What do you need to start an accounting firm? Business plan for an accounting firm. Project Implementation Planning

The services of professional accountants are in demand by private entrepreneurs, and sometimes by large companies. It is possible to maintain financial documentation in order and conduct a competent audit only by using the services of an accounting company. Below is a business plan for an accounting firm. The example is designed to organize activities in a large municipal center.

Legal information about the company

The company offers accounting services: calculation and preparation of the balance sheet, filling out financial statements for tax purposes, calculations before audits and other financial services for entrepreneurs and individuals.

Legal form: LLC, as it is planned to work with large companies.

Location: the company's office is located in the central part of the city, has several access roads, nearby parking, public transport stops.

Target customers: large and small companies, individual entrepreneurs.

Work space: 70 sq. m, with a waiting room for clients and three small offices. The premises are rented, which is confirmed by the rental agreement.

The provision of accounting services is organized due to the high demand for accounting outsourcing.

To achieve the goals, the accounting company, in accordance with the statutory documentation, offers the following types of services:

  • Preparation and maintenance of the balance sheet for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.
  • Removal of zero reporting for legal entities and individuals.
  • Calculation of wages for employees.
  • Advisory services for accountants.
  • Preparing the company for an audit.
  • Support of financial issues of legal entities and individuals.

As a bonus, regular customers are offered a free courier service, sending reports to the tax office, and oral consultations.

Of the potential customers, 80% are legal entities, the remaining 20% ​​are individuals. The main difficulty in organizing work is in high competition. Large companies have long been regular customers of competitors, of which there are many in large cities. The implementation of a business plan is beneficial for accountants with already established clients who decide to separate and organize their own business.

Price list for services

Compilation of accounting with zero reporting:

Completing the tax return:

Accompanying and maintaining accounting with entering primary documents on the basis of USNO:

Accompaniment and accounting with the entry of primary documents on the basis of ORN:

Each operation is calculated taking into account one created document, including documents in the tax service.

Working with employees, calculating wages, drawing up orders for the dismissal and hiring of employees, counting shifts and output is carried out depending on the number of people:

  • Staff from 1 to 25 people - 450 rubles. from one staff unit.
  • From 26 to 45 people - 400 rubles. from unit.
  • More than 45 people - by agreement.

Consultation on accounting and labor law - 500 rubles per hour.

Project costs

The accounting firm business plan with calculations below will help you plan expenses and prepare initial capital. The business project budget consists of the following items:

The estimate provides for the purchase of inexpensive furniture and computers with full software. Additionally, the cost of maintaining the software by the company to which the product is provided is added to the estimate. The average cost of software maintenance in regional centers is from 5,000 per month.

Also added to the estimate is an item of expenses for the financial maintenance of the project in the first few months, until several regular customers appear and monthly expenses cannot be paid from profit. Also, the estimate includes depreciation of equipment, which will amount to another 3-10 thousand rubles.

Project Implementation Planning

It is realistic to implement a business plan along with paperwork in two months. Since seasonality does not affect the provision of services, any convenient months are taken. The plan provides for the period from April 1 to June 1. Each stage is signed for specific numbers, so it will be easier for the entrepreneur to control the organization process:

The execution of each stage is controlled by the owner. It is easier to describe the stages in more detail for specific dates, then the time lag will be minimal and the time will be optimally planned.

Office equipment

To equip a small accounting company, the following furniture and equipment is purchased:

  • Computer tables (3 pcs.) - 45,000 rubles.
  • Document cabinets (3 pcs.) - 25,000 rubles.
  • Computer chairs (3 pcs.) - 12,000 rubles.
  • Chairs for visitors (6 pcs.) - 35,000 rubles.
  • Coffee table in the waiting room (1 pc.) - 5,000 rubles.
  • Computers (3 pcs.) - 100,000 rubles.
  • Printer-scanner (1 pc.) - 10,000 rubles.

In total, furniture and equipment for the office will need 232,000 rubles. Consumables are added to these expenses: computer software, printer and record paper, reporting journals, customer record journal, stationery. On average, another 10-15 thousand rubles will be needed for consumables. per month.

In total, the cost of a small company providing accounting services is 247,000 rubles.

We select personnel

For the initial launch of the project, there is no need to select a huge staff. The personnel of the accounting company include the following employees:

  1. Chief accountant (1 person).
  2. Accountants-consultants (4 people).
  3. Cleaning lady (1 person).

The chief accountant combines the position of a company manager. Typically, this position is occupied by the owner of the company. Accountants are hired with at least 10 years of experience (to save money, you can hire two experienced accountants and two young specialists for a lower salary with the prospect of training). Every year, employees are sent for retraining and raising the level of knowledge. Monthly labor costs for employees and payments to various government funds are presented in the table:

Employees need to allocate 221,000 rubles per month for salaries. To the basic salary, accountants will receive a percentage of the transaction in the amount of 3-5%, depending on the wishes of the owner. At the end of the year, an incentive bonus is paid in the amount of one salary.

Working hours of the company: from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 19.00. On Saturday and Sunday, 1 accountant works from 10.00 to 15.00. This employee can be registered as a part-time employee. If the order is urgent, then the employee can stay outside working hours. As an auxiliary staff in the state - a cleaning lady. Her work schedule: in the evening from 17.00 to 19.00. Compensation is based on salary and bonuses are given as an incentive.

We plan the expense

A small accounting services company will require the following financial injections from the owner on a monthly basis:

  • Salary for company employees and payments to funds - 221,000 rubles.
  • Payment of utilities (registered in the rental agreement) - 15,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of consumables - 15,000 rubles.
  • Needs (unforeseen) - 10,000 rubles.
  • Software maintenance - 5,000 rubles.
  • Depreciation of equipment - 10,000 rubles.

Total to keep the project afloat, you will need to invest in it per month: 276,000 rubles. The percentage of expenses per month is presented in the form of a graph:

The graph shows that 80.1% of monthly expenses are for salaries of employees. Therefore, this type of business is beneficial to people who are ready to provide accounting services themselves and have solid experience in this industry.


As an advertisement, it is effective to place an ad in the periodicals of the city. But the most productive will be the promotion of the group in social networks and the creation of your own website. Initially, you can provide free oral consultations to clients through social networks. This will increase your reputation and attract the attention of users.

If the work is done on time and with high quality, then regular customers will recommend you to their friends. Word of mouth advertising is effective in this area of ​​the market.

Project payback

The income of the company in the presence of several regular customers will initially be about 350,000 rubles. From this amount, you need to subtract the monthly expenses for the company in the amount of 276,000 rubles. As a result, net profit is 74 thousand rubles. This amount will increase with the arrival of new customers. The cost of services is initially recommended not to overestimate, as the company must win its place in the market niche. Net profitability by the end of the first year of operation should be at least 320,000 rubles. per month. Net proceeds will be divided into parts:

  • The main fund of the company is 20%.
  • Return on investment - 40%.
  • Production expansion - 30%.
  • Depreciation and contingencies - 10%.

With this division, a minimum of 30,000 rubles will be spent monthly on the return of the investment. 80% of the proceeds in the first six months of operation will be used to keep the project afloat. Investments in the project amounted to 465,000 rubles. Payback, on average, is planned in a year and a half. Profitability will grow, so the payback period will be reduced. The main fund and the expansion item are necessary for the further growth of the company without additional financial injections. In a year and a half, it will be possible to rent space and open a full-fledged center for the provision of legal and accounting services.


When investing initial capital in the amount of 465,000 rubles per month, an accounting company is able to generate income in the amount of 350,000 rubles. Of this amount, 270,000 rubles. will go to pay employees and other needs of the company. Net profit initially amounts to only 74,000 rubles. The project will pay off in a year and a half. Profitability will increase due to the expansion of services and the growth of the client base. With growth in 4 years from a small office, it is planned to transform into a large company providing legal and financial services.

What are the features of accounting for LLC under OSNO? How much does accounting in an LLC cost and what does the cost of services depend on? Where to order accounting services of an LLC in Moscow?

Greetings readers of the online magazine "HeatherBober"! I am with you, one of the authors of the project, Alla Prosyukova.

A limited liability company (LLC) is one of the most common forms of doing business in the Russian Federation. That is why the questions that I will cover today, I am sure, are of interest to many.

So, I'm starting! Join now!

1. Features of accounting in LLC

An LLC is a legal entity created by one or more members. Accounting in an LLC has some features that depend primarily on the specifics of this organizational and legal form of business.

Firstly, LLC participants are liable for their obligations only with property and funds belonging to the Company.

Secondly, participants can give their company interest-free loans for up to 1 year.

Thirdly, an LLC can suspend its activities and then the accrual of taxes and contributions related to its activities is terminated.

Fourthly, the features of LLC accounting depend on the chosen taxation system and the type of activity of the company. Firms of this organizational form have the right to apply any system of taxation, from general to patent.

2. What tasks does accounting allow when doing business - an overview of the main functions

Accounting performs a number of different functions.

Let's consider the most significant of them.

Function 1. Reflection of the company's performance

In the accounting process, all income-generating operations and all expenditure operations of the company are recorded on his accounts.

At the end of the reporting period, they all overlap and the final result (profit or loss) is displayed. The results obtained are recorded in the LLC reports.

Function 2. Prevention of LLC bankruptcy

All information received in the process of accounting on economic and financial activities serves as the basis for various analytical calculations and studies.

The analysis allows you to see all the bottlenecks and business problems. The owners of the enterprise have the opportunity to eliminate them in a timely manner, which in turn helps to prevent bankruptcy.

Function 3. Control of the totality of labor materials and financial resources

One of the main functions of accounting is control. It is possible to make informed management decisions only if the company's managers know what labor and financial resources they have at a particular moment.

To do this, the accounting system provides for various analytical journals, where all the information collected by sections is double-checked and detailed. This allows the company's management to always have up-to-date and correct information at their disposal.

Function 4. Simplify the preparation of other types of reporting submitted to government agencies

Accounting information serves as the basis not only for tax accounting, but also greatly simplifies the preparation of other reporting data transmitted to various government agencies.

So, for example, summary accounting data on wages allow you to quickly generate statistical reporting to the statistical authorities.

Function 5. Fixing obligations to partners

It is accounting that records information about the state of settlements. Interested users can always find out the amount of LLC's debt to partners.

At least once a year, a reconciliation (inventory) of the status of settlements with debtors and creditors is carried out. As a result of such a reconciliation, acts are drawn up that either confirm the state of the calculations or reveal the inconsistency of the reflected data.

3. How much does accounting for an LLC cost?

LLC accounting can be ordered from various accounting outsourcing companies. Analyzing the market for these services, we see a huge range of prices.

In such a situation, potential customers are naturally concerned about the questions: “How to determine how much the price for a given service corresponds to it?”, “What affects the cost of such a service?”.

The cost of services is influenced by a number of factors:

  • the type of activity carried out by the company;
  • its scale;
  • taxation system;
  • availability of employees, their number;
  • the number of operations.

4. The procedure for maintaining accounting records in an LLC - instructions for beginners

In order for your LLC to have as few problems as possible, I recommend that immediately from the moment the company was founded, a series of measures be taken to organize the accounting system.

I have prepared the most important ones for you.

Step 1. We determine the person responsible for accounting at the enterprise

If the LLC is in a special mode and has the right to keep simplified accounting, then the head himself can take on the responsibility for maintaining it.

Other persons who can keep accounting of the organization:

  • chief accountant;
  • the person to whom the head assigned the responsibility for accounting;
  • accounting company providing .

Choose the most suitable option for you. Secure the assignment of duties by order.

You can see an example of this.

Step 2. Choosing the right taxation system

The choice of a suitable taxation system should be approached thoroughly. The wrong system can undermine all your business efforts.

Steps to choose the right taxation system:

  • calculate all the expected income and expenses of the company during the year;
  • decide whether you will use hired workers;
  • determine whether the type of activity of your LLC falls under any special regime.

Let's take a look at these steps with a specific example.


Vasily Pupkin decided to open his own small business - a trading pavilion selling organic dairy products.

He thoroughly prepared for this case: he traveled to nearby farms and private farmsteads. Discussed the prospects for cooperation. He came up with the name of his company - Molochnik LLC.

Then he made a calculation of the estimated income and expenses for 12 months.

Income (in thousand rubles):

  1. From the sale of products - 23400.
  2. Delivery services - 108.

Expenses (in thousand rubles):

  1. Purchase of dairy products - 16700.
  2. Pavilion rental - 72.
  3. Transportation costs - 324.
  4. Salary - 180.
  5. Deductions from payroll - 55.
  6. Other expenses 179.

Estimated income before tax - 5998.

After analyzing the data obtained, Vasily came to the following conclusions:

  • revenues do not exceed 150 million rubles. (the limit for the application of the simplified tax system in 2017) and the number of employees is 2 people, which means that a simplified taxation system can be applied;
  • the type of activity falls under the UTII regime (retail trade carried out through shops and pavilions with a trading floor area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 150 square meters);
  • the type of activity falls under the Patent system (retail trade carried out through objects of a stationary trading network that do not have trading floors);
  • a common system (OSNO) is also suitable for this type of business.

The main tax burden for the selected taxation systems:

NameBase for taxationBidResult
1 USN "Income"23508 thousand rubles.6% 1410 thousand rubles.
2 USN "Income - expenses"5998 thousand rubles15% 900 thousand rubles
3 UTII466044 rub.15% 69907 rub.
4 BASIC5998 thousand rubles.20% 1200 thousand rubles
5 Patent180 thousand rubles - fixed rate

Even such an approximate calculation allowed Vasily to choose the UTII taxation system for his business.

Step 3. We study the tax reporting of the selected system

Depending on the chosen system of taxation, tax reporting will be generated. So, for example, for the UTII system chosen by Vasily Pupkin, tax reporting will consist of a declaration, which is compiled and submitted to the tax office quarterly.

Of course, if the LLC is an employer, then the company will submit reports on employees in addition to the declaration.

If the LLC applies, for example, the general taxation system (OSNO), then the set of tax reporting will be more impressive: declarations for VAT, income tax, property, transport tax. If there are employees, reporting on them is added to the set.

With the simplified tax system, a declaration is submitted once a year at the end of the tax period and reporting on employees, if any.

Step 4. We develop and approve the accounting policy of LLC

The main document that regulates all accounting and tax accounting is the Accounting Policy (accounting and tax).

The accounting policy determines the methods and methods of accounting, the working chart of accounts, primary forms, tax registers, etc.

Practice shows that it is more convenient when a company has developed one document, consisting of two sections on accounting and tax accounting. The policy is approved by the order of the head.

Step 5. We approve the working chart of accounts

The chart of accounts approved by the Ministry of Finance contains all accounting accounts that can be used by organizations in the course of accounting.

However, each company can itself determine the list of accounts that it needs for accounting. This list of accounts is called the Working Chart of Accounts.

In order to form a truly functional Working Chart of Accounts, the specialist responsible for a particular company needs to determine a list of synthetic and a list of analytical accounts opened in the development of selected synthetic ones.

Step 6. We organize the accounting of primary documents

All economic operations are reflected in accounting using primary documents. These documents are very important, since it is with their help that expenses are confirmed and they cause the most close attention.

For the organization of primary accounting, it is necessary to approve the applicable forms (unified or specially developed). If the forms are developed independently, you should remember about the mandatory details that must be present on them.

Mandatory details:

  • Title of the document;
  • document date;
  • the name of the company that prepared the document;
  • the content of the operation;
  • units;
  • the name of the position and signature of the persons responsible for compiling the document.

Document flow plays an important role in the organization of primary accounting.

Document flow- the path of accounting documents from the moment they are created (received) to the moment they are archived.

For these purposes, the company should develop and approve a workflow schedule.

Step 7. Submit reports on time

Different taxation systems have a different list of reporting forms with different deadlines for their submission to the tax and other regulatory authorities. It is important to remember the dates of reporting, as the law provides for penalties for delay.

Create a tax calendar for your company. As a basis, you can take a calendar from the website of the tax department and select only those forms and dates that you need.

If you are doing your own bookkeeping, then it is very difficult for you to run a business and control all the reporting dates at the same time. In this case, a specialized accounting service that will send reminders of reporting deadlines can become a salvation.

Having prepared the reporting, pay attention to what methods of its delivery are available. Some types of reporting can only be submitted electronically, such as VAT. Some can be on paper. If reporting is submitted electronically, then think in advance how to organize it.

Methods for submitting reports electronically:

  • through accounting firms;
  • website of the Federal Tax Service (in the presence of a digital signature key);
  • through online services.

5. Where to order accounting services LLC - an overview of the TOP-3 companies providing services

In the absence of a full-time accountant, it is sometimes difficult for the owner to keep records of the LLC on his own. Often after this it may be required.

To avoid such unpleasant moments, I recommend putting your company's accounting in the hands of professionals.

Internet accounting "My business" is a Russian company that provides entrepreneurs with the opportunity not only to keep accounting for their company, but also, if necessary, use the outsourcing accounting services of service specialists.

The service allows you to work in the "single window" mode. This is very convenient, because thanks to this technology, users can keep accounts, personnel records, payroll and send reports in one program.

Benefits of working for My Business:

  • all accounting is built only on current legislation;
  • there are step-by-step video instructions for working with the service;
  • there is an opportunity to get expert advice;
  • own reference and legal base.

Clients of this online accounting department no longer need to search for document templates, My Business provides them with a database of ready-made “correct” templates. If necessary, order the template you need for your company from service specialists.

A variety of offered tariffs will allow any user to choose the most suitable one for the purposes of a particular business. You can familiarize yourself with the conditions of work and select a tariff in more detail on the website of the Internet accounting department "".

2) BDO Unicon Outsourcing

BDO Unicon Outsorcing is a member of the BDO Unicon group in Russia and the BDO International network. The high competence and responsibility of the company's specialists allowed it to become No. 1 in the field of outsourcing of accounting functions in Russia in 2015.

The company offers its clients services in 4 main areas:

  • accounting outsourcing;
  • personnel outsourcing;
  • outsourcing of IT processes;
  • outsourcing of legal services.

The quality of "DO Union Outsorcing" services is confirmed by the Certificate of Compliance with ISO 9001:2008.

This is an accounting center that offers professional accounting services in almost all areas of activity: from individual entrepreneurs running their business in the service sector to large companies engaged in manufacturing and construction.

Highly qualified specialists with many years of practical experience will quickly and efficiently draw up primary documents, calculate salaries and taxes, prepare and submit reports. Responsibility of BC "DebitCredit" is insured by insurance company "Allianz".

The accounting center pays great attention to confidentiality. All information received from the client is protected by a specially developed Privacy Policy. Even drafts, used papers and papers that have become unnecessary are destroyed on special equipment.

Have you decided to keep your LLC accounting on your own?

Read my tips, I'm sure they will help you.

Tip 1. Regularly monitor changes in legislation

In order not to miss important changes in the rules of accounting and tax accounting, I recommend that you constantly monitor changes in legislation in these areas. For this purpose, many accountants subscribe to the newsletters of the Ministry of Finance, the tax department, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Bank of Russia, etc.

Personally, I start my working day with an express acquaintance with the news feeds of these departments directly on their websites. This is how I “do not clog up” my e-mail, I only watch the news that is most interesting and important to me, if necessary, I “drag” them to my bookmarks.

I subscribe only to expert comments on innovations in the areas of accounting and tax accounting that have practical value. For me, such experts are the magazines Glavbukh and Taxes and Taxation. You can organize this process in your own way, the main thing is to track changes regularly.

Tip 2. Use special web services that simplify accounting

One of the most famous and reliable is the Internet accounting "My business". The service was created primarily for businessmen who independently conduct their business.

Intuitive interface, friendly professional support, free expert advice, document templates, useful video tutorials - this is what will make life much easier for entrepreneurs who do not have accounting skills.

No enterprise can do without a competent practicing accountant in the modern business world. Even though some business entities are exempt from accounting, they also need the services of a specialist in the preparation of tax returns, preparation of personnel documents, distribution of own and borrowed funds, etc. However, not every business manager and owner is ready to maintain a full-time an accountant, especially if the need for his work is of a point nature (for example, reporting 1-2 times a quarter). Increasingly, enterprises, especially small ones, are resorting to cooperation with specialized firms as needed.

Therefore, if you are looking for an interesting and promising direction in business, consider the idea: accounting services or your own business from scratch. Both options can lead you to a good level of profit.

How to start an accounting business

The key to the successful operation of such an enterprise will be a correct objective assessment of the situation on the market, the balance between supply and demand for accounting services. As potential customers, it is worth considering primarily small enterprises, since in large organizations accounting is usually carried out by full-time employees.

Before you open an accounting services firm, you need to study the prices of the main competitors. If the level of offer of such services in your region is increased, you should draw up a pricing policy in such a way that you have the opportunity to compete with already operating companies, offering customers more favorable terms of cooperation.

When developing tariffs, it is necessary to take into account data on. will help you navigate the sequence of actions when opening a business and set the right direction for its successful growth and development from the very beginning.

To open an accounting services business, you must:

  • choose a place for organizing an office, find and prepare a room;
  • register a new business entity with the tax office;
  • choose a direction and determine what services the company will provide;
  • assemble a team of qualified employees;
  • organize high-quality advertising.

This is a rough outline that you can follow if you are considering starting your own accounting firm from scratch.

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Selection and arrangement of premises for office

The office of an accounting services firm is best placed in close proximity to a tax office, a business support center, or a small business bank.

To start work, a room of 30-40 square meters will be enough. m. On such a quadrature 3-4 jobs can be freely accommodated.

When arranging an office, one should take into account standard sanitary rules and regulations: a certain level of lighting, ventilation, the availability of communication systems, etc. You can get a complete picture of what a work space should be like by contacting Rospotrebnadzor.

To organize the workflow, you will need to purchase office furniture, org. equipment, special software (necessarily licensed). Each workplace must be equipped with a personal computer, be able to access the Internet.

Make sure that the office always has a certain supply of consumable stationery: printer ink and paper, paper clips, paper clips, etc.

Gradually creating all the necessary conditions for future activities, you can simultaneously deal with the issues of registering a business.

Registration of documents in the tax authority

To provide accounting services, you can choose both the registration of an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) and the opening of a legal entity, for example, an LLC (limited liability company).

The first option is more suitable for those who organize a business alone and choose a small format to start with. Most often, individual entrepreneurs are opened by people who have an accounting education and have sufficient experience in this field. At the same time, they are fully involved in the process, they are also involved in customer service, advertising, etc. Read about that.

In other cases, when there are several entrepreneurs, or it is planned to serve mainly legal entities, it is more expedient to open an LLC. In this case, you will need to collect an impressive package and contribute an authorized capital of at least 10 thousand rubles.

To register a business, you should contact the local branch of the Federal Tax Service with an application and a receipt for payment of the state duty (for individual entrepreneurs - 800 rubles, for LLC - 4,000 rubles). As a standard, copies of constituent documents (for LLC) and a copy of the passport (for individual entrepreneurs) must be attached to the application.

Five days after the application and submission of documents, you will receive (or IP) and will be able to immediately start working.

What services will the firm provide?

The provision of accounting services as a business can be carried out in several directions:

  • setting, automation, restoration and accounting;
  • financial analysis of the enterprise;
  • preparation of financial statements;
  • optimization of tax payments;
  • filling and submission of tax declarations and reports to insurance funds;
  • development of accounting policy;
  • drawing up a balance sheet;
  • calculation of wages and other payments made in favor of employees;
  • delivery of zero reporting, etc.

The wider the range of services provided by your company, the more customers you will be able to attract to cooperation. An important point is to select qualified and responsible employees who can quickly and accurately perform their work.

Company employees

When recruiting staff for your firm, give preference to practicing accountants with at least 3-5 years of experience. Other qualification requirements include:

  • economic education (higher or secondary special);
  • knowledge of tax legislation;
  • knowledge of accounting software. Kontur" and the latest versions of the software product "1 C: Enterprise" and its typical configurations related to accounting.

As for personal qualities, a good accountant should be attentive, patient, responsible, stress-resistant. Considering that employees will have to communicate directly with future customers, we will add to this goodwill, sociability and business communication skills.

In addition, the profession of an accountant requires constant self-education and advanced training from its owner through participation in various seminars, courses, etc.

How to choose an accountant for your company is described in the following video:

Having taken care of the availability of a comfortable office, modern software, competent staff and being confident in the quality of the services provided, you can launch an advertising campaign.

Organization of promotional events

Location plays a big role in promoting the services of a new accounting firm. As mentioned above, areas near the offices of the Federal Tax Service, banks, etc., that is, the points most often encountered on the route of potential customers - small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, are considered to be advantageous.

Having located the office in this way, you should take care of bright and eye-catching outdoor advertising: signs, pillars and other structures.

Effective means of attracting customers are also considered:

  • advertising placed on free classifieds sites and targeted (targeted) advertising in social networks;
  • creating and promoting your own one-page site;
  • advertisements for the provision of accounting services in local newspapers and specialized publications;
  • distribution of printed materials in public places, etc.

It should be noted that a large number of clients come to the accounting services firm and on the recommendations of acquaintances, so make sure that all your customers are satisfied with the quality of work of your employees.

Accounting services franchise

Obviously, starting your own accounting services firm is quite a hassle. At the same time, one cannot count on a quick return on investment, since it will take some time to set up the software, establish all work processes, evaluate advertising channels for effectiveness, etc.

If you do not want to "fill your own bumps", but want to get ready-made solutions and high-quality information support, consider opening an "accounting services" franchise business as an option.

Currently, several large firms are successfully operating in Russia, providing accounting services and having experience in this area, calculated in some cases for decades. By purchasing a franchise from one of these companies, you can quickly learn how to attract and advise clients, select a team, use your advertising budget effectively, build a pricing system, etc.

Define your direction in accounting. Very often independent accountants work in very small firms, including themselves, some partners and one or two managers. These firms often offer tax preparation services for individuals and basic accounting, auditing, and tax filing services for small businesses. However, your own level of training and experience in accounting may help you pursue a different profile in accounting.

  • If you have experience in providing advice, you could start an accounting consulting company. In this case, your business will offer customers the choice of the optimal organization of accounting and internal control. This may include training in accounting programs and providing advice to staff members.
  • Specializing in a particular type of accounting can define your firm's core competencies and set you apart from the competition. However, entering a niche that is too narrow can scare away a certain number of customers from another area from you. In your early years in the accounting business, try to remain open to all new clients.
  • Choose a strategy for entering the market of accounting services. Entering the market of accounting services can be different. Starting from scratch is a good option, but choosing clients who need part-time services, as well as partnering with an already working accountant, buying an existing firm are also good options.

    • Starting from scratch providing accounting services, you get full control. You don't have to deal with the burden of outdated software, existing pricing, and other issues. However, the tasks of attracting initial capital and finding the first customers are becoming more complicated.
    • Working part-time as an accountant in the beginning is a good way to not be on the losing side. Working with clients in your free time from your main job will allow you to “test the soil” of the accounting business without huge financial risk. Building relationships with these clients will also smooth out the shift in your employment as you move from your main job to self-employment.
    • Partnering with a recognized accounting professional can help you get started. Working with a partner means more connections, more capital, and more potential customer relationships.
    • Buying a ready-made accounting firm will save you a lot of the questions that beginners have to deal with, but it will also reduce your level of control, which can cost you a fortune. In addition, it takes time to study the market for services in your area.
  • Write a business plan for your accounting practice. A business plan is a formal document that displays the entire mechanics of your business, the vision, as well as the mission and core values. A business plan is key if you are looking to take out a development loan, and it will also help you make sure you plan everything right.

    • Determining the vision, mission, and values ​​is key when choosing a niche and development path. The vision defines your firm's place in the world, while the mission represents the more specific method you are going to use to bring that vision to life.
    • The business structure is another important part of the business plan. Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) are very popular among smaller accounting firms. C-corporations and S-corporations are ideal if you are planning to expand your business, and sole proprietorship is a good option in the accounting business because taxes and overheads tend to be lower.
    • The business plan should also cover major areas such as: marketing strategy and cost and revenue projections. In general, the plan should demonstrate that you understand your target market and that you have a work plan in place to manage the administrative and financial aspects of your accounting firm.
  • Creation and launch of an accounting company. Once you've put together a business plan and selected an exit strategy, business structure, and marketing strategy, you're ready to take action. Bringing your story to life, purchasing materials, and renting office space are relatively easy tasks. Attracting your first clients is often the most difficult aspect of starting an accounting business.

    • Use your latest contacts to attract customers. If you have established strong customer relationships with your previous employer, you may be able to attract those customers to your new business.
    • Marketing is largely about building a network and an image. It is now becoming important for a firm to have a website, as most of the time potential clients look for information on the internet. Also, list your business in the local telephone directory, consider placing an ad in print and on TV.
  • The provision of accounting services is regulated by the Law “On Accounting” and other regulatory acts of the Russian Federation. According to Article 7 of the Federal Law, an individual entrepreneur and an organization independently organize accounting within a business entity. The head of an individual entrepreneur or organization can involve both a full-time accountant in this process and conclude an agreement for the provision of such services. According to the same article of the Law, a full-time employee or an employee involved in accounting must meet certain criteria:

    Have a high school diploma;

    Have experience and seniority in accounting or auditing for at least three years out of the last five years;

    If the applicant for this position does not have a university diploma, then the requirement for the length of service increases to five years out of the last seven;

    The accountant must submit a certificate of the absence of a criminal record, both outstanding and not withdrawn.

    Other regulations or internal organizational documents of the employer may establish additional requirements for a candidate for this position. When concluding an agreement for the provision of accounting services, the employer must also meet certain requirements: be registered with the Federal Tax Service, have at least one employee with whom an employment contract has been previously concluded, and not a civil law contract.

    An individual entrepreneur provides accounting services with the obligatory conclusion of an agreement for the provision of such services. Its text must include:

    Date and place of his conclusion;

    The names of the parties - an individual entrepreneur or an organization represented by an employer and an entrepreneur represented by an accountant;

    The subject of the agreement is the provision of services for accounting, reporting and other things;

    The duties and rights of the IP contractor are the implementation of accounting services for the customer (preparing reports, calculating wages, determining the amounts of taxes and fees, submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service), complying with current legislation in the preparation of such reports, being responsible for the safety of documents, for timely and full processing of data received from the employer;

    The employer is obliged to provide the primary documentation to the IP accountant, signs and, if there is a seal, stamps the statements prepared by the accountant in full and the terms specified in this contract make payment for the accounting services provided by the entrepreneur;

    The terms and essential conditions of payment for the services performed are indicated;

    The salary of an accountant;

    The parties are obligated to keep confidential information secret, not to transfer to third parties, except for publicly available information, which, for example, is indicated in the constituent documents;

    The text also prescribes the procedure for making any changes and the possibility of early termination of the contract;

    The agreement is sealed by the signatures of the parties.

    An individual entrepreneur provides accounting services by analogy with the regular accounting of an enterprise. However, attracting an entrepreneur to provide services under a contract is an economically more profitable measure than maintaining a staff of accountants with subsequent regular payment of wages. Why? The employer is obliged to make contributions to all funds for employees, pay sick leaves, vacations. It is also useful to organize professional development courses and attend seminars by full-time accountants. All these costs are borne by the employer. When concluding an agreement with an entrepreneur for the accounting of a company or enterprise, these problems do not arise. Therefore, at present, many small firms, individual entrepreneurs and even fairly large organizations use the services of individual entrepreneurs in the field of accounting.

    An individual entrepreneur provides accounting services after receiving all the necessary primary documents from the customer. It is the customer who is responsible for their accuracy and timeliness. And for the timely submission of reports to the funds and the Federal Tax Service is already an IP accountant. The cost of such services is negotiated in advance and indicated in the text of the contract. This can be either a fixed amount, or an hourly amount, or depending on the number of processed documents. Timely payment of wages to the accountant is also a duty of the customer.

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