Business plan for an oil extraction plant. The production of sunflower oil is a profitable non-waste production. Sunflower oil production equipment

The business idea for the production of sunflower oil is based on the oil mill. From the position of investment among professionals, the idea has not lost its popularity, it is still in demand and profitable.

However, for many, the issue of income in this area is quite controversial, which is in vain. Let's take a closer look, so as not to rely on the opinions of the majority, but to base our own conclusions on specific figures and facts.

In this business, you can't get enough of butter alone. Profit from its implementation is hardly enough to reach the level of cost. But we must not forget about the additional products obtained from the oil mill, which bring a significant net profit.

The production of vegetable oil at home is limited by financial means. This type of business is attractive due to its flexibility of rapid development. You can start with a minimal production hall and then expand it with additional equipment for the production of by-products. Thus, the assortment is expanding, and profits are growing in progression. A full-fledged plant for the production of vegetable oil should be WASTE-FREE!

The minimum equipment of the line consists of the following equipment:

By and large, these two components are already quite enough to produce and sell 2 products: good sunflower oil and meal. By the way, oilseed meal is widely used for feeding animals and birds in agriculture. Therefore, it sells much faster than the main product. In addition, it is much more at the output of processed raw materials - 65%.

But if you plan to earn more, then you should think about expanding production. Additional technological equipment for the production of vegetable oils allows us to obtain several products at once from one oil mill:

  1. Sunflower oil raw.
  2. Fried sunflower oil.
  3. Oil technical drying oil.
  4. Top circles.
  5. Shrot.
  6. Fuze biochar.
  7. Briquettes biofuel from husks.

The oil mill, even at home, can produce 7 types of products with the necessary equipment. It is worth paying attention to other business benefits.

Storage of vegetable oil in production does not require special conditions. A dry room, protected from sunlight, with an air temperature ranging from +5 to +15 degrees, can store unrefined products for 5 months.

You can use different raw materials for the production of vegetable oils. For example, seeds: sunflower, soybean, flax, pumpkin and many other oilseeds. This advantage also has a positive effect on expanding the range and increasing sales. It is possible to re-profile the business for other products without upgrading the line.

Technology for the production of vegetable oils by pressing

Technological scheme of production:

The technological line for the production of vegetable oil is equipped with:

  • Separator for coarse and fine cleaning of grain and seeds.
  • Shelling machine for sunflower seeds and other oilseeds.
  • Oil press twin screw extruder with oilseed heating elements up to +50C (for a quick start).
  • Filter for purification of vegetable oils from fuse (food).
  • Press for wringing out the fuse (fuzodavka).
  • Press for forming cake circles.
  • Press for briquetting sunflower husks and other seeds.
  • Auxiliary inventory, structures and devices: bunker; pneumatic loader; weight; buckets, shovels, etc.

We will conduct a simple training workshop on the technology of production of vegetable oils.

Waste-free production by cold pressing during pressing takes place in several successive stages:

  1. Coarse cleaning of oilseeds (raw materials). From coarse impurities that can damage technological equipment (stones, wire, etc.).
  2. Fine cleaning of raw materials. From small premiums that can affect product quality (dust, weed seeds, etc.).
  3. Desquamation of the seed coat. This process is carried out immediately before cold pressing. In the non-waste production of vegetable oil, husks are used for biofuel, and kernels are used for oil and cake. The shell of oilseeds can be removed on various types of equipment in a different way: wiping the shell on a specially corrugated surface; shell splitting by impact; pressure compression.
  4. Pressing kernels through a screw oil press in order to obtain oil and cake. At this stage, we get 2 semi-finished products.
  5. Filtration. The process of filtering the crude product obtained only from the press takes place with the help of filters based on filter fabrics. For example - lavsan. Under air pressure, the liquid hits the surface of the fabric and passes through it, leaving a fuse on the surface.
  6. Fuze extraction. The fuz itself obtained after filtering with lavsan contains 80% fat. It is rational to squeeze it out as well. The production of vegetable oils by pressing at this stage ends. Further by-products are produced.
  7. Hot pressing of cake. Makukha is best pressed immediately upon exiting the oil press, while it has still retained its temperature from pressure.
  8. Briquetting. In order to profitably and quickly sell the husk from seeds, it is necessary to produce a demanded product from them - biofuel. Naturally, this process will require special equipment.

As for the organization of labor in production on such a line, everything here depends on the loading of the workshop with raw materials for processing and the timing. If the load is minimal (for example, 1 ton per day), then even 1 worker is enough. Once the market for all types of goods produced at the oil mill is established, additional labor will be needed to meet deadlines with good production volumes.

Wastes from the production of vegetable oil and their use

A home churn for the production of sunflower oil pays off faster if all its advantages are used rationally. The relevance of waste management should not be underestimated.

At the exit from the oil press, we get unrefined vegetable oil and black in color. It should either be defended or filtered out in a special way from the fuse.

Foose are small particles of husk and cake with a high content of residues of the produced product, which remains after filtration. A fabric filter is considered to be the best method for removing fuse. You should not spare money on the filter, and then it will qualitatively clean the product and prepare it for presentation. When the oil is cleared, the collected fuse can be pressed through the fuzodavka. From it we can still get 20% bio-charcoal + 80% vegetable oil. The processed fuz is further turned into stone, which, in turn, is used as fuel for boilers.

Don't miss the fuzodavka operation, as negligent businessmen do! After all, some firms buy waste from vegetable oil production enterprises very cheaply in order to then squeeze out all the profit from them.

So, a business idea can become an almost waste-free process. You will receive not only a high-quality product, which will not fall in demand at any time of the year, but also a unique fuel and good cake.

Oil mill profitability

So, raw materials for manufacturing (sunflower seeds) cost about 500 dollars (about 480), if we talk about a ton. After the raw materials are processed, about 350 kg of sunflower oil can be obtained from this amount (yield 35%). One liter is easy to sell for one and a half dollars. Thus, for 350 kg, as a result, 525 dollars will come out. 525 - 480 = $45 profit. Of course, $45 per ton is not a big amount. But do not forget that during production, you can earn money on another product - on the top (meal).

Makukha, by the way, is no less a hot commodity than the oil itself. Upon receipt of 350 kg of the main product, the meal will be 650 kg. Most often, meal is bought in whole bags, and not per kilogram, so it will be sold much faster. Makukha is sold out at $0.4 per 1 kg. So, if you multiply 650 kg. by $0.4, the amount will be $260. Given these numbers, the business idea becomes much more interesting.

Attempts to withdraw their share, to squeeze out the entire business - this phenomenon takes place exactly as long as there are companies with several founders.

“Several times I started various types of business with partners, but each time it ended with the same thing: sooner or later conflicts began, attempts to take over the entire business entirely, and so on. I no longer take risks and run the business alone,” says individual entrepreneur Alexei Moroz.

However, if the phenomenon can be called eternal, today it has undergone significant transformations. First of all, it got worse. According to our estimates, the number of such cases has doubled. The head of the lawyer's office, Galina Belik, believes that the growth was even greater - "by several times". And what qualitative changes have taken place in intra-corporate wars? In this text, we will consider the changes that are typical primarily for small and medium-sized businesses, where there are their own methods of extraction.

Change 1. Business extraction has become more intelligent. According to what scheme did the seizure of the whole case by one of the partners take place before? I had to observe such cases when the co-owner of the business, using his connections, his "colleague" was locked in a pre-trial detention center and said: "Signature on the transfer of cases to me - freedom in return." Yes, it definitely exists now. But much less. Today, business is squeezed out either because of the negligence of one of the partners (did not document his share, took his word for it), that is, in principle, without violating the law. Thus, the owner of the Taleks mobile feed mill, Alexander Talatynnik, a Belarusian by nationality, was forced to invite his own employees as nominal partners in order to create an enterprise without Russian citizenship.

Sunflower oil production as a business

At the same time, having trusted them, he did not leave himself a controlling stake, dividing the shares into approximately equal ones. As a result, having taken out a loan and bought another truck, which was also a feed production station, he was faced with the fact that the partners appropriated the car. And at that time it was almost half the business! In doing so, they acted in principle legally. Their plan was ruined only by the fact that they refused to pay a loan for a car, and Talatynnik repaid it personally, thanks to which he managed to return the truck.

“But I return debts for interest on a loan from unscrupulous partners to this day,” says the entrepreneur.

Another option: partners cheat, but in a sophisticated way - they forge documents, etc. That is, forceful methods are used less frequently. “In my practice, there were several cases when, instead of the originals, the founders provided dubious copies of documents, and from them they managed to prove that part of the assets belonged to them, and not to the partner,” Galina Belik gives an example.

Change 2. Most partners want to withdraw their share due to the crisis. What if, until recently, partners basically wanted to take over the entire business, today the vast majority of cases are when one of the partners wants to withdraw his share. But this can lead to the complete collapse of the company. In connection with the crisis, many urgently need money - for personal affairs, other projects, or they are simply afraid that they will have to bear losses and are not ready for this. Therefore, they are trying not to take over the business, but, on the contrary, to withdraw assets. But sometimes it is simply impossible to do this - the enterprise will cease to function. Or a conflict begins over where exactly his share ends. After all, if you leave - what does it matter to your former co-founder, for many it is important to take more with you.

Sunflower oil production technology

Description of the stages of the production of vegetable oil.

Very often the question arises - how does unrefined cold-pressed oil differ from the refined oil familiar to many, which is sold on store shelves. In order to answer this question, Let us consider in detail the production process and its varieties.

Seed processing. The quality of sunflower oil depends on the quality of sunflower seeds supplied for processing, the terms and conditions of storage of seeds before pressing. The main quality characteristics for sunflower seeds are oil content, humidity, ripening period. The oil content depends on the sunflower variety and how warm and sunny the summer turned out to be. The higher the oil content of the seeds, the greater the oil yield. The optimal percentage of moisture content of sunflower seeds supplied for processing is 6%. Seeds that are too wet will store poorly and be heavier. The ripening period in our climatic conditions is a very important factor that indirectly affects the price of sunflower oil. The peak of production and supply of finished vegetable oil is October - December. And the peak of demand is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. Accordingly, the earlier raw materials are received, the faster the finished product will reach the consumer. In addition, the seeds must be well cleaned, the content of debris should not exceed 1%, and broken grain - 3%. Before processing, additional cleaning, drying, caving (destruction) of the seed peel and separating it from the kernel are carried out. Then the seeds are crushed, mint or pulp is obtained.

Extraction (production) of sunflower oil. Vegetable oil from the mint of sunflower seeds is obtained by 2 methods - pressing or extraction. Oil extraction is a more environmentally friendly way. Although the oil yield, of course, is much less and does not exceed 30%. As a rule, before pressing, the mint is heated at 100-110 ° C in braziers, while mixing and moistening. Then the roasted mint is squeezed out in screw presses. The completeness of the extraction of vegetable oil depends on the pressure, viscosity and density of the oil, the thickness of the mint layer, the duration of the extraction and other factors. The characteristic taste of oil after hot pressing is reminiscent of roasted sunflower seeds. Oils obtained by hot pressing are more intensely colored and flavored due to the breakdown products that form during heating. Cold-pressed sunflower oil is obtained from mint without heating. The advantage of this oil is the preservation of most of the useful substances in it: antioxidants, vitamins, lecithin. The negative point is that such a product cannot be stored for a long time, it quickly becomes cloudy and rancid. The cake remaining after pressing the oil can be subjected to extraction or used in animal husbandry. Sunflower oil obtained by pressing is called because after pressing it is only settled and filtered. Such a product has high taste and nutritional properties.

Extraction of sunflower oil. The production of sunflower oil by extraction involves the use of organic solvents (most often extraction gasolines) and is carried out in special apparatus - extractors. In the course of extraction, a miscella is obtained - a solution of oil in a solvent and a fat-free solid residue - meal. The solvent is distilled off from miscella and meal in distillers and screw evaporators. The finished oil is settled, filtered and further processed. The extraction method for extracting oils is more economical, as it allows the maximum extraction of fat from raw materials - up to 99%.

Refining of sunflower oil. Refined oil has practically no color, taste, smell.

Sunflower oil production: technology and equipment

This oil is also called impersonal. Its nutritional value is determined only by the minimal presence of essential fatty acids (mainly linoleic and linolenic), which are also called vitamin F. This vitamin is responsible for the synthesis of hormones, maintaining immunity. It gives stability and elasticity to blood vessels, reduces the body's sensitivity to the action of ultraviolet rays and radioactive radiation, regulates the contraction of smooth muscles, and performs many other vital functions. In the production of vegetable oil, there are several stages of refining.

First stage of refining. Getting rid of mechanical impurities - settling, filtration and centrifugation, after which the vegetable oil goes on sale as commercial unrefined.

The second stage of refining. Removal of phosphatides or hydration - treatment with a small amount of hot - up to 70 ° C water. As a result, proteinaceous and mucous substances, which can lead to rapid spoilage of the oil, swell, precipitate and are removed. Neutralization is the effect on the heated oil of the base (alkali). This step removes free fatty acids, which catalyze oxidation and cause smoke when frying. Heavy metals and pesticides are also removed at the neutralization stage. Unrefined oil has a slightly lower biological value than raw oil, since hydration removes part of the phosphatides, but it can be stored longer. Such processing makes the vegetable oil transparent, after which it is called commercial hydrated.

The third stage of refining. Excretion of free fatty acids. With an excess content of these acids, vegetable oil has an unpleasant taste. The vegetable oil that has passed these three stages is called already refined non-deodorized.

Fourth stage of refinement. Bleaching is the treatment of oil with adsorbents of organic origin (most often special clays) that absorb coloring components, after which the fat is clarified. Pigments pass into the oil from the seeds and also threaten to oxidize the finished product. After bleaching, there are no pigments left in the oil, including carotenoids, and it becomes light straw.

Fifth stage of refinement. Deodorization is the removal of aromatic substances by exposing sunflower oil to hot dry steam at a temperature of 170-230°C under vacuum conditions. During this process, odorous substances that lead to oxidation are destroyed. Removal of the above, undesirable impurities leads to the possibility of increasing the shelf life of the oil.

The sixth stage of refinement. Freezing is the removal of waxes. All seeds are covered with wax, this is a kind of protection from natural factors. Waxes make the oil cloudy, especially when sold on the street during the cold season, and thereby spoil its presentation. During the freezing process, the oil turns colorless. After going through all the stages, vegetable oil becomes impersonal. Margarine, mayonnaise, cooking oils are made from such a product, and are used in canning. Therefore, it should not have a specific taste or smell, so as not to disturb the overall taste of the product.

Sunflower oil hits the shelves as the following products: Refined, non-deodorized oil - outwardly transparent, but with a characteristic smell and color. Refined deodorized oil - transparent, light yellow, odorless and tasteless seeds. Unrefined oil is darker than bleached, may have sediment or suspended matter, but nevertheless it has been filtered and, of course, retained the smell that we all know from childhood.

Vegetable oil production equipment

The minimum list of equipment for the production of sunflower oil:

1. Sieve separator - 255,000 rubles;
2. Centrifugal peeler - 291,000 rubles;
3. Brazier - 149,000 rubles;
4. Maslopress - 339,000 rubles;
5. Filter press - 199,000 rubles.​

We provide the following services:

  • Departure of our specialist to the place of production to inspect the premises, make recommendations.

    Sunflower oil production

    When concluding a contract for the supply of equipment, subsequent visits of a specialist are carried out free of charge;

  • Installation of equipment and its adjustment;
  • Training course for personnel to work on this equipment.

The conveyor line for the production of this product provides for the availability of technical elements necessary to ensure all stages of the technological process, from seed cleaning to bottling and packaging of finished products. The production capacity is enough to open your own oil mill and confidently occupy your niche in this business. If necessary, the equipment will be adjusted according to individual requirements and will be maintained in the future.

The production of sunflower oil as a business can bring large incomes, so you need to understand the technology and purchase the right equipment.

This product is always in demand and finds its consumer. Sunflower oil is used not only in the food industry, but also in various fields of activity, such as soap making, cosmetology, and even the manufacture of paint and varnish products.

All this suggests that it is quite easy to find a consumer for sunflower oil. Moreover, this production is considered completely waste-free.

If the products do not find their consumer in Russia, they are easily sent abroad. The main recipient countries are Turkey and Egypt.


Production technology is a rather complex process and takes place in several steps. It is important to take a responsible approach to each stage, and then the business will definitely go uphill.

At each stage, pay attention to the quality of raw materials, the equipment used and the qualifications of workers. Only in this way the production costs will become invisible, and the profitability will become obvious in a few months.

First stage

  1. Production involves the complete cleaning of seeds from additional impurities and debris. This is done in two stages of processing: cleaning sunflower seeds in specialized separators; separation of the kernel from the husk.
  2. Grinding seeds - raw materials are obtained from which oil will subsequently be made.
  3. The crushed seeds are sent to the brazier. Here, the entrepreneur has a choice, since there are two types of braziers - fire and steam, which differ in the methods of processing seeds. The fire brazier in its appearance resembles a huge cauldron, while the roasting process takes place with the help of gas burners. Steam braziers, in turn, process the mint with steam. There is another type of steam brazier. It is aimed at the heat treatment of the seed. Thus, cold-pressed oil is obtained and time is saved for the production of the product, while the finished product does not have the specific smell of roasted seeds.
  4. Cleaned and processed and the kernels are pressed. As a result of the pressing work, oil is obtained. Production volumes depend on the type of equipment and the scale of the enterprise where the product is produced. Even a small workshop can ensure the profitability of sunflower oil production and the production of large volumes by pressing.
  5. The oil that has undergone compulsory pressing is cooled down. It needs to settle, after which a filtration process takes place to get rid of harmful impurities obtained as a result of the previous stages. This oil is called “raw” in the industry, and all the materials left from production are used in agriculture. In some cases, residual products are reused, due to which production according to the technology, even at a home plant, is considered completely waste-free.
  6. The final stage of oil production is the elimination of possible impurities in its composition, getting rid of excess fats of the product, and in the case of refined sunflower oil, refining. Only after all the steps are followed, the product is packaged and sold on the market. At the same time, the manufacturing technology, storage and all sanitary standards must be observed.

If your plans include the production of more than 30 tons of product per day, you need to purchase a specialized oil plant, which, in addition to the extraction line, will include a refining line. The negative feature of such a plant is its high price.

Small volumes of production involve the purchase of separate equipment, among which there will be an extraction line (oil press), a product refining line and a packaging line.

Initial Costs

Opening and developing an enterprise with your own hands is a rather costly project. Therefore, it is important to take care of the financial base in advance, which will serve as the basis for acquiring the necessary equipment, purchasing raw materials, advertising and selling the product.

Equipment costs

Delivery and installation costs

It is worth highlighting working capital as a separate column of expenses, which includes the purchase of raw materials, payment of additional expenses, utility and rental payments for the premises. With the above scale of production, the amount of working capital will be three and a half million rubles. For the Russian Federation and Ukraine, prices may vary in accordance with the dollar exchange rate and changes in the pricing policy of the equipment supplier.


Each type of equipment will require a separate production facility of a rather large area. So, the extraction line will require a room with an area of ​​​​more than 50 square meters with high ceilings, a refining line - from 100 square meters.

It is also necessary to equip a room for a packaging line with an area of ​​60 square meters, additional rooms for storing raw materials and finished products, a room for administration and staff.

The building must be provided with all necessary communications, including water supply and electricity. It is also important to provide convenient transport access to the workshop for obtaining raw materials and loading finished oil for sale.


An important role in the work of the enterprise is played by the selection of personnel. Even if the volume of production is small, about 25 employees will be needed to work with the equipment. Among them should be:

  • director;
  • senior technologist;
  • storekeepers;
  • masters;
  • workshop workers;
  • loaders;
  • truck drivers.

Income and expenses

With the production of five tons of product per day and with an investment of twelve million rubles on an area of ​​450 square meters, the cost of renting which is one hundred thousand rubles per month, it is possible to partially determine the approximate costs and income of the enterprise.

Cost calculation

Video: sunflower oil production as a business.

One of the most profitable businesses in our country is food production. However, a huge range of choices leads to the fact that not every product finds its buyer. Therefore, before choosing a niche, you need to carefully verify its profitability. The production of sunflower oil is an interesting and, most importantly, profitable idea that attracts many start-up entrepreneurs.

The reason for this popularity is the wide demand for the product. But any business requires a careful approach, and the production of refined sunflower oil is no exception. Before starting, you need to familiarize yourself with all the possible subtleties and nuances.

Main subtleties

Thanks to rich resources, our country occupies one of the first places in the production of butter. Therefore, own plant for the production of sunflower oil is able to bring a good profit. If we turn to the statistics, the annual output is over 10,000,000 tons of products.

At average prices, this is about 90 billion rubles. The amount is impressive. Most of the production volumes are taken over by small and medium-sized enterprises. So, the chance to succeed is incredibly great. But you should understand that the production of sunflower oil cannot be attributed to a cheap business.

To launch a project, you must have start-up capital and the necessary knowledge in this area. It is necessary to show enough perseverance, be patient and carefully monitor how the plant for the production of sunflower oil fulfills the mission assigned to it.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

Every case has two sides, so before launching, you need to carefully analyze each of them. Today it is impossible to find a person who does not use sunflower oil for cooking. This is a product of first necessity, there is always a demand for it. Of course, people choose a product based on quality, manufacturer, price, but each product must find its buyer.

According to research, each person consumes an average of 1 liter of oil per month. We must not forget about catering establishments. Such firms buy the product in huge volumes.

The production of sunflower oil is not limited to using it exclusively as food. Also, finished raw materials are actively used in other areas:

  • paint production;
  • production of margarine;
  • creation of cosmetics;
  • release of certain drugs.

Such wide popularity allows to have an active demand. Therefore, mini sunflower oil production can be a win-win option for a novice businessman. Indeed, in addition to the wide popularity of the case, it is non-waste.

The remains of raw materials are successfully used - the husk is used as feed mixtures. Due to its high protein content, it is successfully purchased by farmers.

A huge number of pluses makes you make the right choice. Although it is always worth remembering the main drawback - large investments. Getting by with a small starting amount will not work.

Required documents

Another weighty argument is the absence of the need to take special permission to open a case. The production of sunflower oil in Russia is actively practiced and for its launch it is only necessary to register an individual entrepreneurship.

After that, you can safely get to work. However, it is worth remembering that associating yourself with the food industry is indispensable without inspections of certain controlling firms. Usually this includes firefighters, SES. Therefore, in order to avoid unwanted problems, it is worth obtaining the necessary permits in advance and following the relevant rules and regulations.

In order to receive certain financial benefits from the tax service, it is necessary to immediately register a company as a manufacturer of agricultural products. This is not for you where they work without registration.

Location of the enterprise

The location of the plant plays an important role. Therefore, it is necessary to consider this issue at the very start. You need to have enough space. One building is definitely not enough here. Even with the release of small volumes, the building should not be cramped. In addition, it is important to have several warehouses. For storage:

  • finished products;
  • raw materials;
  • waste.

Everything should be stored separately, without contact. It is worth considering the process of processing seeds. The workshop should be divided into three zones. To perform typical actions:

  • spin;
  • refining;
  • spilling the product into cans and its packaging.

The floors in the building must be concrete, and the walls and ceiling must be painted with lime.

Sunflower oil production: necessary equipment

Sunflower oil production technology is a rather complicated process. It will take time to automate it as much as possible. It is important to calculate all the necessary indicators.

The main place in the workshop is occupied by equipment for the production of sunflower oil. It is simply impossible to do without it. Of course, the prices for it are quite high - $ 20,000, but without them the plant will not be able to exist. You can always find good suppliers who can offer high quality machines at a good price.

If the plan for the production of sunflower oil is limited to small scales, you can save money and buy equipment that requires manual control. However, in large factories, this will not work. After all, in order to achieve good revenue, you need to have large volumes of goods, and for this, an automatic line must be present at the plant.

The production of sunflower oil in Russia implies the acquisition of the following machines:

  • oil press;
  • oil filter;
  • brazier;
  • separator.

At the start of a project, we can always limit ourselves to a mini-factory. If pleasant results are not long in coming, it will always be possible to expand production. If this seems complicated, then you can organize.

Personnel for the work of the enterprise

With an automated line, the number of workers is reduced to a minimum. However, it must be experienced people who know how to handle such equipment.

Professionals should also service the machines. Having a medium-sized plant, one cannot do without service personnel, loaders and drivers. shows that it is difficult to find specialists with experience. But you can always rely on young graduates who will work according to the scheme you have established.

Fundamentals of production technology

The process of manufacturing sunflower oil includes several stages:

  1. Thorough cleaning of raw materials. First, with the help of a special separator that allows you to get rid of debris, after which the seeds are cleaned from the husk.
  2. Crushing of the seed.
  3. Place the crushed seeds in the roaster.
  4. Squeezing out oil.
  5. Product settling.
  6. Cooling and filtration of the obtained oil.
  7. Bottling.

Each stage requires careful monitoring.


This business can easily be attributed to one of the most profitable. However, before completing the necessary documents, you should carefully study the financial part. The costs include the following costs:

  • rent of a suitable building - 100,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 2,000,000 rubles;
  • registration of the necessary documentation - 20,000 rubles;
  • wages for workers - 200,000 rubles.

In the absence of the necessary start-up capital, you can always consider opening a small factory at home.

The main goal of entrepreneurial activity is to make a profit with relatively small investments. The production of vegetable oils as a business idea is the best fit for a businessman who wants to open his own business in a sought-after area.

Vegetable oil production as a business strategy

In Russia, about 50% of oil is produced at medium or even small (home) enterprises and factories. This statistic is due to the small costs of the entrepreneur in the early stages of running a business for the production of oils of vegetable origin and a quick payback. Volumes can be limited only by the amount of raw materials that the firm can buy.

How profitable is it today to invest your capital in the production of vegetable oil? What equipment will be needed at the initial stage of production and how much will it cost?

About the production of vegetable oil

Vegetable oil in our time, without exaggeration, can be attributed to essential products. Almost no dish can be cooked without using enough vegetable oil. But cooking is far from the only consumer of vegetable oils. They are indispensable in the production of:

  • canned food (from vegetable and fruit to fish and meat),
  • soap,
  • repair paints,
  • medicines (creams, ointments),
  • cosmetics (creams, lotions, powders, lipsticks).

Vegetable oil is called because it is made from leaves, seeds, nuts or fruits of various kinds of plants: olives, corn, sunflower or flax seeds, cedar or macadamia nuts. There is also animal fat obtained from the organs of any animal or fish: goat, goose, cow, bear, badger, fish, whale.

Depending on the raw material, vegetable oil is divided into:

  • linen,
  • mustard,
  • corn,
  • olive,
  • sunflower, etc.

Oil can be solid or liquid.

Varieties of vegetable oils depend on the raw materials from which they are made.

Based on the purification method, such types of vegetable oils are distinguished as:

  • unrefined (mechanically cleaned) have a characteristic natural smell and taste, as well as a light yellow tint;
  • refined (mechanically purified, hydrated and neutralized) have the same characteristic natural smell and taste, but less pronounced color;
  • refined deodorized (completely purified, odorless and tasteless).

The type of cleaning chosen will depend on the chemical and physical properties of the oil.

The degree of refining also affects the appearance of the final product. There are 6 degrees in total: the higher the degree, the cleaner and, accordingly, lighter the result.

Sunflower is a well-known source of vegetable oil. The most popular sales market in Russia has always been and still is the production and sale of sunflower oil. It can be obtained by cold or hot pressing. Hot pressing leaves the taste of raw materials (in this case, roasted sunflower seeds), and cold pressing more levels out such indicators.

Vegetable oil production process

Technology for the production of vegetable oil from sunflower seeds rather complex process, which is divided into several main stages:

  1. Purification of raw materials (sunflower seeds) from impurities (husks, sand, earth, leaves, stems). A separator is used (cost up to 45 thousand rubles).
  2. Winnowing to remove light debris and dry seeds. The crushing and winching equipment is used (up to 75 thousand rubles).
  3. Cleaning from its own husk (black shell), further grinding to the state of an oily slurry. A roller machine is used (from 430 thousand rubles).
  4. Heating in steam or fire braziers up to 1100°C. Fire (up to 83 thousand rubles) and steam (up to 350 thousand rubles) braziers are used.
  5. Extraction of raw materials and separation of cake (meatka) from oily liquid. The cake is sent for re-pressing. A screw press is used (from 650 thousand rubles).
  6. Primary filtration of oily liquid from cake residues. Specialized filtering equipment is used (about 95 thousand rubles).
  7. At an additional stage, the composition can be subjected to several stages of filtration, as well as to make it refined, bleached and deodorized (remove odors). At the final stage of pressing, the oil itself and the cake remain, which still contains about 10% of the oil of its entire mass. At further additional stages, the manufacturer seeks to extract the maximum possible residues of the oil composition from the cake.
  8. Extraction (another additional step) is the soaking of residues (cake) in solvents (acetone, gasoline, hexane), which makes it possible to obtain at least 7% oil from 10%. An extractor is used (from 520 thousand rubles). It is considered a less environmentally friendly, but more economical way to obtain raw materials.
  9. The finished product is poured into containers. They use a pouring device (from 400 thousand rubles).

Brief scheme of vegetable oil production technology

Companies specializing in oilseed production can use only one of the methods (pressing or extraction) or use both in turn.

The production of sunflower oil is a waste-free procedure, because the residues formed throughout the extraction can be reused for other purposes. After extraction, almost completely defatted cake (meal) and oil residues in solvents (miscella) remain. For example, meal is completed and sent to farms for breeding large and small livestock: there, pomace is added as a nutritional supplement to animal feed. And the miscella becomes the basis for paints and varnishes (linseed oil) for repairs. In addition, the cake can be squeezed out again and get fuz - biofuel for boiler installations.

Is it necessary to refine the finished product? In general, after primary filtration (stage VI), the oil is already ready for bottling into packaging containers. However, such a product is called “raw”, since it still contains unnecessary protein compounds, fatty acids, dyes, phospholipids and wax, therefore, to improve the quality of the final result, it is possible and even necessary to carry out secondary filtration, or refining. There are the following refining methods:

  • physical (centrifugation, settling),
  • chemical (alkaline refining, hydration),
  • physical and chemical (deodorization, bleaching).

Conditions for the production of vegetable oil

The production of sunflower oil is a very profitable enterprise. At the same time, the niche is quite densely occupied by already competitive manufacturers who have been able to stay afloat for several years now. If a businessman still wants to invest in this kind of enterprise, then he should weigh all the pros and cons well so that his business does not become unprofitable even at the stage of formation.

Vegetable oil can be produced: in factories, mini-workshops, small oil mills and at home.

manufacturer requirements

The future entrepreneur who associates himself with the sunflower oil business must meet some requirements:

  • have a legal status (best of all, the founder of an LLC and an agricultural producer who receive tax advantages and benefits from the state),
  • have experience in selling retail products,
  • have relationships with suppliers and markets.

In the case when an entrepreneur does not yet meet these minimum conditions, it makes sense to start producing rare types of oil (coconut, avocado) and sell it to friends or small shops.

Vegetable Oil Filtration Equipment

Requirements for the premises

The basic requirements for the premises depend on the volume of production. If a businessman wants to set up a serious production of oil from vegetable raw materials, he will need the appropriate premises. It should be:

  • area from 1500 sq m,
  • divided into several sections (production, a warehouse for storing imported raw materials, a warehouse for storing finished products),
  • equipped with communication networks (electricity, water supply, sewerage),
  • safe (protected from spontaneous combustion, with fire extinguishing means),
  • comply with sanitary standards.

If oil is produced not on an industrial scale, but in an oil mill, then the premises can be rented with an area of ​​up to 150 sq. m.

For home spinning, the use of a room is acceptable.

equipment requirements

Today, almost every production process is automated. The production of vegetable oil will not be an exception. In the subheading describing the technologies for the production of vegetable oil from sunflower seeds, the necessary equipment and its approximate cost for setting up large-scale production have already been described in more detail. Summarizing, we can add that the whole process from the point of view of the hardware component will look like this:

  1. Devices for production (from 2 million rubles).
  2. Devices for refining (from 2100 thousand rubles).
  3. Packaging devices (from 2200 thousand rubles).

Thus, the cost of equipping a mini-workshop for the manufacture of a vegetable-pressed product will amount to about 6,300 thousand rubles.

For an oil mill, it will be enough to purchase a screw oil press and a packaging machine.

Personnel Requirements

A serious oil mill is often fully automated. Yet still workers are needed who will monitor the production technology and make timely adjustments. What kind of personnel is needed for the production of vegetable oils?

  • workers with specialized technological and chemical education (foremen, technologists, engineers, chemists),
  • civilian workers without bad habits (loaders, cleaners).

For large-scale production, up to 50 people are required for the workshop, it will be enough to hire 7 people for the oil mill.

In custody

The production of vegetable oil is a relatively inexpensive and profitable enterprise. But the instability of the final result and the lack of a quality certificate greatly narrow the sales markets in large retail chains and stores. Still, a home oil mill or mini-workshop will be a good start to start a business with a further expansion to the factory.

The catalog contains vegetable oil producers in Russia. Selling large and small wholesale. The list includes 100 companies for 2019. Wholesale prices are set directly by suppliers.

Sunflower oil accounts for over 80% of the vegetable oil market. It is followed by soybean, corn and rapeseed. The main share of production, from 40%, belongs to the regions of the Southern Federal District - Kuban, Rostov region, etc. Oil extraction plants produce products by cold or hot pressing.

Well-known Russian enterprises:

  • Krasnogorsk Fat Plant,
  • CJSC DonMasloProduct,
  • Oil Plant Altai-Rodino LLC,
  • SHP "Sunny Field",
  • "Kulundinsky oil plant", etc.

Vegetable oil producers invite wholesalers, dealers and representatives in the regions to cooperate. In order to buy food products in bulk, download the price list, contact the manufacturers' managers on their pages. The list is updated regularly.

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