Use of refined coconut oil. Refined Coconut Oil Coconut Oil Refined Deodorized Bleached Application

Refined oils are oils that have undergone several stages of purification. As a rule, they have no smell, no color, no taste. Therefore, you should not count on the pleasant aroma of Bounty sweets when buying refined coconut oil. But coconut oil is not valuable for the smell alone. In this article, we will figure out what the benefits of refined coconut oil are, is there any harm from it, and also talk about how to use it.

Benefits of Refined Coconut Oil

More than 90% of the composition of coconut oil is saturated fatty acids, including such beneficial medium chain triglycerides (more than 60%). The refining process does not destroy these fats, so they are present in the same composition in refined coconut oil.

Yes, refined coconut oil, when ingested, will not amaze you with a pleasant taste and aroma (it simply does not have them), but you will be surprised when you soon find that the result was worth it. After all:

  • in relation to this oil, the formula “fats is not equal to fat” is correct, because. coconut fats are easily digestible, are not deposited in the form of reserves in adipose tissue and energize for a long time;
  • medium chain triglycerides speed up metabolism, thanks to which the body spends 5% more energy (120 calories). This also contributes to faster weight loss. In addition, refined coconut oil reduces appetite, allowing you to eat less;
  • fatty acids increase the number of ketone bodies in the body. They are known to serve as reserve fuel for the brain, nerve fibers, heart and muscles in extreme situations. So, studies show that medium chain triglycerides, which are so rich in coconut oil, significantly improve the condition of patients with Alzheimer's disease;
  • saturated fatty acids of coconut reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and increase the level of "good", which is the prevention of heart and vascular diseases;
  • lauric acid, the content of which in the oil can reach 50%, helps in the fight against viruses and bacteria. Therefore, the use of oil is a good prevention of various infections, including Staphylococcus aureus.

Everyone knows how effective it is in general, but few know what is remarkable about purified. Refined cold pressed coconut oil great helper in face and hair care, and is considered almost the most popular component of care products. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, gives the skin radiance, prevents stretch marks.

The oil showed itself perfectly in the care of hands. So, it nourishes the skin of the hands, protects it from the harmful effects of sunlight, wind, cold, softens the cuticle.

The use of oil in the form of masks, indelible balms and hair sprays makes them silky and manageable, seals split ends, and gives the hair a well-groomed look.

The high smoke point of refined coconut oil (higher than unrefined) makes it one of the best vegetable oils for frying.

Harm of refined coconut oil

Like any other product, refined coconut oil can be harmful in the form of allergies, indigestion and intestinal disorders if consumed in moderation. Therefore, before you begin its full use, check your skin for an allergic reaction to the oil, and also carefully monitor the reaction of the body during the whole day when ingesting the oil.

People with diseases of the stomach and intestines should be especially careful and consult their doctor.

How to use refined coconut oil?

Refined coconut oil is useful to use inside 1-2 tablespoons a day for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diseases caused by various viruses.
Replacing sunflower oil with it will not only make food healthier, but also help to reduce weight.

Daily oil rinsing is excellent oral hygiene with effective teeth whitening. Plaque does not dissolve in water, but in fats.

Purified is used in the form of creams, both in pure form and mixed with the usual daily cream or other essential and base oils.

Useful use. You won't recognize your hair in the morning if you put a coconut oil mask on it all night. And the oil applied to dry, clean hair will instantly give a well-groomed look to your curls, remove fluffiness, and improve the condition of split ends.

During pregnancy, daily application of oil to the skin will prevent unnecessary stretch marks.
Using purified coconut oil as a foot cream will soften your feet and get rid of cracks and corns.

With this article, we wanted to show that not only unrefined oil can be useful. Purified coconut oil in terms of the main indicators of usefulness (in coconut oil these are medium-chain fatty acids) is not inferior to it. Therefore, this is just the case when there is no need to chase the high cost.

For skin and hair care. The perfect product. And yet… just as not all yogurts are the same, not every coconut oil has the same characteristics. Let's understand the types of coconut oil before the savvy producers start to fool us.

To begin with, a small educational program - oils are obtained in several ways:


Means that the oil was obtained by direct pressing bones, seeds, fruits, legumes or grains. The oil may have been extracted using high pressure, but in any case, no solvents were used in the process.


The oil was obtained by the previously described method, but everything happened at a temperature below 50 degrees.

heat extraction

Means that when receiving oil, the raw material was heated. This method increases the yield of a useful component.

Chemical extraction

It involves the use of chemicals, solvents in the process of obtaining oil. For example, hexane, which simplifies the process of extracting oil from raw materials.

Unrefined virgin coconut oil

An ideal product containing all the benefits of coconut oil. It is obtained from the pulp of coconuts pressed at low temperatures (up to 48 degrees Celsius). It is this oil that is recommended for food and cosmetic purposes. It is ideal for use raw. It can also be fried and used for baking (the smoke point, that is, the temperature above which the oil begins to form carcinogens, is 177 degrees Celsius).

If such oil has an international “organic” mark (not fake as on the Russian plagiarism of the Nutiva brand, but a real one, provided with a certificate), then this the best option coconut oil, which can only be better than a bounty heavenly delight. Such oil necessarily has a delicately sweet coconut aroma, which means that dishes cooked with it will also smell a little bit of coconut. LookBio talked about organic coconut oils available in Russia,.

Expeller Pressed Coconut Oil

Like unrefined virgin coconut oil, this oil is obtained from the pulp of coconuts. However, the technology used is different - screw press machines. With this extraction, the raw material is heated up to 90-100 degrees Celsius, which provides a greater yield of oil. Therefore, the oil obtained by pressing is cheaper than the oil of the first cold pressing. Also, this oil has slightly fewer useful micronutrients, but it is slightly more resistant to heat (smoke point - 182 degrees). Pressed coconut oil has a more neutral taste. It already has less of the sweet aroma of coconut, but a light nutty flavor is added. Such oil is still a healthy product. It is ideal for cooking: for frying and use in the oven.

Expeller Pressed Refined Coconut Oil

The same as the previous version, only the oil is refined. Still a healthy product, perfect for roasting and frying as it has almost no taste. However, you need to be careful with this option. To be sure that the oil is obtained by pressing, it is safer to choose the organic version (there are many such oils on iHerb).

Refined coconut oil of unknown origin

Inexpensive refined coconut oil has already appeared in Russia and, as a rule, in this case, the oil production method is not indicated on the packaging. On the product under the Delicato brand (150 rubles per 450 g), which we found in HyperGlobus, it is indicated in small print that the oil is “refined bleached deodorized”. The last two words mean that this oil is obtained by extraction with hexane (or gasoline - this is also possible). Next, the oil is bleached using special clays and distilled for deodorization, which should remove all unpleasant odors.

As a rule, cheap refined coconut oil is not obtained from the flesh of the coconut, but from what is left after the cold pressing of the coconut. Or from coconut shells, which are usually dried on the street, in the sun, and then driven into extraction. Yes, the shells also give oil, but in this case we are talking about a completely different product, which in its composition is far from unrefined virgin coconut oil. It is also important that the extraction process takes place at very high temperatures (about 200 degrees), which impoverishes the initial micronutrient composition of the raw material. Such oil really withstands high temperatures, therefore it is recommended by the manufacturer for frying, however, specialists in healthy eating(in particular, a nutraceutical specialist, a specialist in holistic medicine and our

Articles on the topic "Refined Deodorized Coconut Oil":

Coconut oil for hair

Coconut oil is useful not only for the skin of the body and face. Similarly, it has a positive effect on the hair. Coconut oil can be used as a conditioner and can effectively treat dandruff problems, sometimes better than special medicated shampoos. In its composition, coconut oil is similar to hair proteins; due to its low molecular weight and straight linear chain structure, it penetrates deep into the hair. Using pure coconut oil or hair products based on coconut oil makes hair soft, shiny and more "lived".

Coconut oil in ice cream: harm or benefit?

Many people are prejudiced against coconut oil ice cream, but in vain. After all, it has already been proven that coconut oil has a number of advantages over animal fats. The fats present in coconut oil are able to crystallize quickly, which makes the ice cream pleasantly flavored and melts quickly in the mouth. Coconut oil ice cream does not contain cholesterol and is lower in calories than ice cream based on vegetable fats. Coconut oil forms a clean crystal lattice, which makes the texture of ice cream very delicate. It also contributes to a soft ice cream consistency and uniform density.

Coconut oil is a handy oil for cooking

Coconut oil is great for frying, baking and stewing a variety of foods at temperatures up to 350°C. They can easily replace butter, adding it to cereals, vegetables, popcorn and other dishes. An additional benefit of coconut oil in cooking is long term storage, and it remains solid at room temperature and does not even require refrigeration. Coconut oil is more convenient to use than, for example, olive oil during the heat treatment of products. Indeed, unlike olive or hemp oils, which are more suitable for dressing salads, coke oil does not emit smoke when heated and is less sensitive at high temperatures.

Coconut oil neutralizes the harmful effects of UV rays

It is very remarkable that people living in tropical climates such as the Philippines or Malaysia, who are constantly exposed to UV rays and generally do not use sunscreen, nevertheless do not suffer from skin cancer. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the reason for this is the active use of coconut oil with its high antioxidant capacity, which protects the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals. At the same time, the use of coconut oil promotes the absorption of vitamin D by the body in the sun, which, in turn, helps prevent the development of osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer and other diseases.

You can beat age-related pigmentation with coconut oil

Age-related pigmentation, reminiscent of freckles, is a frequent companion of mature skin. However, it turned out that coconut oil (both internal and external consumption) is able to slow down the further pigmentation process and reduce existing spots. This is due to the fact that coconut oil prevents the formation of free radicals, which are the culprits of such age-related pigmentation. Coconut oil helps maintain the flexibility and strength of the connective tissues of the skin, preventing it from sagging. Penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis, coconut oil has not a short-term, but a long-term positive effect.

Coconut oil for weight loss

Due to the high content of triglycerides, coconut oil burns subcutaneous fat. Medium chain triglycerides are rapidly absorbed into the body and are burned almost immediately. At the same time, they contribute to the rapid absorption of vitamins, as well as magnesium, calcium and other minerals. Due to the high content of lauric acid (comparable only to mother's milk), coconut oil reduces appetite and accelerates thermogenesis (calorie burning). Moreover, coconut oil also promotes fat burning by stimulating the thyroid gland, which controls the main metabolic processes in the body.

Coconut oil helps fight cavities

Irish scientists have found that, as a natural antibiotic, coconut oil attacks bacteria that cause cavities. In this case, during the experiments, coconut oil was used, processed with enzymes (similar to the natural process of digestion). It turned out that such “digested” coconut oil can destroy even streptococcus, which is the main enemy of healthy teeth. Today, scientists continue to study how coconut oil affects other bacteria in the mouth. Perhaps the discoveries made will make it possible to create a fundamentally new technology for the prevention and treatment of caries.

Coconut oil for those on a diet

Coconut oil is a reusable product in cooking and frying processes, as it does not lose its qualities as a result of repeated heating and temperature treatments. But the most valuable thing about it is that when it enters the body, it is almost completely absorbed and is not deposited as such hated fat deposits. That is why coke oil is number one on the list for those looking to lose weight. The use of coconut oil in daily meals reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and improves digestive processes.

If we talk about external use, then it is suitable for absolutely everyone, and even pregnant women. The last category is especially useful for preventing stretch marks and stretch marks.

Homemade natural cream

Factory creams and cleansers often contain artificial ingredients that can irritate your skin. Working Group on environment, a consumer advocacy organization, found that 1/3 of personal care products. that she has tested contains at least 1 tolerable or known carcinogen. When you make your own natural cream, you know exactly what substances you mix or then apply to your skin. Following the recipe, you will get a jar of moisturizer or cleanser in just half an hour.

You will need

  • Yellow beeswax 2 tsp
  • Avocado, jojoba, almond, olive or any other vegetable oil 3/4 cup
  • Coconut oil 1 tbsp
  • Liquid lecithin 1/2 tsp
  • Vitamin E 1 tsp
  • Essential oil 20 drops
  • Distilled water 3/4 cup
  • Grapefruit seed extract 1/2 tsp.

home shampoo

Shampoo is the same soap, only for hair. But making homemade shampoo is a very useful and interesting thing. Of course, you can add a billion ingredients to your shampoo, but sometimes we don't need any exotic shampoos at all or we can't afford them. In the preparation of homemade shampoo, you can unleash your imagination and create a product that will make your hair luxurious.

Shampoo base

As in the preparation of most cosmetics, you should start with some kind of Castile soap. It is made exclusively on the basis of vegetable oil, without the use of animal fat. Many types of Castile soap use only a small amount of olive oil, but real Castile soap is made entirely with olive oil.

Exfoliating properties of mud Dead Sea makes this soap ideal for rough skin. Aromas of spicy ginger and grapefruit will give you a real pleasure.

You will need

  • Coconut oil 2575 g (30%)
  • Olive oil 2575 g (30%)
  • Canola oil 1725 g (20%)
  • Cocoa butter 850 g (10%)
  • Castor oil 430 g (5%)
  • Sunflower oil 250 g (3%)
  • Shea butter 175 g (2%)
  • Rosemary extract10 ml
  • Water 1650 g (42% alkaline solution)
  • Alkali 1200 g (7%)
  • Dead Sea mud (liquid) 200 g
  • Essential oil of white grapefruit 60 g
  • Essential oil of ginger 47 g
  • Essential oil of bergamot 39 g
  • Essential oil of clove 4 g

Cool. Cool. Just great. Better nowhere. Whatever you call it, you will simply fall in love with it! It's so bright and flavorful!

You will need

  • Coconut Oil 2 lbs + 8 oz
  • Olive oil 2 lbs + 4 oz
  • Palm oil 2 pounds
  • Flake palm oil 12.8 oz
  • Distilled water 3.04 lbs
  • Lye 18 oz
  • Patchouli essential oil 6 oz
  • 3-4 tbsp: mauve pink, yellow #6, yellow #5
  • Liquid Glycerin 8 oz

When creating this recipe, I wanted a soap with a softly creamy lather and a gentle creamy scent.

The combination of infused olive oil with vanilla bean, unrefined cocoa butter, castor oil, and balsam and jasmine scents gave just such a result.

You will need

  • Olive Oil (Vanilla Bean Infused) 270g (9.524oz, 30%)
  • Lye 124.746 g (4.4 oz)
  • Tolu balm 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Kopaysky balm 2 tsp (10 ml)
  • Jasmine essential oil (10% jojoba oil solution) 2 tsp (10 ml)
  • Fluffy white clay (kaolin) 1 tbsp (15 ml)
  • Powdered sugar 1 tsp (5 ml)

This olive soap is a great choice for people with sensitive skin. It contains calendula, chamomile and oatmeal, which have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

Usually the base for castile (olive) soap is made only with olive oil, but since I like to have a lot of foam, I add a small amount of coconut and palm oil.

You will need

  • Coconut Oil 180 g (6.349 oz, 20%)
  • Infused Olive Oil 540 g (19.048 oz, 60%)
  • Palm oil 180 g (6.349 oz, 20%)
  • Distilled water 326.07 g (11.502 oz)
  • Lye 121.145 g (4.273 oz)
  • Grapefruit seed extract 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Rosemary extract 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml)
  • Sweet Almond/Vitamin E (80:20 mix) 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Honey 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Shredded instant oatmeal 1/4 cup (60 ml)
  • Crushed calendula petals 1 tbsp. (15 ml)

Camellia oil has many useful properties. which is why I use it so often in my recipes. But if you like some other oil…say avocado oil, hempseed oil, apricot kernel oil, sweet almond oil, etc.…you can substitute them for camellia oil. Just remember to recalculate everything on the lye calculator to get the required amount.

As for coconut milk... if you don't want to, you can leave it out altogether... just increase the amount of water. Or you can use other milk. For example, goat. What I love about homemade soap is that it can be made from anything I want!

You will need

  • Camellia Oil 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Coconut oil 180 g (6.35 oz, 20%)
  • Castor oil 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Distilled water 200 g (7.05 oz)
  • Coconut milk 97 g (3.42 oz)
  • Alkali 125.3 g (4.42 oz)

Soap “Sweet citrus honey”

To create such an unusual honeycomb-shaped soap, bubble wrap is used. The combination of beeswax, honey and sweet citrus fruits will give you a gentle and attractive soap. It's like drinking tea with honey cake.

You will need

  • Castor Oil 90 g (3.17 oz, 10%)
  • Olive oil 90 g (3.17 oz, 10%)
  • Shea Butter 90 g (3.17 oz, 10%)
  • Grape seed oil 135 g (4.5 oz, 15%)
  • Cocoa Butter 45 g (1.59 oz, 5%)
  • Distilled water 297 g (10.48 oz)
  • Lye 127.08 g (4.5 oz)
  • Orris root powder 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Beeswax 18 g
  • Liquid honey 2 tsp (10 ml)
  • Rosemary extract 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml)
  • Aromatic oil “Marmalade” 2 tsp. (10 ml)
  • Oakmoss essential oil 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml)

Soap with beer

This recipe uses beer instead of water. This makes the soap very foamy. I made it with Keith's Indian white beer (although any beer will do), all the oils were vegetable-based, and there is no palm oil. Beer soap goes great with citrus flavors, so I added sweet orange, lemongrass, palmarosa and lycea cubeba.

You will need

  • Avocado Oil 180 g (6.349 oz, 20%)
  • Coconut Oil 270 g (9.524 oz, 30%)
  • Olive oil 270 g (9.52 oz, 30%)
  • Shea butter 135 g (4.76 oz, 15%)
  • Exhausted beer 326.07 g (11.502 oz)
  • Lye 126.28 g (4.538 oz)
  • Orris root powder 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Carrot Root Powder 1 tbsp (15 ml)
  • Grapefruit seed extract 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Sweet orange essential oil 3 tsp (15 ml)
  • Lemongrass essential oil 3 tsp (15 ml)
  • Palmarosa essential oil 1 tsp (5 ml)

Soap “Give coffee!”

Enjoy this wonderful soap with coffee beans and oatmeal. Thanks to its exfoliating properties, it will be indispensable both in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

The spicy aroma of ginger, cinnamon and cloves, the juiciness of sweet orange and the exotic smell of patchouli will make this soap your favorite!

You will need

  • Shea Butter 135 g (4.762 oz, 15%)
  • Coconut Oil 225g (7.937oz, 25%)
  • Olive Oil 315 g (11.111 oz, 35%)
  • Castor oil 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Palm oil 135 g (4.762 oz, 15%)
  • Distilled water 324 g (11.429 oz)
  • Lye 125.248 g (4.418 oz)
  • Ginger essential oil 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml)
  • Essential oil of cinnamon 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml)
  • Sweet orange essential oil 6 tsp (30 ml)
  • Chopped oatmeal 2 tbsp. (30 ml)
  • Cocoa powder 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Finely ground coffee 1 tbsp. (15 ml)
  • Powdered sugar 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Orris root powder 1 tsp (5 ml)

Soft coconut milk, moisturizing cocoa butter, avocado and apricot kernel oils make this soap so wonderful that you even want to eat it! This soap does not contain palm oil, it contains pork fat, but if you want a plant-based soap, you can replace it with shea butter, mango butter or palm oil.

You will need

  • Cocoa butter 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Coconut Oil 270 g (9.524 oz, 30%)
  • Apricot Kernel Oil 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Castor Oil 45 g (1.587 oz, 5%)
  • Avocado Oil 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Grape seed oil 135 g (4.762 oz, 15%)
  • Pork Fat 180 g (6.349 oz, 20%)
  • Distilled water 326.07 g (11.502 oz)
  • Lye 128.235 g (4.523 oz)
  • Coconut milk powder 2 tbsp (30 ml)
  • Grapefruit seed extract 1.5 tsp (7.5 ml)
  • Lime essential oil 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Kopay balm 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Balsam of Peru 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Jasmine essential oil (10% jojoba oil solution) 2 tsp (10 ml)
  • Sweet orange essential oil 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Ginger essential oil 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml)
  • Lemongrass essential oil 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Rosemary extract 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml)
  • Titanium dioxide 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Powdered sugar 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Orris root powder 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Soap ribbons 200 g
  • Green mica for thin line
  • Ultramarine blue for a thin line
  • Ultramarine blue 1/16 tsp
  • Chromium hydroxide 1/16 tsp

Soap “Lemon Verbena”

This recipe is for true citrus lovers. Fresh and tart, with lots of foam and a great checkerboard pattern. With natural scent essential oils and natural color achieved with red palm oil and calendula petals.

You will need

  • Coconut Oil 195 g (6.88 oz, 30%)
  • Olive Oil 195g (6.88oz, 30%)
  • Castor Oil 65 g (2.29 oz, 10%)
  • Red palm oil 195 g (6.88 oz, 30%)
  • Distilled water 214.5 g (7.57 oz)
  • Alkali 93.25 g (3.3 oz)
  • Lemon essential oil 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Lemongrass essential oil 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml)
  • Lycea cubeba essential oil 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml)
  • Rosewood essential oil 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Sweet orange essential oil 2 tsp (10 ml)
  • Palmarosa essential oil 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Essential oil of lemon eucalyptus 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml)
  • Essential oil of citronella 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml)
  • Cinnamon essential oil 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml)
  • Calendula flower petals (chopped) 1 tbsp (15 ml)
  • Plain white soap chips 300 g (plus or minus)

This is a luxurious cream soap with a wonderful gentle lather. Carrot-infused olive oil and titanium dioxide give that buttery color.

You will need

  • Shea butter 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Cocoa butter 90 g (3.175 oz., 10%)
  • Coconut Oil 270 g (9.524 oz, 30%)
  • Olive Oil (Carrot Infused) 270g (9.524oz, 30%)
  • Castor oil 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Palm oil 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Distilled water 326.07 g (11.502 oz)
  • Lye 123.565 g (4.359 oz)
  • Grapefruit Seed Extract 1 1/2 tsp (7.5 ml)
  • Grapefruit essential oil 7 tsp (35 ml)
  • Rosemary extract 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml)
  • Titanium dioxide 2 tsp (10 ml)
  • Apricot kernel oil 1 tbsp. (15 ml)
  • Powdered sugar 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Orris root powder 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Soap ribbons 200 g

Soap “Ram Runner”

This amazing palm oil free soap is perfect for the head of the family. Excellent cleansing, gentle foam and a wonderful masculine scent will make this soap your favorite.

You will need

  • Shea butter 90 g (3.18 oz, 10%)
  • Coconut Oil 270 g (9.52 oz, 30%)
  • Olive oil 270 g (9.52 oz, 30%)
  • Castor Oil 90 g (3.18 oz, 10%)
  • Pork Fat 180 g (6.35 oz, 20%)
  • Distilled water 324 g (11.4 oz)
  • Alkali 127.8 g (4.5 oz)
  • Copper mica 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml)
  • Cocoa powder 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml)
  • Cherry laurel water 5 tsp (25 ml)
  • Sweet orange essential oil 3 tsp (15 ml)
  • Clove essential oil 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml)
  • Patchouli essential oil 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml)

Soap “Sea Grass”

This fresh, bright, uplifting soap contains a blend of herbal scents of lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus and lavender.

You will need

  • Castor Oil 27 g (0.95 oz, 3%)
  • Coconut Oil 225g (7.94oz, 25%)
  • Olive Oil 333g (11.75oz, 37%)
  • Palm oil 270 g (9.52 oz, 30%)
  • Apricot Kernel Oil 45 g (1.59 oz, 5%)
  • Distilled water 324 g (11.45 oz)
  • Alkali 127.66 g (4.5 oz)
  • Rosemary essential oil 1.5 tsp (7.5 ml)
  • Essential oil of lemon eucalyptus 3/4 tsp (3.75 ml)
  • Eucalyptus essential oil 2 tsp (10 ml)
  • Lycea cubeba essential oil 3/4 tsp (3.75 ml)
  • Lemongrass essential oil 3/4 tsp (3.75 ml)
  • Lavender essential oil 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • White mica 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Ultramarine blue 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml)
  • Chromium oxide 1/8 tsp (0.625 ml)

As you may already know, many Asian countries have been using coconut oil for long history. According to research, coconut oil has been used to treat a variety of ailments due to its antimicrobial properties, and it is also used in cosmetics and cooking. However, not all coconut oil is the same. There are different types for different purposes.

Kinds coconut oils.

There are 3 main types of coconut oil.

1. (Crude)Technical coconut butter.

It is an oil that is obtained from copra, the dried pulp of coconut. Commercial coconut oil is not suitable for human consumption because the flesh becomes contaminated and infected during drying. Technical Coconut Oil can be used for some technical purposes such as soap making or candle making. It can also be processed in different ways depending on the end goal. As the name suggests, this is the most basic of the oils derived from the coconut.

2. refined, bleached and deodorized coconut butter

Commercial coconut oil undergoes processing, after which a product suitable for human consumption is obtained. This is the most common type of coconut oil currently used in the culinary and food industries. However, due to the use of chemicals and high temperatures in the production of R.O.D. coconut oil nutritional value of this oil is very, very low. In the case of poor processing, there is a danger that some chemicals may remain in the product and cause harm when it is consumed. There have also been cases of mixing R.O.D. coconut oil with cheaper oils to increase volume and therefore increase profits. Because R.O.D. coconut oil is odorless and tasteless, it is very difficult to determine the content of foreign oils. Such processing contributes to mass production and, accordingly, to the achievement of a low price. Unfortunately, although it remains relatively safe for culinary use, it has lost its nutritional value. After hydrogenation, as is usually the case with R.O.D. oils, it becomes even more dangerous.

3. coconut butterVirgin

This is the oil that is pressed from the fresh flesh of the coconut. Generally recognized, Virgin Coconut Oil is the most nutritious, healthiest and safest of all coconut oils, and perhaps the healthiest of all oils used in cooking today. In order to classify coconut oil as virgin, no high heat, no chemicals, and no further processing must be applied to the pomace. Humidity should not exceed 0.2%. Due to the fact that the moisture and free fatty acids are so low, the shelf life is very long, at least 2 years. The end result is a completely natural, pure oil that retains as much of the fresh coconut's nutrients as possible. Virgin Coconut Oil is liquid when warm, and when cooled below 24°C it solidifies, in moderate climates it is usually solid throughout the year. Virgin Coconut Oil also retains the wonderful aroma and exquisite taste of coconut. Any coconut oil that does not retain its smell and taste has been processed in one way or another and is not virgin.

Baraka Organic Coconut Oil is of the latter type, moreover, it is certified Organic by the European Union. This means that the coconuts used to extract the oils come from plantations that do not use chemicals, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators, genetically modified organisms.

Coconut Oil Baraka Organic Bio

Today I will talk about which coconut oil I buy, why I choose both refined and unrefined, and how I use it.

Of course, for many, coconut oil is primarily a skin and hair care product, that is, more cosmetic, and I also use it for cosmetic purposes, I even wrote about it four years ago - when I just started blogging (this ). But after 5 years of active use, I still lean more towards the idea that coconut oil is primarily a food, as this is how it provides the most benefits. It's great for skin/hair too and works well in blends, but on its own it's a bit weaker than other oils.

How useful is it in food?
This oil contains a large amount of medium chain fatty acids (common oils have long chains), they are easily broken down and absorbed, improve digestion and liver function, contribute to weight loss(they are not stored in reserve, but give energy). One of the most important components in coconut oil is lauric acid, it has strong antiviral and antibacterial activity, therefore it helps to increase immunity, protects the body from various infections and diseases (by the way, in breast milk contains the same acid, it helps protect the child's body from diseases). Due to its antiviral and antifungal activity, it is useful to eat it as a prophylaxis for herpes and thrush. The myristic fatty acid that is present here is also very useful for us, it enhances the production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

More briefly about when it is recommended to take coconut oil internally (WARNING! Not for treatment, but for general benefit and prevention, to enrich food !!!): for psoriasis, to strengthen the immune system, for flu and colds, to lower cholesterol, to reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, to normalize blood pressure, to reduce weight, to speed up metabolism, to improve the absorption of nutrients, such as calcium ; and much more.

Coconut oil does not go rancid and is stored outside refrigerator much longer than other oils (and even in the heat!) - a special composition and the presence of natural antioxidants help to preserve its freshness and without preservatives.

How does it happen?

~ cosmetic- most often it is either not very well refined or with certain additives that prevent it from thickening in the cold, this oil is not suitable for eating!

~ food- now it can be used for both food and cosmetic purposes, plus there are now many organic options here, which guarantees the benefit and safety. Among the food I buy refined and unrefined, each has its own advantages:

  • refined does not smell of anything, and is practically not suitable for cosmetic purposes, but it is best suited for frying, and absolutely everything - vegetables, meat, and anything else. I rarely fry, but when I do, I ONLY use coconut oil. Why? Because it is ONE OF THE FEW oils that does not change its properties at high temperatures and does not form carcinogens.

  • unrefined - oh, it's heavenly heaven, it smells divine of butternuts, yet the coconut is naturally given the most magnificent aroma, and it is not lost during cold pressing. This oil is also suitable for frying, but because it smells so delicious, you can’t fry meat and onions in it, but pancakes and cheesecakes are great.

Where else do I use it (most often it concerns the unrefined):

~ I add a spoonful to oatmeal for breakfast - it gives creaminess and tenderness, plus it increases useful and nutritious properties;
~ I add a spoon or two to fruit and vegetable smoothies - the blender mixes it so that it is not noticeable among fruits and vegetables, but the smoothies become even tastier;
~ add to baking, after melting to a liquid state;
~ I smear on everything that is possible, in a sense it replaces butter - it also looks like it in appearance, only more tender, fragrant and many times more useful;
~ one of the very useful ways its application, which for me personally is one of the most effective: when I feel hungry or craving for something tasty, I eat one teaspoon of unrefined coconut oil, it gives a feeling of satiety and completely discourages cravings for "grub", thereby contributing to weight loss (plus add here that coconut improves metabolism and goes into energy, and is not deposited - in this regard, it is a godsend!).
That is, from all of the above, you probably understood that I don’t have a single day when I don’t eat at least a spoonful of coconut oil, which is why you see it so often in Sunday shopping posts - I often run out of it :). Here are some of the oils I buy:
1. Nature's Way Organic Coconut Oil (Unrefined)
This oil I bought one of the first and subsequently bought several times, its quality is excellent - extra class, cold pressed, obtained without any solvents, it does not contain any additives. It is unrefined, it smells incomparably - bright, very rich, but tender like coconut, pastries and pancakes made on it become masterpieces, not otherwise (even if they look ugly :). One of the best oils I highly recommend.

Where to buy and price: on iHerb here - Nature's Way Organic Coconut Oil ($12.49/454g).
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2. Jarrow Formulas Organic Refined Coconut Oil
And this is refined, as I wrote above, I use it only for frying, it has neither taste nor aroma. The quality is perfect - no foreign smells, no unnecessary additives - it is obtained by screw pressing without the use of solvents, only pure oil. You can fry absolutely everything, there are no restrictions, it is not felt at all in the products. When compared with the same sunflower, it is more economical, since it needs less (or I'm so used to using vegetable oils literally in drops even when frying ...).

Where to buy and price: on iHerb here - Jarrow Formulas Organic Coconut Oil ($7.84/454 g).

Here it is frozen - in a cold room, coconut oil hardens and turns white, in a warm room it becomes liquid and transparent:
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3. Jarrow Formulas Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil (pictured in the middle)
Extra virgin oil, without the use of additives, solvents and fragrances. The quality is very good - fragrant, rich, gives the dishes its own unique flavor. But when compared, I like Nature's Way oil a little more among the unrefined ones, it is even more fragrant. Although this is fine, plus it is a little cheaper.

Where to buy and price: on iHerb here - Jarrow Formulas Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil ($11.20/454 g).
. . .
4. Nutiva Organic Refined Coconut Oil
This oil is also refined, but it still has a light-light aroma and taste of butter, which, however, does not spoil the taste of dishes, even onions or something like that. It is obtained by cold pressing without the use of chemical solvents, steam is used for purification - there is also no chemistry here.
In general, I like it more than other unrefined ones, so, perhaps, I will continue to buy it for cooking.

Where to buy and price: on iHerb here - Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil Refined ($7.52/444 ml).
. . .
5. Nutiva Organic Coconut Manna
And it's not really oil! This is a delicious, delicious thing, the so-called "manna" or mashed potatoes, here the oil is mixed with coconut pulp, which is ground into flour, as a result there is no creaking coconut flakes, and in consistency it really looks like mashed potatoes. The taste is slightly sweet (there are no additives, except for the coconut itself, and the sweetness here is natural, barely perceptible), rich coconut-nutty, with creaminess and indescribable, heavenly tenderness in taste, in my opinion, this product has absorbed everything beautiful , which can give coconut in terms of taste and aroma. Due to the fact that there is also pulp, and not just oil, this product is not as fatty as pure oil, so you can eat it without anything. great pleasure(I don't use it for cooking). And spread it on a cookie!!! You can go crazy with happiness, the flavor combination is magical :). In general, every morning I start with this "manna" - I add it either to oatmeal, or smear it on something, or just eat a spoon, enjoying the taste and getting a charge of positive, sunny coconut energy.
I love this product and highly recommend it to all coconut lovers. Although there is one minus here - it ends quite quickly, faster than butter :(.

Where to buy and price: on iHerb here -

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