Drawing of a small metal sauna stove. Some drawings and projects of furnaces for a bath made of metal and brick. The sequence of manufacturing a stove for a bath

Since ancient times, in Russia, a brick oven in the bath was especially popular, which could not be found in your own home only in exceptional cases. In the last few years, baths have literally experienced a moment of incredible rebirth.

First of all, this, of course, has the fact that more and more people refuse to live in apartment buildings and more and more often opt for individual construction. That is why the question of how to build a sauna stove is becoming more and more popular every year.

If you can correctly plan the construction process, then you will be able to build your own bathhouse without any problems in a short time, and add a special atmosphere of cheerfulness and health to your home.

Preparation process

All you need to build a bath on your own site is literally minimal building skills and a little patience. The first thing to start with is to choose the drawings of the stove for the bath of your dreams.

In most cases, the stove in the steam room is located in such a way that one part of the building is responsible for maintaining the level of heat in the dressing room, and the other for heating the steam room itself.

If we talk about the material that should be chosen for the building also at the very beginning, then in principle most builders agree that it is possible to use those remnants of materials that were not used during the main construction.

The construction process will go much faster when all the necessary tools are prepared in advance.

It is best that there are trowels on the right side of the furnace, as well as a level, a bucket in which there will be a mortar and a hammer.

To the left of the stove, as a rule, they place a bucket of clean water and another bucket with a dustpan, as well as pliers and an ordinary pencil, which will be needed when making various marks.

For the furnace, you will definitely need a pit. Particular attention should be paid to its size, namely the depth, which should be at least 0.7 m.

The bottom of the pit, according to the rules, should be covered with about twenty centimeters of sand. After that, the sand is covered from above with rubble and broken bricks.

Further, it is necessary to provide a reinforced frame with formwork in the pit. From above, the entire surface must be filled with concrete. Look at the photo of the sauna stove and you will see that usually no more than twenty centimeters are left.

The last two layers of the foundation already act as the main waterproofing material. After the foundation is completely ready, it is mandatory to check it for horizontalness.

If any shortcomings appear, then they can be easily eliminated using the flaws that have arisen. After the work done, you can gradually move on to the construction of the bath itself.

The importance of the chimney

It is very important to pay special attention during the installation of the chimney to the general parameters of the structure. In the event that a home-made metal sauna stove turned out to be small enough, then you should not make the pipe too massive either.

Approximately the thickness of the walls is in practice about half the brick. It is desirable that the cross section of the smoke passages be of the same size.

Final stage

It is very important after the installation is completed, but before use, how to dry the sauna stove. It is customary to use one of the following methods for these purposes:


  • Forced;
  • Natural.

The most preferable, according to the builders, is the second option, but you have to prepare in advance for additional time costs.

Using this method, you can be sure that the oven will really dry out as evenly as possible, and not a single crack will form.

Remember that if you follow all the advice given to you by the builders, then without any difficulties you can build a bath quickly enough on your own.

Just remember to make sure you are ready for the necessary financial outlays beforehand.

DIY sauna stove photo



To get the most optimal temperature in the bath, you need to have a properly selected, good stove. At the same time, the choice and arrangement should be taken very responsibly, because the chosen stove for a bath will affect not only the air temperature, but also its humidity.

When using a low-quality stove, you will never be able to create a good bath, being in which would bring rest, relaxation and getting rid of illnesses. And in order to choose a suitable stove, you should definitely figure out how the bath differs from its closest “relative” - the Finnish sauna.

Connoisseurs know that between a real Russian bath and, for example,

There is a real abyss. In saunas, the air humidity is relatively low, but the temperature can reach 110-130 degrees. In the bath, the temperature usually does not rise above 70-90 degrees. Only under the very ceiling, where extreme people prefer to bathe, does it approach the mark of a hundred degrees. But the humidity in a Russian bath can be 50-70 percent.

Therefore, the bath has a milder effect on a person than a sauna. Humid air with the aroma of oak or birch leaves helps to get rid of diseases that affect the respiratory tract. A relatively low temperature (at high humidity 60 degrees is perceived no worse than 120 degrees in a sauna) does not put a lot of stress on the heart, stimulating the release of sweat containing salts and toxins.

Also, unlike a sauna, which heats up quite quickly and cools down quickly, a bath takes longer to warm up, but it keeps heat for a very long time.

Having dealt with these subtleties, you can proceed to the selection of a suitable stove.

What requirements must the oven meet?

Today on sale you can see a variety of models of furnaces. They can vary in size, design and materials. You can buy a brick or metal stove suitable for heating a small or large room. But the final choice should be made only after you have decided on the size of the bath and steam room itself.

An approximate list of requirements for a sauna stove:

  1. Compactness. In most cases, baths are small in size, which allows them to be heated relatively quickly.
  2. Fire safety. All upholstery in a good sauna (floors, ceilings, walls, shelves) is made of wood. Therefore, in some cases, one spark is enough to make it all flare up.
  3. Power. This indicator is selected for a specific bath. A metal or brick oven should have sufficient power to quickly heat the bath, heat the right amount of water, provide bath visitors with steam and hot air, and dry the steam room after all procedures are completed.

Yes, a sauna stove must meet only three main criteria. But if she does not answer at least one, then she does not fit. It is better to look for another model, fortunately, the modern market offers a huge selection.

Today, when you come to a specialized store, you can see two types of devices: steam generators and classic stoves.

Steam generators are similar in design to huge electric kettles, usually square or rectangular in shape. Almost all models have a power adjustment function. The heater stove can be replaced by it, or supplemented to humidify the air to the optimum level. However, steam generators are relatively little known to most people, and besides, they differ sharply from the usual stoves-heaters. Therefore, despite the convenience and ease of use, they are not very popular.

Scheme of installing a steam generator in a bath

Kamenka stoves are usually divided into two groups - closed and open. The former are most often made of stone or brick. They are the best for.

What are modern bath stoves

Experts divide all modern furnaces into two categories - according to the type of energy used: wood stoves and electric heaters. Each of them has certain advantages, which you should definitely know about in order to avoid mistakes when choosing the right model.

The design of a metal stove-heater can be very different. Some of them are made by a handicraft method, from improvised materials and using gas welding. Others are made in factories and have a special design developed by professionals. But they all differ in the rapid rise in temperature. It is enough to lay dry, high-quality firewood and set it on fire so that after 30-40 minutes the temperature in the bath rises to a level suitable for washing.

The risk of carbon monoxide poisoning is completely eliminated. The stove is closed on all sides with metal, which does not let smoke into the bath. The stones that make up the heater heat up as a result of the fact that the flame transfers heat to the iron, and the iron conducts them to the stones and gives off heat to them.

Alas, the classic metal sauna stove has a serious disadvantage. The heat capacity of such furnaces is not too high. They quickly heat up and, rapidly giving off heat to the room, quickly cool down. Because of this, conditions are not created suitable for uniform heating of the body. To fix this, experts recommend lining them with bricks, leaving only a gap of a few centimeters for a layer of air. This not only allows you to keep warm for a long time (the brick has a high heat capacity), but also reduce the risk of burns.

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Some furnaces even line the inside of the firebox with refractory bricks. This makes it possible to increase the heat capacity of the furnace and increase its service life.

In the manufacture of stoves, heaters most often use sheet metal with a thickness of about 5 millimeters. The water tank is located on either side - it depends on the installation location and the size of the bath.

Some models are made of stainless steel or plain zinc plated. Their main advantage is their light weight and quick heating. Alas, their durability is relatively short, and, even worse, they are not able to store heat. The bath will be hot as long as the fire is burning in the stove. But it is enough for the firewood to burn out, and after only 10-20 minutes the temperature in the steam room will begin to drop rapidly, which does not please users at all.

An alternative would be a cast iron stove. Yes, it weighs much more - sometimes up to 200 kilograms, which greatly complicates the installation process. But it is practically eternal. High temperature, high humidity - all this is not capable of causing the slightest harm to cast iron. It is enough to look at the drawings of sauna stoves to make sure that this is really a monumental thing. It is equally important that the cast-iron stove, due to its massiveness, can retain heat for a long time. Even when the firewood burned out without a trace, it will be hot in the bathhouse for a long time. But such a furnace heats up much longer, that is, it has a high thermal inertia.

Of course, another integral plus of the classic stove-heater is a subtle smoke. Many people cannot imagine a real bath without this smell.

Electric heaters are significantly different from conventional stoves. At the same time, they differ for the better. They are safe, easy to operate and very easy to operate. They have only one serious drawback - electricity tariffs are growing rapidly, and to maintain good heat in the steam room, the electric heater must work continuously.

The main constructive advantage that electric heaters have is a multi-layer body made using sheet steel. It allows you to increase the heat capacity, as well as reduce the risk of burns in case of accidental contact. It is important that electric heaters usually have special overheating fuses and thermostats. Many users like that the electric oven can be turned on and off at any moment.

When choosing an electric heater, be sure to consider the operating voltage specific model. It can be 220 or 380 volts. Models whose power exceeds 7 kilowatts usually have a voltage of 380 volts. Keep in mind that although stainless steel ovens are more expensive than galvanized ones, they can last much longer.

If you decide to purchase an electric heater made in Europe, make sure you can plug it in. After all, most European models are grounded, which reduces the likelihood of electric shock. And in our country, not all sockets provide grounding.

The design of a stone stove for a bath

How to make a stove-heater with your own hands can be seen in this video

Building a stove that will be made entirely of brick is an expensive process. In addition, you will also spend a fairly large amount of time on the construction of such a serious structure.

Also, you should always take into account the dimensions and. The stove, on the one hand, should occupy a minimum of space, and on the other hand, ensure the supply of a sufficient amount of heat necessary to heat several people. Below in the drawings you can see various designs of stoves that are suitable for almost any size sauna. Accordingly, the upper ones are for large baths, the lower ones are for small structures.

Scheme of the device of a metal stove-heater

Here is a drawing of the stove, which you can do with your own hands.

  1. External brickwork;
  2. Furnace frame;
  3. Internal brickwork;
  4. Wire braces;
  5. Water heating tank;
  6. Chimney;
  7. heating stones;
  8. Steam hatch;
  9. Protective grid;
  10. Plank;
  11. Furnace door;
  12. Door for blower;
  13. Base metal sheet.

The diagram shows the most commonly used stove design, which is suitable for any small bath. It will allow you to create the necessary temperature in the room, which will allow several people to steam at the same time.

The metal frame of such a stove-heater is made of a steel sheet with a thickness of 5 mm. Also, on top of the stove itself, you need to put a tank for heating water.

In the cold season, such stoves can heat up a room of 10 m3 in about 2 hours, while the temperature of the stones can reach and be more than 300 degrees Celsius.

In this video you can see how a simple metal stove was made with your own hands

The design of a metal stove for a bath

No less durable and reliable are purely metal sauna stoves.

The drawing of the simplest iron oven for a bath

It is recommended to overlay an iron stove with refractory bricks so as not to get serious injuries and burns instead of pleasure during bath procedures. The furnace can be made from ordinary sheet iron, but more reliable and durable construction made of chrome steel.

Scheme of the device of a modern metal furnace for a bath made of chrome steel

Naturally, when arranging, one should take into account everything that is mandatory during the construction of any furnace. Be sure to consult with experts about this point, even if you decide to build a stove with your own hands.

Another scheme for arranging a metal stove for a bath, which you can do yourself

Installation of a metal furnace

When installing a metal stove for a bath, you must adhere to certain recommendations:

Many people, when arranging a suburban area, along with a house, also build a bathhouse. So that it warms up quickly, and the steam is of high quality, you cannot do without an oven. Special ovens are installed in these structures, which differ from those that are placed in houses. Many people choose metal stoves. They provide a fairly quick warm-up of the room and are easy to install.

If you are building a bathhouse and have opted for a metal stove, then it is not necessary to buy it. You can easily build it with your own hands. The technology for creating a do-it-yourself oven is quite simple, and the materials used in its construction are available to everyone.

Metal stoves for a bath: design

Many owners install do-it-yourself metal sauna stoves. The simplest - potbelly stoves. If we talk about the design of such stoves, then they are a box equipped with a door and having a pipe. Such designs have certain disadvantages. One of them is low heat output. In addition, when using them, there are high fuel costs. Therefore, in modern baths, such stoves can be found extremely rarely.

If we talk about modern models of metal stoves for baths, then they are products related to to a high security class. In the manufacture of sheet metal is used as the main material. Usually, metal with a thickness of at least 4 mm is used. In their equipment, these furnaces have a thermal chamber, which is used for stone filling. Most models have the ability to install an additional water tank. Its volume can reach up to 70 liters.

When installing a metal stove for a bath with their own hands, the owners often cover the structure with refractory bricks. This is necessary to ensure uniform heating of the air in the room and safe operation of the product.

Bath stoves can have a different design, which must initially be determined by the drawing. Based on this feature identify several types.

  • Sauna furnaces of the closed design. The sizes of stoves for baths of this type are very compact, therefore, most often they are installed in family-type baths. In order to increase the heat capacity, when installing such furnaces, they are lined with red refractory bricks outside and inside. Metal braces are used to fix bricks. The stone grate is installed in the middle part of the stove.
  • Sauna ovens of an open design. Their main feature is the presence of a small tank. Kamenka at such stoves is open. In this regard, when installed in the steam room of such a furnace, it is possible to ensure rapid heating of the room. To increase the heat capacity of the furnace, it is necessary to cover the stones with a galvanized lid.
  • Bath furnaces of the combined design. Their main feature is the presence of a firebox, which is equipped with two valves. Also in the design there is a grill, a blower and two nozzles. The latter differ from each other in their diameter. For the first one, its size is 10 cm, and for the other - 14 cm. Four holes are distinguished in them, designed for supplying a pipe and a bypass elbow. For the manufacture of furnaces of this design, steel sheets 5 mm thick are used as the main material.

Do-it-yourself sauna stove: instructions

In order to properly make stoves for a bath with your own hands, which will provide sufficient heat transfer and quick heating of the bath rooms, everything must be done according to the instructions. During work, you should use high-quality materials and use the necessary tools.


Stages of work on the manufacture of an iron stove for a bath

It all starts with taking a piece of pipe in which a blower is cut out. The hole must have size 50 x 200 mm. Next, above the hole on the inside of the pipe, it is necessary to weld a mount for the grate. To make it, you need to take a metal plate with lugs. The grate can be purchased at any hardware store.

After that, you can proceed to the manufacture of the firebox. To do this, make a hole measuring 250 x 200 cm. Welding is performed from above, through which the heater rods will be fixed. Instead, you can use the grate used in round stoves. You can also buy them without any problems in any store.

When this work is done, make a hole on the opposite side of the heater. During the operation of the stove, water will be poured into it. After that, the heater is filled with stones. Diabase or soapstone can be used as a material. Granite and other mica-containing stones should not be used to fill the heater.

After that, it is necessary to make a hole in the lid intended for the stove. It will be used to install the chimney. When the hole is made, the installation of the pipe is performed. Although on this installation of a stove for a bath with your own hands can be considered complete, nevertheless, experts recommend performing water tank installation.

It is necessary to weld the remaining piece of pipe to the heater. A tap for water is welded onto its lower part. When using the stove, smoke passing through the pipe will gradually heat it up, while boiling water will be excluded.

At the end of the work, it is necessary to make a cover with which the heating tank will be closed. It must be made in accordance with the diameter used in the design of the pipe stove. The finished lid is cut in half. Next, in the first half, you need to cut a hole for the chimney. After that, you need to weld it to the tank. The second half must be equipped with a handle and hinges. Thanks to this, during the operation of the stove, it will be removable, it can be easily opened.

Form of an iron stove for a bath

It may seem to many that the shape of the stove is an insignificant parameter. However, it is not. After all, the performance of the stove depends on it. Besides well-chosen form provides ease of use of the structure. If we talk about the most common forms of furnaces, then we highlight the following:

  • cylindrical;
  • horizontal;
  • curly;
  • rectangular.

The greatest convenience in use is provided by units of a rectangular shape. Comfort is ensured by the presence of corners in the design of such stoves. They never get red-hot during the operation of the stove. This is due to the widespread belief that it is such a frame that retains its shape for a long time. In addition, the shape of the stove affects the uniformity of heating, since the maximum heating of one element leads to a decrease in the heating of the wall located next to the stove. And this has a positive effect on uniform heating of the entire room and ensuring the balance of heat flows.

With proper heating, the structure can serve for a long time, since in this case it will have high mechanical stability. Paying attention to the existing forms of stoves, it is easy to notice. Sauna stoves are less resistant to heat round and cylindrical. For this reason, in the manufacture of their walls are made dense and reinforced. But a rectangular oven is more resistant to heat for the reason that its corners are always cold. However, you should be aware that during long-term operation, such stoves cannot avoid losing their shape either.

Installing a stove in a bath: important points

It is optimal if the owner took care of the installation of the sauna stove already at the construction stage of the structure. In this case, the installation process of the structure will become an easier task. At the location of the stove, it is laid shallow foundation. After that, a double row of bricks is laid on it, and then a furnace is installed on them. To make the structure fireproof, it is necessary during installation stick to certain rules. They come down to this:


The stove is the main element of any bath. If the furnace is chosen correctly, then the structure will quickly warm up, and the generated steam will be of high quality.

It is not necessary to buy an oven in a store, because you can make it by hand. The materials used for its manufacture are quite affordable, so there will be no difficulties with the manufacture of a metal stove for a bath. Tools are also required the most simple. With some effort, you will have a full-fledged sauna stove, which will make taking steam bath procedures a pleasant experience.

Bulky, voracious and difficult to manufacture brick sauna stoves are gradually becoming a thing of the past. There are fewer and fewer qualified stove-makers. Yes, and a qualified one often shifts the stove at least once. They are being replaced by light, compact, easy to manufacture and economical metal furnaces. A home craftsman who knows the skills of plumbing and welding will be able to make such a metal sauna stove with his own hands.

The choice of the design of the sauna stove

When choosing a design, you should be guided by the following requirements:

  • rapid heating of bath rooms;
  • duration of burning;
  • heat preservation;
  • small occupied area and volume;
  • security.

When designing a furnace, a balance must be struck between these requirements.

So, to ensure a long burning time, it will be necessary to increase the volume of the combustion chamber, and this will lead to an increase in dimensions and occupied area.

According to the location of the furnace body, and with it the combustion chamber, sauna stoves can be:

  • Vertical. They occupy a smaller area, but also have worse heat transfer parameters and burning duration than horizontal ones.
  • Horizontal.

At the location of the furnace door, a metal sauna stove can be:

  • Downloadable from the steam room.
  • Downloaded from another location. The furnace door is carried out through the wall. This frees up space in the steam room, but you will have to leave the steam room to throw firewood or adjust the draft.

Furnaces can also have a built-in water heater placed next to the heater or on the chimney.

According to the location of the heater, the stoves are divided into two subspecies:

  • From the inside. They retain heat longer, but when serving, it is easier to burn yourself with steam or on the door.
  • From the outside. Less economical, but more convenient and safer to handle.

When choosing a design, it is important to determine which of the requirements are paramount, and which ones can be compromised.

Preparation of materials

The best option for a blank for making a do-it-yourself metal bath furnace body is a piece of steel pipe with a diameter of 30-50 cm or a gas cylinder that has become unusable. For an ash pan, a rolled sheet with a thickness of 1-2 mm is suitable; for a door, steel of 3 mm is needed.

It is better to take low-carbon, structural steel - it has better weldability and is less deformed at the seams.

Grid-irons can be welded from 12 mm reinforcement, but it will be easier and more reliable to take ready-made ones cast from cast iron. The easiest option is thick sheet metal (from 6 mm) with longitudinal slots.

Pros and cons of metal stoves for a bath

Metal stoves for a bath have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Fast warming up of rooms to the set temperature. Metal quickly gives off the heat of the firebox.
  • Complete exhaust of carbon monoxide from the bath through the chimney.
  • No smoke when melting the oven.
  • Compactness.
  • Profitability.
  • Ease of manufacture.
  • Long service life without repair with minimal maintenance.
  • No need for a heavy foundation.

Metal stoves also have their disadvantages:

  • Rapid cooling.
  • High wall temperatures can cause burns.
  • Not suitable for large baths.

Since the average size of families has shrunk and the use of the bath has changed somewhat, there is little need for long-term heat retention.

How to improve the characteristics of a metal stove

The consumer properties of the stove can be improved in two ways:

  • heat treatment of the material;
  • improvement of the furnace device.

Metal preparation

At the end of the cutting of the material, it is subjected to heat treatment by tempering. The metal blanks are heated to a dark red color. Then they should be slowly cooled. If during the holiday there was a slight warping of the blanks, they are straightened with a hammer. It is also necessary to check the dimensions and cut off the excess if necessary. Such processing will eliminate the warping of the finished product.

Design features of the firebox

Some experts, in order to ensure long-term burning of firewood without overheating the stove, suggest excluding grate from the design, and burning firewood directly on the metal bottom of the firebox.

Additionally, it is proposed to seal the firebox door with an asbestos cord to slow down the flow of oxygen. A hole (or a series of holes) that slides in with a damper is made in the door itself. This damper regulates the air supply.

The design of a homemade sauna stove

Bath stoves, both factory-made and hand-made, differ in design details. However, all drawings of a metal sauna stove contain common main components:

  • firebox;
  • heater;
  • container with water;
  • chimney.

The combustion of fuel takes place in the firebox, it is equipped with a door through which firewood is loaded. The bottom of the firebox is formed by a cast-iron grate with slots - a grate. Under the door or directly in it there is a blower through which air enters the furnace. Under the firebox is an ash pan - a metal tray for ash.

The products of combustion heat the walls of the stove and through them a special container filled with stones - a heater. For watering stones with water, the heater is equipped with a separate door.

Modifying drawings sauna stove from metal assembled by one's own hands, one should take into account the features of the device of the steam room in which it will be installed.

What are metal stoves made of?

For a metal furnace in a do-it-yourself bath, you will need:

  • 8mm low carbon structural steel sheet;
  • a pipe segment with a diameter of 30-50 cm and a wall thickness of 5-10 mm and a length of 2 m;
  • bar or fittings with a diameter of 12-16 mm - 6 meters;
  • grate;
  • chimney;
  • ½ inch valve with long handle.

To assemble an iron stove for a bath with your own hands, you will need the following tools and consumables:

  • Angle Grinder;
  • a set of manual metalwork tools;
  • welding machine;
  • cutting and grinding discs.

When assembling a sauna stove from metal of your own design, you will need a workbench with a vise and a work table measuring 1 * 2 m, or the same free space on a clean and even floor.

Firebox manufacturing

Making a stove with your own hands begins with the fact that the pipe is divided into two parts: 90 cm for the furnace and heater and 60 cm for the water tank. From the remains, a blower and furnace doors are made. An opening follows in the pipe for mounting a blower with a size of 20 × 50 cm. Corners or plates are welded along the perimeter, on which the grate will rest. The furnace door is made in the size of 20 × 35 cm.

Making a heater

A bar or fittings are welded over the door to support the heater. A door is cut in the heater to supply water to the stones.

The stones are placed in the heater with some gap, not close.

It is best to take diabase or soapstone. Granite or rocks containing mica are not used.

Hot water tank manufacturing

The water tank is located above the stove. A 15-centimeter opening is made in it for the passage of a chimney pipe passing through the tank. The tank rests on a plate made of a thick sheet of metal. All seams must be carefully welded and cleaned.

Part of the tank lid is made removable, through which it will be filled with water. A handle must be welded to this cover and protected with wooden cheeks.

Placement of the stove in the steam room

To make the use of the sauna stove pleasant and safe, it is recommended to observe the following rules:

  • The stove is mounted on a metal sheet (iron, copper or brass). The front of the sheet should protrude at least 0.7 meters.
  • The walls and ceiling adjacent to the stove should be sheathed with non-combustible materials at a distance of at least half a meter from the stove and chimney.
  • If the firebox is taken out to an adjacent room, the opening should also be reinforced with non-combustible heat-insulating materials, such as basalt wool or vermiculite.
  • The heat-insulated chimney pipe must be at least 40 cm away from wooden structures.

For the chimney, it is recommended to choose stainless steel with stone wool thermal insulation. For premises in which there are people, it is not recommended to use materials containing asbestos as thermal insulation. Inhalation of asbestos dust can cause serious harm to health.

After installation, a metal stove is often lined with brickwork in 1/2 bricks. This allows you to retain the heat accumulated in the masonry longer and protects against burns in case of accidental contact.

Decorative trim is beautiful and practical

To ensure genuine comfort, a do-it-yourself metal sauna stove should be supplemented with the appropriate decoration of the bath rooms. Aspen or linden is traditionally used for the steam room, they do not emit resin droplets that can cause serious burns if they come into contact with the skin. The floor is also made of aspen, but larch will last much longer.

A good solution is a floor made of ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware, they must be taken with a rough surface so that no one slips.

It is reasonable to lay a layer of foil and basalt wool under the lining to improve thermal insulation.

In the sink, the temperature is not so high, and the choice of materials for finishing is wider. Here it is possible to use economical conifers, but one must be aware that in conditions of high humidity, pine or spruce will not last long. Ceramic tile flooring is also a great solution. Walls can also be tiled. The corner in which the shower cabin is installed is subject to special waterproofing.

The rest room, which has become traditional in a modern bath, is not affected by extreme temperatures or high humidity. Here, more attention can be paid to the aesthetic qualities of the finish, and, of course, comfortable furniture.

All electrical equipment and electrical fittings used in the bath must have a protection class of at least IP44 and be designed to work in conditions of high humidity.

Special attention should be paid to the productive and high-quality ventilation of bath rooms.

Easy steam for you!

The sauna stove is required attribute, since it is she who is responsible for heating and subsequent maintenance of the temperature. At the same time, there are a number of factory products or brick structures that best meet the necessary requirements. However, drawings of home-made metal bath stoves are especially popular, which make it possible to make a small device that is ideal for specific conditions.

Manufacturing process

To begin with, it must be said that there are a number of similar products that differ in their design and principle of operation. Therefore, the drawings of furnaces for metal baths are different. However, they all have approximately the same principle of operation ().


  • First of all, you need to make a firebox. Everyone determines its dimensions for himself, but professionals advise making the same height with a width of 0.5 meters.
  • Many drawings of a homemade metal sauna stove involve the use of some prefabricated elements. These include grilles and doors. At the same time, the craftsmen advise choosing these parts made of metal, since cast iron products will have to be fixed in a special way.

  • A typical drawing of a metal sauna stove suggests that the firebox will consist of two sections. In the first of them, fuel is burned, and the second is needed to collect ash. Given this, they are separated by a lattice and separate doors are made.
  • It is worth noting that the ash collecting section window is often used to create draft, which is necessary for combustion.
  • If the drawing of a metal sauna stove involves the placement of a heater, then the upper part of the firebox is also made of a grate

Advice! For the manufacture of the furnace it is worth using thick metal. So the structure will not lead when heated, and it will be able to generate more heat.

Heater and water tank

  • Above the firebox, it is necessary to make a separate chamber with a door, which will be separated by a grate.
  • It will interfere with special stones for long-term maintenance of temperature.
  • At the same time, drawings of a metal sauna stove recommend making a closing window that can be used to supply water and create steam.
  • It should be noted that ordinary stones are not suitable for such furnaces. This is especially true for materials containing silicon or other inclusions.
  • The top of this compartment is made with a hole for the pipe. It will remove the smoke, and at the same time heat the water.

  • The liquid container is placed on top. At the same time, drawings of furnaces for a metal bath are advised that the chimney pass through its middle. So the water will be heated both from the chimney and from the upper surface.
  • Professional craftsmen recommend installing a crane on the bottom of such a tank. In this case, you need to purchase special devices, the price of which can be high, but they will be able to work. long term under constant temperature fluctuations.

Pay special attention to the lid of the container. It can be made of wood, but then you need to protect the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact with the chimney. At the same time, the installation instructions advise making small slots in it for free steam to escape..

Advice! A similar design is usually made from a thick-walled pipe. This helps to address the issue of cheap materials, since such products can be found at recycling centers at a similar cost.


When creating a drawing of a metal bath stove, special attention is paid to the chimney, namely the places where it will pass through the roof. The fact is that the pipes during combustion have a rather high temperature and in order to avoid fire they must be additionally insulated. They must also be located at a certain height in order to create constant traction.

Creating stoves with their own hands, many craftsmen advise to purchase finished products that are made specifically for these purposes to organize such passages. At the same time, they are quite often produced in the form of an integral complex with an outer pipe and a fungus.

You also need to think about a protective screen, the task of which is to prevent high temperatures from affecting wood walls. They are best created with a reflective surface to carry out the removal of infrared radiation. These products are often sold ready-made and have a relatively low cost.


In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic. Also, based on the text presented above, we can conclude that the principle of making metal furnaces is quite fast. At the same time, there are a lot of different designs that have their own specific features and characteristics ().

In this case, special attention should be paid to some factory products, which are presented in the form of doors, chimneys and gratings. They will greatly facilitate the manufacturing process, which means that it is on their basis that drawings should be developed.

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