Massage parlor as a business. How to open a massage parlor? Business plan massage parlor example for a student

The question of how to open a massage parlor is quite reasonable if you want to organize an entrepreneurial business with small investments and a quick payback.

Capital investment in the salon: 290,000 rubles.
Business payback: from 4-6 months.

If you are pursuing the goal of organizing an entrepreneurial business with relatively small investments and a quick payback, the question is, how to open a massage parlor, is quite justified.

Although this business has many pitfalls and tricks, it is enough to disassemble the organization process in stages and everything will become simple and clear.

How to find a room to open a massage parlor?

The main factor that you will start from when looking for a room for a massage parlor is the future target audience that you will begin to focus on.

For example, a service such as medical massage is a separate case.

Even if you are far away on the outskirts, but have a professional of the appropriate profile on staff, people will go to the salon from other parts of the city.

But the situation is completely different with those for whom massage is just a way to relax and have fun.

It is important for them that the road is convenient and as short as possible.

Ideally, the salon should be right under the house.

If we analyze the statistical data for the country for the last year, these categories were distributed as follows:

As for the number of floors, it is most prestigious and convenient to open a massage parlor on the ground floor or in a separate building.

But the requirements of the SES, which you need to focus on in order to obtain a work permit, are as follows:

  • for each person in the salon that you are going to open, there will have to be at least 8 sq.m. space;
  • it is desirable to organize the work so that each massage therapist has a separate room;
  • it is permissible to put two couches in the same room, and sometimes it is even more appropriate - when friends or couples come for a massage;
  • otherwise, the requirements for a massage parlor are the same as for another institution serving visitors;

Thus, to open an average massage parlor, you need to look for a room with an area of ​​at least 70-90 sq.m.

This is enough to organize the work of several massage therapists in accordance with all the rules, as well as for utility rooms, a waiting area and an administrator's place.

If you have big ambitions and do not want to start with a small team, it is better to open several small salons than one large one.

Experienced entrepreneurs are sure that it is not advisable to maintain a staff of more than 5 massage therapists.

How to equip a massage parlor before opening?

In addition to jobs, in order to open a full-fledged massage parlor, you will need to equip a bathroom.

Some install a bath in this room for relaxation after the procedure, but this is an optional element - be guided by the available budget.

The walls in the restroom must be covered with tiles to a height of at least 180 cm.

The same coating is used for the entire floor.

It is important that the tiles are not slippery and that the wallpaper (if any) is washable.

This is necessary so that all surfaces can be washed regularly with disinfectants.

For massage therapists, you should purchase massage tables as well as a few extra couches.

If you plan to provide field services, one should be purchased compact (portable).

The rest of the furniture you will need are cabinets for cosmetics, racks for clients' outerwear, and for the waiting area - a sofa, armchairs, a small table.

It would not be superfluous to put a rack with a mirror so that after the procedure, visitors can correct their appearance.

If you have several craftsmen working on the same territory, it is worth stocking up with screens.

After all, it is not necessary that a couple of people who come together will receive on the couches at the same time.

Another essential element of massage parlors is clean towels.

Before you open an institution, you will carry out financial calculations and audience analysis.

Based on this data, you can roughly imagine the number of daily visitors.

Each person must be allocated 1 clean towel in perfect condition.

Plus, another 20-30% of the total number should additionally lie as spares.

In order not to buy a supply for a week or two of use and regular payment for dry cleaning, it is better to buy a washing machine in the salon.

This cost will quickly pay for itself.

What kind of staff is needed to open a salon?

In order to open a massage parlor, you need the main thing - masseurs.

They usually work in one of two ways:

  • several massage therapists work in the same salon in shifts to provide daily customer service;
  • The massage therapist does not come out according to a stable schedule, but based on records - that is, for specific clients.

To choose one of these schemes, you will need to focus on demand, business scale and other factors.

Often entrepreneurs choose one option and then switch to another, adjusting to the circumstances.

Depending on the scheme of work, the payment method is also chosen - a fixed rate or a percentage of completed orders.

The latter option is more popular and convenient.

After all, not all massage therapists will serve the same number of clients.

One worker can do the procedure to 8-9 visitors, while the other can't handle even four sessions.

Masseur courses have now become a fairly common option. Considering that medical education is not required for relaxation massage, finding a specialist with experience has become more difficult.

However, it is precisely those applicants who have already worked in this position that should be given preference.

You don't have to make up your entire team of newbies.

In addition to massage therapists, the staff of the salon must have administrators working in shifts.

Instead of a security guard, it is enough to install a video surveillance system and an emergency button in case of an emergency.

And transfer the accounting concerns to.

Cleaners are usually hired on an hourly basis.

In the dry season, a quick cleaning once every two days is enough; in the wet season, it is advisable to increase the number of visits to daily.

Marketing strategy for promoting a massage parlor

The best advertisement for a massage parlor is grateful clients who bring their friends and can simply recommend you.

But if you just decided to open an institution, you need to use other advertising methods.

After all, how else will they find out about you and talk about you?

The following methods will bring the effect:

    It should be a bright and beautiful sign, a banner on the building or standards nearby.

    If you are away from places of movement of people, you need to install some signs.

    An interesting option - drawings on the asphalt.

    But an ordinary counter with instructions on how to find the entrance to the salon will do.

  1. A good result also brings the distribution of flyers near the salon in crowded places.
  2. Place an announcement that you are going to open an institution in local newspapers, on bulletin boards - virtual and real.

At the same time, it requires significant investments, which not every entrepreneur who decides to open a massage parlor is ready to do.

Financial investment in a massage parlor

The most important point that an entrepreneur has to decide before opening a massage parlor is the amount of capital investment.

They are divided into two main groups: investments directly into opening an institution and regular expenses for its operation and development.

Capital investment in the idea of ​​opening a massage parlor

Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
Total:RUB 290,000
Repair and decoration of premises150 000
Purchasing a stock of towels (20 pieces)2 000
massage tables26 000
Purchase of couches (2 pieces + portable)12 000
Purchase of furniture for the entire salon50 000
Quality washing machine15 000
Launch of an advertising campaign25 000
Unexpected expenses10 000

Regular investments in the work of a massage parlor

The fact that you need to invest money not only in opening an institution must be taken into account even at the time of business planning.

Before reaching the payback point, you must have a source of funds to invest in the work.

These are the costs:

In order not only to open a massage parlor, but also to be successful in this service sector,

from an interview with the owner of such a business:

Profitability of the idea to open a massage parlor

When you first decided to open a massage parlor, you should count on 4-5 clients per day.

Subsequently, their number, with a competent marketing policy and management, will grow to 8-10 visitors.

If you achieve such indicators, you will be able to recoup the institution after 4 months of work, and then expand your business.

The level of profitability on average is about 25-30%.

After reading the article, you should have understood the main points of how to open a massage parlor.

This business is really profitable, although it is accompanied by many small worries.

But if you take their decision seriously and act purposefully, everything will definitely work out!

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  • Description of products and services
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Marketing plan
  • Financial plan
  • SPA business technologies
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for opening a massage parlor in a residential area of ​​the city, with a population of 1.3 million inhabitants.

The goal of our project is to organize a massage parlor (Thai massage) that provides unique and high-quality services to the residents of our city. Currently, there are many massage parlors open, but there are very few worthy organizations. We conducted a study in the course of which it became clear that people are ready to pay 2-3 thousand rubles per session, if only the massage is of high quality, healthy and beneficial for the body.

Step-by-step plan for opening a massage parlor

According to the plan, the following steps will precede the opening of the business:

  1. Analysis of investment prospects, risk assessment;
  2. Search for sources of project financing;
  3. Preliminary search for highly qualified massage therapists;
  4. Search for a convenient and advantageous location of the salon;
  5. Registration of a business, conclusion of a lease agreement for premises;
  6. Minor repairs and design of the premises;
  7. Purchase of massage equipment;
  8. Employment of personnel;
  9. Active advertising of services and the opening of the salon.

How much money do you need to open a massage parlor

According to preliminary calculations, the opening of a massage parlor will require an investment of about 1,180,000 rubles:

  • Repair and design of the premises (to offset the rent) - 300,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment and furniture - 500,000 rubles.
  • Consumables - 30,000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget - 100,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other organizational expenses - 50,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 200,000 rubles.

Description of products and services

A feature of our salon will be the presence of a large number of popular SPA-programs. The list of services will include:

  • Thai traditional massage;
  • Balinese traditional massage;
  • Deep relaxation;
  • Figure correction;
  • Romantic programs - SPA for two;
  • Anti-aging and anti-stress programs;
  • Wrapping and thalassotherapy;
  • Power massages;
  • Facial care;
  • Foot massage.

The cost of the massage will depend on the duration of the session (15, 30, 60 minutes or more) and the time of the service. Weekend prices will be higher. Thai and Balinese massages will cost an average of 2,500 rubles per session hour, foot massage - from 2,000 rubles. per hour (1300 rubles for 30 minutes). Correction of the figure will cost the client 3000 - 5000 rubles per hour. The anti-aging program will cost 2000-7000 rubles for 1.5 hours. According to preliminary calculations of the business plan, the average bill of our salon will be 1,500 rubles per person. The average attendance per day will be 15 people. Potential revenue, thus, will be 22,500 rubles. per day and 675,000 rubles. per month. In fact, this is an average annual indicator, since in the season (spring and autumn) the revenue can be much higher, while in the off season (summer, winter) the income will be lower.

Download massage parlor business plan

Production plan

To accommodate a massage parlor, it is planned to rent a room with an area of ​​82 sq. m on the first floor of an apartment building. The room is located in a residential area of ​​the city, in the area of ​​elite new buildings. The amount of the rent will be 49,200 rubles. per month. According to the norms of the SES, each visitor to a massage parlor must have at least 8 square meters. m, supply and exhaust ventilation should be installed in the room, and the lighting level should not be lower than 120-150 lux. These requirements will be fully complied with. The premises will be divided into several rooms:

  • Living room - a zone of waiting and rest for visitors;
  • Bathroom and toilet;
  • Three massage rooms (12 sqm each);
  • Staff room;
  • Reception room (reception desk).

What equipment to choose for a massage parlor

Of the equipment, we will purchase massage couches with foam rubber lining, round rollers, tables and special chairs for massage, cabinets (for storing towels, sheets, bathrobes and massage accessories). A soft leather sofa, a coffee table, a plasma TV and a massage chair with a coin and bill acceptor will be purchased for the living room. Some of the funds will be spent on the purchase of special oils, towels, sheets and other consumables. In total, at this stage, from 400 to 500 thousand rubles will be spent.


Some difficulties may arise with the search for staff. There are very few good masters of Thai massage in our city. The best masseurs are representatives of Thailand and Bali. We will attract craftsmen at the expense of high wages. The master's salary will be 50% of the cost of the session. On average, our master will earn 1000 rubles per client. It will be important for us to have a highly qualified master. After all, the price tag for services in our salon is far from cheap, so the level of the master should be appropriate. At least twice a year (or even more often) our masters will go to refresher courses. In addition to massage therapists, we will need to employ two administrators to work in shifts 2/2. The payroll fund will amount to 34 thousand rubles per month. It is planned to take the services of a cleaning lady and an accountant under an outsourcing agreement (12,000 rubles per month).

What OKVED code to indicate when registering a massage parlor

Ordinary individual entrepreneurship will be registered as an organizational form. The following will be indicated as OKVED codes: code 93.02 - "provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons", code 93.04 - "sports and recreation activities".

What taxation system to choose for a massage parlor

The optimal taxation system for a Thai massage parlor is STS, 6% of revenue.

Marketing plan

Special attention will be paid to ways to promote massage services. Thai massage is a fairly popular trend, familiar to many people (at least they have heard about it). It is only necessary to convey information about our salon to the maximum number of potential audience of customers. And you can already get the first visitors. We will launch all possible popular advertising channels: distribution of leaflets at the entrances of houses, advertising in newspapers and specialized magazines about beauty and health, advertising on the radio, banner advertising. Active cooperation with local beauty salons is planned. In the first months after the opening, there will be promotions and massages will be offered at discounted prices. We also plan to draw certificates for a free visit to our salon (on special coupon websites). A good tool for attracting visitors in large cities is the Internet. So, according to the statistics of the Yandex search engine, the phrase “massage salon Yekaterinburg” is searched for more than 2800 times a month (and this is still in the low season).

By creating your own website and placing contextual advertising, you can attract up to 10-15 customers per day only through a search engine. The cost of opening your own business card site will be about 50 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses for contextual advertising (Yandex-Direct) will be 10-15 thousand rubles.

Financial plan

Let's proceed to the calculation of the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the project. Fixed monthly expenses:

  • Room rental - 49,200 rubles.
  • Salary and insurance contributions for administrators - 44,200 rubles.
  • Advertising (including outdoor advertising, contextual advertising on the Internet) - 25,000 rubles.
  • Utilities - 10,000 rubles.
  • Outsourcing (accounting and cleaning) - 12,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Total - 155,400 rubles.

Variable costs: salaries of massage therapists. It will amount to 50% of the salon's revenue or 337,500 rubles per month.

How much can you earn by opening a massage parlor

The net profit of the organization will be 154,785 rubles. per month. The profitability of the massage parlor is 31%. The payback of the initial investment with such calculations will come in 8 months. The real payback can be 5-6 months longer, as the organization still needs to develop an audience of regular customers and reach the planned revenue indicators.

Recommended download massage parlor business plan, from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

What documents are needed to open a massage parlor

The package of documents required to open a salon will include:

  • conclusions from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor;
  • contracts for disinfection, deratization, disinfestation,
  • contracts for the maintenance and cleaning of swimming pools and sewers;
  • contracts for washing clothes;
  • accounting documentation:
  • personnel qualification documents.

Do I need permission to open a massage parlor?

A license to operate a massage parlor must be obtained only if manual therapy or medical massage is included in the services. When the services include only Thai, relaxation or similar types of massage, a license is not required. But you need to pay attention to one more detail. If you invite citizens of foreign countries to work, then they must be registered, otherwise you may have problems.

Massage is popular for its healing and relaxing effect, as well as its ability to relieve tension. It is indicated for people who experience pain in the back, neck, joints, have disorders in the nervous system, have headaches or have been injured. In addition, the now popular trend for a healthy lifestyle stimulates the demand for massage.

Massage parlor is a popular type of business that does not require significant financial investments. The massage services market is inextricably linked with medical services. According to BusinesStat research, in 2018, an increase in the number of medical appointments, including massage appointments, was expected. In addition, the share of paid services in the medical sector is constantly growing, which means that the population is ready to spend money on maintaining their health.

In million-plus cities with a population of up to 4 million people, up to 40 massage establishments are open. With the right organization of the business, you can get a stable income.

The amount of initial investment is 685 000 rubles.

The break-even point is reached On the second month of work.

Payback period 11 months.

Average net profit 90 298 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Let's define the main options for opening a massage parlor:

  • Massage room in the existing salon. This opening option is possible with limited initial investment. Most often, massage rooms are rented by existing specialists and themselves provide services by appointment;
  • A full-fledged massage studio with a wide range of services and hired masters.

This business plan considers the option of opening a wide range massage studio, which will employ highly qualified specialists in various fields.

Studio services:

  • Classic general massage;
  • Back massage;
  • Massage of the face and neck-collar zone;
  • Relaxing massage.

Over time, you can introduce an additional list of services, such as: anti-cellulite massage, Thai massage, various types of body wraps, sports massage, Japanese massage, etc.

Opening hours of the institution: 10:00-21:00 daily, admission is by appointment.

The greatest demand for massage services is observed in winter and spring, in the summer, as a rule, sales fall, as people go on vacation and postpone body care for the colder season.

3. Description of the market

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

The full payroll calculation with the bonus part and insurance premiums for 24 months is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

All data are calculated based on the fact that the salon will start operating in March, providing 4 types of services. The average prices for each type of massage are indicated, later you can expand the range. According to the neutral forecast, the payback of the project will come in the 11th month of operation, and a positive cash flow will begin to flow in the second month after the launch. The profitability of the business is 33%, which is quite competitive in today's realities. The average monthly profit of the project is 90,298 rubles, which means that, given the relatively small initial investment, the project is profitable.

A detailed sales plan, calculation of investment efficiency and forecast of key financial indicators are presented in the financial model.

8. Risk factors

What risks await you during and after the launch of the project?

  • Difficulties in finding highly qualified personnel. To reduce this risk, it is necessary to search for personnel using various resources, offer personnel favorable conditions;
  • The risk of dishonest work of a massage therapist (recording clients at home, for example). It is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for the client after the procedure, so that he does not have a desire to go to a specialist at home;
  • High competition. To reduce risks, you should pay attention to the quality of massage, high level of service, convenient location, favorable prices;
  • Reducing the solvency of the population. Here you will be helped by constant monitoring of market conditions, the introduction of new promotions and offers.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 352,500 rubles.
  • Net profit - 60,180 rubles.
  • Payback is approximately 1 year.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will talk about such a type of business as a massage parlor / office and try to write a detailed business plan for a massage parlor with calculations. We also recommend reading an interview about a current entrepreneur.

Market analysis

Today, cosmetic services are quite actively used in Russia. As a rule, women show interest in this area. One of the most popular offers is massage. It can be divided into 2 types:

  • cosmetic;
  • medical.

The first is responsible for the aesthetic component, the second helps to fight various diseases and ailments.

Men use massage services less frequently.

The vast majority of visitors are women (over 70%). These are either wealthy ladies who prefer cosmetic types of massage (anti-cellulite, tightening, and others), or women who have certain diseases that require massage to treat.

We must not forget that in order to conduct therapeutic massage sessions, the master must have the appropriate qualifications.

Men rarely use cosmetic massage, usually they are rich and influential people who take care of their appearance and want to bring themselves back to normal.

Massage is a service formed on the Russian market. Therefore, it will not be possible to come up with any new methods. An important factor will be the availability of licenses and certificates from the massage therapist. The ideal option is to hire a person who has regular customers.

If we analyze competitors, then the greatest inconvenience will be brought by large cosmetology centers, well-known in the city, as well as those who actively promote the salon through advertising. Treatment centers will also become a serious competitor in the market.

It is important to note that the competitive struggle of the main market players is not aimed at ousting rivals, but at maintaining their own positions. Simply put, everyone is interested in securing their own customer base.

To become a competitive massage parlor, it will be necessary to offer affordable prices for services (preferably at a level with the average, but lower in the early stages). Special attention will also have to be paid to advertising.

On the positive side, the standardization of related products is easy to obtain.

Thus, the work of the massage parlor will be aimed at attracting females and males aged 20-40 mainly.

Before starting work on a specific project, it is worth studying the massage services market and analyzing prices. Own value should be set based on demand and the average competitive price.

SWOT analysis


The presence of a professional massage therapist with extensive experience and their own client base.

The use of high-tech equipment, as well as well-known effective methods that are in demand.

Providing high quality services.

Low initial and subsequent costs.

Free entrance to the market of massage services.

Individual work with each client.

Relevance and relevance of the services offered.

Weak sides:

High level of competition.

A rather complicated process of determining the qualifications of an employee being hired.

A long and laborious process of finding suitable personnel.

Zero business reputation (no one has heard of a massage parlor, does not know about the quality of the services provided).


Working with loyal customers, attracting them to permanent cooperation.

Favorable location of the massage parlor.

You can easily establish relationships with suppliers of high-quality equipment and the necessary funds.

Further expansion, opening of new points, provision of additional services.

Income growth, profits.

The use of outsourcing of any services, which will subsequently reduce the cost of costs.


High rates of possible risks.

Incorrect assessment of one's own capabilities.

Opportunity Assessment

The massage parlor will be open daily. The mode of operation will be as follows:

Total: 80 hours.

Thus, at least two qualified specialists will be required for the work.

Seasonality does not particularly affect the work of the center. The flow increases, as a rule, in the pre-holiday and post-holiday periods. At this time, people like to give gift certificates, put themselves in order.

Further development is possible through the introduction of additional services, new offices, expansion.

Organizational and legal issues:

  1. The first thing you need to do is decide on the OPF. You can stop your choice either on LLC or on. The second option is more suitable, since it will be easier to register, while the tax regime is very loyal. In addition, IP involves working with individuals, which corresponds to the services provided. The OKVED code when opening a massage parlor in most cases will be 93.04 - sports and recreation activities.
  2. Obtaining the appropriate permit from the fire service and SES, allowing you to operate the premises.
  3. Obtaining licenses to conduct medical massage, as this activity is one of the medical services. Relevant documents must be submitted to Roszdravnadzor.
  4. It is worth choosing or. In the case of the simplified tax system, taxes are paid either on income (6%) or on the difference between income and expenses (15%).
  5. We also recommend accepting payments from our customers by bank cards. To do this, you need to open a bank account. By the way, we wrote an article about.
  • At least 8 m 2 should be allocated for any massage therapist. If 2 masters work with the client at once, then it is necessary to have an office with an area of ​​at least 12 m 2.
  • The optimal size of the massage room will be 70 m 2 if 2 massage therapists work at the same time. It is necessary to have on the territory of the massage parlor a bathroom, a bathroom, 2 massage rooms, a reception. It is better if each office has its own bathroom and bathroom.
  • For rent, it is better to immediately choose a commercial space. It could be an apartment, for example. You can also sign a contract with a fitness center that does not have its own massage room. In this case, the refurbishment of the premises will be cheaper.
  • Try contacting the employment service, perhaps they will support your organization as a small business. To do this, you must provide a detailed business plan for the project.

Service description

Initially, visitors will be able to use the following services:

  • general body massage;
  • massage of individual zones;
  • Anticellulite massage.

Registration is carried out by phone through the administrator or on the website (group) of the organization. It would be ideal if customers can leave an online application on the site or make a reservation for a certain time.

More outlets are planned to open in the future. This massage room can be expanded to a maximum of 5 specialists. It will be impractical to hire more at one point, and the payback of the service will decrease.

When working with a client, the master solves certain problems, satisfies the needs of the visitor. Each is treated individually.

It is very important to use high-quality oils that will not harm the body and skin in particular. It must be a certified product from a reliable supplier.

To increase demand and customer confidence, you need to hire qualified and experienced specialists. If it is impossible to evaluate professionalism on your own, you can consult with the administration of those organizations where the job seeker previously worked.

marketing plan

Pricing strategy :

At first, the price should be below the average in this market segment. This will attract more customers. At the same time, the quality should be at the level. You can change the price depending on the solvency of the client who applied.

Service promotion strategy:

The main means of promotion will, of course, be advertising. It can include the following varieties:

  • Organization sign. It is also very important to come up with an interesting and memorable name.
  • "Word of mouth radio". This is the most effective advertising, and free. It is based on informing potential customers through their friends and relatives. Its disadvantage is that it cannot be controlled by the administration of the organization. To stimulate, you can use discount programs, for example: "Bring a friend, get a free massage session."
  • Leaflets (distribution next to the salon itself, unfolding in mailboxes in the area).
  • Promotion on the Internet, including contextual advertising.
  • Creation of own site, groups, their advertising.
  • Information in the media. Don't get carried away with this type of advertising. As a rule, this expensive method does not give a large number of responses. You can, for example, limit yourself to advertising in a newspaper.

It is worth developing a system of discount cards, discounts dedicated to some holidays, for example. An excellent move would be the creation of gift certificates.

Let's calculate the expected revenue:

Name of service Price Quantity per month total revenues
General massage (1 hour) 800 r. 45 36 000 rubles
Back massage (30 minutes) 350 r. 100 35 000 rubles
Neck massage (30 minutes) 350 r. 70 24 500 rubles
Massage of the neck and collar zone (30 minutes) 350 r. 50 17 500 rubles
Lumbar massage (40 minutes) 500 r. 60 30 000 rubles
Thoracic massage (20 minutes) 200 r. 30 6 000 rubles
Abdominal massage (20 minutes) 250 r. 30 7 500 rubles
Hand massage (30 minutes) 300 r. 30 9 000 rub.
Head massage (15 minutes) 150 r. 20 3 000 rubles
Lower limb massage (40 minutes) 600 r. 30 18 000 rubles
Cupping anti-cellulite massage with honey (1 hour) 1 200 rubles 80 96 000 rub.
Complex anti-cellulite massage (1 hour) 1 000 rubles 70 70 000 rubles
Total 405 hours 352 500 rubles

2 massage therapists work at the same time (only four staff units). In a month, the hourly output for all is 680. Only 405 hours are involved. Consequently, only 59.56% of the opportunities were used.

The monthly income is 352,500 rubles.

Production plan

Before starting work, it will be necessary to repair the premises. These costs also include the cost of equipping the bathroom and bathroom. In the massage parlor, the total area is 70 m 2 . Of these, 12 are reception rooms, 29 are massage rooms. The total cost of repairs is 300,000 rubles.

You will need equipment for each office: medical couches (2 pcs.) And massage tables (2 pcs.). Their total cost is 140,000 rubles. We take the average cost of a table 40,000 rubles, couches - 30,000 rubles. You can get by with lower costs by buying used furniture, for example, on Avito. But still it is better to buy new high-quality equipment.

Furniture will also be needed for work. Including tables, chairs, a hanger for visitors, cabinets for oils and other accessories, screens for changing clothes (for the greatest comfort of visitors). In total, it will take 50,000 rubles.

The administrator will need a laptop, offices can be equipped with stereo systems for greater relaxation of visitors. Another 60,000 rubles will be spent on equipment.

It will also be necessary to purchase primary supplies of raw materials, including oils, cans (for anti-cellulite massage), towels, creams, wipes. This is another 50,000 rubles.

Administrators and cleaners, as well as massage therapists, work in shifts (40 hours each). The work is carried out as follows: administrator + cleaner + 2 massage therapists.

The responsibilities of the administrator include receiving calls and applications on the site, meeting customers, consulting.

The cleaning lady comes 3 times per shift. Her duties include not only washing the floors, but also the bathroom, the bathroom.

organizational plan

1st month 2nd month 3rd month
Organization registration 6 800 rubles
Obtaining a license (payment of state duty) 7 500 rubles
Finding a landlord, concluding an agreement +
Market analysis + +
Advertising 20 000 rubles
Website 15 000 rub.
Repair 300 000 rubles
Purchase of equipment 140 000 rubles
Personnel search + +
Buying furniture 50 000 rubles
Purchase of equipment 60 000 rubles
Purchase of a cash register 15 000 rub.
Purchase of primary stocks 50 000 rubles
Installation of equipment, arrangement of furniture, cleaning +
Conducting the Internet 600 r.
Purchase of medical gowns, caps 8 000 rubles
Launch of the project +
Total: 672 900 rubles

The lease agreement should be long-term, at least for a year. Administrators are responsible for maintaining and filling the site during their working hours.

Accounting is carried out by the head of the organization.

Financial plan

Monthly income - 352,500 rubles.

Initial costs - 672,900 rubles.

Calculation of recurring costs:

Thus, profit before tax will be equal to 352,500 - 281,700 = 70,800 rubles.

We calculate taxes based on the difference between income and expenses: 70,800 * 0.15 \u003d 10,620 rubles.

Net profit will be equal to 70,800 - 10,620 = 60,180 rubles.

Let's calculate the payback period: 672,900/60,180 = 11.19. The project will pay off in a little less than a year.

Profitability will be equal to 100*(60,180/352,500) = 17%.


Name of risk Probability of occurrence Ways to avoid Threats
Increasing competition, losing some customers Medium Individual work with clients.

Favorable offers, discount systems.

Decrease in incomes, profits, decrease in profitability. Losses are possible.
Change in rental price Medium Conclusion of a long-term contract. Increasing costs.
Legislative change Low Clear drafting of the documents of the organization, especially the Charter. Paperwork. Temporary suspension of activities.
Crisis, instability in the country Medium The ability to reduce prices to retain customers. Decrease in total revenue.
Internal risks
Unprofessionalism high Rigid selection among applicants for the position. Employee training, timely professional development. Decrease in the number of customers, as a result, a decrease in all financial indicators.
Bad placement high Conducting surveys, geomarketing research. Low number of customers, declining revenue

Today, Chinese massage is beginning to gain great popularity, you can try to open your own office in this direction.

A little more about obtaining a license to carry out activities:

If the office provides medical massage, you must obtain a license. Otherwise, an administrative fine may be imposed on the organization.

You will have to provide, among other things, the following documents:, Goskomstat codes, certificates of registration and tax registration, lease agreement.

You will also need contracts with employees, their medical books. Each massage therapist must have at least 5 years of experience in this field! You need a staffing table.

Equipment must also be certified.

There are other aspects that need to be taken into account. Of course, it is best to seek help from one of the companies providing legal services, because obtaining a license is a laborious and long process (consideration within 30-45 days).

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

* Calculations use average data for Russia


The purpose of the project is the organization of a massage parlor in Yekaterinburg. The salon is focused on the provision of massage services of a classic wellness type. Such a massage is indicated to relieve muscle tension, improve health in general, get rid of drowsiness, apathy; stimulates the cardiovascular system, metabolism; activates physical and mental activity. This type of massage has no contraindications for age and a very narrow list of contraindications for health reasons. Price segment - medium; The salon is aimed at the widest audience.

Investment costs are aimed at equipping the premises, purchasing the necessary equipment, licensing activities, as well as not forming a working capital fund until the company reaches payback. The volume of investment costs - 676 ​​thousand rubles. Payback period - 4 months. The main performance indicators of the project are given in Table. one.

Table 1. Key performance indicators of the project


Massage refers to medical services. The medical services market is inextricably linked with macroeconomic indicators (Table 2). Experts note the stable growth of this sector of the economy - both paid medical services and the market as a whole due to the paid segment (Fig. 1).

Table 2. Main macroeconomic indicators in Russia


Population, million people

Number of economically active population, million people

Real GDP, trillion. rub.

Real disposable money income of the population, % to the previous year

Inflation, %

Figure 1. Dynamics of the medical services market in Russia, 2011-2017, billion rubles

Figure 2. Dynamics of the structure of the paid services market in Russia, 2005-2015, %

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As can be seen from the above data, the segment of paid services is growing steadily; the share of the “shadow” segment is decreasing, which, according to experts (RBC research), is associated with the consequences of the 2008 crisis, as a result of which people began to spend the money they earn more rationally and meaningfully.

The main trends in the paid medical services market include:

    competition of private clinics with paid departments of state medical institutions

    low degree of market consolidation – the share of large holdings is 9% of the total volume

    increase in the share of the segment due to the low quality of free services in public institutions for CHI

    in the VMI segment, more than 80% is accounted for by corporate insurance

For the near future, experts make the following forecasts:

    decrease in the volume of the segment in physical terms by 16% (until 2017)

    some segment growth in monetary terms

    the outflow of clients to the CMI and shadow medicine segments due to a decrease in the solvency of the population

Figure 3. Popularity of medical services in Russia, used by % of the total number of respondents

As can be seen from Fig. 3, massage is a fairly popular medical service, which is used by about 17% of the population.

The enterprise is located in Yekaterinburg, which is the administrative center of the Ural Federal District and the Sverdlovsk Region. Yekaterinburg is the largest administrative, cultural, scientific and educational center of the Ural region, one of the largest economic centers in the world, included in the list of 600 largest cities in the world, producing 60% of global GDP. The population of the city is 1.44 million people. Thus, the actual market size for the project is 1.44*16.9%=0.24 million people.

The project provides for the creation of an enterprise from scratch and the recruitment of a team of specialists.


The enterprise renders services in medical improving massage in Yekaterinburg. General wellness massage is indicated to relieve muscle tension, improve overall health, get rid of drowsiness, lethargy. Massage stimulates the cardiovascular system, activates metabolism, mental and physical activity. Massage is recommended for:

    disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system

    recovery after injuries and surgeries

    hyper- and hypotension of muscles

    venous congestion

    chronic headaches

    pain in the back and neck (osteochondrosis and other diseases)

During the procedure, the specialist affects all areas of the body, except for the head: legs, buttocks, back and neck, arms, chest, stomach. The impact is made in various ways: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration.

Wellness massage procedures have no age restrictions; There is a small list of health restrictions:

    the presence of inflammatory processes in the acute stage

    elevated body temperature, fever

    blood disorders, tendency to bleed

    purulent processes

    skin diseases

    allergic, mental, respiratory diseases

    tumors of various origins

    chronic osteomyelitis

The standard procedure lasts 45 minutes. The session is held in a specially prepared room on a comfortable massage table. Only qualified specialists with certificates of a professional massage therapist are allowed to carry out the procedures.

The cost of the session is 1,500 rubles. Four massage tables work simultaneously.


The target audience of the project is men and women aged 5-60 years old, with an average income level. At the same time, the presence of any diseases (indications for massage) is not mandatory, since clients can attend massage sessions without a doctor's prescription, at their own request, including for the purpose of relaxation.

However, as one of the channels for promoting the project's services, the motivation of general practitioners, neurologists and others working in state medical institutions in the city of Yekaterinburg is used. When indicated, motivated doctors recommend the services of the company, give the patient a business card with the contact details of the salon.

The market capacity can be estimated at 240 thousand people. or, at a session cost of 1,500 rubles. and a planned load of 80% of the maximum possible - 288 million rubles. per year (provided that the potential client does a massage at least once a year).

Of great importance for the success of the project is the location of the salon. When choosing a location, accessibility for potential customers both with a private car and those using public transport, parking convenience and ease of search were taken into account. A room with an area of ​​40 m 2 was chosen on the territory of the state diagnostic center. The center has its own parking, as well as public transport stops in the immediate vicinity.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In addition, an important success factor is the high qualification of the project personnel. When selecting personnel, special attention is paid to the availability of a certificate of completion of training, as well as experience as a massage therapist for at least three years; it is desirable to have positive recommendations.

In addition, the website of the enterprise and groups in social networks are used for promotion. Social networks such as,, Instagram can be considered relevant for project promotion. The groups host interesting and useful content, as well as contests with prizes. In addition, social networks serve to collect feedback from salon clients.

According to, over the past month, there were 17,625 impressions for the query “massage Yekaterinburg”, which indicates a high demand for the service (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Yandex search queries "massage Yekaterinburg"

Ready-made ideas for your business

To date, more than 100 salons and individual massage therapists, officially registered, operate in Yekaterinburg. At the same time, many of them specialize in certain types of massage - tonic, anti-cellulite, and so on, which are not therapeutic. Direct competitors include only salons (and not masseurs practicing at home) that provide health-improving (medical) massage services. There are about 20 such salons in Yekaterinburg. The cost of a session ranges from 1200 - 1600 rubles. At the same time, most of them have a number of disadvantages: inconvenient location, low-level premises, old equipment. In addition, only three of them use the motivation of medical staff as a method of promoting their services. Thus, we can conclude that the project is highly competitive.

Demand for the project's services does not have a pronounced seasonality, however, some peaks and troughs can be noted throughout the year. So, for example, during the summer holidays, demand slightly decreases, and during the New Year holidays it grows. The seasonality factor was taken into account when forming the financial plan of the project.


The project involves the provision of services in a rented premises. The premises are rented from the municipal diagnostic center; room area - 40 m 2. The room has all the necessary communications and a separate entrance, but requires additional equipment for the purposes of the project.

The main equipment for massage are massage tables. European-made high-comfort tables are purchased, which, unlike most used by competitors, have a number of adjustments for the convenience of the client.

The website is being developed by a local design studio. She also provides support and promotion through contextual advertising in search engines. Groups in social networks are created and maintained by the project initiator.

Registration for massage sessions is carried out by phone or through the salon's website. The journal of records is maintained by the salon administrator.


The project is not limited in time. The planning horizon is five years. The decision on further work or liquidation of the project is made by the project initiator based on an analysis of the market situation and economic conditions.

The project implementation process can be conditionally divided into two main stages - preparatory and operational. The duration of the preparatory stage is one month. During this time, the preparation of the premises, the purchase of equipment, the development of the website and its promotion, as well as the licensing of the salon are carried out. Then the operating phase begins.

In order to implement the project, an individual entrepreneur is registered. The form of taxation is the simplified tax system with the object of taxation "income minus expenses", the rate is 15%.

The organizational structure of the project is simple and implies direct subordination of all employees to the project initiator. Particular attention is paid to the qualifications of massage therapists, as it directly affects the success and competitiveness of the project.

Table 3. Staffing and payroll

Job title

Salary, rub.

Quantity, pers.

FOT, rub.







System Administrator


RUB 173,000.00

Social Security contributions:

RUB 51,900.00

Total with deductions:



The financial plan is drawn up for a five-year period and takes into account all the income and expenses of the project. Income refers to revenue from operating activities; other types of income are not provided for by the project. Revenue of the first year of the project - 8.6 million rubles; net profit of the first year (after taxes) - 3.5 million rubles. Annual revenue after reaching the planned sales volumes - 10 million rubles, net profit - 4.6 million rubles.

Investment costs amount to 706,000 rubles. They are aimed at preparing the premises, purchasing equipment, initial advertising and promotion of the project, licensing activities, as well as the formation of a working capital fund, from which losses are covered until the project reaches payback (Table 4). Own funds of the project initiator - 350,000 rubles. The deficit of investment funds is planned to be covered by attracting a bank loan for a period of 24 months at 18% per annum. Loan repayment is carried out by annuity payments, credit holidays - 3 months.

Table 4. Investment costs


AMOUNT, rub.

Real estate

Repair and preparation of the premises

Signboard and decoration


Furniture and equipment

Intangible assets

Website development

Activity Licensing

working capital

working capital


706 000 ₽

Own funds:

RUB 350,000.00

Required borrowings:

356 000 ₽



Term, months:

Since it is quite difficult to determine the variable costs of a massage session, all project costs are classified as fixed. They include rent, utility bills, advertising, expenses for motivating agents (medical staff of state medical institutions), as well as depreciation deductions (Table 5). The amount of depreciation is determined using the straight-line method, based on the useful life of fixed assets and intangible assets of five years.

Table 5. Fixed costs




Communal payments

Telephony and Internet


Selling expenses

Management expenses

Agent Motivation

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