Business plan for opening a gas station. How to open gas stations and organize fuel supplies? Location selection and required documents

Opening a gas station can be done in two ways. The simplest and most popular - This allows you to open a gas station under the name of a well-known brand, facilitates negotiations with suppliers, but at the same time deprives the entrepreneur of a significant part of the profit and imposes a number of restrictions on the business.

Therefore, it would be optimal to open a filling station under your own brand. So, how to open a gas station from scratch?

  1. Registration of a company, opening and addition of an authorized capital sufficient to organize an enterprise.
  2. Choice of the location of the future gas station, with the owner of the land on lease or full redemption.
  3. Creation of the project and its approval in Rospotrebnazdor.
  4. Registration of permission in SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  5. Conclusion of contracts with housing and communal services for garbage collection and waste disposal.
  6. Construction of filling stations according to the approved project.
  7. Purchase of the necessary equipment, installation and configuration of tanks and gas stations.
  8. Organization of the necessary infrastructure, equipment of workplaces.
  9. Hiring and training
  10. Obtaining a license to sell fuel from the Ministry of Energy.
  11. Conclusion of contracts with gasoline suppliers - oil refineries.
  12. Organization of deliveries.
  13. Opening a gas station.
  14. Elaboration of pricing policy.
  15. Reinforced advertising, offering discounts to regular customers - in a word, marketing promotion.

Where to start building a gas station?

A gas station is a place of increased danger, since its construction involves the storage of explosive substances. In this regard, for its construction it is necessary to obtain many permits from regulatory authorities.

Specific requirements for the arrangement and location of the filling complex are listed in the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor. The main ones are:

  • location no more than 30 meters from the nearest residential building;
  • equipping the gas station with access and exit roads;
  • fire alarm equipment;
  • equipping the cashier's place with armored doors and bulletproof glass;
  • organization of disposal of unused fuels and lubricants, etc.

How to open a gas station: required documents

So, the place has been chosen, the project has been developed, contracts with suppliers have been established. But before looking for a contractor to build the station, you need to obtain a number of permits:

  • project documentation must be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor, and the organization must give its permission;
  • you need to obtain permission from the SES to trade in fuel;
  • obtain a license from the Ministry of Fuel and Energy for the sale and storage of fuel and lubricants;
  • obtain permission from the fire service to store fuel (you need to equip the station with all fire fighting equipment);
  • conclude an agreement with the garbage collection service;
  • conclude an agreement with the local housing office for deratization;
  • obtain fuel quality certificates from suppliers.

In addition, the owner of the gas station will need:

  • register land for gas stations in ownership or lease;
  • obtain a building permit from the administration.

How to build a gas station?

After receiving all the necessary papers and approval of the project in Rospotrebnadzor you can start selecting a construction company for the construction of the complex itself.

Building materials are usually purchased by the customer himself, while the company is directly involved in the construction itself.

Choose the best an organization that already had similar completed projects. In this case, experts will help you choose the right materials, arrange supplies, advise where you can reduce costs - in a word, they will provide comprehensive assistance.

It should be taken into account that, most likely, two or three companies will have to be hired: one will be engaged in the construction of the filling complex itself, the second will install the necessary equipment, and the third will organize access roads.

What equipment will be required?

  • 5 tanks (4 main and 1 reserve) for storing fuel and lubricants (volume not less than 15 cubic meters);
  • a tank for a storm system (volume 10 cubic meters);
  • two fuel-dispensing columns with two sleeves.

In addition, you will need to incur certain costs for the registration of refueling, you need to order:

  • signs with the name of the gas station;
  • fuel tablets;
  • display for displaying current prices for 1 liter of fuel;
  • barrier and speed bump equipment.

Recruitment of personnel for work at a gas station

For optimal operation of the gas station, you will need:

  • the immediate head of the station, who organizes all the work and resolves controversial issues (in fact, a senior manager);
  • (this duty can be assigned to the head of the station);
  • a mechanic-repairman who knows the features of the operation of gas stations;
  • station operator (cashier), at least two people for organizing work in two shifts, 4 for round-the-clock service;
  • an electrician;
  • driver.

An electrician and a mechanic will be needed mainly for troubleshooting, it may be one specialist. The driver is needed more as a forwarder to control the quality of imported fuel (so that it is not diluted anywhere along the way).

Personnel training should be approached responsibly. There are no problems with workers in big cities. But in the provincial will have to be content with what is.

Therefore, it would be useful enroll them in professional development courses, so that the mechanic gets used to the new gas stations, and the accountant is always up to date with the latest changes in legislation.

How to open gas stations and organize fuel supplies?

Agreeing on the supply of fuel and lubricants is the most difficult and crucial moment. It is highly not recommended to buy fuel from resellers - most likely, it will be diluted or simply of poor quality. It is best to arrange supplies directly with the refinery.

The process of delivering gasoline from the factory to the gas station is necessary supervise personally, otherwise it is likely that diluted fuel will be delivered.

The quality of gasoline should become the calling card of the gas station - otherwise the new gas station will quickly lose its clientele.

Further expansion of the gas station

Naturally, the driver does not live by gas station alone. Now it is becoming a trend to provide “all in one”. So, with a thriving business, you can expand the range of services offered by building:

  • auto repair shop;
  • tire changers;
  • point of passing technical inspection;
  • auto chemical goods store, etc.

All changes made to the design of gas stations must be coordinated with the architectural department of the administration. As a rule, entrepreneurs do not have problems with this, especially with a stable operating enterprise.

Refueling business plan

The initial cost of opening a gas station is very high. This is due to the complexity of design work and the need to build the complex itself in accordance with sanitary and urban planning standards. Therefore, a gas station is most often opened in addition to an existing business or with an impressive start-up capital.

The cost of opening a gas station

  • opening an LLC, purchasing a cash register, equipping an accountant's workplace - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • registration of land ownership and obtaining all necessary permits - from 2 million rubles;
  • construction of a gas station building from 3 million rubles;
  • supply of infrastructure, equipment of access roads, bringing the building in accordance with sanitary and fire standards - from 1 million rubles;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment (to organize the work of 2 columns for 4 parking spaces) - from 5 million rubles;
  • installation of equipment - from 500 thousand rubles;
  • salary fund for 1 month of work for a company with 10 employees - from 200 thousand rubles.

Thus, the starting costs will amount to about 11 million 720 thousand rubles. The term for the implementation of works is from 3 to 6 months.

Gas filling today is a fairly cost-effective and popular option for your own business. At the same time, it requires serious start-up capital and is unlikely to suit a beginner. So, how to open a gas station, what is required for this, and over what period you can recoup your investment, we will find out further.

How much does it cost to open a gas station

Opening a gas station is practically no different from a normal one. The main difference lies in the purchased equipment, which must be checked by the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. To open a gas station, first of all, you need to create a business plan. It should take into account all expenses, and add a small margin for unforeseen expenses to the amount received. The following is an example calculation:

  1. . Decide for yourself whether you want to buy or rent a site for a business. Each of the options has its pros and cons. For example, paying monthly rent can be a heavy burden, especially at first. In addition, the owner of the site can demand his property from you at any time, if the lease term has not been agreed in advance. One way or another, the cost of renting is much cheaper than buying, and is about 3 million rubles.
  2. Construction . The cost of construction depends on your project and the desired size of the gas station. In addition, the price will be affected by the availability of additional services for customers, for example, a minimarket, tire fitting (see), etc. The average cost of construction fluctuates between 6-8 million rubles.
  3. The documents . One of the most important points, since opening a gas station without proper permits and confirmations is simply impossible. The collection of documents is not only a lengthy, but also an expensive process, which, depending on the region, may require from 500,000 to 1,500,000 rubles.
  4. Equipment and raw materials . The internal arrangement of your organization is carried out almost before the opening. It requires another 3 million rubles.

14 million rubles - that's the average cost to open a gas station. Approximately 1 million rubles can be added to this figure as an amount for additional unforeseen expenses, for example, if the profit received at first is not enough to purchase raw materials or pay rent, etc. In addition, it is important to take into account the salary of staff, which averages 25,000 rubles per person. Thus, if the staff consists of 5 people, this is already 100,000 rubles per month.

We collect the necessary documents

Proper paperwork is the most important thing you need to open your gas station. The collection of documents is a procedure that requires visiting a number of different organizations, collecting additional paperwork and, of course, a lot of time. You can do this yourself or entrust the entire process to specialists in collecting documents, who will do everything for you in a short time for a small amount.

If you still decide to collect on your own, then here are the documents you need to open your own gas station:

  • First you need to register as an entrepreneur. The ideal option is the registration of an individual entrepreneur: it provides a minimum taxation, is issued quickly and on favorable terms. In addition, there is the option of registering a legal entity, i.e. companies. The procedure takes place in the tax service. Here you will also need those corresponding to the type of your activity.
  • One of the important documents is a lease agreement for a refueling site or a document confirming ownership. It will need to be presented in almost all organizations in the future.
    Pay special attention to the fact that the selected site must comply with fire safety standards, which can be found in the relevant authority. Without this, your gas station will be built illegally.
  • Then it is necessary to prepare the project of the gas station itself. First, you work out the details together with the designer, after which you submit the finished work to Rospotrebnadzor. Specialists must give written permission for the construction of the facility. Without this, it is forbidden to proceed to further actions.
  • Also, before you open a gas station, you will need to obtain a number of permits. To do this, we turn to the following authorities: sanitary and epidemiological station, fire and environmental services. Additional permits will need to be obtained if you provide additional services to clients. For example, if a food service or a minimarket is open on the territory of the gas station, a permit to sell products will be required.
  • A special license will be required for the storage of fuel and its sale. This document is issued by the Ministry of Energy.
  • Then, in order to open a gas station, you will need to find a suitable fuel supplier. A fixed-term or open-ended contract is concluded with him, which should always be at your fingertips.

Before the opening of gas stations, presented in your organization, for their compliance with existing standards.

Should I give preference to franchising?

Franchise work is a fairly modern and profitable option for starting a business, which allows a novice businessman to work under a brand that has already made a name for itself. There are also a number of other benefits:

  1. Help in opening from knowledgeable professionals. You will be able to get advice from experienced people on all issues related to starting a business.
  2. There will be no need to create your own business model - you will be provided with a ready-made one.
  3. Getting fuel from a trusted supplier.
  4. The average cost of start-up capital is reduced, if only because you will no longer need additional advertising, finding the right fuel supplier, etc.

The main disadvantage of this method is that you will have to give part of the proceeds (see also) to the company that provided the franchise. Despite this, franchising is considered more profitable than independent work.

Opening your own gas station is an economically sound solution for those who want to organize a profitable business. After all, today this market is still being actively rebuilt and there is an opportunity to occupy your niche by creating a reliable company. In addition, the number of cars is increasing every day, and vehicles need fuel. This means that your business has every chance of becoming profitable. So, how to open a gas station? And how much money will you have to invest in your future business?

A little about business

Let's start with the fact that a gas station is a source of increased danger and a lot of permits will be required to open such a business. In terms of finance, this is most likely the most costly business, since at the initial stage it will be necessary not only to rent (or buy) a suitable plot of land, but also to build a gas station that will meet the requirements of the current legislation (there are certain requirements for the location of gas stations, the design of such facilities , as well as sanitary and hygienic and environmental requirements that must be observed). And these are quite serious expenses. In addition, after the construction is completed, it will be necessary to obtain permits from the authorized bodies for the operation of gas stations and organize high-quality security and safety of the station.

How much does it cost to open a gas station for cars? And how long will the paperwork take? The questions are very timely and very important. The paperwork required to open a gas station takes about 3-6 months, the construction itself takes the same amount, and about 12 million rubles will have to be invested. The exact amount depends on many factors).

But how quickly the initial investment will pay off is the question. On average, this takes about five years. So, when investing in filling stations, you need to prepare for the fact that this is a long-term project. True, with proper business management, investments can return in three years.

Own small gas station or franchise?

Today, you can open your own small gas station (it will be an autonomous business, only yours), or open a company under the auspices of some well-known brand by buying a franchise. At the same time, most experts agree that it is easier to organize a fuel business under the guidance of a reliable and experienced partner, so franchising is a very common phenomenon in the fuel business today. In addition, having decided to buy a franchise, you will immediately receive all the necessary documentation, and business development, and a brand, and a ready-made gas station design style (which, by the way, under the terms of the contract, you will have to strictly observe). Representatives of the parent company will help in solving organizational issues, and there will be no need to worry about the quality of fuel. This is understandable, because the owners of the brand protect their good name and will not risk it by supplying low-quality fuel to one of their gas stations.

But if you decide to go on an “autonomous voyage” (open an independent business), then you will have to worry about the quality of your product yourself and develop the style of your gas station. And this means that you will have to choose suppliers and take full responsibility for the quality of the fuel sold, which can be both good and very poor quality.

Do not forget also that most motorists prefer to refuel at gas stations of large oil companies, the so-called "brand" gas stations, in order to fill the tank with guaranteed good gasoline. So, the presence of a well-known brand on a sign can become a guarantee of business profitability.

Registration and organization of business

So you've decided to open a gas station. So, you need to take action:

First you need to draw up a business plan for the gas station, find a suitable site for the station and conclude a lease agreement with the owners.

Then you need to go through state registration (you can, but it’s better to register a legal entity, for example, which will make it possible to choose a taxation system with VAT - most suppliers prefer to work with those gas stations where).

  • Get OKVED codes.
  • Prepare a project for the future filling complex and coordinate it with Rospotrebnadzor, and then organize construction.
  • Develop and agree on the PQP.
  • Conclude an agreement on deratization with the relevant company, as well as an agreement on the export of solid waste.
  • Obtain permission from the environmental service and SES.
  • Obtain a license for the storage and sale of fuel in the Ministry of Energy.
  • Carry out workplace assessments.
  • Conclude a contract for the supply of fuel.

Plot for gas station and construction of the station

As for a suitable site for a gas station, it should be located on a high traffic road or where there is an active movement of vehicles. At the same time, it is important that there is a convenient entrance for cars.

After the site is selected, and the lease and construction documents are drawn up, you can proceed directly to the construction itself. If you have chosen franchising, then partners will help you, and if you open an autonomous business, then it is better to use the services of specialized companies that are engaged in the construction and commissioning of gas stations. There are specialists who know all the requirements of the current legislation. They will carry out the whole complex of construction works, put the object into operation and receive all the necessary documents.

All this can take from six months to twelve months, but you will be sure that everything is done correctly.

Necessary equipment

There are many different opinions about the equipment needed at a gas station and its quantity. But the minimum set should include:

In addition, it is worth taking care of special software (and, accordingly, a computer), which can help automate the process of dispensing fuel. Using such software, you will automatically not only refuel vehicles, but also receive fuel from a fuel truck and generate daily reports. This is important because it will help to almost completely eliminate the notorious “human factor” from the chain.

Well, and, of course, you need to build and equip a room for the operator of the gas station, as well as additional buildings where tire fitting, a workshop, a car wash, a shop, etc. will be located (this means that you need to equip all objects with the necessary furniture, equipment, tools).

Fuel supplies

Have you bought a franchise? Then you don't have to worry about fuel supply and quality. Your partners will take care of it. But if you are running an independent business, then you will have to look for reliable suppliers and organize fuel supplies yourself. The best option is an agreement with a tank farm or processing plant. There you can get fuel at a lower price or negotiate discounts for bulk orders. The price level can be found on the Internet, and from oil refineries it is better to choose a larger one with a good reputation. So you can count on more or less good quality fuel.

Accompanying services

How to open a gas station? And how do you make your business profitable? These questions can be answered by those who have already opened gas stations. The main advice for beginners: do not stop only at selling gasoline, but also offer additional services that will help increase profits and attract customers. What is this about? For example, about the fact that you can open a tire fitting or repair shop at a gas station (especially if the station is located on the highway, away from regular workshops), a store where goods for the road, motor oils and auto chemicals, a small cafe will be sold. Sometimes it even makes sense to open a small hotel that will be in demand on federal highways, where there is a lot of transit transport, or a car wash.

Of course, you should think about additional services at the stage of planning your future business. Then it will be much easier to realize all the ideas. And what is interesting, in the course of work it often turns out that the gas station itself serves to attract customers (people still stop by to refuel), and it is additional services that provide the main income. So do not neglect such important components of the business.


Safety in a fire hazardous facility is a very important issue. To begin with, it is necessary to develop all fire-fighting documentation, equip the premises with fire alarms and an alarm button, and the gas station with primary fire extinguishing equipment.

On the territory of the gas station there should be a fire pond or hydrant, boxes of sand and, of course, fire extinguishers.

It is also necessary to take care of the safety of personnel (especially for gas stations that are located far from populated areas): provide the operator with high-quality means of communication, install an alarm button and conclude a service contract with a security company whose employees will go to the site if the alarm button is triggered . It is also a good idea to install armored glass and reinforced doors at the facility. These measures will help to avoid trouble in the event of an attack on the gas station by criminal elements.


For the normal operation of the gas station, you will need:

  • technical specialists who will provide vehicle refueling, tire inflation, and provide other repair services;
  • cashier manager (gas station operator, there should be several), who will accept money, dispense fuel and control order at the station;
  • seller (if there is a shop at the station)
  • manager

Of course, depending on what other services you plan to provide at your station, the appropriate staff will be required. For example, repairmen or electricians, a store clerk, a barmaid, a car wash operator.

How to open a gas station

The process of opening a gas station is no different from opening a regular gas station. But special attention should be paid to the equipment for the station, which must be not only modern and certified, but also verified by the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which will confirm its safety. In addition, even before the start of construction, it is necessary to discuss with the fire inspection all issues related to the layout of the station, and coordinate the choice of land with the local administration.

Important Points

Having built a modern filling station and becoming its owner, it is important not to forget that it is an object of increased danger, which will be regularly checked by authorized bodies for compliance with the requirements of existing legislation and regulations. And these bodies will regularly monitor your activities, and if violations are found, they can not only issue a fine, but also suspend the license. And you will not be able to work until you eliminate the identified shortcomings. So, compliance with the requirements of equipment and operation of fire and explosive objects should be treated very carefully.

Initial investment

How much does it cost to open a gas station? This question is asked by almost everyone who wants to open their own station. So, as for the initial investment, their size depends on many factors: the region, the level of gas station, the need for additional buildings, the technical equipment of the business, the additional services provided by the gas station. But on average, the costs at the initial stage will be:

It can be seen from the calculations that investments for the opening of gas stations will require considerable. But if refueling monthly brings at least 1,000,000 rubles of income, the business can be considered profitable.

Dear visitors, below is an example of a gas station business plan with economic calculations. The calculations are made by experts with extensive experience in an Excel file, thanks to which they can be adapted to any business plan of another gas station. After reviewing the document, you can download the file with the calculations below. If you have any questions - ask them directly in the comments, the VKontakte group, or by writing to us by mail.


Goal: "Opening a gas station in the city of Penza"

Tasks: "Supplying motorists of nearby areas with fuels and lubricants"

Initiator of the project

The initiator of the construction of a new gas station is an individual entrepreneur - the owner of a network of gas stations (3 pieces) in Penza and the Penza region. The entrepreneur has extensive experience in this business, owns three profitable facilities and has established relationships with fuel suppliers.

Investment costs

To open a filling station, investments in the amount of 3,949 thousand rubles will be required, which are divided into, project development, construction, purchase of equipment and products.

The distribution of investments by areas is presented in the table below:

Name of works

Acquisition of a land plot

Project development


Purchase of equipment

Purchase of products

Project financing

The project will be financed from two sources - the project initiator's own funds and credit funds. The loan is planned to be received in the amount of 2,649 thousand rubles. at 19% per annum for 5 years with a differentiated repayment schedule.

The acquired land plot, as well as the purchased fueling equipment, will be provided as collateral.

Project payback indicators

Based on the input data and prerequisites that will be described below in the financial part of the business plan, a model for calculating the payback for the construction of a gas station was built. The performance indicators of this project are described below:

  • Planned inflation - 10%;
  • Simple payback period - 3.6 years;
  • Discounted payback period - 4.3 years;
  • NPV - 5,367 thousand rubles;

These indicators indicate that the project is interesting in terms of investment and pays off in a fairly short period of time.

Product Suppliers

As the main supplier of products, it is planned to attract the nearest oil refinery of one of the largest producers of fuels and lubricants - PJSC Lukoil. This will provide gas stations with high-quality inexpensive products. Lukoil's prices are lower than the prices for similar products from other gasoline and diesel fuel producers, and they also have extensive advertising support and a wide range of products. In addition, the company offers its own line of motor oils, gearbox oils.

In addition, it is planned to attract one of the manufacturers of these products in the city of Penza as a supplier of cooling and brake fluids.

Construction company and equipment suppliers

As a construction company, it is planned to attract a local contractor, with whom the company worked on opening a gas station earlier. The company has more than 15 years of experience, as well as extensive experience in the construction of similar stations for large gas stations - Lukoil, Gazprom, Rosneft.

A large Moscow company is planned to be the supplier of the equipment, which also supplies filling station equipment of its own production to all major filling stations networks.


Gas station products will not differ from others and will include the following product groups:

  • Gasoline of three grades - 92, 95, 98;
  • Diesel fuel;
  • Motor oils and additives;
  • Coolants;
  • brake fluids.
  • Related products (drinks, fast food, magazines)


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

The volume of investments in the opening of the gas station will amount to 3,949 thousand rubles, most of which will be directed to the purchase of equipment and the construction of the gas station itself. A large amount will be spent on the acquisition of land.

Detailed investment costs are described in the table below (rubles including VAT):

Naming of expenditures




Acquisition of a land plot


Production equipment

Fuel dispenser

Filling station management system

Pressure sensor microprocessor

Fuel station

Fuel storage tanks

Shop equipment


Cash machine



Purchase of goods


3 949 000,00

Investment payment and work plan

It is planned that the duration of construction and launch of filling stations will be 8 months. The work plan for the opening of a gas station is presented below:

Location and refueling

As part of the business plan, it is planned to build our own premises, which will accommodate a cashier, a security guard and a small store of related products for the car (oils, liquids). The premises will consist of the following rooms:

  • Trading floor (products and a cashier will be placed here);
  • bathroom;
  • Warehouse for goods;
  • Locker room.

No more rooms are planned, as all management is located in an office space that the company rents specifically for this purpose in the city center. The number of management staff will not increase, so there will be no additional costs for the office.

There will be 2 filling stations on the site with the possibility of refueling two cars at the same time from each of them. This setting is a standard value for this type of gas station and provides an optimal ratio between investment and subsequent revenue.

Working hours

It is planned that the gas station will operate around the clock seven days a week and holidays. This is due to the need to refuel cars at any time, regardless of the time of day and holidays.

Manufacturing process

The gas station business process will be quite standard:

  1. A fuel truck brings gasoline from the factory and pours it into special fuel storage tanks at the gas station.
  2. The car owner drives his car to the dispenser and inserts the gun into the tank of the car.
  3. He goes to the cash register to say the volume and brand of gasoline poured in and the number of the column, pays the money.
  4. The cashier beats off the check and starts the bay.
  5. After the end of the bay, the car owner inserts the gun back into the column and leaves to make room for the next buyer.

Production cost

The petrol station purchases fuel, oils and liquids from suppliers and manufacturers of these goods. The cost of products by product groups and margins are presented in the table below:

Product group

Cost price

Diesel fuel


Marketing plan


The number of competitors in the gas station market is very large. Today, it is almost impossible for a player who is not a specialist in this field to enter this business. Large gasoline producers (such as Lukoil, Rosneft, Gazprom) and small but fairly stable networks of gas stations operate on the market.

To date, all the most profitable places for gas stations have already been taken, however, the ever-increasing car park and the requirements for the speed of service lead to the fact that periodically there is a need to increase both the number of gas stations and the expansion of existing ones.


The land plot planned for acquisition for the construction of a gas station is located on the outskirts of the city on a very busy road in the industrial zone of the city. After the construction, the gas station will be clearly visible from the road both in the daytime and at night, which will allow it to receive customers at any time.

Assortment and prices

The range of products sold will be standard for all filling stations. First of all, it will be all brands of gasoline. In addition, motorists will be offered motor oils, cooling and brake fluids. In addition, the petrol station sells related products for drivers (for example: drinks, snacks, magazines, personal care products)

Product prices will follow the prices at large gas stations in the city owned by gasoline producers and will be 50 kopecks lower. The fact is that at the same prices for gasoline, the consumer will definitely choose the gas station of the oil company, and with a decrease in the price, some consumers are ready to refuel at third-party gas stations, despite the fact that they are confident in the quality of gasoline.

The table below shows the range of products by product groups, price, cost and margin.

Product group

Cost price (rub/l)




Share in sales

Diesel fuel



The table below shows the range of related products by product groups.

Product group



Share in sales

Cold drinks

Personal Care Products

Newspapers magazines


Volume of sales

Unlike other goods, the demand for gasoline has practically no seasonality in demand, so we will not use seasonality indices to plan revenue by months. However, due to the fact that the opening of gas stations will not immediately attract the maximum number of motorists, we will lay down a schedule for reaching the planned sales volume:


%% of maximum sales

Thus, as can be seen from the table, the filling station will reach its maximum sales volume in about a year.

After reaching the maximum sales volume, we plan that the average refueling bill will be 1,000 rubles, and about 600 cars will be refueled per day, which is about 25 cars per hour.

Advertising strategy

In order to reach full sales as quickly as possible, it is planned to conduct an advertising campaign that would attract the largest number of consumers to gas stations. To do this, it is planned to use the following advertising channels:

  • Making a stele with luminous prices for gasoline - 200,000 rubles;
  • Registration of gas stations in colors corresponding to the brand of the rest of the network of gas stations - 100,000 rubles;
  • Making a sign - 50,000 rubles;
  • Decoration with balloons in the first month of opening - 30,000 rubles;
  • Distribution of leaflets at existing gas stations of the network with information about the opening of another outlet - 3,000 rubles;
  • Placement of advertising structures with advertising of gas stations at other gas stations of the network - 10,000 rubles;
  • Hiring a growth figure to attract customers - 20,000 rubles / month.

organizational plan


Due to the fact that the company already has a network of filling stations, this filling station will also be registered with an existing limited liability company. A land plot will be purchased for the same legal entity and a loan will be issued.

Personnel and staff structure

The staff, their salaries and bonuses are presented in the table below:

Job title





20% of profit

3% of revenue

support worker

"* - positions are marked, the functionality of which will be performed by existing employees of the enterprise for an additional fee.

I would like to note that a security guard must be present at the gas station, but it will be provided by a private security company, so the cost of it is included in the “security services” item.

Financial plan


- 4.3 years;
  • NPV - 5,367 thousand rubles;
  • Break even

    Based on the constructed model, the break-even point for a gas station was calculated, which amounted to 489 thousand rubles.

    Taking into account the fact that we plan to reach a monthly revenue of 600 thousand rubles. with VAT and a schedule for reaching maximum sales, the gas station will start making a profit from the 7th month.

    Project Sustainability Analysis

    In order to obtain information about what factors and how much can affect the change in the project's profit, we have built the following table, which describes the change in the NPV indicator depending on the change in the sale prices for gasoline and diesel fuel, purchase prices and company costs, taking into account wages:


    Sale prices

    Purchase price

    Risk Analysis

    We divided all existing risks into political, economic, social, and technological ones.


    These include the risk of a decrease in demand for fuels and lubricants in connection with the invention and introduction of a radically new engine that does not require gasoline or diesel fuel, as well as the growth of gas-powered cars. However, as we see in the near future, no new engine is planned to be launched, and the use of gas instead of gasoline and diesel fuel, although it leads to savings, but leads to faster engine wear. In addition, any significant increase in gas consumption will lead to a sharp jump in the cost of it and, accordingly, stop this growth.


    These risks include the risk of a decrease in the population in the city of Penza, which in turn will lead to a sharp decrease in the number of cars. However, all industries are working in the city, the economic situation is normal, so there are no plans for sharp reductions in the population.


    The sphere of gasoline sales is heavily regulated by the state, therefore, with the introduction of political restrictions on the price of gasoline, it may lead to the fact that all gas stations will be forced to reduce their prices and, accordingly, will receive less profit.


    A slowdown in economic growth will not make it possible to receive the planned profit, which will lead to delays in loan repayment and possible litigation with a credit institution. Further development of the network in this case will be quite difficult.

    Starting your own fuel business from scratch is quite difficult, drivers are used to refueling at proven gas stations, and fuel will cost more due to small volumes. Therefore, the ideal option for opening a gas station is to purchase a franchise of a well-known gas station in Russia. This will attract customers and get high-quality gasoline at a low price, at wholesale prices. Today we will talk about how to open a gas station under the franchise of a corporation with a worldwide reputation and many years of experience - Lukoil.

    History of Lukoil

    Open Joint Stock Company "Lukoil" was established in 1991 on the basis of the state concern "LangepasUrayKogalymneft" (hence the abbreviation of the company). Over the years of its work, the company has managed to establish partnerships with American companies, build its own tanker fleet, and agree on cooperation with the Iraqi Oil Ministry. Several dozens of oil and gas fields were discovered in Russia and abroad, more than 100 international projects for the development of the oil and gas industry were implemented, oil producing enterprises and service companies were acquired. For its contribution to the development of the oil and gas industry, the company has been awarded various awards from the governments of several countries.

    Lukoil filling stations have more than 400 representative offices in Russia and abroad

    What does the franchise include?

    More than 400 gas stations operate worldwide from the Lukoil brand. So what does the franchisee get from cooperation with this company?

    • the buyer of the franchise, after paying the lump-sum fee and signing the contract, gets the opportunity to sell products under the Lukoil brand;
    • Filling stations will provide fuel and related products on a permanent basis at wholesale prices;
    • franchisees and staff will undergo a special training program developed over the years of the company's work;
    • the equipment of the station will be controlled by the company's specialists so that it meets the requirements of GOST.

    Advantages and disadvantages of cooperation

    Buying a franchise has a number of advantages for an entrepreneur. In the case of opening a Lukoil representative office, a businessman saves on an advertising campaign and promotion of his gas station. Under the contract, he is guaranteed to receive high-quality petroleum products at the required frequency. All staff and the franchisee himself undergo training, which is included in the cost of the franchise. They get to know the market, its tricks and tricks, and receive advice on various topics at any time of cooperation.

    The franchisee, according to the contract, continuously receives high quality fuel at wholesale prices

    Working under a well-known brand will quickly attract customers who care about the quality of fuel for their cars. The discount system offered by the company will help attract people and increase the average bill. The payback of the project will take only 2-2.5 years despite the high level of investment.

    There are also enough shortcomings for the entrepreneur to think about. After all, about 6 million rubles will need to be invested in the franchise, this amount includes a lump-sum fee and the arrangement of a gas station. The supply of oil products outside the company will be excluded, and development will depend on the plans of the franchisor. The contract strictly regulates the term of cooperation, so the franchisee will not be able to exit the business earlier. Company owners can sell a franchise to several businessmen in one city, which will significantly increase the level of competition.

    Conditions for obtaining a franchise

    If an entrepreneur has his own gas stations, as well as a license to sell petroleum products, then he can send an application to open a representative office of Lukoil. The application must indicate the number of gas stations, their financial performance for the last months of work, the presence of fuel trucks and tank farms. Photos of objects must be attached to the information so that the company's specialists can evaluate the external and internal design of the station.

    Franchising staff will also need the legal and accounting documents of the company applying to purchase the franchise. The availability of qualified employees will increase the likelihood of a positive decision, as well as the possibility of additional sales at the gas station. The application must be sent to the sub-franchisor at the proposed location of the station or complex. You will receive an answer within 30 days. In case of a positive result, representatives of the company will be sent to you to check the received data. After passing the check, Lukoil specialists will send recommendations on re-equipment of your gas station in the corporate style of the company, as well as a list of documents for signing the contract. The verified and signed contract is sent to Rospatent for registration, after which it enters into force.

    Remember: Within 3 months after the signing of the contract, it is necessary to re-equip the filling station in accordance with the terms of the company. The contract will indicate the period of cooperation, before which the franchisee does not have the opportunity to leave the business, but can extend it.

    Expert opinion

    Roman Efremov

    Work experience: 5 years. Specialization: all areas of jurisprudence.

    Franchise of PJSC Lukoil is granted for a certain period, designated in accordance with the provisions of the commercial subconcession agreement. According to current requirements, the counterparty is obliged to pay a lump-sum fee. Its size depends directly on the location of the gas station:

    1. In urban agglomerations with a population of more than 500 thousand people - 357 thousand rubles annually (VAT 20% is paid separately).
    2. Settlements with a population of less than 500 thousand people - 217 thousand rubles (+20% VAT).
    3. The gas station is located on a federal highway - 398 thousand rubles (+20% VAT).
    In addition to the annual payment of the fee, the client will be required to bring the appearance of the gas station to a single standard, typical for Lukoil PJSC. As practice shows, it is this requirement that entails the main financial expenses when opening a franchise gas station.In addition to strictly regulated financial requirements, PJSC Lukoil puts forward a number of fundamental rules for long-term cooperation:
    1. In order to be able to draw up a franchise agreement with Lukoil, the client must own a gas station that meets all legal requirements, or a land plot intended for arranging a gas station.
    2. All work to bring the gas station to the corporate style of Lukoil is carried out by the user at his own expense. If this right is ignored, Lukoil reserves the right to impose penalties or cancel the transaction.
    3. When carrying out the activities of gas stations, the franchisee is obliged to ensure that the company's standards and the principle of customer orientation are carefully observed.
    4. The commercial subconcession agreement may specify additional obligations and requirements for the counterparty. They must be guaranteed.
    5. At filling stations operating under the Lukoil brand, only the company's fuel can be sold. It is strictly forbidden to sell oil products of other manufacturers.
    6. The franchisee undertakes to independently organize the storage of fuel, monitor its quality at all stages, from wholesale purchase to sale to consumers.

    Cost and payback forecast

    An entrepreneur will have to spend about 5.8 million rubles to open a franchise for a Lukoil gas station. Of these, 400 thousand is a lump-sum contribution, the rest of the funds are the arrangement of a gas station. The royalty ranges from 220 to 400 thousand rubles a year, depending on the size of the city in which the representative office is opened.

    In addition, on a monthly basis, the entrepreneur must pay rent for the land on which the gas station is located, pay salaries to employees, and pay for the supply of petroleum products. According to experts, the net profit from one gas station is 250-400 thousand rubles. The payback of the project takes 2-2.5 years.

    Despite the high competition among gas stations and complexes, the opening of a franchise under the auspices of Lukoil guarantees the franchisee a high income and a quick payback. Due to the popularity of the brand and low prices for products, the franchise buyer receives regular customers and a stable monthly profit. The level of service of the company and the quality of its oil products have won the trust of millions of Russians, therefore, becoming a partner of Lukoil, an entrepreneur invests in a business proven by many years of experience.

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