Wake up away or secrets. How to wake up at a party? or Secrets of successful dates Text. Women's myth "You're not my type!"

Alex Leslie

How to wake up at a party?

secrets successful dates

Together with the trainers of the "Style of Seduction" project Yuliana Shakhova, Sergey Bars, Alexey Guch.


At ingenious invention there cannot be only one author. There will definitely be someone else.

Gratitude to an unknown web user

We are grateful to the person who came up with the title of this book. This is an unknown Internet user. The guy who was on the dating site.

We have tested various variations of the name. And one of the guys wrote back to us:

- I would have called this book in a different way!

- For example, "How to wake up at a party, or the Secrets of successful dates."

As a result, everyone liked this name very much. But our profile was deleted, and we did not even know who to thank for this. Therefore, we decided to express our gratitude to an unknown web user! Thank you!

our team

I want to express my gratitude to my team, which constantly takes part in the creation of new methods and contributes to the development of the topic.

Yuliana Shakhova. Stubbornly defends the female position. I'm afraid that without her, our entire team would have long ago become the embodiment of debauchery, and this woman skillfully restrains us. She was luckier than all of us. She does not need to do anything in order to charm everyone around, she was born that way, and some women are ready to kill her for it. Of course, she has a very difficult life. She has few friends, since next to her almost anyone is doomed to go unnoticed and gray.

Alexey Guch. My student. He is famous for the fact that even before training and books he was an ordinary guy. By the age of 25, he had only two girlfriends in his life. And there was no experience. One bummer. And then the girl leaves him. He, frustrated, goes to Turkey and there he meets a man who took a master's course with me. This man takes out his brain, gives him my book, after that Gooch's life changes completely. He goes through all our trainings, makes great strides and becomes a seduction coach. Gooch is a classic example of a guy who looks ordinary, but gives odds to any campy macho!

Sergei Bars. Also my student, who had no special problems with women. He began to deal with the topic for himself in order to increase efficiency. He has always been attracted to women. Now he is a master of seduction, especially in terms of the scum style.

Dima Angel. And he graduated from my master's course. Looking at him, you will think that such a man does not need seduction. Its theme is weapons, ambushes, surveillance, snipers, training, special operations and all sorts of adventures there. This is the same fighter who kills with a look. But he is terribly positive and interesting, and, oddly enough, a romantic. He works in an insanely cynical and cruel organization, does cruel things, but in the topic of seduction, he fills his other - bright - side.


The appearance of any product is dictated by the needs of people.

This is my fourth book on the subject. I wrote it for the very reason that there is a need for it. I always start from human needs. My readers on the forum asked a lot of questions about how to have a date, where, what to do, what to say, what to lead to, how to act correctly, and so on.

Therefore, the book did not appear on its own, but in response to a request from society. To date, no one has written such a book. No, I'm not taking into account that ton of garbage, where there are philosophical arguments about how to conduct dates, and stuffed with psychological techniques copied from books.

I want to say that there is not a single book that would tell us what text messages to write to a girl in order to interest, what are the strategies for communicating with her on the phone so that she comes on a date, what to do on it, what are the dating options, strategies and ways to seduce on a date that really work. And examples, examples and once again examples of their real use by other people, and not one-time, but systemic! At the level that you told this trick or trick to a friend, he went and did it, and the girl remembered it for the rest of her life and told her friends! There are no such books yet. And I am glad and happy that I managed to write it right now!

By the way, why did I get such an honor?

There are several reasons for this. And I will reveal them to you.

The first is experiments and the people who make them.. I have thousands of students who deal with this topic. Each of them constantly tries something, finds some patterns and chips that are passed from mouth to mouth, other people try them, and as a result, these chips end up in the book.

The second is my extensive experience in this topic. Oddly enough, but it really is and is constantly replenished. And all because I have a lively and endless interest in seducing women, for me - the more complex the girl, the smarter she is, the more impregnable, the more interesting she is, and I can’t help myself, her strategies are looming in my head seduction.

The third is my brain mathematician, who was rigidly trained to systematize, formalize and sort everything. So that everything is clear and understandable.

One day an acquaintance called me and told me that his friend, an actor, had read one of my books and asked:

– Who wrote it?

And, having learned that it was written by a twenty-seven-year-old guy from Russia, he said:

He couldn't write that!

The same was said by many famous and educated people, including Roman Trakhtenberg, Pavel Kashin, Alexander Lyubimov, Crazy Frankie from Silver Rain and many people unknown to anyone, but having a higher cynical education, who drank the truth of life and who read what I write about.

How could I write this? He-he-he… The secret is simple!

In general, the goal of my activity is to systematize and popularize the best methods and techniques of seduction that have ever existed in the world. Therefore, so many people are involved in the implementation of this goal!

I communicate with thousands of different people social groups and ages that throw me thousands original ideas, ways and methods, but I just absorb everything like a sponge, and already a millisecond after a person pronounces a brilliant way of seduction to me, I know that it will be useful to hundreds of thousands of men. And if I just wrote only about my experience, then the books would be boring, uninteresting and would look like pornographic stories. After all, from a certain moment my life became like an erotic film. Where I already seduce on a completely different level, which will become clear to you only when you sleep with hundreds of women and for you another sex with beautiful woman, which you just did not know at all, will not be a holiday. Even if I now just tell you some of the methods from my Everyday life, you may be terrified, and your reaction to this may be too inadequate and sometimes even suicidal!

My books are interesting precisely because their authors are thousands of seducers and simple guys who, like you, did not know what to do on a date before, and whom I taught to come up with new tricks and methods. And by reading my books, you learn from the experience of thousands of Kazans, who before you came up with something that you never thought about before! The book will contain the stories of my students. They are living proof of how my system works. From simple guy, missing the stars from the sky, you can make Casanova!

And in this book, about half of all the methods were invented by those people whom I once taught. This different people, different ages and with different life experiences. Among them, the oldest is a politician who is 56 years old, the youngest is a manager construction company who is 22 years old.

Therefore, I hope the book will be versatile and really useful to you!

Alex Leslie

Women's myth

"You're not my type!"

Women's tastes change after sex.

You somehow got a girl that you like. An acquaintance of acquaintances, some friend of a friend, or a sister's girlfriend, or just by chance you met her after reading my three previous books.

And in principle, you know everything, you know what to say, how to act correctly. But for some reason you have a stupor, and you do not go for broke. Or, as practice shows, you let the situation take its course and give the woman the opportunity to decide whether you will have something or not.

In fact, as strange as it may sound to you, a real master of seduction does not give a woman a single chance to slip away.

What if she doesn't like me? you ask me.

Everything can be flipped. Unlike the situation with women. After all, the first thing a man evaluates a woman for is an external factor. If you don’t like her outwardly, then she won’t go beyond the first stage.

With men, the situation is quite different.

Tastes, types, types of men - this is a standard female myth.

Many women with whom I lived and with whom I slept confessed to me that I was not their type. Nevertheless, they loved me, and one of them lives with me to this day. So, as you can see, it doesn't matter.

In fact, the most surprising thing for me in this topic was that any “I don’t like you” can be turned into “I want you so much!”.

Only by your actions. If this were not so, then I would not have published the previous three books and I would not have conducted trainings.

In this book, I do not even consider the option that really happens once in a thousand. When you call a girl, and she wants you so much that, despite all your mistakes, she still gives herself to you!

This book will provide very specific strategies, tactics and methods that lead to the fact that a girl who has never even seen you begins to want to meet you very much.

If I had read this in someone's book a few years ago, I would have said:

- Well, nonsense, this does not happen!

But the whole point is that in fact it is as unrealistic as the flight over Moscow of a ten-ton piece of iron, transporting people thousands of kilometers in a few hours!

And nothing is impossible! And there are hundreds of documentary evidence of this in the records. telephone conversations I have on the site. When a guy calls a completely left girl who has not seen him yet, and causes such wild interest that the girl is undermined and goes to hell in the middle of nowhere just to see him!

Personally, this doesn't surprise me anymore. Because I know a clear step-by-step strategy for causing such a reaction from a girl. And I will reveal all this to you in a book, I will give you completely specific real examples, which will evoke completely diverse emotions in you - from complete misunderstanding and rejection to delight and admiration for these brilliant techniques that blow up the brain of not only the girl, but also yours!

Seduction is easier than you think

Seduction is the same clearly structured science as mathematics, physics, chemistry.

Seduction is much simpler and more obvious than psychology. After all, the fact is that in psychology everything is not so simple. The purpose of psychology is to explain the behavioral strategies of a person, the paradox of human thinking, etc. And in many ways, psychology intersects with philosophy, which, in turn, is a much less formalized and explainable science.

Bent. To hell with the formalities!

Briefly speaking. That is why all psychologists are so complex. They do not understand what goal they are moving towards and where their legs grow from.

In the science of seduction for me personally, everything is obvious and understandable. It is known that the legs of a woman grow from the priests, some are slightly higher.

Many psychologists and theorists constantly attack me with accusations of primitiveness. In response, I tell them: if your complex theories ever work and bring practical benefits to someone in the topic of temptation, I am ready to personally erect a cement monument to you with my own hands!

Some insecure people really infuriate me with the questions “Why?”.

Diogenes, who was sitting in a barrel and looking from the sidelines at this whole circus, may indeed have such a question - “Why?”.

Why get out of the barrel?

- Why live? Why breed?

If you have such questions: “Why do I need seduction?”, “Why should I sleep with beautiful women?”, “Why do I need women?” - then you can immediately put this book aside and go to the section of philosophy, or science, and read books by Horgan or Einstein, learn new theories of the origin of amino acids in cosmic dust clouds that give rise to life, and the theory of superstrings, scalar fields and basalt particles. This is really interesting and difficult for you!

And seduction is a very simple and primitive science. And that is exactly how I will present it in this book, simply and primitively! Seduction can be experienced by anyone!

Seduction can actually be represented as simple instructions and technique, performing which you influence the girl's emotions. And, as you know, everyone's emotions work according to the same pattern embedded in DNA. Emotions are just a set of reflexes and a consequence of instinctive behavior. And therefore, the statement that all women are the same is true! Indeed, this is true: if a woman is perceived not as a person, but only as an animal, then in this capacity she will always experience maternal instinct, the instinct to choose the best gene for her child and the most reliable breadwinner.

Which is harder - finding a wife or sleeping with a hundred women?

Your happiness is always somewhere nearby.

I have a friend who is far from being such a lover of women. He is far from a womanizer and not a fan of the topic of seduction. His requests are much less ambitious than those of most show business stars or mega Kazans, who pursue an unrealistic, unattainable and completely useless goal - to taste absolutely all women.

My friend doesn't want to wake up with a new beauty every morning, like many of my readers do. My friend just wanted to find a wife. But, you see, the goal itself is not an easy one.

It's much easier to sleep with the first beauty you come across. But it is much more difficult to find a person who is compatible with you.

And the smarter you are, the harder it is for you. After all, you do not want to exchange for something that floats into your hands. You want to get the woman that suits you. But as it turned out, this is much more difficult than sleeping with a girl who is much higher than you in status or in brains. After all, after sex, it’s not a fact that you communicate for more than ten minutes.

And so my friend set out to find a wife. And he met with one, then with another. But then it doesn’t fit in sex, then you don’t like the qualities, then something else is wrong. And he can't choose a woman. Not because he can't seduce her. But because the process of finding a woman is much more complicated than seduction. But there is one secret. Usually your happiness lies in front of your nose.

Once we talked with him at his house and a girl, a girlfriend of his sister, came to see him.

And I asked him:

- How is she to you?

And he replied:

I like her, but she doesn't pay attention to me.

And when I told him how he needed to seduce her in order for everything to work out, he did it, made a lot of mistakes, but nevertheless he actually seduced her and then realized that this was the woman with whom he was really ready to meet for a long time.

And when I asked him:

“Why didn’t you dare to mess with her before me?”

He replied:

- I have never had such a beautiful woman, I did not even look at such!

It's easier for you to sleep with a hundred women than to ask out the girl you really like!

Ten misconceptions men have about women

Talk about seducing a woman only with men!

So that there are no unnecessary questions, I immediately lower you from heaven to earth. To the land of objective reality, not to your romantic notions of how it should be. So it won't matter, no matter how hard you try, because there is only one objective reality, and you live in it! So, alas, I will have to disappoint you right away! From the first pages of the book.

First delusion.

"I seduce a woman"

This is the misconception most of the guys who have opened this book have.

You call her and say:

“Hey, what are you doing tonight?”

- Today - I don’t know, but who is it?

- This is Vasya. So what are you doing tonight?

- Ahhh ... And what kind of Vasya? Ah, that's the one that... Well, I get it. No, I'm busy in the evening, come on another time ...

- Ahhh ... That Vasya ... I'm fine so far, but what?

And you invite her to meet.

Where do you see the "seduction of women"??

You called her, told her who you are, she's already made up her mind. Moreover, she has already decided whether she will sleep with you or you will just feed her.

So who's in this case seduce who? SHE SEVENTS YOU!

You have nothing to do with it, you're just her prey.

You're not doing the talking, she's doing it. Further in the book, you will learn how to get out of this situation and not be led, but lead. How to answer the question "Who is this?" so that she begins to feel your hedgehogs and, whoever you are, come to you on a date!

Second delusion.

"You have to earn her sympathy"

This is the delusion of all men, formed by the mother, whose goal, like all women, is to write down in your head an effective seduction strategy from the point of view of women. That is, ineffective for you personally! This means that your mother inspires you to behave well, to help women, to obey women, etc. Otherwise, if all the mothers of the world taught their sons to be scum, then we would have died out from chaos long ago.

But young girls, in spite of everything, want bad boys, want to communicate with those who put cancer on the whole world. Those who do not follow the letter of the law, but who are the law and do what he wants. Girls want boys whose behavior they cannot explain, whom they cannot control, and for hours they are ready to pour out their indignation to some man who understands her, and then, at the call of this bastard, they are ready to come to anywhere in the city and give themselves to him.

The law of life is this: those who do not know how to make women suffer are not needed by women.

Yes. No matter how bitter it may seem, such is this contradictory world. The world is a struggle of opposites. And everything in this world is ambiguous, and the most definite thing in this world is uncertainty. Therefore, no matter how you feel about it, you will have to knock out of your head the constant desire to justify yourself to women, to do what women want, and start doing what you want !!! But even this is NOT enough! I will teach you to be not just a scumbag, but a scumbag that women want!

Third misconception.

"A woman must choose me"

You think that a woman should choose you from many other men, and if Vasya gives her 25 roses, then you will give her a hundred roses, that is, you will try to be better than others in any matter, and you hope that she will choose you.

In practice, the opposite is true. Vasya gives her a hundred roses, and she sleeps with Petya, because Petya took, aroused and fucked her. And I will teach you to be Petya, not Vasya.

Fourth delusion.

"There are girls available, and there are unavailable"

What a blatant lie! Now I'll tell you where you got it from.

You meet women all the time. And some sleep with you right away, and some need to be earned for a long time to sleep with them.

Once a guy showed me a girl and said that she left him. She is touchy and behaved very inaccessibly with him, he sought her for a long time, and she set herself up as a girl who just doesn’t sleep with anyone!

I liked her and on the same day she was in my bed.

Q: What, all women are whores?

You are really young and stupid. Not by my age, but by life experience in this topic.

It's not about the women, it's about the men. She gives herself to one an hour after they met, and to the other after two months of persistent courtship.

I would derive the following axiom, which I constantly confirm in practice:


The only question is to whom? Apparently, not you, since you think that such people still exist! And, of course, no woman will admit this to you.

Are you getting scared? Am I destroying your little world already? More to come... :-)

Fifth delusion.

"There are those who cannot be seduced"

He-he-he… Here, for example, one friend says to me: "My wife is not so easy to seduce." And once, when I was sleeping with one of her friends, I find out how she, before the wedding, already being engaged to my friend, gave herself to another!

– What does she think about it?

- She says that it was not sex, but so drunk!

That is, a woman, when she really cheats, does not believe in it herself and does not admit that she really wanted to sleep with another guy. That is, a woman will never say that she is the same animal as all of us, men. After all, it is important for her to maintain her image of the guardian of morality! Although in fact women are people just like us!

Sixth delusion.

"Perverted sex is only for men, women don't need it"

I go to a publishing house. And one of the employees shows me with burning eyes a book about oral sex. Super pictures, etc. And very animatedly tells what a cool book. And she is clearly interested, class!

And here I have a question: who reads these books?

Strange, but I have never read books about how to do cunnilingus and how to have sex. And I'm starting a survey of men.

And what do you think? Of the thirty men I interviewed at the training, only two read such books.

Of the thirty women I interviewed, twenty-eight had read such books.

Now the question is: who do you think needs sex more???

Ordinary man? Ha ha ha! A man doesn't need sex, a man needs to finish.

Now I'll ask you, how do you usually talk about sex with your mistress to your friends?

- She has such great tits, such a great body, she is so cool, I fucked her!

So? Or simply:

- I took it!

Or even easier:

How does a woman talk about it?

“He did this, then that, then he put me at the window and took me in front of people ...

And if not for the ellipsis, then there would be another 20 pages of the book about it!

And all the girls sit with their ears hanging out and listen to her story.

So who's the pervert here? Is it men? For whom only the FACT of sex is important?

Man meets man:

- Well? Gave?

- Respect! High five!

That's the whole conversation.

For a woman, the same thing takes two hours. She will tell her friends for two hours how and what.

So they need all these perversions. They control you. They need these handcuffs, whips, BDSM and BDSM, golden showers, etc.

Why is the initiator a man? Everything is very simple. You want to please her so that she remembers you for a long time. And when she's happy, you're good. And to make her happy, you are ready for anything.

All women are perverts in sex!

And if it were the other way around, then a woman's sex would last an average of two minutes!

This is the truth of life!

"Well, who's the pervert here?" - after a similar speech, I asked a group of five women at a training session.

The guys sat in shock, and the girls smiled maliciously. :-)

Seventh delusion.

"You need to listen to what she says"

I have written a lot about this! Never listen to a woman, bend your line, rule the situation.

She will never tell you how to seduce her. On the contrary, he will tell you how not to.

“If a guy looks after me, gives me flowers, etc., he inspires respect and trust.”

“When a guy makes me feel good, I treat him very well.”

“If I ask for help and the guy is ready to break even to the ends of the world for me, then I will think about him very well later.”

And what are you doing? What desire do you have? Be honest?

Yes, to do all this, to be good, so that she appreciates you and rewards you with her affection and love. And God forbid something is wrong!

And Vasya comes without flowers, spits at the ceiling, takes her by the hand and says:

- Let's go fuck, I'm really ready now!

And she leaves with him.

Here is our reality!

A woman manipulates you and your desires all the time.

“I love it when a guy does all this selflessly, without demanding anything in return.”

And you start behaving like that in the hope that she will then love you. Although in reality she just learned from my training and is cheating you on what she needs.

And you run after her, you do everything for her. And there is usually no result.

I was asked during the training:

- But I really did it, and that's why the girl gave herself to me.

- She gave herself up not because you did all this, but despite the fact that you did it, despite the fact that you gave flowers, you were constantly put in front of her!

Usually everything she says is a lie. This is done to successfully manipulate you, so that she really understands that she can control you, so that, if anything, you feed her and water her until the end of her days. And as a result, she is no longer interested in you, because you have already fallen into the category of “breadwinner”, and not “male” (see previous books).

In fact, all this really cool works on women. And women have long learned to control us, there was a need for this, because how else can they control a herd of sheep if they do not have such power? Mind and cunning. Everything they do works super cool for them.

“I really love generous girls who don’t spare money and give gifts, I’m starting to treat them well.”

“I am for the sincerity of feelings, I love it when a girl disinterestedly does something to me, without demanding anything in return.”

"One girl gave me a flower and I almost fell in love with her for it."

The effect will not be long in coming!

Why don't you listen to women?

Because everything they say is to manipulate you! Women cannot be frank. After all, if she were frank, she would tell you this:

“Please show me those qualities for which I can not give you and send you, so that I myself do not suffer and do not look for them.

That is, the strategy of a woman is to call you to frankness in order to see you as best as possible and understand why you should not be given!

A friend of mine that I dated wanted me to introduce her to a guy. For sex. I went through all my friends. And there were about five of the thousands of guys who she liked. Six months later, she found in everyone the reason why she did not sleep with him. And the reasons were the most diverse to the point of absurdity!

“I won’t deal with that because he said he didn’t want me.

“He said that to tease you, he admitted it to me himself.

“Ah, so no sex for that now.

– And this one?

- And this one is cheating on his wife, what the hell is that to me!

“Well, wouldn’t he change with you?”

- Yes, but he is already cheating with other women!

- Well, what about this one?

- He's got a belly!

- He has no stomach! He's like mine!

No, he has an ugly belly. In ten years it will be a huge belly!

Eighth delusion.

"The logic of conscious choice exists"

Many guys try to find the logic of a woman's reasoning when she chooses a guy for sex. And what? I'll tell you a short story that will blow your mind. The story happened to one of my masters, who came after her with round eyes and very excited.

Two sisters were brought to the apartment.

One of the sisters breaks down, does not give.

“I can’t give you without love!”

Vanya is being led, he believes everything, the guy is naive, young and simple.

Then all of a sudden it flips over.

- Listen, Vanya, okay, if my sister is having sex with your friend now, then I will too !!!

He is in shock. They leave the room, go into the sister's room, and there two have sex!

Then the touchy takes Vanya by the hand, takes him back to the room, undresses him, sucks him off, takes off his clothes and fucks him like a nymphomaniac ...

The guy came to the training with round eyes and told all this, and the partner who tore her sister confirmed it!

- But she rubbed me so seriously and so naturally that she cannot live without love. I really believed! And where is the logic here? I can’t live without FEELINGS, but for the company of LADIES?!?!??!

Here it is, the female logic of choosing a guy for sex! In this example, do you understand that it does not exist?

Series: New Life without panties

How to wake up at a party? or Secrets of Successful Dating

How to wake up at a party?
The author's subtle psychological techniques, which he has already taught thousands of men from his previous books, really work. As practice shows, he does not write empty words, unsupported by facts. A self-instruction manual on seducing girls - this is how the works of A. Leslie can be called.
According to statistics, after twenty minutes of a date, the girl understands what the man is driving at and in her head she is already making a decision regarding the continuation of this meeting. Those secrets that the author told on the pages of his literature will help men behave unpredictably, captivate their lady and eventually come to the desired result. The companion will remember this date for a long time, she has definitely never met such an amazing gentleman. Again and again, she will remember the details of the meeting and excitedly tell her friends about them. And what everything will lead to - to a joint breakfast in one bed or a passport stamp, it's up to you.

Alex Leslie

How to wake up at a party?

Secrets of Successful Dating

Together with the trainers of the "Style of Seduction" project Yuliana Shakhova, Sergey Bars, Alexey Guch.


A brilliant invention cannot have only one author. There will definitely be someone else.

Gratitude to an unknown web user

We are grateful to the person who came up with the title of this book. This is an unknown Internet user. The guy who was on the dating site.

We have tested various variations of the name. And one of the guys wrote back to us:

- I would have called this book in a different way!

- For example, "How to wake up at a party, or the Secrets of successful dates."

As a result, everyone liked this name very much. But our profile was deleted, and we did not even know who to thank for this. Therefore, we decided to express our gratitude to an unknown web user! Thank you!

our team

I want to express my gratitude to my team, which constantly takes part in the creation of new methods and contributes to the development of the topic.

Yuliana Shakhova. Stubbornly defends the female position. I'm afraid that without her, our entire team would have long ago become the embodiment of debauchery, and this woman skillfully restrains us. She was luckier than all of us. She does not need to do anything in order to charm everyone around, she was born that way, and some women are ready to kill her for it. Of course, she has a very difficult life. She has few friends, since next to her almost anyone is doomed to go unnoticed and gray.

Alexey Guch. My student. He is famous for the fact that even before training and books he was an ordinary guy. By the age of 25, he had only two girlfriends in his life. And there was no experience. One bummer. And then the girl leaves him. He, frustrated, goes to Turkey and there he meets a man who took a master's course with me. This man takes out his brain, gives him my book, after that Gooch's life changes completely. He goes through all our trainings, makes great strides and becomes a seduction coach. Gooch is a classic example of a guy who looks ordinary, but gives odds to any campy macho!

Sergei Bars. Also my student, who had no special problems with women. He began to deal with the topic for himself in order to increase efficiency. He has always been attracted to women. Now he is a master of seduction, especially in terms of the scum style.

Dima Angel. And he graduated from my master's course. Looking at him, you will think that such a man does not need seduction. Its theme is weapons, ambushes, surveillance, snipers, training, special operations and all sorts of adventures there. This is the same fighter who kills with a look. But he is terribly positive and interesting, and, oddly enough, a romantic. He works in an insanely cynical and cruel organization, does cruel things, but in the topic of seduction, he fills his other - bright - side.


The appearance of any product is dictated by the needs of people.

This is my fourth book on the subject. I wrote it for the very reason that there is a need for it. I always start from human needs. My readers on the forum asked a lot of questions about how to have a date, where, what to do, what to say, what to lead to, how to act correctly, and so on.

Therefore, the book did not appear on its own, but in response to a request from society. To date, no one has written such a book. No, I'm not taking into account that ton of garbage, where there are philosophical arguments about how to conduct dates, and stuffed with psychological techniques copied from books.

I want to say that there is not a single book that would tell us what text messages to write to a girl in order to interest, what are the strategies for communicating with her on the phone so that she comes on a date, what to do on it, what are the dating options, strategies and ways to seduce on a date that really work. And examples, examples and once again examples of their real use by other people, and not one-time, but systemic! At the level that you told this trick or trick to a friend, he went and did it, and the girl remembered it for the rest of her life and told her friends! There are no such books yet. And I am glad and happy that I managed to write it right now!

By the way, why did I get such an honor?

There are several reasons for this. And I will reveal them to you.

The first is experiments and the people who make them.. I have thousands of students who deal with this topic. Each of them constantly tries something, finds some patterns and chips that are passed from mouth to mouth, other people try them, and as a result, these chips end up in the book.

The second is my extensive experience in this topic. Oddly enough, but it really is and is constantly replenished. And all because I have a lively and endless interest in seducing women, for me - the more complex the girl, the smarter she is, the more impregnable, the more interesting she is, and I can’t help myself, her strategies are looming in my head seduction.

The third is my brain mathematician, who was rigidly trained to systematize, formalize and sort everything. So that everything is clear and understandable.

One day an acquaintance called me and told me that his friend, an actor, had read one of my books and asked:

– Who wrote it?

And, having learned that it was written by a twenty-seven-year-old guy from Russia, he said:

He couldn't write that!

The same was said by many famous and educated people, including Roman Trakhtenberg, Pavel Kashin, Alexander Lyubimov, Crazy Frankie from Silver Rain and many people unknown to anyone, but having a higher cynical education, who drank the truth of life and who revered that what I'm writing about.

How could I write this? He-he-he… The secret is simple!

In general, the goal of my activity is to systematize and popularize the best methods and techniques of seduction that have ever existed in the world. Therefore, so many people are involved in the implementation of this goal!

I communicate with thousands of people of different social groups and ages who throw me thousands of original ideas, ways and methods, and I just absorb everything like a sponge, and within a millisecond after a person pronounces a brilliant way of seducing me, I know that he will be useful to hundreds of thousands of men. And if I just wrote only about my experience, then the books would be boring, uninteresting and would look like pornographic stories. After all, from a certain moment my life became like an erotic film. Where I already seduce on a completely different level, which will become clear to you only when you have slept with hundreds of women and for you another sex with a beautiful woman that you just did not know at all will not be a holiday. Even if I now just tell you some of the methods from my daily life, you may be terrified, and your reaction to this may be too inadequate and sometimes even suicidal!

My books are interesting precisely because their authors are thousands of seducers and simple guys who, like you, did not know what to do on a date before, and whom I taught to come up with new tricks and methods. And by reading my books, you learn from the experience of thousands of Kazans, who before you came up with something that you never thought about before! The book will contain the stories of my students. They are living proof of how my system works. From a simple guy, not enough stars from the sky, you can make a Casanova!

And in this book, about half of all the methods were invented by those people whom I once taught. These are different people, different ages and with different life experiences. Among them, the oldest is a politician, who is 56 years old, and the youngest is a construction company manager, who is 22 years old.

Alex Leslie

How to wake up at a party?

Secrets of Successful Dating

Together with the trainers of the "Style of Seduction" project Yuliana Shakhova, Sergey Bars, Alexey Guch.


A brilliant invention cannot have only one author. There will definitely be someone else.

Gratitude to an unknown web user

We are grateful to the person who came up with the title of this book. This is an unknown Internet user. The guy who was on the dating site.

We have tested various variations of the name. And one of the guys wrote back to us:

- I would have called this book in a different way!

- For example, "How to wake up at a party, or the Secrets of successful dates."

As a result, everyone liked this name very much. But our profile was deleted, and we did not even know who to thank for this. Therefore, we decided to express our gratitude to an unknown web user! Thank you!

our team

I want to express my gratitude to my team, which constantly takes part in the creation of new methods and contributes to the development of the topic.

Yuliana Shakhova. Stubbornly defends the female position. I'm afraid that without her, our entire team would have long ago become the embodiment of debauchery, and this woman skillfully restrains us. She was luckier than all of us. She does not need to do anything in order to charm everyone around, she was born that way, and some women are ready to kill her for it. Of course, she has a very difficult life. She has few friends, since next to her almost anyone is doomed to go unnoticed and gray.

Alexey Guch. My student. He is famous for the fact that even before training and books he was an ordinary guy. By the age of 25, he had only two girlfriends in his life. And there was no experience. One bummer. And then the girl leaves him. He, frustrated, goes to Turkey and there he meets a man who took a master's course with me. This man takes out his brain, gives him my book, after that Gooch's life changes completely. He goes through all our trainings, makes great strides and becomes a seduction coach. Gooch is a classic example of a guy who looks ordinary, but gives odds to any campy macho!

Sergei Bars. Also my student, who had no special problems with women. He began to deal with the topic for himself in order to increase efficiency. He has always been attracted to women. Now he is a master of seduction, especially in terms of the scum style.

Dima Angel. And he graduated from my master's course. Looking at him, you will think that such a man does not need seduction. Its theme is weapons, ambushes, surveillance, snipers, training, special operations and all sorts of adventures there. This is the same fighter who kills with a look. But he is terribly positive and interesting, and, oddly enough, a romantic. He works in an insanely cynical and cruel organization, does cruel things, but in the topic of seduction, he fills his other - bright - side.


The appearance of any product is dictated by the needs of people.

This is my fourth book on the subject. I wrote it for the very reason that there is a need for it. I always start from human needs. My readers on the forum asked a lot of questions about how to have a date, where, what to do, what to say, what to lead to, how to act correctly, and so on.

Therefore, the book did not appear on its own, but in response to a request from society. To date, no one has written such a book. No, I'm not taking into account that ton of garbage, where there are philosophical arguments about how to conduct dates, and stuffed with psychological techniques copied from books.

I want to say that there is not a single book that would tell us what text messages to write to a girl in order to interest, what are the strategies for communicating with her on the phone so that she comes on a date, what to do on it, what are the dating options, strategies and ways to seduce on a date that really work. And examples, examples and once again examples of their real use by other people, and not one-time, but systemic! At the level that you told this trick or trick to a friend, he went and did it, and the girl remembered it for the rest of her life and told her friends! There are no such books yet. And I am glad and happy that I managed to write it right now!

Alex Leslie

How to wake up at a party?

Secrets of Successful Dating

Together with the trainers of the "Style of Seduction" project Yuliana Shakhova, Sergey Bars, Alexey Guch.


A brilliant invention cannot have only one author. There will definitely be someone else.

Gratitude to an unknown web user

We are grateful to the person who came up with the title of this book. This is an unknown Internet user. The guy who was on the dating site.

We have tested various variations of the name. And one of the guys wrote back to us:

- I would have called this book in a different way!

- For example, "How to wake up at a party, or the Secrets of successful dates."

As a result, everyone liked this name very much. But our profile was deleted, and we did not even know who to thank for this. Therefore, we decided to express our gratitude to an unknown web user! Thank you!

our team

I want to express my gratitude to my team, which constantly takes part in the creation of new methods and contributes to the development of the topic.

Yuliana Shakhova. Stubbornly defends the female position. I'm afraid that without her, our entire team would have long ago become the embodiment of debauchery, and this woman skillfully restrains us. She was luckier than all of us. She does not need to do anything in order to charm everyone around, she was born that way, and some women are ready to kill her for it. Of course, she has a very difficult life. She has few friends, since next to her almost anyone is doomed to go unnoticed and gray.

Alexey Guch. My student. He is famous for the fact that even before training and books he was an ordinary guy. By the age of 25, he had only two girlfriends in his life. And there was no experience. One bummer. And then the girl leaves him. He, frustrated, goes to Turkey and there he meets a man who took a master's course with me. This man takes out his brain, gives him my book, after that Gooch's life changes completely. He goes through all our trainings, makes great strides and becomes a seduction coach. Gooch is a classic example of a guy who looks ordinary, but gives odds to any campy macho!

Sergei Bars. Also my student, who had no special problems with women. He began to deal with the topic for himself in order to increase efficiency. He has always been attracted to women. Now he is a master of seduction, especially in terms of the scum style.

Dima Angel. And he graduated from my master's course. Looking at him, you will think that such a man does not need seduction. Its theme is weapons, ambushes, surveillance, snipers, training, special operations and all sorts of adventures there. This is the same fighter who kills with a look. But he is terribly positive and interesting, and, oddly enough, a romantic. He works in an insanely cynical and cruel organization, does cruel things, but in the topic of seduction, he fills his other - bright - side.


The appearance of any product is dictated by the needs of people.

This is my fourth book on the subject. I wrote it for the very reason that there is a need for it. I always start from human needs. My readers on the forum asked a lot of questions about how to have a date, where, what to do, what to say, what to lead to, how to act correctly, and so on.

Therefore, the book did not appear on its own, but in response to a request from society. To date, no one has written such a book. No, I'm not taking into account that ton of garbage, where there are philosophical arguments about how to conduct dates, and stuffed with psychological techniques copied from books.

I want to say that there is not a single book that would tell us what text messages to write to a girl in order to interest, what are the strategies for communicating with her on the phone so that she comes on a date, what to do on it, what are the dating options, strategies and ways to seduce on a date that really work. And examples, examples and once again examples of their real use by other people, and not one-time, but systemic! At the level that you told this trick or trick to a friend, he went and did it, and the girl remembered it for the rest of her life and told her friends! There are no such books yet. And I am glad and happy that I managed to write it right now!

By the way, why did I get such an honor?

There are several reasons for this. And I will reveal them to you.

The first is experiments and the people who make them.. I have thousands of students who deal with this topic. Each of them constantly tries something, finds some patterns and chips that are passed from mouth to mouth, other people try them, and as a result, these chips end up in the book.

The second is my extensive experience in this topic. Oddly enough, but it really is and is constantly replenished. And all because I have a lively and endless interest in seducing women, for me - the more complex the girl, the smarter she is, the more impregnable, the more interesting she is, and I can’t help myself, her strategies are looming in my head seduction.

The third is my brain mathematician, who was rigidly trained to systematize, formalize and sort everything. So that everything is clear and understandable.

One day an acquaintance called me and told me that his friend, an actor, had read one of my books and asked:

– Who wrote it?

And, having learned that it was written by a twenty-seven-year-old guy from Russia, he said:

He couldn't write that!

The same was said by many famous and educated people, including Roman Trakhtenberg, Pavel Kashin, Alexander Lyubimov, Crazy Frankie from Silver Rain and many people unknown to anyone, but having a higher cynical education, who drank the truth of life and who revered that what I'm writing about.

How could I write this? He-he-he… The secret is simple!

In general, the goal of my activity is to systematize and popularize the best methods and techniques of seduction that have ever existed in the world. Therefore, so many people are involved in the implementation of this goal!

I communicate with thousands of people of different social groups and ages who throw me thousands of original ideas, ways and methods, and I just absorb everything like a sponge, and within a millisecond after a person pronounces a brilliant way of seducing me, I know that he will be useful to hundreds of thousands of men. And if I just wrote only about my experience, then the books would be boring, uninteresting and would look like pornographic stories. After all, from a certain moment my life became like an erotic film. Where I already seduce on a completely different level, which will become clear to you only when you have slept with hundreds of women and for you another sex with a beautiful woman that you just did not know at all will not be a holiday. Even if I now just tell you some of the methods from my daily life, you may be terrified, and your reaction to this may be too inadequate and sometimes even suicidal!

My books are interesting precisely because their authors are thousands of seducers and simple guys who, like you, did not know what to do on a date before, and whom I taught to come up with new tricks and methods. And by reading my books, you learn from the experience of thousands of Kazans, who before you came up with something that you never thought about before! The book will contain the stories of my students. They are living proof of how my system works. From a simple guy, not enough stars from the sky, you can make a Casanova!

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