Back exercises for stoop. How to maintain the correct posture: a set of exercises from stoop. At the Swedish wall

When we see a stooped person, we subconsciously straighten our back and think, is it really so difficult to walk straight? Indeed, it is difficult. In a stooped person, the muscles that hold the posture relax, he takes the most convenient and comfortable posture for the body and walks bent over. This is very ugly, especially when a girl stoops. Find out the most effective stoop exercises.

There are problems with the legs, scoliosis, pinched nerves, asymmetry of the shoulder bend, acute and chronic pain in the lower back. But where does slouching come from? Why do some walk, as if on a string, smoothly and beautifully, while others cling to the ground and take an unnatural pose?

The reasons may be medical, but most stooped people acquire this defect from an unhealthy lifestyle.

  1. The main reason is inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle. Modern society has been swept by a wave of digital immobilization. Children from infancy know what computers, tablets and phones are. The abundance of gadgets beckons them to spend a lot of time in front of these devices. Such children do not even have the desire to go outside and play outdoor games with their peers. All this affects posture. The child becomes stooped and even hunchbacked, because all the time he is bent over his device. He does not train the back muscles with exercises and games, they become weak and cannot hold the spinal frame.
  2. The same applies to adults. Most modern professions are associated with prolonged sitting at the monitor screen. In the morning we go to work in our car or by public transport, sit all day in one position, in the evening we go home and spend the rest of the day in front of the TV motionless. This lifestyle makes the muscles unable to serve the spine, they simply atrophy. The back begins to hurt, we try to take a bent, unnatural posture.
  3. A common cause of a child's stoop may be his improper sitting at a school desk and at home at his workplace. This may be due to the fact that the desk or desk, the chair is chosen incorrectly. Furniture items must be appropriate for the age of the child. With proper sitting, three right angles should form - between the body and the thigh, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bent knee and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot. If the baby sits incorrectly, tilts his head forward too much, you need to constantly pull him up and develop the habit of even body position.
  4. Often, children and adults slouch when they cannot see what is shown on paper or a computer monitor. Poor vision causes them to intuitively lean forward in order to better see the object of interest. In this case, you can not hesitate - this situation can become a habit. I need to get glasses ASAP.
  5. The wrong, too soft mattress is also a prerequisite for stooping. If you do not want to get or develop a curvature of posture, you need to sleep on hard orthopedic mattresses that will give the body the correct shape.
  6. Some diseases of the legs or back can cause a person to slouch. For example, flat feet, osteochondrosis or asymmetry of the lower extremities.
  7. Loose bones - rickets is also one of the common causes of curvature and stoop. And people are starting to hunchback from infectious diseases - tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.
  8. A curvature can be earned by a person who constantly leans in the same direction. For example, with hearing loss in one ear. He constantly strives to hear the interlocutor better and leans his healthy ear towards the speaker.

Symptoms and possible complications

You need to know not only the psychological causes of stoop, but also how it manifests itself. People with this pathology have a specific appearance. They walk with their head and belly extended forward. The legs are often slightly bent at the knees. There is a rounding of the back.

In some cases, pterygoid scapulae are determined. The shoulders of such people are raised. A photo of a person with a violation of posture was seen by every experienced doctor. Along with stooping, the following symptoms are possible:

  • pain;
  • feeling of heaviness in the back;
  • fast fatigue.

If you do not treat a person, then over time a hump forms. Postural scoliosis often develops. This is a persistent curvature of the spinal column to the side.

Survey plan

Before you align your back, you need to clarify the diagnosis. You need to see a doctor. To clarify the diagnosis will need:

  • radiography;
  • visual inspection;
  • palpation;
  • poll;
  • physical examination.

At the first x-ray examination, the picture is taken only in the standing position of the person. Subsequently, radiography is performed immediately in 2 projections. With functional kyphosis (stoop), no changes are observed, since during the picture the person's back is straightened. Laboratory tests are not required. Treatment is carried out after examination and questioning of the patient.

The doctor must determine:

  • the duration of the violation of posture;
  • main complaints;
  • possible risk factors.

It is necessary to exclude various diseases of the spine (ankylosing spondylitis).

You can restore your posture at home, but for this you need to see a doctor. In this condition, medical and surgical treatment is not carried out. The main aspects of therapy are:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • manual therapy.

The presence of stoop is not an absolute indication for wearing corsets. In this condition, it is possible to use chest belts, correctors and reclinators, but they will be effective only when combined with exercise therapy.

These products help to strengthen the muscles. The most effective thoracolumbar correctors. These devices are temporary.

They stimulate a person to take the correct position of the body, but after removing the belt or corrector, signs of stoop may reappear. Correction of posture is most effective in an active way. It involves training the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. Therapeutic gymnastics children, teenagers, people aged 30 and older are engaged.

The main tasks of exercise therapy are:

  • stretching the pectoral muscles;
  • strengthening the gluteal, rhomboid and trapezius muscles;
  • increase in motor mode.

Gymnastics from stoop should be done for at least six months. It all depends on the age of the person. At the age of 30, posture correction may take 2-3 years. After 40 years, correction is almost impossible.

Lifestyle change

To correct your posture, you will need not only yoga and gymnastics, but also a change in lifestyle. Necessary:

  • choose the best furniture for work;
  • teach your child to sit up straight;
  • move more;
  • exercise;
  • swim more;
  • spend less time sitting on a sofa or chair at a computer or TV.

When buying furniture and appliances for homework, you need to pay attention to the equipment of the chair, the height of the slot and chairs, the size of the computer monitor. A person will not slouch if the workplace is properly organized. The chair must be equipped with a backrest, armrests, a headrest and a footrest.

It is better if it is height adjustable. Armrests should be in line with the table. The monitor is installed in the central part of the table at eye level. Stooped people need to sleep on a flat and firm mattress. When walking, you need to keep your posture straight. Needs to be recharged in the morning. It is recommended to swim in the pool, as moving under water strengthens the back muscles.

Some people may need the help of a psychologist. It is necessary if the appearance of stoop is due to the isolation of a person or his fears.

In case of violation of posture, you need to abandon weightlifting. When stooping, push-ups and bench presses are not recommended.

Stoop Prevention

Slouching posture can be prevented. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • exercise back muscles
  • live a healthy life;
  • periodically swim in the pool;
  • do not complex about your growth;
  • walk and sit with a straight back;
  • sleep on a hard surface on your back;
  • use special orthopedic mattresses;
  • exclude any spinal injury;
  • evenly distribute the load when exercising in gym;
  • eat well;
  • move more;
  • don't sit in one place for a long time.

Parents and teachers should monitor the posture of children and adolescents, otherwise deformation (curvature) of the spine is possible.

Thus, the occurrence of stoop does not pose a great danger. Posture can be improved by following the doctor's instructions. physical exercise for muscle training.

Gymnastics is one of the main conditions for getting rid of stoop. With the help of physical therapy, you can completely restore the health and beauty of posture, get rid of pain and many related problems.

However, it is important to remember that for the right result, you need to practice constantly and regularly. During the recovery period, exercises should be done twice a day. When the spine returns to normal, it will be possible to leave a preventive dose - physical education twice a week. But you can’t completely abandon the exercises - otherwise you will return to your previous state. So, let's begin.

  1. Walk up to the wall and hug it tightly. Heels, buttocks, even shoulder blades and the back of the head should touch the wall. Fix the position and move away from the wall. Try to move in such an even stance around the room. When your back begins to slouch, go back to the wall. This can be done several times until the body understands in which position it needs to be fixed.
  2. The next exercise should also be performed near the wall. Stand one step away from the wall. Turn your face to the wall and lean on it with your hands. And then try to reach the wall with your chest, without moving your arms and legs. It looks like you're pushing up against a wall. But in fact, you are just training your back, arching your shoulder blades. At least 10 repetitions.
  3. Get on all fours. Do the exercise "cat", lowering and raising the lower back as deeply as possible. This is very useful exercise for all organs. Besides, it is absolutely safe. It is even recommended for late-term pregnant women to get rid of back pain without harming the baby. Exercise should be done slowly, with comfort for yourself. Duration is about three minutes.
  4. Lie on your back, stretch your arms in front of you. As you inhale, raise your arms and toes. This exercise perfectly strengthens the muscles of the back and lower back. For those who want to improve the performance of this exercise, we can advise the following. When raising your hands, you can fix them in this position, leaning on a chair. Hold this position for at least a minute - this is an incredibly effective back workout.
  5. To perform the following exercise, you will need a gymnastic stick or at least a mop. You need to put a stick on the shoulder blades from above, as if just below the back of the shoulders. The shoulders in this position are maximally straightened. When the stick fixes the position of the upper back, you can walk with it, make turns and tilts in different directions. Remove the stick no earlier than 15 minutes.
  6. Stand up straight. Legs shoulder width apart. Try to connect the shoulder blades, hands remain motionless. You need to do 20 repetitions, in which you reduce and spread the shoulder blades as much as possible.
  7. Sit on a chair, on its edge. The knees must be closed. Take your hands back and try to touch the place where the back of the chair begins. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. Then relax your body and repeat the exercise again. All movements should be smooth and comfortable, do not force yourself to violence against the body. You need to do at least 10 repetitions of this exercise.
  8. Another effective exercise for stoop. To do this, you need a heavy backpack with books. Put it on in front so that you instinctively pull your shoulders back to hold the weight. This will allow the back to take the correct position and train the necessary muscles. When you remove the backpack, it will be very easy for you to keep your back straight.

You can correct your posture, but it is better to do this in childhood and adolescence. After all, when a person is young, his vertebral cartilages are soft and mobile; as they grow older, they stiffen and become rigid. You can correct stoop in adulthood, but this will require much more effort and time. In any case, an integrated approach is needed to correct posture.

  1. The most important and important thing is gymnastics. Only in addition to it, you need a course of massage done by a competent specialist. An experienced massage therapist will not only stretch the necessary muscles, but also show the exercises of physiotherapy exercises that need to be performed specifically in your case and with your indications. Along with massage, Darsonval and electrophoresis procedures are widely used.
  2. To correct the back and give it the necessary posture, special corsets are used. A few hours a day of wearing such a corset will give an excellent result. Only after removing the corset, you do not need to relax, you should try to keep your back in the same position as in the medical corset.
  3. A great way to fix an even posture is to walk around the room with a stack of books on your head. At the same time, you feel every muscle of your body, and the back takes and remembers the position in which it should be.
  4. When restoring an even posture, it is important to sleep on a hard surface. It could be an orthopedic mattress. Instead of a soft pillow, it is advisable to use a roller. The bed should be longer than height, so that the person does not intuitively bend during sleep.
  5. The best and efficient view sports for straightening the back is swimming. Water relieves excess tension, trains the right muscles and does not give an excessive load. Read more:

Back stoop is a serious deviation that needs to be treated in time. If it is not possible to cope on your own, you should immediately consult an orthopedic doctor. He will prescribe the right treatment. And only patience, regularity and discipline will help to achieve the desired result. Be beautiful and healthy!

The beauty of a person depends not only on a pleasant appearance and well-chosen clothes, but also on the ability to present oneself. In this case, much depends on the correct posture, which is formed from childhood. A timely noticed curvature of the spine in the thoracic region, called, can be corrected with physical activity. Exercises against stoop back can be performed at home.



Stoop is formed for congenital and acquired reasons. If the curvature is promoted by anomalies in the development of the spine, hereditary diseases, then the impact of physical exercises will not bring noticeable results.

The use of exercises to correct stoop in children and adults is effective if it is acquired for physical and psychological reasons:

  1. Being at the table for a long time in the wrong position, fascination with computer, mobile phones at the age of 6 - 7 years.
  2. Uneven distribution of the load on the spine (if you wear an uncomfortable heavy satchel not on your back, but on your shoulder).
  3. Absence physical activity(charging, training in the gym, jogging in the air, sports games).
  4. Self-doubt, shyness in adolescence.
  5. High growth, a load of life problems in adulthood.

Complete relief of posture from stoop in a short time is possible in childhood, when the natural curves of the spine are either still being formed, or the process is at the completion stage. Adults will spend much more time and effort on treatment.

Stoop Exercises

Stoop treatment is effective with an integrated approach, which includes physiotherapy, manual therapy, and massage courses. These methods enhance the effect of physical exercises.

Powerful complex of exercise therapy

Exercise therapy for stoop develops weakened and shortened pectoral muscles, strengthens and stretches muscle tissue supporting the ridge, neck section. The selected complex develops posture, fixes the correct position of the body.

Use exercises in a lying position:

  1. Stretch out your hands. Inhaling, put your hands under your head. Pull your toes towards you. Then breathe freely, count to seven and stretch the spine, directing efforts to the limbs. Exhaling, return the upper limbs to their place. All actions are repeated 6 times.
  2. Bend your arms at the elbows and point them up. Rest with your elbows and head, arch your chest, linger for 10 seconds. Come back, relax. Run 3 times.
  3. Lying to perform the exercise “Bicycle” until fatigue appears.

Gymnastics from stoop includes training, lying face down:

  1. Put your head on the folded upper limbs. The legs are extended and joined together. Take a breath, raise your legs, having previously spread them, exhaling, lower yourself. Go back in reverse order: inhale, raise the limbs, connect, exhale, lower to the surface. Do not stop until fatigue in the abdominal muscles. To relax, shake your pelvis.
  2. Raise your arms and legs at once. Hold on for 1 - 3 minutes. Lower your head, and press your hands to it, connect your palms. Try to stretch your spine. Rock your pelvis to relax.
  3. Head down. Raise your arm and leg diagonally at the same time, and straighten while sipping. Breathe smoothly, without delay. Go back without making sudden movements. Similarly with opposite upper and lower limbs. Do up to 6 times.

The complex of exercises from stoop includes tasks with a knee-wrist emphasis. Tasks are repeated up to 6 times.

  1. Inhaling, raise your hand up, winding it through your side, turn your head in the same direction, look at your fingers. Exhaling, return, and do the same with the other hand.
  2. Position as in the previous exercise. Exhaling, round your back, look down. While inhaling, raise your eyes up and bend at the waist. Try to perform actions with maximum amplitude.
  3. Leave for emphasis on one arm and leg in a cross order. Draw out the remaining limbs. Inhale and exhale one time. Come back. Change arm and leg.
  4. Inhale, bend your arms a little. Slowly lower the top of the body, without touching the floor, and stretch out, leaning on the upper limbs. Exhale and come back.


An effective way to improve posture is yoga. Properly performed exercises (asanas) strengthen, stretch the muscles of the back, chest, and cervical region. Practitioners of yoga stretch the spine, open the chest.

Yoga for stoop offers the following asanas:

  1. Tadasana - hand behind back pose. Clasp your hands behind your back and pull up. The shoulders remain in place, the shoulder blades tend to meet each other. The body does not tilt. Breathe freely. Maintain position by counting to 20.
  2. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana). Lie with your stomach down, bend your arms a little, and lift the top of your body. Follow your breath. The head rushes up. Open the chest, connect the shoulder blades. Do not change positions until tired.
  3. Table pose (Goasana). Lean on your knees and palms apart. The back is straightened, the head does not rise, the eyes look at the floor. Breathe freely through your nose. Count to 20 while holding this position.

Of the exercises that yoga offers, they make up all kinds of complexes. If desired, patients can find suitable for physical capabilities and age. The stoop exercises offered by Serge and Shanti are very popular. They are executed like this:

  1. Stand up straight. Rise up on your toes. Inhale, lift limbs up. Interlace your fingers, bend, bring the shoulder blades together. Exhale, come back. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Inhale, upper limbs to the sides, bend at the waist, head looks up. Exhale, connect the limbs, stretch forward, interlock the fingers. While squatting, round your back. Go back and repeat up to 10 times.
  3. Interlace your fingers behind your back. Inhale, rise on toes, bend. Exhale, return. Perform up to 6 times.
  4. Lie face down. Spread your arms to the sides. Bend the left limb at the elbow, and rest against the floor. Inhaling, turn to the other hand, linger for 15 seconds, breathing is free, return, exhaling. Change hands.
  5. Remaining on the stomach, grab the bent legs by the fingers or ankles, pull them up along with the chest, bend the back, connect the shoulder blades. Breathe freely, hold for 30 seconds. Exhale, release your legs, stretch, relax.
  6. Spread your knees. Upper limbs on the buttocks. Inhale, bend the lower back, tilting the head back, bring the shoulder blades together. Exhale, relax. Bend over again.
  7. Lie face down on the floor. Sigh. Spread the upper limbs, and up, bring the shoulder blades together. Keep an eye on your shoulders so that they do not rise. Freeze for 30 seconds. Exhale, relax.
  8. Stand on four points of support. Inhale, bend over, and come out into a downward facing dog. Exhale, sit on your hind limbs, stretch forward. Repeat up to 15 times.
  9. Relax. Lie down on a roll of a rug or blanket so that the upper part is located on it along with the head. Hands to the side.

Easy charging

To correct your posture, you can use simple but effective exercises. They will help strengthen the muscles of the upper body. Charging from stoop will not take long. But effectiveness will come only from daily use for at least 2-3 months.

The complex consists of the following exercises performed while standing:

  1. Spread your arms and legs. Make 7 - 8 circular movements with the upper limbs.
  2. Lower the upper limbs. Raise your shoulders alternately 7-8 times.
  3. Hands are on the waist. Spread the lower limbs. Raise the shoulder girdle with a sharp movement, lower it slowly 7-8 times.
  4. Bend your arms and clasp them behind your back: one goes from top to bottom, the other from bottom to top. Come back, change the position of the hands. Repeat 7-8 times.
  5. Interlock your fingers behind your back. Stretch forward, bend in the thoracic region, lifting the limbs up. Run 7 - 8 times.

A set of exercises for posture from stoop includes a stand against a wall without a plinth. The body should touch the surface with the back of the head, back at the shoulder blades, buttocks, middle legs (calves) and heels. It is necessary to stand, maintaining the position, starting from 2 to 3 minutes. Every day increase the time, bringing it to half an hour.


Poor posture is like a bad habit. Getting rid of it is difficult, but possible. You need to select the available exercises and start training. Only daily work and self-control over the position of the body will lead to a positive result.

Tables, chairs and computers are at war with our bodies.

Every day they attack our muscles and tendons.

How do they do it?

It's all about lifestyle modern man. Spending endless hours in front of the computer, it is impossible not to hunch over when the shoulders, neck and head strive to move forward.

The good news is that slouching, in most cases, can be corrected on its own by regularly performing a simple set of exercises.

Stop hunching over! Smooth posture in 2 minutes - video.

The main problem with stoop and bad posture is that it all comes unnoticed. At first you slouch at your desk, and a year later you notice that you round your spine at home, at the dinner table.

How does this happen?

The main cause of slouching in adults and children is poor posture. As a rule, the main reason for this is too much time at the computer. Many of us can, without interruption, sit like this all day. Hence the muscle imbalance.

When we stoop, the shoulders, and behind them the neck, go forward, breaking the posture. This posture contracts the chest muscles and weakens the muscles of the back (upper part), creating all the conditions for the appearance of a hump.

Getting rid of such imbalances has a number of advantages. Studies have shown that, in addition to the obvious impact on appearance, correct posture affects our mood, self-confidence and even helps to overcome feelings of fear.

But is it possible to correct your posture if you are no longer at the age when the body is actively growing and easily amenable to corrective measures? Yes. Regularly performing exercises against stoop, you can eliminate the problem, no matter how old you are. Next, we have selected enough for you a simple workout which can be done both at home and in the office.

1. Stretching

Stretching exercises are the main exercises for correcting stoop in any person. Stretching helps relieve tension in the chest, hip flexors, hamstrings, and quads, allowing the spine to assume a vertical position without pushing the body forward and hunching the back.

Try to do each exercise for 20-30 seconds several times a day. If the situation is not as dire as it seems, then just a couple of exercises will be enough in order not to slouch.

Hands in the lock behind the back

This is one of the simplest exercises that allows you to open the pectoral muscles and stretch the shoulders. Concentrate on pulling your shoulders back and down, while keeping your neck straight, do not take it forward.

Stand up straight, arms relaxed at the sides of the body. Clasp your hands behind your back. Gently pull your shoulders back until you feel the maximum opening of the chest and tension in the front of the shoulders.

Hip extensor stretch exercise

Just like spasm in the muscles of the chest and shoulders, spasm of the hip extensors can cause the body to move forward even more. Relaxing this muscle group will help you maintain your posture and resist the stress of sitting for long periods of time.

Try this simple exercise that you can do anywhere:

Start in a classic lunge position: back straight, right leg bent at the knee in front, left leg extended back. Slowly lower your left knee towards the ground until you feel tension in the back of your thigh. For greater effectiveness of the exercise, tighten the calves on the left leg. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds, then do the same with your right leg.

Quadriceps stretch exercise

It would seem that we are talking about stoop. How to fix slouching by paying attention to the lower body? Everything is very simple. Our body is a single organism. Since the quadriceps are in the front of the body, with poor posture, these muscles, just like the muscles of the chest, are compressed. If you spend most of your time at the computer, then doing quadriceps stretching exercises is doubly important for you.

Stand straight, bend one leg at the knee and grab your foot with your hand. Gently pull your foot towards your buttocks until you feel a slight tension in the front of your thigh.

Stretching exercises for the muscles of the back of the thigh

Sitting at a computer for a long time can lead to stagnation in the muscles of the back of the thigh. This congestion can lead to slouching as these muscles are connected to the pelvic spine.

To perform the exercise, sit on the floor, stretch your right leg in front of you, bend your left knee and rest your foot on the knee of your right leg. Lean forward to touch your thighs with your chest, reach for your right foot with your hands.

Hold this position for 20-30 seconds, then repeat with the other leg.

2. Exercise for back

As mentioned earlier, slouching can be the result of weak muscles in the upper back, core, pecs, hamstrings, and hip flexors.

Back exercises are another way to get rid of stoop in adulthood.

Do these exercises several times a week, in addition to your stretching exercises.

Push-ups for shoulder blades

This type of push-up is aimed at working out the muscles of the upper back, which are responsible for the correct position of the shoulders.

Start in a standard push-up position. Make sure your shoulders are relaxed and your body is in a straight line from head to toe.

Now bring your shoulder blades together and return to the starting position. The amplitude of movement in this exercise, compared with classic push-ups, is quite small. However, this is a fairly effective exercise for a stooped back.

Perform 5-10 repetitions.

Wall-mounted blade lifts

Wall-mounted scapular raises target the muscles of the upper back and also help bring the shoulders back into a normal position.

Press your back against the wall. Coccyx, lower back, upper back and head press against the wall, and legs slightly forward. Keep your chin straight, bend your arms at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees and press against the wall, as shown in the picture above.

Hold this position for 30-60 seconds. For greater involvement of the muscles of the upper back, you can slightly move your arms up and down.

Retraction of the shoulder blades using an elastic band

Many people find this exercise difficult at first. Therefore, if you are a beginner, choose elastic bands with minimal resistance.

Wrap an elastic band around a stable object (such as a column or pole) at waist level. Bend your elbows at a right angle, pull the tape towards you, while bringing the shoulder blades together.

Return to starting position. Perform 8-12 repetitions.

3. Yoga

At 30, not all stoop exercises are easy. For example, yoga postures require a person to have a unique combination of strength and flexibility. If you, despite the previously mentioned exercises, are still wondering “how to fix bad posture at home”, then we have selected a few simple but effective yoga poses especially for you.

cobra pose

The cobra pose not only allows you to maximize the chest, but also to work out the muscles of the back. This exercise is great for stooping, helping to straighten your spine and pull your shoulders back.

To perform this exercise, lie on your stomach. Tighten your lower back muscles and push your hands off the floor.

Focus on pulling your shoulders back as much as possible, tilting your head slightly back. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds.

Downward facing dog pose

This pose not only opens up the chest, but also strengthens the front of the shoulders and lengthens the spine.

Get on your knees, rest your hands on the floor so that your palms are exactly under your shoulders, keep your back straight. Gradually straighten your legs while lifting your hips up.

Fix the position for 20-30 seconds.

Upward facing dog

Upward-facing dog is similar to the cobra, except that in this case the hips are off the ground and the arms are fully extended. This pose strengthens the muscles of the chest and abs, as well as the lower back and shoulders.

Lie face down on the floor. Straining your lower back, tear off the body from the floor and, leaning on your hands, stretch your head up.

The hips should be slightly off the floor.

Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. This pose can also be combined with the upward facing dog pose.

4. Core exercises

Sometimes slouching can be a consequence of a weak body - the muscles of the core.

The core muscles are not only the press, it is a muscular corset that holds the entire body.

The primary task of this corset is to fix the spine in the correct position. Weakness of the core muscles leads to a violation of posture.

Strengthening the core muscles is another way to correct stoop in an adult.


When it comes to engaging your core muscles, the plank is the absolute champion of all exercises.

Stand in the starting position of push-ups, brushes rest on the floor under the shoulders, the body is straight from the top of the head to the heels.

If you are a beginner, then you can perform a simplified version based on the forearms. The main thing is to make sure that the back is always straight, and the lower back does not bend.

Hold the plank for 30-60 seconds.

Medicine ball exercises

This slouching exercise will require some additional equipment, which is found in most fitness clubs.

Lie on the floor, lift your legs and arms up, holding a medical ball weighing 2-3 kg between them (if there is no ball, you can use a dumbbell). Tightening your core muscles, lower your right hand to the floor.

Then stretch your left leg forward, hold in this position for a few seconds, then switch arms and legs.

Do 8-10 reps on each leg.

5. Exercises with a massage roller

If you think massage rollers are only for athletes with injured muscles, think again! First of all, massage rollers help relieve tension in the muscles.

In addition, training with a massage roller improves blood circulation.

Try to perform exercises with a massage roller 2-3 times a week, and the result will not be long in coming.

Upper back exercises

Lie on your back, place the massage roller under your lower back. Cross your arms over your chest and slowly move down so that the roller moves towards your upper back. In places of particular tension, take a short pause from 20 to 30 seconds, or until the tension subsides.

Exercise for the pectoral muscles

Lie face down on the floor with the massage roller under your armpit. Move your hand up and down.

When the roller is in an area where the muscles are especially tense, stop for 20-30 seconds, or until the tension completely disappears.

Then repeat on the other side.

Exercises for a beautiful posture - video complex

Win the war against stoop

Now you know how not to slouch and what to do if your posture still starts to deteriorate. But remember, slouching does not appear in one day and also cannot be corrected in one day.

Be patient, do slouching exercises regularly and take breaks if possible, do not sit at the computer all day.

In order for a person to be healthy and full of strength, correct posture is important. It prevents curvature of the spine and the development of scoliosis. Weakened back muscles are considered the main cause of diseases. Stoop exercises help to quickly and effectively strengthen them.

Causes of the problem

For many people, spinal problems begin at a young age. This is facilitated by the time spent at the desk, watching TV in an uncomfortable position, long games on the computer. Children's shoulders droop and they begin to stoop, causing irreparable damage to the spine. The problem is aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle, various microtraumas and chronic diseases.

A weakened muscular corset forces the natural curves of the vertebrae to become more noticeable. The first alarming signs of a stooped back appear, which you should definitely pay attention to:

  • protruding tummy;
  • rounded back;
  • narrowed chest;
  • protruding shoulder blades;
  • low head.

When such changes occur in a child, parents urgently need to take him to the doctor. If the stoop is not dealt with at the initial stage, a pathological deformation of the spine occurs. The nerves of the spinal cord are clamped, the discs of the vertebrae are erased. From this, with age, back pain, migraines, blurred vision are manifested.

According to the observations of doctors, there are two types of reasons why the disease develops. They are divided into:

  • psychological;
  • physical.

Curvature of the spine, caused by physical causes, starts from the fact that a person does not follow the posture. The psychological reasons go much deeper. Slouching causes complexes, self-doubt. Trying to isolate himself from the hostile world, a person unconsciously raises his shoulders, lowers his head, bends his back. Psychological problems often become the culprits of stoop in adults and children.

How to define a disease?

The stooped back immediately catches the eye. To determine the degree of damage to the spine, you need to stretch out in a horizontal position on a hard surface. If the curvature evens out, then the situation can be corrected by performing exercises against stoop.

You cannot rely on such verification with 100% certainty. To rule out catastrophic changes in the spine that require surgical treatment, you need to undergo a medical examination. The doctor will conduct an in-depth examination, prescribe an x-ray or computed tomography. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, a set of therapeutic measures is prescribed to return an even posture:

  • special physical exercises for the back;
  • classes in the pool, massage;
  • manual therapy;
  • wearing a corset that tightens the spinal muscles.

It may take several months to straighten your posture, but the result is worth it. After all, the incorrect position of the spine negatively affects the functioning of all organs, worsens the appearance and greatly reduces the quality of life.

What to do?

Of great importance is a bed to rest and a pillow. To avoid problems with the spine, you need to sleep on a hard, even mattress. The pillow should be small. When you lie on it, the head should not rise above the body, but form one line with it. When treating stoop, it is recommended to purchase special pillows designed to straighten your back or sleep for a while without them.

To get rid of stoop, you will need to perform a special set of exercises aimed at improving posture. At the same time, it is important to comply with the basic requirement - always keep your back straight, not forgetting to straighten your shoulders.

Physical exercises should strengthen the muscles of the neck, back, shoulders. To complete them, you need half an hour of free time, a hard gymnastic mat and a positive mood. Experts recommend doing exercises in the morning, immediately after waking up. If this is not possible, you can reschedule the workout to a later time, but keep in mind that it should be done 2 hours after eating and a few hours before going to bed.

Simple exercises

After warming up the muscles, proceed to push-ups from the floor. They need to be done 10 times. They help build muscle mass on the back and arms. In addition, during push-ups, the spine straightens and takes the desired shape.

  • The next exercise is called "Boat". Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms in front of you. Raise your legs first, then your arms. Tear off the limbs 20-30 cm from the floor. Complete the task 20 times.
  • Then try to perform a more difficult exercise - "Basket". Children can do it effortlessly. In adults leading sedentary life, there are difficulties in performing this exercise to correct stoop. Lying on your stomach, bend your knees. Lift your shoulders off the floor, grab your feet with your hands and try to pull them closer to the back of your head. Hold this position for a minute, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise. At first, do 3-4 sets. When the body gets used to the load, increase the amount to 10.
  • The “Cats” pose helps to strengthen the back muscles with stoop. You need to get on all fours and alternately arch and bend the spine.
  • To develop the shoulder muscles, stand straight. right hand throw up, take the left behind your back. Bend both elbows and try to clasp your hands behind your back. Count 2-3 seconds, lower your arms down and repeat the movement on the other side. In order for a positive trend to occur, you need to do regularly 8 approaches with each hand.
  • To strengthen the muscles of the cervical region, sit on the mat, bend your knees, take your head back, straighten your shoulders and try to bring your shoulder blades as close as possible to each other. Repeat the movement 6 times.

The best exercise for stoop at home is the “Wall”. Choose a flat wall or door. Press your back against it so that 5 points of your body touch the wall:

  • heels;
  • calves;
  • buttocks;
  • shoulder blades;
  • back of the head.

Don't repeat the common mistake of trying to tilt your head back too much to touch the wall. Instead, you should bend better in the thoracic spine.

Lower your hands down. Slightly bent elbows should touch the wall. At first, hold on like this for 3-4 minutes. You will experience discomfort as the muscles are not used to being in this position. Every day increase the time by 1 minute until it reaches 7-8 minutes.

Exercises with a load

To strengthen the muscles of the back, exercises with auxiliary objects are useful. Take some thin books, put them on your head and walk around with them for 10 minutes. During this period of time, it is important not to drop the brochures. To achieve this, you will have to keep your back straight and constantly control your posture. You can sew a small bag, fill it with 200-300 g of sand and use it instead of books. Squats with a load on the head help well. Do them 10 times daily.

Great exercise - imitation of cycling. Lie on your back, lift your legs and begin to make circular movements with them. Squeeze a long stick in your hands. Rhythmically lift it up and lower it to your chest. Do not stop exercising for 5 minutes.

To prevent complications, start exercising after consultation with your doctor. To prevent muscle microtrauma, increase the load gradually. Do not forget that even minor posture defects require correction. Therefore, even out muscle tone, strengthen them with a special set of exercises. It will increase the flexibility of the spine and improve overall health.

Stooping is ugly: the shoulders are rounded, the growth becomes visually smaller, in girls the chest seems to sag, the tummy sticks out. And it seems to be nothing, it's only a matter of appearance, but poor posture is also harmful to health, deforming internal organs, worsening the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

There are many reasons for this disease: congenital, acquired, physical and psychological. But do not worry, in most cases, everything can be corrected by exercises from stoop, and even at home.

Checking the condition of the spine

The easiest test is to stand near the wall. If there is a plinth under the wall, stand at the door or find another option. Press against a vertical surface so that your heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades, and back of your head touch it at the same time.

  • If it works out, and you can fix it like that for at least a minute, then everything is not too critical, and to correct your posture, you just need to do special exercises and learn to control yourself.
  • If you cannot touch some part of the body, or it causes obvious pain, it is better to consult a doctor, perhaps take an x-ray and choose a special treatment.

Why does stoop occur at all and what to do about it?

In this paragraph, we will not touch on congenital causes: if a person has different leg lengths, the structure of the intervertebral discs is disturbed, abnormal muscle development - this cannot be corrected by exercises, or they are too specific. Let's talk about an acquired disease.

In childhood

In children, stoop usually appears after 6-7 years, when the thoracic spine is finally formed. The reason is long hours spent with a tablet or phone in hand, when the child leans towards the screen, or wearing a heavy backpack on one shoulder.

If you do not notice anything, the child may develop kyphosis or scoliosis, but at this age everything is easily corrected: the joints and vertebrae are flexible, and a daily 20-minute exercise is enough to strengthen the muscles.

However, sometimes the reasons are psychological. It is useless to shout “Don’t slouch!” If the reason is fear, insecurity, emotional tightness. In this case, in order to remove stoop, it is better to do exercises (gymnastics) together, or to understand the causes of internal tightness.

In adolescence

The young body begins to grow rapidly, and sometimes the bones develop faster than the muscles. That is why a teenager should be given for swimming or attached to some kind of sport, this will help to make the figure harmonious.

Sometimes children are embarrassed by their high growth, and can not stop hunching over, as if trying to be smaller. It is solved psychologically. The body is still growing, and if you take it in time, everything is fixable.

In adults

Here the problem, most often, is in a sedentary lifestyle or work, where you need to bend over a table, machine tool, appliances, etc. Charging, special exercises for stoop, and constant monitoring.

  • man it is often more comfortable to work out in the gym, where he pumps up the muscles so that they keep the spine straight.
  • girl, most likely, home gymnastics will do. Women are by nature more flexible, they walk with pleasure, try to keep their posture so that the tummy does not stick out, and the chest seems more attractive.
  • In the elderly posture problems often occur in the background of other diseases of the spine or internal organs, and most often, general treatment is required. But a gentle warm-up, sipping and simple exercises without strain can relieve pain and allow you to straighten up.

Top 5 exercises for any age

In fact, almost all movements that are aimed at strengthening the spinal muscles and deflecting the spine will be effective. You can create your own set of exercises to eliminate back stoop, or perform daily suggested by us.

Forward facing bends

This is a simple warm-up exercise and is great even for the elderly. The point is to lean on your hands, take a big step and slowly bend forward. Start doing this from the wall, then you can do it with a chair, leaning on the back. Stretch open your shoulder blades. Do 8-10 sets.

From a prone position

So we correct not only problems with posture, but also with intervertebral discs and clamps. Lie on the mat on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, tighten your legs and do the “Boat” (Superman), bending at the waist and raising your palms and feet.

For those over 50, raising their legs can be difficult, in which case it is worth trying to do a backbend with a chair. Place a chair in front of you, lie on your stomach so that your hands are on both sides of it, approximately in the middle of the seat. Bending, raise your hands, put on a chair and stretch. Fix the body for a few seconds, and return to the starting position.

sitting on my knees

Most effective exercises from stoop sometimes very simple. Sit on the floor on your knees, grab your feet with your hands and try to stretch, starting from your shoulders. Bring the shoulder blades, bend, lower your hands below. You can return to the starting position, or just sway while sitting like this.

Standing on all fours

One option is the "Cat" exercise. Bend as if you are trying to crawl under a low obstacle. We start forward, bend the chest, then move the body a little forward and bend already in the lower back, raising the chest. Now the same thing - back.

The second version of gymnastics against stoop - in the same position we raise the straight leg up and throw back the head, stretch. We change the leg. 6-8 times is enough for a start, then we increase the repetitions.

With a stick

Not everyone has gymnastic sticks, but it doesn’t matter. For example, a mop handle, a vacuum cleaner pipe, a piece of a water pipe, or something similar will do. Lay it behind your back and holding it with bent elbows, make turns from side to side.

By the way, one of the reasons why a person stoops is a simple forgetfulness to keep his back straight. If you don’t know how to stop slouching, sit with this stick in front of the TV or even at the computer, and as soon as you try to bend, it will put pressure on the spine. Typing is not very convenient, but watching TV shows or using the mouse is fine. This will help you get used to the correct posture.

You can, of course, buy a retainer or, but a stick is much cheaper.

Finally, we will tell you about another way to learn to walk straight without slouching.: put an old notebook (or a book if you don't mind) on your head and walk around the house like that. Drop it - so, without noticing it, slouch. Try to keep the correct position.

Try to check what will happen if you make this set of exercises your daily exercise. Many people note that after a couple of weeks they began to stoop much less, and after a month the back became noticeably stronger.

Watch the video to do the exercises correctly, start small, and control the sensations. Soon you will become much more flexible, and it will become easier to keep your back straight. Stoop can and should be corrected at any age!

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