How to create a newspaper: the best ideas. Advertising newspaper business plan: what you need to open a newspaper. Business from scratch: advertising newspaper How to combine the business of publishing a newspaper

The Russian newspaper market today is actually in information stagnation. Most of the newspapers, in fact, perform an advertising function, that is, they are a kind of catalogs of various organizations, only published in the format of newspapers. A large part of the printed matter, which has the status of socio-political, is extremely boring and interesting only to its own creators from the point of view of a platform for making money.

Experts express the opinion that the Russian print market needs newspapers that are of interest not only to creators and commercial organizations, but also to a wide range of readers. Today, society no longer needs “yellow” information and various criminal chronicles so much. Most readers would be interested in reading any everyday stories that directly relate to their lives.

Despite the information poverty, the volume of printed matter in Russia is growing every year. In principle, such a boom can be easily explained by the desire of start-up entrepreneurs to join the division of advertisers' money.

Underwater rocks

Publishing activity in Russia in 90% of cases is a sluggish loss-making activity, and the amount of losses directly depends on the patience of investors, as well as the ambitions of the newspaper's management.

In order to avoid financial losses, it must be understood that the sale of a circulation, as a rule, covers only production costs. The main part of the profit comes only from the money of advertisers. Naturally, there are not enough advertisers with good budgets for all editions, besides, they are unlikely to be interested in a new edition without a permanent audience.

In order to gain popularity among the audience, the newspaper must be published continuously for half a year or two years. Thus, you need to prepare for the fact that, at least for the first year and a half, the publication will only work at a loss, while you still need to constantly invest in your own advertising campaign.

The second pitfall is the very organization of the publication itself. To do this, you will have to actually create a new original newspaper from scratch. This work includes the development of a marketing strategy, design, concept and theme of the publication. Naturally, such work cannot be done alone, so you will have to cooperate with a large number of so-called "creative people" who, as a rule, hardly fit into the allotted time, breaking the deadlines.

The third problem is the creation of its own distribution network. At first, a huge amount of effort will have to be spent in order to convince the owners of retail distributors of printed products that the proposed newspaper will be actively bought. The fact is that for such entrepreneurs, each new newspaper takes up space on the counter, which will be profitable if you put an already proven and popular publication on it, so they often do not want to get involved with a new publication.

Office equipment

To open a newspaper editorial office, you must purchase:

  • Personal computers;
  • A set of office equipment, including telephones and MFPs;
  • Office furniture;

In addition to standard office hardware, you need to purchase specialized software. This includes either QuarkXPress or Adobe InDesign. It is worth noting that open source software is not suitable for a serious publishing house. The cost of licensed software for the newspaper will be about 150-200 thousand rubles.


The staff list of the printed publication should include positions such as:

  • Chief editor - 1 person;
  • Corrector - 1 person;
  • Typesetter - 1 person;
  • Designer - 1 person;
  • Accountant - 1 person;
  • Journalist - 6 people;
  • Head of the advertising department - 1 person;
  • Advertising managers - 4 people;
  • Secretary - 1 person

Separately, it is worth noting the position of advertising manager. The fact is that the profit of the newspaper depends very much on the work of these managers. Therefore, as advertising managers, you should not hire students who will not be able to benefit the publication. As the head of the advertising department, it is necessary to hire a person with a similar work experience for at least two years.


The volume of capital investments for opening your own newspaper is approximately 550-630 thousand rubles.

  1. Repair of the premises - 70 thousand rubles;
  2. Purchase of software - 150-200 thousand rubles;
  3. Services of a law firm - 50 thousand rubles;
  4. A set of office equipment - 90-120 thousand rubles;
  5. Personal computers - 100 thousand rubles;
  6. Office furniture - 90 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  1. Payroll fund - 650 thousand rubles;
  2. Room rental - 50 thousand rubles.
  3. Communication services - 5 thousand rubles.
  4. Printing a newspaper with a circulation of 5 thousand copies, 2 times a month - 280 thousand rubles.
  5. Purchase of stationery - 15 thousand rubles.

Total: 1 million rubles


The relatively small initial capital investment for starting your own newspaper lures many entrepreneurs who do not always accurately calculate the monthly costs in their business plan. Therefore, many printed publications in Russia, at best, work for self-sufficiency.

It is worth noting that there are publications whose management has already come to terms with the idea that their newspaper will always bring only losses. As a rule, such publications play a political or representative role.

Of course, there are successful newspapers on the Russian market, but some of them have existed since the Soviet period of rule, while the other part was able to gain its own audience of readers and advertisers, working for 2-3 years at a loss. Taking into account the market situation, it can be assumed that the payback period for investments in the printing business will be at least five years.

Although television is available to most people today, the Internet (including mobile), the classic print publication is one of the favorite means of obtaining information, but in order to create a successful and profitable newspaper, you need newspaper business plan.

After all, the print media market is very saturated, it will be quite difficult to find your own niche in it to ensure a stable income from advertising and newspaper sales. Therefore, it is necessary to understand even before the start of the investment whether the available market segment is enough to cover the costs and make a profit.

The basis of the business plan for creating a newspaper is to determine the target audience of readers of the printed edition. That is, you need to understand whether there are people who will be interested in reading the newspaper being created and why they may be interested in this new newspaper. Without an answer to this question, moving on is a waste of time and money. In addition, it is necessary to decide whether it will be a free newspaper whose only source of income will be advertising (including commissioned advertising materials) or whether it will be a publication sold through retail outlets. The first option will require less expenses for filling and distribution of the newspaper, but more expenses for attracting advertisers. The second option will require more money and effort to fill the newspaper with material, without competent journalists who know how to present interesting news and an experienced editor, the newspaper may be useless to anyone. However, if the newspaper goes, gains popularity, then advertising in it will cost more and advertisers themselves will begin to come to the office.

In our case, we will choose the option of a free newspaper ads.

  • Newspaper readers and customers (advertisers)

For an unknown publication newspaper business plan should not be limited to any particular narrow category of readers. Since this is a free newspaper of announcements, residents of houses can be designated as readers, in whose mailboxes the newspaper will be laid out. In addition, employees of offices, visitors to shops and service enterprises where newspapers are planned to be distributed should be added to the circle of readers.
In our case, we take an example for a city with a population of about 100 thousand inhabitants. A circulation of 30,000 copies will suffice to cover it. Newspaper weekly.
Clients (advertisers) can be any citizens, entrepreneurs, commercial and non-profit organizations wishing to place an ad in a free newspaper.

  • What is required to organize a business

To organize a newspaper of free ads, you will need:
- find an office on a lease, preferably in a place where the lease is not very large, but it is easily accessible to customers, and the prospect of a long-term lease should be traced;
- buy office furniture;
- purchase office equipment and licensed software;
- purchase a cash register;
- connect the phone and Internet in the office;
- create a page on the Internet;
- conclude an agreement with the printing house;
- conclude an agreement for accounting services;
- negotiate with a cargo taxi or the owner of a Gazelle, a van for the provision of transport services.

The total initial investment is approximately 300 thousand rubles.
Current costs, including rent, maintenance of the page on the Internet, transportation costs, etc. - 15 thousand rubles.
Costs for printing services for a weekly newspaper with a circulation of 30,000 copies - 150,000 per month.

  • Staff

For a small edition, the following personnel will suffice:
- editor of a newspaper (at the same time a client manager) - 25 thousand rubles.
- specialist in layout and content of the publication - 15 thousand rubles.
- newspaper distributor - 2 people - 20 thousand rubles.
The payment fund with UST will be - 78 thousand rubles per month

Particular attention should be paid to the candidacy of the editor, the success of the enterprise largely depends on his professionalism, that is, he must be able to competently and sellably place the material, be able to convince customers that they should place an ad in the newspaper that it will find its reader. In the considered business plan for creating a newspaper, the editor performs administrative functions and works with regular customers (entrepreneurs, organizations).

  • Advertising expenses

In order for a newspaper to "go" it must be well advertised at the initial stage, for this it will be necessary to distribute an advertising circulation in which there will be no ads, but only a description of the newspaper itself, the cost of its services for each category of advertisers. The cost of advertising circulation - 60 thousand rubles.

  • Income and profit

The proceeds from the sale of advertising from one weekly will be 80 thousand rubles. The main share of the proceeds - 80% of the advertising space of the newspaper ads from entrepreneurs and commercial organizations, 20% of the advertising space of the newspaper - ads of individuals.
Profit before tax - 77 thousand rubles.
Net profit - 57 thousand rubles.
Payback newspaper - 6 months.

The print business is currently in decline. Any publication pays off on average in 5-7 years, and the publisher has to work practically at a loss, investing huge funds to promote the newspaper or

The lion's share of our society prefer to study online projects rather than read printed materials. Therefore, it is logical that many publishing houses are switching to the electronic form of their newspapers and magazines.

An online newspaper is an electronic version of periodicals that are published and developed on the Internet. Read such a newspaper directly online on its official website.

What are the benefits of running such a business?

Advantages of the online edition

All the advantages of an online newspaper can be divided into the following groups:

Own newspaper as a business idea - prospects, risks and pitfalls of business are discussed in this video:

Business plan for an online newspaper

The first step is to decide on the main theme of the publication and the audience for which the information will be calculated. It is worth carefully analyzing what type of publication will interest visitors to the resource.

You can write news articles on your own, or use the services of freelance journalists who work for a high-quality and interesting e-newspaper, you need exclusive content that will favorably emphasize the uniqueness of the site against the background of other news clones.

If freelancers have been found, you can safely create a staff that will work on a permanent basis. Be sure to discuss with them the terms of payment and requirements for the material.

It is also worth getting technical support, an experienced webmaster, a qualified designer, photographer and other specialists. They will significantly relieve your schedule, and freed up time can be spent on thinking about ways to develop the newspaper.

The next step is to decide on the frequency of publication. At first, one or two releases per month will be enough, provided that the news feed is updated regularly. During this time, you can identify and correct the mistakes made, and then increase the frequency of publication.

The main source of income for an online newspaper is the placement of advertising posts, banners and various affiliate programs on its site. You can also earn money by providing additional services.

These include:

  • publication of paid advertisements;
  • placement of a directory of commercial and government structures of the city and so on.

Online newspaper promotion

News aggregators are used to develop the resource and get additional traffic. This is a service that collects and structures news automatically. To do this, you need to register your newspaper on large aggregators on the network, on traffic exchangers. You can also search for sites that share traffic yourself.

How to promote an online newspaper and make it popular?

Another powerful way to popularize an e-newspaper is promotion in social networks. How to create a group for the online newspaper VKontakte can be found

Now almost all serious electronic publications have their own Facebook and Twitter accounts. These two resources are considered the best in terms of increasing traffic and promoting the project.

Cost and return

Depending on how much work you do yourself, the starting capital of the project will depend. Option one: you yourself create, make up a newspaper, write articles or collaborate with freelancers - the starting capital will be a minimum of about 30-40 thousand rubles.

Option two: you hire a full-fledged staff, which includes designers, photographers, layout designers, journalists. In this case, you will have to spend:

  • 20 thousand rubles for design;
  • 25 thousand rubles for layout;
  • writing articles 20 thousand rubles per issue;
  • newspaper advertising 30 thousand rubles;
  • payment for the services of a photographer 20 thousand rubles.

Also in the list of expenses, you can make the rent for the office, which may be needed if a full-fledged staff of employees works for the newspaper. Thus, about 20-30 thousand rubles should be added to the initial amount of costs.

The total amount of capital will be more than 100 thousand rubles. The amount of this amount depends on the number of pages, content, frequency and much more.

The profitability of the project also depends on many factors - the number of paid services provided, the number of subscribers, and so on. For example, if more than 1,000 readers subscribed to an online newspaper, then you can expect a stable income of more than 90 thousand rubles a month.

Creating an online newspaper is a fairly profitable area. The secret of success in this case is a competent approach to and careful consideration of each item of this plan.

The topic should be in demand, the design should be interesting and attractive, the information should be updated regularly, and the use of the site should not be confusing and difficult for the reader. You need to take into account the interests of subscribers and constantly work on the development and promotion of your project.

How to work with an online newspaper can be found in the following video:

In this material:

In order to learn how to open your own newspaper, you need to clearly understand the degree of riskiness of this business. There are many newspapers, each of them occupies its own niche, which it will keep by all available means.

The arrival of the new edition will intensify the sharpness of competition and force to look for new forms of its manifestation. So, having made the decision to open your own newspaper, you must prepare for hard work, constant research and great risk.

What is the best place to start

If you have capital, faith in victory and an idea of ​​how the newspaper publishing system works, then you need to start by developing your own concept. You need to be clear about what you, your readers and, of course, advertisers need.

From these three components, a clear model of the new publication must be obtained, which must be different from other newspapers, otherwise your venture is unlikely to succeed. The following options are possible:

  1. Versatility. The broader the subject of the newspaper, the more readers it has. However, there are many such newspapers, their names are already known to everyone, and you have yet to declare yourself. It is possible to overcome such competition only with a special design, good marketing and active advertising.
  2. Specificity. With a crowded market, you often have to occupy small niches of the target audience. This approach will allow you to quickly find your reader and buyer, but the circulation of the newspaper will never be large.
  3. Pragmatism. This publication is based entirely on commercial information, that is, on advertising and announcements. Such a publication can hardly be called a newspaper, because it does not contain the main element - journalism. The target audience is not permanent, but it will always be. If you are satisfied with the complete lack of creativity, then you can start with such a sheet where people are looking for each other in order to sell something, buy something or get the necessary information. However, for the success of such a newspaper, it will have to overcome the competition of already existing media. After all, advertisers prefer well-known publications.
  4. Personal sympathy of the founder of the media. It is possible that you need a newspaper to achieve your personal political, commercial or creative goals. In this case, we can assume that there is a general idea of ​​​​the content and the target audience, it remains only to work on the commercial side of opening a new newspaper.

These approaches to ideas about one's own newspaper are divided, of course, conditionally. In practice, a new newspaper may combine all four options. Moreover, their gradual flow from one form to another is possible. For example, for commercial promotion, you can start with pure pragmatism. As profits are generated, other information may appear in the newspaper, for example, news, analytical reviews, crossword puzzles, humor, lyrics. Gradually, the newspaper will acquire its own audience, grow at the expense of photographs, reports and material of a political nature. A newspaper can be considered established if it is taken not so much because of ads and advertisements, but in order to be read from the first to the last page.

What to do next

After the concept has acquired the character of a clear model and the founder knows with whom he will have to develop a new business, a natural question arises, how to open a newspaper. This phrase is usually understood as the formal side of the matter.

There are also several options here. It all depends on the planned scale of the activity. If you want to start small, such as a classifieds newspaper with a circulation of 300-500 copies, it is better to register as a sole trader. Moreover, for starters it is better to choose the patent system: it is simpler and more understandable. There is another undoubted advantage - a patent is given for a certain period. If the case fails, then everything will end with the end of its term.

Registration of a newspaper with the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications is obligatory only if its circulation exceeds 1,000 copies.

This is already a serious and complex production with a large staff, so the status of an individual entrepreneur is not enough here, other organizational forms are needed, where the founder can be both an individual and a legal entity.

Organizational problems of the initial stage

You can make your first leaflet with ads yourself, but if you are going to publish a full-fledged newspaper, you cannot do without a staff. Moreover, it is necessary to create a printing base.

Initially, this may be an agreement with a printing house for the provision of printing services. If these services are inexpensive and of high quality, then the problems of selecting specialists in the field will remain:

  • design of printing products;
  • programming;
  • journalism;
  • text editing;
  • marketing.

In addition, the issue of product sales will be acute. It can be solved through a subscription, with the help of vendors on the street and at various points. If you decide to start by publishing a free newspaper with ads, you will need couriers to deliver the newspaper to people's homes.

At the initial stage, there is no need to talk about a subscription. Firstly, now this system is in decline, and secondly, no one will subscribe to a new, yet unknown edition. The most realistic way to distribute the newspaper at the initial stage is street trading.

Nowadays, the best option for promoting new media is the Internet, so immediately after the official registration of an organization that publishes a newspaper, you need to open a website dedicated to it. Having become accustomed to the type of publication in electronic form, people will begin to pay attention to the printed version.

The attitude of people to the newspaper business is ambivalent. Some consider this a lost cause, because according to statistics, 9 out of 10 new media outlets close after a year. Others believe that starting this business and making a profit is possible and not so difficult. Apparently, in order to understand who is right, you need to try it yourself.

Investments: Investments 400,000 - 600,000 rubles.

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Investments: 2,500,000 - 8,000,000 rubles.

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Investments: from 50,000 rubles.

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Investments: from 100,000 rubles.

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The question of how to open a newspaper is asked by many people - these are professional journalists and advertisers, entrepreneurs and public figures. Whichever category you belong to, keep in mind: although the organization of the publishing process itself is quite simple, further “pitfalls” begin that can pull down even the most brilliant idea. Moreover, you will definitely not be able to “hook” one hundred percent of the target audience, as it could be ten or twenty years ago, because today some people do not read paper newspapers at all, preferring online publications.

Publishing your own newspaper: a short plan of action

According to Russian law, you can print any newspaper product with a circulation of up to 999 copies inclusive and distribute it without registration. But we will consider serious volumes, that is, from a thousand copies and more. You will need to do the following:

  1. Study the target audience, agree with experts on the work on materials and start developing.
  2. Contact the regional office of Rospechat and apply for registration of a new printed publication.
  3. Prepare the first issue (or better, several at once), managing the process of creating and selecting materials in accordance with the structure of the newspaper. You can develop your own unique content, as well as use materials that are allowed for reprint (do not forget to indicate the author and source).
  4. Finish editing and layout of materials to get a layout ready for printing. The layout of the first release can later be used as a template for subsequent releases.
  5. Give materials to print and get a circulation on hand. At this point, you should already have a scheme for the implementation of the newspaper.
  6. Distribute the circulation to the planned outlets in accordance with the conclusion of the relevant agreements.

It should be noted that the specifics of each item of the work strongly depends on the subject. For example, if you are thinking about how to open an advertising newspaper, then to collect material you will have to cooperate not with journalists, but with advertisers.

Possible difficulties

Most publications, with the exception of purely informational ones, create certain difficulties that will be faced already at the initial stage. Consider the possible "pitfalls" in more detail.

Payback, demand and advertising

Practice shows that publishing your own newspaper without advertising is a non-profit and most often unprofitable business. Firstly, the circulation is almost never sold out entirely. Secondly, if you include the cost of each issue in its wholesale price even before retail sale, then the final price will be too high, and no one will buy the newspaper. Advertising is the only way out, which is not difficult to guess by flipping through any newspaper: almost no one can do without advertising.

This means that you will need to negotiate with advertisers and maintain cooperation with them, while competing with other publications and tracking three processes at once:

  • so that advertisers perceive your newspaper as a good dissemination tool and are willing to pay you;
  • so that there are not too many advertisements in the newspaper and that it does not lose its attractiveness for readers;
  • so that the subject of advertising materials corresponds to the general theme and "hit" the target audience.

Separately, you should work out feedback and collect statistics so that you can prove to the advertiser that he is not wasting his money in vain. If you are thinking about how to open a free newspaper (for whatever purpose), then you need advertising like air, because the alleged monetization of this or that information campaign is too random a process to be taken seriously. Without financial support in the form of payments from advertisers, the publication of a newspaper becomes unprofitable.

Information competition: way out of the vicious circle

The hardest thing is for a newspaper that has just appeared in the information field: advertisers do not consider it seriously, readers know little about it, and as a result, revenues are reduced to a minimum. The only way to overcome this is to launch your own advertising campaign to promote the paper and make it known.

For a newspaper to appeal to readers, it must be useful. If you want to occupy a solid niche in the information space, ensure that the material that is as unique and in demand as possible is generated. For example, think about how to open your own classifieds newspaper. This is far from what professional journalists usually represent under the publication of a newspaper, but it is really relevant for people.

But first you will have to be puzzled by two other problems: the study of information trends (what is most interesting to people and what is the least "explored" by other publications) and the collection of information (for example, the organization of an electronic or telephone service for receiving announcements). This will allow you to create your own regularly updated database for printing a newspaper with ads.

Media in politics, economics and social activities

If you still want your publication to have a specific topic related to events that are relevant to people, be prepared for great difficulties:

  1. You should enter this area only after drawing up a business plan, since the first few weeks or even months the project will require investments, almost certainly not making a profit. Make sure you can afford it.
  2. Get ready to participate in "information wars" even if you don't want to. Remember that any slightly resonant material can cause someone's dissatisfaction, and it is difficult to predict in what form it will be expressed.
  3. Make sure you always have fresh materials. To do this, you will need not only to register the media, but also to establish a legal entity with a permanent staff.

It is important to combine professional efforts with marketing calculations, since a thematic publication is a complex information and market product that must be in demand and sold at the same time. Remember that reader reactions are always only partially predictable, and the calculation error here is much higher than when selling "real" goods.

Use for personal interests

If your financial and personal capabilities allow you to invest in the mass distribution of any materials, then evaluate the feasibility of opening your own newspaper - primarily from the point of view of real efficiency, and not prestige. There are two more rational ways:

  1. Pay for the placement of the materials you need in an existing publication.
  2. If you really need it and if finances allow, buy an already existing edition.

Remember that prestige in the information space is short-lived, and finances must be managed wisely, even if your opportunities are really great.

Establishment of a legal entity and recruitment

Organizing a legal entity for publishing a newspaper is not a very difficult task, especially if you have the support of a qualified lawyer who will tell you how to avoid bureaucratic delays. Use a simplified taxation scheme based on the difference between income and expenses - this way you will protect yourself from having to pay taxes on unprofitable print runs.

If you are thinking not about how to open a free classifieds newspaper, but about a full-fledged information publication, then you will need:

  • Chief Accountant;
  • editor;
  • layout designer;
  • journalists - from two or more;
  • photographers;
  • newspaper couriers.

If successful, you can expand the publication and add new headings - then new editors and journalists will be needed, especially if you are going to do reports and interviews. If your newspaper will contain promotional materials and announcements, then you will not need journalists, editors and photographers. In addition, the best step is to involve a professional manager on a full-time basis or on an outsourcing basis for marketing optimization of the project and development of materials.

Perspective and estimated payback

The cost of a copy when printing in a professional printing house can be an average of 5–10 rubles with a relatively small volume. The cost increases as the number of pages increases and decreases as the circulation increases. The average cost of a thousand copies of a newspaper will thus be from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles.

Travel costs vary considerably, and the included staff salary costs are divided by the number of times the newspaper is printed per month. Statistically, a weekly newspaper includes from 15,000 rubles of additional expenses. Thus, the publication of one thousandth circulation per week will cost from 20,000 rubles.

The wholesale sale of a circulation at a price of 15–20 rubles will bring you, respectively, 15,000–20,000 rubles. To get a profit, you will either need to raise the selling price or contact advertisers. Publishing an average of one ad unit for every two pages will allow you to double your income and get from 15,000 rubles of net profit from each circulation, that is, from 60,000 rubles per month. Of course, these are only approximate calculations based on statistical data.

Thus, the publication of a newspaper can be recommended as a business only to those who are ready to work on the project, optimizing it from a marketing point of view and maintaining contact with advertisers. Otherwise, it will be possible to count on the maximum coverage of expenses by income with a zero, if not a minus. To create a successful media, a full-fledged study of the project is required - just the desire to publish a newspaper is clearly not enough.

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