Oregano tincture instructions for use. Origanum ordinary, its useful properties and application. Healing action and application

Oregano (mother, marjoram, forest mint, Latin name - Origanum) is one of the most famous medicines in herbal medicine.

She received the Russian name for a pleasant aroma. The plant is native to Southwest Asia and North Africa.

It has taken root well in Europe, it can be found in light forests, in glades, dry meadows. The ancient Greeks knew about the healing properties of the motherboard - Hippocrates mentions it in his writings.

Avicenna pointed out its value in medicine.

Indications for use

Oregano herb has enough wide spectrum of activity, having the following properties:

  • expectorant - used for diseases of the respiratory system, in particular for bronchitis;
  • antiseptic - is prescribed for rinsing the mouth and throat with stomatitis (damage to the oral mucosa), tonsillitis (viral or bacterial inflammation of the tonsils), pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa), for skin diseases - abscesses, boils, pustular rashes, abscesses;
  • sedative - used in childhood as part of herbal preparations, with menopause, sexual incontinence (without weakening the potency), premenstrual syndrome, epilepsy;
  • sleeping pills - helps to get rid of insomnia;
  • stimulating and tonic - used for menstrual irregularities (delay, pain), to improve intestinal motility;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • carminative;
  • diaphoretic;
  • hemostatic;
  • helps with frostbite;
  • stimulates appetite;
  • effective in the fight against alcoholism;
  • resolves infiltrates (accumulations mixed with blood and lymph);
  • helps to strengthen the immune system.

Since ancient times, the mother was considered a female grass. It was given to girls who were delayed in sexual development. The result appeared after 3-4 months: menstruation began, the mammary glands developed, the condition of the hair improved.

It is also useful for women in the period of premenopause, when menstruation gradually stops - about 50 years. This medicinal plant helps to get rid of such unpleasant symptoms as headaches, high blood pressure, profuse sweating.

During lactation, women are not recommended to use this herb. However, it may be useful for some mothers. It helps to increase the amount of milk, and also acts as a sedative and mild sleeping pill for mom and baby. Using this herbal remedy after childbirth, a woman helps the uterus recover.

Release form

Oregano herb is produced:

  • in the form of dry crushed raw materials placed in paper bags of 50 g;
  • in round briquettes of 8 g, placed in blister packs of 6 pcs.

It contains:

  • essential oil (carvacrol, phenols, thymol, aromatic alcohol) - up to 1.2%;
  • geranyl acetate - up to 5%;
  • sesquiterpenes - 12.5%;
  • free alcohols - up to 15%;
  • tannins - up to 20%;
  • flavone glycosides;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • fatty oils (seeds).

Mode of application

Used in phytotherapy flowering tops up to 20 cm long with leaves. The plant is harvested at the very beginning of mass flowering, which usually occurs in July.

There are many ways to use oregano as a medicinal product. Here are some of them:

Interaction with other drugs

There are no data on interactions with other drugs. In herbal medicine, oregano is used as part of collections with such herbs as marshmallow, coltsfoot, blackcurrant leaves, fireweed, chamomile, wild rosemary, Birch buds, air, etc.

Side effects

Oregano in case of overdose and abuse can cause such undesirable effects:


Oregano can not be used in such conditions:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • individual intolerance;
  • increased gastric secretion;
  • stomach ulcers, duodenum;
  • used with caution in the elderly, with renal colic.

As mentioned above, the motherboard is a “female” grass.

Nevertheless, if necessary, it is prescribed to men. The course of treatment with this phytopreparation should be short-term, not more than once a year. If you take it longer, hair growth stops on the body, mammary glands develop, problems appear in sexual sphere. In severe cases, impotence develops.

During pregnancy

Oregano is not prescribed for the treatment of pregnant women, because it excites the smooth muscles of the uterus and leads to miscarriage, premature birth.

Terms and conditions of storage

Grass should be stored in a dry place, previously placed in a bag of thick paper or an airtight container.

The date of collection or release and the name of the herbal preparation must be indicated on the package.

Shelf life - 2 years. After its expiration, the grass is allowed to be brewed for therapeutic baths. It is necessary to exclude access of children to the drug.


Average price for Oregano herb in Russian pharmacies- 53 p.

average price in pharmacies of Ukraine- 8 UAH.


Analogues of oregano in the treatment of respiratory diseases are:

  • coltsfoot;
  • plantain;
  • thyme;
  • ginger;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • sage.

Before talking about medicinal properties oregano and contraindications, I want to introduce you to it better.

I first planted it in my garden from seeds. She grew up quickly, was not capricious.

Oregano - what it looks like, where to collect

About two years later, I saw grass growing on the forest edge of the forest nearby from our gardens. They are very similar - forest and garden, only in the garden it grew taller, from half a meter, and forest - 40 centimeters and turned out to be a more saturated shade.

Oregano in the photo:

Origanum vulgaris belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is also called Oreganum - oregano. Many people think that oregano is a rare overseas spice, however, it is an ordinary oregano. Her leaves are ovate, fleecy, tender, soft, bright green above, grayish below. stem branched, also pubescent. Flowering is long, in several waves until autumn.

It grows in forests, edges, along meadows, fields throughout Russia except the Far North.

The peoples of Russia call it forest mint, darling, motherboard, amulets. bee lover. From these names it is clear that people treat the grass with love, warmth, respect. In many ways, the darling helps people in the treatment of ailments.

In the photo below - oregano blooming in my garden:

This herb is a well-known and indispensable participant in conspiracies from various diseases in Russia.

For example, in order to cure a stubborn headache, a person on a waning moon was taken out into the yard, a strong decoction of oregano was poured on loose hair and they said: “how light pours on the hair, how light pours on the head, how the light goes out from the month, so the ailment went into damp earth." They did this for several days until the new moon began.

Oregano is harvested during flowering, cutting branches 20 centimeters long; dry in the shade. The beneficial effect of the plant will last for 2-3 years if stored correctly, placed in glass jars with a lid or kraft paper bags.

When to refrain from taking - contraindications

Forest mint in folk medicine is used very, very widely. Therefore, first about contraindications when taking such a healing herb.

  • Pregnancy. Infusions, decoctions of oregano act abortively. Many mothers-to-be are unaware of this. The benefits of oregano for women are described below.
  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, you need to consult your doctor.
  • Rarely, but there is an allergic reaction to the reception of the motherboard.
  • Men should limit their intake of oregano by drinking teas in short courses at lower concentrations. The fact is that the grass contains hormones that cause problems with potency.

Medicinal properties of preparations from oregano

And now for medicinal uses. There are countless of them. Oregano contains essential oils, hormones, vitamins, and many other compounds that have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and antibacterial effects on the body. Let us dwell on the main diseases that facilitate the use of oregano.

  1. Head pain, migraine, neurosis, convulsions - infusion of oregano (prepared as in paragraph 3) drink 2 tbsp. spoons 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  2. Cough, bronchitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis - gargle with infusion more often (prepared as in paragraph 3)
  3. Colitis with constipation, gastritis, diseases of the kidneys, liver, female diseases - infusion: pour 2 tablespoons with a glass of boiling water, insist in a good thermos for 2 hours. Drink a medicinal infusion of 0.5 cups twice 20 minutes before meals.
  4. Insomnia, Bad mood. Sniff dried leaves, oregano flowers. Pour one tablespoon of amulets with a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 30 minutes. Take warm 1/3 cup 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals and at bedtime.
  5. Dermatitis, eczema, ulcers, fungus, skin infections. 25 g of oregano pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 4 hours. Use in the form of lotions.
  6. The herb has a remarkable property - it removes radionuclides from the body, it is recommended cancer patients after radiation, chemotherapy. 1 tablespoon of the motherboard pour 250 ml of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 3 hours. Take a sip of 1 liter per day.
  7. Temporarily relieves dental pain, if you chew flowers, hold near the diseased tooth. This is how oregano essential oil works.
  8. The presence of an element in this herb is also an indication for admission. Selene, the content of which is 5 mcg / gram of grass with a daily selenium norm of 150 mcg. By taking tea from the mother, we minimize the possibility of getting cancer, since selenium has antitumor activity.

The therapeutic effect of oregano on women's health

One of the names - the motherboard - directly indicates that it is designed to combat female ailments, rejuvenate the body, and feed offspring.

Oregano contains the plant hormone phytoestrogen, an analogue of the female sex hormone. Hence all the advantages of using oregano for women.

  • Reduced pain and blood loss during menstruation
  • Normalization of the monthly cycle
  • Douching with a decoction of oregano for cervical erosion
  • body restoration and emotional state after childbirth, improving lactation for feeding the baby
  • Relief of a woman's condition during menopause, normalization of hormonal levels

Mother tea is prepared by brewing a tablespoon of herbs in a glass of boiling water. For douching, rinsing, lotions, take a double dose.

Oregano preparations have a beneficial effect on hair, scalp, face as a nutritious wound healing agent.

On the basis of oregano, dosage forms have been developed that are sold in pharmacies.

With the help of forest mint, you can prepare beer and kvass. Since the oregano herb has disinfectant properties, it prevents drinks from sour. For the same purpose, it is added when canning vegetables, mushrooms.

It turns out that oregano - grass can be added to pizza, various sauces, tinctures - its healing properties will also affect it.

I hope that we have learned enough about the medicinal properties of oregano and contraindications for use. Shall we prepare?

Phytopreparation that stimulates the secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract and bronchi

Active substance

Oregano herb (Origanum vulgare)

Release form, composition and packaging

cardboard packs with polypropylene bags.

pharmachologic effect

It has an expectorant and sedative effect. Enhances intestinal peristalsis, increases appetite and secretion gastric juice, has moderate antimicrobial properties.


Inside, an infusion of oregano herbs is used as an expectorant for respiratory diseases (acute and chronic, acute respiratory viral infections); as a means of increasing appetite and improving digestion, with secretory insufficiency of the gastrointestinal tract, with intestinal atony, with enterocolitis, accompanied by constipation and flatulence. Externally used as part of complex therapy for pyoderma and (diathesis).


Hypersensitivity to the drug. When taken orally - pregnancy, period breastfeeding, age up to 18 years.


About 10 g of raw materials (2 tablespoons) are placed in a glass or enamel dish, pour 200 ml (1 cup) of hot boiled water, cover with a lid and heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature 45 minutes, filter, the remaining raw material is squeezed out. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml.

It is taken orally in a warm form, 1/4-1/2 cup of infusion 2 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Externally used for baths or in the form of lotions 2-3 times a day. It is recommended to shake the infusion before use.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible.


Cases of overdose have not been registered to date.

Dosage form:  grass-powder and granules cut-pressed Compound:

Active ingredients:

Oregano grass-powder 80%

Oregano herb granules cut-pressed 20%


Oregano herb contains flavonoids, essential oil, tannins and other biologically active substances.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:Herbal remedy ATX:  

V.03.A.X Other medicines


Infusion of oregano herb has an expectorant, choleretic, diuretic (diuretic), sedative effect. Enhances intestinal peristalsis, increases appetite and secretion of gastric juice, has moderate antimicrobial properties.


As part of complex therapy. Inside as an expectorant for respiratory diseases (acute and chronic bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infections); as a means of increasing appetite and improving digestion, with secretory insufficiency of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal atony, enterocolitis, accompanied by constipation and flatulence.

Outwardly - in the form of lotions and baths for pyoderma (pustular skin lesions) and atopic dermatitis (diathesis).


Hypersensitivity to the drug; when used orally - hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (in the acute stage), pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 18 years of age.

Pregnancy and lactation:

The use of the drug during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Dosage and administration:

4 filter bags (6.0 g) are placed in a glass or enamel bowl, pour 200 ml (1 glass) of boiling water, cover and infuse for 15 minutes, periodically pressing on the bags with a spoon, then squeeze them out. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml.

The infusion is taken orally in a warm form, 1/4-1/2 cup 2 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Externally, the infusion is used in the form of baths or lotions 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

If there is no improvement after treatment, or symptoms worsen, or new symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor. Use the drug only according to the indications, the method of application and in the doses indicated in the instructions.

Side effects:

Allergic reactions are possible. If you are marked side effects indicated in the instructions, or they are aggravated, or if you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor about it.

Overdose: To date, no cases of overdose have been reported. Interaction:

When using the drug as an expectorant, the simultaneous use of oregano infusion with drugs containing and other antitussives is not recommended, as this makes it difficult to expel liquefied sputum.

Influence on the ability to drive transport. cf. and fur.:

During the period of using the drug inside, care should be taken when performing potentially hazardous activities that require special attention and quick reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms).

Release form / dosage:Grass-powder and granules cut-pressed. Package:

1.5 g of grass-powder and rezanopressed granules in a filter bag made of heat-sealed paper; 20 filter bags are put into packs of cardboard. Packs with filter bags are wrapped in an uncolored polymer film in order to control the first opening.

Instructions for use are enclosed in a pack or the text of the instruction is applied in full on the pack.

Storage conditions:

In original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C; prepared infusion - in a cool place for no more than 2 days.

Keep out of the reach of children!

Shelf life:

Do not use after the expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: Over the counter Registration number: LP-000219 Date of registration: 16.02.2011/ 22.08.2018 Expiration date: Perpetual Registration certificate holder:KRASNOGORSKLEKSREDSTVA JSC

Upright, branched tetrahedral stems covered with fine hairs. Leaves - finely serrated along the edge, petiolate, oblong-ovate, opposite. Oregano blooms from July to September with numerous small purple flowers collected in spikelets. The fruits ripen from August to October - brown, dry, smooth, rounded ovoid, consisting of 4 mm nuts.

Herb oregano, the use of which is widespread, is also called incense, motherboard or swan, since in folk medicine it was used to treat many gynecological diseases. In Russia, you can find 3 types of this herb, but the most valuable is the common oregano, which also grows in Central Asia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, the Caucasus, Siberia (Western and Middle) in dry steppes, thickets of shrubs, forest clearings, meadows, slopes of ravines, forest edges, etc.

Procurement of raw materials

Medicinal raw materials are above-ground flowering leafy stems and flowers. Harvesting is made at the very beginning of flowering, cutting off about 20 cm long, along with inflorescences. After that, the raw materials are knitted into bundles and dried, hanging for this in a ventilated dark room. After drying, the leaves and flowers are separated from the stems by threshing or rubbing through a non-metallic coarse sieve. Raw materials can be stored for no longer than 3 years in hermetically sealed glass containers.

The smell of oregano is pleasant, the taste is tart, slightly astringent, bitter-spicy.

Chemical composition

The widespread use of grass is associated with its chemical composition, containing tannins and dyes, a fairly large amount essential oil, phenols, geranyl acetate, free alcohols, flavonoids and vitamin C in large quantities.

Oregano is also recognized by official medicine, it is included in the collection of herbs for bronchial asthma, gynecological, chest, hypertensive, sedative, cardiac collections, as well as in the collection for cleansing the body and for weight loss.

Oregano herb has a calming effect on the central nervous system, helps with disorders of the nervous system, insomnia (acting as a mild sleeping pill), neuroses, convulsions, epilepsy, nervous exhaustion or shocks, bad mood, and headaches. Also official medicine uses decoctions and infusions for atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Oregano is also used to delay menstruation, to improve bile secretion and enhance the secretion of sweat and digestive glands, helps to contract smooth uterine muscles, acts as an excellent diuretic and regulates the menstrual cycle.

Oregano is also used as an analgesic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. Its infusions are useful for diseases of the respiratory organs (pneumonia, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, bronchiectasis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis), with poor digestion, especially with colitis or enterocolitis, which are accompanied by flatulence and constipation, as well as in the absence of appetite, secretory insufficiency of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, intestinal atony, biliary dyskinesia, spasms of the intestine or stomach, cholecystitis.

The oregano herb has also been used in the treatment of inflammation of the liver, it is used for painful menstruation, jaundice, increased sexual arousal, and also as an agent that enhances the secretion of sweat glands.

This medicinal plant has the ability to suppress the microbial flora in pulmonary tuberculosis, tonsillitis, rashes, and is also used for wound healing. In addition, decoctions of oregano are recommended for use in staphylococcal infections, especially in children.

Oregano is also used externally. For washing and compresses, it is used for headaches and skin rashes. With scrofula or rickets in children, they can be bathed in a decoction of oregano. Baths with the addition of decoction are also taken for various rashes. To stimulate hair growth or for headaches, they wash their hair with a decoction or infusion of oregano. Oregano preparations are effective for rinsing with inflammation of the oral cavity or pharynx, as well as compresses or lotions for eczema, itchy rashes, abscesses, boils, and for washing wounds.

And oregano oil ethnoscience advises rubbing the body in case of paralysis.

1. Infusion of oregano. Boiling water (200 g) pour 2 tables. spoons of raw materials, insist for a quarter of an hour and drink 100 g twice a day before meals. The same infusion is used for lotions, rinses and compresses. For baths, they take 10 liters of water and 10 tablespoons of raw materials.

2. A decoction of oregano. 200 g of hot water is poured with 2 teaspoons of herbs, covered with a lid, put to bask in a water bath. A quarter of an hour is heated, cooled and consumed in the same way as the infusion.

3. Infusion of oregano for the treatment of epilepsy: 10 g of herbs are taken for 300 g of boiling water, insisted and filtered. Take this infusion before meals, 100 g three times a day. Course - 3 years.

4. A mixture of a tablespoon of chamomile and oregano is poured into 200 g of boiling water, placed in a bowl and heated in a water bath for about 5 minutes, cooled, filtered and taken 100 g in the morning and evening.

5. Diaphoretic tea. Two tablespoons of a mixture of 1 part of the motherboard, two parts of dried raspberry berries, 2 parts of coltsfoot leaves pour 400 g of boiling water, insist for a quarter of an hour, filter and drink 100 g hot three times a day.

6. Breast tea. They take a tablespoon of a mixture of 2 parts of marshmallow root, 2 teaspoons of coltsfoot leaves and 1 teaspoon of oregano, pour 400 g of boiling water, insist for a quarter of an hour, filter and drink warm after eating 100 g each.

7. An anti-inflammatory collection is prepared for gargling the throat and mouth: two tables. spoons of a mixture of four parts of oregano, 6 parts of oak bark, 1 part of marshmallow root pour 400 g of boiling water, insist for a quarter of an hour, filter. Use warm after meals for rinsing several times a day.

8. Tea: 2 teaspoons of herbs pour 200 g of boiling water, insist for 3 minutes and drink the entire portion with honey or sugar. This tea stimulates digestion. It is also recommended to drink it for women with early menopause or with constant and frequent hot flashes, severe bleeding, depressed mental state, and also to increase lactation in nursing mothers.


A contraindication to this herb is any period of pregnancy, because, causing uterine contractions, oregano serves to terminate pregnancy.

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