What to do if Sberbank refused a mortgage. Why do banks refuse mortgages? Borrower's income as an evaluation criterion

Mortgage loans are issued very often. The conditions depend on the bank, and the rules for issuing are almost the same everywhere. Loans are provided in accordance with.

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The requirements for issuing mortgage loans are quite strict, and in conditions of a limited amount of funds, banks often refuse an application.

Sometimes a refusal to open a mortgage can be a real problem, but it is worth fighting for the truth and understanding this issue in more detail.

Bank requirements

In order to become an ideal borrower for a bank, you need to answer quite a few, which is absolutely impossible.

It is worth considering some of the requirements that banking institutions impose:

  1. The mortgage loan borrower must be between the ages of 20 and 40 on average.
  2. It is desirable to be married, to own expensive assets, which can be apartment holdings, land and others.
  3. It is very important to have a constant stable income. The so-called "white" salary is an essential item for obtaining a mortgage. Of course, employees of the “highest rank” enjoy special honor. For example, managers, employees of oil and gas companies, or employees in the field of IT technologies.

Who is denied?

Basically, you need to meet two requirements for your application to be approved by the bank:

  1. First, the borrower plays an important role. However, do not be upset even if you have not taken loans at all before. You can only get rejected if you have a bad credit history. Non-payment, existing debts obviously will not lead you to receive a large amount.
  2. Secondly, a potential borrower must have a job, and, accordingly, a steady income. You should expect an immediate refusal if you do not work anywhere or receive a "black" salary (in envelopes, avoiding taxes).

You can't get a mortgage either:

  • military (" " does not apply to this category);
  • professions associated with a risk to life;
  • individual entrepreneurs, businessmen who constantly take risks;
  • seasonal occupations or occupations with low wages.

The template evaluation of each person by bank employees makes it possible to weed out unnecessary people, leaving only the most worthy candidates.

If you do not meet the requirements for age, income, or have previously owed loans, open other parties for bank employees:

  • attach copies of several higher educations (if any);
  • imagine your own assets (real estate or car).

All this can affect the decision to grant a mortgage loan.

What do you do if you don't get a mortgage?

The possibility of buying your own home without taking a mortgage loan is not available to every resident of the Russian Federation. Especially if the apartment or house is bought in a large city or metropolis. And here financial structures, such as Sberbank, can help, issuing a loan at a certain percentage.

They pay off such debt over several years, increasing the total amount of payments, but having the opportunity to use their own living space. Although for this a loan must first be obtained - sometimes there are problems with this. Consider the main reasons why Sberbank refuses a mortgage, how to avoid such a situation and what to do after receiving a refusal.

Reasons for refusal of a mortgage in Sberbank

After receiving an application for a mortgage loan from a potential borrower, Sberbank analyzes a huge number of factors, including family status, income and credit history of the applicant. It also takes into account the movable and immovable property of a person, which is an additional guarantee of the return of the unpaid part of the loan. All this allows the financial structure to ensure the possibility of making a profit in any situation. And, if the bank has even a slight suspicion that the borrowers may not return the funds received, it has the right to refuse lending.

It is worth noting that Sberbank is not obliged to inform customers about the reasons for the refusal. This can be done in accordance with Art. 821 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, where the lender is allowed to refuse to provide the borrower with financial resources when certain circumstances arise. For example, after receiving information about the insolvency of the client or other information that casts doubt on the timely and full repayment of the loan.

The borrower himself should know why the mortgage is denied in order to assess his chances of success and, if possible, try to change the situation in his favor.

The main requirements for the borrower

Among the standard requirements set by Sberbank for applicants for a mortgage, the main ones are:

  1. Age of borrower. The client must be at least 21 years of age at the time of the loan. And the borrower must make the last payments no later than he turns 75 years old.
  2. Having a permanent source of income exceeding the threshold for the amount he is going to borrow. Although refusals for this very reason are rare - as a rule, a person applying for a loan can assess his solvency in advance.
  3. No criminal record. Borrowers who have served a sentence for violating the law cannot receive a mortgage loan. There is little chance of getting a loan with only a suspended criminal record.

Cancellation due to insolvency

Due to the fact that the price of real estate is quite high compared to salaries, in order to receive a mortgage loan, the borrower must have a certain level of income. The average amount of payments in the country today is 35 thousand rubles. In some regions, it may be larger or smaller. At the same time, analyzing the solvency of customers, Sberbank takes into account the maximum amount, which should not exceed 30% of the income of working family members, from which subsistence minimums are deducted for each non-working dependent (child, disabled or disabled relative).

If the total income of the borrower's family does not reach the required threshold, this may be one of the main answers to the question of why Sberbank refused a mortgage.

You can try to remedy the situation by increasing the down payment, usually equal to 20 percent. The higher this amount, the less you have to pay monthly. As a result, you can reduce the amount of payment to a level sufficient to obtain a positive decision on the mortgage.

Credit history

An important factor during the verification of the client is his credit history. Therefore, for a borrower who expects to receive a large loan, especially a mortgage, it is necessary to monitor his reputation and repay debts on time. When considering the possibility of issuing a mortgage loan, any little things are taken into account. And the reasons for refusal by Sberbank may be:

  • constant delays in loan payments received in any financial structure, regardless of the amount and timing. Sometimes it is enough not to repay a loan in one financial structure on time to get into the “black lists” of other companies and banks.
  • recent small loans, for example, loans for a mobile phone, which may cast doubt on the actual solvency of the client.

Document problems

A few more reasons why they may be denied a mortgage at Sberbank are related to incorrect or forged documents. All information provided by the applicant for a mortgage is carefully checked and the indication of incorrect data is a serious reason for refusal. When filling out applications and certificates, you should pay attention not only to errors, but also to blots that are unfavorably perceived by bank employees.

An important factor is compliance with the rules of paperwork. A photo pasted into the passport at the wrong time is also one of the reasons for refusal. And for men who take a loan, it is mandatory to have a military ID indicating the relevant information in it - about serving in the army or about the reasons for the delay.

Borrowers who use fake documents to obtain a loan also lose their right to a mortgage. Moreover, such a situation can lead to being blacklisted, and not only Sberbank, but also another official financial structure will not issue a loan to such a person. This applies to false identity documents and false income statements, the data of which is verified by the security service. Approximately the same situation may arise when an application for a mortgage indicates earnings that are not documented (unofficial income).

Additional reasons for rejection

In addition to the official reasons why a bank refuses a mortgage, there are a number of situations that can also lead to a refusal. These include:

  • insecure customer behavior during an interview with bank employees and inconsistent answers to questions. As a result, the security service may suspect the borrower of hiding information;
  • unpresentable customer appearance, forcing to doubt his solvency;
  • correspondence of education to the position held(for management and specialists, it should be the highest). This indicator allows you to assess the borrower's ability to find a new job if the old one is lost.

Not the most important, but also a common reason why Sberbank may refuse to issue a loan, may be dangerous job. For example, a firefighter or police officer is less likely to get a mortgage compared to an office worker.

Another reason for refusal is the bad credit history of not the client himself, but other family members whose income was estimated when calculating the loan rate. And sometimes the security service may refuse a loan if it cannot contact representatives of the borrower's employer (the personnel department of the enterprise) to collect information about him.

What to do after rejection

Receiving a refusal from a bank for a mortgage loan is an unpleasant event for the borrower. However, you can still find a way out. It is possible that, having refused this time, Sberbank will make a positive decision regarding the loan in the future. And in order to avoid refusal the next time you apply to a financial institution for a loan, you should get rid of its cause. Including getting a higher paying job or finding a property with a more affordable price.

Most people in Russia cannot buy their own home without a mortgage. This is especially true if the apartment or house is located in a big city or metropolis. In this case, financial structures help. At the same time, many are denied mortgages at Sberbank. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different. To apply for a mortgage, you need to know about the requirements for borrowers, as well as about the factors due to which a refusal may follow. All this is described in the article.

As evidenced by the reviews, you must first familiarize yourself with the rules for granting a loan for housing before applying. This will avoid many problems in obtaining a mortgage loan. It is necessary to consider the proposals of several banks, because each institution has its own lending conditions. From several profitable programs, you can choose the most suitable one.

Reasons for rejection

When a bank receives an application for a mortgage, it begins to analyze a large number of factors, including marital status, income, and credit history. The property of a person is taken into account, which is considered a guarantee of the unpaid part of the loan. This provides the financial institution with the opportunity to make a profit in any case. The reasons for refusing a mortgage at Sberbank may be different. If there is at least some suspicion that the borrower will not return the funds, then the application is rejected.

According to customer reviews, many are faced with the rejection of the application. Then you have to consider the programs of other banks. The reasons for refusal of a mortgage in Sberbank are as follows:

  1. Insufficient solvency.
  2. No proof of income.
  3. Negative credit history.
  4. Short period of work.
  5. There are loans from other banks.
  6. A small amount.
  7. Small first payment.

As the reviews confirm, these factors are the most common, due to which the application is rejected. If the requirements are met, a positive decision is usually made. Why they refuse a mortgage at Sberbank, customers are usually not informed. This is permitted under Art. 821 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the creditor may reject the application for the provision of funds, if there are certain circumstances. But the borrowers themselves need to know about the refusals in order to assess the chances of obtaining a loan to buy a home.


As the reviews show, it is necessary to know not only the reasons for the refusal. How is a mortgage approved in Sberbank? The client's compliance with the requirements is taken into account:

  1. Age. The client must be at least 21 years old, and at the time of the last payments - no more than 75 years. Other banks may have different age requirements.
  2. Fixed income, which exceeds the threshold for the amount to be issued on credit. According to this factor, the client can independently assess his solvency.
  3. No criminal record. Clients who have served a sentence for violating the law will not be able to get a mortgage. There is a low probability of issuing a loan if there is a conditional criminal record.

According to customer reviews, mortgage denials happen very often. You need to know the requirements before applying.


According to reviews, this is the main reason for the refusal of a mortgage in Sberbank. Since the value of real estate is high compared to salaries, you need to have a specific income in order to receive a loan. The average level in the country today is 35 thousand rubles. In some regions, this figure is more or less.

When analyzing solvency, Sberbank takes into account the maximum amount, which should not be more than 30% of the income of working people in the family, from which the minimum for non-working dependents is deducted. If the income does not reach the required threshold, usually the client's application is rejected.

If the reason for the refusal of a mortgage at Sberbank is precisely this, then it will be possible to correct the situation by increasing the size of the down payment, which is usually 20%. The larger this amount, the less you will need to pay each month. As a result, it will be possible to reduce the amount of payment to the level required to obtain approval.

Credit history

The reason for the refusal of a mortgage in Sberbank may be a negative credit history. Therefore, if you want to take a cash loan to buy a home, you need to pay for current loans on time. When considering an application, various nuances are taken into account. According to reviews, refusal usually follows due to:

  1. Permanent delinquencies on loans issued in any bank. Even if a loan was not paid on time in one financial institution, a person may be included in the black lists of other companies.
  2. Recently issued small loans, such as mobile phone loans, that raise doubts about the client's solvency.

According to customer reviews, credit history plays an almost decisive role in loan approval. It is checked against a single database, which contains information from all banks.

Documentation Issues

According to reviews, the reason for the refusal of a mortgage at Sberbank may be incorrectly executed or fake documents. All information provided to the bank is carefully checked. Incorrect data may result in rejection. When filling out an application and certificates, you need to pay attention not only to errors, but also to blots indicated by bank employees.

An important factor is the implementation of the rules for paperwork. An untimely pasted photo in the passport may be the reason for the rejection of the application. And men, when contacting a bank, need to take a military ID with them with the designation of relevant information - about serving in the army or the reasons for the delay.

Clients using false documents cannot get a mortgage. In addition, because of this situation, it is possible to get blacklisted. A loan to a person will not be issued not only by Sberbank, but also by another official financial structure.

Other reasons

There are other reasons for refusing a mortgage at Sberbank after approval. Although they are not made public, they still influence the decision on the application. Other reasons include:

  1. Uncertain behavior of the borrower during the interview. As a result, the borrower may be suspected of concealing information by the security service.
  2. The unpresentability of the type of client, which casts doubt on solvency.
  3. Correspondence of education to work (if this is a manager or a specialist, then it should be higher). This indicator helps to assess the likelihood of getting a job in the event of a job loss.

The reason for the rejection of the application may be the danger of work. For example, a firefighter or police officer is less likely to get a mortgage compared to an office worker. The reason for the refusal is the bad credit history of other family members, whose income was taken into account in the calculation of the rate. Often, the security service refuses to obtain a mortgage if it was not possible to contact the client's employer.

Actions after rejection

Rejection is an unpleasant event for customers. But there is still a way out. If there was a refusal in a mortgage at Sberbank, how long can I apply? Re-application is possible after 2 months. Often the next time borrowers get approved.

If a mortgage is refused at Sberbank, what should I do? In this case, measures should be taken to increase the chance of a positive response in the future. If the client has not taken into account his credit history, then you need to familiarize yourself with it. It can be spoiled not only due to late loan repayments, but also due to technical failures and inattention of bank specialists.

To correct errors, the client needs to contact the bank that compiled the report from the credit history. If the story is corrupted by the client, then you should pay the current debt and pay it regularly for several months, and then apply for a mortgage. As the reviews show, in this case, applications are usually approved.

If a loan is denied due to low liquidity of real estate, you need to find a new object that meets the requirements of the bank. It should be borne in mind that it is easier for financial institutions to provide a large loan for the purchase of an expensive apartment than to issue a small loan for a village house. In some cases, you can only take out a consumer loan. It requires fewer documents to obtain compared to a mortgage.

Consideration should be given to applying to other banks. In each financial institution, the requirements for borrowers are cast, so another institution can provide approval. If the refusal is related to low or unstable income, co-borrowers or guarantors can be involved. Only close relatives can be the first. Guarantors are taken only by wealthy individuals. The client may pay a higher down payment or provide additional security. In this case, the bank considers the application and makes a decision.

Broker services

You can contact a broker. Only then will you have to pay commission. Broker assistance is ideal for:

  1. Persons who do not understand lending.
  2. Business people who do not have time to independently collect documents and draw up a deal.
  3. Borrowers who were refused by several organizations.


Even if it is not possible to obtain a mortgage with the indicated recommendations, a spouse or other relative who meets the criteria of the bank can take a loan. For most people, such a loan is a chance to buy their own home, so it should be approached responsibly. If one institution was denied, you should contact another.

Many citizens believe that they can easily get a mortgage loan. Excessive self-confidence often ends with the rejection of the application. The reasons for refusing a mortgage at Sberbank may be different. The Credit Committee imposes fairly stringent requirements on borrowers, which are periodically changed and updated.

Why did Sberbank refuse a mortgage? Home loan applications are rejected for the following reasons:

  • The collateral object does not meet the standards of Sberbank;
  • The borrower receives a low official salary;
  • The potential client is in trouble with the law;
  • The applicant has a bad credit history and is a participant in enforcement proceedings;
  • The counterparty did not pass the credit interview due to inappropriate behavior, questionable appearance, drunkenness, etc.

Some individuals who apply for a loan do not fall within the age range of the mortgage program. If a person is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, then he will not be able to apply for a mortgage. The housing loan puts serious pressure on the family budget. A mortgage loan assumes the presence of several co-borrowers who will be jointly and severally liable for the financial obligations of the title borrower. If the counterparty fails to attract solvent co-borrowers, then he will receive a low scoring score. This circumstance will be the reason for the refusal of a mortgage in Sberbank.

Some people who fill out a mortgage application have less than 6 months of work experience. Sberbank managers give preference to borrowers with long work experience and a permanent job. Quick change of employers and short work experience often become the reason for refusal on a mortgage.

The security service of Sberbank carefully examines the Internet for negative information about the applicant. A special program is installed on the servers of a credit organization that collects data about a person in the global network. Each applicant receives a rating that has a direct impact on the scoring assessment of his solvency. If a person listens to chanson, posts photos from stormy feasts and is a member of criminal electronic groups, then they will not give him a mortgage.

Some clients refuse to insure the collateral object. According to the current legislation, the borrower is obliged to buy a policy that insures the risk of loss and damage to the mortgaged apartment. If a person does not do this, then he will not be able to improve his living conditions. Each bank has a so-called stop list, which contains negative information about applicants. Credit institutions periodically exchange information that is in unofficial databases. Applicants who are on the stop list will be refused and will not be able to take a loan.

Why does Sberbank refuse a mortgage? If a person has a large debt load, then Sberbank employees will quickly find out about it. You should not hide the presence of consumer loans and microloans from Sberbank specialists. False information is the basis for rejecting the application.

Under no circumstances should you forge documents provided for registration of a mortgage. False work books and salary certificates can lead to refusal of a mortgage and initiation of a criminal case. All paperwork required to obtain a loan must be drawn up in accordance with the standards of Sberbank.

A fairly common reason for refusing a mortgage at Sberbank is the provision of collateral that does not meet the requirements of a financial institution.

Sberbank rejects applications from citizens for the following reasons:

  • The property is in a dilapidated state;
  • Unauthorized persons are registered in the apartment;
  • Housing is under encumbrance (rent, rent, arrest, etc.);
  • There are illegal redevelopments in the rooms;
  • As collateral, a house with wooden floors is offered;
  • The apartment lacks the necessary communications (light, electricity, water supply and sewerage);
  • There is no report on the market and salvage value of the construction object;
  • The collateral is a room in a communal apartment.

If the property is located in regions that are not covered by mortgage programs, it will not be accepted as collateral. Before applying for a loan, an employee of Sberbank conducts a visual inspection of the mortgaged apartment. If a survey of the premises reveals significant structural defects in the property, then the applicant's questionnaire will not be accepted by Sberbank.

The expert will inspect not only the dwelling, but also the entrance, as well as the surrounding area. He will interview the client's neighbors and the local police officer. Any negative information will cause a refusal to apply for a mortgage at Sberbank. Bankers prefer to take liquid collateral that is in stable demand on the real estate market. For this reason, the owner of an elite residential complex will not be able to use it as security. Buyers for such an object can be searched for years and decades.

Sberbank managers pay attention to the level of infrastructure development at the location of the mortgaged apartment. If the new neighborhood lacks roads, shops, schools, and hospitals, then the borrower will have to look for other collateral. What to do if Sberbank refused a mortgage? The applicant should not be upset and worried about this. The application can be resubmitted.

Before applying for a mortgage, a citizen should consult with loved ones and assess the possibilities of the home budget. A person who decides to improve their living conditions should carefully study the terms of the loan program and the mortgage agreement.

To increase the likelihood of mortgage application approval, the borrower should:

  1. Increase the level of official income;
  2. Find additional income or acquire assets that generate cash flow;
  3. Try to remove personal information from the global network;
  4. Reduce credit burden and household expenses;
  5. Find co-borrowers who fully meet the requirements of Sberbank;
  6. Provide Sberbank with high-quality collateral;
  7. Collect a complete package of documents required for obtaining a mortgage.

Particular attention should be paid to the credit interview. You need to carefully prepare for it. For a conversation with bankers, you should go in business clothes. You should not emit sharp and unpleasant odors. Do not drink alcohol or other psychoactive substances before the interview. Say hello to the bank employee and clearly state the purpose of your visit.

Listen carefully to the mortgage manager and answer his questions. Do not embellish your own financial situation and provide deliberately false information. The lack of psychological contact and trust on the part of a bank employee can be the reason for refusing a mortgage at Sberbank.

The main reasons for refusal of a mortgage

Not all clients and not all banks approve mortgages. The reasons for the refusal are not stated. This happens in the largest and most well-known financial and credit institutions. If Sberbank did not approve the mortgage, you should try to understand why this happened on your own. Then it will be easier for the client to get the approval of the bank.

How to find out the reason for the refusal of a Sberbank mortgage

Some clients (sometimes even salary ones) are faced with the fact that they were denied a mortgage at Sberbank. Banking institutions have a list of the main reasons why they do not issue loans. For a bank, the most important thing is to protect yourself. The bank refuses clients who pose a risk, especially in such long-term cooperation as mortgage registration.

Sberbank is a large organization and can afford the risks, but it will not approve a contract with a client that does not meet certain requirements. To find out the reason why the bank refused a mortgage - go through the basic requirements and understand which of them you meet to a lesser extent. Most likely, it was this factor that influenced the outcome of the decision.

Why credit history is important

The first and most important way to find out why Sberbank refused a mortgage to a payroll client is to check your reputation as a borrower.

The bank does not tell customers why the refusal occurred, but behind the scenes it is believed that the first main reason is a bad credit history.

Sberbank carefully studies previous customer stories and checks whether they were good borrowers.

In fact, unreliable persons are already aware of their compromising actions:

  • Delays in payments and penalties.
  • Late payment of existing and past loans;

Credit histories are stored in a special database called the Bureau of Credit Histories. The consultants of the bank where the application for a mortgage is submitted carefully study it. Based on the results of this study, a verdict is issued.

You can check your credit history on your own for free once a year. To do this, specify in which credit bureau your data is stored. In order not to waste time, you can immediately contact any major bureau - national or Equifax, clarify the code and at the same time get a credit history (the latter bureau allows you to get it remotely).

You can improve CI with the help of an ordinary small consumer loan, for example, this is offered by Sovcombank.

Low income and outstanding loans

What else can be done if a mortgage is denied by Sberbank? Check wages. According to the rules, the payment cannot exceed 40% of the salary level.

Sberbank does not impose requirements on the length of service of payroll clients, and documents confirming financial condition are valid for 30 calendar days.

The second main reason for mortgage denials at Sberbank is the high credit burden on the budget. If you have outstanding loans, you will be rejected with a high degree of probability.

In this case, attracting co-borrowers (Sberbank allows you to add up to 6 individuals to the agreement) or lowering the credit limit (reconsider the type of real estate or try to increase the down payment at the expense of other funds) will help to correct the situation.

Analyze everything again, maybe you fit one of them.

Non-compliance with bank requirements

If Sberbank refused a mortgage, the second thing to do is to check the package of documents and find out if the root of evil lies in them?

Reasons for rejection are as follows:

  • Incomplete package of references;
  • Inaccurate information;
  • Common mistakes (typos) that distorted the text not in your favor;
  • Documents that have expired or are not legally valid.

For a bank, an important factor to approve a mortgage is the client's health and age. If the potential borrower is too young (18-25 years old) or too old (over 60 years old), then the bank will not take risks.

If the borrower has health problems, has a disability or a serious chronic illness, then the bank may refuse to issue a mortgage, especially when voluntary insurance is refused.

Unfortunately, the bank always models situations with a negative outcome, and if some errors of the client can be corrected, then his death cannot.

What to do if Sberbank refused a mortgage? If the borrower realizes that the reason is his age, it is worth contacting other banks. Discounts are also available for the disabled.

Can payroll clients be turned down?

In fact, Sberbank's payroll clients do not enjoy special privileges when considering applications. All that they are entitled to is a possible discount to the interest rate and a simplified procedure for submitting documents. Sberbank has the right to refuse, and refuses payroll clients in a mortgage on the same grounds as ordinary citizens, clients of another bank.

What to do if the bank does not approve the mortgage

It is unpleasant for any client to receive a refusal from the bank, but this is not a reason to change the decision. What to do if Sberbank refused a mortgage?

You will never know for sure why the bank did not approve a target loan for you, however, by correcting the situation in those places where there are shortcomings, it is possible to reapply.

You should not focus only on Sberbank, but apply for mortgages to other organizations.

Ultimately, the mortgages of many banks can be more profitable than in Sberbank - this is Globex Bank, Gazprombank, and Unicredit Bank, and even more loyal every year.

What is the result

If Sberbank has not approved a mortgage, do not be upset. It is unlikely that you will be able to find out why this actually happened. The reviews show that the final overpayment at Sberbank, taking into account all insurance payments, is as profitable as the mortgage conditions of other banks. Payroll clients of the bank do not enjoy special benefits and are rejected for the same reasons as other borrowers.

Before you try to fix the situation (improve your credit history, get a tax certificate with no real chance of that, etc.), evaluate how worthwhile your efforts will be. Perhaps the best solution would be to change the financial partner.

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