Do-it-yourself brick foundation for a porch. A brick porch is a durable and reliable construction. What you need to know about the porch

An integral attribute of any building, be it a cottage, a summer cottage or a supermarket, is a staircase. It is installed in order to level differences in height and facilitate access to the room. In addition, such structures are mounted not only on the approach to the house, but also inside it, when it becomes necessary to construct structures for access to the second and subsequent floors of the building.

Stairs are made of almost any material: wood, metal, concrete, brick, and plastic. At the same time, the choice of a specific type of building materials is largely determined by the future operating conditions of the equipment and the size of the room itself. This article will focus on brick products, their types and methods of construction, thanks to which you can correctly select all the necessary materials and design a staircase in compliance with technological features.

Types of stair structures

Depending on the location of the future product, all stairs are divided into two types:

  • internal;
  • outdoor.

The first ones are used for arranging the interior space, due to which access to the second floor of a cottage or a two-level apartment is formed. External stairs are necessary to provide comfortable access to the veranda or to the house when the doorways are located at a sufficiently high height from the ground.

In addition, when arranging stairs with your own hands, you should take into account some subtleties during the selection of material. Since outdoor devices are not protected from the negative influence of the environment, they are subject to quite serious requirements, according to which the brick must be moisture resistant and non-porous. Only then will the ladder have a long service life.

To make a brick staircase on your own, you should listen to some recommendations from experienced professionals, thanks to which the equipment leading to the second floor of your house will be not only safe, but also durable:

  • When choosing a brick, pay attention to the presence of defects: cracks, chips, bumps. Such building materials cannot be purchased;
  • Before you start laying the stairs, prepare the base, which is made of rubble stone. In this case, the thickness of the layer must be at least 15 cm;
  • An alternative option when preparing the floor is concreting, which must be done together with reinforcement;
  • In the case of a rubble base, before laying, it must be well tamped;
  • The solution must be made from cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • When kneading, the finished composition should have a fairly thick consistency, reminiscent of sour cream;
  • When laying the mortar on the base, the layer thickness should not be more than 10 cm;
  • Then you should lay out the brick so that the distance between adjacent blocks is no more than 1 cm;
  • As soon as the first step is made, proceed with laying the subsequent ones in compliance with the technology;
  • You can use a brick staircase after 7-8 days, provided that the humidity in the room is low.

The brick staircase in the photo is a clear example of how the structure connecting the first and second floors of a private house should be arranged.

The principle of building an outdoor structure

An outdoor brick staircase with your own hands can only be built in accordance with the basic principles of construction. Since brick entrance devices are in no way protected from the negative influence of atmospheric factors, it is necessary to carefully select building materials. This is the only way to make a solid wear-resistant ladder. In addition, you should pay attention to such nuances:

  • In the case of installing wooden handrails, they must be treated with an antiseptic that will prevent parts from rotting;
  • In the presence of metal elements, use special anti-corrosion compounds;
  • It is not advisable to tile the surface of the steps with slippery tiles;
  • When building a house from scratch, it is advisable to include a staircase in the project, since a monolithic foundation for a staircase will be much stronger than an autonomous one.

Laying a brick staircase is a responsible and time-consuming process that requires the master to follow all the basic rules. Ignoring these principles can significantly reduce the life of the equipment and make it unsafe to operate.

The device of brick products

If you want to lay out a staircase with your own hands on the way to the house, you should first of all familiarize yourself with the construction of brick steps:

  • Sand and gravel base;
  • Foundation made of reinforced concrete slab;
  • brickwork;
  • steps;
  • Facing with ceramics or paving slabs.

Foundation preparation

It is possible to lay out a brick staircase only after preliminary preparation of the base. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth deciding on the configuration and future dimensions of the structure. Then proceed to the direct preparation of the foundation, which consists of the following processes:

  1. A pit of the required size is pulled out;
  2. Crushed stone is laid in it so that the layer thickness is not less than 10-15 cm;
  3. Then the rubble is well rammed;
  4. Next, the concrete solution is poured along with the reinforcing mesh.

Important points:

  • The thickness of the layer from the solution depends on the height of the future product. For example, a small staircase of 4 steps leading to a veranda involves a foundation with a layer thickness of 35 cm;
  • The base must dry for at least 28-30 hours;
  • The mortar for the foundation is prepared according to the following recipe: 3 parts of sand, 1 part of cement, 2 parts of gravel.

Brick laying

To properly lay out a brick on a finished base, you should adhere to the following principles:

  1. On the wall of the building to which the structure will adjoin, make markings to outline the outline of the future product;
  2. The first step, located at some distance from the house, is laid out 1 brick wide;
  3. Then the masonry rises either to the doorway, or to the desired height at which the platform will be located;
  4. Blocks are laid with a bandage: the lowest row is laid out along the steps, and the next one is perpendicular;
  5. In the process of laying out bricks, you need to ensure that the seams between the blocks of the upper row are located in the center of the blocks of the lower one;
  6. Next, the steps are tiled, as well as the installation of additional handrails and other accessories.

On the video, you can see in more detail the process of laying a brick staircase on the way to the house, where the master talks about the important nuances of the work, which should also be taken into account when installing the structure.


Brick stairs are reliable and durable equipment that can be placed both indoors and on the way to the house or veranda. hallmark of these devices is the ability to create products of almost any configuration and in combination with any materials. Having listened to the advice of experienced craftsmen outlined in the article, you can make a beautiful brick structure with your own hands that will delight you for many years.

The height of the porch should be 50 mm lower than the threshold

Important: If the porch is completely lined with bricks and blocks, without backfilling, construction should begin from the top platform, and only then add steps.

To avoid typical masonry mistakes, watch the video on how to fold a brick porch.

The final stage

If the top layer of steps is made of facing bricks or paving stones, then such a porch does not need finishing. But in practice, they usually lay out a rough version of brick first, and only then a decorative finish is done.

Photo of a granite porch, according to GOST, such a cladding will last more than a century

The steps of a brick porch can be laid out with clinker tiles, porcelain stoneware, paving slabs, etc. In a rural house or in a country house, facing made of rubble stone or wood will look beautiful, and in a cottage, a brick or block porch can be finished with granite, marble, onyx.

Beautiful porch of a brick house

The material mainly depends on the design of the porch, and the financial capabilities of the home owners. But at the same time, one should not forget about expediency and compatibility, it is unlikely that polished granite trim will be appropriate in a bathhouse in a country house made of rounded logs, but finishing a porch with natural stone in this case will look advantageous, and even original.

A brick porch is a durable and reliable structure. It is quite possible to build it with your own hands, without resorting to the help of professional builders.

The porch is considered one of the important and truly necessary elements of any residential building. They always try to build it from the same material from which the basement of the building is made. Therefore, for brick or stone houses, it is desirable to build a brick porch. In this case, in principle, there is not much difference which products you will use.

Now there are many varieties of bricks - with different color shades and sizes. It will not be at all difficult to choose products that are ideally suited to the appearance of the already operated basement level of the house. But the pros still recommend purchasing ceramic bricks. They say that this building material will ensure maximum durability of the structure you are building.

ceramic bricks

If you do not want the constructed structure to begin to collapse in a couple of years, you should correctly develop its project and draw up an appropriate drawing. There are a few basic rules that must be followed when building a brick porch with your own hands. Here they are:

  1. The porch should be 1.5–1.8 times as wide as the width of the door leading to the premises of a private house.
  2. The height of the site of the structure of interest to us is taken at least 0.15–0.2 m. In this case, precipitation will not fall on the porch in bad weather.
  3. The thickness of the site should be about 0.1 m. Moreover, it should be filled with high-quality concrete mix. Note! Be sure to make a foundation for concrete. For these purposes, ordinary crushed stone is used. After pouring the mixture, you need to additionally cover the concrete with a 15-centimeter cement screed.
  4. To make it convenient for you to climb the porch, it is important to make the correct slope of its steps. The recommended slope is 2.8–3.2°. With such a slope, we note that water flows off the steps without problems, without forming puddles on them.
  5. The steps on the porch are built in prefabricated parts (a special form is used) or according to a monolithic scheme (then you will have to make a formwork from boards).
  6. The recommended length of steps is 12–15 cm.

After drawing up the drawing, proceed to the purchase of materials necessary to fulfill the planned construction works- primers, sand, reinforcing bars, crushed stone, waterproofing, cement M400, grouting paste. Also purchase a tool - two spatulas (notched and simple), a rubber mallet for installing tiles, a shovel, a trowel, a building level, a container for mixing concrete.

Let's start with the most important. The depth of the foundation for the porch must be similar to the depth of the foundation of the house itself. It is important. Over time, the foundations of the building and the porch will begin to settle. And do it differently. If you mount the foundations at different levels, cracks will begin to form between them, which will ultimately lead to the destruction of both buildings.

Laying the foundation for the porch

The scheme for laying the foundation for a brick porch is as follows:

  1. Mark the geometric parameters of the foundation on the surface of the site. Follow the procedure with wooden pegs, using chalk to make the required marks.
  2. Dig a hole according to the markup.
  3. Form a grid of metal reinforcing bars in the pit. Install metal rods with a cross section of 1 cm on the sides of the foundation. They should protrude 10 centimeters above the top platform of the steps (check your drawing). Then fill everything with a solution of gravel, cement and sand. The proportions of these materials are 4 to 1 to 2.
  4. Wait for the mixture to solidify. In summer, it usually takes 7–14 days for the mortar to set. In the cooler season - 3-4 weeks.

After you are convinced of the high-quality solidification of the base under the porch of a private house, you can continue to work.

Bricks must be installed on a mixture of cement (1 part) and sand (4 parts). But first, it is advisable to take care of a good protection of the future structure from moisture. Waterproofing is allowed to be made of roofing material. This inexpensive material is guaranteed to protect the porch from the negative effects of water. Important! The waterproofing layer must be laid out on the foundation in two layers.

Now let's see how to make the simplest - the so-called one-sided porch for the house. In such a structure, steps (all without exception) are built simultaneously with brickwork. Due to this, the process goes quickly and without unnecessary problems. Note that in a one-sided design, the number of steps depends on the height of the basement of the house. However, it is always odd.

One-sided brick porch for the house

The procedure for arranging a simple porch is given below:

  1. Stir the solution and start laying. Pick up the mounting mixture with a spatula, lubricate the bricks from the sides and bottom with it (copiously).
  2. Lay the first row, thereby forming the first step.
  3. Mount the second line of bricks. They need to be pressed to the already laid products as tightly as possible.
  4. Create the 3rd and subsequent steps in the same way.
  5. Leave the completed structure for 3-7 days. During this time, it should dry well.

Some home craftsmen simplify the described procedure. They lay out 2-3 rows of bricks around the perimeter of the porch of the house and fill the resulting box with a concrete solution. The cost of such work will be much less (and the complexity of the operation will decrease). But it’s not a fact that you will get an attractive outwardly design. Often brick porches are built according to a different method - first their side walls are erected, and then steps are already formed. We will talk about this technology further.

If you do not like the technique of arranging masonry and steps at the same time, you can do everything differently. The first stage of such work is the construction of side walls. The scheme of the event is as follows:

  1. The very first brick is put whole. But to improve the bonding of individual products and to increase the strength of the entire structure, the next row should be started with three quarters.
  2. Between the rows of masonry, be sure to leave a seam of 10 mm.
  3. You form a straight platform at the top of the masonry under construction, and below you lay out the area intended for mounting the steps of the porch.
  4. Then you need to do the brickwork. Perform this operation at a time when the solution is still damp, but already slightly seized.

You have built the walls for the porch. Now start pouring steps. Do it first. Little nuance. The shape of the boards used should be similar to the configuration of the steps being erected. Next, you form a platform - pour earth to the basement of the house and carefully compact it. Then you need to make the slope of the site. It must correspond to the planned slope of the degrees.

Making brick stairs

The next step is to reinforce the compacted soil with metal reinforcing bars. The operation is carried out in increments of 15 cm, using rods with a cross section of about 6–7 mm.

Then everything is simple:

  • You set the concrete mixture to the required shape - you place the boards in a special way.
  • Lay out the first step. It is advisable to reinforce it by welding the junction points. Then lay the crushed stone and reinforcing mesh, pour the crushed stone again (it should reach the level of the step height). Fill the structures with liquid cement mortar.
  • Lay out the second row of bricks - make the second and subsequent steps.

That's all the work. The surface of the steps made, if desired, can be tiled, natural or artificial stone products.

You can experiment and use aerated concrete, slag or expanded clay concrete blocks instead of bricks. It is better not to use foam blocks and other cellular products for the construction of the porch. You make a porch of blocks like this: you fill in the foundation (by analogy with the base for brickwork), lay out the lower platform according to the parameters of the porch, make the second row one block less, the third one one shorter, and so on.

block porch

After creating the entire structure, you veneer it with tiles, porcelain stoneware or stone. Another way to create a structure from blocks:

  1. You make parapets from aerated concrete products.
  2. Treat the foundation with concrete mortar.
  3. Build the first step - place it on its side.
  4. You coat the made step with concrete mortar, pour broken stones and bricks on top, tamp it down.
  5. Build the rest of the steps in the same way.

Choose your technique for building a porch!

Steps to the house design, although responsible, but not the most difficult. Making a porch on your own is not a very difficult and time-consuming job. If at the same time you choose a material, when working with which there will be enough general knowledge and skills in construction, then success will be guaranteed. For example, using blocks as the main material, it is enough to have the skill of masonry operations and the ability to knead and use the mortar. The photo shows an excellent example of a house where it was used as the main material.

Benefits of Blocks

Why is it worth paying attention to this material when the question is being decided - what to make a porch from? The answer can be a list of advantages that blocks have:

  • Light weight. This does not carry a functional load, but using a foam block, the labor intensity of the process is reduced;
  • Ease of installation. The foam block is larger than the brick in size and, accordingly, it needs less piece by piece. This simplifies the construction and all the work can be done without much experience;
  • Speed. According to this indicator, the foam block has few competitors. Filling the formwork with concrete or laying out the porch with bricks takes much more time;
  • Durability. If the porch is not subjected to destructive loads during use, then it is impossible to accurately determine the service life. Some other structural elements of the house are destroyed faster than the foam block in a natural way. The porch will last as long as the strongest, load-bearing part of the building;
  • Price. Construction costs will not be a heavy burden on the owner, since both the block itself and its installation are perhaps the cheapest and most affordable way to build a porch with your own hands;
  • Security. The foam block does not contain harmful substances. By definition, he cannot single them out. A porch made of this material will turn out to be environmentally friendly, non-flammable and not fireproof.

Building from blocks is perfect for independent work, since special skills are not needed for laying. Almost any man can make a porch with his own hands and without assistants. The photo shows one of the stages in the construction of the porch.

Important! Despite the relatively low weight, the design will turn out to be massive, so the place is carefully prepared.

Compacted in good soil. If necessary, a screed is made or piles are placed.

Types and features of foam blocks

In this segment of materials, the following products are classified, any of which is suitable if you need to build a porch:

  • By size. A very wide choice, but when making a porch, preference is given to blocks that have an edge of no more than 200 mm. In this case, each layer will be equal to the height of the standard step. The recommended width of 300 mm will give the optimal angle of inclination of the staircase. A do-it-yourself porch will be convenient and safe to use;
  • Manufacturing material. The substances included in the composition play a decisive role in the density of the product. This is not decisive in the construction of the base under the porch, but it is much easier to work with lighter blocks. So, the density of a standard brick is from 2000 kg / m³. Concrete has an even greater bulk density. The density of foam blocks varies in the range of 400 -1300 kg / m³. An extension made of expanded clay concrete blocks will be 2 times lighter than a brick one. Sand is not always or limitedly used as a filler. The best qualities are noted when using expanded clay and other mineral additives and chemical additives. For example, in aerated concrete blocks, a special blowing agent is used, which saturates the solution with air bubbles;
  • Form. Foam blocks are offered with both flat and profiled planes, for reliable fixation. There are also radial products, if it is planned to build an arched porch. It is better to purchase high-quality blocks with exact dimensions, as in the photo.

Project and construction costs

When planning a porch, you should determine its dimensions and style of finishing. Appearance is as important as functionality, so special attention is paid to the combination of materials. The simplest solution is to make the porch of expanded clay or similar blocks the same as the decoration of the house at this height. If the foundation is tiled, then the steps can be made from a similar material, with the only caveat. The surface must be safe in wet weather and frost. Special floor, street and façade tiles with a suitable finish are suitable for this. The porch will meet the requirements. Structurally, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • If the porch has a height of more than 800 mm, then it is recommended to reinforce it. The design, where the block has no more than 4 layers, does not have to be strengthened.

A house made of expanded clay concrete blocks, as well as a porch to it made of the same material, is relatively easy to make, but without finishing it is used exclusively for household needs. Housing, on the other hand, requires additional funds and time to give the desired appearance. The foam block has excellent heat and sound insulating characteristics, but requires additional finishing operations. The photo shows the house and the porch after the installation was completed.

To fix the blocks together, you can use both a traditional sand-cement mortar and glue. The latter option is preferable. The connecting layer will be thin and the foam block retains heat better in this case. The porch will be stronger and more reliable. How to work with foam block and glue is shown in the presented video

A thin layer also reduces the consumption of glue, and a bunch of elements will be guaranteed to be strong. The photo shows how the glue is applied and the block is installed.

Choosing a form, you can abandon the traditional balusters. Their function will be performed by columns of foam blocks on which the railings are mounted. The porch will be massive, but this will also be a plus. Feeling of reliability and practicality. It is recommended to lay the foam block at a temperature from +5° C to +25° C. If the air is cold, close to zero or lower, the mortar loses its qualities. At temperatures above +25° C, moisture leaves the adhesive in the block too quickly. In this case, it is advisable to wet the surface with water. Depending on the facade of the house, you can finish the porch with both wood and metal. Technological blanks will help to qualitatively finish the foam block with your own hands.

Having decided on the form and additional elements, you can begin to count the costs. The price of a foam block is usually indicated by the piece. If you need to make a purchase of missing materials, then transport costs will be added to the estimate. Comparing with similar projects, you can be sure that the porch, where the foam block is chosen as the main material, is cheaper, done faster and lasts longer than many other options. The process of building a house is recorded in the photo, where the construction of a closed porch began on a specially prepared site.

The nuances of self-building a porch from blocks

Exactly following the project and observing the dimensions of the structure, the master faces some inconveniences associated with the large size that the block has. It is not always reasonable to change the proportions that were determined by the harmonious combination with other elements of the facade. The porch will turn out with different dimensions, and the stylistic organicity will be broken. The foam block is easily processed, including sawn. Using a hacksaw for wood is impractical. It will not be possible to use it later for its intended purpose, and after several cuts along the block, performance will be noticeably degraded. There are special hacksaws for this type of work. If this cutting method is chosen, then it is better to make a circular marking. You can use a square or accurately mark each face from the base plane. It is also recommended to file around in a circle, in order to avoid the removal of the hacksaw blade. The photo shows how the foam block is cut with a special saw.

Cutting is best done before diluting the adhesive on which the block is laid, since its action time is limited, depending on the brand, from 15 minutes to 2 hours. It is easier to make the order of laying the individual parts (if the porch is complex in shape and many details) by marking each finished element. The foam block sawn into pieces is marked. The layer and serial number are indicated. You can change the project as much as possible, if it does not contradict the design idea. The formation of steps can be done by shifting each subsequent layer to the required width. The foam block is great for this job and it can be seen in the photo.

In terms of labor intensity, the porch can hardly be attributed to complex and lengthy operations, so you can saw off the block with an ordinary grinder. You can use a standard cutting disc for metal, but it works slowly. A stone cutting tool with a diamond edge can handle cutting much more effectively. The disadvantage of this method is a large amount of dust, but the porch is made on the street, so there is nothing terrible about it. Bulgarians with a small disc will not work. The foam block is too large for them and there will not be enough cutting depth during operation. A disc with a minimum diameter of 250 mm is required. With such a tool, you can make any porch with your own hands, using a foam block in your work.

Important! Do not forget about safety precautions. Work with glue is done with gloves, and operations with a grinder with glasses.

A porch made of lightweight material, which is a foam block, is reliable and durable, but the elements themselves are quite soft in structure. If, during subsequent finishing, the construction of a crate or the installation of fasteners is required, then it is worth checking the reliability of their fixation. The foam block has a porous structure, so not always satisfactory results are achieved using plastic plugs and dowel nails. Sometimes a positive result is achieved by using anchor bolts or embedded elements. The porch, finished with tiled materials, does not require additional reinforcement. For example, the photo shows a porch, during the construction of which a block was used, and the decorative trim was made with paving stones.

Using the foam block, you can make not only a porch with your own hands, but also build more serious buildings - a summer kitchen, a bathhouse, a barn. Confidence in your qualifications will allow you to take on the construction of a residential building.

03.09.2016 10780

Brick represents an economical and reliable option. To extend the service life, it must be built from high-quality building materials and strictly follow the instructions for the construction of such structures.

In this case, you can do it yourself, which has the following advantages:

  1. Aesthetic appearance.
  2. Durability and strength.
  3. Frost resistance.

Required tool

Before proceeding with the construction of the structure, it is worth stocking up on the following materials:

  1. Bricks.
  2. Crushed stone, cement and sand.
  3. Primer.
  4. Grout for joints.
  5. Fittings.
  6. waterproofing materials.

You will also need tools:

  1. Spatula and hammer.
  2. Bulgarian and building level.
  3. Shovel.
  4. Solution container.
  5. Master OK.

Sequence of work

A brick porch made requires preparatory work. First, a design and drawing of a structure with a foundation is carried out. The design of the building is selected. For example, you can make a round porch out of brick. Calculations are performed on the amount of concrete and brick.

It is better to purchase material with a margin. Since pruning and combat are taken into account.

  • the height of the platform is at least 20 cm;
  • the width of the porch is set more than the width of the doorway by 70-150 cm;
  • brick steps are made with a slight slope to drain water;
  • the surface of the porch must be stable and have non-slip steps;
  • step width is at least 180mm;
  • foot height is about 150m.

Foundation installation

Before laying out the brick porch, a foundation is being erected. To do this, the following steps are performed:

  1. Marking the surface before digging the foundation.
  2. Then a hole is dug out the size of the planned building. The height of the foundation must match the height of the foundation of the building.
  3. A reinforcing mesh is formed in the pit, which.

Brick laying should begin after the foundation has settled for several weeks.

A brick porch will last for many years if the porch steps are waterproofed before construction.

In this case, roofing material is used, which is mounted in several layers.

Side walls of steps

Brick porch laying starts from the bottom step. The height of the step is 15-17 cm, and the depth is about 30 cm. The steps of the brick porch are created of the same size. The level of the platform must be below the level of the door being opened.

The width of the platform should exceed the dimensions of the doorway.

When laying, each brick is smeared with a mixture and pressed against the finished elements.

If only the side walls are laid out with bricks, and the cavity inside the porch is filled with concrete, the construction will not be so costly.

The marking of the side surface begins with a measurement from the ground to the highest point of the site on the wall. This distance is divided by 75 mm. This takes into account the size of the brick and the seam.

For each row of bricks, a line is beaten off. The rows are mounted with equal gaps, while maintaining the required slope.

The side wall is mounted as follows:

  1. After the installation of waterproofing, masonry begins. The first row is made of whole bricks, and the second, to improve the fortress, is built from products in three quarters.
  2. The seam between rows is 1 cm.
  3. A straight platform is made in the upper part of the structure, and steps are mounted below.
  4. When making brick steps with your own hands, you need to use a plumb line.
  5. After the mortar has hardened, the brickwork is laid out.

During installation, cement sagging is immediately removed from the brick.

Laying steps

Then we continue to do it with our own hands from bricks.

  • better to use brick good quality, raw materials cannot be reused;
  • for masonry, a ready-made mixture is bought or cement is diluted with sand in a ratio of 1: 4;
  • the number of steps depends on the height of the base;
  • after the construction of the structure, it must be allowed to harden if the weather is warm, this process will take a day.

Laying is carried out to the desired level. Every three bricks, you should check the quality of work with a level.

In order for the brick to last longer, it is necessary to lay out the lower row of steps across, and the upper one along.

In order to fill the interior of the building with concrete, reinforcement is installed. Crushed stone or brick waste is poured on it. The structure is poured with concrete mortar and hardens within a week.

Do-it-yourself brick porch involves filling the seams between the bricks. For this, a liquid solution is used. It is kneaded in the same proportions as the masonry mixture, but becomes more liquid. The solution is placed in a special bag and applied to the seams.

If you use hollow bricks, then the solution will take much more.


You can make steps to a brick house using formwork. This method will prevent water from getting under the foundation. Its height reaches 7 cm. It is necessary to step back from the surface of the structure by 500 mm.

  1. The harness is mounted.
  2. Gravel is added.
  3. The concrete solution is poured.
  4. The structure is covered with a special material for several days.


If you make a brick porch with your own hands, then you should dream up with cladding options. Wear-resistant and frost-resistant material is used to decorate the porch. Suitable outdoor tiles for a brick porch or other durable material.

Ceramic tiles

Before cladding, the brick surface is treated with a primer. This contributes to high-quality adhesion of surfaces. For the installation of porcelain stoneware, a special tile adhesive is used. Lay the material with a notched trowel.

You can build a brick porch of high quality and finish it with the help of a level. The joints of the plates are embroidered with a special device. To cut a porcelain stoneware product, you need a grinder. A few days after installation, it is necessary to grout the joints with a special compound.

The abrasive properties of porcelain stoneware exceed those of granite.

Ceramic cladding

You can make a semicircular brick porch and finish it with ceramic tiles. The main advantage of this material is a beautiful appearance and performance.

Clinker tiles are often used to decorate the porch. It is non-slip and frost-resistant material.

Finishing is carried out in several stages:

  1. All surface irregularities are puttied and rubbed.
  2. The brick base is primed.
  3. Tiles are installed.
  4. The adhesive layer is not more than 1 cm, applied to the surface of the porch and the material.
  5. Facing starts from the corners of the structure.

Possibilities of paving slabs

A reliable option is the design of paving slabs. Suitable for an open porch, which is complemented by a driveway made of the same material. This tile can be painted.

During icing, salt should not be sprinkled on such a structure, as the surface will crumble.

The paving slab is mounted with glue. Finishing is carried out from the bottom up.

Use of natural stone

A solid way is considered to be facing with natural stone. This is an expensive option. Granite is more often used for the surface of the porch.

Such a surface will stand without destruction for many years. Basalt, sandstone and marble are also used for the porch. But such a surface should be supplemented with anti-slip pads.

Burnt stone is considered an inexpensive material. There are matte, polished and rough stone variations.

When installing the stone, the surface is primed. First, cutting is done, for this the stone is laid out dry.

Facing is carried out from the bottom element. Glue is smeared with material and the surface of the porch. After laying the tiles, they are knocked down with a hammer. You need to make sure that the glue does not get on the front side.

On the end part, the stone is mounted as follows:

  1. The surface is levelled.
  2. The metal mesh is attached with nails.
  3. The standard product is attached with cement glue, and large parts are mounted with special hooks.

A brick porch must stand for at least six months before stone cladding can be made.


To decorate the porch, it is not necessary to use facing materials. You can create unusual shapes: semicircular or expanding towards the bottom. Properly laid brick presents an attractive appearance.

The original design is obtained with the simultaneous use of white and red bricks. poles or supports. A single style solution will be obtained when creating brick paths leading to the porch. In the design of the porch, you can use wooden or forged parts. This will improve the appearance of the brick structure.

Before you start independent work, you should find out the total price for the work of a specialist. It is known that the cost of laying one brick is 7-10 rubles. This does not include materials and finishes. If you have building skills and a careful approach, it will be cheaper to build on your own.

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