People's problems related to money. How to find a way out of financial problems? Problems with money and arrangements according to Hellinger. Lack of basic financial literacy

Gerald Brenan

In this article, dear readers, I suggest that you consider possible problems with money and ways to solve them, because I know that this problem takes place in the lives of most people. And at the same time, I know that there are many very literate people who are ready to brainwash you with their proposals to solve your money problems. In general, read the article, shake your head, try to delve into all the content presented, and not into its individual phrases and words. And tell me later that I was wrong, if it is true. But I am sure that this will not happen, because I will not tell you about something from the realm of the rich and selfish human imagination, but what I call the truth, or if you like, the truth.

And so there are problems with money, there are generally two of them, but I only know about one, but let's start in the meantime with the two most often perceived and understood by people. There is a problem with little money and big money, that is, when there is little or no money at all, or when there is a lot of it. Which one do you prefer to have? Well, yes, I understand that the latter, but if we are talking about a problem that really interferes with life, then it is still not so important which of the two problems takes place in your life, a problem with small or big money. In fact, you need to decide both, because if life is not a joy, what difference does it make how much money you have, right?

My article called “Working for Money” pays a lot of attention to the problem associated with little money, but when you don’t know how to manage the big money you have, how to protect it, where to put it, how to increase it, and so on, that’s already big money problem. But about everything below, I think it should be more specific, and not give an idea in general terms, especially since these problems need to be solved, and not just disassembled from the point of view of the form of these problems. I really don't know how you see your money problems as they are for you, but I don't even doubt that the root of these problems is common.

Problems with little money

It’s probably worth starting with this, because it is the problem of little money that is the most common among us, which is not surprising, would there be rich people in this life if there were no poor people? The problem with little money is that there is not enough of it, there is always little of it, it runs out quickly and this is deadly, because without money the doors are closed for us everywhere. I know about this problem very well, because it was a very acute part of my life, I generally didn’t know what money was, I had so little of it, and so rarely did I even hold it in my hands.

I think this was precisely what served as a strong incentive for me to earn them, because I did not have fun, did not spend my time on pleasure, but made very great efforts to solve the problem with little money, to turn it into big money, until I solved it. Of course, I did not know then about another problem, the problem when you have enough money and you also need to be able to properly manage it, but more on that later. In the meantime, the question is: do you feel the first breath of awareness breeze that blows into our heads thoughts about solving the problem of lack of money? Something should motivate you to move your booty. The urgency of the problem, the discomfort associated with it, the passionate desire to get out of an unworthy, wretched life, the desire to get rid of the humiliation associated with poverty, is it really possible to start solving the problem with money without this?

No, you can’t, because if you only think that you don’t have enough money, if you don’t have enough money for some nonsense in the store, but you are full, you have a roof over your head, you have something to wear, and life, in principle, is not terrible for you. it seems that you will not strain to solve some minor problems there. Well, yes, there is not enough money, well, yes, it would be nice to do something like that so that there are more of them, but I don’t feel like doing it today, I’ll go watch TV, play on the computer, hang out with friends, take a walk, and so on , other. What is the point for such people to ask such questions at all, the point for them to read this article? It makes no sense, of course, this is not a Hollywood film with a hippie ending, you have to work here, strain yourself, otherwise there will be no hippie ending.

I wrote about such people in an article called “How to attract money”, when all kinds of scammers find their suckers, naively believing that it is possible without any tension, on the recommendations of other people, to acquire a lot of money. Even simple recommendation in the form of - fall there and do that, will not work with people who are not motivated by life to solve the problem of little money. In figs - they will say, go yourself and do something there, you have to live, you have to enjoy life and la-la-la. In general, really be adequate, if you don’t have enough money and you want more money, laziness and other crap should be thrown away by you, we solve the issue in a serious, adult way, or don’t solve it at all.

And so, if you have decided on the desire, then we move on to specific actions. What does it take for you to have money, for little money to turn into big money, or for you to have it at all? The answer is that you need to work for this ... Pause, friends, there is a pause in this place, purity of consciousness, don’t think about anything at all, because you tell me that they say you know this, you understand, and this is a banal answer. The work of a person gives a result in the form of money, you can work with your hands, feet, other parts of the body, forgive me, but even with your ass you can work, which some do not disdain to do. But I suggest you work with your head. The bottom line is that if you yourself work for money, you will never have it, or rather, you will have what it is now, if the problem of little money is relevant to you, then you will never solve it.

In order to have money, you need to work, but I'm not saying that you should do it, let others work. Here's a ruble from every hard worker, that's it, that's what you need to solve the problem of little money. Well, now you certainly ask about how to do this? Well, why did I mention the head for you to look for answers or to ask questions? This is what we call business now, before there was a type of slavery, if you look at it in a harsh form, but the essence has remained the same, for the benefit of some people, other people work. As long as you are among those who work, you will have little money, as soon as you go over to the side of the slave owners, there will be more money.

And what did you think about solving problems with money, did you think that for this you need to work yourself, look for a well-paid job, and preferably two? Or maybe you thought that for this you need, for example, to win the lottery, in a casino, or some other garbage to do, forgive the expression, but you can’t say otherwise when you see all these things on the Internet, inviting simpletons? No friends, you can live well, you can only at the expense of other people, otherwise there is no way, everything else is a utopia. Do not even consider other options and do not waste your time, I understand that learning to live at the expense of others is not easy, but if you have a desire, you will do it.

I will write more than one article on this topic, I will write how to do business, how to manage money, how to attract people and all that, everything has its time, let the very idea that I am talking about take you now. You can’t rush into such things that are directly related to life, because at school you didn’t learn to plow for your uncle in one year, and so here I can’t change your worldview in one article, nothing will come of it. Otherwise, you will close my site and rush headlong to look for other answers to your questions, simpler and more hopeless.

blinding fear

In principle, if you approach what I am writing about from the point of view of common sense, then without any problems, many of you would immediately grasp the essence and would have a different attitude to money. You would have a different attitude to their earnings, their disposal, about problems, whatever they may be, in this case we would not talk at all. But here is the fear that blinds you, it prevents you from doing this, and regardless of whether you have a problem with big or small money. No, not only poor people tend to be afraid of everything and everyone, the rich are also afraid, maybe even more than the poor at times. Below I will explain why, fear is inherent in human nature, only idiots are not afraid of anything, and therefore they do not live long.

I said above that in order to solve problems with money, you need to learn to use the labor of other people, there are many ways to do this, and it is not at all necessary that you become a kind of capitalist exploiter. After all, let's say if you sell or resell something to a very large number of people, then you also use their labor, because they pay you the money that they were given for their work. Business, in principle, is also a normal activity that gives work to those who do not want to strain too much. People don't risk anything because you give them a job and thus earn from their work. All is well with such a scheme. But many people are afraid of losing even the most insignificant minimum, in the form of some miserable job. They do not see opportunities and do not believe in themselves, so they cling to the only way they can get money.

You can’t just take it and switch you from one paradigm to another, it will be very scary for you to do it. Only here is your fear, it does not have a deep meaning in itself, yes, a change in the situation can scare you, this is normal, but if you dig deeper, you will see that there are more prospects for you in the new than in the old. And how, then, can one be afraid of this, how can one be afraid of a better future for oneself? Mother nature knows the answer to this, but we can only guess, and therefore, the only thing left for us is to neglect fear. We may not know everything about ourselves yet, but we can know everything about money. because we made them.

Read my article: “Money and Evil”, in it I clearly show how we decide for ourselves what money will be for us, what we will have in general, our whole life will be, hell or heaven. Well, the method of making money that you use will not work if you have little of it, this problem with a lack of money will always be relevant for you. What, then, to be afraid of, what to be afraid of looking at something new, if nothing else remains? There is nothing to be afraid of, and this is the whole problem of little money, and this is precisely what it boils down to, the fear of looking beyond the limitations that do not let you understand that there are opportunities and there are many of them, and that these opportunities can solve your problem with money.

big money problem

If you have a lot of money, your problems can be no less serious than the problems of those people who have little money. The fact is that the essence of the problem is not in money as such, the essence of the problem is in you, but more on that below. When you have a lot of money, you are afraid of losing it, and this is natural, because a person who has many blessings attracts the attention of those who have few of these blessings. In addition, you can become or are already a person who simply wants more, if you have a lot of money, then you need even more, because you feel what power and permissiveness they give you and you naturally want to increase all this.

Read my article called “Money Addiction”, you will need it to understand some of the very important nuances associated with a person’s dependence on money. It is necessary to understand such things, they must be realized, because this dependence very often overcomes wealthy people and subordinates them to their will. If you got out of the mud, if your success is the result of your work, then you kind of know about both sides of the coin, like me, because I know poverty and wealth, if not huge wealth, but still wealth. This can be somewhat frightening, in the sense that you will be afraid to fall back into the mud from which you got out.

But this is also an unconscious fear, a fear of ruin, for a person who knows how to sculpt figures from sand cannot be afraid of being washed away by a sea wave. Everything can be in life, you can be everything and then become nobody, or vice versa. And everything is possible in general, the world outside can put any kind of pig on us, we should not be afraid of this. This should not be done because, being smart people, we can find the answer to any question put before us, and even if we can lose all our money, even if hungry jackals look at us with their hated eyes, we have something to answer them.

Of course, I will write about this, because many things should be taught not only to poor, but also to rich people, especially when one's own mistakes allow this to be done. The problem of big money often comes down to elementary clouding of the mind, you know, this is when urine beats in the head and fingers fan. This often happens, unless of course we are talking about fear, as I indicated above, but here is an inadequate attitude to life, this is the main thing that prevents you from understanding how and what should be done so that big money does not poison your life and that they are not taken away from you .

The real problem

All the problems described above, or rather the situation with money and people, actually originate from the inadequacy of a person, an unrealistic understanding of reality, or not complete, so it will probably be clearer. As I wrote in my earlier articles and will repeat it in this article, all the problems of a person originate in himself. There are indeed other people who also carry a problem, and this is a much more promising point of view than if we tied everything to money. This damned public propaganda is always looking for reflection in the minds of the majority, naive and narrow-minded in their understanding of this world. You will be told about certain problems, as long as you don’t meddle anywhere, as long as you trust those in power and be passive.

But remember friends - only you decide what is a problem for you and what is not, and if the problem is relevant for you, you solve it by solving problems with yourself. You don’t have money, think, the more you think the better, but you should think about yourself and your misunderstanding of what you don’t know. Read my article: "Lack of money" and think about why people can have such a problem with money at all, if they are as smart as they think they are. At the same time, if a person has a lot of money and he cannot solve some of his problems, overcome his fears, pacify his Ego, deal with the negative traits of his character, then only work on yourself can fix all this.

I've seen people lose their lives over money, just because they've always been idiots, and when money came along, they didn't think of anything smart about how to start going crazy and end their life. Some people I know started using drugs after they had money, others started to be too arrogant of other people, others, obsessed with greed, found a bullet or prison. But I saw other problems, I saw hunger, I saw dirt, anger, violence, betrayal and cruelty, the cause of which was a lack of money, poverty, in all its glory. And what, are all these problems that we can characterize as problems with money?

All this is nonsense, only there can be real problems with a person, so to speak, something is wrong when it is not clear what thoughts are wandering in his head. In most cases, people live an unconscious life, I think that awareness is a kind of reward in this life, not money and other husks that technically get, even love is nothing more than an illusion that each person perceives in his own way. But to come to awareness, this is a real blessing, but it is not so easy to do, it is necessary, as I said, first to make this problem urgent.

Most people are inadequate, they are selfish and blind, and this is precisely their main problem, and money, whether in large or in small quantities, does not particularly affect the perception of life, though if you want to earn more money, then some opportunities by expanding your consciousness you will have. And summing up, I can only emphasize once again that there is no problem with money, and there cannot be, in principle, the problem is with you - solve it and everything will be wonderful for you, both in the spiritual sense and in the material one.

Have you ever wondered why there is no money or not enough, although you work hard, invest in your education and personal growth, and try to think positively?

Today we offer a look at financial problems and their solution from the point of view of psychology and spirituality.

To put it briefly: the world is abundant, it has enough goods and resources for everyone.

Modern reality provides you with any opportunities for earning and realizing. If something goes wrong, it is not external “enemies” that prevent it, but internal reasons.

You have little money - which means that the subconscious mind protects you from a larger amount.

It believes that wealth will be dangerous for you in some way, or it will destroy your basic life values.

These are called money promises.

Signs that you have a vow of poverty and the like:

you are working at full capacity, but there is not enough money to meet your needs;
there is enough money, but it is hard, you do not like or exhaust your work;
when money comes to you, it quickly "leaks like sand through your fingers";
if your financial situation improves, troubles immediately occur, unforeseen expenses and other events that delay your material resource;
if you have more money than relatives and friends, you feel embarrassed, you feel guilty and, perhaps, you begin to solve the problems of others, “save” someone, and so on.

If you find one or more of the listed items, carefully study this material.

We will consider the types of money vows and their manifestation, look for ways to release.

1. Spiritual vow of poverty

The most common money block. His idea is the rejection of material wealth for the sake of spiritual quest.

Examples: “Money is soulless. I give up wealth for the sake of closeness to God”, “All rich people are immoral and sinful”, “Only being poor, I lead a life pleasing to God”

History: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God” [Matt. 19:23]

There are various interpretations of this famous biblical saying.

For example, that people on the way to money commit sins and crimes; that excess money leads to vicious behavior (revelry, gluttony, vanity).

Also, there is an opinion among spiritual people that money has “low vibrations” and closes the perception of high spheres.

You and your entourage have little money, not enough.

As an option: they became smaller after you took up spiritual practices. At this moment, the vow of poverty manifested itself especially strongly.

Additionally, these beliefs can be supported by your environment and family: “poor, but proud”, “all the rich are thieves”, “but we are spiritually richer”, condemn more successful people, expensive purchases.

It is clear why there is no money - how can one own it if it is sinful, immoral and hinders the spiritual path?

New look and release: Crimes and excesses are not a characteristic of money as such, but simply the choice and behavior of people.

Although wealth can increase human vices, poverty also copes with this no worse. Let us recall the criminal statistics in the marginalized strata of society.

Poor people, in fact, are also not very busy with spiritual quests - they are tormented by thoughts of how to get money for survival every day.

The very word “wealth” contains the root “God”, i.e. material goods are God's gift to you and your life.

It turns out that the phrase of Christ indicated in the previous paragraph does not expose wealth in general, but an excessive obsession with money.

In the modern world, of course, it is possible to have financial freedom and be a spiritual person - you just need to cancel the vow of poverty and form a new way of thinking about this.

2. Oath of Selfless Service

This item especially applies to those whose work or additional activities are related to serving people - a teacher, doctor, psychologist, healer and others.

You are aware of the high social and moral value of your work, but the pay (and, therefore, your standard of living) leaves much to be desired.

Examples: “We need to help people for free”, “If I have money, I lose my spiritual gifts”, “Healing people for money is a sin, God will punish me”, “I choose high service to people, not money”

How can it manifest itself in your life: If you have a "service" job, you probably encounter the prejudice that in such professions "it is indecent to profit from people."

This is often supported by "public opinion". It’s like you can’t get decent pay for your hard work.

As a result, you often recycle, do a lot of things for free at all, and it is difficult for you to ask for a pay increase - especially when interacting with clients personally.

Of course, you can work for some time on enthusiasm and heartburn, but without proper replenishment of resources, including financial ones, everything can lead to burnout and disappointment in the profession.

New look and release: You have chosen an activity related to serving people, preserving the “genetic” memory of respect in society and care from the Temple.

You are sincerely and ardently involved in your work and expect “out of habit” worthy recognition for your spiritual work, but alas…

Times have already changed, there is no community or church that would guarantee you safety.

Words about the "great and selfless feat" of your profession have turned into propaganda, which is often used by manipulators to ... yes, not to pay you money.

New challenges for you spiritual man- independently recognize the value of their work and its benefits for people and proudly receive decent pay for it.

3. Giving up wealth for security

These are all decisions to refuse money because they are associated with danger, death, arrests, the loss of friends and loved ones.

Examples: “Being rich is dangerous”, “I refuse money for the sake of life/health/family”.

Origin history: Huge layers of troubles and suffering associated precisely with money. It could happen to you in other lifetimes if you believe in them.

But even without that, there are enough examples from the history of the family, the country, modern films and the media.

Each person has their own fear and is associated with a specific case.

For example, my clients recalled that in their family there was dispossession (the decision “It is useless to earn money, they will take it anyway”), murder for money (“Having a lot of money is life-threatening”), squabbles and betrayal among loved ones (“Wealth destroys the family ").

As I wrote at the beginning, the subconscious mind protects you from danger - wealth.

If more funds appear than you are used to, unforeseen expenses immediately arise, or you quickly “lost” money for no reason.

Often even attempts to earn more money fail. For example, large projects and high-paying job offers fail, clients “leave” at the last moment.

New look and release: First you need to understand that it is not wealth that is dangerous, but carelessness, distrust of one's intuition, undrawn boundaries, which is why the above troubles happened.

A poor person is even less protected from the blows of fate than a wealthy one,

that is, the rejection of money does not exactly guarantee security.

You should heal the described traumatic cases from your history and develop a healthier and more positive outlook on money.

4. Guilt and retribution

Karmic "debts" manifest themselves in the material sphere as a loss of finances and real money debts.(the so-called "retribution").

Examples:“I am indebted to ...”, “I always have to pay for such and such an act”, “I must be punished”

Origin history: Events from other incarnations or your real life history make you feel guilty - before God, society, a particular person.

Maybe you really did something wrong. Or maybe you just imposed a sense of guilt (from real case- "You were born and spoiled your mother's life and health, and now you are in eternal debt").

Add to this the pressure of the Christian ideology of "original sin", violation of the commandments - and you will understand that you can feel guilty about almost anything.

So you have to endlessly atone for this "guilt", in the literal sense of the word - with money.

How does it show up in your life? You feel guilty or embarrassed when you have more money or expensive things that friends and family don't have.

You are acutely involved in volunteer and charitable activities, often to the detriment of your well-being, health, and family. In general, the “rescuer” complex is typical for you.

Also, the existence of a “need to atone” is indicated by monetary debts and other onerous obligations (for example, you cannot change a low-paying job for some moral reasons).

New look and release: Understand that what is happening to you is not an external punishment at the will of higher powers, but a decision to punish yourself.

Even if you really “remember” the deeds that terrify you, for example, violence against people, try to see this as an agreement of your Souls (all participants in the situation received some kind of experience).

If necessary, perform your own ritual of repentance, mourning, atonement for that situation, and complete it.

Your current life and personality, in fact, has nothing to do with those events, you should not suffer anymore.

In addition, sometimes the feeling of guilt is generally imposed on you.

When considering situations, it often turns out that a person was simply shifted responsibility for other people or circumstances completely beyond his control.

Try to understand what is happening, understand and forgive yourself.

Now you know about the main types of spiritual money vows that can interfere with your financial well-being.

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“Abundance is not what we get.
This is what we're aiming for".
Dr. Wayne Dyer

Evolved souls have had many incarnations on Earth and, as a rule, have gone through the entire spectrum of human experience. In our time, they choose to incarnate as volunteers to assist humanity in its ascension and healing.

Paradoxically, it is these souls who discover that achieving abundance is one of the most intense areas in their lives and in their fundamental belief system.

Why is material wealth such a difficult task for many advanced, old souls?

Old souls carry baggage of lives where they faced darkness, poverty and abuse of power.

The most traumatic aspects of these lives leave scars on the soul, just as physical trauma leaves scars on the body.

Younger, less evolved souls are much more comfortable with money and possessions for two simple reasons: they have more interest in the material world and they have fewer obstacles and past life karmas preventing them from living in abundance.

Despite how much material abundance would help us learn, abundance is not just about having more money, houses, relationships, or whatever else you want. Many wealthy people suffer immensely in their personal lives.

From my experience I remember a time when I had everything what I might want: good flat in one of the most expensive cities in the world; family; a stable job that allowed me to pay my bills; long vacations and the freedom to travel the world.

I remember one of my old friends said that she would give a lot to live a life like mine, that my life is her dream! Intellectually, I knew that she was right, but I also realized how completely unhappy I myself was in this wealthy life of mine.

I would give it all in an instant in exchange for something better. What is the "best", I still did not know with certainty. But I was firmly convinced that none of my real "accomplishments" mattered.

Abundance is not just material success. At the same time, a person does not become more or less spiritual by being poor or unhappy. There's nothing wrong with being rich.

Many advanced souls need to clear their minds of misconceptions and social agendas and gain a clear understanding of what abundance really means to them.

Old souls, messengers from the stars, and other advanced souls often afraid of power. Their souls want to play safe by avoiding power to make sure they never hurt anyone again or get hurt by betraying themselves.

This fear of power is a problem at the soul level, often beyond all conscious awareness. However, this one of the main blocks preventing abundance.

Until this block is started, no amount of conscious affirmation or positive thinking will touch us deeply enough to have any effect.

In the physical world this fear of power can play out in various forms, from living in the basement of parents to addictions and crimes.

Oaths and vows from a past life are a good example of such difficulties in achieving material prosperity.

If we had a lot monastic incarnations we can have vows of poverty even if we never recognized them. At certain times when it can be spiritually beneficial, we should certainly be able to choose simplicity.

How to remove the causes of lack of money and return to abundance

If we have to constantly fight poverty in the absence of a conscious choice for us, the vow of poverty at the soul level may require release. Once these vows are found and cleared, life in the physical world will also begin to align.

Vows and trauma in past lives often manifest as self-sabotage many old souls. There may be a feeling as if after each rise again and again there is a destruction of what was built with enormous efforts.

Another problem is lack of "grounding". Very advanced souls tend to be far off the earth, having too much energy in the upper chakras while struggling with the practical problems of life here on Earth.

For some groups of souls, this is especially noticeable. Why earn money, get an education, live a stable life?

It all seems meaningless when there is so much wealth in and out of the unseen world. These souls tend to have other interests and priorities that do not necessarily align with what is considered a successful life by worldly standards.

Indeed, sometimes it is helpful to look around and ask yourself what the world would be like if highly spiritual people had access to more resources? If they could allocate these resources and use them wisely from a spiritual point of view?

Sometimes all it takes to achieve solid grounding is practice. be more determined, organized and efficient.

Resilience and "grounding" require deep inner work. Evolved souls often choose implementation in difficult conditions: in troubled families, with a lot of wars, struggles, losses, hardships and lack of love.

For this reason, it can be difficult for many of them to meditate and remain calm due to the destructiveness of the life they live.

The purpose of this interaction with the pain of humanity is transforming it, this pain, into love and light but many old souls are bogged down, stuck in the process itself.

Family and birth traumas, such as abuse or loss of property, are often inherited from generation to generation. These deep wounds hold their energy tenaciously, making it difficult to create space for more light and joy.

Traditional therapy and the simplistic use of the Law of Attraction often bring little relief to advanced souls, and tend to leave them with an even greater sense of failure (this works for everyone else, but not for me, something must be terribly wrong with me!) .

However, once we get deeper into the soul level and transform blocks there, everything in life will gradually fall into place.

Visualizations and prayers often work better than meditation. Soul work tends to be more transformative and effective than old school therapy.

The key is to acknowledge deep issues at the soul level and start from the soul level.

How to find a way out of financial problems?
Money problems and Hellinger constellations

There is probably no person in the world who has never faced financial problems. But what if financial problems drag on and become a chronic condition?

Often a person makes titanic efforts in order to solve problems with money and achieve success, but nothing works out for him. Is it possible to identify the causes of financial problems and somehow change the situation?

With this question, we turned to psychologist, business coach, president of the "5 DA" center Dmitry Seinov.

Psychologist:- Of course, there is a way out of financial problems! Now in the arsenal of psychologists there is such a tool as Hellinger constellations. It allows you to both diagnose the causes of financial problems and correct the situation. By the way, with the help of Hellinger constellations, you can solve completely different problems, and not just problems with money and a career.

- As far as I heard, not the entire psychological community accepts the Hellinger constellation method.

Psychologist:- Well, that's okay! Firstly, any innovations in ANY area are accepted by the scientific community with caution, and secondly, the Hellinger arrangement reduces the time for diagnosis and correction. After all, it sometimes took YEARS to establish the root cause of a particular problem! And all this time the client went to a specialist and paid money for it, and with the help of the Hellinger arrangement, the same thing can be done in an hour and a half! As you can imagine, not everyone is happy about losing money.

- Could you explain what is the essence of Hellinger constellations?

Psychologist:- Deputies are set up in the field, or, as our German colleagues say, UNDERSTANDERS. These are ordinary people, each of which plays a role. From what they feel, what dynamics arise in the field, the psychologist draws conclusions and performs certain actions. In general, it is very difficult for a non-specialist to explain what the Hellinger arrangement is. Here we should remember the saying: "It is better to see once than hear a hundred times." Come to the Hellinger constellations, if not with your request, then as a substitute, and you will understand everything!

- Based on your experience with constellations, can you identify the main causes of financial problems?

Psychologist:- The main cause of problems with money is ancestral memory. In about 80% of the arrangements on this topic, it turned out that one of the ancestors, as a rule, during the period of the revolution and subsequent repressions, was exiled, put in a camp, or even killed for being richer than others. In this case, an attitude is formed in the family: “It is dangerous to be rich!”. And the descendants of the murdered and repressed nobles, merchants, kulaks and middle peasants constantly face financial problems.

Psychologist:- Yes, all this manifested itself in the arrangement, and Sergey later became convinced of this by talking with his paternal grandfather.

Another reason for financial problems may be "social loyalty". It is no secret that we treat the rich badly, it is believed that if a person is rich, then he is definitely a swindler. In such cases, the fear of social stigma can interfere with financial success.

“First of all, you need to learn to clearly control your vision and your energy for today. A new day brings both negative and positive sides - there are hidden, but there are pronounced flows of energy, and in each flow you need to learn to choose what is needed or what is not acceptable. Take the positive as the basis - as the most important "engine" of your energy. If you look at everything through a prism - constantly identify problems for yourself - THEY WILL BE!

We build everything ourselves - with our thoughts - action! No matter how hard it is in a new day - mood, circumstances - there must be control! Your CONTROL - keep your mood only on a positive attitude! Thoughts - only on bestowal!
Today, what was conceived did not work out, we did not see the return in today, do not take on the thought of gravity - step over - it will be TOMORROW!

We need to take it easier to perceive everything that the day brings us, and no matter in what form!
No money - do not take the thought of collapse at the head - it all builds up the energy of loss! Otherwise, you will crash! The meaning here is how you feel it - how you give yourself to this flow ...

Financial energy is to take and give! One must act and receive with gratitude, and not be dependent on

full of this thread. If we consider money as the highest point of our being, then we will get a blow - as this flow of energy stands as an auxiliary one, it is necessary to clearly delineate the flows: love - prosperity - happiness - compassion - all this, of course, can be applied in one stream, but this is erroneous !
If we disassemble everything according to the state, according to the return, we will get a completely different perception and energy at the exit.
An important factor is addiction - it should not exist in principle! Our addiction is our dead end corner: if we depend on love, we become - helpless.

Love is the highest point of our stay here! Love can be expressed in many different ways! And to each object - in its own way! In love, the essence is laid - your life - life, as a valuable link in the flow of that same - LOVE!
If we talk about the financial flow, of course, we understand what money brings us - stability, confidence, but here your attitude towards them is important. Of course, there is no doubt that without finance there will not be that calm and balance that you want. At the same time, you must understand - another step - the step is already your perception of money.

The law of energy: as you perceive - so you receive!!!
Take as a basis - positive attitude: “Everything goes for the day by the stream that brings me what I need today” If today there is no productivity in your action today, we can calmly pass today and do not cause internal irritation in ourselves for the lack of what we wanted to see and feel!
We take as the basis of each new day - thoughts of positive perception - we wake up in the morning with thoughts of love - Have a good mood, even if it is absent - this is where control over our perception of a new day begins!
We can load ourselves with thoughts in the morning - collapse, fear, loss and a crazy dead end that has not yet begun in the day - we remove all these thoughts!
Self-confidence - faith in yourself - here, too, control and perception of real power in yourself! Without confidence, we will not get a return - we will simply walk all that a new day can give us!
I CAN - I DO!!!
If I go with confidence in everything, this I will always go in stability and confidence. Without our recharge I - we will be confused to cling to circumstances and entangle ourselves in the flow of energy, there is also control and inner feelings of confidence!
Faith is an integral part of your life. And it doesn't matter what religious your inner state is: God is one, which he always confirms by giving back to your faith!
We may not feel the presence of help "here and now", but help is near us - believe me! We are not alone here, there are a lot of energy flows around us, a lot of forces and influence on us of those whom we do not see with our view of perceiving the world - everything is nearby! And next to us! You always need to give thanks - to believe and give by faith - a request, a prayer - is always heard, but heard according to your faith in this prayer and help! We all walk under God, and everyone receives help according to the measure of faith and its bestowal! The Lord will give us an angel who leads our entire journey from beginning to end and on you - only on you depends his strength and his help for you - THANK YOU - ASK AND BE WHOLE WITH HIM - this is the main thing for each of us!

The perception of our world - again and again comes only from us - we live a worldly life, where there is a society. There are people around who are in no way in contact with your world: there will always be a feeling of loneliness among people: we come into this world alone and leave alone! But, on the way, you need to see - to feel those people who go to help us, in reasoning, in rethinking. All this already forms you integrally in this flow of people's energy. And here it is very important to be - not stronger - but, to be good-natured, open - not to keep anger, not to slander, not to envy and not to put yourself above those who are nearby - to be able to maneuver among people for yourself! Do not confuse egoism with a feeling of bestowal on yourself - this is a mistake - you need to love - desire - be for yourself - all this is in more gives confidence in a new day!

If you have problems with money (with their presence in your life), you are doing something wrong. Take a look around, look at everything from the outside, know how to be self-critical and don't be afraid to get overwhelmed by a new wave, but with a different consciousness - for yourself - without harming another! If you see that relationships, work, dialogue are not being built nearby - be able to build what you need without loss and take into account what you must at the same time not harm, but be in reasoning and choose correct solution without touching the integrity of the other I. This is already the ability to be in the flow of people and their individuality. Do not rush to draw conclusions - look at the two sides of the coin. And you definitely need to learn to see yourself from the outside - your bestowal and the bestowal of those who are nearby!

This prayer will help you!

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for all the good that You give me through the Lord Jesus Christ. Bless, dear Savior, the work that You have given me, and give me the strength to do it for the good of Your kingdom. Give me the joy of seeing the fruits of my labors and donations. Fulfill Your words on me: “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” so that I can live in prosperity and not experience poverty.
But if I should experience poverty, then grant, Lord, the wisdom and patience to endure it with dignity, without grumbling, remembering poor Lazarus, for whom You, Lord, have prepared bliss in Your kingdom.
I beg you, let me hear one day: "Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." Amen.

1. What we think is what we create. Everything that happens to us is solely the result of our thoughts. The fact that someone is undesirably affected by someone else's creation is solely the result of the thought that it could happen.
2. The more frequent and intense the thought, the more power it contains. This is equally true in both the negative and the positive sense.
3. By focusing on getting rid of something unwanted, you will only achieve rooting and aggravation of the problem you want to solve. To achieve a positive result, focus on the positive state that will arise as a result of getting rid of what is bothering you.
4. Doubt, fear and uncertainty significantly weaken a positive thought, depriving it of effectiveness. The moment you realize that your thoughts have become negative, immediately replace them with positive ones.
5. Visualization of the expected result strengthens the power of thought. By creating an image of something undesirable in your mind, you contribute to the aggravation of the negative state, or, if it did not exist before, this will lead to its appearance.
6. Resistance or protest in relation to something undesirable will only contribute to the fixation of an undesirable state. The ability to accept situations as they are, as well as the ability to calmly accept that they may arise again, will create the necessary conditions for changing the situation the way you want it.
7. Ask for yourself only what you would ask for everyone else. If you ask for something only for yourself, then you may achieve what you want, but this may entail a response or punishment.
8. The thought that you will do something in the future will place the corresponding event in an eternal future that will never come. If you want it to actually happen, think that it is already happening in the present and visualize it.
9. Impatience due to the fact that it takes too long to achieve a result will in itself produce a negative effect. The results will appear when the time is right for it.
10. You need to develop your intuition, as well as show agreement and willingness to be guided by intuition regarding the actions necessary to achieve the desired result. Except in cases where a person is at a very high level of spiritual development, the power of thought, not supported by intuition, can rarely lead to the full realization of desires.
11. Never use the power of your thought to force another person to do what you want, even if you do it for their own good. Such actions can lead to very undesirable consequences, as it is extremely unethical. This is permissible when a person himself asks for help in order to strengthen his postulates.
12. You need to have absolute confidence that you really want to improve something, and not just think that it should be done. When will and imagination are in conflict, imagination always wins, because imagination expresses what we really desire.
13. A person achieves sustainable success only when his actions do not harm someone else. Only then is real progress possible. Even if sometimes it seems that this is not the case, over time you will make sure that everything worked out for the best.
14. Don't take yourself or life too seriously. Positive thinking works best when you are relaxed and carefree.
15. If you intend to improve something, then do not immediately take on the solution of the biggest and most difficult problem. Gain confidence first by tackling more modest challenges at a lower level, and then make improvements at a higher level. Any problem, no matter how big it may seem, is solvable. However, it should be recognized that the help of a competent person can significantly speed up the solution of the problem.
16. Do not set any conditions on how you achieve your goal. If, for example, you desire more money, don't limit yourself by predetermining any specific source.
17. Do not give up on achieving your goals under the influence of benevolent but ignorant people who do not realize the true nature of thought.
The past is gone and it shouldn't affect you now, provided you don't keep recreating it in the present. If so, the first step you need to take is to change your way of thinking. Your future is born from what you create now. Live here and now.

1. Always visualize your goals as if they are happening to you right now. Make it a reality in your mind. Create detailed images. Get into the role and mentally play it.
2. Mentally imagine your goal at least once a day, without missing a day. Repetition is the mother of learning. Any thought that arises in your brain and takes root there will have an impact on your life.
Creative visualization has tremendous power, but there is nothing supernatural about it. It is based on the work of your internal mechanisms and energy, as well as the ability to creatively direct your internal resources. When properly organized, imagination is one of the most dynamic human capabilities. Start using this gift right now. Don't worry or think about the specifics of this phenomenon, just trust the process. Demand follows supply, so you get the right result at the right time. You can be sure that you will find ways and means to achieve the goal: nature will always be able to fulfill the requirements placed on it.

Thoughts attract similar thoughts to themselves: good thoughts attract other good thoughts, bad ones - bad ones; cheerful thoughts are like them; gloomy thoughts and thoughts of doubt follow the same rule, and so it is with a whole series of thoughts.
Your thought attracts to itself the corresponding thoughts of others and thereby increases your supply of this kind of thoughts. If you have formed a fearful thought, then you yourself will attract to yourself all the cowardly thoughts of the environment around you. The more insistently you think about it, the greater the influx of such unwanted thoughts will be. But think: "I'm not afraid," and every bold thought in your environment, like a force, will rush to you and help you. Try this, especially the last one. Eliminate cowardly thoughts. Do you not know that fear, with its eldest offspring, sadness, is the cause of the greatest poverty, misfortune, failure, than anything else in the world. Fear and hatred are the parents of all evil thoughts.
Root out such evil tares as: sadness, doubt, cowardice, self-humiliation, jealousy, anger, envy, slander and other obsessive thoughts; such harmful thoughts interfere much with your success, and you will immediately be convinced of this if you think about it for a minute. Raise the mental curtains and let the radiant stream of pure thoughts of joy and happiness pour into you without restraint, and then the vibrios of despair and failure will leave you forever ...

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