Which investment company to invest in. Where is it more profitable to invest: expert advice. Where to invest money to receive monthly income. Ways to reduce losses

Where to invest money to generate income?

This is the main question of interest to business people in Russia. Especially sharply began to rise in the framework of the economic crisis. The unstable economic situation in the country makes you think.

The instability in the financial market prompted citizens to think where to invest money in Russia, due to increased risks and lack of understanding of the ongoing changes.

Investing is dangerous, keeping is pointless

Precious metals (on the example of gold)

Bonds and stocks remain only securities» subject to temporary influence. Gold is the most stable currency among precious metals. For several centuries, this precious metal has only continued to increase its growth rate.

State banks support the value of this area with gold reserves. Investor, invested in gold, sleeps peacefully, knowing that the price of it will only increase.

Precious metals have some features, suppose a person decided to invest in gold, went to a banking institution to buy a gold bar, in addition to the cost of the goods, an 18% tax will be imposed by the state. When selling an ingot, there is no taxation, but no one will return the percentage overpayment.

Investing in precious metals at the household level

Russians consider gold and silver jewelry as an investment. This is partly true, but the cost of the product includes the work of a master (jeweler). The second negative point is sales. When trying to sell jewelry, pawnshops accept it at the price of scrap significantly different from the cost of goods.

The acquisition of precious metals is a very profitable investment direction, you should take into account the minimum threshold of profitability - 3 years. Average income from gold +20% per annum.

Securities (bonds, shares)

Risk-averse people can afford to invest in bonds. A bond is a business issue, the instrument is designed to receive a fixed income after a certain period of time.

You should not expect big earnings on bonds, call them a profitable investment - you can’t turn your tongue, but how cash deposit mechanism, is worth considering.


One of the most profitable forms where you can now invest rubles is " Stock". Along with high profitability, it is associated with increased risks that depend on external influences.

A share is an equity security that gives the status of " co-owner of the company» allowing to count on a part of the profit of the organization. The connection is simple, the company develops and prospers, the package of securities grows in price, the co-owner receives part of the profit, if the company suffers losses, the owner also incurs losses.

Work is carried out through brokers. More offers, allows you to independently choose stocks, work out strategies, and predict the behavior of indicators. Low threshold for entry, high probability rapid development constantly attracts new faces to the industry.

TOP 7 Where you should not invest cash

Fundamentals of investment business- acquisition of financial literacy. Keeping current projects under control, predicting market behavior, capturing the subtleties of the environment - these are the main components of a competent capital investor.

Financial pillow is an integral part of the investor

The term " financial pillow» - 6-month financial reserve, for pain-free living, without changes in the previous state of life. This condition must be met without taking into account other sources of income.

  • Want to know what you can save money on right now to afford more? If yes, follow this link.

Study investment activity without a certain cash reserve is unreasonable. The only exception is a deposit in a banking institution, which for the most part acts as an instrument for saving current savings.

In case of delays in the transfer, freezing of the project, risks associated with the complete or partial loss of allocated funds, there should be an airbag. This is not advice, this is a postulate!

Alexey, 32 years old, Krasnodar

Time goes by and money depreciates. I started looking for where to put them. First I opened an account and started trading on Forex. I came to the conclusion that this is not mine.

And here I did not lose. Look at the current rate! Cryptocurrency is the future, it is already accepted in stores.

How to reduce risks

How to reduce labor intensity

How much money to invest

Current types of low-risk investments

What to look for when choosing where to invest

To understand whether it is worth investing in a particular source of income, it is necessary first of all to determine the criteria by which it will be determined whether this idea is worth it or not.

If we limit ourselves to three simple criteria, then we would like to highlight the following:


Profitability is undoubtedly one of the determining factors when choosing where to invest money in order to earn. It is measured most often as a percentage per annum on the amount of invested capital and determines how much the capital will increase in a year, that is, how much the investor will earn. If we want the invested money to work, and not just save it, then, at a minimum, the rate of return must be higher than the annual inflation rate. At the moment, bank deposits in Moscow cannot boast of this, since the average rate on them is about 8.5%, which is lower than the average annual inflation rate, which for the last three years until 2017 is 9.9%. Therefore, in order to invest money at a high interest rate and earn on it, it is necessary to use other opportunities, which we will consider below.


The level of risk is also the main criterion when choosing where to invest money at interest. Risks are the probability of occurrence of events in which the investor may lose profits or even his investments. If, when considering ready-made investment proposals, the amount of return is most often immediately determined, then the quantitative assessment of risks is almost always unknown. This is due to the fact that it is often very difficult to predict the likelihood of certain negative consequences. And not all consequences can be determined. Therefore, when choosing where to put money at interest, it is best to delve into yourself, and what the project actually earns on, how long this process has been established and whether a situation can arise in which something goes wrong. If you do not have sufficient experience in these processes, then it is better to involve experts who understand and understand this. You also need to understand that most often, the higher the yield, the higher the risks. If you are a novice investor, then at the initial stage it is better to invest money at a low percentage, and as you gain experience, switch to more profitable offers at a high percentage.

Labor intensity

If in pure investing, when you invested money and do nothing else, it is enough, in our opinion, to understand the levels of profitability and risks, then, for example, when investing money in your own business, an additional factor appears, like labor intensity - this is the amount of time spent working, multiplied by the experience and expertise of the performers. In other words, how much time you or your team will spend developing the business, and how much knowledge and skills you have. The development of your own project can have the highest profitability: hundreds or even thousands of percent per annum, but at the same time, the necessary labor intensity of the process greatly increases, especially if you yourself participate in business processes. At the same time, risks have an inverse relationship with the experience and expertise of the team, that is, the more experience and knowledge, the less risks.

Where to invest in 2019 so as not to lose - advice from Moscow experts

When there is an understanding of what factors are decisive when choosing where to invest money so that they work, you can already consider and evaluate specific investments, which we will now do.

All options will be connected in one way or another with secured loans.

We believe that such investments, for objective reasons, are the least risky, but at the same time they have a high return.

At the same time, everyone will be able to find an acceptable type for themselves, based on possible labor costs and the availability of expertise.

To begin with, we will tell you in more detail what secured loans are and why the risks are minimal. Secured loans are loans issued by financial companies (IFIs, CPCs, car pawnshops, leasing companies) or private lenders secured by real estate and cars. All this activity is legal and regulated by the relevant laws of the Russian Federation. Interest rates on such loans are much higher than those of bank loans, and range from 40% to 100% per annum on average. Borrowers are most often entrepreneurs - the level of profitability of their business allows them to cover high interest rates, and they do not have the opportunity to undergo long and thorough bank checks. The second category of borrowers are people with a damaged credit history, for whom the road to banks is closed. Or people who do not have the opportunity to confirm their unofficial income.

All loans are issued either secured by real estate or secured by cars. At the same time, the maximum loan amount most often does not exceed 50% of the market value of the collateral object, and the loan term is usually not more than one year. If the borrower cannot repay the loan, the collateral object is sold at market value, which allows covering both the principal amount and the amount of accrued interest. If there is a difference, it is transferred to the borrower.

It is the presence of collateral that provides a minimum level of risk for the investor, financial companies and this activity in general.

In 2019, according to experts, activities with secured loans became especially popular and in demand among borrowers, while worthy players appeared on the non-bank lending market, allowing ordinary individuals to invest in this area without any labor costs and not only not to lose, but also make good money on it, having received your interest with a guarantee secured by the presence of collateral.

Now that we have figured out how it works and why the risks are minimal, let's move on to considering specific types of investments, their profitability and labor intensity. There are three options in total:

  • Profitable treasures from 14% to 22% per annum
  • Investing-Easy at 24% per annum
  • Investing-Profi up to 100% per annum

Let's dwell a little more on each of the options, and you can learn more about each by clicking on the appropriate link, where you can also leave an application for participation in the corresponding program.

Profitable savings

This type is suitable for those who do not want or cannot devote time to investing. Everything is simple here: you invested money and received income at the end of the term or in monthly payments, depending on the type of savings. No labor costs on the part of the investor, but the profitability is not the highest, but 2.5 times higher than deposits in banks - from 14% to 22% per annum. Profitable savings are suitable for those who want to invest, for example, 100,000 rubles, since the minimum amount is 1,000 rubles. Savings companies:

This type is for those who want to immerse themselves more in investing in secured loans and get a higher return on investment than in conventional deposits. Here, the investor directly issues secured loans on his own behalf, but all other business processes, such as searching for borrowers, underwriting (risk assessment and verification of the borrower), collateral assessment, drafting contracts, accepting payments and others, are carried out by qualified specialists. The labor costs of the investor are the consideration and selection of investment proposals and the presence at the conclusion of the contract. Yield 24% per annum. Suitable if there is an investment of 300,000 rubles, it is optimal to invest 500,000 rubles or more.

The most profitable, but also the most time-consuming type of investment. This method is suitable for those who are well versed in secured loans. Unlike the previous method, all business processes, except for the search for borrowers, must be carried out independently. Profitability up to 100% per annum. A good option where to invest 1,000,000 rubles and in a year and a half to earn a million rubles from above.

Where is it profitable to invest money at interest - a comparison of options

  • Risks
  • Payouts
  • Labor intensity
  • Investment amount

Almost anyone can become rich. To do this, it is not necessary to have relatives with open accounts in foreign banks. A little savings can help you become financially independent. How to make money on investments? It’s worth starting with small amounts, constantly increasing them. Money should not gather dust in a safe! One must work!

Basic principles of investing

At first glance, it may seem that it is impossible to become richer when incomes only allow you to cope with existing needs. In fact, almost anyone can earn money on investments. Reviews of rich people who were born in simple families, confirmation of this. The first thing you need to start doing for those who want to become richer is to learn how to budget. It is worth recording absolutely all income and expenses in a special notebook. Modern technologies make it possible to conduct home accounting also in automatic mode. There are convenient programs for smartphones.

What will such a technique give? By accounting for expenses and income, it will be possible to determine which costs are excessive. Many things can be abandoned without compromising lifestyle. A simple example: a plastic bag purchased from a supermarket. If you do not buy it every time, but purchase a special grocery bag, you will be able to save up to 5% of the budget per month. The proceeds can already be left to increase income. Where to invest money is another question. It all depends on how much money you managed to save.

The presence of free funds does not mean that it is time to earn money on investments. Reviews of experts show that without special knowledge a good income cannot be obtained. Therefore, those who decide to start multiplying their available funds need to start reading books on investing, blogs of famous businessmen.

How to make money on investments without risks? Diversification will come to the rescue. This means that you need to invest money in several directions at once. In addition, it is necessary to create a "financial cushion". This is the amount of money on which the family can live for at least six months without changing existing habits. If, thanks to savings and proper distribution of expenses, you managed to accumulate the required amount, you can start making money on the Internet on investments in rubles or foreign currency.

Those who have certain knowledge can attract co-investors. After all, there are people who do not know whether it is possible to earn money on investments. At the same time, they have certain savings that they would like to invest profitably. Trust asset management is gaining immense popularity today. Both parties can earn in this way. These are not only people with knowledge, but also those who have money to invest.

Learning to properly assess risks

Many people know how to make money on investments. At the same time, people with high-quality knowledge in this direction can lose everything if they cannot cope with the excitement. Investing is like a casino. Even if a certain area gives a huge income, you cannot put all your funds into it. It is worth assessing the perceived risks.

Many beginners in investing make the same mistake. When they receive the first income, they no longer try to soberly assess the situation, but "throw themselves into the pool with their heads." Meanwhile, if one area brings a good income for several months in a row, this does not mean that a loss is expected soon.

What amounts to invest?

Before you make money on investments, you should understand how much you don’t mind losing. In no case should you take finance for business development on credit. Moreover, it is impossible to pledge property, without which it will not be possible to exist normally. In fact, you can start investing with any amount. Even 100 rubles will help to bring if these finances are correctly beaten.

It is worth returning to the question of the "financial pillow". You can start investing when the conditions for a comfortable lifestyle are created. If the bank has an outstanding loan or debts for utilities, it will not be profitable to invest even the minimum amount.

Bank deposit

This method of obtaining passive income is considered the simplest. Any adult citizen of the Russian Federation will be able to complete a transaction with a bank. Most financial institutions offer to make a deposit for a minimum amount of 1000 rubles. It is possible to conclude an agreement in foreign currency. How much can you earn on investments of this kind? You won't be able to earn a high income. A bank deposit is an opportunity to protect money from inflation. This method of investing also has its advantages. First of all, it is high liquidity. At almost any time, you can terminate the contract ahead of schedule and return the invested funds in full.

Cooperation with banks ensures high reliability of investment. Most financial institutions cooperate with the deposit guarantee fund. This means that the money will be returned even if the bank goes bankrupt.

Earnings in the stock market

This investment tool is no longer suitable for people without special knowledge. To start making money on securities, you need to contact a trusted broker who has been operating on the market for more than a year. How to earn on and securities? All you have to do is buy them up and sell them after they rise in value. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated. In fact, this method has a huge number of risks. Securities and shares after the purchase may not grow, but fall significantly in price. As a result, the investor receives a loss. Without knowledge of the peculiarities of the market in this business, it will not be possible to survive. An excellent way out is trust management.

Investing in money allows you to make good money for those who do not understand anything about investing. There are organizations that know how to manage shares and assets. They take money for trust management and accrue interest to their co-investors. You can start investing in mutual funds from 1000 rubles. Income can be obtained much higher than in the bank. But the risks here are much higher. If the company fails, no one can recover the loss.

Investors with certain knowledge can independently compile a portfolio with assets. Thus, the probability of loss will be minimized.

Currency market

"Forex" is a global world currency exchange market where you can make good money. People who have economic knowledge and are smart can make a fortune here. However, those who do not know where to invest their money should not be completely immersed in Forex. There is a risk of losing all your savings. In order to start making money here, you need to have certain knowledge, which you won’t be able to get in a few days. To become a truly successful trader, you need to read more than one specialized book.

It turns out that a person who knows nothing about currencies cannot invest in them? In fact, those who are taking their first steps in business also have the opportunity to make money on Forex. You can make good money on PAMM accounts. Traders who have certain knowledge invite co-investors. How to make money on investments on the Internet? All you have to do is invest in a successful trader's PAMM account that has been trading well for several months. The advantage is that you can start investing from 1000 rubles. Some traders work with foreign currencies and accept deposits from $10. You will be able to make good money if you invest in several PAMM accounts at once. It should be understood that even a successful trader can suffer a loss. The money spent will never be returned.

When choosing a Forex broker, you need to be careful. Experts note that many new companies do not bring transactions to the real currency market, but create only the appearance of real work. The work is carried out on the principle of a financial pyramid. The broker will work successfully for several months, paying out money to build a good reputation. Then it will simply disappear.

The property

If there is a large enough amount that you would like to increase further, you should pay attention to real estate. Where to begin? How to make money investing in real estate? The easiest way to earn income is to buy an apartment in a house that is still under construction, and then put it up for sale when the object is ready for operation. If you also make repairs in the apartment, you will be able to earn up to 50% of the invested funds.

You can also earn a good income by renting out the acquired apartment. Within a few years, the property will pay off. Then the object will begin to generate passive income. The investor will only have to monitor the condition of the apartment, periodically make repairs to preserve the presentation.

Houses and apartments are always in price. Such an investment helps to reliably protect money from inflation. In addition, the asset can be used for your own purposes - to settle in the purchased house or open your own office there.

Investing in real estate also has its drawbacks. First of all, this is a fairly high entry threshold. To start earning in this way, you will have to invest a considerable amount. Many investors are also deterred by low liquidity. It can take years to sell a house or apartment. In addition, housing cannot be protected from force majeure - an explosion of domestic gas or natural disasters.


Everyone can earn money today without leaving their home computer. How to make money investing in cryptocurrency? All you need to have is some free savings and access to the net. Bitcoins (cryptocurrency) are virtual money that do not have a physical embodiment. The easiest way to earn money is to buy cryptocurrency on the stock exchange and then resell it with a higher profitability.

To invest in bitcoins, you need to have some knowledge. An excellent way out in this area will also be trust management.

Investment in gold

For those who do not seek to earn income here and now, you can consider investing in gold. This is a fairly profitable, but long-term financial instrument. The value of gold is constantly growing, not only because of its unique properties. Metal mining is becoming more difficult every year. Gold is a highly liquid asset. It can be exchanged in a short period of time. Another plus is that the metal does not require special storage conditions, it does not deteriorate over time.

Investing in precious metals also has its drawbacks. Before you make money on investments, you should understand how quickly you would like to receive income. Gold prices are rising very slowly. The purchased ingot can be profitably sold in decades, but not earlier. Investing in gold is more of a way to keep your savings secure.

Own business

A person who is thinking about investing probably has an entrepreneurial streak. This means that the most profitable way to invest money is to start your own business. Where to begin? First of all, it is worth deciding in which direction you would like to work. The most popular business option today is the purchase of goods in bulk and subsequent resale at retail value.

Before you start trading, you should figure out if this niche will be of interest to people. It is necessary to study the target audience in advance. So, for example, a store offering overalls or accessories for hunting and fishing will not be popular in a residential area. But products for the home (dishes, curtains, bed linen) will disperse quickly enough.

In advance, it is necessary to think over the tactics of trade, draw up a business plan. Investment in land will be profitable. Is it possible to make money by selling goods in a rented premises? With a properly drawn up business plan, income will be in any case. However, you will be able to earn more in your own store. In addition, if the sale does not go well, the premises can be rented or sold.

Thinking over the tactics of trading, it is worth choosing what kind of cheat will be. You can double the amount of the item. In this case, sales will be minimal. With a minimum cheat, people will come to the store more often, which means that the income will be higher.

Business with China has gained immense popularity in recent years. Many people know that most goods are produced in this country. If you find a good supplier, you will be able to sell really high-quality products with a markup of up to 200%. Many entrepreneurs are already successfully working in this direction.

With the development of information technology, business opportunities have become much greater. Today, you can sell goods not only in a real store, but also via the Internet. Thus, the income will be greatly increased. After all, sales will go not only from buyers in one city, but also from residents of others. settlements countries.

Before you make money on investing in your own business, you should evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of this method. The advantage is that the investor himself manages his business, optimizes all processes. The owner of his own company or shop is his own boss. You will have to answer only to the state for the timely payment of taxes. In addition, for a good business project, it will be easy to find co-investors. You can get a bank loan for development.

The downside is that it will not be possible to competently conduct one's business without possessing elementary economic knowledge and skills. Running your own business is hard work. You need to be prepared for the fact that at first there will be no time for quality sleep and good rest.

Where is the best place to invest money? There are really many tools. It is necessary to correctly assess your capabilities so as not to lose everything.

One of the priorities of an independent person is to receive income expressed in monetary terms. Such income (if from it, other taxes and expenses) can be active or passive. In the first case, in order to receive his money, the employee performs certain actions in accordance with the requirements of the direct supervisor. The second option implies that income is the result of correctly made investments (investments) in any project or business.

Investing money in Russia is invariably associated with risk: there is a high probability of losing them, if not due to the actions of individual fraudsters, then as a result of another “surprise” from the state. Therefore, a citizen who is considering where to invest money should carefully choose sources of income. The safest and most promising of them will be listed below.

Best investment to date

First of all, the future investor needs to decide which object of investment of funds available to him today is the most interesting. It makes no sense to invest in a project, even the most fashionable and with an impeccable reputation, if it is incomprehensible or unpleasant: the only result of such an experiment will be an obsessive desire to quickly “recapture” your investments and exit the game.

Advice: no need to immediately get carried away with exotic ideas. For example, a person who is just starting an investor's career is hardly worth investing all his savings in: such a business is not only risky (animals can get sick and die at once), but also requires the arrangement of a separate room, which is associated with rising costs. Undoubtedly, it is possible to make money on the project, but only with a “safety cushion” or other projects that allow you to stay afloat in the event of a disaster.

So, having determined the goal and abandoned unconstructive ideas, the novice investor must decide where to invest; it is best to choose any option from the following list.


A traditional bank deposit is, if not the most profitable, then the safest investment. Funds deposited by a citizen into his account are insured without fail, and therefore, even in the event of a bank failure, the depositor will receive compensation, albeit not in full. True, cases are not ruled out when the only means to restore justice will be the filing of a statement of claim in court, and it is impossible to predict how long the transitions from instance to instance will take; but the chances of a favorable outcome are consistently high.

The question of how to manage the accumulated money excites the minds of many people. How can you make the most of the little money? And what is the safest way of investing for a person inexperienced in financial subtleties?

Here we will consider several working investment tools for an investor of any level. Let's start with a simple one - a bank deposit, and end with securities. Let's start!

It is interesting: We are thinking about investing a certain amount: , , , rubles

Opening a deposit account

The most common and traditional way to help save a small amount in the last hundred years can be called bank deposits. Indeed, opening a deposit is publicly available, you can start with 1000 rubles, making a deposit does not require special financial knowledge.

Here are some useful resources on deposits:

However, there are several nuances that should not be neglected:

  • It is more profitable to open a deposit for a period of at least 3 months
  • Higher income can be obtained if you do not withdraw accrued interest, but provide for a deposit with the possibility replenishment and interest capitalization .
  • Opening an account online through the bank's website often gives an increase interest rate by 0.5% - 1%.
  • To open a deposit, it is better to choose a bank that provides for minimal penalties for early withdrawal of money from a term deposit.

Let's calculate, based on the average interest rate, how much income you can get if you place a small amount of money on a deposit, for example, 5,000 rubles.

  • 1st year: 5000 + 5000 x 10% = 5500 rubles;
  • 2nd year: 5500 + 5500 x 10% = 6050 rubles;
  • 3rd year: 6050 + 6050 x 10% = 6655 rubles;
  • 4th year: 6655 + 6655 x 10% = 7320 rubles;
  • 5th year: 7320 + 7320 x 10% = 8052 rubles.

Of course, at such a rate, without replenishment of the account, it is possible to double the amount of the deposit in 7 years. But the unpredictability of the domestic economy cannot guarantee that over such a long period of time there will be no events that devalue the little money invested.

Therefore, our task is to consider more effective types of investments that can bring significant income in the second year of their application.

What is a mutual fund and how profitable is it for an ordinary shareholder

Financial analysts consider quite optimistic investing money in mutual funds(mutual funds). The cost of "entry" to the fund can vary from tens to hundreds of thousands of rubles.

For example, Sberbank offers the minimum value of a share of 15,000 rubles, Mutual Fund "Alfa-Capital" sells shares for 30 thousand rubles. However, even very small money can be successfully placed in a mutual fund by acquiring not a whole share, but its share.

The indisputable advantage of investing in mutual funds is their complete transparency and state control. The financial activities of mutual funds are strictly regulated by law. Therefore, fraudulent schemes when investing in mutual funds should not be feared.

If you do not know what a mutual fund is, then we highly recommend watching the video:

The only problem that the investor faces is the choice of a management company that will effectively invest the finances of shareholders in profitable securities. To do this, you need to carefully study the ratings of mutual funds, which are published quarterly in the media or resort to the help of a financial consultant.

Where to begin? Here are some helpful resources:

The end of 2014 can be significant for mutual funds in that they began to actively invest in shares of foreign companies. Since the investment attractiveness of Russian sites is quite limited, the expansion of the market will bring unequivocal benefits to shareholders.

Raiffeisen Capital Management Company, which showed a yield of 31.54% on its Raiffeisen USA mutual fund at the end of the year, supplemented its portfolio with shares of the USA, China, and Europe.

Taking into account that among the securities there are the most popular "blue chips", we should expect high yields in 2013 as well.

The risk of losing financial investments in mutual funds is purely theoretical. Due to the fact that the invested money is distributed among different objects, the chance that all enterprises will go bankrupt at once is zero.

PAMM - high risks!

PAMM investment is in many ways similar to the placement of funds in mutual funds, the money is also transferred to the trust management of the account manager. Only this all happens in the virtual space, with the help of the Internet and the Forex exchange.

Opening PAMM-accounts today, many financial experts refer to the most priority types of investment.

The advantage of this investment is that a small investor can initially invest a small amount in order to "taste" the possibility of earning money on the international currency exchange.

  • What is stock trading
  • The main myths about investing in PAMM accounts
  • What is a PAMM account - The essence and principle of work

The initial investment in a PAMM account can start from $100. By transferring money to trust management of an experienced trader, the investor is freed from vigilant control over currency price fluctuations.

And since the trader's remuneration directly depends on the income received, it makes sense for him to earn as much as possible.

Again, even if the session is not very successful in one trading period, it may overlap the next day. The average profitability of PAMM accounts, according to statistics, is never less than 10-15% per month.

For the inexperienced stock player the best option will be investing in Alpari. More or less stable company. Forex-Trend competitor turned out to be a pyramid scheme

Consider what effect can be obtained by the results of the month, if you place a small amount of $ 1,000. Dividing the money between 20 traders, we have twenty PAMM accounts with $50 each. If we take into account that such a situation is possible that not all accounts will have equally profitable trading, then at the end of the month it will be necessary to calculate the average profitability.

The average monthly yield is 11.21%, and at the end of last year, the profit was 177%. Thus, minus the commission that the PAMM account manager will have to pay, the net profit from the invested thousand will be a little less than $100.

You can withdraw the profit received at the end of the first trading week. But it will be more profitable for the investor to capitalize profits, i.e. adding it to the principal amount of the account.

Passive income: gold, securities, currency

It is impossible not to call one of the solutions to the question “where to invest a little money” investing in precious metals. The acquisition of gold, platinum or silver is possible either in physical form (bars) or by opening a metal account.

Undoubtedly, precious metals have not fallen in price for many decades. However, a dramatic increase in prices in the gold market is not observed.

Therefore, investing in precious metals should be planned for a sufficiently long period and it is better not to limit yourself to one metal when opening a metal account: “split” the amount into gold and another metal.

The topic of investment in precious metals is the most interesting for us. Here are some helpful resources

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