A loan secured by an industrial land plot. How to get a loan secured by land. Criteria for evaluating mortgaged land

Owners of land plots in Moscow and the Moscow Region can benefit from mortgaging property for an urgent receipt of money: first, an assessment of the market value is carried out, and then the details are discussed. It is convenient to contact FC PRIORITET if you want to receive real money secured by a land plot, without stretching the procedure.

Benefits of an underground loan

  1. Land is highly valued (especially in Moscow and the region). This is a guarantee of obtaining impressive capital. It is believed that a loan secured by a plot of land can act as an investment.
  2. Having received the money, the owner still owns the property.
  3. In our company, they are not interested in the size of the borrower's salary, his experience at the last place of work and other nuances. FC PRIORITET specialists do not call the office or home to find out additional information about the client.
  4. The duration of the contract can be a maximum of 20 years.
  5. Lack of interest in credit history - everyone can count on approval.

Land owners can receive loans secured by plots and at 15% per annum, and there is an option for an urgent transaction.

What can be pledged?

Objects that are of interest to the company "FC PRIORITET":

  • Land for individual housing construction (individual housing construction). In this case, loans secured by plots can have an impressive size, because, despite the small area, such real estate is often elite and expensive.
  • Agricultural land. For example, plots for building a farm or growing crops.
  • Land for commercial activities. For example, it was planned to build a factory, logistics or shopping center, but urgently needed money.

Lending terms

  1. Borrower must be at least 21 years of age. Today, even banks lend with more stringent age conditions.
  2. A citizen receives a loan secured by a land plot only if he has the right to own and dispose of property.
  3. It is possible to agree on individual terms of the contract, and it is also possible to achieve refinancing in case of force majeure.
  4. The maximum approved loan may be 100 million rubles.

A loan using a land plot in the form of collateral has a number of advantages compared to other types of modern lending. This type of banking service allows you to get a larger loan for a longer period with a lower interest rate. A loan secured by land is not available in all banks, and the procedure for obtaining it differs from the standard loan.


The salient features of these loan programs include:

  1. Lengthy receiving process. Requiring a deposit, which entails additional time spent on preparing documents and processing.
  2. Risk of property loss if the borrower fails to repay the loan.
  3. Programs are designed to receive large sums on favorable terms. In some banks, the difference in interest rate with a regular consumer loan can be up to 1.5 times.
  4. The maximum loan amount depends on the total value of the collateral and rarely exceeds half of it.
  5. Possibility of deferment the beginning of loan repayment, which is especially important for farmers planning to harvest in order to pay off the loan.
  6. Requirement for insurance to the object of collateral.

Registration procedure

Knowing how to get a loan secured by land, you can significantly reduce the interest rate on a consumer loan, as well as significantly improve other lending conditions.

Before proceeding with the loan, the collateral is subject to assessment. The bank's specialists independently assess the collateral without charging any fee. If the results of the assessment do not suit the client, he can turn to independent experts. If you have all the required documents, the registration procedure will take no more than two days.

Document Requirements

  1. Civil passport of the Russian Federation.
  2. TIN certificate.
  3. Certificate confirming the employment of the client.
  4. Income statement.
  5. Documents for land (ownership, cadastral passport).
  6. For married clients, the consent of the second spouse to provide a loan, in writing, is required.

Banks offering loans secured by land

You can get a mortgage or take a loan secured by a land plot by contacting the following federal banks:

  • Sberbank;
  • International Moscow Bank;
  • RosEvroBank;
  • Bank of Moscow;
  • Moscow credit bank;
  • Rosselkhozbank.

At the place of his residence, the client can use similar credit programs in regional banks. Granting a loan secured by a plot in each bank has its own nuances and differences.


The largest Russian bank offers the opportunity to take out a loan for any purpose with real estate as collateral.

The benefits of this product are attractive loan rates, no need to confirm the intended use of credit funds and the absence of commission fees for registration and maintenance.

For payroll clients, the interest rate is reduced by 1.00%. For customers who have taken out an insurance policy for the object of collateral, Sberbank provides an additional discount at a rate of 1.00%.

A bank loan secured by a land plot is provided on the following conditions:


Among the offers of non-targeted lending, RosEvroBank offers to use a loan with collateral. As a pledge, only a land plot with a residential building is considered.

The benefits of the loan are in a lower interest rate and the ability to use credit funds for a long period (up to 20 years).

Loan terms:

This consumer lending program is distinguished by a convenient calculation of repayment in the form of annuity payments in equal installments, and also provides for the possibility of full or partial repayment before the period specified in the contract without any penalties.


Rosselkhozbank offers the possibility of obtaining a non-purpose loan secured by housing with a land plot, including townhouses, on the following conditions:

  1. Low interest rates.
  2. No service fees charged.
  3. The client has the right to choose the preferred repayment scheme - annuity or differentiated payments.
  4. Early repayment - no penalty.

General terms:

Lending secured by collateral in the form of a plot of land has many positive aspects in the form of low interest on the loan, large loan sizes and long term of use. In view of the risk of loss of ownership of the collateral object in the event of a deterioration in the solvency of the client, you should carefully evaluate your ability to timely and fully fulfill credit obligations.

Land is one of the forms of collateral. This type of loan allows you to get a large loan amount for a long period of time with a low interest rate.

What is special about a loan secured by a land plot? First of all, this is a rather long process of collecting, preparing and processing documents. In addition, in order to receive money, you will need to obtain insurance for the collateral. In addition, banks that give loans secured by land do not provide small amounts, but the maximum loan amount depends on the total value of the mortgaged property. The main disadvantage of such a loan is that the borrower risks losing his property if he cannot repay the loan.

Calculation of the loan amount secured by the plot

Before applying for a loan secured by a plot of land, the pledged object is assessed by the bank's specialists. If the client is not satisfied with this price, he can invite independent experts for his own money. After determining the amount of the loan, the process of registration of the contract begins. It requires standard documents - a passport, TIN, certificate of employment, income, land documents, as well as the consent of the second spouse for a loan secured by a plot, if the client is married.

An article on the possibilities of obtaining a loan in 2019 without confirming income, if there is a security in the form of land. The only problem in this case is to find a suitable bank that issues such loans.

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Crisis tendencies affected the services of the banking sector, which led to a decrease in credit products, including loans secured by land.

What you need to know

Land as collateral for a loan has certain features. It can be an independent object of immovable property or refer to a house, building or structure located on it.

Objects located on the ground have a legal status if they have title documents.

It is impossible to make transactions with illegal houses and other real estate, as they are legally considered to be non-existent.

Sometimes the opposite situation occurs, when there is a right of ownership for a building, house or structure, but the documents for the land are not issued.

Such an incident may be due to the fact that historically in Russia, during privatization in the early 90s, buildings were first transferred to private ownership with the re-registration of existing documents.

All land was state property, so its division into separate land plots and further re-registration to new owners most often occurred with a delay in time.

Therefore, the legislation has developed a situation where the land follows the buildings, and not vice versa. Currently, documents for land plots must be properly executed by any owner.

Sometimes the land is on the right of perpetual (permanent) land use or temporary lease (short or long term).

This does not equate to the right of ownership, but allows the mortgage of a land plot within the term of the lease (land use) with the consent/notification of the lessor (if for a period of more than 5 years).

The specificity of a land plot as collateral for a loan lies in the fact that this object often has low liquidity, so not all banks are interested in issuing such a pledge.

In addition, houses and buildings on the land may lose much of their value over the life of the loan due to normal wear and tear.

Basic concepts

A piece of land can be:

  • different location, size and purpose (settlements, agricultural purposes, etc.);
  • not fenced or fenced;
  • with a water source (well) or without;
  • with communications (engineering networks) or without them;
  • flat or sloped;
  • along the road, reservoir, river or not;
  • empty or with structures and construction in progress (at foundation level or a certain level of completion);
  • divisible, indivisible;
  • whole, in the form of a share.

All of the above characteristics affect the liquidity of the land. The probability of issuing a loan and its amount depend on its value.

Depending on the rules of the lending institution, the loan amount sometimes does not exceed 25% of the price of the plot. Land valuation is determined by the characteristics of a particular site.

The most liquid are plots located in prestigious areas, with central communications and the possibility of erecting individual housing construction.

Plots not accepted as collateral:

  • having encumbrances;
  • in dispute;
  • located in nature protection, water protection zones, within the red lines;
  • without land surveying and borders in accordance with applicable law;
  • who do not have a cadastral number;
  • not used in accordance with the category and permitted use.

Construction in progress has a positive effect on the valuation of land in the presence of design estimates for the facility agreed with the authorized body, as well as communications.

It can be at the level of the foundation or higher (for example, 50% complete). An unfinished house is most often taken into account by the bank in the presence of a roof, front door and glazed window openings.

Certain lending institutions have short-term lending programs secured by agricultural land for farmers to finance spring sowing of arable land, etc.

Agricultural land can also be purchased with credit funds with a pledge of the acquired object (for example, through the Russian Agricultural Bank).

Requirements for borrowers

Requests made to potential borrowers depend on the specific bank or microfinance organizations (MFIs).

Banks have stricter lending rules, and conditions are more favorable. In MFIs, the rules and procedures for registration are more simplified, but the rewards are high.

Corresponding loans are available for both individuals and legal entities. Under such security, you can get:

  • a secured loan with a specific purpose (construction or repair of an individual residential building, etc.);

Legal grounds

The mortgaged land plot remains in the possession and use of its owner. The encumbrance of a pledge prevents the sale and alienation in a different form or the re-mortgaging of land.

A share in a land plot may be pledged only after it has been allotted in kind. This is possible if the plot is divisible in accordance with title documents.

It is advisable to agree on the allocation of a share and its pledge with other co-owners of the land. There are requirements for the minimum size of a share (plot) accepted as a pledge. Most often it is at least 6 acres.

All land plots have a cadastral value (established by the authorized body), in accordance with which taxes are paid by the owners. When assessing land, its price cannot be lower than the cadastral value.

How to get a loan secured by land without proof of income

In the presence of highly liquid collateral (objectively expensive land, the price of which will not decrease over time), banks may not require confirmation of the borrower's income.

Credit institutions are loyal to the possible risks associated with the lack of documented income, when they are fully covered by the collateral that is in high demand.

The risks of a credit institution are also minimized by underestimating the value of a land plot during the assessment.

Approval is subject to the amount of credit (loan), not exceeding 25-80% of the value of the land.

It is quite possible to obtain a loan secured by a land plot without confirmation of income for the year in some banks and any MFIs that issue such loans.

List of required documents

To apply for such a loan, you need properly executed documentation for the land and documents of the borrower.

Banks most often require an extensive list of documents, unlike MFIs, where it is possible to obtain a loan secured by land without confirming income for 2 documents.

The list of documents confirming the identity and other criteria of the borrower are standard in almost all credit institutions.

A significant difference lies in the requirement or absence of the need to provide proof of income and seniority.

Land documentation includes:

  • title documents (, etc., duly registered);
  • certificate of rights to the land;
  • an extract from the USRR confirming the absence of encumbrances;
  • cadastral passport (extract from it);
  • assessment report;
  • insurance policy.

The insurance policy serves as an additional tool to reduce the risks of credit institutions associated with unforeseen circumstances. It is paid by the borrower.

Banks that issue loans in Moscow

Lending secured by land is carried out by the following credit institutions in Moscow:

  • Sberbank;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Zenith;
  • Bank of Moscow;
  • Orgbank;
  • other banks and MFIs.

Interest rates on bank products mainly depend on.

Rates are usually higher than for mortgage products for building a house and developing a personal subsidiary plot.

Rates vary from 10.65 to 22% per annum. Loan terms depend on the particular bank and can be up to 30 years.


In Sberbank, you can get a non-targeted consumer loan secured by a land plot on the following conditions:

  • no commissions;
  • with no need for a down payment;
  • up to 20 years;
  • with a maximum amount of up to 10 million rubles;
  • with a rate of 14% per annum.

On the bank's website, you can fill out a questionnaire and submit an online preliminary one. In addition, the Sberbank Internet resource allows you to calculate the loan amount on the appropriate calculator and draw up

If money secured by land is needed urgently in 1 day, then you will have to try to find an offer that will suit you in all respects and will allow you to receive funds really quickly. The collateral, acting as collateral for a loan, becomes a guarantee for the lender to fully return the funds issued to the borrower. From the article, all interested parties will be able to find out whether it is possible to take a loan secured by a land plot, and under what conditions it is realistic to do so.


What you need to know about this loan

Having set the goal of obtaining money secured by a land plot, the first thing to do is to find out the main nuances of this type of lending. They are:

  1. Pledge assumes that the site is mortgaged, becoming collateral for the loan. This means that if the borrower refuses or ceases to fulfill the debt obligations assigned to him, then the land will be sold under the terms of the loan or credit agreement: the lender will use the proceeds to pay off the debt.
  2. When pledged, the borrower remains the owner of the land, that is, the rights of legal possession remain with him, and the land is not re-registered for the bank. But, firstly, there is always the risk of losing their land. Secondly, the pledge imposes restrictions on the performance of such actions as the sale or division of the site, the construction of buildings on it.
  3. Various types of sites are accepted. So, you can get a loan secured by your own agricultural land intended for construction or for commercial activities. But there are certain requirements that must be met.
  4. Pledge of the site will allow to achieve favorable conditions, namely, to increase the repayment period, reduce the annual rate, receive a large amount exceeding that available for consumer lending.
  5. The registration procedure is quite lengthy, because loan and pledge agreements are drawn up, numerous documents for real estate are prepared, inspections and registration of the object are carried out. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to reach a deal on the day of application: creditors are not ready to force events and spend extra effort and money to speed up the procedure.

We analyze all the pros and cons of collateral

Loans issued on the security of land plots have both negative and positive sides. Let's start with an analysis of the advantages:

  • Reduced interest rates to avoid significant overpayments when paying off debt. Their size, as a rule, is 3-7% lower than with standard consumer lending.
  • Possibility to extend the payment period. Although it will take a long time to pay off a secured loan, the monthly payments will not hit the family budget hard and significantly worsen the financial situation.
  • Since the pledged land performs the functions of securing a loan and guarantees the full repayment of the debt even under force majeure circumstances, lenders pay less attention to other factors. For example, different options for verifying income may be accepted, and credit history is no longer the main criterion when considering applications.
  • The client does not transfer the plot to the bank, remaining its owner.

There are also disadvantages:

  • The owner of the site can do with it far from everything he wants. For example, he does not have the right to divide it or sell it, and the construction of buildings on the territory is not always possible and only with the permission of the creditor.
  • The procedure is complicated by the preparation of documentation for collateral.
  • When transferring a plot as a pledge, there is a risk of losing it in case of non-payment of the debt, because the bank, under the terms of the agreement, has the right to sell the land if the other party (client) refuses to fulfill its obligations.

Good to know! The disadvantages mainly affect force majeure situations and unscrupulous payers: if you soberly assess your financial capabilities, choose the most suitable and loyal conditions and treat debt obligations in good faith, you can avoid problems, get money on bail and save the site.

Where can I get money secured by a land plot: current banking products

Which bank issues loans secured by land? Although financial institutions are reluctant to make deals if land is collateral, there are still current offers, and a potential client will have plenty to choose from. Let's look at a few products.


Sberbank issues a non-purpose loan on security, and plots can be mortgaged. The conditions are:

  • From 12.5% ​​per year at the rate of interest. For payroll clients - minus 0.5%, and in case of refusal of voluntary insurance, the value increases by 1%.
  • Up to 10 million rubles. to receive.
  • It can be repaid up to 20 years.
  • Applications are considered for a maximum of 6 days, the amount is issued at a time, and payments are annuity (equal).


On the security of any real estate, including plots, it is really possible to receive money in Tinkoff. Lending features:

  • Rates start from a minimum of 12%.
  • It is realistic to take up to 15 million rubles.
  • The mortgagor does not have to be the borrower himself, objects belonging to relatives and even friends are accepted.
  • The duration of the contract is maximum 15 years.
  • Income is verified in a variety of ways.


In Sovcombank, it is realistic to take a loan only on the security of a plot with a residential building on it, land is not accepted separately. The principles are:

  • Rates - 14.99% and 23%, but may differ from these values ​​and be selected personally.
  • It is realistic to achieve an amount of up to 100 million.
  • Deadlines are individual.


Rosselkhozbank has several lending programs under which liquid plots are accepted as collateral: both those already registered in ownership and those purchased with borrowed money.

The conditions may be as follows:

  • The rate in rubles is from 11.5-13.5% and higher.
  • Amount - from 1 million to 10.
  • Loan terms are up to five to ten years.
  • Money is issued at a time without charging commissions.

What can affect the amount of the loan

The final size of the loan is influenced by several factors that are the main characteristics of the site. The liquidity of the object depends on them, that is, the ability to sell it quickly and at the highest possible market price. All the underlying factors are discussed below.


Plots located outside the city are considered illiquid, so collateral is rarely accepted. The land should be located on the territory of the settlement, and preferably in a prestigious place with good infrastructure. An excellent factor would be the presence of nearby reservoirs, parks and protected areas.

Relief features

The land to be pledged should be as flat as possible, since territories with difficult terrain are difficult to develop: it is difficult to build buildings on them, plant trees, and create landscape design. Land located in ravines, on hilly areas or slopes is considered illiquid.


The larger the plot area, the more willingly it will be accepted as collateral, and the higher its market value will be. The optimal quadrature is about 6-10 acres. These are medium plots on which you can build houses and plant gardens and orchards. Larger territories are available only to people with high incomes and are not suitable for the middle class (namely, its representatives are more likely to apply for loans).


It is important that equipped and well-passable access roads lead to the site. The ideal option is a wide asphalt road, which any car will pass through at any time of the year. A dirt road can be periodically covered with snow in winter or washed away in the off-season.

land fertility

As a rule, plots are acquired not only for buildings, but also for housekeeping, gardening, and horticulture. Therefore, if the land is poor, clayey, heavy, sandy or swampy, then it will cost much less, which will directly affect the amount of the loan. Fertile soils increase the liquidity of the site.

Lot requirements

Loans secured by land are issued if the land suits the lender and meets the requirements. Lands with different purposes are accepted, for example, used for the construction of country or capital residential buildings, farming, gardening or horticulture, starting a business. Accordingly, the requirements are different, but there are several mandatory ones:

  • there are no minors among the owners;
  • there are no encumbrances, such as a pledge in another bank, an arrest, passing through court cases and participation in proceedings, an initiated partition;
  • the site is privatized, belongs either to the borrower or to the co-borrower (mortgagor);
  • the territory is not claimed by other persons;
  • the land is located on the territory of the city in which the bank operates.

Also, some lenders require a well-developed infrastructure, access roads and communications (gas pipeline, water source).

Note! If the site belongs to a protected area, protected or closed territory, it is unlikely to be accepted as a pledge.

How to get a loan secured by a land plot: the procedure for preparing and concluding an agreement

It will not be possible to get a quick loan secured by a land plot without drawing up and signing an agreement. And the terms of lending and debt obligations of the borrower directly depend on the correctness of its preparation and thoroughness of study.

Credit (loan) agreements and pledge agreements are drawn up separately. The loan agreement prescribes the conditions for issuing borrowed funds, personal information and the obligations and rights of the two parties, the payment schedule, penalties and other nuances. Collateral information is required.

The pledge agreement contains a full description of the mortgaged plot (area, location, purpose) and features of its use: restrictions imposed on the actions of the owner, the rights of the lender in case of non-payment of the debt by the borrower.

Collection of necessary documents

To draw up and even more so to conclude an agreement, you need to provide documents. The borrower must present a civil passport and, at the request of the lender, a second document (for example, TIN, SNILS). A work book is provided with a copy to confirm employment. You will also probably have to collect certificates confirming earnings (as a rule, this is 2-personal income tax or a bank statement).

The site is going to:

  • an extract from the USRN confirming the ownership rights;
  • boundary and cadastral plans;
  • documents proving the legal entry into possession rights (purchase agreement, act of exchange or inheritance);
  • certificates that there are no encumbrances;
  • notarized consent of the second legal spouse to the alienation of land (or certificate of absent marriage);
  • certificate of payment of all taxes accrued on the site.

Sample contracts

In order not to be mistaken, you need to familiarize yourself with the sample contracts and remember that they are drawn up separately for a loan (loan) and a pledge. Free form is not allowed, there are established drafting rules, so be sure to check out the examples.

Registration and pledge procedure

The plot, if accepted as a pledge, is subject to registration, which consists of several stages:

  1. Insurance covering damage or loss. As a rule, it is mandatory.
  2. Documents are being registered for transfer to the Federal Registration Service - the Office of the Federal Registration Service, which conducts transactions with real estate. The state fee is paid, a number is assigned, the documents are sent to the cadastral service.
  3. Registration in the State Register, which requires the presence of both parties: the borrower and the lender. Information on the transfer of the plot as a pledge is entered into the USRN.

Note! All registration operations take from 2 weeks to a month, but sometimes these terms can be reduced to a week or even less. And yet it is extremely problematic to reach a deal in one day.

How long are applications processed

It takes an average of 4-8 days to consider applications, and during this period the lender carefully checks the object and the solvency of its owner. An assessment of the cost of the site is also carried out in order to determine the maximum size of the amount.

Note! If all the documents are ready at the stage of submitting the request, then it will be possible to take a loan secured by land on the next day or two days later.

What nuances arise

When applying for a loan secured by the acquired land or your own, various nuances may arise, which sometimes entail an extension of the registration procedure or even a rejection of the application. Such cases are discussed below.

Credit history damaged

If the credit history is damaged, this reduces the likelihood of approval, because it is unlikely that the lender will want to deal with a malicious defaulter. But loans are issued on the security of land to almost all categories of citizens by private credit companies. One of them ➥ .

Here you can get a loan in the amount of up to 90% of the value of the pledge (up to 100 million) at 9.5% for a minimum period of up to 25 years. And applications are considered not only by the company itself, but also by investors attracted by it.

If the ground doesn't fit

If the site does not meet the requirements or is not used for the purpose specified in the documents, it is unlikely to be accepted as a pledge. But even in this case, you can turn to private lenders, to brokers or, for example, to a pawnshop. You can also try to re-register the land by changing the purpose or improving the characteristics.

Note! The reason for refusing to pledge may also be the lack of a cadastral number assigned to the site or the demarcation of fixed boundaries.

It is real to transfer a plot of land as collateral, and now you know where you can apply for a loan and how to speed up the procedure for obtaining money.

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