IV. Blood Sea. The black sea becomes dead, the bloody black sea

The Black Sea was not always called the Black Sea. He had several names. For example, in ancient Greece, the Black Sea was called Pontus Euxinus, which means "hospitable sea."

However, the ancient Greeks did not immediately so affectionately call the Black Sea. At first, when they first arrived on the coast, and encountered the tribes that lived here, the Black Sea became inhospitable for them...

They named it Pont Aksinsky. Legends say that the tribes of the Taurians, who then inhabited the shores of the Black Sea, were extremely ferocious: they sacrificed all alien people to their gods. But the sea cannot be responsible for those who live on it. And later, the ancient Greeks renamed the inhospitable sea into a hospitable one.

There are several more old names for the Black Sea. This is the Sugde Sea, in honor of the prosperous city of Sugdei (present-day Saadak), and the Khazar Sea, in honor of the Khazars. At times Ancient Russia, in the annals the Black Sea was called Russian, presumably because the Kyiv prince, who fought with the Khazars, visited its shores. The Italians, who owned some small ports on the coast in the Middle Ages, called the sea Pontus.

Where did the name Black Sea come from? There are several versions. The Scythians called the sea Teng, which is translated from the Scythian as Dark. The ancient Iranians called the Ashkhaen Sea, which also means Dark.

One of the Turkish legends says: in the Black Sea lies the sword of a god, which was thrown into the sea by a magician named Ali. The waters of the sea do not want this sword, trying to throw it out of their depths. When the sea is agitated, it becomes dark, and even black.

If you do not delve into the legends, but read the works of scientists about the origin of the name Black Sea, then there are several hypotheses. The first of them is related to the fact that the Turks, who conquered the shores of the Black Sea for many centuries, found fierce resistance from local tribes - Circassians, Adygs and others. Therefore, they called the sea Karadengiz, i.e. inhospitable, Black.

The second hypothesis refers us to Magellan. Magellan fell into the sea on time, and in all seas the water darkens in a storm. According to the first impression, the name of the sea was fixed.

The next version is based on the fact that in the depths of the Black Sea there is a lot of hydrogen sulfide, which paints metal objects black. The ancient navigators painted their anchors, from which they gave the sea the name Black Sea.

And there are many more versions. For example, one of them ascribes this name to black algae, which turn black when they land on the shore after a storm.

The Scythians were a militant people, so the main meaning of their life was the seizure of territories, robberies of foreign lands. They were among the first to master the Caucasian mountains, making military campaigns in Central Asia. They are credited with primacy in the name of the Caucasus Mountains, which means snow-white.

Even before our era, the first settlements of the Greeks appeared on the banks of the Black. Basically, the Greeks inhabited the shores of the Crimean peninsula. The names of cities derived from Greek names have survived to this day. For example, Yalta, from the Greek word yalos, coast. Or the city of Alupka, in which there was also a Greek settlement in those days, which was called Alopex, which means fox. Evpatoria, was named by the Greeks in honor of the king of Evpator, Theodosius, translated from Greek means given by God.

In general, the Greeks left a lot of evidence of their stay on the shores of the Black Sea.
With the fall of the Roman Empire, the Greeks stopped populating the Black Sea. Gone is the Greek name. The Middle Ages came and the name Black Sea became stronger in the world.

Further, Italians settled on the Black Sea for a couple of centuries. They bought from the Tatar khans the right to colonize some areas of the coast in order to engage in slave trade and usury. The Italians renamed the cities: Feodosia to Kafu, Anapa to Mapu, etc. But their names did not take root.

Since the 15th century, the Turks have dominated the Black Sea. They inhabit all the shores of the Black Sea, both Crimean and Caucasian. Like others, the Turks took the local population prisoner, plundered the cities. All the oppression of the peoples of the Caucasus by the Turks led to the fact that they asked for protection from the Russian Tsar. Since the end of the 18th century, Russians have been fortifying themselves on the Black Sea. There were bloody wars for access to the Black Sea. But Russia was able to finally gain a foothold only after the signing of the Kuchuk-Kainarji peace treaty.

The Bible says that the rivers will become red as blood (Rev. 8:6-13), apparently this time has come. From 2010 to the present day, water deteriorates, disappears in places, turns red like blood, this process has already begun in many countries of the world: Texas, USA, Antarctica, Australia, Iraq, China, Iran, Russia (Black Sea http://survincity.ru /2011/08/chernoe-more-pokrasnelo/), etc.

Glaciers are melting, and red water is pouring out of them, a beautiful forest, and a river as terrible as blood flows in it. They don’t talk about it or show it on TV, so that people don’t know anything and don’t understand that the apocalypse has really begun, and time is left only for repentance to our Lord God, as well as strengthening in faith before the terrible persecution of all Christians by the Antichrist, and not different entertainment. If many people knew the truth about what is happening now (UEC, electronic concentration camp, red water, strange sounds in the sky, chipping, Morgellons disease, apostasy from the true faith in churches, building a unified antichrist religion, chemtrailers, the BLUE BEAM project, earthquake on Athos, cataclysms everywhere, HAARP, LHC and much more and the connection between these events). Much of this is the work of human hands, or rather, the servants of the Antichrist, perhaps many would change their minds and come to faith and repentance, but they don’t know anything and continue to live peacefully and idly on.

It hurts to look at all this, your heart hurts, you worry with your soul, and you just want to shout: “People wake up !!! Stop sitting in front of the TV and being a zombie. Do not laugh and do not say that all this is nonsense and fairy tales, there is very little time left, repent while there is still time! Repent! Go to churches, confess and take communion while it is still possible!!!” You talk to many and wonder, because many still don’t know anything about the UEC and think that it won’t be soon, they don’t know anything about juvenile justice, they don’t know and don’t suspect a lot. This is such a sad state of affairs, I want to cry, how to reason with people? It is necessary to tell as much as possible, maybe at least someone else will think, understand and be saved. God bless!

Lord have mercy on all of us Orthodox Christians!!!

Red water in Henan

Red water in Henan

Red water in Henan

In the Black Sea near Sevastopol, the water near the coast turned red. In addition, dead fish swim in the Cossack Bay.

The color of the water in the lake in the west of the US state of Texas has turned blood red in recent weeks

On the Iranian coast of the Persian Gulf, the "red tide" caused the death of 32 tons of marine animals

Residents of the village of Chemolgan, in the Karasai district of the Almaty region, sounded the alarm a month ago: there is a lake near their village, which, under strange circumstances, turned scarlet and began to exude a stench

When you think about rest, thoughts of the sea come to mind by themselves. And only good ones. However, it may happen that our closest and dearest, the Black Sea, will soon cease to correspond to dreams. The negative impact of human economic activity on the ecosystem of the Black Sea basin becomes too strong.


Increasing the intensity of maritime transport

The intensity of maritime transport is growing:

  • Caspian oil, Russian and Ukrainian grain, raw materials and chemical products are being transported from the north and east;
  • from the west and south - mainly finished products.

Freight turnover is growing rapidly due to transit:

  • new oil pipelines from the Caspian are brought to the ports;
  • the European TRACECA corridor is operating, including ferry service between Bulgaria, Ukraine and Georgia.

Vessels pollute the sea with fuel and lubricants, and accidents occur that cause significant environmental damage.

Increasing the amount of municipal solid waste

At the bottom of the coastal zones of the Black Sea accumulated a lot of solid household waste. They polluted not only the bottom, but also the shores. This garbage is brought by rivers, into which it falls from various garbage dumps during floods, it is thrown into the sea from ships and from hotels and recreation centers located along the banks.

Salt water prevents waste from decomposing quickly, decomposition process takes tens and hundreds of years(for plastic). Toxic Substances, released during the decay of solid household waste, enter the water.

Entry into the Black Sea ecosystem of alien species

In addition, active transit shipping often causes "intrusions" of alien representatives of marine flora and fauna. So, according to the World Wildlife Fund, every day tankers transport in ballast water from 7 to 10 thousand marine species to different parts of the globe.

It was in this way that in the last third of the last century, the North American comb jelly mnemiopsis. As a result of its reproduction, the sea in some places began to resemble jelly in composition, which led to the death of small crustaceans, and subsequently fish and even dolphins.

True, then another "Varangian" was brought in in the same way - predatory comb jelly beroe, which ate Mnemiopsis, and the sea was largely cleared.

But one more guest rapan- thoroughly thinned out the populations of Black Sea mussels, the main cleaners of the sea from organic matter.

water bloom

The largest rivers in Europe flow into the Black Sea: Dnieper, Danube, Dniester, as well as a large number of smaller rivers. 80% of the total river flow is the waters of the Danube and the Dnieper. Rivers carry all kinds of pollution to the Black Sea, including fertilizer from the fields containing phosphorus and nitrogen.

For the plant plankton of the Black Sea, these elements are also fertilizers. Getting a lot of nutrients, phytoplankton multiplies intensively, then dies. The decay process requires a lot of oxygen, as a result of which the oxygen content in the water decreases and becomes insufficient for the life of marine life, such as mussels, oysters, crabs, squids, sturgeon fry. As a result, so-called "freeze zones" appear, the area of ​​which can reach enormous sizes, up to several tens of thousands of square kilometers. Perhaps on the Black Sea you have seen coastal sand strewn, for example, with small fish.

Since the main volume of river runoff enters the sea from the northwestern side, the coastal waters here are especially oversaturated with fertilizers.

The emergence of underwater gas pipelines

Underwater gas pipelines began to appear:

  • the Blue Stream (from Russia to Turkey) has been operating for almost ten years;
  • the construction of the South Stream (from Russia to Bulgaria) is about to begin.

They are not very dangerous in themselves: the risk of leakage or explosion on such a pipe is minimal. However, the place of the coast, where it goes into the sea, falls out of the natural and beach landscape, since it is “overgrown” with the corresponding infrastructure, which is by no means a resort destination.

Resort business development

At the same time, the resort business that is rapidly developing on the post-Soviet coast causes much more harm to the sea. Private hotels and mini-boarding houses growing like mushrooms often do not have proper treatment facilities and pour into the sea all the waste of their life. Actually, this has been done before - in the hope that the sea will recycle everything.

But recently, environmentalists have begun to notice the active spread in water bacterial flora- a clear sign that the sea can not cope and does not have time to clean itself. As a result, the area of ​​"underwater forests" - phyllophora algae, in which many species of fish spawn and hide, has sharply decreased.

If it goes on like this, the Black Sea will silt up, become smelly and practically lifeless. Actually, everything is heading towards this: the total catch of biological resources is declining from year to year: if in 2009 32.5 thousand tons of "seafood" were caught in the Azov-Black Sea basin, then last year - by 3.5 thousand tons. tons less.

Ecologists point out that the number of commercial fish species has declined sharply, that is, the populations of these species have become so small that they have ceased to be of economic value. There are very few commercial fish left in the Black Sea: sprat, sprat and anchovy.

Development of hydrocarbon fields on the Black Sea shelf

Large potential risks for the marine ecosystem are associated with the exploration and development of hydrocarbon deposits on its shelf. At present, without exception, all countries that have access to the Black Sea have taken up this matter.

  • AT Russia Rosneft has licenses to develop three sections of the shelf: the Tuapse trough, the Shatsky Shaft and the Yuzhno-Chernomorsky. At present, the company is already working in the Anapa and Tuapse regions and is looking for foreign partners. She also signed a contract for exploration and development of the shelf of Abkhazia.
  • In the neighboring Georgia recently discovered oil deposits near the port of Poti.
  • Ukraine has already gone further: it is in the process of purchasing three drilling platforms for its offshore development, which is scheduled to begin next year.
  • Seriously succeeded Turkey: she discovered and began to develop already three offshore oil-bearing areas. Moreover, high-quality oil was found in one of them, similar in composition to Azerbaijani light oil from the Caspian fields.

In total, they are already working in the Black Sea more than 100 drilling platforms.

Of course, such activity is associated with great risk. The Black Sea is practically a closed body of water, and the water in it is not renewed.. So any accident associated with an oil spill can undermine the ecosystem. And along with the entire resort business.

In this sense, one can only hope that the politicians of the Black Sea countries will show flexibility in the spirit of the late President of Abkhazia, Sergei Bagapsh. " When I am told that oil development will endanger the ecology of Abkhazia, I say: I am not an enemy of my people either. But today there are up to 130 platforms operating in the Black Sea. The question is: if everyone around is working on the small Black Sea, will Abkhazia alone preserve its ecology? Great, but it won't work. We are starting to work. But if everyone gathers and says: guys, this is the Black Sea, this is ecology, this is the future of our children, I will be the first to vote against production, and that will be the end of it.", he said.

Environmental protests

However, in addition to hoping for the prudence of the authorities, there is also a public initiative. On June 12, with the assistance of the Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus, the first environmental rally in local history took place in the Temryuk district of the Krasnodar Territory. Its participants demanded the suspension of the implementation of all dangerous projects in the waters of the Azov and Black Seas, as well as the complete environmental safety factories under construction here.

The specific threats were:

  • construction of the petrochemical port "Taman";
  • implementation of a number of projects in the port of Temryuk;
  • oil production on the territory of wetlands "Delta Kuban";
  • transshipment of oil on the roads in the Kerch Strait;
  • plans for the transfer of spent nuclear waste in the port of Kavkaz;
  • as well as a sand mining project on the Black Sea shelf near Anapa.

Apparently, environmental protests will soon become a frequent occurrence off the coast of the Black Sea.

In addition, let's remember that saving the sea is partly the work of vacationers, because these hands may or may not litter... So at least our beach activities do not harm the Black Sea.

The Black Sea is the most popular among Russian tourists. In former times, it was called that - "Russian Sea". However, such a well-known and dear, it is still fraught with a lot of mysteries.

Why the Black Sea is "black"

Science knows more than twenty names of the Black Sea. When the Black Sea was still little developed, the ancient Greeks called it Pont Aksinsky, which translates as "inhospitable sea." With the development of the reservoir, the name also changed. Now the same Greeks called it Pontus Evsinsky, which meant "hospitable sea."

Today the sea is called "black". Why? Science cannot give a definite answer to this question.

According to one version, this name came from the color designation of parts of the world, where the North was marked in black, and the Black Sea was considered precisely the northern sea. According to another version, the Black Sea became so called due to the fact that any metal objects lowered to its depth turn black due to the hydrogen sulfide contained in the water. Finally, according to another version, the Black Sea began to be called that because of the difficulties of navigation. Within the framework of this nominative theory, "black" has become synonymous with the words "mysterious", "unknown"

"Sea of ​​Dead Depths"

Another name for the Black Sea sounds very ominous - "the sea of ​​​​dead depths." Indeed, the waters of the Black Sea have unusual characteristics. The depths of the Black Sea are divided into two levels. Deeper than 150-200 meters there is practically no life due to the high percentage of hydrogen sulfide contained in the deep layers of water.

Over the years of its existence, the Black Sea has accumulated more than a billion tons of this substance, which is a product of the vital activity of bacteria.

According to one version, the very appearance of the Black Sea (7500 years ago) was associated with the mass death of the freshwater inhabitants of the Black Sea Lake, which was once here. From this, reserves of hydrogen sulfide and methane began to accumulate at its bottom. However, there is still no consensus on the origin of the huge amount of hydrogen sulfide in the waters of the Black Sea. The approximate amount of hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea is 3.1 billion tons.

Research recent years also allow us to speak of the Black Sea as a giant reservoir of not only hydrogen sulfide, but also methane. It is the detonation of methane due to the movements of the lithospheric plates that today explains the strange phenomenon that occurred during the September 11, 1927 earthquake.

The well-known researcher of the Crimea, professor-geologist S.P. Popov described this phenomenon as follows: "... during the earthquake, observers of three lighthouses on the western coast of the Black Sea noticed a giant fiery band 55 kilometers from the coast over a long distance between Sevastopol and Cape Lukull." Subsequent interviews made it possible to establish that the fire was not a single one - three explosions were noticed by observers.

Black Sea flood

Around 5600 B.C. The Black Sea was in much more modest boundaries than it is now. According to the theory of American geologists Rayman and Pitman, the Black Sea was previously a freshwater lake, but then, due to earthquakes, the previously closed Mediterranean Sea connected with the Black Sea, which began to quickly fill with salty sea water.

Then the level of the Black Sea rose by 140 meters - at the same time, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov arose, and instead of the modern Bosphorus Strait, an endless giant waterfall was flowing, 200 times larger than Niagara in terms of water flow.

The rapid increase in the volume of the Black Sea by 1.5 times led to the immediate flooding of the huge coastal zone.

There is a version that it was this event that served as the basis for the myth of the Flood that exists in many cultures. Some historians also connect Plato's story of Atlantis with the flooding of the Black Sea. In any case, the Black Sea flood caused a full-scale migration of peoples.

Having explored the Black Sea coast in 2000, having carried out a radiocarbon analysis of mollusks and changes in sedimentary rocks in the reservoir, the famous marinologist Ballard came to the conclusion that even 7500 thousand years ago the Black Sea was absolutely fresh, which indirectly confirms the theory of the expansion of the Black Sea as a Flood .

Gold of the Black Sea

By latest research The waters of the Black Sea are rich not only in hydrogen sulfide, but also in noble metals such as gold and silver. According to Gennady Bugrin's calculations, the weight of silver contained in the water of the Black Sea is 540 thousand tons, the weight of gold is 270 tons.

Developments for the extraction of precious metals from sea water have been going on for a long time. The simplest installations for such extraction are based on ion exchangers - ion exchange resins capable of attracting ions of substances dissolved in water. Such technologies are currently used by Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania.

nascent ocean

The Black Sea is relatively young, so it is still growing, and the geological processes taking place on its bottom and along its shores (lithospheric shifts and the growth of coastal mountains) can speak of it as an emerging ocean. According to scientists, in just one century the shores of the Black Sea are expanding by 20-25 centimeters. This may seem insignificant if you do not know that the Black Sea already keeps the ancient cities of Taman in its depths.

All sailing directions and atlases indicate that the average depth of the Black Sea is 1300 meters. From the surface of the water to the bottom of the sea basin, on average, it is really almost one and a half kilometers, but what we are accustomed to consider the sea has a depth that is several times less, about 100 meters. Below lurked a lifeless and deadly poisonous abyss. This discovery was made by a Russian oceanographic expedition in 1890. Soundings have shown that the sea is almost entirely filled with dissolved hydrogen sulfide, a poisonous gas with the smell of rotten eggs. In the center of the sea, the hydrogen sulfide zone approaches the surface by about 50 meters; closer to the shores, the depth from where the dead zone begins increases to 300 meters. In this sense, the Black Sea is unique, it is the only one in the world without a solid bottom. A liquid convex lens of dead water underlies a thin top layer, where all marine life is concentrated.

The underlying lens breathes, swells, breaking through to the surface from time to time due to driving winds. Major breakthroughs are less common, the last one occurred during the Yalta earthquake of 1928, when even far from the sea there was a strong smell of rotten eggs and thunder lightning flashed on the sea horizon, leaving burning pillars in the sky (H2S hydrogen sulfide is a combustible and explosive poisonous gas). Until now, there are disputes about the source of hydrogen sulfide in the depths of the Black Sea. Some consider the reduction of sulfates by sulfate-reducing bacteria during the decomposition of dead organic matter as the main source. Others adhere to the hydrothermal hypothesis, i.e. hydrogen sulfide inflows from cracks in the seabed. However, there are no contradictions here, apparently, both reasons are at work. The Black Sea is arranged in such a way that its water exchange with the Mediterranean Sea goes through the shallow Bosphorus threshold. The Black Sea water, desalinated by river runoff, and therefore lighter, goes into the Sea of ​​​​Marmara and further, and towards it, more precisely under it, through the Bosphorus threshold into the depths of the Black Sea, saltier and heavier Mediterranean water rolls down. It turns out something like a giant sump, in the depths of which hydrogen sulfide has gradually accumulated over the past six to seven thousand years. Today, this dead layer makes up over 90 percent of the volume of the sea. In the 20th century, as a result of sea pollution with organic anthropogenic matter, the boundary of the hydrogen sulfide zone rose from the depth by 25-50 meters. Simply put, oxygen from the upper thin layer of the sea does not have time to oxidize the hydrogen sulfide that supports it from below. Ten years ago, this problem was considered one of the priorities in the countries of the Black Sea region.

Hydrogen sulfide is a highly toxic and explosive substance. Poisoning occurs at a concentration of 0.05 to 0.07 mg / m ^ 3. The maximum permissible concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the air of populated areas is 0.008 mg/m^3. According to a number of experts and scientists, a charge equivalent to Hiroshima is enough to detonate hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea. At the same time, the consequences of the catastrophe will be comparable to those if an asteroid with a mass 2 times less than the mass of the Moon crashed into our Earth. Total hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea is more than 20 thousand cubic kilometers. Now the problem has been forgotten due to unclear circumstances. True, this problem has not disappeared.

In the early 1950s, in Walvis Bay (Namibia), an upwelling current (upwelling) brought a hydrogen sulfide cloud to the surface. Up to a hundred and fifty miles inland, the smell of hydrogen sulfide was felt, the walls of houses darkened. The smell of rotten eggs already means exceeding the MPC (maximum permissible concentration). In fact, the inhabitants of South West Africa survived then a "soft" gas attack.

In the Black Sea, a gas attack could be much more severe.

Suppose someone comes up with the idea of ​​mixing the sea, or at least part of it. Unfortunately, this is technically feasible. In the relatively shallow northwestern part of the sea, somewhere halfway between Sevastopol and Constanta, it is possible to carry out an underwater nuclear explosion of a relatively small yield. On the shore, it will be noticed only by instruments. But after a few hours there, on the shore, they will smell rotten eggs. Under the most favorable set of circumstances, in a day, two-thirds of the sea will turn into a fraternal cemetery of marine organisms. In case of unfavorable conditions, coastal cemeteries will also turn into fraternal cemeteries. settlements where non-marine organisms live. In the previous two phrases, the evaluative adjectives “prosperous” and “unfavorable” can be interchanged, this is from what position to look. If from the position of a person or a group of people who set themselves the goal of paralyzing the peoples of half a dozen countries at once with horror, then it is necessary to change.

However, the greed of the oil and gas companies is worse than any Ben with his Frankincense. Feeling that the end of the era of hydrocarbon raw materials is very close, and is measured in a couple of decades, after which the era of total stagnation will come, and the complete decline of the raw materials economy, businessmen from the state, in agony and in desperation, threw high-pressure pipes for the fuel pipeline right on the bottom of the Black Sea. Greater obscurantism was hard to expect. This is such a one-time weekend construction, which cannot be repaired and prevented in the conditions of explosive hydrogen sulfide. Everyone still remembers the Adler-Novosibirsk passenger train, which burned down completely due to a fuel line failure. You don't have to be an expert chemist or physicist to understand what will happen if a fuel line breaks in the deep layers of hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea. No comments.

Thousands of businessmen who make resort money on the exploitation of the Black Sea do not suspect that their business will soon end, and the Black Sea coast will turn from a resort zone into an ecological disaster zone dangerous for human habitation. This is especially true of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, where, according to scientists, a large amount of hydrogen sulfide is most likely to be released into the atmosphere. Twenty years ago, having familiarized themselves with the calculations of scientists on the Black Sea, scientists built a graph of the decrease in the surface layer of water from 1890 to 2020.

The continuation of the graph curve reached 15 meters of layer thickness by 2010. And it was already noted near the Caucasus in 2007. This was even reported on May 30, 2007 on the radio in Sochi. There were also reports of mass deaths of dolphins in the Black Sea. And the local people themselves felt a certain dead spirit from the sea. In the area of ​​New Athos, the sea is already different than it was 20-30 years ago, in the afternoon the water is muddy, yellow, dead fish and even dead animals. Many businessmen realized the whole pointlessness of their ideas of participation in investing in the resort business on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. No one thinks about the fact that a catastrophe is coming, and it is not far off, but very close. Many local residents the feeling that the 2014 Olympics will be held as a parting of an unreasonable person with the Black Sea. Millions of people living on the Black Sea coast will be forced to move away from the coast because of the danger of dying as a result of suffocation from hydrogen sulfide and lack of oxygen in the air. And before this total flight of residents from resort towns, mass diseases of residents of the coastal zone with fatal outcomes may begin. The end of the Black Sea resorts will come! This will be a worthy retribution of people for their admiration for the power of the Golden Calf, for their contempt for nature, for their ignorance of environmental safety issues. Indeed, with a reasonable approach to business, it is possible to turn the threatening troubles to the benefit of the economy and energy.

The water of the Black Sea contains silver and gold. If we extract all the silver in the water of the Black Sea, then this would amount to approximately 540 thousand tons. If all the gold was extracted, it would amount to approximately 270 thousand tons. Methods for extracting gold and silver from the waters of the Black Sea have long been developed. The very first primitive installations were based on ion exchangers, special ion-exchange resins that are capable of attaching ions of substances dissolved in water to themselves. But only Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania extract silver and gold from the waters of the Black Sea in an industrial way, using their own special technologies.

It is known that at a depth below 50 meters, the deep layers of the Black Sea are a colossal storehouse of hydrogen sulfide (about a billion tons). Hydrogen sulfide is a combustible gas that, when burned, gives a corresponding amount of heat. In other words, it is a fuel that can and should be used. During the combustion of hydrogen sulfide according to the reaction: 2H2S + 3O2 \u003d 2H2O + 2SO2, heat is released in an amount of about 268 kcal (with an excess of oxygen). Compare with the amount of heat released during the combustion of hydrogen in oxygen according to the reaction: H2 + 1/2 O2 > H2O (about 68.4 kcal/mol is released). Since sulfur dioxide (a harmful product) is formed in the first reaction, it is of course better to use hydrogen as a fuel in the composition of hydrogen sulfide, which can be obtained by heating hydrogen sulfide according to the reaction: H2S H2 ^ + S (3) For the decomposition of hydrogen sulfide, its slight heating is required . Reaction (3) will also make it possible to obtain sulfur from the Black Sea water. If we carry out reactions for the combustion of hydrogen sulfide in atmospheric oxygen: 2Н2S + 3О2 = 2Н2О + 2SO2, then for the combustion of the resulting sulfur dioxide: SO2 + ? O2 \u003d SO3, then by the interaction of sulfur trioxide with water: SO3 + H2O \u003d H2SO4, then, as you know, we can get sulfuric acid with the associated production of heat in the appropriate amount. In the production of sulfuric acid, about 194 kcal / mol is released.

Thus, either hydrogen and sulfur or sulfuric acid can be obtained from the water of the Black Sea with the associated production of heat in the appropriate amount. It remains only to extract hydrogen sulfide from the deep layers of the sea. This is confusing at first.

One of the scientific developments proceeds from the fact that in order to lift the deep layers of sea water saturated with hydrogen sulfide, it is not at all necessary to expend energy on pumping it. According to this scientific development, it is proposed to lower a pipe with strong walls to a depth of up to 80 meters and once raise water from a depth through it in order to obtain a gas-water fountain in the pipe due to the difference in the hydrostatic pressure of water in the sea at the level of the lower cut of the channel and the pressure of the gas-water mixture at that the same level inside the channel (recall that every 10 meters the pressure in the sea rises by one atmosphere). This is an analogy with a bottle of champagne. When we open a bottle, we lower the pressure in it, because of which the gas begins to be released in the form of bubbles, and so intensely that the bubbles, as they rise, push the champagne in front of them.

Pumping out the first time a column of water from the pipe - this will just be the opening of the cork. It is reported that a group of scientists from Kherson conducted a ground experiment back in 1990, confirming the operation of such a fountain until hydrogen sulfide in the sea runs out. The full-scale marine experiment also ended successfully. A very revealing example, when the existence of life is under threat, the planet is saved by a bunch of lone heroes, to whom, in addition, the government and everything around are placed. And where is the whole state potential, with its scientific power, computers, programs, being asked at this time? Skeptics can easily check the data on their fingers by sailing further into the sea and lowering a thick hose with a load on the end into the water. It is not only recommended to smoke at this time, so that it does not work out, as in Chukovsky's poems.

Many probably remember the words of Korney Chukovsky's poem: "And the chanterelles took matches, went to the blue sea, lit the blue sea." But few people know that the children's poems of Korney Chukovsky are very carefully studied by astrologers: as in the quatrains of Michel Nostradamus, these poems contain a lot of interesting predictions. Leonid Utyosov helped with geo-referencing of the "place of arson": "The bluest Black Sea in the world is mine!" Until recently, this sea was practically the only place of rest for the inhabitants of the whole country - the USSR. Even the great strategist, Ostap Bender, marked himself there in search of twelve chairs. And he did not pay for the small with his life in Yalta at the time of the famous Crimean earthquake of 1928. Coincidentally, there was a thunderstorm at the time of the earthquake. Lightning struck everywhere. Including at sea. And suddenly something completely unexpected happened: columns of flame began to break out of the water to a height of 500-800 meters. Here are such matches and chanterelles. Chemists know two types of hydrogen sulfide oxidation reactions: H2S + O = H2O + S; H2S + 4O + to = H2SO4. As a result of the first reaction, free sulfur and water are formed. The second type of H2S oxidation reaction proceeds explosively during the initial thermal shock. As a result, sulfuric acid is formed.

It was the second course of the H2S oxidation reaction that was observed by the inhabitants of Yalta during the earthquake in 1928. Seismic tremors stirred deep-sea hydrogen sulfide to the surface. The electrical conductivity of an aqueous solution of H2S is higher than that of pure sea water. Therefore, electric lightning discharges most often fell into areas of hydrogen sulfide raised from the depth. However, a significant layer of pure surface water extinguished the chain reaction. By the beginning of the 20th century, the upper inhabited water layer in the Black Sea was 200 meters.

Thoughtless technogenic activity has led to a sharp reduction in this layer. Currently, in some places its thickness does not exceed 10-15 meters. During a severe storm, hydrogen sulfide rises to the surface, and vacationers can smell a characteristic smell. At the beginning of the century, the Don River supplied up to 36 km3 of fresh water to the Azov-Black Sea basin. By the beginning of the 1980s, this volume had decreased to 19 km3: the metallurgical industry, irrigation facilities, field irrigation, and city water pipes. The commissioning of the Volgodonsk nuclear power plant took another 4 km3 of water. A similar situation occurred during the years of industrialization in other rivers of the basin. As a result of the thinning of the surface inhabited water layer, there has been a sharp reduction in biological organisms in the Black Sea. So, for example, in the 50s, the number of dolphins reached 8 million individuals. Nowadays, meeting dolphins in the Black Sea has become a rarity. Fans of underwater sports sadly observe only the remnants of miserable vegetation and rare flocks of fish, rapans have disappeared.

Few people think, for example, that all marine souvenirs sold along the Black Sea coast (decorative shells, mollusks, starfish, corals, etc.) have nothing to do with the Black Sea. Traders bring these goods from other seas and oceans. And in the Black Sea, even mussels have almost disappeared. Since ancient times, sturgeon, horse mackerel, mackerel, and bonito, harvested since ancient times, disappeared back in the 1990s as a commercial species. (That is, there are no longer scows full of mullet that Kostya brought to Odessa, and in general, no one has adored anyone for a long time).

But this is not the worst! If the Crimean earthquake happened today, then everything would end in a global catastrophe: billions of tons of hydrogen sulfide are covered by the thinnest water film. What is the scenario of a probable cataclysm? As a result of the primary thermal shock, a volumetric explosion of H2S will occur. This can lead to powerful tectonic processes and movements of lithospheric plates, which, in turn, will cause devastating earthquakes around the globe. But that is not all! As a result of the explosion, billions of tons of concentrated sulfuric acid will be released into the atmosphere.

It will no longer be modern weak acid rain after our plants and factories. Acid showers after the explosion of the Black Sea will burn out all living and non-living things on the planet! Or almost everything.

Nature is wise! The origin of life on the planet is too expensive from an energy-informational point of view. Almost all biological forms on earth have a carbon basis of the structure of the organism, and DNA with left polarization. But there are, as modern microbiologists know, 4 types of bacteria with right-handed DNA polarization.

These bacteria "live" on the planet in completely isolated conditions from other forms. They were found in the sour boiling water of volcanoes! Apparently, it is these bacteria that will give a new impetus to the development of life on Earth if our civilization fails to become intelligent and still ends up with global suicide! Attempts to wise up are still hard to see. Humanity is rushing headlong to what the ancient prophets called the End of the World.

The longer you live, the more you are surprised by the stories, legends and mysteries that our land keeps. Weren't you surprised, for example, by the fact that the Greeks originally called the Black Sea - inhospitable (Pontus Aksinsky) and considered it unsuitable for navigation? Why were these experienced sailors unable to cross the Bosphorus? All their ships crashed on the rocks.

Why then was the sea renamed into hospitable (Euxine), and many Greek colonies appeared on the coast at once? What is the mystery here? Why do archaeologists find cuneiform tablets in some Danubian settlements? Where did this same hydrogen sulfide come from, which, filling the depths of the Black Sea, does not allow anything living to develop? Scientists believe that hydrogen sulfide is of relatively recent origin. Where did representatives of the flora and fauna, characteristic of the Baltic Sea, come from here, and which are completely absent in the Mediterranean Sea?

The list of questions could go on. But all these questions are like parts of one mosaic. You pick up the parts, put one on top of the other, and gradually an amazing picture begins to emerge. One more piece ... and you freeze with admiration - it worked!

What do we get? There is a hypothesis that around the 7th century BC, as a result of a cataclysm, a giant wave (remember the legends about the Flood) from the Baltic Sea, washing away everything in its path, falls into the Black Sea. The water level in the Black Sea is rising significantly. A huge amount of plant and soil remains fall to the bottom of the sea, during the decomposition of which an excess of hydrogen sulfide is released. All coastal cities forever remain under water. Islands disappear one day.

There is even an assumption that Plato was mistaken, and Atlantis was in the Black Sea. Now several scuba diving clubs and amateur enthusiasts are looking for evidence to support this version. They make very interesting discoveries, which, perhaps, will change our understanding of the history of not only this region, but the entire Ancient World.

The Danube Delta is also of constant interest to underwater researchers. After all, the legendary leader Attila is ready, according to one version, he was buried at the mouth of the Danube. He lies in three coffins - gold, silver and iron, between which coins of corresponding denominations were poured for weight. Finding it is an old dream of archaeologists.

Sometimes the state becomes interested in underwater searches for sunken relics. So it was in the USSR in the twenties. The famous EPRON (Special Purpose Underwater Expedition) was created in the bowels of the NKVD to search for treasures in the Black Sea, in particular the legendary Black Prince.

The Black Prince is an English ship that sank during the Crimean War. He got into a severe storm in the area of ​​​​Feodosia and more than half a million gold coins rest in his holds. They have been trying to find this ship for many years, but so far to no avail.

Interesting information about the Turkish ship "Capital", which, along with several tons of silver coins, was sunk in the Ochakov area. His treasures also lie still on the seabed. Each of these ships is worthy of a separate description, and there are hundreds of other lost ships that remain in obscurity.

When I had a chance to talk with an American professor, he was extremely surprised that, having such an amazing land with such an extraordinary history, we live so poorly. America would be twice as rich with such an ancient history. This is not only pride, but also a lot of money that can be earned by tourism, books, souvenirs. “Why do you write so little about the history of this region?” the professor asked me. What could I answer him? Tell sad stories about officials who will ruin even the most interesting idea, and who do not care about history? Or talk about writers who need to eat at least every other day.

I said nothing then, but now I think that the American was right. A relatively small investment will bring fantastic returns. It is not even the result of the search that is important here, but the process itself. If the rest is organized well, then foreign tourists will come to us. In addition to the opportunity to search for sunken ships and ancient cities, catacombs are of interest to tourists in Odessa. Apparently, these are the largest catacombs in the world. If I'm wrong, then feel free to correct me. And most importantly, cheerful, enterprising people live here, who have not lost the spirit of healthy adventurism. “Foreigners will help us,” Ostap Bender used to say. The American promised all kinds of assistance in familiarizing his compatriots with this project.

And since such plans are born in Odessa, it means that we still have a place for noble dreamers and scope for romantics. So we live!

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