Salt milk mushrooms for the winter is a common recipe. Salted milk mushrooms for the winter. white or real

Mushrooms collected in the forest, sorted by type.

And cook for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Then drain the water through a colander and rinse the mushrooms with cold running water.

Then once again put the milk mushrooms in salted boiling water (1 tablespoon of salt per 2 liters of water) and boil for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling.

We wash the mushrooms and leave them in a colander until excess liquid drains. At this time, we cook the brine: pour 1 liter of water into the pan, put on fire, when the water boils, add 1 tablespoon of salt with a large slide.

And put spices (bay leaves, cloves, black and allspice peas) in boiling water, bring to a boil and boil to dissolve the salt crystals.

Put peppercorns, allspice, dill umbrellas and bay leaf into a clean liter jar.

Then we spread the milk mushrooms tightly, pressing the mushrooms to each other, and pour hot brine.

Next, put the jar of milk mushrooms in the refrigerator, closing with a plastic lid, and leave to salt for another 10-12 days.

Bon appetit!

Good afternoon friends!

Today we have a fairly popular topic, we will deal with salting mushrooms. Their variety is quite simple and is probably familiar to each of you - these are milk mushrooms. Here is the pickling method we will choose cold. Only thanks to such a process, as a result, we will be able to get crispy mushrooms.

The moment of harvesting such a crop falls on the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Nature has endowed us with its riches. And even people who do not have their own garden can please themselves with a jar of salted milkers. True, it is not so easy to collect them, they hide under coniferous foliage. Therefore, when collecting this type of milky, you need to be patient.

Despite the simplicity of this mushroom, there are a lot of cooking recipes. Even there are two main ways: hot and cold. In the first option, edible hats are boiled, and in the second, they are soaked and aged. Naturally, the hot method is quite fast, but the result will not be the same. With cold pickling, you will get crispy and tasty hats. Which can be tweaked later onions and vegetable oil.

Salted milk mushrooms in a cold way of instant cooking

Do you know that even in the old days milk mushrooms were considered the most edible mushroom. Rather, he was the only kind of lactic, suitable for salting. First of all, I suggest you consider the most classic recipe fast food.

Salting we will produce in a saucepan. Therefore, take care in advance about the required container, preferably enameled or wooden utensils.

We will need:

It is very difficult to predict how much and what to put, I'm talking about seasoning, salt and various additives. That is why the layout will not specifically indicate the weight. But in the recipe, I will specify how much and what was added.

The thing is that someone prefers more salty mushrooms, and some like a spicy taste.

On average, 1 kg. milk mushrooms go 1 tablespoon of salt (with a slide), more can be. It all depends on your preferences.

  • mushroom mushrooms
  • garlic
  • black peppercorns
  • allspice peas


Before proceeding with salting, it is necessary to process an important ingredient.

1. Pour the collected milk mushrooms cold water and soak them for 2-3 days. But not just flooded and forgotten, the water must be changed 3-4 times a day, more often, but not less often. Thus, we will get rid of the foliage and needles formed on the hats.

Do not try to strip the foliage from the mushroom immediately after picking. Thus, you will lose your time and damage the hats. And you won't get any result.

Be sure to check that between the inner plates there is also no suspicious debris in the form of sand.

2. When our milk mushrooms are washed and soaked for the necessary time, you can do salting. To do this, we need a fairly deep pan. At the bottom of which we fall asleep a small amount of salt. We lay a little peppercorns, and 2-3 cloves of garlic, cutting it into small plates in advance.

Here we put the mushrooms in one layer. This should be done with hats down.

Then again sprinkle the mushrooms with all the seasonings: pepper, salt and garlic. So we repeat several layers until the milk mushrooms run out.

For lovers of spicy, you can add horseradish and similar seasonings. But keep in mind that in this case the taste of the mushroom will not be saturated.

3. The matter remains small. Now, on top of all the ingredients, we put a clean oppression. The ideal option would be a plate of a suitable size. On top we put a heavy jar with some content to make the oppression heavier.

Here it is advisable not to skimp on garlic. He has more than one useful quality, but several at once. This is a spicy taste, aroma and of course antimicrobial properties. What will allow you to save the shelf life of our workpiece even more.

Be sure to see that after you put oppression, juice appears on the surface. This is a sign that the weight of the load that is on top is the most suitable.

Cover the prepared pan with food and oppression on the surface with a towel. We take it out to the cold at a temperature of + 5-8 degrees. We leave in this state for 1-1.5 months. Naturally, more is better.

After the time required for salting, you can serve it to the table. And do not be afraid to get sick with diseases like botulism.

Salt milk mushrooms immediately in jars

This recipe is convenient in that we will produce salting immediately in jars. And even come up with an unusual way to apply oppression. And you will learn more about it below. So, we stock up on a pen and a notebook and get to work.

We will need:

  • mushrooms - 1.5 kg. (per one and a half liter jar)
  • salt - 90 gr.
  • dill umbrella - 1 pc.
  • spruce branch - 1 pc.
  • allspice peas - 5-6 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.
  • garlic cloves - 4-5 pcs.
  • horseradish root
  • zagryki in the form of small sticks - 2 pcs.


1. Similar to the previous recipe, soak the mushrooms for 2-3 days. Periodically changing the water, and cleaning the caps. Cleaning is best done with a soft sponge, abrasive side.

2. We will use a small jar for salting, only one and a half liters. Before salting, we thoroughly wash it using soda-containing products.

At the bottom of the processed jar we lay a sprig of spruce and an umbrella of dill. Lightly cut two cloves of garlic, and put it next. Sprinkle a small amount of salt and black peppercorns. Now we put the mushrooms in one or two layers. Lightly pressing them to the bottom so that juice forms on the surface. Repeat seasoning layer: salt, pepper, garlic, bay leaf and horseradish. Then more mushrooms.

Thus, we fill the entire jar of pickles. Do not forget to press the mushrooms to form juice.

3. When the jar is filled to the very top, once again press the mushrooms strongly. As if ramming them together. And insert small zagry in the form of sticks. Thus, our products will not be able to get out of the brine. And they will be in it during the entire marinating time.

We put the banks in some kind of container. This is necessary if the juice will flow through the lids. Leave in this state for 2 days at room temperature.

Then cover with lids and put in the refrigerator for 2 months. After a while, you can open a jar of pickles and serve. It turns out delicious.

If the taste of the mushrooms turned out to be slightly salty. We do not worry, we wash them under cold water. Season with vegetable oil and fresh onion. And you can serve it to the table. In addition, you can use table vinegar. Again, this is optional.

Crispy mushroom recipe for the winter

Mushrooms cooked according to the recipe below are crispy and very fragrant. The aroma is given to them by the garlic added to the composition. Here we will use it a lot, so if you do not like it, reduce the amount of this vegetable by half. Or use another recipe.

We will need:

  • milk mushrooms - 4 kg.
  • salt - 200 gr. (calculated as 50 g per 1 kg of peeled milk mushrooms)
  • dill - 2 umbrellas
  • garlic - 1 head
  • allspice - to taste
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.


1. We put the mushrooms we have collected in a bath or in a basin. Fill with water, so to speak, to destroy bitterness. I will not describe the processing process, it is described in more detail in previous recipes. Therefore, I ask you to raise you a little higher and read.

2. If the mushrooms are not small, you can cut them into several pieces. And leave some whole.

We will salt in a saucepan, so I advise you to worry about the availability of dishes in advance. Do you know how convenient this salting method is? It's all about the volume of our container, thanks to its large dimensions, we can report another batch of mushrooms.

Well, look, for example, you salted 4 kg today. mushrooms. And tomorrow I gained another 2 kilograms, what should I do? In the same way, you pass them through the necessary processing, and also lay them in a pan with the rest of the product. Naturally, additionally increasing the seasonings used. And soaking time.

3. Pour all loose seasonings into the prepared pan (in small portions). Lay the mushrooms upside down. Lay the garlic cloves on top. Try to stack this spicy vegetable on each hat.

So we lay out all our ingredients. Leaving the dill umbrellas in the end.

In order for the mushrooms to be saturated with the aroma of the bay leaf, as best as possible, it should be broken into pieces.

Now we cover everything with a plate. To make it fit as tight as possible. We put a load on top, for example, a three-liter jar of water. Then be sure to put in a cool place.

The next day, be sure to deliver and check whether juice has formed on the surface. If not, then the load on the surface must be increased. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, try to do everything right in advance. Otherwise, your ambassador will simply become moldy.

I will be pickling milk mushrooms for 1-1.5 months. This is the time according to general recommendations. But despite it, many try their blanks after 2 weeks. I advise you not to risk your health, and be sure to refrain.

After the time has elapsed, arrange the pickles in jars and lower them into the cellar for further storage. Such mushrooms can stand until the very spring. And what an amazing spicy taste they have.

How to salt black mushrooms in a cold way

Black milk mushrooms are an ideal lactic for salting. That's what most experienced mushroom eaters say. The thing is that they retain their taste and strength much longer. And when salted in jars, it acquires a beautiful purple-cherry color.

To make your mushrooms crispy, be sure to soak them in cold water for 3-4 days before salting. Every day, changing the water 3 times, at least.

We will need:

  • milk mushrooms - 1 kg.
  • salt - 2 tablespoons
  • dill umbrella - 2 pcs.
  • black peppercorns and allspice
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.


1. Initially, it is necessary to prepare the dishes in which we will produce salting. In our case, these are banks. Our task before the whole process is to pour boiling water over them.

Do the same with dill umbrellas, so to speak, additionally disinfecting them.

2. Put dill in sterilized and cooled jars. Next, we fall asleep garlic cloves, cutting them into plates in advance. We also put salt, pepper and bay leaf here.

Then put a layer of processed mushrooms. In this way we shift all our ingredients. That is, a layer of seasonings, then a mushroom. We repeat again and so on to the very top.

In the end, our task is to create a certain load on the surface. You can use a small lid that fits freely into the opening of the jar, and insert something heavy on top. If there is nothing suitable, use ordinary wooden sticks instead of oppression. Putting them in and laying them crosswise on the lid.

When the pickle comes up to readiness, carefully remove it and proceed to the sample.

Salting of this type of fungus occurs within a month and a half. Since the method is cold, therefore, the salting period also increases. Storage of such a workpiece is subject to a very long time. The main thing is to comply with storage standards, most importantly it should be a cool place.

Video on how to pickle milk mushrooms at home

The author of this recipe suggests that we salt the white milk mushrooms in a cold way. As additional seasonings, he uses horseradish root, bunches of dill, rock salt and bay leaf. For better packing of mushrooms, we are offered to use a pusher (for potatoes). And that, in my opinion, is a very interesting option. I invite you to read it in more detail...

What else I liked about this short video recipe is that the author initially prepares all the spices. Well, look, finely cut the garlic and dill, mixed it all in one bowl and seasoned with salt. Agree, this greatly simplifies the pickling process.

Our article has come to an end again, it's time to say "bye". All recipes are almost identical to each other. The thing is that they have the same salting method, cold. Thus, this is explained. Despite this, I am sure that you have already noted something for yourself and may have already begun to harvest. I wish you successful undertakings.

Until we meet again friends!

Salted milk mushrooms will decorate any snack table. Preparing this delicious appetizer is not difficult at all. The most commonly used hot salting of milk mushrooms. When using this harvesting method, the bitterness inherent in these mushrooms is guaranteed to be removed, so you don’t have to worry that the pickle will turn out unsuccessful.

Milk mushrooms are conditionally edible mushrooms. This means that for safe consumption, they must be cooked properly. But improperly cooked milk mushrooms can cause serious poisoning.

First of all, mushrooms need to be cleaned. This is a rather tedious and painstaking work, since on inside mushrooms must eat particles of earth, needles and other forest debris. After clearing the mushrooms of debris, immerse the milk mushrooms in water. You need to use a large container so that the mushrooms are completely covered with water.

Soak for at least six hours, periodically changing the water. Such preparation allows us to solve two problems at once. First, the water will remove the dirt. Secondly, milk mushrooms will lose some of their bitterness.

Next, it will be possible to cut the milk mushrooms into several parts, but you can leave the mushrooms whole. They are cut, usually if they plan to salt in jars, since large mushrooms simply will not go into a narrow neck. When salting in a bucket or other container with a wide top, it is not necessary to cut the mushrooms.

When salting mushrooms, spices are used. Most often, dill is used - umbrellas and dry seeds, garlic, bay leaf, allspice and black peppercorns.

You need to store salted milk mushrooms in a refrigerator or cellar, the optimum storage temperature is + 3-5 degrees. It is impossible to freeze mushrooms or keep them warm, the workpiece will deteriorate. It is important to ensure that the mushrooms are constantly covered with brine. If there is not enough brine, you need to pour cold boiled water into the container with mushrooms. Salted milk mushrooms are served with onions and butter. In addition, they can be used to prepare salads and other dishes.

Interesting facts: despite the fact that the mushroom is just a conditionally edible mushroom, our ancestors greatly appreciated it. So in Siberia, the mushroom got the name "Kings of mushrooms."

A quick recipe for salting milk mushrooms in jars

To begin with, we present quick recipe preparation of salted mushrooms. With this method of preparation, I do not use long soaking. Mushrooms are spicy with a slight bitterness.

  • 3 kg of mushrooms;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt for each leaf of water;
  • 5-7 oak leaves;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 5-7 dill umbrellas.

Read also: Salad "Desyatochka" for the winter with eggplant - 5 recipes

Thoroughly clean the mushrooms from adhering debris. We soak them for 1 hour in water to make it easier to wash off the dirt, and gently clean them with a brush from grains of sand and dirt. Then rinse again by rinsing under running water. We cut the mushrooms into pieces so that they can be placed in glass jars.

Pour water into the pan, add two tablespoons of salt for each liter, put on fire. As the brine boils, put the prepared milk mushrooms. As it boils, we reduce the fire and cook, periodically removing the foam and stirring. Add bay leaf and peppercorns.

You need to cook until the brine becomes transparent, and the milk mushrooms themselves settle to the bottom of the pan. As a rule, it takes 20-30 minutes to cook. We shift the cooked mushrooms with a slotted spoon to a colander. We do not pour out the brine.

Let the milk mushrooms cool down a bit, then lay them out in jars, which were previously washed clean and warmed up in the oven. We filter the brine by putting clean, boiled gauze, folded in three or four layers, into a colander. Bring the filtered brine to a boil and pour it into jars.

We check that there are no voids left on the walls of the jar. If air bubbles are visible, shake the jar several times to remove them. Pour the brine so that it reaches the edges of the jar. We cover the jars with plastic lids, cool and put in the refrigerator or take them to the cellar. After 40 days, salted milk mushrooms are ready.

Salt black milk mushrooms in a hot way

If you have collected or purchased black milk mushrooms on the market, then you can pickle them according to the following recipe.

  • 1.5 kg of black mushrooms;
  • 4 liters of water (for cooking) and 1 liter for brine;
  • 6 tablespoons of salt for cooking and 6 more spoons for brine;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 15 black peppercorns;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 1 bud of cloves;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 5-7 dill umbrellas.

Thoroughly rinse and clean black mushrooms as above. Rinse the mushrooms well with a brush again under running water and put them in a container. Pour cold water and soak for three hours. This soaking removes bitterness. If you like the slightly bitter taste of salted mushrooms, then you do not need to soak the mushrooms, the main bitterness will go away when boiled.

Read also: Butter caviar for the winter - 5 recipes

We put a large saucepan with 4 liters of water, add salt and bring to a boil. We lower the milk mushrooms into salted boiling water and cook for 20-30 minutes, removing the foam. The main readiness guideline is that the mushrooms sink to the bottom. Throw ready mushrooms in a colander.

Prepare the brine in a separate bowl. Pour a liter of water with salt into the pan, add bay leaf and both types of peppercorns. We boil the brine for five minutes, a minute before readiness we put dill umbrellas.

The mushrooms, which have long been valued, are, nevertheless, conditionally edible, therefore, before cooking, they should be processed - soaked or boiled.

At right technology cooking milk mushrooms become not only tasty, but also useful. These mushrooms are a source of protein (there is more of it than chicken meat), vitamins, and even substances that dissolve kidney stones.

Blankets from milk mushrooms are very popular. White mushrooms - how to salt or pickle, but it is the pickled ones that are stored longer and safer. Please your family and cook pickled milk mushrooms for the winter, the cooking recipes collected here will help you make it delicious.


  • For 1.5 kg of mushrooms -
  • 50 ml of vinegar 9%;
  • 5 pieces. black peppercorns;
  • 3 tsp salt;
  • 1 bud of cloves;
  • 1 liter of water.

Pickled mushrooms step by step recipe:

  1. Fresh milk mushrooms are thoroughly cleaned of adhering dirt (it is convenient to do this with a small toothbrush), and then washed under running water. We soak clean, beautiful mushrooms for half a day or a day.
  2. We drain the water after soaking, cut the larger mushrooms, cut the small ones as they are.
  3. Throw the mushrooms into boiling water and cook for 20 minutes. After boiling, pour out the water, and wash the mushrooms.
  4. Fill the milk mushrooms with fresh water (this will be the marinade) so that it slightly covers the mushrooms. We throw salt and spices to them and boil for 20 minutes. Then carefully pour in the vinegar and stir.
  5. Mushrooms immediately put in prepared jars and pour marinade. Seal tightly with lids, after boiling them. We wrap the jars in something warm until they cool completely.

Hot pickled mushrooms for the winter

Pretty simple marinating recipe. It is interesting that the marinade contains cinnamon: it gives the dish an interesting sweetish taste. If you are not sure what you like, use less cinnamon than in the recipe.

In addition, sterilizing jars before sealing is considered a more reliable way to preserve canned food than simply boiling and bottling.


  • For 2 kg of boiled mushrooms -
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 200 ml of vinegar 5%;
  • 10 peas of allspice;
  • 6 g of citric acid;
  • 4 cloves;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon.

Pickled milk mushrooms for the winter recipe:

  1. We carefully clean the freshly picked mushrooms with a brush from dirt and debris, and then rinse under the tap.
  2. Boil mushrooms for about 20 minutes, filter, rinse again.
  3. We sterilize the jars and put the mushrooms in them. Too large can be cut into pieces.
  4. We prepare the spicy marinade: pour the right amount of water into the pan, dissolve the salt, sugar and heat to a boil. We filter the boiled liquid through a cloth or a thick sieve, since the salt is not very clean.
  5. When the strained brine boils again, add pepper, cinnamon, cloves, vinegar and citric acid, cook for a couple of minutes and pour the mushrooms.
  6. We cover the jars with lids (but do not seal hermetically) and put them in a wide pan for sterilization. If there is no special grid, then several layers of fabric are laid on the bottom of the pan. We preheat the water in the pan to 60 degrees (placed in cold water, jars with hot marinade may burst).
  7. On a small fire, heat the water in a saucepan to 100 degrees and sterilize the mushrooms: half-liter jars - half an hour, liter jars - 10 minutes longer.
  8. When sterilization is over, we roll up the jars with the same lids and cool them upside down.

Recipe for pickled mushrooms for the winter in tomato sauce

Good dish for everyday or festive table. Young whole mushrooms in a tomato will look especially beautiful. They are combined with spaghetti, rice, potatoes or served as an independent snack.


  • For 2 kg of mushrooms -
  • 370 ml tomato paste;
  • 50 ml of vinegar 9%;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 3 onions;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 0.5 st. l. salt;
  • 0.5 st. sunflower oil.

How to pickle milk mushrooms for the winter in jars:

  1. We remove the earth and debris from the mushrooms, rinse thoroughly under running water.
  2. Finely chop the clean mushrooms, pour hot water in a large saucepan. The water should be two fingers above the mushrooms.
  3. On a small fire, boil the mushrooms for a quarter of an hour after boiling. Foam will constantly appear, it must be removed. We filter the boiled mushrooms and rinse with running water.
  4. Meanwhile, cut the onion into rings and fry until golden brown in sunflower oil. It is better to do this in a deep saucepan, because we will also throw mushrooms there. When the onion is fried, put sugar, mix and fry for another 3 minutes.
  5. We put mushrooms, pepper and bay leaf to the onion, salt, mix well and fry for 10 minutes.
  6. Stir the tomato paste into the mixture of mushrooms and onions, simmer for 10 minutes. Be sure to stir, as it sticks strongly to the bottom of the saucepan.
  7. Pour in the vinegar, mix well and lay out in sterilized jars. We cork with boiled lids and put them upside down under the covers until completely cooled.

Recipe for pickled mushrooms for the winter in jars with garlic

A good recipe for those who love savory snacks. Milk mushrooms marinated with garlic acquire a bright, unusual taste. The longer these mushrooms are stored, the brighter their garlic flavor becomes.


  • For 1 kg of mushrooms -
  • 25 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 5 cloves;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tsp vinegar 9%;
  • 1 liter of water.

Hot pickled mushrooms with vinegar:

  1. We soak the peeled milk mushrooms overnight in cold water, after which we carefully rinse under the tap. We cut very large specimens into two or more parts.
  2. We put the mushrooms in a deep saucepan, fill it with water and cook for 13-15 minutes. We remove the foam that appears. After boiling, wash the milk mushrooms.
  3. Bring the water for the marinade to a boil, add spices, salt and sugar. Boil everything together for 5 minutes.
  4. We throw the washed milk mushrooms into the boiling brine and cook for half an hour. Then we take out the mushrooms, and carefully pour vinegar into the brine.
  5. We wash and sterilize the jars, boil the lids. We distribute the garlic cloves in jars, fill them with mushrooms, and then pour in the boiling marinade. Seal tightly with lids and keep warm until completely cold.

mushroom salad

Mushrooms and various vegetables are always a good combination, and milk mushrooms are no exception. Such winter salad makes a great winter snack. Hearty, with an unusual taste, well suited for fasting. Salad is served chilled with hot dishes.


  • For 2 kg of mushrooms -
  • 20 ml of 70% vinegar essence;
  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg of onion;
  • 1 st. l. salt;
  • 1/2 st. sunflower oil.

How to pickle milk mushrooms for the winter:

  1. We carefully clean the mushrooms with a brush, soak and rinse for several hours.
  2. Mushrooms prepared in accordance with all the rules are cut into pieces and boiled in salt water. If foam rises, remove it. Cook until the mushrooms lie on the bottom of the pan. Then we separate the mushrooms from the water and dry them.
  3. Wash the tomatoes, blanch and remove the skin from them. After coarsely chop and fry to become soft.
  4. We heat the sunflower oil in a saucepan and fry the mushrooms with salt in it for 10 minutes.
  5. While the mushrooms are fried, cut the onion into half rings and fry it until golden.
  6. Put onions and tomatoes to the mushrooms, add vinegar and mix well. Simmer the mixture for half an hour over low heat. Do not forget to stir constantly, as it can burn!
  7. Ready hot salad Pour into sterilized jars and seal. Keep the jars of lettuce under the covers until they are completely cool.

Caviar from milk mushrooms

An excellent appetizer that can be used both on its own and for making sandwiches, stuffed eggs, stuffing for pies and other dishes. The advantage of caviar is also that mushrooms that have lost their beautiful appearance during transport or handling. The greens in the composition give the caviar a special taste and aroma.


  • For 2.5 kg of mushrooms -
  • 320 g of onion;
  • 200 ml vegetable oil;
  • 90 g of salt;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 ml of vinegar 9%;
  • 3 currant leaves;
  • 3 cherry leaves;
  • 2 green dill umbrellas;
  • 1 bunch of celery.

Cooking steps:

  1. We clean freshly picked mushrooms with a brush under running water. To make it more convenient to cook, we cut large milk mushrooms into several parts, do not touch the small ones.
  2. Put the mushrooms in a large saucepan and sprinkle with salt. Then fill with water so that it is slightly higher than the mushrooms. Cook for half an hour, removing the foam. It shouldn't boil too hard.
  3. In order not to waste time, cut the onion into small cubes, finely chop the garlic with a knife or rub it on a grater.
  4. Throw the onion and garlic into the heated oil and fry for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. My boiled milk mushrooms boiled water and cool. After cooling, grind in a meat grinder or blender. You can grind very finely, like a pate, or larger, so that you can feel the pieces of mushrooms.
  6. We wash celery greens, cherry and currant leaves, dill umbrellas in several waters. We dry them.
  7. In a saucepan, mix minced mushrooms, onion with garlic and herbs. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for an hour. Be sure to stir: it can burn! At the very end of the stew, add vinegar and mix well again.
  8. We lay out the caviar in pre-sterilized jars and roll up.

What is better to salt or pickle milk mushrooms? Pickled milk mushrooms (regardless of the method of preparation) acquire an unusual aroma, become more fleshy and are better absorbed. They can be served at the table as a separate snack, seasoned with onions and vegetable oil, added to salads, cereals or other dishes.

Store canned food from pickled milk mushrooms in a dark, cool place.

Milk mushrooms are divided into several types, but the most popular and common:

  • white;
  • yellow;
  • black.

It is easy to recognize the first two types of "overweight" mushrooms - by their characteristic light shade. But only mushroom pickers with experience know what blackies look like. Surprisingly, the color of this representative of eukaryotic organisms can vary even within a species, grading from dirty olive to dark brown. These mushrooms grow in families. Them distinguishing feature- the presence of villi around the circumference of the cap. The edges of the “cap” look down, and the older the mushroom, the larger the depression in it.

The main thing to remember when bringing milk mushrooms into the house is that they are classified as conditionally edible. It is strictly forbidden to eat them raw, even for the sake of testing.

Preliminary preparation

Before salting with mushrooms, you will have to tinker in five stages.

  1. Casting. Arriving home with a full basket of "catch", it should be sorted out. Mushrooms that have a non-marketable appearance will have to be sent to the trash can. The same applies to broken specimens: you can salt the “wreckage”, but whether it will be pleasant for you to eat them in winter is the question.
  2. Bath procedures. Each mushroom must be washed under running water before soaking. Can be used for this toothbrush with soft fur. This device, atypical for the kitchen, will help remove particles of sand, dust, needles that have settled on the leg and hat of the forest guest.
  3. Soak. A large plastic bowl will do for this pretreatment step. You can also soak in a plastic bucket, if there is not so much space in the kitchen, and there is simply nowhere to put a voluminous basin. Each mushroom must be turned upside down, carefully placed in a container. It remains to fill the contents with cold water, change the liquid within two to three days. If the room is cool, you can change the water once a day. If, on the contrary, it is quite warm, then at least three times a day.
  4. Ambassador. On the last day of soaking, the water that replaced the previous one can be slightly salted. The main ambassador is yet to come, this is only a preliminary one.
  5. Flushing. After soaking, the product must be rinsed again under running water. Only after that the forest gifts will be completely ready for the next stage of preparation.

Cooking milk mushrooms without pre-soaking is not recommended. fresh mushroom bittersweet than chili peppers. And the main task water procedures"- to deprive the product of the bitterness accumulated in it.

2 thermal methods

Eating a breast brought from the forest immediately after cooking will not work. Before enjoying the taste of this delicacy product, it will have to be thoroughly soaked. Milk mushrooms are not eaten without preliminary soaking. By the way, in Ancient Russia this mushroom was an ingredient in the most intricate dishes that were served to the table of the nobility. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid, so the forest dweller was not only eaten, but also treated with it. Nowadays, there are two methods of salting.


Peculiarity. First, the mushrooms must be slightly boiled. To do this, add a couple of tablespoons of salt to a 10-liter saucepan. Put the dishes on the fire, bring the liquid to a boil - and send the mushrooms into it for 20-25 minutes. Both for boiling and for subsequent salting, only ordinary table salt is used. Spice with additives, iodized or marine are not suitable for the process.

Grocery set:

  • milk mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • pure water - 2 l;
  • salt - two tablespoons;
  • garlic - one head;
  • bay leaf - two;
  • horseradish leaf - one;
  • dill seeds - a teaspoon;
  • sunflower oil.

What do we do

  1. First, prepare the brine by dissolving the indicated amount of salt in water. If there are more raw materials than indicated in the recipe, increase both the amount of salt and the volume of water according to the available proportions.
  2. Drain hot water from boiled mushrooms, pour them with prepared brine.
  3. Add dill seed, black pepper, bay leaf to the brine, put the pan on the stove, cook for about ten minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat, add peeled garlic cloves and horseradish to the pan, set the oppression directly on the mushrooms. Let the contents cool down room temperature. It is important that all this time the mushrooms are completely covered with brine.
  5. After complete cooling, we remove the container with mushrooms in a cool place (preferably in the cellar), and, without removing the oppression, leave it in the dark for five to six days.
  6. By the end of the period of "imprisonment" of mushrooms in an impromptu dungeon, we prepare jars for packaging: they can be calcined in the oven or sterilized by pouring boiling water over glass containers several times.
  7. We pack the mushrooms in jars, carefully laying the mushrooms with their hats down, fill them with the same brine in which they languished before.
  8. In each jar filled with mushrooms, add a tablespoon of sunflower oil, after which we cover the container with a nylon lid and put it in the refrigerator.

Milk mushrooms salted according to this recipe are ready to eat in 14 days. Young mushrooms can "reach" before the specified period.


Peculiarity. In a cold way, it is best to salt white milk mushrooms, doing this not in a pan, but in a barrel. Of course, only if you have where to put this barrel. The basement or cellar is the most suitable place for storage. In addition to the barrel, you will need additional accessories. First of all, it is a sterilized oppression. Sterilization consists in a one-time scalding with boiling water. You also need a pre-sterilized circle made of natural wood, a large amount of gauze. This method is sometimes called dry because it does not involve the use of additional liquid.

Grocery set:

  • milk mushrooms - 10 kg;
  • table salt - 0.4 kg;
  • garlic - ten heads;
  • dill stalks - seven pieces;
  • horseradish leaves - five pieces;
  • currant leaves;
  • cherry leaves.

What do we do

  1. Washed under running water after soaking, put the milk mushrooms in a barrel in layers, alternately sprinkling each with salt, shifting with currant and cherry leaves, as well as dill stems.
  2. After laying the contents, we cover the mushrooms with wide leaves of horseradish, and on top of them - with several layers of clean gauze.
  3. We put a wooden circle on top of the gauze, put a sterilized oppression on it.
  4. If we notice that too little brine is released, we change the set oppression to a more weighty one.
  5. We keep the mushrooms under oppression for about a month, and after that we begin to try the delicacy.

If you find mold in the barrel, the entire moldy layer of mushrooms will have to be sent to the trash can. The gauze should be changed, and the wooden circle and oppression should be further sterilized before reinstallation.

"Color" variations of salting

Cold-cooked salted milk mushrooms are a real delight for connoisseurs and gourmets. However, it is almost impossible to implement a recipe in a city apartment. The reason is not only in the lack of free space for installing the keg, but also in unsuitable temperature conditions. However, you always have an alternative - pickle mushrooms under nylon or pickle under a tin lid. Below are three recipes for black, white and yellow mushrooms.

Fried whites in tomato

Peculiarity. It is believed that this method of preservation is most relevant for white mushrooms. The reason lies solely in the aesthetic component. White in red looks more effective than dark brown or yellow. Therefore, by and large, the recipe can be used to prepare any kind of mushrooms, especially the smallest and youngest.

Grocery set:

  • white milk mushrooms - 4 kg;
  • water - 5 l;
  • vegetable oil - 0.25 l;
  • onions - six large heads;
  • 9% vinegar - half a glass;
  • black pepper - ten peas;
  • laurel - four leaves;
  • tomato paste - 0.75 kg;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • salt - to taste.

What do we do

  1. Boil pre-soaked milk mushrooms in boiling water for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Turn off the stove, drain the contents of the pan into a colander, leave for another 15 minutes, so that all the water accumulated in the mushrooms glass into the sink.
  3. Pour the specified amount of refined vegetable oil into a deep frying pan, throw onion cut into half rings.
  4. After three minutes, add sugar to the onion, mix thoroughly until the latter is dissolved, fry for the same amount of time.
  5. We send mushrooms and all spices to the pan. Salt to your taste.
  6. After ten minutes, put the entire volume of tomato paste into the pan and simmer for another ten minutes.
  7. Before turning off the stove, add vinegar, instantly mix the contents of the pan, and lay it out as quickly as possible in the pre-sterilized jars.
  8. We roll the container under tin lids, turn it upside down until morning, wrap it in a warm blanket.

According to a similar recipe, you can preserve volushki and mushrooms, but these mushrooms do not need to be soaked beforehand. It is enough to boil for 15 minutes in boiling water.

Salted blacks in a jar

Peculiarity. According to this recipe, it is convenient to salt black milk mushrooms in a city apartment. Neither a barrel, nor oppression, nor a cellar will be needed. But the delicacy will turn out to be no less tasty than the housewives in Ancient Russia. Banks filled with forest gifts are covered with nylon lids and stored in the refrigerator. The product matures for about 30 days, after which it becomes completely ready to be sent to the gourmet's stomach.

Grocery set:

  • black milk mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • table salt - two or three tablespoons;
  • dill umbrellas - three;
  • dill stalks - five or six;
  • garlic - two cloves in each jar;
  • dried laurel;
  • cherry and currant leaves;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • salt.

What do we do

  1. We spread the bottom of each jar with leaves of horseradish, cherries and currants mixed, put a few leaves of laurel on top.
  2. We carefully tamp the mushrooms, laying them with their legs up, sprinkling with salt and shifting with dill stalks.
  3. From above, we “cover” the last layer of mushrooms with a dill umbrella, and it with a piece of clean gauze folded several times. It is important not to touch the mushrooms with dirty hands, so it is better to carry out manipulations with gloves.

Mistresses are advised to take a liter container. It is important to pack the mushrooms tightly so that the juice is released as actively as possible. Horseradish leaves can be replaced with cabbage leaves.

Pickled yellow in Polish

Peculiarity. Pickled yellow milk mushroom salad is very popular in Poland. Approximately, as we have salted tomatoes or lightly salted cucumbers. But those who prepare such a salad for the first time should take into account its specific garlic flavor. For the first time, cook just a couple of servings, and if you and your household like it, prepare it for future use - so that there is enough “silent hunting” until the next season.

Grocery set:

  • yellow milk mushrooms - 2 kg;
  • clean drinking water- 3 l;
  • salt - one fifth of a glass;
  • sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • laurel - one leaf;
  • garlic - five large heads;
  • 9% vinegar - one fifth of a glass;
  • dried cloves - three buds;
  • currant and cherry leaves - three or four each.

What do we do

  1. In the indicated volume of water, dissolve table salt in the amount of two tablespoons, boil the liquid.
  2. We send mushrooms to the pan, cook in boiling water for about 15 minutes.
  3. We drain the water, and throw the main ingredient into a colander so that the water is glass.
  4. We prepare the brine: boil a liter of water, add all the spices and garlic to it, pour the indicated amount of sugar and two tablespoons of salt.
  5. We throw leaves into the brine, then mushrooms, and boil again in a fragrant liquid for about ten minutes.
  6. We shift the milk mushrooms into a glass, pre-sterilized container, pour 0.03 liters of acetic acid into each jar, pour hot brine, roll it under tin lids.

From the indicated amount of ingredients, two glass jars of preservation with a volume of 1 liter each should be obtained.

Shelf life

When organizing a home “cannery”, you should remember about the shelf life of products prepared for the winter. The table will tell you how long you can store mushrooms cooked in different ways.

Table - Shelf life of blanks from milk mushrooms

It is strictly forbidden to roll salted mushrooms under a tin cover so as not to create fertile soil for the development of botulism.

It is believed that pickling, which involves pre-boiling the main ingredient, is a safer way to harvest. Additional heat treatment disinfects mushrooms, destroys toxins lurking in them. According to any of the proposed recipes, you can also cook dry milk mushrooms, popularly referred to as podgruzdki. The choice of this type of mushroom greatly simplifies the task for the hostess, reduces the duration of the culinary process. And all because the loaders are not bitter, which means that there is no need to soak them.

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