Grounds for refusal of a loan. Where to get a loan if they refuse everywhere. Tightening lending rules

After rejecting the application by the bank, you will probably want to know the reason for the refusal of the loan. And you can figure it out, and in several ways.


Why do banks refuse?

To find out why a loan was denied, examine the possible reasons for negative decisions:

  • Bad credit history. This information is found out by any financial institution when considering an application, as it reflects the creditworthiness of the client and characterizes his responsibility in fulfilling debt obligations.
  • The absence of CI will also not play into the hands of the borrower.
  • A small income that will not allow you to pay off your debt on time.
  • Lack of official employment and experience.
  • Unverified income.
  • An application for an excessively large amount or disproportionate to earnings.
  • Leverage is the presence of other outstanding loans.
  • The presence of other debts (alimony, compensation payments), information about which was transferred to the Federal Bailiff Service.
  • The potential client is not the right age. Banks set acceptable age limits of 20-65 years.
  • Lack of Russian citizenship, registration.
  • Staying on the "black" list of the organization, which you can get into after various situations: a scandal in the bank, withholding receipts to the account, frequent complaints and proceedings.
  • Loan denial may be obtained due to a criminal record.
  • Dependents: disabled or disabled relatives, young children.
  • Providing incomplete, inaccurate, deliberately false information.
  • Other reasons, including an untidy or inappropriate appearance of a potential client.
  • Lack of guarantors, collateral (when applying for a large amount).

Advice! Before applying, review the stated reasons for rejections and test yourself by evaluating your chances of being approved.

How to find out the reason for the refusal

How to find out the exact reason for the rejection? If the loan is not issued, you can choose one of the ways:

  1. Try to find out the reasons directly at the bank. But you don't have to explain them, so don't expect 100% results. Come to the bank, contact the employee (preferably the one who accepted the loan application) and talk to him. You may find out what you want.
  2. Examine your credit history. Contact the credit bureau for it. Find out where the CI is located through the Central Bank's Central Catalog and submit a request in one of the following ways: contacting the BCI personally, telegram, partner services, a letter or an online application through the official website. The credit history will reflect data on concluded and repaid contracts, delinquencies, debts. Most of the stories are concentrated in large bureaus: NBKI, Russian Standard, Equifax, OKB.
  3. Order a loan report through the service. cooperates with the "NBKI" and provides information from this bureau. To make a request, fill out the form on the website, pay for the service and receive a ready-made report by e-mail with a complete description of solvency, including the probable reasons for refusals.
  4. Try to find out the reasons yourself by carefully studying the requirements of the bank and evaluating compliance with them.

Why refuse to "Sberbank"

Why does Sberbank refuse a loan? This bank is the largest, its branches are located throughout Russia, and an impeccable reputation determines the high requirements for potential customers. The bank needs confidence that the borrower will repay the debt in a timely manner, therefore, numerous conditions must be met: a certain age, stable income, length of service, the best loan option.

And why did Sberbank refuse a loan to a payroll client? It would seem that the receipt of earnings to the bank account should become a guarantee of timely payments, because in case of delays, money can be debited immediately. But if a citizen has requested a large amount, significantly exceeding income, he may be refused. Another common reason is non-compliance with the requirements of the organization.

You can find out for yourself why the bank refused. A common cause is, so be sure to check it.

Video: why the bank refuses a loan?

No reason given. This condition is usually prescribed in the application (offer) for a loan. Based on the results of the assessment of the borrower, the bank may approve a loan for a smaller amount.

Reasons for refusing a loan may include:

1. Low income. Each bank evaluates it differently.

6. Work experience at the last place of work is less than 6 months, and the total is less than one year.

7. Frequent job changes.

8. The place of work belongs to an increased risk category for the life of the borrower (very often refusals come to ordinary employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, etc.).

9. The profession of the borrower is not in demand on the labor market. For the bank, there is a risk that in the event of dismissal, he will not be able to quickly find a new job.

10. Age of the borrower. Banks prefer to give loans to middle-aged people aged 25-50. Also, financial institutions are looking to ensure that the final repayment of the loan issued comes earlier than the retirement age of the borrower.

11. Lack of higher education. It is not the main factor for refusal, but a number of banks consider its presence to be confirmation of a certain social and material level.

12. Lack of a home landline phone.

13. Unemployed spouse and three or more young children.

14. A close relative of the borrower has a bad credit history.

15. For males, the absence of a military ID or registration certificate with a mark on the deferment from military service.

16. Absence of any property (dacha, apartment, land, car).

17. Registered in the region where the bank or partner collection agency does not work. In case of non-payments or delays, it will be difficult for the bank to find such a person.

18. Unreliability. The potential borrower was previously brought to criminal responsibility, had a criminal record. Systematic non-payment of fines, alimony, etc.

19. High level of debt burden. For example, a potential borrower already has several loans. Or the total limits on credit cards, regardless of whether the borrower spends them in full or not, they are large. After all, most banks proceed from the fact that all limits on credit cards can be used up by the borrower at once.

20. Banks often refuse to issue microcredit to people with high earnings.

The negative decision of the bank in issuing a loan can be affected by these factors, both individually and in combination. For example, the borrower has a positive credit history and the level of income meets the requirements of the bank, but the borrower has a high level of debt: there are credit cards or an outstanding loan.

The reason for the refusal can also serve as a simple banking error.

Bank rejection of a loan may be due to various reasons, including hidden ones.

An ideal credit history, good stable income, high social status - alas, even such factors sometimes do not guarantee the issuance of a loan by a bank. In Russia, credit institutions are not required to inform customers about the reasons for refusal to lend, and, I must say, they almost always use this. It is still possible to identify the circumstances and grounds for such actions of the bank. Representatives of the banking sector themselves often talk about this in their public speeches. But practice is also a good information base for conclusions about why and when banks are in no hurry to lend even to the most trustworthy clients, not to mention those who have problems with a credit history and current financial situation. So why do banks still refuse a loan and how to find out the reason for the refusal?

Bad credit history is the main factor of rejection

The first and most common reason for refusal is a bad credit history. At the same time, “bad” does not always mean containing facts about overdue loans and debts. “Bad” is one that does not meet certain criteria of a particular bank in the scoring system (analysis and assessment of the borrower) that operates in the credit institution considering the application. At the same time, when assessing a credit history, it is highly likely that a refusal will be received if the borrower really violated the terms of previous loan agreements.

Why do banks refuse loans with a good credit history?- also a common question. Here, the reason for the refusal can be a combination of other factors in assessing a potential borrower, indicating unreliability (poor solvency) of the client in the realities of today and in the future. But some banks do not give loans even to the best borrowers precisely because of their financial integrity, for example, quick (early) repayment of loans, which limits the bank's ability to make a profit on interest on the loan. In some cases, a good credit history is a clean history, “zero”. It does not carry any informational value, and therefore can be put on a par with "bad" credit histories.

Other common grounds for refusal

Since the reasons for refusing to lend on the part of banks can be absolutely any, we can only cite the most common in practice and typical for most Russian banks:

  1. The amount requested is too large. Based on the well-established criterion for assessing a reasonable debt burden, the amount of the monthly loan payment and other debt obligations should not exceed 30-40% of the total monthly income. Naturally, the bank bases its conclusions on the official income of the borrower. If the requested loan amount does not allow him to properly perform his duties or puts them at risk, the bank will refuse a loan for this amount. But nothing prevents you from reducing its size.
  2. The potential borrower is not included in the age category of citizens credited by the bank. There is little chance of getting a loan on general terms if you are under 20 years old and over 60 years old. True, today many banks individually approach the assessment of the age of the borrower, and in itself it does not entail a 100% refusal. There are special programs for lending to pensioners. There are banks ready to support young entrepreneurs and families. But in general, it is believed that at the age of 18-20 a person is just starting his active labor or entrepreneurial activity, and this is fraught with risks. On the other hand, pre-retirement and retirement age carries the risk of default on the loan due to the deterioration of the health and death of the borrower.
  3. Failure to provide adequate security. The main types of collateral in lending to the population are guarantees and collateral, in business - additional bank and other guarantees. Refusal to issue a loan on this basis is possible if the product itself provides for security, or the bank requests it on an individual basis as a kind of insurance.
  4. The lack of a stable income, the inability to confirm it officially, a small experience. These factors do not always work, but large banks include them among the mandatory requirements.
  5. The presence of other debts, including other loans, tax, utility, alimony, penalty payments, the presence of enforcement proceedings, litigation, etc. the reasons. All this affects the reputation of a potential borrower, but, as a rule, it is considered on an individual basis.
  6. Providing false documents and information in the application. Deception is perceived as an attempt at fraud, even if there was no such intent. Therefore, it is easier for the bank to refuse than to expose yourself to risks.
  7. The client is on the "black" list of the bank or banks. You can get on such lists for various reasons. “Complainers”, “scandalists”, overly principled clients, non-payers and other categories of clients are included in the list of persons with whom the bank simply does not want to cooperate or considers it too risky for itself.
  8. Non-compliance of the client with the specific requirements (conditions) of the loan product. In this case, one reason is enough to refuse a loan. This may be the lack of registration at the place where the loan was issued, and age, and social status, and the inability to provide some documents, and other circumstances.

Hidden reasons for denial of a loan

Banks do not openly talk about these reasons, but, according to many representatives of the banking sector, they must be taken into account and analyzed. Such reasons can be classified as factors that create conditions for risky lending. Many of them are in the nature of a subjective assessment and suspicion, but banks are obliged to insure themselves and not take unjustified risks.

So, Hidden reasons for denial of credit include:

  1. Unpleasant appearance of a potential borrower. Anything can be taken into account here: dirty clothes, untidiness, drunkenness, deviant behavior, etc.
  2. The disproportion between the requested amount and the financial situation. A small amount for large incomes and too much for small incomes - these are considered equally suspicious.
  3. Incomprehensible, dubious purpose of obtaining a loan. Yes, there is a huge mass of loan products of non-target financing, when the borrower is not required to indicate what he will spend money on. But banks are still, as a rule, interested in this issue. Therefore, it would be more correct with non-targeted lending to name goals that do not arouse suspicion in the bank: if you plan to spend the money, say, on a business, it would be more reasonable to say that it is for apartment renovation.
  4. Factors for assessing social status. There are many of them, but in general, banks do not like clients with a criminal record, with dependents (especially when there are a lot of them), as well as clients who do not own real estate, a car or other liquid property. The chances of obtaining a loan are reduced for people with serious illnesses, working in hazardous areas, who have recently started their own business in the form of individual entrepreneurs and other categories of citizens whose lifestyle, social status, work and other personal factors indicate a high risk of loan default.

Potential borrowers who look too ideal fall out of the general list of reasons for refusing to lend. Why do banks refuse credit in this case? Unfortunately, in Russia this circumstance arouses more suspicion than a positive assessment. These same people include citizens who constantly repay loans not just ahead of schedule, but very quickly. Such clients do not allow the bank to get a more or less good profit, which is also often seen as a negative factor in lending, followed by a refusal.

At all times, regardless of the political regime and the state of the economy, people have a strong demand for borrowed money. Banks would be happy to satisfy this need of citizens by lending to everyone, but they cannot do this due to quite obvious circumstances: there is a big risk that the borrower will not return the money, not even talking about interest. Lending is a common service on which the lender wants to make money. If you buy a product in a store, then you immediately pay for it, and if you take out a loan, then you pay for it over a long period. Neither you nor the lender can know for 100% that the debt will be fully repaid, so the applicant’s task is to show (relatively speaking) “the goods face”, to prove that he can be trusted, and the lender’s task is to assess all risks as accurately as possible and weed out insolvent citizens. That is why banks do not give loans to a significant number of people who apply for them.

It is curious, but even a person with a good salary and no delinquency (read: with a good credit history) can be refused, and the reasons for the refusal cannot be named right away (they simply will not be told to you). But nevertheless, there are well-known reasons that every applicant should know in order to try to avoid them, and try to become (so to speak, change their status). We will analyze in the article the obvious and hidden factors, due to which banks almost every second person is denied a loan. The enemy, as they say, must be known by sight.

Why do banks refuse loans? Main reasons for refusal

An online loan application is common today, but if you decide to visit the branch in person, then do not forget the old adage: “They meet by their clothes, but they see them off by their minds.” Actually, even an application via the Internet will not save you from meeting with a loan manager, where you will be evaluated as a borrower. It's not even about appearance. It matters how and what you will answer the questions - consider this a kind of psychological test. If you stutter and answer uncertainly, then this may cause the employee's suspicions. It makes sense to prepare in advance for the meeting.

The first thing "acquaintance" begins with is the identification of the borrower's personality. The passport must be in its normal form without unnecessary blots, glues, etc. The result of the first meeting is a completed questionnaire, after which the second, in-depth stage of verification begins. If you fill out the questionnaire online, then the bank, as a rule, checks your solvency, checks if you are a fraudster (fraud monitoring), and only then pre-approves the loan.

Before filling out (sending) the questionnaire, start with the basic requirements of the bank - do you meet them?

Non-compliance with bank requirements

Each financial institution has a number of requirements for a future borrower:

  • Age. Usually 18 to 70 years old, but it is not uncommon to see age limits from 21 to 65;
  • Seniority. The bigger, the better. As a rule, a person is required to have 1 year of continuous experience;
  • Citizenship;
  • Registration or residence in the region where services are provided
  • Minimum wage. Usually in Moscow, the requirements for salary are higher than in the regions, etc.

If the applicant does not meet at least one of the specified criteria, you can forget about the loan. The questionnaire will not even be submitted for consideration, they will simply be refused at the consultation stage. If you filled out a questionnaire on the website of a credit institution, then the effect will be the same: either the completed form will issue a warning about the discrepancy, or (the algorithm for automatically checking the applicant's creditworthiness) will issue a refusal.

In order not to waste your time, read the bank's requirements for the borrower in advance - they can be found in the public domain on the bank's website or check with a loan officer when visiting a bank branch, where you can also ask all your questions.

Credit history and payment discipline

In simple terms, a credit history (CI) is a database in which every action of a borrower with a loan (receipt, repayment) and a lot of information that indirectly indicates its solvency is recorded without fail. Without familiarity with CI, no bank will approve your application. The bank requests your CI in the form of a credit report from the credit history bureau (BKI) and conducts a thorough analysis of it. If the applicant wants to borrow a small amount, then financial institutions may limit themselves to settlement. The program, based on the mathematical model embedded in it, will calculate (make a forecast) based on the borrower's IC and other data about him, the possible risks of non-return, and evaluate the applicant's solvency in a quantitative ratio (by issuing a certain number of points).

Rejection or approval depends on the value of the score. You may be denied a loan if you:

To fully analyze the report received from the BCI, go over the article

Purpose of lending

It is important to wisely indicate the purpose for which you want to spend money. Remember that the bank lends for the essential needs of a citizen, and not just a waste of funds in the first tavern that comes across. That's why never indicate loan purpose:

1. Repayment of other debt obligations. There are special ones for this. They are beneficial primarily to the debtor with their relatively low interest rates. If there is no refusal, then you will definitely receive a comment on changing the lending program.

2. Valuable gifts to relatives and friends. A circumstance that brings absolutely no benefit. Financially illiterate waste of funds and the corresponding conclusions of bank employees. You can be a little cunning by writing about the purchase of household appliances.

3. Own treatment. Who knows whether the planned operation will end in death or not? And from whom then the bank will have to collect your debts? A financial institution does not need such risks.

4. Investments in business. If you are an entrepreneur, the bank will definitely offer special loan products that are focused on business development. But consumer lending was conceived for individuals.

You need to ask for really important things, for example:

  • purchase of home appliances;
  • redecoration (for capital repairs, too, their own loan products have been developed);
  • household expenses;
  • construction of outbuildings, fences, etc.;
  • purchase of furniture;
  • and much more related to your daily needs.

Labor activity

The constant change of job and the lack of stable income associated with it can also become the reason that banks do not make concessions. There will never be sure that tomorrow you will not look for another employer again. In the meantime, you are in search, for sure make a delay. Well, if only one. Not without reason, a line appeared in the questionnaires in which you need to indicate the number of places of work in recent years, as well as the duration of this very work in each of them.

If possible, please list additional sources of income. This can not only affect the approved loan amount, but will also become an additional guarantee of timely payments to the loan account.


Banking structures necessarily evaluate each potential client on his ability to service debts. The main reasons for rejection here are:

1. Insufficiency of wages. From the total amount of income, the financial institution will subtract the mandatory expenses for utility bills and maintenance of current debts, as well as the cost of living for the borrower and each of his dependents. The remaining amount should be enough to cover the monthly amount of the planned loan.

2. Large. This refers to the presence of several existing loans from a potential client. Even if the amount of earnings is enough to pay everyone, you can still get a refusal. High debt load (the amount of all liabilities is greater than or equal to half of the income) is always regarded as a negative factor.

3. Inconsistency of earnings with the position held or the level of education of the client. The bank must be sure that if you lose your job, you will be able to find a job with a similar income level.

4. Inability to verify income. Everyone knows about salaries in envelopes, but for the bank these are just words. The calculation of the approved amount is based on the official level of income (confirmed by a 2-NDFL certificate or in the form of a bank). If there is none, then lending will not shine for you.

5. Income of an entrepreneur who is on a simplified taxation system. In this case, it is impossible to reliably determine the amount of profit received.

"Unreliable" profession or employer

When deciding to issue a large amount of money, the bank's security service will definitely check your employer. This is due to the fact that significant loans are issued for a long period. In this case, refusals are received if:

1. The type of activity of your company is very risky or is in a precarious position at this particular point in time due to the economic situation of the country. Perhaps this sector of the economy will simply fade away, unable to cope with the next crisis.

2. Your profession is associated with a risk to life (employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, firefighters, military, etc.), and in the event of an accident, the bank loses its income. Health and life insurance can be a way out of this situation.

3. You are an individual entrepreneur. There is no guarantee that you will spend money on yourself and not on your business. As you know, each bank has a line of loan products for individual entrepreneurs. But all of them are issued for strictly defined purposes, by bank transfer to the seller's account and require a report on the funds spent. In addition, you will need to provide a business plan with a mandatory calculation of the payback period of the project. Getting such a loan is always more difficult than a standard consumer loan, so entrepreneurs go to tricks and try to hide the true purpose of lending.

4. You work for an individual entrepreneur. It is always easier to be unemployed with such an employer than with any other organization.

Negative information

Any previous conviction, especially if it was related to theft or fraud, will definitely result in a negative decision. The current legal proceedings and being under investigation, as you understand, will give a similar result.

In addition, the reason for refusal may be:

  • the presence of a writ of execution with overdue payment;
  • utility bills;
  • late payment of taxes and fees;
  • arrears on fines;
  • established fact of treatment in a narcological or neuropsychiatric dispensary.

There is also the so-called black list, which was created and maintained by banking institutions. Any financial structure has access to this database with the rights to view and edit information. Not only outright swindlers and non-payers, but also banal complainers and brawlers can get on the black list. In most cases, lovers of "download rights" are pointed to the exit.

false information

Any false information provided in the loan application is not on your side. Why lie if the bank will still check and find out the true state of affairs?

Most often they deceive about the place of actual residence. There is nothing wrong with the fact that you rent an apartment or live with your soulmate. Indicate honestly that the registration address is different from the place of residence. After all, a security officer can call the place of residence and ask if they have such a tenant. And you can lose the necessary funds because of a trifle.

For the sake of fairness, let's say that mistakes in questionnaires are not always intentional. Any person can be wrong. But a banal typo in the information provided can have a deplorable effect on your ability to get a loan. Therefore, carefully reread everything that you wrote. And preferably more than once.

What if banks don't lend? Hidden reasons for rejection

In addition to the obvious reasons why banks do not give loans, there are also so-called hidden reasons why a loan application may be rejected. They are called hidden not because someone is hiding something. It's just that these factors have not direct, but indirect influence on the decision made by the bank.

So, the hidden reasons include:

1. Severe illnesses in close relatives. It is assumed that for your closest relatives you will not regret a certain amount for treatment. And this is an additional burden on your family budget, which may lead to the impossibility of fulfilling obligations on time.

2. Social status. It is not clear why, but married couples are turned down less often than singles. Perhaps this is due to the receipt of income by two people in the family, or increased social responsibility. In case of unemployment of one person, the loan can be paid from the earnings of the second person.

3. Sloppy appearance. An unpleasant smell, signs of alcohol intake, tattoos on exposed parts of the body and other “decorations” do not paint you at all. The impression is negative, which means that the decision of the bank cannot be positive. Even if you are a slob or had a good walk with your friends yesterday, put yourself in order at least before visiting the bank.

4. Questionable behavior. Here we are talking about a shifty look, trembling hands and similar signs.

5. Lack of a landline phone. In this age of cellular telephony, not everyone has it, but security personnel continue to be critical of this issue. It is understood that in a decent company and at the place of permanent residence, it must be mandatory. Otherwise it's some kind of scam.

6. Discrepancy between income and the requested amount. When you earn 50 thousand rubles, asking for a loan of 15 thousand for a new modern phone is at least strange. Why can't you save up for it? And vice versa. Getting, for example, 20 thousand rubles, for some reason, ask for 300 thousand for a year. How are you going to pay?

7. No property, especially at high income levels. Perhaps a citizen simply does not know how to manage his finances and wastes them.

8. Lack of security. Not all lending programs require you to back up your application with a guarantee or collateral, but denials for this reason continue to exist.

And another likely reason for refusal is that the client is the nominal owner of some business. And sometimes several companies. Such citizens, as a rule, have nothing to do with the affairs of the company, they simply issued documentation. Here it is possible that the applicant will turn out to be a swindler.

Why does the bank not report the reason for the refusal?

Russian legislation allows financial institutions not to report the reason for refusal to lend. And they are happy to use the granted right. Why is this happening? Is the applicant really not entitled to find out what he turned out to be wrong with?

The fact is that many of the points in connection with which it was refused are actually controversial. They themselves do not carry anything criminal, but it was at this particular moment in time that bank employees considered this a negative factor that increased the risk of non-fulfillment of obligations. In order to avoid challenging such conclusions, the reasons for the refusal are not disclosed.

The second option is not entirely legal methods by which the bank obtains information. It would seem that the security service and illegal methods are incompatible things. But this rule only applies to large state-owned banks. Small financial and credit institutions may well sin with unreliable and not entirely legal sources of information.

And the last thing that occurs in practice is the lack of information. That is, bank employees themselves do not know the reason for the refusal. This happens when applications are processed using scoring programs that assess the risks of default by borrowers. The program is impartial, it "coldly" analyzes all the information according to the algorithm pre-installed in it, and the server responsible for the final decision on the loan is often located at a fairly large distance from the bank office (in another district or even region). The credit manager cannot influence the final decision in any way, in fact, it is already automatically accepted by the program.

After examining the probable reasons why banks refuse a loan, you can independently analyze your situation and draw the appropriate conclusions. Perhaps all is not lost yet, and you can correct some of the mistakes that prevent you from using borrowed resources, or at least try to avoid them in the future.

When you apply for a loan, banks send a request to credit bureaus. These institutions accumulate information about your financial discipline. They collect data not only on delinquencies on loans, but also on debts for alimony, housing and communal services.

What to do

What to do

If you do not fit into the age limits, you will have to look for another bank where they are not.

5. Inaccurate information

Even if you just mixed up something, the bank will regard false information in the questionnaire as an attempt to deceive. It’s easier for managers not to issue you than to allow potential fraud.

What to do

Take filling out the documents for a loan seriously and check all the data.

6. Blacklist

This is not regulated by laws, but the bank has the right to make a confidential list of unwanted customers. To get there, it is not necessary to throw a scandal in the queue or write angry letters to the head of the board. Excessive zeal in early repayment of the loan will also not be beneficial, since the credit institution simply does not have time to earn money on you.

What to do

It is unlikely that the bank will share with you the criteria for compiling a black list. But at least try not to rowdy in the branches, so as not to fall into this list.

7. Suspicious appearance

The bank is not required to explain the reasons for refusing to issue a loan, so subjective factors also play a role during approval, for example, the impression you make on the manager.

8. Operating loans

Bank employees will see that you already have financial obligations to other institutions. This does not make you a more conscientious borrower at all: extra debt increases the chances that you will not pay off any of them.

What to do

Pay off previous loans first. This is useful not only for the bank, but also for you, since the thoughtless accumulation of debts can end.

9. Insufficient work experience

Banks prescribe in the requirements for the borrower the period during which you need to work at your last job. Usually it is 4-6 months to cover the probationary period.

What to do

Wait a few months or contact another bank. And remember that forgery of documents, including a work book, is a crime.

10. Offenses

Convictions, offenses and even administrative fines can be a reason for refusal.

What to do

If you have a time machine, thanks to which you will not commit crimes in the past, use it. Otherwise, you will have to walk around different banks until you find one where the loan will not be refused.

11. Suspicious place of work

In the questionnaire, you need to indicate the company's landline phone number. If it is not there, it will look dubious, as it will raise suspicions that the company does not have an office.

Work for an individual entrepreneur will play against you, since closing an IP is quite simple. Also, security officers will check the reputation of the company and its financial condition.

What to do

Perhaps something is wrong with your place of work, and it is worth changing it. If the salary in the new place is, then the loan will not be needed.

12. Bank scoring

The banking system gives you points according to the entered criteria. Age, gender, presence of children and apartments, length of service, recent divorce and relocation - everything matters.

What to do

The scoring criteria is often known to one bank, so just wait for the answer. After all, if a lending institution gives preference to young (but not too young) women with full-time jobs but no children, a freelance father with many children will still not be able to adapt to these requirements.

13. Suspicion of evading military service

A man of military age at any time can be found by the military registration and enlistment office. And within a year, he probably simply will not be able to repay the loan. Banks don't like to take risks.

What to do

If you have deferral documents, be sure to bring them to your meeting with the loan manager.

14. Income too high

A person who borrows a vacuum cleaner for 10 thousand with a salary of 150 thousand rubles looks suspicious not only for bank employees.

What to do

Prepare a very convincing explanation of why you need a loan, because it's really not obvious.

15. Cancellation of insurance

In law Federal Law No. 353-FZ of December 21, 2013 (as amended on December 5, 2017) “On Consumer Credit (Loan)”"About consumer credit" they have no right to impose insurance on you. But in case of refusal from it, the bank may not issue a loan without explaining the reasons.

What to do

Lifehacker details what to do in this case. And if you are determined to take a loan from a bank that imposes insurance on you, most likely you will have to refuse it after receiving the loan - this is allowed by law.

Have you been denied credit? Why?

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Getting a large sum of money on credit can be quite difficult. Registration will take a lot of time, providing ...