Redness of the genitals in a little girl. Vulvitis in girls: causes, symptoms, treatment, complications. Inflamed areas are effectively treated with ointments

Redness of the labia in a child is mainly manifested and becomes the first symptom in the development of a gynecological disease in girls under 9 years old. Pathology should be quickly eliminated. Sexual organs that have changed color can lead to serious complications and affect the reproductive function of the future woman.

Classification of childhood illness

Vulvitis is an inflammation that develops in the vagina. The name comes from the vulva.

It combines several groups of external organs of the reproductive system:

  • lips (small and large);
  • entrance to the urethra;
  • clitoris;
  • entrance to the vagina.

Vulvitis rarely occurs as an independent disease, more often it comes as a concomitant. The name of the pathology in medicine is vulvovaginitis. Classify the disease according to several parameters.


  1. Acute form: month.
  2. Subacute: there is an alternation of improvements and deterioration, lasting up to 3 months.
  3. Chronic: lasts for many years.

Patient's age:

  • infancy: up to a year;
  • childhood: up to 8 years;
  • prepubertal: from 8 years to the onset of menstruation;
  • puberty: after menarche.

The nature of the disease:

  1. The infectious species is caused by pathogenic and conditional microbial formations.
  2. A non-infectious species is caused due to injury or placement of foreign bodies in the vagina, burns, an allergic reaction, and improper metabolism.

The disease may have other classifications. Infectious diseases can be specific and nonspecific. In addition, vulvitis is divided into primary and secondary processes. The focus of infection may come from other pathologies that have affected the child's body.

Symptoms and clinical picture

The main symptom of acute vulvitis is redness on the labia in a child. In addition, there is swelling. Irritation passes to the entire inguinal region, rises to the hips.

Symptoms of vulvitis:

  • burning in the perineum;
  • pain when urinating;
  • erosion and ulcers (non-specific form);
  • discomfort during movement and touch.

The child changes behavior: becomes irritable, whiny, restless. Girls try to touch and comb the labia. All sensations are uncomfortable. A special sign of the disease is the discharge of whites.

Their nature depends on the form and type of the disease:

  1. Infectious type, the cause is infection with Escherichia coli. The secretions are yellow and green in color, the smell is similar to feces.
  2. staphylococcal form. Beli yellow viscous, viscous consistency.
  3. candidal appearance. The discharge is whitish, thick and similar in structure to cottage cheese.

Sometimes doctors detect a change in the standard set of signs:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • elevated temperature;
  • nervousness;
  • lack of sleep;
  • increased excitability and irritability.

This indicates the transition of pathology into an acute form of leakage. Another type of vulvitis arises from the action and infection of children with pinworms. In such situations, appetite decreases, abdominal pains appear, anal areas become denser. Buttocks become red.

The chronic form is characterized by a decrease in the activity of symptoms. Puffiness decreases, the skin does not blush so brightly, discharge and itching remain.

Diagnostic methods

The main examination procedures are carried out by a pediatrician, but the treatment and maintenance of the therapeutic complex is entrusted to a gynecologist. A pediatric specialist in diseases of the genital organs will study the history and analyze the child's complaints.

Methods for determining the causes of vulvitis are enough to find effective method elimination of the disease.

The main stages of verification:

  1. Visual examination: detection of redness, swelling, examination of secretions.
  2. Instrumental methods: vulvo-, vaginoscopy. Vaginoscopy is required to remove foreign objects.
  3. Laboratory: microscopic examination of the smear, bakposev on the flora of the vaginal mucosa. The possibility of an allergy to antibiotic agents is checked.
  4. Experimental methods (PCR): study of the content of microflora scrapings.
  5. Standard: general analysis of the composition of urine, blood.
  6. Additional: feces for the presence of bacterial formations and helminths, bacterial content of urine.

In complex cases of the disease, doctors work as a group. Other children's specialists help, such as an endocrinologist, an allergist, a gastroenterologist.

Therapeutic measures and prevention

Complex medicines aimed at eliminating the focus of inflammation. Along with this, the causes that caused the disease are also removed. Treatment is based on the implementation of various procedures.


  1. Baths with tinctures medicinal herbs: medicinal chamomile, St. John's wort flowers, calendula.
  2. The girl is washing the external female organs with solutions with antiseptic compounds. Suitable potassium permanganate and Furacilin.
  3. Sanitation of the area of ​​the internal cavity of the vagina with special devices(irrigator).
  4. Anti-inflammatory drugs. Treatment with ointment and gel mixtures, the use of candles, sedatives.
  5. The bacterial form requires the use of antibacterial compounds.
  6. Fungal forms are supplemented with local agents.
  7. Vulvovaginitis - surgical measures.
  8. Worm infestation is based on deworming.

The child's body requires general strengthening measures. Doctors will prescribe multivitamins, means to strengthen immunity. Antihistamines can help with allergies.

To eliminate the possibility of developing inflammation, a preventive set of measures is carried out. Children are taught to be careful from an early age. The implementation of elementary hygiene procedures will guarantee the purity and impossibility of penetration of viruses and microbes.

Hygiene is based on the usual care of sponges before going to bed after cleansing the intestines (defecation). Girls are taught to wash themselves so that the water does not flow into the body. For kids, they buy individual hygiene products: soap, washcloths, towels. They are taught to use only their belongings. Change them, rinse and dry.

In addition to observing hygiene rules, girls are advised to be attentive to clothing and nutrition. Fabrics must be of good quality, loose and clean. Meals are balanced and healthy.

Performance simple rules will avoid inflammation of the vagina, do not know what vulvitis is.

Every mother should know how inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs can manifest themselves. This will help to suspect the disease in time and consult a doctor in a timely manner. Not every mother knows how to deal with vulvitis in girls.

What it is?

An acute inflammatory process that affects the external reproductive organs in girls is called vulvitis. This is a fairly common pathology in pediatric gynecology. The peak incidence occurs between the ages of two and ten years. In adolescence, cases of vulvitis are practically not observed.

The external genital organs include the vagina, labia majora and labia minora, the clitoris, and the external part of the urethra. These organs are externally covered with mucous membranes lined with epithelial cells. Due to various causes that provoke the disease, inflammation develops. It triggers a whole cascade of inflammatory reactions that provoke the appearance of uncomfortable symptoms in the baby.

Various provoking factors can lead to the development of vulvitis:


A variety of causes leading to the development of vulvitis contributes to the emergence of various variants of diseases. This classification is very important. It helps to correctly determine the form of the disease, as well as to establish the necessary algorithm for diagnostic measures and therapeutic appointments.

There are several types of vulvitis:

  • Allergic. They are found in various types of allergies. In infants, an atopic variant may occur. In some cases, it occurs as a result of prolonged wearing of diapers. Their prolonged use leads to a violation of the vaginal pH and the more rapid development of various irritations.
  • Bacterial. Occurs as a result of bacterial infection. The most common are staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, and aerobic microorganisms. They cause predominantly purulent forms of the disease. Treatment requires antibiotics.
  • Viral. Develop as a result of infection with various types of viruses. The most common cause of the disease is herpes. With a decrease in immunity, the baby develops inflammatory changes in the vulva.
  • Fungal. Most often they develop as a result of a candidal infection. They can also occur in frequently ill and weakened babies. Quite often recorded in girls with diabetes. To eliminate adverse symptoms, the appointment of antifungal drugs, mainly in the form of ointments or creams, is required.
  • Traumatic. Occur after various injuries. The mucous membranes of the external genital organs in childhood are very loose and easily injured. When a bacterial infection enters through various microdamages, a secondary infection may develop.
  • Sticky. Appear in the chronic course of vulvitis. They occur only in cases where timely treatment has not been provided. With this form, fusion of the labia occurs. One of the first symptoms of this variant of the disease, doctors consider impaired urination.


Vulvitis can occur with the development of numerous adverse symptoms. With a mild course of the disease, they do not appear clearly enough. In such cases, only a pediatric gynecologist can detect the disease. A more severe course of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of a whole complex of adverse symptoms that are quite difficult to treat.

The main clinical manifestations of vulvitis include:

  • Swelling and inflammation of the external genitalia.
  • Redness in the vaginal area and on the genitals.
  • Severe discomfort in the anogenital zone.
  • The appearance of secretions. They can be of different colors and textures. With bacterial infections, purulent discharge of yellow or green color appears. With viral vulvitis, a gray discharge is formed, a fairly liquid consistency. Fungal infections are accompanied by the appearance of copious whitish secretions that crumble easily.
  • Violation of urination. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent. At the same time, portions of urine decrease, but the total amount per day does not change.
  • Soreness in the vulva. Inflammation provokes an increase in pain during urination.
  • Increase in body temperature. In severe cases, fever may develop. Sluggish disease is not accompanied by a change in body temperature. It may not exceed the norm during the entire acute period of the disease.
  • Change in behavior and general condition. Girls become more nervous and capricious. In some cases, sleep is disturbed. The mood of the baby becomes very depressed.

What does it look like?

With the development of vulvitis, the external genitalia become swollen and bright red. When examining the anogenital zone, you can see severe irritation and redness. In some cases, the inflammatory process even extends to the inner thighs. With allergic forms of vulvitis, traces of scratching can be found.

The labia enlarge several times, swell quite strongly. With a moderate course of the disease, the entrance to the vagina is closed. When probing the inguinal lymph nodes, you can find their enlargement and moderate pain. In some cases, they increase to 1-1.5 cm.

For fungal variants of the disease, the appearance of abundant white discharge is characteristic. They cover the entire surface of the large and small labia. When implementing a hygienic toilet of the external genital organs and removing secretions, bleeding of the mucous membranes may increase. The discharge has a rather unpleasant odor.

With adhesive vulvitis, the labia are fused. Usually this variant of the disease occurs in babies in the first two years of life. The fusion of the labia comes from the level of the clitoris. The severity of the symptom depends on the severity of the disease. If the fusion was not noticed in the early stages, then after a while this leads to a narrowing of the lumen and a decrease in the entrance to the vagina.


To eliminate adverse symptoms, an appointment is required effective treatment. When the first manifestations of vulvitis appear, the baby should be shown to a pediatric gynecologist. The doctor will conduct a clinical examination and prescribe all the necessary tests, as well as studies. Colposcopy and culture of the discharge can accurately determine the causative agent of the infection, as well as determine the sensitivity to antibiotics.

In the treatment of vulvitis are used:

  • Painkillers. Help to eliminate pain in the area of ​​​​inflamed external genital organs. They are prescribed in the form of ointments, creams and various sprays. For the treatment of vulvitis, you can use "Miramistin", "Furacilin", "Levomekol" and other means.
  • Antiseptic. Eliminate irritation and redness. Successfully cope with adverse symptoms and infusions prepared from medicinal plants. For treatment, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, succession, oak bark are used. They can be used in the form of baths, lotions, as well as for hygienic treatment of the genitals.

Synechia or adhesion of the labia minora occurs in early infancy or somewhat later, before the age of six years. Often the disease is asymptomatic and is discovered by parents during child care or by a doctor during a medical examination. Determining what synechiae look like is, in most cases, easy. This can be done by carefully examining the genitals.

The disease is prone to constant recurrence. Approximately one third of the patients note the appearance of new adhesions.

How to conduct an inspection

Before the examination, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and cut your nails so as not to injure the delicate skin. Spreading the legs of the child, carefully examine the genitals. At the same time, attention is paid to the presence of a genital gap through which the vagina is visible.

If instead of a gap only a whitish strip is visible, and an attempt to push the labia minora does not bring success, there is a high probability of having synechia. In rare cases, fusion occurs and the labia majora.

Signs of pathology

Synechia of small lips may not cause discomfort to the girl. In some cases, there are problems with urination, if you want to urinate, the child begins to grunt, push hard and cry. After urination, there is a quick relief.

You can also highlight the following symptoms:

  • redness of the skin in the genital area, the appearance of a rash;
  • irritation of mucous membranes;
  • crying indicating pain when touched while washing or bathing;
  • the direction of the urine stream upwards, which is typical for boys.

Girls 1 year and older experience urine leakage even if the child is already using the potty.

How dangerous is the disease

The fusion of the labia cannot be regarded as a natural process that should not be paid attention to, but its occurrence rarely brings serious consequences for the female body.

However, the condition can contribute to the development of various infectious processes. With the progression of the disease in the future, associated with the growth of the genital organs and the incorrect formation of the perineum, the girl may have problems with conception and delivery.

The initial stage of the formation of synechia makes itself felt by swelling of the vulva, its redness, irritation, pain during urination. If you suspect a pathology, you need to take the child to the doctor.

Synechia is an insidious disease prone to relapse. It is impossible to rely on their independent resolution in girls under one year old. The problem can be eliminated by puberty. With this pathology, the child should be under the supervision of a pediatric gynecologist, who determines the necessary treatment and gives recommendations for caring for the genitals.

Reasons for fusion

The reasons for the formation of synechia may be different. If they are still noticeable in a newborn, then they were most likely caused by a complicated pregnancy and intrauterine infection of the fetus.

In preschool age, adhesions in girls may appear for the following reasons:

  • transferred infectious diseases of the urogenital area (cystitis,), when bacteria penetrate into the focus of inflammation, which provokes the fusion of the small lips;
  • household transmission of viruses (through towels and other care items);
  • improper hygiene of the genitals, the use of aggressive cosmetics that eliminate the necessary bacterial environment;
  • a tendency to allergies, as a result of skin contact with the remnants of washing powder on linen, hygienic wet wipes, diapers, leading to swelling of the vulva and the further appearance of synechia;
  • hormonal imbalance caused by;
  • wearing underwear made of low-quality synthetic materials;
  • helminthic invasions, intestinal dysbacteriosis, taking certain medications.


Synechias are incomplete and complete. If the fusion has occurred in a small area of ​​​​the labia minora, the problem can be solved by observing the rules of hygiene and care. A great danger is the complete fusion of the labia minora, which can be cured only with a timely visit to the doctor.

Before determining the treatment, the patient is prescribed general blood and urine tests, a swab for bacterial culture from the vagina or tests for latent infections.

If synechia is caused by an allergy, consultation of an allergist is required.

Local therapy

In the treatment, ointments and creams containing.

  • Ovestin

A hormonal remedy used for various diseases associated with a lack of estrogen. The main active ingredient is estriol.

Treatment with Ovestin is carried out for 20 days, then a short break of 10 days is taken. After a break, the course is repeated. Ovestin is recommended for use no more than 1 time per day. It is better to treat synechia before the child goes to bed. If the baby sleeps in a diaper, it should not be worn until the cream is completely absorbed.

In some cases, negative reactions are possible: itching in the vagina, mucus secretion, skin rashes. With caution, the cream is prescribed to patients with bronchial asthma, epilepsy, and liver diseases.

The ointment is applied in a thin layer. Processing is carried out with careful rubbing movements. You can not put pressure on the genitals or try to separate the synechia on your own. It is strictly forbidden to use for this purpose various improvised means that can serve as a source of infection.

  • Contractubex

The cream is often prescribed for synechia in girls. The optimal combination of active ingredients (onion extract, sodium heparin, allantoin) has a bactericidal effect, anti-inflammatory effect, heals wound surfaces.

The product is applied to the spliced ​​area twice a day with a thin layer. A greater effect can be achieved by combining this drug with Traumeel S or Bepanthen. The course of treatment is 20 days, then after a pause it is repeated. Since synechia is a recurrent phenomenon, Contractubex can also be used for prophylactic purposes.

The drug has practically no contraindications. The only obstacle to its use is increased intolerance or sensitivity to individual components.

  • Bepanthen

Ointment or cream Bepanten is effective if the disease is complicated by inflammation. Bepanten eliminates sores, cracks, erosion of delicate skin. Its use prevents the development of infection.

Bepanthen belongs to safe drugs, it is suitable for both newborn girls and older children. Processing is carried out after washing and thoroughly drying the genitals.

Baths with the addition of chamomile, calendula, oak bark will help prevent relapse. In the treatment of synechia in girls at home, oils of vegetable origin (sea buckthorn, peach, almond, grape seeds) are used.


How to treat a complete fusion if conservative treatment has not given the expected results? In this case, a dissection is performed. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure is not dangerous, does not cause discomfort and bleeding in the girl.

The duration of the operation is only a few minutes. After the procedure, the wound is treated with an antiseptic solution and after 15-20 minutes the girl and her mother can go home.

After surgical separation of synechiae, regular treatment of the genital organs is necessary for some time. To do this, use both creams and ointments, and vegetable oils. Ordinary baby cream will do. Soothing baths based on decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage, string are prescribed.

It will be necessary to treat small lips with a cream for at least a month. In the future, this procedure is carried out 1 time per week for the purpose of prevention.


This procedure belongs to the auxiliary methods of treatment of synechia. Massage is done after applying the ointment. After waiting a minute or two until the cream-gel begins to be absorbed, they begin to massage the glued labia. The movements should be smooth, cautious, but slightly pressing.

With incomplete fusion, you can try to gently separate the lips, but you can not overdo it. It is undesirable to make sudden movements, especially when trying to separate glued lips, as movements can cause injury or psychological discomfort to the child.

The following home remedy has worked well. dipped in potato juice wipe the affected area with a cotton pad, trying to slightly stretch the labia in different directions. The procedure must be regular. Thus, with incomplete fusion, with the help of a kind of massage, surgical separation can be avoided.

Prevention of synechia in girls

Unfortunately, the phenomenon of synechiae is prone to multiple "returns" even after surgical separation. The problem is solved only with the onset of puberty. Preventive measures, compliance with the rules of hygiene and daily routine will help to significantly reduce the risk of relapse. So, prevention includes the following rules:

  1. You need to wash the child with ordinary tap water without the use of soap and other cosmetics that dry out the vaginal mucosa and wash out the beneficial microflora.
  2. Do not get carried away with bubble baths, if you can not completely refuse them, add it just before the end of the bath.
  3. The choice of underwear should be made in favor of natural cotton models. Only in such panties the skin will breathe freely. You also need to make sure that the underwear does not squeeze or rub the skin, as this can provoke an inflammatory process.
  4. Timely detect and treat infectious and viral diseases. In most cases, synechia occurs as a result of incorrectly and incompletely treated diseases.
  5. Regular visits to the pediatric gynecologist. Such a recommendation often causes bewilderment in a mother who believes that a little girl has nothing to do in a female doctor's office. However, doctors advise visiting a gynecologist already at preschool age.
  6. Timely replacement of diapers, in some cases, their use will have to be abandoned, it is better to wash children's things for preschoolers separately from the clothes of adult family members.
  7. Choose on sale detergents and cosmetics, toilet paper and other care products without artificial colors and fragrances.
  8. Prophylactic use of estrogen ointments by those girls who have previously been diagnosed with genital fusion. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor!
  9. Pregnant women in the third trimester actively deal with manifestations (protein in the urine, edema, high blood pressure), as these symptoms lead to complications during childbirth and the appearance of pathologies in the newborn.

Article last updated: 04/06/2018

When it comes to children, especially when it comes to their health, involuntarily the heart "shrinks" not only in the parents, but also in the doctor. We begin to go over in our thoughts what “it” is, where does “it” come from and how to treat “it”? I want to achieve a quick and positive result in the treatment of a small patient.

Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist

In our article, we will talk about the inflammatory process in the genital area in girls, namely, about vulvitis.

By itself, the name vulvitis has the ending "it", which already speaks of the inflammatory process. Inflammation of the female sphere (and in our case, vulvitis in girls) is usually accompanied by pain, discharge (leucorrhea), itching and burning of the genital organs.


According to the World Health Organization, every fifth person in the world suffers from chronic pain, and about 60% of chronic diseases are accompanied by pain.

Pain is one of the most common complaints from a child. The nature and intensity of pain depends on the state of the nervous system of the patient. Pain in diseases of the genital area does not always correspond to the severity of the pathological process.

With a slight disorder of the genitals, the pain has an acute, sharp character, and in the chronic course of the process, sensations may be completely absent.

Therefore, when treating small patients, the doctor necessarily finds out the history of the disease, its onset, where the pain is localized and where it spreads. Severe pain in the genital area, namely in the clitoris, labia minora, is explained by the richness of nerve endings in this area.

But the inflammatory processes of the vagina are not painful, they are manifested only by a feeling of pressure, burning, but if fatty tissue is involved in the process, then there is a sharp pain, especially when touched.


This symptom is also an "escort" of the inflammatory process of the genital area in adults and children. By the nature of the whites, as well as the presence of a smell, one can judge the disease.

Itching and burning

Itching and burning of the external genital organs also accompanies inflammation of the genital organs.

Now let us dwell in more detail on the inflammatory process of the external genital organs in children, namely on the vulvitis.

Vulvitis in children

As mentioned above, vulvitis is an inflammation of the external genital organs (namely, the vestibule of the vagina, small and large labia, the clitoris and the outer part of the urethra). According to statistics, this disease is more common in girls from 1 to 8 years old and is about 65 - 70%. It should be noted that this form of inflammation often occurs with vaginitis and is called vulvovaginitis.

Vulvitis in girls can develop for a number of reasons.

These include several factors:

  • features of the structure of the genital organs and physiology (lack of "useful" lactobacilli that protect the vagina, the vaginal environment is neutral or close to alkaline, more open external genital gap);
  • increased cleanliness “there” (when parents strive to completely “wash” the child, thereby creating favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. And if this soap has a pleasant smell, and even antibacterial, then you shouldn’t be surprised where this one comes from “ Byaka" took the baby! As they say in the book of V. E. Radzinsky "Obstetric aggression", the sterility of the vagina should not be allowed;
  • the constant wearing of diapers also creates a condition for the development of pathogenic microorganisms (when the effect of a "greenhouse" under the diaper is created, where it is warm and humid, especially if you do not change them in time and do not arrange "air baths").
  • may be the cause of the development of the inflammatory process of the external genitalia in girls. Roundworms have the ability to crawl out of the baby's bottom at night and lay eggs around the anus, they can also crawl into the vagina, thereby facilitating the entry of eggs and intestinal flora into the genitals, resulting in intense itching and, as a result, inflammation;
  • mechanical factors, when in the process of studying the world around the girl begins to stick various small objects, toys into the vagina, or simply touches the genitals with dirty hands;
  • chronic disorders in the work of the endocrine system, as well as the presence in the body of other foci of chronic infection (tonsillitis, carious teeth).

Vulvitis in a newborn is at risk of developing as a result of passage through the mother's birth canal.

Thus, there are a large number of reasons that contribute to the development of the inflammatory process of the external genital organs in a girl, which means that every little princess is at risk. This puts a lot of responsibility on parents.

Factors that can cause vulvitis in girls are described. However, it is worth talking about direct "culprits" of development. This is:

  • viruses;
  • fungi;
  • bacteria;
  • protozoa;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonococcus, etc.

Depending on which of them caused the inflammatory process, there are specific and nonspecific vulvitis.


Symptoms of the disease with vulvitis have all of the above signs, characteristic of the inflammatory process:

  1. Itching and burning in the vulva.
  2. Discharge from the genitals (which the mother can see on the child's panties), their nature depends on the specific pathogen. So, if the causative agent is a fungus, then the discharge will be curdled in nature, if it is E. coli, then the discharge will be greenish-yellow with an unpleasant smell of feces, if the cause is staphylococcus - viscous and yellow, but mostly transparent leucorrhea.
  3. Pain syndrome, especially aggravated by urination.
  4. Redness of the skin and mucous membranes, the formation of ulcers as a result of scratching is possible.

Other symptoms - lack of appetite, sleep disturbance, abdominal pain, stool disturbance - can be observed, but are extremely rare.

Three forms of illness

Vulvitis in girls can manifest itself in one of three forms:

  • the acute form is characterized by a bright onset, pronounced symptoms. Acute vulvitis lasts up to 1 month;
  • subacute form of vulvitis, characterized by a change in periods of exacerbation and remission, lasting up to 3 months;
  • the chronic form of vulvitis is characterized by the possible absence of the above symptoms and only by the presence of a burning sensation during urination, lasting more than 3 months.

age factor

  • vulvitis of infancy (from 0 to 12 months);
  • vulvitis of childhood (from 1 to 8 years);
  • vulvitis in prepubertal age (from 8 years to onset);
  • vulvitis in puberty (after the onset of menarche).

Allergic vulvitis

It also happens allergic vulvitis, the development of which can be provoked by various foods (a large amount of sweet, citrus fruits), synthetic underwear, chemical substances. With this form of vulvitis, identical symptoms will be observed, perhaps less pronounced, as well as redness of the surrounding skin and mucous membranes.

Candida vulvitis

Candida vulvitis develops as a result of damage to the vulva by fungi of the genus Candida. With this type of vulvitis, the main symptom is discharge from the genital tract in the form of cottage cheese. Infection of a newborn more often occurs during the passage of a seeded birth canal of the mother, which suggests that during pregnancy it is necessary to sanitize vulvovaginitis of any etiology.

Treatment of this type of vulvitis is carried out with appropriate drugs that act on yeast-like fungi. Also in the complex, you can use washing with herbal infusions (chamomile, calendula), which perfectly cope with inflammation and relieve itching.

Thus, when at least one of the listed signs appears, it is necessary to see a doctor for diagnosis and timely treatment. However, there is an opinion that vulvitis is a commonplace inflammation that occurs with a high frequency in girls and is also easily treatable. However, inflammation is also inflammation in “Africa” and entails certain consequences already in adulthood!

And recurrent vulvitis, that is, repeated inflammation of the external genital organs, can lead to the development of complications: the appearance of ulcers of the mucous membranes due to intense itching of the skin, involvement in the inflammatory process of the urinary system with the development of cystitis, urethritis.

In most cases, when the above complaints appear, the mother and the girl turn to pediatricians.

The diagnosis of vulvitis can be made by the district pediatrician, however, further observation and treatment should be carried out by a pediatric gynecologist in order to avoid complications!

Diagnosis is based on the examination of a small patient, the study of her life history and the onset of the disease, and laboratory examination.

The main research method that allows you to identify the causative agent of inflammation is microscopic examination and bacteriological seeding of the vaginal secretion for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics.

If there is a suspicion that the nature of the vulvitis has a specific character, then the scraping is examined by the polymerase chain reaction method. In addition, a general blood test, urine test, urine culture for flora and many other tests that a pediatric gynecologist will prescribe for you are mandatory.

Let's talk about how to treat vulvitis in a girl. The main thing in the treatment of vulvitis in children is the elimination of inflammation and the suppression of the cause of this inflammation.

The therapy is complex includes:

  • anti-inflammatory baths with the addition of decoctions of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort. To do this, pour 1 - 2 tablespoons of dry grass with 1 liter of boiling water, insist, cool, decant and spend sitz baths for 3 - 5 minutes;
  • washing the external genital organs with antiseptic solutions (Furacilin, Miramistin);
  • symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating itching, burning (antihistamines, anti-inflammatory ointments);
  • in the case of bacterial vulvitis, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. If the vulvitis has a fungal nature, then antifungal drugs (Itraconazole, Fluconazole or locally Pimafucin-cream, Clotrimazole). If the cause of trichomonas is Metronidazole, Tinidazole. If the vulvitis has developed as a result of the ingress of a foreign body, then it is removed, and with helminthic vulvitis, respectively, antihelminthic therapy;
  • with allergic vulvitis limit the use of foods that cause allergies (citrus fruits, sweets, chocolate).

In addition, in the complex treatment of vulvitis must include:

  • multivitamins (synthetic) or foods fortified with vitamins;
  • preparations containing lactobacilli (Linex, Bifiform), in order to restore the vaginal microflora;
  • increasing the immune forces of the body (walking in the fresh air, exercise).

Linex is a drug containing live strains of lactobacilli, it is convenient to use in children from 1 year old. Available in the form of capsules, powder.

100 grams of powder contains at least 1*10*8 CFU. But, it should be noted that the drug is widely prescribed by pediatricians and in infancy.

Newborns and children under 7 years old are prescribed 1 sachet per day, children over 7 years old - 2 sachets per day, you can take it in one go. The duration of therapy is 30 days, if necessary, the course is repeated.

The drug is freely dispensed in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The price of the drug is from 400 to 600 rubles per pack.


Bifiform (baby, baby, complex) - a complex probiotic that has various forms of release for different age categories - from newborns to adults.

  1. Bifiform baby issued in the form of a suspension (1 dose 1 time per day for 20-21 days).
  2. Bifiform kid(release form - sachet). It is prescribed for children from 1 to 3 years old, 1 sachet 2-3 times a day, over 3 years old - 2 sachets 2-3 times a day.

The drug can be freely purchased at the pharmacies of the city, without a doctor's prescription. Its price is, on average, 350 rubles per pack.

Bifidumbacterin Forte

Bifidumbacterin Forte is a 4th generation probiotic. One dose of the drug contains at least 1*10*7 CFU. The release form of the drug is a powder. Children under the age of 6 months are prescribed 2.5 doses 2-6 times a day, children aged 6 months to 3 years, 5 doses 1-2 times a day, children over 3 years old, 10 doses 1-2 times a day. day. The course of taking the drug is 2-3 weeks, with repetitions 2-3 times a year.

The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. The price is about 130 rubles for 10 pieces.

Measures to prevent vulvitis in girls and girls

There is now a wealth of information for new parents on how to properly hygiene newborns and older girls.

Yes, yes, you understood correctly, the hygiene of babies comes first! You need to wash the girl correctly with warm running water after each act of defecation and before going to bed! Water procedures after each trip to the toilet completely wash out the entire microflora of the vagina, making it sterile, and, therefore, defenseless against pathogenic flora.

It is necessary to wash away from top to bottom, that is, in the direction from the vulva, perineum to the anus. Use toilet soap no more than 2 times a week. In addition, girls should have separate hygiene items (towel, washcloth).

You can also reduce the risk of developing vulvitis in girls and girls if you stop wearing synthetic and tight-fitting underwear, change sanitary pads, diapers and diapers in a timely manner as they become dirty or every 4 hours.

In addition, it has great importance in the prevention of the development of inflammation of the external genitalia, and not only, a balanced and nutritious diet for children, the prevention and timely treatment of concomitant and chronic diseases, as well as fortification.

Adhere to the basic rules of hygiene - a pledge good health. Sometimes it is impossible to keep track of not only yourself, but also your child, no matter how much you would like to. If, nevertheless, this happened, and the girl’s intimate place itches, do not despair, you can always find a solution to any problems, if you do not delay their treatment. The age of up to 5-7 years is the most difficult for parents, because it is far from always possible to find a common language with a child, and even more so to learn about his problems in intimate places. If you notice that your daughter often wants to scratch herself in the vaginal area, you should immediately contact a pediatric gynecologist for an examination. It is better to perform this procedure 3-4 times a year, then your daughter will definitely not have serious problems.

What are the causes of itching of an intimate place in girls

It is extremely important for parents to reach out to their child and talk about the basic rules of genital hygiene. At the age of 3-5 years, this is not so easy to do, however, it is during this period that the first basics are laid in the daughter’s head, which will be useful to her in the future. As for the main causes of a tooth in the intimate area in girls, it is worth highlighting:


If you find out that your daughter feels discomfort in the intimate area, you should not hesitate to go to the doctor. With timely access to a specialist, in most cases it is possible to get rid of the problem within 1-2 weeks. To determine the cause of discomfort, it will almost always be necessary to pass some tests. First of all, the doctor conducts an external examination of the girl's intimate zone.

If there are doubts about a possible disease, then a smear is done, as well as a biochemical blood test. In this case, it is possible with a 99 percent probability to determine the cause and prescribe a course of treatment.


In order to protect the child as much as possible from the occurrence of discomfort in an intimate place, it is worth paying attention to the following rules:

  • intimate hygiene. And it does not matter what age we are talking about, whether it is 2, 5 or 8 years old;
  • correctly compose a diet so that the girl receives a maximum of vitamins and minerals. This is especially true of the first years of life, when immunity is formed;
  • choose a quality cosmetic product for intimate hygiene, preferably without dyes and flavors /

Subject to these rules, the girl’s intimate place will definitely not itch.

Drawing conclusions

If a girl experiences discomfort, the first thing to do is to contact a gynecologist for an examination and diagnosis. After that, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment. Only if all the recommendations of a specialist are followed, it will be possible to cope with the problem as soon as possible.

Parents are obliged to monitor the health of the child from the first year of life. Otherwise, some diseases can become chronic, which will affect the future life of your daughter. Do not treat itching on your own unless the cause is known. Consultation with a specialist in such cases is essential, otherwise serious complications may arise.

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