vending business. The system for monitoring the revenue of vending machines in Belarus helped the vending business About the taxation of coffee vending in Belarus

Here you can buy the best vending equipment from Unicum. We are the first official suppliers of this manufacturer's products in the Republic of Belarus. In addition, vending and combination machines are available in stock.

Here you can order ingredients for vending equipment: vending coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and cappuccino. We also supply vending utensils. In addition, you can purchase milk and cream for your machine.

Vending equipment in Minsk

By purchasing a product from us, you get not just your order, but a full package of services. If there is equipment in stock, we will deliver it as soon as possible, since our warehouse is located in Minsk, we will install and connect it. And in the event of a breakdown, we provide repair services.

When ordering coffee, tea and other drinks, we will help you choose the best blend and amount of product for you. We supply only high-quality Arabica and Robusta coffee from Italy in different price segments. By placing an order with us you will receive a full range of services for the maintenance of vending equipment.

Do the benefits of SCTA outweigh its drawbacks?

On July 1 of this year, the Ministry of Taxes and Duties has introduced a new system of control over the revenue of vending machines in Belarus.

Simply put, Respublika explains, the buyer put the banknote into the machine, buying a cup of coffee, and the tax service is already aware of this. Buyers did not notice innovations, but business representatives do not stop sounding the alarm about the established "total" control over their activities. However, along with those who continue to be categorically against the introduction of such technologies, there are those who have managed to figure out how to benefit from a technical novelty.

Profit without concealment

All over the world, the vending business is considered to be very profitable. In Japan, the USA, Europe, the number of vending machines is in the millions. There are still about 50-55 thousand machines operating in Russia, but experts predict a significant growth in business in the coming years, because its profitability averages about 20%. For comparison: the profitability of ordinary retail trade in our country, according to statistics, barely reaches 5%. According to rough estimates, about 2-3 thousand devices are still working in Belarus, but vending subjects also call their industry one of the promising areas for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. At the same time, where there is profit, there are prerequisites for going into “shadow” schemes. According to Vladimir Mukvich, head of the Main Directorate for Controlling Excisable Goods, Gambling Business and Electronic Systems for Controlling the Sale of Goods of the Ministry of Taxes and Dues, the results of recent monitoring conducted by the tax service show that today there are many cases of exceeding the real volumes of revenue from vending machines compared to the previous one. that vending companies "declare". “In some cases, the data differ by 12 or more times,” says the specialist. At the same time, he contritely states: “There are other violations. In general, retail trade using vending machines has long been one of the most difficult areas, both in terms of controlling the volume of revenue and in terms of overseeing the safety for the life and health of citizens. It is still not subject to, for example, the requirements of mandatory state hygienic registration, assessment and confirmation of conformity.

It is clear that profitability plays an important role for the survival and development of a business, Respublika writes. Here are hidden reserves for investment activity, and new jobs, and a qualitatively new level of service, and the well-being of the businessmen themselves, in the end. But one can hardly look for business growth potential solely in the fact that the revenue of a vending machine, unlike any other retail location, is difficult to control. Reduced revenue, reduced the amount of taxes - that's additional money appeared. But for a long time it was not possible to find common approaches to determining the profitability of a business among its managers and the tax service. As a result, a joint resolution of the Council of Ministers and the National Bank of 06.07. 2011 No. 924/16, according to which, from July 1, 2012, all owners of vending machines must, when paying by consumers for goods, works and services sold in them, accept cash using built-in cash equipment that registers and takes into account accepted money, as well as printing check. For more than a month now, almost one and a half thousand vending machine control systems have been performing their direct functions.

Vladimir Mukvich explains: “In addition to the control exercised by the tax service, the system implements the possibility of providing the vending machine owner with various statistical reports on revenue. Firstly, he remotely receives reliable information about the revenue for each vending machine at any time of the day. Secondly, it can minimize the cost of their maintenance by promptly obtaining information about failures in their operation, quickly eliminating problems that arise and restoring the machine’s operability.”

Business Bonuses

Alla Kukharchik, deputy director of Mirny Sport LLC, which owns two vending machines, at first could not understand the reason for the significant discrepancies between the information that the newly connected control system “insisted” on and the cash that the operators brought. Employees in the company are accustomed to trust, because they have never given reasons for distrust before. Decided that the system "failed". Specialists - developers of SKTA, after the owner's complaint and full collection of the vending machine, sealed it for several days and then checked the proceeds again. The amount of cash to the penny coincided with the readings of the system. And it is not at all surprising that after such a check, cases of discrepancies between cash proceeds and information about it in SKTA “suddenly” stopped.

Many owners of vending machines face a similar problem. Among them is Vasily Torlin, director of Mister Vending LLC, the network of vending machines of his company in Minsk and other cities of the country covers almost 150 devices.

“The need for a better business organization was clear. The operator sooner or later begins to "intervene" in the cash proceeds. There are, of course, exceptions. But, perhaps, not a single manager trusts his operators 100% - whether they hand over all the proceeds or not. It is possible to control the operation of machines even without SCTA - the effectiveness of such work depends on the organization itself. But to see on your personal computer how more than a hundred machines work at once is convenient. We can say that large vending enterprises have been waiting for such a system for a long time,” says the specialist.

SKTA even found advantages that initially no one, including the developers of the system, expected. It turned out that the general connection of vending machines to the control system is able to even out competition among the entrepreneurs themselves and bring to light those of them who, before July 1, could set extremely low prices for goods sold through vending machines in a way unknown to other entrepreneurs. Take, for example, coffee machines. Just imagine: two machine guns, outwardly similar, are standing not far from each other. But the price of a cup of coffee in one is much lower than in the second. The owner of the second machine is surprised: it is impossible to work profitably at such a price. “Perhaps,” the owner of the first machine smiles slyly and regularly imports coffee and other ingredients into the country without paying customs duties. Now, when SKTA keeps track of the number of sales made by the vending machine, it has become possible to evaluate the consumption of ingredients and understand how legally its owner works.

Now a lot is available: to find out if the banknote is jammed in the bill acceptor, whether the vending machine is operating in the normal mode ... With the help of operational information from SKTA, vending machine owners, for example, can give a reasoned refusal to those who previously demanded the return of banknotes that allegedly “swallowed” by the vending machine without selling the product. Prior to the emergence of SKTA, calls to entrepreneurs with such claims were quite common.

"Nothing like this has ever been done before"

The listed possibilities of SKTA appeared thanks to the efforts of developers - specialists of RUE "Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties". As they proudly remark, "the system is progressive, and nothing like this has ever been done in the country in such a short time." The system was developed and implemented in fact in a year, but the tight deadlines did not affect the quality of the product. According to Tatiana Zhiznevskaya, head of the informatization department of RUE IIC, both the control system as a whole and the electronic device (module) built into the vending machine and transmitting revenue data to the data center meet all information security requirements.

“The module itself is small in size and does not create any problems during the operation of the machine, and if necessary, the owner of the machine can easily remove and reinstall it. The module is compatible with almost all types of vending machines operating on the Belarusian market,” she explains.

The developers tried to minimize the costs that the connection to the SKTA would require from the owners of vending machines. Work with the involvement of third-party organizations was carried out on a competitive basis. The optimal tariff was chosen from one of the mobile operators. As a result, the deposit for the electronic device (it is charged when installing the module) turned out to be lower than the cost of the cheapest cash register equipment used in Belarus. But for this money, vending machine owners get a device that has the properties of data transfer, interaction with the data center and providing secure access to information. The cost of its monthly maintenance is comparable in size to the cost of servicing, for example, cash register equipment, which is widely used in a retail network. Connecting equipment is the smallest amount in the expenses of an entrepreneur and has not caused any complaints so far. “We like the system, no inconvenience from its operation has yet been identified,” explains Alla Kukharchik. “If we talk about the cost, then the device itself is the most expensive, but this is a security deposit, the amount of which will be returned to us if we want to turn off the equipment. The monthly payment could be less, but, on the other hand, the cash register with which we work in retail and the calculating machine are serviced for comparable money. And the organization of control helped to increase revenue.”

Vasily Torlin, director of Mister Vending LLC, speaks from the position of the head of a large business: “According to our application, we were given an installment plan for connecting to the control system for six months. Connecting everything at once (more than a hundred machines) is not cheap. But for large vending companies, the system is a big plus in terms of accounting and control over the operation of a network of vending machines. I would like the tax service to take into account the individual characteristics of business entities - large and small, provide for greater flexibility in pricing, provide discounts, etc. I think this approach will become possible, because thanks to the SKTA, the tax service will know the real income of companies and see the dynamics of their change.”

The tax service sincerely hopes that the useful properties of SKTA will outweigh its possible disadvantages by a large margin. One of the main features of the system, according to Vladimir Mukvich, is that it is aimed at preventing violations of the current legislation. “The appearance of the SKTA will not become a measure that “weighs” tax administration,” he sums up.

Belarus experience

How the vending business automated the delivery of data to the tax

- . .

Operating principle

Business Benefits

Security issue

Timur Bogdanovich,

Cons - in price

Tigran Simonyan,

Expert comment

Tigran Simonyan, manager of BLR-Trade LLC, one of the largest vending operators in Belarus, shared his opinion on what he would like to change in the automated control system of tax authorities: I would change two things in the system and in the approach to its operation. The first is to add the integration of SKNO with telemetry in the software of the vending machines themselves. Some vending operators already pay for telemetry software. Telemetry, albeit in a truncated form, is also part of the SKNO. Through the terminal, you can see whether the device is turned on, whether it is under maintenance (working in test mode), and how much money has been received into it. It would be nice to see a number of parameters in the SKNO itself or as a result of integration with the telemetry of the device manufacturers - error messages in a specific node of the device (a bill is stuck, sticks for stirring drinks are not issued, the dispenser does not work correctly, the brewing unit does not work properly, etc.) , the number of ingredients in the machine, the number of sold servings of each drink for the reporting period. The second thing to change is the price. Today it is really very high even for a company like ours, which operates a fairly large number of devices. SKNO collects data on the movement of money and goods. This is the whole benefit and benefit of the state from its implementation. Transparency costs much more than all the subscription fees collected from entrepreneurs.

Olga Krykova, specially for

Vending business is under control

Today, Russia is actively discussing the possibility of switching to online - control of cash transactions in stores . In this regard, the site tells readers about a rather interesting experience of implementing an automated revenue control system in the vending business in the Republic of Belarus .

Three years ago, in 2012, the Ministry of Taxes and Duties (MTC) in Belarus introduced a system to control the revenue of vending machines. Simply put, as soon as the buyer lowers the bill into the machine, paying for the goods or services, information about the money received goes to the tax service.

As for the buyers, they did not feel the changes, but the owners of vending machines, for obvious reasons, were against such innovations - for many, the declared income was many times different from the real one. Despite the fact that entrepreneurs had a choice: either to work with a cash register (which makes the very principle of the vending business meaningless - to trade without a cashier), or install the SKNO module (a tax authority control tool) in the machine, with the help of which the machine connects to the tax control system. and transmits data on revenue, entrepreneurs chose the second option, as more profitable.

However, Belarusian entrepreneurs quickly realized that the control system has not only disadvantages, but can also bring real benefits. But more on that later.

Operating principle

The IT solution, which was developed by the Belarusian company Novacom, by order of the Ministry of Taxation, allows collecting data on the revenue of vending machines accurate to the banknote in real time. The basis of the system is a special device that is installed in the vending machine and transmits data to the processing center.

The device connects to the information data bus of the bill acceptor, recognizes signals about the acceptance of money and transmits data on accepted banknotes using a GSM module to the data processing center of the Ministry of Taxation.

When compared with the system that is going to be introduced in stores in Russia, they are similar in many respects. The only difference is that the system in the store transmits data from the cash register - from the receipt tape, while in vending the basis is information about accepted cash.

Business Benefits

There are different levels of user access within the system. Data on the vending machine can be received not only by regulatory authorities, but also by the owners of vending machines, who now have the opportunity to remotely control the revenue for individual machines and the network as a whole at any time.

Almost completely disappeared theft among the attendants of vending machines. According to the entrepreneurs themselves, after the first weeks of working with the new system, many of them were very surprised to see that the revenue, according to the system, was significantly higher than the actual amount of money in the machine. After, at the request of some owners, seals were placed on the machine for some time and the staff did not have access to cash, the amount of money according to the data from the system and those in the machine coincided.

By monitoring the performance of the machine online, entrepreneurs can quickly respond to breakdowns and notice equipment downtime.

The business owner can upload data to an analytics system to analyze a number of parameters, such as analysis of product flow by time of day, seasonality, location of the vending machine, consumption forecasting and replenishment of ingredients, etc. Thus, the operator can timely plan equipment maintenance logistics, control product balances, plan product purchases, etc.

Security issue

As a result of testing the system for controlling cash transactions in Russian stores, a flaw was found in the security of data transmission. As for the security of information transfer in the vending business, the volumes of the vending business itself are smaller in comparison with the number of stores and cash desks in them. And the problem, accordingly, is also less global.

Timur Bogdanovich,
SKTA project manager at Novacom, said: “There are not so many intermediate links in the system. Data transmission is carried out in a dedicated secure network of a mobile operator. Further, through GSM channels, the information gets to the resources of the system owner. There is also a security group at the entrance that checks the incoming data. Access to the system is provided only when the user is identified and authenticated using his public and private key certificate and taking into account the differentiation of rights.

In the event of a communication failure, the data is accumulated in the internal memory of the SKNO. This is a separate module with a resource reserve of a month or more. In our time, such long interruptions in communication do not actually happen, even in force majeure or difficult weather conditions. When the link is restored, the device starts transmitting data immediately.”

Cons - in price

The cost of equipment, a subscription fee or a service associated with it, is the most common "minus" of almost all innovations. Tigran Simonyan, The manager of BLR-Trade LLC, one of the largest vending operators in Belarus, identified two main disadvantages of the control system, and both of them relate to implementation and maintenance costs:

“First, to connect to the system, you need to pay a deposit for the transmitting unit. The security deposit is the equivalent of $80. If the entrepreneur decides to return the block, say, after a year of operation, he will receive the same amount that he paid at the time of connection. In Belarus, inflation is high, so at the time of the return it will be much less money than at the time of connection.

The second minus is the cost of subscription service for each block. It is the equivalent of $16.5 per month, which is expensive. This immediately calls into question the profitability of devices in places with low traffic - the monthly fee will simply eat up the entire margin. You have to look for other places to install. For our company, which has a lot of devices, this is a common thing. And for individual entrepreneurs with 2-3 cars, this can be a problem.”

Over 2,300 vending machines were connected during the first six months of the system's operation, and now more than 3,000 are operating. As for vending machines located in Minsk, vending machines for coffee, snacks and bottled drinking water are in the lead. Other types of machines are also connected to the system, for example, photo machines in which you can take an urgent picture for documents, manual car washes of the Karcher type at gas stations.

vending business due to its many advantages, it is gaining more and more popularity. The term "vending" means the sale of food, drinks, stationery, toys and other small items using self-service machines. Due to the high demand, quick payback, low cost of renting a place, mobility and independence from the work of hired personnel, this type of business quickly becomes profitable and begins to bring a stable profit.

Features of choosing a place for the machine

The location where the vending machine will be installed must meet the following criteria.

Sufficient flow of potential customers

This requirement is met by shopping centers, equipped transport stops, bus stations, educational institutions, etc.

Important: the goods in the machine must correspond to the target audience. For example, in educational institutions, selling stationery is just as profitable as bars and coffee, while in shopping centers and other places of public use, food and beverages should be preferred.


It is possible to place the machine on the street only with full confidence in the law-abidingness of the inhabitants of the area. If there is a risk of damage to the device by vandals, it is better to choose a protected place (shop, supermarket, etc.) or at least a point with video surveillance.

No direct competitors

If there are already vending machines with a similar product nearby, you should find another place for your own. The best option for a vending business is an area on the outskirts of the city, where there are few shops and, especially, vending machines.

Formal side of the issue: how to register a business

In order for the vending business to be legal from the point of view of the law, it is necessary to register as a private entrepreneur or as a legal entity, as well as choose the best taxation option. In addition, permits are required for placing the machine, for its activities (from the fire service and SES) and for the goods that will be sold. After these stages, a contract for renting a place is concluded, and the contact details of the entrepreneur are indicated on the machine.

Ready business offers

Coffee outlets with machines

I will sell 3 points with a coffee machine in the checkout areas and at the service station with the attendance of the shopping center 4,000,000 visitors per year. The place is located near the exchange office and the islet of Belgosstrakh The remaining 2 points are at the service station Device: 18-button, grain, Sagoma Luce Es, manufacturer Rheavendors, Italy, such ...

There are vending machines - coffee, "confectionery", etc. - in Belarus, but they are surprisingly few. What's the matter? Trading through vending devices is a high-tech, cost-effective and highly profitable business all over the world. Is Belarus really a "blank spot" on the map of global trade trends? The portal browser noticed several reasons hindering the development of vending - retail trade carried out using technical means designed to automate the process of selling certain goods.

How developed is this business in Belarus?

Representatives of the WPC noted that vending, unlike European countries, the US and Japan, is still in its infancy.

The most common vending machines are, of course, coffee machines. But along with them, other types of vending are also developing in the country:

  • press vending machines;
  • vending machines for disposable shoe covers;
  • photo booths;
  • vending machines for bottled and soda water;
  • snack machines;
  • massage chairs;
  • copy machines;
  • alcohol tests;
  • automatic car washes;
  • automatic vacuum cleaners.

Tax officials predict that the scope of vending machines and automatic electronic devices in Belarus will develop.

At the same time, the range of vending machines common in different countries is quite wide. For example, in a number of states there are pizza vending machines - pizza machines. Pizza is stored refrigerated in special packaging. Before issuance, it is released from packaging and baked in an oven at a temperature of +300°C. Or - book machines designed to sell books. It is difficult to say whether such devices will take root in Belarus. In one of the chains of pizzerias, for example, the portal browser was told that the installation of such machines is not profitable for them. “One can only guess about the quality of such pizza,” said catering representatives. - The Belarusian consumer is not used to eating semi-finished products. It is important for him that the pizza is made and served, so to speak, from hand to hand.”

Vending Machine Control System: Expectations and Realities

When in 2012 the Belarusian Ministry of Taxes and Duties announced a change in the rules of the vending game, many owners of vending machines took this innovation with hostility. The essence of innovation is as follows. Since July 1, 2012 in Belarus, owners of vending machines for the sale of goods, automatic electronic devices have the opportunity to provide their services only if this equipment is connected to the control system of tax authorities (SKNO). The tax authority control tool is a special electronic device that remotely transmits vending machine revenue data to a data center via cellular telecommunications, and is part of the vending machine control system.

According to the calculations of the tax authorities, the introduction of a vending machine control system should have provided reliable and complete accounting of both the vending machines and automatic electronic devices, and the revenue received from their use. In order to install SKNO, businessmen had to conclude an agreement with RUE "Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties" and pay the security deposit of the devices, which, by the way, should be returned to the owner of the vending machine when the controls were removed.

The innovation did not concern:

  • vending machines for the sale of travel documents (tokens) for transport;
  • children's entertainment and prize devices (crane machines) equipped with a bill acceptor;
  • other similar equipment that is of an entertainment nature.

As of mid-2012, there were about 2,500 vending machines in Belarus. What has changed after eight months? Has business given up total control?

In fact, it turned out that the owners of vending machines were worried about their financial well-being for good reason. For, as Darya Drozd, head of the department of electronic control systems for the sale of goods of the main department for control of excisable goods, gambling and electronic systems for control of the sale of goods of the Ministry of Taxation of Belarus, said in February during an online conference, additionally received, i.e. legalized, revenue in the business of selling goods and services using vending machines amounted to Br3.8 billion per month. On average, the increase in revenue in comparable prices is 1.7 times, and for individual payers - 5 times or more. This was a surprise for the tax authorities: they did not expect such revenues. And how businessmen were "delighted" with this fact!

The number of operating vending machines in Belarus has not significantly decreased lately. As of February 20, 2013, 2362 devices were connected to the SCTA in the republic - only one and a half hundred less than last summer.

And from February 1, Belarus introduced a slight relief for owners of vending machines - a tariff for one day of using the system. It should appeal to business entities whose equipment is actively working only a few days a month - for example, in the lobby of a concert hall or sports facility.

well forgotten old

Vending machines have been known in our country for many decades. Serial production of such devices in the USSR in 1956, after the trip of Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev to the USA. After that, vending machines for soda water appeared in all major cities.

At subway stations, devices for the sale of travel tokens and for the exchange of coins appeared, and at stations - vending machines for tickets. Newspaper vending machines were popular in large cities.

Vending machines in the Soviet Union sold dairy products and sandwiches, sunflower oil, tobacco products, etc. However, as soon as the time of severe inflation began, this business came to naught. In Belarus, where inflation was over 20% in 2012 alone, it is rather difficult to develop vending. That is why the experts of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes say that this business is “in the process of formation”.

For comparison: in Japan, the number of vending machines is 1 vending machine per 23 residents. There are more than 2 million vending machines in Germany and about 500,000 in the UK. We have something to strive for.

Alexander Nesterov


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