Why was a meeting between Vladimir Putin and Ksenia Sobchak necessary? Why was a meeting between Vladimir Putin and Ksenia Sobchak needed Sobchak's husband replied to Chichvarkin

Last week, Ksenia Sobchak's husband, actor Maxim Vitorgan, turned to businessman Yevgeny Chichvarkin, who said he would "send" Sobchak and her entire team if she ran for the 2018 presidential election. Vitorgan's appeal is published by Telegram news channels, Lenta.ru reports. Vitorgan said that, unlike Chichvarkin, he did not participate in "fixed matches". “Therefore, I tell you right away: yes, you yourself went ... That's all.” Musician Sergei Shnurov also stood up for Sobchak. He published on Instagram an obscene poem about the "bombing gentlemen" Navalny and Chichvarkin, who do not let the "woman" into politics. Chichvarkin published an appeal to Sobchak on October 11. According to the businessman, the TV presenter is going to play a "fixed match" with the authorities, in which, in his words, he also tried to participate by mistake, but as a result he left the country.

Zakhar Prilepin, writer:

What passions they have there!

What a rich and self-sufficient world.

Political emigrant and oppositionist, former owner of "" Evgeny Chichvarkin called on Ksenia Sobchak not to run for president of Russia in 2018. Otherwise, he says, I will send you and your team to three letters. Even listed the letters, in the correct sequence.

So you understand what's going on?

Chichvarkin seriously believes that Alexei Navalny can win the elections in Russia.

But Sobchak, Chichvarkin believes, can interfere with him.

According to, so to speak, the logic of Chichvarkin, for example, 50 million Russians can vote for Putin, and another 50 million for Navalny. But if Sobchak goes, 25 million of Navalny's electorate will vote for her, and the tyrant will win again. Logic, right?

Chichvarkin - after all, he was in charge of Euroset, he probably talked with some living people, scolded his managers, for example. Cleaning lady could accidentally see in the hallway. Perhaps he even met two workers on the street and once again noticed a peasant in a field, in the distance.

But, hell, where did he still find these people - who can choose Alexei or Ksenia for president? What does this people look like? Like four senior classes high school on the streets of Moscow? How else?

In fairness, we note that Sobchak herself immediately denied information about her possible participation in the presidential election - that is, in fact, she is smarter than Chichvarkin.

On Chichvarkin, however, what Sobchak said has no effect: he tramples on his feet and threatens the young woman and young mother with curses.

What he did to her is not clear. And then there is no one else to stick to.

There is, for example, such an opposition politician as Ilya Ponomarev. Here he, unlike Chichvarkin, does not want to see Alexei Navalny as president.

“Navalny,” Ponomarev said the other day, “I wish him every success, I would like to be admitted to the elections, but I definitely won’t support him, because I don’t believe that authoritarianism will end under him. Rather, he will only increase, only on the other team, and this is unacceptable for me."

And who, in this case, will Ponomarev support, you ask?

And he has already answered that he is ready to support three other candidates "immediately and without any reservations": Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Dmitry Gudkov and Yevgeny Roizman.

As in that song: "Three white horses, oh, three white horses ..."

Maybe Chichvarkin send three more letters: to all of the above? And Ponomarev at the same time.

Chichvarkin's epistolary heritage in this case does not threaten to become diverse in terms of style and content: rather, on the contrary. He may well send the same letters to everyone and only change the names. Euroset in action.

And imagine, Mikhail Khodorkovsky opens the letter in a beautiful envelope, and there Chichvarkin also informs him: if I decide to go to the polls, I will have to send you and your team ...

It would be interesting to see the expression on Mikhail Borisovich's face at that moment.

And if he decided to write a reply letter, what would it be about?

True, none of the above-named was going to the elections - but suddenly. Sobchak, as we remember, is also not going to, but they are already writing to her.

And this is wonderful, because in such a policy the main thing is enthusiasm, noise, drive, stakes.

Bets on Alexei Navalny, meanwhile, tend to fall.

And his correspondence squabble with video blogger Anatoly Shariy does not look quite convincing - moreover, for Navalny, and not for Shariy; and Navalny's meeting with Igor Strelkov unexpectedly turned out to be, to put it mildly, unsuccessful - again for Navalny, and not for Strelkov.

Or more news. Lawyer Boris Kuznetsov undertook to analyze Navalny's lawsuit against Alisher Usmanov and found that all this was nonsense and, as a lawyer, Alexey - zero.

The lawyer Kuznetsov, which is characteristic, is also one of the oppositionists: he left Russia and has no sympathy for our tyrannical government.

And yet, he leaves no stone unturned from Alexei and his legal work.

What is happening among the opposition, can anyone tell me? Why do they all hate each other so much? Because they love themselves so much? Or because there is nothing to love others for?

Someone should finally explain what is the meaning of this carnival.

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Ksenia Sobchak spoke alone with Vladimir Putin, the BBC Russian Service reported, citing its sources. The formal topic of conversation was an interview for a film about Anatoly Sobchak, the first mayor of St. Petersburg and the father of a journalist. The fact that the picture is being prepared was confirmed by the mother of the TV presenter Lyudmila Narusova. According to her, the President of Russia really should be one of the speakers in the documentary.

As the journalists found out, after filming, Putin and Sobchak stayed to talk face to face. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov left the question of this meeting without comment. And the TV presenter herself told Kommersant FM that reports of a personal conversation with the president are part of the information war against her: “I am terribly tired of these“ plums ”. And I'm not going to comment on them. It already looks like some kind of information war with me, and I don’t want to participate in this in any way.”

The media has repeatedly called Sobchak a possible participant in the 2018 presidential election. Thus, the Vedomosti newspaper reported that the appearance of a woman in the political race is one of the Kremlin's projects. The journalist replied that she did not cooperate with the presidential administration. At the same time, Vladimir Putin himself did not rule out the possible participation of Ksenia Sobchak in the presidential elections in 2018. Later, the TV presenter gave an interview to the glossy Glamor magazine, in which she did not deny her possible participation in the struggle for the presidency.

Most likely, Sobchak will announce his desire to run in the very near future, political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky believes: “Ksenia Sobchak is known for her political ambitions, including the presidential level. That is, it is her initiative. And she met with Vladimir Putin because she wanted to hear assurances from him that her candidacy would not be removed from the elections by force. Apparently she got them. Therefore, I assume that in the coming days Ksenia Sobchak will announce her participation in the presidential elections. I have not known her for a very long time, but I can say that she has political ambitions, she wants to be president. Of course, she is not going to fight with Vladimir Putin, she is a fairly realistic person, but in some perspective she claims to be the highest post in the country.”

I do not think that there is any interest of the authorities here, rather, they simply do not interfere in this hype and are watching the situation from the outside.

As they say, the dog barks - the caravan moves on. In addition, I do not know a single person who, in a sober mind and common sense, could imagine how Ksenia Sobchak becomes the president of Russia.

Ksenia Sobchak and Vladimir Putin met only to discuss the film, Andrei Mironov, head of the Foundation for the Study of Electoral Processes and Electoral Policy, said. Their conversation could hardly have had anything to do with presidential elections, the expert adds: “The version that the journalist met with Vladimir Putin precisely as part of the preparation of a film about Anatoly Sobchak is more plausible than about her political ambitions. Without the participation of the head of state, the picture of her father would be incomplete. The formation of Sobchak as a political leader took place in front of Vladimir Putin. Therefore, naturally, he knows the questions that illuminate the life of the ex-governor in St. Petersburg like no one else. So I consider Ksenia Sobchak’s appeal to him to be quite natural. ”

The other day, Sobchak's husband, actor Maxim Vitorgan, stood up for her in his video message to businessman Yevgeny Chichvarkin. He had earlier in obscene form called on the TV presenter to give up presidential ambitions. According to Chichvarkin, this "legitimizes" Russian President Vladimir Putin and "brings down" opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Vitorgan responded by posting a video in which he responded to the businessman in a similarly harsh manner.

The nomination of Ksenia Sobchak for the presidency was perceived by many as "participation in a fixed match." One of those who accused the TV presenter of this was Yevgeny Chichvarkin, who once himself participated in a deal with the authorities with a similar meaning, which he later regretted greatly. Businessman on his Instagram noted that businessman Prokhorov, who also took part in the "agreement", then complained that he was simply manipulated. As a result, Chichvarkin sadly admitted that, with all due respect, he would be forced to send Sobchak to a well-known address, because she legitimizes Putin and “knocks down” Navalny. Sobchak did not respond to the accusations, only her husband, actor Maxim Vitorgan, who sent Chichvarkin to a similar address, reacted sparingly.In conversation withThe Insider Yevgeny Chichvarkin told what Sobchak can get for participating in the campaign, why Putin is mortally afraid of Navalny and how "fixed matches" with the Kremlin work.

Perhaps Sobchak did not enter into a relationship with the presidential administration, but she definitely has an agreement with Putin personally. I have no proof, but my instinct tells me that this is a direct agreement with the president. In part, Putin has already achieved his goal - built a squabble among the liberals. This is the first time I actively participate in it - usually I kept aloof, but now I decided otherwise, because it touched me personally.

The reason is simple - we are offered a simulator of the political process, in the eyes of the entire West, "legitimate elections" will be held in Russia.People who usually criticize Putin will also be brought up, they are already calling for them to come and vote. The same, for example, Anton Krasovsky or Mikhail Zygar support what is happening - a split in the already shattered liberal camp.

What does Ksenia Sobchak need? This is obvious, all channels have already shown it for free, reminded a wide audience of it (after all, until 2012, Sobchak was constantly on TV, and then disappeared). Her Instagram account, which can get 1.2 million likes at a time, is a serious money printing press. T now to the areas she has already covered - glamour, travel, clothing, childcare, sayings, smart phrases- many other areas will be added. In the next six months, Sobchak's sphere of influence will increase by several million people, her income will increase significantly. I think next year she will earn more than in her entire previous life. Sobchak will become the most powerful woman in Russia. I have zero doubts about this, what she really knows how to do is to monetize.

A year before the next election, she will propose herself as a successor who will help the entire Putin gang and him personally avoid lustration.

Yes, at the same time, she gained a large number of opponents, but we are 2% - liberals, outcasts, emigrants and other ins and outs of louse. MWe are unhappy, but everyone else will be happy, because they will be shown on TV how good Sobchak is. Her awill carefully criticize, while offering beautiful picture: she is a spectacular woman, attractive to the audience and in particular men. She will be promoted, a serious booster will be made to her name, she will be able to launch her own media and some topic that will not be propaganda in the next five years. A year before the next election, she will propose herself as a successor who will help the entire Putin gang and him personally avoid lustration.Sobchak is no liberal, she is an absolute weather vane. You know, cats have whiskers, snakes have a scent. Sobchak has many talents. And an eye like an eagle.

Now Alexei Navalny must seriously consider his economic program so that she is not against everything bad and for everything good, and challenge Sobchak to a big three-hour full-fledged debate. With a program where there should not be vague answers about taxes, about Crimea, about lustration, about Putin's future. Also, in his place, I would still call all the other candidates, although it is clear that no one, except Zhirinovsky, will want to participate, but she will come.

If we imagine a situation where people today come to elections in which all famous candidates and Navalny, then I think Putin will get 40%, maybe 35%, and Navalny will have 30-35%.Now Aleksey is unlikely to win, but his percentage will be no less than in the elections in Moscow. People who are face to face with their "ballot", as they say in the provinces, vote unpredictably. We see from Trump and Brexit that exit polls are bullshit, they don't work, people lie, they try to look good.

However, having entered the booth, voters put a member on European integration, a member on tolerance, a member on the rights of colored people, the poor and women, they put a member on all this. Even those who do not have this member in fact. This is not an unfounded statement, we see exit polls and their difference from the voting results, this has already happened twice in eight months.Of course, people will say that they are for Putin, if you ask them about it now, for Navalny, probably 5-6%, maximum 8%.

It is clear that the Caucasian republics, Chechnya, in fact, do not vote, this is a simulation - Putin will have 101% there. But if you ask real Chechens, the youth in Grozny, I'm sure, Putin's astonishingly high anti-rating will be revealed. In fact, “against Putin” is Navalny, which is why Sobchak is torpedoing him.

Navalny is not an economist, he had no experience as a full-fledged official, for some time his field of activity was exclusively the Internet. Everything would be easier if he were a successful governor or mayor who has an entire province or city that reminds everyone how good it was under him and how sympathetic he is. Or if he had his own company, where his employees would remember him. It is harder for Navalny in this regard, but, nevertheless, his anti-corruption agenda is as strong as a bulldozer.

The problem is, that Western countries are mostly run by donkeys chosen by lazy socialists, they are populists and slugs

That is why Putin is so afraid of Navalny. There are two things that can knock him down: the West's demandallow Navalny to vote and the decision to postpone the World Cup due to terrorist activities. Both options are deadly for political career Putin in Russia. The problem is, that Western countries are mostly run by donkeys elected by lazy socialists, populists and slugs. I'm afraid neither of those things will happen. ATAll this hypocrisy - both here and there.

As I already wrote, ten years ago I was also offered a "fixed match" with the authorities. I made a big mistake. At the same time, no one in the Kremlin even told me what to do specifically. Everyone understands what they want from them, what is possible, what is not, at the level of the fingertips. I agreed here, they will show you on all TVs, if you suddenly said something wrong, they will come to you again and say: “Please don’t do this,” your behavior is being corrected.

For most people, a completely Orwellian self-stop works, and they do not need to be adjusted at all. They simply control the banks and are in this muddy stream, fulfilling their role in such a way that they don’t have to twitch at all - they feel and understand everything.You follow the Kremlin's policy and meet, for example, Vladislav Yurievich Surkov. If you are not an idiot, then you will behave in such a way that no one will ever correct you at all. For example, no one was holding me back, and no one was telling me: “Please don’t say that.”

I clearly understood what they needed, and tried to please. This is a 100% clean deal. I did not swear allegiance to the liberals before - this is an absolute fact, and I did not go to the March of Dissent before - this is a fact. Criminal cases were opened against me and I had a lot of debts, this is also a fact. In addition, until 2007 in our country there was a consistent the economic growth, in these conditions, I saw no reason why not negotiate with the authorities.

Everything ended badly, so I say in plain text: if you drink with thieves, beware of your wallet. And if with bandits - then by the head. Ksyusha, I thinkeverything is voluntary, she certainly accepted the offer with great pleasure and seized the initiative, because in a very short term it will bring her millions, if not tens of millions of dollars.

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