The main rules of well-being from yoga experts. Human well-being Health and wellness

No matter how hard mankind has tried for many centuries, a means that can stop aging and preserve eternal youth has not yet been invented. However, do not despair, because although you cannot save forever, but it is quite possible to significantly prolong youth, for this you just need to adhere to a number of certain rules that will ensure health and strength to our body.

Paying daily attention to your body, taking care of nutrition, doing physical exercises, giving up bad habits and leading a healthy lifestyle, you can significantly bring your dream closer and not think about your age for a long time. Those who have already tried such methods of prolonging youth on themselves will say with confidence that it really works, because even older people can feel young and cheerful.

We will talk about one of the most important factors of longevity (some scientists consider it the main one), called the "hormone of eternal youth" - melatonin.


Melatonin is a hormone that is produced in the human body. It was discovered in 1958 by Yale University dermatologist Professor Aaron Lerner. Numerous further studies of this hormone have shown that it plays a huge role in maintaining health, preventing diseases and prolonging youth. Melatonin helps lower blood cholesterol levels, reduces the destructive effect of stress hormones that can damage the heart muscle, especially in old age, when it is more difficult for the body to recover from an illness, sad event, quarrel, disappointment.

In addition, melatonin is a protection against high blood pressure, allergic diseases, colds, an assistant in the treatment of schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease and parkinsonism. It is easier to name a disease that is not subject to melatonin, because, by regulating all body systems, it is able to fight many diseases. This hormone also helps prevent diseases.

Melatonin is so important for the preservation and restoration of the body that it has even been produced in the form of drugs and sold in pharmacies. Today, for many Americans and Europeans, it is considered normal to take melatonin at night, like vitamins. At one time, this hormone was a bestseller in America. Every pharmacy and every health food store felt it was their duty to display a picture in the window that said, "We have melatonin" to attract customers.

But ... with the same success, any of us could hang such a picture on our chest, because you and I also have melatonin, and most do not need to buy it at all in a pharmacy. There are many natural ways to raise the level of the hormone in the body at any age.


A few decades ago, in medical encyclopedias around the world, one could read about the “nondescript pea” located in the depths of the human brain, the following: “The pineal gland, or the pineal gland, is a rudimentary organ, has no independent meaning.” Research over the past 40 years has refuted this claim. It has been established that it is the pineal gland that produces a special hormone melatonin, which controls age-related changes.

The maximum production of melatonin is observed in childhood, then it declines. After the child reaches the age of 12, the state of his immunity is controlled by melatonin, the maximum production of which in the body is reached by the age of 25, and then begins to decline. After the age of 60, melatonin levels drop to 20% of normal and below. Accordingly, there is a sharp decrease in immunity, there are "age-related diseases".

Scientists suggest that the reason for this is an excess of free radicals (aggressive molecules that damage cell membranes) in the body, which are consumed by melatonin reserves. Therefore, in order to prevent excessive consumption of this hormone, you need to take measures to combat free radicals, one of them is a plant-based diet rich in antioxidants - the body's main defenders against free radicals. They neutralize free radicals, the main sources of which are considered to be fatty foods, heavy metals from the environment, and tobacco smoke.

The pineal gland is also called the heart of the brain. With the help of melatonin, it helps the heart to work throughout a person’s life, transmitting its signals throughout the body.

Restoring the initial level of melatonin in the body not only renews the regulation of all biological systems and organs, but also rejuvenates the pineal gland itself, restoring its ability to independently produce melatonin.


“Sleep is the best medicine”, “You need to sleep with grief” - these folk wisdoms are absolutely right. Many scientific studies confirm: who sleeps a lot, he lives longer and gets sick less.

Scientists have found a scientific and practical justification for this. The fact is that it is at night that 70% of the daily amount of melatonin is produced. It is he who regulates biorhythms: it helps to adapt to the change of day and night, sends animals into hibernation and drives us to bed after dark. Hormone production begins to rise at dusk, reaches a maximum from 0 to 4.00 in the morning and falls with dawn. We fall into sleep, and melatonin gets to work - restores, repairs, strengthens ... After all, it is one of the most powerful natural immunomodulators and antioxidants.

“If the pineal gland is likened to a biological clock, then melatonin is a pendulum that ensures its movement,” explains Professor Vladimir Anisimov, President of the Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences. “As you know, the smaller the amplitude of the pendulum, the sooner the clockwork will stop.” With age, the production of melatonin decreases, and this is a signal to all other body systems that it is time to give up, it's time to get old.

If melatonin is not enough in a young body, then it also begins to age at an accelerated pace. Convincing data from other large studies show that people who are forced to work regularly at night, which means they are chronically deficient in melatonin, have a 40-60% higher risk of developing coronary heart and vascular disease and metabolic syndrome - a combination of obesity, hypertension, diabetes and atherosclerosis, in a word , a bouquet that shortens a person's life.

Night and darkness are two important factors in melatonin production.

Scientists have made another important conclusion: you need to sleep at night and in the dark. Why? The fact is that the pineal gland produces serotonin during the day - a substance called the hormone of pleasure, or the hormone of happiness. If there is enough serotonin, we have a good mood and life is a joy to us. And if not enough - there is apathy, depression and depression, depression or, conversely, increased aggressiveness, irritability, anxiety and anxiety.

But when it gets dark outside, the pineal gland begins to produce melatonin. Darkness (preferably complete) and night are the two most important conditions for its formation. If we lived in harmony with nature, which programmed our body to follow natural daily rhythms, to get up at dawn and go to bed at sunset, there would be much less illness and premature death.

Nature could not foresee that people would invent electricity and be able to stay awake in the evenings, and even at night, by the light of lamps and thereby deprive themselves of a vital hormone. It is important to know that melatonin is produced most actively between 0 and 4 am. During these hours, you should try not just to rest, but to sleep, so that the body produces enough melatonin for its recovery.

And why is sleep most sound in the early hours of the morning? Because it is at this time that the highest concentration of melatonin accumulated overnight in the blood is reached. But it is impossible to stock up on melatonin for the future: the “portion” developed overnight is enough only until the next evening. People who prefer a nocturnal lifestyle should keep in mind that daytime sleep does not at all compensate for the absence of a nighttime one. Even if you try to sleep off during the day after a sleepless night, melatonin will not be produced in the body, which means that such a rest can hardly be considered complete.

Scientists believe that it is excessive illumination that shortens the life of residents of large cities, and even introduced a special term “light pollution”.

Therefore, take into service five "night tips":

1. Draw blackout curtains at night.

2. Don't sleep with a night light or TV on.

3. When getting up at night, do not turn on the light. To illuminate the toilet, a dim night lamp that plugs into an outlet is enough.

4. If you stay up late, the lighting of the room should be dim and certainly not a fluorescent lamp.

5. Try to fall asleep no later than midnight: the maximum melatonin is produced from 0 to 4 in the morning.


Fortunately, it is not difficult at all - and even pleasant when you get the taste.

First, respect the daily cycles. Those who go to bed early (around 10 pm) and wake up at dawn produce the most melatonin per night and feel more energetic and productive all day long.

Second, keep in mind that many medications, coffee, alcohol, and nicotine reduce melatonin production.

Thirdly, try to include in your diet more foods containing an amino acid called tryptophan: it is this amino acid that serves as the “building block” for both serotonin and melatonin. Most tryptophan is found in hard cheeses, chicken eggs, lean meat, beans, pumpkin seeds, nuts.
From some products, melatonin can also be obtained in finished form, because this hormone is produced not only by people and animals, but even by plants, and to the greatest extent - corn, rice, oats, barley, tomatoes, bananas. Eat these foods about an hour before going to bed. During this time, the level of melatonin in the blood will rise, and you will feel its sleepy effect.

It should be noted that, first of all, carbohydrate food contributes to the production of melatonin in the body. Just keep in mind: a carbohydrate "sleeping" dinner should be eaten on an empty stomach, it should not contain protein foods, the amount of fat should be minimized. Pasta, for example, is best cooked with vegetable gravy, and potatoes are best baked in their skins.

Fourth, do not forget about vitamins. Some of them, such as B3 and B6, can increase the production of melatonin. A large amount of vitamin B is found in dried apricots, sunflower seeds, whole grains of wheat, barley, and vitamin B6 is found in whole grains of wheat, carrots, hazelnuts, soybeans, lentils, as well as shrimp and salmon fish.
Those who prefer to get these vitamins in the form of pharmaceutical preparations need to know that vitamin B6 is recommended to be taken in the morning- it first has a stimulating effect and can interrupt sleep. Vitamin B is best taken in the evening along with calcium (1000 mg) and magnesium (500 mg), which at this time of the day will also contribute to the production of melatonin.

Fifth, keep an eye on the electromagnetic background. Electromagnetic fields adversely affect the functioning of the pineal gland. If possible, limit daily contact with these fields, at least at night. (remove electronic equipment from the bedroom). Their main sources are computers, copiers, televisions, power lines, and poorly insulated wiring.


As you know, every medal has its reverse side. For melatonin, it has not yet been discovered. However, the craze of Americans for such hormonal drugs is of concern to physicians. The fact is that taking even a relatively small dose of them (1-2 mg) causes an increase in the content of melatonin in the blood hundreds of times compared to the natural level. Pharmacists put this dose into their preparations in order to ensure a sufficiently high level of the hormone in the blood during the night and get a guaranteed hypnotic effect. The pineal gland itself produces the hormone in a much smaller amount, but constantly and in accordance with certain patterns.

Therefore, many researchers have come to the conclusion that the additional administration of this hormone can be useful only for patients and the elderly.

However, anyone who wants to maintain or improve their health and increase life expectancy should take care of the natural level of melatonin increase.

Research has shown that the aging process can be stopped immediately. Scientists are sure that we are able to use our biological potential up to 120 years. Laboratory tests have shown a connection between an increase in melatonin levels and an increase in resistance to diseases, a revival of sexual activity, which lasts until death.
Scientists say that melatonin is able not only to prolong a person's life by a good third, but also to change its quality, preserve youth and allow you to remain energetic and cheerful throughout your life.

Toilet paper, pasta, canned food, soap are just some of the items that are rapidly disappearing from supermarket shelves in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak. Let's call a spade a spade: it's not buying out of necessity, but buying out of panic. And although this is a completely understandable reaction of people to an uncertain situation, it does not affect the lives of others in the best way.

The level of self-esteem in one way or another affects the actions of a person. A person constantly underestimates his capabilities, as a result, “life prizes” go to others. If your self-esteem is getting lower and lower, then the 20 tips in this article will help you. By starting to apply them in your life, you can increase your self-esteem and become a confident person.

Many will agree that, from time to time, they are overwhelmed by unwanted thoughts that cannot be rid of. They are so strong that even doing interesting things does not help at all. This is accompanied by negative emotions that add to the painful sensations. Sometimes it seems that it is not possible to defeat such thoughts, but if you consider the problem from different points of view, you can find the right solution.

We kill our happiness with our own hands. The negative that we carry in ourselves towards others, destructive thoughts, envy, anger, resentment - this list is endless. Review your life, let go of unpleasant memories, get rid of people, activities and things that poison the mind. Be good and positive. Do something nice, something that you have long dreamed of.

A person's life changes with age, desires and priorities change. This is a completely normal process, although each of us is individual. If you want to make the most of your life after 30, the following 9 tips will help you.

The fight against complexes is often very difficult due to lack of motivation. And in order to achieve the maximum effect in the fight against complexes, it is necessary to develop a tactic for finding the necessary motivation and further actions. It is on such joint work that the principle of working on oneself is built.

Happiness - no matter what anyone says, the goal of life of every person. But is it so difficult to achieve this goal? People strive to become happy, but they neglect simple joys, which together can give this feeling. Here are some ways to help you feel happier.

Do you want to become a healthy person? If you follow the advice given in this article, then we can say with full confidence that you will become healthier than you were before. At first glance, they seem simple, but start doing them and you will be amazed at the real changes in your health and condition.

Resentment is not an incorrigible, pathological character trait, it can and should be corrected. Resentment is a person's reaction to a discrepancy with his expectations. It can be anything: a word, an act, or a sharp glance. Frequent resentment leads to physical illness, psychological problems and the inability to build harmonious relationships with others. Do you want to stop being offended and learn to understand your grievances? Then let's look at how this can be done.

It is not just a physical activity, but a philosophy and a way of life. With all the popularity of yoga practitioners, there are not so many real industry experts. One of the apologists for the right attitude and competent approach to yoga are the masters of the White Garden health and beauty center. Especially for the site, teachers and spouses from India, Chandana and Mahesh, shared the secrets of nutrition and well-being, and also spoke about the peculiarities of the lifestyle of Russian women.

The 5 essential ingredients for good health:

1. Every person needs daily exercise or at least minimal physical activity (walking, 15-minute morning workout). If you do not move, you will not avoid problems with metabolism.

2. Diet should become a way of life. But not starvation, namely a healthy diet. Give preference to healthy products from the region in which you live. Eat seasonal vegetables and fruits.

3. Master meditation. Even if you are not proficient in meditative techniques, you can do this simple technique every day - sit comfortably, find an object or point in your environment and concentrate your attention on it. Try not to be distracted by anything for 20 minutes and stare at this point while maintaining even deep breathing. This is a kind of reboot for the brain, which calms the nervous system, reduces stress and anxiety.

4. Try Unproductive work style activity. We are talking about any occupation that can be completely meaningless and have no specific purpose. But the process itself should be pleasant and bring you satisfaction. It could be your hobby. It is very important to find time for your favorite activities!

5. Smiling is very important. If you smile more often, you will definitely feel better.

3 most effective exercises for women's health:

1. Downward Dog Pose is an asana that improves circulation and stretches the muscles of the back, arms, and thighs. Yoga for women's health necessarily includes this asana. To assume the pose, get on all fours, straighten your knees, and lift your buttocks. Take a few steps forward with your hands. Should be an angle. Breathe deeply and evenly. Maintain this position for a minute.

2. The “candle” (“birch”) pose is an asana that has a beneficial effect on the body when the veins in the legs expand, and also normalizes the function of the thyroid gland. This pose is especially beneficial for those who wear high heels. Lying on your back, lift your legs up until they form a right angle with the plane of the abdomen. The knees should be straight. Bend your elbows and grab your pelvis from below. Raise your torso as high as you can so that it forms a straight line with your extended legs. Transfer the body weight to your hands, resting your elbows on the floor. Try to arch your chest closer to your chin. Drop your chin into the neck recess or rest it against your upper chest. In this position, move the center of gravity of the body to the shoulders, head, and back of the head. Stay in this position for 1 minute while maintaining even breathing. You need to exit the pose slowly and carefully - first lowering the pelvis, and then the legs.

3. Closed corner pose. This asana aims to open the pelvis. She regains mobility hip joints and improves blood circulation in the lower abdomen, tones the kidneys, prevents problems with the lower back, strengthens the uterus and bladder. Sit on the floor with your back against a wall. Bend your knees and spread them apart, bringing your feet together. Try to move your feet as close to you as possible. Lean against the wall with your back in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and sacrum, but at the same time maintain the natural curve of the spine. Breathe evenly and calmly. Do not strain your stomach - it should be soft and relaxed. No need to press your knees to the floor with force. Full pelvic opening comes with practice.

On the peculiarities of nutrition and lifestyle in Russia:

Nutrition, well-being and lifestyle are directly dependent on climate. In Russia, and in particular in Moscow, there is not much sun, and due to its lack, a deficiency of vitamin D is formed. In this regard, the inhabitants of Russia may experience muscle weakness, irritability, insomnia, depression, poor dental health and problems with joints . To make up for the deficiency of this vitamin, you need to eat right. The following sources of vitamin D must be present in the diet: parsley, egg yolk, caviar, cheese, fish oil, butter, dairy products, fatty fish (herring, mackerel, halibut and cod liver), seafood. And of course, as soon as the weather is fine and sunny, you need to go for a walk in the fresh air.

About proper breathing techniques:

How to breathe correctly? Calm, measured and conscious breathing with the stomach or diaphragm is the basis of yoga. When you breathe from your belly, your lungs are fully engaged and your body is better oxygenated. It is important to always breathe through the nose - this improves brain function. In addition, it is advisable to breathe as slowly as possible and try to exhale longer than inhale. Yoga masters in one minute can do only two long breaths and exhalations without holding their breath. If you are stressed and in an anxious state, then the alternate breathing technique will help you calm down. Bring your right hand to your nose, bend your index and middle fingers, and pinch your right nostril with your thumb, take a deep and calm breath through your left nostril. Then close the left nostril with the ring finger and exhale slowly through the right. This is one cycle. Repeat 10-15 times and you will feel how negative emotions and stress go away.

The most effective types of yoga:

Yoga is a single holistic system. Despite the differences in approaches, all types of yoga are focused on the main thing - creating harmony in the life of each person, the unity of the body, mind and spirit. This is what each of us is trying to find in life. First you need to decide why and why you want to make yoga an element of your lifestyle - was it an urgent recommendation from a doctor, or did you want to follow the experience of someone you know, or is it your conscious choice. Then it is worth visiting several yoga centers and visiting different teachers. Based on your impressions, you will understand what is right for you and what meets the expectations of this practice. There is no other way.

On ways to maintain peace of mind and overcome stress:

The only way to deal with stress is awareness. To live consciously means to understand that each person is the creator of his emotions, his condition and his happiness. Mindfulness is a very deep and complex topic, but there are fundamental principles on which it is built. For example, if some unpleasant situation happened in your life (failure at work, quarrel with loved ones, bad news, etc.) and, accordingly, this caused you negative emotions, you don’t need to “cherish” them and think about what happened again and again. Look at the situation from a different angle and ask yourself the question - not “why did this happen?” But “why?”. Stress is a faithful companion of those who cannot get out of a depressed state. We need to realize that we live life once, every moment in it happens once. What happened is in the past. It is necessary to live "here and now", not regretting what happened, and not worrying about what COULD BE tomorrow. As soon as this awareness comes, you quickly “depart”, calm down and thus maintain peace of mind.

Everyone is different and what is good for some may not be good for others. Listen to yourself, follow your feelings after a particular meal. Your body will tell you what is best for it. And of course, you need to follow the main rules of nutrition:

Eat only when you feel hungry

Do not eat incompatible foods at the same time (fats / proteins / carbohydrates)

Cook and eat fresh food (not canned, not processed foods)

Don't eat when you're nervous, on the go or in a hurry

Don't eat heavily at night

Try to eat a variety of foods that provide all 6 tastes (sweet, salty, sour, pungent, astringent, and bitter).

Very often we begin to feel bad when we get very tired during the day, and at the same time we still sleep little. But there is another factor that greatly affects our well-being - this is what we eat. The influence of food on our body is hard to overestimate, since it is hard to overestimate the importance of fuel for a car.

During the day, we eat a lot of unnecessary substances, such as unhealthy fats and sugar. But what can you do, there are harmful components in almost any food. But certain foods can significantly improve our well-being, and even significantly

So, meet 10 products for good health and mood:

1 Dark chocolate.

A very large percentage of people love chocolate. And now there is another little reason to treat yourself to it more often. It is the daily use of dark chocolate, only in the amount of 50 grams per day, that makes you feel much better psychologically.

2 Almonds.

This nut contains a lot of nutrients useful for the body, and in particular, these are Omega3 and Omega6 fatty acids, which help increase the metabolism in the body, and as a result, increase energy. Also, almonds contain magnesium and folic acid, which, and allow it to be prevented.

3 Swiss chard.

The composition of this vegetable is also full of folic acid, the lack of which provokes the development of depression in the body. In addition, there are a lot of natural vitamins and microelements in the leaf beet.

4 chicken eggs.

Ordinary chicken eggs contain the most useful protein for our body, and fatty acids. Protein helps our muscles recover from a busy day, while fatty acids increase serotonin levels, which naturally boosts our mood.

5 Oatmeal.

No matter how trite it may sound, but it is oatmeal that is an excellent source of slow carbohydrates, and therefore oatmeal is best for breakfast. So you charge yourself with energy for the whole day, and it is very slowly consumed by the body.

6 Asparagus.

This product, like leaf beets, contains a huge amount of folic acid, the lack of which provokes the development of depression in humans.

7 pumpkin seeds.

Also, a depressed mood and unwillingness to do anything creates a zinc deficiency in the body. Eat at least once a week 100 grams of pumpkin seeds, and you will be spared from it.

8 Flax seeds.

With the help of flax seeds, we replenish the insufficient amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in the body, and as you know, they affect our mood and mental state. With their lack, stress develops and subsequently develops into depression.

9 Natural honey.

You can talk about this product for a very, very long time, and it actually has a huge amount of useful qualities. Read how And in our case, honey just perfectly raises the energy level in the body, and allows it to work at full speed. A tablespoon of honey can give you new strength during intense mental work much better than a cup of coffee!

Sometimes “micro changes,” which we don’t even consider to be changes, can do more than radical decisions. It's just that the likelihood that these tiny changes will become an integral part of life is much higher than the promise of once and for all to stop smoking, overeating at night, or sitting in front of the computer in the evenings.

If the suggested ideas do not work, you are free to come up with something else. There is only one condition: a new action, if it involves repetition, should take no more than two minutes of your time. Otherwise, the unconscious will regard the change as global, which means it will resist.

1. Sleep with an open window

Even in the center of a metropolis, the air outside is usually much cleaner than indoors. Especially at night when traffic is less intense. Leaving windows closed means breathing stagnant polluted air all night. Clear head, fresh complexion, more energy - you will notice these changes the very next day. Don't forget to use ear plugs and a sleep mask for a deep and truly restorative sleep.

2. Change household chemicals

Organic household chemicals based on natural acids will improve the atmosphere in the house. Instead of synthetic fragrances, you will feel the aromas of essential oils. And the amount of chemicals that the body encounters will greatly decrease. Start the change with bath and dishwashing detergents, as well as laundry detergent for bed linen. After all, our body is in contact with sheets and blankets for many hours every day.

3. Brush your tongue in the morning

Language is a reporting card about the state of our body. It can be used to judge the state of health. Normally, it is pink, smooth, soft, not too thick and not thin. If there is a dense coating on it or teeth marks on the sides, then you should lighten your menu for a while, as the digestive system cannot cope.

A glass of warm water "awakens" the digestive system, stimulating bowel cleansing

It is easy to check this: every morning after a heavy late dinner, the picture is the same. Plaque is the toxins that the body managed to remove during the night. Therefore, it is useful to make it a rule to brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue. A brush is not suitable for this, but an ordinary teaspoon is fine. Move it with an edge from the root to the tip of the tongue.

4. Start your day with water

Getting out of bed, first go to the kitchen to put the kettle on, and only then go to the bathroom. After brushing your teeth, drink a large glass of warm water. This "awakens" the digestive system, stimulating bowel cleansing. If you have not done this before, then you will not see the effect immediately, but after a few days.

Make sure you have water by your side during the day. Let the bottle always stand on the desktop, in the cup holder of the car, lies in the bag. Gradually, this will significantly improve your well-being and appearance. The complexion will become more even, sebum secretion will normalize, signs of puffiness will disappear or will appear much less frequently, digestion and other vital processes will normalize.

5. Hang a horizontal bar

And hang on to it whenever you need to de-stress. Stretch your arms, straighten your shoulders and concentrate on how the muscles are stretched - this will help to relax the mind. Do the exercise for 30 seconds to two minutes. Gradually, you will begin to notice that heat is rushing to the muscles. This is normal: this is how the body gets rid of muscle blocks and toxins.

6. Fruit in the dish instead of sweets

When laying out purchases, immediately wash vegetables and fruits. Let them, and not sweets or pastries, take their place in the dish that is always on the table. Having a clean radish or carrot on hand makes it easier to make healthier choices when thinking about what to snack on. And what you want to eat less, put in closed packages and put them in the top drawers of the cabinet. The less these products catch your eye, the less often you think about them.

7. Get a “massage” for stress

This exercise activates the parasympathetic nervous system and relieves stress instantly. You can do it anywhere, even in public transport and at work. Throughout the exercise, tap the fingers of your right hand on your left hand, in the hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and ring finger.

  1. Close your eyes. Open them three times at intervals of about a second, each time looking straight ahead. Close your eyes.
  2. Open your eyes by looking to the lower right corner. Without closing your eyelids, look to the lower left corner, and then draw a circle with your eyes. First clockwise, then counterclockwise. Close your eyes.
  3. Open your eyes looking up. Without closing your eyelids, look down. Close your eyes.

To check how this simple and unusual exercise relaxes, conduct a test. Before doing it, stand with your arms outstretched to the sides, and turn back as far as possible through the left side, then through the right. The pelvis remains in place. Remember where your palm is pointing. Do the same after doing the exercise. And be surprised at the difference.

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