Le Pen: Presidential elections in France will be a decisive battle between patriots and globalists. Who will be president after Putin: predictions and opinions of Glob experts about the elections in France

Austrian clairvoyantGottfried von Werdenberg, who sees episodes of the future as on the screen predicted (in 1994) many events to come. All his predictions come true with extraordinary accuracy.

"Germany, France, Italy and England host many foreigners. Many countries will experience turmoil, a sort of civil war. Shortly before the outbreak of the Third World War, many residents of Eastern Europe and southeastern Europeans will flock to Western Europe. Islam will grow in strength and provoke Christianity...There will be civil wars France, Italy and England..."

American prophecy Dannion Brinkley about France: In 2004, a book will be published in France that will provoke angry outcry throughout the Arab world. After some time, the water supply systems in paris will be poisoned by a poisonous substance, and thousands of innocent people will die."

Edward Albert Meyer ("Billy")was born on February 3, 1937 in Bulach (Switzerland) in a large family of a shoemaker. Mayer claimed in 1975 that he had repeatedly made contact with extraterrestrials from the Pleiades constellation. From January 1975 until the summer of 1996, according to Billy Meyer, there were about 250 contacts with extraterrestrials who reported some future events ("Enoch's prophecies"). The Swiss predicted many future events, many of which have already been fulfilled.

"Machinations in France and Sweden, as well as the dictatorial laws of the European Union, will lead to numerous riots and uprisings. The crimes committed by bandits and organized crime in these countries will lead to an inevitable civil war.

In addition, significant tensions will arise between natives and immigrants from other countries, who tend to adhere to other religious beliefs. And, in the end, this will lead to serious conflicts. Hatred against strangers, foreigners and people from differentreligious beliefs will be the main reason for the growth of neo-Nazism, terrorism and extremism."

France will not only be conquered by the aggressor from without, but will also be conquered from within, as a result of the joint actions of local rebels and foreign troops. This will happen when many foreigners of different religions during France , in particular Islam, which will be the main force at that time. After the fall of France, the conquest of Spain and England will take place. Subsequently, an alliance of aggressors will be formed who will invade Scandinavia.

For military operations, weapons of mass destruction stored in the arsenals of France will be used, which will bring the evil of destruction and annihilation. The aggressors from the East and the troops of the French army will combine their forces to wage war against the northern countries of Europe, they will invade and capture Sweden as well as Norway. Their armed forces will also attack Finland and cause great destruction, then many will be killed.

Subsequently, these Nordic countries will be attached to Russia..."

Maria Julia Jahanet (1850-1900) was born in a small village near the town of Blaine (in the southern part of Brittany, France). Since childhood, she wanted to become a missionary nun, but her health prevented her from realizing her calling. On March 15, 1873, Mary had a vision of the Mother of God.

Prophecy about France: "Almost all France will become Muslim and remain without religion... France, so beautiful in the past, will lose its honor and dignity. It will be captured by foreign people, soulless and merciless ...

Italian peasant woman Maria Taiji (1769-1857), France falls into terrible anarchy. The French people will have a terrible civil war in which even old people will take up arms. Political parties, exhausted by the shedding of blood and not exhausting their fury, will not be able to reach any satisfactory mutual understanding and agreement. Then they will turn to the Holy See. The Pope will send his legate to France so that he can study the state of affairs and the state of the people. As a result of the information received, His Holiness himself will appoint a Christian monarch and government France ».

September 19, 1846 to a fifteen-year-old shepherdess Melanie Calva (1831-1903) and eleven-year-old Maxime Giraud, not far from Grenoble (La Saletta), had a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who informed the children about a series of world wars, destroyed cities and various cataclysms of the future:

"Before the Third World War France, Italy, Spain and England will be in a state of civil war. Blood will be shed in the streets, the French will fight against the French, and the Italians against the Italians. A terrible war will begin.

At this time, God will not remember Italy and France, as they have forgotten the gospel. Evil people will be shown all their cruelty, they will be killed even in houses. The first blow of the sword of God will fall on mankind like lightning, the mountains and nature will tremble, as the disorder and atrocities of men will grow to the vault of heaven.

Paris will be destroyed by fire and Marseille will be floodedby sea. Other large cities will burn in flames and be razed to the ground. The righteous will suffer much. Their tears, requests and repentance will be turned to heaven. All the people will pray to God for forgiveness and sing hymns. People will come to me for intercession and my help..."

Prophecy from Tours.

The prediction of a nun who lived in the city of Tours (France). Her name is unknown. The revelations received between 1872 and 1873 were published in The Eve of Christ's Victory, 1882.

“Before war starts again, food will be scarce and expensive. There will be no work for the workers and fathers will hear the cry of their hungry children. Then there will be earthquakes and signs in the sun.

In the end, darkness will cover the Earth. When everyone believes that peace has been achieved, when least expected, it will begin. A revolution will begin in Italy, almost at the same time as in France. For some time the church will be without a Pope. The Church of England will suffer much.

The revolution will spread to every city France. Then the great defeat will begin. This revolution will last only a few months, but it will be very scary, because the blood will flow everywhere, the wickedness of the wicked will reach its climax. Military casualties. Paris will look like a slaughterhouse. There will be more persecution of the church, but it will not last long. All churches will be closed... Many bishops and priests will be put to death. The Archbishop of Paris will be killed. Many other priests in Paris will have their throats cut because they won't have time to find a place to hide.

The wicked will be masters for a year and a few months. In those days, France will not receive human assistance. Will be alone and defenseless ...

Prophecy Pere Nechtou(died c. 1777) - abbot of the brotherhood of Jesus Christ in Belgium. Prediction about France: “When these things come to pass, which will happen before the triumph of the Church, then such confusion will reign on Earth. People will think that God has given them the right to have their own will, and vice versa, God does not care about the world. The confusion will be so general that humanity will not be able to think of the good, as if there were no divine providence and no God. During these tribulations, the best thing to do is stay where God has put us and find faith in fervent prayer.

The two sides will form in France, who will fight to the death. First the evil side will be stronger, the good side must be weaker. At this time, there will be such terrible disasters, and people, frightened by the events, will believe that the end of the world has already come. Blood will flow in several major cities. All fundamentals will be shaken. It will be like a general judgment. A large number of people will die in these disastrous times. But evil will never prevail. They really organize a plot to destroy the Church, but there will not be enough time, since the terrible crisis will be short. When they think all is lost, they will be safe.

During this revolution, which will most likely be universal, and will not be limited to France. Paris must be so completely destroyed that twenty years later, when fathers walk with their children through the ruins, they will ask: "What place was this?" Answering their questions, they will say to them: "My child, there was a great city here, God destroyed it for its crimes."

Paris, certainly must be destroyed, but before that happens, signs and omens will be observed that all good people will be forced to fly out of it. After these terrible events, everything will be in order. Justice will rule in the world. The counter-revolution is suppressed. The victory of the Church will be so complete that such events will not be repeated, for this is the last victory of the Church on Earth. Those people who see this last revolution will thank God for keeping them.

Prophecies of Nostradamus.

Head of Aries, Jupiter and Saturn.

God Almighty, what a change!

Then, after a long century, his evil time will return.

Gaul and Italy, what excitement.

1. Head of Aries, Jupiter and Saturn- the beginning of March, which corresponds to the zodiac constellation Cancer. The conjunction of these planets is quite rare and it happened on February 18, 1941. At this time, France was already occupied by German troops.

3-4. Then after a long century his evil time will return- the next conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (in a century) will occur on October 27, 2040.

Prediction of terrible events similar to the Second World War, which will occur in a hundred years in France and Italy. The main hostilities of the Third World War in Italy and France will begin in the 40s of the 21st century. Michel Nostradamus has a quatrain (1-51), where he predicts an "evil time" in Italy and France - the events of World War II. To date this event, he uses a very rare conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in early March.

Philip Theophast Bombast von Hohenheim (1493-1541) - physician, naturalist, alchemist and astrologer, who is better known asParacelsus. Wrote the book "Oracles", where he describes the events of the future to the end XXII century. A prophecy about a future war, where he indicates the date of future hostilities in France.

1. 500 years after the death of Paracelsus, a terrible danger hangs over the world. 1541 + 500 = 2041.

2. This will not happen until there is a terrible solar eclipse.”

3. "I tell you how the waters of a mighty river will overflow, rebellions, riots, numerous murders, fires and all the evils in the northern countries will begin."

4. "Then beware Brabant, Flanders, Zeeland, my compatriots and Swiss cheese consumers."

5. "Then Lily (France)generally fall apart, be robbed and abandoned.

6. At the same time, the wise Monarch will be deposed, insulted and despised. Osman will be in charge and the Monarch must kowtow to him.

German monk's prophecyBernard Rembord (15th century): “A terrible time of blood will come when a fierce battle will begin near Cologne. It will be impossible to prevent this terrible devastation. A terrible war cannot be avoided. People will walk around in blood up to their ankles. The foreign king will want victory for his side, but the rest of the enemy will retreat to Little Birch Tree (unknown place nameNote. author.). The last battle will be fought for a just cause. Foreigners will bring with them black death (possibly a bacteriological weapon). Those who escape the sword will be eaten by the pestilence. The earth will be empty and left unattended.

At that time France will be divided. The emperor of Germany will be chosen by a simple man who will rule for a short time. His successor will be a man striving for peace. He will call himself the Catholic Emperor and establish peace throughout the world. He will restore order and justice. The reign of a great monarch is foretold by the prophets. At that time there will be no Jews in Germany and the heretics will admit their mistakes. A good and happy era will follow. They will glorify God on earth and there will be no more wars ... The fugitives and their children will return and continue to live in peace in their homeland.

When the emperor of Germany passes away. The man who bears the crown will come Second Coming of Jesus Christ). The world has been waiting for it for a long time."

In the prophecy of St.Giovanni Rotondo (1918-1968), a Capuchin monk, probably referring to the use of neutron bombs during the Third World War. “When it’s too late, a big rock will emerge from the whiteout during the night - a night without a declaration of war. From Bucharest to Nuremberg and from Dresden to Berlin, the borders will be occupied by troops. The third line will run from the Ruhr basin to Kaliningrad. Then black and gray birds will fly from the south with such power that they will change the sky and the earth (Islamic air raid- Approx. author.). The main headquarters of the troops in Kirsberg, near Bonn. The first bomb will fall on the church near the Bavarian Forest. Everything will be destroyed and no one can escape it. Over there, tanks are driving through huts and houses, people are sitting in this technique, but their bodies are hanging down, they are dead, all around with black faces. Floods will destroy towns and villages. Southern England with the northern coast will disappear, Scotland will survive. In the west, the land will disappear, and new lands will appear.

New York and Marseille will perish.Pariswill be destroyed by two-thirds. Raisten, Augsburg, Vienna will be retained. Augsburg and the countries south of the Danube will not feel the consequences of the war. Whoever looks in the direction of destruction will perish, his heart will not withstand this terrible sight. More people will die in one night than in two world wars.

Abbé Souffrant's prophecy.

Abbot's prophecy (d. 1828) about the future France: “Before the appearance of a great monarch, terrible troubles will come. Blood will be shed in streams in the north and in the south. In the West, they will give up their faith. The color of blood in the north and south. I see its flow like rain on the day of a great storm. I see horses covered in blood down to their bridles. Paris will be so destroyed that it looks like it will be plowed over...

A great monarch will do amazing and wonderful things that the most unbelieving will recognize the finger of God. In his reign, justice will be ensured.

Using the commandments of God, the Great Monarch will destroy all heretical sects, all superstitions, and spread, in accordance with the holy pontiff, the Catholic religion throughout the world, except for Palestine, the land of damnation. After the break, he will convene a general Council, despite the opposition of the clergy themselves. Then there will be one flock and one shepherd, because all the infidels and heretics (but not the Jews, whose mass will not change until the Beast dies) will enter the Roman Catholic Church, whose triumph will continue until the death of the Antichrist.

By the end of the usurper's reign, the Pope will die, his successor will be the young Pope. Restoration of faith will occur with him.

Some time before this restoration, she (France) will be forced to wage foreign wars, which will lay a heavy burden on the men. Every single one, from eighteen to thirty years old, will leave.

All the forces of the state are captured by an alien power, the Minister of the Interior of France will revolt. The civil war will be directed primarily against religion... The blow will be terrible. They will fight in the south and in the north for several weeks, and the last fifteen days, day and night. However, this war will not be long, but several times more people will die in it than in the ninety-third ( 1793 probably means the time of the French Revolution - the years of repression and terror- Approx. author. It will make the smell over all the big cities it is clear that the majority of French citizens will die as a result of the use of chemical weapons- "smell").

The authorities, seeing this disorder in France, will act not in favor of the law, but in order to destroy France. The British will betray. Emperor from Russia will reach the Rhine (Germans), but an invisible hand will stop him. He recognizes the right hand of God because he is a Catholic.

At that moment they will believe that all is lost, all is lost, because everything is ordained by God. Heaven will favor France. They will return the victory, but it will be a miracle of God, not of people. A thing so amazing that the common people would call it a miracle. And the restoration (of France) will take place.

Prophecies Saint John (Giovanni) Bosco (1815-1888). Prophecy about France:“War comes from the south, peace from the north. The French laws do not recognize the Creator, but the Creator will force himself to recognize himself and punish her three times with the staff of his wrath. On the first visit, he will break her pride by conquering, ruining, robbing crops and slaughtering people and animals.

On the second visit, the great prostitute of Babylon, who will make decent people sigh, make a brothel from Europe, the country will be left without a leader and will be a victim of disorder.

Paris! Paris! Instead of serving in the name of the Lord, you are building houses of immorality. They will be destroyed by you. Your idol Pantheon will be burned to the ground. All this will come true... Your enemies will reduce you, want to do it with hunger and fear and turn you into a disgusting nation. Ah, woe to you if you do not recognize the hand that will strike you. “I want to punish immorality, disrespect and contempt for my Law,” says the Lord.

The third time you will be in the hands of foreigners. Your enemies standing in the distance will see your palaces on fire. Your houses will turn into a heap of ruins filled with blood of your heroes who do not yet exist.

But a great warrior will come from the North carrying a banner in his right hand, on which is written: "The irresistible hand of the Lord." At this time, the elder Lazio will come out to meet him, carrying high a brightly flaming torch. The banner will then increase in size and turn from black to white. In the middle of the banner will be written in golden letters the name of the one who is able to do all things. Voin and his people will bow and shake hands with the old man.”

Abbess Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) About the end of World War III.

“A powerful wind will rise in the North, carrying with it, by divine decree, heavy fog and thick dust. It will fill their throats and eyes, and they will cease their cruelty, stricken with great fear. There will be so few men left that seven women will fight for one man. And they will say to him: "Marry me to remove my shame." For in those days it will be a shame for a woman not to have a child, as it was with the Jews in the Old Testament.”

"Peace will return to Europe when the white flower regains its power on the throneFrance . During this time, people will be forbidden to carry weapons with them, and iron will be used only for the manufacture of agricultural implements and tools. The land at that time will be very fertile, and many Jews, pagans and heretics will join the Church.”

"Today, November 8, American voters will make the choice of the President of the United States fatal for their country," says a well-known astrologer. Pavel Globa. His personal opinion is that Hillary Clinton is likely to win, Moskovsky Komsomolets reports. However, Pavel Globa makes such a forecast based not on what the stars say, but on the book of predictions of the famous Russian prophet Vasily Nemchin. By the way, according to the same book in 1998, Globa predicted the appearance of Vladimir Putin on the political arena of Russia.

Unfortunately, I can't give any astrological forecasts specifically on the fate of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The fact is that I do not know for sure the time of birth of these people. I tried to find out, and if according to Trump the run-up in the data is several hours, then according to Clinton, the information differs by more than half a day - somewhere they write that she was born at 8 am, somewhere at 8 pm. And at different times, completely different people are born.

In search of answers to the question of what awaits the United States in the future, Globa turned to one of the most reliable, in his opinion, prophetic books - Vasily Nemchin's book of predictions.

Vasily Nemchin is our Russian Nostradamus, only less popular. He lived in the 16th century and was not only a seer, but also a doctor, the personal physician of Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich, father of Ivan the Terrible. Nemchin's prophetic work deals with events 1000 years ahead. So even then, in the 16th century, he mentioned a certain overseas country. Apparently, he is talking about the United States of America.

- And what is written there?

That the 44th ruler of this country will be radically different from all the other 43rds. And that this president will lead the country to collapse and a severe economic crisis. I think it's about Hillary Clinton, because she, if she wins, will be the first woman president in American history. And this, you see, is a cardinal difference. But, in principle, Trump also fits the description of Vasily Nemchin, since he is the only candidate who does not come from the political elite, but from show business.

- But the US chooses the 45th president, not the 44th?

Yes, but one president was counted twice - that's Grover Cleveland, who served the top job for two terms, but with a gap. That is, he was the 22nd and 24th President of the United States. Thus, it turns out that there were formally 44 presidents, and 43 people in this post. That is, now the 44th is being chosen.

- And he will lead the United States into the abyss?

Exactly. The US is in for a second Great Depression. Nemchin wrote that after all the troubles, several more presidents will raise the country.

- Has Vasily Nemchin written anything about our country?

Of course, it was from his book that I predicted the appearance of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. This forecast of mine was published in the media on December 21, 1998. In short, Vasily wrote that a giant ruler resembling a bear (Yeltsin) would be replaced by a short man with a "black" face. Then people from the analogue of our modern special services were called that. So, in fact, it happened. So, to sum it up dryly, a person who is radically different from all his predecessors will win in the USA, and this person will lead the country to a crisis and depression.

In an era of political and economic upheaval, people are always interested in how the next global crisis will end. Therefore, there is a great interest in various soothsayers and prophets who lift the veil over the future. But the most interesting is forecasts, given some time ago, because we can already check whether they came true or not.

Crisis in Ukraine

The shelf life of paper newspapers is very short - few people save the files of old editions, they can only be found in libraries.

The Internet remembers everything, it is enough to enter the correct search query to find information on a particular word. Moreover, you can limit the date of the search, and only those articles that were written in a certain time period will drop out.

Forecasts given in the past by a famous astrologer Pavel Globa, are available on many sites and are very easy to find. They date back to 2009 and 2011, when much of what the astrologer said seemed complete fiction - as you can see by reading the comments on the forecasts left at that time. And now it's 2016 - so what? We see how almost all the predictions of the astrologer came true.

In 2009, Globa predicted that in a few years there would be a strong political crisis, as a result of which Ukraine would break up into three parts, two of which would become part of the new Russian Empire. He said: “Ukraine will not survive the crisis, which is waiting for the collapse into three parts.

The collapse will not happen now, but by 2014 in Ukraine there will be de facto two administrations independent of each other, while maintaining the formal integrity of the territory, approximately in the same format as today in Moldova. The Eastern Ukrainian Federation will not be subordinate to Kiev and will de facto become part of the Russian Empire, while Crimea will become Ukrainian Chechnya.”

As we can see, Globa was wrong about something, but everything else, which seemed like science fiction at that time, nevertheless came true. It is interesting that, according to the astrologer, a bright future awaits Ukraine only in alliance with Russia and only under a new president.

Black man

In addition, Globa argued that the economic crisis, which will last until 2020, will redraw the political map of the world and change the entire geopolitical balance of power.

“Back in 1999, I said that the world would face an unprecedented crisis that would begin after the arrival of the 44th US president,” Globa argued. According to him, there are indications of this even in the works of the Belarusian soothsayer of the Middle Ages Vasily Nemchin, on whose words Globa often relies. Nemchin pointed to the upheavals that would come from across the ocean when the 44th ruler was in power in the United States - Nemchin called him "the black man."

Globa said: “In 1999, I thought that the “black man” was mentioned in an allegorical sense, but it turned out that “black” was used in its direct meaning. In the end, we were wrong by several months, since the crisis began shortly before the arrival of Obama, but this is an acceptable error.”

The astrologer also argued that the United States as a leading world power does not have a great future. The United States is in the midst of a great depression. At the same time, the country will be saved, but it will lose its leadership status. At the same time, the most difficult time for the United States will come after the departure of Obama, who will not last more than one term in the presidency.

Here the astrologer was mistaken: Barack Obama still became president for a second term, but the country is clearly losing its leadership position.

In addition, Globa predicted that an even sadder future awaits Europe. Several associations will appear in place of the single European Union. The Scandinavian and Baltic countries form the Northern Union, which will become the heir to the "Hanseatic League". France, Italy and Spain will unite in the Southern European Union. The EU may remain as an entity, but only on paper.

According to the astrologer's forecast, other military and political alliances will also fall apart - the NATO bloc will not survive until the end of the crisis, which will strengthen somewhat in the near future, but then cease to exist.

On the brink of war

It is curious that in 2009 the astrologer warned that in 2014 the planet would be on the verge of a world war.

“2014 is dangerous because Uranus is in Aries, and this is a very warlike combination. I fear the beginning of a permanent war in the East. God forbid, it will be connected with Iran, then in any case we will get a real explosion of absolutely uncontrolled total terrorism. But until 2014 there will be no war in Russia. There will be an explosion of banditry, but nothing more.”

An explosion of banditry did not happen in Russia, but an explosion of terrorism in the world did occur, and the war in the East began - only not in Iran, but in Syria. By the way, quite recently, in January 2016, Pavel Globa made another prediction: “Syria, I think, will change in its shape, it will not be the same as before, but will become a federation in which there will be several practically independent parts. Although it will not be immediately, but in a few years.

The "Islamic State" cannot be defeated now. We must abandon the idea that next year it will be defeated - before 2020 it is unbelievable. The war will move into another phase. the same confrontation, as in the Donbass, something like this. The sluggish war will continue throughout the Middle East.” In addition, Globa predicted the imminent resignation of Bashar al-Assad.

Looking forward to 2020

It is curious that in relation to the future of our country, Globa is very optimistic. In 2011, he argued that in 2013-2014 Russia was in for a financial, economic and political crisis that would last until the end of 2020. However, if the country can survive these years, then the next 30 years will be a time of prosperity for it and Russia will become a world financial center. Moreover, prosperity "threatens" not only Russia, but also all nearby territories.

Globa argued that the economic union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus would only grow stronger, although they would try to break it up. However, the astrologer predicted that not just a single economic union would be formed, but a Eurasian Union, which would include almost all the republics of the former USSR, as well as almost all the countries of the Eastern Bloc and even Greece and Mongolia. This will happen in the 30-40s of the XXI century.

Interestingly, in 2011, the astrologer advised those who do not believe in the future of Russia to recover "in the old calm Europe" - France or Germany. According to him, these countries "will still stand, no matter what." At the same time, Globa warned: "If you emigrate, then ask back in 20 years."

It is interesting that the current 2016, according to the astrologer, will be better for Russia than the previous ones, the political and economic power of our country will grow, and the turning point will be summer, which will seriously change the situation both within the country and around the world.

Ex-governor Dmitry Ayatskov made a political forecast for 2017. In an interview with a Fourth Power correspondent, he expressed his opinion about the upcoming elections in Germany, France and the Saratov region.

Recall that more than a year ago, the former head of the region won Donald Trump in the US presidential election.

In general, the whole of Europe is close to us, and the elections in these countries are very important. Billions of dollars and euros have been lost by Europeans and Americans from the sanctions they have imposed. I am not Vanga or Globa, but the experience that I have really tells me who can win the elections,” Ayatskov said.

About the elections in France. Former President Nicolas Sarkozy lost the primaries and will no longer participate in the elections. Who can win?

Former President Sarkozy played friendship with Russia. But the French have a chance to get closer to the Russians.

- Will Marine Le Pen be President of France?

No. The fashion for female leaders has passed. At Fillon there is a chance of becoming president. BUT Hollande I wouldn't consider it at all. Let him do what he knows how to do well - he looks who has a fly behind.

- Who will become Chancellor of Germany?

- Merkel No matter what she does, she won't get elected. Merkel will not be chancellor. I can't say today who will be, but Merkel won't be. And the European Union will unravel. I was delegated by the leadership of the country to Strasbourg for 5 years. I represented the governor's corps. It was a shame that such grown men are engaged in such crap. For example, quite seriously at the session of the European Union discussed the question of how to destroy shoes made from buffalo leather.

Saratov Oblast is also expected to have elections next year. Will Valery Radaev be able to remain governor for another term?

If he wants, he will. I answered as I answered. If he has a desire and if the party asks him well, then he will. He will. 2017 will be a very significant year. And not because it will be the year of the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution.

- Will relations between Russia and the United States change under President Donald Trump?

Now there is a very strong influence of financial corporations on the formation of the Trump team. But what can not be taken away from Trump is that he will deal with America's internal problems. They have accumulated much more than in any other country. If he deals with domestic problems - the economy, health care, social problems of Americans - this aggressive policy, interference in the affairs of other countries, will fade into the background. The Middle East will calm down, NATO issues and other things will fade into the background. Lifting sanctions? Yes it is possible. It can be solved in one or two.

unleashed Hillary Clinton horror story - whoever presses the button faster and destroys the world - this button needs to be buried. Not a "reset button", but a nuclear button.

He predicted the imminent collapse of Ukraine, Pavel Globa, into 3 parts, declaring that 2 of them will become part of the new Russian Empire. “Ukraine will not survive the crisis, which is waiting for the collapse into three parts. The collapse will not happen now, but by 2014 in Ukraine there will be de facto two administrations independent of each other, while maintaining the formal integrity of the territory, approximately in the same format as today in Moldova. The Eastern Ukrainian Federation will not be subordinate to Kiev and will de facto become part of the Russian Empire, Crimea will become Ukrainian Chechnya, ”the astrologer expressed his opinion.

The economic crisis, which will continue until 2020, will eventually redraw the political map of the world and radically change the entire geopolitical balance of power. Hard times await America, and Ukraine and the EU will cease to exist. Such forecasts were made by the famous Russian astrologer Pavel Globa.

In Moscow, at a press conference, he noted that the president of America would face an unenviable fate, which was predicted by a medieval Russian astrologer. “Back in 1999, I said that the world would face an unprecedented crisis that would begin after the arrival of the 44th US president,” Globa emphasizes.

According to him, indications of this exist even in the works of the 16th century by the Russian astrologer Vasily Nemchin, who pointed to the upheavals that would come from across the ocean, at a time when the forty-fourth ruler would be in power in the overseas country. Nemchin called him a "black man".

” In 1999, I thought that “black man” was referred to in an allegorical sense, but it turned out that “black” was used in a direct sense. As a result, we were mistaken for several months, since the crisis began shortly before the arrival of Obama, but this is an acceptable error, ”Globa notes.

The astrologer emphasizes that according to the horoscope, the most difficult year for Obama will be 2011, when his life will be in danger. “I carefully studied the horoscope of Barack Obama and saw that it is surprisingly similar to the horoscope of John F. Kennedy,” Globa said. “He is in particular danger in 2011, but I hope he manages to survive.”

As the astrologer notes, generally speaking, America, as a leading world power, does not have a great future. “The states are facing a great depression. The country will be saved, but it will lose its leadership status. At the same time, the most difficult time for the United States will come after the departure of Obama, who will not last more than one term in the presidency,” Globa predicted.

According to the astrologer, even more sad future awaits the European Union. “Several associations will appear in place of the single European Union. The Scandinavian and Baltic countries form the Northern Union, which will become the heir to the "Hanseatic League". France, Italy and Spain will unite in the Southern European Union and so on. The EU may remain as an entity, but only on paper,” Globa said.

According to Globa's forecasts, other military and political alliances will also collapse. “The NATO bloc will not survive until the end of the crisis, which will strengthen somewhat in the near future, but then cease to exist,” the astrologer noted.

Globa said that this year will be for Russia "the year of recognition of its enemies." According to his forecast, “the year of the yellow Ox is traditionally difficult for Russia. It was in this year that the most sworn enemies of Russia, Napoleon and Hitler, were born. It was in the year of the yellow Ox that the NATO bloc was created. This year, Russia will be able to recognize its true enemies by sight.”

Predicted the imminent collapse of Ukraine, Pavel Globa, into 3 parts, saying that 2 of them will become part of the new Russian Empire. “Ukraine will not survive the crisis, which is waiting for the collapse into three parts. The collapse will not happen now, but by 2014 in Ukraine there will be de facto two administrations independent of each other, while maintaining the formal integrity of the territory, approximately in the same format as today in Moldova. The Eastern Ukrainian Federation will not be subordinate to Kiev and will de facto become part of the Russian Empire, while Crimea will become Ukrainian Chechnya,” the astrologer believes.

According to the forecast of the astrologer, 2014 will be the year when humanity will come close to the beginning of the Third World War. “2014 is dangerous because Uranus is in Aries, which is a very warlike combination. I fear the beginning of a permanent war in the East. God forbid it will be connected with Iran, then in any case, we will get a real explosion of absolutely uncontrolled total terrorism. But until 2014 there will be no war in Russia. There will be an explosion of banditry, but no more,” Globa said.

According to the forecasts of the astrologer, in the near future the economic situation in the world will worsen. “For the dollar, the next two years will be very difficult, although there will be no landslide fall of the US currency yet. The hardest time for the dollar will come in 2017-2018. The dollar will depreciate completely, they will paste over the walls in toilets and baths and not know where to put them. In this regard, the euro is a more reliable currency,” Globa said and noted that he prefers to keep savings in euros, although he used to trust Swiss francs.

Globa predicts that oil prices will go down in the coming years. “The cost of a barrel of oil will reach $30, but will not fall below. But after 2016, the price of oil will begin to rise, and this will help Russia emerge from the crisis as a world leader,” he said.

Assessing the likelihood of natural disasters and man-made disasters, Pavel Globa stressed that this year would be a year of increased risk, and warned against flying in the second half of summer. “Many catastrophes occur close in time to eclipses. Last year, the eclipse happened in August before the start of the military conflict in South Ossetia, which can also be regarded as a catastrophe. In July of this year, we expect as many as three eclipses, in this regard, the year is “fruitful”, so the likelihood of man-made disasters increases dramatically,” Globa said.

“Most likely, a surge in air crashes should be expected in July-August, so I would advise you to refrain from flying to all destinations. In December and January next year, the danger of earthquakes will increase sharply, especially in the Pacific Ocean,” the astrologer concluded.

According to his forecasts, the world is threatened with economic and geopolitical upheavals until the end of 2020: all states will go through difficult times, but at the end of difficult years, Russia will turn into a powerful empire and become a new world leader.

According to the astrologer, who emphasized that over the years of astrological practice, up to 85% of his predictions have come true, “over the next three years, the whole world is expecting a difficult time. From the point of view of astrology, this is due to the constellation in the form of the opposition of Saturn and Uranus. Such a constellation, repeated in history, each time brings global political and social cataclysms.”

According to Globa, Russia, together with the whole world, will survive three rounds of the global crisis, and its peak will be in 2014-2015. “The first wave of the crisis will last until 2012, and its peak will be in the summer of 2010. This year, stagnation will be achieved, some kind of stability, when many will think that the crisis has reached its bottom and will soon begin to rise. However, it is not. In 2010, the "dashing 1990s" will return to Russia. The country is expecting a surge of banditry, a massive redistribution of property, criminal showdowns on the streets of cities,” he predicts.

Nevertheless, according to the astrologer, as a result of such events, the collapse of the country will not happen, Civil War will not start, there will be no hunger riots. “After 2011, the crisis will subside and end in 2012. But this will only be its first wave. Since 2014, the second wave of the crisis will begin, even more powerful and destructive,” Globa said.

At the same time, he drew attention to the fact that 2014 is very interesting in terms of historical parallels and astrology. “Even Anna Akhmatova once noticed that the most terrible cataclysms fall on the anniversaries of the birth and death of Mikhail Lermontov. On the centenary of his birth, World War I began. One hundred years after his death - the Great Patriotic War. In the year of the 150th anniversary of the death of the poet, the Soviet Union. And the 200th anniversary of the birth of Lermontov brings something terrible to the country. But this, of course, is not quite an astrological observation. From the point of view of astrology, it is in 2014 that many planetary constellations are approaching a critical point,” Globa noted.

According to his forecast, for Russia the period of 2014-2016 will be a time of great changes associated with great shocks. “The third wave of the crisis, which will take place in 2017-2020, will not be the most severe, but the factors of human fatigue from life in conditions of constant stress will affect. I am very afraid of this wave. Only by the end of 2020 will all of humanity finally say goodbye to this crisis, which will be called the “Second Great Depression,” the astrologer assures.

“I associate the end of the crisis with the neighborhood of Jupiter and Saturn, which occurs once every 20 years and marks positive changes. Given that Jupiter will approach Saturn in the first degree of Aquarius, the constellation associated with Russia, indicates that it is Russia, which by then will revive its imperial power, that has the greatest chance of becoming a new world leader, ”Globa believes.

According to him, the post-crisis 30 years of 2020-2050 will be the time of Russia's revival. At the same time, Pavel Globa referred to the works of the medieval Russian astrologer Vasily Nemchina, who lived before Nostradamus.

“A powerful, new personality will come to power in Russia in 2020-2021, which Nemchina called the “Rider on the White Horse.” In terms of scale, this ruler will be comparable to Peter I. He will be tall. What "white horse" means, I don't know. But perhaps he will be born in the year of the horse,” said Globa.

“The new leader will rule for a short time, but will leave an outstanding mark. He will be replaced by another great ruler, with whom the revival of Russian culture will be associated. Nemchina called him "Great Potter". And the revival of Russia will last at least 30 years,” concluded Pavel Globa.

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