Pickled corn on the cob without sterilization. Methods for harvesting corn: recipes for home preservation. Benefits of the Queen of the Fields

We are used to seeing canned corn grains on supermarket shelves. Few people notice that canned corn on the cob is also sold. It is no less tasty and tender. You can cook it at home. How to cook pickled corn in jars?


Corn 6 piece(s) Vinegar 2 tbsp peppercorns 3 pieces)

  • Servings: 4
  • Time for preparing: 15 minutes

This recipe is quite simple, there is nothing superfluous in it. For cooking you will need:

  • 6 young ears of corn;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 st. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar;
  • laurel and peppercorns, if desired.

Put the prepared corn in a saucepan, cover with water, bring to a boil and cook for about 7 minutes. Drain the water, pack the cobs tightly in sterile jars. If they are large, you can first cut them.

Pour vinegar into a jar, put pepper and laurel. Now get on with the marinade. To prepare it, simply dissolve sugar and salt in boiling water. Fill jars of cobs with marinade and roll them up with lids.

Pickled corn at home is no worse than store-bought.

Pickled corn with bell pepper

According to this recipe, you will get a delicious and unusual snack that you are unlikely to meet with your friends. Prepare these foods:

  • 6 cobs of young corn;
  • 1 large bell pepper;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 4 peppercorns;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tsp vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sugar and salt.

The recipe with a photo of pickled corn is quite simple. Pre-boil the peeled corn in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Arrange it in prepared jars. If necessary, cut large heads of cabbage into pieces. But it is better to use small cobs. Between the cobs of corn, lay out thin slices of bell pepper, bay leaves, garlic, peppercorns.

Dissolve salt and sugar in boiling water, pour corn with this marinade. When it warms up well, drain the marinade back into the pot and boil it. Pour the marinade back into the jars. At the very end, pour table vinegar (9%) into jars. Roll up the jars with lids. You can store this blank at room temperature, but it is better to put the jars in a cool pantry or cellar.

Whichever recipe you choose, cook the cobs thoroughly, scraping off all the leaves and hairs from them. Even a couple of hairs in the jar will cause the brine to darken. Also, don't forget about sterilization. Pickled corn without sterilization will not last the winter.

Corn became widespread in Europe at the end of the 19th century. French and Italian dishes are prepared using corn on the cob. Canned grains are used in the preparation of salads by the Spaniards and Greeks.

Corn kernels are 70% protein. They contain B vitamins and a substance called biotin. Biotin regulates the carbohydrate-fat balance in the human body and is involved in the synthesis of antioxidants that slow down the aging process. also contains a large amount of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, which have a positive effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

Corn on the cob rots within two weeks after harvest, and when frozen, corn loses a large amount of vitamins. Canned corn - great way preserve its beneficial properties.

Cob canning is suitable for those who like to eat corn with salt, and grains harvested for the winter will be an excellent side dish for meat and are perfect for salads.

Preserved corn cobs

The cobs are cleaned of leaves and corn stigmas. If the top of the cob is not ripe, the soft part is cut off with a sharp knife or broken off. Then the corn is put in a saucepan, poured with cold water and put on a strong fire.

After boiling, the fire is reduced and the cobs are cooked until tender. Milk corn is boiled for about 30 minutes, and mature corn for one hour. Do not add salt while cooking.

Boiled corn cobs are washed with cold water, and then put into a three-liter glass jar, which is pre-sterilized.

In order for the jar not to crack, the corn and the surface of the jar must be at the same temperature. Then you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • add two tablespoons of salt and four tablespoons of sugar to the jar;
  • pour boiling water over the jar;
  • sterilize a jar of corn for 40 minutes.

The jar is then covered with a blanket. Corn is left covered for two days until completely cooled. After cooling, one tablespoon of 9% vinegar is added to the jar and the lid is rolled up.

Canning corn kernels

The corn is boiled, the grains are cleaned from the cobs. Then the grains are laid out in sterile jars. Add one tablespoon of salt and three teaspoons of sugar to warm water. The marinade is brought to a boil and carefully poured into jars. They are sterilized for 40 minutes, rolled up and wrapped.

Pickled corn can be prepared in several ways - in grains or on the cob. If there is a lot of corn that you want to prepare for the winter, then it is best to cook on the cob - this will save you a lot of time.

When buying corn, look for cobs with tender milk grains. The leaves should be juicy, not dry, and the hairs at the base of the cob should be light. To check the degree of maturity, it is enough to run your fingernail along the grain at the base of the cob - if milk juice comes out, the corn is young and sweet. If starch appears, then such corn has already overripe and is not suitable for conservation.

This recipe for Pickled Corn on the Cob makes six corn on the cob, so be sure to increase the amount of water and sugar as needed.

The cobs need to be well cleaned of leaves and hairs - if you leave a few stigmas, the brine in which the corn will pickle will darken. Wash the peeled cobs and transfer to a convenient pan.

Pour water over cobs and bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil the corn for 5-7 minutes - the water should boil.

This pickled corn recipe is suitable for preservation on the cob of various maturity - you can preserve thin milk cobs, or you can preserve already quite ripe corn.

Throw the boiled cobs in a colander and rinse in running water. Lay the corn out on a towel and let dry slightly.

Divide the corncobs to size so that they fit well in the prepared jars. If the banks are not very large, you can break the ears into two or three parts.

Lay the cobs tightly in each jar - the jars must first be sterilized.

Pour a bite into each jar, add spices if desired - peppercorns and bay leaf.

Prepare marinade from water, salt and sugar.

Bring the marinade to a boil, boil for several minutes and immediately pour into prepared jars.

Pickled corn for the winter will be well stored at home even at room temperature, for this it must be sterilized.

How to sterilize pickled corn on the cob:

Pickled corn on the cob can be sterilized in several ways. If you have an air grill, then this will be quite simple to do. At the bottom of the flask, put the lower grate and put the jars covered with lids on it. This method is suitable for jars with screw caps. Set the temperature to 120-140 degrees and sterilize the jars at medium speed for 60 minutes. After that, immediately hot, close tightly and turn the top over during the day. Wrap the jars in a warm blanket or towel and leave to cool slowly for about 10 hours - preferably overnight.

If there is no air grill, you can sterilize in the oven or in a regular saucepan. Be sure to put a towel at the bottom of the pan so that the jars do not burst from the temperature difference when heated. Record the time for sterilization depending on the size of the cans: liter - 60 minutes, 3-liter - at least two hours.

Cooked corn can be served as an appetizer on its own or used in salads and other more elaborate dishes. Corn on the cob can be reheated microwave oven or steamed, add a piece of butter and fresh herbs. To add corn to a salad, it is enough to cut the kernels with a sharp knife and add them to the finished treat. Bon appetit!

Experienced culinary specialists do not even stop at the counters with food manufacturers' products - they know the real price of these products. Almost any product can be prepared at home, so canned corn recipes will certainly interest you.

Salads with these yellow-orange juicy grains are an enduring favorite on our menu - both on weekdays and on holidays.

Canned corn is universally compatible with fresh and boiled vegetables, meat, seafood and fish, and even fruits. It can be used as a salad ingredient, as a delicious side dish, and as a garnish. Therefore, having an adequate supply of home-canned corn in your bins will be a practical solution.

I would also like to note that the calorie content of canned corn is only 118 calories per 100 g of grains. This fact allows you to eat it without fear of gaining extra pounds. Corn does not lose its useful properties in the process of long heat treatment, improves metabolism, helps to overcome stress and gives energy. Therefore, how many calories are in canned corn is not so important if nutritionists often include it in their diet for weight loss.

Canned corn recipes are simple and very easy to implement. The result is always excellent! Having once tried to preserve your favorite product at home, you will no longer buy canned food in the store. There is a huge difference in taste and safety. Let's choose a recipe!

Recipe with citric acid


  • corn on the cob- how much + -

Marinade for a half-liter jar:

  • - 1 tbsp. l. + -
  • - half tsp + -
  • Lemon acid- a third of tsp + -


  • Boil the cobs in salted (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) water for 40-50 minutes. Take them out and leave to cool. Leave the corn broth for filling.
  • We cut off the grains from the cooled cobs and pour them into sterile jars to the “shoulders” of the jar. In each jar we put 1 tbsp. granulated sugar, half a teaspoon of table salt and a third of tsp. citric acid.
  • Bring the broth to a boil and pour the contents of the jars with a boiling marinade solution. We cover each jar with a boiled lid and set to sterilize for 15-20 minutes.
  • We roll up the lids using a canning tool, put the jars upside down on a flat surface and wrap them with something warm for pasteurization. We transfer the cooled canned food to the storage place.

Vinegar Recipe

  • Composition of 1 liter of marinade:
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. with a slide
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. without peas
  • Vinegar 9% (for 1 can of 0.5 l) - 2 tsp


Recipe with vegetables

  • Corn cobs - how much to eat
  • Carrot
  • Zucchini
  • Bulgarian red pepper
  • Sugar
  • Apple vinegar
  • Parsley
  • Dill


Secrets of canned corn at home

  • For one half-liter can of canned corn, you need about 5 ears.
  • Corn is a capricious culture! Doesn't like canning! This is due to the complete absence of acids in it. It has a lot of sugar and starch, and the minimum amount of natural preservatives. Therefore, it must be placed in high-quality sterilized jars, covered with sterile lids, pasteurized in water and under a warm blanket. Then the canned food will not explode!
  • The proportions of salt and sugar can be changed to suit your taste - if you sterilize canned food with high quality, then it will not let you down!

Canned corn, the recipes of which we examined in detail, turns out to be tasty, juicy and absolutely safe for health. Having a sufficient supply of your own production, your menu will shine with unusual salads and beautiful sunny decor! Bon appetit!

Corn lovers should try making it salty. For harvesting, you can use both individual grains and whole cobs. But in order to prepare whole cobs, it is worth choosing young fruits, they are easier to put in containers, and their taste will turn out to be more tender. Here you will find how to salt baby corn on the cob and kernels.

The most delicious and juicy corn is on the cob, and if they are also young, then the vegetable has a delicate taste. It is young fruits that can be salted for the winter, they are conveniently placed in small containers and subsequently consumed. Salting such fruits is very simple, you only need salt and the fruits themselves. Let's take a closer look at how to salt corn on the cob for the winter.

Required Ingredients:

  • Corn cobs - 1 kilogram;
  • Salt - 20 grams;
  • Water - 1 liter.

Preservation of young ears of corn:

  1. Cobs should be well cleaned of leaves and panicles, large cobs can be freed from grains and only grains can be used, young fruits are harvested whole;
  2. When the fruits are peeled, they should be dipped in hot water and boiled until tender, the cooking time depends on the size and degree of ripeness of the fruits, after cooking, the pulp should be soft;
  3. Ready pulp can be transferred to sterilized jars;
  4. In a separate container, the brine should be boiled, it is boiled from water and the prescribed amount of salt, after boiling it is boiled for about 5 minutes, after which the solution is allowed to cool completely, it is at this time that it is worth preparing the fruits themselves;
  5. When the solution has cooled, it is necessary to fill in the prepared containers with it;
  6. To extend the shelf life, it is necessary to cover the blanks with lids and put them in hot water for sterilization, usually 40-60 minutes are enough;
  7. Then you can close the blanks with lids and send them to a cool storage place.

Our culinary specialists have prepared for you other recipes that will allow you to decorate your table. Marinated, or, which can be added to salads - all this will not only decorate the celebration, but all your household members will like it.

How to salt corn in grains with sterilization

For more correct preparation of blanks, the container and the contents of the twist must be properly sterilized. Only with such sterilization can you be sure that the twist will be stored for a long time, and after all, for blanks it is necessary long term storage.

Required Ingredients:

  • Corn - 2-3 kilograms;
  • Sugar - 3 teaspoons;
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Water - 1 liter.

  1. First you need to separate the grains from the very base, you can do this with a knife, or you can dip the cobs in boiling water for a few minutes, then immediately send them to cold water, from such manipulations the grains are easily removed from the cob;
  2. Grains are boiled in hot water for several minutes, hard fruits can be cooked longer so that they acquire the necessary softness;
  3. Now is the time to prepare the brine for salting, it is prepared from water, sugar and salt, the mixture needs to be boiled a little;
  4. The finished pulp is transferred to prepared containers, their volume should be no more than 2/3 of the total volume of the jar;
  5. The pulp is immediately poured with a hot solution, covered with sterilized lids from above;
  6. Now the blanks are sent for sterilization in hot water or sterilized in another way;
  7. For greater reliability, you can send blanks for sterilization several times, after sterilization, the jars are allowed to cool, then they are again sent for sterilization. In this way, twists can be processed 3 times, during the entire sterilization, all harmful microorganisms will be removed from the mixture and the mixture will be stored for a long time.

Canning sweet corn at home without sterilization

The workpiece is usually prepared using different ways sterilization. But there is not always time and opportunity to sterilize containers. This recipe for pickling corn can be used for blanks without sterilization, so the cooking time is significantly reduced. But it certainly won't change the taste. The ingredients are designed to prepare 1 small jar of salt, if necessary, increase the number of ingredients.

Required Ingredients:

  • Corn grains - 2 cups;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • Water - 1 liter.

How to preserve corn for the winter:

  1. The grains are separated from the cob, boil water separately, remove from the heat and place the pulp in it for about half an hour, it is best to steam it, for example, wrap it in a warm blanket, in this case, the grains will move away from the cob well;
  2. Now you need to put a measured amount of water on the fire, bring to a boil, then you need to lower the prepared grains, salt, sugar there, this mixture should boil over low heat for about half an hour;
  3. Salting containers are sterilized in a convenient way and turned upside down;
  4. After this, the grains can be transferred to sterilized glass containers and rolled up with lids, and the solution itself can be used along with the fruits, it will allow the pulp to be stored correctly, and microbes will not develop. Sterilized jars can be filled simply with pulp, without using brine, only the pulp must be carefully tamped into the container, so it will be better stored;
  5. Such vegetables are not too salty, which means that washing or keeping in cold water it just won't be needed. But if you wish, you can add a little more salt than indicated in the recipe, such pulp can be used in dishes without adding salt.

How to preserve fresh corn with pepper

Corn can be salted along with various seasonings, but pepper is the most suitable seasoning, and it can be used fresh, or dried ground pepper can be added. Dry seasoning has more pronounced taste and aroma, so you need to add them a little. Spicy corn is quite unusual and goes well with other components of various salads.

Required Ingredients:

  • Corn on the cob - 6 pieces;
  • Salt - 5.5 tablespoons;
  • Garlic - 10 cloves;
  • Hot pepper - 2 pods;
  • Peppercorns - 1 teaspoon;
  • Water - 2 liters.

how to salt corn for the winter:

  1. First you need to prepare all the ingredients, cut the corn into pieces no more than 5 centimeters thick or disassemble into grains, removing the leaves and strings;
  2. Garlic must be peeled, you can chop the garlic in large slices, or you can leave whole cloves;
  3. Hot peppers need to be washed, cleaned of seeds, cut into thin slices or circles, if desired, you can increase or decrease the amount of hot pepper to make the mixture the desired spiciness;
  4. It is necessary to shift the cooked fruits into the salting container, then cover it all with prepared spices;
  5. Now you need to prepare the brine, it is prepared from water and salt, the main thing is that the salt is completely dissolved, after which it will be possible to strain the mixture through a dense cloth so that the salt residue remains on the cloth;
  6. The whole mixture must be covered with a cloth or gauze, put a plate of a suitable size on it, and then put the load;
  7. For the mixture you need to find a dark place room temperature and put it there, the workpiece should be salted for 4 days;
  8. After this time, you need to begin to control the degree of salting of the pulp, you need to taste it. If the taste is salty enough, then you can store it in a cool room, and if the pulp is not yet salty, then leave it in the room;
  9. Dry mustard powder can be added to the mixture, this will increase the shelf life of the workpiece, mustard also gives the pulp a richer and sharper taste.

Salted corn recipe

Salted corn is easy enough to prepare, it may take more time to separate the grains from the base itself, but this business has its own secrets. If you put the cobs first in hot water, and then quickly transfer them to ice, then the grains will move away easily. The recipe does not use vinegar or other acid, so the workpiece must be sterilized for a long time, especially if it is not stored in a cool room.

Required Ingredients:

  • Corn cobs - 2 kilograms;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Water - 1000 milliliters.

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. First, you can prepare a brine, to prepare it, you need to pour a measured amount of sugar and salt into the water, mix well until the crystals dissolve. Various debris may be present in the liquid, it can simply be filtered through a dense cloth;
  2. Now it is worth paying attention to the ears and separating the grains from the base. To do this, the ears must be placed in a large pot, pour water, boil after boiling for about 50 minutes, large ears may require more cooking time, after cooking, the pulp can be removed from boiling water and left to cool, then you can carefully remove the grains from the cob;
  3. Ready grains should be washed under running water, preferably using a colander;
  4. Corn must be transferred to salting containers and then poured with prepared saline;
  5. Almost finished spins must be placed in boiling water for sterilization, they must be sterilized for 2.5-3 hours, only after that the workpiece can be stored for a long time in any room;
  6. After sterilization, it is necessary to roll up the jars with iron lids, wrap them upside down with a warm blanket and leave to cool;
  7. Only completely cooled spins can be stored.

Corn is used in a variety of ways, but for the preparation of savory dishes, you can use the salty version of the preparation. It is convenient to salt this vegetable in small glass jars so that the laying process is easier, and appearance remained on top. Ready-made pickles can be consumed in this form or added to other dishes.

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