How to close a Sberbank gift card. The main ways to close a Sberbank card. How to close a VTB salary card

Today I will tell you how to close a bank account. The fact is that not closing or incomplete closing of a bank card often leads to the formation of debt, on which fines begin to accrue, and a person, after a few years, is horrified when he finds out that he already owes a huge amount, which he did not even suspect, and that his debt has been sold to debt collectors. You can read more about such cases in the article.

I think everyone will unanimously agree that it is absolutely impossible to allow such situations, but in order to insure against them, you just need to correctly close the card at the moment when there is no need for its further use. How to do this, how to properly close a bank card, credit or debit - more on this later in the article.

Many people mistakenly believe that once a card has expired, it automatically closes. Or if you didn’t change the expired card for a new one, then nothing will work anymore. Or if, for example, he blocked his card after being lost or for some other reason. Or if no operations are performed on the card. Or if, for example, a person quits the company, then his salary card is automatically closed. All these are delusions! Moreover, I gave only the most common examples of such misconceptions, in fact there are many more.

It is very important to know the following: any bank card is just a piece of plastic, a kind of key that provides access to an account opened with a bank. And if this key is lost, broken, invalid, blocked or any other option - the account still remains valid! The client simply loses access to it. It is not “automatically” closed, unless this is provided for by the contract for opening and maintaining a card account. And on this account, all the stipulated tariffs are applied, for example, a monthly/annual service fee is charged, etc. All this very often leads to education, which the client does not even suspect, and which then turns into serious problems.

Therefore, in order to completely close the card, it is not enough to block it or not get a new one upon expiration. In this case, you will only lose access to the account, but the account itself will still function and be serviced at the current rates. To close the card completely, you need to close the bank account to which it is linked. And this happens directly at the bank branch upon a written application of the client.

Now let's look at how to close a card if it's a debit card and if it's a credit card. I will describe an approximate algorithm, a sequence of actions that must be followed.

How to close a bank debit card?

A debit card is a card that does not provide for opening a credit limit. However, even on it, the so-called. , which, as a rule, simply accrue huge interest and penalties, even more than credit cards. Debit cards include, for example, student, pension, social, cards for receiving interest on deposits, etc. In general, any card that does not have a credit limit is a debit card. How to close a debit card? To do this, you need to go through the following steps.

Step 1 . Disable all paid services on the card. If any paid services are connected to your card (for example, SMS informing or something else), then before closing the card, you must disable all of them so that no fees are charged during the closing procedure.

Step 2. Withdraw all the money from the card at zero, down to kopecks. The fact is that a bank account cannot be closed if it has some kind of balance. At the same time, it should be taken into account that if some kind of fee is charged for servicing the card, then this amount must be left on the account - it will be debited automatically upon closing.

For example: you have a balance of 1000 den on your card. units And the monthly account maintenance fee is 50 den. units and removed on the last day of the month. You want to close the card in the middle of the month, which means you need to withdraw 950 den from it. units and leave 50 den. units for service - they will be debited from the account when it is closed.

In difficult situations, tellers in the bank should help you accurately calculate the amount of withdrawal. In any case, the withdrawal must be made through the bank terminal, since ATMs will not issue small bills and pennies, but must be withdrawn at zero.

Step 3 Submit your card to the bank. All cards are the property of the bank (which is even indicated on their reverse side). Therefore, when closing the card after zeroing the balance, it must be returned to the bank teller, who must destroy it (cut it) in your presence. In a number of banks, handing over the card at closing is advisory, not mandatory.

Step 4 Write an application to the bank to close the account. The service operator will give you the form of such an application, it may even be automatically filled out and printed out, you just have to sign it. In some cases, an application for closing an account can be submitted through (if such a function is provided there).

Next, the bank must carry out the procedure for closing the account. The card account is usually closed only after a certain number of days after the application is written (the number of days is indicated in the terms of the agreement) - the bank waits for this period so that no additional debiting of funds occurs as a result of previously completed transactions. When the account is closed, the client is issued a notice of closure with the seal and signature of the bank. It can be either a separate document or a detachable part of a written application.

Everyone, from the moment you receive a notice of account closure, can be sure that the card is closed, and nothing more will be charged to you on it.

How to close a bank credit card?

Step 4 Write an application for closing a card account. As you remember, in order to close a bank card, the most important thing is to close the account to which it provides access. Ask the service operator for an application to close your card account and sign it, or fill out such an application in the Internet banking system.

Step 5 Receive notification of account closure. After the closing procedure, the bank is obliged to issue you a notice of closing an account with a seal and signature. This is the closing document.

Step 6 Get a certificate of no debt on the loan. Or on a specific credit card, if you have other active loans in this bank. In general, this step cannot be classified as mandatory, especially since the issuance of such certificates is a paid service. But I would call it desirable, recommended. The presence of such a certificate, together with a notice of closing a card account with a credit limit, will already 100% guarantee that after that any possible accruals of debt have no legal basis. Therefore, especially if you actively used the credit limit in order to properly close the credit card, I strongly recommend that you obtain such a certificate and not lose it.

Now you know how to properly close a bank credit and debit card. I hope that this information will be useful to you, take it into account. Well, if you have any questions - ask them in the comments or on the forum - I always answer promptly.

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Sberbank is the largest commercial financial institution in Russia, which is more than half controlled by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The brand of this giant occupies a worthy position in world rankings, for example, 34th place in the list of 1000 largest banks in the world by capital, compiled by The Banker specialized publication. The financial institution, by the way, moved up from 49th place, which it occupied last year.

Sberbank provides its clients with a wide range of services. A frequently processed transaction is the issuance of consumer loans. Extra money, as you know, never happens, so the risk of temptation is quite high. Moreover, very often, along with the issuance of a salary or debit card, bank employees offer to receive a credit card. It is fast, simple and convenient, which is emphasized by the employees of the financial institution. But soon most of the clients begin to think about how to return debts to Sberbank, how to close a credit card.

Where do people get credit cards from?

Most bank customers do not become owners of credit cards because they really need such a product. When applying, everyone thinks that in the future the card may come in handy, but until then you can get a credit card “just in case”. At the same time, even if the funds on the credit card are not used in any way, this can still entail a certain debt. Dodgy bankers catch their clients on absolutely inappropriate SMS informing or on a fine for unspent money. And the unsuccessful closing of the card may well result in a tidy sum. Therefore, everyone must fulfill their obligations: the client to the bank, and vice versa.

Why is it not so easy to close a credit card?

Many clients mistakenly believe that a plastic card issued to a person’s personal data belongs to him, therefore, a client can simply send the “plastic” to the trash as soon as he realizes the uselessness of this financial product.

But this very "plastic" is the property of the bank. How to close a credit card should be clarified directly with a financial institution, because improper use of a credit card entails consequences that, of course, hit the wallet. And here the question of how to close the debt on a Sberbank credit card becomes a problem.

Where to begin?

First you need to make sure that the bank account attached to the credit card has a zero balance. Any debts must be repaid and loans repaid. Otherwise, Sberbank (how to close a credit card correctly, they will tell you at the branch) will refuse to close the credit card. A positive balance is also undesirable. This may result in additional fees.

How to find out the balance on the card?

If you do not know how to close a loan with a Sberbank credit card, we recommend that you first determine how much the debt is currently. At this point, you need to be extremely careful. This information is best confirmed in various ways:

  • save a receipt from an ATM indicating the amount of the account balance;
  • call the hotline, which is indicated on the back of the card;
  • personally visit the branch of the financial institution.

In this case, it is advisable to visit exactly the branch of Sberbank that issued the credit card. You must have your own card, passport and an agreement issued by Sberbank with you. Any branch manager will tell you how to close a credit card.

How does the closing process take place?

A credit card must be handed over to a bank employee directly at the branch. Plastic at the personal presence of the owner is cut with special scissors. Then the manager draws up an act of closing the debt obligation. A copy of this document can be freely requested from the employee. It is advisable to save the document. This procedure does not happen instantly. This information is especially relevant for those who would like to close a Sberbank credit card ahead of schedule. In this financial institution, this process lasts for one month.

If there are personal funds on the credit card

If there was own money on the account, then they will not go anywhere when the card is closed. After a certain period, which will be specified by the manager, funds can be received in two ways:

  1. Cash through the cash desk directly at the branch.
  2. Electronic.

After the set time has elapsed, it is better to make a request for a document that confirms the absence of debts on the account and its closure. In many organizations, this service is paid, but it's better to play it safe. Also, do not forget about disabling the Internet and SMS banking functions, which can cause additional debt.

What if the credit card expires?

For some debtors, the problem is the account, which was extended by Sberbank itself. How to close a credit card after its expiration date? Each plastic card has its own term, which tends to end. If there is no need to re-obtain a credit card, then it is necessary to notify the financial institution of this fact. If you have already issued a Sberbank credit card, you should think about how to close it in advance. Refusal to reissue is made in writing and submitted to this organization five days before the expiration of the card.

Many credit card holders fall into this trap. The client can be completely sure that he does not owe anything to the bank, but in most financial institutions the reissuance occurs automatically. A new card is sent by mail or can be picked up at a bank branch. At the same time, the client often does not even realize that the card can be opened (re-issued) automatically, as a result of which debt is easily formed, which is most often the accumulated service fee. In this case, it is better to be firmly confident in the absence of debt obligations.

Are there alternative closing methods?

When asked where to close a Sberbank credit card, of course, the first thing that comes to mind is the branch of this organization. But not all clients have the opportunity, time, or simply the desire to carry out this procedure in this way. In the age of information technology, I would like maximum simplification:

  1. Option one involves closing the card over the phone. In some banks, this is possible, but Sberbank does not provide a service of this kind for the reason that sometimes the question of how to close a credit card is of interest not only to the owner, but also to completely outsiders. For security reasons, banks very clearly monitor the closing procedure, which is why it is carried out only with a personal presence and a passport. Sberbank can simply temporarily block a credit card, but in no case freeze the account.
  2. The second option is online banking. In order to prevent fraud, this procedure is not available via the Internet, but just like by phone, a credit card can be blocked. However, you still have to go to the bank branch, write an application and go through the above procedure in full.

It is worth trusting such a reliable institution as Sberbank. How to close a credit card is now clear from the above points. And in order not to face such a problem in the future, it is worth reading all the signed papers and clarifying all points of interest with managers in a timely manner.

Among the numerous bank cards that are in the hands of users, Sberbank has long and confidently held the palm. Note that obtaining such cards usually does not cause problems: they are issued at any branch of the issuing bank.

The closing procedure causes difficulties for users, in particular, the question is whether it is possible to perform this procedure remotely. Let's try to understand the intricacies of this operation.

Let's start with the main thing: why do you need to refuse the Sberbank card at all? In fact, there may be several reasons, here are some of them:

  1. Service bank change. This situation usually affects the interests of payroll card holders. In particular, the employer transfers employees to a more profitable settlement and cash system, for example, moves away from Sberbank to VTB 24, and it becomes unprofitable for people to use old cards.
  2. personal motives. Here the quality of service plays a decisive role. If a person finds more attractive conditions for himself or a low percentage for servicing, the bank will not be able to keep him.
  3. Moving. If the owner of a bank card changes his place of residence, the right decision would be to replace the card. Some service-related issues are resolved only in the departments that issued the plastic, and it is not economically feasible to go to another region for this.
  4. Getting another card. If a person prefers to use electronic wallets, it will be more cost-effective for him to get a personal card linked to a specific resource. Such cards usually completely exclude commission fees when replenishing an Internet wallet and withdrawing funds.

There can be many reasons, but in any case, the final decision remains with the owner.

Important! The official closing of the card, performed in accordance with all the rules, is a 100% guarantee that financial transactions will not be carried out with this current account, therefore, the former owner will not have any problems.

Instructions for closing the card

To do this, Sberbank customers are offered two methods that are somehow interconnected. Let's start with the most practical: through Sberbank Online. This is a simple procedure, however, it is impossible to permanently close a bank card remotely. Through the Internet resource, only blocking is performed: the termination of all financial transactions on the details. You can apply for such blocking in the following way:

  1. Log in to the main page.
  2. Find the "BLOCK CARD" item on the personal menu panel.
  3. Confirm your decision.

This option is suitable for debit and credit cards, and from the moment of blocking, the plastic becomes inactive. We add that before embarking on such decisive actions, it makes sense to make sure that there are no debts on the personal account, and if there are any, it is better to pay them off.

For the final closing of the card, you must contact the Sberbank branch where the plastic was previously received. By the way, this is the second way to cancel a bank card that has become unnecessary. Here is the proposed sequence of actions:

  • Apply with a passport to the bank branch, if the contract is preserved, you also need to take it with you.
  • Show the employee a certificate of no debts on the personal account.
  • Write an application for closing the card.
  • Write an application for a refund of the remaining funds in the account.

On this, the process of canceling the Sberbank card can be considered completed. The plastic itself can be cut in front of the client by a bank employee, the balance of funds from the account can be received in cash at the cash desk.

Note that this procedure is preserved when moving to another region of the country. In this case, you can contact any branch of Sberbank and write an application to close the card. The banking network is quite extensive, however, tied to a single database. If a person moves abroad, you will need to prepare a power of attorney for another person who can cancel the plastic on behalf of the former owner.

Rules for closing Sberbank credit cards that were not used

There are situations when a person was offered to issue a Sberbank card with a credit limit, he agreed, but he never used it when he received the card. What to do in this situation? Here, the cancellation procedure follows the above scheme, however, there are some differences.

Firstly, if no monetary transactions were actually made on the personal account, the closing will take place without problems, but if there is any debt, it will be impossible to cancel the card until the debts are fully paid off.

Secondly, the full closure of the account is carried out within 30 days, even if the plastic is cut in front of the client. During this period, the personal account is frozen, and if the client changes his mind about closing, he will be issued a new card linked to the previous personal account.

Thirdly, after closing a credit card, it is necessary to take a certificate from the bank employee that there are no debts. It is not uncommon for a client to be “forgotten” to inform about a small balance, which gradually accumulates with interest, turning into an impressive amount.

What is the difference between card blocking and closing

We note right away that these are opposite concepts. In particular, blocking can be performed not only at the request of the client, but also at the initiative of the bank. This is practiced in cases where the security service fixes strange debits on the card or an attempt to withdraw large amounts at a time. In such situations, in order to remove the blocking, the owner needs to contact the bank branch and confirm all the transactions made. In addition, customers can block the card on their own, for example, in case of loss or theft of plastic. In any case, we are talking about a temporary suspension of the functionality, which, if desired, can be easily restored.

In the case of cancellation, the situation is different. Here we are talking about closing the current account to which the card is linked. If you cancel only the card, you can easily get another one and use the old current accounts. If the account is closed, this operation will not be possible.

Credit cards, regardless of which bank issued them, are a convenient way to get what you want or need right now, and not later, when the money appears. Most Sberbank customers have already managed to appreciate all the benefits that they received with Sberbank credit cards, but there are also many who not only do not want to issue it on their own initiative, but also refuse to issue it by the bank as an addition to the card for payments.

At the same time, many people make a common mistake: they activate the card “to look”, and then decide that they don’t want to use it, and put it in the far corner of the closet, or even throw it away. Those who do this may one day expect the not-too-pleasant news that they are in debt to the bank. Therefore, a credit card that is not planned to be used should be closed and canceled in accordance with all the rules.

How to close a credit card from Sberbank

Contrary to popular misconception, making a card unusable by damaging it and expiration is not a reason to consider a credit card closed. In order not to be indebted to a bank from which you did not borrow anything in principle, you need to know how to close a Sberbank credit card and follow all the instructions exactly, namely:

  1. Determine debt. You should not do it yourself - the risk of errors in the calculations is great even for professionals. By the way, those who hold their own funds on a credit card should withdraw them before applying.
  2. Making an application. It is not at all necessary to go to the same branch in which the card was issued. Any branch of Sberbank, in any city in the country, will accept you and offer you to fill out an official application form, which should be filled out very carefully.
  3. The final stage. It consists in the receipt by the client of all documents confirming the fact of closing the credit card and directly destroying the card.

To close, you must provide credit cards of all types, except for instant. Attention! It is imperative to go to the bank and write an application for closing a Sberbank card, even if you have never used it!

Early closure: is it possible?

You must be prepared for the fact that no one will close the credit card directly on the day of contacting the bank with this question. In the terms of the agreement, which is signed by absolutely all Sberbank customers, the maximum period is indicated - up to 45 days from the date of application. In general, the terms are a little less and amount to about a month.

The term for closing a Sberbank credit card cannot be less than a month! This is due to the fact that the accrual of interest for the use of credit funds occurs on a certain date. Therefore, rushing bank employees and asking them to quickly close your credit card is pointless.

Checking the balance on the card account

The two most important points regarding what is needed to close a Sberbank card relate specifically to the financial side of the issue. Having a credit card debt that you plan to close is just as wrong as leaving your own money on it, even if it's a few cents. One of the clauses of the agreement strictly defines that only a credit card with a zero balance can be closed.

IMPORTANT: Close a Sberbank credit card account

It should be borne in mind that the debt may not exist on the credit card itself, but on the client's personal account. The card itself is linked to a regular account in a financial institution. Personal account is not displayed on the map. This is for the safety of customers. you can read the article.

To make sure that there are no debts and overpayments, you can use one of the most convenient ways:

  • View the card statement through the Internet bank;
  • Call the Sberbank hotline;
  • Go to the bank and ask to check the balance;
  • Check your balance at the nearest ATM.

If the check showed the balance of personal funds, they must be withdrawn, spent or transferred to another card. If there is a debt, it must be paid off first.

Debt repayment methods

Since you can only close a credit card with a zero balance, you need to pay off the debt to the nearest penny, otherwise it will not be possible to withdraw a small amount from the card later. Therefore, such a method of repayment as replenishment of the card using the terminal is feasible only if there is a debt on the card, the amount of which is round and possible to deposit into the terminal. But this is extremely rare, more often there are small amounts in the balance.

In this case, the consumer has two options:

  1. Top up a credit card by transferring the exact amount to it (taking into account the possible commission) from any other card, both your own and relatives or friends.
  2. Close the debt through the cash desk of any bank branch. Attention! In order to avoid misunderstandings later, you should clearly tell the cashier what amount should be credited to the card. The operator may not know the amount of the debt, or discrepancies may arise due to commissions, interest not yet withdrawn, etc.

No matter how the client repays the debt, the goal must be achieved: only zero balance is allowed on the card.

How to apply

To apply, you should personally visit a branch of Sberbank with a passport and directly with the card itself. The client will be offered a sample application (application), which will need to be carefully filled out.

The opinion that it is possible to close a credit card only in the branch where it was issued is erroneous. You can do this in any branch and even in another city of the country.

Final step: checkout

Having paid all their debts and, as the contract implies, having cut the card into pieces, customers often forget that they will not be hindered by a certificate of closing the Sberbank card. Ideally, this should not be just a black and white document printed on a printer, but an official document sealed with a blue seal signed by the teller serving you. It should indicate that the client's credit account is closed and there are no claims for debt obligations.

Such a certificate is the best protection against the fact that at some point unpaid a few rubles will be found, for which they will charge many times a large commission. Therefore, it is better to spend a few extra minutes and insist on issuing such a document than to try to prove your case later without having confirmation.

Remote access

You can often hear the question, is it possible to close a Sberbank credit card online. The answer is unequivocal and it is negative. Using the Internet, you can see the amount of debt, find out what certain amounts of money were spent on, see the work schedule and the location of the nearest branches. If you need to close a credit card urgently, but it is not possible to get to the branch, you can only block it via the Internet in order to stop accruing interest. Such measures were taken not at all in order to complicate the closing procedure for customers, but solely for their own safety.

Similarly, there is no way to close a credit card with a phone call to the contact center. This is explained by the fact that one of the prerequisites for closing a credit card is to provide a client's passport.

Possible disputes and ways to resolve them

Sberbank values ​​its reputation and the trust it has earned over many years of operation. Therefore, most often, those who are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to close a Sberbank credit card have no problems. The only thing that the parties may encounter is discrepancies in the amount required for full repayment. These inconsistencies arise for two reasons:

  1. The client paid the debt not on the day when its size was announced to him, but a little later. During this time, the interest managed to “run up”.
  2. The client did not turn off paid services until the debt was paid off. A fairly common reason for the dispute: the debt on the card has been repaid to the penny, the application has been written, the time has come to close the credit card - and there are already several rubles in the red.

In order not to complicate your life, you should follow extremely simple recommendations: find out the amount of debt immediately before the moment of payment and immediately after making the required amount, turn off:

  • SMS informing;
  • insurance payments;
  • Annual maintenance payment.

If the client sees that the validity of his credit card will end within the thirty-day period for the bank to consider his application for closing, then it is better to write a refusal to reissue the card in advance, since this service is most often provided for a fee and is carried out without the knowledge of clients.

A credit card from Sberbank gives a lot of advantages to its users, however, each client has the right to refuse to receive it. If the credit card was nevertheless issued to you, then you will have to close it according to all the rules that are clearly spelled out in the contract in order to avoid trouble.

Today, such a giant in the financial market as Sberbank offers its customers a wide variety of services that are used by millions of citizens of the Russian Federation. However, there are also situations when the existing need for the banking product in question disappears. So how to close a Sberbank card in order to spend a minimum of your time and money on this procedure? Sberbank is ready to offer its customers several different options that will help get rid of their cards.

How to close the card

The management of the financial institution says that any client of the company at a convenient time has the right to refuse his plastic, and in the most convenient way for himself. There is no significant difference in blocking methods, so you should use the one that seems most convenient and simple to you. Developers identify such options for closing a Sberbank card, such as:

  • By a hotline that operates around the clock;
  • Via the Internet, namely the Sberbank Online service known to almost everyone;
  • Visit in person the nearest branch of a banking company, etc.

Why is it necessary to close bank cards and how to do it

In general, the need to close a Sberbank card may appear for various reasons. Someone has expired the indicated period of validity of the plastic, another user is not able to pay bills for monthly maintenance, other people have decided to start cooperation with another, more attractive financial institution. Be that as it may, when closing the card, it is mandatory to fully comply with the entire established list of requirements and your own algorithm of operations, because any item of the event has its own specific meaning.

Through the Sberbank Online service

Sometimes, users are interested in whether it is possible to close a Sberbank card using an online service? This is quite possible, however, when carrying out this kind of operation, there is an important feature that needs to be discussed in detail. With the help of virtual access to his personal page, the owner will only be able to block a bank card.

In the event of such a solution to the issue, the citizen's existing account will remain valid! Accordingly, the complete closure of the card through the Sberbank Online service is technically not possible.

Complete blocking of the card, as well as deregistration of the account number, occurs exclusively during a personal visit of a person to the office of a banking company. Although practice shows that quite often users organize the usual blocking of plastic, and then, as soon as free time appears, they go to a bank branch and refuse their account there.

Opened in another region

Unfortunately, even such a financial network as Sberbank is far from ideal, if only because in order to close a card opened in another region, it will be necessary to solve some of the tasks set by the institution. Before you go to the nearest branch, it is best to prepare in advance. You must take the following documents with you, which must be presented exclusively in the original:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, or other identity document;
  • The card itself, which must be finally closed;
  • You will need an application of the established form for the operation.

Today, the last document in the list, as a rule, is developed and filled out directly by a specialist already in a branch of Sberbank. Accordingly, you only need to take plastic and a passport with you.

Surely you have not preserved the contract that was signed by the parties and on the basis of which certain services were provided. Don't worry, you don't have to show it to the staff of the institution.

The blocked card will need to be returned to the authority that actually ensured its issuance and issuance. There are exceptions, namely the plastic type Visa Electron, as well as the more common Maestro.

According to the agreement, the blocking of the card and the actual closing of the account is not a reason for the debt to the bank to be canceled.

After accepting an application to close a Sberbank card that was opened in another region, all existing debt is repaid. By the way, the requirement applies not only to the client, but also directly to the bank itself. If the organization owes you financial resources, they will be paid in full.

Debit card

If you decide to close a debit card issued by Sberbank, be patient in advance. Usually, the waiting period for registration of this type of procedure requires one and a half months, that is, 45 calendar days. In comparison, let's put a credit card, the termination of which will not require even one month. When transferring a signed application, you will also need to give your bank plastic, which is disposed of in the presence of its former owner.

Here is a step-by-step instruction on how exactly the Sberbank card is closed:

  • The user personally writes and also signs an application of the established form for carrying out activities to close an account that is tied to plastic;
  • Do you have leftovers as a debit or credit? An additional application is drawn up, which will indicate the accounts for the transfer of funds;
  • If the card was registered in another region, the application is sent to the location of the corresponding branch, where the debit card was opened.


The total period for the procedure for blocking and closing a Sberbank card, as mentioned above, is regulated by the bank and does not exceed 45 days from the date of registration of the application.

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