What do you need for a manicure studio. Business plan: nail business from A to Z. Gel nail extension cost. How to open a nail extension business at home. Description of the industry and company

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 246,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 318,400 rubles.
  • Net profit - 43,860 rubles.
  • Payback - from 8 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will try to draw up a detailed business plan for a nail salon with calculations.

Market analysis

Today, in the market associated with the beauty industry, nail salons are increasingly opening. Over the past few years, their number has increased. They used to be part of beauty salons, but the trend has changed. Demand has increased due to the fashion for such procedures as nail extension with tips, gel extension, shell polish, classic manicure. About 20% of women use the services of nail salons all the time, men turned out to be less - only 5%.

Many private entrepreneurs are interested in opening such a business. This is due to high demand. Most often, the main advantage over competitors is not only the professionalism of specialists, but also the use of modern methods in work.

By the way, according to experts, more than 50% of all services of beauty salons fall precisely on manicure in its various manifestations.

According to the results of surveys of the owners of such salons, it turned out that most often the services of nail salons are used by girls aged 19-38 years. The age range is quite wide.

Adult women use proven techniques, young ladies prefer something new, bright, catchy.

Today, the average Russian woman wants to look beautiful and well-groomed. As you know, for a woman it is very important what condition her nails are in. At all times, their health and strength have been signs that a lady really cares about her appearance. In addition, fashion and the opinions of others have a huge impact on the fairer sex. Therefore, the demand for services can change very quickly and like an avalanche.

Women primarily evaluate the quality of procedures, their safety.

According to the experts themselves, the market for manicure services can expand for quite a long time, because it is no more than half full.

The highest level of competition is observed in the segment of premium manicure services, the situation is somewhat easier in the mid-price part of the market. It is this niche that is considered the most promising and free in terms of competition and barriers encountered at the entrance to the market.

In Moscow alone, income from manicure services is about 1.3 billion rubles annually.

There are no serious players in this market today. However, competition and the number of manicure service providers is growing very fast. Now there is the most favorable time to enter the market, when it is not yet fully formed.

SWOT analysis

Factors influencing the activities of the organization are divided into internal and external.



  • Offer of actual services.
  • Good location.
  • Competitive price.
  • The presence of a developed marketing and advertising policy.
  • Use of quality raw materials.
  • Qualified specialists.
  • Providing quality services.

Weak sides:

  • Lack of work in this area.
  • Dependency on the landlord.
  • Narrow range of services (at first).
  • Lack of related services.
  • Lack of customer base.

External factors:


  • Growth in demand for the service.
  • Opportunity to occupy your place in the market.
  • Attracting highly qualified specialists.
  • The use of state subsidies for the development of small businesses.
  • Wholesale purchase of quality raw materials.
  • Rapid market penetration by new competitors.
  • Departure of some clients to other salons.
  • Growth of utility and rent payments.
  • Increasing the cost of raw materials.
  • Decrease in consumer opportunities.

Opportunity Assessment

Nail salon services do not have seasonal demand. The only thing to remember is that during the pre-holiday period, the number of customers becomes more than usual, because women want to look beautiful. Work will be carried out according to the following schedule:

Total: 77 working hours per week. For maintenance, you will need four manicure specialists and 2 administrators. With a schedule a day in a day or two in two.

After developing a base of regular customers, it is possible to hire additional staff units, if the area of ​​​​the premises allows.

Solution of organizational and legal issues:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to determine the organizational and legal form of the enterprise. It can be IP, LLC. From a legal and accounting point of view, the most profitable solution would be to choose an individual entrepreneur. Here . To register, you must pay a state duty in the amount of 800 rubles, submit an application, indicating the type of economic activity. The OKVED code will be 93.02 - Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons. The list of services provided includes a manicure.
  2. The organization must be registered with the tax office. It's best to choose. In this case, the taxable base may be income (6%) or the difference between income and expenses (6-15% depending on the region).
  3. If you accept card payments from your customers, you need to open a current account. To do this, read the article about.
  4. Be sure to sign a lease agreement. It is worth considering that the minimum area for each master is 6 m 2.
  5. Rospotrebnadzor is necessary in a certain area.
  6. It is imperative to develop a plan-program for the production control of the sanitary condition of the premises.
  7. All employees must have medical books without fail.
  8. You can apply to government organizations for subsidies. This will be especially true for those who do not have sufficient start-up capital.

Some more information . Before you repair the premises, redevelop it, install furniture, you must definitely familiarize yourself with two very important documents that relate directly to the provision of manicure services:

  • GOST R 51142-98 "Household services Hairdressing services General specifications".
  • SanPiN"Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, arrangement, equipment, maintenance and mode of operation of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services."

Knowing all the nuances, it will be much easier to pass inspections of Rospotrebnadzor. You can also avoid fines for violations.

Rented premises:

It will be commercial property. 2 masters will work in the salon at the same time in one office. A place for the administrator will also be equipped to receive calls and work with clients. Additionally, a bathroom for visitors and employees will be equipped. The total area will be 40 m2.

Service description

The nail salon will provide the following services:

  • Classic manicure.
  • Hardware manicure.
  • Shell varnish finish.
  • Gel extension.
  • Nail correction.
  • Extension using tips.
  • Therapeutic removal of nails.

Any of these procedures lasts from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. In some cases, more time may be needed. It all depends on the experience of the master, the speed of his work.

Standard appointments are made by phone. The operator answers the calls. Transfer is possible 12 hours before the appointed time.

After the project pays off, it is planned to actively invest in business development. To begin with, this will be the addition of several related procedures, such as dyeing eyelashes, eyebrows. Later, it is planned to expand the premises or open a new point. Pedicure services will be offered.

It is very important that the work is performed by an experienced and high-quality master. This will provide the necessary customer base.

After the opening of additional points, working masters train beginners, train them, and conduct courses.

Marketing plan

It is very important to conduct geomarketing research before starting work, which will help you choose the most profitable place to work. Such an analysis is costly and time consuming. As a rule, entrepreneurs turn to specialized companies for help.

After choosing a place with a high traffic of potential buyers, it is necessary to place a salon sign. It should be bright, catchy, interesting, unusual.

  • Leaflets. It is best to distribute them near the salon, in neighboring buildings, put them in boxes in residential buildings.
  • Business cards. You need to distribute them to customers who have already arrived or right on the street.
  • Adding information to bulletin boards, online catalogs of salons, maintaining your own group on social networks, contextual advertising - a full range of advertising on the Internet.
  • Promotions, holiday discounts.
  • Discount cards for regular visitors.
  • "Word of mouth radio". This type of advertising is free, it works by itself. To achieve the greatest effect, you need to provide the client with only high-quality services.

It is better to make the price at the very beginning slightly below average. This will attract more buyers. As the number of customers increases, you can increase the cost. It is very important not to do it abruptly.

Planned revenue:

Name Price per procedure Quantity per month Total income from the service
Classic manicure 350 r. 60 21 000 rubles
Hardware manicure 450 r. 70 31 500 rubles
Shell varnish coating 700 r. 90 63 000 rubles
Gel extension 1000 r. 50 50 000 rubles
Nail correction 750 rubles 70 52 500 rubles
Extension using tips 800 r. 30 24 000 rubles
Therapeutic nail removal 400 r. 10 4 000 rubles
Total 246 000 rubles

In total, there are 341 working hours per month. Provided that two masters always work together, the total hourly output per month will be 682 hours.

Therefore, the monthly income will be equal to 246,000 rubles.

Production plan

It is best to immediately find a suitable premise with a major overhaul so that the investment is minimal. After all, square meters will not be owned, which means that it is not worth investing a lot of money in them.

The cost of the repair will include equipment for a bathroom, sinks, and bringing the appearance into a pleasant look. Most likely, you will have to install additional outlets. It will cost 100,000 rubles.

For the work of masters, you will have to buy special manicure tables, lamps, baths, shelves, chairs for clients and specialists. You will also need a chair and desk for the administrator. The total cost will be 90,000 rubles.

You will also need a phone, a laptop for working on the Internet, maintaining a database and customer records. You can also install a music center or TV for a non-boring pastime for customers. All this will cost 45,000 rubles.

To get started, you will have to purchase raw materials. It will include: varnishes, gels, wipes, creams and much more. The total cost will be 30,000 rubles.

The salon will have:

  • 4 masters. 2 per shift. Work day after two, day after day, or two after two. Piecework salary - 40% of income (including insurance premiums and taxes). When applying for a job, you need to pay attention to experience and qualifications. It is possible to revise the terms of payment if the master has his own client base.
  • 2 administrators. Work in two days. Fixed salary - 18,000 rubles, including insurance premiums and taxes. With the growth of sales, an increase in wages based on performance is possible.

Masters clean their workplace on their own. Administrators carry out wet cleaning as needed and free time.

organizational plan

1 month 2 month
IP registration 800 r.
Conclusion of a lease agreement +
Geomarketing and marketing research + +
Advertising 30 000 rubles 10 000 rubles
Repair 100 000 rubles
Purchase of equipment and furniture 90 000 rubles
Purchase of equipment 45 000 rubles
Purchase of stocks of raw materials 30 000 rubles
Purchase of a cash register 10 000 rubles
Phone connection, Internet 1600 r.
Careful search and selection of personnel + +
Starting work +
Total 318 400 rubles

Financial plan

  • Monthly income is 246,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs amounted to 318,400 rubles.

Let's calculate the monthly costs:

Profit before tax will be: 246,000 - 194,400 = 51,600 rubles.

When calculating the tax, we select the formula (income-expenses) * 0.15 \u003d 7,740 rubles.

Net profit will be equal to 43,860 rubles.

The payback period will be 322,400/43,860 = 7.37. Therefore, after about 8 months, the business will be able to pay off and will bring real profits.

These are average calculations. When changing the amount of working time, the number of employees, orders, etc. numbers can change significantly.


It is worth highlighting external and internal risks.

External risks include changes in legislation, a possible crisis, and increased competition. All of them ultimately have a negative impact on the level of profits and the prospects of the organization. In case of serious problems, the enterprise may simply become unprofitable. To avoid possible losses, it is necessary to use risk insurance, to increase the quality of services provided.

The onset of internal risks can also have a rather serious impact on the level of income and net profit. Such risks include: inexperience of the staff, their incompetence, unwillingness to work, dismissal of an employee. It is worth working with your masters, administrators, sending them for advanced training, creating favorable conditions. You should not chase profit, you need to involve the employees themselves in the process, to interest them in the development of a nail salon.

To more accurately determine the risks and conduct an expert assessment, it is worth contacting the appropriate organization, which will help develop a company policy that will help avoid possible troubles.

  1. After the initial costs have paid off, it is not worth actively withdrawing money from the business. It is better to invest them in the development of your own offspring.
  2. You don't need to open many jobs. The most effective would be the distribution of several salons throughout the city. So the coverage will be greater and efficiency. In one salon, 2-3 simultaneously working employees are enough.
  3. Provide an additional service for customers - free coffee, movies, or something else. You need to make sure that the consumer is as comfortable as possible in your salon.
  4. Engage your employees in development. To do this, you can set bonuses for the implementation of the plan or increase in interest. For the holidays, you should please them with at least small presents. Offer to partially or fully pay for advanced training courses.
  5. Organize coaching within the organization. Let experienced masters teach new ones, receiving part of their proceeds, for example. The continuity of generations will be very important both for collective unity and for the working qualities of all employees.

For the most part, a lot depends on the ability of an entrepreneur to build relationships with his subordinates, to competently manage work resources.

Useful video on opening a nail salon

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

You probably have not wondered why the nail salon business is so attractive to aspiring entrepreneurs. We will tell you what the secret of success of most nail salons is, advise where to open a nail salon and even tell you how to find staff. This service sector does not cease to flourish even during a crisis, salons' incomes are constantly growing - all because people want to look beautiful even when there is not enough money for gasoline. We will take advantage of this weakness of the population and open a nail salon, which will come again and again, bring their money, and take away a good mood and beautiful nails. Of course, do not expect a huge income from the very start of the enterprise, but after a couple of months of stable advertising, you will enjoy the flow of customers. We will advise you to open a nail salon with a narrow specialization - cleaning, painting nails, restoration. There are many reasons not to develop a large number of services at the start, the main one is that we simply do not have enough money to rent a huge room and buy specialized equipment. The good thing about a nail salon business plan is that we can save on a few points and open a business without a lot of money.

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Where to open a nail salon

When writing your business plan for a nail salon, you need to consider the location of your business, a lot depends on it. If in the case of a car service, we didn’t care where the company was located, now we need to find a suitable place. What to pay attention to when choosing a room for a nail salon? It's simple - it should be near large boutiques, shopping centers, fitness centers. That is, near any entertainment, after which a woman, or a man - they also use the services of a nail salon, could come in and make themselves beautiful. According to psychologists, after buying something new in your wardrobe, a person has an elevated mood and wants to make himself perfect, to eliminate any shortcomings. If, after leaving the boutique, a potential client sees a sign with the name of your nail salon, consider that you have already received the money. Of course, renting a space for a nail salon in the city center will be very expensive, but we will try to get out of a difficult situation. Find a shopping center a little further from the center, choose a smaller area and rent costs will be reduced to 30 thousand per month. These are the first expenses of the nail salon for the operation, and we will try to recoup them.

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Opening a nail salon begins with the purchase of equipment

First we need to buy a manicure table and a good nail lamp. A high-quality table with a good finish will cost us 6 thousand rubles. A nail extension lamp today costs about 5 thousand rubles, it is better not to save here and immediately buy good equipment. Let's add two more chairs for each table to the expenses of the nail salon - one for the salon worker, the other for the client. Two chairs will cost us 4 thousand rubles. Based on the size of the rented premises, we need to decide how many tables we need to buy and put. Large nail salons set up tables so that there is 10 square meters of free space per table. Considering the price of rent, we cannot afford such extravagance. To begin with, we will buy two tables with chairs and lamps, so as not to burden our budget too much and at the same time be able to serve all customers. Later, when there will be more customers, you will need to purchase additional tables and place them as comfortably as possible to move customers. The costs of a nail salon should also be burdened by the purchase of consumables. Do not forget that most often people come to such salons in order to paint their nails and put them in order. Consumables include varnishes, paints, acrylics, tips, creams - all this will cost us 6 thousand rubles for one manicure table. You should not save on the quality of materials, most of your customers understand this themselves and will immediately notice a cheap varnish or cream. One-time expenses of a nail salon end there.

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Nail Salon Business Plan: Hire Staff

At the start of the enterprise, we decided to install two tables in order to reduce costs. For each table you need to hire one worker, preferably a woman. You can start looking for staff before buying materials, and then, if you don’t know where to start a nail salon, the staff will tell you what is missing for comfortable work or what materials you need to buy more. Personnel are easiest to find at employment services or job sites. Most makeup artists who graduated from an educational institution, after completing the courses, want a salary of 60 thousand rubles, but after a couple of months of searching they are left with nothing. It is precisely such valuable personnel that then look for work through the employment service in the hope of working in their specialty. We will find two make-up artists and offer them a salary of 15 thousand rubles a month. Believe me, this salary is enough for a person who has no salary at all. For two employees, we need 30 thousand rubles a month, we will add this to the expenses of the nail salon. The staff, by the way, will not only perform the work, but also receive money for this work - we do not need any cashier, these are just extra expenses.

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Our main advertising weapon will be a sign with the name of a nail salon. It is worth paying attention to this, hiring a professional, because the entire salon will be evaluated by our signboard. The nail salon business has been popular for a long time and a bright signboard can distinguish us from the crowd of identical companies in the first place. We will spend 8 thousand rubles on it. After installing it, you need to do direct advertising, which brings the main number of customers for our business. What is the main income of a nail salon? That's right - from the women of the middle class. We will not aim for below average income for the reason that this segment of the population very rarely uses the services of a nail salon. So, the middle class is office workers, accountants, bank workers, shop assistants, teachers, and so on. We will hand out colored flyers describing the services and prices for them to these people - during the lunch break, after the end of the working day, before work. You won’t be able to cover everyone at once, so just periodically change the place of distribution of leaflets. This will bring a certain flow of customers, which is already good for a new business. Then these clients will advertise us themselves. We need to advertise our nail salon business as much as possible, so let's not forget about online advertising. In every city there are women's forums where the weaker sex discusses their issues, there are Vkontakte groups with various kinds of advertising. Do not be lazy and compose a good advertising message, which you will then leave on all these resources. Somewhere you have to pay, somewhere you can advertise for free. The main thing when you spend money on advertising, do not be disappointed - it will all turn into income for a nail salon later.

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Business plan for a nail salon: calculate expenses and income

We have written in detail about everything that we need to buy in order for the nail salon business to be successful and develop, now it’s worth summing up our expenses. One-time expenses consist of the purchase of two tables op 6 thousand rubles, two lamps and four chairs - 4 and 2 thousand, respectively. For each table, you need to buy materials in the amount of 6 thousand rubles. We do not forget that we buy a high-quality, unique sign for our salon - this is another 8 thousand rubles. In total, one-time expenses will amount to 50 thousand rubles. Operating costs are made up of rent and wages to employees of the enterprise. We will find inexpensive premises near a shopping center with a rent of 30 thousand rubles a month, we will also use a trick with the staff and find workers through the employment service. Wages will be 15 thousand for one employee. Advertising of our business will cost 6 thousand rubles. As a result, 66 thousand rubles for the operation. Now let's calculate the income of a nail salon. Manicure on average in the region costs 1000 rubles for all nails without coating, with coating 1200 rubles. A pedicure will cost 1,200 rubles uncoated, 1,500 with a coating. That is, having served one client, you will receive approximately 2500 rubles. For the payback of the functioning, we need to serve 26 customers per month, the rest is pure profit.

  • Salon financial plan
  • Business Startup Technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for opening an express manicure salon in a shopping center on an area of ​​6 sq. m.

How much money do you need to start a business

According to preliminary calculations of the business plan, the costs of opening a nail salon will include:

  • Deposit for renting premises (2 months) - 80 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment - 500 thousand rubles.
  • Consumables - 40 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising sign - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 20 thousand rubles.

Total - 670 thousand rubles. It is planned to allocate 60% of own funds and 40% of borrowed funds (bank credit) for the project implementation.

Prospects for the market of nail salons

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of newly opened nail salons. Step by Step experts characterize this market segment as attractive from a financial point of view. Speaking in numbers, almost 20% of the female population of large cities use the services of nail salons. In a million city, the potential audience of customers is approximately 100,000 people. The lion's share of customers refers to the service in terms of fashion, maintaining a high status in society and prestige. Despite the growing demand among the population, the market for nail salons today is not saturated. Although there is competition, there are still no large, network players. Therefore, small businesses can feel quite comfortable.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering this business

As an organizational form, it was decided to register individual entrepreneurship. We believe that this is the optimal org. form for a small manicure cabinet. The application for registration will indicate the OKVED code 93.02 - "Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons." UTII will be used as a taxation system - a single tax on imputed income. With UTII, the tax is paid based on the area of ​​​​the object, which in this case is minimal. This means that the tax will not be large (4 - 6 thousand rubles per month). The nail salon is planned to be located in a high-traffic area. For this, a lease agreement for a 6 sq. m. in one of the popular shopping centers of the city. The rent will be 40 thousand rubles per month. Expensive, but we believe that it will pay off with a high client flow of the shopping center. In addition, the location in the shopping center will significantly reduce the cost of advertising the salon.

What equipment to choose for a nail salon

To provide high-quality manicure services, it is planned to purchase the optimal set of equipment: a manicure table, a manicure stand, chairs for masters, UV lamps for building, a vacuum cleaner and related products (manicure roller, stand for varnishes, manicure lamp, manicure bath). Estimated costs for the purchase of equipment will amount to 500 thousand rubles. For the provision of services, four masters will be hired to work in shifts 2/2. The salary will be set as a salary + a percentage of the proceeds from the client's funds. Masters with experience will be taken to work, but employment of novice specialists is not excluded. Unskilled workers are planned to be sent to advanced training courses. The duties of employees will include not only the provision of manicure services, but also control over the cleanliness of the working area. The employee is obliged to carry out daily wet cleaning of the work surface and wash the table from drops of varnish. A special manicure machine with a vacuum cleaner will be used to clean acrylic dust.

“It is better to use disposable towels. If they are rag, you will need to conclude an agreement with laundries or you will have to open a separate laundry room.

Nail Salon Marketing Plan

The salon plans to provide the following services:

  • Classic manicure (800 rubles)
  • Manicure "Economy" (900 rubles)
  • Manicure "All inclusive" (1100 rubles)
  • Therapeutic manicure (1300 rubles)
  • Manicure + Shellac (1400 rubles)
  • Children's manicure (700 rubles)

The promotion of a nail salon will be carried out in several ways. The first thing to do is business cards. They are planned to be distributed to other related salons in this area: massage rooms, spas, tanning salons, hairdressers, and so on. It is also planned to advertise the salon as much as possible on the Internet: create a group on social networks, leave information on forums and bulletin boards, add the company to the online catalog of organizations.

Salon financial plan

Fixed monthly expenses

  • Premises rental - 40 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 5 thousand rubles.
  • Salary + insurance (4 people) - 110 thousand rubles.

Total - 175 thousand rubles. Income

  • The average check of the service is 1000 rubles.
  • Number of clients per day - 10 people. (only 5 people per master).
  • Revenue per day - 10,000 rubles.
  • Revenue per month - 300,000 rubles.

How much can you earn at the opening of a nail salon

Hence the profit: 300,000 - 175,000 = 125,000 rubles. The profitability of a nail salon, according to business plan calculations, is 41%. With such indicators, the project should pay off in 10-12 months. (taking into account the period for the promotion of the point).

Step-by-step plan for opening a nail salon

  1. Conducting situational analysis of the market, customer base.
  2. Choice of salon format: home service, salon opening.
  3. Registration of a business and obtaining permits to conduct activities.
  4. Search for colleagues.
  5. Rent and arrangement of premises.
  6. Acquisition of consumables, equipment, inventory.
  7. Conducting an advertising campaign.
  8. Starting a business.

What documents are needed to open a nail salon

The easiest way to open a nail salon is to register an individual entrepreneur by providing a photocopy of your passport, an application and paying a state duty to the tax service.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

For the salon, you can choose 3 taxation systems:

  • UTII - a fixed tax that suits better than other systems;
  • USN - a system in which there is no need to keep accounting records.
  • Acquisition of a patent - does not exist in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Do I need permission to open

It will not be possible to open a nail salon without obtaining permission from the SES and the fire inspection. State institutions will check the premises for compliance with the standards and issue the necessary document. A nail salon must comply with the requirements of the sanitary service: workplace - at least 6 sq. m, furniture - amenable to dry cleaning, a sink for washing tools, the presence of sterilization chambers. Opening a nail salon is not subject to licensing.

Business Startup Technology

Great success is achieved by those nail salons that give preference to quality, the study of new techniques and trends. For the prosperity of activities, it is recommended to open a point in a crowded place, provide individual discounts, and hold promotions for the holidays. The technology for opening a nail salon is simple - market research, renting a room, purchasing equipment and hiring real professionals. But the main thing is your own concept, which leads to your goals. As a rule, most clients prefer not the place of the salon, but a specific master.

Services that help maintain or create beauty have always been in demand, especially for the beautiful half of humanity. You need to take care of your nails no less carefully than your skin or hair.

Agree, people pay attention to hands almost everywhere - in the store, office, among friends and even more so - girlfriends. It is good if nature rewarded with beautiful and strong nails. But even in this case, they need care to look neat and attractive.

To do this, at least you need to regularly do manicures and pedicures. For those who have been deprived of nature, there is such a service as building artificial nails.


The idea for nail extensions or manicure and pedicure services is always relevant, despite the high competition. But before providing such services, it is necessary to undergo special training. It is quite enough to enroll in the relevant courses or order CDs with educational materials via the Internet. The basic course includes only direct nail extension. Design and painting will have to be studied additionally.

Market Segment Definition

As mentioned above, the nail business is highly competitive. Therefore, only the master who perfectly knows his business and uses good, high-quality materials in his work will be successful. Today, gel nail extensions are gaining more and more popularity. This is due to the fact that in this case it is necessary to use a liquid for polymerization. This substance is quite toxic, and requires an exhaust hood in the room where acrylic nails are built up.

Typically, this type of service is used for several reasons. This is the lack of time for care, and ugly natural forms, and great design opportunities. Clients of salons, as a rule, are girls over the age of 17 years. The upper limit of the age category is difficult to determine. Mostly students, office employees and sellers turn to the masters. But ordinary housewives do not drop in too rarely. For starters, it is better to offer your services to friends and acquaintances. If everything is done qualitatively, advertising is guaranteed.

Necessary materials

Before you start your own business, you need to draw up a business plan. The nail business requires it just like any other. For training and provision of nail extension services, the following amount will be required (calculations are based on the prices of TM Sharlin (Russia), taking into account the need for consumables for work per month):

  1. Gel brushes No. 4, 6 - 1200 rubles.
  2. Brushes for painting (set of 12 pcs.) - 400 rubles.
  3. Modeling brushes (set of 5 pcs.) - 600 rubles.
  4. Transparent gel, 15 ml - 900 rubles.
  5. White gel, 15 ml - 850 rubles.
  6. Gel pink camouflage, 15 ml - 900 rubles.
  7. Finishing gel, 15 ml - 750 rubles.
  8. Degreaser, 10 ml - 250 rubles.
  9. Disinfectant, 250 ml - 200 rubles.
  10. Pusher, 1 pc. - 300 rubles.
  11. Nail files, 3 pcs. -90 rub.
  12. Buff, 2 pcs. - 60 rubles.
  13. Cuticle oil, 5 ml - 100 rubles.
  14. Edge line remover, 10 ml - 300 rubles.
  15. Primer, 10 ml - 420 rubles.
  16. Tips (set of 500 pcs.) - 500 rubles.
  17. Forms, 500 pcs. - 600 rubles.
  18. Tips cutter - 120 rubles.
  19. Milling cutter with nozzles - 6000 rubles.
  20. Brush cleaner, 50 ml - 400 rubles.
  21. Nail polishes, 10 pcs. - 400 rubles.
  22. Ultraviolet lamp - 1400 rubles.
  23. Nail polish remover, 500 ml - 400 rubles.
  24. Means for removing the sticky layer, 250 ml - 600 rubles.
  25. Napkins - 20 rubles.
  26. Cotton pads - 100 rubles.
  27. Gel or acrylic paints - 1000 rubles.
  28. Glue for nails and tips - 110 rubles.
  29. Pillow under the elbows - 200 rubles.
  30. Gel remover, 250 ml - 600 rubles.

The total cost of materials will be 19,370 rubles.

Service costs

In order to determine the pricing policy, you need to know the cost of gel nail extensions. This is easy enough to do, since the approximate consumption of materials and the service life of accessories such as brushes, nail files, etc. are known. So:

1) modeling gel (900 + 900 + 850): 3 = 884: 5 = 177 rubles;

2) finishing gel 750: 10 = 75 rubles;

3) forms 600: 500 * 10 = 12 rubles;

4) brushes 600: 5 = 120 rubles;

5) nail polish = 5 rubles;

6) additional expenses (cotton pads, brush cleaning, electricity, auxiliary fluids, etc.) = 100 rubles.

We get that the cost of providing services for modeling artificial nails is 480 rubles.

Determination of prices for extensions

After determining the cost, do not forget to enter the relevant information in the business plan. Nail extension is quite a lucrative business. There are a lot of people who want to give their hands a well-groomed look. Transparent gel extensions and French manicures are in particular demand.

More laborious is the second option, which uses camouflage and white gel. But in terms of material consumption, these types of extensions practically do not differ, the difference lies only in the complexity of the work performed and the time spent. Please note: the minimum profitability must be at least 25%, otherwise it makes no sense to start a business. In addition, a gel nail extension business idea can be implemented in two ways.

The first is the opening of the salon. But this will require additional costs for office rent and staff salaries. Let's dwell on such an option as a nail extension business at home for now - this is more acceptable and practical for a novice master.

So, back to the cost of services. In addition to the cost of purchasing materials, the price is also affected by the number of inhabitants of the settlement and the prices of competitors. On average, we have the following result:

1. Extension with a transparent gel - 480 * 1.25 = 600 rubles.

2. French extension - 600 * 1.5 = 900 rubles.

3. Correction with a transparent gel - 400 rubles.

4. French correction - 600 rubles.

These are the minimum prices for a novice master who conducts a reception at home.

Prices for nail design are somewhat different, but they also depend on the materials used and the complexity of the work. The average price for painting nails is 120 rubles, and for artistic modeling - 300 rubles.

More and more entrepreneurs are wondering how to open a nail salon. In our article, this process is described in stages.

♦ Initial investment in the salon: 500,000 - 800,000 rubles
♦ Business payback period: 12 months
♦ Nail salon profitability: 35%

Women want to always be beautiful and desirable. A complete image is impossible without a beautifully and high-quality manicure.

Demand creates supply. Therefore, more and more entrepreneurs are wondering how to open a nail salon from scratch.

This business promises the owner a big profit.

Of course, in the event that a businessman takes the time to calculate all costs, analyze the indicators of the existing manicure services market and, of course, compile data on payback periods and the amount of expected revenue.

This process does not seem so complicated if you paint it in stages.

This article-instruction will perform this task.

Planning to open a nail salon

Business Summary

To achieve the goal, you first need to specify it, highlighting the main goals and objectives of the manicure business that the entrepreneur wants to achieve through his activities.

Goals of opening a nail salon:

  1. Creation of additional jobs for specialists in the sphere of rendering services to the population.
  2. Making profit by an entrepreneur from the manicure activities of the salon.
  3. Creating a circle of regular customers of the salon by attracting new visitors by advertising methods, and retaining them through various profitable offers and discount systems.
  4. Providing additional services to increase profits and improve the reputation of the salon (for example, original methods for performing pedicures or nail extensions on the hands).

Target audience of a nail salon

The main audience of nail salons are, of course, women.

Moreover, most of them are young mothers or housewives. That is, those women who want to look good every day, and not just for any particular event.

This category visits studios close to home, and will rarely leave their area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence for a manicure or pedicure. As well as the need, because in this area of ​​​​business there is high competition and it will not be difficult to find a nail salon near your place of residence.

The second part of salon visitors are business women. As a rule, they are also limited in time. And sometimes tougher than mothers on maternity leave.

But they have more opportunities to choose a nail salon based on the quality of work performed and other indicators, and not just on the location.

First of all, because they can do a manicure “on the way” to work or in between business meetings. And secondly, due to the fact that most of them have a personal car at their disposal.

Depending on the assortment, prices and location, the first or second category will be the clients of your nail salon.

But in rare cases, it is possible to combine them, increasing the overall profit from the business.

Advertising campaign for the opening of a nail salon

Interesting fact from history:
In ancient Egypt, they were sure that long nails helped to better communicate with the gods, it was a symbol of wisdom. In general, only noble people were allowed to grow nails, their slaves cut them very short. And by the color of the nails one could judge the significance and position. The brighter and richer the manicure, the higher the position in society. Cleopatra preferred to paint her nails with henna, which gave them a terracotta hue.

Although the studio's success is 80% dependent on the professionalism of the masters, investment in advertising is an integral part of promoting a nail salon.

  1. The first thing a studio client sees is a sign.
    Therefore, its development must be delegated to design specialists.
    Do not spare money for this.
    A bright and beautiful sign will attract the attention of potential customers passing by and serve as the best advertisement.
  2. Also, to attract women who live or work near the nail salon, leaflets are distributed in places of heavy traffic.
    Intersections, entrances to shopping centers and business centers, underground passages and metro stations are ideal.
    The places of distribution and the design of leaflets should be changed periodically so that they do not “get bored”.
    An additional motivation is the offer of a discount or special conditions to the bearer of such leaflets.
  3. To keep attracted visitors, enter a discount system for regular customers.
    They can also be included in SMS mailings to inform about current promotions for manicure services or simply to congratulate you on the holidays, reminding you of the existence of the salon.
  4. We must not forget about such an important element of a manicure advertising campaign as promotion in social networks.
    It does not require a large budget, but it significantly increases brand awareness and attracts potential customers.
    Young mothers and housewives, who spend a lot of time on the Internet, respond especially actively to such advertising.
  5. To advertise a manicure studio in the media, an entrepreneur should use “female” sources.
    For example, TV channels for this category of the population, glossy magazines.
    To save money, you can contact regional firms.
    In addition, they have a better effect on potential customers on a territorial basis.

Choosing a room for a nail salon

When choosing a room for rent for a future nail studio, you should be guided by the following requirements:
  • Like many other types of business, it is advisable to place this one in places with a large concentration of your potential clients.
    Depending on the category, these will be: shopping centers, business centers, neighborhoods of working offices, busy streets in residential areas.
  • Only the most desperate from the beginning of the manicure business decide to buy a room for their salon.
    Life can be very unpredictable, and what can we say about business!
    To begin with, you need to spend six months or a year on the formation and analysis of project indicators.
    If things are clearly going well, you can try to expand by buying a more spacious room.
  • Even before how to open a nail salon, the entrepreneur should already know how many craftsmen will be on his staff.
    After all, according to the requirements of the law, each employee should have from 6 m 2.
    At the same time, there should be a distance of at least 3 meters between the tables.
  • Employees need to provide comfortable working conditions so that the level of manicure service increases and the salon has a good reputation. After all, so much depends on the satisfaction of manicure and pedicure masters with their working environment!
    Equip a rest room, purchase a separate wardrobe, refrigerator and microwave.
  • In addition to the main hall for work, it is necessary to have a utility room (for storing inventory) and a toilet.
  • Placement in the basement of a nail salon is prohibited by the requirements of the SES.

Staff to open a nail salon

To begin with, when only basic services are provided in the nail salon, and the entrepreneur analyzes the chosen location, the effectiveness of the advertising campaign and other points, it is enough to hire the following positions:

A manicure and pedicure master is the main employee in a nail salon.

And there are special requirements for his work:

  1. A requirement that is not even discussed is the presence of a special education in this category of customer service.
  2. A significant bonus will be the presence of a medical education or at least completed medical training courses.
  3. The master must be able to politely communicate with the client, understand his wishes and concerns, competently and clearly explain incomprehensible points.
  4. The appearance of a specialist is his calling card.
    The whole appearance should be well-groomed, and even more so the hands!
  5. An excellent decoration of the manicure working area will be diplomas, medals and other awards from various professional exhibitions and competitions.

But it makes no sense to keep a cleaning lady and an accountant at work all the time.

To fulfill the duties, it is enough to hire people on a part-time basis with hourly pay or contact an outsourcing firm.

Financial calculations for opening a nail salon

Nail Salon Opening Costs

Monthly expenses for a nail studio

Implementation of the opening of a nail salon

Possible risks of opening a nail studio

Interesting fact:
French manicure appeared for the first time in 1976. The idea belongs to the ORLY company, which created it for Hollywood actresses with the goal that it would fit various looks and outfits.

This will emphasize the seriousness and reliability of the entrepreneur in the eyes of potential investors. And for the businessman himself, he will help to feel more confident in the actions and will become an exit plan in case of problems.

Possible risks awaiting the studio from the moment of opening are:

  • In a crisis, competition becomes tougher, and customers are looking for salons with the most affordable prices.
    Opening another nail salon nearby with lower rates is a serious risk.
    Also the competition is made by the masters working at home.
  • In the future, legal requirements may be tightened, which will require the allocation of additional money from the budget and time to achieve them.
  • In an effort to save money, clients may choose to do their own nail services at home.
  • But this business is almost completely protected from seasonal fluctuations.
    Demand is usually stable. But on holidays and weekends it becomes much higher.
  • Due to the low qualification of specialists or their lack of customer focus, visitors may be dissatisfied with the provision of services and refuse to visit a nail salon in favor of competitors.
  1. Your salon should be decorated as stylish and original as possible.
    Modern manufacturers even allow you to choose equipment “to match” the situation, and this should be used.
  2. To save money and better control over the work process of a newly opened salon, the duties of an administrator should be performed by the initiator of the business himself.
    In case of a positive result, new administrators can be hired.
  3. Limit as much as possible, or better yet, prohibit employees from smoking at work.
    The terrible smell of tobacco from the master will negate any beautiful design of the studio and the breadth of the range.
  4. Good manicure and pedicure specialists can be poached from other salons.
    Offer them higher wages, better working conditions.
    Also, professionals can agree to the same conditions if their place of work is unprofitable and may close soon.
    As a bonus, you can get an extensive customer base.
  5. Before launching a project, an entrepreneur should analyze the market, assess the prospects for its development, and the business model of competitors.

We invite you to watch an informative video

about opening a nail salon from scratch

enterprising girls:

Conclusion on the profitability of opening a nail salon

Those who wondered how to open a nail salon, from the article had the opportunity to understand that this is a profitable business.

On average, the payback time for a studio in Moscow is 1 year.

But if an entrepreneur invests all his free time, efforts and desire in his business, it is possible to achieve a high level of profitability and significant profits.

The main thing is to believe in yourself, not be afraid to experiment and plan a development vector.

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