How to set up synchronization of unf and bp 8.3. Publications. The organization keeps records in the "cloud" UNF, and uses the OP for reporting

Our service has several various kinds data sync:

  • between two applications running in service mode;
  • between the service application and the local application;
  • between the service application and an external site;
  • between the application and the bank's client program;
  • synchronization with the "offline workplace", which allows you to organize work with application data in the absence of an Internet connection.

1.2.Why do I need data synchronization?

Let's see how data synchronization works on the example of two applications"1C: Management of a small company" and"1C: Accounting 8"(further we will use the abbreviations UNF and BP). Immediately after settingsynchronization will be automatically performeddata exchange directories (in particular, Nomenclatures And Counterparties). Thus, firstly, the directories of the two applications will become common, and, secondly, the corresponding documents will be transferred from one application to another.

Let's consider a practical case of joint use of UNF and BP to illustrate how employees of an enterprise can work together in two applications on the same data. In particular, managers usually use UNF to place orders, enter information about new customers, and accountants in the BP quickly receive data on all changes made. Accountants, working in BP, can create new documents for cash or banking operations, and these documents will be immediately uploaded to the UNF.

For example, in UNF, when registering a sale of goods, the manager creates a new document Sales Invoice.

Some time after the manager checks the document (usually within a few minutes during the next synchronization session), the data from the document will be automatically transferred to the BP application.

As a result, a new document corresponding to the this document UNF. In our example, the document Sales Invoice from UNF corresponds to document BP Sale of goods and services. Thus, an accountant working in BP will see information about the purchase almost immediately and will be able to work with the corresponding document.

Similarly, payment documents will migrate from the BP to the UNF, for example, for paying taxes and paying salaries.In particular, when paying taxes in BP, the accountant creates a document Write-off from current account and forms Payment order .

Upon completion of the synchronization session, the relevant documents appear in the UNF Payment order And Account expense.

Let's take another example. Working in the UNF, the purchasing manager draws up Supplier order, trainsInvoice and makes payment, creating on the basis ofInvoice document Account expense.

Information about the connection of the payment with Supplier order will be stored in the UNF. At the same time, all other payment data will get into the BP application during the next synchronization session, as a result of which the corresponding document will be created in the BP Write-off from current account.

Thus, with the configured synchronization, the UNF and BP applications work together, providing a comfortable and efficient environment for the employees of the enterprise.

1.3 Setting up synchronization

Enabling synchronization is currently done from the application itself (section Administration, team Data synchronization on the navigation bar).

Attention! Before setting up synchronization, it is recommended to save backups synced apps. To do this, in most applications, in the section Administration on the action bar, select the command Service / Upload data to local version.

In the opened list Synchronizing data with my applications just select the second application (the one with which you want to organize data exchange), press the button Tune and then follow the instructions of the opened Data Sync Wizards. Detailed step by step instructions on setting up the exchange, you will find in the article "How to set up data synchronization?" .

After a short time after the configuration is completed (within a few minutes), the synchronization will work. Documents and reference entries that you enter in one of the applications will be transferred to the associated application during data synchronization sessions.

The simplest option would be to enable synchronization when using:

  • one working application in which accounting is already kept (usually this is the main application, for example, "1C: Small business management");
  • the second application is newly created, i.e. empty (for example, "1C: Accounting 8").

Synchronization order

Data synchronization between applications occurs in the background (invisibly to the user), during periodic exchange sessions (the frequency of synchronization is determined by the service administrator). In addition, the exchange can be initiated manually in either of the two applications using the command Sync All section Administration.

Note: Team Sync All not available in all applications.

The exchange mechanism initiated interactively by the user is identical to the exchange that is initiated automatically. If multiple exchanges are configured for the same application, they will be performed sequentially, one after the other.

At each exchange session, data is synchronized only for those directories and documents for which this is provided for by the exchange plan. In other words, some directories and documents of the two applications are maintained in the same state, while others are not.

Data exchange during application synchronization can be either two-way (when data migrates in both directions) or one-way (when data is uploaded in only one direction - from one application to the second, for example, from the "1C: Small Business Management" application to " 1C: Reporting of an entrepreneur").

Bidirectional communication is most often not symmetrical. For example, from the "1C: Small Business Management" application to "1C: Accounting 8" the data of most documents and directories is transferred, while in the opposite direction only the data of payment documents and data of a number of directories (such as Nomenclature, Counterparties). Such an exchange scheme assumes that the main accounting is kept in the 1C: Small Company Management application, where employees of the enterprise enter information about purchases, sales, production, etc.

Thus, entering data in one of the applications for which synchronization is configured is the main one.

Getting information about configured synchronization

You can view the list of applications for which data synchronization is configured in the "Service Manager". To do this, follow these steps.

  1. On the website on the page My apps follow this link Personal Area.
  2. In the opened "Service Manager" in the list Applications press the button Setting.
  3. In the menu that appears, select Data synchronization between applications.

This will open a window Data synchronization between applications with a list of combinations of subscriber applications between which data exchange can be configured. In this list, pairs of applications for which synchronization is configured will be accompanied by the label Data sync enabled.

2. Loading and unloading data to the local version of the application

In addition to dynamic synchronization, which provides for periodic data exchange, applications have mechanisms that allow one-time download or upload of data.

There are several upload and download options:

  • from the local version of the same application (implemented from the section Administration);
  • from a local version of another application;
  • from a backup copy of your working application, and the options are:
    • the backup is stored in the service,
    • the backup was previously uploaded to the local computer in the form of an XML file;
  • from spreadsheets;
  • from a banking program or service (they are usually called a "bank client").

Let's consider typical tasks that are related to the exchange of data between an application in the service and a local version of the same application running on the user's computer.

If before you started working with the application in the service, you already kept records in the local version of this application, then all the data you have can be easily transferred to the "cloud" by creating a new application for this.

Attention! Loading data from the local computer is only possible in a new application created in the service. You cannot "load" data into an existing application.

The sequence of actions for loading data from the local version of the application is as follows

1. Open the local infobase of the application that you want to migrate to the service.

2. Go to section Administration and select command Upload data to go to the service.
Note: in different applications, the exact name of the command may differ slightly.

3. Upload the data following the instructions Masters. As a result of unloading, the data file information base will be saved on your computer's disk.

5. After saving the file to disk, open the site and on the page My apps follow this link Personal Area.

6. In the opened Service Manager in the application list, press the button Add.

7. In the Add Application Wizard, select the radio button Load data from file and press the button Further.

8. Enter the application name, time zone and specify the location of the data file that was uploaded earlier from the local version (see step 3).

9. After specifying all the necessary parameters, continue downloading by clicking the button Further. As a result, a new application will appear in the application list with the status New and a window will appear with a message that the download process has begun. You can close this window.
Note: If the format of the data you uploaded from the local version is not supported, then the creation of the application will fail. In the event of such a situation, when trying to create an application, an appropriate error message will be issued. In this case, you will need to update the local application and re-upload the data.

10. Wait until you receive e-mail confirmation of the end of the download process. This will mean that the data has appeared in the new application and you can start working with it (accordingly, its status will change to used).

More detailed information is given in the step-by-step instructions and in the tutorial (on the example of downloading from the local version of "1C: Accounting 8", edition 3.0).

2.2 Uploading data from the service to the local application

You can upload data to your local computer at any time. To do this, open the application in the service, go to the section Administration, use the command Upload data to local version and then follow the instructions of the Wizard.

2.3.Saving backup copies of the infobase on the server

When working in the service, users often have questions about periodically uploading data in order to create their backups. Backups can be stored not only on your local computer (as described), but also in the "cloud", i.e. on server service administrator. You can restore data from a backup (both local and cloud) at any time by creating a new application in the service.

You will find detailed backup instructions.

2.4.Migration from a previous version of the application

In order to load data from a previous version of the application, you can use the universal method: first, update the configuration on the local computer to the current version of the application running in the service, and then execute .

Along with this, for "1C: Accounting 8" there are a number of additional features.

Transition from "1C: Accounting 7.7"

To switch from the local version "1C: Accounting 7.7" to "1C: Accounting 8" ed. 3.0 has a mechanism to automatically load data from an upload file. The upload file is generated in the infobase on the platform "1C:Enterprise 7.7" Assistant transition to 1C: Accounting 8.

Detailed information on downloading data is given in the instructions for the ITS.

Transition from "1C: Accounting 8", ed. 2.0

If you are faced with the task of transferring data to the service from the local "1C: Accounting 8" ed. 2.0, then you can use the appropriate external processing .

You will find detailed step-by-step instructions for loading data.

2.5. Loading data from a spreadsheet into "1C: Small business management"

To transfer data from spreadsheets, you need to save the data in Microsoft Excel or in the CSV file format, and then, after going to the UNF, use the Data Load Wizard. To call the Wizard, in the section Administration enter the command and then follow its instructions.

The data loading procedure is illustrated by the tutorial.

2.6. Loading data from "1C: Trade Management 10.3" to "1C: Small Business Management"

In order to download data from the local version of the program "1C: Trade Management 10.3", you must perform the following sequence of actions.

  1. Back up the configuration infobase "Management
    trade" version 10.3. If the configuration version "Trade Management" is lower than
    10.3.17, then update the configuration to the specified or later
  2. Perform all routine procedures in the "1C: Trade Management" configuration,
    revision 10.3 and upload the data to a file.
  3. Go to the service, to the UNF application.
  4. Make sure that the TIN of the organization and its name matches the uploaded data.
  5. In chapter Administration enter the command.
  6. In the dialog box that opens, specify the external file to which the upload was made, and click the button Download.
  7. After uploading, make sure that the data is loaded correctly. Remains
    goods, Money and mutual settlements are fixed by a document Input
    . Use the reports to verify that the residues are unloaded correctly in both
    Attention! When reloading balances, the data in the documents for entering balances,
    created by the conversion are refilled.

3. Typical Application Sharing Scenarios

Let's take a look at how application synchronization works in the service by examining specific practical examples.

3.1 Synchronization"1C: Small business management" - "1C: Accounting 8"

The main mode of joint operation of the UNF and BP applications is the input of documents in the UNF application (including payment documents for orders from buyers and suppliers). At the same time, it is more often necessary to enter data on wages and tax payments in the BP.

The procedure for enabling and using the exchange is given in the article.

The organization begins to keep records in the UNF, and is going to use BP for accounting and reporting

If an organization is just starting to work in the service, intending to use both UNF and BP, then it is recommended to adhere to the following work procedure.

  1. Create a new UNF application in the service.
  1. Fill in the UNF data on the initial balances of funds in the accounts and at the cash desk.
  2. Create a new (blank) BP application.
  3. Set up data synchronization between the created UNF and BP applications.
  4. Wait until the end of the first exchange session, during which the directories from the UNF will be uploaded to the BP.

As a result, information on both the status of settlement accounts and cash desks, and on the balance of goods in warehouses will be kept up to date, the same in both applications.

The organization keeps records in the BP and uses the UNF in the "cloud" for operational accounting

Another typical scenario:

  • the organization maintains accounting in the BP;
  • It was decided to organize management accounting with the help of UNF.

In this case, you should act like this.

Synchronization of local UNF and "cloud" BP

Synchronization of this type must be configured in the local UNF application as follows.

3.2. Synchronization "1C: Small business management" - "1C: Entrepreneur reporting"

The organization keeps records in the "cloud" UNF, and uses the OP for reporting

Synchronization of the UNF - OP assumes that the main accounting is maintained in the UNF, where employees of the enterprise enter information on purchases, sales, production, etc., and the OP application is used to prepare and submit regulated reporting based on the payment documents entered into the UNF. In addition, information about organizations and their bank accounts is uploaded from the UNF to the OP (from the UNF directories of the same name).

Synchronization is configured in the following sequence.

You will find detailed information on the exchange of UNF-OP in the instructions.

3.3. Synchronization "1C: Management of a small company" - external site

The exchange between the UNF and an external site (in particular, an online store) is carried out according to the standard CommerceML 2.05. Many online stores support this standard, so integration with them is especially easy to set up (usually without the need to edit the code).

The general scheme of interaction with the site is as follows:

  • Uploading information about goods, balances and prices to the site.
  • Registration on the website of customer orders.
  • Downloading registered orders and processing them in the UNF application.
  • Transfer of changes and order statuses (paid, shipped, etc.) to the site.

Setting up the exchange with the site is carried out in the following sequence.

  1. Working in the UNF, in the section Company select the link in the navigation bar Settings, in the dialog box that opens, navigate to Data exchange and check the checkbox Use site exchange.
  2. Go to section Administration, click on the navigation bar link Website exchanges and in the list Exchange nodes with the site create and set up a new site exchange. You will find more detailed information in the instructions.

3.4 Synchronization "1C: Accounting 8" - local "1C: Payroll and personnel management"

"1C: Payroll and personnel management" is used for payroll, and "1C: Accounting 8" - for accounting and reporting

The application "1C: Accounting 8" supports a mode in which for the calculation wages and personnel records, another local program is used, for example, "1C: Salary and personnel management". At the same time, data exchange is carried out through a file, similar to how the exchange with the "client-bank" system is organized. The organization starts accounting in the UNF, and is going to use BP for accounting

You will find instructions for data exchange.

3.5. Synchronization "1C: Accounting 8" - "1C-Fireplace: Salary" in the "cloud"

"1C-Fireplace: Salary" is used for payroll, and "1C: Accounting 8" - for accounting and reporting

This synchronization allows you to avoid double entry of documents and will be useful to those organizations that use "1C: Accounting 8". In other words, payroll and personnel officers work in the 1C-FIREPLACE: Salary application, and accountants use the 1C: Accounting 8 application.

The synchronization setup procedure is the same as for other applications. In chapter Administration link on the navigation bar Data synchronization and then follow the instructions of the Master.

Synchronization is two-way and is performed at the level of documents and reference information. Only the regulatory document migrates from the application "1C-FIREPLACE: Salary" to the application "1C: Accounting 8" The end of the month, in which the total amounts of accruals and deductions are concentrated.

Documents are not transferred from "1C: Accounting 8" to "1C-FIREPLACE: Salary". Only reverse migration of directories is possible. For example, in the "1C: Accounting 8" application, information about employees is entered, and this information migrates to the "1C-FIREPLACE: Salary" application.

When you first set up synchronization, it attempts to automatically match existing data in both applications and migrates unmatched objects in both directions. During subsequent synchronization sessions, only newly created or modified objects will be transferred between applications.

When deleting documents or reference books in one of the applications for which synchronization is used, the corresponding objects in the associated application will be marked for deletion, but will not be deleted. To remove the above objects, you will need to run the command Deleting marked objects.

More detailed instructions for data exchange between applications 1C-Fireplace: Salary" and "1C: Accounting 8" you will find.

3.6. "1C: Accounting 8": the ability to work via the Internet and locally in one database

In the application "1C: Accounting 8" the possibility of organizing autonomous workplace, which allows you to work with data downloaded from the service on your local computer during periods when there is no Internet connection.
Note: to use an offline workplace, you must first purchase and install locally on your computer the program "1C: Accounting 8" ed. 3.0".

To set up an offline workplace, in the section Administration application "1C: Accounting 8" (in the service) is intended form Offline work.

The procedure for setting up an offline workstation is as follows.

In the future, it will be possible to work on this computer:

  • both offline (without internet connection), editing data on the local computer,
  • and in the "cloud", operating with data located in the service.

Data synchronization between the "cloud" and local infobase will be carried out at the request of the user (by pressing the button Synchronize) or automatically (at the beginning and / or end of work with the program, and also, if the corresponding setting is enabled, at certain intervals).

In the configuration 1C: Management of a small firm, data exchange with the configuration of the accounting department of the enterprise is implemented. It is possible to set up an exchange with 1C: Enterprise Accounting, edition 2.0, 3.0, and 3.0, located in the 1C-Fresh service.

Data exchange between configurations is configured using a special data exchange setup assistant located in the "Settings" section "Synchronization with 1C:Enterprise programs".

After setting the "Data synchronization" flag, using the "Data synchronization settings" command, we proceed to a special assistant for setting up synchronization. First, you need to define the prefix of the current infobase, if it was not set earlier, and select the type of infobase with which the exchange is configured.

The next step specifies how to configure data synchronization: manually or by loading a configuration file created in another program.

At the 3rd stage, it is necessary to determine the option of connecting to another program. It is possible to connect directly to the program via the Internet. Either transfer the exchange files via a local directory, an FTP resource or by e-mail.

At the next step, it is possible to change the rules for uploading data.

Between the configurations 1C: Management of a small firm and 1C: Accounting, the exchange of all basic regulatory reference information is implemented, namely the directories "Organizations", "Structural units", "Counterparties", "Nomenclature" and so on.

Documents created in the 1C:UNF configuration are transferred to the 1C:Accounting configuration. From 1C: Accounting, only documents on cash accounting are transferred.

From the configuration 1C: Management of a small firm, documents related to management accounting, namely property accounting, salaries and documents from the "Enterprise" section, are not transferred to 1C: Enterprise Accounting. Documents for entering initial balances, documents "Receipt invoice" with the type of operation "Return from the processor", the document "Receipt to the account" with the type of operation "From accountant", documents "Invoice" and "Invoice received", in which the details of the “Basic Document” are not filled in. Reference information about the item with the types "Operation", "Type of work" and "Expense" is not transferred.

Synchronization of elements of directories and documents is carried out by reference during automatic exchange, but it is possible to configure the correspondence of objects of two databases during interactive exchange.

Configuration documents are registered for exchange only if the details involved in the exchange have changed in them. When documents are processed without changing the details, they are not registered for exchange.

In the exchange settings, you can set exchange filters:

  • Start date for uploading documents
  • Organization selection.

Synchronization in 1C: Small Business Management (UNF) can be carried out interactively or you can define an automatic synchronization schedule.

Question: Synchronization of ZUP 3.1 - BP 3.0

Tell me, please, why is the typical synchronization so stupid?
In the registration of changes (the composition of the sent data), this data is not at all! The exchange is set up from November 1, where does it get documents for July from? pissed off =(
PS: The evil fate of a fellow classmate...
--- An association messages, Dec 5, 2016 ---

Another small question: how to "deceive" the synchronization if the buh started a document in the BP, which was supposed to be unloaded from the ZUP, but the unloading did not work at that moment? Can I manually add an entry in the RS "Infobase Object Correspondence" so that there is no duplicate?


nbIpKuH_BaH9I said:

Unloading is not dumb. Everything is fine there. Unloading of documents occurs only those that are registered. So someone changed these documents, they were registered for unloading and that's it.

Click to reveal...

I checked before unloading - they were not in the registered ones. probably in the rules of the PVD there is a manual formation of a data sample.
Pay attention to the screenshot - unloading from November 1, and the July docks were pulled up. You will not be able to check in the changes to the July Dock.

nsk1C said:

But, what does it mean "brought a document to the BP, which was supposed to be unloaded from the ZUP"?

Click to reveal...

Very simple. At one point, the synchronization did not work (different versions of the rules / releases), and the bukh urgently needed to accrue the salary - it creates a document in the BP with the same number (and, of course, the prefix) as in the ZUP.
So the question is how to make it so that after subsequent synchronization 1c understands that this is the same document, albeit with a different UID. I did not try to add "Infobase Object Correspondence" to the RS, that's why I asked. It is possible that this will not be enough, maybe you still need to register the object with your hands and change the number of the sent / received.
That's why I asked.

Question: Help me set up synchronization between BP 3.0 and Retail 2.2


I can't set up synchronization between BP 3.0 and Retail 2.2 Both editions for Kazakhstan. Releases latest. TYPICAL BOTH!

I create synchronization in Retail. I am uploading. Then I create synchronization in the BP, load the previously saved settings from Retail. I start sync. No data comes from Retail. It seems to start, it starts to sort through the documents, but somewhere at 50% it immediately goes to 100%, it does the unloading and that's it. As a result, the unloading goes and the download does not.

How to be?? what else needs to be done???


nsk1C said:

  • Instructions for connecting exchange rules.txt
  • Sharing.htm
from folders
  • \Data exchanges\Exchange with configuration Retail ed. 2\
  • \Data exchange\Exchange with configuration Enterprise Accounting, ed. 3.0\
Have you already read configuration update installations?

Click to reveal...

Do you think I didn't watch it? I read them ... and in the book I read how to set up the exchange. He doesn't work. If you read what they wrote, then in three clicks the exchange is configured. The fact is that it doesn't work.

--- Merge messages, 24 Nov 2017 ---

I tried in the synchronization folder in the latest update from BP to take the data conversion data and upload them to retail. still doesn't help...

Question: Synchronizing data through a universal format synchronizes only posted documents

Good afternoon!

Set up data synchronization between BP3.0 and BP3.0 in one-way send/receive mode. It is noticed that only documents with the status of posted are sent. And if the sender base changes the status of an already sent document to unposted, then it is marked for deletion in the receiver base. Inet rummaged - dug up nothing. Everywhere basically synchronization between UT and BP. How to make sure that from a certain date all documents, even those with the status completed, are sent to the receiver database and, when the posting is canceled, are not marked there for deletion.

The configuration is typical "Taxi". 1C BP3.0.54.20. Both bases are based on the same conf.

Answer: And after changes in the exchange module, in order for it to work, you need to recreate the synchronization or it will work on the already created one. And then I change both UNDER sending and UNDER receiving, but it feels like nothing happens (

Question: Data sync error

Please tell me what is the error:

Errors occurred while creating an exchange setting in the second infobase: (Processing.DataExchangeCreationHelter.ObjectModule(861)): Error setting context attribute value (SentNumber) NewNode.SentNumber = 0; due to: Property cannot be changed for a predefined node

I have set up synchronization more than once, but this is the first time.
How I tried to solve the problem:

  • Updated bases - the result is the same;
  • Replaced the rules with newer ones - the same result.
Exchange between ZUP 3.0.25 and BP 3.0.43


It turned out that when creating the exchange, 1s did not create a node, and even the prefixes ("codes" of the nodes) did not match. It's possible that someone did it before me.
In general, I created the nodes manually, indicated the codes as IB prefixes (for every fireman), then I used the synchronization creation assistant and it all worked!

Question: Reconfiguring Data Sync Settings

Hello. In 1C Retail 2.1, on the peripheral node, at the initial launch of the newly created image, the stores through which the exchange is taking place were indicated. I can not figure out how to change the composition of this stores now. I see in Administration -> Data synchronization ->
Upload documents and reference information:
Starting January 1, 2016,
Shop only: List of shops

And here is how to change the list of stores (there was a sign where the stores were marked). Can't figure out how to get on the list?
If I found this on the central node - it is in the exchange plan for the store, and there I go to the exchange plan and set up registration filters, then on the peripheral nodes I can’t understand where it is.
Thank you.


MyNameNoName said:

Thank you. From the side of the main node, I have everything set up correctly. I just added new stores in the database, they will start working soon. In the master node, I enabled them. But on some peripheral nodes, I have not written for all stores, but stores are listed. Now I'm thinking whether there will be full synchronization between stores.

Click to reveal...

Well, on the side of the main node, you will set up a list of stores for each node (for both new and old ones), on distributed nodes, these stores will appear in the list that you specify

Question: Synchronization of UT BP objects


Trade Management 11.2

When data synchronization is started, the following message is displayed in the log:

(InformationRegister.PublicIdentifiers of SynchronizedObjects.ModuleManager(62)): For reference<ФИЛИАЛ N 6318 ВТБ 24 (ПАО)>and node<Бухгалтерия предприятия, редакция 3.0>multiple unique identifiers assigned.
ThrowException StringFunctionsClientServer.SubstituteParameters intoString(

How to fix the error so that the data is unloaded?
There are several identifier values ​​in the specified information register.


Delete only information on required objects. in both bases.
During synchronization, the system will determine that the object is being unloaded for the first time and will make a new entry.

Question: First synchronization 1s Erp 2.1 with 1s orders 3.0.11

I'm trying to make the first synchronization of 1s erp with 1s orders. An error comes out:
Internet error. Timeout exceeded

The web client from a mobile device works.

Tell me where to dig please

Answer:() Specially indicated incorrectly, then another error comes out:
Connection not established. Refine your sync settings.
Internet error. Timeout exceeded

At the moment we are using the latest current versions of UT 11.2 and BP3.0. Two-way synchronization according to standard rules.
After the transition from UT11.1 to 11.2, problems began with counterparty agreements in BP. In UT we work on agreements without the use of contracts. in ut11.1 there was a setting for the formation of contracts in the BP, but in 11.2 there is no such setting. and now, when creating a new counterparty and placing a customer order for it, after synchronization with the BP, the Main Contract is created in the BP, moreover, "With a supplier". And after changing and reposting the customer's order in the UT and subsequent synchronization, another contract is created in the BP and also "With the supplier", although the customer is only a buyer.
Who knows what algorithm for the formation of the counterparty agreement in the BP when synchronizing with UT11.2.? on the consultation line they talk about the setting that was in UT11.1, but there is no such setting in UT11.2. Or did I not look there?
And yet, when loading statements from their client-bank, the receipt of the BDS, for the counterparties that are newly created, the type of operation is set to "Return from the supplier", and always earlier for any receipt on the settlement account, the type of operation was "Payment by the buyer".


A guarantee agreement cannot be drawn up without the presence of the guarantor.

We can only talk about the conclusion of such an agreement by the representative of the guarantor in the presence of a written power of attorney.

Everything you describe is illegal.

Question: BP 3.0 data synchronization without full rights

Good afternoon. BP Platform The user needs to be given rights to synchronize data. When adding "Synchronize data with other programs" to the profile rights, there is no synchronization item in the interface. Is it possible to give a user permission to synchronize without including him in the Administrators group.

Answer: especially since in General form under the desired session with reduced rights, not all form elements that may be required were opened.

Many companies, having started using some 1C software product, realize that the functionality of this application does not suit them, and move to another platform. To prevent the existing data from being lost, they are transferred by setting up an exchange between the old and new programs. Many organizations operate several different configurations at the same time. For high productivity and automation of workflows, it is necessary to integrate all the configurations used. For example, set up an exchange between the UNF and the UNF mobile application, or between the Enterprise Accounting Department and the Trade Department. 1C programs are independent and fully regulate all operations inside. Synchronization with other applications must be periodically maintained.

Setting up an exchange in UNF

To transfer data in programs based on 1C, two types of operations are used:


The conversion takes place in two steps. The first step is to create UNF exchange rules that compare the contents of logs and documents of programs participating in the exchange. Here it is possible to change the parameters by specifying the necessary descriptions to be included in the file. These are all kinds of document movement logs, various information registers. As a result, we will get an XML file that describes the data system of the programs involved in the exchange. The second step is the data transfer itself.

Conversion is a more complex process than synchronization, and to perform it, you must have in-depth knowledge of the 1C configuration system.

Synchronization assumes that programs will constantly work together. Therefore, directories and documents from one application are periodically transferred to another and vice versa. The main advantage of synchronization is the absence of unnecessary work, such as double data entry. The information stored in both programs will be identical, which will help to avoid confusion when performing various operations.

Setting up synchronization in Small Business Management. In the settings, specify “Integration with other programs”, and select the necessary item, according to the object with which the exchange will take place, by ticking the box next to “Data synchronization”:

Synchronization with programs 1C: Enterprise and RIB;
Synchronization with mobile application;
Synchronization with the site
Yandex. Delivery.

When exchanging with other software products, 1C "Data synchronization settings" finds available objects. First, the date and organization are determined (if the UNF keeps records for several companies), then the platform for the exchange is selected. At the end, the service establishes a correspondence between the configuration objects.

When synchronization is established, both programs will be able to work together. In both programs, data on posted, edited, or marked for deletion documents will be visible.

When setting up the exchange, you can choose the type of data transfer. In automatic mode, the program itself monitors changes, determines the need for an exchange and makes it. In manual control mode, all these operations are performed by the user. This is often necessary when updating one of the configurations.

Exchange between UT11 and UNF

When using several configurations in the work of the company, there is a need for data exchange between them. There are no standard rules for transferring data from UT11 to UNF, therefore, when transferring data, administrators must develop their own, suitable for a specific accounting policy. The exchange can be done in two ways - using an intermediate XML file, and through a direct connection.

Before starting the exchange, the platform needs to be prepared. Check if both programs match:

Details of the "INN" of the organization;
Details "Name" of the organization;
Item codes.

In UT, it is necessary to post documents by batch, delete all marked documents and close cash register shifts. Be sure to audit the goods remaining in the warehouses, and if there are negative ones, make changes.

If the main work will be carried out in one program, then it is necessary to draw up purchase and sale documents.

After preparation in UT, we turn to the processing “UT data transfer - UNF.epf” on the menu bar (File / Open). The program will ask for additional information. The name of the document to save the data. The calendar date from which information on documents will be considered relevant.

When using the function key "Unload", the program will generate all the specified data in the previously selected file.

When the exchange process is completed, it is necessary to verify the information in the databases by generating reports on mutual settlements, balances of goods and cash. And you also need to organize the re-posting of documents in the following way:

Menu 1C;
All functions;
Carrying out documents;
Carry out the previous ones.

Unloading and reloading can be done continuously if you specify data transfer periods when setting up synchronization. The exchange takes place according to unique determinants, that is, when the exchange is repeated, the information will not be duplicated.

Exchange between UNF and UNF mobile application

1C developers, based on the needs of small and medium business owners, have created mobile app"1C: Management of a small company". It is necessary for companies with field employees - sales representatives, measurers, etc. A specialist can make changes to the program on the spot, and in the office, in real time, these data will be displayed on a stationary UNF.

In the central UNF, the functionality accommodates a large number of objects. The mobile app has a lot less options. The UNF and the UNF mobile application exchange the data contained in the latter.

Additionally, the rest of the goods are unloaded with the main documents. The mobile application does not support all goods movement documents. The difference in the balances is added with a service document for entering the initial balances.

Item pictures do not participate in synchronization sessions. Images are loaded at the time of opening the item card.

When synchronizing, it is possible to filter objects by responsible. If you enable this option, then only those objects in which this user is specified will be uploaded to the mobile application.

If a document with details that are not supported by the mobile application has changed in the mobile application, then such a document will not be included in the central database.

In a large UNF, synchronization with a mobile UNF takes place according to a standard mechanism. It does not use specialized configurations for rules. The exchange is carried out according to the exchange rules laid down in the code. To transfer data, the mobile application generates a set of XDTO objects that are compressed, written to the information register and sent one by one to the main UNF.

The process of data transfer itself takes place in several stages:

First, the mobile application prepares a data packet for transmission;
Next comes the setting of synchronization with the object of receiving information and, in fact, the sending of data itself;
The main UNF processes the received data, converts them and prepares a data packet for sending to mobile version;
Upon receipt, the mobile device receives the data packet and processes it. And sends the next data packet.

This continues until all information has been transmitted. In case of a short break, the developers have added the function of resuming packages.

Synchronization on mobile device happens in the background.

Exchange between UNF and BP 3.0

At many enterprises, management accounting is carried out in the UNF, and all accounting operations are carried out in the 1C: Enterprise Accounting program. It turns out that the work of sales and procurement specialists is carried out separately from the work of accountants. But these systems cannot exist independently of each other, therefore, 1C-based configurations provide for data exchange between the UNF and BP 3.0, as well as BP 3.0 operating in cloud service 1C - Fresh.

All regulatory and reference documentation from the UNF is uploaded to the Accounting Department. In case of a reverse exchange, only cash accounting documents are transferred.

To upload data, you need to establish synchronization. The easiest way to organize data exchange is with an empty one empty database. Here, the configuration must be carried out only in the configuration filled with data. Most often it is UNF.

Before starting the unloading, it is necessary to prepare both databases for unloading documents:

Tune accounting policies;
Create organizations for which data will be uploaded;
Make sure that the data on organizations (details "Name", "TIN", "KPP") are identical;
Fill in the TIN and KPP in the directory of counterparties;
Fill in the articles in the nomenclature reference book;
Enter initial balances(this information is not included in the download);
Create database backups.

If the articles and codes in the configurations match, then the comparison can take place automatically. If not, then software mapping is not possible and must be done manually.

If one of the platforms participating in the exchange is new, then there is no need to synchronize data on financial and nomenclature documents. You should delete the objects of these directories that were generated during the first filling of the database.

The synchronization itself needs to be done in two stages:

Set up an exchange in UNF;
Set up an exchange in the accounting department of the enterprise.

The rules of work in the UNF are described in the first section of this article. In addition, you need to specify the infobase prefix here.

Next, you need to specify the conditions for data transfer. A direct connection via the Internet is provided, or data transfer via a local directory or FTP resource. Next, you need to select the synchronization method, and once again double-check the correctness of the selected settings. It remains to carry out the unloading itself. The uploaded data file must be saved.

Now you need to prepare the PSU. To get started, in the administration settings, you need to check the box next to the "Use data synchronization" item. Here you also need to specify a prefix that matches the one specified in the UNF. Set up upload (Administration / Synchronization / Set up a new synchronization). We select the required UNF configuration from the list of potentially available for exchange.

When you click "Change the rules for uploading data", you will be able to adjust. Here you can specify the start date of the upload, make a filter by organizations.

Next, the program compares the data and displays a list that indicates inconsistencies in the documents in the configurations. The next step is loading. To do this, click on "Upload data".

The data from the file generated by the UNF will be sent to the BP and the data will be unloaded. To conduct a reverse exchange in the UNF, you must conduct a second exchange by clicking the "Run Now" button. After that, the synchronization will be completed, and the program will notify you of the end of the exchange.

A more mobile base is the accounting department of the enterprise. Laws change almost every day, the documents change accordingly, database updates appear. When you update the configuration, the exchange settings change. That is, failures in the synchronization of programs are possible. In order to avoid this, you need to re-configure synchronization when updating the PSU, or not update applications at all.

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