Innovative business idea. Business ideas for the implementation of innovations. Advantages and disadvantages of creating small innovative enterprises

Experienced entrepreneurs know that you can get a stable good profit in business only by developing your business. Successful people are constantly looking for and using innovative business ideas. A novice entrepreneur in our time needs to analyze the state of the market for goods and services in order to find those that have not yet received sufficient development in the region of the company being created. But the demand in the chosen area must be large enough for the enterprise to have growth prospects.
This article provides examples of innovative business ideas that may be of interest to both an experienced businessman and aspiring entrepreneur.

Cross-functional collaboration can help ensure that end users are involved in the development process. In many companies, the role of marketing is to advocate for the interests of the end users as development teams develop products and help ensure that the end result is what everyone first envisioned. But this responsibility is more often observed in violation than in observance. Meanwhile, other companies are rationalizing that consumers don't necessarily know what they want until they become available.

Business idea: IT technologies

Demand in the IT-technologies market many times exceeds supply. Internet technologies are in constant development, but the number of users in the global network is also increasing. So, considering innovative ideas for business, it is impossible not to think about how profitable it is to solve issues related to the availability of the Internet in the regions, the creation of online services and trading platforms for entrepreneurs.
Let's start with the fact that information technologies not only provide instant data search, but using them, highly qualified specialists profit from work that requires certain knowledge and skills.
Demand for the services of webmasters, coders, layout designers, designers in megacities exceeds supply. And remote work has become an excellent, and most importantly, affordable option for professional employees living in small towns, where there is practically no opportunity to work in their specialty. The benefits of remote collaboration are enjoyed not only by IT specialists, but also by employers.

This may be true, but customers can certainly say what they don't like. And the faster and more often the project team receives and uses feedback, the faster they get a great end result. Some ideas, such as luxury goods and many smartphone apps, are for niche markets. Others, such as social media, operate on a global scale. Explicit consideration of the appropriate size and scope of a given idea is essential to ensure that the right resources and risks are involved in its implementation.

Project development

Considering the ideas of innovative business, one should pay attention to the possibility of their application in a given region and the complexity or ease of the project.
The desire to create a web studio for creating design projects, layout, coding, turnkey websites involves the recruitment of specialists working remotely and in touch with the entrepreneur. The work done is paid upon delivery. This form of payment will be convenient for both the employee and the organizer. But the entrepreneur should prepare for significant expenses. The most valuable find will be a qualified specialist who searches for orders. The income of the company will directly depend on an intelligent manager. It should be remembered that you will have to make every effort to promote a business related to innovative technologies, this will require the help of a specialist in the field of advertising technologies.
The formation of a solid image and the well-functioning work of reliable professionals will increase the cost of the company's services over time and will allow you to create an office with a computer network and a staff of qualified specialists.

Seemingly, the safer option of expanding over time could be a death sentence. Resources and capabilities must be gathered to ensure that a new product or service is quickly delivered at the required volume and quality. Manufacturing facilities, suppliers, distributors and others need to be ready for rapid and complete deployment.

Within just a few years, companies in almost every sector have recognized that innovation requires external employees. The flow of talent and knowledge increasingly transcends companies and geographic boundaries. Successful innovators achieve significant multiples for every dollar invested in innovation by accessing the skills and talents of others. In this way, they accelerate innovation and uncover new ways to create value for their customers and ecosystem partners.

Business ideas for small businesses

Entrepreneurs who do not have start-up capital should consider such areas of activity in which they understand as much as possible, which means they will be able to perform several functions at once on their own. They should consider innovative small business ideas that do not need to invest in.
For example, a long-standing freelance. Just register and choose the appropriate tasks. Upon completion, payment is made. This kind of activity includes online diaries, personal and corporate blogs, creating blogs and applications, and much more. Monetization occurs in a different way for each type of activity.
The most profitable business idea in this industry can be the creation and sale of information products. For those who know how to create websites, write good texts, or can make a high-quality design of an advertising banner, you can burn a video or audio course to disk. Order or buy a cover. Then you need to register as an entrepreneur. And you can sell your video or audio lessons to those who wish. With the right filing, such a business project can earn a lot of money.

Smart cooperation with external partners, however, goes beyond simply seeking new ideas and insights; it may include sharing costs and finding faster routes to market. High-performing innovators are hard at work developing the ecosystems that help deliver these benefits. Indeed, they tend to become partners of choice, increasing the likelihood that the best ideas and people will come. This requires a systematic approach. First, these companies find out which partners they are already working with; Surprisingly few people know this.

All processes and phenomena of the modern world are complex, dynamic and contradictory. The annual expansion of social space entails an incredible growth rate of social time. Evolution, as the basic law of the development of civilization, makes us continuously improve, climbing the steps of progress. This means that the formation and new technologies for business are vital in the activities of advancing enterprises.

They then decide which networks, say four or five, they should ideally support their innovation strategies. This move helps them narrow down and focus on collaboration and manage the flow of opportunities from outside the company. Strong innovators also review their networks regularly, expanding and contracting as needed and using complex incentives and contract structures to motivate high-performing business partners. Becoming a true partner of choice is, among other things, clarifying what the partnership has to offer the junior member: brand, access, or access perhaps.

How new technologies affect the company's business processes

New technologies for small businesses allow for a more rational organization of production in order to increase the profitability of the enterprise while reducing its costs. In his own business, every entrepreneur tries to get stability and maximum efficiency from his production. This makes it possible to introduce modern innovations and efficient forward-looking logistics systems into the business.

Partners of choice are fair and transparent in their dealings. Moreover, the companies that use most external networks have a good idea of ​​what is most useful at those stages of the innovation process. In general, they scored a relatively wide network in the beginning. But as they approach the commercialization of a new product or service, they become narrower and more specific in their search, since by then the design of the new proposal is relatively established.

How do leading companies stimulate, encourage, support and reward innovative behavior and thinking among the right groups of people? The best companies are finding ways to innovate in the fibers of their culture, from the core to the periphery. They start where we started: with aspirations that create strong links between innovation, strategy and performance. When a company sets financial targets for innovation and defines market spaces, minds become much more focused.

The continuous development of the market and the constant growth of competition require the creation of competitive products as an incentive for further expansion of the business, especially if it has won the recognition of consumers.

The expert assessment of the transition to new technologies for business in 2017 is expressed as follows.

  • The entrepreneur feels the natural riskiness of transferring his offspring to new technological processes due to the habit and difficulty of abandoning a long-established business process.
  • Of course, any innovation in industrial technology, together with a change in the organization of production, requires high costs, which raises concerns about unknown investments.
  • The latest business development methods and modern industrial technologies cover the risks of businessmen with a quick payback, which is confirmed by the proven methods of specialists that raise small businesses to a higher level of commercial development.

Benefits of a business process based on new technologies:

As these aspirations come to life through individual projects within the company, innovation leaders clarify responsibilities with appropriate incentives and rewards. Organizational change may be necessary, not because there are structural silvers We managed to Bullet looked at them closely and didn't think they were doing, but to promote collaboration, learning and experimentation. Companies should help people share ideas and knowledge freely, perhaps by locating teams working on different types of innovation in the same place, reviewing the design team structure to make sure they always have new blood, ensuring that lessons learned of success and failure, captured and assimilated, and recognition of innovative efforts even when they fail.

  • optimization of entrepreneurial activity in a selected market segment after the use of innovations;
  • improving the efficiency of commercial activities;
  • improvement of indicators of energy costs in the direction of their reduction;
  • reduction of general production costs;
  • improving the quality and competitive potential of products;
  • improvement of environmental standards of production processes of a small enterprise.

What areas are relevant for the use of new technologies in business

New technologies for small businesses are applicable in various areas of entrepreneurship, such as:

Internal collaboration and experimentation can take years to build, especially in large, mature companies with strong cultures and ways of working that might otherwise serve them well. Some companies have created "innovation garages" where small teams can work on important projects outside of the normal work environment while creating new ways of working that can be expanded and absorbed into a larger organization. But the space agency relies on the Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley to keep what its former director, Dr. Pete Warden, calls the "rebel character" from functioning as "a laboratory that is part of a much larger organization."

  • production processes in small enterprises;
  • production and consumption of modern materials in construction;
  • production of agricultural products;
  • processing of secondary raw materials;
  • salons and workshops in light industry;
  • production of products for the population;
  • providing quality services to Russians;
  • production of cosmetic products;
  • other areas of activity.

A lot of innovation has been provided to mini-factories, which are very popular among entrepreneurs in many fields of activity. For them, the key benefits of development are:

Big companies don't just reinvent themselves as leading innovators. Too many fixed routines and cultural factors can get in the way. For those who make the attempt, innovation excellence is often built in years of effort that affects most, if not all, parts of the organization. Our experience and research shows that any company wishing to take this journey maximizes its likelihood of success by carefully studying and appropriately assimilating the leading practices of high-performing innovators.

  • compactness of production capacities;
  • enterprise mobility;
  • actual production volumes, giving tangible profits.

Where to look for new technologies for business

The field of application of innovations is constantly being updated, and exclusive innovative ideas are promptly published by a mass of thematic publications, both Russian and translated foreign ones.

Together, they form an important operating system for innovation in a company's organizational structure and culture. Organizational structures and processes are not the solution. Like short skirts, innovations have traditionally swung in and out of fashion: popular in good times and tossed back into the closet during downturns. But as globalization breaks down the geographic boundaries and market barriers that once prevented businesses from achieving their potential, a company's ability to innovate - use new ideas to create value for its employees and partners, customers, suppliers and other parties beyond its own boundaries. , is something illogical.

In addition, new business information technologies and methods of their implementation are reflected in various presentations and exhibitions. These events allow entrepreneurs to immediately discuss the possibility of introducing the latest technologies into their own production with representatives of companies of interest.

But the best information medium for promoting innovation is the Internet. In the virtual field there is a great variety of popular science and economic resources that tell not only about the highest technologies. They illustrate examples of their successful application around the world. Of course, a colossal flow of such information is published by foreign portals, therefore, in order to use advanced techniques, it is necessary to know foreign languages. In addition, the Internet also belongs to the unique developments of technologists and makes life easier for most of the population of our planet.

Examples of technology applications in other areas

In fact, innovation has become a major driver of growth, performance and value. Our research confirms this point. Over 70% of senior executives in a recent survey we conducted say innovation will be at least one of the top three growth drivers for their companies over the next three to five years. Other executives see innovation as the most important way for companies to accelerate the pace of change in today's global business environment. Leading strategic thinkers are moving beyond traditional product and service categories to innovate in business processes, distribution, value chains, business models, and even management functions.

Examples of new technologies for business

1. New technologies in construction

Recently, new technologies for business are being introduced at an accelerated pace in construction. Of the variety of innovations in this industry, the most important ones are singled out.

  • Frame housing construction

This type of housing construction implies a separation of the roles of each structure. The supporting function is performed by a rigid frame, for the construction of which horizontal beams, vertical posts and diagonal braces are used. It is assembled from wood or metal, and the walls serve simply as a fence. The most elementary method of such construction is frame-frame. The main frame with wall filling is mounted on the construction site, moisture-resistant plates are used for the exterior cladding, and all voids and gaps are filled with a heat insulator.

Our research also shows that most executives tend to be frustrated with their ability to spur innovation: about 65% of the senior executives we surveyed were only "somewhat", "a little", or "not at all confident" about the decisions they make. to this zone. What explains the gap between the aspirations and performance of leaders? Even starting to build an organization where innovation plays a central role is often far more frustrating than most leaders ever imagined.

  • Using 3D panels

Panel 3D construction came to us from America. The frame of the building consists of polystyrene foam panels wrapped in reinforcing mesh and fastened with diagonal rods. Such rods are welded to the grids at the right angle, thus creating a three-dimensional structure. Then the panels are covered with a layer of concrete, creating a monolithic shell.

Many of those who mimic the approaches of the most successful practitioners have found this path to be ineffective. Sustaining innovation to create real value at scale—the only kind of innovation that has significant financial implications—is even more difficult.

There are no best practices for seed and innovation improvement. The structures and processes that many leaders reflexively use to reward are important, we find, but not enough. On the contrary, top managers are almost unanimous - 94 percent - say that people and corporate culture are the most important drivers of innovation.

  • Fixed formwork

Fixed formwork made of blocks, slabs or panels is placed according to the project, after which it is combined with special fasteners. The resulting voids are filled with solid reinforcement and poured with concrete. In the future, the formwork is not removed, it serves as thermal insulation and form-building material. With this technology, the supporting functions of the structure are performed by monolithic reinforced concrete.

Our experience convinces us that disciplined attention to the three principles of people management can lead to the building blocks of an innovative organization. The first step is to formally integrate innovation into the strategic management agenda of senior executives, to the extent that few companies have done so far. In this way, innovation can not only be encouraged, but also managed, monitored and measured as a core element in a company's growth aspirations. Second, leaders can better leverage existing talent for innovation without introducing programs of disruptive change, creating the conditions that allow dynamic innovation networks to emerge and thrive.

  • Removable modular formwork

This new business technology is being used in low-budget construction. All modules are closed using a hand drill and do not need an underlying solution. For the triviality of this technique, it was called folk construction.

2. New technologies in production

Any kind of industry is greatly influenced by innovation, where new technologies for small businesses are most often translated into reality.

Finally, they can take concrete steps to develop an innovative culture based on trust among employees. In such a culture, people understand that their ideas are valued, believing that it is safe to express those ideas and jointly manage their risks with their managers. Such an environment may be more effective than monetary incentives for sustaining innovation.

This list of steps is not exhaustive. However, given limited time and funds, and the short-term performance pressure that executives constantly face innovating with nothing more than existing talent and resources, is often not an option. These three foundations are a practical starting point for improving an organization's chances of stimulating and sustaining innovation where it matters most, among the company's people.

In terms of investment volume and small business opportunities, it is hardly possible to find a completely new direction, not counting, for example, very expensive 3D printers with the same inaccessible consumables.

Of course, starting mass production of plastic hooks using such a printer is a direct path to bankruptcy, since the cost of the finished product will be sky-high. But to establish their production on the basis of conventional classical equipment is very realistic for an average entrepreneur.

Let's discuss a number of promising areas into which modern, relatively cheap equipment has “bursted”.

  • Milling machines

Innovations in production are mainly aimed at high precision and environmental protection.

A striking example of high-precision equipment is the familiar milling machines that have been serving people for many decades. They process metals, stone, wood and other materials.

Precision machines are available for 3D (2D) milling, and their scope is quite wide:

  • facades for furniture with carvings of varying complexity;
  • curvilinear cutting of furniture parts;
  • carved parts for fireplaces, stairs and baseboards;
  • door and window sculptural elements;
  • decorative elements for wooden buildings;
  • unique products - souvenirs, figurines, panels and frames;
  • vacuum cliches, forms;
  • advertising emblems, logos, letters.
  • Manufacturing of polyethylene chips

New technologies for small businesses have also affected such a type of entrepreneurship as the production of polyethylene chips - the result of processing PET waste.

Since much attention in Europe is paid to the impact of polyethylene on the environment, the market is quickly filled with high-tech and relatively cheap devices for its processing costing from $2,000.

This direction is actually relevant and very popular.

Finished PET chips packed in color-sorted bags are purchased by plastics manufacturers. Packing is very necessary, without it the price will be reduced three times.

  • Production of crumb rubber

The production of rubber crumb is an advanced business area, which new technologies for business have also not bypassed, since the idea is not new in principle.

The interest lies in the fact that the modern market is saturated with a whole series of technological lines that provide high efficiency at a price that tends to stability (about 2000-2500 rubles).

Each of them is characterized by a standard set of equipment:

  • tire shredder;
  • magnetic separator;
  • rubber restructuring agent;
  • vibrating sieves;
  • Assembly line.

This business has a great future.

In addition to the fact that the owner of the rubber will pay for the recycling (disposal) of tires, you will receive money for the delivery of the product from the end user represented by the asphalt concrete plant (ABZ). Such goods are always in demand and pay off very quickly. These facts indicate the extreme importance of improving the manufacturability of production.

  • Production of fuel briquettes

The production of fuel briquettes from wood processing products does not require large expenditures, but at the same time it is very promising. The main thing in this business is a nearby source of raw materials and appropriate equipment for its processing.

At first glance, this technology does not cause difficulties. The spacious form is filled with sawdust and filled with starch or diluted PVA glue for binding. Then the mass is placed under pressure or sent for heat treatment. Such a process requires certain equipment and some skills.

New technologies for small businesses are being introduced here as well. Due to the huge costs of imported production lines (tens of thousands of dollars), Russian entrepreneurs use their own developments. For example, the production of molds from conventional jacks (the productivity of the process is low and amounts to two briquettes per minute), from screw compressors, etc. Thus, this is one of the most fertile grounds for the creative ideas of modern Kulibins.

3. New technologies in the service sector

This type of activity contains a large number of innovative proposals, which are formed in two directions:

  • own intellectual ideas;
  • personal transformations into available new technologies for business.

From the point of view of your own intellectual ideas, first of all, it is worth considering the software of mobile devices and, first of all, various application services.

For example, applications that control the health of users are very popular. With the appropriate sensors, any online user will be able to track the main indicators of his body (pressure, pulse, temperature) throughout the day.

Most private clinics offer their patients the service of monitoring their condition through a centralized computer for a fee. And the number of such services is only increasing over time.

New technologies for small and medium-sized businesses have become an effective weapon in the hands of domestic entrepreneurs! The use of existing innovations to implement personal business ideas implies their technical use in one's own interests for profit.

The service sector opens up a huge field of activity for this. You should carefully analyze the information and skillfully introduce innovations into each section of the chain of your activity in order to achieve the main indicator of success - the influx of customers.

4. In other industries

Modern innovations can be implemented in almost any area of ​​business. You can always find a fresh or long-forgotten idea, free from competition. For example, let's call:

  • production of 3D casts, allowing parents to make memorable copies of the arms (legs) of their babies;
  • production of decorative plaster products that are in harmony with any interior;
  • drilling artesian water wells in rural areas;
  • congratulatory inscriptions on flowers, giving uniqueness to the realized bouquets;
  • free photocopies on the back of advertising sheets with profit from advertisers;
  • sale of rare tropical plants grown on their own;
  • manual production of exclusive stained glass.

A typical example of the introduction of new technologies for business is social networks. A dozen years ago it was hard to imagine that Internet communication would become so popular. Now the owners of these resources have huge profits for advertising. But once they only needed to come up with a fresh idea, make a little effort, take the time and promote their product.

Today, there are still a lot of free niches in online business: specialized dating sites, learning rare languages, virtual consultations, etc.

Expert opinion

New technologies for IT business

Manfred Reitner,

Vice President, NetApp (Sunnyvale, California, USA)

Cloud computing is the latest type of outsourcing that allows you to soften and reduce the cost of technical processes in every IT company. Here are some ways to optimize the activities of enterprises using these technologies.

1. CRM as a cloud service

No matter how strange it may sound, even our company, as a developer of IT ideas, actively uses them from the outside. This is how we order cloud CRM services from Why do I think this solution is more advanced than buying your own CRM system, you ask? Everyone knows that even top IT professionals make mistakes. It is impossible to provide complete protection of information within one company, it is difficult and costly. But another company took care of this, which acquired the necessary software and hardware. Based on the contract, it guarantees you reliable storage of information. When data from your company's internal resources disappears, you can only fire the culprit. And if the information is lost by the company whose cloud services you receive, it will bear material responsibility for this under the terms of the contract.

2. Cloud technologies for saving data

Another example of the productive use of new technologies for business is the storage of a duplicate copy of important information in the cloud (backup). Of course, for a large company, the systematic purchase of new server equipment is not a problem. But for a medium-sized company, this is sometimes unthinkable and expensive. It is much more profitable to buy a backup service so as not to think about the compatibility of your own systems and server equipment.

Expert opinion

New technologies in retail

Sergey Galeev,

co-founder and CEO of AddReality

Here, endless opportunities for communication with consumers are open to them. This is confirmed by the participants of world technological expositions. Let's discuss retail innovations that have a great future behind them.

The largest shopping centers in Russia and Europe have already caught the trend of "digital transformation", that is, the steady replacement of printed POS materials with digital signs. In addition to conveying relevant content, these retail innovations provide a personalized interaction with customers.

Recently, services have appeared in our country that process analytics about consumer behavior (Watcom, Yandex Data Factory, etc.). The technique of face and movement recognition made it possible to show commercials for a dedicated audience. If a girl approaches the still screensaver, the screen is animated by a demonstration of seasonal sales of youth collections, if a young man approaches, a video about new costumes and accessories is broadcast.

Using digital services, retailers get a detailed analysis of attendance, monitor the fruitfulness of promotions, which was previously problematic. In our country, cloud systems with an average cost of 5,000 rubles are actively used. per one outlet.

2. Digital Advisors and Labels

New technologies for business, and in particular retail methods, greatly improve the store service. Often, customers observe the incompetence of staff, the importunity of salespeople, or, conversely, their absence at the right time. These problems are easily eliminated by touch-screen kiosks that have complete information about the product, suggest the optimal color or size that is not available in this store, and also allow you to pay for purchases out of turn.

A growing number of retailers are using RFID tags to track inventory. These innovations allow you to capture barcodes from the entire batch at once, rather than item by item. For this purpose, a frame equipped with sensors is placed in the store. When packages pass through it, the system instantly scans each position. A well-known company offers software that, through a door frame in a fitting room, displays in a mirror the goods taken away by the buyer. In addition, it broadcasts photos of models in this clothing, product descriptions and the presence of a size range in the store. This retail technique increases the attendance of fitting rooms. Cash register RFID tags provide scanning of several goods selected by the client at once.

For the retailers themselves, this helps to remotely control the movement of goods through the hall, to see what is most often tried on and what is discarded. As a result, the buyer has a personal service, and the firm has detailed analytics.

3. Online upsell near the checkout

The settlement area is equipped with screens that recognize the age and gender of consumers, as well as broadcasting special offers for a similar group of customers.

When the cashier scans products, related offers appear on the screen. The client can add the desired product to the check with a light click. Thus, the cashier is not burdened with promotions and additional advertising and can promptly serve visitors.

4. 3D mirrors

Touch kiosks and digital screens are not enough for retailers. They form a space where the consumer is immersed in the atmosphere of the brand. This is facilitated by digital installations, interactive games, quests, merging with social networks. The main thing is to use everything in a complex way: sound, visualization and sensory. For the buyer, emotions and a chance to distance themselves from the outside world are very important.

New technologies in trade

The overwhelming majority of successful companies began their activities with consumer demand. In any business niche, there are a huge number of enterprises working in the same direction. However, every successful entrepreneur has his own zest - significant or not, which positions him among many competitors. Here are a few ideas that, with minor refinement, become original.

Idea 1. Vending

It is this new technology of trading in small business that is the most profitable and the most low-cost. Its meaning is to sell products through the machine. Everything is sold here - from chewing gum, drinks and coffee to exclusive goods such as live crabs, successfully sold in Japan through the same machines. Of course, the range of goods depends entirely on consumer demand.

Running such a business does not require personnel costs. It is enough for the owner to buy vending machines for trading, put them in visited places and ensure their timely replenishment.

Vending is interesting not so much because of the possibility of a quick start from scratch, but because of the lack of great competition. With proper selection of goods and the continuous development of commercial activities, you can get the status of a monopolist in any niche.

Idea 2. Frontend

Like it or not, trade has been and will be the most popular in small business. To modernize the sales system, increasing its efficiency, you can introduce a front-end into your business. This is an eye-catching product that is usually offered for free.

If a second product is added free of charge to the product being sold, the client, having received this offer, as a rule, makes a purchase again. What is important here is not the real value of the product, but the fact that it is free. Samplers of your products or interesting inexpensive souvenirs are suitable as this application.

For companies providing services to the public (taxi, hairdressers, beauty salons), there is always the opportunity to offer customers a free service under certain conditions. For example, every tenth trip or salon visit is paid for by the institution. A paid front-end is also possible in the form of regular discounts on certain products. This new technology of trade will help to attract customers faster and keep them stronger than large retail chains constantly use.

Idea 3. Wanselling

In English, van selling means “trade from wheels”. Such an idea is very useful for a distribution scheme for servicing dealer networks. Its meaning lies in the delivery (shipment) of goods and the registration of the transaction in the company's accounting system directly at the points of sale. In other words, the agent brings the entire range of offered products with him.

This technique greatly increases sales volumes and eliminates losses from the sale of perishable products. A big plus is the speed of service to consumers due to the reduction in the cost of processing pre-orders.

New technologies for small businesses on a global scale form the basis for the productive development of an enterprise, its successful operation and real profit. Statistics say that the introduction of various innovations in developed countries gives a GDP growth of 50-80%.

Using technology, you can raise any business to an international level. Moreover, success is determined not by the amount of financial injections, but by the originality of the idea and the timeliness of its implementation.

How to properly implement new technologies for business

Rule 1 Be Patient

Statistics say that only every third modification of production brings a tangible result. You should not pay attention to minor single equipment updates.

Rule 2 Anticipate risks

Before purchasing new equipment, imagine that you spent money, but did not receive the purchased equipment. If this option does not interfere with the normal activities of the company, feel free to make a purchase.

Rule 3 Analyze the workflow

This is the sacred duty of every leader who wants to make his production really efficient. Otherwise, you will have to look for new competitive advantages. By completely trusting the production director, you can get your “lame horse”, where the modernization was also entrusted to specialists.

Rule 4 Remove obsolete equipment

Otherwise, work on assembled new machines will be delayed all the time. The determination of the manager and the psychological shake-up of the staff from stopping the work cycle will increase their desire to master new technology.

Rule 5 Don't allow an "arms race"

Buying modern equipment, you gradually provoke partners to modernize your own. Do your best to prevent a rival firm from following your example by acquiring more advanced technology and outperforming you in efficiency.

Rule 6 Do not arouse the interest of the auditors

Updating the business process and new technologies in production always fall into the field of view of regulatory authorities. If it does not work out to do it quietly, dismiss the employees at home and notify the inspectors about the crisis of the enterprise and wage arrears. This is almost impossible to verify. But there will be a hope that you will be included in the "black" list of organizations that it does not make sense to visit.

Rule 7 Do not calm down after buying modern technology

Even with the latest equipment, you need to be aware that this is the past day. It is known that at least ten years pass from the beginning of creation to mass production, and the “new” technology already needs urgent modification.

Rule 8 Calculate additional costs

Buying imported equipment requires a whole string of expenses. For example, claims to labor protection and sanitation standards in Russia are tougher than in the EU. Therefore, European technology will have to be brought into line with our standards. (By and large, it is not necessary to comply with these norms, but you still need to be aware). In addition, you will need to purchase several machines to service innovative technology. You also need to spend money on staff retraining.

Rule 9 Convert foreign machines to Russian raw materials

You will not buy consumables abroad! That is, only the bed will remain from foreign equipment, and all attachments will need to be made anew. Such re-equipment also requires extra costs.

Rule 10 Teach staff to remember their effectiveness every minute

Undoubtedly, the introduction of new technologies for business is an endless process. You can come up with some conditional dates that limit the period of modernization, but all this is useful only for creating the history of the enterprise.

Rule 11 Abolish the salary system

Remuneration must be either piecework or as a percentage of the result received by the employee.

Rule 12 Reward employees as much as possible for each implemented idea in monetary terms

Do not allow criminal thoughts about cutting wages after the launch of modernized equipment.

Rule 13 Celebrate merit so that the whole company discusses it

The maximum reward worthy of a good worker is a family trip abroad. In addition, during the rest he will incur large expenses, therefore, when he returns, he will work more efficiently.

Rule 14 Look for people who are willing to take on new jobs

You should not keep them in normal production. Give them difficult tasks and check the result, even if it is not very important yet. But if necessary, these workers will be able to quickly master new equipment and teach others.

Expert opinion

An example of introducing new technologies into production

Andrey Byakov,

general director of the company "Painting Brushes", Kirov

The first introduction of new technologies for business in my production, I undertook in 1998. We then made very simple art brushes. For our consumers (wholesalers and retail outlets), price was more important than quality. But still I tried to make products better than the rest. We bought the usual device for applying graceful inscriptions on the handles. Back then, only the number was indicated on all the brushes, and we added the name of the hair there.

Naively thinking that the sellers would appreciate my innovation, I was surprised when they initially simply warned that such an upgrade did not suit them, after which they completely abandoned our products. Instantly, the company lost the market. As it turned out, all of them (both wholesalers and retailers) profited from sorting small items. That is, they bought inexpensive products without labeling, and sold them as expensive high-quality ones. So, with my idea, I encroached on their superprofits. Then I realized that any modifications to the product, even undeniably useful, should be agreed with the consumer. In the late nineties, we made modernization for modernization, without taking into account the needs of the buyer, which is absolutely unacceptable.

Already in 2002, I had to think about the large-scale application of new technologies for business in my enterprise. Having visited the specialized exposition in Frankfurt, I saw that at the technological level our German colleagues were ahead of us by 15-20 years. So my dream arose to catch up with the "decaying bourgeoisie."

A couple of years later, one of the German companies offered us machines, since the production of brushes in the country became unprofitable due to the dominance of cheap Chinese products. The Germans started selling equipment. Of course, these were obsolete machines, but along with them technologies were offered that were not yet available in Russia at that time. Yes, and our company was too weak to pull a 40-machine plant. And we began to choose from the surrounding competitors those who could do it, hoping, thus, to get closer to the German methods.

In Kirov, brushes are produced by about 10 companies. To the largest of them, I proposed a partnership. I understood that two scenarios of events were relevant. First, we conclude a cooperation agreement, together we find funds for the purchase of machine tools, after which each of us has a chance to use German technologies in our production. Then the responsibility for the success of the launched campaign would lie with me. The second plan: the partner will be attracted by German technologies, he will express his gratitude to me for the tip and draw up a deal with the Germans on his own. In the end, that is what happened. I was even a little pleased with this “kidok”, as I saw the difficulties of future work and did not want to plunge into credit dependence. Now I had enough information about technologies and machines, and I got them for free. Less than two years later, I was able to buy modern equipment without any loans.

I think my unstoppable desire to modernize production is generated by the desire to create an oasis of prosperity for my company. And also to prove to Russian business that we can successfully develop and pay taxes. Today our goal is to show European competitors that Russian companies make brushes better than theirs. Domestic products should be better quality than German ones and cheaper than Chinese ones. It is for this purpose that we increase production efficiency. However, we have proven that it is possible.

Information about experts

Manfred Reitner, vice president of NetApp (Sunnyvale, California, USA). Net App. Field of activity: production of innovative products - data storage systems and software for storing, maintaining, protecting and archiving data. Territory: head office - in Sunnyvale (California, USA); more than 150 branches - all over the world. Number of personnel: over 11,000 (in the Moscow office - 22). Annual Revenue: $6.233 billion (Fiscal 2012)

Sergey Galeev, co-founder and CEO of AddReality. Sergey Galeev graduated from St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University and St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions. From 2007 to 2008, he was the CEO of LV Produce. In 2010-2012, he headed the La Ville Produce company. Since 2011 - in the current position. AddReality. The company was founded in 2011. Develops software for managing interactive communications with customers on digital panels, tablets, electronic kiosks. Representative offices are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Dubai (UAE). Among major clients: Microsoft, Nike, Lukoil, Rive Gauche, Russian Railways. Staff - 40 people. Official site -

Andrey Byakov, General Director of the company "Painting Brushes", Kirov. "Painting brushes". Business profile: production of brushes for painting under the brand name Roubloff. Form of organization: LLC. Location: Kirov. Number of employees: 70. Market coverage: ТМ Roubloff is known in Russia, CIS countries, Western Europe, North and South America, Australia.

Often, for a novice businessman, too much competition becomes an insurmountable barrier to creating a successful enterprise. What if you want to organize your own business, but all the most attractive niches in the business environment of your region have long been firmly occupied? In this case, you can enter the market with something fundamentally new - something that has not yet been offered to you. We recommend to your attention interesting new business ideas, from which you can easily choose something suitable for yourself.

Budget startups

All new types of business can be conditionally divided into projects that require large investments and a serious material and technical base, as well as those that do not involve large financial costs. The latter include activities related to information services, mediation, small-scale production and retail trade. Consider budget startups among the novelties in the business world.

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Sale of gadgets from China

The life of a modern person is filled with all sorts of devices and devices that facilitate and improve the solution of certain tasks. So, today's smartphones allow us not only to communicate at a distance, but also to take ultra-clear pictures, make contactless payments in stores, track the level of our own physical activity and much more.

Most of the new small businesses in this area today come to us from China. Entrepreneurial Chinese manufacturers annually release dozens of new gadgets to the market, applicable in a wide variety of human activities. Here are just a few examples:

  • battery-powered personal air purifier (looks like headphones);
  • "smart" shower heads that reduce water consumption;
  • "smart" glasses without lenses, equipped with a camera and a microphone;
  • game consoles on Android for lovers of retro games;
  • a mini computer in the form of a USB flash drive;
  • phone battery case;
  • remote control for a computer or laptop.

To start trading, it is not necessary to purchase a large number of goods at once, you can start with a minimum wholesale lot (50-100 items). You can purchase goods both directly from Chinese manufacturers and from intermediaries in Russia. Goods can be delivered to the final consumer by mail or with the help of forwarding companies.

Production of bean bags

If we consider new ideas for small businesses in the field of small production, then you should pay attention to the manufacture of upholstered frameless furniture. The production of beanbags (bean bags, pouffes) does not require special equipment, it can be organized even at home. At the start, you do not need a large amount of money. All costs will be reduced to the acquisition of source materials and advertising.

Beanbag is a fabric bag, inside of which there is a filler. As the latter, expanded polystyrene granules with a diameter of 1 to 5 mm are most often used. Such a bag is placed in a case made of artificial leather, velor, cotton, suede or other material. The most common armchair sizes: 100*60 cm, 120*85 cm, 135*95 cm.

Such interior items are now only gaining popularity. They are purchased by the owners of anti-cafes, training centers, children's rooms. Chairs are made of environmentally friendly materials, and the filler does not absorb moisture and smell. In addition, they are very soft and comfortable, so many buyers are not averse to purchasing a bean bag for their own apartment or house.

The cost of the chair for the manufacturer will not exceed 600 rubles. For example, the price of 1 cu. m of expanded polystyrene is about 1,000 rubles, and this volume is enough to fill 3 bean bags. The price of the finished product varies from 2,500 to 5,000 rubles. depending on the material of the cover and the author's performance.

"Dry Fog"

Many modern start-ups widespread in our country have Western roots. Among the new business ideas from America, the provision of services to remove odors from car interiors using “dry fog” deserves attention.

Fog, more like thick smoke, is generated from liquid using special equipment - a fogger. Equipping this device with a steam jet nozzle allows you to heat the liquid up to 500 degrees Celsius, as a result of which microparticles are formed, which then penetrate into all pores, crevices and cavities of the workpiece, eliminating unpleasant odors. "Dry Mist" leaves no residue and can deal with the smell of tobacco, animals, spoiled food, etc. in just 40 minutes. After the procedure, a light unobtrusive aroma of citrus, cherry, field grass remains in the car interior, depending on which liquid was used in the process.

To make money on this service, you need to purchase American-made equipment, for example, the Electro-Gen dry fog generator and the ODORx special liquids set. The cost of the unit may vary depending on the power, the principle of spraying, the number of settings. The average price for such a device is about 20,000 rubles. The cost of a liquid is an average of 5,500 rubles. for a canister with a volume of 3.8 liters.

Liquid consumption is about 30 ml per 1 car, in terms of value it is about 44 rubles. The cost of the service is an average of 500 rubles. The benefit is obvious. And the service is gaining popularity - the problem of unpleasant odors worries many car owners, and the "dry fog" technology allows you to solve this problem most effectively.

New business ideas requiring medium investments

If you are planning to start an entrepreneurial activity, are looking for new business ideas for a small business, and you have an amount of 150,000 to 300,000 rubles to start, then the following projects will suit you.

Commercial use of drones

Unmanned aerial vehicles, which were previously used only for military purposes, today are an indispensable tool for solving many tasks in the civilian sphere. With their help, you can get excellent pictures and videos from a height, and conduct meteorological observations.

Drones are used by farmers to assess the condition of the crop and track the need for fertilizer, journalists and photographers to get interesting shots and videos. Abroad, with the help of quadrocopters, small-sized goods and medicines are delivered.

The use of civilian drones is a new line of business with great potential. There are several ways to make money on unmanned aerial vehicles: production and sale of drones, sale of accessories for these devices, their repair and adjustment, sale of videos and photos obtained with their help. One of the easiest ways to make a profit is to purchase a drone and provide photo and video services from the air. To organize such a business, you will need:

  • unmanned aerial vehicle;
  • mapping software;
  • license "external pilot";
  • permission for the commercial use of the drone.

A good drone that allows you to shoot from a height with little or no camera vibration will cost you between 60,000 and 100,000 rubles. The action camera itself will be released for about another 30,000 - 50,000 rubles.

When the battery is fully charged, the drone can shoot from 20 to 30 minutes. For 1 hour of work, 2 lifts can be carried out. The cost of 1 hour of aerial photography is on average 8,000 rubles, while a whole shooting day is usually estimated at 25,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Read more about how to make money on a quadrocopter in the following video:

Vending machines

Innovative ideas for small businesses can be found in the field of vending - trade carried out through special self-service machines. This direction is actively developing all over the world. Vending machines today sell every fifth retail product. International exhibitions of self-service systems are held annually in our country, during which the latest developments in the field of vending are presented.

List of the most interesting novelties presented at the last of these exhibitions, held in Moscow in 2016:

  • vending machine for the sale of devices for vaping (electronic cigarettes);
  • apparatus for selling souvenirs (toys, flowers, etc.);
  • vending machine for selling sushi and rolls;
  • device for making and selling pancakes - pancake;
  • an automated aquarium that feeds fish for money;
  • apparatus for the sale of melt water;
  • automated storage room.

The cost of such machines varies from 130,000 to 1,200,000 rubles. The advantages of vending over traditional trade are that for the implementation of activities it is not required to rent a large room (several square meters are enough) and hire workers. The main thing in this type of business is to choose the most suitable place with good traffic.

Ideas in the field of production

New technologies for business in the manufacturing sector are now being used for recycling. The most promising areas in this area are:

  • plastic waste recycling;
  • in crumbs;
  • production of fuel briquettes (euro firewood) from wood waste.

Requires the purchase of special equipment. Today on the market you can find offers of both imported and domestic manufacturers, different in price. To organize your own business, it is not necessary to purchase a production line. You can start by buying a separate machine and recycling a small amount of recyclables.

For example, to organize a mini-plant for the processing of household plastic waste, you will need the following set of equipment:

  • conveyor belt for sorting raw materials;
  • vibrating sieve;
  • crushing unit;
  • centrifuge;
  • washing capacity;
  • drying.

The cost of the finished production line will be at least 2,000,000 rubles. The budget option is to purchase a press and a low-capacity crusher for crushing plastic bottles. The cost of such a kit is about 200,000 rubles. One worker can handle its maintenance, 2-3 more people will be needed to prepare raw materials and further process the final product.

Back in 2004, Ewan McGregor went around the world with an ordinary paper map, and just a couple of years later he was happy with the latest invention - the navigator. So every day we can find something new in our lives, one way or another, bring innovations into it and improve our life. And each new development or technological discovery gives us the opportunity to earn money by opening our own business.

Let's take a look at the innovations of this and past years and choose one of the 10 innovative business ideas.

Equipment you can carry

Glasses from Google, electronic bracelets for measuring blood pressure, glucometers for monitoring sugar levels ... Maybe not everyone on the street talks to Siri or measures their pulse yet, but more and more of them appear on our streets. People who talk “to themselves” with the help of the most convenient thing “Hands free” can no longer surprise anyone, and very soon all other devices will firmly enter our lives.

These devices can be used to monitor your condition, monitor the dynamics and help the doctor to establish the correct diagnosis. Many of them are already almost invisible under clothes and do not cause inconvenience when worn. The field of helping people with disabilities is especially relevant: the Foot Mouse, a beautiful and original Bradley watch for the visually impaired, was invented. It is useful, important and necessary, it brings recognition and gives excellent advertising to the business.

Water desalination

Clean, and most importantly, fresh water is disappearing from the face of the Earth every day, and in some places it has almost disappeared. This is especially noticeable in African countries, but after a few decades, we can also think about the lack of fresh water.

And while this process has not yet acquired a global trend, experts are already predicting an imminent boom in water desalinators and a new trend in business. After ridding the water of salts, a lot of waste remains, which can become a wonderful source of important substances: calcium, uranium, magnesium and lithium.

Carbon and nanotechnology

Cars pollute the air and the ground - this is no longer news, but a very serious problem that auto manufacturers are trying to solve by improving the efficiency of the car. The less the car spends, the less waste it throws out and the less harm it brings to the environment. All this is possible thanks to carbon tubes, which both make the car lighter and can protect its passengers.

Technique without a screen

On small gadgets, the screen can be either very small or completely unnecessary. It is unlikely that copywriters will write huge canvases of articles on smartphones or super-smart watches. It's time to go back to the future and get a hologram screen or even a keyboard that will be projected onto a table, wall or any other plane. And even (you won’t believe it) on the retina of the human eye - Kickstarter is already raising money for this project with might and main!

Alternative batteries

Semi-liquid. Super high. New generation energy cells should solve most of the energy problems of our planet. But solid batteries do not lose ground and continue to develop: graphene capacitors have been developed and are being used, which are capable of conducting several tens of thousands of charges and discharges.

Ribonucleic acid in medicine

This acid is the most valuable element of cells, which recreates the genetic programs of protein synthesis encoded in DNA. Many drug treatments are simply not able to cope with diseases, but if you influence the RNA (ribonucleic acid) itself, then there is a great chance to cure many diseases, for example, cancer. And the most interesting thing is that interest in this area appeared quite recently, literally, a year or two ago.

Nanotechnology in lithium battery cells

Scientists from Stanford University conducted a study and informed the world that they had found a way to increase the capacity of the most common lithium batteries dozens of times! They promise that soon mobile phones and smartphones will be able to work a week on a bottom charge - like in the good old days of black and white phones. Just a few years and telephone batteries will become nanoconductor. We can only wait.

Biotechnology for health

American scientists from the Institute of Health gathered to carefully study the bacteria that live in symbiosis with our cells. And if the project is successful, soon the bacteria will help us to be treated for a variety of diseases.

Technology + brain

RoboCop, Avatar... For a long time, scientists have been able to influence the human brain through electrical impulses, and vice versa - by the power of practically one thought (and nerve impulses) to move prostheses. But Duke University went further and connected the brains of two mice ... with an Internet connection. And then at Harvard they even began to control the rat tail through the human brain.

log of your life

You can look at the logs of a computer, but what if you look at the logs of a human life? Collection of data from different devices (glucometer, heart rate monitor, mood counter and financial counters, and so on), then their integration into a single platform and a report on the dynamics of a person's condition. And then a forecast for the future. Convenient, isn't it?

Innovations do not stand still and they must be introduced into our lives: gradually, but surely. Bring value and joy, apply the achievements of others to synthesize your unique innovative business.

Small business as the most important participant in the innovation process

Currently, developments in the field of innovation are widely carried out in all highly developed countries. As a rule, this most important function is assigned to small business.

Small innovative enterprises take part in the process aimed at applying the results of research developments or other scientific and technical achievements in practice when creating a new or improved product, technological process. They bring research and development to the finished product, which is released to the market in small batches. Thus, small innovative enterprises play a connecting role between science, production and the market, promote innovative developments on the market.

Remark 1

Recently, small innovative enterprises created on the basis of higher educational institutions (business incubators, educational, scientific and innovative complexes, etc.) have become widespread. In fact, such enterprises are the link between science and the real sector of the country's economy. Small innovative enterprises created by higher education institutions with the aim of commercializing the results of scientific research are often called "spin-off enterprises" (translated from English, spin-off means "unwind").

The significant role of small enterprises in the innovation process is due to their greater competitiveness and dynamism. They develop the most modern means of production and technologies, acting as a strategic tool for modernization and a catalyst for economic development.

Innovative small business products

Thanks to the activities of small businesses, potential scientific and technological progress is embodied in new products and technologies. In other words, the end result of the innovative activity of small enterprises is innovation.

Definition 1

Innovation is an innovation in the field of engineering, technology, labor organization or management, which is based on the use of science and best practices. Innovation is realized in the form of a new or significantly improved product.

Technical innovations include various product and technological innovations (the emergence of personal computers, mobile phones, various household appliances, various software, energy-saving technologies, etc.).

An example of economic innovation is the emergence of microfinance as an alternative to bank lending.

Organizational innovations include the introduction of new management methods in the economic activity of an enterprise, or in intra-corporate relations or relations of an enterprise with contractors. Such innovations include various activities aimed at improving the efficiency of the economic activity of the enterprise by reducing administrative costs, the cost of supplies, improving the psychological climate in the team or training it. For example, the emergence of outsourcing, recruitment agencies, various training centers, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of creating small innovative enterprises

The following advantages of creating small innovative enterprises can be distinguished:

  • flexibility and speed of making managerial decisions;
  • fast adaptation to changing market requirements;
  • possibility of direct contact with consumers of innovative products;
  • the possibility of realizing the creative potential of employees;
  • increase in employment of the population and increase in tax collection, etc.

The disadvantages of creating small innovative enterprises are:

  • high level of risk;
  • competition from large firms;
  • difficulties in obtaining financing and lending;
  • focus on small groups of consumers, etc.

Thus, there are certain barriers in the innovation activity of small enterprises. Obviously, in order to stimulate active innovative entrepreneurial activity and the successful functioning of small innovative enterprises, state support is needed.

The use of the term "innovation" or "innovative" should be quite careful. After all, many consumers no longer perceive this word properly. They subconsciously send all offers to "spam", without even considering. Innovation is not just something new. It is also a discovery in a certain area. Therefore, starting from scratch projects to introduce innovations in small businesses is difficult.

There is no single answer to what an innovative business idea is. But separating innovative ideas from ordinary ideas is not difficult. Firstly, the innovative idea must be recent, and secondly, it must be confirmed by research, experiments or tests.

Innovation and small business with them and with us

In the West and the Far East, the phrase "innovative business idea" is not an oxymoron. And most often it is the companies that fit the category of “small business” that become the generators of ideas. Large enterprises do this less often by buying projects.

For example, Germany is a country where giants like BMW and Daimler cooperate with engineering companies. And this is not only in the industrial sector. The same engineering company can be engaged in the creation of new technologies in the field of IT, biotechnology, etc.

The global market for engineering services is constantly growing. In 2012, it was $750 billion, and today it is about $1 trillion. What is most interesting is that Russia practically does not participate in these processes.

Germany is not an isolated case in Europe. A large amount of innovative business ideas are created in Finland, Denmark, and Ireland. In these countries, as early as the 1970s, active support for firms involved in the implementation of innovative ideas began.

This alignment is a consequence:

  1. Insufficient funding.
  2. Low qualification of the staff.
  3. The presence of a narrow market for the sale of products.
  4. Insufficient understanding of the essence of innovative ideas.

Recently, the country has been thinking about changing this trend. It is planned to increase the spending of state-owned companies on the purchase of innovative ideas. A list of companies has already been created that are required to use ideas purchased from small businesses.

But all this is still on paper and does not receive due attention from the management. The disadvantage of this method is the maintenance by the wearable method. First of all, it is worth considering for everyone who is just starting their own business. Why not create engineering companies. Moreover, the state has already paid attention to this problem.

The reluctance of large and medium-sized businesses is due to the fact that it is not always profitable. For example, cloud accounting is an innovative idea that has been used in Europe for a long time, but not here. It will not be possible to introduce it from scratch in our country. Due to insufficient turnover, it makes no sense to use it. Moreover, there is not always sufficient confidence in this product.

With regards to small businesses, it is simply necessary to use innovative solutions. New technological solutions help to stay afloat and get their customers. Future economic development largely depends on the use of innovative ideas. They help to significantly increase the standard of living, the quality of the product and create fairly strong communications with customers.

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