Entering initial balances in 1C: Retail: posting goods. Entering initial balances in "1C: Retail": posting of goods Assistant "Documents for entering initial balances"

There always comes a time when an organization decides to either start automating its activities (imagine, I personally witnessed how some small enterprises keep records in Excel), or switch to another program.

This is especially true in Lately when active .

Therefore, we will consider at least three options for entering or transferring initial balances using an example:

  • transfer of balances from version 7.7 in the standard way;
  • an appeal to a 1C programmer with a request to write a mechanism for transferring leftovers from another program, or in the case when many changes were made to version 7.7;
  • manual input of balances.

Important! Before posting leftovers, set up accounting policy organizations and accounting parameters. In some cases, this can significantly affect the correctness of entering the residues. For example, one of the most frequently asked questions is: “When entering balances for account 10, the program asks to enter a batch, but we do not keep records of batches.” It turns out that in the accounting settings in version 8 is not disabled.

Entering balances in the program 1C: "Enterprise Accounting 3.0" is carried out by the documents "Entering balances". Documents are divided into accounting sections, which correspond to groups of accounts in the chart of accounts.

I note that for the group as a whole, the remainder cannot be entered. In addition, if the account has an analytics, that is, a subconto, then you need to transfer the balances in the context of the analytics.

If records are maintained for several organizations in one infobase, the required field "Organization" will be available. Naturally, the balances are entered for each organization separately.

There is an assistant for entering balances. Where in 1C 8.3 is the entry of initial balances? The developers hid it in the "Initial balances" section of the "Main" menu.

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The first thing in 1C you need to start transferring balances manually is to set the date from which the balances will begin to operate. This is a mandatory condition, without a date the button "Enter account balances" will be inactive.

The document list form will open. At the top it will be indicated which section the remainder is being entered. Click the "Create" button:

Depending on the accounting section, the document form may have a different look with a different set of details.

In more detail, entering balances in manual mode is considered in our video:

Transferring balances from version 1C 7.7

In the menu "Main" there is a section "Initial balances". It has a link "Download from 1C: Enterprise 7.7". Let's click on it:

Here we have two more options:

  • download balances directly from the information database;
  • and load from a file prepared in advance in program 7.7 (there is also processing to help the transition to version 8).

Next, follow the instructions of the data transfer assistant. If configurations 7.7 and 8 are upgraded to latest versions and 7.7 has not been significantly changed, the transfer should be painless, and it is not worth describing the process in more detail.

If the data was not completely transferred or an error occurred during the transfer, in any case, you should contact a specialist, since this option should be considered as a special case.

Transferring balances to 1C from another program

In the 1C Enterprise program, there are many mechanisms for creating your own processing for data transfer:

  • creation of exchange rules;
  • formation of mxl format files;
  • formation of dbf format files;
  • direct connection to the infobase via ODBC;
  • using the "External Data Sources" configuration object;
  • even using text files and so on.

After purchasing a software product for automation accounting and registration of the initial settings, the business entity faces the question - how to register the initial balances of the accounting accounts in the System?

This question will arise in any organization that is already operating. And only those enterprises that have just registered and are starting their activities will be spared from this rather laborious stage of work.

In this article, we will tell you how to manually register the opening balances of accounting accounts in 1C: Enterprise Accounting - a program created on the 1C Enterprise 8.3 platform.

Accounting sections for entering balances

Initial balances are entered into the "Accounting" by sections of accounting. Each accounting section corresponds to one or more accounting accounts or specialized registers (this applies to enterprises on a simplified taxation system and individual entrepreneurs).

List of accounting sections with the corresponding accounts in order to enter the opening balances

  • Fixed assets in 1C - 01, 02, 03;
  • NMA and R&D - 04, 05;
  • Capital investments – 07, 08;
  • Materials - 10;
  • VAT - 19;
  • Work in progress - 20, 23, 28, 29;
  • Goods - 41;
  • Finished products – 43;
  • Goods shipped - 45;
  • Cash - 50, 51, 52, 55, 57;
  • Settlements with suppliers - 60;
  • Settlements with buyers - 62;
  • Calculations for taxes and contributions - 68, 69;
  • Settlements with personnel for wages - 70;
  • Settlements with accountable persons - 71;
  • Settlements with founders - 75;
  • Settlements with various debtors and creditors - 76 (except for advance payments);
  • VAT on advances - 76.VA, 76.AB;
  • Capital - 80, 81, 82, 83, 84;
  • Deferred expenses - 97;
  • Deferred tax assets/liabilities - 09, 77;
  • Other accounting accounts - other accounting accounts that are not included in other sections;
  • Sales VAT - special accumulation registers;
  • Other tax expenses accounting for the simplified tax system and IP - special accumulation registers.

The System uses a special workplace for entering balances, which is available through the “Main” section of the full configuration interface.

In the assistant's interface, we see the requirement for the mandatory selection of an organization (the selection window contains a red dotted line indicating the mandatory entry). After selecting an organization, the System prompts you to specify the date for entering the initial balances, which can be changed using a hyperlink.

Please note that in the screenshot, an organization is selected that has a simplified taxation system and is not a VAT payer in the tax and reporting settings, so the set of bookmarks in the form is appropriate.

For enterprises under the general taxation regime and a VAT payer, the set of bookmarks is different:

After setting or changing the date for entering balances, you can begin to register accounting objects.

Technically required:

  1. Select the line with the desired account by clicking on it with the mouse;
  2. Click the "Enter Account Balance" button.

A new document will be created in the System corresponding to a certain accounting section. The tabular part of the document must be filled in by adding lines using the "Add" button.

For these objects, you will need to enter a lot of auxiliary information. Each object is entered into a separate input form - a card, and after saving and recording, it is substituted into the document in one line.

The amount of information required is comparable to that which is entered upon receipt of similar objects.

After posting, the document generates postings in correspondence with an auxiliary account - 000. For fixed assets and intangible assets (except for accounting postings), movements are created in specialized information registers on which accounting for these objects is organized. Movements are created automatically using the data contained in the document.

As documents are posted, balance amounts are displayed on the input assistant form:

The System can have an arbitrary number of documents for entering the balances of one accounting section. Users themselves can choose the input strategy - by departments, by materially responsible persons by groups of fixed assets or intangible assets, etc.

Let's start with account 07 "Equipment to be installed" by selecting it and clicking "Enter account balances".

When adding a new row to the tabular part, the System, unlike entering the fixed assets and intangible assets, will not prompt you to fill out new form, and immediately go to new line and selection of an account. Please note that in the selection form, all accounting accounts related to the specified section are available.

In a known way, we create the desired new document and fill in the tabular parts. For materials, three independent groups of objects are distinguished:

  • Materials in stock;
  • Overalls and special equipment in operation - accounts 10.11.1 and 10.11.2;
  • Materials transferred for processing - account 10.07.

Each tab contains the required information. The document is underway.

It should be noted that for overalls / special equipment, the posting will reflect the off-balance account of the MC. Account 10.11.1 or 10.11.2 will be added to the transaction if the payment method is linear or proportional to the volume of production.

Register balances on other accounts

Let's finish the consideration of entering balances with an example of the most general section of accounting - other.

As we have already noticed, to enter the balances, you basically need:

  • Specify the BU account;
  • Analytics of the BU account in the context of the required subconto;
  • Currency, quantity;
  • Balance, depending on the balance of Dt or Kt;
  • The amount of NU;
  • Amount of PR;
  • The amount of BP.

Depending on the period for entering balances - the end of the year, the end of the quarter, the end of the month, the set of accounting accounts will differ significantly.

The most optimal period for entering balances is, of course, the end of the year, because after the balance sheet reformation, the number of BU accounts with balances is usually minimal.

In previous articles on the 1C: Retail 2.1 configuration for the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, we reviewed all the preparatory steps that you need to go through to start keeping records of goods in the infobase. Actually, at the current stage, it's time to directly start filling the database and start keeping records. However, the order of the initial filling of the database depends on whether you are starting the store from scratch or implementing the configuration in an organization that has been operating for some time, but is only now moving to accounting in Retail.

This article is mainly designed just for the second situation, when the store has been trading for some time and there are goods in the warehouses that need to be credited. But for those who are going to keep the database from scratch, I recommend reading the article. It will touch upon some points that may be useful in further stages of working with the program.

In order to properly start keeping records in an existing store, you need to enter information about the initial balances into the program. These primarily include the name and quantity of goods in warehouses, cash balances in the operating cash desks of the enterprise and balances on cumulative discounts, if they are used in your organization. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the balances of settlements with suppliers, if any, at the time of the initial filling of the database.

As for cumulative discounts, for now we will not consider them: this is an extensive topic and it requires a separate detailed discussion. In one of the future articles, we will definitely pay attention to it.

So, during the previous lessons, we created three warehouses. Of these, one is a retail space, and the other two are trading floors. Earlier, we prepared everything necessary to ensure that when goods arrive at the main warehouse, they would be automatically distributed among the trading floors. You can read about it in the article.

But such automatic distribution will work when goods arrive from a supplier or from some other place. And in our particular case, we are dealing with a situation where the goods have already arrived at the store and are in their places. This means that we need to manually specify in which warehouse and in what quantity this or that product is stored.

Goods are put on receipt by the document "Goods receipt". Documents of this category are located in the section " Warehouse operations» section «Warehouse».

Posting goods to each warehouse is carried out using a separate document. Let's assume that our main warehouse is empty at the moment and we need to register only those goods that are in the departments of our store. Since we have two departments, we will have to carry out at least two documents - for the first and second departments, respectively.

By clicking on the link indicated in the previous screenshot, we get to the section with the documents "Receiving Goods". At the moment, it is empty, as we have not yet conducted operations of this kind. To start a new posting, you need to click the "Create" button. But first, pay attention to the fields "Store" and "Warehouse".

These fields are optional, but if you specify them at this stage, this information will be filled in automatically in the new posting document. In addition, these fields are used to filter documents. For example, when in the future we will have a lot of documents for posting goods to different departments, then by specifying the desired warehouse in the right field, we will hide documents related to other warehouses.

Now let's click the "Create" button and see what the posting document looks like.

Please note that the program filled in the “Store” field automatically, since we only have one. In this case, the "Warehouse" field remained empty. If we had only one warehouse, the program would automatically fill it too. But since we have three of them, and in the previous step we did not specify the right one, we must do it now.

It is advisable to first enter all the products introduced into the nomenclature reference book, otherwise it will have to be done by adding each new position, which is extremely inconvenient and impractical.

There are several ways to add items to a document.

First, you can click the "Add" button and enter the name manually. At the same time, as you type, the program will substitute suitable options.

Secondly, if a product has a barcode, you can use a barcode scanner. Moreover, if the scanner is not at hand or the barcode is not readable, although the numbers are visible, it can be entered from the keyboard by pressing the appropriate button in the interface.

Thirdly, you can use the product selection function. This is the most convenient way after barcodes.

Apart from listed options"Retail" allows you to upload goods to the database from the data collection terminal, but since we did not connect or configure it, there is no corresponding button in the interface.

There is nothing complicated in adding products manually and through a barcode, so I will not describe them here, but I propose to consider the product selection function in more detail.

If we click on the selection button, we will see the window shown in the following screenshot.

As you can see, the list of nomenclature that we created earlier has opened before us, from where we can choose any positions. Pay attention to the button "Request quantity and price". If it is pressed, the program will ask how many units of the marked product should be added to the document and what is its cost. If this button is not clicked, each time you select one item will be added.

However, the pricing function is available only if the user who performs this operation has been granted the appropriate rights.

Let's add five buckets of each type to the first section of our store.

In order for the added positions to be shown during the selection process, you need to check the box "Show selected products". After selecting all the necessary goods and specifying the required quantity, click the "Transfer to document" button.

As a result, we have a ready-made posting document. It remains only to carry it out.

Now, in exactly the same way, we send three concrete mixers to the second warehouse. I remind you that we must make this a separate document, since the goods are delivered to another warehouse, and one document can only receive the item in one warehouse.

Now two new documents have appeared in the list of posting documents. And from their names it is clear to which store and warehouse each of them belongs.

To finally make sure that the goods are safely registered, you can generate a report showing the balance in warehouses. To do this, go to the "Warehouse" section and click on the "Warehouse Reports" link.

In the window that opens, we need to select the report "Balance in warehouses", which is located in the section "Warehouse operations".

Having generated the report, we see that now the goods have appeared in our accounting. Please note that there were ten white ten-liter buckets, although I put them all in five. This happened due to the fact that, while taking screenshots for the review, I accidentally picked up this position twice and did not notice this when I posted the document of receipt.

In our situation, this does not play any role, but it perfectly illustrates how reports allow you to identify employee errors.

Now you know how to post goods. Next time I'll show you how to information base cash balances.

When an organization switches to automated accounting in 1C, it usually has some balances. Information about them must be entered into the program before starting accounting.

How to enter initial balances in 1C

A special type of documents is intended for entering balances. Let's open the corresponding log:

NSI and administration / Initial filling / Initial filling, link Documents for entering initial balances.

The left pane displays a grouping by operation type. Opening balances can be entered under the following sections:

  • Cash,
  • Settlements with partners,
  • Accountable persons,
  • Settlements between organizations,
  • Goods,
  • acquiring operations,
  • Other,
  • TMC in operation.

Each section contains several types of operations. Balances are entered by organization and by transaction type.

To enter a new document, select an organization, select the desired type and click "Create". If you click "Create", but do not select a type, the program will prompt you to select it from the list.

Important. Initial balances in 1C are always entered on the last date of the previous period (year or quarter).

The type of documents created and their details will vary, depending on the type of balances.

Consider the most common examples of entering balances: goods in stock, cash in a bank account, debt to the supplier.

Entering balances for goods in stock

Let's enter the rest of our own goods in the organization's warehouse. Let's create a document with the operation type "Own goods". In the header, we indicate the organization, warehouse, supplier, date (in our example, the last day of the last year). In the tabular part, we will enter the goods, their quantity and prices.

Important. When entering balances, prices for goods are indicated in the currency of management accounting.

In the example, prices are in US dollars. The sums of the cost of goods and VAT are also displayed in the currency of regulated accounting - in rubles.

The program allows you to enter balances under different types activities. If the organization is a VAT payer, the default value is "Balances for activities: subject to VAT". It is also possible to enter balances for activities not subject to VAT, subject to UTII, export of non-commodity goods or raw materials, works.

In our example, balances are entered under activities subject to VAT.

Let's pass the document. When conducting, it makes movements in registers that reflect the accounting of goods both in quantitative and in value terms. To view this information, use the "Document Movements" button.

It is possible to register an invoice received from a supplier from the document "Entering initial balances of own goods". To do this, use the link "Register invoice".

Entering non-cash balances

We will enter the balance of money on the current account of the organization. Let's create a document for entering balances with the operation type "On bank accounts". Specify the organization and date. In the line of the tabular part, we indicate the bank account of the organization and the amount of the balance (in the currency of the account).

It is possible to enter balances for several accounts in one document.

Entering balances for mutual settlements with a supplier

Enter the balance of the debt to the supplier. Let's create a document for entering opening balances with the operation type "Debt to suppliers". In the header, we indicate the organization and date, in the line of the tabular part - the supplier, the amount of the debt (it is allowed to indicate in any currency) and the date of the proposed payment.

It is possible to enter a debt for several suppliers in one document.

You can describe the debt in more detail if you select the object of settlements - an agreement or a document in the document for entering debt balances.

Balance input balance control

In the journal of documents for entering initial balances there is a link "Checking the balance of entering balances". If you click on it, the report "Management balance" opens.

We will form it according to our organization for the past year. The entered balances are displayed. In parentheses are the amounts of liabilities, without parentheses - assets.

By default, the report is generated in the currency of management accounting; the formation in another currency is configured by clicking the "Settings" button in the report form.

Important. If the “Balance Control” value is non-zero, it means that an error was made when entering balances. You should check the correctness of the input of assets and liabilities.

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