Strong amulets for the home and kitchen. Amulets for the home: protecting ourselves and loved ones. How to correctly place amulets and talismans in the house

Yulia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarot reader. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

For every person, his home is a reliable fortress, which should give a feeling of security and inaccessibility. To make living in an apartment comfortable, you need to take care of the energy purity in each room. In this case, we are talking about protecting the premises from evil forces, damage and the evil eye. It is negative energy that can cause serious trouble to a person, disrupt plans and even harm health. Our ancestors successfully used home amulet to reliably protect their home. And today, the wisdom and knowledge of past generations help us live calmly and happily.

What is a home amulet and why is it needed?

The doors of our house are open to guests, but the guest does not always come with good intentions; even a close relative can do harm with his involuntary envy.

The main meaning of the talisman is to protect the apartment from unwanted guests and bad intentions. A correctly chosen and prepared amulet will not allow negative energy into your home, and a person who comes with evil intentions will feel discomfort and will not be able to accomplish his plan.

Note: after a protective talisman appears in the house, pay attention to all the guests - if you notice strange behavior, it means that the amulet is giving you a signal of danger.

In addition to their protective function, home talismans carry bright energy, harmonize family relationships, and calm. It’s always a pleasure to be in such an apartment, and in the evenings your strength will quickly recover. But it is important to regularly inspect the amulet. If dark spots or cracks appear, you need to replace it, because any damage indicates that the amulet has lost its strength and its magical energy has been exhausted. Even metal talismans can crack if the negative energy was especially powerful. Be sure to remove the item that has lost its power from your home and make or buy a new one.

Self-made amulets have the greatest power; they can be made not only for your own needs or as a gift to relatives and friends.

Home keeper - brownie

Many ancient legends are dedicated to an invisible, fabulous creature that lives in the house and protects it. The powerful guardian of the house - the brownie - is the forefather of the clan living in the apartment. For this reason, in pictures the brownie is depicted as an elderly man with a long, white beard. He was always treated with respect and reverence, otherwise the brownie gets angry and begins to play pranks.

Brownie and his character

The character of the protector of the home directly depends on the attitude towards him. Due to her advanced age, the character of the magical creature is obstinate and difficult. In order for the brownie to support and protect not only the house, but also you, in every possible way, you need to give him gifts, cook goodies, talk to him and joke.

None of the people have ever heard a brownie talk, but you can find out about his mood by the events taking place in the house. If the brownie is angry with you, he will make every effort to drive the owners out of their home. What can a homemaker be angry about:

  • constant dirt in the house;
  • careless attitude towards material assets in the house;
  • disrespectful attitude within the family.

There are never too many amulets; they can be placed throughout the house. The expression on the old man’s face is of particular importance, because the keeper of the house loves positive emotions and it is preferable to choose a smiling figure that is attractive to him. It is in your power to make the brownie kind, just choose a good-natured old man.

The item the brownie is holding is also important. For example, a broom is protection from evil spirits and damage, and the meaning of a bag is well-being and prosperity; for residents of a private house, a rich harvest.

It also matters where the brownie will live. If you want to surprise relatives and friends with culinary masterpieces, place a figurine with a spoon in your hands in the kitchen.

Amulet broom

A broom is a talisman that is present in every home, but not everyone thinks about its magical capabilities. We are used to using it to keep the house clean, but by sweeping the floor, we cleanse the room of bad thoughts and negative energy.

How to use the broom amulet correctly

  1. Try to throw away all collected garbage immediately outside the threshold, thereby demonstrating to the evil spirits your determination to protect the house.
  2. Be sure to sweep the floors throughout the apartment after your friends leave, even if they are your close relatives. The fact is that even close people can unwittingly cause problems in your family, for example, by envying your successes.
  3. The broom should stand with the sweeping part towards the ceiling, so that all negative energy goes into the sky and does not linger in the house.

The following are used as a basis:

  • dust brooms, these can be purchased at hardware stores;
  • make a panicle yourself by tying dry grass into a bunch.

The main thing is that the amulet does not contain artificial materials, but only natural ones.

If you want to make a broom with your own hands, take dry grass and tie it with red woolen thread. Now you can attach various parts to the broom, which you can buy in a specialized store or use something you can find at home. But remember that each element has its own meaning.
How to make a decorative broom correctly? Use the items listed in the table.

HouseProtection of the family hearth and relations between spouses
Canvas bagEnsuring material well-being
Bun or pretzelThere will always be plenty of delicious food in the house
Wheat earHealth symbol
Rosehip and rowan fruitsThey give beauty and attractiveness to the woman who owns the house.
PepperSymbolizes men's health
Seeds (any)Children's symbol - brings children into the family
Bay leafSymbol of good luck and career success
NutsThey are used when a clear mind is needed
GarlicProtects the house from evil spirits

Home amulets are very popular talismans. Each of them has its own history and special meaning. But all of them are aimed at protecting housing from negative energy and evil spirits. What amulets exist, what are their features, what do they protect against? This and much more related to this topic will now be discussed.

Anyone can make this amulet for the home with their own hands. Visually, it represents a bottle or a glass vessel similar to it, inside of which ingredients are placed, held together by a spell.

It is believed that this container absorbs negativity that approaches the home, like a vacuum cleaner. It is recommended to put it in a box near the door, or bury it near the house. This will minimize the chance of someone touching it. You cannot touch the amulet after its action has been “activated” - it will instantly transfer the negativity accumulated in it to the person.

It is stored for 7 years. After the expiration date, you need to take the bottle, having previously protected your hands with gloves, and take it to the forest to bury it under an old tree. The process will need to be accompanied by the words: “Evil goes into the ground, crawls away along the roots of the tree. The trunk is dead. Evil is sealed away."

How to make a witch's bottle?

It’s easy to make this amulet for your home with your own hands. Here are the detailed instructions:

  • First you need to find a vessel. The ideal option would be a bottle with a wide neck, made of light glass.
  • You will also need white candles to cleanse the energy at home.
  • Care must be taken in selecting the ingredients for the bottle. You will definitely need something prickly or sharp. It is important to add some kind of plant. Nettle, for example - it protects housing from witchcraft and removes damage. A full list of magical plants will be listed a little later.
  • You can also put needles, pins, pieces of wire and broken glass into the bottle.
  • Inserted cloves of garlic will be an effective means of repelling evil spirits.
  • You can also add your own saliva. It is believed that then the effect of the amulet will extend, first of all, to its creator.
  • Grains of sea salt will weaken the effect of negative energy and help remove damage.
  • You definitely need to add liquid. The best option is vinegar, salt water, strong black tea and red wine.

Having prepared the ingredients, you can start making. It is better to do everything on the night of the waning moon.

Light 5 white candles and place them in a circle. Place a vessel in the center and start filling it with objects. First with sharp objects. Then with herbs. Finally, add liquid. Cast a spell. There are many options, all freely available, so choosing is not difficult.

Herbal amulet

It's even easier to make it. Many people prefer it for their home because they believe in the magical properties of plants. Herbs can be poured into a vessel, made into aesthetic bunches, then attached to a board and hung above the door. Here are the recommended plants to use:

  • Nettle. Removes damage, protects against witchcraft.
  • Triple nut. Protects from poverty.
  • Birch. Considered the keeper of the home.
  • Oak. Gives strength.
  • Spruce. Symbol of health and longevity.
  • Hawthorn and blackthorn. Removing evil spirits.
  • Willow. Protects from witchcraft and the evil eye.
  • Clover and rosehip. They bring good luck.
  • Ivan da Marya. Keeps love in the house.
  • St. John's wort. Protects from evil spells.

Elderberry, boxwood, rowan and barley can also protect against witchcraft.

Dolls guarding peace

It would not be superfluous to mention Slavic amulets for the home. Probably, it will not be news to anyone that in Rus' the most famous option were dolls. There were many of them! Every house had these dolls:

  • Ashy. She preserved prosperity and harmony, personified the unity of generations. When creating it, they used a little ash from the hearth. It was mixed with something, and a head was made from the resulting mass. This doll never had hair.
  • Krupenichka. “Responsible” for satiety and wealth. The doll was made fat and stuffed with cereal.
  • Egg pod. Attracted good energy to the house. It was made lush, and the insides were filled with aromatic and medicinal herbs.
  • Ten-handle. This doll made life easier. It was made from straw or dried herbs. She definitely had 10 hands. And at the hem of Ten Hands’ skirt there were always 9 red threads tied with a bow.
  • Day Night. This two-faced amulet doll for the home consists of two separate ones. You can see it in the photo above. This doll protected housing and household members from external attacks. They usually placed it on the windowsill. In the morning they turned the light side towards the room, and at night the black side.

Sewing a doll yourself is not difficult. You don't need to be a great master - just cut out outlines from fabric. The most important thing is to sew it while in a good mood and with good thoughts.

Salt protection

The well-known culinary additive is also an effective talisman for the home. The magical properties of salt are associated with its crystalline structure. It is thanks to her that she absorbs energy and conducts it. In addition, salt has a strong connection with the earth, which is also the basis of its magical qualities.

How to use it? You need to prepare the so-called Thursday salt. The recipe is as follows:

  • Wait for the corresponding day of the week. The ideal time is Maundy Thursday, but it only comes once a year, so a regular one will do.
  • Take salt and heat it in a frying pan, but not until it turns black. The color should be slightly grayish.
  • Bless the salt in the church. Or you can simply read prayers over it.
  • Place on the windowsill for three days.
  • Then pour into a clean bag or container made of natural material. In a wooden barrel for spices, for example.

How to use this amulet for your home? You can hang a bag of such salt over the door, sprinkle it near the threshold, and spread a little in the corners of the apartment. Many people carry it in their wallet, pocket, or around their neck. And some even keep it in the car as a talisman against accidents.

Witch's bag from the evil eye and damage

You can also do it yourself. We must immediately make a reservation that the recipe for this amulet for the home against the evil eye is not taken from black magic - the bags served as protection for our ancestors.

What do you need? A small piece of fabric in brown, black or red. You will need to sew a bag from it. It should be about 4 by 6 cm in size. It is better to sew it from cotton or silk. It is important to use natural material.

To fill the bag you will need:

  • A pinch of salt.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Dry nettle.
  • Dried rowan (7 berries).
  • Thistle.
  • Cedar essential oil.

In order for the amulet for the house to gain greater power, it is necessary to add to it a stone that is suitable for the home owner according to the horoscope. If several people live in it, then it is worth making such a talisman for each.

You need to sew the bag up with black wool thread, tie it with 9 knots. When tying the last one, you need to say the following words: “By the powers of heaven and earth, I conjure you to become my amulet.” And drip a little wax onto the knot.

As you can see, everything is simple. The only caveat is that in a year you will need to burn this bag and make a new one.

Ancient Slavic talismans

This is a whole legacy. Many Slavic amulets for the home are symbols that are embroidered on clothes, burned on wooden products, and depicted on dishes. All you need to do is just find a photo of the symbol you like and transfer it onto something with your own hands. Here are the options:

  • Alatyr. This symbol is considered a protector of the family from evil spirits and diseases.
  • Molvinets. It protects the house from the invasion of envious people, removes negative energy, and gives comfort, warmth and harmony within the family. By the way, the photo below shows an amulet in the form of this symbol.
  • Tree of life. A symbol that consists of three parts - Nav, Reality and Rule. Each of them personifies the connection between the energy of the Cosmos and man. The tree of life protects the family from scandals and illnesses.
  • Chur. This sign protects family boundaries and the home, protects the family from slander, envy and other magical interventions.

If you want to make such a talisman yourself, then you need to very carefully monitor the interlacing of lines that each symbol is rich in. In order for the talisman to gain power, it is important to create it exactly as it is in the original.


This powerful amulet can have two different effects:

  • Attracting wealth and prosperity to the home. To do this, the horseshoe is hung inside the apartment with the ends up. So it symbolizes a full cup.
  • Drive away evil spirits. In this case, it is hung outside the home with the ends down.

Difficult choice? Then you can rid yourself of it and hang two horseshoes at once. One is to attract wealth, and the other is from evil spirits. They will not resist.

You can buy such a talisman for your home as a horseshoe or make it yourself from scrap materials. But the best option will be the one that the person found. It is believed that it will bring maximum luck and fortune. You can search on village roads, maybe chance will smile on a person.


Oral talismans also exist. We are talking about charms for the home. Many people find them effective. In addition, the ritual only needs to be performed once. And it will operate indefinitely.

It is believed that an oral amulet for the home will protect the home from theft, fire, and other troubles, and the family from betrayal, poverty, and betrayal.

To perform the ceremony, you will need a sheet of paper, a pen and black bread. Better is the one that a person bakes himself.

Carrying out the conspiracy

The steps are simple. On paper you need to write the text: “I close my house from any troubles, I don’t let bad things into it. Let only love and peace reign in him. I seal my house with centuries-old clamps from everything black. Amen".

After this, fold the piece of paper several times, take the bread crumb, knead it to a plasticine consistency, and stick a folded piece of paper with text into it. Then you need to whisper the following to him: “Words will close my house from all troubles reliably, like a stone, as long as I keep the amulet.” Repeat three times.


This is, first of all, not a talisman, but an object of religious culture. But only if the icon was consecrated in the church! Without this, it is simply a piece of art. It’s worth knowing this if you want to buy an icon-amulet for your home. By the way, which one is better to hang? You can choose one of the following options:

You can place a religious amulet anywhere in your home. The main thing is not near a computer, stereo or TV. These things don't go together very well.

Amulet from evil people

Finally, it’s worth talking about how to protect your home from ill-wishers. Above is an image of an excellent amulet for the home against bad people. This is a mandala. And in order to do it, it will take a lot of work, effort and time. But there is a simpler option. You can simply make a so-called bag of goodness.

It must be sewn from white fabric. Pour holy Easter salt, push pins, lavender and mint inside. Tie with red wool thread and place outside. Just so that his enemies don't see him! You can put a pot with some flower near the door and hide it behind it. Or behind another decorative element.

My home is my castle. This phrase is on everyone's lips. In his home, everyone finds protection from any troubles. The home should be protected not only from thieves, but also from dark entities. If you try to make a talisman for your home yourself, it will have stronger magical energy, since part of your energy is stored in it.

Why do you need a talisman in the house?

Since ancient times, humanity has been using magic to protect themselves and loved ones from the evil eye and damage. Protection from negativity and otherworldly entities was taken over by amulets.

When the house is protected from malicious intentions, it is cozy.

Every family had a talisman at home, and more often than not even one. There were many varieties; at that time, talismans made with one’s own hands were valued. If there are many rooms in the house, then the amulet was placed in each of them. They talked him down and hid him from prying eyes in a secluded place. Each family had its own talisman, which was passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, it is believed that each house needs to be protected from dark forces with an individual amulet suitable for this home.

It is believed that amulets prevent otherworldly forces from entering the house.

Types of talismans

Slavs lived on most of our country. The amulets were made for special occasions:

  • on holiday;
  • everyday;
  • from the evil eye;
  • from diseases;
  • for good luck.

Amulets for body protection and for home protection were considered common.

If you choose one of the Slavic embroidery talismans to protect your home, then use only linen fabric to make it, and frame the amulet.

Here are some of the amulets for the home that you can make yourself:

  • brownie;
  • horseshoe;
  • broom;
  • bast shoes;
  • charmed herbs and spices.

The making of magical things is considered a sacred matter, and it must be treated properly, because every element in such an image has its own special meaning

Amulets for the home from scrap items

It is believed that a talisman made with one’s own hands has a greater magical and protective function than one bought in a store. Each person puts a piece of his soul into the amulet, so it protects and protects him from adversity. Particular importance is attached to rituals, spells and symbols. Magic symbols were ornamented in embroidery and adorned bracelets and necklaces. Rag dolls were not only a toy for children, but also a talisman. They decorated children's rooms, protecting them from troubles and misfortunes.


Brooms are hung both inside and outside the house to protect against evil forces. The purchased amulet will not work fully; it is better to make it yourself.

The broom is made from twigs of wormwood, St. John's wort, nettle, chamomile inflorescences and rowan berries; suitable for couples

Such a talisman is suitable for married people; it will protect the family from discord in the house. You can do it yourself. You need sprigs of wormwood, St. John's wort, nettle, rowan berries and chamomile inflorescences.

Let's start making the amulet:

  1. We take wormwood and St. John's wort, combine them and put nettle branches in the middle, which will drive away dark forces.
  2. We collect it in a bun.
  3. We intertwine the broom handle with wool or linen thread.
  4. We decorate the broom fan with rowan berries; according to legend, they bring good luck and replenishment of the family, and chamomile inflorescences, which symbolize the purity of the soul.
  5. Between the handle and fan of the broom we carefully attach the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

When you have made the amulet, it should be activated. The ritual is performed from Thursday to Friday, read the plot three times:

“Twig to twig, blade of grass to blade of grass, bring good luck and happiness to the house, protect the family from strife. Word, castle. Amen".

The amulet is placed in the right corner of the room. By creating an amulet yourself, you can be sure that there is no negativity on it.


Figurines in the form of brownie dolls are a good idea that will please the guardian angel of the house. He is a mentor and assistant, endowed with magical powers.

The brownie guards the well-being of the house; you can put a broom or a bag of grains in his hand

The brownie is endowed with protective powers, but he is not visible: the little helper is hidden from human eyes. At all times it was believed that he was the master of the house, his favorite place was the kitchen. The brownie chooses warmer places. He takes care of his household, he has everything under control, everything is in its place. He does not tolerate disorder and disagreement in the house.

In order for there to be peace and tranquility in the family, you should make a brownie amulet. This amulet can be in the form of a doll. Place a broom or bag of grains (beans, peas, etc.) in his right hand. You can place the figurine in the kitchen, next to a gas stove or radiator. The amulet should be activated, the plot is read in complete silence and one on one with the amulet:

“Appreciate my efforts, help establish harmony and peace of mind in the family, protect from negativity. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“House-master, I feed you and sing you. Protect and preserve, drive away trouble from home. Amen".

Lucky horseshoe

Horseshoe is one of the popular talismans. He is endowed with the ability to ward off troubles and attract happiness and peace into the home. You need to hang the amulet over the doors in such a way that the appearance of a horseshoe resembles a bowl.

You need to hang it above the doors in such a way that the appearance of the horseshoe looks like a bowl; the plot is read on the seventh lunar day

No wonder our ancestors believed that if you find a horseshoe, there will be happiness in the house. And in our time, a horseshoe is considered a talisman that brings good luck. The “Lucky Horseshoe” amulet will help protect your home from family discord and improve your well-being. It's easy to do:

  1. Take cardboard, preferably red, and cut out a horseshoe shape from it.
  2. Wrap the horseshoe figure with brown wool thread.
  3. The amulet can be decorated with sunflower seeds, pomegranate seeds, and spikelets, as they symbolize the well-being of the family.

The horseshoe should be activated on the seventh lunar day. The plot is read three times in complete silence, closer to midnight:

“Just as a horseshoe absorbs strength, so the Lord God protect your servants (list the names of household members) from enemies. Do not open doors and windows for them, protect us from evil. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If you do find a horseshoe, it will also bring good luck and happiness. But remember that she is considered lucky if this find is discovered on the road. It should be sprinkled with holy water, while protective words should be spoken:

“Our house is surrounded by a stone wall,
Our roof is closed with prayers and conspiracies.
Our doors are closed. Protect from enemies.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, place the horseshoe above the entrance doors with the horns facing up, this symbolizes a full cup of happiness in the house.

Lapotka of happiness and good luck

In the old days, shoes also served as a talisman. It was passed down from generation to generation and was a valuable gift. It was believed that yellow and red shoes protected from negative energy, and bast shoes were a talisman of family happiness. They help ward off trouble. They are placed above the threshold or next to the gate (if it is a private house).

Nowadays small decorative bast shoes are sold, but you can make them yourself. And they will also play the role of a talisman.

It is also customary to give a charmed lapotok to someone close to you. It can be made from birch bark, newspaper, crocheted or made from other available material.

You can put a coin and a red piece of fabric in a bast shoe to attract wealth to your home

After you have finished weaving, you can put a coin and a red piece of fabric in the bast shoe. You can decorate the amulet with a walnut, dried clover, chamomile, pepper, etc. You need to read a spell on the amulet and hang it at the entrance to your apartment or house. The plot is read six times on the fourth lunar day:

“My home is my fortress, there is no entrance for evil spirits. Keep my home from the evil eye. Let it be so. Word, castle. Amen".

Baba Yaga

Yes, it sounds creepy, but Baba Yaga is a strong amulet for the home against evil spirits. Previously, she was famous as a wise guardian of the family, but later she became a negative character in fairy tales.

Baba Yaga will reliably protect the house from quarrels and scandals, drive away quarrels and discord

The stupa with Baba Yaga is a reliable amulet at home from quarrels, scandals, and will help drive away evil thoughts. Guests with positive energy will feel comfortable in a house where such an amulet is present.

Making a talisman in the form of Baba Yaga with your own hands is simple:

  1. You need to take a light fabric. Make a head and fill it with cotton wool.
  2. Make eyes, nose and mouth.
  3. Then attach the workpiece to the stick; it should be 15 cm long.
  4. Then you should make a costume for the doll. It is better to sew a dress from canvas fabric.
  5. Give Baba Yaga a broom or make a broom of a suitable size.

The amulet needs to be activated, thanks to this you can truly protect your home from the evil eye and damage. Read the charm spell three times on the seventh lunar day:

“Don’t let bad things into your house, protect yourself from evil people. My words are strong as stone. My house is closed from evil thoughts. The word is castle. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Video: making Baba Yaga's amulet

Protective pouch

The ancestors believed that if you make an amulet from a part of an animal, its power will certainly pass on to you. Such a talisman protected the owner from the forces of evil, for example, a dog was considered the protector of the house. To prevent dark personalities from entering your house, sew a protective bag in which you place animal fur.

The canvas bag should be placed or hung next to the front door

A properly prepared pouch can also serve as protection against the influence of dark forces. To make it, you will need a canvas bag in which to place dog hair, three cloves of garlic and seven black peppercorns. The bag should be placed or hung next to the front door. In order for the amulet to work, they say this:

“Get all evil spirits out of the house. Out of sight. Dog friend, protect my home, don’t let evil people near me. May God help me. Amen".

Every housewife has bay leaves in her kitchen; they are used when cooking various dishes to improve the taste of food. This spice is not so simple. Laurel is a powerful energetic and magical remedy.

Laurel leaves woven into a wreath will attract even more luck

Laurel is used for love spells; the enchanted leaf helps athletes achieve victory. With the help of spices they protect the house from damage and the evil eye, and attract good luck.

To make a talisman for your home, you need to take fragrant leaves and place them in all corners of each room. In this case, you should read the plot:

“Like I lay down a leaf, I protect my home, attract good luck and happiness. May all my wishes come true. By the power of magic, let everything be as planned. The word is castle. Amen".

It is better to perform this ritual on Wednesday; the atmosphere should be calm so that no one disturbs.

Bay leaves can also be placed in a talisman-bag.

But you can also perform another ritual with the help of laurel:

  1. Make three bags from linen fabric.
  2. Place 11 bay leaves, 7 black peppercorns and 7 pumpkin seeds in them.
  3. The bags start talking.

The plot is read on Thursday on the waxing moon, closer to midnight:

“Heavenly powers, help me, protect my home from evil spirits. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Bag of salt

According to folk wisdom, salt is a symbol of hospitality. “Bread and salt,” this is how the hosts greet their guests, thereby wishing them health and goodness. Salt has healing properties; its crystals are popular for magical rituals. With their help, they clear space of negative energy and attract good luck to the family.

A magic bag of salt will help against the evil eye and damage.

Not only hereditary magicians and fortune tellers use salt for rituals; you can make a talisman at home:

  1. Take a piece of burlap fabric and make a bag.
  2. Place a teaspoon of coarse salt in it and tie it with red woolen thread.
  3. At midnight, light a church candle in front of you, place a bag of salt next to it and read the plot.

After reading the plot, you need to wait until the candle burns out and hide the magic bag in a secluded place, from prying eyes:

“Just as bread and salt are always nearby, just as the sun shines brightly in the sky, just as salt is always white, so there will be joy and peace in my home. Let it be so. Amen".

You can use salt in another way. Place a path along the window sill in the form of a path: this way, even through the window, dark forces will not penetrate into the house. During the ritual, say the words:

"Away. Away. Go away evil spirits. Leave my house. There will be happiness and joy in the house.”

Kitchen amulets and magic stones

It was believed that the kitchen is a sacred place: the ritual of cooking takes place here. To prevent negative energy from disturbing the hostess, they placed a talisman.

You can make a talisman for the kitchen yourself. You need to tie seven heads of garlic, three pods of pepper, and attach dried fireweed flowers to a strong red woolen thread. This amulet needs to be activated, sprinkled with holy water and hung in the kitchen next to the window. You can speak like this:

“Let the house be full, bread and salt always on the table. Go away evil thoughts, bring happiness and peace to my family.”

When creating culinary masterpieces, it is necessary to protect them and the kitchen as a whole from negative energy

Another amulet that is made using a glass vessel (bottle, jar). This amulet scares away evil from the house and destroys negative waves. You need to take an empty glass vessel and decorate it with spices and cereals. Can be used:

  • peppercorns;
  • dried basil;
  • rosemary;
  • peas;

They help against damage and the evil eye, and protect your home. The decorated bottle needs to be filled with holy water taken from the church. You need to read a prayer for it and put it in the kitchen cabinet:

“The water is my water, you give everyone and me something to drink. You also let me wash my face. Protect the Servant of God (name) from dark forces. Grant happiness and comfort in your home. Let it be so. Amen".

After decoration, the bottle should be filled with holy water

Charms and amulets from holy places

Amulets and talismans are present in every culture. Traveling to different cities and countries, people bring various talismans. The Holy Land is Jerusalem. The amulets brought from there have especially powerful magical and energetic powers, since almost all amulets in the Holy Land are made by hand.

The Church has always illuminated various amulets and amulets, even if they do not have the faces of Saints on them.

Since ancient times, the Orthodox have worshiped various Saints: the Mother of God, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Christ the Savior, who protected not only the house, but also the village. Prayers for family happiness are quite natural if you want to live in peace with your spouse, children, and parents. You can turn to the Saints for help and protection in the temple, in front of the miraculous faces. But if it is not possible to visit church, pray at home at your iconostasis.

Icon of Matrona of Moscow

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow can save even in the most difficult situations. It has healing properties and helps to establish peace in the home.

Nowadays, an icon with the face of the Matrona of Moscow has become popular. It protects against illnesses and helps to take the right path. The icon is placed in the room at the head of the bed. Every evening before going to bed you should read a prayer, turning to Matrona:

“Holy Matrona, mother, help!

Protect your home from troubles and evil.

Let peace and tranquility come to your home.

Bless and save.

In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Holy Mother of God

The magical power of the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary protects, heals and preserves. If a person believes in the power of prayers, the Mother of God will definitely hear and help.

The icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary protects, heals and protects household members

The icon depicts the miraculous image of the Virgin Mary. who is holding a child in her arms. The image of the Mother of God is usually hung above the entrance to a home or opposite the front door, but remember, the icon cannot be reflected in a mirror. Buy this amulet in the church and install it as expected. Before hanging the icon, read the prayer:

“The Most Holy Theotokos, our protector.

Save and save from enemies,

Yes, forgive us for our sins.

Let there be joy and happiness in the house. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayers said on the days of the Great Church Holidays have even greater power.

Charms from Jerusalem

Bethlehem is considered the “cradle of God”; the Church of the Nativity of Christ is located on its territory. Jerusalem is the holy of holies, everyone knows that. Among the Holy Places of Jerusalem, the most famous are the Church of the Nativity, the Road of Sorrow and the hill from where Christ ascended to heaven.

The Hamsa amulet is the best amulet against the evil eye; its other name is the palm of God

When you get to the Holy Land, Jerusalem, you immediately feel a surge of strength and energy. It was as if the very hand of the son of God touched. All things there have healing powers. When you come home from such a place, you try to bring with you at least a piece of something sacred. Usually amulets and amulets are brought from Jerusalem:

  • a flask with Holy Earth - should be carried with you as a talisman against danger;
  • a vessel with blessed water;
  • incense;
  • red thread - necessary on the wrist, like a bracelet, and it must be wool;
  • palm of God (Hamsa amulet);
  • cross - must always be worn with you and not taken off;
  • pendant with the image of Bethlehem;
  • candles - it is better to light them on holidays: Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, Trinity, etc.;
  • icons with the faces of Saints - should be placed in the house so that they protect from enemies.

It is advisable to say the following words every morning next to the amulet or holding it in your hands:

“I close off my house from all troubles, I don’t let anything bad into it. Let there be only peace in the house, and let everything bad remain aside. Amen".

Activation of amulets

Buying a talisman or making it yourself is not enough. In order for them to work and protect, the amulets need to be activated, that is, spoken. Both a fortune teller and a non-specialist in the field of magic can charge with effective magical energy.

Remember, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy correctly and accurately.

The amulet must be activated immediately after it has been made or purchased. If you don’t speak it, it will be just a decoration, so the amulet should be endowed with magical properties so that it can help a person and protect him. The plot to protect the house is best read on the full moon, but if the matter requires urgency, read it three times any day. When activation takes place, the amulet will have the power of the energy of earth, fire, water and air. These four elements save and protect humanity.

Video: how to properly activate the amulet

Home amulets provide bright, positive energy. It is pleasant to be in a house reliably protected from negativity and it is easy to restore the strength that is spent throughout the day.

From time immemorial it was believed that a house is a part of a person, a projection of his personality onto the surrounding space. As a consequence of this, all amulets that protect a person are also amulets that protect his home.

From the point of view of household magic, almost any thing, any human item, any plant or even animal can become a talisman.

The only indispensable condition: this object, thing, plant or animal cannot be purchased with money. Oddly enough, money and amulet are mutually exclusive. This is about the same as buying a friend with money. Agree, friend and money are diametrically opposed concepts. And if it is impossible to buy a talisman, then how can we get it into our home? Here we come to the concept of classifying amulets according to the way they appear in our home.

Types of home amulets

You can find a talisman, accept it as a gift, make it yourself, grow it and, oddly enough, educate it. So, let's start in order.

Found things

You can find anything. For example, adventures on your own strong head. Sometimes along with these adventures some objects come across, which, due to the current circumstances, save us from the negative consequences of these same adventures, help us find a way out of a difficult situation, or simply turn out to be at hand in time.

In this case, a strong oak stick that happened to be at hand and saved us from an attack by a pack of hungry stray dogs on a dark January night in forty-degree frost is that very amulet. Don't throw it away when it's over and the danger is over. Take it, bring it to your home, find your place for it (this is very important - for every thing, and especially a talisman, there should be its own place in the house or, as it is also called, the place of power of the talisman). Who knows, maybe someday this thing will save you again (for example, from an angry wife).

If during a romantic date in a hot summer in an old village house you accidentally find an old rusty horseshoe, do not rush to throw it away. Take it with you, bring it into your home. After all, what is a randomly found horseshoe? This is happiness, luck, financial and family well-being.

Where to hang it, let your own intuition, the current state of your personal affairs and your apartment tell you. If you have not yet found a faithful life partner, hang a horseshoe above your bed. If you have problems in your family, hang a horseshoe above the stove or fireplace. If there is no stove or fireplace in the house - above the gas stove. If the family has financial problems, hang a horseshoe above the front door.

Whether to hang a horseshoe with its horns up or down, everyone decides based on their own ideas about the appropriateness of a given position of the horseshoe. After all, what does it mean to hang a horseshoe with its horns down? This means that happiness and prosperity will pour on you like from a cornucopia. What if the horns are up? This means that happiness will accumulate in your home and will not flow out in vain into the surrounding space.

A happy accident is the determining factor for this type of amulets. If it is missing, then the amulet is missing. A happy accident, in turn, gives rise to a whole host of memories that are of a strongly personal nature and closely connect you and this randomly found object into a single whole. And the consequence of this process is the emergence of faith. Faith that next time in a similar situation this amulet will not let you down again and will save you again. And what is most interesting in this process is that very often such accidentally found amulets really help, help out and save. You just need to believe in them.

Gift as a talisman

We are all familiar with gifts for birthdays or New Years. Gifts to your loved ones can and should be given not only twice a year, but more often. After all, a real gift is nothing more than the personification of sincerity, selflessness, generosity and kindness. But gifts are not amulets, they are just gifts. What is the fundamental difference between a gift and an amulet?

You can only give a talisman made by yourself as a gift. And you can simply buy a gift in a store.

DIY making

In our industrial times, the production of anything is put on an industrial basis. And this automatically implies the presence of a so-called conveyor belt, the unification of all goods and the complete exclusion of the human personality from the process of creating a Thing. Labor has become automatic. Instead of things created by human hands and, importantly, the human soul, we, for the most part, are dealing with consumer goods, stamped on soulless machines.

But quite recently, some two hundred years ago, a person who mastered any craft was perceived by others as nothing less than a magician, a wizard. After all, he could, with the help of his hands and simple tools, extract from oblivion things and objects that had not existed in nature until that moment.

Any medieval blacksmith, potter, tanner, mason, joiner, carpenter - they were all primarily wizards, each in their own field. And those objects that they created in the process of their magic were a priori not just things and objects. All of them contained a particle of the master’s soul, and this automatically made them nothing more than amulets.

It is this ancient creative principle that forms the basis for the creation of modern amulets by modern craftsmen. And anyone can become such a master. All you need is desire, patience and faith. The belief that the objects you create are not just useless trinkets, but very important things that help people find happiness and well-being.

Amulet doll

Take colorful scraps and make a doll out of them. You may not succeed the first time. But if you spend some time on this, real masterpieces of puppetry will probably begin to appear from under your hands. Dolls made from scraps can be wonderful amulets.

Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, sacredly believed in this. It is no coincidence that in almost every ancient Slavic house there were special dolls made by the hands of the owners. As a rule, such dolls were inherited to subsequent generations. An interesting feature of Old Church Slavic dolls is the fact that all Slavic amulets, without exception, did not have their own faces. This was done for a reason. After all, if you give such a doll a human face, then it will become humanized, turn into some semblance of the people around it and, as a result, lose its magical properties.

There could be several such dolls in the house. They were credited with the ability to cure diseases and save a house from unexpected disasters (for example, from a fire). Each important event in a person’s life corresponded to its own special doll.

Most often, a personal protective doll was created even before the child was born by his mother and then walked with him through life until his death. After death, the personal doll was burned along with its owner.

In addition to the personal amulet doll, there were house guardian dolls, which were inherited by subsequent generations who continued to live in this house. Such dolls were kept in a place of honor at home: as a rule, near the hearth or above the front door.

Bags of dried herbs

This is a talisman for the home. They usually used linen or canvas bags, which were filled with dried grass. You can use the following as filling:

  • dill;
  • oregano;
  • rosemary;
  • basil;
  • valerian.

The bags can be hung above the front door, above the windows. This can be done both inside the house and outside. It is believed that such herbs attract peace, good luck and prosperity to the house and do not allow dark forces to enter the house.

Other amulets

But there is an important clarification. What kind of salt are we talking about? I hasten to disappoint you. The usual cookware sold in the store will not work. You will have to take salty sea water and evaporate it yourself over a fire with all the spells and prayers necessary in this case. And only in this case will you receive the very salt that can be used as a talisman.

Grown talismans

You can grow it both inside the house in the form of all kinds of flowers and plants growing in pots and tubs, and outside, surrounding your house with trees or entire small groves.

  • Amulet plants growing inside the house include the following: aloe, geranium, indoor lemons. There are a huge number of plants that have a beneficial effect on the overall energy of the house, creating a unique microclimate.
  • You can plant oak, chestnut or cedar around the house. If you plant several similar trees, then in a few years there will be a whole protective grove around your house, which will reliably protect your home from the outside, preventing all kinds of negative energies from entering it.

Purring Defense

Finally, your favorite pet, which you once found, adopted from a shelter, or received as a gift, can be a home amulet. We are talking about domestic cats.

In ancient Egypt, the cat was a sacred creature with all the ensuing consequences. Thus, the ancient Egyptians believed that it was through cats, or to be more precise, through cat’s eyes, that mortal man could directly communicate with the gods. The Egyptians believed that cats absorb solar energy with their eyes during the day in the light of the sun, and with the onset of darkness they actively give it to people. For the ancient Egyptians, the cat was the personification of a happy life, home and female fertility.

It was believed that the house where the cat settled would be protected from all adversities and troubles, and women living in this house would bring at least one baby every year.

Particular importance was attached to the presence of a small bell on the cat’s neck. Such a purring bell was considered a real guardian of the house and its inhabitants. Under such protection, the owners did not have to worry that evil forces under the guise of mice, rats or snakes could enter the house. The cat was always on the alert for such uninvited guests, constantly reminding the owners that the gods remember them and protect their home from all the troubles in the world.

What amulets should be in the house? Any, the specifics are not important. It all depends on a certain human personality, its passions and preferences, life experiences and inclinations. That is why the world of amulets is so diverse and unique. Therefore, the people who use them also do not fit into any single general scheme.

Some people thoroughly master the ancient professions of a blacksmith or potter, while others are content with their beloved pet cat with a bell around its neck.

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Our ancient ancestors knew how not only to build strong, reliable homes, but also to decorate them with various amulets that repel evil forces and attract good ones. The central place in any home is the kitchen-dining room (in ancient times, the stove). Life is in full swing here: the family gathers for lunches and dinners, welcomes guests, and tells their most secret things to friends. According to legend, a guardian spirit, the brownie, lives in the kitchen.

Therefore, the kitchen should be beautiful and clean. Here you can hang traditional amulets: wooden spoons, decorative keys - symbols of a well-fed life and wealth, bells, whistles, brooms - for protection from various troubles.

Elegant linen towels have always been the most popular amulets and decorations for the home: the kitchen, living room and even bedroom. After all, a towel is a symbol of human life, a line of fate.

Our ancestors placed images of sacred animals and birds in the places most vulnerable to negative energies: on windows, gates, doors, near chimneys and fireplaces.

Particularly popular figures or images are:

  • a dove, personifying beauty and kindness;
  • chicken - a symbol of fertility;
  • bear - a symbol of wealth;
  • horse - the personification of the sun and life (a wooden horse was planted on the roofs of houses);
  • the bull is the embodiment of earthly strength and reliability.

Carved, painted wooden (clay, glass, porcelain) images of the sun, moon, fish, palms, as well as nesting dolls were also popular.

You can make a talisman for your home with your own hands.

How to make a talisman from clay and wax with your own hands?

At sunrise, draw water from a well (pipe, or, at worst, just from a tap), saying:

“I’m not taking it upon myself, I’m not asking for selfishness, I’m protecting my family, I’m protecting my native nest! Exactly ».

Pour the water into a container, raise it above your head under the rays of the sun and ask the luminary in your own words to grant the water strength and energy. At the same time, imagine how a golden glow appears around the vessel, which gradually thickens and becomes more intense.

Then knead some clay with this water, adding wax from a crushed church candle to it. From the resulting mixture, mold something like a disk or pancake - this will be your shield - and speak at it seven times:

“From the center to the edge, from the roof to the underground, from soul to soul, protect and save I Let it be so".

Try to make your amulet come out beautiful and neat.

Place the “shield” under the sun’s rays for several hours, and when it dries, wrap it in a cloth and say: “ Do as you're told ‒ place it in any secluded place in your home. Now it will be very difficult for negativity to attach itself to you or your home.

Protecting photos from the evil eye and damage

Many homes have photographs of family members in prominent places. So that none of the unkind guests can jinx your loved ones through these photographs, use an ancient spell, which in the old days was read on picturesque portraits.

On the morning of the first or last day of the month, you need to go to church and light a candle in front of the icon of Seraphim of Sarov. After sunset on the same day, place in front of you the photographs you want to protect and read seven times:

“Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Whoever bowed to Seraphim of Sarov, whoever prayed to him at least once a year, he will save him from destruction and take him under his protection. I bow to the ground, Saint Seraphim, take me under your protection. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

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