Example calculation of laundry equipment. Laundry in the hotel. What kind of ironing machine is needed in the laundry

Today, many commercial enterprises are trying to reduce costs as well as increase the competitiveness of their business. We invite you to consider a real-life example of how beneficial it really is to have your own on-site laundry.

Looking ahead a little, it must be said that opening a laundry for hotels and similar enterprises, in the best scenario, can pay off in 5 years. At the same time, over the next 10 years, the level of additional profit will be about 0.5 percent of the hotel's revenue. At the same time, the service life of the equipment necessary for the functioning of a private laundry is 15 years.

Room preparation

The first significant step in arranging your own laundry is choosing a room and carrying out the appropriate preparatory work. At the same time, it is important to make sure that it meets the necessary technical requirements, as well as fire and sanitary safety standards. The room must be equipped with water supply, sewerage, ventilation, as well as a power supply network.

For washing clothes, the weight of which does not exceed 30 kg per day, a single-phase 220 volt network will suffice. With higher load volumes of the laundry, you need to take care of the presence of a three-phase network with a voltage of 380 volts (taking into account additional capacities of at least 30 kilowatts). With a laundry volume of 500 kg per day, it is necessary to provide an electric power of 200 kilowatts.

As for the choice of materials for finishing the laundry, they must be resistant to strong temperature changes and high levels of humidity. The best option is ceramic tiles.

There are a few more important points to keep in mind when choosing and preparing a laundry room, namely:

  • A prerequisite is the presence of 2 emergency exits. It should also be possible to create an installation opening so that equipment can be brought in through it);
  • For stable operation of the equipment, the pressure in the water supply system must be at least 3.5-4 atmospheres;
  • It is necessary to store clean and dirty linen in separate and specially designed sections;
  • For daily washing of laundry weighing 500 kg, it is necessary to have a room with an area of ​​​​approximately 100 m 2.

It should be noted that the minimum cost of preparing a laundry room with a volume of 500 kg per day will be about 500 thousand rubles.

Buying equipment for a private laundry: what you need to know?

The main professional industrial equipment for processing 500kg/day laundry includes:

  • 3 washing machines of 25 kg;
  • 5 dryers 25 kg each;
  • 1 ironer.

An inexpensive version of a washing machine from a European manufacturer (for example, the Fagor brand) with a load of 25 kilograms will cost about 660 thousand rubles.

Dryers are required almost 2 times more, because the residual moisture content of the laundry after the washing machine is 100%. This is due to the fact that the mass of wet laundry almost doubles compared to dry (even if you wring it out at 1000 rpm).
Many manufacturers of industrial washing machines claim that the weight of wet clothes after washing does not double, but only one and a half times their total weight. But in reality this is not the case, and you can easily verify this by weighing the laundry yourself before and after washing.

The minimum cost of an ironing rink (manufacturer Vyazma) will be 1260 thousand rubles for an electric type model with a width of 2.8 meters. This type of equipment provides an average ironing quality suitable for 3 star hotels. Ideally, a steam roller should be installed, but its cost, together with a steam generator, will be several times higher.

Let's do the calculations:

  • 3х660=1980 thousand (washing machines)
  • 5х302=1510 thousand (dryers)
  • 1*1260=1260 thousand (ironer)

Total: 4750 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that the cost of connecting equipment is approximately 3% of its actual price. Thus, to purchase all the basic equipment for the laundry (together with the installation), it will be necessary to pay 4892 thousand rubles.

  • steam irons;
  • steam generator for irons;
  • packaging machine;
  • spotting machine;
  • trolleys for clean and dirty linen;
  • tables for stripping, folding and packing linen;
  • shelving.

The approximate cost of additional equipment for a private laundry (with a daily washing volume of about 500 kg of laundry per day) will be another 608 thousand rubles. In addition, if you want to keep your business running smoothly, you need to have spare equipment - one washer, one dryer and an additional ironer. To simplify the calculations, we will not include the cost of spare equipment.

Table 1 - The cost of opening your own laundry

Laundry costs in own laundry

The operating costs of such a business consist of staff salaries, laundry detergent and professional chemicals, as well as equipment repairs, electricity and housekeeping expenses. It is also necessary to include alternative rentals in the costs. At the same time, the room that will be reserved for the laundry can be used for the needs of your hotel or rented out.

Table 2 shows the cost of washing clothes in your own laundry.

Table 2 - Costs of maintaining your own laundry

Employee salary

We calculated the number of private laundry employees based on our own experience (based on the practice of using 12-hour day shifts). The principle of such a scheme is that one shift works for 2 days, and the next 2 days - another. In addition, as practice has shown, the work of the laundry at night is inefficient (due to low labor productivity, high rejection rates and breakdowns of equipment that occurred due to the fault of the staff). Also, do not forget that at night you will need to pay your employees a higher salary (at least 1.5 times more than during the day).

When washing volumes are high, care should be taken to ensure that the manager can manage the laundry. Her task will be to monitor the rational use of equipment, direct the flow of laundry and deal with difficult stains. The manager of the laundry should be actively involved in all work processes, including washing, drying, ironing and packing clothes (“playing coach”).

Ideally, the number of workers in shifts should be the same. But to make our calculations cheaper, we can assume that the shift with fewer workers hands over some of the raw laundry for the next shift. Thus, if the first performs a plan of 80% for one day, then the second will be able to do 120% of the required volume, provided that more employees work in it.

Opportunity costs

Such expenses include the cost of repairing equipment, buying washing powder and other professional cleaning products, paying electricity bills, and so on. We offer you data obtained from our personal experience.

Equipment repair includes both periodic maintenance and troubleshooting. In the process of scheduled inspections, it is necessary to clean and lubricate individual functional units of the equipment, as well as replace consumables (belts, rubber seals, valves, and much more).

Accidental breakdowns occur most often due to the failure of motors, bearings, tubular electric heaters, controllers, gearboxes and other things. For example, up to 90% of repair work at our enterprise is carried out by us independently. Therefore, if you want to have a private laundry, then we recommend that you take care of having a repairman for such equipment with a fixed salary in the state of your company.

Calculations for the cost of maintaining a private laundry

Table 3 shows the level of laundry costs in a third-party laundry.

Thus, with a washing volume of 100 kg per day, the costs will be 34 rubles per 1 kilogram, and with a volume of 500 kilograms - 28 rubles per 1 kilogram. This cost includes transport costs.

Table 3 - Costs for washing clothes in a third-party laundry

Table 4 - Savings from own laundry.

Let's calculate the payback of the laundry by dividing the cost of the equipment by the monthly savings.

Table 5 - Payback of own laundry.

Thus, we got a payback period for laundry, which averaged 60 months, which is approximately 5 years.

But you need to remember that in practice the duration of this period will be longer, due to the fact that from time to time you will need to buy additional equipment, pay sick leave and staff holidays, and also cover unforeseen expenses for the repair of equipment. It is also necessary to take into account inflation, which will affect all costs without exception, including the Wage Fund.

Sometimes you will encounter situations where, due to the fault of utilities, there will be no water or electricity supply. You can solve the problem with turning off the water by using special tanks. But if the electricity fails, then the only way out is to open the work shift at night, as a result of which the labor costs of your laundry staff will increase.

How much money can be saved over the next 10 years?

Depending on the frequency of linen change, hotels renting the same amount of linen may have a different number of rooms. For example, hotels renting 100 kg per day may have either 70 rooms or 120 rooms. Suppose that the hotel occupancy is 60%, and the average price per room is 2500 rubles.

You can see the level of savings (in the next 10 years) if the hotel has its own laundry in Table 6. It should be noted that the service life of industrial equipment is 15 years.

Table 6 - Savings of own laundry after a five-year payback period.

Based on the data in the table, we see that the average savings is about 0.5% of total revenue. This is the result that you should focus on when opening your own laundry.

As a result, we can come to the conclusion that opening your own laundry on site does not bring tangible savings and does not provide a significant increase in the company's income. At the same time, management will need to personally control a large number of processes related to the work of the laundry. It would be much more efficient for a hotel to focus on its core business.
We are confident that the same savings will be obtained with smaller washing volumes for any number of rooms. This explains why the share of hotels that do not have their own laundry in Novosibirsk is 67%. Many hotels with their own laundry were built during the Soviet era, when there was no alternative to entrusting laundry to a third-party organization. Nowadays, it is much more profitable for hotels or hotels to outsource the washing of laundry.

Date of birth: 03/26/1968

Education: Kirov branch of MFLA, manager-economist.

Career: participant in hostilities in Afghanistan and Chechnya 1989 - OMON fighter; 1993 - Main Directorate of the Cossack troops under the President of the Russian Federation, chieftain of the department; 1993 - security holding "Forpost-Vyatka", president; 1999 - laundry, director.

Our laundry is the most unsinkable business, - Nikolay Rozhkov, General Director of Ideal Laundry Enterprises

Housewives support

When opening the laundry, we did not philosophize and decided to call it “March 9” - everyone knows what happens the day after the holiday ... We bought 8 ordinary household machines, the same number of dryers, we only took a larger load - 6-7 kg. The scope was small, rather, a mini-business.

They invested about a million rubles. The cost of washing one kilogram of linen, according to our calculations, was at least 25 rubles. In 2006, it was very profitable.

Initially, the business gave 40% profit. But household machines did not even last a year - we practically did not turn them off.

We realized that we needed to expand and decided to buy professional equipment. For many types of fabric, different products were purchased.

Laundry is a whole science, housewives will support me. For example, terry towels can be dried to be soft and fluffy like kittens, or hard like sandpaper.

Dirty tricks in a clean business

When serious clients came, we changed the name, became the Ideal Laundry: we strived to be the best.

The competitor took a fee not from a kilogram, but from the number of things. And we made delivery our advantage: we arrived, picked up dirty linen, washed, dried, ironed, packed in a sealed bag and brought back - all within a day. USP (unique selling proposition) worked - increased the number of orders by at least 40%. And then all laundries began to work according to our scheme.

Household machines did not even last a year - we practically did not turn them off

Now the market is fairly “broken” by newcomers. Even 5 years ago, we tried to keep prices at the same level until competitors knocked them down.

I've always wondered how they manage to do laundry cheaper. I found out their “tricks”: they take the linen and sort it, they put the too dirty into the car, and what is practically clean (for example, after one-day guests in the hotel) is simply steamed. Then all things are mixed so that there is no unpleasant odor. So much for "profitability" ... There are other dishonest ways to cut costs: buy the cheapest washing powder or overweight by kilograms.

Like a phoenix from the ashes

A year ago, we had a "man-made disaster" - there was a voltage drop in the network, and all the expensive equipment burned down. At once. The damage is more than a million rubles, and there is no one to present claims to. They also lost most of their customers. There were two options left: either quit the business, or start all over again ... I bought several household washing machines, and everything started spinning again. But recently we were cut off from electricity without a declaration of war. I think, is it the intrigues of competitors? I had to find another room - our laundry will not sink!

Linen team

I also select employees according to a special criterion: I will never take “defectors”. It is easier to accept new ones and teach them everything. And if they don't understand, get fired. For all the time I completely changed the team three times, all 15 people at once, like the Olympic team.

Americans have no fashion to install a washing unit in their apartment

We have a debugged pair system of work, and the biggest difficulty is to “put together” these pairs. The division of labor is up to them. I have 2 friends working for me. One is tall, long-armed - she stood at the ironing board all day. The second is small and nimble - it only washed and dried. Their output has always been 2 times more than those who have not read about the Stakhanovites.

No washer mod

Abroad, the laundry business, unlike ours, is flourishing. Americans, for example, do not have a fashion to install a washing unit in their apartment. It can break at any moment - it will flood the neighbors from below.

Therefore, each apartment building has its own laundry (“laundry room”): close and convenient, linen is ready in a couple of hours. One wash costs about 2.5 cents. Economists estimate that the annual profit reaches six billion dollars.

New houses are being built there right away with a separate room in the entrance. And in Russia, everyone wants to buy their own washing machine. Therefore, for the time being, it remains for us to serve cafe-restaurants and hotels and hospitals.

Made it to the train

Once the head of the train called - even during the journey. In the dining car, tipsy passengers staged a pogrom: all the tablecloths were flooded, the seat covers were ruined. The train stopped in Kirov for only a few hours, it was necessary to put things in order during this time. I remember standing on the platform, like a lover - I met a hundred kilograms of dirty laundry. Delivered the order a few minutes before the departure of the train.

There was a case when a man, having taken a good walk in nature, was afraid to return home, to appear to his wife from head to toe in the mud. He came to us - they gave him a sheet, for about two hours he sat and waited for his clothes.

There used to be a lot of laundries in the USSR, then they all collapsed, let's see if they gain popularity again.

How much does it cost to wash
Washing machine - from 30 thousand rubles. (household), from 300 thousand rubles. (professional)
Dryer - from 50 thousand rubles.
Payment for electricity - from 90 thousand rubles. per month
Room rental - 25 thousand rubles. per month
The cost of washing 1 kg of linen - from 30 rubles.

Laundry is a fairly simple and convenient business. In order to start it from scratch, of course, you need a laundry business plan.

So, the main laundry services include the usual washing of linen and clothes. In addition, for greater attendance, it is necessary to create some comfortable conditions for customers, both in the laundry room itself and in the waiting room, for example, magazines, music, coffee machine or TV.

As a rule, receiving and issuing orders is carried out directly in the laundry room. Orders can be accepted both from individual clients and from organizations.

The self-service laundry business plan involves not only laundry services, but also bleaching, washing things with various rinses, conditioners, etc. Even more profitable will be the service for removing stains and ironing linen and clothes.

In order to expand the audience of customers, it is worth including any types of clothing and linen in the range of processed products, for example, shaped, underwear, tablecloths, shirts and bed linen.

Those who wish to know how to open a laundry should first familiarize themselves with some of its features:

  • in good laundries there is a flexible system of deadlines for the implementation of orders;
  • standard washing takes about two days, urgent - no more than 6 hours from the moment of order payment;
  • proper level for receiving orders - accessories, notes, etc.;
  • the completed order must be returned to the owner in plastic packaging;
  • in case of marriage, the order is redone free of charge;
  • compensation for damage in case of loss or damage to things is necessarily guaranteed;
  • Laundry hours should be suitable for most customers.

Project payback

Anyone who writes a business plan for a self-service laundry should first of all think about its payback. In a large city like Moscow, laundry pays off in about two years, with monthly profits hovering around $700.

In addition, the payback process can be accelerated not only by the main activity - with a sufficient area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe laundry room, you can earn income not only from washing, but also, for example, from a small cafeteria where customers can wait for the completion of work or a small shop.

A huge plus for a laundry in a big city will be the processing of applications and warning systems via the Internet. Delivery will additionally attract busy customers, for this only a few couriers will be enough, but the mark-up for such services can be one hundred percent, which will undoubtedly increase profits.

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Components of a self-service laundry

When compiling a business plan for the project under consideration, it is necessary to carefully consider the main components of the business, these include personnel, premises, equipment and potential clientele of the laundry.

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You do not need to hire an operator to open a self-service laundry. The calculation takes place by lowering the token into the coin acceptor. For control, one technician is enough, who will inspect the equipment twice a day.

For proper operation, it is necessary to select qualified personnel. At a minimum, an accountant, an order taker, a cleaning lady and, of course, a director are required. If the equipment in the laundry is imported, then it is advisable to train the staff. Often, the supplier of the equipment takes over the training, since the correct use of the machines is primarily beneficial to him.

The relationship between the employer and employees is established in accordance with Russian legislation, the subparagraphs of which must be specified in the contract.

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According to sanitary standards, laundries are allowed to open only in non-residential premises (floors). But there must be drains, communications for the supply of water and electricity.

The size of the room depends on the location of the laundry and its type. For example, a laundry at a beauty salon, sports center, store or cafeteria may consist of one machine. This will require only a little over 15 square meters. If you plan to open a laundry in shopping centers, business centers or similar facilities, then you will need from 20 square meters. The most profitable option for laundry near large shopping centers or residential areas is a public launderette. It is designed for a turnover of up to 500 kg of washing per day. For such an object, the area must be at least 100 square meters.

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As for the machine part of the equipment itself, it is better to use imported machines, since they consume much less water, electricity and chemicals than domestic ones. In addition, these machines are suitable for self-service laundry in terms of one more parameter - loading, because they have the most optimal weight - up to 6 kg.

Directly when choosing equipment, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of formalities related to the supplier:

  • whether the ratio of price and quality is optimal;
  • how long the supplier has been operating in this market, reviews about him, how many customers he has;
  • whether a guarantee is given for machines, the number of objects supplied;
  • whether the supplier company provides specialists for connecting equipment;
  • the presence of a branch, service in the country, warehouses and spare parts for them.

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Potential clients

Before you open a self-service laundry, you also need to introduce a potential clientele. Naturally, the contingent is highly dependent on the location of the laundry. Basically, potential clients fall under people who do not have time for household chores - bachelors, students, residents of hostels. Therefore, it is worth opening a laundry near hostels and large residential areas.

In addition, a well-chosen location and the ability to negotiate can also attract large wholesale customers.

To encourage regular customers and attract new ones, it is worth introducing a system of discounts, do not forget about gifts and discounts.

"The cleanliness of the linen in the hotel is like a moment of truth. Snow-white sheets, soft bathrobes and an ironed shirt for morning negotiations will forever remain in the guest's memory and make them choose your hotel again and again. A guest who doubts the cleanliness of bed linen and towels is lost forever."

While hotels in Western Europe tend to abandon their own laundries in favor of commercial laundry services, in Russia so far preference is given to laundries at hotels. This is due, first of all, to the limited number of laundry facilities that have managed to introduce modern textile processing technologies. Most factories, especially in the regions, work in the old fashioned way and are not able to provide the proper quality. Therefore, the saying "If you want to do something well, do it yourself!" is still relevant.

In addition to the actual 100% quality control of washing, hoteliers give the following arguments in favor of their own laundry:

  • - greater safety of linen and increase its service life
  • - fewer sets in circulation, due to a reduction in the turnover period of linen
  • - elimination of transportation costs
  • - independence from the prices of third-party laundries
  • - the possibility of providing urgent services to guests for an additional fee
  • - the ability to introduce a "third" shift in the season
  • - the possibility of providing laundry processing services to third parties

Most often, washing on the side is resorted to for two main reasons: the lack of a suitable room and small volumes of washing.

Indeed, to organize a laundry in a hotel, you need a room that meets certain technical requirements, as well as fire and sanitary safety standards.

For the installation of a "mini-laundry" (up to 500 kg per shift), it is necessary to allocate a room with an area of ​​45-50 sq.m. (without taking into account the area of ​​linen warehouses), which is regulated by the norms of SNiP.

The room must have reinforced floors, 2 emergency exits and the possibility of creating an installation opening for bringing in equipment.

Required engineering loads:

The pressure in the water supply line is at least 3.5-4 atmospheres. The average water consumption is 1.5 m3/hour. The volume of flow is equal to the volume of consumption.

Installed electrical power - 200 kW. If such a room is found, you have every chance to take advantage of your own laundry. And a professional design company will help you in developing a project, conducting approvals and complying with standards for interior decoration, sound insulation, ventilation, heating, lighting, etc.

Investment in own laundry equipment, as well as profitability and payback periods, is quite possible to calculate in advance. The calculation algorithm is the following.

We determine the scope of laundry work.

When calculating, an important indicator is not so much the number of rooms in the hotel as its category. So in hotels up to 3 stars, linen is changed 3 times a week. On average, 3.5 kg of laundry comes from a room for washing. In 4-5 star hotels, a daily change of linen is required, and 5 kg of linen comes from the room due to additional textiles (robes, etc.). Thus, the volumes of washing per shift at a 5* hotel for 70 rooms and a 3* hotel for 300 rooms are similar.

We determine the mode of operation of the laundry.

The most effective laundry schedule is considered daily with a 12-hour shift. But a standard 8-hour working day with a 5-day working week, and round-the-clock work are also possible. You decide.

Consider the cost of equipment.

The standard set of equipment for a hotel laundry includes: washer-extractors, dryers, ironing rink or calender, ironing table. An ironing press and a steam mannequin, trolleys and racks for linen are available.

We present the calculation of a set of equipment for the sanatorium "Chuvashia"

  • Category "two stars+", 196 rooms
  • Amount of laundry to process: 200 kg of laundry per shift (120 kg - straight linen, 80 kg - terry cloth, staff clothes - 5-8 kg)
  • Degree of pollution - medium
  • Shift duration - 8 hours
  • Maximum width of straight linen - 2 m
  • Equipment heating - electric

Taking into account the coefficient for terry products, it is necessary to wash 230 kg / 6 cycles, therefore 39 kg / cycle; Loading of dryers will be 230 kg / 8 cycles - 29 kg per cycle; The ironer must process 120 kg of laundry, i.e. productivity - 20 kg/h. Fashionable clothes are ironed.

Equipment set:

  • Washing and squeezing machine for 16 kg - 2 pcs
  • Washing and squeezing machine for 10 kg - 1 pc.
  • Drum dryer for 16 kg - 2 pcs
  • Ironing roller, productivity 35 kg per hour - 1 piece
  • Ironing board with steam iron – 1 set
  • Scales up to 50 kg - 1 piece
  • Wet laundry trolley - 2 pcs.
  • Basket for clean linen - 2 pcs.
  • Table - 2 pcs
  • Stationary rack - 2 pcs
  • Trolley rack - 1 pc.

Consider the cost of preparing the premises.

We consider the cost of processing 1 kg of linen in our own laundry.

The cost of washing clothes consists of the following components:

  • hot and cold water
  • electricity (or steam)
  • sewer drain
  • detergents
  • depreciation expenses (service life of professional equipment 15-17 years)
  • staff salary (mini-laundry up to 500 kg / shift is served by 5-8 operators)
  • room rental

We calculate the difference between the cost of processing 1 kg of laundry in our own laundry and the cost of washing on the side.

By this we actually determine the economic benefits of creating our own laundry. On the example of the Chuvashia sanatorium, the cost of laundry was reduced by 5 rubles. for 1 kg.

For 21 months after the laundry was put into operation, 110 tons of linen were washed. Previously, the sanatorium gave laundry to Laundry LLC at a price of 16 rubles. for 1 kg. Washing clothes on our own equipment, using our own water, thermal energy produced by the sanatorium's boiler house, the costs decreased to 11 rubles. for 1 kg of linen.

Those. for 21 months with a savings of 5 rubles. for 1 kg of linen, the economic benefit amounted to 550,000 rubles.

We consider the payback period and profitability.

It is generally accepted that if the difference between the economic benefit per unit of time and the cost of washing in a commercial laundry exceeds 15%, then investing in your own laundry is worthwhile. To calculate the payback period for a hotel laundry, it is necessary to divide the one-time costs of repairing the premises, purchasing and installing equipment by the economic benefit per unit of time. In the case of the Chuvashia sanatorium, the payback period was 1.5 years.

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