Why dream of a car rushing past me. What did the car dream about? New dream book - car

Most dream books believe that a car seen in night dreams is a reflection of the dreamer's perception of his personality. If in a dream you saw yourself in a car, then by the way the body looked, who was sitting next to you and which road you were driving on, it is quite possible to judge your current life. Do you want to know why such a plot is dreaming? Carefully study the explanations of the dream given by various sources.

New interpreter

New dream book interprets a dream with a truck as confirmation of the overall workload of a person. Also, such a plot provides information about the dreamer's professional activities. This type of car indicates difficulties in upcoming affairs or relationships.

In a dream, driving a car at high speed - to delay things in real life, a negative decision or outcome of the case.

To see a car depot in a dream world or hear someone talking about it - to buy your own car soon. If you dreamed of a big brand new car depot, then the purchased car will be of high quality and expensive.

Women's dream book

A female dream book interprets a trip to a car as an omen of some pleasant things in real life, however, they can bring serious changes with them.

To participate in a car accident in a dream means to experience imminent entertainment that will bring trouble. If the accident was avoided, then the dreamer will avoid meeting and conflict with the ill-wisher.

In this source, you can also find a description of what towing is dreaming of. If in a dream you are towing another car, you will worry about unmet needs.

Traffic in a dream can symbolize the concerns and opinions of other people. If you are stuck in a traffic jam, then such a plot reflects the frustrations that you experience in real life.

Idiomatic dream book

This interpreter proposes to define a car as a sign of deception. Riding in a dream at maximum speed - you can lose track of time, control and indulge in idleness.

If the dreamer is being taken, then he is in danger of being deceived. If he is driving himself, then he will deceive.

To ride in the passenger seat and look out the window through the glass means to show arrogance or bossy manners in everyday life.

Dream interpretation by Medea

An objective look at one's own strengths is what a car dreams of according to this source. The driving style (confident or clumsy) reflects the dreamer's inner resources.

To use a taxi in a dream means to accept help, which can be very expensive. Being a confident driver is the fulfillment of all plans. Riding in the passenger seat is highly dependent on someone. Survive an accident - face a shock in life.

Interpretations of the Erotic dream book

Riding in a car in a dream - to an early pleasant acquaintance and a fun pastime that can bring new intimate partners.

Getting into a car accident in a dream means going through a difficult break with your lover very soon.

To be able to successfully get out of the car or avoid an accident - to secret love adventures with fickle partners.

Description of sleep by Tsvetkov

An explanation of what the car is dreaming of is also available in the interpreter of Tsvetkov. If the dreamer is driving, then you should prepare for poverty.

To ride as a passenger - riding reflects personal life, relationships between partners and spouses.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, parking your car is about to break soon.

Miller's interpretation of the plot

Miller's dream book suggests understanding a dreaming car as a reflection of life processes.

I dreamed that you were driving in a car, which means that in reality you can succeed in all your endeavors. Miller's dream book recommends only being more active. Another option for explaining why this is a dream is a fascinating journey.

Having an accident means having bad impressions and consequences from upcoming entertainment and festivities.

To avoid a catastrophe in a dream means to get rid of the enemy of ideas and undertakings.

I dreamed about buying a car - this is a good sign. Such a plot may seem to restore lost relationships or make a profit.

Selling a car is a contradictory or unpleasant change in life. Another version of what this plot is dreaming of is looking for a new job and attending various interviews.

Just to see driving or standing cars - for trips and pleasant journeys, changes in life. Miller's dream book promises new joyful impressions and acquaintances.

Seeing yourself getting out of the car - to the successful completion of projects and plans that will bring profit and moral satisfaction.

If the dreamer was thrown out of the car on the move, he should get ready to receive unpleasant news. There is another explanation for why this is a dream - making a serious mistake.

I dreamed of a broken car - to failures in business and family. If the car was stolen or disappeared, then the immediate plans will be upset and negatively affect the future.

Explanation of Grishina's dream

Did you drive well in a dream? This means the ability to fully control your life. Poor management - to make a number of mistakes in real life. Be careful, because frequent negative experiences may well provoke depression.

If the driver is sitting in the back seat, then maybe in reality there is someone who is trying to guide and guide you, to influence life and events in it? Dream Interpretation Grishina advises making all decisions on her own. Responsibility for one's own actions is an important stage in the formation and maturation of a person.

Had a dream that another person was driving? Do you feel that this person in real life is trying to control your life? Such dreams may reflect your emotional dependence on this person in real life.

Dream Interpretation of Wanderers

Another option for explaining what the car is dreaming of is in the interpreter of the Wanderers. If you see your own car, then its steering wheel symbolizes your mind, and the engine and accelerator symbolize your subconscious, inner strength and energy.

If in a dream a car ride goes smoothly, then this indicates greater vitality and energy.

A dreamed uneven road is a sign that in real life you are experiencing some kind of anxiety on a subconscious level. Another option for dreaming of this is the upcoming numerous chores.

A broken car or a car without fuel symbolizes the limited resources (physical, emotional, financial).

If you are driving at a breakneck speed in a car, and you are fined for exceeding, then this may mean that in ordinary life you are in too much of a hurry or that events in it happen too quickly. It is also possible that you are afraid that you will not be able to control what happens in life. Your consciousness in a dream may prompt you to slow down by putting on the brakes. Dream Interpretation of Wanderers strongly recommends that in reality you start living more prudently.

If you dreamed about some part of the car, try to draw a parallel with real life. For example, if in a dream a car had a flat tire, then perhaps in real life you felt empty. If the pedals of the car do not work, then maybe you do not have enough strength to carry out your plan.

This dream book also has an explanation of what car wheels dream of. To see this in a dream is a sign of the need to be active in real life. Slowness and passivity interfere with development and prevent the desired success from being achieved.

Dream Interpretation of Buddhists

Buddhists and Hindus consider the wheel of a car a symbol of truth. Seatbelts in dreams can symbolize our safety.

If you dreamed that the front light of the car was on (or off), then the dream indicates that you are well (poorly) aware of what is happening in real life.

Mirrors in the car reflect the attitude to past events and their impact on what is happening in the present.

Did you dream that you were taking a taxi? This means that you prefer to go with the flow and let other people direct your life, instead of calculating your strengths and applying energy to achieve a goal.

If in a dream you drive your car (or a taxi), then, according to the Buddhist dream book, you yourself act as a guide.

Dreams about drunk driving or without a driver's license are a sign that you cannot and do not have the right to manage your life as you see fit. Such dreams may mean a feeling of inadequacy or unwillingness to reckon with the norms of social standards.

I dreamed that you were chasing a car, but it leaves without you? So, in life you feel that you are not keeping up with life. If you still manage to get into a departing car, then in life you will be lucky and you will be able to succeed or grab the bird of happiness by the tail. Dream Interpretation of Buddhists recommends being smart.

Are you rolling over in your car? This dream may mean that in life you will be disappointed with the inability to do exactly what you want.

The Buddhist dream book describes why one dreams of knocking down a person on the highway. If you knocked down a person, then in reality you “stepped on the throat of your desires” and live not the way you want, but the way the environment expects.

More descriptions

A car in dreams can show its owner or another person as he looks in the eyes of others. It can appear polished and powerful, practical and strong. If you see a car, then, first of all, you need to associate it with your personal associations.

If the dreamed car has nothing to do with your worldview, and you know that this is not your car, then think about how its image could arise in your dream. What does this image say? How does he characterize you? The answer to these questions should say a lot about the qualities of your personality, about how you yourself perceive your image, your driving force or your ambitions.

Cars can symbolize ourselves or people from our environment. They can also talk about the ability to control some events. The spring dream book claims that the dreamed virtuoso skills promise a quick solution to problems and the achievement of goals in reality.

Dream "Machine"- as a means of transportation, it symbolizes the dreamer's life path, his affairs at work and at home. This is a very interesting dream that speaks of the dreamer's connection with friends, work colleagues or relatives on a spiritual level. This connection is taken from here: tram, bus or train drivers do not directly contact their passengers, and sometimes they do not even see their faces. The driver of personal transport is directly connected during the whole trip with his passengers. He can clearly define his attitude towards them: whether they are pleasant people or unpleasant, whether it is a pleasure to ride with them or not. Therefore, driving a car in a dream is associated with the dreamer's physical body, with his immediate environment, and indicates behavior and mutual understanding.

Dream "Car accident" also symbolizes the dreamer's personal qualities and his life path. In real life, an accident in a private car is always experienced much more strongly than, for example, an accident on a plane or on a train. There is mass grief, the victims of which you personally do not know. An accident in a car has a personal character, and a personal tragedy is experienced a hundred times stronger than the general one. By many dream interpreters, the dream "Car accident" is deciphered as prophetic, warning the dreamer about a possible accident that may happen to him in the near future. (Cm.)

Dream "car household appliance" where the sewing machine is described, washing machine, a typewriter or typewriter and a dishwasher, has a completely different meaning and is in no way connected with the machine, as with transport. Therefore, if you dreamed of automatic machines in a dream (for example, an automatic washing machine), then you should turn to dream books that interpret these machines. (Media )

Dream "cars" considered based on what kind of cars they saw in a dream: new or old, expensive elite or simple, racing or pleasure, in perfect condition or rusty and broken. It is necessary to draw a parallel with the appearance of the machine you saw in your dream with your behavior and relationships with people around you in reality. You also need to remember the color of the car and what you did with it: whether you were driving or in the passenger seat, buying, selling, driving, looking for, or doing something else. You can find answers to all these questions and much more in this dream book and thereby find an interpretation that is suitable specifically for your dream.

Dreamed of different cars

I dreamed different things about the car

  • Why dream of “driving a car along the road” - Dream Interpretation: driving a car along the road in a dream - it will not be easy to make an important decision. After agonizing over the choice, you will choose the right path. (Cm. )
  • Why dream of driving a car - Dream Interpretation: driving a car in a dream is a harbinger of success in business.
  • Why dream of “driving a car” - Dream Interpretation: driving a car in a dream - symbolizes the general course of your life, self-control, as well as your relationship with people around you. Remember how the car behaved on the road, the nature of its movement, as well as the type and quality of the road you were driving on.
  • Why dream of riding in a car as a passenger - Dream Interpretation: riding in a car as a passenger in a dream - you have embarked on the path of a person. If your friend was the driver or you know him in real life, then it is to him that you cross the road and your interests or some business will soon intersect in an unfavorable way for you.
  • Why dream of getting into a car with a man - Dream Interpretation: getting into a car with a man in a dream means that you do not show any initiative, lead a passive lifestyle and follow someone on a given path.
  • Why dream of getting into a car with a stranger - Dream Interpretation: getting into a car with a stranger in a dream - you don’t even know if the path you are going through life is the right one, where it will lead you and why you need all this at all. You blindly follow without showing any initiative to change anything in your life.
  • Why dream of driving home by car - Dream Interpretation: road, driving home in a dream - you will start all over again, you will repeat past mistakes.
  • Why dream of a long road by car - Dream Interpretation: a long road by car in a dream - things will be decided, life will go on as usual, everything will go smoothly and calmly.
  • Why dream of a lot of cars on the road - Dream Interpretation: a lot of cars on the road in a dream - a symbol of vigorous activity, industrial affairs for which you need a lot of effort and energy // a serious responsible meeting.
  • Why dream about sex in a car - Dream Interpretation: sex in a car in a dream - you need to remember the details of such a dream and look at the interpretation that will relate to these details: who had sex in the car, how pleasant it was, whether it was by mutual agreement or no. (Cm. )
  • Why dream of a car fire - Dream Interpretation: car fire in a dream - your emotions, passions, anger or negativity will soon get out of control. You are having a hard time holding yourself back. The dream wants to warn you: if you lose your temper, then spoil everything you started.
  • Why dream of an “explosion of a car with fire” - Dream Interpretation: an explosion of a car with fire in a dream means scandals, quarrels and conflicts, a surge of emotions, an explosion of negativity, as well as the collapse of your hopes in real life.
  • Why dream of a burning car - Dream Interpretation: a burning car in a dream suggests that it is time for a long confrontation, you need to be on the alert, as soon as attention to every detail can somehow correct the situation.
  • Why dream of “being inside a burning car” - Dream Interpretation: to see yourself in a burning car in a dream means you need to monitor your emotional health, your psychological state is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
  • What is the dream of a leaving car - Dream Interpretation: a leaving car in a dream - you missed your opportunities, a chance that was practically in your hands.
  • Why dream of “falling out of the car” - Dream Interpretation: falling out of the car in a dream - you will voluntarily endanger your life and well-being.
  • Why dream of “falling into a pit in a car” - Dream Interpretation: falling into a pit in a car in a dream - you will find yourself in a difficult situation, which will suspend the whole course of business for a long time. (Cm. )
  • Why dream of mashing a car - Dream Interpretation: mashing a car in a dream - if you had a dream “they mashed the car by hitting it on the side”, then in reality you will need to be careful at work and not relax. Something will happen at work soon. If you dreamed that you crushed the car straight down on both sides, then in reality you should not rely on your own strength, you yourself will not solve the problem that will arise at your work.
  • Why dream that they stole a car - Dream Interpretation: they stole a car in a dream - it means that your plans may not come true, things will end in failure. To avoid this, you will have to work hard.
  • Why dream of hijacking your car - Dream Interpretation: hijacking a car in a dream - enemies are preparing a trap in reality.
  • Why dream of stealing someone else's car - Dream Interpretation: stealing someone else's car in a dream - in reality it means being embroiled in someone else's conflict.
  • Why dream of stealing a car yourself - Dream Interpretation: stealing a car yourself in a dream - in reality, you will soon avenge insults.
  • Why dream of refueling a car with gasoline - Dream Interpretation: refueling a car with gasoline in a dream - in reality you will have a period of stagnation, a vacuum of activity, a decrease in energy and a decrease in any motives. If in a dream you refueled a full tank of the car, then this period will not be long.
  • Why dream of painting a car - Dream Interpretation: painting a car in a dream - quite unexpectedly make a profit.
  • Why dream of washing a car - Dream Interpretation: washing a car in a dream is a sign that it is necessary to maintain warm friendly relations with an influential person you know.
  • Why dream of scratching a car - Dream Interpretation: scratching a car in a dream - - you need to be extremely careful on the roads, as there is a high probability of an accident, and if possible, do not get into the car at all that day.
  • Why dream of parking a car - Dream Interpretation: parking a car in a dream - you will have to break off all relationships with colleagues, friends or companions.

Dreamed of cars of different colors

Dreamed of buying a car

Dreamed of a car accident

Had a car breakdown

  • Why dream of a car breakdown - Dream Interpretation: a car breakdown in a dream - the interpretation of the “car breakdown” dream varies greatly based on what exactly was broken in the car and when it happened: during the journey or you already saw it broken in your dream.
  • Why did you dream that a car broke down on the road - Dream Interpretation: a car broke down on the road in a dream - loss of friends, obstacles on the way to the goal.
  • Why dream of a broken car in a dream (for a woman) - a dream warning - you devote too much time to work, you must be more with the children while contact is still established, then it will be too late.
  • Why dream of a car not starting - Dream Interpretation: a car won’t start in a dream - if in a dream you wanted to go somewhere, but couldn’t start the car, such a dream wants to warn you: there will be unforeseen difficulties, interference and stops in your business.
  • Why dream of crashing someone else's car - Dream Interpretation: crashing a car in a dream if it was someone else's or borrowed means that a love affair will be unsuccessful and will only bring bitter disappointment.
  • Why dream about a broken car - Dream Interpretation: a broken car in a dream - if you saw your broken car in a dream, then the dream warns you: do not rely on strangers, rely only on yourself and your strengths and knowledge.
  • Why dream of a broken car of a stranger - Dream Interpretation: a broken car of a stranger in a dream - if you had a dream "a broken car of a stranger", then such a dream suggests that you will have to do everything yourself, not counting on someone to help you , and even if it helps, then the help will be meaningless and will not give any result.

Dreamed of individual parts of the car

I dreamed about a car in the water

Dreamed of car wheels

  • Why dream of wheels from a car - Dream Interpretation: a wheel from a car - big changes are coming in your life. (Cm. )
  • Why dream of a car without wheels - Dream Interpretation: a car without wheels in a dream - interference, obstacles on the way to achieving the goal.
  • Why dream of a punctured wheel on a car - Dream Interpretation: a punctured wheel on a car in a dream - failure on the way to a goal or in family life.
  • Why dream of a flat tire on a car - Dream Interpretation: a flat tire on a car in a dream - to failure, you will feel devastated.
  • Why dream of stealing a wheel from a car - Dream Interpretation: stealing wheels from a car in a dream - frivolous losses, minor losses.
  • Why dream of falling under the wheels of a car - Dream Interpretation: falling under the wheels of a car in a dream - if you got off with a fright, it means a collapse of hopes; if you had bright blood, there will be a surge of vitality; if they bled - moral exhaustion, depression, anxiety. (Cm. )

I dreamed of a car number
Why dream of a car number - Dream Interpretation: a car number in a dream is interpreted as follows: if you had to see a car number in a dream, and most importantly remember it, then you should pay attention to this message, because as we know numbers play an important role in our life. You can consider each number separately, or you can get a common one, which will be obtained by adding all the numbers seen.
For example, you dreamed of car numbers "24-36" or "003458". We take the number and add up the numbers for all: 2 + 4 + 3 + 6 = 15, then lay out the number 15 as follows: 1 + 5 = 6, here is the number 6 and look for it in the interpretation. You should also do with the following number: 0+0+3+4+5+8=20, look at the number 2.

- a number with the number 1 (or the sum 1) - to see in a dream a car number with a unit - a lucky sign that brings recognition in society, easy work, minor difficulties. If the number consisted of only ones, i.e. 1111, then such a dream speaks of the anxiety that you will experience in the coming month. Dream Interpretation: to catch up with a car in a dream that had a unit on the number - one (1) person will interfere with your plan; Dream Interpretation: a car left in a dream - 1 enemy is very strong and will give you serious trouble; Dream Interpretation: get into a car in a dream - you can defeat 1 enemy;
- number 1000 on the car - unexpected big money, unforeseen material injections.
- a number with the number 2 (or the sum 2) - if you saw a car in a dream, added up the numbers of the number and got the number 2 or remembered only two from the number, then you just need to urgently deal with your documents, within 2 weeks you are obliged to put in order, otherwise you will be in big trouble with law enforcement. If in a dream you were driving a car with such a number, then in reality you can safely count on the support of your superiors, even your most insane and absurd plans. However, within 11 months (1 + 1 = 2) you must succeed in this matter, otherwise you will say goodbye to your career forever.
- a number with the number 3 (or the sum of 3) - driving a car with this number means that you will hear from a person living from you 3 hours away. Whether this will be sad news or joyful, depends on what emotions you felt in a dream while driving in this car;
- a number with the number 4 (or the sum of 4) - the number 4 seen in a dream, as well as the sum of the numbers from the car number, speaks of tenderness and affection for a loved one. The next 4 weeks will be full of harmony and mutual happiness. If a trip in a car in a dream was boring, then after this period the relationship will become gray and boring.
- a number with the number 5 (or the sum of 5) - in the month of May of this year your life will become measured and calm, problems will finally end. If your plans include a meeting with a person at which you will solve a very important problem for you, schedule it for May 5th. If you are waiting for betrayal or are afraid of lies, do nothing until May 23 (2 + 3 = 5), by this date everything will clear up by itself;
- a number with the number 6 (or the sum of 6) - if you had a dream “to run after the car” and you remember its number and got the number 6, then in reality you will have to do one crazy act that will either make you a happy person or put you in an awkward position and will cause universal pity. This act will be committed for the sake of a loved one who lives at an address that has the number 6: the number of the district, quarter, house, apartment or floor.
- a number with the number 7 (or the sum of 7) - In a dream, getting into a car with a number where there is a seven - a favorable period is coming in your life, the birth of a child (grandson) is possible, you will plunge headlong into the problems of raising a child (grandson); if in a dream the car left without you, then the authorities will suddenly show interest in you, if in a dream you were very offended that the car left without you - you will get a promotion in 7 days, weeks, months; if in a dream you caught up with a car and jumped into it on the go, then after 16 days (1 + 6 = 7) you will receive an answer to what has been tormenting you for a long time; driving a car in a dream with a woman - feel free to make plans for the next 7 months;
- a number with the number 8 (or the sum of 8) - driving a car in a dream while driving and knowing that there are eights on the car number or by adding the number you got the number 8, then you will be visited by annoying guests who, during a long and painful 35 days for you (3+5=8) will not give you rest;
- to see a car with the number 8888 - this means that everything in your life is stable, neither good nor bad.
- a number with the number 9 (or the sum of 9) is a great sign that says that after 9 days, weeks or months you will be able to take revenge on the offender. This is especially good if you dreamed of driving a white car or another light color;
- number 9999 on the car - you will win big in a risky business or game.
Why dream of cars without numbers - Dream Interpretation: to see the back of cars without numbers in a dream - in reality you are extremely concerned about some specific numbers that you think are haunting you and have some symbolic meanings. If in a dream the car did not have a number and you paid attention to this fact, then the dream tells you: stop believing in your numbers, do not associate too much with them, do not get hung up and do not stop the movement of your life due to the fact that these there are no numbers near you at this time period.

Freud's dream book

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • Had a car accident? Vanga's dream book interprets a car accident exclusively with a fatal outcome. If you see your own death, then you are a long-liver, and your life will not only be long, but also happy. You are the messenger of God on Earth and bring good. (Cm. )
  • Dreaming of a "car in the water" dream? Vanga's dream book says that such a dream symbolizes the resolution of contradictions, any changes (internal, external, moral, physical), washing away sins. (Cm. )
  • If you had a dream “the car is sinking in water”, then you are resisting something that cannot be avoided, cannot be changed and cannot be corrected. In this struggle, you will be exhausted, but without achieving any result, you will tear your health and thereby shorten your life.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

  • What does it mean if you dreamed about a car? You need to look at the dream book about the car. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: getting into a car accident in a dream is a failure. In general, the dream “Accident by car” is considered as a psychological one. internal conflict with those around you. (Cm. )
  • If you had a dream “to drive a car”, then the dream wanted to show you the course of your personal life, your ability to control yourself, as well as the ability to stay with others. It is necessary to remember the course of the car, the nature of the movement, as well as the very road along which you were driving in a dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: an ambulance car in a dream - to severe anxiety, anxiety, depression and despair, as well as cries for help associated with a feeling of complete loneliness, helplessness and loss.
  • Dream Interpretation: a red fire truck in a dream - to unreasonable outbursts of emotions and passions. Very rarely, a dream about a fire truck predicts a real accident.

Miller's dream book

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • I dreamed of a car accident in a car - your affairs will be arranged in the best possible way.
  • I dreamed about the accident of several cars with victims - difficulties await you that you cannot overcome alone, so do not neglect the help of people who will offer it themselves. The dream book also interprets an accident with victims as a threat to your property.
  • I dreamed of driving a car myself - such a dream prophesies poverty.
  • What does the dream “drive a car” mean - symbolizes your personal life.
  • Why dream of parking - a break in relations between friends, spouses or colleagues.
  • Why dream of seeing a car? This is how a female dream book deciphers a car seen in a dream: to see a car means you are not just walking along the path of life, you are all in business, they are troublesome, restless, but ultimately successful and profitable. In a dream, seeing a car also means difficulties on the way to success that you will overcome.
  • Why is your broken car dreaming? If in a dream the car broke down for no reason, then in reality you will not be able to count on the support of friends, most likely you will simply lose them.
  • Why dream of a broken car? If in a dream the car broke down when you were driving somewhere, then serious difficulties await you, with problems and obstacles.

Male dream book

  • I dreamed that I bought an expensive chic car - a desire for more than is possible. It is worth a little cool your ardor, otherwise there is a possibility of losing even what you have.
  • Why dream of changing your old car for a new one - Dream Interpretation: changing a car in a dream - in reality means the end of the “black streak”, a “white” streak of luck begins in your life.
  • If you had a dream “painting a car”, then you will get unexpected profits.
  • Dream Interpretation: washing someone else's car in a dream - you need to maintain warm friendly relations with an influential person you know.
  • I dreamed of “painting over scratches on a car” - you need to be extremely careful on the roads, since there is a high probability of an accident, and if possible, do not drive a car at all that day.
  • Dream Interpretation: parking in a car in a dream - you will have to cut off contact with friends or colleagues.
  • Dream Interpretation: to race in a car in a dream - you are too restrained and careful. If you had a dream “to drive at high speed in a car”, such a dream is also a harbinger of success in business.
  • In a dream, rent a car - soon you will be rewarded for your diligence and patience at work.
  • What does it mean to crash a car in a dream - an early love disappointment due to your rash act.

Family dream book

  • If you had a dream "accident in a car", then this is a warning about troubles. If at this point in time you already have trouble at work, then the dream warns of a possible dismissal or a strong conflict between employees and you. Try to think over your every word and action, otherwise all plans will collapse.
  • If you had a dream “accident in a car with victims”, then you will have no prospects in commercial affairs, and there will be discord in sexual relations with a partner, which will lead to a lack of pleasure.
  • “A friend crashed in a car” dream portends that you will receive news from your friend about a real trouble.
  • What is the dream of "accident in a car" for? If you saw her from afar, then in reality there will be a profit that you will receive due to the mistakes of other people.
  • Why dream of a chic car in a dream - in reality you very much boast of your achievements, wealth, position.

Universal dream book

In a dream, getting into an accident in a car is a sign that some kind of trouble will happen. Such a dream warns you that in the near future be careful, pay attention to your health.
What does it mean when you dream of a car accident? This may also mean that you will meet such a person on your life path that you will never forget later, it will be a truly bright, crazy and insane passion. (Cm. )

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman
I had a dream: a car accident is a bad sign. Perhaps at work, your relationship with superiors and colleagues will deteriorate. Be prepared for this and think about what you're going to say so you don't hurt yourself later.

Eastern female dream book

  • I dreamed of a car for a woman - the dream book interprets this as follows: you will be engaged in a very hectic business, but which will ultimately turn out to be useful for you.
  • A woman dreamed of a broken car - you will lose your friend.
  • Had a car accident in a dream? Such a dream warns a woman that your plans for the next seven days will be disrupted due to absolutely unexpected things.
  • Dream Interpretation: cars collided in a dream - postpone all trips by car, plane and train for the next week.
  • If you had a dream “a friend was hit by a car”, then something will happen to your best friend, this will all affect you, you will worry quite seriously.

200,000 dream interpretations

  • What does the dream "car accident" mean? A car accident in a dream is interpreted by a dream book as a prediction of tragic events in your real life, which will shake you up to a personal drama.
  • I dreamed that I had an accident in a car - you can be drawn against your will into a lawsuit, some kind of trial. Or maybe a dream warns that your rash steps will lead to the collapse of plans.
  • I dreamed of an accident in a car - the interpretation from the dream book may be different if you yourself became the culprit of the accident. If the accident occurred through your fault, then in reality your relationship will worsen either in the family or among colleagues.
  • I dreamed of dying in a car accident - you will lose a lot of money // longevity.

Erotic dream book
What is the dream of "accident in a car" for? Do not be discouraged, a certain meeting and insane passion awaits you. It will overtake you by accident, but it will leave such a bright mark on your life that you will remember it for many years as the happiest moments.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Why dream about a car - business, success, personal life, news.
  • Why dream of driving a car - promotion, promotion of business, personal happiness.
  • Dream Interpretation: driving a car at high speed - excessive self-confidence will harm you.
  • Why dream about a car accident - a danger, a real accident.
  • Why dream of buying a car - get the news. (Cm. )
  • If you had a dream “selling a car” - if you dreamed of selling a car in a dream, it means that you are in trouble at work. (Cm. )

Dream interpretation from A to Z
This dream book gives a very detailed interpretation of dreams “Car accident”. (Cm. )

  • What is the dream of a car in an accident? If you witnessed an accident in a dream, then in real life you will meet with an ambitious narrow-minded person with an unpleasant conversation with him.
  • If in a dream a car runs over you, but at the same time you remain alive, then troubles will bypass you.
  • If you had a dream “a person’s car moved”, then your vacation will be spoiled by something or someone.
  • Why dream of a big car accident? If you saw her from afar, but miraculously did not get into this terrible accident yourself, then in reality you will be able to get out of an unpleasant situation without conflicts and clashes.

Erotic dream book Danilova
Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams "Accident in a car." Any movement is life, fast movement is a stormy personal life, but the erotic dream book of an accident in a car in a dream regards it as an unexpected stormy romance that will swallow you completely.

Noble dream book Grishina

  • I dreamed of a beautiful car - start a new business.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a car accident with corpses - you need to remember how they made you feel. If the corpse is terrible, you are in deep melancholy. If the corpse was in the blood - you will have a surge of vitality. If the corpse did not cause you bad emotions, then everything will be fine, happiness in the family and good relationships at work. (Cm. )
  • I dreamed that I was hit by a car - unfortunately.
  • I had a dream that I was driving a car, which means I will soon have to use my connections.
  • The dream of “driving fast in a car” is a risk, perhaps unjustified.
  • The dream of “driving a car” means that your life is in danger.
  • In a dream, get into a car - you may be pursued.
  • If you had a dream “fall out of the car”, then you yourself endanger your life, as well as your well-being.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Modern dream book

  • What does it mean if you dreamed about a car? A dream promises you the implementation of the planned business. It will not be easy, but everything will end successfully, and you will be rewarded according to your deserts.
  • I dreamed of an old car - enemies, enemies and competitors will defeat you and be the first to reach the goal.
  • Seeing an accident in a car in a dream - if you saw an accident from the outside or the consequences of such an accident, remember the Russian proverb “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself”, i.e. in the coming days, rely only on your strength and your mind. (Cm. )
  • The wheels of the car were spinning fast in a dream - you need to become an energetic and prudent person in order to succeed in business. Only in this way will you achieve honor at work and family happiness. (Cm. )
  • If you had a dream “a punctured wheel of a car”, then you are destined to be separated from a person close to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: drowning a car in water in a dream - it's time to remove all negativity, cleanse yourself spiritually and move forward with pure thoughts. (Cm. )
  • Seeing car keys in a dream is an acquisition of value, an expensive purchase // a joyful event. (Cm. )

The latest dream book
A dream about a car accident is a dream warning - be careful during the week, watch your health, refuse to travel, and in the evening, if possible, stay at home. (Cm. )

Dream Interpretation of Hope and Dmitry Zima

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August
Interpretation of dreams "Car accident" - the collapse of all your expectations, hopes and dreams.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April
The interpretation of the “Car accident” dream is as follows: changes will occur in relations with your spouse (wife), in which direction it depends on you.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed about a car in a dream - a personal mechanical tool designed to move a small number of people. Unlike a train or, say, a bus, a car is driven by a person who has direct contact with his passengers. The driver of the car in a dream can be either the dreamer himself, or his friend, or a loved one. It is very rare to dream of a car with strangers. That is why a dream about a car symbolizes a functional action that gives pleasure. In-se connects it with the physical body, with the immediate environment and indicates the relationship with the environment, the behavior of the logical-historical "I". Various Models personal vehicles seen in a dream, as well as the actions that the dreamer performed with him, indicate different models of the dreamer's behavior, the behavior of his personal "I".
  • If you had a dream “driving a car”, then such a dream speaks of successful career advancement, the ability to evade and avoid an undesirable situation. If it was not the dreamer who was driving, but another person, then someone else's positive or negative influence dominates the dreamer in real life.
  • Why dream of rolling over in a car in a dream? An accident in a dream speaks of your suicidal tendencies. This tendency is implicit, but in a morally difficult situation, you will seek a solution to problems through suicide. (Cm. )
  • I dreamed “the car is driving very fast, I can’t catch up with it” - it symbolizes your missed opportunities that you could use, but for some reason did not.
  • If you had a dream “I’m driving a car”, then the dream wants to draw your attention to your psychosomatic disorders. Also, the dream of “driving a car” speaks of a kind of mechanical grid in which you are at the stage of incubation maturation, so to speak, the completion of the formation of your personality, the formation of your own “I”.

Gypsy dream book

  • Why dream of an overturned car? Any accident is interpreted as a misfortune in your family or at work. You are also gnawed by conscience and a terrible sense of guilt about an unworthy act. Try to fix something, or at least apologize.
  • If you had a dream "ambulance", then misfortune may happen in reality, be careful and attentive.
  • What is the dream of “Ambulance, car, drive” - you made a serious mistake, but you still haven’t realized it and haven’t corrected it. It's time to do both.
  • If you had a dream “to drive up in a car”, then you have to work hard.
  • If you had a dream “a car broke down”, then you will have to reassess your values, actions and beliefs.

Esoteric dream book
What does it mean if you dream of a car accident? She dreams of arranging some kind of business that could not be completed in any way. If a friend or acquaintance has an accident, then someone will help you in solving your problem. If you are the victim of an accident, then whatever you do will benefit. (Cm. )
What does it mean to buy a car in a dream? It means success in all endeavors and career advancement. (Cm. )

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Jung's Dream Interpretation
What does a car mean in a dream? According to this dream book, a car is one of those images that indicate structure or indicate the way in which your Ego is included in various types of life. If you had a dream about a car, then they want to tell you about your self-esteem, what the car was like in your dream, this is how you evaluate yourself in real life.

Vlasova's intimate dream book
Seeing your car without wheels in a dream is a bad sign - a person has entered your life who, with his influence, spoils your life, and at the same time your health. You need to weaken this influence and try to “throw out” this person from your life. (Cm. )
Dream Interpretation: pumping a wheel from a car or putting it in place - you are calm and peaceful, but these can be two different states. One thing: you are too relaxed after doing an important thing, and any problem can unsettle you. Another: you are so calm that you turn your own life into a swamp.

Generalized dream book

  • I dreamed that they removed the wheels from the car - obstacles and obstacles will soon meet on your life path.
  • I dreamed that they stole the wheels from the car - the losses would be insignificant, the losses would not be large. (Cm. )
  • If you had a dream “the car fell into a hole”, then you will find yourself in a difficult situation.
  • If you had a dream “to drive a car on the road”, then it will not be easy for you to make an important decision. After suffering in the choice, you still choose the right path. (Cm. )
  • If you dream of an accident on the road by car, this is a warning of trouble. If there are troubles at work, then the dream warns of a possible dismissal or a strong conflict between employees and you. Try to think over your every word and action, otherwise all plans will collapse. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a lot of cars in a dream - to a responsible business meeting on which we will depend a lot.
  • I dreamed of water in the car - the dream is interpreted ambiguously and strongly depends on what kind of water was in the car and why it was there. Whether it was clean or dirty, whether the car was in a pool or in the sea, whether the car was drowned or drowned with it, the water completely covered the car or was only on the floor. (Cm. )
  • If you had a dream “the car fell into the water”, then in reality you are resisting what cannot be avoided and what should be. You will spend a lot of time and effort, tear your health, but you will not achieve anything.
  • If you had a dream “the car falls into the water from a cliff”, then you will make many mistakes and will suffer the consequences for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: driving a car on water in a dream - everything in your life is going measuredly, thoughtfully, foreseen, as they say, "everything goes according to plan."
  • What is the dream of a black car? If you dreamed of a black car - an unfavorable sign - portends separation, worries and mental anguish.
  • Why dream of a big black jeep car? If you had a dream “black car big jeep”, then in spite of everything you will succeed, thanks to your perseverance, determination, although you will spend a lot of nerves and will be very worried.
  • Seeing a black rumpled car in a dream - to illness and separation.
  • I dreamed of a green car - there will be a fateful meeting with a person who will give you happiness and pleasure.
  • I dreamed of a blue car - due to the fact that you are protected and patronized, you feel calm and peaceful.
  • If you had a dream truck”, then you are entering the “white stripe” of life. It will last a long time, provided that you do not deviate from the intended path. If you dreamed of a truck, then you have chosen the right path and no matter how hard it is for you, in no case turn off it.
  • I dreamed of car keys - buying a valuable thing, joy. (Cm. )
  • If you had a dream “to find the keys to the car”, then in reality expect a valuable gift, cash prize or profit.
  • Pick up car keys in a dream - in reality you are saving money for an expensive purchase.
  • Why dream of stealing your own car? Seeing your car stolen in a dream means the following: enemies, competitors, envious people or other people who want to “lower” you are preparing a trap for you, be attentive to the little things.
  • I dreamed that they stole a car from a stranger - the implementation of your plan is reduced to zero, you will have to make a lot of efforts to achieve at least something.
  • I dreamed of a burning car - be on the lookout, pay special attention to the little things in order to correct the current situation. If you dreamed of being inside a burning car, then you need to monitor your health, you may have a nervous breakdown.
  • I dreamed of washing a car - in reality you need to maintain warm and friendly relations with an influential person with whom you are familiar.
  • I dreamed that I scratched the car - in reality you may expect an accident on the road, be extremely careful.
  • If you had a dream “a rumpled car”, then in reality you need to always be on the alert and not lose vigilance, as something will happen at work soon.
  • Why dream of crashing a car in a dream - you will experience disappointment in love because of one rash act.
  • The dream of "getting out of the car" warns you of possible troubles associated with the loss of your authority.
  • If you had a “parked car” dream, then in real life you will have to nullify all relationships with friends, colleagues or companions.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

In a dream, losing a car wheel is a dream warning - an accident is possible, give up the trip. (Cm. )
Seeing a flat tire in a car in a dream - you will allow irreparable delay in business.

Home dream book
If you had a dream “buying a new car”, then failures and losses will fall upon you. (Cm. )
If you had a dream “I bought a new car on credit”, then you want to keep everything under control.

Loff's dream book
A dream about buying a car most often indicates a choice that will be right for you. (Cm. )
Dream Interpretation: a large truck in a dream - a dream emphasizes the working atmosphere, the situation, or special efforts, the difficulties of overcoming and living in certain segments of the sleeper's life. (Cm. )

Dream Interpretation of Khamidova
Why dream of buying a car in a dream? If you dreamed of “buying a car”, then such a dream prepares you for trouble.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

  • Interpretation of sleep: driving a car - you will start a hectic but useful business, it will end in success.
  • I dreamed of a car breakdown - the dream book says that you will lose a friend or meet an obstacle. However, having accepted correct solution, you can avoid both.
  • The dream “the car is going backwards” says that you are “backing away” all the time and do not want to go forward. It is worth considering who or what is preventing you from moving forward in life.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

New family dream book

Dream interpretation of Shuvalova
What does it mean to see a car in a dream? A car in a dream symbolizes movement through life. It is necessary to remember who was driving the car. Seeing yourself driving a car in a dream means either you are slowly and persistently moving towards your intended goal, or you are deliberately avoiding responsibility and an undesirable situation. If you dream of “driving a car” driven by another person, then some person controls your life, and you cannot do something yourself and make a decision on your own. To see a dream “car leaving” is interpreted by the dream book as missed opportunities.

Small Velesov dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a car moved in a dream - something unpleasant will happen either at work or in the service.
  • If you had a dream “car explosion”, then expect quarrels, scandals and conflicts, and your hopes will all collapse.
  • Dream Interpretation: to drive a car, to be driving in a dream means you have excessive self-confidence and independence. Perhaps these qualities will bring results and success to the work begun.
  • In a dream, the car jumped and all the passengers fell out - you will lose your friends, part with them with a conflict, the gap will be painful and sharp.
  • Why dream of a lot of people in a car? Riding in a car with people in a dream means having good friends in reality, you have some kind of joint business.
  • If you had a dream “drown the car in water” - bad weather, cold. (Cm. )
  • I dreamed “the car fell into the water” - trouble will happen if the water was dirty.

Ivanov's latest dream book
Why dream of a road by car? If you had a dream “to drive a car on the road”, then you just need to take a break away from your home. (Cm. )

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

  • What does a fire truck mean to a girl in a dream? Take part in a very dangerous business, an unworthy person with whom you are now in touch will push you into it.
  • Why do lovers dream about cars? Dream Interpretation: a car for lovers in a dream is a symbol of a long and lasting relationship, a happy future with your chosen one / chosen one.
  • Why dream of getting hit by a car? Dream Interpretation: getting hit by a car in a dream - a dream says that the party you plan to attend will not bring you anything good and you will not have the best impressions of it.
  • In a dream, getting into an accident by car and surviving a disaster means that in life you will be able to establish relationships with your loved one.
  • Why dream of buying a new car? Dream Interpretation: buying a car in a dream is a sign that you will be able to earn the respect of your soulmate, thereby exalting yourself in the eyes of your loved one.
  • Why dream of selling a car - Dream Interpretation: selling a car in a dream - to a break in relations and losses.
  • Why dream of breaking a car? Dream Interpretation: a broken car in a dream means that quarrels and an unpleasant showdown await you soon.
  • Why dream that a car was stolen? Dream Interpretation: they stole a car in a dream - it means that in reality the personal relationships of lovers will fail.
  • In a dream, a car was stolen, what does it mean? For family people, such a dream predicts a divorce.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Dream Interpretation Hasse
If you had a dream “drowned the car”, then you will encounter obstacles that will need to be overcome. (Cm. )

Aesop's dream book
Why dream of a drowned car in water - Dream Interpretation: drowned a car in water in a dream - you just can’t realize your capabilities, your knowledge, skills, and this greatly depresses you. However, because of this feeling, you begin to work more actively so that there is no time for rest.

Old Russian dream book
If you had a dream “the car drowned”, then you will endure persecution.
The dream of “driving on water in a car” speaks of your success, triumph and victory.

Spring dream book
I dreamed that a car drowned in water - a disease.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

  • The meaning of sleep "machine" comes down to the following: in life you will encounter deception.
  • In a dream, driving a car as a passenger is a successful business.
  • I dreamed that I was driving a car while driving - the course of your personal life, which is independent of external circumstances, self-control is assessed based on which road you were driving on and how quickly and efficiently.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

  • Seeing “driving in a car” in a dream is a stomach problem.
  • Dream Interpretation, the interpretation of dreams "steam engine" comes down to sexual impulse, instinct.
  • Driving a car in a dream for a woman symbolizes the state of her body.
  • A red car in a dream for a woman is love and passion.

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy
I dreamed of a car, the interpretation of the dream book is as follows: success awaits you if you work in a factory or plant.

Combined dream book

  • Why dream of driving a car in a dream? Dream Interpretation: driving a car in a dream is a very interesting and useful dream, so you need to remember the details and little things of sleep. The appearance of the car, the nature of the ride and the integrity of personal vehicles will tell you what kind of events you should expect in the near future.
  • Driving a car in a dream while driving - you yourself are systematically and consciously moving through life. You are an active and purposeful person.
  • If you dreamed of “driving fast in a car”, then in reality you are in a hurry, you have chosen a high pace in life, you should slow down a bit.
  • If you had a dream “the brakes in the car failed”, then you don’t feel strong enough in life, the situation keeps getting out of your control.
  • If you had a dream “I’m driving a car, I can’t slow down” - this is a warning dream that says: you have already lost control over the situation that is unfolding in your life at a given moment in time, you will not be able to suspend the process that you yourself started .
  • Dream Interpretation: road, car, driving in a dream - the desire to do everything quickly, but everything will go on as usual: business, family, worries, chores.
  • If you had a dream “a lot of cars on the road”, then a serious and responsible meeting is ahead, on which your future life will depend.
  • In a dream, they removed the wheels from the car - the dream book portends troubles and losses that will not be as significant as they might seem at first glance.
  • To see a dream “a car is in a pit”, the dream book says that this is a predicament from which it will be difficult to get out.
  • If you had a dream “I want to buy a car” - in real life you really want to buy a new car.
  • If you had a dream “I bought a car”, then you will have a new successful business that will bring good money.
  • If you had a dream “the car is driving without a driver”, then you will soon lose control over the current situation. You have been striving for something for a very long time, but the labors and forces were wasted, it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to take everything into your own hands again and control the situation.
  • I dreamed of a car that was sold on flat tires - constant interference, some kind of obstacles in your life path. The dream wants to warn you: now is not the time to do important things. It is necessary to analyze in detail all your plans.
  • Interpretation of dreams: a broken car in a dream symbolizes an enemy, competitor, foe.
  • I dreamed of a rumpled car - something bad will happen at work soon, so do not lose vigilance and do not relax.
  • Seeing your car dented on both sides in a dream, soft-boiled means that in reality you will not be able to solve the problem on your own.
  • If you had a dream “they stole a car”, then you will suffer losses through no fault of your own, but because of someone else’s machinations.
  • If you had a dream “they stole a car”, the interpretation will be as follows: your competitors will do everything to deprive you of money, they may use your plan to implement their ideas.
  • If you had a dream “that they stole my car”, then your enemies, competitors or ill-wishers will minimize your efforts to earn money.
  • Seeing a sinking car in a dream means you will be in an emergency.
  • I dreamed that a truck drowned - a dream warning - give up a trip, a planned business trip, or any business that expects active physical movement or actions from you. You can get hurt while moving.
  • If you had a dream “a car is on fire”, your emotions and passions will get out of your control and harm your business. You are now in such a state that you are ready to “explode”, “flare up” with negativity and anger.
  • If you had a dream about a time machine, you tend to move away from reality, like to fantasize and prefer to live in a fictional world that is “convenient” for you.
  • Interpretation of dreams: hit by a car in a dream - if a car hit you to death in a dream, then in reality you will suffer from too active someone else's activity.
  • Why dream of driving a car as a passenger - in a dream, driving a car as a passenger means the following: you got in the way of some person. If the driver was a friend or a person you know from reality, it is this person that you are doing a great job of interfering with now. Your interests will intersect soon.
  • If you had a dream “to ride as a passenger in a big red car”, then in reality you are on the path of love, you want to break up someone else’s family, you want to take possession of a person who already belongs to someone.
  • In a dream, the car does not start - wait for temporary stops in business.
  • If you had a dream of "jumping out of the car", then you will voluntarily give up what you have planned.
  • If you had a dream “there are a lot of cars near the house” - to see a lot of cars in a dream means priority, dynamics and purposefulness of the dreamer.
  • If you had a dream “to get into a car with a man”, then in reality you lead a passive lifestyle, you do not show initiative and simply follow the path outlined by someone.
  • If you had a dream “car number”, then you should remember the numbers of the number and pay attention to them.
  • If you had a “sports car” dream, then you are swift, dynamic and impetuous, and everything in your life moves in this rhythm. Also, if you dreamed of a “sports car”, it could mean that it’s time to stop, look around and stand on a par with others?
  • If you had a dream "police car" - meet an official who will significantly affect the course of your life.
  • If you had a dream “car theft”, then enemies or competitors are preparing a trap for you in reality.
  • To see a burning car in a dream - to see a burning car in a dream means one thing: you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown, follow your emotions, calm down.
  • Dream Interpretation: parking cars in a dream - limit yourself to communicating with friends, colleagues or companions.
  • If you had a dream “to race in a car”, then in reality you are showing too much caution and restraint.

Idiomatic dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of the “machine” dream comes down to the following: deceit, hypocrisy, mannerisms, idleness.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams “to drive a car” comes down to the fact that either you will deceive or you will be deceived.
  • Dream Interpretation: driving a car while driving in a dream - you will consciously deceive someone in reality.
  • Dream Interpretation: to be a passenger in a car in a dream - you will be deceived.
  • Dream Interpretation: driving someone else’s car in the back seat and looking out the window in a dream - if you had a dream “driving someone else’s car in the back seat”, then in reality you are showing arrogance, allowing yourself bossy notes in your voice.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that the interpretation of the “car” dream comes down to the fact that this is the path of life, the advancement of affairs and your success. Of course, interpretations vary greatly based on what you did with the car in a dream, what condition it was in, what color it was, and the like. People often see this dream and ask a lot of questions about the dream they saw. Therefore, almost all known dream books paid their attention to the car taken away in a dream.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

lead and rejoice yourself - unfortunately, to poverty, worries; troubles, personal interference; to go back and forth - litigation; official letters, papers; park - it's time to break; collision, accident - the return of the lost; (for a woman) a car - maybe a boyfriend; wheel (burst) - to parting or divorce; riding in a car - relationships, marriages; to ride in a car - personal life, see Ride.

Dreamed of a car

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are driving a car means your activity and luck in business. If you are in a car accident, then after such a dream, do not expect good impressions from the entertainment in which you are going to participate. Seeing yourself successfully avoiding a car accident is a good sign: you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans. Buying a car in a dream is also good sign the fact that you will be able to restore your former good position, but selling a car is an unpleasant change in fate. Driving a car portends losses, sometimes illnesses. Being thrown out of a car on the go is bad news. A broken car is also a dream that portends failure. Just to see cars in a dream - for trips, changes in fate, pleasant travels. If you see that your car has disappeared, it has been stolen, this means the failure of many of your plans, on which the future depends. Getting out of the car is a sign of the successful implementation of plans, which will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

Dreamed of a car

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing cars in a dream portends that you will undertake a project that will cause you great anxiety, but as a result it will be useful to you. Seeing an old car is a sign that enemies will surpass you in your efforts to ensure your well-being. Being pulled into a working machine is a harbinger of business losses and the beginning of a series of close misfortunes. This dream generally portends losses from unsuccessful transactions. In general, to see a working mechanism in a dream promises you serious difficulties in many endeavors and at the same time promises the support of friends. A broken car portends the loss of friends. If you dream of a fire truck, this promises you anxiety and excitement associated with an emergency. If a young lady is driving a fire truck in a dream, she should beware in order to avoid participating in an unpleasant business.

Dreamed of a steering wheel

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a steering wheel in a dream is a sign that you will make an exciting journey to distant lands and make new acquaintances. A broken steering wheel portends disappointment and illness.

See traffic in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Traffic is an exciting dream image. If it is necessary to make a journey in a dream, then it is transport that is the main means for resolving the question of the meaning of the dream. What matters is the movement of transport as such and whether it contributes or hinders the achievement of the intended goal by the dreamer. Since almost everyone experiences traffic on a daily basis, dreams related to traffic reflect the extent to which the environment helps or hinders the achievement of your goals. Such dreams may indicate to you that in order to achieve your goals, you need to show more patience, perseverance or creativity. Of course, a dream about traffic can also mean that you are just stuck in traffic for the whole day and this is one way to relieve stress. Did traffic cause you to miss an important meeting?

The meaning of sleep about the headlight

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, to see a car with headlights on - someone secretly dreams of meeting you and, moreover, is going to fulfill his desire in the near future. So you can prepare for an acquaintance - be sure that it will not leave you with unpleasant impressions. Flashing car headlights are a sign of instability. It seems to you that everything is fine and calm in your personal life, but in fact, your partner is already far from you with all his thoughts. Try to pay attention to your own behavior - for sure, the reason for your partner's cooling down lies precisely in you.

If you dreamed of a car, then this can sometimes mean a large number of interpretation options. The car that you dreamed about is usually a certain signal from higher powers so that you act with special care in the near future.

There are quite a few explanations for what a car is dreaming of, but as a rule, a car is a symbol showing the direction in which your life is moving. If you doubt your self-esteem or do not know exactly how to act in this situation, or you need to participate in some important event that will take place in the near future, or you are waiting for cardinal changes in work or in personal relationships, you may dream of a car .

A passenger car for a modern person is associated with movement, a road, a chosen path, an opportunity to turn life in a different direction or take control of a situation. What did the car dream about in a dream? What does the dream book tell us about this? A car, if in a dream it was new, expensive, beautiful, in a word, the one that you have been dreaming of all your life, means that all your planned affairs will certainly be completed successfully and pleasant changes await you..

If for some reason you didn’t get in when you saw a beautiful new car, and someone else drove instead of you, most likely you really missed the opportunity to make a difference for the better and now you regret it.

It happens that in a dream you are driving and you understand: driving is very easy for you, as never before, and the car obeys you well, for sure, in reality this means that in life you are leading the situation in the direction that you need. In a dream, you drive a black jeep - which means that in reality you can get into trouble, but if you drive a red or white convertible - you too often return your thoughts to the past.

Sleep details

If you dreamed about a car, and it is very old and rotten, then in reality it says that things are not as smooth as they seem, and, despite all your efforts, you are unlikely to get to the top on such an iron horse. Such a dream may indicate that your self-esteem is too low, and sometimes it means fear that enemies can surpass you.

According to the dream book, a car with broken headlights is a symbol of the fact that you have lost your way, lost your bearings and can hardly see the pits and potholes on the path of life. And if the windshield is broken, this is a warning - be careful and do not take any steps without thinking well.

What is the dream of a car that has broken down on the way or has a broken wheel? In this regard, the dream book suggests that if you managed and repaired the car or changed the wheel in a dream, then in life you will definitely cope with the task. If the situation in a dream has put you at a standstill, then in reality you will not be able to cope on your own, without outside help.

If you see a broken vehicle just standing, it may mean that you may lose friends in the near future. If you are going to drive a car and find that it is out of order, this may mean trouble or separation from loved ones.

A car engine dreams of a long journey or minor problems that friends or loved ones will help you solve. If the engine has stalled, it means that you do not have enough strength to solve any pressing problem.

The meaning of the road in dreams

The road for each person is his life path. Along the way, there are obstacles or obstacles. The road in a dream directly indicates to you what is happening with your life in reality.

  • A straight, flat, free road means that you are on the right track and will soon reach your goal.
  • If the road winds from side to side, it means that you have lost your way in life.
  • If there are a lot of holes, crossings, hills and forks on the road, your path will be difficult, you will need additional strength to solve any issue.

If you yourself were driving in a dream and got into an accident, you should expect that at a crucial moment you may have trouble or a serious problem will appear. The more damage in a dream, the more difficulties you will face in reality. Sometimes in a dream - a messenger of a possible accident in reality. In this case, it is better to be more careful behind the wheel and drive more carefully.

If you were hit by a car - unfortunately, in reality, fell out of the car - through your own fault, you can lose profits or break off long-term relationships. If you dream that you yourself are driving a car, then, most likely, in reality you will be condemned for excessive extravagance and wastefulness, and you will have to do things that will seem to you not entirely worthy.

When you happened to drive a car in a dream, then perhaps such a dream is a warning that in the near future you will have unexpected troubles that will occur through no fault of your own. In the event that in a dream you are forced to drive a car, then most likely you are unhappy with your personal life.

It is often difficult to say what a car is dreaming of. In the dream of a young girl who is looking for and cannot find her car, she is associated with a loss in love or spiritual disappointment.

When in a dream you want to drive a car yourself, but other people are driving you, this suggests that you will receive help from higher powers and be able to find a way out of a difficult situation. Seeing a bright red car with headlights on - someone has long dreamed of meeting you or you have a secret admirer or fan.

If you suddenly see a fire truck in a dream, in reality this predicts unrest, anxiety, any incidents. A young lady dreams that she had to drive a fire truck - it is better to beware of dual situations in real life, from which it will then be difficult to find a way out.

Interpretation of dreams

Some dream books interpret in a different way what the car is dreaming of, for example:

Buying a car is a good deal. Buying a car for little money is an opportunity to solve the problem with minimal costs. Buying an expensive car for a very large amount - your costs will not pay off. Buying a car that you have long dreamed of - to the fulfillment of a long-standing desire or to the realization of a dream. Buying a car in a dream for women promises a marriage proposal.

To see a white car with a siren - to the illness of one's own or one's loved ones. Seeing a white car in a dream - for a celebration or event, possibly for a wedding.

Pushing a car - for a trip, business trip or trip. Start a car - start a new business or solve a difficult problem. Getting out or getting into a car is a warning, perhaps someone is following you. Parking is a break in a relationship.

Driving a new car - to marriage or a new relationship. Driving an old black car is your big ambition. They stole a tinted black car - you will reveal some secret. Driving several cars is a big profit. Extreme driving is a risk in business.

It is very often a dream that your car was stolen or stolen, you rush about in vain in search of it. This suggests that financial losses may await you ahead or your plans will not be realized.

  • Theft of the car in which your things were located - perhaps your attention was diverted in order to harm you on the sly. If the car you were in was stolen, it means that an unexpected catch awaits you in business.
  • If a red car was stolen from a girl in a dream, then this may mean the risk of getting into an unpleasant situation. A car was stolen from you in a dream, but you are not upset - which means that a loss will occur in life, but you will not worry about it.
  • The car theft that you yourself commit is a dream of a sudden spontaneous solution to the problem. If a car was stolen with your participation, it means that you will be asked to provide a not entirely honest service.
  • If a car theft occurs before your eyes and you cannot do anything about it, then you will not be able to radically change the current situation. Theft of an old car - one of the competitors will borrow your business idea.
  • Hijacking a car with a chase means the likely collapse of your endeavors. If one of your acquaintances committed the hijacking, perhaps in life you don’t need to trust him too much.

Thus, if you listen to the dream book, all actions with a car in a dream mean a warning, independent adoption of any important decisions, choice life path or fear of doing something wrong.

Miller's dream book

To dream that you are driving a car- means your activity and luck in business.

If you are in a car accident- after such a dream, do not expect good impressions from the entertainment in which you are going to participate.

Seeing yourself successfully avoiding a car accident- a good sign: you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans.

Buy in a dream- also a good sign that you will be able to restore your former good position, but sell- to unpleasant changes in fate.

Manage- portends loss, sometimes illness.

Being thrown out of a car on the move- to bad news.

broken- this is also a dream portending failure.

Just dream about cars- to trips, changes in fate, pleasant travels.

If you see that your car has disappeared, it has been stolen- this means the failure of many of your plans, on which the future depends.

Get out of the car- a sign of the successful implementation of plans, which will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

If you just see him in your dreams- this is for trips, changes in fate, pleasant travels; if your car disappeared; was it stolen or are you selling it- this means the failure of many plans on which the future depends, and unpleasant changes in fate; if you buy- you will be able to restore your former good position.

Car crash- do not expect good impressions from the entertainment in which you are going to participate; if in a dream you avoid disaster- you will be able to avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Traveling in a car- determines the inner strength of the dreamer.

Be driving- all your plans will come true.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Passenger car- to a long nervous road, vain efforts (if you are traveling as a passenger); if you are driving and the car goes without problems at a good speed- to quickly achieve the goal; if you see a passenger car passing, but then braking- casual acquaintance, not binding in the future

Complete dream book of the New Era

Driving a car- excessive self-confidence, independence, but also the possibility of a favorable result of the decisions made.

Loss of friendship, parting with the conflict, a sharp break in relations.

Jung's Dream Interpretation

Cars and other modes of transportation- are among those images that denote the ego structure or indicate the way in which the ego is included in various types of life. The difference between walking and racing in a car is symbolically significant enough, like, say, the difference between driving one's own car and the collective character of riding a bus. Trains, in contrast to cars and buses, are limited in their movement by rails and cannot move freely at will, wherever they wish; therefore, they are usually associated with obsessive (compulsive) or habitual activities.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Automobile- symbolizes progress, comfort, independence, energy, success in life.

If you dreamed that you were driving- this can mean a feeling of movement towards a goal or, conversely, a desire to run away from danger.

If you dream that you are losing control- this may mean that deep down you are not confident in yourself and are afraid of losing self-control.

Symbolic dream book

A car- is a symbol of personal life, to ride in it (depending on the nature of the movement, the type of road and the car itself) means one or another (in terms of quality) period of life and the general course of affairs or relationships in development.

Working, cargo- reports on the degree of "load" of the dreamer's consciousness and is a reflection of his professional, labor activity. It additionally indicates the severity, difficulty of the event or relationship.

Driving very fast- indicates, most often, a slowdown in affairs, a painful expectation of a decision, a result.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Automobile- the emotional state, the personal life of the sleeper, the general state of affairs and relationships (based on the appearance and nature of the movement).

car motor- heart, energy, will, the main life motivation, the intention of the dreamer.

steer yourself- own responsibility for all occurring events; connection with your destiny.

Car with headlights on- significant event; wedding.

Old- old plans, business, repeated feelings, relationships.

Freight- emphasizes the working atmosphere, the situation, or special efforts, the difficulties of overcoming and living in certain segments of the life of the sleeping person.

Modern universal dream book

Thanks to cars- people were able to move more freely and faster. With this understanding, the machine is a sign of liberation.

If in a dream you have a car- perhaps in real life new perspectives open up before you. Do you feel like you are being released from something or someone?

In a dream, are you driving your own car? How fast are you driving? You feel like you're in control- your answers will tell about how you behave in real life.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

If the car is going uphill- you will probably have to seriously work on your development. Breakdown means that you need to re-evaluate your beliefs and actions.

old car- if in a dream you drive an old car with a forced engine, it means that you want to relive your youth again. You have a craving to relax and act recklessly. Resist your desire and take a short break to get rid of the monotony of everyday life.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Be dented by a car- something unpleasant will happen in the service, in business.

Car accident with sparks and fire- scandal, quarrel, conflict, collapse of hopes. Driving a car - excessive self-confidence, independence, but also the possibility of a favorable result of decisions made.

The car jumped on a bump and the passengers fell out- loss of friendship, parting with the conflict, a sharp break in relations.

Ride with someone in a car- to be friends, to have joint affairs with someone.

Erotic dream book Danilova

If in a dream you are driving a car- such a dream portends an imminent pleasant pastime, which promises you a new acquaintance.

If in a dream you were in a car accident- after this dream, expect a sudden break with your lover. And if you see that a disaster has been avoided, this is a good sign. You can hide from the attention of a permanent partner your love adventures on the side.

Esoteric dream book

To drive a car- to command, manage people, as skillfully as you drive a car.

Ride backwards- you have become like those who previously commanded earlier.

Acquire- you will have the opportunity to advance in the service.

To see a luxury car, unavailable in life- to losses, losses. It is possible your car will be stolen.

Old, broken, such as in reality- you will have the opportunity to make good money, buy a new car.

Ukrainian dream book

Automobile- news.

To go in a passenger car- Fortunately; sit in the car- unfulfilled dreams; drive- short road; like an ace, drive a car- you have excessive self-confidence; experience being run over by a car- Trouble at work.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Drive the car yourself- to poverty; ride in a car- personal life; park- it's time to break.

Collection of dream books

Traveling in a car if you are driving- portends difficult situations and times.

Very bad- if the car was stolen or it broke down; sale or repair- to serious complications in your affairs on the way to happiness and prosperity.

Buying a car- public recognition of your merits; likely to move up the career ladder soon.

Get out of the car- Successfully complete what you started.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

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