Slavic symbols and guard their meaning. Male amulets of the Slavs. Alatyr - a charm with miraculous power

Paganism is the folk faith of our ancestors, the Slavic faith. Symbols played a special role. These are not just decorations, but the result of the thought and work of the ancient Slavic sages, the Magi. They decorated everything: dishes, clothes, houses, staves. The symbol in paganism was applicable to transform the world and interact with nature, it is a talisman. Now the culture and beliefs of the pre-Christian Slavic era in Rus' are being revived and the symbols are again popular. We offer you a list of the most used ones.

AGNI (FIRE)- there is heavenly fire (the heavenly forge of Svarog), and there is earthly fire (sacrificial fire). It is used in revealing the meaning of many amulets and its image is often found in Slavic mythology.

- in Slavic folklore, a stone that is endowed with healing properties. The origin of this symbol refers to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bas a talisman. Another association is an altar in the center of the world (the word “altar” itself came from it), in the ocean on the island of Buyan. A virgin sits on it, who heals everyone, and life-giving springs flow from under the stone. He was the mediator between man and God. He fell from heaven with the inscribed laws of Svarog. According to some researchers, it is claimed that this place really exists and is located in the Baltic Sea, on the island of Rügen. In fairy tales, it was a cobblestone at a crossroads that showed the way to a person.

(CROSS OF SVAROGA)- a straight and oblique cross is a masculine, as well as feminine nature. Their combination forms a star with eight rays. The amulet will help in difficult times, protect a person on the road.

- according to legend, it was inscribed by the gods at the roots. When Yarilo got down to business, he bequeathed to people in his speech not to know quarrels and always be a mountain for each other. The amulet indicates a connection between the worlds.

BELOBOG- the incarnation of God Belobog. Together with the antipode - Chernobog is the creator of everything that exists, everything that can be seen. In contrast to Chernobog, Belobog brings happiness, love, kindness to the world.

- consists of two types of repeating runes: "G" and "P". The first has denotes conscious movement, and the second - development and death. Together they acquire a new meaning - the road to perfection, both earthly and heavenly. The amulet brings spiritual perfection to its wearer.

- literal interpretation - "gift of the gods." The talisman symbolizes the guardianship of the gods over people as parents over a child. It is believed that it strengthens the strength of the spirit, helping to move forward to its owner.

- this symbol is considered to belong to the Goddess Tara, the patroness of the spiritual paths along which a person walks. Rays are the same roads twisted into a spiral of development. Vaiga means movement towards knowledge, wisdom, it has the power that gives people the perfection of the spirit, harmonizes the striving forward and backward. Only the owner of the amulet decides how to make his way.

- used to be worn by warriors, defenders of the faith. Valkyrie - a maiden who collects the bodies of dead warriors. were presented to people as warlike creatures and could even decide the outcome of the battle. This sign has a direct interpretation of "protecting honor." It is used as a protective amulet from oblivion and desecration of faith.

- the talisman of the priests. This amulet is intended for the priests-keepers of wisdom and knowledge about their ancestors, family, gods and the transfer of knowledge to descendants. Now you can use the vedaman amulet for those who have knowledge and bring it to people.

- in the time of our ancestors, it was worn by priests who kept the wisdom of generations. Therefore, it means happiness and joy, faith. Temples were protected with such a talisman. You can not put it on the body, only on clothes. This amulet will tell the owner how to make the right decision.

- belongs to God Veles, the son of the Universal Cow Zemun. In this regard, a similar Slavic symbol was placed on bulls, showing their belonging to God. The inscription, resembling an inverted letter A, looks like a bull's head with horns. In addition, Veles patronizes poets, singers, musicians, giving them power over the world, fame and inspiration.

- heavenly amulet. It has protection against accidents and bad weather. An amulet with such an image was given to a loved one who travels far from home. A woman puts it on a man. This is an exclusively male amulet. It is associated with the homeland of the white man - Hyperborea, Paradise Earth. The amulet strengthens the relationship with nature.

- a talisman for the family. First of all, it protects against fire. The talisman will protect not only from natural fire, but also from spiritual. He can also protect from disagreements, quarrels, civil strife. If you hang an amulet over the door, you can protect the family from divorce, abuse and offensive words. Another all-glorious one leads everyone to their roots, returns to their kind.

- the spirit of reservoirs, the lord of mermaids. It goes back to an earlier period of Slavic culture. The veneration of water creatures is connected with the worship of water itself, as a cleansing element. It is customary to make sacrifices to water and the spirits living in it in particular.

- was embroidered on men's clothing, as a body amulet was also used. It marks the strength of the Russian people, the defense of the borders of the Motherland.

He is also the "Cross of Invincibility" and "" - protects the owner from any misfortunes, increases the strength of other amulets.

- an image that means a divine chariot. The main God travels on it. Another designation is a bird that flies in outer space, bringing order to the world order and protecting. The amulet was applied to household utensils and to items belonging to the Supreme God. A talisman worn on the chest purifies the wearer.

- a Slavic symbol with the help of which a person controls nature, joins and approaches its essence. In magic, it is used to control natural manifestations, and in everyday life it protects houses from lightning and other elements. It was located above the entrance to the hut as an ornament and an amulet. Perun patronizes him. For this reason, the thunderstorm removes not only lightning, but also human envy and enmity.

- a symbol of heaven, guarding the Vedas. As a talisman, it was used on armor and weapons, above the entrance to the house, on spinning wheels, combs, and spoons. Anyone who came with bad intentions was struck by thunder. He supported a good man. He was present on the armor as a talisman of military glory and valor. Often embroidered on men's shirts.

- the forefather, who gives blessings in the form of a harvest, fertile summer rain, the sun. The name comes from the words "dazh" - to help or give and God.

- known not only in the beliefs of the Russians. This is the axis of the world, supporting all other worlds. Its symbol determines the structure of any mythology of the world. The world tree is the place where man meets the universe. The very structure of the tree ordered ideas about reality.

- the fusion of heavenly and earthly fire. The altar is built in this form, and the fire burning in it unites people and gods. Heavenly fire ignites the earthly one (lightning), but vice versa never happens, but meanwhile dunya helps them to unite on the altar. The purpose of such a talisman is the preservation of the Family, the unification of the ways of the members of the family.

- Treats the sick. Relieves both bodily ailments and mental wounds. It was customary for our ancestors to wear the patient's clothes, which provided support. The amulet was also applied to the armor, so that the warrior in battle felt the support of the gods. The symbol means the struggle for existence, survival. Its owner will be given strength to get out of any situation, including a fatal one.

- Slavic amulet that develops spirituality, protects against weakness of the spirit and mental disorders. Removes fears, cures depression. He helped the creators, making positive thinking, endowed with faith in their own strength. The amulet will be appropriate for those who cannot achieve the goal.

- Slavic amulet, which marks the harmony of the spiritual and physical, at the same time it protects the negativity of the world.

- the god of the night (devil), the son of Rod and the goat Sedunya.

- the union of the opposites of the two sexes.

- Goddess, wife of Dazhdbog, daughter of Lada. Her name is interpreted as life. It means spring, along with flowering, awakening, fertility. It was Zhiva who gave life to the first man. This Slavic amulet is suitable for anyone: a man, a child, a woman, and gives everyone strength.

- a classic example of a solar Slavic amulet. The value is associated with the family, grants its multiplication. In this regard, patronizes pregnant women. But not just pregnant. The bunny amulet helps to give birth to a boy, and men to sow their seed in the name of the birth of a boy. As jewelry, it was worn by women in demolitions at the waist or on an apron. Believers can also use it now if they want a male child, but it does not work.

- a symbol of fertility. It differs from an unsown field in points inside rhombuses, holes for seeds. A woman in anticipation of offspring, bread, sown soil were considered identical among the Russians and together formed the universe, a domestic cosmos. Also, the amulet increases vitality, carries the power of female fertility.

- often found in embroidery. A good Slavic amulet that brings happiness, as well as other benefits. They can decorate both towels and linen.

- it was believed in beliefs that this is an exclusively female sign. activates in a woman such qualities as: prudence, wisdom, balance, calmness, and also brings harmony to the family, creates comfort. In magical rites, it can be used as protection against black energy.

- Slavic amulet that connects opposites. Man and woman, life and death.

- manifestation of the goddess Mary-Morena. As soon as the goddess of death puts on her winter clothes, she begins to command the elements of winter. Also Marena in magic is the hostess. Often a Slavic amulet with Madder in winter decoration is used in witchcraft rituals associated with prediction.

ENGLAND- fire, showing the spiritual path. Under this talisman, paganism is reborn. Also, this sign can enhance the power of other Slavic amulets.

- was given to young people on the second day of the wedding. It is customary to embroider it with your own hands for a gift, so that a new family will have a child.

- the same as the swastika, but has at least six rays. "Kolo" means circle or wheel. Sun symbol. Also now it is acquiring a slightly different sound - the revival of paganism. It can be used as a Slavic decoration if you want to show belonging to the Rodnovery and protect yourself.

- carols, Christmas songs glorifying the gods are associated with his name. This symbolizes holiness and purity, craving for the sun.

- Slavs. Russians always wore it on their chest, whether it was a child or an old man. Gives masculine strength and good luck in all matters: war, love, work. Celebrates the victory of the sun over the night.

- also a swastika, but with straight rays. It is a mistake to assume that the sign came to the ancient Slavs with Christianity. It is known in many cultures and more ancient. It comes from the Latin "Twisted". It is a symbol of eternity, protection from all sides. Another explanation is the reunification of the male and female worlds (vertical and horizontal, respectively).

CROSS OF LADA-THE MOTHER OF GOD, aka- a pair of carolers. It was supposed to make them slotted, so that on the one hand it turned out to be a talisman for a man, and on the other for a woman. They were worn by girls from the age of three and worn until old age. He helped unmarried virgins to find a groom, and to family ones to put things in order in the house, to give birth to a child.

- can be found in ancient calendars, a symbol of the New Year. Its interpretation is an endless movement forward.

- was embroidered on the robes of pregnant women to give energy to the expectant mother to endure and give birth to a child. Means a continuous world relationship.

- revered by women who consider the goddess an assistant in childbirth. The patroness of the family, life. The described Slavic amulet gives harmony in all areas of life. In the huts it was supposed to be located in the most prominent place. With the advent of Christianity, this place was taken by the Mother of God.

- the goddess of spring. The Slavic amulet Lel gave strength to be reborn. The amulet is primarily for girls who want to be attractive, confident.

- the pagans worshiped the trees, the groves were considered sacred. Religious ceremonies were held there, shrines were erected. Later, paganism was absorbed by Christianity, but the role of forests did not go away.

MARA- Goddess of winter and death, black, powerful, terrifying. Daughter of Svarog and the goddess of spring. In addition, she is also the goddess of war. The brave men who fell in battle were personally escorted to the underworld by her. Its purpose, like Chernobog, is the global balance of good and evil.

MAKOSH- a goddess to whom there was a special relationship. It is clearly visible from the interpretation of the very name "" - "ma" (mother), "kosh" (purse, receptacle of wealth). This is a female goddess, since the earth is feminine. Associated with fertility, with fate. She has two sisters: Dolya and Nedolya. The first spins a thick thread of happy fate, the second a flimsy, unhappy one.

- in the center is a rhombus with a dot, which in any Slavic amulet symbolizes the birth of life, fertility. Four elements are located at its corners: earth, air, water, fire. According to another interpretation, this is a combination of the mind, spirit, emotions and the world.

- Slavic amulet against the evil eye, corruption, black witchcraft, the curse of the family.

- God of deceit, misleading. The Slavic amulet with its face is designed to enchant, but at the same time it is the keeper of the truth, hiding the path to it.

- the same as the sown field, but not able to give birth, without dots symbolizing fertility. Used in rituals. This sign was drawn by the head of the house on the field, then stones were laid out in the center of each sector, making the ideogram fertile.

- belongs to, the symbol of God Ramhat, the patron. They denote the connection of the past and the future, earthly wisdom and heavenly. In the form of a talisman, this symbolism was used by those who embarked on the path of self-improvement.

- a charm that carries the meaning of tribal unity. The one who wears it on the body is protected by the family, including the heavenly one.

NEW LIFE- a rhombus with a dot in a square is part of many Slavic amulets, and everywhere it is interpreted unequivocally - fertility in the broad sense, the appearance of offspring in any creature and plant.

- Slavic amulet, denoting the Fiery heavenly power. It is used so that the family multiplies, transforms. This was not instituted on the body, but was depicted mainly on the shirts of girls.

- Slavic amulet, which is a combination of inglia and a solar symbol. It is believed to bring health and happiness.

- this amulet was originally customary to be applied to the facades of the huts: platbands, roof slopes, shutters. This .

- in ancient times, the so-called white water lily, which was used to treat many diseases. She was so revered that she even found embodiment in the amulet. It is supposed to wear a talisman overcoming-grass on the body for those who are in poor health or during epidemics.

- the amulet was used not only by people, they protected livestock, working tools, household utensils. The amulet granted the protection of the Gods.

- means guardian of the setting sun. In the literal sense - the retirement of Yarila. In a broad concept, which has not only a sign, but also the amulet itself - the completion of work, spiritual stamina, peace of nature. For this reason, he was depicted on barns and other outbuildings where crops are stored.

- personifies the Slavic god of justice of the same name - Pravda, a constant companion of the supreme god, the creator of laws. Opposes Krivda. Their eternal confrontation makes the world a better place. Such is the interpretation of the amulet - the improvement of the world. It is used in both white and black magic.

- magical creatures, ancient and mysterious in the understanding of the ancestors. Their meaning is the sky, the legacy of the white gods and themselves, since in mythology the gods were able to turn into birds.

- a guardian for a child. It is customary to apply it to the cradle, the child's toys. Protects the baby from the evil eye, witchcraft. It is customary to wear it until the age of 12.

- means the power of the race, its steadfastness. As a talisman, it was not used, but reminded everyone of its origin and purpose.

- Shows continuity. As the continuity of generations, so is the continuity in the universe. A charm created to protect the memory of generations.

- means the help of ancestors to their people, support and guidance.

- exclusively female amulet. Most often he was depicted on clothes. The owner of this amulet herself did not embroider it, this was done by relatives or friends. The purpose of the amulet is not only support in conception, but also the preparation of a woman for the appearance of a child at a psychological level: the awakening of the maternal instinct and the desire to take care.

- is not a talisman. Means the border between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Not used in everyday life.

- a charm that carries the designation of the pure light of the luminary, fertility, rich harvest. The amulet was depicted for various tools, as well as for barns.

- a charm depicted on sanctuaries and sacrificial stones. In later times, they began to depict him on the walls of huts in order to get rid of the influence of dark spells.

- a multi-valued Slavic symbol that marks the Slavic wedding. It means the two principles of the sun: creative and destructive, male and female. Connecting and interlacing them gives the couple a child. This amulet is usually depicted on rings, and in ancient times they were decorated with the robes of the newlyweds.

- a charm depicted on household items so that there is prosperity and happiness in the house. Its interpretation is perpetual motion.

- the designation of this amulet is the movement across the sky of Yarila. The wearer of this amulet received purity of thoughts and insight.

- the blacksmith god, the patron of such professions that are interconnected with metal. He also protected the men of the warriors. The amulet is suitable for workers of working specialties, including for builders. The amulet helps to create. We honor the ancient Slavs for having bestowed a plow, an ax and laws.

- earthly fire: hearth, bonfire. Its benefits are great, because the fire warmed and fed. In addition, the Slavs wore it on their clothes to recognize fellow believers.

- this sign is the main one in the Slavic solar symbolism and is mistakenly perceived as exclusively fascist. In its original interpretation, the swastika is an image of the luminary. It comes from the Indo-European "associated with the good." Also has a name or solstice. Each swastika has a specific purpose.

- two are connected in one amulet: a thunderstorm and, which unites the earthly energy flow and the heavenly one. Helps to understand the wisdom of the ancestors.

- an amulet created from a carol and a thunderbolt. It unites heavenly fire and earthly waters. This gives rise to life. The amulet was used by pregnant women so that the offspring were healthy.

- the original purpose of the amulet was to help in military affairs and strengthen the clan. Over time, the interpretation changed, acquiring more and more qualities inherent in men: purposefulness, perseverance, masculinity. It should not be perceived solely as belonging to the strong half of humanity. Previously, women did not use it. At this time, women also need strength in order to deal with circumstances and defend themselves from evil forces. For this reason, it becomes a universal amulet for men and women.

- fire god. The origin and designation of the word and the deity itself is not clear. According to one version, he guarded the crops in the form of a winged dog.

- Associated with the image of God Rod. Since ancient times, it has been used in the form of carvings on amulets, amulets, images of gods, in the form of embroidery on robes. Especially on hats and belts. Blacksmiths forged this symbol on weapons and armor in order to gain invincibility.

- the amulet is undoubtedly female. We honor the ancient Slavs for what helps to endure strong offspring.

- a charm endowed with the energy of God Yarila and the Mother of the Raw Earth. It is a mirror image of Colard. Amulets with such an image bestow fertility and prosperity.

- a charm illuminated by the light of Yarila. Drawn by the Slavs on all household items. There are many interpretations. The amulet should heal its wearer, bestow prudence.

- a talisman from all the creations of dark forces: fears and doubts.

- belongs to the God of the Wind, appeared from the breath of the Family. A talisman of sailors, designed to protect from storms, storms, sending a fair wind.

- another sign of the God of the Wind, but unlike a stribog, such a talisman protects the home from bad weather. The sailors turned to him so that there would be no hurricanes and storms, and the millers asked for wind so that the windmills would spin.

- a charm with which the Slavs went on feats of arms, applying to weapons and armor. Suasti promised good luck.

- belongs to the god of the same name, brother of Kolyada. This is the patron saint of autumn. The time of the year when the soil gives its fruits, rewards for the labors. In addition, autumn is the road to winter, with changeable and unstable weather. Such is the symbolism of the amulet: remuneration for work, obtaining wealth.

- belongs to the son of Rod, brother of Veles. A charm that protects from damage, the evil eye and curses.

- the amulet was used by the Slavs in the treatment of ailments not only of the body, but also of the soul.

(FIREFLOW)- a belief is associated with him that whoever finds a fiery one on the night of Ivan Kupala, he will gain wealth, become very strong, wise and rich. Hence the symbolism, and amulets with the image of both the sign and the plant itself.

- a charm that looks like a fiery rotating cross. He does not allow evil forces to penetrate the soul. Charovrat was used as an amulet, depicted on pendants, rings. Often it can be found on the door of the house of the Slavs, on linen.

- guards property, boundaries of possessions. In addition to protecting against thieves, it will help in finding the treasure. To protect the consciousness from the intervention of evil spirits, they say: "Chur me!".

- a charm for men, designed to endow the owner with prowess, strength. Yarila air assists in solving problems.

- belongs to Yarila, the god of the luminary, who brought warmth to all living things on earth. The amulet is designed to keep even in the most severe cold, so it was depicted on the courtyard buildings where livestock lived.

- a charm applied to tools to protect against the elements, since weather conditions, the timing of flowering and fruiting of crops depended on Yaro-God. The Slavs used the amulet for the harvest.

The ancient Slavs protected themselves from evil forces and various life troubles with the help of amulets. Moreover, in each specific situation, you need to use a certain protective symbol. Each Slavic amulet is distinguished by its individuality, and choosing it is a very complex process that requires knowledge and consideration of many factors.

Amulets and symbols of the ancient people - their role and meaning

Today, the amulets of the ancient Slavs are very popular. As before, gold and silver are used for their manufacture. But many still give preference to silver, since it is believed that this metal repels any evil spirits. Experts in the field of esotericism argue that when choosing a Slavic amulet, you must definitely listen to your own intuition. In the Slavic world, amulets for men and women stood out in separate groups.

Old Slavic amulets for men

The most powerful Slavic amulets for men are made not only from silver, but also from copper. Their difference from women's amulets is the conciseness of images. In addition, the symbols that were depicted on the amulets were often embroidered by sisters and wives on clothes.

Veles is one of the most powerful and revered gods of the ancient Slavic world. The symbol is an image of the paw of an animal, similar to a bear or wolf. If a man got such an amulet, then he was obliged to wear it all his life. Such a talisman can also be very useful for a boy, as it will contribute to the formation of his character and help to overcome various life obstacles. The loss of a talisman in ancient times was considered a bad omen. This was a warning that a black streak begins in life. In the modern world, it is believed that the seal of Veles contributes to career growth. This Slavic amulet provides reliable protection to farmers, fishermen and hunters.

Vseslavets is a charm associated with the element of fire. Its most important purpose is protection from quarrels and disagreements. Previously, it was used to establish family ties. In addition, this symbol controls weather conditions and is able to repel alien negative energy. In the modern world, magicians recommend that men wear it when they start a new job.

Gromovik can conditionally be considered a universal Slavic amulet. It is the unification of the power of good and light. This sign is designed to enhance the natural qualities of a person, it is able to reliably protect against negativity. The amulet is especially useful for young people, as it allows them to decide on the choice of their life path. Previously, it was also often used by warriors. Today, more and more often, the meaning of the symbol is associated with the acquisition of self-confidence.

A storm coat with everyday wear makes a man wiser and more courageous. It allows you to successfully resist various temptations and make the right life decisions. Today, such an amulet is used by sailors and travelers to protect against natural elements.

Dukhobor promotes spiritual and physical cleansing. It is preferred to be worn by people striving for spiritual growth. The strength of this symbol lies in the fact that it is able to protect a man from evil deeds and from various diseases.

The value of the Znich amulet is associated with the desire for self-improvement. This symbol simplifies the process of knowing the world around us. It charges a man with a special positive energy, allows you to know the meaning of life and does not allow damage and the evil eye to destroy the natural aura. In the modern world, experts recommend wearing a talisman when looking for a good job, and also as an amulet aimed at protecting against life failures of a different nature.

The Svarga amulet can only be worn by a man with a well-formed outlook on life and having life experience. Magicians believe that the amulet is suitable for those who are at least 32 years old. It is allowed to start wearing this amulet at an earlier age, but only after participating in hostilities, the need for which is related to the defense of the homeland. For men who have clearly defined life goals for themselves, this Slavic amulet allows you to change your life for the better.

The value of the amulet of the ax of Perun is strength and power. The symbol was created in honor of the main god of the Slavic world. In ancient times, he allowed the soldiers to protect their native land. Today, the amulet is more often used to protect the family from external negative factors. In addition, he allows a man to be faithful.

The value of the amulet Ratiborets is very deep. The symbol is somewhat mystical, as it establishes a connection with the ancestors who left the world. When wearing it, you can count on their support. In ancient times, it was believed that this amulet in a short time could turn inexperienced young men into strong and wise men. In the modern world, the value of the amulet is more associated with success in any endeavor.

Carol is a universal protective amulet that enhances the willpower of the wearer. He is a symbol of wisdom. The amulet was able to protect a man not only in military combat, but also in everyday life. Esotericists believe that the symbol is suitable for diplomats and politicians. He endows people with tact and the ability to find compromises when solving serious issues. It is believed that the man who wears it will never commit a rash, reckless act. The amulet fills the human soul with calmness and confidence.

Women's Slavic amulets

Women's Slavic amulets are more refined in appearance. They, first of all, attract life personal happiness. Amulets contribute to the preservation of youth, successful marriage and the birth of healthy children.

Lunnitsy is a special group of amulets that protected beauties from evil spirits that appeared at night and could do much harm. The meaning of the amulet has always been inextricably linked with bringing happiness and love into life. In addition, Lunnitsa protected the health of a woman. These amulets are necessarily made of silver. It is recommended to wear them on a necklace decorated with stones.

This amulet is double-sided, it is believed that it has great power and is able to protect a woman from damage and the evil eye. On one side of the amulet, Yarovik is depicted, and on the other, the Fireman. In the modern world, magicians recommend wearing this amulet to attract happiness and good luck in life. It is believed that it helps to easily transfer the period of pregnancy and ensures the well-being during childbirth.

The protective amulet symbolizes the famous goddess of love and family - Lada. The ancient Slavs applied the image of this goddess on the walls of the house so that she would take the family under protection and help maintain sincere relations between the household. The amulet allows you to preserve beauty and youth, strengthens women's health, which contributes to a successful pregnancy and childbirth. Modern women wear this amulet in order to protect against negativity.

This amulet is designed to protect older women. It helps to become a real keeper of the hearth and create a favorable atmosphere in the home. Thanks to the amulet, peace, prosperity and understanding reign in the home. The power of this amulet is controlled by the goddess Makosh, she contributes to the development of intuition and personifies the unshakable bond between mother and child.

The value of the Ognevitz amulet is difficult to overestimate. This amulet is capable of multiplying maternal strength many times over, so only women who have given birth wear it. The amulet must be made of silver or wood.

Already by the very name it becomes clear that this amulet is primarily intended for those women who seek to have children. Often the symbol is embroidered on a woman's clothing. It allows you to properly tune in to motherhood and is a very good support during pregnancy, since at this time the woman's defenses are significantly weakened, but it helps to successfully cope with depression, which all future women in labor are subject to. During childbirth, the amulet reduces pain and guarantees the birth of a healthy child. The meaning of the amulet after the birth of the baby changes somewhat. His power is redirected to protect the crumbs, so it is very correct to embroider this ancient Slavic symbol on the diapers and clothes of the baby.

Ladinets is a charm that reliably protects a woman from any negative influences. Also, the amulet prevents the development of dangerous female diseases. In the ancient Slavic world, this amulet was given to girls at the time of birth. It is believed that the longer the amulet is worn, the more power it acquires and, over time, is able to give the owner real female happiness.

Charms of the ancient Slavs for children

Slavic amulets for children are presented in pagan culture in a huge variety. There are amulets that needed to be hung over the baby's bed. Other amulets the child had to wear all the time. Protective symbols of the mother were embroidered on the clothes of the baby, for older children they were depicted on belts.

Rodovik was the first amulet, which was necessarily attached to the bed of a born baby. It is considered universal, as it extends its protective properties not only to the baby, but to the whole family. The meaning of the amulet is that it attracts the protection of a specific kind of power of all the bright gods. Rodovik is often called God's Eye. It guarantees the child protection from the four natural elements and all ancestors.

After the birth of the baby, the mother always put a strong protective amulet in the crib - a diaper doll. And this tradition is very popular in the modern world. It is important to remember that such a charm must be made without the use of needles and scissors. First, a tourniquet should be twisted from a white natural fabric, which will be a little body. And then you need to swaddle it in a bright patch, and tie a scarf on your head. From above, the doll must be tied with a red thread, while the face does not need to be painted.

Slavic amulets by date of birth

How to determine your chamber according to the Slavic horoscope

Slavic amulets are often chosen by birthday. In this case, they are universal and provide protection in various areas of life. You need to know that the Slavic calendar consists of 16 halls. To select, you must use the Svarog circle. If the date of birth is at the junction of the halls, then this indicates that the person patronizes two protective forces.

Flying birthdays

Summer birthdays fall on the following halls:
    Finist - from May 29 to June 20. The God of the universal law of justice Cherry patronizes people, he endows them with endurance and vitality. Usually people born during this period are rational, do not like to take risks, but are very emotional. Horse - from June 20 to July 13. The patron of people born during this period is Kupala, who is considered the heavenly deity of joy and sunlight. Those born in this hall are responsible parents, they always create prosperous families and are very hardworking. Eagle - from July 13 to August 4. Patronizes people in this chamber Perun. The characteristic features of those born are natural wisdom, determination and perseverance. Race or Leopard - from August 4 to August 27. The patron is the god of wisdom Dazhdbog. He endows people born in this hall with activity and purposefulness, as a rule, they rely only on themselves.

Autumn birthdays

Autumn birthdays fall on the following halls:
    Virgo - from August 27 to September 20. The patron saint of people is the Jiva Mother of God. This bright goddess promotes the development of intuition and caution. Those born under her rule strive for knowledge and, improving, almost always become successful. Vepr - from September 20 to October 11. The patron of the palace is the god Ramhat. A characteristic feature of those born in this hall is courage based on rational thinking. This allows people to solve the most difficult problems. Among the representatives, there are often closed, selfish personalities. Pike - from October 11 to November 3. The patroness of the palace is the Goddess Rozhana, who is responsible for home comfort and peace of mind. For people, a characteristic feature is the fact that they are able to feel liberated in any situation. They know how to benefit under any circumstances. Swan - from November 3 to November 24. Mother Makosh patronizes this calendar period. People born in this hall are adventurous and never give in to other people's influence, they never need the advice of other people.

For those born in winter

Winter birthdays fall on the following halls:
    Serpent - from November 24 to December 16. The patron of people born in this chamber is the lord of the original fire - the god Semargl. He is the giver of sound mind and prudence. Calculating conservatives are born at this time of the year, rejecting any life changes. Raven - from December 16 to January 7. Patronizes people who were born in this chamber, the prophetic god Varuna. During this period, visionaries and dreamers are born. They are able not only to create, but also to destroy, and it depends on how much a person has managed to fulfill himself in life. Bear - from January 7 to January 31. The heavenly god Svarog patronizes those born in the hall. People are distinguished by high efficiency and masculinity. But for all the severity of their character, the representatives of the palace are very vulnerable and always need the support of loved ones. Stork - from January 31 to February 25. The patron is the god Rod, who takes care of people and seeks to push them on the right path. Representatives of this chamber have a heightened sense of self-worth. They always become reliable friends.

Spring birthdays

Spring birthdays fall on the following halls:
    Wolf - from February 25 to March 22. The patron is the werewolf god and sorcerer Veles. People born in this hall are adherents of law and order. Among them, due to their correctness, there are many lonely people. Fox - from March 22 to April 14. The goddess of the winter cold and the night Mara patronizes this time period. People who were born in this chamber all the time have to make choices and solve difficult problems. Over time, they become cunning and quirky personalities. The tour is from April 14 to May 6. The bright god of wisdom Kryshen patronizes people during this period. representatives are straightforward. They are purposeful, responsible and hardworking. Elk - from May 6 to May 29. The patroness of people who were born in this chamber is the bright goddess Lada. She fills the souls with bright love for loved ones. Representatives are responsive, they are always ready to stand up for the weak and support in a difficult life situation.

Universal charms for home and family - description and interpretation

In the ancient Slavic world, universal amulets are widely represented. They can be used by different categories of people.

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“Keeps a talisman from the evil eye, keeping evil forces out. A man intermarried with him, not parting to the grave. Keeps the warmth of hearts and the memory of the Old Testament…”

The amulets of our ancestors are fraught with a deep sacred meaning. Behind them is the strength, the power of the Family, a close connection with nature, which was the shrine of the ancestors. All talismans had a strong protective effect. They were taken with them on the road, used in everyday life and protected their lives, homes and families. How can Slavic amulets and their meaning help us, contemporaries?

Pagan traditional amulets

Our great-grandfathers perceived the world around us in a completely different way. Paganism was based on respect and worship of nature and fear of its forces and power. To protect themselves from various misfortunes, negative influences and falling under low vibrations, the Slavs came up with protective symbols.

Modern Slavic amulets look exactly the same as their ancestors. The photo of the found amulets during archeological excavations is taken as a basis. Therefore, modern pagan talismans have the same strength and power.

They will also protect their owners from the attacks of evil spirits, dangers, the black eye and injustice. In return, bringing good luck, prosperity and fortune in all matters and undertakings. To choose a pagan protective sign, first of all, listen to your own feelings - take a look at the photos of the talismans, listen to yourself. And you will immediately feel which of the amulets is “your”.

The ancient Slavs divided symbols into female and male.

Protection of Slavic beauties

Women were supposed to wear more amulets - after all, they were the bearers and guardians of the Family. In each Rus family, the oldest woman was responsible for making magical talismans. She did them all alone and in silence. In the process of creating a sacred thing, all thoughts must be pure, and thoughts clear.

Ancient Slavic symbols were used as the basis for a magical thing. They were applied to robes in the form of embroidery, household items and, of course, protective jewelry.

A powerful sacred sign that brought the Slav woman health and female happiness. Its importance was invested in the protection of pregnant women and safe childbirth. It was believed that through the baby he received a strongly generic beginning. These amulets are symbols of life, fertility and prosperity.

Slavic men could also use such a sign, but initially it was considered a female symbol. Yarilo cherished love, revived feelings and did not allow married couples to break up. Rusinka through this talisman influenced harmony, prosperity in the house, protected her Family.


Lada is the goddess of youth, beauty, health and love. Protective symbols protected the house from all misfortune and evil. These amulets were intended for young girls who dreamed of family happiness.


One of the strongest sacred signs. In its meaning, Slavic people laid power over time and the course of life. This talisman could also be worn by men, but in the legends such a sign has always been considered as female. For a young girl, he gave powerful protection to the entire Family.

Charming talisman for mature, family women. Those who sacredly honor the traditions of the Family and carry warmth and kindness. Great Makosh takes under her protection the family, the Slavic way of life, the family hearth and all family members. Abundance and happiness go hand in hand with Makosh.


In ancient legends, this name was borne by a sacred herb with magical powers. Such symbols protected from the attacks of demonic spells. And Mother Earth herself gave birth to this grass. Amulets, meaning Odolen-grass, protected the Rusyns and their families from illness and sickness.

Wedding attendant

The talisman of the newlyweds, which was awarded to the young bride. With his help, the young wife protected family values ​​and kept harmony and prosperity in the house. protected the newlyweds from the accidental evil eye during the wedding feast and attracted auspicious energies.


The strongest amulet that was given to the Slavs by their patron - the God of the Family. Slavic women, thanks to him, safely carried the baby and were relieved by a burden. These talismans also protected the newborn from the evil eye. They wore this badge throughout their lives.


Sacred symbols with Rozhanitsa (the goddess of fate) were intended for women who dream of children. The symbol was also suitable for pregnant women, for whom these charms were of particular importance: they protected newborns and helped prepare for the birth of the mother.

Any female Slavic amulets are a source of colossal power that carries goodness and care for others. Those who have a warm, open and sincere soul will only enhance the power of protective talismans.

Amulets of Slavic men

Male protective symbols primarily contributed to good luck in military affairs, helped in everyday life and protected on the hunt. Amulets for Slavic men were simpler than women's and were mainly worn as embroideries on shirts, bracelets, wearable plaques and fasteners (brooches).

The most powerful talisman was the one that was made by the hands of his wife. Many Slav women wove bracelets from their hair for their husbands - such amulets protected men in military campaigns and in everyday life. The claws and fangs of wild animals obtained by hunting had a strong magical significance.

Veles seal

Every man who wore the sign of Veles, one of the most important Slavic Gods, fell under his protection. The amulets depicted the paw of the divine Beast (bear, cow or wolf), which guarded the Rus throughout his life. Any business was protected from risk and misfortune.


Symbols with fiery protection, protecting from disagreements and quarrels. This talisman kept peaceful relations between the Clans, took away the flows of invisible powerful forces and transformed them for the benefit of the owner. He helped in all undertakings and saved Slavic dwellings from fires, preserving all property.


Protect for those who accept their life as the highest good and invest a lot of effort to become more perfect. This is a sign of the inner human fire, its basis, essence. Dukhobor helps to purify physically and become stronger spiritually. He protected men from sickness, disease and fatigue.

An amulet of strong warriors who protect their family and home from invaders and infidels. This talisman belonged to the cult of the God of thunder and lightning, angry skies, who helped protect traditions and family values.

Slavic men sacredly kept the family memory. They were changers, masters of events and change. All their amulets were passed down through the line of sons. After all, the power of the Family came from the knowledge and forces accumulated by generations.

Charm dolls

In addition to sacred symbols, amulets in the form of pupae were widespread in Rus'. Slavic protective dolls were designed to protect families and homes from diseases, all kinds of misfortunes and evil spirits.

Each doll was preparing for a specific event. They twisted it from scraps of fabric and thread. No scissors or needles were used. At the birth of a protective doll, it was necessary to have only a good mood, otherwise the talisman would take pessimism and harm the owners.

On the day it was made, the house was cleaned cleanly, Slavic women dressed in elegant clothes and performed the sacrament in complete silence, putting a piece of their own soul into each work. The doll did not depict a face, it was believed that an evil spirit could penetrate into it through the eyes. The symbols and meaning of the pupae were different.

A protective talisman that a mother twisted for her pregnant daughter. It was a symbol of prosperity, fertility and health. When a baby was born, the Nurse was placed in his cradle. Then the mother's milk did not decrease, and the baby grew up healthy and strong.

Or Herbalist-pod. An amulet of health, which was intended for the sick. It was filled with medicinal, aromatic herbs (thyme, dill, oregano, lemon balm, mint, geranium). The finished dolls were placed at the head of the sick person's bed in a warm place. The herbal smell killed germs, purified the air and gave strength for recovery.


Cross dolls were made for the Trinity. They carried the symbol of the Trinity Semik - the unity of a birch, a cross and a girl. The talisman was decorated with girlish ribbons, and the cross was made from birch twigs. The cross with honor occupied the most prominent place in the house.


The meaning of this doll was intended to protect the little ones. It was twisted from colored, bright patches. The amulet was hung over the cradle. Kuvadka was the first toy that the little one saw. Kuvadok dolls were twisted in several pieces. Their number must have been odd. It was a strong amulet for a little Rusyn.

Pokosnitsa dolls were made for haymaking. They have always been bright and elegant. After all, mowing has always been a holiday for our ancestors. The Slavs went to mow only in festive, bright robes. The hands of the talisman were wrapped with red thread to enhance the protective qualities. The stalk was supposed to protect workers from wounds and cuts.


Its meaning is to call for the future harvest. They twisted this amulet after collecting the grain. And such dolls should have stood in the Red Corner along with the icons. It was believed that Zernovushki would bring a rich harvest next year. It was also made for young girls who dream of children.

Family amulets. Symbols that protect happiness in the circle of loved ones. These dolls were given to the newlyweds at the wedding. Lovebirds symbolized the union of the bride and groom. The tassels that the talismans had meant the imminent appearance of the firstborn. When the second and third baby was born, brushes were added. Lovebird dolls have always been red - to enhance the protective power.


Such talismans were spun by the whole family on Sylvester's day in the early morning. They were folded from multi-colored shreds, which were tied with red thread. Each thread symbolized the illness and deficiency of a person and bore its own name: Dormant, Leney, Decrepit, Aveya, Looking, Agney, Deaf, Ledeya, Shaking, Vetreya, Nemeya and Zhelteya. There were 12 in total. Then the dolls were hung over the door. According to the belief of the Slavs, it was on this day that evil fevers flew into the house, which, seeing the amulets, immediately flew away.

Puppet amulets were sacredly kept from outsiders and passed on to heirs through the line of women. Their powerful properties have survived to this day. These cute charm dolls will protect you, your home and family from dark spells, evil looks, gossip, illness and misfortune.

The principle of operation of Slavic amulets in the video:

Ancient mythology, a special topic in the world of practical magic. In former times, Slavic amulets were widely used in the everyday life of our ancestors. In those distant times, people believed that they could not do without the help of higher beings and the forces of nature. After all, each amulet is clocked as a symbol, a sign, of a mythical Slavic Deity. It is worth recalling that before the arrival of Christianity on the territory of the Slavic land, the ancestors worshiped not one specific deity, but the whole Divine Pantheon. The Slavic Pantheon is numerous, and it is problematic to tell about all its branches. And therefore, let's talk about those Gods of Slavic mythology that are mentioned more often, are directly involved in the life and destinies of people, and whose symbolism is used by magicians for certain rituals. The meaning of each symbol is especially important if a person wants to devote himself to the gods of antiquity.

Each amulet is clocked as a symbol, a sign, of a mythical Slavic Deity


Rod - the Ancestor, in Slavic mythology the Dominant Spirit, the creator of everything that exists on earth, the progenitor and head of the Pantheon. This is the Forefather of the Gods and their strength directly depends on the proximity of kinship with Him. In a nutshell, we can say that humanity, the Deities and the Force depend on the will of the Family. In Slavic mythology, this is not only the most powerful, but also the kindest deity. It is Rod who is credited with all the main good deeds:

  • Creation of the Pantheon of the Gods;
  • Creation of all things;
  • Gift to the people of the Earth;
  • Gift to the people of Heaven;
  • Creation of Heavenly Luminaries;
  • Invasion of the soul;
  • Immortality of the human soul;
  • The possibility of rebirth of a person into another hypostasis (from a person into an animal, from an animal into a tree, a plant, from a plant due to nature, from nature back into a person).

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that all deities of the Slavic Pantheon, all mythical incarnations all Forces of nature are directly dependent on the Will of the Family. That is, deities cannot help, do not harm people, animals, earth and nature, if there is no will of the Family.

The symbol or sign of the Supreme Deity of the Family is a four-pointed star, the rays of which bend in the direction against the movement of the sun. Circles are fixed at the ends of the rays, embodying a closed movement, an endless and constant rebirth (the very change of incarnations of the human soul into various hypostases).

Almost everything is decorated with the symbols of the Family. This is the personification of the Beginning of Beginnings. His talismans are used in the rituals of calling the harvest year, these signs adorn the clothes of men, women and children. Amulets of amulets with the sign of the Sort are widely used now as simple decorations and as especially effective amulets. Such an amulet strengthens and enhances at times the effect of amulets and talismans with the symbols of other gods of the Slavic Pantheon. Most often, talismans with the sign of the Family were made from silver, less often from gold. This Deity is not distinguished by vanity. The signs of the Family can be worn both under clothing and as an external decoration.

Almost everything is decorated with the symbols of the Family


Svarog belongs to the category of the Highest Divine Spirits, and is a direct descendant of the Sort. But, despite this, the symbolism of the cross with forked rays was never used by the Slavs as a single amulet. The thing is that our ancestors were afraid of his Power, but even more, his wrath, and tried not to bother the Deity with their presence. Svarog is the patron of weapons, war, and warriors. But, this deity also patronizes blacksmithing. Our ancestors believed that the forge is the temple of Svarog, the anvil and blacksmith's hammer are its symbols. But, it is worth remembering that the Amulets with the symbols of Svarog were not made from metal, because the power contained in the hardest material threatened with dire consequences. Most often, his signs were used to decorate the lower clothing of a warrior, sometimes symbols were carved on wooden handles. It was attributed to mothers to cut out amulets with the symbol of Svarog with their own hands and put on these talismans to their husbands and sons before going to battle or war. The walls of the forge were decorated with such drawings, and they were applied to all blacksmithing tools. Even on the doors of the forge, the symbol of the god Svarog was applied as a sign. The Slavs honor this Deity on the night of the 13th to the 14th of December. In his honor, furnaces are burning in all forges, and blacksmiths present their best products before his eyes. Recently, there is an opinion that the symbolism was nevertheless embodied in iron, but amulets were made strictly of silver, and were worn hiding from prying eyes.

Svarog is the patron saint of weapons, war, and warriors.


God Perun is also the Supreme God and a direct descendant of the Family. Thunder, Lightning and War are in his power. Slavic mythology says that Perun possessed super strength, unprecedented power, but at the same time kindness and responsiveness. In honor of Perun, they set fire to the eternal fire on the temples and brought him generous gifts. Some sources point to the fact that the gifts to Perun were captured warriors who were burned alive at the stake. But there is no evidence for this, this deity was not distinguished by bloodthirstiness, it was his business to patronize warriors, protect and support them.

It is worth noting that the signs of this God have several symbols, and each of them is enclosed in a multi-pointed star. The most powerful amulet for a warrior was considered the symbol of the Sword of Perun, the Hammer of Perun, and the Ax of Perun, made of pure silver. Today it is extremely rare to find such amulets in free sale, since its symbolism is primarily the meaning of war, albeit a victorious one. Perun's amulets are made of all types of metal, including silver pendant amulets, carved from wood as decorations for the neck and embroidered on outerwear. The meaning of such amulets and their function in protecting a warrior from accidental injury. Wives were assigned to make ornaments and embroidery on the clothes of men and sons before the war. It was believed that when working, women needed to sing songs of praise to Perun and moisten the fabric with their clean tears, making impenetrable spiritual protection for husbands and sons from simple matter. The meaning of this is the power of love and the request for mercy.

They honor the holiday of Perun on July 20, from the first rays of daylight, and until midnight people glorify this deity, drink wine from glasses of silver in his honor. Songs are sung in his honor, bonfires are lit and demonstrative battles are held with the obligatory honor of the winner. In some areas, the winner was granted a lot of gold and silver, and was given the opportunity to choose a virgin from the village for himself and make her his wife. But, these references do not have actual confirmation, since in those days women were honored and respected, and the encroachment on their freedom was severely suppressed. Descriptions of ritual battles have been preserved in ancient manuscripts.

The meaning of the amulet and their function in protecting a warrior from accidental injury


God Veles is a mysterious and unique deity in the Slavic Pantheon.

  1. First, Veles is the patron of people and their well-being. He sustains life and helps people in their sorrows and difficult situations.
  2. Secondly, Veles is honored as the patron of cattle, the animal world.
  3. Third, this deity is called the patron of poets and songwriters.
  4. The fourth, and surprising in his story, is the fact that He is the patron of the living world, the faithful husband of the goddess Makosh, who in Slavic mythology is the Goddess of Peace, Family, the patroness of women and women's crafts.

It is worth mentioning that during the transition to Christianity, this god Veles acquired several guises. So some of his features were placed on St. Blaise, the patron saint of cattle breeding, some passed on to Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. George. And Veles himself was transformed into Volosyanik and attributed to the demonic tribe.

But, nevertheless, admirers of pagan mythology and the Slavic Pantheon honor Veles from January 1 to 6, during the celebration of the New Year and Christmas. The amulet of Veles is an inverted letter "A" enclosed in a ring of flame. The value of this kind of talisman is to increase wisdom and increase wealth. They wear an amulet over their clothes, thereby paying tribute to the power of Veles and asking for his patronage. In ancient times, such talismans were made from wood, gold and silver. The meaning of the talisman is that Veles gives his servants wisdom, fortitude and determination in making difficult life decisions. In his honor, bonfires should be burned and songs glorifying the land, cattle, and labor should be sung. Description of the rituals dedicated to the worship of this deity is practically not found.


Yarilo is a pagan god of fertility, wheat and agriculture. In Slavic mythology, this deity occupied a place of honor, they worshiped him, they were afraid of him, and they tried to please him. It was believed that crop failure was nothing more than a consequence of Yarilo's anger at people. At the same time, he was endowed with the power to awaken carnal love and desire in all living things. He was considered the source of the white Light of the Family. Yarilo is a symbol of the Sun, the meaning of its warmth for the good fertility of livestock, a rich harvest, and satiety.

Until now, in some regions of the Slavic countries, Yarilo is honored as a holder of people, a breadwinner and a good host. Yarilo's symbol is a shield made of silver, in mythology the shield is a sign of the Sun, and therefore in ancient records you can find the definition of the Sun as Yarilo's walk across the celestial field. The signs and symbols of Yarilo are displayed in wood, metal, embroidered, painted on fabric, and depicted with tattoos on the body. If the symbol is an ornament, then it is worn over clothes, if it is embroidery, then it is done on the upper shirt in the neck area or on the chest. Honor Yarilo in the period from March 21 to 22, that is, on the eve of the spring solstice. Cattle are slaughtered in Yarilo's part, bread is baked, and silver items are presented to loved ones.

Yarilo's symbol is a shield made of silver, in mythology the shield is a sign of the Sun


Goddess Makosh, or as she is also called Makosho, Makosh, Makoshnaya, the records of her ancestors proclaim her a kind and sympathetic goddess of the Pantheon. This is a deity, a faithful wife to her husband Veles, and the patroness of women's crafts. The goddess makosh is credited with the patronage of spinning, farming, raising children, and family health. She is prayed for the health of blood relatives and husbands.

This deity is the most accessible in the Slavic Pantheon, she has no malice and strength, she tries to protect people in front of other gods. This is the first companion of the goddess Lada, the patroness of women in childbirth and female intuition. In some sources, the name Makosh is translated from Old Slavonic as "Mother" and "Lot", that is, "Mother of Fate". This goddess exists and rules with the support of her two assistants Srecha and Nesrecha (Share and Nedolya). In some sources, the strange meaning of this deity is given, this goddess weaves the threads of human destinies, and her fingers are punctured and injured, as she selects splinters (sins) from their Life thread (sins) with her bare hands to save people, unravels knots.

The symbols of this deity are a sown field and a figure of a spinner made of silver. In the images, she is represented as a woman with a spinning needle in her hands, and in the symbols as a complex figure, combining four squares of the correct form located between the rays of an equilateral cross. Mokosh amulets are made from all types of metal, more often from pure silver, and also cut from wood, draw, embroider on fabric. The symbolism embodied in jewelry is worn under clothing. Mokosh images can be found as:

  • home paintings;
  • embroidery on pillows;
  • blankets
  • curtains;
  • napkins and so on.

This Goddess is honored in the daytime on October 26th. But, according to ancient beliefs, Makosh given to the Slavs is considered May 10, Earth Day, the Holiday of Great Fertility, as another day. The description of the celebration according to the sources is reduced to chants and festivities.

Goddess Makosh. Symbol of the Slavic Gods


Goddess Lada is one of the most important in the Pagan Slavic Pantheon. Goddess Lada is credited with special feminine traits - beauty, love, sexuality, the ability to give birth to healthy sons and beautiful daughters. This is the goddess of Passion, the patroness of Love and carnal relations, a frivolous and at the same time proud and impregnable goddess in the entire Slavic Pantheon. Lada is the eldest among the goddesses of Slavic mythology, she is the beloved daughter of Rod. In some sources, this deity is pointed out as the only female hypostasis of the Genus itself. But, initially, she is the Daughter. More often, Lada is portrayed as the White Swan, but here everything is relative. In spring, this is a girl with bright red hair and sunny freckles on her cheeks, who wears a wreath on her head from the first field grasses and young leaves, in summer it is a young girl with golden hair and in a wreath of grown wheat, green branches with fruit ovaries and sparkles of morning dew . Since autumn, Lada has been presented as an incredibly beautiful woman, with long, light-colored hair falling down her back and falling to the ground, she wears a wreath with poured ears on her head, and branches of fruit trees. In winter, Lada is a stately blond beauty dressed in snow-white fox furs. The goddess holds a wooden sieve in her hands, from which snowflakes fly to the ground, and her kiss makes the trees dress in snow-white outfits from frost and snow.

Lada patronizes women in childbirth and needlewomen, strengthens family ties and teaches women humility while maintaining wisdom and their pride. The symbolism of Lada is the Ladin amulet, a multi-pointed star, the rays of which are directed against the movement of the sun. Symbols are cut from wood, smelted in metal, embroidered on women's clothing, painted on the body, used as a talisman. Worn on bracelets on the wrist, or as a pendant on a chain.

Lada is honored on March 30 from the first moments until midnight. This is a women's holiday, on this day women can declare their love for a man, accept marriage proposals, conceive and baptize children. You cannot destroy families, commit adultery and sin against your feminine nature. The meaning of Lada in Slavic history and mythology is described in many sources of ancient teachings about the power of nature.

Lada patronizes women in childbirth and women needlewomen


Alive, originally represented in the Slavic Pantheon, as the patron goddess of childbirth, the daughter of Lada and her right hand. She is the sister of Lada's other daughters - Lelya, Lyali, and Morana. Despite the fact that this deity carries the beginning of life, the birth of the soul, her son is one of the most cruel gods Peklenets - the owner of the underworld, in the current religion the Devil himself. Alive, personifies spring, love, youth, beauty, prosperity of the world, and the dawn of nature. In ancient times, Zhiva was endowed with the image of a cuckoo, and it was believed that if the Cuckoo forges it, Zhiva appeared from Iriy itself (pagan Paradise) to count the dead and those born.

Alive, in essence, is the sister of Morana to the goddess of Death, but wages an eternal uncompromising war with her for every person and for the earth as a whole.

In human form, the Goddess Alive is a beautiful woman who has moisture in one hand, the source of life water, and in the other grain, bread, the main food of mankind.

Description of the amulet and the symbolism of the goddess Alive is a complex letter "Zh", an interweaving of flowers and waves. Often a butterfly becomes a symbol of Alive, as a repetition of the features of the image of the amulet. It doesn't matter what kind of material is used and how the symbol is applied, the main thing is the repetition of the lines of the "Butterfly". You need to wear a charm all the time, but it is better to hide it under clothes from prying eyes.

Alive, personifies spring, love, youth, beauty


The goddess Morena from Slavic mythology is represented in many names:

  • Moran;
  • Mora;
  • Moraine;
  • Morgen;
  • Morochka;
  • Omoroka;
  • Dark Mother of God.

Morena is a cruel and unforgiving goddess. It feeds on human disease, pain, fear and death. This deity in the Pantheon is represented as a punishing Spirit. But, sources point to the fact that before wars and battles they glorified Morena, asking for deliverance. And this is true, because in the case of severe wounds, the warriors in their sufferings appealed to Death as a deliverer from pain. Morena prayed with terrible incurable diseases of old age, calling for deliverance from suffering. The attitude of the Slavs to this deity is twofold: on the one hand, it is the destroyer of the human race, but on the other, it is a deliverer from suffering. Morena was respected and feared, and its symbols were applied to the clothes and bed linen of terminally ill patients in order to attract the attention of death and thus end the suffering of a person.

The symbolism of Morena is a cross with rays detuned at the ends. There is a belief that a mortally wounded warrior, in order to call upon the goddess of Death, should draw the Morena symbol on his clothes with his blood and call on the deity with a prayer for his own completion of the earthly path. The Goddess of Death did not refuse the suffering and generously gave her grace of death to everyone.

This goddess is honored on March 1, starting with the evening dawn and ending with the first rays of dawn on March 2. It is worth mentioning that they do not arrange celebrations on this day, but on the contrary, this is the night of Sorrow, a time to mourn the fallen soldiers and deceased relatives.

Morena is a cruel and unforgiving goddess


God Peklenets in the Slavic Pantheon is the son of Zhiva, and the faithful nephew of Morena. This is one of the most mysterious figures in Slavic mythology. They portrayed the deity in the form of a flame, he fed on human sins, welcomed murder, violence and theft. But this deity is later presented in Christianity as the Devil himself and was considered the most generous among the gods. In ancient times, elders and landowners were accused of renunciation of the Family and the higher Gods and were suspected of being connected with Peklenets. As mythology said, this deity is two-faced and vile. Giving wealth and glory to people during his lifetime, in Hell he plunged fiery sticks into them again and again dooming souls to eternal suffering.

There is little information about this deity in history. The symbolism of this god is covered in darkness, since his signs could not serve as either a talisman or an amulet. There is information that his symbol is a knife and a spear on fire, but this is not proven by the facts. Adherents of Devilish Magic honor this deity on the night of August 12-13. Newborn goats are sacrificed to him, and their blood is drunk. All rituals are carried out immediately after the entry into force on the 13th.

The symbols and signs of the gods of the Slavic Pantheon carry a strong energy, and therefore, before choosing a talisman with one image or another, of one form or another, it is worth asking what this symbol really means. Better Slavic amulets protect this symbolism of the Sort, Yarilo, Veles, Alive, Svarog, Perun or Lada. Their intercession will help overcome life's hardships and cope with the complexities of human existence.

Slavic symbols are amulets, the meaning of which and their figurative meaning must be known to every Slav. Read in this article what a charm is, how to properly charge and use it. And also what the Slavs did in order to fully charge the amulets, see the step-by-step instructions from the practicing magician. What does the amulet have to do with religion, why does the church disown the ancient Slavic symbols.

Amulet - what is it?

Since ancient times, an object that has magical powers has been considered a talisman. Amulets are needed in order to bring joy to the house, fill the atmosphere with happiness and give their owners good luck and financial well-being. Talismans are credited with a mysterious action that inexplicably performs its main function - it protects people from evil misfortunes and the negative effects of karma.

Amulets are worn on the body, sometimes used as decoration. Also, talismans can be an element of clothing or be in a car. For the manufacture of amulets, a variety of materials are used, however, those that have a strong energy effect, for example, silver. A long time ago, ancient people made amulets from the body parts of the animals they killed.

Most often, talismans for good luck were made from teeth and claws. It is believed that it is in the teeth and claws that the most strength of the animal is contained. Amulets are actively used by representatives of alternative medicine as a means of protecting pregnant women from the evil eye, as well as bringing people the general energy of protection and magical action. A properly made amulet will serve as a conductor between our world and the world of spirits. A powerful amulet is able to counteract any energy attacks.

Amulets and religion

In religious teachings, amulets were used constantly. With the help of special objects, representatives of religion established energy connections with each other and with God. If words and thoughts do not act immediately, then the use of an amulet should help materialize events almost instantly. Talismans were mainly made of copper and brass. It is believed that it is copper and brass that have noble properties.

However, despite the actual use of amulets in the church, for example, crosses, Christianity still has an extremely negative attitude towards amulets, classifying their mysterious action as magical. In simple words, representatives of the church consider amulets an object from the world of magic. Christianity is so uncompromising about people who wear amulets that they even agree to excommunicate this category of the population.

Previously, amulets and talismans were called - storage facilities. According to the meaning of the action - amulets protected those who wear them from all sorts of troubles. However, the very symbol of the wearer of the amulet contradicts the traditional faith in Christ, therefore, even babies could not be given anything other than the life-giving cross as a protective object. This fact makes us think that the church tried with all its might to protect our people from using ancient Slavic symbols as amulets.

It is no secret that paganism has been replaced by Christianity. And the fact that earlier the Slavs used strong amulets with magical symbols of ancestors and universal laws has almost been forgotten. But despite all the attempts of the church to instill in Christ as the only true and correct one, the original Slavic symbolism has survived to our times; they are so powerful images that cannot be so easily taken and erased.

Interestingly, those pagans who thought in terms of right, glory, reality, nav, etc., began to be called Orthodox. As if characterizing their belonging to the ancient Slavic world. Therefore, further we will try to remember how our ancestors thought, what images and what amulets they used to fill the house with joy and prosperity, and the body with health and longevity; Fatherland prosperity and fair treatment.

Slavic amulets - the meaning of the 7 most powerful symbols

The Slavs, with the help of ancient amulets, formed their own idea of ​​the universe. The main purpose of using symbols as amulets is their simplicity and the ability to transfer the collected images to descendants. All Slavic amulets are geometric shapes, a special sequence of lines and signs. The most famous Slavic symbols:

  1. Kolovrat.
  2. Molvinets.
  3. Valkyrie.

As well as many other symbols that were described in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas. The plot of all Slavic amulets, their common denominator is the swastika - swastika forms of geometric images. The swastika characterizes the universal laws, for example, the rotation of the Milky Way galaxy. It is believed that even human DNA can be compared geometrically with the swastika.

The Slavic-Aryan system of representation of the world is so ancient that it is the ancestor of the Veda of Ancient India and other ancient sources. Nowadays, the swastika is treated ambiguously. Some consider swastika symbols to be a real evil, while others argue that this is our original symbolism. Perhaps the Nazis used the swastika to defame its former meaning; if that's the case, they've done a great job of it.

A true Aryan is a familiar expression, but they forgot to say Slavic-Aryan. Implying that the Slavs and Aryans are one ancient people. This means that the existence of one without the other and the predominance of one race over another is impossible. With the advent of Christianity, even the holidays were renamed. For example, there was a Kupala holiday, it became Ivan Kupala. Many native Russian holidays were named after Orthodox saints.

Slavic amulets for women

For women, comprehensive protection was very important. Therefore, the glorious representatives of the fair sex wore on average more than one amulet. A classic example of a Slavic female amulet is the lunnitsa.

1) Lunnitsa

Lunnitsa refers to the original female symbols, like some other amulets described below. Lunnitsa served as an amulet, the main meaning of which is to prolong youth, to act favorably on conception, bearing a child or children, and childbirth.

An interesting fact is that our ancestors took the manufacture of amulets extremely seriously. Only the oldest woman from the Family had the ability and the right to make amulets. It was believed that only she had the power to give the amulet protective properties. And at the moment when the elder was making the Slavic amulet, she had to be alone, without the presence of strangers.

2) Molvinets

It is noteworthy that amulets can be made of precious metals, and characters can be applied to clothes. The classic solution is to make a Molvinets amulet from silver. Even in our time, rings and rings with molvints and other jewelry are sold. It is believed that the Molvinets, as an ancient Slavic amulet, brings longevity, beauty and well-being to its owner. Molvinets helps men find a message.

3) Ladinets

Ladinets is a very strong female talisman. It will be better if a pregnant woman wears a Ladin amulet with her all nine months of pregnancy. This will help protect the fetus from harmful energy effects. The amulet Ladinets belongs to the Goddess Lada. So, the use of a talisman gives a general harmony and joy in the house.

You can either make a charm with your own hands or order it from a jeweler. The main thing is to know which symbol to use and for what. Then the amulet will protect you with its magical effect. After all, nothing strengthens the effect of the amulet as much as the awareness of who wears it and for what.

Slavic amulets for men

Amulets for men are slightly different from women's ones, primarily in their action. If a woman is more prone to calmness and moderation, then completely different qualities are important for a man. The amulet is an opportunity for men to strengthen their:

  • bravery;
  • the will to win;
  • make him more resilient;
  • develop dexterity;
  • feel leadership qualities;
  • be wise and strong.

Slavic amulets for men were applied to a variety of objects. Often you can find protective symbols on wallets, brooches, totem attributes, belts. With the help of male amulets, you can safely resist life's difficulties, protecting the family from the intervention of evil spirits.

4) Alatyr

The situation is classical when this symbol was used by a wanderer or a sage. In both cases, the alatyr was a symbol of wisdom and maturity in life position. Among the protective properties of the talisman alatyr, one can single out opposition to evil, the retreat of diseases. It brings happiness, joy and prosperity to the house, makes its wearer a grateful person.

5) bogovnik

This amulet is very powerful and is intended exclusively for men. Traditionally, the bogovnik was made of silver or gold. This talisman symbolizes spiritual strength and enlightenment. At the same time, the Slavic talisman bogovnik is safe to wear even for babies. Already from infancy, you can use this symbol to gain and good health.

6) Valkyrie

Valkyrie is a Slavic amulet that was used as the magical help of ancestors in battles and wars. If a man wants to go to war and return safe and sound, he needs a Valkyrie amulet. The power of the amulet gives its owner wisdom, a sense of justice, conscience and nobility. If this symbol is applied to a weapon, then the enemies will not have a single chance to leave alive.

7) Seal of Veles

This amulet has two varieties. One is called the wolf's paw, the second is the bear's paw. This amulet gives self-confidence, as well as the strength that a bear possesses. The owner of this ancient Slavic amulet will feel like a huge predator if he puts on our seal of Veles. Mature strength and a clear mind, healthy dreams and achievement of cherished goals. The owner of the wolf's paw goes to the end in any life issues.

The meanings of Slavic amulets

The sacred meaning is what needs to be known for the correct use of ancient Russian amulets. It is important to understand that some amulets will work immediately, while others must be pre-charged in order to activate their power. To charge the amulets and give them magical powers, natural elements were used:

  1. Water.
  2. Earth.
  3. Fire.
  4. Air.

To make charms for good luck and money with your own hands, you need to learn how to properly charge the made amulets, unless of course you need them to work. To make a protective amulet with your own hands, you should first select the desired symbol. Choose the property that your amulet will have. Silver or bronze can be used as a material for making a Slavic amulet.

For the use of magical powers, Chinese stamped amulets are not suitable. When a person makes a Slavic amulet with his own hands, he puts his soul, his personal living energy and time into it. It is these factors that contribute to the fact that the amulet "comes to life", and it can have a beneficial effect on the lives of people, especially those who wear it. To understand the meaning of Slavic symbols, it is necessary to feel the amulets with the help of figurative thinking.

It is important to understand that the amulet alone is of little value if it does not enter into symbiosis with the energy power of a person. Let's analyze some more Slavic symbols that can be applied to amulets.


This amulet is an interlacing of three petals, symbolizing infinity. This is information that is contained in the entire Universe, in every corner of it. Triglav denotes the path of life, endless space, the justice of people and the course of being. Live according to the laws of the Universe, and the triglav will become an excellent amulet for you, which will enhance all your undertakings.

Change for the better, otherwise the Slavic amulet of triglav will show its destructive side. In which direction the symbol will work depends solely on the positive or negative energy of the person who wears it. Universal fair infinity - this is how this ancient talisman can be described in simple words. Fill your life with goodness and light, joyfully believe in.

Fern flower

Use the energy of the Sun and life itself to get what you need from existence. This amulet is a symbol of what happens very rarely, like a fern flower blooms once a year on Kupala. God Perun commands this symbol. With the help of a fern flower, one can fill life with bright true knowledge that our Great and Glorious ancestors kept for us.

If you are on the path to improving your knowledge, then be sure to use this amulet so that new information is assimilated as efficiently as possible. If you often travel on business trips for work, use a fern flower to neutralize all the negative energy of long trips. The sign will protect you and make sure that the circumstances are always in your favor, which is very nice as a bonus.


This symbol is energetically very powerful, as it simultaneously personifies all four elements of nature. Also, another meaning of the healer is the unification of the energy of all the Slavic Gods into a single whole. It is known that the power of this amulet is the healing of the soul and body. That is why the healer is a talisman for doctors and healers. If you treat people, carry this talisman with you, and this will help you never make mistakes in treatment, and those who are being treated will get better soon.

You can turn to a healer for prevention or as a last resort for an incurable disease. If you put mental and astral power into the healer, he will act to heal even the most hopeless patients. If doctors put an end to your treatment, seek help from the ancient Gods, our ancestors. And in order for your appeal to be delivered to the address, use the healer as a link between the world of people and the world of the dead.

The main action of the talisman is the healing of wounds, the purification of chakras and karma. Additionally, the sign protects the human bioenvelope, giving longevity and health. Negative energy comes to naught, thanks to the powerful positive effect of the sign. Fill your life with harmony, live according to the laws of the universe. Energy flows will return to normal, which will result in a quick recovery. A very effective tool for dealing with a wide variety of ailments. Be sure to try to make a strong amulet with your own hands.

Black Sun

This amulet is exceptional in terms of its use. From the very beginning of time, the Slavic talisman black sun was used only by priests. That is, for ordinary people the sign was not available. For 5 thousand years, this tradition was preserved until hard times came on Earth. It was at that moment that the symbol of the black sun was handed over to the common people for use as one of the most powerful amulets created in the history of mankind. As a reliable protection, the amulet is used to this day.

The black sun symbolizes the beginning of the existence of all life on Earth. Interestingly, the hidden abilities of a person can be discovered if this amulet is used as a protective device. Push the boundaries of consciousness - this is very easy for those who are constantly learning and working on their own enlightenment. Wake up now! Think with your own thoughts, and let this process help you stimulate the strong Slavic amulet black sun.

Often, those people who have a sacred connection with their ancestors in their feelings pay attention to this amulet. With the most ancient ancestors - glorious great-great-grandfathers and forefathers, whose descendants we are. If events have occurred in your life, the consequences of which you cannot get rid of in any way, then be sure to make the black sun amulet for yourself, and it will help you get rid of the burden of the past. It will also help to ensure prosperity in the present and future. The main condition for the amulet to work is to honor your ancestors, because it is from them that a person asks for protection and luck.


This symbol protects all living things from the effects of disease and death. If you need to preserve the harvest, prevent the occurrence of diseases in pets, use Yarovik. This symbol prevents robbery and damage to household property. Also, if you use Yarovik as a protective amulet, the likelihood of a fire in the house and other adverse events associated with natural destruction is sharply reduced. The ancient Slavs believed that Yarovik was able to accumulate the energy of the Sun.

The accumulation of solar energy and its use for good ensures the prosperity of the entire Family, as one of the highest values ​​of the Slavs. It is common that in the barn where the grain is stored, the Yarovik amulet is applied. Therefore, prevent accidents, incline fate in your address, make the wheel of fortune turn in your favor. For the amulet to work, it is necessary to observe the commandments of a worthy, just life. To obtain your own benefit, it is unacceptable to use Yarovik, since in this case the Universe will simply turn away from the owner of this amulet.

Ax of Perun

A very ancient and powerful symbol. The amulet belongs to the category of primordially masculine. It symbolizes the struggle of a warrior with dark forces and representatives of these forces in the form of people. It personifies purposefulness and courage, resilience and bright energy, a just cause and confidence in victory over life circumstances. The peculiarity of the amulet is protection from negative thoughts and actions of ill-wishers. Protects from envy, which is very important, since envious people carry very destructive and dark energy.

The ax of Perun is able to accumulate light energy, and serve as its constant source. Spend the collected energy in the direction you need. The ax of Perun, as a talisman, is the power and power that warriors have tried to curb at all times. If you decorate the threshold of the house with this amulet, then the applied symbol will protect the dwelling from burglary, invasion of enemies and other misfortunes. Very strong protection for the whole family. Be a real protector for your loved ones, do not let them desecrate everything that is so dear and close to you.

It is noteworthy that this symbol cannot be used for evil. Although the ax can directly symbolize murder, it is, first of all, the complete destruction of enemies with regret in the eyes. Death is brought not because of what one wants, but because it is necessary, it is so required by the event at the moment. And no one but you has no one to protect your Family. It is in such cases that the amulet of the ax of Perun manifests itself in all its magical glory. Live fairly and honestly, and then you can use the power of the amulet.


This amulet represents the birth of souls. Namely, it indicates that a new soul was born on Earth. At the same time, the soul is pure, in the form in which the Gods conceived it. In Rus', the use of svitovit was mandatory for all pregnant women. Not a single representative of the fair sex could afford to go out into the street without sewing this sign on her clothes. Svitovit was used so that the child was born strong, not weak. If you have a baby soon, it's not too late to protect him with this ancient Slavic symbol.

Also, these signs will serve as a strong protection for children. If a child is given a talisman on which a retinue is depicted, this will help level negative energy. The amulet protects everyone who wears it from the wormy eyes of other people, envious personalities, evil intentions and everything bad that can happen to the human body and soul. The amulet is suitable to comprehensively add strength, as well as increase strength of mind, which is very important for the formation of the right events in life.

In simple words, the amulet will serve as a powerful protection for people whose professions are associated with power loads. For example, the military, sailors, builders - it will greatly help to be stronger and overcome physical difficulties. Your enemies will be disarmed in the literal and figurative sense of the word, defeated and defeated. The talisman has a very beneficial effect on the creation of a family, bringing joy to the house and understanding of each other to young people. Such a couple will 100% give birth to a healthy and talented child, the first-born and successor of the Great Family.


The sign represents the balance of the incompatible. Connects material and spiritual, good and evil. Brings divine light to its owners. Thanks to the light force, the material world exists. Help yourself and your family to get on the right path. It can be worn as a pendant or decorated with a Svetoch amulet, clothing items and outbuildings. This Slavic symbol can be made from both simple wood and precious metal. Suitable for all people to wear. An exception can only be a malicious person, which is unacceptable in the Slavic ideology.

However, most of all, the Light is able to help those who are used to working intellectually. Because this sign concentrates attention, delivers the right images to people's heads. Basically, the Svetoch is a universal Slavic symbol. It can be chosen as a talisman by those who serve in the army, pregnant women, extreme sportsmen, as well as those who work hard physically. Therefore, if you do not know which Slavic amulet to choose for protection, you can try this one. This will be a good decision, since this amulet is very strong.

How to charge the amulet - step by step instructions

It is very important to properly charge the amulet so that it works correctly. In all cases, the conspiracy of signs is carried out by hands, as powerful energy sources. The inputs and outputs of energy are concentrated in the hands. With the help of hands, you can transfer the energy of your ancestors to the talisman that you want to charge. Putting the amulet is necessary directly in front of you. At the same time, we recommend that you remain alone so that no one can interfere with you. The hereditary magician tells in detail, step by step in the form of instructions for you.

Be guided by thought forms and images. Imagine the ancient Slavic Gods, try to feel their energy. In your head there should be nothing but peace and a pleasant spiritual clean atmosphere. The power of the Gods will be felt better if the palms are rubbed together, but not hard, but gently. Bring a palm heated from friction over the amulet, which is located directly in front of you.

The height between the hands and the amulet at the time of charging should be from 20 to 25 cm. You can feel the energy of the talisman if you bring your hands a little closer. If nothing is felt, you may have just eaten, and the food interrupts all sensations. At the time of the ritual of recharging the talisman, you should be a little hungry. As soon as you feel the unity of you with the amulet at the energy level, then you can proceed directly to recharging.

Concentrate thoughts and emotions on the object. Try not to think about anything else but this. Feel more, and then the right images will come to your head, which are necessary for the correct charging of the amulet for health, luck and money. Remember that the sign on the amulet is a symbol of the patron. Try to imagine your patron as an incarnated being. Make energetic acquaintance with a living object. Try to convey to the amulets simple thoughts, but specific and capacious. State your desires as clearly and precisely as possible.

A sign that the amulet is charged will be the heat emanating from it. These thermal radiations can be felt by all people endowed with extrasensory abilities. And also people without experience in extrasensory perception can, through several training sessions, feel the warmth radiated by the amulet. It may take several sessions over 7 days to fully charge the amulet. So that the energy of the talisman does not dissipate, protect it from the effects of other people's eyes and thoughts, keep it only with you and do not show it to anyone.

Amulet for wealth from Baba Nina

If you need a personal magic amulet for wealth, we recommend that you pay attention to the following fact. from Baba Nina gives its owner luck in terms of material well-being. And how else can amulets made from real imperial coins and spoken directly to the name of the person who ordered it still work. The amulet from Baba Nina not only allows you to earn more money, but it also protects against unintentional financial losses.

A very important point - you are now on the official website of Baba Nina. Beware of fakes! For our amulets, we use the coins of Tsarist Russia, handed over to us by the monks and ministers of the church personally. The amulet works, which is confirmed by a lot of reviews left by people on our website; find them to see. In order for the ancient coin to gain strength, the grandmother personally speaks a talisman for good luck and wealth. Attention! Only an ancient ritual, aimed at a specific person, is able to give the amulet real power.

In order for people to trust us, we never use prepayment. Therefore, if you are required to pay in advance, then these are most likely scammers. We send all amulets from Baba Nina to customers by mail, you can pay immediately after receiving. If you trust us and want to buy the amulet right away, then please, as you please. For a free consultation, you can ask your question via chat or in any other way at any time, contact us. Baba Nina provides assistance to everyone who wants to receive it, you will receive an answer within three hours from the moment you apply.

At the end it says

Considered the Slavic symbols of amulets and their meaning in the life of ancient glorious people. They told me what to do to charge the amulet for wealth. Revealed the sacred meanings of the most powerful 7 Slavic symbols and more. As an addition, they also told other Slavic symbols that serve to make amulets. If you need a specific money talisman, then order an amulet from Baba Nina from charmed imperial silver in your name. They also discovered the secret of how to make a money amulet with your own hands, what you need for this and where to start. Read other articles on the blind clairvoyant website.

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