Presentation on the topic "features of the modern family." Presentation "family in modern society" Presentation on the topic of a problem family

Student scientific society SEC MPK NovSU Scientific adviser: Sokolova S.N. Law and organization
security (group 4801):
Nabokov Yu.A.
Straikova Yu.A.
Podshivalov D.V.
education (gr.5861)
Grishenina Yu.A.

The topic is relevant


The purpose of the study: to study the problems of the modern family, which led to its crisis

Research hypothesis
Russian family
is in a state
systemic crisis,
which may be
overcome only by
politics in her



Family Functions


Types of modern family


Types of modern family


Types of modern family


Russia in December 1917

Decrees of the Soviet government simplified the procedure
divorce and weakened the responsibility of spouses
to each other and to the children.

The orientation of the state to the professional achievements of women, and not to motherhood, weakened the foundations of the family.

New forms of marriage

The number is decreasing
official marriages,
growth of alliances in the form
cohabitation. it
"actual" or
"civil marriage.
creative union,
"guest", trial
and other forms of marriage

entry age
first marriage (28
years and older).
is increasing
age difference
getting married.
marriage in Russia
make up 40% of
the number of all marriages.

Family and marriage in modern Russia

divorces and
Main reasons:
alcoholism and
initiative in
divorces - from 60 to

Family and marriage in modern Russia

Increased share
families where there is
marriage, but
no parenting.
From 2002 - 2014
percentage of childless
increased from 27.8% to
Important factor:

Family and marriage in modern Russia

the number of families where
there is parenthood, but
no matrimony.
The proportion of families "mother and
children" increased from 26.8%
in 2002 to 28.4% in 2010
The proportion of families "father and
children” – from 3.3% to 3.7%.
8 out of 10
disadvantaged children
grow in incomplete

Family and marriage in modern Russia

According to the results
2002 census in
Russia 90% of families
had 1-2 children;
In 2010 - 94.2%.
85% of respondents:
difficulties; 83% uncertainty about
Family and marriage in
modern Russia

Family and marriage in modern Russia

number of persons
marriage and his
In Russia about
30% of persons married
no age
want to join
into marriage.

Family Crisis in Modern Russia

A crisis
Russian family
- not new
forms of marriage or
enter into
such, and in
breakup of marriage.

crisis is
family functions,
cooperation and
understanding between
parents and
aggressiveness and
children's neuroticism.

Manifestations of the Crisis in Modern Russia

According to official
data, Russia
first place in the world
by the number of children
negligent parents
lose 200 - 220
children. In Russia from 2
up to 4 million children -
orphans alive

Manifestations of the Crisis in Modern Russia

Russia occupies
first place in
suicide (53
cases per 100,000

Manifestations of the Crisis in Modern Russia

Drinking, drugs,
sexual orientation

Sociological survey of residents of Veliky Novgorod and the Novgorod region

Total polled 1025
men - 195;
women - 830
Age groups:
youth (13 - 19
youth (20 - 30 years old);
mature age (31 -
55 years);
older generation (56
years or more)

Is there a family crisis in modern Russia?

family crisis
no crisis
family crisis
no crisis
Manchester United

Manifestations of the Family Crisis in Modern Russia

new forms
get married
new marriage
new forms
get married
new marriage
Manchester United

sex before marriage
family functions
sex before marriage
family functions
Manchester United

Trends in the institution of the family

sex before marriage
family functions
sex before marriage
family functions

The result of a change in the institution of the family

will lose signs
change, but not
will lose his
will lose signs
change, but not
will lose his
Manchester United

should encourage
child birth
in prosperous
Need a system
policies based on
to science.

Family policy of the state

increase childbirth benefits according to
the size of the subsistence minimum, and not the minimum wage;
targeted support for low-income families;
provide loans for the purchase of housing to young people
develop family forms of recreation;
help mothers of young children find employment;
move away from the two-salary economy.

State policy

Return free
preschool system,
rest of children.
The state is obliged
make laws,
Negative influence
Media on the rise

slide 2

1. Family.
2. Family as a social institution.
3. Functions of the family.
4. Types of families.
5. Kinship.
6. Repetition (schemes).
7. Homework.
Lesson plan

slide 3

1. Family.

The family is a social institution that regulates relations between spouses, parents and children, and other close relatives.
Relations in the family are based on marriage, consanguinity or the adoption of children for upbringing. Family members are connected by common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.
Traditional family values:

  • Marriage values.
  • parenting values.
  • Relationship values.

 Name some values ​​for each of the given groups.

slide 4

2. mei.

Recall: the basis of the functioning of any social. Institute is a system of social. roles and norms that society creates to meet the social. needs.
Social roles: marital (husband and wife), parental (father, mother), children (son, daughter, brother, sister), intergenerational (grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather, grandson, great-granddaughter, etc.), intra-generational ( older brother, younger sister, etc.).
The normative mechanism of the institution of the family:
norms of customs and traditions (marital fidelity, obligation to support each other all life, etc.)
legal norms (marriage registration, rights and obligations of family members).

2. Family as a social institution.

slide 5

3. Functions of the family.

  • Reproductive (reproduction of the population, procreation).
  • Educational (transfer of knowledge, experience, norms, values).
  • Economic and economic (housekeeping and budgeting).
  • Emotional-psychological (gaining calmness and confidence, a sense of security, support).
  • Social-status (granting its members a social status).
  • Sexual (regulation of people's sexual behavior).
  • slide 6

    4. Types of families.

    The modern family usually includes a married couple (wife and husband) and one or more children. Such a family is called a nuclear family (from the Latin nucleus - the core).
    A family that includes 2-3 generations (except for the husband, wife and children + grandfather, grandmother, etc.) is called multi-generational. If indirect relatives (aunts, uncles, nephews, etc.) also live with them, then this is an extended family.
    There are also complete families (two parents) and incomplete families (one of the parents is missing or the children live with their grandparents).
    Depending on the number of children, families are distinguished childless, one-child, small, large families.

    Slide 7

    According to the nature of the distribution of family responsibilities, according to how the issue of leadership is resolved in the family, there are:
    Traditional, or patriarchal families (assume the supremacy of a man. A woman is economically dependent on her husband, family roles are clearly regulated: the husband is the breadwinner and breadwinner, the wife is a housewife and educator of children). Such families are also called single-career families.
    Partner, or egalitarian (from French egalitaire - equalizing) families (they are distinguished by the equality of spouses in rights and duties, in doing household chores and raising children, in solving the main issues of family life). Such families are also called two-career families.
    Families of a transitional type (for example, a husband in words preaches a clear division of household chores into “male” and “female”, but in reality actively helps his wife with the housework, or vice versa).

    Slide 8

    5. Kinship.

    There are three degrees of kinship: closest, first cousin and second cousin. Together they make up a family tree.
    When a man and a woman marry, two related clans merge into a single system - the wife's relatives and the husband's relatives. For a wife, her relatives are blood relatives, and her husband's relatives are relatives-in-law. And vice versa.
    Kinship - a set of people related by common ancestors, adoption or marriage.

    Slide 9

    Family relationships are based on:

    • consanguinity
    • marriage
    • Adoption of children for upbringing (adoption)

    Normative mechanism of the institution of the family

    • Customs and traditions
    • Legal regulations

    P about in t about r and m:

    Family types

    • Nuclear
    • Full
    • Traditional or patriarchal (single-career)
    • Childless
    • Multigenerational (extended)
    • Incomplete
    • One-children
    • Small children
    • Large families
    • Affiliate or egalitarian (two-career)
  • Slide 10

    family (father, mother, child)

    family periphery

    (if living separately from other relatives)

    (if living with other relatives)

    grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc.

    • Family Functions
    • reproductive
    • Educational
    • Economic and economic
    • Social status
    • Emotional-psychological
    • Sexy
  • slide 11


    §37(B - n/a.10);11 s.1-3 (B - n/a.11)

    View all slides

    Problems of the modern secular family:
    intergenerational crisis.
    Since the middle of the 20th century, there has been a clear trend that words
    American ethnographer Margaret Mead can be defined as a change
    type of cultural and historical inheritance. The essence of this call
    time is that over time is steadily decreasing
    the influence of the historical and ordinary experience of previous generations
    and the role of the experience of contemporaries is growing. The researcher writes about
    that "... in all parts of the world, where all peoples are united
    electronic communication network, young people developed
    a commonality of experience that the elders never had and never will have. And
    on the contrary, the older generation will never see in the life of the young
    people repeating their unprecedented experience of change,
    replacing each other. This generation gap is completely
    new, it is global and universal.”
    Today, for the first time in many millennia of cultural life
    humanity is facing a unique situation in which children are not
    are just beginning to be highly selective about experience
    previous generations, but often prefer to learn from more
    advanced peers. They even act as teachers
    attitude towards adults in terms of mastering new
    information and communication technologies.
    These innovations are largely due to the fact that
    the older generation lacks the experience of living in a global
    information community. Because of this, the cultural border
    between generations, i.e. senior and junior, teaching and
    trainable, becomes very mobile. Adults with children
    forced in the position of students to master the basics of the new,
    previously unknown experience. Moreover, children, due to the lack
    Perceptual stereotypes characteristic of adults are often easier
    master skills and abilities, and without the help of adults.
    The latter circumstance significantly reduces the authority of the elders,
    teachers, parents, is transferred to other areas of life that we
    We see it every day in real life.
    Today, the younger generation shows much less
    interest in everything that was before the formation of the information
    society. This, one might say, is the boundary between the actual and the irrelevant for
    Considering pragmatism and selectivity
    modern children,
    what from experience
    of previous generations, not everything will be claimed by them, but
    only what is relevant to priorities, goals and values
    life in today's rapidly changing world.
    it can be assumed
    Today, this challenge of the era is poorly taken into account in pedagogical
    theory and legislation on the state youth

    politics. Models of education continue to be constructed,
    based, as before, on the paradigm of direct transmission and
    mastering the experience of previous generations, on the formation
    spiritual and moral ideals,
    on the importance of cultural
    historical heritage for the formation of value orientations and
    self-awareness of schoolchildren.
    Here comes the problem
    "material resistance" in the era of intergenerational crisis. BUT
    namely: how to make the values ​​of adults interesting for children,
    living with the priorities of a completely different type of cultural and historical
    inheritance that does not imply the unconditional value of experience
    older generations. How to manage this process if older
    a generation can give a lot, but the younger generation is far from
    want to take it all? This problem is in its early stages.
    The new status of childhood allows today to talk about the so-called.
    "teenage revolution". Its meaning is as follows
     Supplement, and to a large extent - replacement
    intergenerational vertical as intragenerational horizontal as
    the dominant direction of socialization of children and adolescents.
    The weakening of the authority of the elders and their educational
    potential in relation to juniors, weakening ability
    manage many processes in the youth environment.
     Changing attitudes towards children, adolescents and youth in
    Childhood and adolescence period of a person's life
    perceived by members of society in its inherent value and
     Development of teenage
    teenagers themselves as subjects of law, an increase
    aspirations of children and adolescents for freedom and independence.
    Strengthening the role of juvenile justice, which is very
    ambiguously perceived in Russian society.
    [English] teenager - teenager] - a boy or girl aged 13-
    19 years.
    Dictionary of foreign words. - Komlev N.G., 2006.
    (ne), a, m., soul. (eng. teenager< -teen суффикс числительных
    13 to 19 + age).
    A teenager (boy or girl) between the ages of 13 and 19.
    Juvenile justice
    - juvenile justice system
    citizens under the age of 18, ch. part of which is the court for cases
    minors. Main Yu.Yu. principles: the value of the individual
    a minor brought before a court; active
    use in litigation

    minor data about minors,
    received by the court from specialized auxiliary
    legal institutions (services, bodies); gain
    protective function of the court in relation to
    minor (increased judicial protection
    minor as a victim, witness,
    defendant, convict, etc. by closing
    trial for all crimes
    minors or criminal attacks on them,
    reduction in the amount of punishment for minors in
    in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; preference
    coercive measures means of educational influence
    and etc.); special training for judges
    minors; special simplified (informal)
    order of legal proceedings in relation to minors;
    availability of a system of specialized support services.
     The priority of leisure forms in the life of the younger generation.
    Leisure is not just becoming a priority form in life
    adolescents, displacing the educational sphere in importance, but he also
    begins to penetrate into the time intended actually
    educational process. Children and adolescents perceive their leisure
    as a zone of limited adult intervention, moreover,
    as a zone free from the influence of adults. Because of this
    stalled many children's and youth programs,
    focused on the mandatory presence of adults in
    youth environment. Form of socialization of teenagers -
    youth party, as well as "internal emigration" -
    the Internet.
     The predominance among children of carriers of screen-based elements
    clip thinking significantly increases the gap between
    generations, leading to a misunderstanding of the meanings, systems
    values, behavioral reactions among representatives of different
     Strengthening the disintegration and maladaptation of the growing
    generations in society, the opposition of its interests
    interests of other sections of society, which affects
    relationship between parents and children.
    Disintegration - Disintegration (from Latin de. . . prefix,
    meaning the absence, cancellation, elimination of something, and
    integer integer) decay, dismemberment of the whole into components
    parts. Disadaptation - and,

    Among the most odious negative trends in childhood
    adolescent and youth environment, characterizing the "teenager
    revolution", it is necessary to name:
     Growth of deviant and delinquent behavior, offenses
    and crime, drunkenness, drug addiction, substance use,
    prostitution among children and youth,
    intolerance among teenagers and youth;

    Psychoactive substances (surfactants) - chemicals (or mixtures) that can affect
    on the functioning of the central nervous system.
    Deviant behavior - Deviant behavior is behavior that deviates from
    generally accepted, socially approved, most common and established norms in
    certain communities in a certain period of their development.
    Delinquent behavior is criminal behavior.
     Deformation of value orientations, moral
    a crisis
    moral values, devaluation of the most important, basic
    values ​​of a person - family, homeland, history and shrines of his
    growing social apathy,
     Growth in consumer sentiment and values ​​of success without
    adequate physical and intellectual effort, falling
    prestige of honest work, the lack of a spiritual component in
    as motives for labor activity and life choice;
     Growth of dependency and infantilism
    the younger generation, which in most cases does not
    has its own life goals,
    manipulation by various social,
    political and chauvinist groups;
     The process of civil formation of personality is slowed down,
    formation of responsible civic behavior,
    participation in social and political activities and
     Neglect, homelessness and social
    orphanhood among children and adolescents, the incidence of
    STIs, suicidal moods are on the rise.
    STIs - the incidence of sexually transmitted infections
    Categories "children",
    The same processes are typical for megacities, but they have their own
    "youth" in
    modern socio-economic and socio-cultural conditions do not
    can be seen as a whole.
    the younger generation of the same age are in an unequal
    position to each other not only in the socio-economic sphere,

    but also in socio-political and cultural life, as well as in
    spatially and geographically.
    They don't have
    the same starting and life opportunities and prospects, which
    often perceived by them as a manifestation of social
    Living conditions in a village, a small town, in a large administrative
    the center and the metropolitan area are significantly different. For example,
    the level of income in the metropolis is 13 times higher, and expenses - 48 times
    compared to the countryside. These circumstances are
    irresistible in the long run, and therefore require
    adjustments in understanding the problems of the modern secular family,
    in the upbringing and socialization of children and adolescents.
    The position of the younger generation in modern secular
    families in a metropolis, in particular, in Moscow and St.
    Petersburg, has its own distinctive features, which
    directly depend on specific socio-cultural realities and
    characteristics of children and adolescents.
     The level of intergenerational gaps in megacities is very
    essential. In addition to the intergenerational vertical, teenagers
    stand their own intragenerational horizontal,
    which exists on its own principles and morally
    ethical principles. Participation of adults in such horizontals
    minimally or purely nominally, leading to a situation
    which is characterized by the formula: the more good
    youth programs, the worse the situation among children and
     The level of criminogenicity, asocial and
    illegal behavior among adolescents and youth,
    part of the younger generation is
     In megacities, as a rule, the normative
    legal framework regarding the rights of children in education and
    leisure areas, but the state presence in the area
    education is eliminated from leisure, i.e. priority for
    child, spheres.
     Megacities have a very high degree of social
    differentiation of children and adolescents, allowing to speak
    about special “worlds” that, in principle, cannot interact with each other
    cross. While there is general legislation on
    protection of the rights of the child, the system of education, upbringing and
    socialization reinforces the status quo.
     Traditional institutions are relatively weak in megacities
    socialization and education of children and adolescents (family, school,
    church, etc.), much more important in this respect
    are categories of more advanced peers and their
    associations, communication with which takes place through the system
    mass communications and youth hangouts.

    an integral part of the capital's criminal world and
    crime parties. There is an acute problem of dealing with
    drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism, pimping,
    prostitution among minors.
     The level of commercialization and diversification of leisure and
    entertainment activity is very high,
    material security of families allows you to independently
    pay for leisure and entertainment services,
    a wide choice. This situation is almost
    excludes the full participation of the state in the most important
    sphere of life of teenagers and children. (Diversification is a measure
    diversity in the aggregate)
     Leisure activities are largely
    although it may
    identified with entertainment
    be associated with the path to career achievement
    useful connections, to the development of meaningful patterns of behavior.
     The mentality of the youth of megacities is focused on
    achievement of success in life according to the European type, it
    very practical and pragmatic, experiencing a complex
    supervalues ​​as the basis of self-identification.
    The economic expectations of adolescents are significantly overestimated.
     There is an overabundance of possible vacancies and jobs
    for those teenagers and young people who aspire to
    employment based on temporary employment. At
    metropolitan young people in high esteem office work, career
    aspirations are associated more with connections, opportunities
    parents, graduating from a prestigious university than with their own

     Density of social contacts between representatives
    subcultural, marginal groups of teenagers and youth,
    the presence of a significant contingent of visitors creates in
    metropolis the situation of multiculturalism with all its
    characteristics. The problem of migrants is very acute and
    integration of children from a migrant environment.
     The situation of children and adolescents in families in a metropolis
    directly affects the value orientations of children and
    adolescents in other sociocultural environments, as
    becomes widely known through the media
    information, film production, the Internet. Capital youth
    often becomes a reference group for provincial
    In view of the foregoing, the problems of modern urbanized
    Families must be seen through the lens of intergenerational

    crisis and the specifics of the modern approach to solving children's
    youth problems.
    In the mirror of statistics. Rashid Nurgaliyev, Minister of Internal Affairs
    cases - about the "third wave" of homelessness, neglect,
    illiteracy and delinquency of adolescents (data as of 1.06.2005
    of the year)

     Annually to the internal affairs bodies for various
    offenses delivered more than one million
    minors. By the beginning of 2005, registered in
    divisions for juvenile affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
    consisted of over 655 thousand children and adolescents.
     In 2004, 1,000
    two hundred murders, more than three thousand robberies, 18
    Annually over 150 thousand

    responsibility. To these data must be added 60-70
    thousands of crimes committed by children who have not reached
    age of criminal responsibility.
     Cases reported
    when minors
    engage in types of criminal activity that previously
    were the prerogative of adults:
    den maintenance,
    pimping, fraudulent activities with currency and valuables
     Almost 100 thousand minors are registered
    alcoholics and drug addicts. In Russia, there are 4 million child drug addicts from 11
    years and older, including drug addicts - about 1 million people.
    The average age of initiation of drug use has decreased from
    17 to 11 years old. The incidence of drug addiction among
    youth is 2.5 times higher than in adults. Number of cases
    drug-related mortality compared to
    increased 12 times in the eighties, and among
    minors - 42 times.
     Registered by the Department for Combating Organized
    crime and terrorism Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia consists of about 150
    extremist groups with a total number of up to 5000
    a significant part of which are
     There are 700 thousand orphans in the Russian Federation, 2 million children are illiterate.
     More than 30,000 children go missing in the country every year.
     More than 6 million underage citizens of Russia are in
    socially disadvantaged conditions. At the end of 2004 in Russia
    there were more than 422 thousand dysfunctional families, in
    of whom, according to the data of the social security authorities, there are about 770
    thousand children.

     Along with homelessness, there is an acute problem
    neglect of adolescents who find themselves without proper
    parental attention, and for every homeless child
    there are 2-3 neglected children. Caught in
    difficult life situation and feeling indifferent to their
    fate, minors try to decide their own
    problems, often in criminal and violent ways.
    More than half of the minors in the local
    or federal wanted list, are children who
    were forced to run away from home. According to the Ministry
    education of the Russian Federation, in 1998 the number of those expelled from schools and not
    children who resumed education amounted to 367 thousand. Around 2
    million children in the Russian Federation do not work or study anywhere.
     Every day more than 1.5
    thousand divorces. As a result, without one parent remain
    almost 1.2 thousand children, on average 30 children are transferred to orphanages
    people, taken away from negligent parents 32 people, run away from
    237 boys and girls at home. Every year, due to divorces, about
    470 thousand children are left without one of their parents.
    The number of children born out of wedlock is on the rise (approx.
    23% of the total number of children born).
    Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics,
    ORKSE (formerly - Fundamentals of Spiritual and Moral Culture of Peoples
    Russia, there is also a subject
    foundations of world religious
    cultures) - an academic subject included by the Ministry of Education
    and science of the Russian Federation into the school curriculum as
    federal component. The subject includes six modules, from
    which pupils, at their choice or the choice of their parents (legal
    representatives) choose one for study.
    The program of the new course has a construction structure based on
    principle of modularity.
    The origin of the concept of a modular program is quite obvious.
    The word modular comes from the module (from the Latin. Modulus - measure), then
    is - an important value, a conditional unit.
    Modular programs - programs consisting of individual,
    about independent fragments. What are the benefits
    this kind of program? With independence and completeness
    of each module - the student has the right to choose for himself those modules,
    which he especially needs for education and in that
    sequence, which is dictated by his needs.
    Our program includes six modules: Fundamentals of Secular
    Orthodox culture”, “Fundamentals of Islamic culture”, “Fundamentals
    Jewish culture", "Fundamentals of Buddhist culture". All modules
    "Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures",

    methodologically ideologically coordinated with each other and constitute
    is a single basis for the comprehensive course "Fundamentals of Religious
    cultures and secular ethics. At the same time, each module is equipped with
    complete educational program.
    Example: thematic planning of modules. (Application).
    When developing lesson planning, the main source
    is a guide for students, because it reflects
    content of the course.
    The main methodological sources include: “Fundamentals
    religious cultures and secular ethics. The book for the teacher. - Moscow;
    "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics". Brochure for
    parents. - Moscow.
    Teaching aids are student aids.
    However, it should be borne in mind that planning is often
    contains redundant material, which will allow the teacher to creatively
    approach the solution of pedagogical and methodological problems. Yes, in
    as additional material can be considered
    recommended by the lesson developers illustrated
    material that is not reflected in either the student manual or the
    book for the teacher.
    In the modern world, spirituality is of particular importance.
    moral education of schoolchildren, the development in children of such qualities,
    as tolerance and respect for other cultures, willingness and
    ability to dialogue and cooperation, which implies the mastery
    knowledge about the peculiarities of national cultures, cultural
    foundations of social phenomena and traditions. Spiritual and moral
    education is aimed at the assimilation of the younger generation
    moral values ​​that provide socially significant
    motivation of behavior and actions, orientation in various
    life situations.
    As you know, restaurants open in big cities with
    national cuisine: Italian, Japanese, Chinese, etc. AT
    A Chinese restaurant was opened in Moscow. The chef was
    invited a specialist from China. A young family arrived and through
    some time a woman gives birth to a child. And here's to getting on
    work, she invites her mother from China. Through some
    a period of time a woman becomes ill and an ambulance takes her
    help. After doing all the tests, the doctors discover she has a tumor.
    Pretty young doctor, before meeting with the patient is very
    long suffers, how to tell her about it? And so, when at the reception,
    worried, the doctor informs her that the tests performed showed she had
    tumor, what do you think the woman's reaction was?... One of these
    reactions would certainly be ours. But what a surprise
    doctor, when in response he heard an apology: Forgive me, doctor,
    what made you worry. In caring for a child, I completely forgot about
    your health. It turns out that in China, before leaving the house,

    in the morning, the Chinese do breathing exercises, forcing
    circulate life energy throughout the body. In a month
    the woman again came to the hospital to retake all the tests.
    And all doctors were even more surprised when a woman did not
    it was found that there was no swelling. This example says that
    how many exciting, stressful situations could be
    avoid if we knew more about the culture and traditions of the living
    people next to us.
    School course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics"
    addressed to elementary school students, since it is in the younger
    at school age, the socialization of the child takes place, the
    circle of his communication, he is required to display a personal position,
    determined by accepted spiritual and moral values.
    Spiritual and moral education of junior schoolchildren requires
    understanding and cooperation with their parents. Work with
    parents provides for establishing contact with the family,
    development of coordinated actions and uniform requirements.
    As the main methodological principle of the course implementation
    a culturological approach has been chosen that contributes to the formation of
    primary schoolchildren's initial ideas about religious and
    secular culture. In the context of the implemented training course, culture
    understood as a way of life, customs, traditions and beliefs, spiritual
    and material wealth of the peoples of the world. The essence of the spiritual
    moral education of a junior schoolchild is considered as
    the formation and development of the student's attitude to people, society,
    nature, Motherland, to one's own and other peoples, to their history, culture,
    spiritual traditions.
    In this regard, it is advisable to consider that the course "Fundamentals
    religious cultures and secular ethics” is, first of all,
    a means of forming a multicultural
    competence, which is understood as an integrative quality
    personality of the child, including a system of multicultural knowledge,
    interests, needs, motives, values, qualities, experience,
    social norms and rules of conduct necessary for everyday
    life and activity in modern society, realized in
    ability to build positive relationships
    representatives of different cultures, nationalities, beliefs,
    social groups. The content of multicultural competence
    includes human acceptance of cultural and religious
    diversity of the world, friendly attitude to any culture and
    its bearers. This means that as a result of mastering this course
    students should learn the following meanings: each
    spiritual culture has its own context and its own logic, none
    culture cannot be better than another, because it has a significant
    for the development of mankind with valuable content.

    The main objectives of the training course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures
    and secular ethics" are as follows:

    familiarization of students with the content of one of the educational
     development of the younger adolescent's ideas about the meaning of norms
    morality, universal values ​​in people's lives;
     generalization of knowledge, ideas about spiritual culture and
    morality acquired in elementary school;
     formation of value-semantic
    worldview bases,
    providing a holistic
    perception of national history and culture when studying
    humanitarian subjects at the level of the basic school;
     development of the ability of younger students to communicate in
    multi-ethnic, multi-confessional and multi-cultural
    environment based on mutual respect and dialogue for the sake of
    public peace and harmony.
    The main conditions for the education of a spiritual and moral personality
    junior schoolchild in the study of "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and
    secular ethics” are:
    o organization of work with the means of spiritual and moral
    education within the framework of the study of the course, both in the classroom and in
    extracurricular activities;
    o practical activities aimed at the formation
    ability to empathize
    selfless care, admiration, which form the basis
    o providing family support, involving relatives and friends
    students to educational and extracurricular activities within the course.
    The main means of spiritual and moral education of the younger
    schoolchildren within the course in educational and extracurricular activities
    speakers: study guides for the course, addressed to the younger
    schoolchildren, the word of the teacher and parents, the style of relationships
    teacher with a student, visual aids, illustrative material.
    Key Features:

    Secular teachers will teach this course at the school;
    The course is not doctrinal, but cultural in nature;
    The content of all modules of a comprehensive training course is subject to a common goal -
    education of the personality of a citizen of Russia by introducing him to moral and
    worldview values;
    The content of all modules is grouped around three basic national values: 1)
    Fatherland, 2) family and 3) cultural tradition. These core values ​​will
    to carry out the upbringing of children within the framework of the new course;


    The new course is organized in such a way that schoolchildren who have chosen for a systematic
    study a certain module, get a general idea about the content of other
    It is envisaged that in the last few lessons, students of the same class will
    to work together. In these lessons they will present their individual and
    collective creative work based on the results of studying a particular module;
    The study of the course ends with a large common school-family holiday,
    dedicated to National Unity Day, which is celebrated on November 4th. Unity and concord
    through the dialogue of cultures and there is a tangible result of the educational process within the
    new course.

    slide 2


    The Center is a division of the City Association "Family" of Ulan-Ude and in its activities is guided by legislative acts of international, federal and regional significance. Actively cooperates with the committee on social work of the city administration.

    slide 3

    Problem field

    The problems of the modern family are confirmed by a number of well-known facts of violation of the rights of the child. Protection of children's rights in Russia is far from being at the required level. During the last "perestroika" years, the number of divorces has significantly increased, both in families with experience in family life and in young families. Well-known problems in matters of family planning, preparation for family life, as one of the consequences of this, there is a state problem of the demographic plan.

    slide 4

    Solution of problems

    Combining the efforts of interested parties to provide practical psychological assistance to the family through various forms and methods of corrective and developmental work with family members.

    slide 5

    Forms of work, cooperation of the "Formula of Success" center

    1. Study of the problems of the modern family 2. Creation of "My Family" clubs at educational institutions. 3. Provision of practical psychological assistance to family members in Ulan-Ude 4. Cooperation with media journalists 5. Training of specialists to work with family problems 6. Publication of popular science manuals

    slide 6


    1. According to the results of the study, the monograph "Modern Family" was published. 2. Clubs "My Family" were created at the "Formula of Success" Center, MOU DOU, SOSH, SOSH-I. 3. Providing psychological assistance to more than 1000 families. Every Saturday 35x34 weeks = 1190 people 4. Articles in the newspapers "Pravda Buryatii", "Women's View". 5. Training of specialists, students, active women to work with families

    Slide 7

    The theme of the club "Happy family"

    Family, family potential Methods of psychological assistance to the family Logical-metric model "Wheel of Life" Psychological readiness for the appearance of children in the family The birth of a child in the family Psychopedagogy of education Toddler before school, the makings of a child Psychological readiness for school Education Developmental work with children of primary school age Correctional work with children of primary school age

    Slide 8


    Self-help and assistance in solving psychological problems of learning Difficulties in learning. Mental health of schoolchildren Problems of adolescence Choosing a profession Father in the family Development of female self-awareness Grandparents and their role in raising children Complicated behavior of adolescents

    Slide 9

    Profile, interests, inclinations of the child Youth, time of self-affirmation Correction of relations between children and adults A child in a foster family A child in a difficult life situation Experiences of grief Self-destructive behavior Neurotic personality. Self-help in extreme conditions

    Slide 10

    Project "New Civilization" for the Year of Youth-2009

    Suicide prevention. Preparing children for family life, the formation of a successful life scenario.

    slide 12


    RELEVANCE Problems of families of teachers. educational defects. Divorces. Purpose: to systematize work with the family of city teachers

    Description of the presentation on individual slides:

    1 slide

    Description of the slide:

    2 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Families are good, and families are bad ... We cannot say that a family can educate as it wants. Our task is to organize family education (A. S. Makarenko)

    3 slide

    Description of the slide:

    A family is a small social group based on marriage or kinship, the members of which are connected by common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility. The modern family is a union based on love, emotional acceptance and support.

    4 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Biological reproduction of society; Meeting the needs for contact with children and their upbringing; Obtaining household services by some family members from others, childcare; Economic support for minors and disabled family members; Spiritual mutual enrichment of all family members; Granting a certain social status to family members; Individuals receive psychological protection, emotional support, satisfaction of needs for personal happiness and love. Family Functions:

    5 slide

    Description of the slide:

    small / nuclear / family, where married spouses and their children live together Types of modern family: extended family, where more than two generations of relatives live together Childless family Incomplete - the presence of one of the parents family patriarchal and partner

    6 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Decline in the birth rate, a decrease in the number of children in the family. 2. The emergence of "two-career" families, where both spouses set themselves the tasks of a professional career, growth and self-realization. In two-career families, the issue of the distribution of roles and power in the family, the issue of leadership, interchangeability in the distribution of family roles, the commonality of family and personal values, as well as the availability of resources to support the family in raising children and helping in the household sphere, are of particular importance. 3. Polarization of the age of marriage - either very early (16-17 years) or after 30 years. In the case of an increase in the age of marriage, young people, as a rule, consciously do not rush to start a family to a more or less established professional, financial and economic basis. As a result, they often end up alone forever, especially women. There are fewer men (97 men per 100 women), there will not be enough of them for all women, especially worthy ones. Features of the modern family

    7 slide

    Description of the slide:

    4. Increasingly frequent are cases of an increase in the age difference between spouses up to 15-20 years, and even to the side - the wife is older. 5. The problem of widowhood. It is decided if the wife is older. Basically, women outlive their spouse. The average life expectancy of a man is more than 10 years less than that of a woman. 6. A large number of divorces. Approximately 1/3 of all families have experienced a divorce. And in terms of stress, divorce ranks second after the death of a loved one. Complete psychological rehabilitation of the individual and overcoming the negative emotional consequences of divorce are ascertained only 1-3 years after the divorce. 7. An increase in the number of remarriages - people are still looking for their other half. Hence the problem of non-native children. Features of the modern family

    8 slide

    Description of the slide:

    8. An increase in the number of foundlings, street children, abandonment of children in maternity hospitals. 9. The growth of family and household "criminal" situations, crimes. Usually due to drunkenness. 10. Increase in the number of childless families. "Delays" are often due to difficulties in youth - financial and economic, housing, as well as the tasks of completing education or pursuing a career. 11. "Foreign" marriages are spreading more and more. 12. An increase in the number of people who prefer alternative forms of marriage: a) loneliness; b) "civil" marriages; c) maternal families - as a conscious decision of a woman. Features of the modern family

    9 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Thus, given the large number of divorces, the growth of people of mature age who do not marry, the emergence of other forms of relationships - all this gives the supporters of the theory of the collapse of the family reason to build gloomy predictions about the degeneration of the family as a social institution. However, in recent years there has been a clear, certainly positive shift in favor of choosing the family as the optimal form of partnership in order to provide the necessary conditions for personal growth and self-development. The value of the family increases and the rating of the family grows.

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