Is it good to see a ball in your dream - the correct decoding. What did the ball dream about? Why do balls dream

Drop all doubts and go.

Ukrainian dream book

ball in a dream- a happy meeting with friends or a love date, sometimes - obstacles.

Esoteric dream book

If you participate in any games or disputes- then you will win them, even if at first it will be difficult for you to do it.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Ball- happy meeting with friends, love date / obstacles.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Ball- to some difficulties.

If the ball rolls away from you- You have to work hard to get promoted.

If the ball rolls towards you- expect rewards.

Modern universal dream book

It's amazing that such a simple item is such an important part of our holiday! It is difficult to name a sport in which a ball or a ball would not be used.

Who is playing ball in your dream- Do you think this person is smart, does he do a great job and does everything right? Or does this person mishandle the ball and drop it?

You associate the ball with joy and happiness: you have a good time- perhaps you associate the ball with the release of energy. You are in a tense and emotional state?

What shape is the ball? Is it round or oval? Hard or soft? He jumps straight or falls hard- relate yourself to the ball.

What does he do in your sleep- talk about how you behave in a game called "Life".

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Ball- pride, ambition; chores; resentment, a kind of scapegoat, a "boy" for whipping. Everyone kicks him and “sends” him in different directions (idiom: “puffed up like a ball”).

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation

play ball- means the multiplication of wealth; rolling the ball back and forth marks the chores in an empty way.

Italian dream book

Soccer ball, billiard- means life or "in se".

Lose or gain, lose or win with them- means the relationship of our "ego" with our potentialities, expectations, desires and reality, in other words - "ego" and its relationship with inner and outer life.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

The dream in which you played ball- predicts a quick meeting with a long-awaited person, for example, one of your old acquaintances with whom you once had warm relations, but then, due to his or your departure, you stopped seeing each other. Quite a few years have passed, you almost forgot that this person once meant a lot to you. However, the dream you saw says that the forgotten feelings will come to life again in order to manifest themselves with greater force. This time you will be able to enjoy each other's company, nothing will stop you, and your friend or acquaintance will move to your city forever. What if there is no one in your memory who could fit this explanation?

If you dreamed that you were tearing up a ball- soon you will challenge one of your friends, but the challenge will be accepted, and you will be the winner.

If you dreamed that you were looking for a ball- you will challenge someone from your acquaintances.

If you dreamed that you were looking for and found a ball- you will have a duel (perhaps a verbal duel) with one of your friends.

play ball with someone- to a quarrel with someone you know.

In a dream you lost the ball- get ready for a big loss.

If you dreamed that you bought a ball- soon you will make a new friend.

They gave you a ball- soon renew your acquaintance with one of your distant relatives.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Ball- meeting with a childhood friend.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a ball in a dream- a favorable combination of circumstances in which you are incredibly lucky in the realization of an old dream.

Throw the ball in the air- means that you risk losing your share of income or inheritance.

ball falling into water- portends an unsuccessful deal and financial difficulties.

Jumping or rolling ball in a dream- promises to soon receive good news from a distant friend.

Volleyball- predicts that, having given himself over to business with his head, leave children and husband unattended and run the house.

Kick in a dream soccer ball - become a leader in your team thanks to the energy, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Throw the ball- to a lightning-fast decision and action against you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Throw the ball into the basket (basketball)- to the accuracy of your calculation.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Throw the ball into the basket- to a successful deal.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Ball- walk around bureaucratic offices.

Eastern female dream book

If you see a ball rolling at you- wait for news of some unexpected event.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

ball- an unexpected joyful meeting with a friend of childhood and youth.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed that you accidentally dropped the ball, which instantly rolled away- you can not avoid jealousy. And yet it is not recommended to go in cycles in this feeling, because it will not become easier for anyone.

A dream in which an inflatable ball in your hands suddenly descended- portends that you will commit an act that you will regret all your life, but nothing will ever be able to be corrected.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

ball in a dream- symbolizes uncertainty in business and relationships with partners.

If in reality you are starting some kind of game with your companions- get ready for the fact that it will be more difficult than you think.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

If you are wondering what the ball is dreaming of, you will find comprehensive information in various interpreters. To make the interpretation as accurate as possible, try to remember the smallest details of the vision. The color, the shape, the decor, your actions, and other heroes of the dream are also important.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

This is what the ball dreams of, according to the famous soothsayer:

  • A dream may portend a meeting with a person with whom you are very familiar, but have not seen or communicated for a long time.
  • If you dreamed about how you throw the ball high into the air, this indicates your frivolous attitude towards financial matters. Such carelessness can lead to significant losses.
  • An indifferent and indifferent attitude towards loved ones - that's what dreams of kicking the ball. You should pay more attention to friends and relatives until they turn away from you.
  • The ball, unexpectedly flying into your hands, symbolizes the news. It will not concern you directly, but it will make you very surprised.
  • If in a dream you bought a new beautiful ball, it means that soon you will meet interesting person who will become your good friend or reliable business partner.

Modern dream book

In a modern dream book, you can find such considerations about what the ball is dreaming of:

  • A vision can symbolize the revival of cooled feelings. You may have to meet with a former lover (lover), which will make you relive the faded emotions.
  • The ball can act as a warning against making rash decisions and committing emotional acts. If you give in to the impulse, you will very soon regret what you have done.
  • If the ball suddenly rolled right under your feet, this portends some kind of event that will stun you at first. But then you will be delighted and even be able to get some benefits.
  • If you play ball with some person, this symbolizes your rivalry in life. But your forces are equal, so the competition will lead nowhere. It is much wiser to join forces to achieve a common goal.

French dream book

This is what the ball is dreaming of, according to French interpreters:

  • If in your dream you were looking at a motionless ball, this means that the long-awaited period of peace and rest will soon come.
  • If in a dream you were playing with a small ball, this portends a meeting with a childhood friend. You will have a pleasant time with a warm conversation, but after that your paths will diverge, and you will not see each other for a very long time.
  • If you kicked a ball of gold or silver across the field, it means that at the moment you have every chance of success, but for some reason you ignore them. Keep in mind that fate will not always be favorable to you, so do not miss valuable opportunities.
  • If during the game you scored a goal, it means that, despite all the difficulties and obstacles, you will be able to achieve the desired result.
  • If in a dream you were playing ball with your family members, it means that soon one of them will make you seriously worried or create some problems that cannot be solved without your participation.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

In Interpreter XXI about the ball, you can find the following information:

  • Everyday routine chores - that's the ball that you drive around the field. Perhaps you should give yourself the opportunity to escape from everyday life and take a break from business.
  • If the ball rolls towards you, it means that success itself goes into your hands. If the ball rolls away from you, it means that you will have to put in a lot of effort in order to get what you want.
  • If you are watching from the side as other people play ball, it means that you are unsuccessfully trying to join some company. Do not spray on those who do not want to communicate with you.
  • If you angrily throw a ball at someone, this symbolizes your struggle with an ill-wisher. Most likely, soon you will expose the one who constantly puts spokes in your wheels.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Here is what information about dreams with a ball can be gleaned from Longo's interpreter:

  • Inconclusive work or empty talk - that's what dreams of playing ball. If you continue in the same spirit, you can hardly count on success.
  • If during the game your ball burst, it means that you are too arrogant. You are frivolous about work, as well as communication with people. If you continue in the same spirit, luck may turn its back on you.
  • If you watch the ball roll, it symbolizes your attitude towards life. You act by inertia without taking any active action. But the slightest obstacle will unsettle you and confuse you.
  • If the ball rolls and bounces on its own, this means that the development of the situation does not depend on your actions. So don't waste your energy. Just wait until the situation is resolved, and then act on the results.

Dream interpretation of Shuvalova

Here is what information Shuvalova's dream book provides about the ball:

  • The fulfillment of a childhood dream is what a big ball of bright juicy color dreams of, which unexpectedly fell into your hands. Most likely, you will be able to make a trip or purchase an item that you have been dreaming about for many years.
  • If you dreamed that a ball was thrown at you and it hit you hard, it means that you are building unfounded illusions about your career or personal relationships. But awakening from fantasies will bring you many disappointments.
  • If you dreamed about how you inflate the ball, it means that you will be able to solve a problem that seems hopeless to everyone else.
  • If you are so passionate about playing ball that you do not notice anything around, this symbolizes your busyness in real life. At work, you completely forgot about friends and relatives who need your attention and care.

Dream interpretation to play ball

In real life, you will not meet a single person who would not play with a ball. And why dream of playing?

Interpreters believe that this vision speaks of your precarious position. At any moment you can lose your status, material well-being and sink to the very bottom.

Dreaming with a ball

The ball is every kid's favorite toy. And even at a fairly mature age, we are not averse to playing knockout, football, volleyball, and other games with the presence of the ball.

Interpreters' predictions

Dreamed of a toy or sports equipment

Before you start making your own forecast for the future, you should find out from the dream books one important point. What do visions in general promise in which you performed certain actions with the ball?

Small Velesov interpreter

A ball in a dream can promise two main things:

  • a pleasant meeting with friends, a romantic date;
  • obstruction in important matters.

The prediction will depend on what you did with the ball in your dream.

Interpreter of the 21st century

Seeing in a dream a small toy in your hands

This interpreter of dreams believes: if you played ball, you should be extremely careful. Soon fate will present you with a gift, the main thing is not to miss your chance.

To see how the ball rolls up to you - renew old connections, meet a friend with whom you have not communicated for a long time. Also, the dream book promises you an inheritance.

If you played with a small ball, then you will meet a childhood friend with whom you will have fun and have a good time.

But at the same time, if you dream of a ball, then you should not make important decisions now. All difficult questions should be postponed indefinitely. The prediction says that a sleeping person should refrain from long trips.

The dream book advises you to pay attention to minor things for which you simply did not have enough time or desire before. Now is the most favorable period for this.

Wanderer Interpreter

Seeing an exciting game in a dream

If you dreamed of a ball, then such a vision rather describes your internal state. It is possible that you have inflated ambitions, your pride often interferes with your life.

Among other things, a vision may portend chores, resentment. The dreamer will become an outcast for society, he will be offended by everyone who is not lazy.

Interpreter of Medea

According to this dream book, playing ball is a vision showing that human life is just a kind of game. The dream also indicates that your position in this period of time is rather unstable.

The sorceress believed that if in a dream you played with a ball, then dizzying success awaits you, and the next moment you will be forced to fight for your existence.

Just seeing the ball - you will have hope for the best.

Interpreter Longo

Dreamed of sports equipment

Basketball, football, other balls in a dream predict that you will meet again with an important person for you. Perhaps it will be a childhood friend with whom you had a good time, but then he left, and you forgot to think about him.

Longo believed that soon you would meet this person again, and you would be pleased to spend time together. In the future, you will no longer part.

If the dreamer does not have anyone who could fit this description, then you will meet a like-minded person. You will meet a person who will completely echo your thoughts. It is believed that soon you will find an excellent interlocutor.

In night vision, you just watched the ball lie motionless - peace will come into your life. If you were tormented by some troubles, then now they will leave your life, you can be sure of this.

Esoteric dream book

Throw a toy in a dream

Dreamed of a ball? Participation in a dispute, competition, games will definitely bring you a sole victory.

Interpreter Meneghetti

Any ball that you saw in a dream means that there is no certainty in your life now. No one can tell you what will happen tomorrow. Perhaps you will gain something, or, on the contrary, you will lose something.

Throwing the ball back and forth - you will be busy with useless chores. The dream book gives the same interpretation if you roll the ball from place to place.

Play with it - you can increase your wealth.

Gypsy interpreter

This symbol in a dream is a harbinger of difficulties. If it rolls at your feet, then you will receive a reward for your work.

Dreamed of playing volleyball

Is the ball rolling away from you? Such a vision means that you should work carefully in order to achieve a high position.

Modern interpretation of sleep

Had a chance to see in a dream how someone will play basketball, football, volleyball? You consider this person dexterous, one who can cope with any obstacles, perform even the hardest work.

Playing the ball brought real pleasure - perhaps in reality you should discard negative emotions, experience a surge of adrenaline.

Much depends on what shape the ball was in your dream. What it is used for, for example, a volleyball often indicates that you will go headlong into work and stop taking care of your family.

Try to remember your actions with him, and then take up the interpretation.

Your actions in a dream

Much depends on your actions in night vision:

I dreamed of a donated sports equipment

  • throw it - you will bear the insult from a loved one;
  • flog the ball - you will come into conflict with a friend, but you will emerge from the dispute as a winner;
  • look for it - challenge a friend;
  • play the ball with a friend - quarrel with a friend;
  • buy a ball - make a new friend;
  • they gave it to you - you will again begin to communicate with your distant relative.

Dreaming of sports

Football training in a dream, according to Gustav Miller, promises a sleeping person good health, good luck in life.

The ball was deflated - your plans will not come true in the near future, no matter how hard you try.

The basketball player in your night vision cannot get into the ring in any way - changes are coming in his personal life, and they will not be pleasant. It is possible that you will survive the betrayal.

Watching volleyball and seeing how the ball flies out of the field - take a break from work, it is possible that you are planning a vacation.

Do not get the ball into the goal - waste your money. Be extremely careful with finances.

Playing billiards and instantly hitting the holes with balls - you will find an interesting activity, devote yourself completely to it.

Most children's and sports team games are connected with the ball. In dream books, he acts as a symbol of favorable opportunities, chances for good luck. More detailed interpretation give details: the features of the toy and the behavior of the sleeper in relation to it. This vision practically does not carry a negative meaning, but you need to be more attentive to your emotions and feelings.

Usually the ball is considered a symbol of long pleasure trips, fruitful deals, pleasant meetings. But you need to pay special attention to your behavior. The dreamer can perform different actions:

  • catch the ball;
  • hold him;
  • drop;
  • play;
  • throw it against a wall or into a basket;
  • buy;
  • search;
  • pierce.

If the ball accidentally fell into your hands, then there will soon be a good chance to improve your life. Do not miss this opportunity, otherwise you will have to regret it for the rest of the years. I managed to catch it on purpose - it will be possible to achieve small goals, but for larger ones you will have to work hard. The girl dreams that she held the ball in her hand and then dropped it - soon she will face jealousy. Her young man will give rise to such a feeling, or she herself will begin to flirt with others, which will displease her partner.

will have to regret the actions taken earlier. It is better to weigh all your decisions. Throwing it into the basket or against the wall - to an accurate calculation when concluding new deals. But if it was not possible to abandon it, then profit will not work - all efforts will be in vain.

You may dream of a passionate ball game with your partner, which means a long-awaited meeting with your loved one. Such a vision speaks of the ability to enjoy the little things and perceive life as a gift. And if in reality the sleeper wants to implement some kind of scam, then it is better to refrain from it, since success cannot be achieved.

To see how the ball rolls to the feet - to make a profit or a reward. And to watch a toy rolling back in the opposite direction is to lose good opportunity. If the ball jumps back and forth, then empty chores are expected. Playing with him alone - to improve the financial situation, a prosperous life.

The sleeper had a dream with a ball, where he played with a stranger - to a quarrel with close relatives.

Throwing it on the ground is to be offended by a good friend. Dropping it into the water means making a bad deal, problems with the financial situation. Looking for a ball in a dream - to new adventures, and finding it - to a conflict with friends.

If the dreamer bought the product in a sports store, then useful acquaintances await him. And to sell or lose it - to real losses. The ball was given to a sleeping person as a gift - his relationship with relatives will improve.

Ball Description

The description of the product affects what the ball is dreaming of. You need to pay attention to its size, color, material from which it is made. Lots of options:

  • A small children's ball dreams of a meeting with an old friend. An old friend suddenly appears and wants to communicate again. And also this dream speaks of chances and opportunities, thanks to which you can realize your dreams.
  • A large product warns of problems that will soon fall on the dreamer. But he can successfully solve them.
  • The sports ball is a symbol of competition and confrontation. The outcome of the case depends only on the actions and decisions of the sleeper.
  • In dream books, playing football with a ball is a sign of the need to demonstrate leadership qualities. The dreamer will take a leadership position or become a role model among younger family members. He will need to show his character and learn to be strict but fair. A volleyball warns of excessive workload. Because of this, problems may arise in the family, because the sleeper does not pay enough attention to his relatives.
  • The basketball item is a symbol of precarious position. There will be no stability for a long time either in work or in personal relationships. But later everything will work out, you just need to endure a difficult situation.
  • A multi-colored ball portends a rainbow mood and fun events. The dreamer will become a participant in holidays, entertainment events. And the inflatable is considered a sign of a shaky truce with enemies. For a while, ill-wishers will leave the dreamer alone. But do not expect an eternal agreement, later they will attack with renewed vigor. It will be difficult to resist them, it is advisable to ask for help from an influential person.

Interpretation of dream books

The interpretation of what dreams of playing ball or just seeing it is given by many dream books. The Modern Book says that such a vision portends receiving a belated inheritance or the return of an old friend. The Small Velesov collection interprets the image as a happy meeting with comrades or a pleasant date.

The dream book of Terenty Smirnov, or the Wanderer, interprets the toy as a sign of trouble and resentment. The sleeper cannot find a place for himself in life, he is driven out of all companies, they refuse to be friends. You will have to come to terms with your loneliness or look for one real comrade. Yuri Longo's book portends a meeting with a man who was once loved. Feelings will flare up with renewed vigor, there will no longer be obstacles for relationships.

If there is no one in the past, then the ball becomes a symbol of meeting someone who will become part of the dreamer's life.

In the Esoteric Collection, a sports item portends competition at work. You will have to fight for a promotion to the desired position. The sleeper will be able to achieve the goal, although at first it will seem to him that he is losing. In Antonio Meneghetti's dream book, the ball is life. All the dreamer's actions with him describe the relationship of his ego with real possibilities. Desires diverge from reality, you need to make enough efforts to balance them.

Miller sees the ball as a harbinger of a happy future - a strong family, a stable job, good relations with friends and colleagues. Play it - look for new opportunities to implement your plans. You can open your own business or move to another job - all ideas will be successfully fulfilled.

The ball dreams of auspicious events and the emergence of new opportunities. A negative interpretation of such an image is rare, but even the supposed difficulties can be overcome.

You need to gather strength and focus on solving problems, then everything will change for the better.

Dream interpretation ball

Why is the ball dreaming? This everyday item can be seen not only in the hands of an athlete, but also a child. A large number of active sports are associated with it, and therefore it is not so easy to decipher the true reason for the appearance.

Where to begin?

As the dream book describes, the ball is a symbol of the dreamer's variability of views. He does not always manage to follow the chosen course, and even a trifle can affect the final result. However, you should not rely only on such a version, because various interpreters of dreams allow you to expand the plot you have seen.

Let's turn to specialists

Anyone who has ever been interested in deciphering their dream should understand that they are faced with a difficult task - to systematize and analyze the information received in a dream. It is important to pay attention to the fact that in different sources there are unique interpretations, and therefore you need to follow your context.

In this way, it will be possible to obtain the correct version in a short period of time.

Italian dream book

Seeing a basketball in a dream

As the dream book thinks, a basketball is a reflection of a problematic stage that you really want to get rid of. If the dreamer lost or lost with this item, then in reality his expectations do not correspond to the possibilities, and this leads to serious depression. To solve such a problem, the sleeper will have to take a realistic look at the current situation, identifying his problem areas.

Yaroslavl dream book

I had a dream in which they played ball - for an upcoming meeting with a loved one. Your task is to remember the experienced emotions:

  • joy - it will be possible to revive forgotten feelings that will manifest themselves with greater force;
  • disappointment is a symbol of vain dreams that are unlikely to come true.

We must also not forget that a motionless ball is a symbol of inner harmony and tranquility. The dream interpreter suggests that you will soon be able to meet a person with whom you want to share your whole life. Throwing the ball to someone - the dreamer is trying to get rid of responsibility for decision. Only calmness and serenity will make it possible to cleanse the soul of the turmoil accumulated over many years.

Dreaming of a leather product for football

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

Playing a soccer ball in a dream means getting a fateful chance that you must definitely take advantage of. If a ball slowly rolls under your feet, then you will become the owner of a large inheritance or a true friend.

Use small balls for leisure - for the upcoming meeting with childhood friends. Experienced emotions will help get rid of depression, which for many years did not allow you to enjoy life.

If you often dream of game attributes, then try to refuse to make important decisions at work. The dream interpreter advises to deal with secondary matters and refuse to travel. Perhaps your health needs gentle rest and adherence to a special regimen.

General dream book

In the indicated dream book, you can find brief but informative interpretations:

For what purpose?

It is advisable to characterize the dreamed attribute in accordance with its purpose.


Using a soccer ball for training is a symbol of good health and success in the business field. In Miller's dream book, one can find only positive wording regarding the image he saw.

Games with a deflated ball - you will not be able to realize everything that you have dreamed of for so long. The dream interpreter does not advise you to panic ahead of time, because your inner core is not afraid of any difficulties.

Dreamed of volleyball competitions

Catching a basketball - your relationship will be far from ideal. Perhaps your other half does not provide support in your endeavors, and therefore an uncomfortable feeling appears. A frank conversation will help solve this problem.

I dreamed how volleyball competitions stopped due to the fact that the ball was carried far away - by the beginning of a long break at work, which would turn into a free vacation. The main thing is not to try to make hasty decisions, since they are unlikely to lead to the desired result.

Watching a professional tennis player make a lot of effective innings - to solve any problem on the way to your goal. Use sports equipment for other purposes - to the appearance of envious people in the environment. They will begin to weave intrigues behind their backs, but you should not lose your vigilance in order to break their plot at the first opportunity.

She dreams about how you hit a soccer ball, but you constantly miss - to make big profits. In the sports dreambook, several options are considered regarding shots on goal. If you tried to repel the blow, then try to remember the final result:

Catch a football goal in a dream

  • caught - to increase profits;
  • missed - to waste of money.

You were able to enjoy a game of billiards, in which players direct balls into all holes with accurate shots - to get acquainted with an interesting activity. The dream interpreter says: protect yourself from extreme hobbies.

Children's games

Running with a big inflatable ball - to an unexpected meeting with a childhood friend who has been remembered lately. Watching children play in the water, throwing the ball to each other is a symbol of a fun and carefree holiday.

Become a participant in the game of "knockout" - you will be able to solve any problems, no matter how difficult they may seem. If things don't go according to plan, then try to enlist the help of other people without wasting too much time.

Dreaming of a lot of children's toys underfoot

Under your feet there are a large number of children's balls that interfere with normal walking around the room - to the appearance of a large number of obstacles.

Opinion of other authors

A children's ball is dreaming - to a favorable combination of circumstances, which will allow you to achieve your goal. The main thing is to learn how to correctly perceive the received signals.

Throwing a tennis ball in the air - you can lose the money you earn, so try to calculate all the possible risks in advance. The attribute you saw fell into the water, and you can’t get it - to make an unsuccessful deal or the beginning of a difficult financial period.

Caught a bouncing ball - to receive good news from distant relatives. However, do not rush to rejoice ahead of time, as the information may not be true.

The volleyball is a reflection of the problems associated with the fact that everyday affairs will leave the second half and children without attention. Relationships in the family can be shaken, and this should not be allowed.

Kicking a soccer ball - your energy and constant desire for leadership will achieve great success.

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