Soaking apples for the winter. Soaked apples "Antonovka": a recipe for an old Russian snack. Soaked apples with carrots and cabbage

A jar with soaked Antonovka is emptying before our eyes. And for the New Year and Christmas table, pimples are very necessary: ​​they are best set off by a fat duck or boiled pork. Yes, and in the morning after a feast such an apple is eaten with a bang. And for this case, I have an express recipe for pickled apples.

Of course, Antonovka is no longer to be found. But the green juicy Granny Smith will also do, and even the red-sided domestic ones under the strange name Harvest 2010. Let's immediately forget about the stupid advice to line the bottom of the piping dish with currant and cherry leaves. Even in September they are already touched by diseases and decay.

Let's do it easier. Boil water in a saucepan. For one liter, add a teaspoon of salt with a slide, 2 teaspoons of grain mustard, boil for a couple of minutes. Remove from heat, dissolve 1 tablespoon of honey in brine. Let's cool.

Rinse the apples thoroughly in hot water with a sponge. Dry, cut with an apple cutter. It is advisable to cut so that the apple does not fall into segments, but the slices will come off. We carefully put it in a jar with a wide mouth, fill it with cooled brine and put it on the kitchen table for 10 days. We do not close the jar tightly, it is even better to just close it with a thick linen napkin. If there are few apples, then be sure to put a weight so that the fruit does not float in the brine. Then we transfer it to the cold. Of course, ideally, you should keep them in the cold for a couple of weeks, but after a week they will already be good.
Yes, it happens that apples ferment with difficulty, then you can push them: 3-4 days after laying in the brine, add half a cup of cabbage brine.

Soaked apples - what could be easier. You stack apples, fill them with brine and wait ... But, not everything is as simple as it seems. Therefore, I offer this proven recipe for homemade apples. I inherited it from my grandmother.

Apples cooked on it are very tasty and firm. Crispy like fresh. It is not at all difficult to make such a preparation for the winter, but they are usually eaten very quickly. Although, in a good cellar they can be stored until spring. And most importantly, most of the vitamins in pickled apples are preserved, and therefore, the benefits of them to the body are undeniable.

For homemade pickled apples, we need:

- Strong, flawless fruits of apples of any sour variety (we ruthlessly reject soft, spoiled or sweet fruits).

For brine:

- Water 10 liters

- Sugar - 300 grams (or honey)

- Table salt - 150 grams

- malt wort

Some people are intimidated by the unfamiliar ingredient of the wort, in fact, the recipe for its preparation is very simple.

- Mix 100 grams of malt in 1 liter of water and boil the resulting mixture, let stand for a day, and then add to the brine.

If you couldn't find the malt, don't be upset. In that home recipe it can be replaced with rye flour or dry kvass. 100 grams will be enough.

In order for apples to have a pleasant honey aroma and aftertaste, I recommend partially replacing sugar with honey, counting 120 grams of honey instead of 100 grams of sugar.

And, of course, to harvest pickled apples for the winter, we need a container in which we will soak them. You can, of course, harvest apples simply in glassware - jars. But, it is best to use small wooden barrels for urination, which must be steamed in advance and lined with finely chopped straw with scalded boiling water. If you did not find straw, then blackcurrant and cherry leaves can be poured onto the bottom of the barrel, which will add additional flavor to our winter preparation.

She talked more about preparing for urinating apples. But now that we have everything we need at our fingertips, making pickled apples is not difficult.

We start cooking by filling the prepared containers with washed apples, shifting each layer with straw or leaves of fruit trees, the top layer must be made of leaves.

We fill our blanks ahead of time with the prepared brine.

To start fermentation - keep apples from 8 to 10 days at room temperature.

Do not be afraid of the foam that will rise above the salting jars during this period. After the foam stops rising, glass jars or barrels can be topped up with brine and: the jars can be rolled up, and the barrels can be covered. I usually cover wooden barrels with thick cellophane soaked in alcohol (for a snug fit to the edges of the barrel) and tie with twine.

Now, soaked apples can be put in a cold place with a temperature of 6 to 15 degrees.

Our apples in the cellar need another month to salt and urinate. Usually my household can't wait for everyone's favorite pickled apples to be ready. Thank you grandma for such a delicious and healthy homemade recipe.

Apples are a source of a huge amount of vitamins and useful micro and macro elements. But it is not always possible to keep them fresh for a long time. Soaked apples with mustard are a simple and tasty way to preserve fruits for the winter, thanks to heat treatment.

Rules for choosing apples

A large percentage of success in the preparation of soaked fruit lies in the correct choice of apples. The most suitable for soaking are late varieties, mostly green and white. Such varieties include, for example, simirenko, antonovka, white filling or pepin.

It is also necessary to consider the following fruit selection rules:

  1. For cooking, apples taken directly from the tree are used; fallen fruits should be discarded immediately.
  2. Apples that have any damage or signs of rotting are not suitable for use.
  3. When choosing purchased fruits, preference should be given to those grown in households and not subjected to additional chemical processing (such substances can negatively affect the taste of the dish, not to mention harm to health).
  4. The fruits should be ripe, firm and of medium size. Since the soaking process is based on fermentation processes, small apples will quickly turn sour, and very large ones will cook unevenly.

Preparation of fruits and containers

The fruits selected for urination should not be immediately put into processing. They must first be allowed to rest for 2-3 weeks. This time allows you to identify fruits that have damage, and discard them.

As for the container, the traditional tub made of wood is considered the most suitable. In it, the process of urination proceeds in compliance with all the rules. Wood, which serves as material for barrels, protects the ingredients from rotting, giving them special flavors due to the aromatic resins in its composition.

The barrel must first be soaked in water to prevent further damage, then poured over with boiling water and rinsed thoroughly with a solution of caustic soda. After that, the container is rinsed and again doused with boiling water, and then dried (in good weather it is better to do this in the fresh air).

Of course, it is not easy to find such a barrel in modern conditions, so you can replace it with glass, ceramic or enameled containers.

Important! Any utensils should be thoroughly washed before use.

Urine technology

The process of urinating apples with mustard and other fruits is to convert fructose from them into lactic acid and alcohol. Yeast and lactic acid bacteria serve as a stimulator of this transformation. As a result, soaked fruits acquire a specific sweet-sour "soaked" taste.

In all recipes, there is a recommendation to shift the layers of soaked fruits with straw or leaves. This is necessary to preserve the apples, as this reduces the load, and to give them additional color. In addition, fruits during soaking will acquire a special aroma and taste.

There is no significant difference in how exactly to shift pickled apples. The main condition is that the straw or foliage must be clean, with no signs of fungal diseases. For 50 kg of product, you need to take 1 kg of transfer material, which must be poured over with boiling water 2-3 times before use. Shrub leaves must first be soaked in cold water.

Apples placed in containers are poured with a specially prepared liquid containing salt, sugar and pre-boiled malt. Instead of malt, you can add rye flour diluted in water. Both substances contain an enzyme necessary for the saccharification of starch and the creation of a nutrient medium for microorganisms responsible for fermentation processes.

The first stage of urination occurs at a temperature of 12-15 ° C for 4-5 days. The final fermentation is carried out at a temperature of - 1 ... + 2 ° C or if it is impossible to cool at a temperature not exceeding 10 ° C. The preparation process lasts 1-2 months, depending on the recipe.

Important! When soaking apples, you need to have a supply of clean cold water nearby. At first, the fruits “consume” a lot of liquid, so it will have to be added periodically.


To prepare pickled apples with mustard, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 10 kg of apples;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 210 g sugar;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • 50 g of malt;
  • 100 g mustard powder.

In addition to the listed components, you can use currant, cherry or raspberry leaves, as well as various herbs and spices to taste.

Step-by-step recipe for pickled apples with mustard

The recipe for pickled apples with mustard is quite simple:

  1. Pre-selected and aged apples are thoroughly washed and set aside for a while.
  2. Salt, sugar and water are combined and mixed.
  3. Malt is poured into 100 ml of hot water.
  4. The malt solution is combined with the marinade.
  5. At the bottom of the container lay a layer of straw or leaves, as well as mustard powder.
  6. The fruits are laid in rows, alternating with layers of packing material and mustard.
  7. Fruits are poured with marinade, it should completely cover them a few centimeters above the level;
  8. Oppression is laid on top and left for a week, during which you need to monitor the level of liquid and, if necessary, add it.
  9. After 7 days, the containers are transferred to a cooler place, and the apples reach readiness for another 60 days.

Alternatively, mustard powder can also be added directly to the marinade during marinade preparation.

In the case of using additional additives (herbs, spices), they are also added to each layer.

Little tricks and secrets

Experienced housewives use their secrets to facilitate the process of soaking with mustard and achieve the best result. Some of them:

  1. Purchased fruits must be thoroughly washed before use using ordinary soda or special products to remove the chemical film that is applied for storage in stores.
  2. It is required to clean the lid or plate under oppression weekly and remove the resulting foam.
  3. If mold appears on the walls of the container, it must be cleaned with a solution of baking soda.
  4. Sugar can be completely replaced with honey, taking it in an amount 2 times higher than granulated sugar.
  5. For urination with mustard, you can use plastic containers with an airtight lid, after making sure that they are food grade.

Terms and conditions of storage

It is necessary to store the finished product with mustard in a dark, cool place. Under the right conditions, the dish can be stored until the summer.

Good day, dear readers. I was thinking, why am I writing all about sweet recipes for apples. It's not fair. Of course, or - these are wonderful options for saving for the winter, but other than that, there is such a great way as urinating.

Soaked apples are the same as. That is, the whole process of preserving fruits or vegetables on long term based on the addition of salt and other spices in order to isolate lactic acid from them, which will later serve as a preservative that guarantees the safety of the product.

And if for, for example, raspberries or apricots, this would be strange, then for apples, especially sour winter varieties, just right. They are perfectly soaked both by themselves and in combination with cabbage, horseradish and other vegetables.

And that's what today's collection is about.

Traditionally, apples are soaked in tubs or barrels, but modern living conditions suggest that glass jars are much more convenient and practical. Agree, it is not very convenient to keep a barrel in the apartment, line it with straw and endure the sour smell for 1.5 months while the workpiece is fermenting.

Soaked apples: a simple and quick recipe with sugar

Let's start from the very simple recipe with a minimum of ingredients. In fact, we only need salt and sugar.


1. We carefully sort the apples. Broken ones will not suit us, therefore we do not even consider carrion as an initial product.

Also, do not take large fruits. They should at least fit into the neck of a 3 liter jar. In addition, the smaller the apples, the denser they fit in the jar.

Wash the selected fruits and put them tightly in a thoroughly washed 3 liter jar.

If desired, you can add a couple of leaves of lavrushka and a couple of cloves.

2. In a separate container, dissolve 3 tablespoons of sugar and 3 tablespoons of salt in 1 liter of water. Mix everything thoroughly, pour the brine into a jar and add the usual cold water so as to fill the jar up to the neck.

3. We close the jar with a regular plastic lid and put it in a dark, cool place.

Apples will be ready to eat in 1 month. And they can be stored in this form until the next harvest.

Video on how to cook pickled apples with mustard for the winter

Before we move on to more complex recipes, I suggest watching a very informative video about urinating apples with mustard. In addition to the recipe itself, you will hear a lot of useful little things.

Recipe for pickled apples in jars with honey

To give apples a spicy flavor, you can add honey to the recipe. A good way to diversify winter preparations.

Ingredients for 3 three-liter jars:

  • Apples - 5-6 kg
  • Sugar - 180-200 g
  • Salt - 1 heaping tablespoon
  • Honey - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Water - 5 liters


1. My apples and tightly folded into.

2. Pour ordinary water at room temperature into a separate pan, add salt, sugar, honey to it and mix thoroughly until the honey is completely dissolved.

3. Pour the resulting filling into jars to the very neck. The filling should completely cover the apples.

Pour the rest of the filling into a separate jar - it will still come in handy.

4. We cover the filled jars with lids, and leave them for 5 days at room temperature for fermentation. It is better to put them in a bowl, because during the fermentation process the liquid will overflow.

And this is where the stock of filling prepared earlier comes in handy. It must be topped up so that the apples are always completely immersed in the liquid.

5. After 5 days of fermentation, close the jars with plastic lids and put them in a cool place. After 1 month, the blank will be ready for use.

Traditional rye flour recipe

Previously, apples were soaked in barrels lined with rye straw. Of course, this cannot be done in an apartment, but just for such conditions there is a recipe for cooking with rye flour.


  • Apples "Antonovka"
  • currant leaves
  • 2.5 liters of boiled water at room temperature
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 100 g sugar
  • 100 g rye flour


1. We will fill the jar in layers. First, lay out the currant leaves so that they cover the bottom, then put a layer of apples (you get 3-4 pieces). Repeat the process until the jar is full. The last layer should be currants.

2. In a separate saucepan, mix 2.5 liters of water at room temperature with sugar, salt and rye flour. Add flour little by little, stirring constantly to avoid lumps.

You should get a liquid fill with good foam.

3. Fill the filling with a jar to the very top.

4. Now you need to cover the jar with gauze (so that debris does not get in) and leave it in this form for a month at room temperature. In this case, every day you need to remove the resulting foam.

Yes, it is quite dreary, but believe me, the result is worth it. A month later, soaked apples will be ready.

If the apples are not stacked tightly and float up, use oppression - put a saucer of water on the neck, and a jar of water on it.

Soaked apples at home with cabbage

And finally, I offer a combined recipe that combines sauerkraut and apples. Insanely delicious appetizer that will appeal to everyone without exception.

Ingredients for 1 3 liter jar:

  • Cabbage - 450-600 g
  • Carrots - 150-200 g
  • Apples - 3-4 pcs
  • Salt - 2 tbsp


1. Shred cabbage and mix with carrots in a ratio of 3 to 1. That is, 1 part of carrots is 3 parts of cabbage.

We mix the vegetables, salt and mix again, kneading them slightly so that they release the juice.

Then we put them in a jar along with apples cut into slices, alternating layers. First, a layer of cabbage with carrots, then a few slices of apples.

2. When the jars are completely filled, they must be covered with gauze and left for three days at room temperature, remembering to put them on plates or bowls, as the juice that stands out will overflow.

Also, during these three days, it is necessary to pierce the contents of the jar twice a day with a long wooden skewer in order to release excess air.

After three days, we close the jars with food polyethylene lids and put them away for storage in a cool place.

This appetizer will be ready to eat in a month.

Here are some interesting cooking methods I have collected today. And I strongly recommend that you do not limit yourself to harvesting apples only in a sweet version, be sure to try one of the proposed options.

And that's all for today, thank you for your attention.

Soaking fruits and vegetables has been used for a long time, when sterilization was not yet available. To do this, they took various containers - tubs, barrels. Vegetables and fruits harvested in this way were stored all winter. They acquired an unusual taste, something between conservation and fresh fruits.

The main condition for long-term storage is the addition of salt and sugar to apples, which will be harvested.

Lactic acid is formed, which acts as a preservative.

Prescription soaked apple blanks are stored in a cool place, ideally in the cellar.

The easiest recipe

First, prepare the fruits:

Prepare the marinade for this easy pickled apple recipe:

Soaked apples in jars

It is best to stack the fruits in jars with a volume of 3 liters.

We choose small fruits that will fit tightly into the container and pass into the neck.

We use late varieties, hard, you can even take slightly unripe.

Carefully prepare the fruits: wash, remove debris and leaves.

We wash the urination container with soda (not a detergent!) And pour boiling water over it.

All branches are also washed and cleaned of debris.

At the bottom of the jar, lay out the ingredients in the following order:

  • a layer of leaves with branches of blackcurrant, cherry, mint, lemon balm, raspberry or their pharmaceutical counterparts, if fresh leaves could not be found;
  • you can add sour berries (800 grams per 7-8 kilograms of apples) - cranberries, viburnum;
  • lay out the apples in one layer;
  • put leaves and berries again;
  • the second half of the fruit;
  • cover with leaves so that the rest of the ingredients are not visible.

Pour in the marinade.

For one three-liter jar, one and a half liters of marinade should be prepared.

For 10 liters of such a filling, take 150 grams of salt, 300 grams of honey and 200 grams of rye flour.

The flour is pre-brewed in warm water and stirred to the consistency of sour cream.

Boil water, add brewed flour, honey and salt.

Cool and pour the liquid into the fruits placed in the container.

Put on plastic covers and wait 5-7 days.

During this time, the brine will ferment.

Then lower the dishes into the basement or cellar.

There is one little trick in the recipe: to prevent mold, add 1 tablespoon of dry mustard powder to a jar of pickled apples before pouring the marinade.

Everything will be ready in 4-6 weeks.

A demonstration of sugar canning is shown below:

You will need the following ingredients for this pickled apple recipe:

  • 20 kilograms of apples;
  • half a kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 3 kilograms of rowan berries;
  • 50 grams of salt;
  • 10 liters of water.

Boil water, cool slightly.

Dissolve sugar and salt in it.

Put the main fruits sprinkled with mountain ash in a large container.

Pour the marinade on top so that they are completely covered with it.

Put oppression and set the load - a jar or pot of water, bricks.

The oppression must be covered with brine.

After 5-7 days, the dishes can be taken out to the cold.

During the week, add more marinade if necessary, if the oppression is no longer covered with liquid.

A month later, you can feast on these blanks with mountain ash.

We present to your attention this recipe in the video so that you can see the whole cooking process "first hand":

Apples in pumpkin juice with sea buckthorn

The fruits prepared according to this recipe are sweet, beautiful golden in color and extremely useful.

Follow instructions:

  1. Rinse apples and sea buckthorn berries under running water, dry. We take 100 grams of berries for 4 kilograms of apples.
  2. We spread the fruits in a bowl, sprinkle with sea buckthorn.
  3. Pour in pumpkin juice. To prepare it, we take a ripe pumpkin, peel, cut into pieces and cook with the addition of a small amount of water. When the pulp is cooked, it is necessary to knead it in a decoction, cool and pour apples with this mixture.
  4. Following the cooking recipe, press down with a load for a week, then lower the soaked apples into the cellar.

For urination, you need to take only whole, without cracks, dents and rotten fruits.

It is best to use sweet, sugary varieties.

The more acidic the fruit, the worse it will keep.

Although if you are soaking apples in order to consume them within 2-4 weeks, you can use any variety.

It is important to observe the temperature at which the fruit will be urinated.

Temperatures from 15 ° C to 22 ° C are considered optimal.

At a lower temperature, the process will slow down, and at a high temperature, not only lactic acid bacteria necessary for preservation, but also harmful butyric bacteria will begin to develop.

They give vegetables and fruits a rancid taste.

It is better to take enameled dishes for a recipe for homemade pickled apples - a large pot, a bucket.

You can also use glass containers or plastic, which is designed to store food.

Wash the container thoroughly with soda, pour over with boiling water.

So you disinfect the surface from bacteria.

A delicacy rich in vitamins can be easily made in a city apartment.

Use different ingredients.

Put mint in one jar, thyme in another.

Experiment and enjoy healthy fruits all winter long.

And for dessert today serving interesting recipe rustic apples:

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