A selection of recipes for delicious and healthy dishes for diabetics. What to eat with diabetes: how to eat right for diabetics? Nutrition p

What kind of diet for diabetes, what is possible and what is not, a table of product properties - these concepts should be known and put into practice for each patient. Despite the fact that the first and second types have a common main symptom - high blood sugar, they are two different diseases.

In the first type, patients are completely dependent on insulin injections, and the diet is built taking into account its introduction. Diabetics need to study the presence of carbohydrates (bread units) in products to determine the dose of the hormone that will help them absorb. In the second type of disease, it is important to know the glycemic index - the rate of increase in blood glucose. The release of insulin, the risk of vascular damage, and the development of complications depend on it.

Nutrition rules for type 1 diabetes

Most patients are prescribed the introduction of two types of insulin - prolonged and short-acting. With this in mind, a diet is built.

Meal regimen and amount of carbohydrates

You need to eat six times a day: three main meals and three intermediate ones. There should be two breakfasts, two dinners, lunch and an afternoon snack. Insulin is administered half an hour before a meal, so it is important to know exactly what will be eaten and how much in order to assimilate the carbohydrates in the food. For each main meal, you need to eat no more than 5-6 bread units (XE) and 2-3 for an additional one. One XE is equal to approximately 12 g of carbohydrates and in order for them to enter the cells, one unit of insulin is required.

The calculation of the necessary insulin for the assimilation of 5 XE is carried out as follows:

  • blood sugar is measured;
  • the result is compared with the target level of glycemia;
  • for 5 x you need 5 units of short insulin, if the patient's sugar is above the norm, but to this amount you need to add a dose to reduce it, and if it is below the recommended one, then take it away.

Example: a glucometer 30 minutes before a meal showed 8.5 mmol/l of glucose, and the patient is recommended 6.5 mmol/l. To reduce, he needs 1 unit of insulin and another 5 for the absorption of food. He injects 6 units of the hormone. At a level of 4.5 from the "food" units, one is subtracted, that is, he will inject 4 units of insulin. At first, such calculations are perceived with difficulty, but after a short period of time, patients are able to determine the required amount of XE “by eye”. The situation is simplified when prescribing two types of insulin. Then it is enough to know the total number of carbohydrates per day.

It is recommended that you always have all reference material at hand in order to quickly navigate the servings of food and the right dosage of the hormone for their absorption. Most often, patients place the tables on the refrigerator. It is important to know that in just one day you need to eat no more than 300 g of carbohydrates with an average caloric intake of 2500 Kcal, that is, approximately 50% of all energy the body receives from carbohydrates. In diabetes, they should come along with proteins and fats at one meal. The table below shows the weight of 1 XE and the amount of carbohydrates per 100 g of the most common foods.

What is a "loose" diet for type 1 diabetes

Patients on intensified insulin therapy (two types of the drug) can afford some "indulgences" provided that the desired level of glucose in the blood and urine is maintained. Diabetologists came to this conclusion and some of them allow diabetics to eat everything. It should be noted that even for healthy people, sugar and flour products are harmful, and with metabolic disorders, the risk of vascular complications increases many times when they are consumed. If it makes sense to expand nutrition, then at the expense of fruits, berries and vegetables to enrich the diet with vitamins.

Proteins and fats

The amount of protein should be at the level of 1.2 per 1 kg of body weight, with high physical exertion this rate can be increased, and with kidney disease, the amount of protein in the diet is reduced. In the first type of disease, all types of vegetable and animal proteins are acceptable.

Fats make up approximately 30% of calories. Lipids of different structure are allowed, but more than 70% of fatty acids must come in an unsaturated form - fish, seeds, nuts, vegetable oil. In case of violation of lipid metabolism, fatty and fried foods are prohibited.

Type 2 diabetes diet table and treatment

More serious restrictions are needed for the non-insulin-dependent variant of the disease. This is due to the fact that this form usually appears against the background of obesity, and not only high levels of glucose, but also insulin are found in the blood. For patients, it is important to reduce the sugar content, to prevent its sharp increase. Only in this case it is possible to avoid vascular complications or delay their manifestation as much as possible.

Glycemic index

One of the criteria for rational nutrition is the glycemia index. It reflects the ability of carbohydrates that enter the body to cause a rapid increase in sugar. All products that contain carbohydrates are divided into three groups:

  • high glycemic index (GI) from 100 (pure glucose) to 70, they should be removed from the diet as much as possible;
  • average GI - from 69 to 40, they can be eaten, but in limited quantities, included in meals with proteins, fats or dietary fiber;
  • low GI - up to 40, are recommended as the main source of carbohydrates.

The values ​​shown are averages and have been calculated from sugar measurements in diabetics. Individual values ​​do not always coincide, therefore, when introducing foods with high GI values ​​\u200b\u200binto the menu, you should always check your blood sugar two hours after eating. This will help to create an individual menu for effective diabetes control.

Product table do's and don'ts

To build a diet for diabetes, what is possible and what cannot be determined from the table is quite simple. It includes the main foods that are used for type 2 diabetics.

Can Product groups It is forbidden
Black bread, with bran Bread and pastries All white flour products
chicken, turkey Meat, poultry Pork, lamb, goose, semi-finished products, sausages, canned food, offal, smoked products
Sea and river, seafood Fish Canned, dried, salted
Sour-milk drinks with a fat content of up to 2.5%, cottage cheese 5-9%, mild cheese and up to 45% Dairy Fatty cream, sour cream, cottage cheese
Oatmeal*, buckwheat, red and black rice, quinoa Groats Pasta from premium flour, white rice, semolina
Beans, peas, lentils, mung beans, chickpeas Legumes No
Cucumbers, zucchini, onion, eggplant, tomato, cabbage, mushrooms*, carrots*, baked potatoes*, beets* Vegetables canned vegetables, carrot and mashed potatoes
All in an amount up to 30 g per day, taking into account calories Nuts and seeds No
Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, plums, gooseberries, apples, avocados, citrus fruits Fruits and berries Grapes, banana, all kinds of sweet, raisins, dates
Tea, chicory, coffee, compote without sugar Beverages Packaged juices, all with sugar content, alcohol
With homemade stevia, black bitter chocolate (20 g) sweets All containing sugar, molasses, honey, maltodextrin
Vegetable, butter not more than 10 g Fats All animal origin, fat

Note: products with * are excluded from the diet of diabetics with a decompensated course of the disease, obesity.

Reminder for a diabetic patient

Dieting can be comfortable and easy if you know what you can lose and gain as a result. In order for such a menu to bring pleasure, it is necessary for a patient with diabetes to place a reminder for the patient within daily visibility and periodically re-read:

  • In sugar and white flour, there is not a single component necessary for the body; if they are abandoned, the condition of the skin improves, aging slows down, and bone tissue strengthens.
  • Focus on what you can eat without restrictions - non-starchy vegetables, all types of salad, herbs, drinks and desserts on stevia. Prepare a large bowl of salad and eat it with fish, tofu, Adyghe cheese.
  • If between meals there is a feeling of hunger, then add food bran to the diet, they contribute to the feeling of fullness and cleanse the intestines, and drink water with a slice of lemon half an hour before meals.
  • Food should be freshly cooked, warm and appetizing. To do this, spices and herbs are added to dishes.
  • It takes 21 days to acquire any habit, set yourself the goal of eating right during this period, then it will be much easier.
  • The bans do not work, what is forbidden is even more interesting than before the restrictions. Just choose the right products in the store, and even better - in the vegetable market.
  • To give up a harmful but favorite product, find information about it, watch a video why you shouldn’t eat it, write your own (!) Ten reasons why you need to get rid of it, re-read the list and add new items to it.
  • Physical activity is the best way to tone the body, in diabetes it is considered a healing factor. If there are no contraindications, then first walk in the fresh air for at least half an hour. If you add 5-10 minutes to this time every day, you can significantly reduce the risk of vascular disease.

We make a menu of allowed products

An example diet that contains mostly foods with a low glycemic index might look like this:

  • oatmeal with bran, green tea;
  • grated carrot and sour cream salad, sunflower seed sweets, chicory;
  • broccoli cream soup with cream and herbs, boiled fish with Greek salad;
  • cottage cheese with chocolate chips, yogurt;
  • boiled chicken, stewed cabbage with mushrooms, blueberry agar-agar jelly with stevia;
  • kefir with rye bread.

Candy from sunflower seeds

To prepare a diet dessert you will need:

  • sunflower seeds - 100 g,
  • apple - one unsweetened,
  • cinnamon - half a coffee spoon,
  • coconut flakes - 30 g,
  • stevia - 5 tablets,
  • dried apricots - 5 pieces,
  • hazelnuts - 10 pieces.

Pour boiling water over the dried apricots and set aside for half an hour. Dissolve stevia in a tablespoon of water. Peel the apple, chop and stew with stevia solution, add cinnamon and mash. Grind sunflower seeds with a coffee grinder to a state of flour, combine with applesauce. You should get a plastic mass. If it is very thick, then you can add a little water to it, in which dried apricots were located.

Cut dried apricots in half, put hazelnuts in each half. Spread a tablespoon of seeds on a board covered with plastic wrap, form a cake and place dried apricots with nuts in the center of it, roll a ball, roll it in coconut flakes. To speed up the process, you can grind dried apricots and nuts, add them to the general mixture. At one time, with the second type of diabetes, you can eat 3-4 pieces of sweets.

Jelly on agar-agar with blueberries

For blueberry jelly you need to take:

  • blueberries - 200 g,
  • agar-agar - a teaspoon without top,
  • water - one glass,
  • stevia - 7 tablets.

Agar-agar pour half a glass of water and set aside for an hour. Put blueberries, stevia and the remaining water on medium heat, turn off after boiling. Peel the berries and strain the solution through a sieve. Combine with swollen agar and put on fire, bring to a boil. Pour into molds and to harden, place them in the refrigerator.

You can learn about why you should not eat sweets from the video:


Such a disease of the endocrine system as diabetes mellitus is associated with a lack of insulin in the human body. According to the WHO classification (World Health Organization), the disease is divided into 1 (insulin-dependent) and 2 (insulin-independent) types. Their symptoms are similar: constant thirst, increased appetite, frequent urination. The main cause of the disease is the consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates and fats for a long time. The main therapeutic factor at any stage of diabetes is dietary nutrition.

What is diabetes nutrition

A special menu for diabetics is developed at any stage of the disease, but nutritional recommendations may vary. Diet is especially important for patients with type 1 diabetes, because they have a high probability of coma during decompensation and even death. For type 2 diabetics, special nutrition is prescribed, as a rule, for weight correction and for a stable course of the disease. The basics of a dietary diet at any stage of the disease:

  • it is necessary to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions;
  • the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU) should be balanced;
  • the amount of calories received should be equal to the energy consumption of a diabetic;
  • food should be rich in vitamins, so natural vitamin carriers should be added to the diet: dietary supplements, brewer's yeast, rosehip broth and others.

How to eat with diabetes

When a doctor prescribes a daily diet for a diabetic, he is guided by the patient's age, gender, level of physical activity and weight category. The basic principles of dietary nutrition are the restriction of sweetened foods and the prohibition of hunger strikes.. The basic concept of a diet for diabetes is a bread unit (XE), equivalent to 10 g of carbohydrates. Nutritionists have developed sets of tables indicating their number per 100 grams of any product. The diet for patients with diabetes mellitus provides for a daily meal with a total value of 12 to 24 XE.

The diet for type 1 and type 2 diabetes is different. In the first case, a low-calorie diet is needed to prevent the complication of the disease (25-30 kcal / 1 kg of weight). A strict dietary regimen must be strictly observed by a diabetic. Patients with type 2 diabetes are allowed a subcaloric diet (1600-1800 kcal / day). If a person is overweight, the number of calories decreases to 15-17 kcal / 1 kg of weight.

  • remove alcohol, juices, lemonade from the diet;
  • reduce the amount of sweeteners and cream when drinking tea, coffee;
  • choose unsweetened food;
  • replace sweets with healthy foods, for example, instead of ice cream, eat a banana dessert (beat frozen bananas with a mixer).

Diet for type 2 diabetes

Even at the initial stage of the disease, you need to follow the rules of nutrition. In diabetics who do not follow a diet, cells lose sensitivity to insulin as a result of consuming large amounts of carbohydrates. As a result, the level of glucose in the blood rises and constantly keeps at high rates. Dietary nutrition in type 2 diabetes helps restore the ability of cells to absorb sugar.

Basic rules of the diet:

  • replacing sugar with sweeteners in the amount allowed by the doctor;
  • preference for desserts containing vegetable fats (yogurt, nuts);
  • the same calorie meals;
  • eating more carbohydrates in the morning.

Type 2 diabetics are recommended a daily fluid intake of 1.5 liters. You can not load the digestive tract, so overeating is excluded. Do not think that a few glasses of alcohol and some sweets will not cause complications. Such breakdowns nullify all efforts, and can provoke a critical condition requiring resuscitation.

Approved Products

The diet of a type 2 diabetic is not difficult to understand. You just need to know which foods are allowed to be eaten in limited quantities, and which ones need to fill most of the diet. Knowing about the methods of preparing dietary dishes and the correct combination of permitted ingredients, it is easy to build a quality diet that is aimed at maintaining a stable condition of the patient. For convenience, a table should always hang in the kitchen of a diabetic:


Allowed always

Allowed limited (1-3 times / week)

Boiled green buckwheat. You can 40 grams of dry cereal 1-2 times / week.

Root crops, greens, vegetables, legumes.

All vegetables growing above the ground, including any kind of greens and mushrooms.

Celery root. raw carrots, Jerusalem artichoke, turnip, sweet potato, radish. Lentils, black beans - 30 grams 1 time / week.

Berries, fruits.

Lemon, avocado, cranberry, gooseberry, red currant, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry. It is better to make fruit sauces and seasonings.

All other berries are not on an empty stomach and not more than 100 grams / day.

Olive, almond, peanut butter in salads. Fish oil, cod liver.

Linseed oil.

Fish, meat, eggs.

Small fish, seafood. Eggs - 2-3 pcs. / day. Veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey, offal (stomachs, liver, heart).

What foods can not be eaten

Inappropriate food will aggravate the condition of a diabetic, provoke a jump in sugar. A patient with type 2 diabetes should not eat:

  • Sweet. The black list includes sugar and all products containing it in excess. We must forget about ice cream, chocolate, marmalade, jam, sweets, preserves, halva and other sweets.
  • Bakery. Sweet bakery products are prohibited: muffins, cookies, rolls, white loaf and bread.
  • Fat containing foods. Fatty meals can greatly raise your glucose levels. For this reason, a diabetic should refuse duck, pork, lamb, lard, mayonnaise, cream. You should also exclude sweet yogurt, fatty cottage cheese and cheese.
  • Semi-finished products. In their composition they have a large number of flavors, stabilizers, flavor enhancers. You should not eat fish sticks, ready-made industrial cutlets, dumplings, sausages, sausages.
  • Trans fats. Their use will harm not only the diabetic, but also a healthy person. Prohibited foods include margarine, confectionery fat, spread, french fries, hot dogs, burgers, puffed corn.
  • Fruits. Some fruits and dried fruits are not recommended. Among them are dried apricots, dates, figs, raisins, persimmons, melons, grapes, bananas.

Menu for the week

For many patients, the transition to a low-carbohydrate diet becomes a test, especially if a person did not limit himself to food before the illness. You have to get used to it gradually. When switching to products for diabetics, you should first abandon the most harmful ones, reducing their number to a minimum. Sample menu for patients with type 2 diabetes:

Day of the week

First dinner

Second dinner


Oatmeal (150 g), black bread toast, carrot salad (100 g), green tea (200 ml).

Baked apple (2 pcs.).

Chicken fillet (100 g), vegetable salad (150 g), beetroot (150 g), compote (200 ml).

Fruit salad (200 grams).

Broccoli (100 grams), cottage cheese (100 grams) tea (200 ml).

Fat-free yogurt (150 ml).

Boiled fish (150 g), cabbage salad (150 grams), tea 200 ml.

Steamed vegetable mix (200 g).

Vegetable soup (200 g), steamed chicken cutlets (150 g), compote (200 ml).

Low-fat cottage cheese with raisins (150 g), rosehip broth (200 ml).

Baked rabbit (150 g), boiled egg, tea (200 ml).

Ryazhenka (150 ml).

Buckwheat (150 g), bran bread, tea (200 ml).

Apple (1 pc.).

Vegetable stew (150 g), boiled meat (100 grams), compote (200 ml).

Braised cabbage (200 grams).

Meatballs (150 g), Steamed vegetables (150 g), rosehip broth (200 ml).

Low-fat kefir (150 ml).

Rice porridge (150 grams), 2 slices of cheese (100 g), coffee (200 ml).

Grapefruit (1 pc.).

Ear (200 ml), stewed cabbage with mushrooms (150 g), compote (200 g).

Cabbage salad (150 grams).

Buckwheat (200 grams), rye bread, tea (200 ml).

Milk (200 ml).

Carrot and apple salad (150 g), cottage cheese (100 g), tea (200 ml).

Baked apple (2 pcs.).

Goulash (100 grams), vegetable stew (150 g), jelly (200 ml).

Fruit mix (150 grams).

Baked fish (150 g), millet porridge (150 g), tea (200 ml).

Kefir (200 ml).

Oatmeal (150 g), carrot salad (150 g), tea (200 ml).

Orange (1 pc.).

Stewed liver (100 g), vermicelli (150 g), rice soup (150 g), jelly (200 ml).

Apple (1 pc.).

Zucchini caviar (150 g), barley porridge (100 g), rye bread, compote (200 ml).

Homemade yogurt (200 ml).


Stewed beets (150 g), 2 slices of cheese (100 g), coffee (200 ml).

Grapefruit (1 pc.).

Pilaf (150 g), stewed eggplant (150 g), black bread, cranberry juice (200 ml).

Grapefruit (1 pc.).

Steam cutlets (150 g), pumpkin porridge (150 g), vegetable salad (150 g), tea (200 ml).

Kefir (200 ml).

Diet for type 1 diabetes

Insulin-dependent disease is diagnosed when the pancreas is unable to produce insulin. Nutrition for type 1 diabetes consists in the use of a certain ratio of BJU. An indicator of the choice of foods is their glycemic index, that is, an indicator of the effect on blood glucose levels. The daily rate of high-carb foods should be 2/3 of the entire menu.

Diabetics should choose slow carbohydrates that take a long time to digest. These include mushrooms, durum wheat pasta, cereals, legumes, and some vegetables. Protein foods should not exceed 20%, and fats - 15%. With concomitant obesity, it is necessary to enrich the food with root vegetables with a minimum calorie content. In case of liver damage, the consumption of extractive substances (soy, oatmeal, cottage cheese) is limited. If the cardiovascular system suffers, then the patient needs to give up salt.

What foods can be used for diabetes

A therapeutic diet for people with type 1 diabetes is not only aimed at lowering blood sugar, but also at reducing the likelihood of other pathologies. Patients are allowed to include in the diet:

The product's name

With bran, rye, whole grains.

Soups, broths.

Vegetable, low-fat fish, meat, chicken, okroshka, borscht, pickle.

Meat, poultry.

Rabbit, beef, chicken, skinless turkey.

Pike, pike perch, cod, ice, saffron cod, jellied dishes.

Any cabbage, beets, carrots, bell peppers, lentils, green peas, beans, cucumbers, beans, tomatoes, beans, eggplant, pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes (only for first courses).

Berries, fruits.

Strawberries, cranberries, mountain ash, raspberries, cranberries, currants, peach, plum, pomegranate, cherry, grapefruit, lemon, orange, apples, pears, quince.

Buckwheat, oatmeal.

Low fat dairy products and milk.

Sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, curdled milk, milk.

Prohibited Products

As with type 2 disease, a diabetic diet involves restricting certain foods. Among them:

  • sugar-containing products;
  • strong broths, meat fats;
  • semolina, pasta, rice;
  • smoked meats, marinades, pickles;
  • conservation;
  • confectionery, pastries;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • sweet fruits, dried fruits;
  • alcohol, soft drinks.

Menu for the week

With diabetes, special attention should be paid to the preparation of products. It is allowed to boil, stew, steam them. In no case should you fry, it is not advisable to bake in the oven. Sample menu for the week:

Day of the week


Buckwheat porridge on water (150 g), cabbage salad (100 g), tea (200 ml).

Apple (1 pc.).

Borsch (150 g), boiled chicken (100 g), berry jelly (200 ml).

Cheesecakes (150 g).

Cabbage schnitzel (100 g), rye bread (1 pc.), Kefir (200 ml).

Barley (150 g), grated carrots (100 g), mineral water (200 ml).

Yogurt (150 ml).

Pumpkin soup (100 g), vegetable stew (150 g), asparagus salad (100 g), tea (200 ml).

Orange (1 pc.).

Rice casserole (150 g), boiled quail egg, fermented baked milk (200 ml).

Boiled fish (200 g), cottage cheese (100 g), tea (200 ml).

Grapefruit (1 pc.).

Ear (200 g), boiled broccoli (150 g), rye bread, jelly (200 ml).

Cottage cheese casserole (150 g).

Meatballs (100 g), vegetable stew (150 g), yogurt (150 ml).

Baked pumpkin (200 g), coffee with milk (200 ml), a slice of hard cheese (50 g).

Apple baked with honey (2 pcs.).

White mushroom soup (200 g), cauliflower salad (150 g), dried fruit compote (200 ml).

Yogurt (150 ml).

Boiled meat (100 g), vegetable salad (150 g), beetroot juice (100 ml).

Barley porridge (150 g), beetroot salad (150 g), whole grain bread, tea (200 ml).

Apple jelly (150 g).

Bean soup (200 g), stewed liver (100 g), brown rice (150 g), compote (200 ml).

Orange (1 pc.).

Zucchini pancakes (150 g), cottage cheese (100 g), chamomile tea (200 ml).

Lightly salted salmon (150 g), boiled egg, tea (200 ml).

Grapefruit (1 pc.).

Stuffed cabbage without rice (150 g), borscht (200 g), rye bread, jelly (200 ml).

Yogurt (150 ml).

Chicken fillet (100 g), green peas (150 g), stewed eggplant (150 g), milk (150 ml).


Buckwheat porridge (150 g), stewed chicken (100 g), rye bread, tea (200 ml).

Baked apple (2 pcs.).

Shchi (150 g), chicken cutlet (100 g), vegetable salad (150 g), compote (200 ml).

Cottage cheese casserole (150 g).

Pumpkin puree soup (200 g), chicken cutlets (100 g), tomato salad (150 g), kefir (150 ml).

During pregnancy and lactation

While expecting a baby, a woman can develop gestational diabetes. The cause of the disease is a genetic predisposition to reduced tissue sensitivity to insulin. After delivery, carbohydrate metabolism often normalizes, but there is a risk of diabetes in a woman and a child. To prevent danger, during pregnancy and lactation, you must strictly monitor your diet:

  • exclude simple carbohydrates, limit complex ones;
  • pasta and potatoes eat in small quantities;
  • remove fried, fatty foods from the diet, refuse semi-finished products, sausages;
  • cook food for a couple, bake, stew;
  • eat every 2-3 hours;
  • drink up to 1.5 liters of plain water per day.


Do not think that diet food will necessarily be tasteless. There are many recipes for diabetics that people who do not suffer from this pathology will use with pleasure. Many dishes that are intended for patients suffering from insulin deficiency are used by nutritionists in weight loss programs. Below are a few recipes.

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 195 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: English.
  • Difficulty: high.

Pumpkin for diabetes is necessary, because this product has many useful elements and low calorie content. Thanks to its low calorie content, the orange vegetable helps to normalize and control body weight. The use of pumpkin improves the functioning of the digestive tract, helps cleanse the intestines of toxic substances, and stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin.


  • pumpkin - 300 grams;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • salt - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut pumpkin pulp into small pieces, boil. When ready, let cool, puree.
  2. Mix pumpkin puree with honey and egg yolks. Sift flour and add gradually.
  3. Beat egg whites until stiff, add salt. The mass should be thick.
  4. Fold the beaten egg whites into the batter. Put the pumpkin mass in a mold greased with sunflower oil.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake the pudding for 30 to 40 minutes.

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 86 kcal / 100 g.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: low.

The use of beans in diabetes reduces glucose levels, improves metabolic processes at the cellular level. Legumes consist of a variety of nutrients, enzymes, amino acids and do not put a strain on the pancreas. Reducing blood sugar levels is achieved through a unique ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids. This type of legume has the same properties as insulin.


  • white beans - 1 cup;
  • dried mushrooms - 200 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • low-fat cream - 100 g;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak beans in cold water 8 hours before cooking. Then drain the liquid, pour 1.5 liters of water and bring to a boil.
  2. Pour dried mushrooms with water 30 minutes before cooking. After swelling, cut into plates and cook in the same liquid.
  3. After boiling the beans, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, add salt and spicy spice, reduce the heat. After 15 minutes, add finely chopped vegetables to the soup.
  4. When the beans are ready, add half a serving of boiled mushrooms to it. The second half must be sautéed with butter, but not combined with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Remove the cloves and puree the soup with a blender until smooth. Fried mushrooms, cream and greens will decorate the dish.


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For productive therapy of diabetes mellitus, both type 1 and type 2, one medication is not enough. The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the diet, since the disease itself is related to metabolic disorders.

In the case of autoimmune diabetes (type 1), the pancreas produces small amounts of insulin.

With age-related diabetes (type 2), there may be an excess and also a deficiency of this hormone. By eating certain foods in diabetes, you can reduce or increase the degree of glucose in the blood.

What should be the diet of a diabetic?

With diabetes of any type, the main task of the diet is to establish metabolic processes and control the increase in glucose levels. Foods that contain simple carbohydrates can provoke a jump in glucose.

An indicator of 100% is glucose in its purest form. Other foods should be compared with glucose for their carbohydrate content. For the convenience of patients, all indicators are listed in the GI table.

When eating food, in which the sugar content is minimal, the level of glucose in the blood remains the same or rises in a small amount. A high GI food increases blood glucose significantly.

Patients with type 2 diabetes simply have to be careful about the choice of products. In the initial stages, with mild to moderate severity of the disease, the diet is the main medicine.

To stabilize the normal level of glucose, you can use the low-carb diet number 9.

Bread units

Insulin-dependent people with type 1 diabetes calculate their menu using bread units. 1 XE is equal to 12 g of carbohydrates. This is the amount of carbohydrates contained in 25 g of bread.

As a rule, an adult needs 15-30 XE. Based on these indicators, it is possible to draw up the correct daily menu and nutrition for people suffering from type 1 and type 2 diabetes. More details about what this can be found on our website.

What food can diabetics eat?

Nutrition for type 1 and type 2 diabetics should have a low glycemic index, so patients need to choose foods with a GI of less than 50. You should be aware that the index of a particular product may vary depending on the type of processing.

For example, brown rice has a rate of 50%, and peeled rice has a rate of 75%. Also, heat treatment increases the GI of vegetables and fruits.

The priority should be raw, unprocessed foods: lean fish, meat, vegetables, herbs and fruits. You can see the list in more detail in the table of glycemic indices and allowed foods.

All food consumed is divided into three groups:

Products that do not affect the increase in sugar levels:

  • mushrooms;
  • green vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • still mineral water;
  • tea and coffee without sugar and without cream.

Foods that raise sugar levels moderately:

  • unsweetened nuts and fruits;
  • cereals (with the exception of rice and semolina);
  • bread made from wholemeal flour;
  • durum pasta;
  • dairy products and milk.

Foods that increase blood sugar levels:

  1. pickled and canned vegetables;
  2. alcohol;
  3. flour, confectionery;
  4. fresh juices;
  5. drinks with added sugar;
  6. raisin;
  7. dates.

Regular consumption of products

Food sold in the diabetic section is not suitable for regular consumption. Such food does not contain sugar, it contains its substitute - fructose. However, you need to know which ones exist, and fructose has its own side effects:

  • increases cholesterol levels;
  • high calorie;
  • increased appetite.

What foods are good for diabetes?

Fortunately, the list of allowed food is quite large. But when compiling a menu, it is necessary to take into account the glycemic index of food and its useful qualities.

If these rules are observed, all food products will become a source of the necessary trace elements and vitamins that help reduce the destructive effect of the disease.

  1. Berries. Diabetics are allowed to consume all berries except raspberries. They contain minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. You can eat both frozen and fresh berries.
  2. Juices. Freshly squeezed juices are not recommended. It will be better if you add a little fresh juice to brewed tea, salad, cocktail or porridge.
  3. Nuts. A very useful product, because. it is a source of fat. However, you need to eat nuts in small quantities, because they are very high in calories.
  4. Unsweetened fruits. Green apples, cherries, quince will saturate the body with useful substances and vitamins. Diabetics can actively consume citrus fruits (except tangerine). Oranges, limes, lemons - abound in ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system. Vitamins and minerals have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, and fiber slows down the absorption of glucose into the blood.
  5. Natural yoghurts and skim milk. These foods are a source of calcium. Vitamin D, contained in dairy products, reduces the need for a sick body in sweet foods. Lactic acid bacteria normalize the microflora in the intestines and help cleanse the body of toxins.

Vegetables. Most vegetables contain a moderate amount of carbohydrates:

  • tomatoes are rich in vitamins E and C, and the iron contained in tomatoes promotes hematopoiesis;
  • sweet potato has a low GI and is also rich in vitamin A;
  • Carrots contain retinol, which is very good for vision;
  • legumes contain fiber and a host of nutrients that promote rapid satiety.
  • Spinach, lettuce, cabbage and parsley contain many useful vitamins and minerals.

It is desirable to use potatoes in a baked form and it is better with a peel.

  • Lean fish. The lack of omega-3 acids is replenished with low-fat varieties of fish (pollock, hake, tuna, etc.).
  • Pasta. You can only use products made from durum wheat.
  • Meat. Poultry fillet is a storehouse of protein, and veal is a source of zinc, magnesium, iron, and vitamin B.
  • Kashi. Healthy food that contains fiber, vitamins and beneficial trace elements.

The specifics of the diet of diabetics

It is very important for people with diabetes to consume food regularly. Nutritionists recommend dividing the daily meal into 6 meals. Insulin-dependent patients should use at one time from 2 to 5 XE.

At the same time, before lunch you need to eat the most high-calorie food. In general, the diet should contain all the necessary substances and be balanced.

It is also useful to combine food with sports. So, you can speed up your metabolism and normalize weight.

In general, type 1 diabetics should scrupulously calculate the dose of insulin and try not to increase the daily calorie content of foods. After all, proper diet and nutrition will keep glucose levels normal and will not allow type 1 and type 2 diseases to further destroy the body.

Diabetes mellitus of any degree obliges the patient to adhere to the instructions of the endocrinologist throughout his life, which include proper nutrition and exercise therapy. Compliance with these rules directly affect blood sugar levels. If you do not adhere to a healthy diet, then type 2 diabetes will develop into type 1 in the shortest possible time, and glycemia may develop with the first.

Diabetics should opt for low-calorie foods, as many patients are prone to rapid weight gain, and excess cholesterol will negatively affect the cardiovascular system.

Food for diabetics is chosen exclusively with a low glycemic index and occasionally with an average one. It is also important to properly thermally process products - this will keep the declared glycemic index in the same indicator. Below, such issues will be considered in detail - the allowed list of products, their glycemic index and the concept of this term, recommendations are given on the heat treatment of food and food intake rules.

Rules for processing and eating food

Beginning diabetes, prediabetes and the disease itself of any degree requires a competent and rational intake of food. You need to eat five to six times a day, in small portions and without overeating.

It is advisable to set the same time for each of the meals, this will help the body produce insulin at certain hours and the next meal will not become an unexpected burden for it.

With type 2 and type 1 diabetes, you should not feel hungry, as blood sugar levels can rise sharply after eating. Two liters of liquid is the minimum daily volume for diabetics. In general, it is better to calculate the rate based on the calories eaten, one calorie is one milliliter of water.

Heat treatment of products should take place exclusively in the following ways:

  • steam;
  • stewing, with the addition of a small amount of any vegetable oil;
  • in the microwave;
  • in a slow cooker in the "extinguishing" mode;
  • boil in slightly salted water.

All of these methods will not increase the glycemic index of food, with the exception of some vegetables. For example, raw carrots have an indicator of 35 units, and boiled 85 units.

It must be remembered that with type 2 diabetes, like type 1, any juices are prohibited for consumption, even if they are made on the basis of permitted fruits. But tomato juice, on the contrary, is useful in an amount of up to 150 ml per day.

Another important rule is that you cannot drink porridge with dairy and sour-milk products, and add butter to them. It is generally excluded from the patient's diet, having a high caloric content and glycemic index.

The last meal should be at least two to three hours before going to bed. It is better that the last dinner consists of proteins, animal origin - chicken and turkey meat, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir.

If the patient has recently learned about his diagnosis, then it is worth starting a food diary - this will allow you to identify a number of products that can individually, regardless of glycemic indicators, raise blood sugar levels.

In general, here is a list of basic nutrition rules:

  1. 5-6 meals a day in small portions;
  2. fluid intake of at least two liters per day;
  3. exclusion from the diet of foods that have high glycemic indexes and calorie content;
  4. compliance with the rules of heat treatment;
  5. daily balanced diet - fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products and meat;
  6. after a hearty meal, a walk in the fresh air is recommended - this will slow down the process of glucose entering the blood;
  7. exclusion of the use of alcoholic beverages.

Subject to all the rules for processing products and their selection, taking into account the glycemic index, as well as physical therapy.

A diabetic can quite successfully control the level of sugar in the blood, this will not force him to once again go to an appointment with an endocrinologist.

Allowed Foods

Sugar level

Immediately you need to pay attention to such a term as the glycemic index (GI). This is an indicator of the effect of glucose on the body after eating a certain product. It is important that a diabetic chooses only those foods that have a low index, but you can also average, but with less regularity.

But high numbers are completely banned.

Glycemic index norms:

  • up to 50 units - low;
  • up to 70 units - medium;
  • from 70 units and above - high.

There are vegetables that, after boiling, increase the rate to an unacceptable rate. This applies to potatoes and carrots, in boiled form they have a GI of 85 units. But do not give up carrots, which are rich in carotene, raw GI 35 units. it is noteworthy that if these vegetables are cooked in pieces, then the index will be much less than that of mashed potatoes.

If, nevertheless, it is decided to cook the tubers, then they must first be soaked overnight in cold water - this will save the vegetable from excess starch, which is detrimental to a diabetic patient.

Kashi is one of the indispensable dishes in the diet. They quickly and for a long period of time suppress the feeling of hunger, saturating the body with fiber, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, and is rich in many vitamins and microelements.

Buckwheat contains a lot of iron and a number of vitamins. Its glycemic index is 50 units, which means that it can be present in the daily diet. The list of allowed cereals is quite extensive, here it is:

  1. pearl barley - 20 units;
  2. brown (brown) rice - 55 IU;
  3. oat groats (namely groats, not flakes) - 50 IU;
  4. buckwheat kernels - 50 units;
  5. barley porridge - 55 units.

It is worth knowing that the more water was used in cooking, the greater the indicator of cooked cereals. Prohibited cereals:

  • semolina - 80 units;
  • white rice - 70 units;
  • muesli - 85 units.

White rice replaces brown rice, they are quite similar in taste, but thanks to the special processing of the GI of brown rice, it is acceptable for type 2 diabetes, although it takes a little longer to cook - 40-45 minutes.

Food for diabetes should include animal proteins. Basically, their indicator is zero or fluctuates within acceptable limits. If you choose meat, then this is chicken and turkey. Their scores are zero. Beef also has an index of 0 units, but when cooking, it increases to an acceptable rate of 55 units.

You can cook dishes from offal - chicken and beef liver. Chicken GI is 35 units, and beef GI is 50 units. Perhaps eating one boiled egg a day, or using it in the preparation of various desserts (casseroles, oatmeal-based cookies).

Dairy and sour-milk products should be in the patient's diet daily, enriching the body with calcium and contributing to the normalization of digestion processes. List of allowed products:

  1. fat-free kefir - 0 units;
  2. natural yogurt with a fat content of not more than 1.5% - 35 units;
  3. fat-free cottage cheese - 0 units;
  4. skimmed milk - 27 units;
  5. soy milk - 30 units.

All other dairy and sour-milk products remain banned. Sometimes their glycemic index is zero (hard and processed cheeses), but the calorie content does not allow such food to be included in the patient's diet.

Proper nutrition should include regular consumption of fruits and vegetables, they are richest in various trace elements and vitamins. Fruit and vegetable salads, jelly and even jelly are prepared from them. Fruits can also be used to make nutritious

Of the fruits, the most useful:

  • lemon - 20 units;
  • blackcurrant - 15 units;
  • red currant - 30 units;
  • orange - 30 units;
  • apples - 20 units;
  • pears - 35 units;
  • plum - 22 units;
  • pomegranate - 35 units;
  • raspberries - 30 units;
  • blueberries - 43 units.

Occasionally, it is allowed to eat prunes (25 units), dried apricots (30 units) and figs (35 units). It is better to use these dried fruits as an additional ingredient in the preparation of desserts. Despite the low glycemic index, they are very high in calories.

The following vegetables are allowed:

  1. onion - 10 units;
  2. broccoli - 10 units;
  3. leaf lettuce - 10 units;
  4. cucumbers - 20 units;
  5. tomatoes - 10 units;
  6. white cabbage - 10 units;
  7. green pepper - 10 units;
  8. red pepper - 15 units;
  9. garlic - 30 units.

For a side dish, boiled brown lentils are also suitable, in which the indicator is 25 units. You can fill it with a small amount of vegetable oil - sunflower, linseed, olive, no more than one teaspoon. Combining this side dish with boiled chicken, a diabetic patient gets a hearty, and most importantly, healthy lunch. As an additive, it is allowed to use soy sauce, which is not high in calories and has a GI of 20 units.

Tea and coffee are very useful in diabetes, but it should be noted that a sweetener is used instead of sugar, and skimmed milk is allowed instead of cream. You can make a citrus tea drink that will help lower blood sugar levels when used for a long time.


  • 200 ml of boiling water;
  • 2 teaspoons chopped tangerine zest.

The zest must be crushed in a blender, if dried peels are used, then they are brought to a powdery state. Two teaspoons of the powder are poured with boiling water and infused for five minutes, the drink is ready. It will not only have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels, but also calm the nervous system.

From the above, it should be concluded that diabetics still have food restrictions, but the number of allowed ones is considerable, so that any healthy person can compete in a varied diet.

In general, having dealt with the question - what you can eat, you should begin to familiarize yourself with the recipes for delicious and vitamin dishes.

Healthy dessert

What can be used?

It is a mistake to believe that desserts are forbidden for diabetics; with proper preparation and selection of ingredients, this is a completely safe food.

To make a soufflé you will need:

  1. 150 grams of fat-free cottage cheese;
  2. 1 egg;
  3. 1 small hard apple;
  4. Cinnamon;
  5. 2 slices of dried apricots.

The apple should be rubbed on a fine grater and the resulting juice should be drained without squeezing the remnants of the grated pulp. Pour boiling water over dried apricots for four minutes. Mix the apple and cottage cheese and beat until smooth, beat in the egg and mix everything thoroughly. Mix the resulting mass with finely chopped dried apricots. Transfer everything to a silicone mold and put in the microwave for five minutes. At the end of cooking, remove the soufflé from the mold and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Fruit salad will be a good breakfast for a diabetic, namely breakfast, since the glucose that enters the blood will need to be absorbed slowly, and this requires physical activity. You can prepare a dish from any permitted fruit, seasoning one serving with 100 ml of natural yogurt or kefir. The video in this article will continue the topic of diet for diabetes

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a pathology of the endocrine apparatus, in which there is a reduced sensitivity of cells and tissues of the body to insulin (the hormone of the islets of Langerhans-Sobolev of the pancreas) with its sufficient synthesis. The result is high blood sugar and disruption of all types of metabolism.

To effectively contain the manifestation of the disease, you must follow the rules of diet therapy (medical nutrition). The main goal is to keep the glucose level not higher than 5.6 mmol / l and the indicators of glycated hemoglobin in the range of 6-6.5%, reduce body weight, and reduce the load on the insulin-secreting cells of the pancreas. What can you eat with type 2 diabetes and a sample menu is discussed below.

Nutrition Features

As a rule, patients are advised to adhere to table number 9, however, the attending specialist can make an individual correction of the diet, based on the state of compensation for endocrine pathology, the patient's body weight, body characteristics, and the presence of complications.

The basic principles of nutrition are as follows:

  • the ratio of "building" material - used / w / y - 60:25:15;
  • the daily calorie count is calculated by the attending physician or nutritionist;
  • sugar is excluded from the diet, sweeteners can be used (sorbitol, fructose, xylitol, stevia extract, maple syrup);
  • a sufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements should be supplied, since they are massively excreted due to polyuria;
  • indicators of consumed animal fats are halved;
  • reduce fluid intake to 1.5 l, salt to 6 g;
  • frequent fractional meals (the presence of snacks between main meals).

Important! There are special tables that indicate the calorie content, chemical composition and glycemic index of products, on the basis of which it is necessary to draw up an individual menu.

Allowed Products

When asked about what you can eat on a diet for type 2 diabetes, a nutritionist will answer that the emphasis is on vegetables, fruits, dairy and meat products. It is not necessary to completely exclude carbohydrates from the diet, since they perform a number of important functions (building, energy, reserve, regulatory). It is simply necessary to limit fast-digesting monosaccharides and give preference to polysaccharides (substances that have a large amount of fiber in their composition and slowly increase blood glucose).

Bakery and flour products

Permitted products are those in the manufacture of which "did not participate" wheat flour of the highest and first grade. Its calorie content is 334 kcal, and the GI (glycemic index) indicators are 95, which automatically translates the dish into the section of prohibited foods for diabetes.

Wholemeal bread - the basis of diet therapy for diabetes

  • rye flour;
  • bran;
  • wheat flour of the second grade;
  • buckwheat flour (in combination with any of the above).

Important! Whole wheat flour is the best option. It contains a significant amount of useful substances and minerals, from which polished varieties are “cleared”, and has low GI values.

Unsweetened crackers, crispbread, biscuits, unsweetened pastries are considered permitted products. The group of non-baking pastries includes those products in the manufacture of which eggs, margarine, and fatty additives are not used.

The simplest dough from which you can make pies, muffins, rolls for diabetics is prepared as follows. It is necessary to dilute 30 g of yeast in warm water. Combine with 1 kg of rye flour, 1.5 tbsp. water, a pinch of salt and 2 tbsp. vegetable fat. Once the dough has risen in a warm place, it can be used for baking.

These products for type 2 diabetes are considered the most "hot" because they have a low calorie content and low GI (with the exception of some). All green vegetables (zucchini, zucchini, cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers) can be used boiled, stewed, for cooking first courses and side dishes.

Vegetables - representatives with the lowest GI

Pumpkin, tomatoes, onions, peppers are also desired foods. They contain a significant amount of antioxidants that bind free radicals, vitamins, pectins, flavonoids. For example, tomatoes contain a significant amount of the substance lycopene, which has an antitumor effect. Onions are able to strengthen the body's defenses, have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, removing excess cholesterol from the body.

Cabbage can be used not only in stew, but also in sauerkraut. Its main advantage is the reduction of blood glucose levels.

However, there are vegetables, the use of which must be limited (it is not necessary to refuse at all):

  • carrot;
  • potato;
  • beet.

Important! They are able to increase their GI when heat treated. For example, raw carrots have a GI of 35, while cooked carrots can go up to 80.

Fruits and berries

These are useful products, but it is not recommended to use them in kilograms. The following are considered safe:

  • cherry;
  • cherries;
  • grapefruit;
  • lemon;
  • unsweetened varieties of apples and pears;
  • pomegranate;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • gooseberry;
  • mango;
  • a pineapple.

Berries and fruits - products that positively affect the body of a diabetic

Experts advise eating no more than 200 g at a time. The composition of fruits and berries includes a significant amount of essential acids for the body, pectins, fiber, ascorbic acid. All these substances are useful for diabetics in that they are able to protect against the development of chronic complications of the underlying disease and slow down their progression.

In addition, berries and fruits normalize the functioning of the intestinal tract, restore and strengthen the defenses, cheer up, have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Preference is given to low-fat varieties, both meat and fish. The amount of meat in the diet is subject to strict dosage (no more than 150 g per day). This will prevent the undesirable development of complications that may occur against the background of endocrine pathology.

The best possible options are rabbit meat, chicken and beef. They have a sufficient amount of protein combined with a low level of lipids. In addition, beef can have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, remove toxins from the body.

If we talk about what you can eat from sausages, here preference is given to dietary and boiled varieties. Smoked products in this case are not recommended. By-products are allowed, but in limited quantities.

From fish you can eat:

  • pollock;
  • trout;
  • salmon;
  • zander;
  • perch;
  • crucian.

Meat and fish are sources of useful vitamins and minerals

Important! Fish must be baked, boiled, stewed. In salted and fried form, it is better to limit or exclude altogether.

Eggs and dairy products

Eggs are considered a storehouse of vitamins (A, E, C, D) and unsaturated fatty acids. With type 2 diabetes, no more than 2 pieces per day are allowed, it is advisable to eat only proteins. Quail eggs, although small in size, are superior in their useful properties to the chicken product. They do not have cholesterol, which is especially good for sick people, and can be used raw.

Milk is a permitted product containing a significant amount of magnesium, phosphates, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and other macro- and microelements. It is recommended to consume up to 400 ml of medium-fat milk per day. Fresh milk is not recommended for use in the diet for type 2 diabetes, as it can provoke a jump in blood sugar.

Kefir, curdled milk and cottage cheese should be consumed rationally, controlling carbohydrate levels. Preference is given to low-fat varieties.


The name of the cereal GI indicators Properties
Buckwheat55 It has a beneficial effect on blood counts, contains a significant amount of fiber and iron
corn70 A high-calorie product, but it contains mainly polysaccharides. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, improves the sensitivity of cells to insulin, supports the work of the visual analyzer
Millet71 Prevents the development of pathology of the heart and blood vessels, removes toxins and excess cholesterol from the body, normalizes blood pressure
Barley22 Reduces blood sugar, reduces the load on the pancreas, restores the processes of the spread of excitation along the nerve fibers
barley50 Removes excess cholesterol, strengthens the body's defenses, normalizes the digestive tract
Wheat45 Helps reduce blood glucose levels, stimulates the digestive tract, improves the functioning of the nervous system
Rice50-70 Brown rice is preferred due to its lower GI. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, it contains essential amino acids
oatmeal40 Has a significant amount of antioxidants in the composition, normalizes liver function, reduces blood cholesterol levels

Important! White rice should be limited in the diet, and semolina should be completely abandoned due to their high GI numbers.


As for juices, home-made drinks should be preferred. Store-bought juices have a large amount of preservatives and sugar in the composition. The use of freshly squeezed drinks from the following products is shown:

  • blueberry;
  • tomatoes;
  • lemon;
  • potato;
  • pomegranate.

Regular consumption of mineral waters contributes to the normalization of the digestive tract. With type 2 diabetes, you can drink water without gas. It can be a dining room, a dining-medical or a healing-mineral one.

Mineral non-carbonated water - a drink that positively affects the functioning of the intestinal tract

Tea, coffee with milk, herbal teas are acceptable drinks if they do not contain sugar. As for alcohol, its use is unacceptable, since in the non-insulin-dependent form jumps in blood glucose are unpredictable, and alcoholic beverages can cause the development of delayed hypoglycemia and accelerate the onset of complications of the underlying disease.

Menu for the day

Breakfast: cottage cheese with unsweetened apples, tea with milk.

Snack: baked apple or orange.

Lunch: borscht in vegetable broth, fish casserole, apple and cabbage salad, bread, rosehip broth.

Snack: carrot salad with prunes.

Dinner: buckwheat with mushrooms, a slice of bread, a glass of blueberry juice.

Snack: a glass of kefir.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a disease that has a formidable name, however, following the recommendations of specialists and diet therapy can maintain the patient's quality of life at a high level. What foods to include in the diet is the individual choice of each patient. The attending physician and nutritionist will help you adjust the menu, choose those dishes that can provide the body with the necessary organic substances, vitamins, and microelements.

Last update: April 18, 2018
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