight loss. Eggs are high in protein and healthy fats. They are very filling and low in calories. In 2008, J. W. Wander published an article in the international journal Obesity, “Egg Breakfast Enhances Weight Loss,” which cited data from numerous studies. Thus, one of them, which involved 30 obese women, showed that eating eggs for breakfast instead of sandwiches increased satiety and the amount of food eaten over the next 36 hours. According to another 8-week study, eggs for breakfast increased weight loss during a reduced-calorie diet (compared to sandwiches). Eggs are a real storehouse of nutrients. They will give you everything you need during your fat burning diet. Moreover, the yolks contain almost all the necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements.

2. Greens

Nature's greens - spinach, parsley, dill, etc. - have several properties that make them an excellent choice during a weight loss diet: they are low in calories and carbohydrates, but rich in fiber. Eating greens is a good way to increase your food intake without increasing your caloric intake. Many studies show that low-energy foods and diets lead to lower calorie intake. Green leafy vegetables are rich in various vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In particular, they contain calcium, which, according to D. Teagarden, helps burn fat (D. Teagarden. “Calcium intake and losing weight or fat”).

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3. Salmon

Fatty fish like salmon are incredibly healthy foods. It has a relatively low calorie content, but satisfies well, leaving you feeling full for several hours. Salmon contains a lot of protein, healthy fats, and all sorts of important nutrients. Fish and seafood are rich in iodine. This microelement is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and promotes optimal metabolism. Scientists say that a large number of people in the world do not get enough iodine. Salmon is high in Omega-3 fatty acids. According to American researchers K. Lumeng and A. Saltiel, there is a direct connection between obesity and metabolic diseases: Omega-3 acids help reduce inflammation, which plays a significant role in the development of obesity and metabolic disorders. Mackerel, sardines, trout, herring are also healthy and healthy foods.

4. Cruciferous vegetables

Broccoli is one of the representatives of cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower. Just like other vegetables, they are rich in fiber and fill you up quickly. Moreover, cruciferous vegetables are a good source of protein. They do not contain as much protein as animal foods and legumes, but more than other vegetables. The combination of protein, fiber and low energy content makes cabbage an excellent fat-burning diet item. Cruciferous vegetables are also rich in vitamins, microelements and contain anti-cancer substances.

5. Lean beef and chicken breast

Meat is unfairly blamed for many health problems. Processed meats may not be considered a healthy diet, but unprocessed red meat does not increase your risk of diabetes or heart disease. According to two large review studies, eating red meat is associated with little to no increased risk of cancer in men and is not associated at all with cancer in women. Meat is a good food for weight loss because it is rich in proteins (proteins). Protein is the best filler, and protein foods can cause you to burn an extra 80-100 calories per day. A high-protein diet causes sustained reductions in appetite, ad libitum calorie intake, and body weight, despite compensatory changes in daily plasma leptin and ghrelin concentrations, concluded American scientist D. Weigle. Increasing your protein intake to 25-30% of your total daily calories can reduce your appetite by 60%, reduce your desire for late-night snacking by half, and cause you to lose almost a pound of weight per week (simply by adding protein to your diet). If you're on a low-carb diet, you can feel free to eat fattier meats. But if you're on a moderate to high carb diet, choose lean.

6. Boiled potatoes

Potatoes are not very popular in the world of healthy eating. But this vegetable has several properties that make it an ideal food for both weight loss and health maintenance. It contains an incredibly diverse range of nutrients, with a little bit of everything you need. There are even stories of people who lived on potatoes alone for extended periods of time. Potatoes are especially rich in potassium, which plays an important role in controlling blood pressure, but which we often don't get enough of. The Satiety Index table shows that boiled white potatoes rank first among other foods in terms of their effect on satiety. This means that by eating boiled potatoes, you will be full and eat less of other foods. If you cook potatoes and then let them cool, they form large amounts of resistant starch, a fiber-like substance that has been shown to have all sorts of health benefits, including increased weight loss (A. Nugent, “The Nutritional Benefits of Resistant Starch”). starch"). Sweet potatoes (yams), turnips and other root vegetables are also very healthy.

7. Tuna

Tuna is a low-calorie, high-protein fish. It contains little fat. Tuna is popular among bodybuilders and fitness models who are cutting, as it is a great way to get plenty of protein while keeping overall calories and fats low. If you want to emphasize increasing your protein intake, be sure to choose tuna canned in its own juices rather than oil.

8. Legumes

Some legumes may be beneficial for weight loss. The list of these products includes lentils, black beans, kidney beans, peas and some others. Legumes tend to be high in protein and fiber. Research shows that these two nutrients help you feel full. Additionally, legumes usually contain some amount of resistant starch. Unfortunately, many people have trouble digesting legumes. For this reason, it is important to cook them correctly.

9. Soups

As mentioned earlier, low energy nutrition and diets cause us to consume fewer calories. Low-calorie foods tend to contain a lot of water. These are, for example, vegetables and fruits. But you can add water to your food by simply making soup. Eating foods in soup form rather than in a “dry” form results in increased satiety and the consumption of far fewer calories. This is the subject of an article by J. Flood, “Different Forms of Pre-Meal Soups Reduce Energy Intake,” published in Appetite magazine in 2007.

10. Low-fat yogurt

Another great dairy product is yogurt. It contains probiotic bacteria that can improve gut health. A healthy digestive system helps protect against inflammation and leptin resistance, which is a major hormonal factor in the development of obesity. Just choose non-fat yogurt. In his work “The relationship between high consumption of fatty dairy products and obesity, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases” M. Kratz has convincingly shown that full-fat (low-fat) dairy products are associated with a reduced risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes in the long term. Low-fat yogurts usually have a lot of sugar added, so avoid products like fire.

11. Avocado

Avocado is a unique fruit. While most fruits are high in carbohydrates, avocados are rich in healthy fats. It is especially high in monounsaturated oleic acid (this fat is also found in olive oil). Although avocado has a high percentage of fat, it contains a large amount of water, so this fruit is not as high in calories as you might think. The perfect addition to a salad, research shows that avocado fat can increase your vegetable nutrient intake by 2.6 to 15 times. Avocados are also high in important nutrients, including fiber and potassium.

12. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is incredibly popular among nutritionists. It is often added to dressings and salads, such as vinaigrettes. Vinegar may be helpful for weight loss. Consuming vinegar with a high-carbohydrate meal can increase satiety and cause people to consume 200 to 275 fewer calories throughout the rest of the day. An experiment conducted in 2009 by T. Kondo involving obese Japanese subjects showed that consuming 15–30 milliliters of vinegar per day for 12 weeks resulted in subjects losing 1.2–1.7 kg of weight. Vinegar also reduces peak blood sugar levels after meals, leading to long-term health benefits.

13. Nuts

Despite their high fat content, nuts do not necessarily lead to weight gain. This is a great snack that contains a balanced amount of protein, fiber and healthy fats. Scientists have proven that eating nuts can improve metabolism and even lead to weight loss. People who eat nuts tend to be healthier and leaner than people who don't eat them. However, do not overdo it with nuts - they are still quite high in calories. If you find it difficult to control yourself and you overeat, it is better to stop consuming them.

14. Some whole grains

Although grains have gotten a bad rap in recent years, there are some types that are definitely healthy. These are whole grain cereals that are rich in fiber and contain a sufficient amount of protein. The most striking examples are oatmeal, brown (unrefined) rice and quinoa. Oats are rich in beta-glucans, a soluble fiber that has been shown to increase satiety and improve metabolism. Rice, both brown and white, can contain significant amounts of resistant starch, especially if it is refrigerated after cooking. Keep in mind that processed grains are clearly not fat burning. Sometimes foods that are marketed as "whole grain" by the manufacturer are highly processed junk foods that are unhealthy and cause weight gain. If you're on a strict low-carb diet, you'll probably avoid grains since they're high in carbohydrates. But there's nothing wrong with eating some healthy whole grains as long as you can tolerate them and aren't on a low-carb diet.

15. Chili pepper

Eating chili peppers may be beneficial for weight loss. This pungent vegetable contains a substance called capsaicin, which was shown in the study “The Effect of Capsaicin on Substrate Oxidation and Weight Maintenance Following Moderate Body Weight Loss in Humans” (M. Lejeune et al., 2004) to help reduce appetite and increase fat burning. Capsaicin is often used as one of the main ingredients in many sports nutrition products. Consuming 1 gram of red chili pepper reduces appetite and improves fat burning in people who do not regularly consume pepper. However, no effect was found in those who regularly eat spicy foods, indicating addiction in the body.

16. Fruit

Fruits are an excellent source of carbohydrates. Most nutrition experts agree that fruit is a healthy food. Numerous population studies have shown that people who eat the most fruits (and vegetables) tend to be healthier than those who don't. Of course, correlation does not equal causation, so these studies don't actually prove anything, but fruits have properties that make them one of the best foods for weight loss. Even though fruits contain sugar, they have low energy value and take time to chew. Additionally, fiber helps prevent sugar from being released into the bloodstream too quickly. The only people who want to avoid or minimize their fruit intake are those on very low-carb, ketogenic diets, or those with fructose intolerance. For others, fruit can be an effective (and tasty) addition to a weight loss diet.

17. Grapefruit

Grapefruit has been repeatedly studied in terms of its effect on fat burning. In K. Fujioka's study, "The Effect of Grapefruit on Weight and Insulin Resistance: Relevance to Metabolic Syndrome," which involved 91 overweight people, eating half of the fruit before meals resulted in a loss of 1.6 kg in 12 weeks. A group of participants who consumed grapefruit also showed a decrease in insulin resistance, a metabolic disorder associated with various chronic diseases. Thus, eating half a grapefruit half an hour before meals will help you feel full faster and consume fewer calories.

18. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are among the most nutritious foods on earth. They contain 42 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of product, which is quite high, and 34 grams of them are fiber. This makes chia a low-carb food and one of the best sources of fiber in the world. Because of this amount of fiber, the seeds can absorb 11 to 12 times their weight in water, becoming gel-like and expanding in the stomach. Although some studies have shown that chia seeds help reduce appetite, they have not found a statistically significant effect on weight loss. Despite this, given the nutritional content, it is advisable to include chia seeds in your fat loss diet.

19. Coconut oil

Not all fats are the same. Coconut oil is rich in medium-length fatty acids (so-called medium chain triglycerides). These fatty acids have been shown to increase satiety compared to other fats and also increase the number of calories burned. Coconut oil leads to reduction of belly fat. Of course, coconut oil is high in calories, so eating more than what you already eat is a bad idea. So, it's not about adding coconut oil to your diet, but replacing it with some other cooking fats. Extra virgin olive oil is also worth mentioning because it is probably the healthiest fat on the planet.

20.Cottage cheese

Dairy products contain calcium, which helps in the fat burning process. Dairy products are rich in protein. One of the best is cottage cheese. It contains predominantly protein - there are few carbohydrates and fats. Eating plenty of curd is a great way to increase your protein intake. Cottage cheese is also very satiating: you feel full and don’t get a lot of calories.

Eating and losing weight is the dream of many girls who, in pursuit of a slim figure, often experience the most stringent diets. Of course, a couple of weeks on cucumbers alone will help you lose a few kilograms, but after such hunger strikes, those losing weight often begin to reward themselves for the suffering they endured with buns and chocolates. And, of course, the weight comes back quickly.

In addition, such “jumps” are very harmful to the body in general and metabolism in particular. Proper nutrition for weight loss is by no means strict diets or episodic fasting. This is a certain way of life. And in order to gain slimness and finally achieve the desired size, you will have to reconsider your habits and diet once and for all. However, the good news is that proper nutrition does not mean giving up delicious food and constantly feeling hungry. But there are certain rules here, and those who want to lose weight should be aware of them.

Losing weight for health benefits

And nutritionists support this trend. In their opinion, the diet menu for weight loss should be varied so that the body receives all nutrients, vitamins and microelements in sufficient quantities. But it should also be tasty, because constant stress from hunger and boredom from monotonous, tasteless food are not good for either the psyche or the body.

Principles of nutrition for weight loss

Before you start creating a menu, you need to understand some principles of healthy eating. Let's consider the main ones:

Eat small and often

It is best to divide the entire daily diet into 5 meals and eat at the same time, and the last time you eat should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. This system does not allow the body to starve too much - which means you will not overeat. Fractional meals for weight loss are irreplaceable.

Give up fast food

This includes not only hamburgers, but also any semi-finished products, sausages, sausages, french fries, canned food, shawarma, etc. Ready-made food is extremely high in calories, contains a huge amount of preservatives, artificial colors and flavors that give it an appetizing smell and taste, as well as fatty or hot sauces. In addition, in fast food establishments, hundreds of servings are made with the same burnt oil, which contains carcinogens. If you still have doubts, think about this - one standard set of a hamburger, a glass of cola and a bag of French fries is 1200-1400 calories, that is, almost the daily requirement, but at the same time there are no vitamins or healthy fiber in such a lunch and almost no proteins. But in excess there are saturated fats and simple carbohydrates. The conclusion is obvious.

Chew your food thoroughly

Experiments have proven that if you chew your food about 40 times, you can lose some weight without changing your eating habits. And when combined with a healthy diet, this simple technique gives truly amazing results. Thoroughly chewed food is easier to digest, and in this case we eat much more slowly and the brain receives a signal of satiety in time, which eliminates the risk of overeating.

Drink water

Water is a catalyst for all life processes. Two liters of clean drinking water a day will help speed up metabolism, remove toxins in a timely manner and avoid fluid retention - that is, edema. Remember that the concept of “water” does not include tea, coffee, juices and other drinks: for example, black tea and coffee, on the contrary, dehydrate the body, and fruit juices and drinks contain sugar. This does not mean that you should not drink juice, but for the body, juice is more of a food than a liquid.

Keep track of your balance

For health, well-being and slimness, we need proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Approximate balance: 75 g protein: 60 g fat: 250 g carbohydrates: 30 g fiber. Protein foods are necessary for building muscle tissue, fats are necessary for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system, as well as for the skin, and carbohydrates give us energy.

Calculation of daily calorie content of consumed foods

To find out how many calories you need per day, you can use one of the calorie calculation formulas. The most commonly used formula is Tom Venuto. She looks like this:

66 + (13.7? weight in kg) + (5? height in cm) - (6.8? age) – for men;

655 + (9.6? weight in kg) + (1.8? height in cm) - (4.7? age) – for women.

We multiply the resulting figure by the physical activity coefficient:

1.2 – sedentary lifestyle;

1.38 – moderate physical activity (workouts, running, swimming, long walks 1-3 times a week);

1.56 – high physical activity (intensive sports training 3-5 times a week);

1.73 – very high physical activity (daily intense physical activity);

1.95 – the maximum degree of physical activity (intense daily training, heavy physical work).

The end result will be your daily calorie intake, at which your weight will neither increase nor decrease. The diet menu for weight loss should contain fewer calories. However, doctors do not advise sharply reducing the caloric content of the diet by more than 20%, otherwise you can harm the body and slow down the metabolism. As you lose weight, your calorie intake needs to be recalculated.

Products for weight loss

One apple and one chocolate candy contain approximately the same amount of calories. However, from the point of view of healthy eating, this is not the same thing at all. A diet for weight loss should contain foods rich in vitamins and amino acids, which also reduce hunger and speed up metabolism.


This vegetable is rich in vitamins A, C, E, K and B vitamins, fiber, and also contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, and fluorine. With all this richness, cabbage contains few calories, but the body spends a lot of energy on its processing. In addition, you can prepare many different dishes with cabbage - salads, soups, casseroles, meatballs, cabbage rolls and much more.


Sea fish contains polyunsaturated acids - those very important Omega-3s for the body, as well as vitamins A, D, E and K. Fish is an almost ideal protein. But frying in a large amount of oil negates the benefits, so it is better to give preference to boiled, steamed or baked fish.


This dried and ground root was once used as a cheap coffee substitute, but in recent years it has found widespread use in weight loss nutrition. It contains inulin, a substance that normalizes metabolic processes. Chicory acts as a mild diuretic, removing excess fluid; it also dulls the feeling of hunger. You can drink a drink made from chicory at any time of the day - it really tastes like coffee, but there is no caffeine in it.


Buckwheat is rich in iron, vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP, P, it also contains iodine, calcium, and phosphorus. Buckwheat not only quickly fills you up, helping to keep you feeling full longer, but also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also lowers cholesterol levels. Therefore, buckwheat porridge on water is one of the favorite dishes of fashion models and ballerinas.


If you don't like buckwheat, eat muesli. They are made from whole grain flakes, so they contain a lot of fiber, which causes quick satiety and improves bowel function. Sometimes nuts, seeds and dried fruits are added to muesli, which improves their taste, but adds calories. However, these muesli options are still very healthy. Breakfast cereals with a high sugar content, with added dyes, flavors, preservatives, and candied fruits should be avoided - they have nothing to do with a healthy diet. To lose weight, you need to eat muesli for breakfast, pouring 5-6 tablespoons of dry cereal with low-fat milk or natural yogurt.

Forget about these products!

You can't lose weight without sacrificing some bad habits. Review your menu and permanently exclude the following products from it:

  • Sausages, sausages;
  • Candies, preserves, jams (only natural dark chocolate in small quantities or jam made with sweeteners is suitable);
  • Chips, crackers and other snacks;
  • Anything fried (especially deep-fried);
  • Margarine, refined vegetable oil. If you can’t do without them, replace them with natural butter or olive oil;
  • White bread and pastries;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks and ready-made packaged juices;
  • Confectionery;
  • Lard, bacon, fatty meats;
  • Smoked meats and pickles;
  • Fatty sauces, especially mayonnaise.

Excess weight, wrinkles, flabby body - almost every woman wants to get rid of all this. There are several ways to lose excess weight - diets, sports training, massage courses, swimming and much more. But the very first step towards an ideal weight is proper nutrition. And then many women have a question: “How to start eating right to lose weight?” There are basic nutritional rules that will help not only improve your health, but also get rid of extra pounds. By following them you can achieve good results.

Every woman would like to know how to eat to lose weight at home, is this realistic? In order to start eating right, there is no need to visit specialists. First, it’s worth understanding what it means to “eat right”? Proper nutrition is not a diet, but a lifestyle for life! That is, it cannot be that today a woman eats only healthy and wholesome foods, and a week later she eats what she wants. The results of proper nutrition do not appear immediately, but after some time. To see these results you need to eat right for at least six months.

Proper nutrition includes only healthy foods; it does not have a specific time. You need to learn to eat like this always! As soon as a person gets used to eating only healthy foods and calculates his diet for the day, only then will he be able to achieve some results.

Where should I start?

First you need to determine for yourself “Why do I need proper nutrition”? When a person sees a goal, he begins to strive for it, he knows why he is taking any action. Without a goal it is very difficult to achieve results. It is a clearly defined goal that motivates a person to achieve results. Here are some possible answers.

  1. Losing weight. Proper nutrition will help you lose excess weight. After losing excess weight, sports training will help your body become more toned and your skin firmer.
  2. Boost immunity. With proper nutrition, you can focus on certain foods that can boost immunity and increase the body's resistance to disease. Proper nutrition is especially suitable for those people who are often sick.
  3. Cure any diseases. If a person has any diseases, then a well-designed diet will help cure the disease or reduce its symptoms. For example, if you have liver diseases, you should avoid fatty, spicy and smoked foods.
  4. Buy the dress of your dreams. This simple but effective goal will make any woman start eating healthy. In addition to the purchased dress, the woman will also gain lightness and a slender figure.
  5. Men like it (or get your husband back). This is also one of the powerful points for which a woman will do anything to achieve her goal.
  6. Prevention of various diseases. Proper nutrition includes healthy foods (fruits, vegetables) that improve immunity. This is especially important during various epidemics.
  7. Psychological reasons(to be envied, to be confident, etc.). Here the goals speak for themselves.

How to start eating right to lose weight without harming your health

In order to start eating right, you will have to change not only your diet, but also your habits. If a person is used to snacking throughout the day, then with proper nutrition you will have to forget about such snacks. The same applies to those people who are used to eating in cafes. Proper nutrition involves using only fresh foods. If it is not possible to carry home-cooked food with you every time, you can at least take a fresh salad with you. The ideal situation would be to cook your own food at home and take it with you to work. The same applies to snacks; it is better to prepare “quick” food yourself, choosing exactly those products that will not harm the body.

Another change that is important in proper nutrition is spending money on healthy foods. Yes, now you will have to spend more than before, but it is better to spend money on healthy products now than to spend it on medicines later. You'll have to forget about the habit of buying everything on sale, especially when it comes to groceries. “Well, if you think the apple is a little rotten, I’ll cut it and eat the rest.” No! You need to think about your health and eat only healthy, healthy foods!

The next habit that a person who has switched to proper nutrition should develop is giving up fast-cooking food! Now soups, cereals, broths, and dairy dishes should appear in the diet. Cooking them takes longer than heating a sandwich in the microwave, but the benefits for the body will be greater.

To ensure a balanced diet, you need to think about your diet in advance, about a few days in advance. It’s also worth purchasing groceries in advance so as not to cook in the morning with what’s in the refrigerator and not what you need.

Now that it has become clear how to start eating right to lose weight, you need to reconsider your lifestyle, your habits and your diet.

Let's connect sports

Without sports you cannot achieve a slim and fit body. Don't forget that playing sports requires strength. Eating just salad all day, by the evening you won’t have enough energy to go to the gym. Therefore, do not forget to include carbohydrates and fats in your diet. In small quantities they will not harm, but will only add strength and energy.

If you can't go to the gym, you should add physical activity. For example, walk more, go for a light jog or walk before bed every evening, completely avoid the elevator.

What to eat and when to eat

Breakfast. You can't skip breakfast. It is breakfast that will help the body fully wake up and recharge with energy. After waking up, at least half an hour must pass for the body to wake up. Some doctors recommend drinking a glass of water before breakfast. This will help the stomach wake up and start working. In the morning you can allow yourself carbohydrate foods, such as pasta, bran, cereals. You can also treat yourself to scrambled eggs or sandwiches.

Lunch. You should have a small snack between breakfast and lunch. For a snack, fruits or vegetables, natural juice, a light salad or dairy products are suitable.

Dinner. It's time for a big meal. During this period of time, you should not deprive yourself of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. During this period, you can eat everything, but in reasonable quantities.

Afternoon snack. Second snack of the day. There comes a time when you should give preference to protein foods. For example, cottage cheese or kefir.

Dinner. For dinner, light but satisfying dishes are suitable. For example, fish or dietary meat. They won’t add extra pounds, and the feeling of hunger will go away. Don't overload your stomach with extra work before bed. A hearty dinner will keep your stomach working all night. This will affect the quality of sleep, mood and appearance in the morning.

The most important thing in healthy eating is routine. You need to get used to certain meal times. Don't skip snacks, don't forget about breakfast and lunch. If you skip a meal, you will eat more than you need at the next meal. And the rules on how to eat to lose weight at home will no longer work.

What to give up

With proper nutrition, you should completely avoid the following foods:

  • Margarine, butter (or in other words, modified products);
  • Smoked, spicy, salted foods;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Salty crackers, chips, etc.

These products do not contain any vitamins. A high content of salt, pepper, and harmful substances have a negative effect on the body. They satisfy the feeling of hunger very quickly, but not for long. In addition, these products have more calories.

How to create the right diet for weight loss: video

Every person would like to switch to proper nutrition. Not everyone can do this, and especially not everyone can lose weight with proper nutrition. Sooner or later, people lose their temper and start eating not the way they should, but the way it’s convenient. Even if a person knows how to start eating right to lose weight and remembers all the rules, it can be difficult to overcome yourself and take the first step. However, those people who were able to do this, after a while, get the long-awaited results.

Not all calories contained in foods are equally harmful to your figure.

Each type of food has different effects on metabolism, satiety, and hormonal levels.

You should take a closer look at what foods are allowed on the diet, what you should not eat, and what food you eat, depending on the time of day.

The most dietary foods for weight loss: a list of the best sources of protein for the body

When losing weight, the body absolutely requires protein. It serves as the basis for building cells and muscle structures. Let's look at the foods that are the best source of organic compounds when you're on a diet.

Dietary meats

The products are responsible for the normal functioning of muscles, which allow you to burn extra calories and help you lose extra pounds. Turkey, rabbit, and poultry fillets can be eaten when you are on a diet.


The fattier the fish, the more healthy fatty acids it contains. List of food types allowed for weight loss: pollock, cod, pike, pike perch. They are useful because they contain valuable microelements: iodine, Omega-3 acids, phosphorus, zinc, potassium.

Due to this, the functioning of internal systems and organs is normalized: heart, brain, etc. Fish prevents vitamin deficiency during weight loss. Steamed or oven-cooked dishes will be of great benefit.


A valuable source of protein when losing extra pounds is eggs. They contain only 40 kcal per 100 g and are easily absorbed by the digestive system. These properties make the product one of the best during a diet.

Eggs can also give you a feeling of fullness for a long time and reduce the need to consume additional foods.

The optimal amount is 1-2 eggs per serving. Their beneficial properties are preserved only with short cooking (no more than 5 minutes).

Fermented milk products

They have a positive effect on the functioning and microflora of the intestines. Due to this, harmful components that interfere with the weight loss process are promptly removed from the body.

The protein of low-fat fermented milk products is quickly absorbed, but gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. The best time to consume milk drinks is morning and afternoon.

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What sources of fats should you eat while losing weight?

Fats are important during a diet, as the condition of the skin, hair and nails depends on them. If there is insufficient intake of organic compounds into the body, negative consequences may be observed in the form of peeling of the epidermis, memory impairment, frequent mood swings, etc.

Let's look at the best dietary products that contain fats in the required quantities:

Interesting fact! Each type of nut has a different effect on the body: hazelnuts improve the absorption of iron, pistachios reduce the level of bad cholesterol in blood vessels, almonds trigger skin regeneration processes.

  1. Vegetable oils: olive, sunflower. The product contains useful amino acids and normalizes the functioning of many systems and organs. During diets, the body especially needs these components.

Optimal carbohydrates: a list of energy-supplying foods that you should eat when losing weight

One of the best sources of carbohydrates for weight loss is cereals and legumes. List of dietary foods for weight loss:

  • peas;
  • lentils;
  • beans;
  • brown rice;
  • buckwheat.

Cereals and beans contain a large amount of fiber, which is not absorbed by the body at all and does not have the ability to turn into fat. The component is excreted through the intestines along with toxins and harmful substances that accumulate in it. Nutritionists strongly recommend that those losing weight include rice, lentils, etc. in their diet.

Important! Some types of vegetables (cabbage, carrots) and greens also contain healthy carbohydrates. These foods fill the stomach and reduce the desire to eat.

The list of complex carbohydrates that are absorbed by the body for a long time and do not harm the figure includes:

  • durum wheat pasta;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • dried fruits;
  • vegetables: onions, zucchini, bell pepper;
  • greenery;
  • mushrooms.

Dietary food to saturate the body with vitamins, microelements and essential nutrients

The best food for weight loss is considered to be the one you prepare yourself. With the help of proper heat treatment of products, you can achieve the maximum content of vitamins and microelements in them.

Foods that are acceptable for weight loss include:

  1. Natural meat, which replaces semi-finished products and minced meat purchased in the store. It doesn’t matter what is chosen, pulp or offal, the main criterion is freshness.
  2. Boiled or stewed fish and seafood. You cannot take salted or smoked goods. With this method of processing, it promotes fluid retention in the body and slows down weight loss.
  3. Seasonal vegetables and fruits. It is important to avoid store-bought products purchased in winter. They add a large amount of chemicals to increase shelf life. Canned fruits and frozen foods should also be excluded from consumption.
  4. Fermented milk products without added sugar or flavorings. The maximum shelf life of drinks suitable for weight loss should be 10-14 days.
  5. Side dishes. Preference is given not to instant cereals, but to those that require cooking.
  6. Oils. They are used to season salads and diet foods. The ingredient replaces ketchups, mayonnaise and other types of store-bought sauces. You can also use soy sauce if you can guarantee its naturalness.
  7. Delicious dietary products - dark chocolate, marshmallows and marshmallows. Relaxations in the diet allow the body to get out of the “storage” mode, during which it is difficult to lose excess weight. Sweets also allow you to better tolerate mental and physical stress during a diet.
  8. Green tea and natural coffee.

Top 10 dietary products containing everything you need for a healthy diet

In order not to experience a deficiency in microelements while losing weight, you need to give preference to the following list of foods to eat when losing weight:

  1. Oatmeal. It charges the body with the necessary energy for a long time. It contains B vitamins necessary for the normal course of all chemical reactions.
  2. Bananas. Fruits contain several types of carbohydrates. Some of them give a quick feeling of fullness, others break down slowly and do not provoke the deposition of fat reserves. Potassium in bananas has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems. The element allows you to tolerate physical activity well, which is an integral part of losing weight.
  3. Beef. Rich in B vitamins, zinc and iron. Meat strengthens blood vessels and promotes a more active supply of oxygen to all organs.
  4. Seafood. They contain easily digestible proteins, which gives them an advantage over meat. Seafood, despite the high content of the organic compounds in question, is considered low in calories.
  5. Pumpkin seeds. They contain essential acids that the body needs to obtain energy and strength.
  6. Honey. It has been proven that the product improves the performance of the digestive system and normalizes intestinal motility. It also has a beneficial effect on the immune system, as it has antimicrobial and antifungal properties.
  7. Chicken eggs. 98% absorbed by the body, transformed into fats after processing. The product stimulates metabolism. Activates mental activity and the production of necessary sex hormones.
  8. Dairy products. Normalize the functioning of the intestines, kidneys and immune system.
  9. Legumes. Due to the high content of folic acid, they have the ability to purify the blood and stimulate the immune system.
  10. Nuts. The product provides quick saturation during fasting and improves blood composition. It also has a good effect on brain activity: develops attentiveness and memory.

Expert opinion on what to eat when losing weight

Experts believe that the success of losing weight depends not only on your diet, but also on how you eat. Nutritionists advise giving preference to foods containing carbohydrates in the morning. Because before lunch, the body accumulates energy that is consumed during the day. Nuts, cereals, berries and jams are suitable for breakfast.

Lunch is enriched with fruits or vegetables, as they fill the body with essential microelements during fasting. The dietary fiber contained in the fruits will allow you to comfortably postpone the time until lunch.

Important! Dishes rich in all organic compounds (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) are best consumed for lunch. For an afternoon snack, dietary pastries or dessert are recommended. The dinner menu should include protein-rich foods - fermented milk products, cottage cheese, fish or dietary meat.

Doctors also do not recommend fasting before bed. If dinner has passed a long time ago, and there are at least 3 hours left before bedtime, then you can allow yourself a small snack. The main thing is that it is one type of product that is tasty for losing weight (dried fruits, kefir, nuts, low-fat cottage cheese, milk).

Margarita Koroleva, CMN, physiotherapist and specialist in dermatocosmetology

When losing weight, you need to eat small portions every 2.5 hours. Don’t overeat is the main rule of a weight loss diet. The weight of food eaten per day should not exceed 1.5 kg. Everyone losing weight should know which foods are considered dietary.

He believes that the main meal should be in the morning (breakfast and lunch), since at this time the body absorbs nutrients better. Calories received from food in the morning are consumed and converted into energy, not into fat deposits.

Alena Yudina, nutritionist

During nutrition, the drinking regime plays an important role, as it plays a key role in normalizing metabolic processes. The daily intake of clean water (excluding first courses, tea) is about 20 ml per 1 kg, liquids in general - 40 ml. For example, for a woman weighing 50 kg this figure will be 1 liter.

Adequate fluid intake during weight loss speeds up metabolism by 3% and improves the motility of the digestive system. A lack of water in the body leads not only to difficult bowel movements, but also to other cosmetic problems: splitting nails, hair loss. It is recommended to drink a glass of clean water 15-20 minutes before eating.

Roman Malkov, sports medicine doctor

People trying to lose weight ask me what the best food list is. I believe that during a diet you need to consume foods that prevent you from losing muscle mass. Otherwise, you may face serious musculoskeletal problems, such as osteoporosis. Products in the diet should be enriched with calcium, phosphorus, iodine, vitamins D, C, B. Long-term fasting leads to serious health problems because it interferes with the production of necessary hormones by the thyroid gland.

Useful video

Main conclusions

Healthy food during a diet should include all organic compounds: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The former are recommended to be obtained from fermented milk products, eggs, fish and meat, the latter – from vegetable oils, lard, and fish oil. The optimal sources of carbohydrates for weight loss are cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

A healthy diet when losing weight must meet certain requirements - be fresh and natural, prepared by boiling or stewing. Vegetables and fruits are best consumed in season, fresh. Fish and meat are cooked by steaming or stewing. Some sweets are also allowed when losing extra pounds - marshmallows, marshmallows, honey.

Experts agree on what you can eat on a diet and when. Carbohydrate-containing foods are preferred in the morning; lunch should include all types of organic compounds. In the evening, they focus on protein foods. When dieting, it is important to observe the drinking regime. For each individual person, the daily fluid intake per day is calculated using the formula = body weight * 0.2 (pure water only).

    There is hardly a person who would not want to have an ideal figure. And most often, to achieve it, you need to get rid of excess fat deposits. Of course, you can torture yourself in the gym until you faint, or constantly go on all kinds of diets, arrange or practice.

    But anyone who has encountered the problem of being overweight knows how difficult it is to lose pounds and how quickly they come back. Fortunately, there is a relatively easy way to lose weight once and for all - this is the so-called proper nutrition. Moreover, it is easy to modify both for weight loss and for maintaining weight or even gaining it if necessary.

    The essence and basics of nutrition

    So what is proper nutrition? This is practically an entire worldview, which is based on an expedient approach to eating. There will not be any strict taboos or restrictions, but there are a number of principles that will help to better understand this food system:

  1. The principle of thermodynamics. It would seem, what does this term from the school physics curriculum have to do with it? Oddly enough, the human body also obeys these laws. So, proper nutrition implies strict adherence to the rule: a person should receive only the amount of energy that he can expend.
  2. The principle of chemical compatibility. Yes, yes, and the chemistry lessons were not in vain either. In this case, the individual characteristics of each organism should be taken into account. Surely, many have encountered physical intolerance to certain diets or “healthy” foods such as exotic fruits or even banal citrus fruits and eggs. In proper nutrition, you need to eat only what your body “loves”. Therefore, if suddenly spinach and broccoli make you nauseous, but banal beans go with a bang without any consequences, then you should exclude these very dietary products from your diet and leave legumes rich in polysaccharides.
  3. The principle of fractional nutrition. Anyone who has ever been on a diet or thought about healthy eating is familiar with this principle. But few people know what it is based on. The fact is that the body is not able to absorb more than five hundred calories at a time. Everything above will be “deposited” in the most problematic area of ​​your body. This is why eating five to six meals a day is the healthiest. In addition, if the body does not remain without food for a long time, it will not have the desire to “save a little in reserve” in case of “hungry times”.

Rules and diet

So, we have figured out the basic principles of proper nutrition. The next question that usually worries those who want to lose weight is where to start. Perhaps the most correct thing would be to go to your doctor and undergo an examination to determine whether your body is lacking any substances, and to find out about all possible health problems. This will allow you to choose the diet that is most suitable for you.

Quantity and quality of food

The next step is to follow the rules of proper nutrition until you reach your desired weight:

  1. Daily calorie intake. With proper nutrition for weight loss, the daily calorie intake should be reduced by an average of 15-20 percent. But under no circumstances should you lower it below 1500. Because scientific research has shown that long-term consumption of less energy has a detrimental effect on the body. This is especially true for women, as it is fraught with hormonal disorders.
  2. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For the normal functioning of the body, the intake of both proteins and fats with carbohydrates is necessary. But depending on the activity of your lifestyle and profession, their number may vary. And although the classic ratio is 1 part protein to one part fat and three parts carbohydrates, it would be more reasonable to calculate your individual consumption rate. There are many similar online calculators on the Internet.
  3. Water. Normal functioning of the body is impossible without a sufficient amount of fluid. And ideally, it should be table mineral water or purified water (at least one and a half liters per day). It is better not to consume sweet and carbonated drinks or to reduce their intake to a minimum. Try to distribute fluid intake evenly throughout the day. The only exception is the morning, which should start with two or three glasses of water. Some people add lemon juice and honey to it. However, this is only suitable for those who do not have problems with peptic ulcers or acidity.

Meal schedule

  1. Diet . As mentioned above, you should not have five meals during the day. This will speed up metabolic processes and reduce the likelihood of fatty tissue deposition. At the same time, try to distribute calories so that their amount is maximum for the first meal and minimum for the last.
  2. Variety of menu. Proper nutrition is designed to supply all the necessary microelements from food. Therefore, it is advisable to regularly change the products used and dishes made from them. Don't be afraid to experiment. Moreover, such “changes” will allow you to get used to the new food system much faster.
  3. Methods of cooking. Proper nutrition is pleasing because it allows for a variety of ways to prepare foods. The most important thing is to try to reduce the amount of fried foods. Give preference to baking in the oven or steaming. Moreover, there are many delicious recipes. And spices and a variety of sauces will make food more tasty (see more details below).
  4. “Fasting” meals. Of course, it is difficult to give up old eating habits. And sometimes you just want such harmful and high-calorie “goodies.” This psychological barrier is usually the hardest thing to break. So if you can’t do it, then just allow yourself to eat something “like that” a couple of times a week instead of one of your meals. But try not to have this appointment in the evening.
  5. Dream. A routine is necessary not only for eating, but also for sleeping. Because in the case of regular lack of sleep, the body begins to produce stress hormones, which provoke unhealthy weight gain.
  6. Sport. Proper nutrition is simply impossible without physical activity. Even if you don’t have the time or opportunity to go to the gym, then set aside at least 20-30 minutes a day for a simple warm-up, like in physical education classes at school. This will again help speed up your metabolism, plus allow your skin and muscles to remain toned despite weight loss.
  7. Speed ​​of weight loss. Proper nutrition for weight loss is not a crash diet. This allows it to be used even by nursing mothers. However, you should keep in mind that losing no more than two kilograms per week is considered healthy. So please be patient. But this speed will prevent the appearance of sagging skin folds in the presence of a large initial weight.

What can and cannot be eaten?

So we got to what foods you can eat with proper nutrition for weight loss. And you will be pleased with this list. Because there are very few prohibitions as such. You can even eat salt, although it is still advisable to gradually reduce the amount or use ground seaweed.

Vegetables and fruits

Many diets advocate against eating fruit because of the fructose it contains. There are no such restrictions in proper nutrition. But you yourself must understand that this does not mean permission to uncontrollably eat the same bananas or grapes. Just try to do it as a separate meal. It is best to eat them before sixteen hours. Then the resulting glucose will have time to be completely consumed by the body.

Nuts are very high-calorie foods, but at the same time, they are very healthy. Nuts contain selenium and are rich in vitamins and nutrients. So don't hesitate to give them up. Just make it a rule to eat no more than a handful.

But you can eat vegetables throughout the day. The fiber they contain improves digestion, and when raw or baked, they retain the maximum amount of nutrients. Of course, you can stew them and sometimes even fry them, but it is advisable to eat some of them raw at least once a day.

Potatoes cause a lot of controversy among adherents of a healthy lifestyle. Mainly due to the fact that it has a fairly high starch content. But this does not mean that it is strictly forbidden to eat it if you decide to lose weight. If potatoes are cooked in their skins, the calorie content is quite low. For example, a baked potato without butter has only 60 calories.

Greens can be eaten safely and without any restrictions. Choose something to your liking and add to salads, soups, or simply mix with yogurt to make delicious sauces. But legumes are a rather specific product due to their high content of polysaccharides. They are what cause bloating. At the same time, they are simply a storehouse of plant proteins and useful microelements. Therefore, focus on your body’s reaction.

Meat and fish

Proper nutrition allows the consumption of almost all types of meat. The only exception is fatty varieties. Although here everything depends on the method of preparation. For example, when baking on a wire rack, excess fat will drip off, reducing the overall calorie content. But if initially the excess weight is too great, then it is better to limit yourself to light and dietary varieties. Chicken breast, rabbit, quail or veal are ideal.

As for eating fish with proper nutrition, in some sources you can find information that to lose weight you need to give up fatty fish. But this is a fundamentally incorrect statement. Because these fats are necessary for the synthesis of phospholipids, without which normal functioning of the brain is impossible. So you can and should eat fish. It’s just advisable to boil or bake it, rather than fry it in oil.

Seafood is characterized by the fact that the protein it contains is absorbed by the body by almost 80%. They are definitely a dietary product. But this does not apply to various snacks made from them.

Cereals and pasta

Porridge is another product the body needs that can saturate it with so-called long-term carbohydrates. Unlike their “fast counterparts”, they take a long time to digest and assimilate, allowing you not to feel hungry. This is why oatmeal for breakfast is so loved by supporters of a healthy lifestyle.

You can eat pasta too. And don't be surprised. There's just a little nuance here. They must be made from durum wheat. Therefore, carefully read the composition on the package before purchasing. Such pasta, along with cereals, are sources of long-term carbohydrates and contain fiber. The same can be said about Italian pasta. If we talk about the same fettuccine, then, among other things, they contain vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Baking and confectionery

Of course, flour products are far from the most healthy or necessary products for the body. Therefore, try to reduce their consumption to a minimum. Ideally, no more than once or twice a week. And again, do not forget that it is advisable to eat high-calorie foods before 16.00 hours.

The story with sweets is the same as with flour products: everyone loves them, but there are practically no useful ones among them. The only exception is . Try to gradually abandon them or replace them with honey and sweet fruits. By the way, today you can find many recipes for healthy “sweets” on the Internet, for example, baked apples with honey or fruit salads with yogurt.


Those who first begin to get involved in counting calories often completely abandon vegetable fats due to their very high calorie content. But do not forget that the absorption of vitamins such as A, E or D is impossible without them. However, there are several nuances here too. If you want to help your body as much as possible in the process of getting rid of excess “accumulations,” then use polyunsaturated oils. These include cold-pressed olive oil, flaxseed oil, sesame oil, etc.

Animal fats contain cholesterol. But don't be afraid. This is an irreplaceable product from which the cells of our blood vessels are “built”. But the formation of the notorious “plaques” occurs due to its excess and low mobility. Therefore, it is unreasonable to completely abandon animal fats; it is simply necessary to control their consumption and not forget about the need for physical activity.

Dairy and fermented milk products

You shouldn't have any difficulties here. Of course, it is better to avoid cream and choose skim milk. The same goes for yoghurts, kefir and cottage cheese. The lower the calorie content, the better. And be sure to look at the expiration dates. It is not advisable to buy anything that they promise to “keep” for more than two weeks. And in any case, do not take anything if more than 2-3 days have passed since release. As for cheese, it is a fairly high-calorie product. Therefore, it is better to refuse the same soft varieties. Try to choose unsalted sheep cheese or varieties with a fat content of no more than 45%. It is not advisable to give up cheeses because they are a powerful source of calcium for the body.

Most people are too accustomed to seasoning their food with various sauces. And it’s also good if it’s just ketchup and not mayonnaise. Naturally, this is not the best choice for a diet. Try to use tomato sauces or mustards without preservatives. Their mayonnaise-based counterparts must be abandoned. If this is very difficult, then they can be replaced with yogurt-based sauces (you can find several low-calorie recipes at the bottom of the article).


Another popular product, the use of which is undesirable if you want to lose weight. And in this case, you shouldn’t appeal to the slender French, who can’t imagine eating without a glass of wine. Because in the post-Soviet space, rarely does anyone limit themselves to that notorious one glass. Plus, any “libations” not only disrupt intestinal motility and wash away vitamins and minerals, but are also accompanied by heavy feasts or consumption of snacks and chips.

Features of nutrition for weight loss

Understanding proper nutrition for weight loss will not be complete without taking into account some differences in menu planning for men and women. This is not to say that it will be radically different, but some nuances should still be taken into account. These differences are based mainly on the physiological and hormonal characteristics of the opposite sexes. Let's take a closer look at this situation.


It’s probably no secret that men have more muscles, and metabolic processes often go faster. On the one hand, this is good, because it allows you to quickly lose “accumulated” calories. However, there are also not very pleasant consequences. For example, fatty tissue in men is deposited mainly in the upper abdomen, which over time can lead to organ obesity and heart attack. Therefore, it is especially important for men to monitor their weight.

Regarding proper nutrition for men, it is worth paying special attention to the content of fiber and protein in the diet. And if it is desirable to increase the amount of the former, since most representatives of the stronger half are rarely keen on eating vegetables, then it is better not to consume protein in quantities greater than 1-1.5 grams per kilogram of weight. The exception is the presence of heavy physical activity. Otherwise, there is a risk of disrupting the functioning of the kidneys and/or liver.


A huge number of articles have been written about the problems of losing weight for women. And the most common problem is the rapid “return” of weight lost during diets. This is due to the hormonal characteristics of the female body, when a sharp restriction in the number of calories consumed leads to stress. And this, in turn, provokes the body to “make reserves” in case something like this happens again. The second common problem is hormonal imbalances, including infertility due to too low levels of fat and essential substances in the diet.

That is why proper nutrition for women is the most rational method of losing weight. There will be no sudden stress or lack of microelements. Of course, weight loss, unfortunately, will occur somewhat slower than in men, all other things being equal, but there will be no saggy skin or a hysterical desire to eat something tasty.

And do not forget that eating fat is simply necessary, and attempts to cut the daily calorie intake below one and a half thousand may help speed up the process of losing weight, but will not add either health or consolidation of the results obtained.

Menu for the week

As already written above, there is no strict diet or menu in proper nutrition for weight loss. You can, at your discretion, replace foods with more favorite ones, available or necessary for the body. But in any case, try to eat more high-calorie and carbohydrate-rich foods during the first three meals, leaving the protein and lighter portions for the evening.

breakfast lunch dinner afternoon tea dinner
1st day with nuts and topped with yogurteggplants stuffed with meat and topped with cheeseGreek tomato soup (see recipe below)cottage cheese casseroleseafood cocktail (see recipe below)
2nd day brown rice with raw vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice, olive oil and mustardbaked apples with nuts, honey andseafood soup with a couple of slices of whole grain breadboiled chicken with light sauce (see recipe below) + tomato or cucumbercottage cheese seasoned with herbs and yogurt
3rd day omelette of chicken eggs with herbs, mushrooms and tomatoes + a glass of freshly squeezed juicegoulash with a side dish of brown riceUkrainian borschraw vegetable saladpiece of chicken baked in foil with spicy sauce (see recipe below)
4th day green tea with a hot sandwich of whole grain bread with ham and cheesechicken pastrami with raw vegetable saladpickle with meat broth + piece of lean meatratatouillesteam cutlet + medium-sized tomato + glass of kefir
5th day oatmeal with berries, cinnamon and honey + boiled eggsquid stewed with sweet peppers, tomatoes and onionscreamy spinach soup with mushrooms in chicken broth + a slice of whole grain breadfresh cabbage salad with tomatoes and cucumberssalmon steak with lettuce
6th day vinaigrette dressed with olive oil with a slice of whole grain breadveal steak + greens + two tomatoesearsteamed cutlets with any raw vegetables for garnishGreek salad
7th day cottage cheese casserole with raisins + a glass of freshly squeezed juicesea ​​fish baked in foil with a garnish of durum pastamushroom soup + rye bread toastgrilled vegetables with spicy sauce (see recipe below)egg white omelette with herbs

Healthy recipes

We tried to select several interesting and tasty recipes that will diversify the menu of proper nutrition for weight loss. By the way, the products included in them are interchangeable. That is, you can exchange meat for fish or parsley root or celery. The most important thing is that even healthy food can be tasty.

Sauce recipes

As promised, below are several yogurt-based sauces that will help lovers of mayonnaise and smoked meats make it easier to switch to proper nutrition. One condition - yogurt must be natural and low-calorie:

  1. Spicy sauce for meat. You will need a glass of yogurt, a clove and half a teaspoon each of curry and ground paprika. To prepare, grind the garlic with a little salt and spices, gradually adding yogurt. Just a spoonful of this sauce will completely change the taste of the most bland meat, even just steamed without any additives.
  2. Light sauce for vegetable salads. You will need a glass of yogurt, a teaspoon of mustard and a little lemon juice. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and the vegetable dressing is ready. By the way, it goes very well with fish dishes. Its main advantage is that it is absolutely self-sufficient even without salt.
  3. “Summer” sauce for grilled fish or vegetables e. For this sauce, you need to mix yogurt with a small clove of garlic and grated celery root. You can add a pinch of salt.
  4. Spicy sauce for vegetables and meat. This version of the sauce can also be used as a marinade for baking. However, it goes very well just with vegetables. To do this, just mix a teaspoon of honey with a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, a couple of tablespoons of French mustard and olive oil.

Greek soup with tomatoes and lentils


  • veal - 300 grams;
  • sweet pepper - 4 pieces;
  • one carrot;
  • one onion;
  • half a glass of lentils;
  • tea spoon ;
  • 4 large tomatoes;
  • greens to taste;
  • chili pepper to taste;
  • olive oil;
  • lemon;
  • sea ​​salt.


  1. Cut the veal into thin strips and send to cook.
  2. Rinse the lentils and add to the broth with the veal.
  3. Chop sweet peppers and onions.
  4. Remove the skins from the tomatoes and rub them through a sieve.
  5. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  6. Grind the chili pepper.
  7. Sauté the onion in a little olive oil.
  8. Add onions and vegetables to the soup.
  9. Salt and add turmeric.

The soup should be as thick as Ukrainian borscht. Serve in portions, adding chopped herbs and squeezing a little lemon juice.

Chicken pastrami


  • one chicken breast;
  • low-fat milk;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • a spoonful of natural honey;
  • a small clove of garlic;
  • two tablespoons of olive oil;
  • ground paprika;
  • nutmeg;
  • hot pepper to taste.


  1. Place the whole fillet in a container and pour in salted milk.
  2. Leave the meat in the marinade for at least four hours. Can be done at night.
  3. Dry the breast and tie it tightly in several turns with a rope, giving it a “sausage” shape.
  4. Coat with a mixture of honey, garlic, spices and oil.
  5. Place in an oven preheated to at least 250 degrees.
  6. Turn off the heat after twenty minutes.
  7. Wait for the oven to cool completely and then remove the meat.

Serve in portions with fresh vegetable salads.


  • fish fillet - 200 grams;
  • peeled shrimp - 100 grams;
  • cleaned squid carcass - 100 grams;
  • mussels - 100 grams;
  • olive oil;
  • garlic clove;
  • ground black pepper;
  • dry basil;
  • lemon;
  • greens to taste.


  1. Fillet the fish and cut into slices.
  2. Mix the juice of half a lemon, a teaspoon of ground basil, black pepper to taste, salt and a little olive oil.
  3. Mix seafood with the resulting marinade and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Heat a little olive oil in a thick-bottomed frying pan and fry the chopped garlic in it until a rich garlic aroma is obtained.
  5. Remove garlic from pan.
  6. Place seafood in a frying pan and stir-fry for 7-10 minutes.

Sprinkle the finished cocktail with herbs to taste and sprinkle with lemon juice.

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