Cowshed mushrooms - benefits and harms. Mushroom cowshed edible or not What are cowshed mushrooms called

How to cook and marinate barn mushrooms deliciously for the winter - to answer the question, you will need knowledge of several theoretical points and instructions for harvesting healthy pickles.

Mushrooms are plants of increased danger, so it is important to take responsibility for performing simple operations.

The benefits and harms of the fungus

First of all, let's analyze the negative aspects of eating pickled mushrooms:

  • it is not recommended to eat such food after 6 pm, but this applies to any dishes;
  • in the manufacture of marinades, vinegar is used, which does not add pleasant moments to people with gastritis and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pigs are conditionally edible mushrooms, they, like everyone else, accumulate heavy metals and other substances hazardous to human health. Therefore, it is not recommended to collect valuables near industrial facilities and roads or buy them in spontaneous markets.

Mushrooms have more useful properties:

  • the product includes a complete set of multivitamins;
  • healthy metals, macro- and microelements;
  • in terms of protein content, they are even ahead of chicken eggs, but we recall that it is vegetable;
  • in pickled, especially thermally processed, the content of nutrients decreases, dried mushrooms are more useful, but they do not have such an exquisite taste;
  • the contained amino acids contribute to the normalization of digestion processes and the breakdown of cholesterol and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • the low calorie content of cowsheds will allow them to be used in the preparation of dietary dishes;
  • the use of dishes from valuev supports the body's immune system and reduces the risk of oncology.

How to properly prepare mushrooms

Preparing mushrooms at home and camping is easy:

  • It is better to collect young small fungi with a hat that has not opened, without traces of rot or damage to the hats.
  • Valui must be subjected to long water procedures in order to remove the bitter milky juice from the pulp.
  • A small load must be placed on top so that the pigs are completely immersed in water. The task of the first soaking of mushrooms is to wash off the sticky base from the hats and forest debris.
  • It is recommended to salt the water, so all the worms will crawl out of the mushrooms 100%. The term of 1 soaking is 10-12 hours.
  • The liquid is drained into the sewer, a pot half-filled with water is placed next to it, cleaned, washed milk mushrooms will be put here. Garbage is brushed off, and the leg is cut with a knife and places with rot or damaged plates are removed.
  • After washing all the mushrooms, put oppression in the pan and soak the milk mushrooms for 2 days, changing the water up to 4 times daily.

After completing a full washing cycle and removing bitterness, you can start marinating cowsheds for the winter.

Recipes for pigs for the winter

For this method of harvesting, it is important to prepare a quality marinade. Let us analyze in more detail the process of preparing 2 compositions of liquid for canning.

Quick marinade recipe

Cooking quickly and tasty will help the recipe for quick marinade cooking:

  • for each kilogram of mushrooms, 400-500 milliliters of water and up to 20 grams of coarse salt are used;
  • pour water into a saucepan, add salt, 10-20 grams of sugar and bring to a boil over high heat;
  • after thoroughly mixing the brine, it is filtered through several layers of gauze, put the pan on the fire and add up to 6 grams of citric acid, 5-6 pieces of allspice. It is recommended to add cloves, cinnamon and other spices, but this is purely individual;
  • the water boils, the marinade is poured into jars with mushrooms and the process of harvesting milk mushrooms for the winter continues.

Universal marinade

To deliciously marinate mushrooms of different types, knowledge of a special recipe is useful.

The cooking process is similar to the fast method. The difference is that mushrooms are boiled in such a marinade for 20-30 minutes, then milk mushrooms and spices are laid out in jars and completely filled with marinade. For 1 liter of water you will need:

  • 80-100 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 40 grams of food salt;
  • A 100-gram shot of 9% vinegar and a full range of spices and spices to taste.

Pigs with garlic and pepper

To prepare a spicy cold appetizer with a delicious smell of garlic, perform the following list of works:

  • 1 kilogram of cowsheds is boiled in several waters for 10-15 minutes, and after each boiling they are cooled under running water. So it is possible to reduce the cooking time and quickly remove bitterness;
  • after the last blanching, milk mushrooms are thrown onto a sieve and allowed to drain excess water;
  • prepare a universal marinade for 2 liters of water;
  • 3-4 chopped garlic cloves are added to the fungi, mixed;
  • at the bottom of each jar put 1 umbrella of dill, peppercorns and mushrooms with garlic. Fully and tightly fill the jars with milk mushrooms and pour them with hot marinade. It remains to seal the containers tightly and leave them to cool completely.

The classic way of salting for the winter

For the classic recipe for the cold method of salting pigs, you will need to perform a few simple operations:

  • it is necessary to salt in wooden barrels, enameled or glassware, which, before starting work, are thoroughly washed with mustard powder and scalded with boiling water or sterilized;
  • for every 1 kilogram of mushrooms add 40 grams of coarse salt. Milk mushrooms with salt are thoroughly mixed;
  • the bottom of the barrel is filled with a part of a set of spices and spices. For every kilogram of pigs, 5-6 peas of allspice are used, several large dill umbrellas with seeds, but without stems. The bottom is additionally covered with several whole leaves of horseradish;

  • soaked mushrooms with salt are laid in layers, shifting them with a layer of spices. So they reach almost to the top, the last row is covered with blackcurrant leaves. A gauze napkin is laid on top and a load is placed so that the pigs are completely hidden under a layer of juice;
  • with a frequency of 1 time in 2-3 days, rinse and scald a napkin with boiling water, remove the foam and, if necessary, add salted water.

Pickles are stored in the cellar at a maximum temperature of 15-18 or in the refrigerator.

Valui marinated with vinegar essence

Acetic essence can be used in the preparation of any recipe for pickled mushrooms, but you will need to calculate the proportion and add not 50 milligrams, but 1 teaspoon. Here is one of the recipes for making crispy mushrooms using the essence:

  • 2 kilograms of cowsheds are laid out in salt water and boiled for 25-30 minutes over low heat. Particular attention is paid to the removal of foam;
  • put milk mushrooms in a colander, drain the old brine, pour clean water, put mushrooms, add 150 grams of salt, allspice - 10 pieces of peas, 5-7 leaves of parsley and 2 tablespoons of essence;
  • bring to a boil over high heat and reduce the heat to a minimum, stirring constantly, simmer the valui for 25-30 minutes.

After extinguishing the fire, the mushrooms are allowed to cool directly in the marinade; decomposed into jars, covered with nylon lids and cleaned in the basement or refrigerator. If it is planned to roll the valui into banks, they are immediately laid out and rolled up in sterilized containers.

Canned barns in jars

It is necessary to preserve pigs in several stages:

  • to prepare mushroom salad with vegetables, boil soaked cowsheds in salted water for 40 minutes, cool under running water and lean back into a colander to drain excess moisture;

  • fungi are cut into medium-sized pieces so as not to chase milk mushrooms on a plate;
  • chopped pigs are laid out in a pan and lightly fried without oil until the juice evaporates;
  • 1 kilogram of tomatoes, sweet peppers, 500 grams of onions and 700 grams of carrots are cut into small pieces;
  • stew tomatoes in hot oil for 5 minutes, add a layer of onion, chopped milk mushrooms and bell pepper. Stirring constantly, vegetables and mushrooms are stewed for 5-7 minutes;
  • carrots, 50 grams of salt, 70 grams of sugar are added to the salad, the pan is covered with a lid and the salad is simmered over low heat for 45-50 minutes. Pour a 100-gram stack of 9% table vinegar;
  • lay out a vegetable salad with mushrooms in sterilized jars and tightly roll up the lids.

Storage rules

Recall that cowsheds are conditionally edible mushrooms. The safety of the family is 50% dependent on the collection and preparation of food. The remaining 50% is allocated to compliance with storage rules.

If pickled valui are rolled up with airtight lids on glass jars, it is easy to ensure safe storage conditions. It is enough to remove the pickles in the pantry or even under the bed. The main thing is that direct sunlight does not fall into this place, and storage places are not in close proximity to heating appliances and household appliances.

At the first sign of swelling of the jars, the contents can still be digested, add an increased percentage of vinegar and roll up the lids again or use such pickles in the first place. If the jar "exploded", such a cork must be thrown away, it is forbidden to eat such products.

It is more difficult to organize the storage of salted or fermented pigs in barrels or other containers that are not hermetically sealed with lids. Such pickles need to be constantly monitored for mold and rot, constantly changing or scalding gauze pads and adding a layer of juice.

If the first spots of mold appear, completely remove the top row of mushrooms and pour 150-200 grams of sunflower oil or vodka into a container - this will avoid further spread of rot.

Important! The maximum shelf life of homemade mushroom preparations is 9 months. Open jars of large volume with pickled pigs are stored only in the refrigerator for 7-8 days from the moment of opening.


Pickled cowsheds are easy to prepare for the winter. Collecting such milk mushrooms is easy, just find a few friendly seeds of young fungi, and the collection plan will be completed. Recipes for cooking and preparatory work will not cause difficulties for novice housewives. A minimum set of simple work will allow you to quickly and efficiently prepare delicious valui for the whole winter.

Cowshed mushrooms (pigs, pigs) until the 80s of the last century were classified as edible, but in recent years they have been classified as poisonous. The reason for this is the ability of mushrooms to accumulate toxins found in the soil and the environment, as well as the fact that cowsheds produce muscarine, a poison similar to that contained in fly agaric. However, despite this, these mushrooms are still harvested for human consumption, but at the same time, clear rules for processing the product must be observed. This is exactly what “Popular about Health” will tell you - how to cook mushrooms, how much to cook them so as not to harm your health?

What is remarkable mushroom cowshed?

Outwardly, the barn is plain, but most users note its pleasant taste, of course, subject to skillful preparation. This fungus accumulates toxic substances if it grows in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions. But almost all mushrooms have such properties, this is not a secret for anyone. Therefore, it is allowed to collect cowsheds only away from roads, factories, industrial enterprises, deep in the forest, where there is clean air.

Another thing is the poison muscarine, it is produced inside mushrooms and is dangerous to health. However, with proper processing of the product, it is possible to neutralize the action of toxins, then you can safely use pigs. Let's take a closer look at how to prepare cowsheds for later use in cooking.

How to soak barns?

Collected mushrooms are not recommended for long-term storage.
needs to be processed immediately. First of all, they should be thoroughly washed, litter and dust removed, after which the cowsheds are subjected to a mandatory three-stage soaking in salt water. 2 teaspoons of salt are diluted in a liter of water, mushrooms are placed in the solution for 5 hours. Then a new saline solution is prepared and the pigs are again sent into it for the same time. Then everything is repeated again - a new solution is prepared and the mushrooms are soaked for another 5 hours. After the procedure is completed, the liquid is drained through a colander, allowed to drain completely.

How long to cook cowsheds?

After soaking, the mushrooms are always boiled, moreover, this process also occurs in three stages. How and how much to cook mushrooms? Let's take a look at this in detail.

1. For each kilogram of the product, one liter of water and a teaspoon of salt are taken. Pigs are placed in cold water, the pan is put on the stove, covered with a lid. After boiling, note 5 minutes, then the water is drained.
2. The second stage of cooking lasts longer. You need to prepare the same solution of water with salt, dip the mushrooms into the pan and let them boil. Let's take 30 minutes. Drain the water again.
3. Again we make a saline solution and put the pigs to boil. At the third stage, after boiling, cook them for exactly 40 minutes. Using a colander, drain the liquid and let the mushrooms drain and cool.

Now the product can be used for salting, marinating or frying.

How to cook pigs?

Cowshed mushrooms can be cooked in different ways. They are good both in a salty form, and in a marinade, as well as fried with potatoes. Pigs are added to salads and stewed in sour cream, but they are never boiled into soups or dried.

Fried cowsheds with potatoes

This is the easiest way to cook pigs. Soaked and thrice boiled mushrooms (0.5 kg) are placed in a pan with vegetable oil, lightly fried. Then add chopped onion rings (take as much as you like). We do not add salt yet, but you can crush the ingredients with pepper. Next, we need 1 kg of potatoes. We clean it and cut it in the usual way. When the onion changes color to golden, send the potatoes to the pan and fry without a lid. Periodically stir the contents until all the potato slices are fried. At the end, add salt and cover the pan with a lid. If desired, you can add chopped garlic and dill for flavor.

Pickled cowsheds

These mushrooms are very tasty in pickled form. Preparing them is pretty easy. For a liter of marinade we take half a glass of vinegar, 20 g of salt, the same amount of sugar, 6 peas of allspice, 8 cloves of garlic (chopped), 4-5 stalks of dill, 2-3 bay leaves. Bring the marinade to a boil. We sterilize the jars, fill them with prepared mushrooms, pour hot marinade to the top. Pour 30 ml of vegetable oil into each jar and roll up. Check the quality of the closure by turning the jars upside down. If the marinade does not flow out, you can wrap the workpieces with an old blanket and let them cool. You can eat pickled pigs in 2-3 weeks.

Cowshed mushrooms are often fried and stewed with sour cream, added to casseroles, omelets, salads. In principle, you can do the same with them as with any other mushrooms, it is only important to correctly carry out the initial preparation of the product in order to neutralize toxins and toxic substances as much as possible. With this approach, you will protect yourself and your family - do not allow poisoning.

So, how much cowsheds should be boiled? Now you know for sure - the first time - 5 minutes, the second - 30, and the third time - 40 minutes. Do not forget about the three-stage soaking of the product, this is very important, because, being in salted water, mushrooms secrete poisons, getting rid of them.

Safe recipes, or how to cook cowshed mushrooms:

When it gets warmer outside, many people gather to pick mushrooms. One of the first mushrooms of the season are cowsheds (pigs). They are very popular, although they are conditionally edible, and in some classifications even poisonous. There is some evidence that regular consumption of this product is a health hazard. But this does not stop lovers of delicious, so they enjoy them with pleasure. They know how to cook cowshed mushrooms! We will find out today too!

A few words about barns

Cowsheds (or pigs) grow in clearings illuminated by the sun. It is not recommended to take a mushroom that has grown near the roadway, as it will contain many harmful substances, which increases the risk of poisoning. Cowsheds should be prepared immediately, as they are not stored for a long time (they turn black, moldy, and so on).

Before cooking, mushrooms are soaked for a while in water, then they are cooked. It should be noted that cowshed mushrooms, the recipes for which we will consider below, are not recommended to be dried and added to soups, they are usually salted and pickled. To do this, choose wooden barrels or containers made of glass, ceramics.

Salting barns

Before salting, the mushrooms are soaked in cool water, washed and boiled. Then they are washed again and laid out in layers in a container, sprinkled with salt and adding horseradish leaves, cherries and currants. You can also put garlic cloves, allspice and dill. Next, gauze is laid on top, oppression is put on and the container is removed in a cold place for forty days. Cowsheds are stored at a temperature not lower than five degrees, otherwise the mushrooms may freeze. It is necessary to add cold water periodically, as the brine may evaporate over time.

Pickled cowsheds

Ingredients: half a glass of table vinegar, two tablespoons of salt, ten cloves of garlic, five stalks of dill, two bay leaves, as well as five black peppercorns, two tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of cinnamon.


Before preparing cowshed mushrooms, they must be soaked, washed and boiled. Boil in salted water for about twenty-five minutes, periodically removing the emerging foam. After that, the mushrooms are removed from the fire and cooled. Pigs are placed in jars prepared in advance, poured with cooled marinade, two tablespoons of sunflower oil are added and rolled up.

Omelet with cowsheds

Ingredients: one glass of boiled mushrooms, one onion, four eggs, two tablespoons of butter, one fourth of sweet pepper, herbs, salt and spices to taste.


The onion is chopped and fried until it becomes transparent. Then pre-boiled and chopped mushrooms are added to it and fried for ten minutes over low heat, salt and pepper. As a result, you will get very appetizing cowsheds (photo). Mushrooms are combined with beaten eggs and fried for another 5-7 minutes. Sprinkle everything on top with chopped bell pepper and chopped herbs. The dish is ready!

Fried cowsheds with sour cream

Ingredients: five hundred grams of young mushrooms, half a glass of sour cream, as well as hard cheese, garlic, onions, parsley and basil, apples, salt and spices to taste, vegetable oil or pork fat.


Before cooking cowshed mushrooms, they should be cleaned and boiled. Then they are washed and cut into pieces. Cowsheds are laid out in a heated pan in fat or vegetable oil and fried for fifteen minutes, avoiding overdrying. Then add onions and seasonings, but do it sparingly to preserve the mushroom flavor and aroma. Mushrooms should be salted at the end of frying, but before that, sour cream is added to them. Then the dish is stewed until cooked. If more sauce is required, sour cream is diluted with milk or mushroom broth. The dish can be served both hot and cold.

Fried cowsheds with potatoes

Ingredients: eight mushrooms, eight potatoes, one onion, half a spoonful of black pepper, thirty grams of vegetable oil, salt to taste.


Before cooking cowshed mushrooms, they are boiled twice in salt water. To do this, the mushrooms are cleaned, washed and cut into medium-sized pieces, poured with water and boiled for twenty-five minutes. Then the cowsheds are thrown into a colander and thoroughly washed with cold water, again set to boil for twenty-five minutes. Then the mushrooms are washed and dried, put in a frying pan, where vegetable oil is first poured, and heated until the excess liquid boils away. Then add the chopped onion and fry for ten minutes, after which they put the chopped potatoes. Everything is fried until the potatoes are ready, until golden brown, stirring occasionally.


Despite the fact that cowsheds are considered to be conditionally edible mushrooms, they are very often used to prepare various dishes. It must be said that they are salted, fried, marinated, cooked in a slow cooker, but they are not recommended to dry and prepare first courses from them. And, of course, everything is good in moderation! Bon appetit!

Cowshed mushrooms - how and how much to cook?

Despite the fact that cowsheds (they are also called pigs) were transferred from the group of conditionally edible mushrooms to poisonous a few years ago, housewives continue to use them for their culinary accomplishments. If you know how to soak the component and how much to cook it, the potential risk can be minimized and even completely eliminated.

Mushrooms are soaked at least three times, in salt water, the exposure time should be at least 5 hours. They are also boiled three times: in the first water for 5 minutes, in the second - 30 minutes, in the third - 40 minutes. It turns out that the entire heat treatment in time should be at least 1 hour and 15 minutes. In addition, before preparing cowsheds, it is worth collecting more information about them, which will reduce the hassle in the kitchen to a minimum.

Useful information about the cowshed mushroom

It is important not only to know how much and how to cook cowsheds until cooked. To make mushrooms tasty and not harm your health, you must always remember the following things:

  • Finished components do not float on the surface of the water, but settle to the bottom of the container.
  • Boiled mushrooms do not have to be immediately put on various dishes. They perfectly tolerate freezing and in this form retain their taste for six months. If necessary, they simply need to be thawed at room temperature and tucked into a short heat treatment.
  • For boiling, it is better to select the youngest cowsheds. They are lighter in color. At the same time, the age of the product does not affect how much it should be boiled.

Tip: Pigs are thin and thick. Despite the difference in appearance, they practically do not differ in composition and taste quality. Despite this, it is better to eat thin copies, because. they are better boiled during heat treatment, while less harmful components accumulate during the growth period.

  • Processing of products should be carried out as quickly as possible, because. slices of such mushrooms darken very quickly. This does not affect the quality of the component in any way, but it spoils the aesthetic appearance a little.
  • Fresh mushrooms are recommended to be stored in the refrigerator, no more than 3 days.

Unfortunately, even compliance with all of these rules cannot guarantee the absence of the risk of toxic or food poisoning. To prepare ordinary cowsheds, you need to have impressive experience and knowledge that only experienced mushroom pickers have.

How to cook a poisonous mushroom so that it becomes edible?

Before cooking the collected mushrooms, they should be cleaned of all rubbish, washed several times in cold water and soaked. Cowsheds are soaked three times, for 5 hours. Each time, clean salted water is used, which is completely drained and replaced with fresh mortar. The components prepared in this way are thrown back into a colander to drain excess moisture.

  • Now we take mushrooms, salt and water. It is important to know how much to take of which component so that the product is not only safe, but also tasty. Experts believe that for 1 kg of cowsheds you need to take 1 liter of water and a teaspoon of fine salt.
  • We put all the ingredients in a saucepan, which we put on a strong fire and bring to a boil. It is strictly forbidden to scald components with boiling water! With this approach, it will be impossible to adequately prepare them.

  • After boiling, the mass should be cooked for 5 minutes over medium heat, preferably under the lid. Then we drain the broth, replace it with fresh cold (!) Water and repeat the manipulation, keeping this time for half an hour. Drain the liquid again and replace it with clean water. Boil the mushrooms for the last time for 40 minutes. This time they should reach full readiness.
  • We throw the boiled components into a sieve or colander, wait until all the water has drained, and the products themselves have cooled. Only after that they can be used for their intended purpose or subjected to freezing.
  • Elements prepared in this way can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days, but they must be filled with the last broth.

Pigs have a dense and pleasant texture, a special taste, a mild aroma and, at the same time, have a low calorie content, which allows the component to be used in diet salads or side dishes. If you learn how to boil the ingredient correctly, it will help diversify the usual dishes. The main thing is to remember all the above rules and strictly follow the requirements of the recipes.

Many housewives prefer to close pigs for the winter. In this case, it is worth considering that no matter how much the barns are subjected to chemical treatment (salting, pickling), the risk of poisoning by such components still remains. Therefore, do not use recipes that do not involve pre-boiling mushrooms.

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How to cook cowshed mushrooms? Fried and pickled mushrooms:

Mushrooms are an excellent source of protein, which is why they are quite popular in many countries. They are served as an independent dish or as an appetizer. But in order for them to turn out tasty and healthy, you need to know how to collect and cook them correctly. After all, some mushrooms are considered poisonous and should not be eaten. In the forest you can find not only noble porcini mushrooms, chanterelles and honey mushrooms, but also less well-known ones, for example, pigs or cowsheds. They are thin and thick. The latter species is recognized as edible. To pamper your family and diversify your diet, you need to know how to cook cowshed mushrooms.

"Forest Meat"

Nutritionists equate mushrooms with meat because they contain a lot of protein. In addition, they are rich in fiber, and the absence of fat and low calorie content make this product extremely valuable. But it should be consumed in moderation, as mushrooms are hard to digest, due to the high content of chitin.

Many fried mushrooms are fraught with great danger to humans - they can be poisonous. Therefore, they must be collected with great care. If there is even the slightest doubt about their quality, it is better to refuse such a product.

You can even get poisoned by edible mushrooms. This can happen when they grow in unfavorable ecological areas or near a road. Mushrooms must be stored and prepared correctly so that they do not cause harm to health.

mushroom preparation

Before cooking, all mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned of debris and earth, and then rinsed thoroughly. Those species that are considered "conditionally edible" need to be boiled and soaked in an vinegar solution. Before frying, the product must dry out. You can use a paper towel to speed up the process. If the mushrooms are very large, you can cut them into smaller pieces, then the cooking will be uniform.

Primary heat treatment

Before boiling cowsheds, they need to be soaked in cold water for several hours. The answer to the question: "How long to cook mushrooms?" depends on how they prepare. Cowsheds are boiled in salted water for about thirty minutes before frying. After that, you need to put them in a colander and let them drain well.

Fried mushrooms with onions

There are several ways to cook cowshed mushrooms. If you need to fry them with onions, then, first of all, the onions are fried in vegetable oil. After that, mushrooms are added and brought to readiness. So that they do not burn, you need to stir them constantly.

As a rule, the product is prepared in about fifteen minutes. The first half of cooking should be fried mushrooms over high heat without a lid, and then you can reduce the flame and cover with a lid. While the dish is languishing, it should be constantly stirred.

Mushrooms in their own juice

The second option, how to cook cowshed mushrooms, also deserves attention. They are very juicy and flavorful. Heat up a cast iron skillet and add the mushrooms. Until the juice stands out, they must be constantly stirred. When the liquid evaporates, pour a little vegetable oil into the pan and fry the product until cooked. If you wish, you can add sour cream at the end.

Salt and spices

Regardless of what kind of mushrooms they are and how they are prepared, they need to be salted a few minutes before they are fully cooked. You can add a little black pepper, it will emphasize the taste of the dish. But seasoning the product with spices and spices is not worth it - odorous components will kill the delicate aroma. Before serving, you can sprinkle the dish with finely chopped fresh dill or onion. Then the delicious mushroom taste will be even better.

Some prefer to fry mushrooms with browned vegetables. Carrots can be grated on a coarse grater or cut into strips and added to the onion.

Marinated pigs

Not all housewives know how to pickle cowshed mushrooms, as they are not very popular. For the marinade, sugar, salt, vinegar and spices are used. If you use wine vinegar instead of regular vinegar, the taste of pigs will become spicier. Boil the mushrooms in the marinade for about ten minutes, and then put them in sterilized jars or serve. If there is no desire to boil, it will be useful to learn how to cook cowshed mushrooms in a marinade in a cold way. To do this, it is enough to fill them with brine.

How to pickle pigs?

For their preparation, it is better to use a wooden barrel if there are a lot of pigs. Mushrooms must first be washed, soaked and boiled, and then laid out in layers, sprinkled with salt. To make them crispy, you can add cherry and horseradish leaves. During the salting process, boiled water should be added, as the brine will evaporate.

To improve the flavor, dill stalks, a few cloves of garlic and allspice are placed. You can eat mushrooms after forty days. It is better to store the container in a room where the temperature does not fall below five degrees Celsius. If the mushroom freezes, then its taste will deteriorate greatly, and the brine will turn sour.

How to cook cowsheds (mushrooms)?

When preparing cowsheds, care must be taken, as this is a conditionally edible mushroom.

Be careful before cooking mushrooms. Do not collect them near roads, within the city.

So the barn imbues carcinogens even more. And your risk of poisoning increases several times.

To protect yourself, you need to soak the cowsheds in water for 2 hours, then drain the water and pour water again for 2 hours.

Collected mushrooms are not subject to storage.

They need to be processed immediately.

Do not take overgrown mushrooms as they are more carcinogens.

Try to take young mushrooms.

There are many ways to cook cowsheds: fried cowsheds, fried cowsheds with potatoes, marinated, make an omelet with them, salt.

Do not just dry cowsheds.

Salted barns

Cowsheds are washed, soaked for 2 hours, washed and soaked again for 2 hours. Cowsheds can be salted whole or chopped.

Salt is not in a metal container. Prepared cowsheds are laid out in layers and each layer is salted (as usual for food).

Shift leaves of horseradish, currant and cherry. You can add garlic cloves (passed through a press), allspice and dill to your taste.

Sterile gauze is laid on top, put oppression, I press a container of water. Water must not get into the mushrooms.

Remove the container with mushrooms in a cold place for 40 days. Ready-made salt barns are stored at a temperature not higher than +5.

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Page 2

How to cook cottage cheese at home

Cottage cheese cooked at home is tastier than store-bought.

Homemade cottage cheese can be used in the preparation of various pies (shortcake with cottage cheese, cottage cheese pie with apples), cakes (Tears of an Angel cake), it makes fantastically delicious dumplings, cottage cheese casseroles and a host of other very tasty dishes.

Cottage cheese prepared at home is very useful for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It should be eaten regularly for anyone with gastritis. Cottage cheese is made from homemade milk.

How to cook cottage cheese at home? - not difficult. The products you need: kefir 5 tablespoons (can be replaced with sour cream or yogurt), milk 0.5 liters.

Milk should be mixed with kefir and put on medium heat, stirring constantly to boil. And heat it until the moment when grains of cottage cheese begin to form. Then throw the mass into a colander on gauze and let it drain, squeeze it out. All homemade cottage cheese is ready.

They also make cottage cheese. They take natural milk and ferment it for 2-3 days on a table in a glass jar (if the milk is not sour, but rotten, it has an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste, this indicates that the milk is powdered, it will not work with cottage cheese). Then the jar is placed in water so that the water level is level with the milk and heated over a fire so that the water boils. In a jar, sour milk will separate into whey and cottage cheese.

Page 3

Marmalade at home

By cooking marmalade at home, you can get both thick jam and boil the mixture to a very thick state (getting marmalade). Marmalade prepared at home is much healthier than store-bought, it is made from completely natural ingredients.

You need very simple products to make homemade marmalade: apples 2 kg, sugar 0.5 kg.

Preparation of marmalade: peel and core apples, cut into pieces. Cook in an enamel saucepan until the apples soften. Add sugar and stir constantly, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to medium and cook until the mass thickens enough (2-3 hours).

Apple mass burns quickly, stir constantly. Put the thickened enough mass on parchment paper greased with butter, smooth with a knife and let it harden.

When the mass has completely cooled, cut into pieces and roll each in sugar. Ready marmalade can be served with tea. Store homemade marmalade in the refrigerator. It keeps for a long time.

Zephyr at home

Thin pancakes with milk

How to cook cowshed mushrooms? fried and pickled mushrooms

Mushrooms are a wonderful dzherelom squirrel, that stench is popular in rich lands. Їx serve as independent grass or as a snack. But if the stench turned out to be savory and brown, it is necessary to know how to choose and cook them correctly. Aje deyaki mushrooms are vvazhayutsya otruynymi and it is not possible to get used to їzhu їх. In foxes, one can find not only noble white mushrooms, chanterelles and honey agaric, but also less, for example, pigs or cows. The stench is thin and thick. The remaining type of confession is true. To help calm your family and morbidity diet, you need to know how to cook cow mushrooms.

"Fox meat"

Dietologists equate mushrooms to meat to the fact that they contain a lot of protein. Until then, the stench is rich in cellular tissue, and the amount of fat and low calorie content allow you to use the product over the top price. Ale, it is necessary to live in yoga calmly, so that mushrooms will conquer importantly, which is enmeshed in a high place of chitin.

Richly lubricated mushrooms to melt in oneself are a great inconvenience for people - the stench can be stinking. Therefore, it is necessary to choose them with great care. If there are any, if you want the least sumnіvi in ​​their quality, it is better to look at such a product.

You can get away with natural mushrooms. Tse can be in quiet weathers, if the stench grows in unfriendly ecological areas or roads. Take care and cook the mushrooms properly, so that the stench does not cause bad health.

preparation of mushrooms

Before cooking, all mushrooms should be thoroughly cleaned from dirt and earth, and then we will clean them well. You see, yak vvazhayutsya "mentally stіvnimi", it is necessary to cook and soak in an ostovom difference. Let the product dry before lubrication. To speed up the process, you can vicorist a paper towel. If the mushrooms are much larger, you can cut them into larger pieces, then the preparation will be equal.

Primary thermal processing

Before that, how to cook barnyards, it is necessary to soak them in cold water for a sprat of a year. Response to nutrition: “Skіlki cook mushrooms?” To lie in order, as the stench will be prepared. Before lubrication, barnyards are immersed in salty water for about thirty hvilins. If so, it is necessary to put them on a drushlyak and give them the opportunity to drain gracefully.

Lubricated mushrooms with qibulei

Іsnuє kіlka ways, how to cook mushrooms korivniki. If it is necessary to anoint them with a cibula, then, in the first line, the cibula is smeared with olive oil. After that, the mushrooms are added and brought to readiness. So that the stench does not burn, it is necessary to constantly stir them up.

As a rule, the product is prepared in about fifteen minutes. For the first half of the preparation, it is necessary to grease the mushrooms on a great fire without a lid, and then you can change half a day and cover with a lid. While the dish will be nagging, next stir yoga.

Mushrooms in wet juice

Another option, how to prepare cow mushrooms, is also merited for respect. The stench comes out more juicy and fragrant. It is necessary to heat the chavun pan well and pick mushrooms there. We haven’t seen sik yet, it’s necessary to post them regularly. If the homeland is boiled, pour a few drops of olive oil into the frying pan and grease the product until cooked. Yakshcho є bazhannya, you can add sour cream in the kіntsi.

Strength and spices

Regardless of how the mushrooms are and how they are prepared, salt them for sprats of whilin until they are ready. You can add a little bit of black pepper, wine to add the taste of stravia. And season the product with spices and spices not varto - odorous components and kill the lower aroma. Before serving on the table, you can sip the grass with fresh crop or cibula. Then the miraculous mushroom relish will become even more beautiful.

Deyakі vvazhayut for better lubricate mushrooms with sauteed vegetables. Carrots can be grated on a large third or cut into strips and added to the cibula.

marinated pigs

Not all gentlemen know how to marinate cow mushrooms, so the stench is not more popular. For the marinade, vicorist is tsukor, sil, otset and spices. As a victorious wine tasting instead of a great one, the relish of pigs will become piquant. Boil the mushrooms in the marinade for about ten quills, and then put them in sterilized jars or serve them on the table. If you can’t boil the bazhannya, you’ll know how to cook mushrooms in the marinade in a cold way. For whom it is sufficient to fill them with rossol.

How to salt pigs?

For their preparation, it is better to vicorate a wooden barrel, as if the pigs are too rich. Mushrooms need to be washed in front, soaked and boiled, and then laid out in balls, over-sleeping. To make the stench look crunchy, you can add cherry leaves to the chron. In the process of salting, add boiled water, so that it will be boiled.

To enrich the aroma, put the stalks of the crop, the sprat of the cloves in the teapot and the perfume pepper. You can eat mushrooms in forty days. Save more room in the room, where the temperature does not fall below five degrees Celsius. If a mushroom is colder, then its savory taste is strongly spiced, and rose sour.

Cowshed mushrooms are also called gobies or valuy. They can be found throughout the mixed forests of America and Eurasia. Mushrooms of medium size have a sand-colored cap that straightens out over time. They are somewhat similar in appearance to porcini mushrooms.

Is cowshed mushroom edible or not?

Many are afraid to eat valui, because they consider them poisonous and harmful. These mushrooms are considered edible, but must be properly processed before consumption. Cowsheds contain a chemical compound called quinine. This substance is almost completely not absorbed in the body, so it is impossible to eat these mushrooms in large quantities. Before heat treatment, the valui should be soaked for several days, while regularly changing the water. They can only be pickled, they are not suitable for frying and stewing. Understanding whether it is possible to eat cowshed mushrooms, it is worth saying that a mushroom hat is like a sponge that quickly absorbs various harmful substances from the air. That is why it is not recommended to collect cowsheds near roads and near industrial facilities.

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Mushrooms have been known to mankind for many decades, and during this time a person has learned to determine which mushrooms are edible and which are not. From those that can be eaten, a wide variety of dishes were invented. In addition, they learned how to process them in various ways: fry, boil, dry, salt and marinate. Any of the variations is very tasty, and most importantly useful.

But what to do with those mushrooms that are considered inedible? Special guides are created for them, so that mushroom pickers, especially beginners, know what to be afraid of in the forest, which mushrooms are dangerous. There is also such an option when a given product is transferred from one category to another, as happened, for example, with a barn.

At first, the cowshed, or as it is also called the pig, was completely edible, people collected it and ate it, but later it turned out that it was not suitable for food, and it was undesirable to eat it.

In order to deal with this kind of metamorphosis, we will consider this mushroom more carefully, and find out the reasons for such changes.

Mushroom barn

The cowshed belongs to the genus of pigs, from which its various names of this kind came from. In the eighties, it was considered edible, although not completely. Taste qualities were evaluated for the fourth category.

Today, the pig is classified as one of those mushrooms that cannot be eaten, but there are those people who do not agree with this and continue to eat it.

This mushroom in the forest is not difficult to find, it can grow almost anywhere. The forest can be both coniferous and deciduous. The most favorite trees for the fungus are birch, oak, and all kinds of shrubs. A pig can also grow in a swamp, especially a sphagnum one. You can find it on the edge of the ravine. They grow well on the edges, but can even grow on the stumps of trees that have been uprooted. The soil for such mushrooms should be moist. If you are looking for pigs, then you need to pay attention to group gatherings of mushrooms, because they rarely grow alone. The barn grows in June and ends its cycle in October.

In the event that you have never seen a barn, then you must definitely read its description. Photo barn mushrooms, which you can find both in electronic directories and in paper media, will help you visualize the description.

So, the mushroom cap in diameter is from twelve to fifteen centimeters. Outwardly, it is almost even, flat, but in the middle there is a dent like a funnel. The edges of the pig are strongly wrapped, and have a felt structure. The color of the cap of a young mushroom is olive, with a brown tint. They are fluffy in texture. As for the old representatives, they will radically differ in color, becoming red or rusty. The older the mushroom, the more its shade fades. As for the structure of the pig, the surface of the cap becomes completely smooth and shiny.

As for the pulp, it has a yellow tint in the barn. Its structure is soft, quite loose. She has practically no smell. The same can be said about taste. If the cap is cut, then its flesh will change color to brown due to interaction with air.

Now it's time to talk about records. They are yellow. About the form are quite wide and rare, descending along the stem of the fungus. They can be connected to each other using jumpers, as a result of which a cellular grid is formed. The color of the spore sac is brown. The appearance of the spores is elliptical, they are smooth in structure.

It's time to talk about the pig's leg. It can grow up to a maximum of nine centimeters. Its volume is one or one and a half centimeters. In form, it is central, but there are options and eccentric. Its shape is heterogeneous, it narrows towards the bottom. The structure of the leg is dense, the structure is cylindrical.

A cowshed mushroom photo, which is well illustrated by the description, will help you not to make a mistake when identifying this mushroom in the forest.

Edible or inedible mushroom

Modern sources say that the mushroom is poisonous and should not be eaten. The cowshed is not classified as a deadly fungus, but its harmful substances remain in the human body and are not removed from there in any way. If you eat them a lot and regularly, then the poison accumulates and causes significant harm to a person.

In the event that you are one of those who do not trust science and want to try this mushroom, then you should cook it correctly. To minimize the harm to the pig, it must be boiled at least two times. It is important that the water is fresh and clean with each brew. There are cases of individual intolerance to the fungus. In order not to be poisoned by them, at the first use you need to eat very little, and no more than once a day. If there is no negative reaction, you can gradually increase the amount of mushrooms per meal.

Most often, the cowshed is salted. But it is believed that this mushroom perfectly manifests itself when frying, and in a marinade, and even when dried.

If you want to eat a cowshed, you should know that the place of collection greatly affects the quality of the mushroom. It is precisely due to the fact that the pig can absorb all the most harmful, namely: chemicals, radioisotopes, heavy metals in the form of lead, if they grow not far from the road or any industrial facilities. The further into the forest you go, the cleaner the mushrooms will be there, and much safer for health.

It is because of the substances that pigs absorb, these are lead and heavy metals, because they are poisonous, mushrooms negatively affect a person, as they give away all the bad things they have, while accumulating over and over again.

In order to remove these substances, you need to soak the mushrooms in salt and acetic acid. This process is carried out twenty-four hours, while the water is changed regularly, every few hours. When everything is ready, boil the mushrooms only in salt water. They are also cooked more than once. The water must be clear and clean, for which, after each boil, the water is changed and a new salty liquid is poured into which the mushrooms are placed.

If you do everything right, then the harm from the barn to your body will be minimal. But in the event that you consider these recommendations not essential, poisoning may occur.

Barn poisoning and first aid

The effect of the fungus on the body is gradual, and symptoms appear only when the concentration of poison becomes critical for a person. Symptoms are very reminiscent of food poisoning, a person starts vomiting, diarrhea, and a stomach ache. An important difference in this case is that the blood that passes through the vessels will decrease, its level decreases. After a certain period of time, the person begins to turn pale.

Symptoms of poisoning pass, and new ones come in their place. The amount of urine decreases in a person, and a little later an admixture of blood appears in it. From this point on, erythrocytes are destroyed. If a person is not quickly helped, then there will be severe complications in the form of renal and respiratory failure.

It is very important to know that an outsider will not be able to help someone who has been poisoned by pigs in any way, his role will be reduced to calling an ambulance and waiting for her arrival. It is worth saying that there is no antidote for such poisoning, because the effect is long-term and through various factors. Therefore, doctors treat the symptoms that are most acute, removing them one by one. The main thing is to remove foreign antibodies, and help the normal functioning of the liver. This type of treatment is bearing fruit, and a person avoids death, although there have been such cases. Unfortunately, the poison cannot be removed from the body; it will remain so forever. In view of this situation, a person will constantly need to undergo cleaning procedures, namely hemodialysis.

This mushroom does not have a stunning taste, so you should not risk your health for it. Having tried the mushroom just a few times, you can forever connect your life with the hospital, constantly coming to the procedures, and it's not worth it.

With the development of microbiology, the attitude towards some fungi was revised. So, the well-known cowshed mushroom, which is also a thin pig, has long been considered conditionally edible. Moreover, many mushroom pickers positively assessed its taste, collected with pleasure. At the moment, the attitude has changed dramatically.

The thin pig (Paxillus involutus) belongs to the class Agaricomycetes, the family Svinushkovye, the genus pig, is poisonous. This mushroom is called differently, the most common of the names is cowshed mushrooms. But you can also hear such as: pig, pig or pig, filly, dunka, pig's ear, etc. All names are associated with appearance.

  • The hat of pigs is smooth, with a velvety wrapped, lowered edge, with a diameter of 5 to 15 cm, fleshy, rounded in shape with a depressed center. The color of the cap is brown-olive in young mushrooms, rusty-brown or gray-brown in adults. To the touch the surface is pleasant, dry, smooth. Sticky in high humidity.
  • The plates descend slightly down the stem, yellowish, close together. Brown when pressed.
  • The pulp is dense, soft. Color - from light yellow to yellowish brown. Darkens when cut or pressed. Has no special smell.
  • The stalk is the same color as the cap or slightly lighter, short from 3 to 9 cm, not thick from 0.6 to 2 cm in diameter, expanding towards the base of the cap. The surface is matte, without velvety pubescence.

Cowshed mushroom is most often confused with Chanterelles. They are similar only in the structure of the legs, the shape and color of the caps, but differ in texture (in chanterelles it is fleecy).

Places of distribution and fruiting period

The thin pig prefers to settle in deciduous or coniferous forests, gardens, parks. Of the deciduous trees, he prefers birch. At the same time, the mushroom chooses young undergrowth along the outskirts of swamps, glades, and ravines. Sometimes grows on the trunks of fallen trees. It is more common on moist soil in shady places.

Pig mushrooms are found in almost all climatic zones. They are distinguished by great endurance, and even in dry years, when there are practically no other mushrooms, they seduce lovers of “silent hunting”. Most massively germinate from June to October. At the same time, they settle in groups (bearing fruit abundantly and amicably). It is very rare to find a single mushroom. As a rule, if you come across one, his “comrades” are somewhere nearby.

Poison properties

Cowshed mushroom, according to many sources, is poisonous. In this case, the symptoms of poisoning do not appear after the first ingestion. And this is the special insidiousness of this mushroom, since its regular use can lead to tragic consequences.

The debate about whether thin pigs are poisonous or not does not subside. Perhaps the catch is that the poison (lectin) contained in the pulp must accumulate in the body in order to be poisoned. It is not destroyed during heat treatment and is not excreted from the body, accumulating in it.

Entering into a series of chemical reactions, lectin provokes an autoimmune reaction against erythrocytes, which leads to the destruction of a certain mass of the latter. The result is anemia, nephropathy, or even kidney failure. Diseases develop gradually, over many years (if the mushroom is used for a long time). Therefore, the pig is rarely identified as a source of problems and is considered poisonous.

The barn accumulates heavy metals and radioactive isotopes.

Signs of poisoning and first aid

The cowshed acts quite insidiously. When the concentration of poisons in the body reaches critical levels (and this can happen after a few years), the classic symptoms of food poisoning develop. There is diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain. But at the same time, the volume of blood circulating in the vessels decreases.

After some time, the symptoms of poisoning are replaced by pallor, a decrease in the volume of urine and the appearance of blood impurities in it. Red blood cells begin to break down, which leads to numerous complications, including: renal and respiratory failure.

Self-administered first aid will only worsen the condition. You need to contact a medical facility immediately. Moreover, even if a medical examination reveals the true cause of the disease, there are no antidotes. Therefore, symptomatic treatment is used to remove antibodies and compensate for renal failure. Treatment is quite effective, and deaths are rare. But the poison remains in the body. And in place with it - the consequences of poisoning (for example, the need to regularly undergo hemodialysis).

Even if friends say that the thin pig is a delicious and completely safe mushroom, you should not try it. Its taste can only be enjoyed a limited number of times. And the consequences will stay with you forever.

In this article you will find detailed information about what a pig looks like, what other names the barn mushroom has. Is it recommended to eat cow's lips, how to properly cook mushrooms, what to do if symptoms of mushroom poisoning appear?

The cowshed mushroom was previously considered edible, and even now not everyone believes that they can be poisoned. Already at the end of the last century, after mass poisonings, scientists conducted a series of investigations. As a result, it was found that the pig causes autoimmune reactions.

Therefore, the cow's lip is classified as a poisonous mushroom. It's not that safe to eat. Poisons can accumulate in the body, to be more precise - muscarine. It is not so much in the product, after several uses of the product in food there will be no changes. Poisoning occurs as a result of the accumulation of a substance.

Cowshed mushroom - what a cow's lip looks like: photo

In appearance, the cowshed mushroom differs from others in a hat of large diameter, a long leg. It has an olive color with a brownish tinge. From above, the fungus is covered with a small pile. As the fungus ages, the cap thickens, becomes dry to the touch, and has a smooth surface. When the hat gets wet, it feels slippery to the touch. If you press on the cavity of the pig, the color of the fungus will change from olive to brown. The legs of pigs have a small diameter of 1.5 to 6 centimeters in diameter. The taste of the cow's lip is a little sour and at the same time the fungus does not have a special smell.

The cow's lip is also popularly referred to as a pig, a cowshed, a dunka, and also a cow's tongue. Pigs can be recognized by the following characteristics:

  • In an adult mushroom, hats grow with a diameter 9 to 12 centimeters. And even more to: 16-18 centimeters.
  • The mushroom cap itself is fleshy.
  • A young cowshed mushroom has a cap with wrapped felt edges and its surface is slightly convex.
  • An adult fungus has a funnel-shaped top. And the edges are either lowered or wavy or straight.
  • Young specimens have a beautiful olive brown shade rather old olive brown tone.
  • Feels like the pulp of the mushroom has dense consistency, but the body of the pig is soft, loose.
  • When there is a drought outside, the flesh of the cowshed fungus quickly deteriorates, becomes wormy.
  • The leg of the pig has a yellowish tint.

IMPORTANT: The time for picking mushrooms of this species is early summer, end of autumn. Mushroom pickers find them mainly in shady places with high humidity. Mushrooms also grow on tree trunks in whole families.

Cowshed mushroom - benefit, harm

Mushroom cowshed has and positive characteristics despite being considered poisonous. As mentioned earlier, mushrooms can be eaten, but in small quantities. They found lecithin, it does not allow fatty tissues to be deposited in the body. Contains a large amount fiber. Mushroom cowshed renders rejuvenating effect due to antioxidants high percentage of proteins- This positive properties barn. In addition, the plant has a high content fatty acids(pantothenic, riboflavin), minerals(calcium, potassium, magnesium) vitamins(Group B), etc.

More pigs have such beneficial features, as:

  1. High concentration of substances , normalizing cholesterol in the bloodstream.
  2. Low calorie content of the product, (in 100 grams of mushrooms only 30 kcal).
  3. Among them: 28.1% fat, 16.8% easily digestible carbohydrates, 58.8% protein compounds.
  4. A high level of fiber allows you to maintain a good metabolism in the human body, and antioxidants can maintain youthful skin for a long time.

Barn thin

To negative characteristics of the fungus you can count the content in the barn poisonous components. Eating them in large quantities, a person can get poisoned at best, and at worst, deaths are also observed. This occurs as a result of damage to internal organs. The reason for this effect is the presence of cow's lip in the pulp of the fungus. muscarine. This component affects the organs (liver, kidneys, heart) and blood.

Interesting: Mushrooms contain small amounts muscarine Therefore, poisoning does not occur immediately. This is comparable to the effects of certain carcinogens on the human body. They accumulate in all body systems, and then pulmonary edema, other respiratory disorders, etc. can occur.

In addition, the mullein mushroom contains an antigen. Thanks to this antigen, agglutinins (antibodies that destroy red blood cells) are formed.

After the accumulation of these substances in the body, the patient shows all the symptoms of poisoning, more precisely: vomiting, severe pain in the abdominal part, pallor of the skin. Even in a medical institution, reduced blood flow circulation can be diagnosed. There is also a jump in hemoglobin in a big direction and pathologies of the kidneys are manifested.

Cowshed mushroom - how to cook a cow lip?

Despite all the precautions for eating pigs, warnings from doctors about their poisonous properties, many mushroom pickers collect cowshed mushrooms, prepare preparations for the winter, fry, boil and eat. You just need to know that if a person has diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, allergies, it’s better not to eat them, just delete them from the menu so as not to harm your body.

So, if there are no contraindications to the use of cowshed mushroom, then before you start cooking the mushroom, you will need to take preparatory measures, properly process the product.

  • To do this, first rinse the mushrooms, remove all dust and dirt from the products.
  • Soak them well. Dissolve salt in water (proportion: per 1 liter of water, 2 teaspoons of salt).
  • Soak the mushrooms in this saline solution twice, the total time for the procedure is five to six hours.
  • Then you can start boiling the cowshed. Boil mushrooms should be about three times.
  • Moreover, the proportions of water and mushrooms are 1 to 1. And salt is poured to taste.
  • Boil the mushrooms for five minutes the first time, fifteen minutes the second time, change the water for the third time and boil the mushrooms for 30-40 minutes.

IMPORTANT: Cowshed mushroom can be found in small clearings in the forest, which are well lit. These mushrooms are the best suited for culinary purposes, and it is better not to collect pigs on a thin leg that grow near roads. They may contain harmful components that cause all sorts of poisoning.

It is better to process and cook mushrooms immediately after they are collected. Otherwise, they can simply disappear, become moldy, blacken, etc. Yes, and processing them requires compliance with the rules, which have already been mentioned above. Drying the barn is not recommended. If you want to make preparations for the winter, you can pickle or pickle mushrooms. Containers made of glass, wood, ceramics, etc. can be used as containers.

Cowshed mushroom - how to cook for the winter?

In the warm season, the mushroom harvesting season begins. The very first mushrooms that grow in forest clearings are cowshed mushrooms. Many mushroom pickers love to collect them, despite all the warnings that they contain toxic substances. However, if you eat a portion of mushrooms cooked according to all the rules, then there will be no danger to health. Let's look at how you can make a barn mushroom blank for the winter at home.

Cowshed mushroom - salting


  • Pig mushrooms - 3 kg
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4 pcs.
  • Allspice, dill
  • Horseradish leaves, currants, cherries, salt, how much will go in.


  1. First, soak the mushrooms three times in salted water and boil, also three times.
  2. When it cools down, the barn mushroom is laid out in layers in a wooden or enameled container, currant leaves, garlic, onion, cherry leaves, horseradish and salt are laid out between the layers.
  3. Then they fill it with water, cover it with clean rags on top and put oppression on top.
  4. It is recommended to store mushrooms in a cold basement. Shelf life is about forty days, periodically wash rags and add water.

Cowshed Mushroom - Pickled Mushrooms


  • Vinegar - 125 ml
  • Pig - 3 kg
  • Salt - 45 g
  • Water - 3 l
  • Garlic - three heads
  • dill - 15 g
  • Lavrushka - 2 pcs.
  • Black pepper, cinnamon
  • Sugar - 40 g.


  1. Before cooking mushrooms, soak and boil.
  2. Boil the mushrooms for the third time in a brine made from water, salt, allspice, bay leaf, sugar and all other ingredients.
  3. Remove the foam that appears in the pan with a spoon.
  4. While the mushrooms are boiling, wash the jars and sterilize them.
  5. When the mushrooms are ready, scatter them in jars and fill with brine, close the jars with iron lids. Place upside down on the floor and cover with a warm blanket.

When cool, transfer to the cellar.

Cowshed mushroom - how to fry?


  • Mushrooms - 300 grams
  • Potato - 300 grams
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Black pepper, vegetable oil, salt, herbs.


  1. Soak, boil the mushrooms, peel, cut neatly.
  2. Then send to a container with water, salt and onions, peppercorns.
  3. Then the mushrooms are taken out of the pan with a slotted spoon and dried a little.
  4. Oil is poured into the pan, mushrooms are laid out, they should be fried until the water boils away.
  5. Then add the onion, chopped potatoes, cook until the potatoes are fried.

At the end, you can still add sour cream, serve warm.

Cowshed mushroom - symptoms of poisoning and first aid

Symptoms of cowshed poisoning may not appear immediately after eating dishes with mushrooms, but after a certain period of time. Poisoning appears after the concentration of the poison accumulates in the right amount. Symptoms will be as follows:

  • Stool disorders
  • Vomiting, abdominal pain
  • Sometimes even loss of consciousness.

The circulation in the bloodstream is also disturbed, the skin becomes pale, dehydration is observed, drops of blood appear in the urine. After all, there is a reaction of destruction of red blood cells, which causes complications in the work of the kidneys. The work of the respiratory system is also disrupted.

If the patient has the symptoms described above, then you should urgently seek help from specialist doctors. The faster the better. Moreover, there is no antidote for therapy, as such. Medical workers will only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, alleviate the patient's condition. To carry out all measures aimed at eliminating the poison located in all systems of the patient's body and eliminating kidney failure.

If you contact the doctors immediately if you suspect poisoning, then death can be avoided. It is impossible in such serious situations to self-medicate, at home treatment will be ineffective. Sometimes patients have to do hemodialysis, more than once.

That is why, before using the cowshed mushroom in food, evaluate all possible risks, consider whether it is worth the risk or not. Especially you should not feed children with such mushrooms, their body is weaker than the body of adults, because toxins are very dangerous for children.

Video: Mushroom cowshed - benefit, harm

Cowshed mushrooms (pigs, pigs) until the 80s of the last century were classified as edible, but in recent years they have been classified as poisonous. The reason for this is the ability of mushrooms to accumulate toxins found in the soil and the environment, as well as the fact that cowsheds produce muscarine, a poison similar to that contained in fly agaric. However, despite this, these mushrooms are still harvested for human consumption, but at the same time, clear rules for processing the product must be observed. This is exactly what “Popular about Health” will tell you - how to cook mushrooms, how much to cook them so as not to harm your health?

What is remarkable mushroom cowshed?

Outwardly, the barn is plain, but most users note its pleasant taste, of course, subject to skillful preparation. This fungus accumulates toxic substances if it grows in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions. But almost all mushrooms have such properties, this is not a secret for anyone. Therefore, it is allowed to collect cowsheds only away from roads, factories, industrial enterprises, deep in the forest, where there is clean air.

Another thing is the poison muscarine, it is produced inside mushrooms and is dangerous to health. However, with proper processing of the product, it is possible to neutralize the action of toxins, then you can safely use pigs. Let's take a closer look at how to prepare cowsheds for later use in cooking.

How to soak barns?

Collected mushrooms are not recommended for long-term storage. They need to be processed right away. First of all, they should be thoroughly washed, litter and dust removed, after which the cowsheds are subjected to a mandatory three-stage soaking in salt water. 2 teaspoons of salt are diluted in a liter of water, mushrooms are placed in the solution for 5 hours. Then a new saline solution is prepared and the pigs are again sent into it for the same time. Then everything is repeated again - a new solution is prepared and the mushrooms are soaked for another 5 hours. After the procedure is completed, the liquid is drained through a colander, allowed to drain completely.

How long to cook cowsheds?

After soaking, the mushrooms are always boiled, moreover, this process also occurs in three stages. How and how much to cook mushrooms? Let's take a look at this in detail.

1. For each kilogram of the product, one liter of water and a teaspoon of salt are taken. Pigs are placed in cold water, the pan is put on the stove, covered with a lid. After boiling, note 5 minutes, then the water is drained.
2. The second stage of cooking lasts longer. You need to prepare the same solution of water with salt, dip the mushrooms into the pan and let them boil. Let's take 30 minutes. Drain the water again.
3. Again we make a saline solution and put the pigs to boil. At the third stage, after boiling, cook them for exactly 40 minutes. Using a colander, drain the liquid and let the mushrooms drain and cool.

Now the product can be used for salting, marinating or frying.

How to cook pigs?

Cowshed mushrooms can be cooked in different ways. They are good both in a salty form, and in a marinade, as well as fried with potatoes. Pigs are added to salads and stewed in sour cream, but they are never boiled into soups or dried.

Fried cowsheds with potatoes

This is the easiest way to cook pigs. Soaked and thrice boiled mushrooms (0.5 kg) are placed in a pan with vegetable oil, lightly fried. Then add chopped onion rings (take as much as you like). We do not add salt yet, but you can crush the ingredients with pepper. Next, we need 1 kg of potatoes. We clean it and cut it in the usual way. When the onion changes color to golden, send the potatoes to the pan and fry without a lid. Periodically stir the contents until all the potato slices are fried. At the end, add salt and cover the pan with a lid. If desired, you can add chopped garlic and dill for flavor.

Pickled cowsheds

These mushrooms are very tasty in pickled form. Preparing them is pretty easy. For a liter of marinade we take half a glass of vinegar, 20 g of salt, the same amount of sugar, 6 peas of allspice, 8 cloves of garlic (chopped), 4-5 stalks of dill, 2-3 bay leaves. Bring the marinade to a boil. We sterilize the jars, fill them with prepared mushrooms, pour hot marinade to the top. Pour 30 ml of vegetable oil into each jar and roll up. Check the quality of the closure by turning the jars upside down. If the marinade does not flow out, you can wrap the workpieces with an old blanket and let them cool. You can eat pickled pigs in 2-3 weeks.

Cowshed mushrooms are often fried and stewed with sour cream, added to casseroles, omelets, salads. In principle, you can do the same with them as with any other mushrooms, it is only important to correctly carry out the initial preparation of the product in order to neutralize toxins and toxic substances as much as possible. With this approach, you will protect yourself and your family - do not allow poisoning.

So, how much cowsheds should be boiled? Now you know for sure - the first time - 5 minutes, the second - 30, and the third time - 40 minutes. Do not forget about the three-stage soaking of the product, this is very important, because, being in salted water, mushrooms secrete poisons, getting rid of them.

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