The program of extracurricular activities "development of cognitive abilities". Work program "development of cognitive abilities" N krivolapa program of development of cognitive abilities

Explanatory note

This work program is based on the author's program M.M. Bezrukikh, T.A. Filippova "Steps to School" and the author's program of A.S. Sirotyuk "Program of neuropsychological development and correction of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" and in accordance with the basic requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool and primary education.

The program is designed for 2 years of study. The class is held once a week. 26 lessons per year. The duration of the lessons is 25 minutes.

Purpose of this course:

  • development of cognitive abilities of students on the basis of a system of developmental activities.

Main objectives of the course:

  • development of thinking in the process of forming the main methods of mental activity: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, the ability to highlight the main thing, prove and refute, draw simple conclusions;
  • formation of skills of arbitrary behavior;
  • development of mental cognitive processes: various types of memory, attention, visual perception, imagination;
  • the development of language culture and the formation of speech skills: clearly and clearly express one's thoughts, define concepts, draw conclusions, argue one's point of view;
  • formation of creative thinking skills and development of the ability to solve non-standard tasks;
  • development of cognitive activity and independent mental activity of students;
  • the formation and development of communication skills: the ability to communicate and interact in a team, work in pairs, groups, respect the opinions of others, objectively evaluate their work and the activities of their comrades;
  • the formation of skills for applying the acquired knowledge and skills in the process of studying school disciplines and in practical activities.

Planned learning outcomes of the course

Universal learning activities provide the stages of assimilation of educational content and the formation of the student's psychological abilities.

As a result of studying the course, students will have the opportunity to form:

Personal results:

To define and express, under the guidance of a teacher, the simplest common rules of conduct for all people in cooperation (ethical norms).

In the situations of communication and cooperation proposed by the teacher, based on simple rules of behavior common to all, make a choice, with the support of other group members and the teacher, what to do.

Metasubject results:

Regulatory UUD:

Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity with the help of a teacher;

Speak the sequence of actions;

Learn to express your assumption (version) based on work with an illustration of a workbook;

Learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher;

Learn to distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one;

To learn together with the teacher and other children to give an emotional assessment of the activities of comrades.

Cognitive UUD:

Navigate in your system of knowledge: to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher;

Get new knowledge: find answers to questions using information received from the teacher;

Process the information received: draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the whole group;

Find and formulate a solution to the problem using the simplest models (subject, drawings, schematic drawings, diagrams).

Communicative UUD:

Communicate your position to others: formulate your thought in oral speech;

Listen and understand the speech of others;

Jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior at school and follow them;

Learn to play different roles in the group (leader, performer, critic).

Subject Results:

By the end of the program "Development of Cognitive Abilities" (6-7 years), it is planned to advance children in social, personal, general development, improve the organization of activities, develop cognitive processes, communication skills and creative abilities. At the same time, children develop the following basic skills:

1) The ability to communicate with other adults and peers, knowing the basic rules of communication and behavior.

2) The ability to manage their behavior.

3) Ability to adapt to a new environment.

4) The ability to work independently without reinforcement by a game motive.

5) The ability to fairly objectively evaluate the result of their work
6) The ability to independently find and correct the error.

7) The ability to perceive the instruction and, according to the instructions, complete the task to the end in accordance with the goal and objectives without repeated instructions.

8) Ability to plan your activities.

9) The ability to concentrate, without distractions, complete the task within 10-15 minutes.

10) The ability to switch from one type of activity to another without being distracted by external stimuli.

11) The ability to mechanically memorize 5-6 unrelated words with 3-4 multiple repetitions, 8-10 words when reinforcing memorization with visual or verbal images.

12) The ability to apply logical memorization (grouping by meaning).

13) The ability to systematize, classify and group processes, phenomena, objects.

14) Ability to analyze simple causal relationships.

15) Ability to perceive any new information.

16) The ability to distinguish the spatial arrangement of figures, details in space and on a plane.

17) The ability to classify objects and figures in shape and size.

18) The ability to mentally find a part of the whole figure, complete it according to the scheme.

19) The ability to maintain interest in various activities.

20) The ability to show perseverance in overcoming difficulties

"Development of cognitive abilities"

Personal motivational block.

Formation of the motive of educational activity. Formation of social, cognitive, evaluative, positive motives.

Development of the motive of personal achievements, recognition, self-affirmation.

Establishing and maintaining positive relationships with adults and peers.

Organization of activities. Arbitrariness.

Development of the ability to perceive instructions. Completion of the task according to the instructions in accordance with the goal and objectives.

Activity planning. Ability to complete tasks.

Evaluation of the quality of work. Independent finding and correction of errors.

cognitive processes.

The development of the main types of perception, the assimilation of sensory standards: colors, shapes, sizes.

Formation of perceptual actions: equating to the standard, modeling. Development of time perception, visual-spatial perception and hand-eye coordination.

The development of different types and types of memory.

Visual-figurative memory: memorization of color, sound, image of individual specific objects.

Development of emotional, motor and verbal-logical memory.

Formation of the ability to direct (mechanical) memorization of several unrelated words with 3-4 repetitions.

Arbitrary memorization of words while reinforcing memorization with visual or verbal images.

Mastering the techniques of logical memorization (grouping and correlation by meaning).

Development of types and properties of attention.

Increasing the level of development of voluntary attention. Increasing the volume and stability of attention. Developing the ability to switch from one activity to another.

Development of forms of mental activity.

Expansion of the volume and deepening of the clarity and clarity of knowledge about the world around us, oneself, everyday life, life.

The development of visual-effective, visual-figurative, visual-schematic, verbal-logical (conceptual) thinking.

Formation of the ability to systematize and classify (finding common and different in objects, phenomena, processes). Analysis of simple cause-and-effect relationships. Activation of the perception of new information.

Development of the ability to express one's own elementary judgment, draw a simple logical conclusion, continue verbal reasoning or figurative action.

The development of speech.

Development of free communication with adults and peers (the ability to ask a question, answer a question, express one's thoughts).

An increase in the volume of simple and complex sentences, an increase in the number of generalizing words. The use of explanatory speech. Formation of inner speech to ensure the planning function.

Neuropsychological correction.

Stretch marks.

Breathing exercises.

Eye exercises.

Exercises for the tongue and jaw.

Cross bodily exercises.

Exercises for fine motor skills of hands.

Relaxation and visualization exercises.

functional exercises.

Exercises for the development of the communicative and cognitive sphere.

Exercises with rules.

The effectiveness of the training cycle is evaluated:

1) according to the results of the final psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of students;

2) according to the feedback of the students themselves, a manifestation of the desire to continue cooperation;

3) according to the observations of a psychologist and subject teachers.

Thematic planning for the course

"Development of cognitive abilities"

1 lesson per week, total 26 lessons during the training period

class number


Number of lessons

Formation of methods of educational activity.

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule and different types

control and evaluation actions: planning, intermediate and final types of self-control.

Formation of methods of self-control.

Increasing the level of arbitrariness.

1. Stretching "Suspension".
2. Breathing exercise.

"Frog", "Snakes", "Massage of the Ears", "Castle", "Lezginka", "Engine", "Painting Elephant".
Complication - exercises are performed with closed eyes.
5. Functional exercise "Who flies?" Purpose: development of concentration.
6. Cognitive exercise "Visualization of movements".
7. Communicative exercise "Centipede".
Goal: development of skills of interaction with peers
8. Communicative exercise with the rules "Confusion".
9. Relaxation "flying carpet".

Development of perception and orientation in space.

Development of the concepts of "right" and "left".

Performing exercises on the assimilation of spatial relationships.

Recognition of an object by contour image and details

1. Stretching "Snowman". 2. Breathing exercise.
3. Eye movement exercise

4. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands:
"Frog", "Snakes", "Castle", "Lezginka", "Engine", "Painting Elephant", "Owl".
Complication - exercises are performed with a lightly bitten tongue and eyes closed.

5. Functional exercise "What do you hear?".
Goal: development of concentration. 6. Cognitive exercise "Visualization of the Wizard".
7. Functional exercise "Chopping firewood".
Purpose: elimination of aggression.
8. Communicative exercise "Wheelbarrow".
9. Relaxation "Swinging tree".

The development of attention.

Exercises aimed at increasing the volume, level of distribution of attention.

Exercises aimed at increasing concentration and stability of attention.

1. Stretching "Cat".

2. Breathing exercise.
3. Eye movement exercise.
4. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands:
"Frog", "Snakes", "Castle", "Lezginka", "Massage of the Ears", "Engine", "Painting Elephant", "Owl".
Complication - for each movement of a finger or hand, the child must say "hwe" aloud. 5. Functional exercise "Counting-muttering". Goal: development of concentration. 6.Communicative exercise with the rules "Animals".7. Functional exercise "Tuh-tibi-spirit".
8. Functional exercise "Dances-opposites".
Purpose: elimination of aggression and impulsivity.
9. Relaxation "Sea".

Memory development.

Exercises for the development of visual, auditory, emotional, semantic memory.

1. Stretching "Half".
2. Breathing exercise.
3. Eye movement exercise.
4. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands: "Frog", "Snakes", "Castle", "Lezginka".
Complication - for each movement of a finger or hand, the child must pronounce "hwe" and "fi", alternating them. "Massage of the auricles", "Engine", "Painting Elephant", "Owl".

5. Cognitive exercise "Visualization of a waterfall".
6. Communicative exercise with the rules of "Boast".
7. Functional exercise "Naughty".
Purpose: development of motor control, elimination of impulsivity.

8. Communicative exercise "Compass".
Purpose: elimination of impulsiveness and development of interaction skills with peers. 9. Relaxation "Sailboat".

Development of thinking.

Exercises aimed at developing visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical (conceptual) thinking.

1. Stretching "Rays" .2. Breathing exercise. 3. Oculomotor exercise.4. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands: "Frog", "Snakes", "Castle", "Lezginka", "Massage of the auricles", "Engine", "Painting Elephant", "Owl".
Complication - for each movement of a finger or hand, the child must pronounce "hwe" and "fi", alternating them. 5. Functional exercise "Chicks".
Purpose: development of concentration of attention and skills of joint activity. Participants sit in a circle.
6. Cognitive exercise "Visualization of the Magic Eight".
7. Cognitive exercise "Encrypted sentence".
Purpose: the formation of arbitrariness, auditory-speech memory and interhemispheric interaction. 8. Communicative exercise with the rules "Prince on tiptoe".
9. Relaxation "Stretched - broke."

The development of speech.

Increase in vocabulary. The development of explanatory speech.

Formation of inner speech.

1. Stretching "Star".2. Breathing exercise "Cleansing breath".3. Oculomotor exercise.4. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands. 5. Cognitive exercise "Pointing".
Purpose: the formation of tactile sensations, the elimination of aggression. 6. Communicative exercise "Bridge of Friendship". 7. Communicative exercise "Blooming Bud". Purpose: development of skills of joint activity and motor control, elimination of impulsiveness. 8. Relaxation "Rostok".

Educational, methodological, material and technical support of the educational process

1. Bezrukikh M.M. "Development of cognitive abilities in children of senior preschool age". M., 2014

  1. Filippova T.A. "Steps to School" M., 2014
  2. Sirotyuk A.L. "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" M., 2005
  3. Panfilova M.A. "Game therapy of communication" M., 2008
  4. Golub V.T. "Graphic dictations" M. 2006
  5. Arkhipova I.A. "Preparing a child for school" Yekaterinburg, 2006
  6. Agafonova I.N. Express - diagnostics of readiness for school St. Petersburg 1997

8. Dubrovina I.V. I work as a psychologist ... M., 1999.

9. Konovalenko S.V. The development of cognitive activity in children from 6 to 9 years. M., 2000.

10. Matveeva L.G. Practical psychology for parents, or what can I learn about my child. M., 1999.

11. Savina L.I. Finger gymnastics. - M., 1999

12. Sirotyuk A.L. Teaching children taking into account psychophysiology.-M., 2000 ..

13. Sirotyuk A.L. Correction of the development of the intellect of preschool children. - M.: TC Sphere, 2002

Successful implementation of this program requires:

  1. Educational class for classes with children.
  2. Dance hall.
  3. Educational board.
  4. Carpet covering.
  5. Workbooks.
  6. Sets of pencils and colored pencils, eraser.
  7. Demonstration and handout from the Fun in Pictures Game series:

Lotto games “Logic”, “Find and read”, “Where did I see this?”, “Pick up by color and shape”, “Right - left”, “For children about time”, “What are we made of?”, “ The same - different", "Objects from the plots", "Logic tables", "What is the day like?";

Test tasks to test knowledge "Thinking", "Attention", "Memory";

Educational games "Objects and contours", "Find the difference", "Mittens", "Puzzles", "Decipher the words", "Opposites", "Put in the basket", "Choose a picture", "Find the fourth extra", "Stories in the picture is a superfluous misunderstanding of knowledge "al; it is also necessary to compare; the relationship of treatment actions ()", "What did the artist mix up?", "Picture in Picture".

The present work program extracurricular activities for grades 5-8 is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (FGOS LLC), based on the author's program N.A. Krivolapova / Extracurricular activities. Program for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 grades / N.A. Krivolapova. – M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

The course program is aimed at the formation of universal (meta-subject) skills, habits, methods of activity that students should master, at the development of cognitive and creative abilities and interests. The program involves the development of methods of activity on the conceptual apparatus of those academic subjects that the student is studying; classes are held in the form of subject-oriented training.

The purpose of this program:

to form competence in the field of general intellectual activity, to create conditions for students to master the methods of activity, which include general and special learning skills and, thus, to make children active participants in the educational process, interested in full-fledged educational results.



The work program of extracurricular activities for the development of cognitive abilities of students in grades 5-8

Compiled by: Safonova L.D.

Explanatory note

This work program for extracurricular activities for grades 5-8 is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (FGOS LLC),based on copyrightprograms N.A. Krivolapova / Extracurricular activities. Program for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 grades / N.A. Krivolapova. – M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

The course program is aimed at the formation of universal (meta-subject) skills, habits, methods of activity that students should master, at the development of cognitive and creative abilities and interests. The program involves the development of methods of activity on the conceptual apparatus of those subjects that the student is studying; classes are held in the form of subject-oriented training.

The purpose of this program:

To form competence in the field of general intellectual activity, to create conditions for students to master the methods of activity, which include general and special educational skills and, thus, to make children active participants in the educational process, interested in full-fledged educational results.

Main tasks :

  • development of mental cognitive processes: thinking, perception, attention, memory, imagination in students on the basis of developing subject-oriented training;
  • the formation of educational and intellectual skills, methods of mental activity, the development of rational ways of its implementation on the basis of taking into account the individual characteristics of students;
  • formation of own style of thinking;
  • the formation of educational and informational skills and the development in practice of various methods of working with various sources of information, the ability to structure information, transform it and present it in various forms;
  • mastering the techniques of creativity and methods for solving creative problems;

The program is designed for students in grades 5-8, has a practice-oriented character, since 80% of the time is devoted to mastering the techniques and methods of activity, and consists of the following blocks:

  • development of intellectual skills
  • learning to work with information

The logic of the presentation and content of the author's program fully complies with the requirements of the federal component of the state standard for basic general education, the program has been amended so that the program is designed for 34 academic weeks, and we have 35, then I added one hour for repetition: “Solving logical problems ” in grades 5 and 6, “Solving creative problems” in grade 7, “Computer workshop” in grade 8.

In the process of mastering the content of the program, its effectiveness is supposed to be checked using a system of diagnostics: psychological and pedagogical tests, observation, and questioning.

To implement the program, an educational and methodological complex has been prepared: course program / Extracurricular activities. Program for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 grades / N.A. Krivolapova. - M .: Education, 2012 and a collection of tasks for working with students / Extracurricular activities. Collection of tasks for the cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 grades. /ON THE. Krivolapova. – M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

The forms of conducting classes are selected taking into account the goals and objectives, cognitive interests, individual abilities of pupils:

  • educational game;
  • developing game;
  • thematic tasks for subgroups;
  • practical lesson;
  • conversation;
  • quiz;

participation in promotions.


  • diagnostic testing;
  • diagnostic training;
  • final testing.


Requirements for the level of preparation of students 2 years of study

Program Sections

Expected results

Identification of essential features of concepts

Students know:

Rules for compiling definitions: concept: generalization of words (generic concept) + essential feature (species difference).

Students are able to:

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Communicative UUD

Regulatory UUD

  • goal setting;
  • volitional self-regulation;
  • grade;
  • correction.

Personal UUD

  • development of ethical feelings;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-determination;

Comparison understood

Students know:

Similarities and differences;

Concepts of the same order;

Antonyms, synonyms, homonyms;

The main and secondary signs of phenomena;


Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Concept classification

Students know:

Classification rules;

Rules for the generalization of concepts.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Establish causal relationships;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Explanation of the meaning of words

Students know:

Set phrases;

semantic combinations;

The role of semantic combinations in the text.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Establish causal relationships;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.



Students know:

Types of imagination:

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Work with the source of information (reading the text);

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Students know:

Methods for their solution.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Students know:

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Work with the source of information (reading the text);

Formulate conclusions;

Establish causal relationships;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Requirements for the level of preparation of students 3 years of study

Program Sections

Expected results

Universal learning activities



Students know:

What is creativity, imagination;

Methods for solving creative problems;

Types of imagination:

Ways to develop the imagination.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Work with the source of information (reading the text);

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Cognitive general educational activities

  • the ability to consciously build a speech statement in oral form;
  • highlighting the cognitive goal;
  • selection of the most effective way problem solving;
  • the ability to search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature;
  • establish causal relationships;
  • establish analogies, compare and classify according to specified criteria.

Communicative UUD

  • the ability to communicate with other people - children and adults;
  • the ability to express one's thoughts completely and accurately;
  • partner's actions management (assessment, correction);
  • use speech to regulate their actions.

Regulatory UUD

  • goal setting;
  • volitional self-regulation;
  • forecasting the level of assimilation;
  • grade;
  • correction.

Personal UUD

  • knowledge of basic moral norms and orientation to their implementation;
  • orientation to understanding the reasons for success in activities;
  • awareness of responsibility for the general well-being;
  • development of ethical feelings;
  • installation on a healthy lifestyle;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-determination;

Construction on the plane and space

Students know:

Concepts of tangrams, puzzles;

Methods for their solution.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Conduct observations, measurements;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Evaluation of phenomena and events from different points of view. Statement and resolution of problems.

Students know:

Positive and negative aspects of phenomena;

Methods for resolving problem situations;

Methods for resolving contradictions.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Work with the source of information (reading the text);

Highlight the main idea, abstract;

Formulate conclusions;

Establish causal relationships;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Method for solving inventive problems

Students know:

Method of control questions;

Synectics method;

Property conversion method.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Work with the source of information (reading the text);

Highlight the main idea, abstract;

Formulate conclusions;

Establish causal relationships;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

- master monologue and dialogic speech.

Requirements for the level of preparation of students 4 years of study

Program Sections

Expected results

Universal learning activities

Reading as a way to get information

Students know:

Types of reading;

Quick reading rules;

Reading a shortened string.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

build inferences;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Cognitive general educational activities

  • the ability to consciously build a speech statement in oral form;
  • highlighting the cognitive goal;
  • choosing the most effective way to solve the problem;
  • the ability to search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature;
  • establish causal relationships;
  • establish analogies, compare and classify according to specified criteria.

Communicative UUD

  • the ability to communicate with other people - children and adults;
  • the ability to express one's thoughts completely and accurately;
  • partner's actions management (assessment, correction);
  • use speech to regulate their actions.

Regulatory UUD

  • goal setting;
  • volitional self-regulation;
  • forecasting the level of assimilation;
  • grade;
  • correction.

Personal UUD

  • knowledge of basic moral norms and orientation to their implementation;
  • orientation to understanding the reasons for success in activities;
  • awareness of responsibility for the general well-being;
  • development of ethical feelings;
  • installation on a healthy lifestyle;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-determination;

Methods for working with text.

Disadvantages of Traditional Reading.

Students know:

Hypertext presentation of information;

Method of thick and thin questions;

Reading with notes, reading with gaps;

The method of semantic guessing;

Integral reading algorithm;

Rules for highlighting keywords;

Highlighting the main meaning of text segments.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Retell the read text;

Transmit what you read in a compressed or expanded form;

Plan the text;

build inferences;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Ways of processing the received information

Students know:

Concepts: plan, extract, quotations, theses, annotations, synopsis, abstract, review.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Retell the read text;

Transmit what you read in a compressed or expanded form;

Plan the text;

Compose abstracts;

Present information in various forms;

build inferences;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Ways of presenting information in various forms

Students know:

Ways of presenting information: verbal, tabular, graphic, schematic, analytical, sign-symbolic;

Graphic methods;

Coding and decoding information.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Work with the source of information (reading the text);

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

- plan the text;

Present information in various forms (verbal, tabular, graphic, schematic, analytical, sign-symbolic);

Reveal patterns;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Work with oral texts. Bibliographic search. Reference literature

Students know:

Discussion rules;

Types of directories;

Rules for working with directories;

The role and purpose of directories;

Rules for working with reference literature.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Work with the source of information (reading, bibliographic search, work with the reference book);

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.



  • ON THE. Krivolapova. Extracurricular activities. Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 grades. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012
  • Guzeev V.V. Cognitive independence of students and the development of educational technology. - M .: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2004
  • Tikhomirova L.F. The development of the intellectual abilities of the student:A popular guide for parents and educators.- Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1996

Technical training aids

  • multimedia computer
  • multimedia projector
  • Telecommunication facilities
  • Hinged screen

Planned results

Expected results

Universal learning activities

  • analyze, compare, classify, generalize, systematize, highlight the main idea, abstract, formulate conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships, identify patterns, draw conclusions;
  • listen, master the techniques of rational memorization, work with sources of information (reading, note-taking, writing abstracts, bibliographic search, working with a reference book), present information in various forms (verbal, tabular, graphic, schematic, analytical), convert from one type to another ;
  • conduct observations, measurements, plan and conduct experiments, experiments, research, analyze and generalize the results of observations, present the results of observations in various forms;
  • own monologue and dialogic speech, draw up a plan of the text, convey what has been read and compressed or expanded form, draw up notes, theses, analyze the text in terms of the main features and styles, describe drawings, models, diagrams, compose a story according to carriages, schemes, models, set direct questions and answer them;
  • work with text information on a computer, perform operations with files and directories.

Cognitive general educational activities

  • the ability to consciously build a speech statement in oral form;
  • highlighting the cognitive goal;
  • choosing the most effective way to solve the problem;
  • the ability to search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature;
  • establish causal relationships;
  • establish analogies, compare and classify according to specified criteria.

Communicative UUD

  • the ability to communicate with other people - children and adults;
  • the ability to express one's thoughts completely and accurately;
  • partner's actions management (assessment, correction);
  • use speech to regulate their actions.

Regulatory UUD

  • goal setting;
  • volitional self-regulation;
  • forecasting the level of assimilation;
  • grade;
  • correction.

Personal UUD

  • knowledge of basic moral norms and orientation to their implementation;
  • orientation to understanding the reasons for success in activities;
  • awareness of responsibility for the general well-being;
  • development of ethical feelings;
  • installation on a healthy lifestyle;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-determination.


As a result of studying the course, students should:


  • rules for constructing definitions, formulating conclusions;
  • rules for classification and comparison;
  • methods for solving creative problems: resolving contradictions, method by contradiction, control questions, transformation of properties;
  • ways of reading, structuring, processing and presenting educational information;
  • rules for searching for information in the library, working with catalogs;
  • ways of planning and conducting observations and research;
  • rules for storing information, memorization techniques;

be able to:

  • analyze, compare, classify, generalize, systematize, highlight the main idea, abstract, formulate conclusions, establish causal relationships, identify patterns, draw conclusions;
  • listen, master the techniques of rational memorization, work with sources of information (reading, note-taking, writing abstracts, bibliographic search, working with a reference book), present information in various forms (verbal, tabular, graphic, schematic, analytical), convert from one type to another ;
  • conduct observations, measurements, plan and conduct experiments, experiments, research, analyze and generalize the results of observations, present the results of observations in various forms;
  • own monologue and dialogic speech, retell the read text, draw up a plan of the text, transmit what has been read in a compressed or expanded form, describe drawings, models, diagrams, ask direct questions and answer them.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school no..


Methodical Council Director MBOUSOSH No..

___________ "______" _____ 2014 "______" __________ 2014



Age of students 7 years

Number of hours per year 33h

The teacher who implements the program

Klyushkina Alexandra Sergeevna


for the program of additional education for children " Development of cognitive abilities» teacher Klyushkina Alexandra Sergeevna, teacher municipal budgetary educational institution of secondary school No. ... of the city of Surgut. Association "Development of cognitive abilities" is a form of additional education through which this program is implemented. The course "Development of cognitive abilities" is one of the basic courses based on a systematic approach. The course is intended for teaching in grades 1-4 of elementary school. The spiritual and moral approach in education contributes to the expansion of the reader's space, the implementation of differentiated learning and the development of the individual capabilities of each child, the education of the student-reader. Optional classes will help solve the problems of emotional creative, literary, intellectual development of the child, as well as the problems of moral and ethical education, since reading for a child is both work, and creativity, and new discoveries, and pleasure, and self-education. A distinctive feature of the program is the development of cognitive abilities through non-educational tasks, so serious work takes the form of a game activity. After all, it is the game that helps younger students to easily and quickly learn educational material, having a beneficial effect on the development and personal motivational sphere. But at the same time, systematic implementation These tasks prepare students for participation in intellectual marathons and competitions. Continuity creates the necessary conditions for the internal integrity and completeness of the course "Development of cognitive abilities" within the elementary school. This is the relevance of the program.

The author puts forward the goal: development and correction of cognitive processes of younger schoolchildren in order to improve the perception, processing and assimilation of program material, increasing the level of learning ability of children by means of comprehensively developed tasks of the educational and methodological set “Developing tasks. Tests, games, exercises.

The novelty of this program lies in the fact that it builds a single line of classes for the purposeful development of the cognitive sphere of the child, starting from grade 1 and ending with grade 4.

To achieve the goal, the program sets the following tasks:



The development of the speed of reaction.


The program specifies the expected result, as well as the legal, scientific and methodological support of the programs. The program is designed for 4 years of implementation, the age of children: 7-10 years; 1 hour per week 33 hours per year . There is program content.

The program contains the following sections:

1. Passport of an additional general education program.

2. Explanatory note.

3.Thematic planning.

4. List of used literature.

This program meets modern requirements for the development of educational programs; structure is maintained. The program is acceptable for work in the system of additional education MBOU secondary school No. .. corresponds to its specifics. The program can be recommended for use in school practice.

Deputy Director for OIA _________


The work program for the development of cognitive abilities is compiled on the basis of the following regulatory documents:

    Decree of the City Administration dated May 16, 2013 No. 3171 “On the plan of priority measures until 2014 to implement the most important provisions of the National Action Strategy for Children for 2012-2017 in the city of Surgut”;

    resolution of the Administration of the city of Surgut dated February 24, 2012 No. 1113 “On approval of departmental target programs of the Department of Education for 2012-2014” (as amended on July 5, 2012 No. 5058);

    Decree of the Administration of the city of Surgut dated November 30, 2012 No. 9202 “On approval of departmental target programs of the Department of Education for 2013-2015” (as amended on September 4, 2013 No. 6360, dated February 6, 2014 No. 868);

    Decree of the City Administration of December 13, 2013 No. 8993 “On Approval of the Municipal Program “Development of Education in the City of Surgut for 2014-2016” (as amended on April 30, 2014 No. 2896, dated June 20, 2014 No. 1721);

    Decree of the City Administration dated December 21, 2012 No. 9837 “On approval of the quality standard for the municipal service “Additional education in institutions of additional education for children”, provided by municipal institutions of additional education for children subordinate to the Department of Education of the City Administration (as amended on March 24, 2014 No. 1941, dated June 24, 2014 No. 4178);

    Regulations for information exchange on accounting for the employment of students in general education institutions in the municipal system of additional education for children;

    Decree of the City Administration dated November 21, 2013 No. 8483 “On the calendar plan of events for students and teachers of educational organizations subordinate to the Department of Education for 2014”;

    Decree of the City Administration dated 22.17.2014 No. 5089 “On the calendar plan of events for students, pupils and teachers of educational organizations subordinate to the Department of Education for 2015”;

    order of the Department of Education of the City Administration "On the organization and implementation of educational activities for additional general education programs in the 2014-2015 academic year in educational institutions subordinate to the Department of Education" (draft).



The name of the program

Development of cognitive abilities

Program focus

Spiritual and moral

FULL NAME. a teacher implementing an additional general education program

Klyushkina Alexandra Sergeevna

Year of development


Where, when and by whom the additional general education program was approved

Methodological Council ___________

Information and availability of reviews

Head of the Methodological Council of the school


Purpose of the program - this is the development and correction of cognitive processes of younger students in order to improve the perception, processing and assimilation of program material, increasing the level of learning of children by means of comprehensively developed tasks of the educational and methodological set “Developing tasks. Tests, games, exercises.

Novelty of this program lies in the fact that it builds a single line of classes for the purposeful development of the cognitive sphere of the child, starting from grade 1 and ending with grade 4.



Formation of general intellectual skills (operations of analysis, comparison, generalization, identification of essential features and patterns, flexibility of thought processes);

Deepening and expanding the knowledge of students based on the interests and specifics of their abilities.


Formation and development of logical thinking;

Development of attention (stability, concentration, expansion of volume, switching, etc.);

Memory development (formation of memorization skills, stability, development of semantic memory);

Development of spatial perception and sensorimotor coordination;

The development of psychological prerequisites for mastering educational activities (the ability to copy a sample, the ability to listen and hear the teacher, i.e. the ability to obey the teacher’s verbal instructions; the ability to take into account a given system of requirements in one’s work);

Development of speech and vocabulary of students;

The development of the speed of reaction.


Formation of positive motivation for learning.

Formation of adequate self-esteem, an objective attitude of the child to himself and his qualities;

Formation of the ability to work in a group

The course of developing classes is aimed at solving problems and intellectual-personal-activity development of younger students.

Expected results of the program development

As a result of this program, students should be able to:

Reasoning logically using the methods of analysis, comparison, generalization, classification, systematization;

Increase the speed and flexibility of thinking

Highlight the essential features and patterns of objects;

Compare objects, concepts;

Generalize and classify concepts, objects, phenomena;

Determine relationships between concepts or connections between phenomena and concepts;

Concentrate, switch your attention;

Develop your memory;

Improve the level of spatial intelligence, hand-eye coordination;

Be able to copy, distinguish colors, be able to analyze and retain a visual image;

Complete tasks independently;

Exercise self-control, evaluate yourself, look for and correct your mistakes;- solve logical problems for the development of analytical and reasoning abilities;- find several ways to solve problems;

Work in a group.

Program implementation period

Program implementationdesigned for four years, the cognitive processes of the child develop throughout his education in elementary school.

All tasks can be conditionally divided into several areas:

Tasks for the development of attention;

Tasks for the development of memory;

Tasks for the development of spatial perception, hand-eye coordination, the ability to copy a pattern;

Tasks for the development of thinking;

Tasks for the development of speech, vocabulary enrichment.

Number of hours per week / year

Number of hours per week - 1 hour

Number of hours per year - 33 hours

Age of students

7 years

Forms of classes

The methodology provides for conducting classes in various forms: group, pair, individual. You can work on this set on electives, in extended-day groups, individual exercises can be used by the teacher as additional material for the lessons of the Russian language and mathematics, when preparing students for olympiads and quizzes. This manual can be recommended to parents who pay attention to the intellectual and logical development of children.

Classes are held during the academic year once a week for 30-35 minutes (in grade 1).

Methodological support

Educational and methodological complex of the course:

    For young smart people and smart girls: Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities (6-7 years). Methodical manual 1st class / OA Kholodova. - M.: Rostkniga, 2008

    For young smart people and smart girls: Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities (6-7 years old): Workbooks in 2 parts / OA Kholodova. - M .: Publishing house ROST, 2011.

Summing up forms

Evaluation of the success of the correctional and developmental work carried out is determined by:

- the degree of assistance that the teacher provides to students in completing tasks: the less teacher's help, the higher the independence of students and, consequently, the higher the developmental effect of classes;

the behavior of students in the classroom: liveliness, activity, interest of students provide positive results of classes;

the results of completing tasks at various competitions: “Kangaroo”, “Russian Bear Cub”, intellectual marathons, etc., during which it is revealed whether students cope with these tasks on their own and how effectively;

an indirect indicator of the effectiveness of these classes can be an increase in academic performance in various school disciplines, as well as teachers' observations of the work of students in other lessons (increased activity, efficiency, attentiveness, improved mental activity);

Reviews of teachers, GPA educators, parents.

Conditions for the implementation of the program (equipment, inventory, special premises, ICT, etc.)

To conduct classes on RPS, it is supposed to use the educational and methodological set "Young smart people and smart girls: Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities" by O.A. Cold, consisting of:

    two workbooks for students on a printed basis;

For young smart people and smart girls: Assignments for the development of cognitive abilities: Workbooks for grade 1 No. 1, 2 / O.A. Kholodov. – M.: Rostkniga, 2011

    programs and methodological guidance for the teacher;

For young smart people and smart girls: Assignments for the development of cognitive abilities / Methodological guide, grade 1. + The program of the course "RPS". – M.: Rostkniga, 2011

Explanatory note

on the implementation of the educational and thematic plan

for 2014/2015 academic year

The educational and thematic plan (hereinafter - USP) is drawn up in accordance with the program "Development of cognitive abilities”, developedO.A. Cold andrecommended for implementationDepartment of Education

and youth policy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra from 1.06. 2012 No. 4696/12 "On the organization of extracurricular activities."

Orientation additional general education programs

Type of educational activity- spiritual and moral.

Target (for a given year of study) –this is the development and correction of the cognitive processes of younger students in order to improve the perception, processing and assimilation of program material, increasing the level of learning of children by means of comprehensively developed tasks of the educational and methodological set “Developing tasks. Tests, games, exercises.

Tasks(for a given year of study):


Formation of general intellectual skills (operations of analysis, comparison, generalization, identification of essential features and patterns, flexibility of thought processes);

Deepening and expanding the knowledge of students based on the interests and specifics of their abilities.


Formation and development of logical thinking;

Development of attention (stability, concentration, expansion of volume, switching, etc.);

Memory development (formation of memorization skills, stability, development of semantic memory);

Development of spatial perception and sensorimotor coordination;

The development of psychological prerequisites for mastering educational activities (the ability to copy a sample, the ability to listen and hear the teacher, i.e. the ability to obey the teacher’s verbal instructions; the ability to take into account a given system of requirements in one’s work);

Development of speech and vocabulary of students;

The development of the speed of reaction.


Formation of positive motivation for learning.

Formation of adequate self-esteem, an objective attitude of the child to himself and his qualities;

Formation of the ability to work in a group

The course of developing classes is aimed at solving problems and intellectual-personal-activity development of younger students.

Information note on the specifics of the implementation of the USP in the 2014/2015 academic year:

Total duration of the original program (number of years)


Year of study (first, second, etc.)


Age of students


Number of students in a group in the current academic year


Number of hours per week

1 hour

Total hours per year


Expected results for the current academic year:

1. Regulatory universal learning activities:

Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity with the help of a teacher;

Speak the sequence of actions;

Learn to express your assumption (version) based on work with an illustration of a workbook;

Work according to the proposed plan;

Learn to distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one;

To learn together with the teacher and other students to give an emotional assessment of the activities of comrades.

2. Cognitive :

Navigate in your system of knowledge: to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher;

Get new knowledge: find answers to questions using the available subject educational knowledge, your own life experience and information received from the teacher;

Process the information received: draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the whole class;

Process the information received: compare and group mathematical objects such as numbers, numerical expressions, equalities, inequalities, flat geometric shapes;

Convert information from one form to another: compose mathematical stories and tasks based on the simplest mathematical models (subject, drawings, schematic drawings, diagrams);

Find and formulate a solution to the problem using the simplest models (subject, drawings, schematic drawings, diagrams).

3. Communicative universal learning activities :

To be able to convey their position to others: to formulate their thoughts in oral and written speech (at the level of one sentence or a small text);

Listen and understand the speech of others;

Jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior at school and follow them;

Learn to play different roles in the group (leader, performer, critic).

Subject universal learning activities:

Describe the signs of objects and recognize objects by their signs;

Highlight the essential features of objects;

Compare objects, phenomena;

Summarize, draw simple conclusions;

Classify phenomena, objects;

Determine the sequence of events;

Judge opposite phenomena;

Give definitions to certain concepts;

Determine the relationship between objects of the type "genus" - "species";

Identify functional relationships between concepts;

Identify patterns and draw analogies.

Educational and thematic plan

for 2014/2015 academic year

Number of hours

Theoretical part

Practical part

Total hours

Attention training

Auditory memory training

Visual memory training

Perfecting the Imagination

Development of logical thinking

TOTAL: 33 hours

Calendar-thematic planning

for a group (1 g.o.)

No. p / p

Section name

The name of the topic of the lesson

Number of hours

Date of classes (plan)

Date of class (actual)

Identification of the level of development of children

Introductory lesson.

Identification of the level of development of children

Development of concentration

Development of concentration

Attention training

Auditory memory training

Visual memory training

Learning to look for patterns

Perfecting the Imagination

Attention training

Development of logical thinking

Development of concentration

Attention training

Auditory memory training

Visual memory training

Auditory memory training

Learning to look for patterns

Perfecting the Imagination

Development of logical thinking

Development of concentration

Visual memory training

Attention training

Auditory memory training

Visual memory training

Learning to look for patterns

Learning to look for patterns

Perfecting the Imagination

Development of logical thinking

Development of concentration

Attention training

Auditory memory training

Perfecting the Imagination

Visual memory training

Learning to look for patterns

Perfecting the Imagination

Development of logical thinking

Development of logical thinking

Development of concentration

Attention training

Search for patterns

Identification of the level of development of cognitive processes

The main feature of the European region and the activity of the "third sector" in it - NGOs - is, first of all, its history, which provided the theoretical, and then the practical basis for the foundations of a democratic society in action. The emergence of the third sector in Europe is closely related to the theoretical philosophical models of civil society. The formation of the definition of civil society, its potential and functions, largely predetermined the functions of the third sector in it.

Considering the main trends in the formation of the philosophy of civil society in Europe, we can single out the following authors, for whom the concept of civil society was determined by several different components. So, G. Hegel singled out in civil society, first of all, its moral qualities, considered its main function to be the basis of the moral image of the government and the state as a whole. For K. Marx civil society formed the backbone of the bourgeoisie. In the definition of A. Gramsky Antonio Gramsci, civil society is the “ethical content of the state”, the arena for the protection of societies against the market and the state. 1 By opposing the state and society to each other, he to some extent brought up mutual distrust, especially among society and political parties towards each other.

Modern primary education puts the most important goal is the development of the personality of the child.

In the concept of the Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation, as the end result of the educational activities of the Russian school, it captures the portrait of a primary school graduate, in which the most important place is for the creative qualities of the child: “Inquisitive, interested, actively learning about the world; able to learn, able to organize their own activities ... "

The course "RPS" (development of cognitive abilities) is aimed at developing in students the above qualities of a primary school graduate.

The main objective of the course: development of the intellectual and creative potential of the child's personality through a system of correctional and developmental activities.

In accordance with the goal, specific tasks are defined:

  • 1. Development of cognitive abilities of younger students.
  • 2. Development of creative abilities of younger students.
  • 3. Expanding the horizons of students.
  • 4. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere of students.
  • 5.Formation of students' desire for personal growth.

The RPS course is a set of specially designed classes that combine correctional and developmental exercises with a variety of educational material. This combination provides both the development of the cognitive needs of students and their mental qualities: all types of memory, attention, observation, speed of reaction, imagination, speech, spatial perception and sensorimotor coordination, communication skills, such thinking abilities as analysis. Synthesis. Exclusion of superfluous, generalization, classification, establishment of logical connections, ability to design.

The RPS course is aimed at children from 6 to 7 years old, designed for 33 lessons, 1 time per week.

The content of the course integrates tasks from different fields of knowledge: the Russian language, literature, mathematics, the world around. Thematic classes, presented in a playful way, contribute to the correction and development of the mental qualities of students, the formation of general intellectual skills, the expansion of horizons, the development of cognitive abilities and, ultimately, the achievement of good academic results.

Providing a favorable atmosphere;

Gradeless learning system;

Enriching the child's environment with a variety of new objects for him in order to develop his curiosity;

Encouraging the expression of original ideas;

Widespread use of questions of an open, multi-valued type;

Use of personal example by teachers;

Giving children the opportunity to actively ask questions.

Calendar-thematic planning of the course "RPS", grade 1

No. p / p Subject Cognitive aspect Developmental aspect the date of the
Plan fact
The first time in first class The value of learning, rules of conduct at school. Development of attention, auditory memory, imagination, fantasy, speech, reflection.
Work on bugs. The meaning of the concept of "work on the mistakes" Development of attention, speed of reaction, logical thinking. Reflections.
Three little pigs tasks The content of the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" Development of attention, thinking, auditory memory, imagination, reflection.
Hello, autumn! Three periods of autumn: early autumn. Mid autumn, late autumn. Autumn phenomena of nature. Development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination, reflection.
Let's play chamomile Chamomile game rules. How to stage short dialogues. Development of attention, thinking, speed of reaction, artistic abilities, imagination, reflection.
Based on the pages of the Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" The content of the Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids". Fairy tale endings. Puzzle "Tangram" Development of attention, thinking, auditory memory, imagination, design abilities, reflection.
We draw an apple tree. How to stage a situation with gestures and facial expressions. Development of attention, thinking, artistic abilities, imagination, phonemic hearing, reflection.
Geometric store. Geometric shapes: triangle, square, rectangle, quadrilateral, circle, rhombus, their features. Development of attention, logical thinking, orientation in space, visual memory, sensory abilities, reflection.
Based on the pages of the Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear" The content of the Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear". Fairy tale endings. How to stage a fragment of a fairy tale Development of attention, visual memory, thinking, design abilities, artistic abilities, reflection.
Surprise box. Baby mouth game Development of attention, speech, logical thinking, imagination, speed of reaction, reflection.
Visiting Znaika Znayka is the hero of N. Nosov's book "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" The development of attention. Speed ​​of reaction, thinking, visual memory, imagination, sense of rhythm, reflection.
We read letters. Summary of popular works, their main characters: Aladdin, Winnie the Pooh, Balda. Nutcracker. Baron Munchausen. Development of attention, thinking, imagination, fantasy, reflection.
We decorate the Christmas tree. Traditional Christmas decorations. Development of attention, visual memory, thinking, design abilities, sense of rhyme, imagination, reflection.
"Cool" assignments. What is a "name-shifter", "a fairy tale-"vinaigrette". How to draw a non-existent animal. Development of attention, auditory memory, thinking, including non-standard, reflection.
And again "cool" tasks comic description fairy tale hero. How to draw a portrait of a non-existent person. Development of attention, auditory memory, logical thinking, including non-standard, orientation in space, imagination, reflection.
Pets. The role of pets in human life. Development of attention, thinking, visual and auditory memory, imagination, expansion of vocabulary, reflection.
A series of fun quests. Development of attention, thinking, orientation in space, design abilities, sense of rhyme, visual memory, reflection.
About the stars. The sun is a star in the solar system. The number of stars in the universe. Meteors and meteorites. Development of attention, thinking, memory, orientation in space, imagination, fantasy, reflection.
Dear good. The meaning of the concepts of "good" and "evil" on the examples of literary works. Qualities of character that symbolize goodness. Development of attention, memory, thinking, speech, reflection.
To be healthy. The main components of a healthy lifestyle. Narrative from the point of view of an inanimate object . Development of attention, thinking, orientation in space, memory, speech, imagination, fantasy, reflection.
Dunno exam. Development of attention, thinking, visual memory, logical thinking, speed of reaction, imagination, design abilities, reflection.
Collection of puzzles from Dunno. Development of attention, thinking, semantic and visual memory, logical thinking, speed of reaction, imagination, sense of rhythm and rhyme, reflection.
Famous kids. Thumbelina. Thumbelina is the heroine of the fairy tale by G.-Kh. Anderesen The origin of the name Thumbelina. Brief summary of the story. Development of attention, orientation in space, thinking, imagination, fantasy, reflection.
Bouquet for the Little Mermaid. Summary of the tale by G.-Kh. Andersen "The Little Mermaid". Reservoirs. Marine life. Development of attention, auditory and figurative memory, non-standard thinking.
Match assortment. The meaning of the word "assorted" Development of attention, thinking, visual memory, reflection.
Word fun. Variety of word games. Development of attention, non-standard thinking, design abilities, reflection.
"Talking" puzzles. Variety of puzzles. Development of attention, thinking, memory, imagination, reflection.
We catch a fish Attributes of fishing, features of fishing as a type of recreation. Development of attention, thinking, memory, imagination, speech, reflection.
Fishing continues. Features of fishing as a form of recreation. Development of attention, thinking, orientation in space, semantic memory, sense of rhythm and rhyme, expansion of vocabulary, reflection.
Riddles. Variety of games based on riddles. Development of attention, imagination, sense of rhyme, thinking, reflection.
Feathered friends. Interesting information from the life of birds: nightingale, titmouse, parrot, The development of memory, thinking, including non-standard, memory, imagination, reflection.
Fairy tale assignments. Development of speed of reaction, attention, thinking, imagination, speech, reflection.
Fairy tales again and again. Riddlers Development of attention, thinking, design abilities, imagination, reflection.

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

Find and establish patterns in the arrangement of objects, complete the logical series in accordance with a given principle;

Find the principle of grouping objects, give a generalized name to these groups;

Name several options for excluding an extra item among homogeneous groups;

Find similarities and differences between objects (by color, shape, size);

Independently solve various kinds of puzzles (puzzles, cryptograms, etc.);

Pick up rhymes for words;

With the help of a teacher, navigate in space, using the concepts of "up obliquely to the left." "down obliquely to the right", "down obliquely from right to left";

Use theatrical techniques: play simple situations, "reincarnate" into an inanimate object, using gestures, facial expressions, plasticity and other acting abilities;

Express in words the feelings experienced by the hero of the work.


  • 1. Mishchenkova L.V. - 36 classes for future excellent students: classes on the development of cognitive abilities (6-7 years) / Methodological guide, grade 1. - M .: Publishing house ROST. – 198 p.
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