Can they refuse a mortgage? Sberbank refused a mortgage, what to do? Actions after rejection

For many people living in our country, mortgage lending is one of the few ways to become the owner of your own property.

However, obtaining such a loan is not easy. First, an application is submitted for the need to obtain this loan product. Security services check information about income, work, credit history, if available. In addition, employees examine the personal data of each person.

After the documents are verified, the bank makes a decision regarding the approval or rejection of this application. However, there is a third option, when the bank agrees to issue an amount, but less than the one the applicant expected.

When a mortgage loan is denied, you need to figure out what it is connected with. The bank does not disclose the reasons for the decision, but there may be several of them.

Why was denied a mortgage in Sberbank?

Bank employees, after receiving a package of relevant documents for consideration, proceed to its consideration.

The first thing they look at is credit history.. If it is, but negative, then the possibility of obtaining a loan becomes much lower. Sberbank has a rule - if a potential borrower had a delay in paying off a loan for a month, then he cannot use mortgage products for five years. Bank employees will not particularly understand whether it was a delay for a good reason or not.

Sberbank has a scoring system, which is a special program that forms a portrait of a potential creditor. If he gains the required number of points in the analysis process, then he can be attributed to potential customers.

After applying for a mortgage, you must wait for a call from the bank. At the same time, in most cases, they call both the applicant himself and his place of work. It is very important to be constantly in touch, and also to tell the employee of the accounting or human resources department that such a call can take place. If you cannot get through to the given phone numbers, then most likely a refusal will be received.

To get approval for a mortgage application, you need to communicate with a bank employee clearly and as confidently as possible. If a person speaks indistinctly and uncertainly, then he will almost certainly be denied the issuance of money.

Questions can be asked completely different - they can relate both to the place of work, and directly to the loan itself, the housing being purchased, and so on. All answers must fully correspond to the information provided in the questionnaire.

There are situations when the refusal of a mortgage is not obvious. This is due in most cases to errors in the documents. Sberbank is usually not going to find out what caused the discrepancy, but simply refuse to issue a loan. In this regard, it is advisable to carefully check them yourself before taking the documents to the bank.

The presence of debts such as fines, taxes, alimony, and so on, can also cause a refusal to issue a mortgage. Whether such payments are repaid should also be checked in advance. Mortgages are also not issued to people who have a criminal record. However, if the conviction was conditional, then the likelihood of obtaining such a loan still remains.

Why was an already approved mortgage denied?

Such a moment does not occur too often, but such precedents do exist.

For example, at the end of 2014, when a serious crisis hit the Russian economy, the central bank was forced to raise the key rate by several points at once.

As a result, potential borrowers who had a certain margin of safety for buying an apartment have significantly increased the interest rate on the loan. For those who did not have such an airbag, but the mortgage had already been approved, it was decided to simply refuse.

It is worth noting that the bank double-checks whether the client has existing loans:

  1. When submitting documents for consideration;
  2. Immediately prior to disbursement of funds.

If it suddenly becomes clear that the client has taken a loan or assumed some other debt obligation, then the probability of rejecting a previously approved application is quite high.

The agreed mortgage can be renegotiated if the borrower has marital status changes. In particular, this happens when the bank finds out that the applicant's spouse intends to go on maternity leave. It is no secret that such a moment will significantly reduce the total income of the family, as well as increase the number of dependents. Refusal in this case will be unlikely, however, the maximum possible loan amount can be significantly reduced.

If, after approval, the borrower decides to change his place of work, then the bank's decisions may also change. In some cases, Sberbank leaves the decision in place, but this is a rather serious risk, so you need to be prepared for any turn of events.

Are they often rejected?

The current economic situation in the country does not allow Sberbank to issue a large number of mortgage loans, but this does not make people in need of housing less.

The main reason for refusing to receive this loan is an insignificant official income. Bank employees do not take into account unconfirmed income at all. People do not take this moment into account and still apply for the purchase of an apartment, and are refused, therefore in about half of the cases, Sberbank does not approve the submitted questionnaires.

Reasons for rejection

There are quite a few reasons why Sberbank may refuse to issue a mortgage loan. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the moment that all submitted documents must be genuine. Inaccurate information will immediately cause a refusal to issue a mortgage, but it must be remembered that forgery of documents is punishable by law.

Non-compliance with the main requirements

This is the main requirement that is considered by bank employees in the first place. If the client does not fit at least one point, then he will be immediately refused - other points will not even be considered.

The Bank imposes the following requirements on all mortgage borrowers:

  1. The age of a person must be from 21 years old at the time of applying for a loan and not more than 60 years old for men and 55 years old for women at the date of repayment of the mortgage;
  2. At the last place of work, you need to work for at least six months;
  3. The total official work experience must be at least one year.

In addition, it is necessary that the salary level be as high as possible. In this case, you can count on the fact that the loan will be issued for an amount suitable for buying an apartment.

If a citizen fits all these points, then you can safely apply for a mortgage, but you cannot be absolutely sure that the bank will approve such an application. The fact is that there are quite a few reasons why a mortgage can be denied.

Inappropriate solvency

As mentioned above, a mortgage may be denied due to the fact that the applicant does not have a very high income level. Depending on the program in which he is going to take part, he will need to make a certain initial contribution, which should already be in his possession.

After the approval of the mortgage, it is undesirable to apply for another loan in order to get money to make the down payment. The bank, before transferring money to the client's account, will check for new credit obligations - this may become a reason for refusing to pay.

If such a problem arises, then it is best to attract a co-borrower or loan guarantor whose income level will be quite high. In addition, the bank will not take into account any unofficial income. It is quite possible that it will be necessary to go to the employer and declare about the transfer of all wages to the official one.

Bad credit history

It is quite natural that the bank, before issuing such a long-term loan as a mortgage, wants to secure itself as much as possible. For this reason, the client will be carefully checked regarding previously taken and paid loans. If payments on all previous loans were made in full and on time, then the probability of obtaining a mortgage in full for the required period will be much higher.

Worst of all, if the client has late payments on loans at the time of applying for a mortgage.

Falsified certificates and other documents

A banking specialist can identify a fake almost by eye, so you should not try to present yourself in a positive way in front of the organization. This fact will be revealed anyway, and within five years Sberbank, and even in a number of banks with which it cooperates in terms of mortgage lending, will not be able to take such a product.

The fact is that there is a register of unscrupulous customers. If the borrower's data is entered there, then he can generally forget about all loans. As mentioned above, forgery of official papers is a criminal offense.

It is also worth noting that the bank pays close attention to the health status of the applicant. In particular, pregnant women and people of pre-retirement age will be denied mortgages. Also, with a high degree of probability, employees who often go on sick leave and are also treated in a hospital will be denied.

Illiquid real estate

Sberbank may refuse a potential borrower if he is going to purchase the so-called illiquid real estate.

The following residential properties usually fall under this concept:

  • Apartments or houses that are located in areas where the infrastructure is poorly developed or does not exist at all;
  • If the housing is located far from the center of the settlement;
  • When a property is in need of a major overhaul.

What to do if refused a mortgage in Sberbank?

First of all, don't give up. There are a large number of banks operating in our country, which are highly likely to accept and approve documents.

Due to the fact that Sberbank refused to issue a mortgage, if this loan product is issued at another banking institution, the conditions will be completely different, for example, the interest rate will be higher, the down payment will be higher, and so on.

There are no restrictions on the number of applications submitted today, so documents can be sent to several banks at once. If all of them were refused at once, and without visible prerequisites, you should carefully review the documents, study your credit history - it is quite possible that an error has occurred somewhere.

If there are no errors, and refusals still continue to arrive, then there is probably a need to contact small banks, where checks are not so serious. They usually don't have too many clients, so you'll be much more likely to get a mortgage there.


Despite the fact that a mortgage is a rather profitable product for the bank itself, employees are in no hurry to issue such a product to just anyone. This is due to the fact that this loan is issued for a long period, during which absolutely everything can happen. The Bank strives to secure the issued funds and guarantee their return in full with interest.

Applying for a mortgage loan should be treated very responsibly and carefully. In particular, it does not hurt to find out everything about the apartment being purchased, its former owners, the number of people registered in it, the condition of the residential building, and so on.

Dmitry Balandin

Home loans have become an integral part of life for many Russians. This is due to high housing prices and low purchasing power of citizens. Despite the active position of banks in issuing loans to improve housing conditions, not all potential borrowers can get a long-awaited loan. Many are faced with the fact that Sberbank refused a mortgage without explaining the reasons for the refusal. Why this happens is of interest to many, since it is this credit organization that most citizens apply to get a loan to buy an apartment or house.

The client's desire to receive a loan must be approved by the financial institution

A similar question torments many potential borrowers, since usually the bank does not provide information about the reasons for the refusal. In fact, they lie on the surface, and their knowledge will give the client the opportunity to increase his chances of obtaining a long-awaited loan.

The decision of the bank is influenced by many factors that, at first glance, may seem insignificant:

  • Various debts - for alimony, traffic police fines, to the tax office.
  • Having a criminal record is a valid reason for refusal. In the event that the criminal punishment was conditional, there is a minimal chance that the client will be met halfway.
  • Inability to verify the information received from the applicant or the veracity of the data received.
  • Uncertain behavior of the client when communicating with a loan officer.
  • The health status of the potential borrower.
  • Low liquidity of the property pledged.

As you can see, the reasons why Sberbank is denied a mortgage can be different. But there are a number of basic ones for which failure can be 100%.

Inappropriate solvency

To obtain a housing loan, the applicant is required to provide an official document on his income (certificate 2-NDFL) or a certificate from his employer, filled out in the form of a bank. At current housing prices, not all borrowers can pay 10-35 thousand rubles a month. At the same time, do not forget that when calculating monthly payments, not all net income is taken into account, but the amount remaining after deductions for accommodation, repayment of other debts, maintenance of dependents and disabled family members. The optimal income for obtaining a mortgage should be at least 2 times the monthly payments. If the salary or declared income of the entrepreneur is below this threshold, then one cannot count on obtaining a loan.

In order not to get a negative decision from the bank, the only way out is to increase the amount of the down payment and, thus, reduce the amount of monthly payments.

Bad credit history

Credit history is an indicator of the borrower's financial reputation. This item is especially carefully checked by banking services. From the BKI database, you can get information about outstanding loans, delinquencies on closed and currently available loans. Such information is stored for at least 15 years.

Lack of credit history is also a bad indicator for the bank: in this case, it is impossible to be sure of the financial discipline and solvency of the client. To increase your chances, you should take a consumer loan for a short period of time and repay it in good faith a little earlier than the period specified in the contract. But do not overdo it: if the court is repaid too quickly, the bank will regard this as a fraud to increase the client rating.

The quality of credit history today plays one of the most decisive roles.

Sometimes the lender may be suspicious of very frequent consumer loans for small loans: this indicates that the person has obvious solvency problems.

Falsified certificates and documents

Often, a banking institution may refuse for a banal reason - due to the presence of errors or typos in the documents provided. The absence of a photograph in the passport, a mark in the military ID makes these documents invalid, which can aggravate the situation in making a positive decision.

Those who try to submit “fake” certificates of employment and existing income to the bank are at the greatest risk. The security service necessarily checks the documents for authenticity, and falsification will immediately surface. The risk will be unjustified and, at best, the client will simply be refused. But you should know that forgery of documents is a criminal offense.

How to find out why Sberbank refused you a mortgage is not possible. From a legal point of view, a banking institution is not obliged to report to the applicant for making its decision: the provision of credit funds is a right, not an obligation, of the creditor.

Sberbank's requirements for borrowers

Already at the stage of filing an application, it may simply not be considered if the applicant does not meet the basic requirements of the bank. For some clients, they may seem tough, but in this way the lender screens out possible defaulters in advance. As prospective borrowers, the bank sees those who meet the following requirements:

  • age from 21 to 75 years;
  • total work experience - at least 1 year for the last 5 years;
  • at the last workplace - at least 6 months of experience.

If borrowers meet these three parameters, they can apply for a mortgage. But the fulfillment of these conditions is not a guarantee that the loan will be given. There are many more factors that are taken into account when making a decision on issuing a loan.

How to Prepare for Reapplying

Despite your strong desire to get a loan to buy a home, you were still denied a mortgage at Sberbank. What to do in this case? The worst option is to succumb to emotions and start to find out the reason for the refusal. But if the applicant behaves correctly in relation to the loan officer, then one can hope that he will verbally explain to the unlucky borrower what is the matter.

Refusal is not a sentence, you can finalize the comments and re-apply

If you analyze the reasons for the negative answer, then you can take measures to eliminate them, and get a chance for a further attempt to get a loan. What can be done in this case:

  • Improve your credit history if this was not done prior to applying. First of all, you need to pay off bad debts, if any. It may turn out that the credit history is damaged due to technical errors or due to the unprofessionalism of bank employees. To eliminate all inaccuracies, you will need to contact the banking institution that compiled the credit history report.
  • Improve your financial situation. There are several ways - to find a better paying job, to attract solvent co-borrowers or guarantors who will become guarantors for the timely repayment of debts.
  • Provide a larger amount for the down payment and thus become more "interesting" for the lender.
  • If the reason for the bank's refusal is the low liquidity of mortgaged housing, then a more attractive object should be found.
  • Consider another mortgage program.
  • Apply to other banks, where there will be softer requirements for borrowers.

The last point seems to be the easiest, and many begin to "storm" the banks and bombard them with applications. But this is precisely what can cause the next failure. The bottom line is that after submitting an application form, the security service, the analytical department and other banking services are connected to the verification of a potential borrower and do a great job. And if they notice that requests are made from several banks for one person, then such client activity is perceived negatively. Therefore, experts do not advise submitting more than 5 applications.


In order not to be tormented by the question of why Sberbank refused a mortgage, you should take a responsible approach to the preparation procedure. To do this, carefully study all mortgage programs and choose the one that best suits your financial condition. Particular attention should be paid to filling out all the documents so that, due to annoying mistakes, you do not end up on the list of refuseniks.

In the event that Sberbank refuses a mortgage, a client of a financial company has a logical question, why did this happen and what needs to be done so that the refusal does not happen again. So, let's take a look at the most common reasons for refusals in a mortgage.

Reasons for mortgage denials

The majority of Russian residents, when choosing a bank that issues funds for a mortgage loan, prefer Sberbank. And this is not surprising, because this financial company is not only popular and respected, but also offers favorable conditions, has government support, thanks to which the organization offers many government programs, and, very importantly, has many branches throughout the country.

However, this financial company, with its loyal attitude towards customers, may reject the borrower's application. Naturally, the client is interested in why this happened.

Before you start scolding bank employees, carefully read the requirements that a financial institution requests. This can be done both on the Sberbank website in the " Mortgage" section, and by calling the hotline 8-800-555-55-50, or in one of the branches of a financial company.


As mentioned earlier, one of the most common reasons for mortgage denials is non-compliance with the requirements. Let's take a concrete example.

In 2018, the State Program was launched with the most favorable condition of 6%, aimed at supporting families. However, it is designed only for those families where the second and third child was born in 2018. Accordingly, if your child was born, for example, on December 31, 2017, then you will most likely be denied a mortgage.


Often people are rejected because they have a low income. Accordingly, potential bank customers have a natural question - what should be the income in order to take a mortgage? Income must be at least 2 times the one-time loan payment. That is, on average, it is 20-25 thousand rubles.

Don't be discouraged by the fact that you were denied a mortgage loan due to low yields - it may be worth convincing the lender that you are really solvent. To do this, you can provide a financial institution with a passport with a mark on traveling abroad, a debit account with savings, or a lease agreement. If the bank stubbornly refuses to approve the application, then perhaps the reason is not at all low income.

Credit history

A negative credit history may include penalties from a financial institution, unpaid debts, loan arrears, and so on. It is reliably known that Sberbank does not work with clients who have a negative credit history. However, do not despair. If you urgently need funds, you can contact another bank, but be prepared for the fact that the interest rate will be much higher.

In addition, you can correct your negative credit history - then Sberbank will give you funds for a mortgage without any problems.

Document problems

This is especially true for fake papers or incorrectly filled personal data in the application. Remember that a mortgage loan is, as a rule, a rather large loan, and therefore the bank will thoroughly study all the documents on it. If the financial company finds a fraud, then this will certainly be refused. Therefore, be as careful as possible when filling out the application. And is it worth saying that if forged documents are found, the bank has the right to apply to higher authorities?


A financial institution may also refuse if you have previously taken, but not yet paid loans. Therefore, even if you have a fairly high income, it may not be enough to pay all the loans. Try to pay off at least part of the previous debt, and only then apply for a mortgage at Sberbank.

Health status

If you have serious health problems, such as diabetes, oncology, and so on, then you will most likely be denied a loan. For a bank, such cooperation carries certain risks, and therefore no organization will want to cooperate with a client who may not be able to pay his debt in the future.

Real estate problems

Most often, mortgages are purchased housing as collateral, and therefore it is important that it be liquid. In other words, if a bank client cannot pay off his debt, then the financial company should easily sell the home. That is why a bank client should purchase normal housing, without any unauthorized redevelopment, so that the apartment or house passes the examination. Acquired housing should in no case be in a dilapidated or emergency condition.

Other reasons

There are many other reasons why a bank may refuse a loan. So, for example, if a person is not officially arranged, then he may not be approved for a loan. In addition, according to the rules of Sberbank, at the last place of work, a potential client must have worked for at least half a year.
Another reason for refusal is the lack of citizenship or permanent residence. By the way, a mortgage can also be issued under a temporary registration, but only for the period during which this registration is valid.

Also, a potential client may be refused due to a criminal record or an age that does not fit the terms of the loan. If a person is too young or, conversely, too old, then he may be denied a loan.

By the way, they can refuse even in the absence of education or if you are an employee of certain professions - for example, a realtor or an individual entrepreneur.

How to find out the reason for the refusal of a mortgage from Sberbank?

As already mentioned earlier, according to the law, the bank has the right not to disclose the reasons for the refusal, which most often happens with Sberbank. Of course, you can try your luck with a bank employee and ask him about the reasons for the refusal - perhaps the specialist will tell you about the reasons for the refusal.

What to do in case of refusal?

Let's figure out how to act if you were refused a mortgage from Sberbank.

Can I reapply for a mortgage at Sberbank?

If you are denied a loan, no one will prevent you from applying again, which most often happens. However, it makes no sense to apply again if you are going to the bank with the same package of papers. Try to provide documents in such a way as to show yourself in a more advantageous way.

How to evaluate your chances?

Try checking the bank's requirements again - perhaps you missed something? If you meet all the requirements of the bank, do not have a criminal record, serious illnesses and a negative credit history, then you will most likely be approved for a mortgage loan.

How to increase the chances of mortgage approval in Sberbank?

If at least one item is found that you can not pass, then it needs to be corrected. So, for example, low wages can be corrected with the help of additional collateral or co-borrowers, damaged credit history - with a loan from another bank or the Credit Doctor program. And if you have any debts on loans, then it is advisable to pay off all debts.

You can learn more about why mortgages are denied in the video.

For the majority of Russian citizens, a mortgage is the only way to get their housing and at the same time it is a heavy burden. You need to pay off the loan for many years in a row, such a transaction is characterized by increased risk. It is logical that the lender will comprehensively study the potential client and often, even without explaining the reasons, refuses the borrower.

In this case, the bank has the right not to give any comments at all, because often the reason is forgery of documents and fraud. Commenting on such mistakes is fraught with the fact that crooks will be more diligent.

We will try to figure out why Sberbank refuses a mortgage and how to get out of this situation.

The most common reasons

  • The first and most important thing is the non-compliance of the potential client with the requirements for the borrower. Usually this applies to the minimum and maximum age, income level and length of service (from six months at the last place of work).
  • The second important point is various kinds of inconsistencies in the certificates. Needless to say, even minimal inaccuracies are the reason for refusal with 100% probability, and forgery of documents is fraught with blacklisting and it will be impossible to take a loan not only in Sberbank, but in any other.
  • The next most common reason for refusal is poor credit history. This information is kept by the Credit Bureau for many years. Any delays, as well as unpaid consumer loans, are invariably displayed in it and can ruin your life if you do not improve it.

Occasionally, the reason for refusing to issue a mortgage loan may be the fact that the borrower has issued an inexpensive loan (for example, to a mobile phone, hair dryer, etc.). This looks suspicious, the bank may decide that the client's solvency is too low.

Borrower's income as an evaluation criterion

Low solvency should be discussed separately. If Sberbank refused an approved mortgage, then most likely after the initial check by the scoring program it turned out that the borrower's income did not meet the required sufficient level. Not only the official salary is taken into account, but also the number of dependents in the family, the presence of small children and other factors.

Another point is if the condition of the selected property is unsatisfactory and the object received a low rating. An apartment purchased with a mortgage must meet a number of requirements, which can be found on the bank's website. It is easy to eliminate such a problem: it is only important to find a more suitable object, then there will be no problems with obtaining a loan.

In what other cases does Sberbank refuse a mortgage? Here are the main ones in a nutshell:

  1. the level of education of the borrower (or rather, its absence);
  2. the presence of a criminal past and previous convictions;
  3. the presence of active loans for large amounts;
  4. a salary that is below the average;
  5. receiving several refusals from other creditors;
  6. frequent job changes.

Sberbank refused a mortgage, what to do next?

It is very frustrating to be rejected in any endeavor. Especially when it comes to mortgages. Indeed, many citizens, before applying for a loan, have already chosen a property and mentally planned all the work that will be carried out after settlement.

The first step is to accept the refusal without unnecessary nerves, you need to soberly assess your situation. You should also not blame the bank and demand to provide explanations and prove your innocence and solvency.

There are several options for further development of events:

  • to the collected documents, you can add a recommendation from the authorities. This will help evaluate the employee from the other side and assure the bank of his reliability;
  • re-apply, but in the column "initial payment" indicate the amount is much larger;
  • double-check all the data in the documents for accuracy and try to contact the bank again.

Now a little more detail on what to do if Sberbank refused a mortgage. In this case, the main thing is to do everything quickly and re-apply. Next, think about what could be the reason for the refusal and correct the situation.

How to prepare for re-applying?

Very often, borrowers choose housing that the bank considers illiquid. This category includes apartments that, in case of non-payment, the bank will not be able to sell for the same price.

In this case, you need to reconsider the decision and find another apartment in a more prosperous house. As an option, try to buy a house in a new building. As a result, the bank often changes its decision in favor of the client.

It can also be caused by the bad credit history of the borrower. If the client has never had one, then you should contact the specialists and ask to reconsider the decision, maybe this is just a technical error. But in most cases, it is recommended simply. For example, take a consumer loan for appliances or furniture and repay it on time. After that, reapply.

Most banks set their own conditions, so try to contact another bank. Larger banks, in the presence of all documents, can meet the needs of a client who was refused by another bank. From the options for solving the problem of refusal, you can try to find co-borrowers who will increase the total income and significantly increase the chances of obtaining a mortgage.

But there are also cases when several times. Consider taking out a regular consumer loan from several banks. They are much easier to get and it will help to raise the necessary amount to purchase an apartment, but you will need to monitor payments on several accounts at once.

In some cases, relatives or relatives with a good income and credit history can help to get a mortgage. You can ask them to either arrange a mortgage for themselves, or become your guarantor.

You can also contact special brokerage agencies that will certainly help you get a mortgage. But you will have to pay extra for their services.

More about the map

  • Term up to 5 years;
  • Loan up to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 11.99%.
Loan from Tinkoff Bank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • According to the passport, without references;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 9.99%.
Loan from Eastern Bank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • Term up to 20 years;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 12%.
Loan from Raiffeisenbank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • Term up to 10 years;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 13%.
Loan from UBRD Bank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • Solution instantly;
  • Loan up to 200,000 rubles only with a passport;
  • Interest rate from 11%.
Loan from Home Credit Bank. Apply for a loan

The reasons for the refusal of a mortgage in Sberbank in most cases are not announced. Upon receipt of a negative response to obtaining a loan, it is possible to apply for a second time, having previously eliminated all risks. You can increase your chance of being approved for a mortgage loan by paying off existing debts, traffic police fines and taxes. It is also worth finding guarantors who can confirm the information provided by the borrower and indicate their contact phone numbers.

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Bank requirements for the borrower

Sberbank sets strict mandatory requirements for the borrower:

  1. Citizenship of the Russian Federation. Foreign citizens will not be able to get a mortgage/loan.
  2. Age limits. At the time of application, the client must be over 21 years of age. Second age threshold: 75 years. This is the maximum age for making the last payment.
  3. Stable income and employment. Total work experience - at least 1 year, working time in the last place - from 6 months. The amount of wages is also taken into account.
  4. Providing the necessary documents. One of the most important papers is the 2-NDFL certificate confirming the client's solvency.

Top 10 main reasons for Sberbank to refuse a mortgage

Reasons for refusing a mortgage at Sberbank in 2019:

  • non-compliance with the requirements of the bank;
  • damaged credit history;
  • insolvency of a potential borrower;
  • health status/age of the client;
  • the presence of debts in the traffic police and the tax service;
  • provision of false documents;
  • the inability to confirm the information provided by the borrower;
  • low liquidity of real estate;
  • having a criminal record;
  • absence of the client for the interview.

Non-compliance with basic requirements

According to the feedback of Sberbank customers, the application may not be approved due to the borrower's non-compliance with at least one bank requirement. The chance of getting a loan if several conditions are not met is practically zero. So the bank tries to secure its funds and reduce the risk of non-repayment of the debt.

Bad credit history

The credit history is formed depending on the payments made by the client. For the bank, this is the most important indicator of how the borrower fulfills his obligations to the lender. Payments made on time will play in favor of the borrower. Factors such as irregular bank payments and the presence of small outstanding loans negatively affect credit history.

The video talks about where to go if you have a bad credit history. Posted on the channel "zanimaemRU".

Client's insolvency

The borrower's income plays a key role in the bank's decision not only to approve the mortgage, but also to determine the maximum possible amount. Knowing about this risk, it is better to provide the bank with additional guarantees: to attract co-borrowers and guarantors.

The borrower can confirm his solvency with the help of 2-NDFL or a completed certificate in the form of Sberbank. Without providing these documents, the bank will not accept an application for a mortgage.

The health condition or age of the borrower

A loan may be denied due to health reasons:

  • disability;
  • long stay in the hospital;
  • pregnancy.

The pre-retirement age may serve as a reason for refusing to receive a loan. This is affected by the period for which the client requests a loan. For example, a citizen who is 74 years old at the time of application is most likely to be rejected.

Outstanding debts in the traffic police and tax

Sberbank specialists will without fail check the presence of debts to government agencies. Fines in the traffic police and unpaid taxes are assessed by the bank as additional risks. The borrower is perceived as unreliable and, accordingly, the possibility of default increases.

Falsified documents and other references

Even if the mortgage manager accepts falsified papers, then at the next stages of the check they will definitely find out that they are not authentic. The applicant will receive an automatic rejection and will be blacklisted.

Failure to verify borrower information

Without fail, the bank will find out the veracity of the information received. That is why it is worth notifying the authorities and friends in advance, whose phone numbers are indicated in the questionnaire about a possible call. If a bank employee fails to get recommendations or an unflattering characterization is given to the borrower, there will be a reason for refusing a mortgage loan.

Real estate liquidity

Sberbank requirements for purchased real estate:

  • year of construction of the house not earlier than 1965;
  • lack of debts and illegal redevelopment;
  • the location of the object in the region where the mortgage is issued.

Mortgages are issued against the security of the acquired property. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right object. Property valuation is performed only by companies accredited by Sberbank.

Having a criminal record

The bank will not give a mortgage to a borrower with a criminal record, as this increases the risks of a financial institution. The situation with conditional conviction is regarded a little differently. A small percentage of the probability of obtaining a loan exists. Each case is considered individually.

Absence of the client at the interview

During live communication, an employee of the organization may have doubts about the issuance of a mortgage, if the borrower is confused in the answers, nervous. The situation when the client did not come to the interview is regarded as the lack of need for a loan. A banking institution has every right not to give a loan.

What are the reasons for refusing an already approved mortgage?

If you were not given an already approved mortgage at the very end of the process, then the reason for this may be:

  • closure of the mortgage program;
  • the borrower has a loan issued after applying for a loan;
  • change in the client's marital status.

What to do if you are denied a mortgage

If Sberbank did not approve a mortgage, the situation can be changed. You should try to understand the cause of the failure and eliminate it.

First steps in case of failure

The first steps to take if you are denied a mortgage are:

  1. Search and selection of liquid real estate.
  2. Contacting a mortgage broker.

Choice of other accommodation

The object of purchase must meet all the requirements of the bank. Sberbank is easier to provide a loan for comfortable housing than for a village house at the construction stage.

Contact a mortgage broker

Mortgage brokers help you get a mortgage for a fee. They will properly prepare and fill out all the documents. This option is suitable if you repeatedly receive a refusal in different banks and if the borrower does not have free time to collect papers.

Reapplying for a mortgage after rejection

It is allowed to apply for a mortgage for the second time after 2 months from the date of receipt of a negative answer. It is believed that during this time the borrower can improve his financial situation, correct his credit history.

The story is about where to get a mortgage if a refusal is received from Sberbank. Presented by the channel "KreditorPRO".

How to find out the reason for the negative decision in the mortgage issue

Sberbank notifies about the refusal of a mortgage through a phone call and in an SMS message. If the bank does not report the reason, then you can talk on this topic with a mortgage specialist who will explain it orally.

How often does Sberbank refuse a mortgage

Mortgage refusal rate in Sberbank is about 65%. This is due to the unstable economic situation in the country. In addition, very often the official salary of the borrower is low, and the bank does not take unconfirmed income into account.

Can they refuse a mortgage to payroll clients of Sberbank

Payroll clients do not enjoy application processing privileges, although they do have a savings bank account. The bonus for them is a lower interest rate and a simplified application procedure. They do not approve a loan to payroll clients for the same reasons as to other applicants.

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