Mobile application development companies: the subtleties of choice. How I opened an IT studio for the development of mobile applications Business for the development of mobile applications

Zhdanova Ksenia Denisovna

Faculty of Mathematical Economics, Statistics and Informatics, PRUE G.V. Plekhanov Moscow, Russia

Annotation: “Have you ever faced such a problem: your parents use Viber, your friends use WhatsApp and Telegramm, and your work colleagues use exclusively Facebook? If your answer is yes, then our &WVTF app is just for you! The value of this idea lies in the fact that a person using several software products at once, such as Viber, WhatsApp, Telegramm and Facebook, will be able to communicate with all contacts from one application, without having to switch between several programs.

Keywords: Business plan, A. Osterwalder business model, mobile application, Investment, innovation model

Developing a business plan of mobile applications &WVTF

Zhdanova Ksenia Denisovna

Faculty of Mathematical Economics, Statistics and Informatics Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Moscow, Russia

Abstract: The purpose of the project is to create a unique mobile application to aggregate messages from different messengers. "Have you ever faced such a problem: your parents use Viber, WhatsApp and friends Telegramm, and colleagues are extremely Facebook? If your answer is "yes", then our application "& WVTF" especially for you!" The value of this idea is that a person using multiple software products, such as Viber, WhatsApp, Telegramm and Facebook, will be able to chat with all your contacts from a single application, without the need to switch between multiple programs.

Keywords: The business plan, business model of A.Ostervalder, mobile application, investment, innovation model


The business idea is to create an application that aggregates the most popular instant messengers.

Our enterprise will be engaged in the production, implementation and maintenance of the &WVTF mobile application, which will aggregate several popular messengers at once, such as:



3) facebook,


The goal of this project is to create a unique mobile application for aggregating messages from different messengers.

Our customers will be people who use several instant messengers at once, because the interlocutors use different programs (due to the peculiarities of the phone's operating system and preferences). Thus, people will be able to communicate without having to switch between different programs and windows. The buyers will be both IOS users and Android users. The age segment of buyers is from 7 to 99 years.

We will communicate information to customers via the Internet, namely through the AppStore and GooglePlay applications. Advertising using the Vkontakte group and Yandex.Direct

Our competitors are the Nimbuzz and Snowball apps. The main difference is the messengers included in our app. These are the most popular messengers.

Long term perspectives are:

  • Increasing the number of clients
  • Adding the most popular and demanded messengers to our application, i.e. mobile application development.

Initial funding needs and income after project implementation:

Starting capital = 300,000 rubles

For the first MONTH of work, it is planned to sell 5000 paid versions of the application at a price of $1/version. Thus, the sales income for the first month will be 300,000 rubles.

When selling free versions in which pop-up ads appear, the income for the first month in the amount of 100,000 rubles is planned.

Suppose that starting from the 2nd month from the start of sales, it is planned to sell 2500 applications per month, the income will be equal to 150,000 rubles + sales income of 100,000 rubles = 250,000 rubles per month. TOTAL \u003d 400,000 + 11 * 250,000 \u003d 400,000 + 2,750,000 \u003d 3,150,000 rubles

Organizational and legal form of the enterprise - Individual entrepreneur

To implement the project, it is planned to attract 5 employees:

1. Chief programmer,

2. Programmer,

3. Technical support specialist (2 employees),

4. Manager.


Our type investment project– creating a project from scratch, because the project is innovative and has no previous versions.

At the moment, the project is at the stage of “Gathering a team” and “Creating a concept”.

At the time of launch, it is planned to implement the project throughout the Russian Federation, and after a successful launch, we plan to expand the coverage area and allow our application to be used all over the world.

The goal of this project is to create a unique mobile application for aggregating messages from different messengers.

How our business idea was born: “Have you ever faced such a problem: your parents use Viber, your friends use WhatsApp and Telegramm, and your work colleagues use only Facebook? If your answer is “yes”, then our application “& WVTF" especially for you!"

The value of this idea lies in the fact that a person using several software products at once, such as Viber, WhatsApp, Telegramm and Facebook, will be able to communicate with all contacts from one application, without having to switch between several programs.

To achieve the goal of our project, it is necessary to sign contracts for the provision of servers for Viber, WhatsApp, Telegramm and Facebook. This will be done through the API (Application Programming Interface). The API defines the functionality that a program (module, library) provides, while the API allows you to abstract from how exactly this functionality is implemented.

The term for achieving the goal of the project - from the beginning of the creation of the application to the publication of applications in the AppStore and GooglePlay will not exceed 2 months.



There is no history of the borrower, because this is the first startup.

The main participants of the project:

  • Chief Programmer
  • Programmer

The order of interaction in the project- the founder of the business (he is also a manager) concludes a contract with the above specialists, specifying their job responsibilities.

The manager is obliged to write a TOR in accordance with GOST No. 34 and transfer it to the chief programmer, as well as conclude contracts for access to WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, FaceBook servers. In turn, the main programmer brings the programmer up to date to start creating the application. After the allotted time, programmers are required to show the preliminary version to the manager for approval and further work.

Organizational plan:

Starting capital of 300,000 rubles is required, which will be financed by the founder of the business.

The first 2 months will be a waste of start-up capital, then the startup begins to make a profit.

Table 1. Calculation of required investments

Staff costs


Amount of salary per month, rub

Chief Programmer


Technical support specialist (2 people)

Sales/Contract manager

Total staff costs

Equipment costs (not included)

Rental expenses (not included)

Contracting costs (server access)




Total expenses


Product program:

We offer you a new &WVTF messenger:

1) Convenient intuitive interface

2) Ability to purchase a free version

3) Save battery and memory in your smartphone using one messenger instead of 4!

4) Our app is available for Android and IOS smartphones

5) The ability to use one application instead of 4 without losing the functionality of all programs

We will provide 2 view of our application:

a. Site for free(under testing)

b. Website - for a fee

c. - for a fee (7000 rubles)

2) For Android users:

a. Site - for a fee

b. Site - for a fee

c. Site - for free

1. Gathering a team

2. Payment for programmer services

3. Writing applications for IOS and Android operating systems

4. Obtaining a patent for the application

6. Implementation of applications in Google Play and AppStore

7. Development of a marketing strategy to attract new customers

8. Technical user support


Project performance indicators:

1) DPBP (DISCOUNTED PAYBACK PERIOD). This is the time it takes for the project's current (discounted) net cash flow to exceed the initial investment. This indicator reflects the period at the end of which all the money invested in the project is returned, provided that the discount rate is chosen correctly. The indicator should not exceed the duration of the project, otherwise the project will be considered unprofitable.

2) NPV (NET PRESENT INCOME). One of the key indicators of the project, which is the current (discounted) amount of net cash flows from project implementation (the difference between all cash inflows and outflows), calculated taking into account the expected change in the value of money. Shows the absolute value Money(income) that a bank or investor will receive from investing money in your project. Allows you to compare projects of equal duration and takes into account their scale. For a project to be considered profitable, this indicator must be at least greater than zero.

3) IRR (INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN). Along with NPV, it is one of the key indicators of the project and characterizes the degree of return on invested money, taking into account the time factor and subject to full coverage of all project costs from income. It is calculated as a barrier rate - the discount rate at which the NPV of the project is 0. IRR allows you to compare the effectiveness of investments in the project with alternative options financial investments(for example, to other, more profitable projects) and shows the relative profitability of the project per unit of invested funds. This figure must exceed the discount rate.

4) PI (PROJECT PROFITABILITY INDEX). It is also one of the key indicators of the project and is calculated as the ratio of NPV to the initial investment. Shows the relative profitability of the project compared to other projects with a comparable amount of initial investment. If the index value is equal to one or lower values, it loses to other projects and investments and actually makes the project of little interest to the bank or investor.

Investment size:

1C solutions can work in two architectures: file and client-server. When file variant of work, platform 1C:Enterprise provides interaction of the client directly with database:

The file database in this case consists of several DBF files; their DBMS is part of the 1C platform. The file version of the work is easily deployed and does not require a specialized software in addition to the 1C platform itself. However, it has a number of restrictions on its use and is generally less reliable than the client-server version.

Client-server job option requires third-party DBMS and a 1C:Enterprise server cluster between the client and the database itself:

Herself platform 1C:Enterprise in both cases is a shell over the database. Its task is to improve the ease of development. The developer does not have to design database tables to build an application solution; instead, it operates with applied objects, that is, direct analogues of the "physical" objects of the subject area. For example, electronic documents.

On the 1C platform can be developed configuration- that is, a specific application solution that closes certain user tasks. For example, there are configurations for accounting or vehicle management.

Question 01.07 of exam 1C: Platform professional. Where is the structure of the created business application in the 1C:Enterprise 8 system determined?

  1. Technology platform
  2. Configuration
  3. Information base
The correct answer is the second one. The configuration specifies the application objects with which the user will interact to solve his problems.

Question 01.08 of exam 1C: Platform professional. Where are business application credentials stored in 1C:Enterprise 8?

  1. Technology platform
  2. Configuration
  3. Information base
The correct answer is the third one. They are stored in the database of course, because the platform is an additional shell, and the configuration is a structure.

Question 01.61 of exam 1C: Platform professional. What is used to develop business applications in the 1C:Enterprise 8 system?

  1. Technology platform
  2. Configuration
  3. Information base
The correct answer is the first one. The technological platform is a tool for developing applied solutions (business applications).

Question 01.62 of exam 1C: Platform professional. How does the 1C:Enterprise 8 system work with infobase data?

  1. Technology platform
  2. Configuration
  3. Information base
  4. DBMS
The correct answer is the fourth. This is either a third-party DBMS in the case of a client-server version of work (MS SQL, Oracle, Postgree, DB2), or a DBMS built into the platform in the case of a file one.

Mobile-developer is an IT specialist specializing in creating applications for tablets and smartphones on iOS and Android. Since mobile applications are created by programming, a mobile developer is primarily a programmer who works, depending on the development platform, with Java, Objective-C, or Swift.

What are the prospects for a mobile application developer?

According to research portal Statista, in 2014 there were 1.57 billion active smartphone users in the world, and at the end of 2017 their number reached 2.32 billion, an increase of 48% over this period. The growth rate of mobile users is increasing every year, at the same time the number of applications being created is increasing. To reach a growing audience, there is a shortage of qualified developers in the market.

Development market for mobile devices- a goldmine for many areas of business. Trends recent years demonstrate not only an increase in the number of downloaded products, but also an increase in in-app sales. Thus, the gross income of development companies mobile applications grows annually by an average of 20%, and by 2020 will exceed $100 billion (App Annie data).

The scale of the mobile products market guarantees high-skilled developers employment and top positions in salary ratings.

In this article, we will look at the pros and cons of this profession, the qualities and skills required for an IT specialist, as well as useful tips for novice programmers.

Features of the profession

Mobile developer specializes in developing software products for mobile devices.

Mobile applications are of various types depending on the subject matter and the functions they perform. There are entertainment applications (for learning languages, reading books, traveling, sports), shopping applications (e-commerce segment) and a separate category - mobile games. Mobile applications are also classified according to which platform they are intended for (Android, iOS, Windows Phone or cross-platform utilities).

The profession of a developer is quite new, especially in Russia and the CIS, so specific requirements for this category of specialists have not yet been developed. According to the analysis of vacancies in many IT studios, the developer is required to understand both programming, both frontend and backend, as well as user interface design and layout.

Pros and cons of the profession

Among the advantages of the profession of a mobile application developer, we highlight the following:

  • Decent pay level. There is a shortage of qualified developers on the market, which affects the level of wages. Today, mobile-developer in Moscow and St. Petersburg earns a third more than, for example, a php programmer. The average salary of mobile application developers in Moscow ranges from 60 to 250 thousand rubles, on average in Russia - from 40 to 150 thousand rubles.
  • An interesting and exciting profession. Technologies are rapidly becoming obsolete, so in order to stay at the top of the skill, a programmer needs to improve, keep abreast of the latest in the IT industry, and constantly replenish knowledge and skills. The constant search for information on forums and specialized sites, the analysis of large amounts of information keeps the brain in good shape.
  • Career prospects. For a good Java developer, programs are not the end goal. It can successfully develop by mastering the technologies of artificial intelligence and the Internet of things (internet-of-things).

The disadvantages of the profession include the exactingness of customers and all the same large amounts of information and constant search, which does not allow you to relax for a minute. So, if you do not like to read, read a lot and analyze what you read, then you should not be developing programs at all.

Required skills and personal qualities

In order to develop serious products, it is necessary:

  • Knowledge of OOP (Java, Objective-C, Swift);
  • Knowledge of Java Script, HTML, SCC;
  • Experience with design patterns;
  • Knowledge of SQL and network protocols.

To further progress in the mobile development segment, you will have to delve into Computer Science, algorithms, and data structures. A professional developer also needs to understand the user interface and user experience (UI/UX) philosophy in order to not just write programs, but to make products that are useful and easy to use.

Personal qualities

  • Perseverance and perseverance;
  • Curiosity;
  • Stress tolerance;
  • multitasking;
  • Focus on results.

How to get started with mobile app development?

We advise a beginner to start with the basics of object-oriented programming (OOP). There are many educational materials and video tutorials on this topic on the network. The study of OOP is best done on the example of a specific language, Java or Objective-C. We recommend Java, as it is not only an android programming language, but one of the main platforms for creating software.

After you get familiar with the basics of Java programming, take the time to practice. Try programming in a new language by creating programs of varying levels of complexity. As soon as you feel that you have become from Java to you, proceed to the next stage - learning the features of development for Android or iOS mobile platforms.

You can find many courses on the web on the basics of creating programs for iOS and Android. We recommend the following ones:

  • Mobile Development Course at Stanford University;
  • iOS development course in Swift at the University of Toronto;
  • Android development course at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT).

About what is the process of android development, read our article:

Application builder websites can be a great help for novice developers. These free and shareware services will help you create a mobile application using a specific set of templates. Some of these platforms open the source code and documentation of the program to the user, which allows you to study the project from the inside and make the necessary changes to the code.

In 2008, the first iPhone was in the hands of Maxim Voloshin. Apple liked the new product so much that, together with his colleagues, Maxim decided to develop applications for Apple App Store. In the first three months, the mobile IQ Test brought developers $4,000. Several games followed. But when large gaming companies entered the app market, sales from the startup fell. Then Redmadrobot decided to create custom mobile applications. Today the company's clients include publishing houses, mobile operators and banks. This year, the revenue should amount to 90 million rubles.


field of activity: mobile application development

Date of creation: November 2008

Start money: 50 thousand rubles

business idea

Maxim Voloshin

Founder of Redmadrobot

When I was 18 years old, in the evenings I studied engineering at MIREA, and during the day I worked as a courier in a design studio. I was enterprising, so I soon became an assistant manager, then a manager, by the age of 25 - a project director. We developed corporate identity, logos, brand books and more.

In the studio, I met Alexander Alekhin, a web interface specialist, and Nikolai Satunkin, a project manager, with whom we later launched Redmadrobot.

In 2008, the first iPhone was released, we immediately ordered three pieces from America. A couple of months later, the App Store launched. It was almost empty and we thought why not make a couple of apps for the iPhone.

Success and disappointment

The simplest thing you could think of is a mobile IQ Test. There was no need to invent anything here: a ready-made algorithm, an easy interface. We found a programmer, bought him a white MacBook for 30 thousand rubles (it is impossible to write code for iOS without a MacBook) and paid 20 thousand rubles for development. This was our starting capital.

It turned out to be easy to register an account in the App Store, but it was more difficult to issue documents for receiving money from downloads. Organizational and legal issues took three months. We sold the app for $1.99, of which Apple got 30%, minus tax, and we got the rest. In three months, the application was downloaded by about 3 thousand people.

I still remember the moment when I received a long SMS in English. I was driving around the city and did not immediately understand what was the matter. It turned out that 4 thousand dollars came to my account from the installations of our application.

At that moment, it became clear to us that you can earn money on applications. We released several arcade and adventure games and came up with Redmadrobot. We liked the word "robot" very much, "Red" is our favorite color, "Mad" is a rejection of stereotypes. From the sale of our applications, money began to drip, and we left the studio. But after a couple of months, large gaming companies rushed to the App Store, which invested 500 thousand dollars in the development of their products. It became clear that we would not build a business on gaming applications.

Growth problems

By 2011, media holdings, banks and mobile operators decided at once that they needed a mobile application. Everyone was in a hurry to beat the competition. Some did something on their own, others turned to offices that promised to do it quickly and cheaply. And so and so it turned out badly. Then they began to look for outsourcing companies that have a staff and at least some portfolio, and often found Redmadrobot.

We got a dozen orders. At first we were delighted, but quickly realized that we could not cope. Our experience and team was not enough. Big customers assumed a completely different level of development, which we did not really correspond to (at that moment no one on the market corresponded to it). For example, just for proper testing of applications, it was necessary to increase the team by a third, which we could not afford right off the bat.

Deadlines flew by, applications “fell”, customers were indignant. The situation was critical. We urgently needed programmers, designers, test engineers, business analysts, high-level managers.

Before that, we subcontracted part of the work, with the advent of big companies it became clear that this was a mistake: subcontractors without strong internal expertise cannot be controlled either in terms of timing or quality. We abandoned this scheme and quickly hired a powerful backbone of the team - top managers with experience in large IT companies, who increased the staff and built our production processes. And we began to work faster and better, but a new problem arose - the threat of a cash gap.

Large client companies work without prepayment. In fact, we had to lend free of charge to projects for these monsters of the market. All the money that we earned on small orders immediately went to cover salary gaps in large projects. The company was on the brink of survival. But there was no other option: we understood that if we didn’t get involved in big game, we do not pump ourselves.

Market and competition

Entering the mobile app market today is easy. Tools for the basics of iOS and Android development are free: online courses, books, forums. According to our estimates, there are already a couple of hundred small companies on the market that are boiled in one "soup" - they fulfill small one-time orders for the development of corporate and promotional applications. The competition among these companies is very high.

A separate story is the professional industrial development of mobile business applications. I mean long-term projects with millions of users in different regions. Here we need experts in the field of coding and usability, as well as an infrastructure that can carry out complex integration with all systems of the client company, implement technical support and mobile product development.

There are three or four companies in the Russian market that can take on such projects, including Redmadrobot, and there is no serious competition in this market. There are enough clients for all of us. For example, now all 60 of our employees are busy, and if a new client comes tomorrow, we will need to find resources for him. Among the clients are Beeline, the Life group, the Kommersant publishing house and others.

Of course, those companies that are now stewing in the general "soup" understand that they need to reach a new level. But I do not think that they will pump at once and begin to compete with us.


By the end of this year, our revenue will amount to 90-100 million rubles. By the end of next year, we plan to reach 150-170 million rubles. Of course, our company can grow into a factory with a staff of a thousand people. At the same time, the risks of losing quality are high. Finding even 50 professionals of the level we need in the labor market is a difficult task. We'd rather lead 10-15 clients a year and make really cool products for them with a team of 100-150 people.

Our global goal is to increase the value of the company while retaining the existing staff. This will become possible if we make a profit not only from the development of mobile applications, but also from the sale of our own products.

Yes, we have already started electronic library"Business.Books" for mobile platforms - a joint project with Alpina Publisher paid off in eight months. It is an open access reader and a corporate solution. To order, we create branded applications with a set of books that companies need. We have more than 50 contracts with leading pharmaceutical companies, retailers, banks, carriers, telecom operators.

Through such projects, over the next five years, we want to receive capital that we can invest in educational and scientific projects, among other things.

PHOTO: Anton Berkasov

According to statistics, we look at the smartphone screen every six minutes. We spend most of our time on mobile apps. Mobile application development has already become an independent industry that needs its own specialists.

In the book Mobile Apps as a Business Tool, Vyacheslav Semenchuk, a startup surgeon and creator of the Creators art bureau, talks about who works in the industry and which specialist is responsible for what.

In a mobile application company, employees can be roughly divided into three groups - technical specialists, specialists working with the client, and marketing. All of them are equally important for business and are valued in the labor market.

Technical specialists:

Responsible for appearance and ease of use of the mobile application. If the application is ugly, no one will pay attention to it, and if it is also inconvenient, then this is a complete failure.

“A designer cannot be a universal specialist,” warns Vyacheslav Semenchuk. - A web designer will not be able to make a high-quality print design, and a printer will not be able to make a web design. Neither one nor the other will be able to design a mobile application with high quality, since a mobile application designer needs other skills. He must have a good understanding of the mobile development process and create a design that is not only beautiful and user-friendly, but can also be the basis for high-quality coding. He must understand that each of the platforms has its own design guidelines (iOS, Android, Windows), and be able to actually make three different designs for each of the platforms.”

“If we talk about the designer of mobile applications, then in a small studio he can count on 100-150 thousand rubles a month, in a large company - from 150 thousand,” Vyacheslav Semenchuk explained to the site correspondent. “In the gaming industry, the price tag can be even higher.”

Writes the application code, attaches the design to it, and makes everything work. “Just like designers, programmers are rarely generalists,” writes Semenchuk. - The work of a web programmer is much easier, and the programmer who writes the code for your mobile application has to write three different codes for different platforms (iOS, Android, Windows). In large studios, this work is done by three different programmers. The salary level fluctuates depending on the experience of the specialist, on average from 80 thousand for the entry level and from 200 thousand for the “stars”.

System Administrator
, which should ensure the smooth operation of the company's servers with which mobile applications work, their fine tuning and optimization.
The average level of salaries in the market is from 40 to 90-100 thousand rubles.

Work with clients

Sales Manager
“Such a person will analyze your request to say what offer this studio can make, given your budget,” Vyacheslav writes. “Or calculate the budget for the application that you described in the terms of reference.”

The sales manager must have an idea about the stages of writing a mobile application, the complexity of the work and the resources that may be required. His task is not only to sell the contract, but also to help the client decide on the functionality of the mobile application within the budget, so that in the end everyone is satisfied.
The salary of a sales manager in this industry differs little from all the others: 30-50 thousand fixed part and a percentage of sales.

Project manager
The person who will be responsible for communication between the customer and the team. Of course, he also needs to be aware of the internal "kitchen" of developments. “The manager organizes and coordinates the work of the development team, which can include 5 or 50 people,” explains the author of the book. - Each developer does their job and has no idea what the other is doing. Therefore, in order for them not only to know about each other, but also to do everything with the same speed and quality, someone must lead them and coordinate their work. The project manager does just that."
The salary of a project manager depends on the size of the company and the functionality. According to Vyacheslav Semenchuk, on average in the industry, it can be about 80-100 thousand rubles.

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