Why dream of a fire. Good and bad interpretations of a dream about a fire. Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov: dreaming of a fire

From the very beginning, mankind has been frightened by fire and its consequences in the form of a fire. Even in fairy tales about dragons, this fear is noticeable: these lizards spew hellish flames and frighten the people. In order to find out why the fire is dreaming, you need to look into the dream book.

It often becomes unpleasant when such terrible dreams are dreamed. Sometimes we ourselves interpret them incorrectly. A fire in the interpretation of a dream book can mean completely different things. Seeing a fire in a dream, do not be afraid. Sometimes the meaning of the interpretation of a dream can pleasantly surprise you.

There is no smoke without fire

Fire is a natural element that a person could tame, but not completely. It is impossible to take your eyes off the dancing flames in the fire. Fire fascinates, excites and frightens. How strong is its destructive power! Metal and stone meekly surrender to his strength and power.

Miller's dream book, like other dream books, interprets the meaning of fire as emotions that burn from the inside. This dream book will help you understand why a fire is dreaming.

If you dreamed of a fire, you should look into yourself. Perhaps you are filled with strong emotions? Are you angry or jealous? Do you have unrequited feelings for someone? These emotions do not give rest, but it is impossible to put out this fire at the moment.

To understand what a dream means, in which the fire disturbed all your feelings and made you worry, you need to remember the details of the dream. Then it will most accurately be possible to understand why the fire is dreaming.


A fire in a dream can occur anywhere, which is very important for the interpretation of sleep. Remember the details: how many people, animals, how brightly the fire burned, did you notice smoke, maybe someone was screaming, or did you hear a characteristic crack. In order to determine what the fire is dreaming of, you need to remember all the details.

Open the dream book, a fire can carry a completely different meaning. You can see a fire in a dream in different situations. Here are a few possible scenarios:

  • You saw a terrible dream, a fire engulfed the apartment or building in which you are;
  • Your house is on fire, but you are watching from the side;
  • Look at the burning house of the neighbors;
  • Watch the forest burn;
  • The fire burns you or you burn yourself;
  • You are the cause of the disaster;
  • Look at the work of special services as they try to put out a building on fire.

Even such nuances can significantly change the meaning of your dream. Let's consider each possible case separately.

Tili bom, tili bom, cat's house caught fire

Seeing a burning house in reality is not a very pleasant sight. But our subconscious can also cause such unpleasant dreams.

1. If you dream of a fire that has engulfed the whole building, but this is not your house and not the house of neighbors. You are watching fire, and you do not see the victims, it is easy to extinguish.

According to Miller's dream book, such a dream means great luck, great happiness, both for all relatives and in personal relationships. In business, a white streak will come. You will begin to enjoy life.

2. If no one tries to extinguish a fire seen in a dream, and even there are victims, then such a dream should be taken as a warning. You have a case in which you intuitively doubt, but still have high hopes.

The result will not please you, most likely, you will be left with nothing. Friends, colleagues or partners will not help, or they will have other things to do. You should take your time and become more alert.

3. If you dream that your house is on fire, this means that the dream promises a possible negative. Soon there will be a period of lack of money, poverty, losses are possible. But it will not last long, you need to courageously wait it out, because a white streak of prosperity will definitely come to replace it.

4. If you find yourself in a strange house that is on fire, trying to put out the fire, then such a dream means that you are worried. This means that there is an event in your memory that you need to forget or try to let go.

For the most complete understanding and presentation of the picture of what you saw, look into the dream book, the fire has many meanings and interpretations.

Why dream of fire services?

1. You had a dream where a group of firefighters put out a burning building. It is not so important whose building it is, a stranger or your house. In a dream, you are hinted to think about your behavior or pay attention to mistakes.

2. If in a dream a fire extinguishes special. car or strangers, this means that you pay little attention to your family and friends. Look around, maybe your parents need help or you pay little attention to your partner?

3. Calling the fire department and waiting for them means that you have the right information about your competitor or opponent, and this information is your trump card. And when to play it, it's up to you.

Waiting for help in the face of firefighters indicates that you are postponing this decision. But the fire can flare up very strongly, or everything will burn to the coals without having time to wait for help. Therefore, you need to act immediately, make the right decision and act.

4. If you work as a firefighter in a dream, dressed in overalls, save lives, you may dream of a big fire, then such a dream says that your lover is faithful to you, there is no doubt about it.

Burning down your own home

A fire inside an apartment or your house that you are trying to put out yourself is a very good sign. So why dream of a fire in an apartment? You need to pay attention to several factors:

  • The instigator of a fire in an apartment is yourself. You have to deal with difficult cases that have arisen through your fault or will arise in the near future.
  • If such a dream was not the first time. You probably doubt the correctness of any decisions, maybe you should change something in your life?
  • To experience faith in victory over the flame in a dream, to see that it is decreasing, means you will win in real life. Handle all the turmoil in your life with ease.

Why dream of a forest disaster?

Different dream books interpret the dream of a fire in the forest in different ways. According to one version, such a dream does not bode well, but in another, the fire is a dream of happiness. Trying to interpret such a vision, you need to pay attention to different personal qualities and emotional state, your health and communication with friends and loved ones.

It is terrible to watch how such an element destroys green trees. But Miller's dream book interprets that in a dream to see a fire in the forest, trees on fire, to good health, a new stage of life is ahead, you have a lot of strength.

Become an eyewitness to a forest fire that destroyed everything around. Such a dream foreshadows the implementation of all your plans that will bring great joy or profit, at this stage of your life it will be just in time.

Also, a big fire in the forest speaks of the love that has recently arisen between two people. And trying to put out such a fire will be interpreted by the desire to avoid these feelings. Perhaps love arose from only one side.

Other meanings

  • Get burned in a dream - a new romance, or to love.
  • And if you are on fire, you will plunge headlong into new feelings.
  • If you arrange an arson, or try to burn something, then this means your desire to get rid of something you do not need. This can apply to things, and old feelings and emotions.
  • If you dream of a city engulfed in fire, then this is for the upcoming crisis.
  • A dream about a fire in winter promises long frosty days, if in summer it will be hot.

Extinguishing methods

1. Put out the fire with a bucket of water - you can help reconcile friends, be your "dove of peace."

2. If you are trying to put out a fire in the forest, it means that you will have enough strength not only for yourself, but you can also help someone who is in an unpleasant situation or gets sick.

3. If you use water to extinguish a fire, then this means your struggle with all the difficulties that have befallen you.

4. Seeing the work of a fire hose, big smoke - an improvement in personal relationships is expected.

Smoke in a dream

  • If you dreamed of a fire, but the fire was not visible, only smoke. Such a dream portends a quick favorable change in life. You will find peace and harmony.
  • If smoke billows in clubs, the fire flares up more strongly, then Miller recommends paying attention to finances. Think about where to hide them, losses are possible.
  • Smoke in the forest dreams of finding a new family. Marriage or marriage with official registration.

The fire itself is not visible, but smoke is visible, which rises high into the sky in an even column. Windless weather - marks the joy in reality, praise, perhaps an award or victory in a competition.

If you dreamed of a big fire in which all your property burns down, but no one dies, the dream portends happy changes in your home.

If someone dies in a fire, you will have to pay dearly for your happiness.

Imagine that a person did not die, but only received burns. You smear them with a healing elixir, and they heal before your eyes (see Elixir).

Seeing how a fire spreads from one building to another is a change in place of work or residence. But these changes will bring you happiness.

If you are the culprit of a small fire in your own house, as a result of which the house remains intact, but some things are damaged, the dream suggests that you will do an act that will pleasantly surprise your family and friends.

Participate in extinguishing a fire - you have an unusual job that will not bring money, but will captivate you with its excitement.

If there was strong smoke during the fire, you will become famous.

If the fire was without smoke, your happiness will be quiet, without excessive pomp, but also without envious people.

If something ignites on you from the flame of a fire, the dream portends a passionate love that can bring a lot of suffering to your loved ones.

In this case, imagine that a bucket of cold water is poured over you and the fire goes out before it can do you any harm.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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Seeing fire in a dream

To dream of a big fire engulfing a high-rise building means the patronage of influential people and the successful course of affairs.

If in the fire that declared your office a large amount of money that belonged to you burned down, deceit and envy on the part of those you trust are possible in reality.

The fire that burned down your house portends a hectic and extremely risky venture that can turn into financial ruin for you.

To extinguish a fire by pouring water from buckets on it - in reality you will try to reconcile quarreling friends, which will not lead to success.

If you dream of a fire truck roaring and hurrying to the scene of a disaster, this portends the anxieties and unrest associated with an emergency at work, where you will be hurriedly called at an inopportune time.

Seeing a huge flame that firefighters shoot down from a hose is a great joy in the family circle.

Rising high into the sky and visible from afar, the smoke from the fire promises you joyful news in reality, followed by awards and honors.

A fire with tragic consequences and human casualties means that in reality you will suffer significant damage and be punished.

The dream in which you witnessed a devastating forest fire - to the successful implementation of plans, which will bring the expected results and allow you to expand even more.

If in a dream you take part in the elimination of a fire or help people affected by it, then in reality change your point of view, in accordance with suddenly changed circumstances.

Seeing yourself in the role of a heroic firefighter, risking your life, taking out a child from a flame - such a dream is designed to dispel your doubts about the fidelity of a husband or lover.

If you dream that you are suffocating in the smoke of a fire and losing consciousness or are seriously injured by a collapsed burning beam, this means that in reality you can have an accident or become a victim of a collision with an inattentive street crossing.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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What does the dream Fire mean?

Seeing this big fire, which happily does without human casualties, means changes in the future - fortunately and to your benefit.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What do dreams mean Fire

Fire is a symbol of passion, carnal desires, a sudden capture by an idea, a desire for change.

Extinguishing a fire means that unrest will develop into an organized movement that will not be easy to stop, but simply impossible to prevent.

Taking part in arson is a symbol of decisive change that will be provoked by an unfair attitude; a dream promises problems and disorder.

Rescuing a person from a fire is a symbol of the tragic outcome of an event that haunted for a long time, kept in suspense and required a lot of strength.

Seeing a fire in a room is a symbol of betrayal, which will happen with the consent of both parties, but will subsequently bring problems that will turn into the most unexpected adventures and cataclysms.

Seeing horses rushing about in a fire means that in 2038 the largest number of marriages in the entire century will be concluded and this year will be the beginning of a solution to the demographic problem for many countries.

Seeing the ashes left after the fire is a symbol of the invention of a new housing project that will provide everyone with a decent place to live.

Seeing a fire ignited by lightning means meeting the main person of your life under unusual circumstances.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

What does fire mean in a dream

Fire is a quarrel. Fire - love and wealth. Secret love. If you dream of a fire in the house, then there will be chores.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What does fire mean in a dream

Wedding, love, happiness, wealth, clear weather, to the heat (in summer), to receive money // quarrel, fight in the house, illness, death, loss, loss, chores, the head will hurt, there will be a villain in the house, trouble, anxiety, to frost (in winter); the house is on fire - wonderful news; the city is on fire - war, pestilence, to a long illness; extinguishing is not good, you will get into trouble, they will rob you, unexpected work, there will be hard work in the heat or frost; others put out - for good.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Interpretation of sleep Fire

To receive protection to see a bright flame is a great joy; see smoke - good news; to see a fire is a joy; a lot of smoke - great joy

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Hasse

What does it mean to see fire in a dream

A fire in a dream is a sign of losses, losses, failures that will occur at the behest of fate.

Sometimes a dream about him portends an illness.

Being on fire in a dream is a warning about slander.

Extinguishing a fire with a fire hose is a harbinger of light entertainment in a pleasant company. Such a dream often portends a successful turn in an unpleasant business.

Hearing a fire alarm in a dream is a harbinger of important and disturbing events.

A fire truck in a dream portends you some kind of emergency, which is fraught with an accident or loss for you.

Riding it in a dream means that you will get involved in some kind of risky business that is dangerous for your life.

If you dream that several houses are on fire, but you were not afraid of the fire, since it was without crackling, without dangerous sparks and did not destroy anything, then you will receive a large inheritance or a profitable position.

If the fire destroys houses, frightens you, burns you with sparks, or burning chips reach you, the dream will have the opposite meaning to what was said above.

See interpretation: fire.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

The meaning of the dream Fire

Seeing a fire with acrid black smoke or victims is a warning about the possible collapse of your plans.

Fire and smoke: mean the negative feelings that have accumulated in your soul. The dream suggests that if you do not get rid of them, then they threaten to break out, leading to quarrels, difficult conflicts, mistakes and, as a result, to disaster.

The place where you see the fire: carries an additional clue: for example, a fire in your own house warns that relationships in your family are very tense and ready to turn into a serious conflict.

At the same time, if you dream that a fire has engulfed a building, but no smoke, no victims, no charred firebrands are observed: such a dream is a good sign.

This image portends that you may soon feel a powerful emotional upsurge that will allow you to achieve great success in advancing your affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

In a dream to see a fire

Clean and smoke-free change for the better; fulfillment of desires; sometimes literally. Several houses are burning with happiness. Already burned down house, conflagration, misfortune, misfortune. Suddenly a quarrel broke out in the house. Burning sheds, failure of houses, hopes. Watching a fire from the side is good, being inside a burning building is bad.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

What is the dream of Fire

A burning house - to unexpected happiness.

Your house is on fire - at a loss.

In winter, a fire dreams of frost, and in summer - of heat. Such a dream can also mean a quarrel, loss, or a thief in the house.

A fire breaks out inside the house - a sign that quarrel and hatred will settle in it.

To see a house fire with a big fire from the street - to the pain - that unexpected happiness, but if you are standing in a large crowd - to slander.

Fire with smoke, and the flame is not too late - to trouble and loss.

Participating in extinguishing a fire is a sign that unexpected work awaits you in the wind or frost.

To water the fire with a watering can - to put out a quarrel.

To see the whole village, a row of houses in flames - to very great happiness.

Climb the fire tower - to receive bad news.

A falling tower is a symbol of anxiety and anxiety, be prepared for petty quarrels and disputes.

The fireman had a dream - that dream should dispel your doubts about friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

Seeing fire in a dream

Seen in a dream, portends loss and loss.

Seeing one or more burning houses, clean and bright, but not strong, means a change of state, and sometimes only a change of apartment.

But the fire is impetuous and with strong smoke portends a dangerous illness, a stop in enterprises, and sometimes sudden death.

Interpretation of dreams from the Nameless dream book

What does the dream Fire mean?

A fire in a dream, flames devouring a house is a prediction of a great misfortune that you must meet courageously and with dignity.

The raging flame of a fire, which, however, does not touch the walls of your house, is a very happy omen, a sign that your dignity will be highly appreciated.

Interpretation of dreams from

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Fire in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Fire is a symbol of passion, carnal desires, a sudden capture by an idea, a desire for change. Extinguishing a fire means that unrest will develop into an organized movement that will not be easy to stop, but simply impossible to prevent. Taking part in arson is a symbol of decisive change that will be provoked by an unfair attitude; a dream promises problems and disorder. Rescuing a person from a fire is a symbol of the tragic outcome of an event that haunted for a long time, kept in suspense and required a lot of strength. Seeing a fire in a room is a symbol of betrayal, which will happen with the consent of both parties, but subsequently will bring problems that will turn into the most unexpected adventures and cataclysms. Seeing horses rushing about in a fire means that in 2038 the largest number of marriages in the whole century will be concluded and this year will be the beginning of a solution to the demographic problem for many countries. Seeing the ashes left after the fire is a symbol of the invention of a new housing project that will provide everyone with a decent place to live. Seeing a fire ignited by lightning means meeting the main person of your life under unusual circumstances.

Dreamed of a fire

according to Miller's dream book

To dream of a big fire, which happily does without human casualties, means changes in the future - fortunately and for your benefit.

Why dream of a fire in someone else's house

according to the general dream book

Fire has long symbolized purification, rebirth, renewal among different peoples. Depending on what kind of fire you see in a dream, its meaning will depend. For example, it can be a very small fire or a significant one, with white or black smoke. It is from these details that a dream can be interpreted in different ways.

What does a dream about a fire in a strange house mean according to Miller's dream book

according to Miller's dream book

A strongly blazing flame is dreaming, but no one was hurt - such a plot may hint at an imminent gratifying event. If the dreamer is lonely for a given period of life, a dream may portend a meeting with a soul mate. Another meaning is making a profit, moving up the career ladder.

Wangi's dream interpretation: interpretation of a dream about a fire in a strange house

according to Vanga's dream book

The Bulgarian clairvoyant believed that a burning house is dreaming of a change of residence, or it speaks of an upcoming global renovation of your home. Seeing a fire with clouds of smoke - to the spread of gossip and rumors against you, and they will come from a good friend. You should stop these negative statements, otherwise they will harm you. If it seemed that not only the building was on fire, but also the area around it - the expectation of some kind of trouble in the near future. You may have to change your place of residence, and this will ruin your plans. Often people think that all aspirations have now gone to dust. Do not panic, these are temporary difficulties, and in the future everything will definitely work out.

Freud's interpretation of a dream about a fire in someone else's house

according to Freud's dream book

Freud believed: a burning building means a person’s thirst for sexual intimacy, and in the near future his desire will be fully satisfied. To eliminate a fire in a dream is a hint of some kind of malfunction of the reproductive system. It is best to visit a specialist for advice. Being in a flaming building - in reality you are overcome by doubts about your attractiveness to the opposite sex. Cast aside doubts, because if a close person is nearby, then everything is going well. Be bolder and more confident in your abilities. I dreamed that after the fire, only coals remained from the house - a reflection of a waning passion for a partner. If you do not want to lose him, you need to correct the situation by reviving the former fire of love. Arrange a romantic dinner, refresh your memory of your first meeting, think about how good you were together to understand how much you love each other.

What does a dream about a fire in a strange house mean according to the dream book of Nostradamus

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If in a dream you set fire to a building with your own hands, this indicates a moral readiness for important changes, twists of fate. Putting out the flame in a dream is a fear of future changes that are expected in the near future, both favorable and negative. Burning a house from a candle - perhaps a traitor, an envious person is nearby. You should analyze your relationships with relatives and friends. If you just stand and watch the house burn, you will probably miss a happy opportunity in reality. To prevent this, look closely at the environment, act actively. In such a situation, personal life and work situation will develop safely.

Interpretation of a dream about a fire in a strange house according to the Chinese dream book

according to Chinese dream book

The ancient Chinese believed that a fire in someone else's home can carry both negative and positive meanings. If the dreamer helps to extinguish a burning house - a harbinger of favor for him in the near future. Luck will smile on him and things will go smoothly, you just have to wait a bit. Getting burned while extinguishing a fire is a hint of trouble and disappointment in reality. For some time after a dream, you should be very careful not to take unnecessary risks, trusting dubious people.

Why dream of a fire in someone else's house according to Longo's dream book

according to Longo's dream book

Seeing someone else's house burning in a dream is a sign that there may be a disagreement between you and your relatives because of other people, possibly because of your neighbors. You should be more careful about this, trying to maintain good relations. The information received from strangers and which has become the cause of the conflict may turn out to be incorrect, and correcting the situation is not always as easy as we would like. In the aspect of work, the dream suggests that it is better to suspend some ongoing project in order to avoid negativity from envious colleagues. A fire in a dream portends possible inconsistencies with the second half. It is better not to talk about your relationship with a partner to everyone and everyone - they can be destroyed due to gossip from ill-wishers. If you are trying to escape from a fire in someone else's home, most likely you are resentful of a loved one, relative or friend. You should forgive him, as a negative attitude can affect your affairs. Extinguishing the flame may mean that you bring negative emotions to your close circle, for example, you communicate rudely, do not help in case of difficulties. You should reconsider this attitude by changing your behavior, otherwise you risk being left all alone, and no one will lend a helping hand in difficult times.

Interpretation of a dream about a fire in a strange house according to a family dream book

according to the family dream book

When interpreting dreams about a fire, consider some important details of sleep that you should pay attention to: - a strong flame with black - puffs of smoke; - various experiences at the sight of fire; - you yourself are the culprit of the disaster; The house caught fire as a result of a lightning strike. Let's consider these details in more detail. A blazing fire with strong black smoke that you are looking at from the side is a warning of fate that you will soon have to endure some kind of mental anguish. This may indicate that there is some kind of ill-wisher, envious person in your environment. You should not tell everyone in a row about your successes and successes. The dreamer's experiences when observing fire are important. If he is afraid, it is a signal that some obstacles and complications may arise in the workplace. Tears at the sight of a burning building - separation for a long period from the second half. This situation can lead to discord in the relationship. If in a dream you act as an arsonist, and then watch a burning building - readiness for the changes that the wheel of Fortune is preparing for you. Do not be afraid of future changes, as they will be for the better. The fire started due to lightning striking the house - a hint of an acquaintance or meeting that will bring prosperity. If firefighters extinguished the fire in a dream, this indicates that your doubts about the environment were false.

Why dream of burning

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

fail in business; go broke; No wonder they say "get burned on something."

Why dream of a flame

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

strong anxiety.

Dreamed of a flame

according to Miller's dream book

Fighting flames in a dream predicts that you will have to put in a lot of effort and energy if you are going to get rich.

Why dream of burning

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(to himself) - if unharmed - success; reward.

Why dream of fire

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

pipe dreams, disappointment, quarrel in personal life; body burn - notoriety; burning sensation - new friendship, exciting news; in the oven - wealth; fire and smoke - danger; on the water - great happiness; from the earth - to illness; himself on fire - high patronage; burning - illness, vice or unhappy love; to heaven - well-being in everything.

The meaning of sleep about fire

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing fire in a dream - soon you will fall in love, and your feeling will be mutual. You will be amazingly suited to each other, and in sex you will have absolute compatibility and harmony.

Dreamed of fire

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing fire in a dream is good if you yourself do not burn out. He promises lasting prosperity to sailors, travelers, all who work on the land. Seeing your house burning means loving friends and obedient children. If an entrepreneur sees his store burning, this means a rapid pace in the development of profitable business. Fighting fire and preventing it from flaring up promises you a hectic job. Seeing the charred walls of your store or warehouse predicts misfortune. You will be ready to stop fighting for success in business, considering it useless, but fate will unexpectedly support you again. If you kindle a fire in a dream, pleasant surprises await you. You can visit your distant friends. Seeing a big fire means successful and safe sailing for sailors. For writers, this promises success and honors, for business people - unlimited luck in business.

See fire in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Fire has always caused overwhelming fear among representatives of various cultures. However, it is also often associated with purification: to come out of the fire intact is to be cleansed. But if you dream that you are on fire, therefore, life seems extremely threatening and painful to you. If any object, a house, a car, and so on, is on fire, this indicates your excessive attachment to this thing: without it, you simply cannot imagine life. According to Freud, fire symbolizes male power. If you interpret the dream in this vein, then the fire shows that you are striving to master the situation and, to the best of your ability, control it. If in a dream you successfully cope with the flame, then in real life you will keep the situation under control, and vice versa. Are you questioning your own ethics? Do you seek cleansing after any transgression? Do you feel that your life is about to take some significant turn that requires spiritual preparation and rethinking?

Why dream about fire

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing a sheet of paper on fire in a dream is a strong fire, as a result of which all the forests of the globe will be destroyed. The population of the planet will experience an urgent need for wood, paper and, of course, air. To dream of a fire approaching from the sky is a sign that in the future the Earth is threatened by a large meteorite or comet. Perhaps this cosmic phenomenon will severely damage many cities of the globe and claim the lives of a large number of people. If in a dream a bad smell comes from the fire, then soon you will become aware of the evil gossip that your ill-wishers spread about you. You will have to work hard to refute the intrigues of enemies and restore your honor and dignity in the eyes of others. Keeping warm in a dream by the fire is evidence that in real life you are a very happy person who knows that in difficult times he will always find understanding and support from his family members. Believe me, this is not given to everyone, and therefore appreciate your neighbors. Watching a fire in a stove in a dream means that your house is in great danger from a fire. Be careful when handling fire, otherwise you will find yourself without a roof over your head. To dream of a small light from a lit candle - such a dream is a good omen. Your faith in God and keeping all the commandments of the Lord will reflect magnificently in your life. You will find peace, tranquility, happiness and love. If you dreamed of cities or forests on fire, then in the future the globe is threatened by a terrible drought. There will come a time when people will not have a sip of water left, and then heavy rain will fall, which will last for several days and nights and give people the long-awaited moisture, filling the oceans, seas and lakes with water. The one who survives this drought will never harm nature, for it will be given to people to know that the drought has been sent down to them for disbelief in the Lord, renunciation of religion and a ruthless attitude towards the environment.

Dreamed of smoke

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of smoke, this is a sign that you will be completely entangled in your doubts and fears. If you dream that you are drugged by smoke, it means that people dangerous to you will entangle you with flattery, and, possibly, subdue you.

Smoke in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

To see thick smoke in a dream - a dream predicts the eruption of a large volcano. It is possible that settlements located near the volcano will suffer from this eruption. If you dreamed of black smoke, then there will come a time when most people will be completely dependent on nicotine. Dependence on tobacco products will become so great that there will be a need for compulsory treatment. If in a dream smoke obscures your eyes and you have nothing to breathe, then this is a bad omen. Perhaps in the future there will be a big fire. Because of the smoke of this fire, people will suffer: they will have nothing to breathe. For several weeks, it will be impossible to walk the streets without a protective mask. Watching smoke with burning in a dream is a harbinger of an environmental disaster. There will come a time when a gray cloud will descend on the Earth, which will bring serious illnesses to people. To the dreamer, such a dream predicts a serious illness. If in a dream you saw smoke with flames, then in the not so distant future the Earth is threatened by a severe drought, as a result of which there will be a lot of fires. Such a dream predicts a friendly party with old friends, where you will have a wonderful time. Seeing smoke from a rushing train in a dream is a very large railway accident, as a result of which a large number of people will suffer. To the dreamer, such a dream prophesies an unhappy journey. It is possible that some kind of misfortune will happen to you on the way: the train will derail or the plane will crash.

Why dream of smoke

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

in the room - a close scandal; from many smokers - a common opinion, agreement in important matters; smoke on the street - disappointment (depending on density); a lot away - to very important news after a while; the smell of smoke, burning - sadness, awkwardness.

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We put our soul into our project

A raging fire in a dream is far from the most pleasant dream for a person. It is difficult to remain calm when everything around is on fire, you want to wake up faster and forget about this obsession.

The problem is that after such dreams, a vague anxiety remains in the soul. I would like to understand what the scarlet flames mean, and what should be prepared for in the near future.

Very often such dreams indicate that that serious emotions are raging inside a person that are trying to break out. A more detailed interpretation will be given by the dream book.

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I dreamed of a fire what does it mean

  • If you dream fire in a dream for a girl- soon a happy change in fate awaits her (but only on the condition that the fire did not take a single human life).
  • If flame account for put out on your own, which means that soon new prospects will appear at work. Perhaps a promotion and a pay increase will follow.
  • For woman such dream Can mean joy and an explosion of emotions, for a man- fast cash income.
  • If the whole city is on fire, a war or an epidemic of a dangerous disease may begin.
  • For pregnant such a dream may mean that internally she is not ready for the upcoming motherhood and childbirth. However, this does not mean that she will not cope with the upcoming test - on the contrary, everything will be fine with her and with the child. Such a significant change in life will end well for her.

If you dream of a fire in a house and apartment

  • Fire in an apartment or house may portend an upcoming trip or unexpected good news.
  • See fire of your house- it means that you should beware of strangers and not make dubious acquaintances in the near future.
  • When in a dream you see outlines someone else's house, enveloped in fire and smoke - big changes await you in the future. Perhaps you will accept expensive gifts, or there will be an increase in general well-being.
  • raging fire element at your nearest neighbor th can mean gossip behind your back and gossip, which will quickly stop and will not cause tangible trouble.

Why dream of fire and fire

There can be many interpretations of such a dream. Miller's dream book portends happy changes in the future - but only on condition that there were no human casualties in the dream.

Besides, fire often testifies about cleansing and getting rid of unnecessary, old things. Probably, a new stage in life awaits you - another job, moving to a new place, marriage, repairs, and so on.

If in a dream you have to do it yourself fight fire, obstacles and difficulties await you.

What is the dream of the fire of your house

If you dream of your house on fire- a happy event awaits you in the near future.

If at the same time you got burned flames - you will become a participant in a love story that will happen unexpectedly and spontaneously.

Most dream interpreters, including Vanga, agree that a fire in your own house in a dream is a good omen. It means that you are surrounded by true friends and kind people whom you can safely trust in any difficult situation.

Why dream of a fire in someone else's house

If you dream house fire with fire and smoke, this may mean receiving news soon.

If the smoke wherein light- the news will be good, black smoke means bad news.

Dark swirling smoke can symbolize the collapse of hopes and the collapse of undertakings.

If you dream about how someone else's house is on fire, but at the same time completely don't see the smoke and you don’t smell an unpleasant smell - it means that all your plans will be successfully implemented, good luck also awaits in love affairs.

Extinguish a fire in a dream what does it mean

  • Putting out the fire may indicate that you will be able to complete a recently started project well.
  • If at the same time you pull things out of a burning building/house which means that happy changes and pleasant surprises await you.
  • If you yourself caused a fire, as a result of which people died- soon you will lose loved ones and find enemies. To prevent this from happening, be careful in your statements and actions.
  • Pregnant girl fire dreams before the realization of a cherished dream. If she tries leave the burning house Someone is trying to ruin her happy marriage.

If you dream of a fire truck

You should prepare for an emergency, anxieties, troubles, worries. If you dream that the car is in a hurry to call with the siren on - an extreme situation will arise, to get out of which you will have to spend a lot of effort. Fortunately, the outcome will be favorable.

There are also such interpretations of dreams in which a fire truck dreams:

  • the car is in the garage - trouble will come after a long lull;
  • a siren is heard - you contacted the wrong company;
  • the car is in a hurry to call - get ready for an accident;
  • the fire truck had an accident - there will be difficulties in business;
  • the car puts out the fire - difficulties await at work.

Forest fire why dream

  • In a dream, this is a good sign, provided that everything worked out no casualties.
  • Quickly extinguished forest fire means a quick recovery (if someone close to you is sick), the completion of a difficult task, a way out of a difficult situation.
  • If around you burning trees and you are in the very epicenter of the fiery element - it means that you regret the past and that it is already impossible to return. Probably, an imperious patron will take you under his protection.
  • If you have to rescue animals from fire Trouble may come from your neighbors.

If you dream of a fire without fire

Do you dream smoke without fire- most likely, you will be lucky soon, however, this event will be accompanied by experiences and mental throwing.

Smoke from other people's windows portends life's trials and the support of loved ones.

wander in a dream on fresh ashes? Probably, the person who will leave you an inheritance will soon die.

strong fear, that you experience during a fire may indicate unfulfilled desires.

The intensity of passions and strong emotions can cause an image of a natural disaster in a dream. It is difficult for people to resist the raging flame, but the brave ones pacify and extinguish it. Why dream of a fire and whether it is worth fighting it is told in interpreters and dream books.

Most people will consider a fire in a dream to be an alarming sign, because in reality it brings loss, destruction and threat. However, the clarification of the dream can be a little comforting. The sleeper sees flames when his soul is restless, and there is no harmony in affairs and relationships with loved ones.

Resentment, failed reconciliation provoke negative thoughts that the subconscious turns into a fire in a dream.

It is not the best idea to extinguish it, since smoke portends colds, and water flooding the fire indicates the likelihood of pickpocketing from the dreamer. Crowds and gypsies offering fortune telling should be avoided.

Interpretations of sleep in dream books

More detailed explanations of the causes of the appearance of a flame in a dream and its consequences are given by well-known dream books. Psychologists and psychotherapists drew conclusions based on observations of events in the lives of patients, and clairvoyants relied on their visions.

According to Miller

A fire in a dream, according to an American psychologist, symbolizes anxiety and a loss of interest in change and innovation. A person should reconsider his views and get rid of his decadent mood.

A house that is on fire promises quick repairs to your home or even an unplanned move. If a friend dies in a flame, his health will deteriorate greatly in reality.

According to Vanga

The seer recommended describing all the details of what she saw in order to more accurately explain what the fire is dreaming of in a dream. In her opinion, the size of the flame and the color of the smoke mattered. A good omen is given by a vision where the sleeper is warming himself by the fire. His relatives love him, and nothing threatens relations with them.

A strong fire means a dry summer and the death of the future crop. Flames falling from the sky indicate the approach of a comet or a large meteorite, and paper burning to ashes can warn of forest fires.

According to Freud

The obsession with sex and excessive attention to this side of life causes a fire in the house in dreams. If there is no flame itself, but only embers appear, the existing love relationship has come to an end.

A person forced to extinguish the flame is deprived of joy and strong emotions in the intimate sphere or is not satisfied with it.

According to Nostradamus

Michel Nostradamus gave a positive interpretation of the fire in a dream and believed that it marks the emergence of many ideas and designs. The sleeper caught fire with a new idea and cannot forget about it for a minute.

If he himself sets fire to a building or a forest, it means that he is ready to involve others in the embodiment of his plan and force them to change their skepticism to participate in the case. It's bad to pull someone out of a fire. This indicates disappointment due to lost profits.

The flame in the bedroom represents adultery, and the lightning strike that set fire to the tree is a quick meeting with a person who will improve his financial situation. Acquaintance with him will happen suddenly and surprisingly.

According to Hasse

Miss Hasse's book "Sleep and Dreams" was sold in post-revolutionary Russia in huge numbers.

Over time, she was forgotten about, but now she has again taken her place in the list of popular interpreters of dreams.

The fortune teller considered the fire a harbinger of good luck and the fulfillment of wishes, provided there were no victims.

Dancing in the center of the flame is a dream of fun after the successful completion of business. Being in the center of a burning building will give disinterested patronage.

According to Tsvetkov

Evgeny Tsvetkov, who structured many old manuscripts and works on the interpretation of dreams, describes a fire as a bad omen. A dream reflects a threat to the life and health of the dreamer.

Seeing the burning doors of the house, you should carefully take care of yourself and not take risks in vain. Long trips and any rash undertakings are contraindicated. Burns on the hands and body dream of slander from colleagues or acquaintances.

Knowing this, a person should not talk too much in front of strangers.

By Longo

Yuri Longo interpreted the dreaming flames as a symbol of losses and conflicts, as well as the dreamer's increased vulnerability. Escape from the fire will bring waking experiences. Its extinguishing is continuous quarrels with people. Human sacrifice promises participation in dubious deals that are best avoided.

According to Loff

A raging fire that did not harm the dreamer shows that a person keeps feelings and emotions under control. He knows no fear either in a dream or in reality. He who entered the flame and did not feel pain will emerge victorious from the most difficult situation.

Dream about the fire of someone else's house

Miss Hasse believed that the lack of desire to put out someone else's house in a dream will bring big and most often glorious changes in life. Other interpreters have given similar explanations for the dream.

A mild fire in someone else's house can mean avoiding your own problems and looking for them from your neighbors, and a building completely engulfed in fire indicates a premium or a bargain.

Women dream of a fire to meet their future lover. If a girl cries, looking at the fire, this, on the contrary, is to separation. Pregnant women dream of a flaming house for an easy birth.

For a businessman or a public person, a house that has not been damaged by a fire is a great sign. If its walls are not sooty and collapsed, the dreamer will have a dizzying career and tempting offers.

What does it mean to put out a fire in a dream

Such actions cause conflicting interpretations in various dream books. Some believe that extinguishing a flame with water will lead to tears and loss of property. Others predict merriment when a hosepipe fills the fire.

Bad news awaits the dreamer who extinguished a candle in a dream. Possible illnesses of loved ones or news of their failures. For a man in love, an extinguished candle means a painful break in relations. For a married woman, such a dream promises a divorce.

A businessman trying to put out a fire on his own will encounter difficulties in doing business, and yet they will end successfully. For a sick person, a dream predicts a speedy recovery, and a team of firefighters fighting a flame portends superprofits from current transactions.

Vanga considered that, left after extinguishing the fire, intrigues against the sleeping man and his failure or loss of work were revealed in reality. Nostradamus explained the struggle with the flame by the unwillingness to change his life.

Fire without fire - what is it for

If a fire was dreamed at night, but the flame was not visible, this will not lead to anything good. Losses, waste and losses await the person who had the dream. To a greater extent, he himself is to blame for the problems, because he did not keep what was happening under control.

Does not add optimism and dark smoke stretching from the ashes. This portends bad news. Light smoke, on the contrary, dreams of good.

Muslims took the dream of a fire without fire as a prerequisite for war. Such a dream promised death to a burnt person. Only the feeling of calmness and peace around the campfire with no flame was of good value. A fire maker is able to find a profitable occupation or benefit others.


It is wonderful when a person can experience violent feelings. This allows you to more effectively resolve problems and contradictions, subject to diplomacy and respect for opponents.

Perhaps a fire in a dream hints that it is time to find balance and get rid of negative experiences. Good relations with relatives and friends will make anyone happier, so it’s a good idea to put out the flames of discord in real life.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions that charge with positive and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I'm interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate a new hobby or just give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about the beautiful, then it will come true!

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