Protect Slavic medallions. Amulets of the ancient Slavs and their meanings. Amulets of Slavic men

From this article you will learn:

    What are Slavic amulets and what is their meaning

    How to care for Slavic amulets

The ancient Slavs believed in paganism. People attributed magical properties to objects, so various amulets were also common at that time. Slavic amulets could help in solving a number of problems: some could be asked for protection from damage, others were turned to if they wanted to find a betrothed or become rich. Now the symbols of Slavic amulets are gaining popularity again.

What power are endowed with Slavic amulets

The ancient Slavs had a completely different picture of the world than ours. They thought differently - today such a perception of reality is called a magical, magical picture of the world. Although the sciences were not developed, our ancestors knew how to get along with the forces of nature. In their view, the earth was inhabited by spirits and gods, and what was visible to the eye was only a part of the real world. And this understanding, this belief in the existence of forces invisible to the common people was so strong that even after the advent of Christianity, many Slavic protective symbols that had protected the Slavs for centuries were still in use and were popular.

The amulets were based on natural phenomena. A field sown in the shape of a rhombus symbolized fertility. Waves, crosses, hexagons embodied water, fire, thunder. All signs had their own meaning and were used only in certain cases.

There are various types of amulets, among them are:

    personal Old Slavonic amulets (various jewelry - pendants, pendants, belts, earrings, rings);

    symbols for protecting the house (a talisman for housing from all sorts of troubles);

    amulets for good luck;

    Slavic symbols of love;

    amulets-patterns, photos or tattoos.

What power Slavic amulets will have depends on who and how they made them. The most powerful were the amulets made by the hands of the future owner. In such items, the energy and strength of the owner is concentrated. That is why the Slavs abandoned the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmaking a talisman in a bad mood - the negative could also affect its properties.

Now it is no longer a problem to buy ready-made Slavic amulets. However, when purchasing an amulet, you need to know exactly what meaning it has. In any case, your sincere faith in the power of the chosen amulet is important. Only then will he hide a person from the negative thoughts of other people and increase his personal energy.

What are Slavic amulets and their meaning

Slavic amulets for men

Slavic amulets intended for men and women have always had differences. The task of male amulets is to protect the owner both in hunting and in war. Also in his duties is to maintain the health of the owner and bring good luck. Slavic amulets for representatives of the strong half of humanity are usually made of copper or silver. Men's amulets differ from women's in a more relaxed design. In order for the amulet to have more power, it is necessary that it be made by a mother, spouse or sister. Once upon a time, such amulets were made even from their own hair. This talisman was needed to protect the beloved from death during the war.

Slavic amulets should always be kept with you: used as an accessory, embroidered with the image of the desired symbols on clothes or applied to weapons. In any case, it is important to know the interpretation of Slavic amulets.

  • Veles seal.

The Slavic amulet in the photo is called the “Seal of Veles”. The amulet is made in the form of a wolf's or bear's paw. The man carried this amulet with him throughout his life. Such a charm can contribute to rapid career growth, give success and financial well-being. It is especially good to use it for people for whom the weather is important in their professional activities. For example, fishermen, farmers, firefighters.

This Slavic amulet is associated with fire. He can protect from negative energy, quarrels, damage, natural disasters and catastrophes. Once it was used to restore relations within the family and prevent wars.

This Slavic amulet tempers character. It helps to bring to the fore qualities such as courage, bravery, heroism. Thunderbolt can give a person self-confidence and significantly increase characteristics such as strength and endurance. Initially, only the military used this Slavic amulet, but now absolutely any man can wear it, regardless of the type of activity. Gromovik also prevents damage and the evil eye.

  • Grozovik.

The owner of this Slavic talisman can boast of great strength, wisdom and masculinity. With it, a man will be able to defeat enemies and resist natural disasters. This Slavic amulet can be used by everyone. However, if the profession of a man is connected with the elements (sailors, agronomists, pilots), he will fit just perfectly.

The Slavic amulet shown in the photo is especially popular. The men who carried it with them were distinguished by their courage, unprecedented strength and the will to win. The amulet became protection both during the war and during peaceful life.

  • Fern color.

This Slavic amulet should be used by people who want to grow spiritually. It provides opportunities for self-development and is able to prevent diseases and spoilage from ruining your life.

Using this amulet, a person becomes wise. With it, he receives the strength and will of the progenitors. In addition, the Slavic amulet will be able to protect against natural disasters and make any undertaking successful. The Slavic amulet Stribozhich boasts similar characteristics. This magical item should be adopted by men whose lives are at risk: fire departments, police, rescue service.

The patron of this Slavic amulet is Perun, the god of thunder and lightning. With his help, a man could receive part of the power of the deity and his patronage. First of all, the amulet was used in war to win the battle and prevent the enemy from seizing their native land. The ax of Perun protected not only the man, but also his relatives, and did not allow betrayal to destroy the life of a husband and wife.

Slavic amulets for women

Women's Slavic amulets were distinguished by a more elegant design and elegance. The task of female Slavic amulets is to strengthen the family and promote healthy offspring. Such magical objects protected not only the woman, but also her children.

This female Slavic amulet is able to give its owner love and happiness. The amulet is useful if a woman wants to get married well and become a mother. The Slavic amulet is able to protect the hostess from health problems and troubles.

The power of this amulet is to bring good luck to your life and improve your financial situation. Yarilo-sun is a reliable shield against diseases, damage, evil eye, failures. And under his protection is not only a woman, but also her future children. With such a talisman, a woman will be able to find a way out even from very difficult situations. Thanks to this Slavic amulet, pregnancy and childbirth will go very smoothly.

  • Lada Star.

This female Slavic amulet is dedicated to the Lada Mother of God, who is responsible for love and family. With its help, a woman will be able to please her beloved man with her beauty for a long time. The star of Lada will protect from envious people and the actions of evil spirits. The Slavic amulet is aimed at the family: a woman will be able to meet her betrothed and acquire healthy offspring.

The patroness of this Slavic amulet is the goddess Makosh. Mature women can count on her help. Slavic amulet will help in creating and strengthening a family. With such an assistant, the family hearth will burn brightly and continuously. The amulet can also be used by already married women. Makosh will not let troubles overshadow your life, relieve health problems and give happiness.

It is used by girls who dream of getting pregnant. Moreover, the amulet continues to work during pregnancy. The amulet will not allow depression, which often appears during this period, and will facilitate the course of childbirth. And after that, the Woman in Labor will protect not only the woman, but also her baby from various troubles.

This Slavic amulet has two names at once - Ladinets and the Cross of the Lada-Virgin Mary. Women ask him for happiness. In addition, it treats and prevents female diseases. Like other female Slavic amulets, Ladinets will be able to close a woman from damage and the evil eye.

Slavic amulets for children

Charms of the Slavs can also be used for children. For example, some of them are placed above the baby's cradle to protect the child from any negative actions: the evil eye, damage, the influence of evil people. Once upon a time, a mother herself made a charm for her children. Most often, the things of the child were decorated with Slavic symbols. Today, children's Slavic amulets can be easily bought in special stores.

The patron of this Slavic amulet is the god Rod. He helps all living things, not only on our planet, but all over the world. Such an amulet was usually placed above the baby's cradle or placed directly next to the baby. With his help, not only the baby, but the whole family was protected. Even after the child grew up, this amulet was always at home.

  • Swaddle.

To protect her child, a woman can make a swaddle doll. And now such a Slavic amulet must be made with your own hands. An important nuance - when working with a talisman, do not use scissors and needles. You will need a white fabric, from which you need to make a small flagellum - it will become the "body" of the future amulet. A small scarf should be tied on top, and then swaddled in a rag and rewound with red thread. You don't need to draw a face. Such a doll is kept in a baby's crib. With its help, he will always be protected from damage and the evil eye.

Slavic amulets for the home

Slavic amulets can be used not only for a person, but also for a home. In this case, they will prevent all sorts of accidents - flooding, fires, theft. For these purposes, you can use images of absolutely any amulets, as well as magical handicrafts - traditional folk dolls. The exception is Slavic amulets, which must be worn exclusively by the person himself.

To make failures forget the way to your home, hang an image of Alatyr on the wall. This Slavic amulet will drive away evil spirits, protect you from thieves and fire, prevent various diseases from breaking into your life, and bring happiness and good luck to your home.

You can decorate walls with the image of Alatyr, buy an accessory with such a symbol, or make embroidery on clothes. At home, you can use other universal Slavic amulets: for example, Rodovik or Molvinets.

Universal Slavic amulets

Some Slavic amulets can be worn by everyone, regardless of gender and age. They are called universal.

The Slavic amulet is intended for newlyweds. The amulet will not let the love between the couple die and will protect from infidelity and conflict. From the moment of the wedding, the wedding dress should be worn by both the husband and the wife at the same time: the amulet should always be with them. The amulet must be used together with embroidery, which traditionally decorates the bed of the spouses. After the appearance of the first-born, the amulet is removed, wrapped in embroidery and hidden in a secluded place. At the same time, his strength does not go anywhere, he still protects the spouses and their baby.

  • Overcome the grass.

This Slavic amulet is intended for women, but it also has another side - Fern Color, intended for men. That is why it is a universal amulet. Overcoming the grass serves as a shield from evil spirits and all sorts of negative magical actions.

The Charm of Veles and the Seal of Veles are two different charms. The first is the letter A, which stands upside down. This talisman can reveal in a person his hidden potential, he paves the way to secret knowledge. Slavic Amulet of Veles that is used in various rituals.

The patron of this Slavic amulet is the god Svarog. The amulet allows a person to find his destiny. When a person wears Svarozhich, he should not do bad deeds. The Slavic god stands on the side of the world, so the retribution for evil will be instant.

According to legend, the god Rod personally gave people this Slavic amulet. That is why it is considered a very powerful amulet. Good luck in any business, happiness in your personal life - Molvinets will make life a real fairy tale.

Slavic amulet Kolovrat is a symbol of the trajectory of solar movement. It protects human health, protects from troubles and various negative magical influences, and also helps to give birth to healthy children.

How to choose the right Slavic amulets

The Slavic amulet will perform the declared functions only if it is chosen correctly. Below you will find the main recommendations on how to choose and apply Slavic symbols in everyday life.

    Choose a Slavic amulet responsibly. Do not limit your knowledge to the name and a brief listing of the main characteristics. You need to find detailed information about the chosen Slavic amulet: who can wear it, how to use it correctly, what functions you can count on. Think about what material it should be made of.

    Listen to your heart, it will tell you the right option. This advice is especially relevant for people with excellent intuition. However, first make a small selection of Slavic amulets that, according to the description, may suit you. And only then turn on the feelings, so you definitely can’t go wrong.

    Analyze the action of the Slavic amulet. It is important to understand how the amulet you have chosen works. If your life is not changing in any way, it is worth considering why this is happening. Perhaps you are just wearing the wrong amulet, then the problem is easily solved. But there is a possibility that the matter is in your energy: an incorrectly performed charging procedure or failure to follow the recommendations for use neutralize the effect of a magic item.

Slavic amulets can also be chosen by date of birth. The astrological calendar of the Slavs reflects the halls that are assigned to each person by the date of his birth.

How to make Slavic amulets with your own hands

When making a Slavic amulet, you must follow the following rules:

    The amulet must be made by a person voluntarily and from the bottom of his heart. No one can be forced to do what he does not want.

    For the amulet to be truly powerful, it must be made by close relatives: brother, father, mother, children.

    Marriage is not a blood relationship, but there is an important nuance - a husband and wife can make each other amulets, and they will have special power if there is a very trusting relationship between the spouses. Moreover, in this case, you don’t even need to pick up an amulet, wedding rings will provide the most reliable protection. It would be better if they were made, as before, of silver, and not of gold. Rings that will act as a talisman should be smooth, without any additional decorations. Even gems reduce the power of magic items. True, this nuance is relevant only for rings. Wedding rings cannot be removed - even if you go to bed or decide to take a shower. Like other paired magical items, rings work together. Therefore, if one of the couple removed the jewelry, the protective properties of the amulet begin to decrease.

    Closely approach the choice of materials for the future Slavic amulet. A common situation - even if the material is suitable for you, it is most likely not suitable for the future owner of the amulet. Study the theory carefully, then proceed to practice.

    Your thoughts play an important role. When making a Slavic amulet, imagine the person to whom it is intended. Remember his character, behavior, energy, look.

A good reliable protection is now considered protective embroidery, which is easy to manufacture. For it, you can use ordinary threads made of linen, cotton, wool, which you can find in any store. Embroidery can decorate clothes, towels or just a fabric. You need to pay attention to the shade and pattern, they are very important in protective embroidery. The color must be chosen taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife that needs to be affected. By choosing the material, palette and pattern, you can easily make such a useful gift for a loved one. But first, choose who the amulet is intended for and for what purpose it is performed.

How to clean and charge Slavic amulets

The process of creating Slavic amulets is a serious ceremony. If you want the amulet to truly protect its owner, you must first clean and charge it. The Slavs had special rituals, thanks to which they protected themselves and family members, some of them are known to us today. Only a knowledgeable person can create a Slavic amulet, presenting a talisman as a gift is ideal if you want to protect the recipient from trouble.

To clean the Slavic amulet and charge it, you do not need to have any special talents. These rituals can be done by anyone. However, they should be done regularly.

To clear the Slavic amulet, you can use the power of the elements:

    Water. The simplest method, which was used in the old days, is cleaning in running water. The amulet must be placed under a stream of water, preferably from a stream - it works most efficiently. The ability of water to neutralize negative energy has been known for a long time, running water in this regard has a special power. There is only one fundamentally important condition - at the time of the ritual there should not be any negative thoughts. When clearing the amulet, you need to think about the good and ask the water to remove all the negativity that has accumulated in it. If the amulet is wooden and cannot be kept under water for a long time, you can use another method - lightly sprinkle with melt or rain water, which is characterized by pure energy. After the purification ceremony, the Slavic amulet must be dried under the sun or a piece of cloth should be used. So you can charge the amulet.

    Fire. Fire has powerful power, so earlier the Slavs very often resorted to its help in their rituals. For example, the tradition of jumping over the cleansing fire on the day of Ivan Kupala is still maintained today. If a person was able to deftly jump over it, then he may not worry about good health. A couple, jumping over a fire, can count on a long and trusting relationship. Fire can also be used to cleanse Slavic amulets. To do this, carry the amulet through the candle: first to the left, then to the right. At this moment, imagine how all the negativity smolders in the fire and gradually turns into smoke. Say to yourself that all troubles disappear and leave your life forever. And it doesn’t even matter what kind of words you pronounce, the main thing is with what mood. Your sincerity will be the key to the correct conduct of the ritual of purification of the Slavic amulet. After finishing the ceremony, be sure to throw out the candle - it can no longer be used. Regardless of the material from which the Slavic amulet is made, after cleansing with fire, hold it in the sun.

    Earth. Slavic amulets can also be cleansed with the help of the earth. To do this, dig a small hole in the dry earth, hide the amulet there and leave it overnight. This is necessary in order for the earth to take away negative energy, after which the Slavic amulet can be charged in any chosen way. You can make it even simpler: put the amulet on the ground, for the best effect, place stones in a circle. Salt is often used for cleansing, it also perfectly takes away negative energy. To use this method, keep the Slavic amulet in salt for three days, but after that it cannot be used.

Some materials do not perceive the direct physical impact of the elements. So, wood and silver should not be buried without protection.

Incense can also be used to cleanse the amulets. We recommend sage or cedar. These aromas will rid the room of negative energy and contribute to a more effective cleaning of the amulet. There are no clear recommendations that would help to understand whether the Slavic amulet was cleared or not. If the purification ritual was successful, you will feel a charge of self-confidence. If there is nothing like this, the procedure will have to be repeated.

Having completed the rite of purification, the Slavic amulet must be charged. For the ritual, the most successful days are during the growth of the moon. This magical rite united all the elements at once: fire, air, water, earth, ether. To perform the procedure, find a place in nature where no one can see you and distract you. The ideal option is an area near the water where you can light a fire. Remove shoes and all metal objects, rubber bands and hairpins. Golden Slavic amulets need to be charged with the help of hymns to the gods, then sprinkled with a little earth, held under running water and dried over a fire. When your amulet meets a new element, ask her to give the amulet the desired characteristics. You can also charge the Slavic amulet at home if it is not possible to travel outside the city. Just make sure that all the elements still participate in the ceremony.

What kind of care do all Slavic charms require?

It is important to know not only how to clean and charge Slavic amulets, but also how to store them. In order for the amulet to serve you faithfully for a long time, follow these recommendations:

    Keep the amulet in a natural wood box. So you provide him with additional natural energy. This rule does not apply to amulets of black magic. They must be kept in boxes made of dark stone.

    Discreet place. Keep the Slavic amulet where no one can accidentally see it, much less take it. The energy of other people (even those close to you) can affect the effectiveness of the amulet.

    If you plan to make a Slavic amulet yourself, be sure to buy new tools. After completing the ritual, take them to the intersection of roads and bury them in the ground.

    If you made a charm of black magic, take all the remaining items to the cemetery. Bury them at the old grave.

    Do not give your Slavic amulet to anyone.

The Slavic tradition is rich in rituals, beautiful holidays, powerful symbols. If you also want to celebrate the holidays of your ancestors, conduct traditional rituals and use village incantations, know signs and songs, use Slavic amulets, you cannot do without reliable sources of knowledge and some preparation.

Do you need candles for the Slavic rite or a special book? Are you afraid to make a mistake in choosing a Slavic amulet for yourself or a loved one? 8-800-333-04-69. And we are always in touch on Facebook, Telegram, VK and WhatsApp.

"Witch's Happiness" - the magic starts here.

Ancient Slavic amulets are endowed with great sacred power, the power of ancestral ties, nature, the shrines of our ancestors. People at all times, with any beliefs, needed symbolism, endowed by them with superpowers. The age-old wisdom of different peoples miraculously comes to models of the world that are strikingly similar to each other. Confirmation of this can be found by comparing Slavic amulets and legends with the Sumerian epic, the Vedas of Ancient India.

The ancient Slavs worshiped the Sun as the source of life on Earth, which is why the significance of solar signs was so great for them. The ancient Slavic sorcerers had a huge array of knowledge that has not been fully studied to this day, which allowed them to build a unique formula for the universe. One has only to look at the Solstice or Kolovrat.

Slavic symbol Kolovrat

Slavic legends are considered the basis of the Sumerian epic "Enuma Elish" - the first known detailed description of the origin and development of the solar system.

Ancient Slavic amulets, embodying the worship of the sun, also depict other symbols. Simple geometric signs of Slavic amulets are enclosed in one plot - the swastika, which is not an accident. After all, the shape of our galaxy, as well as human DNA, resembles a swastika in shape.

There is a theory that Slavic amulets served not just amulets, but had another purely practical purpose - information carriers. A symbol immortalized in stone or metal keeps the original meaning put into it by the ancient sorcerers. Any person who wants to know their roots will be interested in studying the basics of ancient Slavic mythology, understanding the meaning of runes and amulets.

The meaning of any amulet is a symbol that personifies specific natural elements. Our ancestors believed that women were patronized by some deities, and men by others. On this basis, one can draw an analogy between Slavic beliefs and ancient Greek myths that tell about the life of a great many gods and titans, who also provided patronage to mere mortals depending on their gender, craft, and even natural talents.

What were amulets made of in Rus'

The material for the manufacture of amulets in ancient Rus' was any raw material available to the master:

  • bones and teeth of animals;
  • tree;
  • stone;
  • metal.

Silver was revered as the most preferred of the metals, because it in itself carries purification, averts the manifestations of darkness. Thus, the silver amulet had a double power. Of course, the silver amulet was available only to wealthy people.

Amulets for different sexes always carry different energies and differ significantly, just as the age-old male and female occupations differ: hunting or military affairs for men, gathering or keeping a family hearth for women.

Charms for men

Men's traditional amulets kept their owners from ailments, bestowed luck in hunting and business. They were made of metals, embroidered on a shirt, engraved on a weapon. Men's were distinguished by laconic forms and more rigor than women's.

The most powerful were the amulets made by the hands of loving women - mothers or wives.

Hammer of Svarog

A man who entered the age of a warrior had the right to wear. Svarog gives a man endurance, firmness, helps in work, gives wisdom, strengthens the family hearth.

Hammer of Svarog


Rasich is a sign of the unification of Slavic clans. A sign of power, giving its owner stamina and wisdom. Used by the ancient Slavs on weapons, military equipment.


An exceptionally military talisman for our ancestors, now actively used in peaceful everyday life. - a powerful talisman that broadcasts solar energy into the surrounding space. It is strictly forbidden to wear the fair sex due to the detrimental effect on female energy: it can even turn the fate of a woman in a bad direction.



Gives stamina in confrontations with enemies. In ancient mythology, it was personified with the god of war - Indra, so the main places of its placement were military attributes. Nowadays, Grozovik helps men cope with the elements - sailors, firefighters, pilots.


Amulet for men with life experience, at least 32 years old, with a family and children. Helps to achieve enlightenment and wisdom. You can not wear it only as an ornament, only with a special meaning.



An amulet revered as bestowing the energy of the sun. Putting on as a boy, a man wears it all his life, receiving such qualities as courage, wisdom, speed of reaction.

Ax of Perun

It protects its bearer in military labors, protects his family, multiplies firmness in faith and happiness in love.

Ax of Perun

Shield of Perun

The talisman, which cleanses the thoughts of its owner, protects from slander, carries the energy of Perun the Thunderer, helps in any life trials.

Veles seal - Bear paw

Once wearing this talisman, a man cannot take it off for the rest of his life. Then Veles will be favorable to the owner of the amulet and bestow success in the profession, material wealth.

Veles seal

Sword in the star of England

Depicts a nine-pointed star - a sign of Primary Fire. Together with the sword, the star gives strength to resist death to its owner, develops hidden talents and abilities, reveals to him the wisdom of the ancient Slavs. Another name for this amulet is Immortelle.

Traditionally, a man could wear one amulet. A woman was supposed to have several.

Charms for women

A woman in Slavic traditions was honored as the successor of the family, the keeper of the hearth. Therefore, to protect her, it was necessary to use many different female special amulets that carry the power of several higher patrons.

Usually the eldest woman in the family made them for her relatives. It was she who had that experience, faith, spiritual strength, which she could put into the amulet.


Brings love and female happiness to its mistress. Keeps health, beauty, facilitates pregnancy and childbirth.


Star of Lada

Symbol of love, youth, health, beauty. Especially suitable for young girls who dream of a family and harmony in it. Protects the house from dark manifestations and troubles.


Designed for married women. It protects the family from enemies, keeps the health of all family members, brings prosperity and prosperity to the house.



Protects and empowers a married woman with children. The power of the amulet benefits only a woman with a bold character and a strong spirit. It is categorically contraindicated for young girls, it can even harm a fragile soul.


It has a beneficial effect on the health of pregnant women, helps with childbirth, protects newborn babies. This symbol is filled with the energy of mother's joy from the birth of a child. Its power extends to all the offspring of a woman.



Gives its owner energy protection from damage, curses, evil eye, bad words. The Slavs believed that this talisman could protect women's health.

Wedding attendant

The guardian of the newlyweds, the young spouses had to wear it together in the form of embroideries on shirts and rings with the Wedding. However, after the birth of a child, the amulet had to be hidden in a secluded place in the house, then it would protect the harmony and peace in the family. In no case should it be worn by a lonely person, this can only invite trouble on him.

Wedding attendant


Preserves and increases all the good things in the life of its owner, protects her from dangers. The light of Yaril is considered a symbol of childbearing. Its other side - the Fireman - strengthens and increases spiritual strength.


Patronizes girls and unmarried girls. Protects from dark forces and ailments, develops natural abilities and talents.



Helps a woman to conceive and give birth to a healthy child. The mother gave such a charm to her daughter so that it would have a beneficial effect on a woman's fate, help to avoid temptations, and be successful in housekeeping. Slavets can be worn with any other female amulet to enhance its impact.

Charms for children

Our ancestors tried to protect from the dark forces from the birth of the most defenseless members of their families - children. Therefore, a charm hung over each cradle, and signs were embroidered on diapers or shirts, designed to protect, give health, and develop the talents of children.


Women made such amulets in the form of pupae from flagella of white canvas, tied with handkerchiefs on top and wrapped with red thread. The main condition is not to use scissors and needles, because the diaper was placed in the baby's crib. This doll protected the baby from all misfortunes: the evil eye, damage, witchcraft.



Named after the god Rod - the protector of all life on earth. The amulet was hung over the cradle or placed in the crib. It was believed that Rodovik would protect not only the baby, but his entire family - the whole clan. When the child grew up, Rodovik remained in the family.


The purpose of amulets for children was the same as for adults, but in a smoothed, developing, educational "children's" version. Girls were supposed to become guardians of the hearth in their adult life, find and preserve women's happiness, give birth and raise healthy offspring. Therefore, they were given toys or pendants depicting Lelnik or Ladinets. The boys, on the other hand, were to become protectors of the family, skillful warriors, master the craft, develop the necessary masculine qualities - courage, courage, wisdom. To do this, they had to have such amulets as Kolyadnik, Molvinets, Rodimich.

Universal symbols

There are several types of Slavic amulets suitable for both sexes.


Helps those who are married. Young guys and girls should not wear it, because instead of happiness, this amulet can have a negative impact on fate.


It will protect and help any adult person engaged in some significant business, performing certain duties in the family. A man will easily get daily bread, provide for his kind financially, and a woman will show talents in needlework, housekeeping and keeping family happiness.



It contains double power, gives protection to both women and men. This amulet is double sided. The female side is the Odolen-grass itself, and the reverse is the male side - the Fern Flower.


Usually made as a gift to loved ones. Protects from ailments and evil eyes, drives away evil spirits. Attracts happiness and good fortune. Such a talisman can be worn by men and women, or can be hung on the walls of the house so that its effect extends to the whole family and to the house.



Grants secret knowledge, reveals creative abilities to people striving for spiritual growth, having a pure soul, bright thoughts. With the help of Veles, they performed magical rituals, communicated with the other world.


It will help you make the right decision at a crossroads. It will help a man to strengthen his opinion, defend it, and give a woman youth and beauty.


Universal amulets can be worn by everyone, regardless of gender and age, their images can be applied to household utensils and walls of the house.

Charms for family and home

Home amulets were aimed at preserving the hearth and health of family members, clan, as well as protecting the house in the physical sense from natural disasters and robbers.

The tree of Life

The source of the power of this most powerful amulet is in the spiritual beginning of the family. It will protect the house and family from illness, damage and the evil eye, and protect it from intra-family conflicts.

Protects the clan, protects the borders of its territories from the raids of dashing people, witchcraft and the evil eye.


Fern flower

It has a healing effect on the sick, cures ailments in a short time. To maintain its magical properties, it must be regularly "cleansed" with fire or water.


It has a beneficial effect on the human body and his soul, with it the wounds heal faster, the human aura is cleansed. Gives longevity to its owner.



It protects the dwelling from fires and robberies, and its inhabitants from quarrels. For this, his image was applied to the walls of the house. It enables the whole family to achieve prosperity and prosperity, to win the respect of people. As a body amulet, Vseslavets was worn only by men in order to prove themselves in male professions, to establish and maintain relationships with elders, both in terms of age and social status.


The solar symbol of the movement of the sun across the sky, bringing abundance, joy, health to its inhabitants, protection from evil into the house. The main condition for using such a talisman is honesty with other people.


heavenly cross

The sign is necessary for those who pass on their knowledge to others, the house of such a person will be reliably protected from the evil eye and strife.


It protects the purity and well-being of the whole family, attracts success, brings grace to the family. Symbolizes the power of the wind, which cleans the space around the house, providing powerful protection.



Gives a person confidence in disputes, endows him with eloquence. The graphic image of Kolokhort consists of two swastikas placed in a circle in two different directions and forming a continuous chain of figures. This amulet reminds that there is no day without night, autumn comes after summer, and the passage of time cannot be stopped.


It has a powerful protective force against enemies, strengthens the will, removes all obstacles, puts thoughts in order. It was placed at the entrance to the house and even to temples, as it guards the borders of the clan, family.


Various types of amulets among the Slavs

The distribution of amulets and amulets among the ancient Slavs had two main goals:

  • Strengthening the clan, family, promoting the development and multiplication of the strength of the clan: for these purposes, amulets were created for relatives so that all branches of the clan would expand, all family members would be healthy and happy.
  • Protection: these symbols were supposed to resist any manifestation of evil: from the evil eye of a neighbor to goblin and water.

Forms and types of ancient Slavic amulets:

  • Wearable amulets;
  • Jewelry in the form of braided knots and their combinations;
  • Pupae-amulets;
  • Charms on the body in the form of tattoos;
  • Embroidery on interior textiles, clothes;
  • Drawings on household items, dishes;
  • Bundles of herbs placed in the dwelling;
  • Drawings of symbols outside the house on the walls, on the gates.

Our ancestors were forced to defend themselves from many adverse effects of the outside world, so they tried to enlist the support of all good forces and gods.

Knots talismans

A fairly popular form of amulets among the ancient Slavs is knots-nauzes. These knots were woven in a special order, and the craftswoman needed some training to weave them. Each specific form of the knot attracted what the person desired, but one thing - luck, love, protection from the evil eye.

Ancient Slavic dolls amulets

A classic Slavic amulet for the home, protecting the family, homemade mascot dolls. It is interesting that all such dolls did not have a face, since the Slavs believed that evil spirits could move into dolls through faces.

Nurse- a doll that was customary to give to newborn babies and their mothers. It was believed that such a doll would contribute to the constant availability of milk from the mother, which means that the child would always be full and healthy.

Kuvadok - baby's first toy. It was necessary to hang several quads over the baby's cradle, but there had to be an odd number of them.

Fever- protected from diseases, averted spoilage.

Herbalist - helped the sick to recover, alleviated his suffering.

Lovebirds- dolls that were given to spouses to preserve family happiness.


Slavic ta tuitions

The well-known facts of applying amulets on the skin in the form of tattoos that have survived to this day are tattoos on men with scenes of the battles of Perun and the Serpent, as well as ancient Slavic ornaments in which various messages were encrypted - wishes of good luck, protection from evil spirits.

Most likely, such tattoos were common among warriors. The Slavs believed that symbols in the form of tattoos would make the warrior invisible in battle, turn away the enemy's spears from him, and help him win. There were rules according to which only a person who had reached the age of 33 could make a tattoo, that is, quite old and mature, since life expectancy in those days averaged 39 years.

Wearable jewelry

Slavic amulets were most often worn in the form of pendants on a cord or thread. Pendants were worn by both men and women. Usually women's were made of wood, and men's were made of metal.

The second most popular form of wearing amulets were rings and bracelets. Women preferred bracelets, while men wore rings.

Runic symbols

In addition to sacred symbols, runic symbols were applied to the amulets - signs, the meaning of which depends on their location or on a combination of such signs. Often the Slavs used them to write the names of the gods. Runes were engraved on weapons for good luck in battle, and were also widely used in embroidery on clothes and home textiles.

Embroidery as a talisman

Ancient Slavic women devoted a lot of time to needlework and, in particular, to embroidery. It was both entertainment and craft at the same time. Embroidery has never been intended only to decorate clothes. In it, the craftswoman always encrypted a special meaning - whether it was a message to the gods asking for protection, a wish for good luck, or a spell from evil spirits.

Embroidery decorated not only clothes, but also home textiles - pillowcases, bedspreads, towels.

Embroidery as a talisman

How to choose and wear an ancient Slavic amulet

It was considered very important to choose, make, charge the amulet correctly. The ancient Slavs carefully approached the choice of symbols and took into account several factors:

  1. The time and date of the person's birth. The ancient Slavs kept track of time according to their unique calendar - Kolyadas and the zodiac circle, which was called the circle of Svarog. This circle consisted of 16 zodiac signs, our ancestors called them halls. There is a modern theory according to which the zodiac circle of 12 signs familiar to us was borrowed from the ancient Slavs.
  2. The age and gender of the person. After all, according to ancient Slavic beliefs, women and men had different patrons, only some deities were suitable for children for protection, which could contribute to the development of the child's potential.
  3. Status and occupation of a person. Heavenly patrons could also be different depending on the craft chosen by a person on the path of life, the heights he reached in society.
  4. The main factor in choosing a talisman is spiritual kinship with him, a kind of magnetism that attracts a person to a certain sign.
  5. Before choosing a charm, it is necessary to carefully study its meaning, take into account all the features of its symbols.

To choose a charm that will have a beneficial effect on life, a person should think about what he lacks, or determine what needs to be protected from. This will help you choose an amulet that can attract what you want and protect you from potential dangers. A properly selected amulet will bring harmony to life, make its owner happier and help in all good undertakings.

In Ancient Rus', when people believed in paganism, there was simply a huge variety of amulets for various purposes.

Male Slavic amulets, as a rule, were aimed at developing and supporting in men such qualities as:

  • bravery;
  • endurance;
  • development of the Power of the Spirit;
  • dexterity;
  • wisdom;
  • leadership skills;
  • cunning;
  • and much more.

Amulets protected men in war and hunting, granting the patronage of various pagan Gods, it all depended on which amulet was chosen. Depending on what qualities the amulet imparted to the wearer, various animals could also be depicted on it.

How were amulets made for men

Men's amulets, as a rule, were made for their chosen ones by their wives or special craftsmen who are ready to take on the manufacture of amulets. It is important that the thoughts and intentions of the master who makes the amulet be pure, otherwise, instead of benefit, such a talisman could only bring harm.

In general, there were several points, the observance of which was considered important in the manufacture of sacred symbols:

  1. The chosen material for the manufacture of the amulet had to be suitable for it energetically. Each of the pagan gods "loves" his material.
  2. The amulet had to be created by one person for another, with pure thoughts. Amulets were not made for themselves.
  3. It was impossible to force a person to forcibly make an amulet.
  4. In the manufacture of each individual amulet, certain sacred days were chosen. Each of the gods had their own.
  5. It was believed that the most energetically strong amulets were made by the hands of close relatives who were thinking about the person at the time of the creation of the amulet.

If some of these points were not kept, then the amulets could work at half strength or have no strength at all.

How to wear amulets

Amulets could be worn as pendants to bracelets or brooches. And also in the form of body jewelry, talismans, embroideries on clothes, symbols on swords or armor, belts. Everything depended on each individual amulet and the Deity to whom this amulet is dedicated.

For example, on men's bracelets, the Gromovik sign was sometimes woven into the general pattern of the pattern, thereby calling on Perun to patronize the wearer. Sometimes various images of plants were applied to the bracelets. For example, the image of a fern enhanced the physical performance and intuition of the owner.

13 male Slavic amulets

Let's look at the most popular male Slavic talismans.

  1. Alatyr. Most often, the sign was worn by sages or travelers. This is a sacred ancient symbol of the Slavs, externally represented in the form of an octagonal star with rays directed in different directions of the world. In the male version, the crossbars of the cross should be located at right angles. It protects a person from damage and disease, gives him healing, well-being, endows him with wisdom and righteous qualities.
  2. Belobog symbol. As the name implies, it personifies the embodiment of all light forces. According to some versions, the Belobog is considered to be a set of higher Gods, namely: Svarog, Perun, Lada and others. Belobog fights for the ideals of goodness, honor, and justice. Bearers of the Belobog symbol are fighting for exactly the same thing, so only the most fearless men can wear it.
  3. Valkyrie symbol. This symbol is intended for warriors, it is a powerful amulet during great battles. It is believed that a man wearing this amulet always returns alive from the battlefield. It will endow the carrier with such qualities as nobility, a thirst for justice, honesty, wisdom. Sometimes the symbol was applied to weapons in order to crush the ranks of enemies quickly, like lightning.
  4. Grozovik. As a rule, it was made of wood, pine, oak or silver. God Svarog patronized this sign. They wore the talisman of the forge, it helped them to make simply magnificent weapons, designed to crush enemies on the spot. The second name of the thunderstorm is the solstice.
  5. Ratiborets. This symbol often adorned military weapons or squad banners. It was worn by soldiers who stood up to defend the Fatherland. It was believed that the enemy, who saw this symbol, was able to go blind and start a shameful flight from the battlefield.
  6. Rodimych. The symbol consists exclusively of straight lines and angles, without even a hint of rounding. It is intended exclusively for men seeking to protect the family hearth, their home at any cost. The symbol endows such people in their work with special stamina and strength, because for pagans there is nothing more sacred than family and clan.
  7. Ax of Perun. This sign protects the entire clan from enemy arrows and magical attacks. Gives the wearer an indestructible combat energy in case Perun considers the battle fair. It personifies the angry power of the firmament itself. It is a sign of true selfless brave men.
  8. Veles seal. Depicted in the form of a bear paw. Gives hope, allows you to overcome long journeys, protects from negative energy and events, calls for good luck. Increases the wearer's wisdom and physical strength. Veles patronizes those people who are ready to achieve their goals, even though they are at odds with the rules existing in society.
  9. Vseslavets. The fiery talisman protects from disputes, disagreements, both external and internal. Designed to maintain harmony and tranquility between peoples, it is perfect for diplomats.
  10. Doukhobor. The sign is aimed at cleansing the thoughts of the wearer. It helps to understand the true essence of things, drives away bad thoughts from the mind and does not allow to commit the corresponding negative actions, helps to choose a goal in life. In a word, it endows the wearer with noble spiritual qualities.
  11. Sword in the star of England. It symbolizes relentless courage. The amulet was preferred by protectors and sages. In difficult times, it helps to gain faith in a better outcome and enlist the protection of the Gods.
  12. Wayfarer. Helps to maintain clear thinking throughout the journey, no matter how long the journey may be. The amulet was worn by people on whose shoulders the exploration of new distant lands was entrusted. He also helped with long military campaigns. Clear consciousness was necessary to avoid all the dangers and traps that may be encountered on the path of the bearer.
  13. "Fire-eye". This amulet is aimed at teenagers, helping them to study better, master certain sciences, develop physical abilities, handle weapons. "Fire-eye" protected the carriers from alien negative energy, while not forgetting to purify the thoughts of the owner of the symbol. This ensured that the younger generation could grow up wise, strong, just, giving the family a worthy continuation.

Charms in the form of tattoos for men

A separate topic deserves tattoos that are applied to the body, such tattoo amulets were applied by people after reaching the age of thirty-three years. It was believed that only after reaching this age a person completed all his processes associated with the formation of personality and is ready to put a tattoo on his body.

Like amulets, such tattoo symbols have a huge powerful energy and influence a person's life. That's just unlike the usual talisman, the tattoo interacts with the energy of a person directly and very tightly enters his life.

Most often in the form of a tattoo were applied:

  1. Runes or combinations of runes, the energy of which had an impact on the entire life of the wearer in the future.
  2. Images of pagan Gods to demonstrate their loyalty to them and enlist their patronage.
  3. Pictures of animals whose qualities the wearer wants to emulate.
  4. Painted signs and various ornaments that have a certain sacred meaning.
  5. And another, having almost no magical power, but revering Slavic culture and traditions.

All this, in combination with other symbols not applied to the body, created a certain powerful energy around the wearer, enhanced certain qualities and patronage of certain Gods.

As you can see, the Slavic pagan culture was very diverse. The total number of sacred symbols and tattoos is very difficult to calculate, and among such a wealth of choice, you will definitely find what suits you.

For a long time, the Slavs tried to protect themselves and their loved ones from all kinds of diseases, evil, slander and other problems, they used the magical properties of things to protect their homes. The main cult of the ancient Slavs, inherited from their ancestors, was the cult of the Sun, so most Slavic amulets have always been associated with solar signs. The amulets of the ancient Slavs are not characterized by universal magic items - each had power in a certain area, although sometimes there were also "multi-profile" talismans. One of the clearest examples of individual amulets that a person should never part with is the solar sign of the Valkyrie.

Slavic amulets created a kind of energy screen, and were selected not only by value, but also by the characteristics of a particular owner. Nowadays, when they are bought based on aesthetics and beauty, it must be remembered that each has a certain meaning. Failure to comply with important points when choosing an amulet can adversely affect the health of the person wearing it.

Talismans in the culture of the ancient Slavs

The culture of any nation has its own characteristics:

  • Traditions;
  • Myths and legends;
  • certain worldview;
  • system of esoteric images.

The foundations of the existence and worldview of the Slavs were laid on the basis of the simplest geometric figures. Studies have proven that the Slavic Kolovrat has a lot in common with the shape of the Milky Way and DNA.

Secrets of the correct selection of magical protection

Symbols and amulets of the ancient Slavs are currently sold in any large city. Not everyone knows that only correctly charged amulets help maintain health and a favorable aura. Each symbol, no matter how beautiful it may look, is nothing more than a trinket, if you do not concentrate positive energy inside it. Although the ancient Slav could independently fill his amulet with the power of nature, the most valuable and expensive were those made by the magi. Now it is almost impossible to meet a person with ancient knowledge of magic, but do not be upset, the amulet is easily charged on its own. To do this, it is enough to perform a series of simple rituals aimed at unity with nature.

The amulet is one of the best defenders against diseases and evil eye, subject to the right approach to the choice:

  • To study the variety of amulets, the rules for wearing them, the protective properties of each artifact;
  • Determine what properties the necessary amulet should have;
  • Choose the right material for the amulet. The most complex talismans are traditionally made of silver, sometimes expensive gold items are also found, but silver is considered the metal of magicians. Wooden amulets have more forces of nature, such amulets were worn by the ancient magi.

Choosing a talisman "for good luck" involves using your own intuition. Some rely entirely on it, forgetting even to understand the meaning of the symbols. You can often meet women wearing male Slavic amulets, as their choice is determined by the external beauty of the talisman.

It happens that some talismans cannot be identified, although they amaze the imagination with their beauty. In this case, you need to contact an expert in this field, which will definitely not be a seller near the transition or in the market. The modern level of technology makes it easy to check the amulet you like on special forums on the Internet. Buying a talisman from an unverified seller can be dangerous - distorted runes will not only not be useful, but can also harm the owner. People who believe in the power of amulets, but do not understand them, often wonder why a magical object with incomprehensible signs does not fulfill its functions. Even the famous and well-known Kolovrat, personifying life, can symbolize death if the rays on it go in the opposite direction.

Properly selected Slavic symbols on the amulets will turn a beautiful trinket into a personal assistant that can protect its owner, his loved ones and home. If the talisman does not fulfill its functions:

  • It was not made according to Slavic customs;
  • The amulet is not charged or this rite went wrong;
  • The man has chosen an unsuitable protector for himself;
  • The amulet is used incorrectly.

You should not think that talismans are able to radically change the fate of a person, their impact is reduced to strengthening a person's aspirations aimed at spiritual and physical self-improvement. Only daily work on oneself can make the owner of the amulet successful in various endeavors.

Types of Slavic amulets

Slavic amulets can be divided into several main categories:

  • Men's;
  • Women's;
  • Baby;
  • To protect the home;
  • Universal.

In the modern world, people do not feel connected with nature and higher powers, but charged amulets constantly affect the aura. Thoughts are of great importance in a person's life: if they are pure, then the aura is considered bright.

In the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, all amulets are divided into male and female, since the patron gods are different for everyone. Each Slavic deity was associated with a certain natural phenomenon and was considered the patron of various social strata of the population.

Men's and children's amulets are traditionally simpler than women's ones, the latter were distinguished by their peculiar beauty. In addition to ordinary amulets, women often wore embroidered shirts with other magical symbols that enhanced the effect of the amulet.

Slavic symbols-amulets for men

The most common talismans are Slavic amulets for men, and this is no coincidence. It was the hunter and warrior who had to constantly carry a talisman with him, capable of protecting him from the beast in the forest and the enemy on the battlefield. Men's amulets were distinguished by aggressive energy; warriors often had talismans showing the commitment of their owner to Perun. Many male amulets protect the wearer's health and bring good luck.

The most valuable are male Slavic amulets made of silver, made by the hands of a mother, sister, wife or girlfriend and charged with a sorcerer. You can wear witchcraft signs in the form of a neck ornament, sew them on military equipment, emboss them on weapons or draw on clothes, such talismans will become real helpers in any difficult situation.

The most popular ancient Slavic amulets for men:

  • Veles seal. Such a magical item looks like the paw of a bear or wolf, because Veles was considered a werewolf god. The amulet was popular with sorcerers. The most famous of these werewolves was Prince Vseslav the Enchanter. It should be noted that werewolves were not honored by the Slavs, so this talisman belongs to the dark pantheon. The man wore it all his life, not parting with him for a minute. Currently, such a talisman is suitable for firefighters, hunters, fishermen and travelers, it is able to protect the owner from various troubles and misfortunes;
  • Vseslavets - a charm endowed with the power of fiery energy, protects the owner from disagreements, bad weather, evil eye and damage. The amulet was often used to improve relations between the ancient Slavic tribes, helped protect the family from war and robbery attacks, it was a family sign among some peaceful tribes;
  • Gromovik is a talisman that enhances male character traits: masculinity, courage, valor, is able to make a man stronger and more resilient, increases self-confidence. Previously worn exclusively by warriors, now it is often used in everyday life. The talisman protects the owner from damage, the evil eye and evil spirits;
  • Thunderstorm - the amulet of the lord of the elements, makes a man wise, strong and courageous. The description of this amulet suggests that in ancient times it was used by the Magi, who wanted to gain power over the natural elements. The best gift for sailors, firefighters, rock climbers, fishermen and geologists;
  • Dukhobor is a talisman for those who aspire to reach spiritual heights. Great for hermits and people who want to know complete unity with nature, protects the owner from diseases, damage and the evil eye;
  • Svarga is an amulet for mature men who have reached the age of 32 years. In ancient times, it could only be worn by those who wanted to become a sorcerer. A man was allowed to become a sorcerer after he had at least 9 children. Currently, this amulet is not recommended for men who have not served in the army;
  • Ratiborets is one of the favorite amulets of professional warriors. The amulet is able to grant the owner wisdom, strength, courage and the help of ancestors in battle. The owner of the talisman receives protection from the elements and success in all his endeavors;
  • Strizhibozhich is similar in function to Ratiborets, but was intended for more peaceful professions. Now recommended to rescuers, firefighters and policemen;
  • The carol was considered one of the most revered charms of the common people, it made men braver, gave them the will to win, protected them on the battlefield and in everyday life;
  • Znich is a favorite amulet for refined natures, used by bards, harpists, and so on. The talisman charged its owner with energy, protected from diseases, damage and the evil eye, helped a man find love or revive old feelings;
  • The ax of Perun is a typical amulet of a warrior, often used by princes and elders of clans, created in honor of Perun, the god of thunder and lightning. He helps the warrior to stand on the battlefield, to protect his native land. In family life, he serves as a reliable guardian of marital fidelity.

The interpretation of the meanings of amulets is a very important component, you should not neglect this, because in the end you can get their negative impact on a person.

Features of Slavic amulets for women

A feature of female Slavic runes and amulets is their beauty and grace. The main purpose of such amulets:

  • Protection of family well-being;
  • Assistance in the birth of children;
  • Protecting a woman from enemies.

Often, Slavs embroidered protective signs on their clothes, turning them into magical things that were passed down from generation to generation. Women's amulets could be worn in the form of earrings, bracelets and necklaces. The most popular women's amulets:

  • Lunnitsa is the main amulet of female happiness and love, popular in ancient Rus'. Currently, there is an increased interest in him among modern girls. Lunnitsa helps to successfully marry, bear and give birth to a healthy child, protects from diseases and spoilage;
  • Yarovik-Fireman is a powerful double-sided amulet. It helps to increase family well-being and wealth, attracts good luck, is able to protect a woman and her future offspring from illness, evil eye and damage, gives her mistress the inner strength to deal with the difficulties of family life. In ancient times, it was used as an assistant during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • The Star of Lada is an amulet in honor of the goddess Lada the Mother of God. An interesting combination of paganism and Christianity. Lada is considered the goddess of family and love, along with the Christian symbol, not only gives a woman the love and respect of her husband, but also saves from evil spirits;
  • Makosh - the most important amulet of mature Slavic women, helps to preserve the family hearth, protects from illness and trouble. Goddess Makosh has long been considered the patroness of spinners and weavers. Currently, Mokosh amulets are used to attract money and family happiness;
  • Ognevitsa is a charm intended for married women who have become mothers. Only under such conditions does it protect the family hearth, otherwise the talisman is able to destroy the energy of the hostess;
  • Childbirth - designed for women who have recently married and dream of having children. After the woman becomes pregnant, she continues to protect the mistress and her child. In the modern world, it helps young mothers cope with postpartum depression, relieves pain during childbirth. It also acts after childbirth, protecting mother and baby;
  • Ladinets - another version of the amulet of the goddess Lada, saves her mistress from female diseases, gives family happiness. Such an amulet can be worn by all women who believe in its magical power.

Mostly female Slavic amulets protect girls and women, their families from evil forces.

Magical protection of children and the hearth

Many Slavic amulets are suitable for teenage children, although there are several types of talismans designed exclusively for newborns. Children's amulets were often hung over the cradle, saving the baby from the evil eye, damage and evil forces. In Ancient Rus', they were always made by the mother of the child, now they can be purchased in specialized stores. Amulets were embroidered on children's clothes, passed from one child to another, the most popular among them:

  • Rodovik was created in honor of the god Rod, who is considered the progenitor of life on earth and other worlds. The talisman was placed in the baby's bed or hung over it. It was intended to help the baby and his whole family, was kept in the house even after the child grew up;
  • Pelenashka belongs to the Slavic amulet dolls, able to protect the baby and his house from many troubles. It is still made by some mothers on their own, without the use of scissors and needles. Outwardly, it resembles a small doll in a scarf, wrapped in red thread.

Children's amulets were often passed down from older children to younger ones.

To protect their home, the Slavs used various amulets. Slavic amulets for the house were applied to the wall of the dwelling, preventing the penetration of dark forces there. Alatyr is traditionally considered the best of them, it protects the house from the penetration of diseases, thieves, and prevents fires. In addition to Alatyr, Rodovik, Molvinets and others often painted on the walls of the dwelling.

Universal Slavic talismans

The ancient Slavs had universal amulets designed to be worn by men, women and children. Their protection is not as strong as that of personal amulets. The most famous universal talismans:

  • The wedding man is not quite a universal amulet, not suitable for children. The talisman is intended exclusively for newlyweds, put on the newlyweds on their wedding day, helps to avoid family scandals, betrayals and the fading of love. Its power only works when worn by both spouses. Works in tandem with protective embroidery, placed on the matrimonial bed. The bridegroom is removed from the spouses after the birth of the first child, wrapped in protective embroidery and hides in a secret place where he will continue to protect the family from trouble;
  • Overcoming the grass is considered a female talisman, but on its back there is a fern flower, which is a male symbol. Ensuring happiness, wealth and luck, protection from evil spirits is his main task;
  • The amulet of Veles is not the Seal of Veles, it looks like an inverted letter “A”, it was used for ancient Slavic rituals, it helps to reveal the hidden potentials of the individual. With the help of the Veles amulet, you can establish a connection with the other world;
  • Svarozhich - an amulet in honor of the god Svarog. More of a male talisman, but now women also wear it. The owner of the amulet must be honest and fair, otherwise the god Svarog, who honors justice, will punish him;
  • Molvinets, according to ancient Slavic legends, was presented to people by the god Rod, the strongest amulet that attracts good luck and helps to find love. Can be used as an amulet, applied to clothing or skin in the form of a tattoo;
  • The Star of Rus' is traditionally a male amulet, but it is currently recommended to be worn by strong women raising children without a husband. The talisman is able to help to know the secrets of life, protect from negative energy, gives physical and moral strength;
  • Kolovrat - an amulet symbolizing the movement of the sun, helps to maintain health, protects from the evil eye and damage to its owner.

The choice of a Slavic amulet has now become a lottery, only 80% of those who buy talismans do so based on the appearance of the amulet. This approach is unacceptable, because you should not joke with magic. Women can wear several amulets at the same time, and men need to choose one single amulet.

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I am fond of martial arts with weapons, historical fencing. I write about weapons and military equipment because it is interesting and familiar to me. I often learn a lot of new things and want to share these facts with people who are not indifferent to military topics.

For thousands of years, our ancestors professed paganism. Not a single house in Rus' could do without protection. Elements of Slavic symbolism, and the Slavs have 144 of them, and hundreds of their various variations (characters-amulets) were of particular importance. People believed that they protect from the "evil eye", diseases, natural disasters and various misfortunes. Going on a long journey, a person took with him a magical amulet that protected him and reminded him of his home and land.

Recently, pagan rituals and traditions are increasingly entering our lives. Especially relevant among young people are amulets-tattoo. We will share with you famous and strong Slavic amulets, we will give a photo with a description and interpretation of amulets and talismans, we will tell you what meaning they have for their owners.

What are Slavic amulets and how are they used

In order to understand how to choose any Slavic artifact correctly, you need to know what difference between amulet, talisman and amulet and what is their meaning.

  • talisman can be any thing or object that you like. They will protect you from danger, attract good luck and bring harmony to relationships.
  • amulets accumulate energy and direct it to areas where support and assistance are needed. Most often, they perform one or two tasks: assistance in some area and protection.
  • amulets help protect yourself and your health, family, home, protect from any magical influence. They take on and hold back any negativity from the outside. Namely - charms from damage and the evil eye - have a powerful protective effect.

You should always carry these items with you. Slavic amulets can serve as an accessory, be made in the form of embroidery depicting signs and patterns on clothes, on all kinds of products made of stone, wood, clay, iron, gold and silver, but you need to know their meaning.

Slavic amulets for home and family, their meaning

Our ancestors, in the construction and interior decoration of their dwellings, used various symbols and signs that protected the house, family and the whole family.

Women made - a talisman for the home - in the form of a towel with the image of the Watchman sign - the Slavic symbol of Chur, resembling a human figure. Embroidered on clothes and bedding. The sign protects the house from theft, destruction and accidents, protects the family from ruin, brings prosperity.

This sign is also used as personal pendants for all family members and protects its owner from trouble. They wore it on a chain or a thick lace woven from leather.

Another strong defender of housing is considered amulet Rubezhnik. He was depicted at the entrance to the house. He will cast off all evil from the dwelling, family and person. The sign of the Rubezhnik is like a tornado that sweeps everything out of its path.

Slavic amulet was made from silver and bronze - "the symbol of God Rod in the sun", the meaning of which is in the perpetual motion of life. The sign represents female and male power, promotes procreation and maintaining ties with the family.

This Slavic symbol is closely related to amulet Alatyr, which symbolizes the stone Alatyr, the basis of the Worlds created by God Rod, the meaning of which is in comprehending the wisdom of the universe. He gives her owner confidence, protects from troubles, gives strong love and family. Now the symbol of the eight-pointed star can be seen on earrings, rings and pendants made of precious metals.

Slavic amulet dolls and their meaning

Every woman from the age of 12 - 13 independently made a doll-amulet. The most beautiful were kept in a chest as a dowry. To protect the house from all evil spirits, Bereginya was made - a doll that hung over the front door.

And the prosperity in the house and a comfortable life were symbolized by the Zernushka doll.

- Charm dolls - performed not only the function of protection from various disasters, but also played the role of assistant in various areas of life. For men, such a talisman was in every workshop; for women, the chrysalis helped in cooking and decorating the house. Separate dolls were created for the holidays and for folk festivals. They were given for family holidays and significant events.

Women's Slavic amulets and their meaning

In ancient times, every women's jewelry had a sacred meaning. Earrings, bracelets, rings, pendants performed a protective function. Today, Slavic amulets and their significance for women are also relevant. They help to find a betrothed, to preserve the love of a husband, not to lose youth and beauty. Talismans attract good luck, drive away envy and evil thoughts.

Today, in addition to those that were used before, bracelets and combs, ornaments on household items, embroidery on clothes, and tattoos are used to protect against witchcraft.

Star of Lada

The most beloved female Slavic amulet. His function is to preserve the health of women, assistance during pregnancy and childbirth, prolongation of life. They wear the amulet from an early age under their clothes, away from prying eyes.


A pregnant woman had such protection for all 9 months. The sign protects the family from scandals and quarrels, helps to establish relationships.


The Slavic amulet Molvinets has the same meaning as the previous ones. It is intended for all women and is designed to preserve their health, beauty, and promote well-being in the home.

knot of love

The protective meaning is carried by the Slavic charm Knot of love. A powerful talisman will help you find a soul mate and protect your marriage, give you financial success and protect you from trouble. This is one of the most popular love charms, aimed at increasing and maintaining the connection between lovers.

The meaning of the Slavic amulet Black Sun

This symbol symbolizes eternity, cyclicity and immortality of our spirit. The amulet consists of two circles that connect 12 broken rays. He guards from random troubles and unpredictable events. Such protection is suitable for people striving for spiritual development, or the Knowers. Such a symbol will not help a person who is engaged in bad deeds.

The meaning of the Slavic amulet Kolovrat

The oldest symbol, personifying the course of the sun, symbolizing the victory of Light over Darkness. This protector drives away evil spirits, carries a positive charge. It reminds of the covenants of the Gods and their patronage. They are worn by men and women of all ages.

The meaning of the Slavic amulet Valkyrie

This male amulet was made by a craftsman and applied to weapons or household tools, such as a knife. Now this the symbol can be seen on men's wallets, clothes, accessories. He personifies wisdom, nobility and honor. This sign is especially revered by warriors defending their land. For worthy people, the symbol will help to maintain their position and increase their strength.

The meaning of the Slavic amulet Seal of the Vedun

A powerful amulet that enhances the effect of other symbols. He directs the inner strength of a person to achieve the goal. He will help you achieve everything you want.

Slavic amulets tattoos and their meaning

Recently, people began to show interest in the drawings applied to the body, and to understand the meaning of amulets in the form of a tattoo. Collecting cultural heritage bit by bit, we are surprised how enlightened and wise our ancestors were. Tattoo Activated the body's hidden abilities and alleviate shortcomings. Warriors who wore drawings possessed strength, fearlessness and endurance. With their help, they denoted their belonging to a particular tribe or clan.

Nowadays, the variety of tattoos is amazing. They are worn by both men and women. In order to choose a picture, you need to understand its meaning. These can be colored symbols or using several shades. Let's interpret some of them.

Tattoo Ladinets

This talisman will help protect yourself from envy and curses, and will not allow you to destroy love and family values. This is a generic sign, it indicates belonging to the roots of your people.

solar cross

A talisman that is used by warriors in a fair fight. It gives men stamina, courage and self-confidence. This symbol was used by Europeans and is also known as the Celtic Cross.


An ancient amulet for warriors, endowing them with justice, wisdom and helping to get rid of excess anger. It is traditionally worn on the shoulder.

Svarog Square

This symbol helps a person in creative work. It protects from laziness and inaction, gives self-confidence, promotes career success. In addition, he will be able to give good health and bring prosperity to the family. Suitable for both women and men.

Velesovik, or Serpentine

With this symbol, women protected their husbands before the road to war. It has a magical effect, gives resistance against enemies and protects against the attacks of dark forces.

It is applied to the body of a person with wisdom, prudence and intelligence. The amulet promotes the development of intellectual abilities. It is believed that the sign contributes to the patronage of higher powers. Such people were often asked for advice, they were listened to.


A symbol of military prowess, courage and courage.

Slavic runes-amulets and their meaning

Inscriptions, words and ornaments enjoy unprecedented popularity in our time.

find out who caused the damage, and they could recognize the enemy. In our time, most of the knowledge has been lost, but in the villages you can still find old people who know, or a curse. Now Slavic talismans, amulets, amulets are very popular. Knowing its value, you can choose reliable protection for the whole family. Share with us your favorite defensive artifacts.

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