Synchronization 1s unf and accounting. Publications. Rules for obtaining data

Many companies, having started using some 1C software product, realize that the functionality of this application does not suit them, and move to another platform. To prevent the existing data from being lost, they are transferred by setting up an exchange between the old and new programs. Many organizations operate several different configurations at the same time. For high productivity and automation of workflows, it is necessary to integrate all the configurations used. For example, set up an exchange between the UNF and the UNF mobile application, or between the Enterprise Accounting Department and the Trade Department. 1C programs are independent and fully regulate all operations inside. Synchronization with other applications must be periodically maintained.

Setting up an exchange in UNF

To transfer data in programs based on 1C, two types of operations are used:


The conversion takes place in two steps. The first step is to create UNF exchange rules that compare the contents of logs and documents of programs participating in the exchange. Here it is possible to change the parameters by specifying the necessary descriptions to be included in the file. These are all kinds of document movement logs, various information registers. As a result, we will get an XML file that describes the data system of the programs involved in the exchange. The second step is the data transfer itself.

Conversion is a more complex process than synchronization, and to perform it, you must have in-depth knowledge of the 1C configuration system.

Synchronization assumes that programs will constantly work together. Therefore, directories and documents from one application are periodically transferred to another and vice versa. The main advantage of synchronization is the absence of unnecessary work, such as double data entry. The information stored in both programs will be identical, which will help to avoid confusion when performing various operations.

Setting up synchronization in Small Business Management. In the settings, specify “Integration with other programs”, and select the necessary item, according to the object with which the exchange will take place, by ticking the box next to “Data synchronization”:

Synchronization with programs 1C: Enterprise and RIB;
Synchronization with mobile application;
Synchronization with the site
Yandex. Delivery.

When exchanging with other software products, 1C "Data synchronization settings" finds available objects. First, the date and organization are determined (if the UNF keeps records for several companies), then the platform for the exchange is selected. At the end, the service establishes a correspondence between the configuration objects.

When synchronization is established, both programs will be able to work together. In both programs, data on posted, edited, or marked for deletion documents will be visible.

When setting up the exchange, you can choose the type of data transfer. In automatic mode, the program itself monitors changes, determines the need for an exchange and makes it. In manual control mode, all these operations are performed by the user. This is often necessary when updating one of the configurations.

Exchange between UT11 and UNF

When using several configurations in the work of the company, there is a need for data exchange between them. There are no standard rules for transferring data from UT11 to UNF, therefore, when transferring data, administrators must develop their own, suitable for a specific accounting policy. The exchange can be done in two ways - using an intermediate XML file, and through a direct connection.

Before starting the exchange, the platform needs to be prepared. Check if both programs match:

Details of the "INN" of the organization;
Details "Name" of the organization;
Item codes.

In UT, it is necessary to post documents by batch, delete all marked documents and close cash register shifts. Be sure to audit the goods remaining in the warehouses, and if there are negative ones, make changes.

If the main work will be carried out in one program, then it is necessary to draw up purchase and sale documents.

After preparation in UT, we turn to the processing “UT data transfer - UNF.epf” on the menu bar (File / Open). The program will ask for additional information. The name of the document to save the data. The calendar date from which information on documents will be considered relevant.

When using the function key "Unload", the program will generate all the specified data in the previously selected file.

When the exchange process is completed, it is necessary to verify the information in the databases by generating reports on mutual settlements, balances of goods and Money. And you also need to organize the re-posting of documents in the following way:

Menu 1C;
All functions;
Carrying out documents;
Carry out the previous ones.

Unloading and reloading can be done continuously if you specify data transfer periods when setting up synchronization. The exchange takes place according to unique determinants, that is, when the exchange is repeated, the information will not be duplicated.

Exchange between UNF and UNF mobile application

Based on the needs of small and medium-sized business owners, 1C developers have created a mobile application "1C: Small Business Management". It is necessary for companies with field employees - sales representatives, measurers, etc. A specialist can make changes to the program on the spot, and in the office, in real time, these data will be displayed on a stationary UNF.

In the central UNF, the functionality accommodates a large number of objects. The mobile app has a lot less options. The UNF and the UNF mobile application exchange the data contained in the latter.

Additionally, the rest of the goods are unloaded with the main documents. The mobile application does not support all goods movement documents. The difference in the balances is added by the service input document initial balances.

Item pictures do not participate in synchronization sessions. Images are loaded at the time of opening the item card.

When synchronizing, it is possible to filter objects by responsible. If you enable this option, then only those objects in which this user is specified will be uploaded to the mobile application.

If a document with details that are not supported by the mobile application has changed in the mobile application, then such a document will not be included in the central database.

In a large UNF, synchronization with a mobile UNF takes place according to a standard mechanism. It does not use specialized configurations for rules. The exchange is carried out according to the exchange rules laid down in the code. To transfer data, the mobile application generates a set of XDTO objects that are compressed, written to the information register and sent one by one to the main UNF.

The process of data transfer itself takes place in several stages:

First, the mobile application prepares a data packet for transmission;
Next comes the setting of synchronization with the object of receiving information and, in fact, the sending of data itself;
The main UNF processes the received data, converts them and prepares a data package for sending to the mobile version;
Upon receipt, the mobile device receives the data packet and processes it. And sends the next data packet.

This continues until all information has been transmitted. In case of a short break, the developers have added the function of resuming packages.

Synchronization on a mobile device occurs in the background.

Exchange between UNF and BP 3.0

At many enterprises, management accounting is carried out in the UNF, and all accounting operations are carried out in the 1C: Enterprise Accounting program. It turns out that the work of sales and procurement specialists is carried out separately from the work of accountants. But these systems cannot exist independently of each other, therefore, 1C-based configurations provide for data exchange between UNF and BP 3.0, as well as BP 3.0 operating in the 1C - Fresh cloud service.

All regulatory and reference documentation from the UNF is uploaded to the Accounting Department. In case of a reverse exchange, only cash accounting documents are transferred.

To upload data, you need to establish synchronization. The easiest way to organize data exchange is with an empty one empty database. Here, the configuration must be carried out only in the configuration filled with data. Most often it is UNF.

Before starting the unloading, it is necessary to prepare both databases for unloading documents:

Tune accounting policies;
Create organizations for which data will be uploaded;
Make sure that the data on organizations (details "Name", "TIN", "KPP") are identical;
Fill in the TIN and KPP in the directory of counterparties;
Fill in the articles in the nomenclature reference book;
Enter the initial balances (this information is not included in the download);
Create backups databases.

If the articles and codes in the configurations match, then the comparison can take place automatically. If not, then software mapping is not possible and must be done manually.

If one of the platforms participating in the exchange is new, then there is no need to synchronize data on financial and nomenclature documents. You should delete the objects of these directories that were generated during the first filling of the database.

The synchronization itself needs to be done in two stages:

Set up an exchange in UNF;
Set up an exchange in the accounting department of the enterprise.

The rules of work in the UNF are described in the first section of this article. In addition, you need to specify the infobase prefix here.

Next, you need to specify the conditions for data transfer. A direct connection via the Internet is provided, or data transfer via a local directory or FTP resource. Next, you need to select the synchronization method, and once again double-check the correctness of the selected settings. It remains to carry out the unloading itself. The uploaded data file must be saved.

Now you need to prepare the PSU. To get started, in the administration settings, you need to check the box next to the "Use data synchronization" item. Here you also need to specify a prefix that matches the one specified in the UNF. Set up upload (Administration / Synchronization / Set up a new synchronization). We select the required UNF configuration from the list of potentially available for exchange.

When you click "Change the rules for uploading data", you will be able to adjust. Here you can specify the start date of the upload, make a filter by organizations.

Next, the program compares the data and displays a list that indicates inconsistencies in the documents in the configurations. The next step is loading. To do this, click on "Upload data".

The data from the file generated by the UNF will be sent to the BP and the data will be unloaded. To conduct a reverse exchange in the UNF, you must conduct a second exchange by clicking the "Run Now" button. After that, the synchronization will be completed, and the program will notify you of the end of the exchange.

A more mobile base is the accounting department of the enterprise. Laws change almost every day, the documents change accordingly, database updates appear. When you update the configuration, the exchange settings change. That is, failures in the synchronization of programs are possible. In order to avoid this, you need to re-configure synchronization when updating the PSU, or not update applications at all.

UNF upload to 1C Accounting

The program "1C: Management of a small company 8" is intended for management accounting only. Although the system takes into account source documents taken to accounting, directly the accounting itself is not kept.

For those cases when a company needs to maintain regulated accounting, there is a program "1C: Accounting 8" (hereinafter referred to as BP). The simultaneous use of two software products in an enterprise can lead to the fact that entering the same documents and directories into both information bases will increase the time spent by employees.

In order to exclude double entry of documents, there is a mechanism for exchanging data between the programs "1C: Management of a small company 8" and "1C: Accounting 8".

Setting up the exchange of UNF with "1C: Accounting"

All the necessary reference books and documents from the Sales, Purchases, Production, Money sections are transferred from the UNF to the BP. However, it should be noted that documents related to the accounting and calculation of salaries, property accounting, and taxation are not involved in the exchange. This is due to the fact that in the UNF they are created only for the purposes of management accounting. In turn, from the BP, you can download directories and documents reflecting the movement of funds in the bank and cash desk. More detailed information about the compliance of the uploaded data is contained in the document Sharing in the distribution file of the 1C:Accounting 8 program update.

An important feature of the data exchange mechanism is the separate setting of inventory accounts and settlements with counterparties in two programs. This is due to the fact that accounting accounts in the UNF are established for the purposes of management accounting, and in the BP - for regulated accounting.

Data exchange between UNF and BP databases can be initiated at the user's command or automatically according to a specified schedule.

Documents and elements of directories participating in the exchange are registered for exchange in the service table when they are created or modified. At the time of unloading from the UNF, a file is generated that contains the data of registered directories and documents. When uploading to the PSU, the data is synchronized. Matching is done automatically for certain search fields, but the user can make changes to the synchronization settings or manually match objects.

In order to exchange data between the UNF and the BP, you need to configure it. The initial setup is recommended to be done first in the UNF, and then completed in the BP. Before the start of the exchange in the 1C: Accounting 8 program, organizations must be established for which documents are uploaded, accounting policies are configured and initial balances are entered (documents for entering initial balances are not transferred).

By default, the communication feature is disabled. To enable it, in the Company section, click More features - Integration with other programs - Synchronization with 1C:Enterprise programs and select the Data synchronization checkbox.

It is recommended to set the infobase prefix - a unique set of numbers and letters. When exchanging data, the value of the prefix will be added to the number of the loaded object, which will determine its origin.

A new exchange with the PSU is created by clicking the button Set up data synchronization - Set up data synchronization. In the drop-down list, select the edition of 1C: Accounting 8.

In the opened form of the first configuration step, leave the manual configuration flag and click the Next button. By button Detailed description you can read a description of the methodology for exchanging between configurations, as well as get information about the correspondence of synchronized objects.

Figure 17.1. Setting up data synchronization with "1C: Accounting 8"

Important! Before setting up the exchange for the first time, you need to make backup copies of two infobases!

There are two options for data transfer: via the Internet with a direct connection to the program and via such channels as a network directory, FTP resource. Depending on the selected data transfer method, it will be necessary to configure the parameters that determine the saving of the exchange file. When using a network directory as a data transfer channel, you must specify its location. If you want to restrict access to the upload file or optimize its transfer, then the file can be created in an archive and, if necessary, set a password for it.

Figure 17.2. Setting up communication via a network directory

At the next step, you assign a name to the exchange setting and specify the prefix of the infobase from which the exchange will be performed. Clicking the Edit data upload rules button will open the data synchronization settings window. It needs to set the following parameters:

  • Synchronization method. With automatic synchronization, the program itself registers new and changed directories, as well as documents, for uploading. If manual synchronization is set, then each time the upload is initiated, the user will need to select the uploaded documents, organization and period.
  • Unload date. Available with automatic synchronization. It is from this date that documents will be registered for unloading.
  • Organization. You can upload documents both for one organization and for several. This setting defines their list.
  • Uploaded documents. You can only upload certain documents.

Figure 17.03. Setting Uploaded Data

If you check the box Automatically credit advances when transferring documents to the Enterprise Accounting Department, then when documents are uploaded to the BP, the repayment method will be assigned Automatically. The data synchronization settings can be changed in the future.

In the next window of the data exchange setup assistant, a summary of information about the exchange settings made earlier is displayed.

Figure 17.04. Rules for sending data from UNF

After pressing the Next button, the system will generate a file with exchange parameters, which will be used when continuing the settings in the BP, and will offer to upload the data. It is recommended that you agree to this and click Finish. IN otherwise the system will save the settings, but the data will not be uploaded and will need to be done separately.

Figure 17.6. Completing the synchronization settings in the UNF

If you are configuring an exchange between infobases that contain a lot of data (a large number of directories and documents), it is recommended to complete the configuration without the Load data... checkbox. Then upload it separately using processing. , then documents. Otherwise, uploading data and subsequent synchronization will take a long time and reduce the performance of the program.

The second stage of setting up the exchange is performed in the program "1C: Accounting 8". It should also create new setting synchronization and select 1C: Small business management as the second infobase. In the exchange settings assistant, specify the file with the settings downloaded from the UNF. After reading this file, the synchronization settings will be automatically applied to the 1C:Accounting database, including the prefix.

After the synchronization settings are completed, the process of reading data from the upload file will start. As a result, the program will generate a list of objects ready to be loaded into the infobase.

Regardless of whether data is loaded into an empty infobase or one that already contains information, directories and documents should be compared: this will eliminate the appearance of duplicates in the program. Automatic comparison of data according to the specified rules is called by the button Compare. After that, the system will automatically compare all the downloaded data.

Figure 17.7. Data comparison form when uploading to "1C: Accounting"

The next step in the exchange is directly loading the data. It starts with the Next button. The data from the file will be loaded into the infobase.

After loading, the process of unloading data from the PSU will occur. In order to download directories and documents from the BP to the UNF, it is necessary to re-exchange in the 1C: Small Firm Management 8 program. In the data exchange window in the UNF, click the Synchronize button. After that, data synchronization will end, and the system will display a message about the completion of the exchange.

Performing an exchange

The exchange process is carried out in three stages:

1. Uploading data from the UNF.

In order to upload data from the UNF, it is necessary to press the Synchronize button in the data exchange form. After pressing the button, a data file will be generated.

In "1C:Accounting 3.0" go to Administration - Data synchronization settings - Data synchronization. Then click the Synchronize button. The program will download all new and changed data.

After performing this operation, it is necessary to complete the exchange procedure in the 1C: Small Form Management 8 program in the same way as described above.

Important! If you need to perform a one-way exchange: upload data only from the UNF, and not upload it back, then before each upload to the BP, all unnecessary objects should be deregistered by processing the composition of the data being sent.

Figure 17.8. Deletion of directories and documents registered for uploading to the UNF

Features of using the exchange

Before using data exchange, you should also consider the following points:

Due to the fact that the program "1C: Accounting 8" does not keep records of the nomenclature in the context of characteristics, the characteristics created in the UNF are not uploaded to the BP. If, for example, in the UNF, the goods “Cotton T-shirt” are accounted for according to the characteristics (size and color): “Cotton T-shirt” (L, red)”, “Cotton T-shirt (L, blue)”, then in The BP will unload the nomenclature in the form of one item "T-shirt cotton" without characteristics. Figure 1.18 shows the Invoice document containing inventory items with characteristics, and Figure 1.19 shows the same document after uploading to the 1C: Accounting 8 database, already without characteristics.

Documents are transferred to the BP with the same state in which they were at the time of unloading from the UNF. That is, if an unposted or marked for deletion document was uploaded, then it will be loaded into the BP as unposted or marked for deletion, respectively.

For a correct exchange, it is important to keep track of the relevance of the exchange rules by clicking the Load rules button in the data synchronization form. These rules define the algorithm for converting data unloaded from the UNF to the BP. The procedure for updating the exchange rules is contained in the information file in the delivery of the update of the 1C: Accounting 8 program.

  • Partner of TQM systems Alena Tsaplina
  • 2/25/2017 12:36:01 AM
  • websites, UNF

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Mobile app 1C: Managing our company for mobile work can be used in conjunction with the desktop ( PROF or Basic) or the cloud version of the application 1C: Managing our company 8.

In order to be able to synchronize the mobile application with the desktop version, you need to perform a number of actions in the desktop version.

These actions are shown below. They must be run on the local computer. The example considers a computer running operating system Windows:

  • You need to make sure that the web server is installed and running on the computer Apache or IIS, A firewall does not block incoming connections to the port used by the web server (usually 80 or 8080). For more information about configuring web servers, see the documentation that comes with them.
  • Deploy desktop application 1C: Managing our company 8 on your computer. It is recommended to use latest version desktop application. Suitable Basic or PROF version.

    Synchronization with the mobile application will be performed on behalf of the user who has access to the desktop application.

    By default, the desktop application already has a user Administrator, you can use it or get a new one (section AdministrationUser and rights settingsUsers), setting the minimum rights necessary for synchronization - Sales, Procurement And Money.

  • Need to publish a web service Mobile Service to share data with a mobile application. This operation is performed in the desktop application configurator 1C: Managing our company 8. To do this, use the item from the menu Administration.

In the window that appears, you must specify the name of the publication, select the web service to use, set the publication directory and make sure that the checkboxes are checked Publish Web Services And Mobile Service.

After entering the username and password, a link should appear in the browser to WSDL scheme.

    In the mobile application, you must enter the address where the web service was published, as well as the username and password. The address should be of the following form http:///[PublicationName] . If the local computer and mobile device are connected to the same network, then as IP addresses computer uses its local IP address.

    If the mobile device connects to the central information base from another network via the Internet, you must use an external static IP address computer. This service can be provided by your Internet Service Provider. If for some reason an external static IP address can not be used, then you can use the service 1C:Link(except for users of basic versions, for whom the service is not available).

After completing the steps above, setting up the mobile app to sync with the desktop version of the app 1C: Managing our company 8 It will be completed.

← Working with the list of infobases

1C configurations with more or lesser degree details automate various areas of activity of specialists in the enterprise. It is not uncommon for an organization to use multiple configurations at the same time. These applications, on the one hand, are quite autonomous in terms of the content of automated processes, but on the other hand, it is necessary to maintain links between their data or establish correspondence with one or another regularity. As for many "non-accounting" configurations, in the case of 1C.UNF, the issue of transferring data to the accounting system is relevant.

Application sync

The coexistence of two configurations means that the contents of directories and documents of one application are transferred to another with a given frequency and vice versa. Working sync is the key effective work.

The main positive result of applying this technique is the absence of double entry of documents and their consistency when stored in different databases.

In the 1C.UNF configuration, the start of work on synchronization with another application begins with the transition along the route “Company / Settings / Integration with other programs / Synchronization with 1C.Enterprise programs”. Here the link "Setting up data synchronization" is available, by clicking on which, the user starts a search for applications available to establish the necessary connections. At the end of the search, the program prompts the user to select from the list of detected applications with which to synchronize.

The process is carried out with the help of a wizard called by pressing the "Configure" button. The first parameters that need to be defined are:

  • Synchronization start date;
  • List of organizations, if the application contains the credentials of more than one enterprise.

Values ​​are adjusted through the "Change data synchronization rules" hyperlink.

The next step attempts to match the data included in the configuration. The program will report those records for which it was not possible to automatically find a pair. In this case, the user should carry out the comparison manually, possibly supplementing the directory with the necessary positions. After checking on the sides of both configurations all the warnings that the wizard “paid attention to”, the synchronization setup is considered complete.

In the future, applications will begin to work together, periodically exchanging data, and the associated objects will be maintained in the same state in terms of changing content, posting, marking for deletion.

Warnings when syncing data

The interface is intended for viewing statistics of the application synchronization process and for manual adjustment of the results. The information in the section is divided into four tabs:

  • unscheduled documents;
  • Unfilled details;
  • conflicts;
  • Not accepted by the date of the ban.

The prohibition date suppresses the transfer of data created or modified on a particular day. The possible content of the remaining tabs is intuitive from their names. An indication of a problem on any of the tabs always contains a description of the reason why data matching was not performed automatically by the system. In this case, the user needs to correct the data or ignore the warning.

It should be remembered that the systematic disregard of system warnings and their accumulation will lead to a lack of de facto consistency of compliance, and will make the configuration relationship established formally.

Synchronization execution modes

The range of transmitted data and the performer performing the transmission are subject to configuration. The user is given the opportunity to limit the composition of data by a period of time, exclude certain counterparties or certain types of documents from the list of transfers. It is possible to choose the option of data transfer between configurations:

  • "Automatic mode" - as the name implies, the system controls changes without user intervention, determines the need for an exchange and performs it;
  • "Manual control" - involves automatic sending of directories, actions with documents are under the control of the user, and data transfer is forced.

Synchronization with the accounting system

Most often, paired with UNF, the 1C.Accounting configuration is used. Initially, the comparison of the main directories is performed by the main identifying fields, for example:

  • Bank accounts - fields "Owner", "Account number";
  • Counterparty agreements - fields "Name", "Code", "Owner", "Settlement currency", "Organization", "Type of agreement";
  • Counterparties - fields "Name", "TIN", "KPP";
  • Nomenclature - fields "Code", "Name", etc.

It is possible to send most of the documents from the UNF to the accounting application; in the opposite direction, documents are transferred exclusively through the bank and the cash desk.

Synchronization with the 1C application. Entrepreneur reporting

Enterprises that are distinguished by simple accounting use 1C.OP to generate regulated reporting and submit it to government bodies. In the case when, along with 1C.OP, the UNF configuration is used for management accounting, it is advisable to set up synchronization of the data of these configurations.

The ideology of linking is of the same nature as in the case of an accounting application. Information about counterparties and their accounts from directories and payment documents for the bank and cash desk are transmitted to the OP. Automatic synchronization will ensure the transfer of all documents to the OP, among which the user can subsequently select those related to tax accounting.

On the example of the mobile application "1C: Management of our company" (abbreviated as UNF), I want to show the evolution mobile business application from its inception and the release of the very first version to today. Now this app has over 220,000 downloads; the application is free, but it has paid options (implemented through in-app purchases).

The first version of the mobile UNF was made on one of the first versions of the 1C:Enterprise mobile platform in 2012. At that time, there was already a client-server configuration "1C: Small Company Management" (then the name was like that), a program for automating the activities of a small company - sales, purchases, customer and supplier database, warehouse management, production, etc.

Like most mobile applications written on the 1C:Enterprise cross-platform mobile platform, mobile UNF is available on iOS, Android and Windows.

The task was set as follows: to make a mobile application that supports part of the work scenarios of the "big" UNF. The application must be able to work both autonomously and synchronize data with the "large" UNF (hereinafter, the word "large" in relation to the client-server version of the UNF, I will write without quotes so as not to overload the text). In the case of working with a large UNF, scenarios of "mobile" employees - a sales representative, a service engineer, a salesperson - should be supported.

The first version was created in 1 man-month. When creating a mobile application, some of the metadata objects (directories, documents) were implemented on the basis of large UNF objects. But some of the functionality had to be programmed from scratch, for example, the process of exchanging data with a large UNF. True, in relation to data exchange, we had to actually program a little - we used standard platform mechanisms (in particular, exchange plans), which reduce code writing to a minimum.

In addition to simplifying work with data synchronization, the 1C platform significantly facilitates the design of a full-featured mobile application by providing the developer with such interface components as lists (tabular and hierarchical) with the ability to search through them, input fields with search, tables for reports, a wide range of charts, the ability to printing on WiFi and Bluetooth printers, etc.

Mobile version features

There are two main strategies for choosing the functionality of a mobile application. The first one is “one application – one function”. For example, a mobile application for receiving goods in a warehouse, which can only scan the barcode of the goods with the built-in camera and send information about the received goods to the server. The second strategy is to create a mobile application with wide all-in-one functionality. Both approaches have the right to life; when writing a mobile UNF, we chose the second approach - our application covers many tasks in its subject area and can work completely autonomously, serving the needs of a small organization. Another plus of this approach is that the user can work with several interrelated functions from one application.

Mobile UNF widely uses the functionality of a mobile device, in particular:

  • The built-in camera of the device can be used to take pictures of the product when filling out the product card, to read bar and QR codes
  • The invoice for payment can be sent to the client by email or via SMS
  • The counterparty can be selected from the address book of the mobile device
  • If the counterparty has a phone number, you can call the counterparty or send an SMS with one touch; if an email is specified, send a letter; if an address is specified, show it on the map
  • Can print documents to printers via WiFi and Bluetooth
There is an option to backup and restore the mobile UNF database to Yandex.Disk and send the database by mail.

The configuration of the mobile UNF looks quite spartan (see the screenshot below):

  • 8 reference books (in the large UNF - 273 reference books)
  • 7 documents (in a large UNF - 125)
  • 3 journals of documents (in a large UNF - 24)
  • 3 registers of information (in the large UNF - 357)
  • 4 accumulation registers (in a large UNF - 64)

The main objects of the mobile UNF

But despite this a small amount of applied objects, the product turned out to be quite functional.

An interesting feature of the mobile UNF is that it is often used by people who have not heard of 1C before (yes, there are some in our country), those who needed a mobile application to keep records of their small business (for example, home crafting). They just found it by searching Google Play or AppStore, read the reviews - and started working.

Offline work

This scenario is designed for very small organizations, when all accounting is done exclusively on a mobile device. This may be, for example, a "home" business - making jewelry at home and selling them on the VKontakte page. Or maybe even a small store - I personally saw a case when a toy store specializing in the sale of Lego constructors kept records exclusively on mobile version UNF. Given that the mobile UNF can print on WiFi and Bluetooth printers, it can be used to solve a fairly large number of tasks. Mobile UNF supports the processing of orders, the input of incoming and outgoing invoices, accounting for the receipt and expenditure of money.

Work in synchronization mode with the server (first versions)

In the synchronization mode with the server in the mobile UNF, in earlier versions, accounting functionality became unavailable, and work in it was carried out mainly with orders (receiving and fulfilling orders) and related activities (maintaining directories of contractors, goods and services, etc.).

Synchronized with a large UNF directories of goods and services, contractors, and orders.

Data exchange between mobile and large UNF in the first versions

Orders entered from mobile devices ended up in a large UNF, and when synchronized, they ended up on the mobile devices responsible for the orders. Documents such as cash receipts, sales of goods, etc., entered on mobile devices, went to a large UNF, but were not synchronized between mobile devices. All work in the mobile application in synchronization mode was carried out mainly around orders - their acceptance and execution, while full-fledged accounting on a mobile device was not carried out, for this it was necessary to use a large UNF on a computer.

This was the case in the first versions, but later we changed the situation and expanded the list of scenarios for using the mobile UNF to make working with it more convenient for users.

A little about data synchronization

Data exchange between mobile and large UNF goes through web services; mobile UNF invokes web services deployed on the side of the large UNF. The data structures in large and mobile UNFs are different; when designing the architecture, we considered 2 options for data exchange:
  1. Create a data structure in a large UNF, duplicating the data structure of the mobile UNF, and exchange data with the mobile UNF "one-to-one". When changing data in a large UNF, it is necessary to transfer the new/changed data to this duplicate structure, and after exchanging data with a mobile UNF, convert the data that came from the mobile device and placed in the duplicate structure into the large UNF format.
  2. Exchange data directly with the structures of a large UNF, converting data "on the fly" according to the exchange rules.
We decided to opt for the second option. The first option, although it promised some advantages associated with the simplicity of the actual data exchange, poorly handled the situation when the data structure changed (expanded) in the new version of the mobile UNF; in order for the one-to-one data exchange to continue to work, it would be necessary to update the server, large UNF. Which, for many reasons, was unacceptable.

The data exchange mechanisms implemented in the platform take on most of the work of forming packages for data synchronization, allowing you to reduce code writing to a minimum. In the exchange process, the standard mechanism of the 1C: Enterprise platform is used - the data exchange mechanism; for each mobile UNF, a data exchange node is created in the large UNF, a change registration service is used in the large and mobile UNF to track data that has changed since the last synchronization, and so on.

The mobile application initiates data exchange, forms an exchange package using the platform mechanisms (containing the mobile application identifier and data updated on the mobile UNF since the last synchronization) and sends it to the large UNF. Based on the information in the start package, the large UNF prepares for the mobile UNF the data changed in the large UNF since the last synchronization, and packs them into packets. Packages in XDTO format are 1C metadata objects serialized in XML; the size of each package is no more than 500 objects.

Mobile UNF takes this data packet by packet. After downloading the last package, the mobile UNF begins to process the received data - to post documents, write reference books, etc. In the event of a connection break, packets are resumed; we wrote the resume mechanism for the UNF ourselves (it is not in the platform), but since the mobile UNF is supplied in source codes, developers can look at the implementation of the mechanism and borrow it for their applications.

During the initial synchronization of a mobile UNF with a large UNF, you cannot work in a mobile UNF - a modal window appears showing the progress of the process. All subsequent synchronizations are background and do not block the operation of the mobile UNF.

The full list of objects exchanged between mobile and large UNF:

  • Reference books:
    • Nomenclature
    • Counterparties
    • a list of users
  • Documentation:
    • Buyer orders
    • Checkout
    • Checkout expense
    • Purchase Invoice
    • Sales Invoice
    • Production
  • Registers (but not all prices, but only the main ones):
    • PricesSuppliers
    • Prices of Goods
  • Organization details:
    • Name
    • Tax Information
In a large UNF, goods have pictures - images of the goods themselves. In order to minimize traffic, we do not upload pictures to the mobile UNF, they are loaded on demand - for example, when we open a product card in the mobile UNF.

Product card with product image

Application evolution - developing use cases

A typical situation is that the business is growing, and the functionality of the mobile UNF on one mobile device is no longer enough. Another employee (or employees) appears in the business, and they also need to work with orders.

In the first versions of the mobile UNF, the migration scenario was quite straightforward - the data entered in the mobile UNF was copied to the database of the large UNF, and the user had to keep records on the computer from now on. In this case, the mobile UNF will work in the mode of working with orders, and it will no longer be possible to keep records (as on the standalone version of the mobile UNF).

This, of course, was not very convenient for the end user - he was already used to keeping records from a mobile device, and here he was forcibly forced to move to the computer keyboard. Not everyone will be happy with this.

Therefore, we have expanded the list of scenarios for the operation of a mobile UNF. This was helped by the emergence of our cloud service, based on 1cFresh cloud technology. It became possible to place a large UNF in the cloud. We have described three scenarios for using a mobile application as the user's business grows:

  1. At all small business. The account is kept on one mobile device.
  2. Business is growing - employees have appeared. You can put a mobile UNF on mobile devices of employees. At the same time, you need to be able to exchange data between mobile devices to synchronize data; To do this, we decided not to use the exchange through files, but to use for synchronization (and at the same time for backup) a version of a large UNF located in the cloud When this script is enabled, a large UNF instance is created in the cloud, the base of which will be used to synchronize data between mobile devices. The use of one mobile device in this scenario is free of charge, for each additional device we charge 75 rubles / month, you can use no more than three devices in this scenario. At the same time, users of mobile devices can be assigned predefined roles - sales representative, service engineer, seller (it is also possible to configure roles in detail); the functionality of the mobile application will be limited accordingly. You can also work through a web client or thin client with a large UNF hosted in the cloud, but the functionality of the cloud UNF will be reduced to the functionality of a mobile UNF. But work directly cloud UNF optional - all work can only be done from mobile devices.
  3. The business has grown to the size of an average firm. In this case, it makes sense to rent a full-fledged version of a large UNF in the cloud in order to get (via a web client or thin client) additional functionality - CRM (there are plans to include CRM in a mobile UNF, but so far only available in a large version), warehouse management, advanced pricing, the ability to work with banks and. In this case, the number of mobile devices working with a large UNF is not limited (an additional fee is charged for each device according to the tariff, as for one workplace; 1 license for a UNF in Fresh or for a "boxed" UNF gives the right to free use and 1 mobile application ).

Application monetization experience

The UNF mobile application, as I already wrote, is free. Some time ago, we decided to monetize our application (using the in-app purchase functionality implemented in the 1C:Enterprise mobile platform version 8.3.8), selling additional functionality - production, and the ability to synchronize with additional mobile devices.

The purchase of the "Production" functionality is a one-time purchase, and the ability to synchronize with additional mobile devices is framed as a subscription that needs to be renewed every month. Interestingly, within 3 weeks after adding the functionality of purchases, the mobile UNF got into the top 15 Google Play in terms of sales of applications for business.


Mobile UNF is a relatively small (in terms of the amount of source code), but quite a popular product. We hope that the story about its evolution will be useful to the creators of mobile end-user products both on 1C technologies and on other development tools.

It would be useful to recall that on the 1C mobile platform, you can make applications that interact not only with the 1C server backend; protocols used to exchange data in mobile applications on the 1C platform - platform-independent (web and HTTP services, support for XML and JSON, etc.). So if you need to quickly and dynamically develop a cross-platform (Android, iOS, Windows) mobile client, and with the ability to work offline without a constant Internet connection for your business application, then the 1C mobile platform may well be the best choice for you.

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