Open Muladhara. What is the muladhara chakra responsible for and how to develop it. Unblocking the chakra through the mantra

In the Eastern tradition, the first chakra is Muladhara or the root chakra ( other names: red chakra, survival chakra) is the basic energy center. In Hinduism, they talk about the “Kundalini snake” sleeping at the base of the coccyx, which must be awakened in the process of personal evolution. This article is devoted to the opening of the Muladhara root chakra, its activation, normalization of work and development.

Where is Muladhara Chakra located?

The first chakra Muladhara is located at the base of the coccyx. In men, at the base of the perineum (connection to the prostate gland). In the female body - between the ovaries. The energy funnel of the chakra is directed downward, since the main function is to receive and store the energy of the Earth element. This chakra corresponds to the red color, the sound of the octave "Do" and the mantra LAM.

What is Muladhara Chakra responsible for?

The function of the Muladhara chakra is to receive and transform the energy of the Earth (Yin), which in Hinduism, due to its immensity and unbridledness, is associated with the black elephant.

Physically, the root chakra affects the bone marrow, nerve endings, the skeleton (responsible for the condition of bones, teeth, nails, skin, hair), and the musculoskeletal system. Regulates the large intestine and rectum, prostate / uterus, left kidney, bladder, urethra. Endocrine glands - adrenal glands (release of adrenaline, norepinephrine, etc.). Affects the lymphatic and immune systems of the body.

How to normalize the Muladhara chakra

To normalize and improve the functioning of the Muladhara Chakra, meditation on the tip of the nose is recommended. Also useful are physical exercises, hatha yoga or qigong, martial arts (especially oriental ones, the accumulation and management of Qi (prana). Being filled with energy, the root chakra increases vitality, resistance to disease, gives vigor and endurance, decisiveness in action, promotes energy-rich metabolism with the outside world, survival in an aggressive environment.A person with a developed root center will have a pleasant smell for others, a melodious and internally strong voice.

The accumulation of personal power is impossible without a strong root chakra, in a weak person it looks like a dull spot in the center of the vortices. In such a state, there can be no question of any transmutation of sexual energy or any other internal alchemy.

Mantra for Muladhara Chakra

For the development of this chakra, the mantra "LAM" is pronounced. Bija-sounds of petals: VAM, SAM, SHAM, SAM.

Muladhara Chakra Mandala

The petals are the four heads of Brahma which reflect: the physical aspect includes the bodily needs of the organic life form; the rational aspect includes the process of reasoning, inventory; the emotional aspect includes moods and addictions; the intuitive aspect includes the subconscious, the inner voice.

The four petals of Muladhara are also associated with the four main aspirations:

  • KAMA - instinctive desire (self-preservation, the need for food, sleep, sex),
  • ARTHA - psychophysical aspiration (achievement of wealth, fame, knowledge)
  • DHARMA - psycho-spiritual aspiration (virtue, need for impressions, expression of emotions)
  • MOKSHA - the highest aspiration of becoming (realization, self-disclosure, evolutionary process)

Mudra to harmonize the work of Muladhara

Performing the Survival Mudra: Wrap four fingers around the thumb. Regular performance of this mudra pacifies fear, normalizes the functioning of the kidneys (release of the hormones of adrenaline and norepinephrine), rectum, and improves the condition of the spine.

Meditation to open the Muladhara Chakra

Sit comfortably with your back straight, feet flat on the floor, hands resting on your knees, palms up. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Relax and feel a pleasant heaviness in the body, do not worry about anything. and listen to yourself. Breathe through your nose: slowly, deeply and evenly. Focus your attention on the perineal area and feel the warmth. Feel your first chakra. Take a deep breath and feel the flow of life-giving energy enter the chakra. Feel how the flow intensifies with each breath, and the root chakra is filled with energy.

Take a deep breath, feel how the downward flow of cosmic energy passes through the spinal column and pushes alien energy out of the body through the Muladhara Chakra, filling it with pure energy. Continue to breathe deeply and feel how the flow of cosmic energy intensifies with each exhalation, and the root chakra is filled with more and more energy.

Now feel both flows of energy - ascending and descending. Feel how energy flows through your body. With each inhalation and exhalation, these flows intensify and fill the body with the purest energies of the Earth and Cosmos. Remember this state, feel how the light fills your entire body, and each cell begins to vibrate with “joy”. Feel how the funnel radiates heat and increases in size. Feel cheerfulness and a surge of vitality. Be aware of the growing warmth in the perineum. Remember this state.

If you need help clearing your root chakra, give it a try.

Muladhara chakra activation

Exercises for the development of the Muladhara chakra

Root Chakras in Various Traditions

In the worldview of the Slavs, a similar root center is called the Source. In the Taoist tradition, this is the Changqiang point, which is included in the lower Dantian (Tandeng). In the Etz Chaim tree of the mystical Kabbalah, the corresponding center is analogous to the lower Sephiroth Melech. To harmonize the work of the Muladhara-chakra, the shamans of the peoples of Siberia in an altered state of consciousness beat the rhythm of the Deer into a tambourine.

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The first chakra Muladhara is our root chakra. It is responsible for the basic needs of a person in this life and in society. Let's get to know her better and try to diagnose her condition.

Where is

The Muladhara chakra in a woman and a man is located in the region of the spine. It starts at the bottom of the body at the base of the spine. The root chakra controls and is responsible for all the solid "parts" of a person: bones, nails, hair, teeth.

The unbridled wild energy of Muladhara is the center of the human energy system. She is the basis of existence. Connects a person not only with the physical world, but also with his past. The general endurance and working capacity depend on its condition.

The chakra symbol is a big black elephant.

What is responsible for

Chakra Muladhara is responsible for the energy supply of basic human needs. It concentrates all the power of man. It also influences:

  • basic needs;
  • survival;
  • family, clan, roots of a person;
  • career;
  • money;
  • self confidence;
  • feeling of oneself;
  • calm;
  • response to fear and threat.

If the first chakra is strong, money easily comes into a person's life.

well developed

If the open Muladhara chakra functions perfectly, then the person experiences a connection with the Earth and with the Creator. He knows his place in life, is completely satisfied with it, he has nothing to complain about. A person feels stable and confident in his abilities.

The word "mula" means root, "adhara" - support and basis.

Such people have good health, good mood and radiate a pleasant aroma of the body. They live in the flow of life and in abundance, infinitely grateful for every moment they live. This is the true harmony of soul and body, which helps to realize all the goals.

Stop your internal dialogue, look at the center of the picture and meditate.

The chakra sound is pronounced like LAM. You need to say 21 times. You can do several approaches of 21.

Signs of a blockage

Signs of blockage of the first root chakra of Muladhara can always be identified both on the physical and on the energy plane.

Pain spots on the physical plane Problems with emotions at the energy level
  • pain in the legs;
  • obesity;
  • excessive thinness;
  • varicose veins;
  • convulsions;
  • ovaries and testicles;
  • urinary system;
  • when he breaks his legs;
  • intestinal spasm;
  • spinal hernia;
  • diseased kidneys;
  • constipation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • prostate disease.
  • chronic fatigue;
  • various dependencies;
  • constant fear;
  • position of the victim;
  • lack of strength;
  • lack of will;
  • fear of the world and people;
  • restrained aggression towards life;
  • hatred, malice;
  • violation of boundaries;
  • lack of money;
  • restlessness;
  • imposed lifestyle by others;
  • inability to communicate with people;
  • inability to achieve goals;
  • lethargy;
  • imbalance in all spheres of life.

If you are worried that you do not have enough money and you are working in a bad job - the first chakra is depleted and closes.

Life like everyone else

People who have disrupted the work of the first chakra of Muladhara are usually concerned only with earthly problems. Their life consists of a trip to work, food, which they fill their body with and sex, which gives at least some joy in life.

The tarot card of this chakra is XXI Arcana World.


They satisfy only their basic needs. Such people work for the whole day without pleasure, and then, tired and broken after work, turn on the TV and whine, whine, aggress that the authorities are to blame for everything. And so they work at a hard labor factory for 8 thousand rubles a month and carry this mortal cross, making a victim out of themselves, each time lamenting: “we are not like that, but life is like that.”

Spiritual lesson: lessons of the material world.

If something in their measured life went wrong, then the person immediately gets annoyed and reacts inadequately to any existing problem. Anger and rage is a protective mask that indicates the fear of losing something and not getting "one's own".

Reasons for closing

You need to carefully monitor the state of relations in your family. The first root chakra Muladhara closes if relatives come into conflict or swear among themselves.

Musical tone: C or A#; strong drum beat.

Also, chakra dysfunction can be caused by a review of crime news, negative videos, thrillers, horror films, and so on. To this all can be added discussion and condemnation of the actions of other people.


Try to analyze the state of your Muladhara chakra. Ask her questions like:

  1. What is the state of your physical body?
  2. How is the health situation?
  3. Is everything okay in your family?
  4. Are you often attacked by fear or anxiety? Why is this happening?
  5. What is money for you? How do you feel about them?

How to open

Until the desire for survival is balanced within you, it is not recommended to proceed to the activation of the following chakras. You must be sure that you always have money to cover your basic needs with ease.

Purpose: movement.

To awaken the divine power that sleeps within you, you need to pump your self-confidence and self-esteem. It is important to work through the feeling of loneliness and attitude towards money.

Ruling planet: Saturn.

How to activate Muladhara

  • active sports (football, boxing, skydiving);
  • dancing;
  • dousing with cold water;
  • communication with nature;
  • fight against fears;
  • work with earth, clay, gardening;
  • identifying one's own and genuine needs;
  • exercises where the lower part is involved;
  • mantras.

Exercise 1

Go to nature. Find a secluded place where no one can see you. Calm your breath, meditate and imagine that you are a big tree.

It has roots that go deep into the ground and wide branches that reach upwards. Imagine that energy rises from the ground and reaches the very tips of the tree. Feel that you are part of life.

Exercise 2

  1. Take a comfortable position.
  2. As you inhale, contract your womb.
  3. Unclench while inhaling.
  4. Imagine how a beautiful red flower blooms in the coccyx area and twists counterclockwise.
  5. Repeat the exercise for a minute several times a day.

Exercise 3

How to cleanse Muladhara? Just go outside and look around you.

  1. Lie down on the ground for a bit. Let all the tension go to the ground.
  2. Lean back against a large rock. Feel the energy of the earth element.
  3. Hug the tree. Feel how you descend deep into the earth along its roots.
  4. Take up gardening. Be alone with the plants, take care of them, pull out all the weeds.


You can activate Muladhara with the help of simple meditations, which are presented on any video platform.

The best place for meditation: earth, cave.

Therapy for the soul

To activate the Muladhara chakra, you can choose the following stones:

  • agate (stability, poise, self-respect);
  • hematite (strengthens the body, activates hidden forces, restores after illnesses);
  • red jaspis (disinterestedness, strengthens health, gives stability and patience);
  • pomegranate (will, trust, success, clairvoyance, sexuality);
  • red coral (energy, strength, constancy)
  • ruby (creativity, cleansing the body, spirituality).

The functions of the Muladhara chakra, what it is responsible for and how to diagnose what state it is in for you. Below are the techniques and meditations for opening and developing the first chakra - Muladhara.

Muladhara chakra is located in the perineum. At the level of perception, it is responsible for the ability to recognize odors and analyze their origin. On a subtle plane, the Muladhara root chakra corresponds to the physical body of a person. In addition, at the physical level, it is closely related to the work of the spine, intestines, reproductive system, as well as cells and blood composition.

Muladhara is commonly referred to as the main or root chakra. We can say that all the other chakras stand on it, as on the physical body corresponding to it - all the subtle bodies of a person, which together form the aura of a person. The stalk of Muladhara goes up to Sushumna. Its petals are directed downwards.

So, what is the Muladhara chakra responsible for? For what stands at the basis of the existence of a person as a living being - strengthening the connection with the material world. Through this chakra, the energy of the Universe enters the Earth. It also allows the energy of the earth to pass to other chakras and subtle bodies. Thanks to Muladhara, the rest of the chakras have the opportunity to develop and open. Muladhara is the basis, the foundation on which the entire human energy system stands. It creates the basis for physical activity, creation and magical abilities.

Through Muladhara, a connection is made with the Earth as an element and a source of life force. The birth and development of each person depends on this chakra. She is also responsible for the development of the survival instinct. In the modern sense, this is the need to develop and work in order to provide the opportunity to multiply, get food and a roof over your head. Muladhara is also responsible for the sexual instinct. The second chakra is responsible for sexuality, and the function of Muladhara is not craving for the opposite sex for pleasure, but the instinct of procreation.

Muladhara develops the instinct of self-preservation. It is responsible for human survival, maintaining physical and mental health, meeting the needs for nutrition and reproduction, which can be called basic for a person. In addition, the functions of the chakra also include the development of the instinct of protection from the dangers of relatives and friends, property and the person himself. One of the manifestations of her work is fear, which protects from dangers, makes one avoid dangerous actions. Fear is part of the defense system created by the subtle components of the human body.

Meditation on Muladhara and its effect

Meditation on Muladhara is especially useful if performed on the 23rd lunar day. This is one of the days of the waning of the moon, which is called the day of Hekate. Its meaning is fully consistent with the sphere of influence of Muladhara. Meditation can be combined with aromatherapy using oils or incense. During the session, stones and minerals suitable for the development of this chakra may be present. In addition, you can turn on the music. Ethnic motifs with a lot of drums are best suited. Pick up something archaic, evoking an association with the dances of the ancient peoples.

So, how to develop the first chakra through meditation? First of all, take a comfortable position. Yogis consider the lotus position, half lotus or sitting in Turkish style to be the best option. You can sit on your heels or even in the usual position on a chair or in an armchair - the main thing is that you are comfortable, and physical inconveniences do not distract you from meditation.

Use your fingertips to massage the coccyx area. Avoid pain. There should be a pleasant feeling of warmth. After it appears, close your eyes and focus on the sensations in the coccyx area. Increase heat or even heat in that part of the body with concentration. This stage of meditation is called warming up the chakra.

After warming up, visualize red in the area of ​​the first chakra. Without stopping the visualization, start chanting the LAM mantra that corresponds to it. Mantras should not be underestimated, they have a significant impact on the state of the chakras. Ideally, you should feel how the sound of the mantra and the red color in the coccyx area become one.

It should be remembered that meditation on the Muladhara should bring only pleasure. This chakra does not accept violence against its body, and it is useless to perform techniques for its development through force. In order to develop this chakra, you need to find methods that really suit you. The effect of this meditation usually comes quickly. Changes in a person's life occur gradually, and if the practice is not stopped, the signs of a healthy Muladhara will appear soon.

How does a healthy first chakra Muladhara manifest itself

If the first chakra is in a healthy state, the person is completely self-confident. His life is stable in all areas. Such people are always calm about their future and are not afraid of it. They know how to make decisions, take responsibility, achieve their goals. Such individuals do not fall under the influence of others and do not become victims of manipulation. They take into account the influence of only natural factors, they do not pay much attention to the rest.

Despite this, one of the signs of the absence of violations of the Muladhara is the fear of the danger of harming the physical body. This is a fear of falling during ice, getting burned while working with hot objects, fears of drowning in a river with a strong current - you can list for a long time.

A sign of a harmonious first chakra is grounding. This is a strong connection with the Earth, the material world, a feeling of connection with nature and the cyclical nature of the Universe. Such people are interested in everything that surrounds them, filled with vital energy, love the process of learning and development. They are assertive, but at the same time they are distinguished by a competent approach to resolving conflicts. Such individuals are active, able-bodied, energetic, have a large supply of vitality, and have a healthy need for sex.

The development of the "material" chakra does not mean that they are fixated only on the material side of life. On the contrary, these individuals are not too worried about what ensures survival - they know how to achieve it, they are sure that they will receive everything they need from the world. Therefore, it is easier for a person with a developed root chakra to focus on issues of a different level - the development of spirituality or the study of esotericism. If you consider yourself a novice magician, start your development with the opening of this chakra, and the further path to the top will become shorter.

Developed Muladhara contributes to the development of spirituality and thoughts about the "high". However, she reminds us that we should not forget about material problems and pleasures. In addition, we are talking about a special kind of spirituality - an active driving force that inspires actions that bring a person closer to his goal.

Root chakra Muladhara - symptoms of disorders

Problem 1 chakra Muladhara at the physical level manifests itself in the form of severe constipation, hemorrhoids and other problems associated with the large intestine. Diseases of the circulatory system and various disorders associated with the composition of the blood may also appear. The back and joints are seriously affected due to disturbances in the work of the root chakra, skin diseases and cosmetic problems appear - wrinkles, acne, redness.

Muladhara root chakra

A person with a disturbed Muladhara does not want to move and develop. He is lazy, he is only interested in resting in a horizontal position. Such people are distinguished by lethargy and a tendency to depression. At the same time, they are focused only on survival and the material aspects of life. It's about sex, food and getting money as a guarantee of being able to survive in the modern world.

A person regularly buys expensive exclusive products, regardless of their financial situation. He can become a real gourmet, suffering from constant overeating. Gluttony becomes a constant companion. The sexual partners of such people change quite often, they usually change their legal spouses with enviable regularity. At the same time, such individuals can turn into workaholics who want to get "all the money in the world" and do not stop on the way to this illusory goal for a minute. Another extreme, described above, is also possible - unwillingness to work in combination with dreams of wealth. Spiritual questions are not included in the list of interests, and such people cannot find an answer to any question not related to money.

With problems with the root chakra, greed develops. It manifests itself not only in trivial stinginess, but also in the craving for accumulation. Expenditures that do not lead to satiety or satisfaction of the sexual instinct are considered useless. The accumulated money is always not enough, a person strives to get more and more. Even if he has several millions, he will continue to accumulate capital and fear that his savings will not be enough to survive in this world. Confidence in the future and a sense of stability does not appear under any circumstances - neither in the presence of a personal island, nor if it is necessary to save on food.

Meditate to Develop Muladhara

Problems with the root chakra can be expressed in a propensity to take risks. A person wants to conquer all his fears, as a result of which he begins to prove to himself and others their absence and victory over them. A failure in the self-defense system, of which fear is a part, signals that work is needed to open the Muladhara. It also happens vice versa, when problems in this area turn into cowardice and dependence on other people. The fear of poverty and the fear of injury are especially often manifested, sometimes it is an inexplicable causeless anxiety.

People with a disturbed root chakra are impatient, they are not interested in long-term plans. They consider what is happening at the moment, in the present, to be the main thing. Such individuals do not like to wait even in trifles. If they want something sweet, you should immediately buy a cake. I liked the representative of the opposite sex, respectively, you should drag him to bed.

Activation and balancing of the 1st (root) chakra (Muladhara)

Muladhara Chakra Harmonization

Problems with Muladhara are reflected in the relationship of a person. Sooner or later, the sexual component of the relationship begins to prevail over all its other components. Sooner or later, a person realizes that he is able to give his partner only the physical part of love. At the same time, she continues to accept his feelings and material gifts. Such people are selfish and think only about their needs, so such a relationship may suit them well.

In addition, irascibility and even a tendency to aggression can be observed. Such individuals are always trying to impose their desires and views on other people. If they meet a person who does not want to live up to their expectations, they lose control of their anger. Often the situation comes to physical violence. Rapists, domestic tyrants, street thugs are all individuals with root chakra disharmony expressed in this way.

How to open and develop Muladhara chakra

The first chakra Muladhara develops naturally from the very birth of a person until the age of five. From almost any age, developing it with the help of meditations and other techniques will be useful. The opening of the first chakra greatly facilitates the life of a person at all levels.

The mantra for opening the first chakra is LAM. Listening and singing mantras allows you to develop the chakras without much effort on the part of a person. Of course, progress in this case will be slowed down. Therefore, it is better to practice mantras in parallel with other methods for developing the chakras.

No less effective than meditation on Muladhara is aromatherapy. This chakra opens under the influence of patchouli, sandalwood, vetiver, cinnamon, sage and cedar. You can use both essential oils and incense in the form of cones or incense sticks.

How to open the Muladhara chakra with stones and minerals? You need to pick up stones that are worn in the form of talismans or are used in meditations and other techniques for working with the chakra. Muladhara corresponds to red-orange agate, alexandrite, jet, hematite, garnet, red coral, smoky quartz, jasper, bloodstone, spinel, cuprite, black tourmaline, onyx, ruby ​​and rhodochrosite. In general, all reddish or dark stones are related to this chakra.

Red color will help open the chakra

A useful option is to surround yourself with things in red. It is not necessary to make repairs, it is enough to change the bed linen and purchase a few new interior decorations. Red clothes will also play a role in the opening of Muladhara. Do not neglect the food of this color. Tomatoes and hot red peppers are especially useful.

The root chakra is closely related to physical development, sports contribute to its development. Exercises for Muladhara can be absolutely anything, choose a sport to your liking. Do not forget that they should bring only pleasure. This principle is similar to one of the laws of yoga, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the chakras and the energy development of a person as a whole. There are even special asanas for Muladhara, which are distinguished by the need to concentrate consciousness in the area of ​​this chakra. Most often, they are aimed at developing various muscle groups, stretching, improving flexibility, and preventing diseases.

Exercises to open the first chakra

Movement is extremely beneficial for the development of Muladhara. You can run or go hiking in the mountains, walk around the city or rollerblade - the main thing is the very fact of movement and enjoying it. Travel and tourism perfectly strengthen Muladhara if you have chosen a tour to your liking and got the most positive impressions.

Find a place in nature that impresses you. Relax there in solitude from time to time, concentrating on oneness with nature and a close connection with the Earth. This not only develops the root chakra, but also energizes. If you don't have time for trips to nature, listen to records with natural sounds. When you are at home, focus more on feeling safe. If material causes hinder him, eliminate them.

If your place of residence does not correspond to the desired lifestyle, occupation, goals and preferences, it is worth changing it. At a minimum, you will have to visit places that suit your tastes more often. Forced life in a metropolis is no less harmful than living in an unloved province. In both cases, at least weekend trips to the “city of dreams” will be a good way out.

Don't forget about sleep. Sleep mode should be shifted towards the "larks". So you capture the most favorable time for sleep, which, according to the assurances of doctors and esotericists, comes from 22 hours to midnight. Massage or self-massage is also useful.

Be active in accumulating wealth and striving for material independence, but do not forget about rest and other aspects of life. Maintain a balance between the material and the spiritual. Do not appropriate someone else's, do not harm yourself and others, moderate aggression or find a way out for it - for example, in the gym. Avoid self-deception, be honest with yourself. Appreciate your life, the life of the people around you, animals and plants. Accordingly, treat your food with respect, because in order to satisfy your hunger, someone had to cease to exist.

In general, Muladhara is the basis of everything that can be called the subtle body of a person. She is responsible for the physical body and the material side of life. There are certain signs with which you can determine the state of this chakra. If it is unsatisfactory or a person wants to achieve more by strengthening the foundation of the subtle body, you can use special meditations and techniques to develop the root chakra.

The first (1) chakra in the human body is considered Muladhara. It is connected with the lowest part of the spine - with the coccyx area.

Where is she located? It should be noted here that in the male and female organisms the location of the chakra is different: in the stronger sex it is closer to the perineum, and in women it is near the ovaries.

In ancient Sanskrit Muladhara means "root" or "base". That is why this chakra is also called "root".

Muladhara is characterized Red color. And the symbolic image is associated with a circle, inside of which there are 4 petals of a red hue. Each of them contains a letter in Sanskrit.

A yellow square with eight rays is placed in the center of the image - it symbolizes the Earth element, has a stable shape and is similar to the foundation. Spiritual growth begins from the center of the chakra.

Reference! Muladhara's mantra sounds like "LAM".

The Four Petals and Tendencies of the Mind

The image of the chakra resembles a lotus flower, the petals of which symbolize vritti (inclinations): kama, artha, dharma, moksha. They contain human desires. If these desires are balanced, then a person experiences emotions of happiness. Each vritti is discussed in more detail below. All this information is important for further development.


Kama is responsible for physical desires when a person experiences hunger, sexual arousal, seeks to secure his life or wants to sleep. When these needs are met, he is in a positive mood. This is quite enough for animals to live, but it is not enough for a person, because there are three more categories of human desires that must be satisfied.


This level of needs is much higher than the previous one. At this level, desires are physical, mental, and financial. Artkhalan is a rich person who has a lot of money. The need of the mind to receive psychophysical objects is realized with the help of money.

It is amazing that people tend to enjoy a psychophysical object, ignoring their natural needs for sleep, food, etc. At the same time, they become happier from satisfying the highest category of desires. It is important for them to get a good job, travel, have access to pleasant pleasures (food, a comfortable life, music, films).

To fulfill some needs, the human mind seeks nourishment in the outside world. But a person will still not be able to experience complete happiness, because through kama and artha all pleasures are limited.


Another level of desire associated with spiritual growth. Dharma satisfies the needs of the mind through the inner world - this is the search for true, deep happiness.

According to yoga philosophy, the deep layers of the mind are wider and larger than the outer ones. And the last layer is the state of our spirit and infinity. Mind and spirit are interconnected: the body becomes part of the mind, and the mind becomes part of the infinite spirit.

If the mind is directed inward through introspection (special meditation) and touches the spirit, then a person experiences a new kind of happiness - spiritual (dharma). People have such a state when they develop in art, music, feel love or the desire to win. At such moments, the mind stops for a while and another thinking begins, which goes beyond the ordinary. Deep experiences, a feeling of soul kinship are related to psycho-spiritual desires (dharma). A person seeks to find himself in a spiritual search. Having known the truth, he can no longer be the same.

Those who go on a spiritual quest without a mentor do not receive proper development. These people often have problems with alcohol or drugs. It is important to understand what exactly led to this: a spiritual search or a thirst for pleasure. Many come to this state in search of God, never finding it. They believe that everything around them is perishable. But spiritual quest is dharma.


The last level of desires leads to a state of peace and tranquility. This is an inner feeling: the end of the struggle and the search for stability. One realizes that physical pleasures cannot lead to perfect happiness and freedom. On the physical level, everything leads to dissatisfaction. It is important to understand that happiness does not depend on money. Financial well-being is only one way to fulfill your desires, but it cannot satisfy spiritual needs.

What is he responsible for?

The main function of the chakra- to keep the physical body of a person safe, guaranteeing his survival. This aspect is very important for life in the material world. When a person pays attention to the state of this chakra, he begins to look at everything that happens from a different angle and can devote time to spiritual growth.

All chakras are responsible for certain sense organs that help to cognize the surrounding reality. Muladhara is associated with the sense of smell. Understanding how it works is simple: every child sniffs food before trying something. By smell, he decides whether to eat the dish or not.

This is how active Muladhara works, recognizing negative or pleasant situations. Young children are in the stage of understanding the world, so this chakra works in an increased mode for them. Toddlers, when learning to walk, are constantly falling and hitting objects, they are in a state of survival on a physical level. Most often, the increased activity of the chakra acts in a child up to the age of seven years.

Without going through this stage, a person will not be able to move to a new level (chakra).

It is important to realize that the chakra continues to operate throughout life. During certain periods Muladhara can become especially active.

Reference! Master practitioners who have been practicing yoga for many years are able to subtly capture all smells and even feel human emotions at the level of smell. This is how the purified Muladhara manifests itself. A person becomes patient, diligent, capable of accepting and applying asceticism. This is very important for the development of personal qualities.

When a person is at the level of this chakra It is difficult for him to interact with people around him. Everything is given with difficulty, activity is weak. The person withdraws into himself, stops talking, becomes detached. It seems that he knows something special. But this is not entirely true: there are similar manifestations at the deeper levels of Anahata or Sahasrara, which are close to the original knowledge.

Even if such a person realizes that great success can be achieved if he unites with other people, he does it rudely and cannot show enough flexibility to realize his plan. This causes him suffering, which to some extent blocks the ability to move to a new level.

Muladhara, being in harmony, helps to strengthen the marriage bond. She is responsible for stability and unwillingness to change in life. These are conservative people who are alien to novelty, their requirements for a loved one are quite ordinary, they do not need to be fed with new emotions. They do not need changes, and when something goes beyond the limits of habit, it brings discomfort into their lives. It is enough that the partner is healthy and hardworking. Everything else is not so important.

Harmonious work

If the chakra is in a state of balance, a person begins to feel the natural course of life, the cyclical nature of everything that happens in the Universe. Muladhara is a symbol of birth, completion and cyclicality. A person who has realized all this builds his life without harming the surrounding nature.

Reference! In a healthy state, the chakra gives confidence in one's own abilities and in one's destiny. There is no fear of the future. Such people live with the confidence that they will have everything they need when they really need it.

They do not experience serious financial difficulties, everything is given to them easily and carefree, she confidently stands on her feet and competently deals with all problems. Such people do not have health and morale difficulties. An open chakra gives a strong self-confidence, even if he mentally "hovers in the clouds."


Closed Muladhara brings imbalance, obsession with one's problems and needs (money, food, sex). Having satisfied his needs, he is not interested in the consequences and from this the tension only increases.

All this leads to the emergence of fears, weakness of character, phobias. Qualities such as:

  • anger;
  • insatiability;
  • jealous attitude to everything;
  • malice.

As a result, the normal circulation of energy in the chakras throughout the body is blocked in a person. This leads to mental disorders and problems associated with energy stagnation: constipation, hemorrhoids, obesity, bad habits.

Excessive attention to the chakra leads to a state of obsession with some kind of mania. He begins to save money or obsess over his health.

Reference! Selfishness and satisfaction of only one's needs speaks of violations in the work of the chakra. The greed of such people knows no bounds: it begins to seem to them that no matter how much money there is, it is always not enough.

Such a person gets stuck at one level of development for a long time and cannot switch to something new. He tolerates an unloved job and unhealthy relationships. This happens due to the fact that a person does not feel sufficient stability, becomes attached to familiar things and stereotypes.

Incorrect work of the chakra is manifested in increased selfishness, aggressive behavior, a quick temper and imposing one's vision on other people. If someone refuses to submit to their will, then a person with an unhealthy chakra can easily fall into anger and turn to physical violence.

Effect on the physical body

Chakra is everything solid components of the physical body: bone tissues, nail plates, hair, etc. Those who have Muladhara in a harmonious state do not experience serious health problems, a pleasant smell emanates from their body.

When there is an imbalance in the work of the chakra, a person becomes disgusted with his body and its natural needs.

This leads to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, hemorrhoids and constipation, anemia and other abnormalities associated with this chakra.

At the same time, male and female energy at this level have significant differences: the stronger sex experiences aggression and emotional outbursts, and women with unprocessed grievances feel problems with their legs.

A good state of the chakra is manifested in acceptance of one's body, taking care of it, adequate perception of its functions and gratitude.

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Other than that, including meditation, mantra chanting and so on.

From this article you will learn:

    What color is the first chakra Muladhara and what does it correspond to

    How to protect the first chakra Muladhara

The first chakra Muladhara is the foundation of the pillar of Kundalini energy. When a person embarks on the path of self-knowledge, he first of all turns to the study of the first chakra. What do you need to know about her?

Where is the first chakra Muladhara

Muladhara chakra is called the root and the first, it is located at the bottom of our spine.

    in men- in the crotch area. The chakra is associated with the prostate gland.

    among women- between the ovaries (does not have a clear anatomical reference).

The first chakra Muladhara corresponds to the lumbar point, which has a close connection with the nerve endings of the coccyx.

What is the first chakra Muladhara responsible for?

Muladhara lies at the base of our chakra system. No wonder its second name is the root chakra. It is located in the genital area. Like a flower, she has petals, they are located between her legs and look down. The stalk of Muladhara faces Sushumna, the main energy channel of our body. If all goes well, the flower of the first Muladhara chakra is slightly open.

    Helps a person to keep in touch with the real world. Through the first chakra, our physical body receives the energy of the cosmos. It also allows the energy of the earth to flow into energy bodies.

    It serves as the basis for the functioning of other chakras, as well as for the life and development of a person.

    Supports the connection of a person with the energy of the earth, which gives us life.

    Supports the confidence and stability that we need for harmonious development in all areas. When we feel solid ground under our feet, our life in the material world proceeds much better.

    Encourages us to be successful. The desire to be first is an instinct that allows you to survive. Working tirelessly and striving for the best, we satisfy our basic needs for food, home, family.

    The first chakra Muladhara activates sexual instincts (not to be confused with the action of the second chakra, which is responsible for the awareness of sexuality). Procreation is one of the functions of the Muladhara chakra.

How the first chakra Muladhara and fears are connected

The first chakra Muladhara is responsible for the struggle for life. It is the basis of instincts that play an important role in human life: they help maintain physical and emotional health and satisfy our basic needs. One of them is the need for security. This instinct is supported by fear. It is this feeling that prevents us from getting into situations that may pose a danger to our life and health. The first chakra, Muladhara, activates this self-protection mechanism. We are afraid of heights, because there is a risk of falling, water, because we can drown. Such fears are common to all people. Depending on the living conditions of a person, these fears have different boundaries.

Usually a person does not plan to fight them, especially if there is no real need: there is no threat to life, there is no desire to test one's abilities or prove one's superiority to someone. These signs indicate an imbalance in the first chakra, which can cause a number of problems: on the one hand, timidity and indecision, dependence on the opinions of others, on the other hand, on the contrary, craving for unnecessary risks.

Photography of the aura and energy centers (chakras)

An analysis of the glow of the aura will help to understand the causes of many problems related to health, emotional state, communication with other people, understanding yourself and your inner world.

Certified Color Therapist
(International Academy of Color Therapy ASIACT, UK).

You will receive a detailed explanation regarding the individual characteristics of your aura. Our master will determine the level of energy in each chakra and in the entire energy system as a whole. According to the data determined by the auro-sensor, you will learn about how the energies of the Mind, Body and Spirit are distributed in your life and much more.

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What color is the first chakra Muladhara

    Color - red.

    Note - TO.

    Sound: "lam".

    Element - Earth.

    Body: physical body.

    Nerve plexus: coccyx.

    Hormonal glands associated with the first chakra: gonads and adrenal glands.

    Organs of the body associated with the first chakra: The "solid" organs of the body - the spinal column, skeleton, bones, teeth and nails.

    Excretory organs - anus, rectum, intestines. Reproductive and reproductive organs - prostate and gonads. As well as blood and cellular structure.

    Problems and diseases arising from an imbalance in the first chakra: constipation, hemorrhoids, fatigue, apathy.

    The number of petals is 4. A petal is a natural vibration that occurs in an oscillatory circuit, if we consider the electromagnetic analogy of chakra activity.

    The taste is sweet.

    The scent is vetiver. It is similar to wet mud, wood, wet roots, but can have citrus, spicy, smoky, and woody notes.

    Crystals and minerals - garnet, obsidian, ruby, red coral, red jasper, bloodstone.

    Translation from Sanskrit - root, basis, foundation, foundation.

What is the impact of a healthy first chakra Muladhara

The following signs indicate the correct operation of the first chakra of Muladhara:

    A person feels a connection with the earth and nature.

    The person is grounded, and in the positive sense of the word.

    His life is interesting and varied. A person is interested in learning new things and working on his own development.

    Man has great inner strength.

    The state of a person is distinguished by calmness, and life by stability.

    A person is responsible for his actions, not afraid of responsibility. He sets a goal and does everything to achieve it.

    The person is active and efficient. His energy can only be envied.

    If the Muladhara chakra is working well, the person feels an adequate need for sex and has great vitality.

When the first Muladhara chakra is in balance, a person is aware of the presence of repeating cycles in nature and the Universe. There is a logical explanation for this. The first chakra is just a symbol of the cyclical nature of what is happening. Every action has a beginning and a logical end. If a person has a well-developed Muladhara, he does not fall under the yoke of public opinion. Such people know that their life depends only on themselves. The main thing that needs to be taken into account is the observance of the laws of nature, which gave life to man. The balanced work of the first chakra of Muladhara gives confidence in life and in one's own strengths. People perform tasks without problems, especially if they are associated with material wealth. A person with a healthy Muladhara chakra rarely faces financial difficulties, because the Universe is ready to give him everything he needs. In this regard, you can concentrate on the implementation of more global tasks. When the first Muladhara chakra functions correctly, a person is able to connect the subtle energy bodies and the spiritual layers of the Universe to perform their tasks. Such people are characterized by a high degree of spirituality, which does not allow them to fly in the clouds and waste energy on momentary desires. It is the first chakra Muladhara that gives a person the opportunity to constantly be on the move and effectively achieve the chosen goals. Of course, such people can also think about higher matters. But still, they stand firmly on their feet and do everything to achieve results.

What happens when the first Muladhara chakra is not working properly

By what signs can an imbalance be detected in the first chakra Muladhara:

    Human attention is focused solely on the desire to survive and material problems. The spiritual sphere does not attract him.

    A person thinks only about satisfying his needs - delicious food, sex and money. It is these aspects that become the main goal of his life.

    Imbalance manifests itself in life. A person spends money right and left to buy expensive things that he does not really need. Eating problems appear - such people begin to eat a lot. Characterized by casual sexual relationships. A person works continuously, leaving no time for rest, because he has only money before his eyes.

    Often a person becomes very impatient.

    A person stops thinking what result his actions will bring. He cares not about the future, but about the present. Got an appetite? We need to urgently run to the store for a box of cakes. Want sex? You need to jump into bed with someone you barely know. This approach causes an imbalance in intimate life. A person feels that sex is the only thing he can give to a partner. At the same time, other aspects of the relationship come to naught.

    If a person's first chakra Muladhara does not function properly, his thoughts are concentrated only on his own desires. The needs of others are simply not taken into account. This is the ultimate manifestation of selfishness. Greed becomes the leading quality. The only thing these people want is to get more money. However, they still doubt their future. They become anxious - what if the money will not be enough? At the same time, even millions in the bank will not allow you to calm down. Is it money?

The listed signs of Muladhara's imbalance cause various fears to appear - fear of poverty, accidents (becoming disabled, they are unlikely to be able to earn enough money). A feeling of anxiety, like a shadow, accompanies a person. He becomes grounded in the worst sense of the word. A person can only think about financial problems, in other matters he is powerless, especially when it comes to the spiritual world.

The imbalance of the first chakra Muladhara is expressed in selfishness, uncontrollable anger, irascibility. Often a person shows emotional abuse, imposes his desires on other people. Disagreement and protest can turn into aggression, which can also cause physical violence.

How to develop the first chakra Muladhara

The development of the first chakra occurs naturally from a person's birth to the age of five. However, you can work with Muladhara at any time, regardless of the age of the person. For this, meditation and other techniques are used. The development of the first chakra Muladhara will improve all areas of life.

Tip 1. Work with mantras. The mantra LAM is used to activate the first chakra. With its help, you can easily and effortlessly work out Muladhara. To do this, you need to listen or sing a mantra. However, the result will not be so fast. Therefore, we recommend combining the use of mantras with other techniques.

Tip 2. Aromatherapy - Another fairly effective way to work with the first chakra. For Muladhara, such aromas as patchouli, sandalwood, vetiver, cinnamon, sage, cedar are suitable. For aromatherapy, you can use essential oils, special sticks and cones.

Tip 3. Color therapy. To open the first chakra of Muladhara, all shades of red are used. The first way is to use things of this color more often. No drastic measures are needed: you can buy a bright blanket or a beautiful set of home accessories for your apartment. To work with Muladhara, you can use the red color in clothes. Eat red foods like tomatoes or red peppers.

Tip 4. Exercise. For the development of the first chakra of Muladhara, active physical activity is perfect. The only condition is that you should like the chosen sport and bring only positive emotions. The principle of "non-violence" is also used in yoga, which can also be practiced for the harmonious development of the chakras.

Tip 5. Nature. Thanks to the Muladhara chakra, a person maintains his connection with nature. All living things on earth have places where they are recommended to be and live. In such a place, a person feels a strong surge of energy - nature, earth, the first chakra. Therefore, each of us must find our own place of power. A place where you can feel a close connection with the outside world.

Listen to your intuition. Where can you achieve harmony? Mountains, sea, forest? Having caught the feeling of fullness of energy, try to remember it. Your task is to try to recreate it on purpose, every time you are in nature.

Tip 6. Listen to yourself. In order for the Muladhara chakra to develop harmoniously, one must not go against one's own nature. Someone likes noisy city life, constant movement, change of events. If such a person finds himself in a quiet village, he will immediately go out and lose his taste for life. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve the balance of the first chakra of Muladhara. In any case, sooner or later you will have to change something in your life.

Opening the first Muladhara chakra through meditation


The purpose of this meditation is to feel that you are safe. To do this, you need a place where you can be alone with yourself. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and imagine that you are safe. With the correct functioning of the Muladhara chakra, you will easily enter a similar state. Otherwise, a feeling of fear may appear.

In such a situation, you need to convince yourself that you can really be safe. However, do not force yourself - this will not give the desired result. Try to be distracted, observe the sensations, as if you are looking at yourself from the outside, try to find the reasons for your fears. Most likely, you will be able to catch the desired state soon enough.


Various variants of this meditation are practiced in yoga, qigong, wu-shu.


    Stand up straight and try to relax.

    Imagine: a grounding cord runs along your spine, which tends down to the ground.

    Feel how a strong energy flow passes through it and dissolves into the earth.

    Imagine how roots form on a cord. They intertwine with the roots of other trees.

    Feel the energy that is transmitted to you from the earth through these roots.

This meditation can be done for 5 to 15 minutes. Focus on your feelings, only they will tell you when to finish the practice.

How to Protect the First Muladhara Chakra from Energy Vampires

  • Psychological aikido.

The method is similar to a martial art in which one of the people begins to deliberately succumb to the enemy. This is a special tactic that misleads the enemy. The method can also be used for energy work. If a person falls under the influence of an energy vampire, he deliberately succumbs to him. By creating the illusion of victory, he conserves his resources. In this way, the exchange of energy can be prevented: the opponent does not like it, forcing him to lose his own strength. True, this technique is not simple: in order to deceive the enemy, a person must have some kind of talent.

  • Supreme protection.

In order to use this method, an energetically affected person turns to the egregore of his faith for help. These include spiritual experience, the power of prayers, the energy received after performing rituals. Simply put, if a person is unable to protect his spell from the attacks of a vampire, he turns to higher powers.

Chakras are points of concentration of energy in the human body. Their harmonious state is the key to well-being, success in life and impressive magical results.

Look into the "Witch's Happiness" for candles and incense, crystals and stones that improve the functioning of the chakras. Or visit an aura photo session to learn all about your chakras and get guidance from our experts.

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