Dream Interpretation: why dream of gold. What is the dream of gold, a golden ring, a chain, jewelry? What if you dream of gold

Despite the value of gold jewelry in real life, in dreams they are disturbing symbols. Therefore, it is imperative that you know what gold jewelry is dreaming of and how they can affect events that take place in reality.

A variety of gold jewelry can appear in dreams and various actions can be carried out with them. Both of these are very important for the correct interpretation of dreams. Therefore, in order to understand why gold jewelry is dreamed of in a dream, you need to remember all the details of the plot.

Golden ring - interpretation of sleep

More often than other types of jewelry, a golden ring appears in dreams. This is a very capacious symbol, and why he dreams in night dreams is of interest to many. To interpret such a dream, you need to listen to your own intuition. If in a dream you dreamed of a wedding ring on the finger of your chosen one or chosen one, then this portends a joint vacation away from home. And if you dreamed of such a ring on your hand, then in real life you have to sort things out with a partner.

Other dreams with a golden ring can be interpreted as follows:

  • Find jewelry - meet an interesting person; Accept a ring as a gift - receive good news about relatives; To see a broken decoration is to survive a betrayal in life; Find a ring in the trash - get a valuable gift; To find a ring in your pocket is the occurrence of a sudden love feeling.

Round gold jewelry

All round gold jewelry symbolizes connections between people in dreams. But if they look massive, then this indicates that certain relationships are a burden for the dreamer.

Why dream of a gold chain

The golden chain, which was seen in night dreams, as an ornament on one's own neck, portends a joyful event in reality. But if she dreamed of another person, then this is a harbinger of a meeting with old friends.

Other dreams in which a gold chain appeared can be interpreted as follows:
  • Find a chain - a magnificent feast is expected; Seeing a chain with a cross - to the favor of the authorities; To see a chain with a pendant - to receive an expensive present; Seeing a broken chain is trouble in the family or in relationships with a chosen one or chosen one.

a gold bracelet

It is important to know what the golden chain on the hand is dreaming of. Such an ornament as a gold bracelet, in a dream, most often, is a harbinger of fun entertainment in life. For a young girl, such a dream can be a harbinger of a fateful meeting.

In addition, dreams with a bracelet can be interpreted as follows:
  • Find decoration on the floor - get ready for a fun holiday with friends; A broken bracelet is a harbinger of a romantic date; A short bracelet is a harbinger of a good deal; A long bracelet is a harbinger of promotion.

Golden earrings - dream book

Gold earrings are considered the most auspicious symbol in a dream from the whole variety of gold jewelry. The main interpretation of this decoration is an interesting meeting in reality.

Gold jewelry with precious stones?

A positive symbol in a dream is any gold jewelry with precious stones. Why dream of such symbols? If they are very beautiful and admiring them gives you pleasure, then in real life it's time to bring your most daring ideas to life. But if you dream of a golden jewelry in which at least one stone is lost, then this portends a separation from a loved one.

Why dream of buying jewelry?

And if you see the plot of a dream in which you yourself acquire some kind of gold jewelry with precious stones, then this indicates that you will reach the heights and deserve recognition in society. But at the same time, if you buy gold jewelry in large quantities, then this indicates that you strive for power and often demonstrate your superiority over people from your inner circle. This is not a very good character trait, which creates difficulties in communicating with people, so you need to try to get rid of it.

Gold jewelry in a pregnant woman's dreams

A very good sign is if a pregnant woman dreams of gold jewelry. Sometimes such dreams even predict the sex of the unborn child. So if a pregnant woman saw herself in night dreams in gold earrings, then with a high degree of probability it can be argued that she will have a girl.

Also, gold jewelry that was dreamed about before childbirth portends the birth of a healthy child. And if such a dream is repeated many times, then this indicates that a very talented baby will be born.

If you dream that gold jewelry is being stolen from you, then this is a warning. In real life, you may miss the chance to turn your life around.

Search for gold jewelry

It is not very good to search for gold jewelry in a dream. Sometimes such a dream can be a harbinger of waking theft. In the coming period, it is recommended to exercise increased caution and monitor your own property and things.

Lose gold - interpretation for men

For a man, a dream with the loss of gold jewelry can be a harbinger of a lull in his personal life. For family men, such a dream may indicate that the former passion has subsided, and only affection remains. It's time to take action to freshen up your relationship with your loved one.

Lots of different decorations

When you dream of a lot of various decorations at once, then such a plot can be a harbinger of receiving a large inheritance. If you see that in a dream you are wearing a lot of gold jewelry, then this also portends wealth. Do not think that overnight you will wake up a millionaire. Such a dream only means that fortune will turn to you, but everything will depend on your capabilities and diligence. Many dream books offer other interpretations of dream plots with gold jewelry:

  • If in a dream a person is wearing a huge amount of gold jewelry and at the same time they are chosen absolutely tastelessly, then this indicates that he has an overestimated conceit, which causes hostility among others. If the dreamer sees himself sorting through a large number of jewelry, then this means that in reality he spends a lot of time on meaningless activities.

Gold is a desirable metal for many people, because it can not only decorate a person, but also bring him material wealth. At the same time, because of him, there were many conflicts and quarrels, so the properties in real life are quite dual. Despite this, dream books usually offer a fairly positive interpretation of the yellow metal in a dream. Basically, seeing gold in a dream means strengthening authority and material wealth. If it was found, then future profit will not require effort, it is rather a gift of fate. But if you suddenly dream of a lot of gold at the same time, then this indicates envy and gossip in the environment.

If you dreamed of gold

Any dream that a person remembers well can be interpreted thanks to dream books. Dreams are the connection of our subconscious with the mind, so they can warn, portend, or simply indicate a problem. In almost all, it indicates that a person will soon get rich.

Very often people see in their dreams episodes related to jewelry made of precious metals. Basically, they talk about events that predict material wealth. But often such dreams can be associated with emotional experiences and serious changes in life.

Why dream of a golden ring

Many are interested in what, for example, a ring means, but it all depends on the circumstances under which it appeared. If you see an ornament on the finger of a loved one, then this portends a pleasant rest with him. And the precious ring on your own hand, according to the interpretation of the dream book, warns of a quarrel and a showdown in the near future. If a person accidentally finds a golden ring in a dream, then soon a new interesting friend will appear in his life.

To receive a golden ring as a gift means that soon there will be good news from relatives. If it is broken, then this is a warning that the dreamer may soon be betrayed. The decoration worn on the index finger means a long trip in reality. A golden ring with a precious stone can warn of pleasant troubles. This item reports about unexpected guests in a dream if a person sees him rolling on the floor. And the decoration found among the heap of garbage suggests that soon the dreamer will be given a valuable gift.

gold jewelry

The dream book says that if the ring is in your pocket, then soon unexpected romantic emotions will flare up in the soul of the sleeping person. And if this pocket turns out to be full of holes in a dream, these feelings will certainly be mutual. When in a dream a girl sees that there is a broken gold jewelry on her middle finger, this means that her beloved is cheating on her. True, there is one clarification: if there is a stone in it, then the partner planned a betrayal, but did not dare or did not have time to do it yet.

Why dream of a gold chain

In an attempt to understand, many have in mind the decoration they saw in a dream - a chain. When a person manages to find gold in a dream, namely a chain, portends an early solution to all accumulated problems without much effort. And the loss of this decoration means that for some reason friends have lost confidence in you.

A dream in which this item adorns your neck indicates that quite joyful events in life will soon occur. girlfriend says that you will meet old friends.

Other dreams about a gold chain

  • Finding this decoration on the street - there will be a magnificent feast, says the dream book. Finding gold earrings is a joyful event.
  • A cross weighs on a chain of gold - soon the authorities will show favor.
  • A pendant is attached to the decoration - expect an expensive present.
  • Spoiled, torn jewelry - good luck in business related to entrepreneurship,
  • A gold jewelry with a pendant received as a gift is the joy of spending time with loved ones.

Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book gives a detailed explanation of what a gold chain can dream of and what it means. For example, a dream where you step on a piece of jewelry with a pendant warns of impending troubles at work. If you hold a torn chain in your hand, then the family will soon be in trouble. Moreover, according to this dream book, it is known that the thicker the links on the chain, the more positive the interpretation of this dream and the more joy it will bring to life.

As this dream book says, finding a gold chain means the imminent arrival of people dear to you. If a cross hangs on this decoration, then the guests will play a big role in your well-being in the future. When you doubt your friends and you dream that an outsider, a stranger gives this jewelry, then the suspicions are empty, and no one is going to betray you, especially in a difficult situation. And a gift made by loved ones may warn that your family will soon need support and help.

What does it mean to see a gold bracelet

What does gold cut in this way in a dream mean according to different dream books? Joyful, cheerful and positive emotions. If an unmarried girl saw such a dream, then she will meet a young man ahead of her, who will decide her fate. To receive this decoration as a gift means that a noisy and crowded holiday will be held in the near future. Finding gold in a dream in the form of a bracelet lying on the floor - soon the dreamer will have a fun vacation. If it is broken, then a pleasant romantic walk is ahead. The length of the bracelet also plays a role, if it is very long, then soon you will be promoted at work, and a short one tells you that there will be a good deal.

If a person, not for the first time, manages to find gold in a dream, namely a bracelet in the Kingdom of Morpheus, then a white streak begins in his life. A massive gold jewelry may mean that they will soon lead from distant relatives, and a thin thing - to a meeting of an old acquaintance. If the person in whom he cannot cope with the clasp on the bracelet, this suggests that he will soon have to change his place of residence. Darkened gold in a dream may mean that you will be sent on a long business trip.

What does gold mean in a dream?

There is an incommensurable variety of interpretations of what this precious metal can dream of. For example, if during a dream you dreamed, then soon there will be disappointment in friends. If the gold tooth belongs to the sleeping person, a serious scandal with loved ones is coming. Going to the dentist, where they put a gold tooth on you, is a real subconscious warning about the conspiracy of colleagues behind your back, but if the treatment process was painful, then the boss is on your side. But goldfish dream of health problems.

Everything that a person dreams about is a direct signal from the subconscious about problems and experiences. Therefore, dreams should be taken very seriously, but not obsessed with them. If you are lucky to find gold in a dream or receive it as a gift, remember all the details and interpret this sign correctly.

How many hopes the sight of gold awakens in a man! The dream interpretation deciphers all the nuances of a dream, as a rule, to the immeasurable pleasure of the dreamer. But be careful - note for yourself what the signs are dreaming of, warning in a dream about fatal mistakes and hidden threats.

Dream Interpretation of Enigma about the mundane and spiritual

The interpretation of gold is usually given by direct associations. If nothing bad happens to a thing, then a person will be accompanied by all or some of the attributes of well-being: labor, money, fame, love.

However, rare prophecies related to the accompanying plot are devoted to love: gold plays the role of an amplifier in it. But the material world is presented in the predictions as diverse as possible - you will learn everything about gains and losses.

What will happen to a person who has nothing to lose and no goal to get rich? Not for everyone, happiness depends on the amount on the account - minimalism, as a principle of existence, was, is and will be. Fantasy threw the dreamer the image of gold not by chance. Most likely, he will perceive it as a cultural value and will find spiritual prophecies in the dream book.

Miller: see signs of gain and loss

Gustav Miller believes that the possession of gold in a dream is a symbol of luck, and the loss is a sign of missed opportunities.

Why dream of holding a nugget in your hands? A person will cope with any tasks, succeed in business. To accidentally find gold in a dream means to be called the favorite of fate, on which luck will fall like from a cornucopia. Mining by the sweat of your face means success in business. If a loss occurs, a rare opportunity to change fate will be missed due to carelessness.

Stealing sand or a nugget - assign other people's privileges. The purchase is an empty boast. Select - fail. Giving to someone - you will be hurt. Hide in a treasure - violate the rights of others.

Miller's dream book promises a girl who dreamed of a gift in the form of a nugget: she will receive an offer from a wealthy but stingy gentleman.

Interpretation of the symbol of false happiness

Some interpretations present gold as an imaginary luxury. Such interpretations denote the illusory nature of well-being acquired with money. They cannot be called sharply negative: for the most part, they illustrate a skeptical attitude towards wealth.

Which dream books to trust? Pragmatists are closer to Miller's position, and inveterate romantics offer other versions of what gold dreams of:

  • Seeing - extravagant, irresponsible actions.
  • Dressing - danger or separation.
  • Give - festivities at the wedding.
  • Finding a precious thing is a deceptive prospect.
  • Creating products with your own hands is a futile effort.
  • Wearing gold jewelry is a deception, trouble.
  • Collecting pieces of metal is a lie, treason.
  • Melting is malicious slander.
  • A lot of valuable metals - the share of supporting dependents.

Islamic prophecies for a man and a woman

According to Muslim dream books, it is pleasant to see gold in a dream for women, but not for men. In this way, Allah promises joy to a woman, liberation from troubles, and promises sorrow to a man. It remains to list them.

If it was received free of charge, in the form of a find or a gift, then valuable property will be lost. Obscene behavior, condemnation of others are predicted by someone who melted liquid metal.

Why dream of biting, is there gold? How much a husband bites off in a dream, he will spend so much on his wife in reality. After such a nightmare, it's time to wake up in a cold sweat.

I dreamed that the house was built of ingots - this house was destined to be on fire. A visit to a dentist who installs gold crowns in the mouth, or a jeweler, is interpreted by an Islamic dream book as an upcoming meeting with a scammer.

Why dream of stealing gold

Lost illusions and missed opportunities - that's what the theft of gold is about. In addition, theft is a warning against risky investments. Detect a lost ingot - avoid financial risks.

To catch a thief means to experience moments of shame, to realize the full depth of one's insolvency. If in a dream a person himself went to steal some little thing, at least a pendant, then the dream book predicts the failure of an important event. To see how another was accused of embezzlement - the dreamer is already ready with excuses about his own carelessness.

Jewelry for the dress means success

They say, "they are met by the dress." And if a person in a dream also saw valuable accessories on himself? They visualize dreams of fame and fortune.

The young lady dreamer promises to become a celebrity, the guy will gain fame. How much work does it take to become rich and popular? Or will grace fall like manna from heaven? The dream decorations will tell about what exactly will become the basis of success.

  • A chain of gold - diligent study, new areas of knowledge.
  • The medallion is a decent reward for services.
  • Necklace - life with a beloved wealthy gentleman.
  • A brooch is an investment benefit backed by a bonus.
  • Ring - involvement in a privileged community.
  • Earrings - the support of colleagues or the patronage of a fan.
  • The bracelet is an exchange of freedom for material goods.

Seeing gold items in a dream

Unusual gold items deserve a detailed analysis in the dream book. Some are very curious. For example, a fashionable decoration in the form of airy gilded foliage, which almost does not differ from real autumn leaves, means an amazing future. And, characteristically, remarkable changes will happen by themselves.

fashionable accessories

I dreamed about gold-rimmed glasses - an event will occur that will undermine confidence in your spouse. I had a chance to try on a dress with a belt embroidered with gold - which means you put reputation above wealth.

A young man who saw expensive cufflinks in a dream will be accepted in a decent society. But if letters corresponding to the initials are engraved on them, then a very indecent offer will come from a business partner.

interior decor

Dream Interpretation Enigma announces why a Buddha statue cast in pure gold is dreaming: your ambitions and calmness are on the scales. If you get fired, you will find peace of mind, you will be promoted - you will make a dizzying career. If the gilding on the figurine was fake, conquer any heights without difficulty.

An elegant box made of wood, inlaid with gold, personifies the craving for peace. Know what a gilded-painted water jug โ€‹โ€‹is dreaming of: many in the environment value only your wealth.

Keep a gift! Free and nice!

It is difficult to separate the receiving of presents and giving in the plot, although the consequences of these events in a dream are regarded differently by dream books. Nevertheless, it makes sense to combine the ideas of dream books about the transfer of gold items from hand to hand - this way the logic of interpretation is better seen. Why dream of pleasing each other with gifts?

  • Accepting a bracelet as a gift is an intriguing secret love affair.
  • To give the bracelet yourself is a legal marriage.
  • Get earrings - the fidelity of a loved one.
  • Giving earrings is a betrayal of a partner.
  • It is difficult for a young man to choose a ring - it is difficult to choose the only one.
  • Trying on a gift engagement ring is a marriage proposal.
  • A golden chain as a gift - baseless doubts about fidelity.
  • To receive a medal is a spiritual reward, glory.
  • A horseshoe as a gift is an exceptional well-being.

What does dirt and damage mean?

Seeing valuable metal dirty, rusty, blackened is a bad omen.

Dirt betrays bad thoughts. Also, dream books suspect that a person will be betrayed.

Black plaque - sad news. Freud approaches the plot from a different angle, he sees in the dirt the possibility of diseases of the genital area.

Dirty and launder

Rusty streaks are a sign that a bank account with many zeros has lost value for the dreamer, but he continues to devastate the soul, devoting all his time to making money.

To stain a wedding ring with white paint is to be left alone because of cunning. Gold in paint appears in a dream on the eve of embezzlement due to empty posturing. If old gold was washed in a dream, cleaned of plaque, your reputation will command respect.


Why dream of breaking a valuable thing made of gold in a dream? This is a sad harbinger of ruin or significant material loss. A torn chain, according to Vanga's dream book, is a sign of a fatal mistake, and a broken ring is a prophecy of a betrayal of a loved one. Handing over the wreckage to the jeweler in the form of scrap gold - to tears and inconsolable sadness.

I dreamed of sacred signs

Some legendary images come to extraordinary people in a dream. For example, the mythological Golden Fleece can be seen not just by an educated person, but by a particularly lucky person. Dream Interpretations believe that he is doomed to prosperity.

The domes of churches, covered with sheets of gold leaf, prophesy the loss of a loved one. But if in a dream you had a chance to admire the outlines of a white church, without highlighting the domes from the architectural ensemble, then the dreamer will experience a spiritual rebirth. The gilded cross is a symbol of joy.

Dreams on the topic ๐Ÿ‘‡

Hello! ๐Ÿค—

Now let's find out together if your dream will come true? ๐Ÿ”ฎ Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night.

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Questions to the author


    27-Mar-2020 Tatiana:

    At some bazaar (just like in the old days they bought and sold gold on the Arbat street), an incomprehensible companion tried to buy me a huge gold chain with a pendant, which is very similar to the one I have in real life. I decided to check it for falsity (I have experience) and I had doubts. As a result, she said no.

    10-Mar-2020 Ramil:

    I stood on a plowed field and containers flew in the sky, they opened up and a bunch of nuggets fell from them to the ground, I ran and collected nuggets.

    • The dream is pleasant, but the value has a warning character. Mom is dissatisfied with something, although she silently accepts and respects your decision. She relies on your discretion, don't let her down ๐Ÿ™.

      I dreamed of a giant sand pit, but not in the form of a funnel, but flat and with knee-deep water for many kilometers. I flew over the sand and water in a helicopter, and tractors 20 floors high passed by. Then I landed, the workers called me and handed over the found golden object, after washing from the sand, it turned out to be 12 dice made of pure gold, with white dots. At first I wanted to refuse them, because they gave them away without documents, but then I took them away.

Dreaming of gold - what is it for? The brilliance of gold jewelry, coins or ingots beckons and fascinates. How brilliant and successful life means dreaming of gold, various dream books will tell.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Seeing gold or all kinds of jewelry made from it in a dream - such a dream portends deceit, troubles, an explosion of passions and vices. While gold bullion - to the acquisition of secret innermost knowledge, great spiritual wisdom.

English interpreter of dreams

A dreaming precious metal portends an unfortunate fate, poverty and misfortune, unsuccessful investments.

In a dream, your lover had a lot of gold - marriage with him will be unhappy.

French dream book

Vision with gold - to extravagant deeds; but if the metal is false, you will know the truth.

Find something gold - to unexpected profit; collect - to deception and loss.

Ukrainian dream book

Gold in a dream is a bad vision, portending danger, an early separation from relatives, a waste of time; false - marks risky ventures.

Find gold - for profit; to lose - respectively, to losses or even death of one of the relatives. It seemed that you were wearing gold items - a warning of danger. Stealing - to the loss of respect; to give - to participate in a wedding celebration; to have a lot of gold - parasites surround you.

Dream interpretation of Eastern interpreters

Gold in a dream means that you will be deceived and seduced. A smooth gold ring - for a wedding, but not for yours, but for someone else's. But if it is decorated with a stone - to your own marriage.

Persian dream book

To see gold in your dreams for a woman is a good sign, for a man it is a harbinger of various sorrows and sorrows.

Selling or, conversely, acquiring gold marks sadness; melt - to gossip about you.

Chinese interpretation of dreams

Why dream of any objects made of this precious metal: jewelry - to honor and wealth; dishes - to the birth of a noble heir; kitchen utensils - much to our happiness; hairpins or hairpins - for a long journey.

Dream interpretation for women

In a dream, gold turned out to be in hand - to unprecedented success in all areas of life; find a precious metal - to achieve wealth and honor due to one's own merits; to lose - to a missed happy chance; find a gold mine - to perform burdensome, but honorable duties; for a woman to receive gold items as a gift - to marry a wealthy but greedy person.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

The dream book interprets the dreamed gold as a symbol of material wealth and precious memories, which promises disappointment. Dreaming of golden utensils for lofty hopes, coins for deceit and failure.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing gold bars, scrap or products in a dream - to reveal an important secret; a cross - to great family grief, a crown - to fateful changes, a gold ring - to meeting a new person who will become your friend; a scattering of coins - to a significant increase in wages.

Eat from golden dishes - to the respect of colleagues; embroider with golden threads - to receive good news.

Big dream book

What did gold dream about in a dream: sand - deceive your friends; chain - to a useful pastime or a lie; medallion - to receive a decent reward for work; necklace - fortunately in love; cross - to joy; a full chest of coins or ingots - to evil gossip about you; dishes - for career growth; fake - to deception.

Take this precious metal in your hands - to luck and wealth; just to see - to face falsehood and deceit; buy - at a loss; to sell - to big changes; find - meet a reliable person; lose - to lost chances and losses.

Family dream book

In a dream, find a gold product - to profit and promotion by one's own efforts; to lose - to the loss of the greatest happy opportunity due to inattention.


Why dream of gold? Most often, this promises ruin and poverty; give or give it away - to gifts and surprises; to receive as a gift - to monetary losses; wearing gold jewelry is a warning about the possibility of becoming a victim of a robbery.

Gold in a dream- Seeing or trying on gold jewelry in a dream means that you are endowed with a good sense of humor and a kind heart. In many ways, thanks to these qualities, you are the soul of any company and the favorite of the opposite sex.
Seeing any gold items can mean huge profits or luxurious gifts.
In a dream, you can lose gold, and this portends that in reality you will miss the most amazing and important opportunity in your life because of your own negligence. Another meaning is that a rather difficult burden of fame will fall on your head if you suddenly dreamed about how you discovered a gold mine. In addition to all of the above, you may dream that you, for example, work in a gold mine. This may mean that you will try to subdue some other people, but you should avoid scandals with your family.
For women: damaged gold items- loss of money.
For men, a dream in which any gold items are present - to falsehood and lies, which will haunt him everywhere all his life.
Do-it-yourself gold mining- the dream says that in reality you are surrounded by good, honest people, true friends who will always support and help in difficult times.
If you dreamed of gold- this is a good sign. It has long symbolized the sun, love of life, vitality and light. Often it is associated with a rich inner world and sincerity, kindness of a person.
If you dreamed that you were trying to develop a gold mine, then in reality you would want to seize the rights of other people. Although you will need to think about the scandal brewing in your house at this time.
If in a dream you were holding golden objects in your hands, then you can safely proceed to the realization of your wildest desires - you will have great success in this.
If in a dream you hold gold in your hands- You will be successful in all endeavors.
If in a dream you saw mountains of gold or a bunch of gold bars, then you can safely count on luck in the real world, mutual love, a strong family and general well-being.
If in a dream a girl sees how she receives gold as a gift, for example, in the form of money or some kind of jewelry, then this may mean that she will soon marry a man who is not deprived of money, but is selfish. You may also dream that you found gold - this means that in the struggle for wealth and fame, you will pull ahead.
If the gold has not been processed, then this means that you will have to work hard before good changes happen in your life.
A woman who receives gold coins or expensive gold jewelry from a man in a dream - in reality she will be married to a very mercenary and stingy person.
Gold in a dream, as a rule, portends the sleeping man all the best.
Gold at all times was a symbol of purity and wealth, it was also a kind of symbol of power, because not everyone could afford to buy it.
Dreaming of gold coins or bars- to wealth, prosperity and pleasure.
When in a dream a woman receives gold jewelry as a gift, she needs to prepare for the fact that a rich, but very mercenary man will offer her marriage.
Maybe you found gold, received it as a gift from someone, or vice versa lost it? What did this item bring you? Sadness or joy? All of this matters. Luck will no doubt be completely on your side if you dream about how you take gold in your hands.
The gold found in a dream dreams of opportunities opening up before you in all areas of your life - do not miss them.
Find a gold mine in a dream- a symbol of material well-being.
find gold in a dream- means to achieve a lot in life. Your virtues will bring you respect, honor and glory.
One example is the golden helmet given to Don Quixote. This is an example of the form of sacred power you have to complete your mission or act of heroism.
Take someone's gold- you risk your reputation. Sometimes such a dream warns that a complaint may come against you or simply warns of the danger that threatens you.
Damaged gold jewelry in a dream- to the loss of a wife or part of his property.
Lost gold indicates that you are missing something very important.
Lose gold by negligence- in reality miss the greatest opportunity in your life.
Lose gold, golden things- to the loss of the opportunity to succeed in life.
Blackened gold in a dream- to disappointment in a loved one, partner or spouse, to longing for their native lands and regret about unfulfilled dreams.
Dreamed jewelry and gold coins promise a lot of changes for the better that awaits you.
The most important- determine where you got the gold from, how important this item is to you. Maybe it was given to you, or you found it, or did you buy it? It is important to know what meaning is given to gold in a dream, whose wealth it is and whose power it represents.
To lose any object made of gold in a dream - portends a loss of confidence of colleagues or superiors, missed opportunities, a crisis in personal life.

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