Aquarius woman in love - what is she like? What kind of man does an Aquarius woman need? Why is Aquarius considered a genius sign? Why Aquarius often changes jobs

I always wondered: “Why am I like this?”. I own this and that. I clearly see my pluses and minuses in my character, some help me achieve my goals, while others pull me to the “bottom”. I'm just wondering if the horoscope sign really means anything. I wanted to compare and analyze everything. Should I believe horoscopes or not? What can be said about a person born under the sign of Aquarius? Let's find out the whole truth!

About the ruling planets of Aquarius

Uranus and Saturn are the ruling planets of Aquarius. I will tell about them now.

uranium in ancient mythology revered as the god of heaven and the wife of Gaia (Earth). But this god was deceived, blinded and overthrown by Kronos - Saturn. These planets are very different and therefore the nature of people born under the sign of Aquarius is very controversial. Sometimes Aquarians are called a combination of an angel and a devil. Thanks to these planets, the personality of Aquarius is endowed with intellectual superiority and a desire for eternal wisdom.

In the astrological framework, Uranus represents the principle that builds and maintains the relationship between the elements and the system. He overcomes the limitations of some system through the information field. To put it simply, Uranus is the postman of the Cosmos. At the same time, he is the highest octave of Mercury, which creates a connection between the elements of the system.

All sorts of radiations are associated with Uranus. For example, radioactivity, as well as the radiation of that light that raises consciousness to a new level. Uranus gives enlightenment. It is no coincidence that the time when Uranus was discovered (1781) was called the Age of Enlightenment. Uranus is a planet that is outside the Saturn "frame". Saturn is responsible for self-consciousness, and Uranus can raise this self-consciousness to a new level. And at the moment, Uranus manifests itself through the era of high technology and the Internet, which will give a leap in human life and thinking.

Uranus requires constantly new updates in everything. He constantly introduces new things, ahead of time. Uranus beyond Saturn, i.e. beyond old age and he is constantly young. It can be compared to water that flows in a mountain spring - heavenly fresh, crystal clear and forever young! Therefore, Uranus constantly demands freedom from the old laws of being. The influence of Uranus suggests the awakening of consciousness and the development of thinking. If this is not the case, then the balance is disturbed, panic and recklessness begin.

Uranus and Saturn is always a problem between new and old, ideal and reality, freedom and karma. In general, in simple terms, Uranus is the planet of the future and everything connected with it.

It is the influence of Uranus and Saturn that determines the main positive and negative qualities of the Aquarius character.

Freedom and individuality.

In spiritual manifestation, Uranus gives an inner desire for light and freedom. Many do not understand what this word means. Freedom is the ability to move forward, to rise higher. Freedom manifests itself through individuality. This is expressed in the fact that Aquarians see this world and build their lives in no way at all, they always follow a new path.

Indeed, freedom means a lot to me. The biggest proof of the Uranian manifestation of freedom and self-expression is my blog, where you are. Here I do everything as I want, I have complete freedom, no one forbids me and I have a wide choice of actions. I want to insert a new widget, I want to change the design, I want to write an interesting article. Blogging is a great medium for self-expression. And I'm glad that I have the opportunity to do this wonderful hobby.

Unloved work is a thing that limits freedom and self-expression. It is very difficult for me to go to her five days a week, obey, act according to the rules. I believe that I will find a job that I really like, where I will be free. And the first step on the way to your favorite job, and maybe your own business, is to break the material shackles that have enslaved this world. At the moment, I am trying to create a passive income for myself, which would give me freedom in everything.

I would like to emphasize that Aquarians struggle to be recognized as their individuality, but not to be considered superior to others. There is a difference between individuality and "peacock" habits. You might think that a personal blog about self-development and personal growth is a PR stunt, but this is far from the case. I just want to share my experience with other people. That's all. I believe that all people are equal and deserve a better life.

Another proof of the current influence of Uranus on our society is the creation of such a musical direction as punk. At one time I will say that I was fond of music, they tried to create their own group and this particular style was my favorite. I liked Californian punk the most. Songs in this style are very mobile, airy, joyful. In general, the United States with its Statue of Liberty shows the unification and equality of all to create more comfortable conditions for society. It is a symbol in the Age of Aquarius.

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Uranian manifestation of freedom hinders me in personal relationships. At the same time, you want to be part of a group, a family, or simply belong to another person, and at the same time you want to be free. Because of this, I am often misunderstood. If the relationship demands too much, which leads to the sacrifice of freedom, then rebellion begins. I become cold and impassive, it feels like I'm climbing like a turtle into a shell. It's strange how you can be so friendly and at the same time renunciate. And I understood the whole point, the point is a misunderstanding of freedom. All Aquarians need to understand that freedom lies in depending on other people. To feel free, it is necessary not only to receive, but also to give. When relationships go too far, it seems that now I will lose my Real Self. As a result, such bad traits as selfishness, narcissism and the desire to be always right appear. But when you connect with other people, in no case do you lose your Real Self, but on the contrary, you show it more and more. In fact, a person creates his freedom in his brains. We are all and always free, but we believe that everyone is trying to take away this freedom from us. Another bad quality of character that I noticed in myself is irascibility. It also comes from the desire to be always free and right. I believe that my point of view is always better than the opponent, that I know much more. And if a person does not agree, then I explode. Hot temper and anger are the wrong manifestations of the Inner Power. Aquarians have it not to suppress something, but to create. Remember this.

Idealism and innovation.

Aquarians always strive for ideals. The actions of Aquarius determine the desire to change everything that surrounds him for the better. Thanks to his inventive mind, he is constantly looking for ways to improve the world. He does not want to work the old fashioned way, and therefore asks himself the question: "How to do it in a different way?".

Aquarius creativity lies in the constant search for something new. About Aquarius, we can say that he is not even a dreamer, but a seer. He not only wants to find new job, but wants it to be more effective and bring more benefits. Aquarians tend to do everything in a new way, and the reason for this lies in the desire to make some kind of discovery. In everyday life, Aquarians are constantly experimenting and trying to avoid routine. Innovation is a manifestation of his ability to be creative. They can try the most unexpected things and get extraordinary results. Aquarians constantly crave novelty.

I agree with all these words. I notice all the jambs in everything, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a person, a house or some kind of concert. I immediately see the dark side, something that could be changed. For example, I often pay attention to the layout of the apartment and how the furniture is arranged. If something does not suit me, then I immediately look for a more effective way. What walls need to be demolished, where to make a doorway and where to put a bed and hang a TV so that there is more free space. I want everything to be perfect, but this is not yet possible. And it will never be like that, because nothing stands still. All idealism probably lies in progress. People, too, have the habits of idealism. But you realize that you yourself are far from perfect and give up this idea. It really interferes with my relationship. You never need to idealize a partner and try to remake him, you need to accept him as he is. Of course, if he has some bad qualities like alcohol abuse, then you need to fight it. All Aquarians need to look at idealism differently. Any person improves himself and his life, it's just that someone can do more, and someone less. And you need to be more tolerant of yourself and others in this regard.

Justice and Humanism

Aquarians are always concerned about the problems of those around them. Aquarius knows how to build a fair society where everyone is taken care of and where each other is respected. Aquarians believe in creative action and the wisdom of humanity. Their humanism is manifested in the desire to contribute to the development of society. They like ideas and deeds that can improve a person's life. They are ready to fight against those who restrict freedom and do not value other people. Aquarius understands that every person is priceless, that he is the embodiment of God on Earth.

The humanism of Aquarius can be manifested in its relationship with society. He can take on the implementation of a project aimed at blogging. Constantly participates in actions for the protection of nature and observance of human rights. Aquarius does a lot for others, he is always ready to help and lend a hand to those in need. It is Aquarius who can lend money to a person who is unlikely to return it. Aquarians are amazing friends and this is also a manifestation of humanism. He values ​​his friends and rarely gives in. Aquarius wants to make the world kinder and in every possible way he is trying to awaken the consciousness of mankind.

I am a fighter for justice. People are now doing a lot of evil, and when this evil comes to them in revenge, they begin to condemn everything around, but not themselves. We are so fluffy, we can do nothing to another person. It is very difficult to accept that justice has triumphed for some deeds and everything has returned according to the boomerang law. It seems that people have forgotten what justice is. In Russia at the moment there is no justice in anything, but I believe that our country will reach the "bottom" and then either begin to rapidly raise the economy, living standards and spiritual potential, or there will simply be another revolution that will also lead to "quantum" jump. Is it fair that pensioners receive a meager pension, and teachers and doctors, people on whom the health and education of our children depend, a tiny salary? I'm just silent about paid education. Shame and more! But Justice will prevail, only when?

Aquarians are always for any manifestation of communication, which is aimed at improving life. As if these are your friends or the action "Help a man ...". Now it's every man for himself, everyone wants to snatch their piece and more. But this is the deepest mistake, because we need to act together. This is how we get the best results. You need to shove your egoism up your ass and help each other, and not assume that I am smarter, I can do it alone, I don’t need anyone. Most Aquarians have very few friends, including me. Who are friends and what do they eat with? Will you answer me this question. He is very complicated. The most disgusting thing is when the people you consider friends begin to lie and betray you. For what and why? Do you want to be taller, smarter, cooler. Somewhere you may have won, my dear friend, but the Universe does not forgive this and everything comes back only with a double “slap in the face”. Everyone thinks that they can get away with it, but this does not happen, and the laws of the universe cannot be deceived. Therefore, be more humane and fair in relation to your loved ones and do more good deeds.

Mercury in Aquarius

Those born from February 2 to 12 are under the influence of Mercury. In this case, this planet is in the sign of Aquarius visiting Uranus and Saturn.

Such people are endowed with amazing intuition and psychological talent, a good memory, and sometimes a telepathic gift.

Intuition is an interesting thing. But, like all skills, it needs to be developed. Sometimes it really works for me, but very rarely. There is a psychological talent. I even once a friend said that you have the makings. But I have already received a different education and I would not want to work as a psychologist, because sometimes you don’t understand yourself and you can’t put your psyche in order. I don't know about memory. I always remember what I need, but I can’t say that it’s right on the verge of fantasy. Here telepathy is a separate conversation. Sometimes there are glimpses and I really understand what a person wants. It's like reading information. I even joke with many. I say that I have the first given in mind reading. Jokes are jokes, but there is some truth in every joke.

What conclusions can be drawn.

Positive character traits: love of freedom, progressiveness, humanity, optimism, fidelity to the idea, originality, self-confidence, intuitiveness, idealism, openness, sincerity

Negative Traits: selfishness, irascibility, lack of self-control, stubbornness, laziness, self-will, a tendency to go to extremes.

About the appearance of Aquarius

Let's consider the astrological physiognomy of the Uranian Aquarius.

The representatives of this sign are well shown features of the air element, pointed facial features, poverty and thinness. There may be an unusual look with "flashes". It feels like lightning flashes, like during a thunderstorm. The gait is light, zigzag, nervous movements. Usually they have light hair color and blue eyes, a pointed nose.

I agree with some parts, but not with some.

First, pallor and thinness. It's straight to the point. Sometimes so pale that pipets. It can be seen on my face, especially in winter. For as long as I can remember, I have always been skinny. At first, he had a complex in this case, went to the rocking chair, made himself this very hero, gained the treasured kilograms. But after quitting training, they again left and the usual weight returned. And only realizing that I am air, I realized that it should be so. I have to move easily, climb up. And all these kilograms are pulling down. Even gaining only 4 kilograms to weight, I already felt that this was not mine. Even though I look thin, my weight is normal. With a height of 172 cm, I weigh 68 kg. And this is the norm in this case. And I tried to put too much on myself. Normal weight is the weight when you feel great. In general, you need to look at tables less and love your body more. Then it will go back to normal.

Secondly, I have a really strange look. When I smile, my eyes are very bright. Everyone tells me to smile more. But when I'm serious, sometimes I myself get scared of him. I look in the mirror and see another person there, something from the devil. And when I make such a look, many people feel uncomfortable. In general, an Aquarius should have blond hair and eyes, but here I have dark and brown eyes. It looks like it was passed down from someone. And my nose is a potato, it's definitely from my grandmother on my father's side.

Thirdly, nervousness in gait. This is also there. If he is nervous, then the gait is appropriate) ... In general, a lot of things can be said about a person by gait.

About the compatibility of Aquarius with other signs

Until the age of 29.5, they need to look for the most suitable partners among the signs of Gemini and Libra. All three are air signs, their relationships are fragile and changeable. Gemini offers intellectual stimulation, fun camaraderie, while Libra offers balance and harmony.

It really is. With Gemini and Libra, you can immediately see the ease of communication, as if we have known each other for a thousand years. This also suggests that in the early years Aquarius is more exalted and can only communicate with spiritual equals. But when Aquarians grow up, they begin to nail to the Earth and they can get along well with Virgos, Aries and even Lions.

After 29.5 years, they are more interested in practical earthly life, and then they are often compatible with the signs of Virgo and Aries. Virgo's sharp mind and ability to work tirelessly can help Aquarius enter the realm of practicality. Aries offers flaming ambition to Aquarius and serves as a good example of his "I" for him.

After 41.5 years, Aquarius acquires a positive direction in personal life and in work, and he is ready to enter into high society. At this time, he is very compatible with his opposite sign - Leo, who has also already begun to go in this direction. If previous connections between Aquarius and Leo were unsuccessful, our grown-up Aquarians can try again, because. by this time they have become more diplomatic and know what can and cannot be expected from the Lions.


Whether to believe in horoscopes or not is your business. I personally believe in general horoscopes and compatibility horoscopes. In my horoscope, everything converges. All positive and negative traits, ideas and thoughts are written correctly.

It seems to me that in this short rhyme everything is clearly written about Aquarius.

In them, the Angel is mixed in half with the Bes.
Sign - Genius. Sign of different interests.
They have a very sharp mind.
Doesn't like theatrics
But everyone is shocked, they are drawn to scandal.
Fighters for Truth, Justice.
Servants are FAITH. But vulgar and nasty manners.
Trusting. Religious and mystical.
Very tolerant and not despotic. impenetrable.
Sometimes very naive.
And the slogan to match them, just as childishly wondrous - “Do not do as I do, but
do as I tell you!"
They are very visible difference in actions and words.
However, Air. Talkative. Cheerful and lively.
Stubborn and talkative, but not angry.
promiscuity. Coldness and calculation.
But objectivity and collectivism, as a score in the offset.
Here is Galileo, here is Burns, here is Byron, Edison, Jules Verne, Maugham, Charles Darwin andLincoln.
There is no jealousy in them - this is a clear plus.
But he is two-faced, he will break any union.
And here's another thing - it's very uncomfortable,
Because it must always be free.

With respect, Nicholai!

Anyone who has ever met Aquarius at least once knows that these people are very complex. But at the same time they are so charming that life without them will never be the same and happy.

Here are 5 things you need to know about all representatives of this zodiac sign. This will help you build a relationship with them!

1. They live in their heads

Aquarians live in their own worlds. People often say about them: "They fly in the clouds." This is partly true. Only they fly not in the clouds, but in their own thoughts and experiences.

Representatives of this zodiac sign generally think a lot. And at once about everything. Therefore, they are usually so thoughtful and rarely attentive.

Do not call Aquarians cold people. They are hot as fire! But they prefer to hide their flame inside. Trusting it only to those closest to you.

2. They don't need all that romantic stuff.

Aquarians are practical people. In the first place in their system of measure will always be practicality, functionality. They don't like to read romance novels and don't watch (almost) romantic comedies.

Aquarius cannot be bribed with gifts either. All because they need real romance. They want to have a partner nearby who will make them develop. And show the way.

Well, the predicted manifestations of feelings on holidays are not at all for them.

3. They Avoid Conflict

Aquarians simply do not have time for them! They want the world to be fairer, but if it comes down to a real fight, they will most likely just blow their feet.

If you have any problems, then it is better to discuss them with Aquarians, using rational arguments.

Conflicts are best resolved without outbursts of aggression, right?

4. They are constantly changing

Aquarians are true Gods when it comes to personal development. And they expect their partner to take it just as seriously.

If people close to them do not want to change, Aquarians will be very angry. And then they will leave you.

5. They fiercely defend their independence.

When you start dating an Aquarius, God forbid you try to "clamp" him or her. Do not think that you should or can control their lives. He/She will demand independence and that you respect her/his opinion.

In a relationship, Aquarians prefer not to rush. And they take on obligations reluctantly and only when they are really sure that they have found their love.

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Aquarius is lucky, he got two patrons at once: the planets Saturn and Uranus. But this is also a burden, since the planets are completely different in nature. Saturn dooms Aquarius to obedience, and Uranus constantly pushes to action. Representatives of this sign rush between the two planets, constantly looking for the truth that is in themselves.
The character traits that Aquarius inherited from Saturn are soft and bright, this ...

First of all, humility, thanks to which Aquarius, not tormented in vain, endures all the burdens of fate that fall on him, like waves in the ocean. But this trait appears only in certain areas of his life. Aquarius will not submit to a simple person, he is too strong for this.

The desire for learning manifests itself in Aquarius from early childhood and does not leave throughout life. Aquarians live under the motto: "Live for a century..."

Dreaminess is also inherent in him, pink glasses help to cope with impending problems, endure them, dreaming and hoping that tomorrow will be a new day.

Aquarians can be envied, their self-control is unrivaled. They will never offend a person, no matter how they treat him. This feature plays another role. Sometimes you can say that Aquarians are stone people, but this is self-control, in fact, a volcano is raging inside them.
Humanity. Aquarians will always come to your aid, they will not leave anyone in trouble, but this feeling cannot be abused, because if the representatives of this sign notice this, then you will not get more help from them.
Aquarius is quite patient, but his patience can come to an end. He is not irritable and modest, while everything suits him, but the moment comes, and the volcano begins to act in full force.

The traits inherited from Uranus make Aquarius conquer peaks, sink to the seabed ... For example, take his vigor, which constantly attracts Aquarius to action.
These people are rather impudent, but not in terms of rudeness, but in terms of action, they can get involved in the most unpromising business and eventually bring it to the best possible conclusion.
This is also possible because of the restlessness and activity of Aquarius, he is constantly in search, on the move, striving to improve himself. And, perhaps, not only himself, he will definitely make an ideal out of you, not in his own eyes, but a real one.

Aquarians are very sociable people, they have a natural attraction. People themselves strive to communicate with them, strive to join their society, but they themselves do not know why this happens.
The ingenuity of Aquarius helps them reach quite great heights in life. Even the most boring business in their eyes becomes an interesting game.

However, Aquarius is a sort of lazy seven-hander. It all depends on his mood. He can lie on the couch all day, or he can move mountains that even Hercules cannot control.
And on top of that, Aquarians are also very humorous, they treat the hardships of life with irony. In addition, humor helps them in communication, Aquarius can present the most unpleasant fact in such a way that everyone will only smile, even if the solution to the problem is difficult and long.

Many of the listed qualities of Aquarius are clearly manifested in their love. Representatives of this sign are not very loving, but they are attracted to people, thanks to the love of communication. Aquarius may have many acquaintances, but they will give true preference to only one person. The rest are satisfied that they have the right to be near such a person. This rather captivates Aquarius than becomes a burden to him.
Aquarius himself will not make any special efforts to seduce, since it is in his blood. He only enjoys the fruits of nature, gathering crowds around him who want to get into the circle of his close people.
And yet, love for Aquarius is a way of self-expression, he will try to show you from his best side, and he has quite a lot of such sides, and he uses all of them to achieve his goal.

Aquarius in love does not need to be told that you prefer what suits you, he himself will feel your passion for something, and it will be at your feet if, in his opinion, you deserve it. The Aquarius man will conquer you rather slowly, stretching rather not yours, but his own pleasure. But he does not like too open ladies, so you can keep him only with a mystery or zest.

Since Aquarius himself is quite sociable and smart, he will begin to look for the same woman. And a small swarm of them will constantly circle around him, but this should not bother his lady. Aquarius is constant: if he is attached to someone, then this is serious.

The Aquarius man is intelligent in love: he will not allow himself either impudence or rudeness. If it is a flower, then a rose is 120 cm long, if it is an ornament, then the most exquisite. You will not be able to reproach him for anything, since your desires will be guessed by this wizard with incomparable ease.

But an Aquarius in love will not rush to the top of a cliff for you and will not jump from a bridge, this, in his opinion, is not a way to prove feelings, but a way to take a break from work for a couple of months, hiding behind a broken arm. He will not prove his feelings to you by throwing expensive gifts at your feet. However, you will never forget this day. It will be a candlelight dinner in some quiet cafe on the river bank. And you will be the most precious gift in his life.
The Aquarius woman is just as sociable, but she will not gather ordinary men around her, she is more picky than a man. Only the best will get into her environment, and it is from among them that a woman will choose for herself the only one who will fill her life without a trace.

So men will have something to think about. You can't catch this fish with a "worm". She needs more bait. Woman Aquarius needs the strong man, to whom you can entrust not only yourself, but also your most secret secrets. If she started to share something with you, this is the first sign of her love.
An Aquarius woman in love becomes gentle and affectionate, she can make some concessions, but do not expect her to change, rather, you will have to do this. Even being at the pinnacle of happiness, this woman still considers herself perfect.
In a woman, the features of Saturn are more reflected, she is softer, more romantic and sometimes even melancholic, but this feeling arises in her if you have ceased to satisfy her. True, this is not always the case. You should not keep her to yourself if she is disappointed in you. You risk awakening the volcano, and the only one who will suffer from this will not be her.

Compatibility with others
Not all people will fall into the category of possible candidates for the position of a lover; compatibility plays an important role in their relationship. Aquarians believe that all signs are not very worthy of them, but some can still prove the opposite.

With Aries, Aquarius feels pretty good, but it will depend on his mood. If Aquarius is in a good mood, then everything will go fine, if not, then their relationship can be compared with the saying: "I found a scythe on a stone." Two rather strong and active signs can do so many things that they themselves will regret it later.

With Taurus, not just an alliance, but even contact is not desirable. These people do not understand each other. Taurus sets limits, besides, his goal is despotic relations that are completely incomprehensible to Aquarius.

With Gemini. Yes, if you decide to create a small corner of Eden, then, perhaps, it is worth looking for Gemini. This sign is so mobile and emotional that it will adapt to any of your moods. If necessary, Aquarius will not even notice his presence. And vice versa, Gemini will be the first to resurrect, one has only to think about it for Aquarius, who has returned to life.

A rather interesting alliance is possible with Cancer. The representative of this sign is open and sexy, and Aquarius will complement it with sociability and spirituality. If they can understand each other and do not get bored, then perhaps their relationship will be very strong.

There is no contact with Leo, he will simply suppress the softer Aquarius. Especially if he is in a bad mood. There will never be understanding between them.

Understanding arises with Virgo, but it is still better to avoid such a union. True, if the Aquarius man can come to terms with some of the weaknesses of the Virgo woman, then everything is possible.
With Libra full understanding, this is also an air sign, and he knows Aquarius from the inside. This helps them not only to perceive each other, but to fully comply. The two of them can do a lot. Aquarius will give Libra confidence, in exchange for support in everything.

With Scorpio, perhaps, if Aquarius wants to live a little, then he should not rely too much on Scorpio. He will demand retribution for every little thing. The request of Aquarius will not go unheeded, but in return they will demand too much from him. And if Scorpio is unhappy, his poison will burn everything around.

With Sagittarius they are in perfect harmony. This is a union of understanding people, although Sagittarius belongs to the fire sign, he understands that he cannot live without Aquarius, he will lose a lot, and he himself will try to keep Aquarius with him, which will suit the second.

With Capricorn. Not! Two intellectuals, one of whom gnaws at science, and the other simply bathes in it. There will be constant quarrels between them, the outcome of which is known only to the Almighty. They are too smart, and this is what prevents them from being together, constantly forcing them to compete, and this is not an alliance, but enmity.

The union between the Aquarians themselves will be interesting, but difficult. They will strive to take possession of each other so much that in the end they will simply exhaust themselves and their partner. A variant of close relationships is possible if one of the partners is in melancholy, and the other is at the peak of activity, they will change roles and support each other.

With Pisces, everything is possible, Aquarius understands their desires and seeks to please. And the fish will always find something to captivate him, playing the role that best suits his mood at the moment. Perhaps, the Pisces woman and the Aquarius man have more chances here. They will always play cat and mouse without touching the depths of their partner.

Erotic horoscope
Sometimes it seems that Aquarius doesn't even like to talk about sex, but it's all just a game. Aquarius - Pretty sexy sign. He will open before you only if you completely captured his thoughts and actions. Otherwise, you will get only crumbs from the master's table.

Aquarius will never open his soul and body to those whom he has not fully studied. He will not allow himself to miss in such an important area of ​​\u200b\u200brelationships. Aquarians love to hear praise in everything, and how to achieve this, if not through their actions. In addition, Aquarius intuitively feels a lie, so if you are already dissatisfied, then it is better to tell the truth than even to hide it very cleverly. This is not an option where a beautiful lie is better than a bitter truth. You will lose Aquarius forever the first time you fake it.

Aquarians often begin their sex life at early age. They strive to achieve excellence by learning from their partners. Aquarius takes out only the best from experience and then brings it to life. His sexuality grows like a snowball, so that at a more mature age, Aquarius can start a small file of fans. But it is at this time that he stops, realizing that the past is a simple game, and real relationships can only be built with one person, and the most worthy.

So, entering into serious contact, Aquarius is already armed so much that your first experience with him will remain in your memory for a long time. But like everything else, sex can get boring for Aquarius. And he will look for new sensations or simply give up pleasure for a while at the expense of future meetings, which will bring joy only after a short separation.

It is Aquarius men who do this more often, they are able to refuse sex for several days, but then all their feelings will rush in a new wave, on the crest of which it will be possible to fly away into the clouds. In his understanding, sex is not in quantity, but in quality.

The Aquarius man will always try to take care of himself first of all, at some point becoming literally despotic. But then his partner will take her, having received a lot of sensations, the Aquarius man will not leave her unattended.

If in communication Aquarius is quite active and talkative, then in sex you can not expect praise or comments from him, you should catch his mood by actions and unspoken desires. He will not crumble in compliments just because he is satisfied, but will calmly look at his partner, expressing his pleasure more with facial expressions than with words.

Unlike men, the Aquarius woman is a little more sexy. She tries to get everything from sex: pleasure, passion and understanding of a partner. If she does not succeed, then she immediately changes it to a more open and perfect one.
In her understanding, everything should depend on the man, if he is unable to touch her secret strings, then he is unworthy to be around. The Aquarius woman does not show passion too often, she cares more about the depth of feelings than about the superficial fire that burns in an instant and does not bring complete comfort and satisfaction. Not many men understand her desires and rarely give real pleasure.
Aquarius women are very particular about sex, so they try not to let themselves get carried away too soon. This plays a positive role, since in the end their restraint will be appreciated and accepted by men. Aquarius has a passion for learning, in sex it manifests itself in no lesser way, so having only a few experiences, the Aquarius woman will conquer her partner by appearing before him as a completely experienced lady.

Prospects in marriage
Many Aquarius women can afford to get married with absolutely no life experience, but this will only push them to action.
Marriage for Aquarius is always a rather serious matter. They do not allow themselves to relate to him directly. Having once concluded an alliance, Aquarius will never terminate it. Only the most extreme circumstances can push them to such a step.

In marriage, Aquarians do not try to completely control everything and everyone. They are of the opinion that equality is a more appropriate way of communicating than oppression or submissiveness. For Aquarius, a spouse is not just a person with whom you live next to, it is a support and help in a difficult situation. But they will never leave their half unattended, any help, even a simple word, will be appreciated by them.

For Aquarius men, marriage is an island where everything should be like in paradise. They strive for excellence in everything. Let it be a small boat, but it should always be afloat, and the Aquarius man will make every effort to do so. He will support the union, making every effort to do so.

Wherever he is, Aquarius tends to go home, where they are waiting for him. And the longer he was absent, the stronger his feelings, which he keeps in his heart, flare up. Since separation acts on the Aquarius man incendiary, he can sometimes just leave. But not in terms of changing a partner - he needs to be alone in order to understand how strong the feelings are, whether they have cooled down from the routine of days. Aquarius does not tolerate this.

But after a short separation, he is again - the charm itself, a caring, soft, gentle person who can be trusted and trusted. Aquarius men are rarely capable of betrayal and do not accept this in their partner, so if he finds out about this, the union can break in a matter of days. But after that, Aquarius will relive what happened for a long time, constantly reproaching himself. Because he thinks he is perfection and cannot understand why he was changed.
In marriage, the Aquarius woman shows almost the same feelings, however, she is a little more tender and does not allow herself to leave, as she considers this a simple weakness, but she has periods when the world becomes alien. The Aquarius woman withdraws into herself, and she is no longer interested in anything. The house can be complete chaos, and she will not pay attention to it. But some time passes, and everything falls into place. Life begins to revolve around her at double speed. This Aquarius woman received from her ruling planet.

But Saturn not only rewarded his ward with this: the Aquarius woman is quite submissive, she will not argue with her husband if he decides to do something. Even if in the end nothing happens, her soul mate will still meet support and attention from her side. But tenderness can also be replaced by anger if she feels that she has ceased to pay attention. A woman cannot live without communication and affection; this primarily concerns a loved one. Born under the auspices of the air, the Aquarius woman is capable of improvisation, compromise and the ability to adapt to her partner. Her house will always be new, and she herself will become a reflection of her half, penetrating into his feelings and thoughts.

But all this will continue until the Aquarius woman feels coldness. She cannot bear this. A volcano wakes up in it, which can no longer be stopped. The house turns into a burning beehive, and this continues until she gets her way. The marriage will be preserved by her to the last, but if nothing helps, then everything will fly into hell in an instant. And there's nothing to return. The Aquarius woman is not able to return to the world where she was offended. She will look for a new support, and the one that could not stand it will simply remain in her memory as a lived stage.

Like the bewildered Alice that Aquarius Lewis Carroll led through the mazes of Wonderland, dealing with Aquarius must be prepared for all sorts of surprises. Usually friendly and good-natured, people ruled by the planet Uranus still like to act contrary to public opinion and take a hidden pleasure in shocking the townsfolk with their unusual behavior. They often wear bizarre clothing only to emphasize their reluctance to conform to norms.

Aquarians have blue, green or gray eyes, directed somewhere into the unknown distance. Their hair is blond, straight and silky, their complexion is pale, their height is above average, and their features are thin, clearly defined, like the profiles of Roman emperors on ancient coins.

Free-spirited Aquarians are mostly witty, original, and independent, but they can also be timid, affectionate, diplomatic, and compassionate. They are very fond of using the words "friend" and "friends". So, President Roosevelt, also Aquarius, invariably began his addresses to the people on the radio with the words: "My friends." Aquarians do have many friends, they easily make new acquaintances, but they are more interested in quantity than quality, and they rarely become attached to someone for a long time. Such people can easily make friends with both the rector of the university and the local drunkard or giggling schoolgirl. Aquarians are well versed in psychology, and the possibility of analyzing human nature attracts them to more and more new acquaintances. Nevertheless, they never leave former friends in trouble, and they may even say to a former lover or wife: "Let's stay friends, huh?"

Aquarians, subject to Uranus, can get involved in politics, sports, horses, cars, and anything else. Their ruler, the planet Uranus, endowed them with a rebellious spirit, and they instinctively feel that the world needs a radical, revolutionary remake, however, when it comes to politics, they are very cautious. Open fighting on the barricades is not for them.

Astrology teaches that what Aquarians are thinking about now, mankind will comprehend only in fifty years. This may be true, but so far this does not close the gap that separates Aquarius and other people in the present. Many among Aquarians are indeed geniuses, but genius often borders on insanity, and establishing a "watershed" between the one and the other is not always easy. Aquarians have a rare ability to calm the mentally ill, hysterical people and frightened children, which is apparently due to their highly organized nervous system. They themselves cannot boast of remarkable health, as they are especially prone to vascular diseases with circulatory disorders. They suffer from cold in winter and damp heat in summer. By old age, they often develop atherosclerosis and varicose veins are formed, the legs are especially affected. They need to move a lot, be in the open air and sleep, while they sit still, wrap themselves up and do not open windows, and their sleep is short and restless due to increased nervous excitability and mental activity.

Aquarians do not have a good memory and easily fall into the category of "absent-minded professors", but this shortcoming is fully compensated by subtle intuition, sometimes almost magical foreboding of future events and the ability to guess other people's thoughts. So, when the phone rings, he almost always knows in advance who will be on the other end of the line. On the other hand, these people are unusually easy to hypnotize and, knowing this, rarely consent to hypnotic suggestion, which is a mistake, since medical hypnosis would quickly rid them of many of the obsessions from which they suffer. There is nothing supernatural in their thinking. Being a true researcher by nature, Aquarius will never make a final conclusion in his field of knowledge until he analyzes everything thoroughly, and even then nothing can change his point of view.

Aquarians are very truthful, do not tolerate lies, and also do not like to lend or borrow money to anyone. A man who borrowed a ten and did not return it on time, perished in his eyes forever. Although Aquarians are considered to be idealists, they are actually very good at understanding what's what, while idealism is mainly based on blind faith and unreasonable optimism. And this is not typical for them.

The metal of Aquarius is radioactive uranium, and the stone is dark blue sapphire, connecting the wisdom of the past with the secrets of the invisible, distant future.

Looking for a girl out of this world? Congratulations, you have found it in the Aquarius woman!

Looking for a girl out of this world? Congratulations, you have found it in the Aquarius woman! Most extraordinary sign Of the entire zodiac group, Aquarius is known for its uniqueness, ease, extraordinary charm, sharp mind and revolutionary thinking. Here's what you need to know to woo Aquarius:

  1. She is an evil genius

The Aquarius woman is famous for her excellent, deep intellect.

She not only thinks about different things, but also explores them ... carefully, from all possible points of view (and at the same time she is as frivolous as a happy schoolgirl).

It is not enough that she knows about the topic she has chosen superficially, the Aquarius woman wants to know the subject of her interest at a deep level.

The Aquarius woman needs a man who can keep up with her intellectually.

The exchange of well-thought-out ideas excites her incredibly. She just sparkles with excitement if you touch her mind properly. But if the conversation does not stimulate her, you will quickly bore her, and she will go over to a more interesting interlocutor.

  1. She is on her mind

The downside of a sharp mind is that the Aquarius woman often disconnects from herself physically. When she is told that she "thinks too much", it deeply hurts her feelings and she will not get close to you until you accept her wandering nature.

The transition from brain to body is not easy for the Aquarius woman, so sensuality is what she often lacks.

Aquarius is a fixed air sign, so the Aquarius woman is often perceived as cold, aloof, and emotionally closed off. But it's not. She is fixated on her thoughts where she feels most comfortable and needs help to get out of her dazed state.

  1. She is sexually adventurous

The Aquarius woman is incredibly inquisitive, open-minded, and known to love the unconventional. It makes her adventurous in the bedroom (or in the back seat, or somewhere outside, or... you know). Usually she is happy to try something new.

Connecting her thoughts to the sexual act is vital. Keep her brain and body in good shape by saying what you want to do with her. In addition, a strong, persistent touch excites her more than a soft and gentle one. You will never get bored with her.

  1. She hates "slobbery" novels

Aquarius women are extremely practical and pride themselves on being original and authentic. They value sincerity for spectacular displays of love.

You can not congratulate her on Valentine's Day and she won't care, but forget about her birthday and she will quickly forget you.

Aquarius women love to be groomed and love to feel special. She definitely wants romance, but the practical side of her needs needs to be grounded and real. Likewise, count on gestures and gifts from her to express your appreciation for who you are. But avoid trivial gifts and predictable displays of affection.

  1. She avoids conflict

Aquarians have a heightened sense of justice and a deep respect for other people who have the right to express themselves. She will rarely defend her own opinion as the only "correct" one.

She is not friendly with confrontation, because she considers it an unnecessary thing. If you are annoyed by something - just put the question rationally, and she will listen to you and do her best to satisfy your claims.

But if you dare to dominate her, raise your voice at her or shout a disrespectful insult at her, you can no longer count on her.

  1. She is fiercely independent.

Uranus, as one of the two ruling planets of this zodiac sign (the other being Saturn), creates a fiercely independent nature in the Aquarius woman. She must be true to herself and needs free and unlimited space.

Whether in a relationship or career, if she feels unappreciated, overwhelmed, or controlled, she will want to get rid of them.

Yes, she knows she's quirky. And she knows that she needs a huge amount of personal space. But nothing frightens her more than the deprivation of freedom and independence. So if you want her to be with you, let her go.

  1. She's constantly changing

"Evolve or die" is the creed of the progressive Aquarius woman. The expansion of horizons, the improvement of the world and the growth of her own personality are part of her continuous, endless life process. And she most likely expects the same from you, although she herself will never say this. She expects you to constantly develop as a person.

She pours all her energy and enthusiasm into a relationship or business idea, only to stumble upon a new idea that sets her on a whole new path. And if you need your chosen one to remain the same woman you met 10 years ago - forget about the Aquarius woman.

But a kind, witty, naughty life spent with Aquarius will never be boring. She longs for a strong, self-confident man who can handle her unrivaled mind and stand up for her own ideals, as well as being passionate to help her open up emotionally and sexually.

If that person is you, get ready to discover a new world of love.

Watching Aquarius... And yet there is not a single sign of the Zodiac, more arrogant and conceited than Aquarius. Yes, it is usually believed that Leos are arrogant, ambitious and vain - but they are just lovers, all of whose talents fade at the very moment when true professionals appear nearby - Aquarians. Aquarians do not need constant confirmation that they are smarter, stronger, more beautiful and generally the best - they just know it and take it for granted. They are so imbued with awareness of their own greatness that the opinions of other people, in principle, cannot affect their self-esteem. Aquarius is his own harshest critic and most devoted admirer - and he uses other people only to confirm his own thoughts. If Leo, in response to objections, immediately gets excited and starts arguing, proving his own superiority, Aquarius can completely sincerely agree with the arguments of his opponent - and even bring a lot of his own evidence in support of them. And the point here is not even that Aquarius loves to shock people with his behavior (although he really likes to do this - it's so funny to watch the expression on the faces of these "mere mortals" who do not understand anything), the point here is that Aquarius does victory over someone is not important (why, if he is already confident in his superiority?), And the subject of the dispute itself, frankly, is not so important 🙂 It's simple - for Aquarius to build a beautiful logical picture, more complete and "correct" than all other people - this is a matter of inner pride and honor. That is, of course, it is already much more complete and correct than that of all other people, but there is no limit to perfection ... and if in order to improve your system of views and values ​​you need to turn it inside out and turn it upside down in a couple of seconds - Aquarius does not thinking will do it. Well, since his narrow-minded opponent (although he is still not an opponent to Aquarius - so, an improvised tool, nothing more) missed many important points, defending his position, Aquarius will gladly fill in all the gaps and correct all the mistakes in the argument. Any Aquarius perceives accusations of insanity as a compliment - because he is firmly convinced that this is exactly the reaction of the "dark majority" to manifestations of true genius. When Aquarius speaks about something, he speaks primarily for himself. He likes the beauty and completeness of his own thoughts - however, having reached a certain point in his thoughts, he can switch to another topic out of the blue. That is why, in terms of unpredictability, they can even surpass even Gemini - in Aquarius, unpredictability manifests itself less often, but much more unusual, global and unpredictable. Aquarius is unlikely to just want to stand on his head ... but to turn the whole world upside down - out of pure curiosity - is quite in his style. Aquarius is the only one who will not lose his balance if you tell him that he does not walk on the Earth, but rotates it with his steps. At best, he will shrug his shoulders as if he always knew this anyway - by the way, it is quite possible that he always knew this. Aquarius is extremely arrogant towards Aries, mistaking them for eternally preoccupied teenagers, and therefore simply loves to watch them, constantly surprised at the energy with which these people do their eternal stupidities. He considers arguing with them tedious and useless, and therefore he usually simply agrees, portraying that understanding smile with which good doctors talk to sick and nervous children or veterinarians to wild animals. Aquarius is extremely mocking towards Taurus, finding in them just the same inexhaustible source for his sarcastic jokes on the topic of conservatism and the earthiness of the human race. Fortunately for Aquarius, Taurus usually does not understand these jokes, and indeed no one understands them except himself - but, of course, Aquarius is not at all embarrassed by this. All the same, after all, the only worthy connoisseur of his subtle humor is himself. By the way, Aquarius without a sense of humor simply does not exist in nature, it’s just that some of them, in their opinion, are so developed that showing it to others is an absolutely useless waste of time. However, the same can be said about all other human talents and abilities. Gemini often causes irritation in Aquarius, which he carefully hides or openly demonstrates - depending on the mood, weather, and many other factors that will still be incomprehensible to most people. Gemini annoys Aquarius with their randomness (which often does not want to fit into the beautiful logical framework of the Aquarius world), their sharp mind, which they, according to Aquarius, constantly use for other purposes, their tendency to exaggerate (at least by the fact that these exaggerations so obvious) and too short a memory - all this often makes communication with Gemini simply unbearable for Aquarius ... although sometimes it leads to the fact that Aquarius begins to consider a particularly talented Gemini as an experimental animal, with soulless persistence and cold ingenuity pushing this changeable type into " correct, according to Aquarius, side. Of course, the most important thing here is not achieving a good result, but Aquarius testing his own talents in the field of pedagogy and manipulation. Aquarius can be especially surprised and annoyed by the fact that during a break in experiments, while Aquarius is thinking about his upbringing system, once again bringing it to perfection, Gemini can change quite independently so that it completely blocks all the previous "achievements" of Aquarius. Cancer Aquarius sincerely regrets. Of course, all the other signs of the Zodiac pity them, and they themselves - in the first place, but the pity of the Vdoleys is the most arrogant of all possible. Aquarius sincerely believes that “one born with Cancer cannot fly,” and does not even try to re-educate him, but tries to make his life easier as much as possible - simply because he considers himself omnipotent inside. Cancer, on the other hand, accepts the help of Aquarius with gratitude, often not noticing in the sympathetic look of his benefactor the greatly aggravated megalomania. Aquarius, for whom the whole world is home (and not because he is "tolerant", he simply considers the lesser unworthy of himself ... although the Galaxy is exactly his size ... for the near future) simply cannot understand Cancer's attachment to his four walls and native hearth. Again, the inner feeling of omnipotence and invulnerability makes him laugh inwardly while he sympathetically listens to the countless complaints and fears of Cancer. With Cancers, Aquarius sincerely rest their souls. Aquarius sincerely loves Lviv - how can you love your favorite plush toy or your favorite animated series about transformer robots. A lot of fun, a lot of bright and pleasant impressions, but in fact - just an optional entertainment element in life. Lions, with their constant passion to demonstrate their own significance and superiority to others, cause Aquarius only a slight grin - “well, we actually know who is the smartest, most significant here, and without whom everything will fall apart because of the absolute meaninglessness of our own existence ". Aquarians are happy to listen to the regal sayings of the brilliant Lions - after all, everything is all the same good ideas Leo was prompted by Aquarius, and the rest, for any reason, will remain empty words. Leo, without noticing it, constantly demonstrates to Aquarius his secondary nature and dependence on circumstances and people around him - after all, even becoming the first among many, Leo remains one of them. Aquarius, on the other hand, is so much higher than all other people that from the height of its cosmic orbit, all this swarming of ants causes only a smile and glimpses of research interest. Aquarius treats Virgo with respect - he sincerely admires the ability of these people to turn their lives into a monotonous and routine work of a well-functioning mechanism. Aquarius is happy to use the talents of Virgos, their perseverance, pedantry, the ability to put off all other things in the name of their work. Aquarius even loves them - about the same as a favorite computer or adding machine. Even if Aquarius took up some Virgo seriously - rest assured, he is just repairing and improving his favorite mechanism, nothing more ... Libra makes Aquarius bored. Aquarius always sincerely believes that he sees the future clearly and clearly for several days ahead (and even life itself is easier to agree with his opinion than trying to convince this arrogant stubborn), and therefore the indecision of these otherwise quite nice people can bring Aquarius to absolute frustration. Aquarius, out of pure curiosity and the spirit of experimentation, may try to intervene in Libra's life in order to force them to finally make an obvious (for Aquarius) decision, but after several attempts with the same result (Libra's tantrum and pictorial attempts to faint), he becomes completely bored. Although people, of course, are nice, and even Aquarius is sometimes quite pleased to communicate with them, they turn out to be that ideal supporting actor who fits very well into Aquarius’s internal mono- and dialogues full of drama. Scorpions often simply touch Aquarius with their cruelty and secrecy. From the poisonous sting of Scorpio, Aquarius is ideally protected by his confidence in his own superiority and invulnerability, but the secrecy of Scorpio, whom Aquarius himself knows much better than himself, can literally make Aquarius laugh to tears. Most of all, Aquarius loves to play along with Scorpions, one day (for Aquarius) breaking some particularly cunning and malicious combination of the unfortunate Scorpio with one graceful movement. It is considered to be the height of grace for Aquarius, as if by chance, to be nearby, to instantly convince Scorpio of his own innocence and complete ignorance, give a handkerchief, give Valocordin to drink, calm down, put to bed and straighten the blanket - all so that Scorpio recovers quickly and takes up his favorite pastime that gives Aquarius so much sincere pleasure. Sagittarius cause quite obvious paternal or maternal feelings in Aquarius. The enthusiastic idealism of Sagittarians, their often fanatical faith in something good and bright (Aquarians smile modestly), love of travel and general infantilism remind Aquarius of a greatly simplified version of their own childhood. With Sagittarius, it is very easy for Aquarius to seem experienced and wise, and since this is the most natural role for Aquarius, he accepts it with pleasure. At the same time, Aquarius is a little sad from the realization that, with all the desire, Sagittarius will not be able to achieve even a tenth of the wisdom and experience that is given to every Aquarius (and this particular one - especially) from birth. That is why, through the warm parental feelings in the gaze of Aquarius, a certain mournful note often slips, which only adds fanaticism to the same Sagittarius in his belief in the disinterested goodness and justice of Aquarius. Capricorns cause deaf longing in Aquarius. Usually, all the relations of Aquarius to Capricorn can be described with the words “this used energy and for peaceful purposes” ... however, the attitude of Capricorn to Aquarius is described in approximately the same words, only with much more pragmatism, and much less arrogance. Aquarius constantly ridicules what Capricorn considers the foundations of his own life - confidence, stability, conservatism, the power of authority and BIG MONEY. However, when after some time Aquarius is convinced that all his ridicule, logical arguments and fiery appeals are broken against the deaf armor of the cold Capricorn mind, and no interesting reaction follows (unless Capricorn can at some point hire killers whom Aquarius at the meeting, he will happily chat, convince him of the advantages of a non-violent lifestyle and send him to correct his karma in some Buddhist monastery in the remote Tibetan mountains), Aquarius becomes completely bored, he is disappointed in the opportunity to establish a dialogue with this stubborn stubborn Capricorn, and sets off to look for more interesting objects for the application of their forces. Aquarius is wary of other Aquarius. On the one hand, all Aquarians are indisputable geniuses, and in general - the crown of creation, and all other signs of the Zodiac are just unsuccessful experiments of the Cosmos on the way to true perfection. On the other hand, to admit that someone can be at least somewhat equal (or, heaven forbid, surpass) Aquarius is simply unthinkable. Therefore, each Aquarius considers other Aquarius at least a little, but lower than himself in all respects. Yes, Aquarius is closest to the center of the Universe, but at the very point around which everything revolves, there can only be one - and each Aquarius is sincerely sure that this "one" is he. And the fact that each Aquarius feels this in other Aquarius creates some tension in their communication - after all, Aquarius cannot communicate absolutely comfortably with a person who is so deeply mistaken. However, not a single Aquarius will enter into conflicts and start an open dispute on these topics - he absolutely does not want to be like all kinds of Aries and Lions, and - oh horror! — to become the object of their own internal ridicule. How to relate to Pisces, Aquarius cannot understand, and therefore, just in case, treats with arrogance. On the one hand, Pisces is the embodiment of everything that Aquarius considers a manifestation of weakness and limitation - they say, and their castles in the air are not so beautiful, durable and in accordance with all the rules of sopromat, and their lies, although professional, are unsystematic and often meaningless, and in life they often act in some way that is completely incomprehensible - where Aquarius does not see the benefit, he suspects stupidity. And with all this, there is some kind of mystery in Pisces, which allows them sometimes, a little bit, but to get ahead of Aquarius at least in some way. Of course, Aquarius, who always “wins on points”, is almost not embarrassed, but some kind of internal dissatisfaction remains. The more he tries to understand Pisces, the simpler and more uninteresting they seem to him, but as soon as he turns away, Pisces perform some kind of completely incredible feint. Aquarius cannot understand in any way whether this is an accident or a subtle mockery, and therefore at some point he simply stops thinking about it so as not to go crazy ... It is clear that this text was written by Aquarius, and first of all - in order to flatter own self-love. Secondly, to my Aquarius friends, who, perhaps, will be able to more or less adequately perceive this text ... ... and thirdly, just to take an unusual and humorous look at this rather funny zodiac sign - Aquarius 🙂 In the end, we must at least try to warn normal people about what awaits them when dealing with these unbearable arrogant psychos :))) Annotation:
How many have I already read the most diverse descriptions of our sign, but nowhere, for some reason, did I meet the whole truth about what is happening inside Aquarius. Even the most “evil” horoscopes only jokingly recounted the most common myths and misconceptions, and no one tried to get to the bottom of the truth. In general, this is correct, because only Aquarius themselves should know this about themselves ... so I immediately warn all representatives of other signs - it’s better not to read this text for them!
Let's start with the most common myth that Aquarians are very peaceful creatures. Yeah of course. There is only one axiom - this is the monstrous, inhuman, completely unreal conceit of the representatives of this sign. To paraphrase one well-known expression: "Aquarians do not suffer from megalomania - they live it." That is why any Aquarius will never seriously fight or compete with someone in any other way - he already _knows_ that he is superior to his opponent so much that any comparison is simply meaningless. How can the world's toughest athlete and supersonic fighter pilot compete in sprint? That is why all Aquarians very often move away from any violence or competition - their innate sense of their own superiority and uniqueness simply will not allow them to take what is happening seriously, and he will either participate “for the sake of appearances”, or will completely give up on these nonsense and go do more interesting things , of which the real Aquarius always has so many that any Gemini would hang himself with envy. Another question is that most of these things happen in the mind of Aquarius himself - but does he care that "these mere mortals never noticed anything"? Not once, he is the maximum that can pity them. But if suddenly Aquarius becomes seriously interested, or just his current goal coincides with the goal of some other "runners" - that's it, then a full pipe will begin, because this peaceful and shy guy will suddenly bypass all rivals with the grace of a supersonic bulldozer and end up at goals before anyone even knows what happened. Therefore, most often they say that Aquarius is simply "incredibly lucky." Aquarius smiles modestly and looks away, in which everything that he thinks about such "luck" is written. Fortunately, no one can truly understand the look of Aquarius ... except for another Aquarius, perhaps. So, Aquarius does not suffer from peacefulness. At the same time, he does not suffer from disinterestedness, but here again his fantastic megalomania "rescues" him. Any Aquarius absolutely sincerely believes that the whole world already belongs to him by right - so what's the point in arguing over some tiny pieces of it? He can quite easily and sincerely give last ruble, lunch or a movie ticket to his friend - simply because he _knows_ that tomorrow, if he wants, he will have all the same and even more, and a person’s gratitude is always pleasant and at least funny. By the way, despite all the "disinterestedness" and "generosity" of Aquarius, has anyone seen a truly poor and suffering representative of this sign? They are very fond of saying that “things are not as good as we would like” - and rightly so, because their requests are quite consistent with their ideas about themselves. In matters of convenience and comfort, they will easily beat the most seasoned hedonist-Taurus (fortunately, good taste this quite allows), but are always ready to be content with "the smallest". This is not asceticism, quite the opposite - compared to the images that the incredible fantasy of Aquarius gave rise to, even an 18-star hotel will not differ much from a provincial one-room apartment in an old house - so why bother and move into a hotel if it’s still nothing does it change the essence? By the way, those Aquarians who could afford to make their dreams come true (famous actors, for example) very quickly became a role model and objects of envy of all other people - if only people could even realize the whole scope and originality of Aquarius's plan. But, as mentioned above, Aquarius, by default, is not interested in other people's opinions and assessments ... except to test their own theories. There are already many legends about the “ability to understand” and “the ability to make friends” of Aquarius, but no one has ever said what is actually hidden behind these qualities. Any Aquarius stands on the top of the highest mountain in the world, and on this peak, of course, there is no place for someone else ... that is why any Aquarius is initially ready to put up with his loneliness, and that is why he is sure that a true friend, "the same "or at least he will not have an" equal ". Of course, there are other Aquarians, but there is a separate conversation about them - "two kings on the same land do not get along well." And since this peak is so unattainable, sky-high, then from such an almost orbital height all other people seem to be exactly the same - well, what's the difference between two points swarming somewhere down there? So jokes are born on the topic that Aquarius can equally calmly communicate with both the president and the homeless - of course, because both of them are nothing more than “just people” for Aquarius. Aquarius's interest in them, however, is never ostentatious, but quite sincere (he simply does not communicate with those who are not interested in him at all, and it is completely unrealistic to catch him in this state). The whole point is that Aquarius considers only one thing truly worthy of a being like himself - this is not just to understand the entire Universe (which belongs to him, of course), but also to do it as beautifully as possible. In which case, to correct and improve where necessary. Aquarius is unlikely to chase immortality and omnipotence - why, if in the depths of his soul he is already so sure that he has them? In general, based on this, all the people they meet for Aquarius are a good reason to confirm and improve their own theories. To understand something new, to polish his own ideas to a shine... Even when he talks with enthusiasm, he does it first of all in order to test his ideas on live test subjects - and only secondly because he wants to be understood . But he also appreciates mutual understanding very much - after all, he is sure that when people understand him completely, they will have no choice but to recognize his undeniable superiority and not waste time on objections and other fuss, but simply do what they are supposed to ... at that time, as Aquarius himself, without being distracted by trifles, will deal with more global and interesting issues. Now the myth of gentleness and good nature is one of the most fantastic and implausible, but for some reason very popular among people. Like, Aquarius does not like cruelty and prefers to solve everything as gently as possible ... yeah, of course! There are only two reasons, and both are extremely pragmatic. First, Aquarius very well understands and feels everything that happens to other people. Not because he loves empathy and compassion - this is not even in sight. It's just part of his global desire to understand the world - it's very good to feel and understand everything that happens around. That is why other people's troubles strain him - after all, these are _his_ troubles, in _his_ world. The second reason is that he understands that after being abused, a person may think about revenge and in general - this spoils the reputation, and “good” deeds increase the chance for gratitude and support in the future. In general, it is trite more efficient. Of course, not a single person, in principle, can hurt Aquarius with words or deeds so deeply that he seriously becomes afraid of something, but any Aquarius really does not like to be distracted by all sorts of nonsense, and therefore prefers to be surrounded by people who feel for him exclusively positive feelings. There is no need to be deceived about this - as soon as Aquarius becomes uninteresting, he will disappear so quickly and imperceptibly that no one will even have time to understand anything. However, this will not prevent him at all in a couple of years from approaching you on the street with a joyful look and with a slight reproach in his voice to ask, “Well, where did you disappear to then?” With all this, if Aquarius, for some reason, decided to seriously hurt someone ... In general, Scorpios turn pale and nervously go to smoke on the sidelines - their rude tricks cannot be compared with the hell that is able to arrange their sacrifice Aquarius. At the same time, what is most terrible, he does not feel any anger towards his victim at all - how can a celestial be seriously angry at a mere mortal? Or, rather, even a scientist - to sincerely hate the guinea pig? Aquarius with sincere interest will explore all the most vulnerable pain points of a person, and with special zeal those that the person himself did not suspect ... while no less sincerely comforting and supporting the victim of his inhuman experiments. After that, Aquarius usually has another "best friend" (more precisely, the one who considers Aquarius his "best friend"), and Aquarius himself happily continues to test his own methods of spiritual healing on him ... Annotation:
It is simply impossible to disassemble such myths at once, but at least it is worth starting, because taking on the impossible is an exciting activity!
The myth of Aquarius and work. There is a very common myth about Aquarius as talented lazy people and dreamy loafers - except for those rare moments when something really “inserts” them, and they are able to give out a weekly norm in a day. Yes, I agree, outwardly everything may look exactly like this, but in fact ... ... in fact, you can find out that a workaholic worse than Aquarius simply does not exist in the world. All the Earth signs are resting together on the sidelines - stubbornly and with concentration, as they can do. But Aquarius is working at this time - and who cares that his “work” often does not fit into the usual semantic framework of this word? Any Aquarius, like a cat, has 9 lives, only, unlike a small fluffy predator, Aquarius prefers to live them all at the same time. Fortunately, the possibilities of consciousness quite allow this - nature did not stint, endowing Aquarius with the fastest, flexible, sharp and non-standard working tool of cognition ... (instructions are not attached, but all the more interesting :)) Although Aquarius themselves quite rightly believe that they have everything just “as it should be”, and all other people somehow very pervertedly use their own intellectual capabilities. That is why the concepts of “important / not important” for Aquarius often do not critically coincide with the generally accepted ones ... and not only them. But going back to the work myth, Aquarius can't sit back by definition. Another question is that with his ambitions, he physically cannot do a business that seems too small to him - and almost any work in our world falls into this category with Aquarius. It is quite natural that most of the time he enthusiastically patches up holes in the Universe he has known and strives to know the unknown - not out of some kind of romantic whim, but out of a clear conviction that no one else can cope with this anyway. Well, “official work” is not a job at all, it’s just an occasion to get paid sometimes. Unlike the same Taurus, who are able to work long and hard _do_, Aquarius simply finds a way to make sure that the work _be_done_. Two options are possible here: either Aquarius imagines from the very beginning what should be done and how, or he does not imagine and does not want to. In the first case, he just looks at the work, says “ha, yes, this is nonsense, I can manage in five minutes” - and goes to do other, more interesting and important (by his standards, of course) things. Time passes, the deadlines begin to run out, but Aquarius still continues to engage in some kind of complete nonsense (from the point of view of the authorities). The authorities do not understand that the outwardly resting Aquarius, in addition to several global issues of being that require immediate attention, sometimes recalls the assigned work ... performs it in his mind even more efficiently and beautifully and calms down. The work has already been done, so why repeat it? Fortunately, for any Aquarius, the difference between “inner life” and “outer life”, although obvious, is not at all so significant that it makes you strain and do all the work one more time - already in “real life”. Nevertheless, when the deadlines are already very, very tight, Aquarius is distracted from his other tasks, sighs sadly, and simply does all the work that he has already managed to do more than a dozen times - in his mind. Everyone around is amazed, they start talking about “talent”, “luck”, “incredible performance”, and Aquarius just demonstrated what happens when at least part of his strength is diverted to current tasks - compared to the frantic pace in which his “inner life” passes, it still does not differ much from complete relaxation. The second option is when Aquarius initially does not know exactly what and how to do, and is not at all eager to find out (simply because his curiosity is entirely occupied with much more interesting things). Then Aquarius can show miracles of ingenuity and resourcefulness, only to save himself from an uninteresting duty ... well, or at least push it back for the maximum possible time. He himself is well aware that much more energy is spent on these actions than if he just sat down, figured out everything and would finally do what was required, but what is “expenditure of energy” for an omnipotent being? If it is impossible to remove unwanted work from reality by any means, then Aquarius diverts part of his strength from other tasks, sits down, delves into the essence of the task in ten minutes, finds a solution for it in another five minutes, and then says “ha, yes, this is elementary! I'll be done in half an hour!" and switches to the first mode. Of course, it also happens that the "external" work coincides with a couple of internal interests of Aquarius. This is how the myth of the next genius is born, who suddenly appeared with a bunch of incredible, but beautiful ideas, easily and naturally bypassed all his rivals, and changed everything around him that he could reach ... In fact, there is nothing incredible in this, and more Moreover, each Aquarius still gives out only a small part of what is going on inside him. Jules Verne, who in his “parallel lives” was both an experienced traveler and a great scientist, and even a demiurge of several quite logical and viable worlds (however, all Aquarians more or less possess these qualities), did not write his brilliant novels. He simply wrote down what he saw, and therefore Verne the novelist is the smallest and most uninteresting part of Verne the Aquarius. By the way, this is why Vern could say about Wells "He makes everything up!" Vern himself did not invent anything. Just like Tom Edison - he was primarily a mystic, a poet and a romantic - he wanted to live in a beautiful world, new and unusual ... well, the fact that many new things had to be invented for this is so, a side effect, himself by itself is not that interesting. Again, he didn't "invent" anything, he just took everything that he liked in his "dream world" (again, very logical and viable, yeah) and transferred it here as much as possible. There are many such examples, and any famous Aquarius - his visible life - is only the smallest part of an incredibly interesting, complex, beautiful and unusual life ... lives ... well, in general, it's understandable 🙂 This, by the way, was the myth of the genius of Aquarius- unfortunately, not a single horoscope told that, in fact, behind the notorious "genius" of Aquarius there is a rather original form of "schizophrenia in reverse" - Gemini with their banal split personality, embracing, quietly crying with envy. If ordinary schizophrenia means that the consciousness of one person is split into several loosely interconnected pieces, then in Aquarius it gives out several different parallel lives as one whole. Together with the outrageous "megalomania" (which, in fact, for Aquarius is never a mania, but ordinary knowledge :)), this effect affects the originality of the Aquarius approach to learning, creativity, management, and in general to all other aspects of life. But more on that later. Annotation:
Here are some of the most popular (and most misguided) myths about Aquarius. As usual, it is unlikely that anyone other than Aquarius will believe that this is not just cruel humor 🙂
Next in line we have the most important of them all - the myth of freedom-loving Aquarius . It is believed that Aquarians are the most active rebels, revolutionaries and fighters for the freedom of everyone from everything ... as an explanation for this phenomenon, some unconvincing arguments are given about the "innate sense of justice", "compassion" and other cute, but not at all Aquarian qualities. Beautiful, attractive ... and completely inconsistent with the true state of affairs. The trick is that it is Aquarians who know better than all other people what “submission”, “coercion” and “restriction of freedom” are. And not at all because they always have such a terrible childhood, strict parents or other features of life, no ... Aquarius is a maximalist, and not by choice. He is a victim of circumstances that forced him to fit in a single body, which, moreover, is not so well adapted to all the tasks that Aquarius sets for himself. Inside Aquarius, several lives boil at once, interesting things happen, literally the Universes are born and die on an industrial scale (with his, Aquarius, active participation, of course), and here ... neither fly in the sky, nor travel in time, nor read thoughts on distance (although this is exactly what many Aquarians learn with age :)), no other simple and natural things can be done. Horror! “Disabled people in hard labor” - this is how one could describe the existence of Aquarius in this world of ours ... and happiness is that this part of life for Aquarius himself is far from the largest and most significant. That is why Aquarius, who always needs “everything at once,” often with such surprise and irritation rests on the limitations of his capabilities. Returning to love of freedom, let's remember one more thing: Aquarians love beauty very much. Not from some kind of "sensual aesthetics", no - from your favorite pragmatism. “Simplicity, efficiency and beauty” - these, according to Aquarius, are the principles that any self-respecting demiurge should be guided by ... willy-nilly, one has to comply. Against this background, much of what people have already managed to create greatly prevents Aquarius from putting their principles into practice. And it is at such moments that the outwardly calm and peaceful Aquarius is able to literally explode and smash to shreds all the restrictions that he notices in life (his own or someone else's - this is no longer so important). The inner tyrant and despot that lives inside each Aquarius simply seeks to establish its own dictatorship in this way - the dictatorship of beauty and "correctness" in the entire world surrounding Aquarius. So the word "freedom", which people like to remember very much when talking about Aquarius, means something completely different for them. And it’s also lucky that this very sense of correctness and beauty denies a purely forceful approach to solving all problems - mountains of corpses do not correspond to the Aquarian aesthetics, in other words. Wars should be beautiful and "for justice" - nothing else. What Aquarius doesn't love Star Wars, hmm? But resorting to the rough, violent methods of our reality is at least unworthy of Aquarius, who prefers much more elegant (and effective, by the way) methods. Another myth is about Aquarius and heroism- grows from here. For the manifestation of heroism, Aquarius needs a real reason. A real monster to be defeated, a real disaster, a real arch-villain as an archenemy - this is where Aquarius has a place to turn around! And it unfolds - inside, in those very lives that are unlikely to ever become visible to people around. Fortunately, there you can play all the roles at the same time - both villains and heroes, and sages who are distantly watching them (or quietly making bets). All at once, as usual! Well, here, in "reality", where he has only one weak and vulnerable body (For Aquarius, any human body is _too_ weak, fragile and clumsy. This alone is enough to regularly become depressed!), Aquarius he will be careful to the limit - not out of some abstract “fear of death” (which he sincerely does not believe in, because it is not logical), but out of a banal understanding that before this very death he still needs to have time to do a lot of different things interesting. And without having calculated three times all (yes, absolutely _all_) possible risks, Aquarius will not get involved in any adventure. The ceiling of "acceptable risk" for each Aquarius is different, and usually only grows over time, although the ability to train reality grows even faster so that no truly risky and dangerous moments arise in it _at all_. Sometimes it even becomes insulting - you so want to demonstrate your heroism to everyone around you (except that they are not mistaken about this!), But there is still no reason. Also cause for depression. Speaking of depression - yes, there is one the myth of Aquarius and their depressions. Say, from time to time, for completely incomprehensible reasons, all Aquarians fall into such a black depression that even a trained flock of tightrope walker penguins, dropped right on his head, is unlikely to bring him out of such a state. As usual, this myth reflects only the external side of what is happening. In fact, everything is much worse. The state of depression in Aquarius is a constant thing, only it manifests itself in completely different ways. When things don't go right (and for an Aquarius maximalist, they _always_ go wrong), Aquarius gets depressed. When due to some strange turn of events real life coincides with the ideal ideas about her - Aquarius is even more depressed. Just because he knows that it will end soon, and after a streak of happiness, ordinary life will seem to him even more disgusting than usual. When something doesn’t work out for him, he gets angry and upset, sincerely believing that for such a perfect being everything should work out the first time as beautifully, easily and unusually as possible - so that other people can notice it. When everything works out for him from the first time easily, beautifully and unusually (simply because inside himself he has already spent several of his lives on this most “easy”), then most often no one notices this, and Aquarius is even more upset - he gets the feeling that someone fooled him, and he tried in vain. When even people notice something, most often they understand Aquarius completely wrong (and rightly so - who can fully understand all the frills of his consciousness and not go crazy?), and Aquarius begins to really annoy. Well, when there is some smart guy who fully understands everything that Aquarius did, he starts a black streak in life - he sees that someone has managed to understand him, which means that his uniqueness is called into question. Then Aquarius begins to be original four times more, often - contrary to everything that he did before, only to return to the position of the most unique and incomprehensible character ... and become depressed from his own loneliness. Happiness is that the habit of living many lives at once affects here too. In these parallel lives of his, Aquarius has already killed himself so many times, so many times he found himself in the wildest, scariest and hopeless situations, that after all this, going and hanging yourself corny is just a bad form. Because of their desire to know everything and everything, any Aquarius experiences a lot of things that normal people cannot even think about without a shudder. This makes Aquarius the most resilient and adaptable creature in the world. He does not even need to look for a way to get used to some circumstances that are unpleasant for himself - on the one hand, he experienced more terrible things inside, on the other hand, it is still as infinitely far from ideal as the most favorable conditions. At the same time, so was born in due time the myth of the insensitivity of Aquarius- also quite popular, and completely untrue. Yes, Aquarius will not shudder with horror, listening to the story of someone's misfortunes, or even personally present at the same time. He understands and feels everything perfectly, often even better than the one with whom this misfortune happened, but by the standards of Aquarius, this is still too insignificant an event. Compared to those epic tragedies that are going on inside him, any misfortunes of the outside world are not worth even a frown on his face. On the contrary, this is just an excuse to show their talents and heroism, which Aquarius, in principle, loves very much. That is why, in all sorts of extreme situations, many Aquarians experience a surge of fun and cheerfulness, such as “Yeah, something interesting has begun! Now I’m going to turn around at full strength!” On the other hand, Aquarius is also not capable of rejoicing violently at all sorts of trifles. What does he care about the lilac bush blooming under the window, if he has already seen thousands of the most diverse flowers, bushes, trees and remembered their beauty for himself? And lilac is like lilac, it was, is and will be ... anyway, it will dry up sooner or later, and then, in a year, it will bloom again ... For Aquarius there are no boundaries in time and space - some kind of memory or “precognition” may turn out to be him a much more important and _real_ event than what is happening literally one step away from him, here and now. On the other hand, simple human joys from delicious food or buying expensive things simply fade next to the delight that Aquarius experiences when he once again has a clear and beautiful picture of the Universe. This is how people do not notice the real feelings of Aquarius - just like they cannot hear infrasound or see in the ultraviolet range. Fortunately, like any perfect being, any Aquarius from childhood has a perfect acting talent, and quickly learns to demonstrate any feelings “outward” so that no one notices any catch. Occasionally, only someone can feel the difference between "external" and "internal" - and this scares such people. After that they are born myths about slippery, incomprehensible, fickle and terrible Aquarius- which Aquarius themselves usually even amuse. Fortunately, the desire for objectivity (without which any knowledge is basically meaningless) from early childhood teaches Aquarius to accept people as they are, and therefore Aquarius can forgive anyone for anything ... well, or almost. The notorious "tolerance" is based only on the understanding of the imperfection of human nature - therefore, it makes no difference which human shortcomings are considered a greater sin. Aquarius is completely calm (or with sincere curiosity - sometimes) refers to the most terrible and perverted things in human nature - simply because they are all very far from the ideal that Aquarius himself strives to meet ... and suffers from the fact that he has this does not work. By the way, Aquarius is least tolerant of himself - he demands everything from himself to the maximum, turning even the smallest flaw into a serious reason for discontent. And the closer a person is to Aquarius, the more it applies to him too. Like “as long as you are a stranger, live like everyone else, I don’t care ... but if you entered my life, meet its standards!”. This is where the foundation lies. the myth of domestic tyranny of Aquarius- when these outwardly sweet and tolerant people at home turn into capricious bores, constantly demanding something from their loved ones. In fact, there is neither one nor the other - the most important capricious bore in the life of Aquarius is himself. And this is only because “it’s so right”, and all other options are generally meaningless - every Aquarius knows this from birth. And an attempt to show another person your view of the world and convince him of his correctness is, in fact, a sign of great trust on the part of Aquarius. So the worse Aquarius behaves with you, the more he trusts you and loves you more - you can rejoice. However, if he decides to seriously take up the reorganization of your entire life, then perhaps joy will quickly turn into despair - for a loved one, Aquarius does not feel sorry for anything, and his unbearable boring stubbornness will pour on your head in completely unrealistic quantities. Be ready for this... as far as you can be ready for this! Annotation:
Just in case, I’ll write DISCLAIMER right away for all readers ... to avoid it 🙂 First, it is written on behalf of the Aquarius man, for girls all this may not correspond to reality at all. Secondly, only what is written about is written. The fact that, in addition to this, each Aquarius has enough other jokes in the head (and in general in life), and a good half of them are exclusively exclusive, is implied by default. So the accusations of “distortion” and “incompleteness” of the text can be skipped, and if you really want to add something or write it yourself, I’m all for it, it will be interesting for me to read it myself it is not recommended to read other signs ... honestly, honestly 🙂
There is such a myth that Aquarius is the most non-sexual sign of the entire zodiac. It is clear that this myth is most actively spread by those who are not lucky enough to run into the manifestation of the true sexuality of Aquarius. Those who are lucky, for the most part, silently rejoice in their happiness and try not to let anyone else know about it - such happiness is usually very jealously guarded ... But let's move on to the myth itself. Where did he come from? Probably, here, as in everything else, the usual instinct of self-preservation works - an attempt to understand Aquarius can be a very dangerous experience for the psyche of any person. Will it suddenly work? The psychiatric hospital is provided ... so people take the external for the internal, but diligently do not notice the internal - which, in general, is even commendable on their part. Aquarians have less trouble 🙂 The essence of this myth is that Aquarians treat the topic of sex without such obvious interest as the same Aries, (or Scorpios, whose attempts to hide something look like a neon inscription in meter-long letters “There is NOTHING HERE !! !”), and, accordingly, they really don’t know how and can’t do anything. About "sensuality" is usually not even mentioned in relation to Aquarius. Well, in fact, any Aquarius knows about sex _such_ that the most terrible maniacs did not dream of in their most perverted nightmares. Everything is simple here - when Aquarius begins to be interested in the topic of sex, he begins to understand it. He understands, of course, in the Aquarius way: without any special external manifestations, he simply lives inside himself several saturated and interesting lives filled with sex in all its forms and manifestations. That is why it is almost impossible to shock or surprise Aquarius with any fantasies on this topic (although, of course, he can easily pretend that you succeeded - he can do anything). But even when it comes to "business" - Aquarius rarely gives himself only to physical, sensual pleasures. Well, where did you see Aquarius, who lives only with his body, without running in parallel through two or three more realities? So here - Aquarius needs interest to be fully involved in the process. Otherwise, it will be a simple satisfaction of physical needs (which, however, if desired, he can also perform masterfully ... another question is that this is often simply not necessary). That is why all those girls who complain to each other about the "inept" Aquarius just sign that they are not able to really interest him. Social frameworks and conventions most often only a little amuse and upset Aquarius a little, but he gladly accepts these restrictions - as the rules of any other game in which he is more interested in participating than in winning. Therefore, he is unlikely to earn a reputation as a true macho and Don Juan (let's leave these toys to the Lions and other Scorpios), but he is unlikely to ever want to take sex seriously - for him, “friendly” sex without any obligations, and sex out of pure interest (sex, as a way of understanding a person, is a very effective technique, and Aquarians love and appreciate it), and as a way to establish even more friendly, trusting relationships ... another question is that Aquarians are well aware of what an easy attitude to what is happening to people in principle is not characteristic, and therefore often do not even show interest in this area - why do they need unnecessary problems? Here you need to understand one more thing - usually any Aquarius, meeting a girl who at least roughly falls within the framework of his ideas about attractiveness (and these frameworks are often quite wide, and besides, they can also change quite quickly - Aquarius still appreciates the inner content much more than the “outer package”), then ... in general, in those fractions of a second that it takes him to say hello in a friendly and friendly way, in his inner world the girl will already be disassembled into components, impartially evaluated, weighed and measured with all sides - in general, this is how Aquarius does absolutely everything that he sees. But in this case, this also means that options for spending time together, including those that include sex, will also be considered - from all available positions, including the girl herself too. Of course, it takes a long time to paint everything, but in fact, all of the above fits into one simple and understandable feeling, which can be roughly translated as “it would be interesting, but not so much as to really show any interest right now ... it’s ugly - immediately obey animal instincts like this. Yes, there is an opinion that Aquarius notices that there is a girl in front of him, only on the third date. Ha, he noticed this from the very beginning, only by that very third date he can decide that this interest can also be demonstrated. Fortunately, the mask of an absent-minded person who does not notice anything can be very useful - for some girls this is just an extra incentive to force things. However, there are also enough other incentives - the sincere interest of Aquarius usually flatters girls (well, how would they know that he is _actually_ interested in everything that he asks and talks about himself?), And nature did not deprive the representatives of Air signs of beauty at all. Another thing is that trying to catch Aquarius, tying him to you with requirements and obligations is a sure way to kill his interest in the bud and lose sight of him faster and more quietly than the shadow of a passing cloud. That is why the best friends-lovers are made from Aquarius - although in most cases the girls just have enough of the term "friends". Aquarius himself, in principle, does not care - in any case, in his life (lives, to be more precise) there will be a place for more interesting events. In any case, as usual, it is sooooo far from the ideal, and in comparison with this, everything else is simply not listed in the internal system of values. But this is all true only until suddenly Aquarius meets a girl who fits his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal, at least in some really important features for Aquarius. The first sign by which this can be noticed is that Aquarius begins to “freeze and slow down” much more than usual. He is just once again rechecking himself and his feelings - trusting them in such a matter the first time is critically dangerous, any Aquarius learns this very quickly. But nevertheless, if most of the "tests" give a positive result, then Aquarius may well be "closed" - and then the situation changes dramatically. Aquarius, who understood (and believed, which is more important) what he wants is a terrible force. Outwardly, perhaps even calm, inside it is a hurricane that gathers all its strength to achieve its goal. If the girl is not afraid of this and does not run away in the first five minutes, then everything, resistance is useless, sooner or later, one way or another, but the world will twist in such a way that she simply has no choice but to fall into the arms of her Aquarius. Here, however, he can again begin to slow down - and not because he does not know what to do next (a common misconception), but because different options for the development of events conflict inside him, creating the impression of external indecision. But if this stage is also successfully completed, then the matter may well turn into a completely happy life together, and then a family - as soon as Aquarius decides that the time has come for this. By the way, Aquarians usually become faithful and caring husbands - they just understand very well how valuable this thing is - comfort, coziness and lightness in their own home, and they are unlikely to want to destroy it with their own hands. Again, betrayal seems unjustified to them - too much risk and empty trouble compared to the pleasure received. All the same can be obtained, if desired, in your own "inner lives" absolutely without prejudice to marital relations - and Aquarius appreciate the beauty and effectiveness of any decisions. As for the sex itself ... then it is also necessary to clearly distinguish between the purpose for which Aquarius is engaged in it. If he just became interested, then he will do everything possible in order to maximally reveal a person for himself. However, this does not mean at all that he undertakes to prove himself a super-mega-lover - it will be enough for him that everything will be unusual, pleasant and memorable. "Friendly" sex, again, often means a manifestation of care, tenderness, warmth - and not at all the desire to impress a girl with her superpowers. However, Aquarius does not refuse this either - “everything at once” is his motto. In general, I repeat, sex without feelings for Aquarius is almost unthinkable. And these same feelings often determine the nature of the sensations that fall to the share of his partner. And if Aquarius participates in sex, say, with half of his consciousness, while the other is still living some interesting episodes of other lives, this is already an indicator of great participation and trust (after all, 50%, and not some there are 10, it is necessary to appreciate!). Another question is that there are unlikely to be many "bed feats" here, although ingenuity and striving for excellence usually give a very good result. Aquarius, like no one else, knows how to understand other people's sensations, feelings, thoughts - many of which go unnoticed by the person himself - and uses this knowledge for their own purposes. However, this plays a cruel joke on him - quite quickly a feeling of boredom and routine can set in, which kills all pleasant sensations ... but all this is only part of the possible truth. A completely different picture is obtained during sex with a loved one. Where Aquarius fully accepts the one with whom he is next to, when he is ready to fully open up before him (not necessarily with words, but this intention alone is worth a lot) - something inhuman begins there. That very inner hurricane of feelings acquires the ability to manifest itself in the outside world - and then few people are able to resist the onslaught of this element. Such sex is not just a physical process, it is a journey through several worlds at once, swift, beautiful, breathtaking. When Aquarius reveals himself to another person and shows everything that is going on inside him, when all these other worlds fall on a person like a waterfall, purely physical sensations remain only a pale shadow of what is happening (although such a “shadow” can often far exceed the average “good sex” in all respects). The incompatible is combined, boundaries that a person might not have suspected are collapsing, and the moment of orgasm turns into a real Big Bang. Not surprisingly, the sensations after this are much more reminiscent of the sensations after a long drug trip than after regular sex. Unfortunately, as far as I know, such things are not so common in our world ... But these are all internal sensations, but if we talk about external perception, then everything is simple. Aquarius is interesting - and almost everything is interesting to him. He is beautiful - and he himself finds very many things beautiful. Calm, unusual, cheerful, and besides, he can almost imperceptibly play the most delicate strings of a human being - that's what other people see in front of them. And how can _this_ be considered non-sexual? Unless Aquarius himself is suddenly impatient to pretend to be boring and completely unattractive - and this also happens, although not so often. Well, if the girl turns out to be so material and limited that she does not notice all the splendor of the real Aquarius, he will shrug his shoulders, say that “these are her personal problems” and go on about his business ... after all, pretend, defend his “male solvency” and arrange other "animal mating dances" he considers below his dignity. For the sake of interest - yes, you can, but after all, the interests of Aquarius change faster than the mood of a Cancer girl or the topic of reflection of a typical Gemini. In general, the myth of the non-sexuality of Aquarius is much less consistent than all other myths. Any Aquarius can claim the title of a sexual maniac (if he wants to claim at least some title, of course), but his unusualness and general indifference to other people's opinions (if only it doesn't interfere with life) often make it difficult to see this in him. Of course, sometimes this gets in the way (especially when Aquarius suddenly felt the urge to change his perception in the eyes of other people - then the inertia of their consciousness simply infuriates him), but in general, Aquarius do not complain - not chasing quantity, they prefer quality (and to their own, internal, Aquarian standards), and, as in everything else, they usually succeed in these aspirations of theirs ... Annotation:
Claiming that only Aquarians can appreciate all the humor of these texts, I don’t want to rely on mere allegations - many Aquarius, after reading this text, completely agreed with him 🙂
It would seem, but what is the essence of the myth? The sense of humor in Aquarius is quite on the level, it is recognized by themselves and all the people around them (well, at least those who themselves have at least a little this sense :)) Well, in this case we are talking about the fact that Aquarius no _normal_ sense of humor, in the usual sense of it. Let me explain. Usually a person's sense of humor is triggered when he sees, hears or remembers something funny. Something unexpected is considered funny (whether it is an unexpectedly broken chair leg or an unexpected ending of a story that turns it into a joke). If this is something impossible (like a talking dog from a joke about a fisherman), then it is all the more funny ... well, in general, a lot has been written about the nature of funny things, but Aquarius, as usual, is completely different. To begin with, there is nothing impossible for them in principle. Such things often happen in their minds that, in comparison with them, talking dogs and horses, purple people and other Cheburashkas are simply lost against the backdrop of marvelous and terrifying (often both) creations of the violent imagination of Aquarius himself. But Aquarians love to fantasize. And they do it with the highest quality - the notorious “damned perfectionism” works, which no one can limit in the mind of Aquarius himself, and it takes on a truly monstrous scope. This is where the fun begins - any joke, any anecdote, Aquarius does not read or listen, waiting for the keyword "shovel". He lives it. One of the many worlds in which one of the many lives of Aquarius passes (as we remember, in parallel with a dozen or two other lives), is completely devoted to the "living" of information coming from other people. By the way, this is about the attentiveness of Aquarius - like, they know how to listen like no one else. Well, yes, they know how - they just remember not at all what they were told, but what they experienced on the basis of this. No one usually notices the difference precisely because Aquarius does it as fully and efficiently as possible 🙂 So, Aquarius lives, then another anecdote. There, in this world, you can easily create any laws, even physical, even moral and psychological, in order for this story to become a reliable reality. Aquarius analyzes this story - lives it for all the participants, for an outside observer, scrolls it back and forth a couple of times, comes up with a plot and a continuation of the plot - within the logic of this world, of course - and then "translates" all this experienced experience into the logic of our usual peace. Here, of course, it looks completely absurd and funny - like a memory of some dreams in which we seriously say or do just incredible nonsense (more precisely, we think so upon waking up :)). Immediately, that part of the consciousness that is responsible for the behavior of Aquarius in this world gives out the reaction “it’s funny to me, laughing, lol”, etc. Moreover, no one, like Aquarius, can notice all sorts of typos, logical absurdities, funny combinations of words, etc. Why? Yes, because he takes it literally - some part of consciousness. Of course, the whole process takes a matter of fractions of a second, and often not even tracked by Aquarius himself, but if you look closely, everything happens exactly like that. And very often it is Aquarius who quickly finds a witty answer to someone's question - precisely because he has a unique opportunity to "drive" this question in _such_ realities, with _such_ laws of physics and even logic, that Mobius, Aristotle and Descartes embrace and go together to sob in some dark corner. True, some jokes of Aquarius around still have to “catch up” for some time, but Aquarius are good-natured (read - they recognize the imperfection of the people around them compared to themselves :)), and therefore they are often ready to explain the logic of their witty answer - and no matter what the explanation it might take two hours. By the way, very often Aquarius comes to the understanding that “to be treated with humor” is almost the most winning strategy of behavior in this world. If you treat everything that happens with humor (read - demonstrate it in an accessible form to others :)), and to yourself, then it immediately becomes much easier to live, and even to establish contacts with other people - and even more so. Of course, this does not mean making fun of everything, but always being ready to see the funny side of what is happening is useful. And Aquarians usually perfectly feel the boundary beyond which the “light character” turns into “complete frivolity”, and try not to cross it. So, most often we get - a person with a light character (that is, who knows how to find something unusually frivolous where, in theory, it is not even close), witty, although a little cynical. (About cynicism, by the way, it is necessary to write separately). And no one suspects that behind this is a constant work of the imagination, colossal in its scope. Behind this is a lot of lives lived in worlds with an absolutely unimaginable logic of being, where an anecdote is just a small piece of a large and often quite scary reality. Take any anecdote - if this really happened in the world, then living here would probably be much less comfortable (open the mailing list of jokes and see :)). But Aquarius is nothing, they are experiencing all this, and even laughing - completely heroic personalities. However, they have been accustoming themselves to this since childhood, but this has already been said 🙂 The main thing when communicating with Aquarius is to remember that he takes _absolutely_ all_ your words seriously - with some part of consciousness. And his jokes are also part of quite a living reality, and not an ordinary play on words. (By the way, the words for Aquarius are also quite material and even living objects - in some of the worlds it is necessary. “Plays with them,” he, accordingly, is also not the way other people usually imagine :)) But representatives of other signs it’s better not to think about such things at all - otherwise communication with Aquarius will turn into a living hell. It is enough to remember that the border between “serious-frivolous” or “funny-unfunny” in Aquarius, in fact, is absent as a class - it doesn’t cost him anything to keep both of these opinions in mind at the same time, and a couple more in reserve, just in case and for the general beauty of the universe 🙂 Annotation:
Some of these myths have already been sorted out earlier, but, apparently, not in enough detail - there is always something to add, correct, improve ... the author is also an Aquarius, after all 🙂 As usual, I can’t promise that it will be funny, but I will try to describe everything enough truthfully and understandably ... in the Aquarius sense of these words 🙂
There is such a widespread myth that all Aquarians are creative, idealistic, dreamy and addicted. Very often, for some reason, the image of such an absent-minded genius is obtained, a charming and talented muddler, immersed in his dreams to the very top. Cute, beautiful, unusual - that is, as an external image, it’s very good. But in terms of its “content”, it is as different from the usual Aquarius (yes, yes, this is an oxymoron :)) as a radio-controlled battery car is different from a Formula 1 car. Yes, Aquarius loves creativity. As a phenomenon, as a process, as a way of spending time - and here it is no longer so important whether we are talking about his personal work or someone else's. But where everyone else admires the result, Aquarius admires the fact that this result has generated. Where everyone is looking at the shadow, Aquarius tries to see what casts it ... and often sees much more amazing things than the author himself intended (if he, by a strange accident, was not Aquarius). Here, for example, is an art gallery (yes, if you have already managed to tear Aquarius away from his cosmic problems, then he will go to some exhibition with pleasure - in the sense that he will receive pleasure quite sincerely). What does Aquarius see in the picture (it doesn’t matter, made in the spirit of strict classicism or neo-post-avant-garde-primitive-impressionism)? Clearly not just paint, canvas and a frame. And even more so, not proportions, chiaroscuro, clarity or following any canons. Aquarius will be happy to hear about all this from some specialists, and even become one of them himself, if it suddenly seems to him that this is what he lacks for the fullness of life. No, everything is much simpler (and scarier - for most non-Aquarians): Aquarius sees a door to another world in the picture. Well, maybe not a door, but a window, for sure. And outside the framework of this canvas (spatial, temporal, and whatever else) Aquarius _already_ sees the whole world, part of which the artist tried to depict. This world lives, changes, breathes - and, of course, is just waiting for Aquarius to look into it with a friendly visit. So, while some student of an art university is trying to count the number of brush strokes with which the author of the picture depicted a rhinoceros in the African savannah, her Aquarius friend, who just "for the company" went to the next exhibition, will have time to visit this savannah, absorb all its smells, sounds, images, run away from a rhinoceros, then run after it, ride it, become this rhinoceros and run after some unfortunate little man, watch the pride of lions, which for some reason did not fit into the “frame” and make many other interesting things. And all this is so, in passing, as if glancing at the picture - but it’s true, why go into details, if you can have time to live a whole life in another world, get all the sensations you need and immediately forget most of them, leaving only the most " cream" to finish building your favorite inner universes? Exactly the same bullshit happens when Aquarius reads a book, watches a movie or plays computer game . Well, when in contact with any other type of creativity, the same thing happens, it’s just that for an outside observer it is usually less noticeable and understandable (although ... to understand Aquarius completely? once again I can only say “good luck” :)). So, the book - already from the first lines, Aquarius enters the world from which the author took his plots and images, and masters it faster than he manages to finish reading the first page. That is why Aquarians are usually almost “omnivorous” in terms of literature (and any other creativity) - after all, the habit of entering an unfamiliar world and living with it manifests itself from early childhood, when parents read fairy tales to them, and little Aquarius in moderation of their experience they were _lived_ for all the heroes. Moreover, from the same children's fairy tales comes the habit of constantly asking “what happened next?” - and not at all because Aquarius does not know this, but because he wants to compare his knowledge about the future of this world with that which the author of the story had. The same trait is preserved in the adult Aquarius, only to ask “what happened next?” he starts much less often - firstly, he already knows the best and most correct answer in the world (worlds?), and secondly, the beloved Aquarius game of “social normality” already begins, according to the norms of which “adults do not ask." So Aquarius not only lives through the events of the book for all its participants plus one “outside observer” (or even more than one :)), but he also manages to turn this world into a testing ground for his favorite internal experiments. He will gladly take apart this whole world, its laws and principles of construction, find all the logical and plot inconsistencies, then he himself will come up with witty and indisputable explanations for them with great pleasure, come up with a background and continuation of the plot - almost to infinity ... in general, everything that he was already used to doing with his “multiple realities” every day would be something to talk about. Accordingly, he considers the author of the book a fellow demiurge, and quite often imagines the conversations that they, as colleagues, could have somewhere in a calm, comfortable atmosphere. However, in the same way, he can imagine the same conversation with any character of the book that interests him - fortunately, there is just a great opportunity to show off his omniscience and omnipotence. It is clear that Aquarius appreciates not the admiring brilliance in the eyes of the interlocutor, but the radiance of his own perfection, of which this brilliance is a reflection. However, the perfection of Aquarius is not at all the same as the perfection of Leo, for example. As already mentioned, Leo strives to become the very best in every sense of the word (and even more - to receive confirmation of this from the whole world around him), while Aquarius simply "brings the whole world to one denominator" - that is, to himself. The perfection of Aquarius is himself, and the whole world around him resembles a comfortable suit that fits perfectly, does not pinch anywhere and also reflects the joy of Aquarius himself from the beauty of the whole picture as a whole ... But I digress. So, Aquarius has only one really important criterion by which he evaluates someone else's creativity - namely, how much he likes the world into which he gets through the results of this creativity. Therefore, Aquarius will seriously turn up his nose only from that in which he will not find the slightest crack, behind which something interesting would be hidden. If the “creation” of the author is too ordinary, glued together from pieces of realities too familiar to Aquarius, then no matter how famous and fashionable the “creator” would be, Aquarius will at best say “yeah, interesting” and immediately forget about the topic of conversation. But if something “hooked” there ... then Aquarius can easily shock all his friends, enthusiastically talking about his impressions of a creepy pop book that accidentally fell into his hands, not at all embarrassed by the fact that he didn’t actually come here chat with friends, and listen to a serious concert of classical music, for example ... As for their own creativity, Aquarius has the same thing here. No matter how unusual, creative or even brilliant the new idea of ​​​​Aquarius (and, even more so, its embodiment) is called, it will still be only a small part of the world that Aquarius decided to present to people as a gift. And, of course, Aquarius is not at all a supporter of “creativity for the sake of creativity” - for all his outward indifference and disinterestedness (very funny, huh :)) he takes his own creativity extremely seriously. This is a test for him - his own ability to lay new corridors between the worlds, and at the same time to supply them with such doors through which, at least somehow, other people can pass. This is a question of one's own efficiency, beauty and "correctness" - that is, almost the most important question in the life of Aquarius. Of course, he may get carried away and not notice that his ingenious door for other people is located on the ceiling, or even in a neighboring house - for example, work colleagues may not appreciate all the subtlety and depth of the picture of the location of shortcuts on the Aquarius computer desktop , reflecting his latest philosophical revelations, but Aquarius habitually write it off as their inattention and continue to further improve their ideas - and their manifestations in this world at the same time. © Copyright
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