The kindest sign of the zodiac. The most-very Sign of the Zodiac: why are you better than others? The most kind and gentle of the zodiac signs

All Signs of the Zodiac are different from each other. There is no doubt about this. Astrologers decided to rank the most-very Zodiac Signs and see which of them succeeds in what.

The strongest zodiac sign

Astrologers believe that Pisces is the strongest sign of the Zodiac. This is rather strange, because the representatives of this constellation are very impressionable and sentimental. Where does their power come from? Pisces has a lot of internal resources that other constellations do not have. And when, for example, stubborn and ambitious Aries and Capricorns fail, Pisces take a fairly strong position. We can say that Pisces bend, but do not break.

Sexiest Zodiac Sign

The sexiest sign of the zodiac is Aries. Representatives of this constellation are energetic, attractive, passionate and active. They have no equal in love pleasures. Aries attract attention due to their charisma and inner charm.

The most insidious zodiac sign

The most insidious sign of the Zodiac is Scorpio. If the representatives of this constellation begin to take revenge, then you can’t stop them. They act by the most sophisticated methods, it is difficult to convict and suspect them of something. Scorpions are the worst and most dangerous enemies.

The most faithful sign of the zodiac

by the most true sign Zodiac astrologers consider Virgo. People of this constellation strive to find a partner for life and are very careful in choosing their soulmate. And if they choose someone, then we can say with full confidence that the representatives of this Zodiac Sign will definitely not change.

The most beautiful sign of the zodiac

The most attractive zodiac sign is Sagittarius. The people of this constellation are by nature outwardly very harmoniously built, which gives them every right to be called the most attractive. In addition, they always monitor their appearance, which once again emphasizes their beauty and attractiveness.

The kindest zodiac sign

The most kind sign of the Zodiac is Taurus. He does not like to conflict, he is always soft and tactful in communication, which, of course, in itself is a sign of his benevolence. Taurus can provide free assistance, thereby proving once again that they have the biggest heart.

Luckiest Zodiac Sign

The luckiest zodiac sign is Gemini. Often they are in the right place at the right time, which makes them more successful than other constellations. Geminis are naturally optimistic, and this already accounts for 90% of their luck. Due to their luck, they can rightfully be called the happiest sign of the zodiac.

The most family zodiac sign

The most family sign of the Zodiac is Cancer. For representatives of this constellation, family values ​​come first. They strive to find a worthy partner, get a cozy house and give birth to a bunch of children. This is the most ideal zodiac sign for marriage and serious relationships.

The most selfish zodiac sign

The most selfish zodiac sign is Leo. Despite their generosity and friendliness, the representatives of this constellation do almost everything to please their desires. They love to be the center of attention, which replenishes their energy. In addition, Lions are very fond of praise and flattery, as they feel at their best at such moments.

The most sociable sign of the zodiac

Libra is considered the most sociable sign of the zodiac. Don't put your finger in their mouths - just let them chat for an hour or two. Representatives of this constellation find pleasure in new acquaintances. When they are in society, they feel confident and at ease. It is difficult for them to withstand even one day of loneliness.

The most private zodiac sign

The most closed sign of the Zodiac is Capricorn. It is very difficult to imagine what is on the minds of the people of this constellation! They rarely trust their feelings and experiences to anyone, and, most often, they behave indifferently and coldly in public.

The most brilliant sign of the zodiac

The most ingenious sign of the Zodiac is Aquarius. Representatives of this constellation always generate new ideas. They have a very developed imagination and creative thinking. But sometimes they do not have enough strength to bring their ideas to mind, and therefore, all their brilliant inventions and projects remain unrecognized.

Kindness is a quality, the excess of which does not harm, wrote the British writer John Galsworthy. Thought wise, but in real life is not always embodied. ELLE has compiled a rating of the kindest zodiac signs.

12th place - Gemini

Quite a strange sign in the sense of kindness. Rather, the attitude of Gemini to others is correctly called polite attention, behind which in fact lies indifference. That is, formally, Gemini is ready to listen and even help, and will not deliberately sigh at the same time that, they say, he was “harnessed”, but a wave of indifference will come from him. On the other hand, there would be a result from help, and sincere participation is not always so necessary. A truly Gemini treats those closest to him openly and with all kindness, as well as those who deserve it. And, by the way, not all relatives can get into this list. Those who do not deserve will be left behind.

11th place - Cancer

Almost the same story as with Gemini. The kindness of Cancers extends pointwise - to relatives, in general, a close circle, and to those who are obviously kind to them. To everyone else - well, as they say, sorry, you're out of business. Unlike Gemini, Cancer is still not selective in relation to relatives: whatever they may be, all his relatives will receive their portion of love and kindness. Is it possible to earn the warm attitude of Cancer? Yes. Just walk towards him. Cancer is able to appreciate this.

10th place - Leo

Not the most kind-hearted sign of the horoscope, but. It is difficult to understand what is in his soul, how he truly treats you. And it’s impossible to find out - until you find yourself in a situation where he has to show his real feelings. This applies not only to good relationships, but also to bad ones. Leo may hate you, but will not show. However, if this is true, you yourself will know: Lions will not sharpen a tooth on someone for no reason. And further. The lion is vindictive. So don't expect mercy.

9th place - Capricorn

The characteristics are similar to those of the Lions. Capricorns are closed and give the impression of aloof, and what is in their soul is unknown. In stalemate situations, Capricorn, of course, will show himself and will not remain on the sidelines, but he looks as if he does not care about the world around him. At the same time, Capricorns are kind to almost everyone, they just don’t know how to show it.

8th place - Aries

Representatives of this sign are unable to do evil intentionally. They are attentive to the feelings of others, but within certain limits. The thing is, Aries never look back. His element is forward movement; nothing and no one will prevent him from moving forward. For this reason, Aries can sometimes be completely indifferent to people who slow him down. And Aries is rarely interested in other people's opinions, which can also hurt and look like spiritual callousness.

7th place - Virgo

A very pleasant sign that will not harm anyone, and in general everything is fine with kindness. The only caveat is that Virgos, like Lions, remember the pain and evil caused to them for a very, very long time. True, where Leo will hatch a plan of revenge, Virgo will simply draw a conclusion and put an end to the person. And it will be impossible to restore such relationships - Virgos do not delete people from their lives immediately, but if they make such a decision, then that's it, period.

6th place - Libra

Kind, but more well-mannered people. This serves them a disservice in situations where you need to put the insolent in his place. It is difficult for Libra to go into conflict, not because of cowardice, but precisely because they do not tolerate harshness and rudeness. In the case of Libra, just the story when others may suspect them of a formal relationship to themselves. In fact, the reason is precisely in good manners - Libra does not believe that feelings need to be shown, because of this they seem dryish to outsiders.

5th place - Sagittarius

Sagittarians have a very clear and fair attitude towards the concept of "kindness". The one who is bad does not deserve a good attitude, the one who is good, on the contrary, deserves it. The problem is that Sagittarius sometimes does not distinguish between halftones, dividing the world into black and white. Because of this, those who are not fully so often fall into the category of bad. But what to do, such are Sagittarius, compromise is definitely not their element.

4th place - Scorpio

Representatives of this sign are considered difficult, but as far as kindness is concerned, everything is in perfect order. The deliberate rudeness of Scorpios, their harshness and, in general, are sometimes compensated by spiritual subtlety and real responsiveness. True, vindictiveness is still with them, it has not gone away.

3rd place - Pisces

A sign similar to Aquarius. The same openness, the same inability to do evil, and even the ability to forgive enemies. Another thing is that where Aquarius forgives so much that he does not break with the offender, Pisces show integrity and delete such people from their lives. And deep in the soul of Pisces, which is hard to believe, they are rather indifferent to others, they are really interested in themselves. How they manage to make it so that no one sees it is a mystery.

2nd place - Taurus

An open and bright sign, which is difficult to suspect of self-interest, lack of kindness and sincerity. The problem with Taurus is that they are too open, and this can lead to sad consequences for them. It turns out that their loved ones need to be on the alert and follow the decisions and actions of Taurus: so that he inadvertently not the first person he meets. At the same time, representatives of this sign are by no means naive, but their big hearts sometimes prevent them from thinking sensibly.

1st place - Aquarius

Representatives of this sign are organically incapable of bad deeds, they are kind to all people, including those who once hurt them. This first causes distrust (suddenly a subtle game?), Then a grin (weakling!), And then. The fact that Aquarius does not want to waste himself on evil is admirable. At the same time, Aquarius is by no means a naive and unrequited fool: it is impossible to deceive him, and it is easy to get a rebuff. But Aquarius will not intentionally do something bad to someone, he will disdain.

Good brings people together. In the end, it always defeats evil, but not all Zodiac Signs have this feeling equally easily.


Aries will never intentionally do bad things to someone who does not deserve it. But many close people suffer from their actions, because Aries rarely look back or take into account the opinions of others.


Taurus is considered a good and positive sign. They cannot harm even a stranger, although sometimes there are exceptions. In general, these people are sincere and very pleasant.


This zodiac sign is highly controversial. It is extremely difficult to assess the true degree of kindness of Gemini. In fact, they are only kind to those who deserve it. Initially, Gemini tends to be indifferent.


Cancer is kind only to friends, good colleagues and relatives. In an extreme case, Cancer can be kind to those who are a friend of his loved one, but this is a huge rarity. To everyone else, these people are absolutely inert and indifferent.

a lion

Those born under the sign of Leo are not the most kind people, however they never show their hatred. If you have done a dirty trick to them, then do not count on a quick pardon. Although at a meeting they will still smile at you.


Very reserved and nice people. This is especially true for men, since the difference between the sexes of this Sign is very strong. By and large, both of them are sympathetic people, but they remember the evil received in their address for a long time.


These people are good-natured to the marrow of their bones, but sometimes they are shackled by good manners. There are times when Libra can't stomach someone, but they never show it. Never. Yes, and they will not take revenge either, they do not need it.


Scorpios are extremely generous and responsive. Yes, their character traits can be perceived in the most negative way, but at heart they are kind and sweet. Also, representatives of this Sign are honest and devoted.


Sagittarians know the price of everything in this world, and especially good. It does not need to be earned or received on holidays - they will either treat you well or not. The third is not given, alas.


Capricorns from the outside look as if what is happening around them does not concern them. In their hearts, they are kind to almost everyone, and the only exceptions are those who deserve a corresponding negative attitude.


Aquarius will communicate and act friendly even with those who did them bad things. These people forgive very easily. Of course, they do not forget resentment, but anger is simply not their style.


Pisces are very similar to Aquarius, however, their difference is that they will try not to communicate with the one who hurt them. Very good-natured people who, although selfish, miraculously do not suffer from this.

Kindness of the soul and inner is the key to successful communication and a talisman of good luck. This is a thin thread between people, which eventually turns into a solid bridge of trust. Each Sign of the Zodiac can create this bridge with their good beginning, but many destroy it in an instant, and some are able to hold it for decades. Good luck, love, and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.03.2016 01:20

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All astrological signs have their own unique characteristics that distinguish them from the general background. Kindness is perhaps one of the most wonderful qualities that people can have. It is inherent in each of us, just to a greater or lesser extent. Even small and insignificant acts of kindness can provoke a positive chain reaction around you.

Many of us come across truly kind people every day - whether it's the person who reached out to you when you slipped, or who paid for you on public transport in case you left your wallet at home. All these little things can cheer us up in an instant. You may think that a small kind gesture doesn't matter much, but they all have an impact on your life.

Some people are more sensitive and considerate towards others. Astrologers are sure that the date and month of birth are directly related to what qualities will dominate in a particular person. Today we will tell you which 4 signs of the zodiac are the kindest of all.

1. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

People born under this sign can be called truly kind, which is immediately evident when communicating with them. Their wit and charisma help to win over any person and help others feel really comfortable next to the Gemini. People around are drawn to the representatives of this sign because of the charming combination of depth of outlook and frivolity. In conversation, a Gemini can make you feel like the most important person in the world. This quality, together with genuine kindness, makes them the most endearing astrological sign.

2. Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leo is the most kind-hearted and friendly sign of the zodiac. These people love to help others feel comfortable. Next to them you will always feel peace and comfort. Leos are truly versatile personalities, which makes them all the more attractive. The charm of the representatives of this sign is simply impossible to resist. In addition, Leos are true optimists and try to see the positive in everything.

3. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Kindness is literally the middle name of this astrological sign. Virgos are incredibly kind by nature, you are unlikely to run into rudeness on their part. In addition, they are well versed in people and are able to distinguish the emotions of others, which makes them very attentive and sensitive. Virgos are also very devoted and loyal people and, if necessary, will stand up for a loved one with a mountain.

4. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

This sign can no doubt be called the friendliest. It is important for Pisces to make contact and establish a strong bond with other people. By nature, they are very selfless and will always push their problems to the background in order to pay attention to yours. Pisces are very sensitive and wise. After listening to everything that worries you, they will certainly console you and share good advice. Representatives of this sign always empathize and seek to understand their loved ones, which makes them incredibly kind personalities.

We all have both positive and negative traits. Even if you are not among the kindest signs of the zodiac, do not be discouraged - you just have other positive traits.

Good brings people together. In the end, it always defeats evil, but not all Zodiac Signs have this feeling equally easily.


Aries will never intentionally do bad things to someone who does not deserve it. But many close people suffer from their actions, because Aries rarely look back or take into account the opinions of others.

Negative qualities The Ox can be very stubborn and cannot be distracted from his opinion. Bulls are very comfortable people. They are often very lethargic and slow, which doesn't go well with some people. In partnership, the bull can be very suspicious of his partner. Envy and jealousy play a very important role here. The Bull is a property-oriented person. He mostly appears to others as very materialistic and insatiable.

Positive Qualities Geminis are very curious, inquisitive and intelligent people. All the problems that arise in his life take possession of the twin with ease and without much attention. Everything new in the life of a twin is studied with great curiosity. Geminis are very happy and sociable people, which is why they are very popular among their counterparts. Their charming style allows you to wrap others around your finger.


Taurus is considered a good and positive sign. They cannot harm even a stranger, although sometimes there are exceptions. In general, these people are sincere and very pleasant.


This zodiac sign is highly controversial. It is extremely difficult to assess the true degree of kindness of Gemini. In fact, they are only kind to those who deserve it. Initially, Gemini tends to be indifferent.

Negative Features. The twin is often unstable and sometimes depressed. This is the opposite of her cheerful nature, but is suited to a twin. It is said that two souls live in the chest of a twin. His dishonesty can bring the doppelgänger into conflict. Geminis are often moody and unreliable. This is very often felt firsthand in relationships between partners. Likewise, they can act very superficially and without discipline on their fellows.

positive characteristics. Which cancer attacks are dragged out until they work because cancer is very persistent and strong enough to deal with all things. Cancer is always developing new methods to achieve its goal faster and faster. He plans everything in advance down to the smallest detail. At the same time, people born in the sign of cancer are very economical. Cancer is a very tough person who often listens to his inner intuition.


Cancer is kind only to friends, good colleagues and relatives. In an extreme case, Cancer can be kind to those who are a friend of his loved one, but this is a huge rarity. To everyone else, these people are absolutely inert and indifferent.

a lion

Those born under the sign of Leo are not the most kind people, however they never show their hatred. If you have done a dirty trick to them, then do not count on a quick pardon. Although at a meeting they will still smile at you.

Cancers are often very sensitive and hypersensitive. They are very sick and go to rest. Cancer then very often drowns in its self-pity. You shouldn't irritate cancer because it is very irritating. Because of their possessive nature, Cancers are very affectionate in relationships. His partner often feels overwhelmed and squeezed by these braces.

Likewise, in the star sign Cancer was born with a very sentimental side. Positive Characteristics Leo is a very cordial and open person. This makes them good people. Thanks to his courage and pride, the lion masters all the obstacles that stand in his way. People born in the sign of Leo are in the spotlight. Therefore, they are very interesting and extroverted, at various festivities they like to play solo artist.


Very reserved and nice people. This is especially true for men, since the difference between the sexes of this Sign is very strong. By and large, both of them are sympathetic people, but they remember the evil received in their address for a long time.


These people are good-natured to the marrow of their bones, but sometimes they are shackled by good manners. There are times when Libra can't stomach someone, but they never show it. Never. Yes, and they will not take revenge either, they do not need it.

Their dignity and authority radiate everywhere. Negative Qualities Because the lion loves to be at the center of the action, he is often seen as conceited and arrogant. It's not a good combination with Leo's confidence and big ego. This often leads others to see him as an actor or showman. Lions really hurt if it's not just about them. They then choose to talk to others rather than express their own opinions, just to get back in the spotlight.

Positive Characteristics Virgo-born people are quick thinkers. Virgo is a smart person, constantly striving to develop. Your compatriots can also fully rely on their honesty, sincerity and reliability. Virgo has a great sense of order. She is an organizational talent and handles all obstacles with discipline. Virgos are very humble people and are always on hand when a friend needs help. Similarly, people born in Virgo are often very attractive.


Scorpios are extremely generous and responsive. Yes, their character traits can be perceived in the most negative way, but at heart they are kind and sweet. Also, representatives of this Sign are honest and devoted.


Sagittarians know the price of everything in this world, and especially good. It does not need to be earned or received on holidays - they will either treat you well or not. The third is not given, alas.

Negative properties Virgo is never satisfied with what she has achieved. She complains about everything and criticizes. Virgo over perfectionist. This exaggerated perfection often leads to conflicts with other people. Due to her cool nature, Virgo looks at others as impudence. Since Virgo is a very worried person, she is very worried about anything and everything. In some people Virgo is found to be very unapproachable.

The scale of the diplomatic is modern and the conflict goes out of the way, but does its best to resolve the conflict. Thanks to her honesty and love for the truth, Libra is a respected person in her environment. Similarly, they are smart and cultured. Negative Traits Libras are often very vulnerable and quickly withdraw from friendships. Very often, Libras fall into self-pity, and this wreaks havoc on their already lacking self-esteem. Because the scale does not have good self-confidence. Due to the indecision of the balance, it is difficult to decide one.


Capricorns from the outside look as if what is happening around them does not concern them. In their hearts, they are kind to almost everyone, and the only exceptions are those who deserve a corresponding negative attitude.


Aquarius will communicate and act friendly even with those who did them bad things. These people forgive very easily. Of course, they do not forget resentment, but anger is simply not their style.

Often the decisions made are changed again. Likewise, balance is considered lazy and conceited. Positive Characteristics Scorpio was born as a very passionate person. Not only in love and partnership, they develop a great passion for the goals that in them made them passionate. Scorpio is a determined and reliable person. Analytically and creatively, he is engaged in the fact that he has set a task for himself. Due to his great staying power, he does not stop fighting until he has reached his goal.

Negative properties Should be warned against scorpions. Never annoy or offend a Scorpio, he usually quickly destroys existing friendships. Revenge dormant in a scorpion knows no bounds. Likewise, people born under the sign of Scorpio have a certain poison to discover. Partnerships can lead to intense jealousy and possessive behavior. Scorpio is vindictive, hostile and reckless. Scorpios are very prone to depression, but always recover quickly.


Pisces are very similar to Aquarius, however, their difference is that they will try not to communicate with the one who hurt them. Very good-natured people who, although selfish, miraculously do not suffer from this.

Kindness sincere and inner is the key to successful communication and a talisman of good luck. This is a thin thread between people, which eventually turns into a solid bridge of trust. Each Sign of the Zodiac can create this bridge with their good beginning, but many destroy it in an instant, and some are able to hold it for decades. Good luck, love, and don't forget to press the buttons and

POSITIVE Traits Sagittarians are very optimistic people. The shooter seems to be going through his life without worries. Sagittarius, born in a star sign, are free spirits and thinkers. They think about life and meaning. In the same way, they love their freedoms and their independence over others. The shooter's thirst for knowledge and versatility mean he pursues many different interests. The cosmopolitan, direct and cheerful nature of the shooter is much appreciated by its other people. Therefore, he is very popular in his immediate circles.

Negative properties A very negative characteristic of the shooter is his extravagance. Healthy generosity is great, but for a Sagittarius, giving is like an addiction and can backfire. Because of his disorganized side, the shooter often descends into chaos. In the same way, it is said that he has no faux pas towards his fellow men. Basically, the shooter's very direct way often results in his fellow being hurt. In the same way, he boasts of his boasting.

29.03.2016 01:20

Success in the life of every person depends not only on his strengths and capabilities, but also on the position of the Stars. ...

The position of the sun and planets, in which they were at the time of the birth of a person, affects almost all the features that make up the individual temperament of the individual. Every person has a dark side and a light side. Everyone tries to strengthen their positive side, and hide or restrain the negative.

Positive Characteristics Capricorn is a very productive, industrious and industrious worker. He pursues the goals that Capricorn wants to achieve until he reaches his destination. This may be due to his ambition and his great discipline. The tasks that Capricorn started, he brings to the end. At the same time, Capricorn in a leadership position would like to act as a leader, so to speak. Thanks to his patience with other people, he remains calm and explains things that were not understood without becoming fussy.

Capricorn parents are very traditional. Therefore, the family comes first to Capricorn. Capricorns are very pessimistic people. Capricorn crawls very fast in his shell. Likewise, qualities such as restlessness and inhibition can be found in Capricorn. Anything that has to do with Capricorn should be fine, which is an indication that he is a true fanatic. People born in Capricorn Capricorn need to be careful not to put in too much effort as Capricorn is more susceptible to stress than other people.

Every person has a good heart in their own way. But there is also the kindest sign of the zodiac.

The concept of good is always ambiguous. Many think that it is sacrificial and tolerant, and some that it is competitive and with the use of fists. According to astrologers, the good signs are Scorpio and Virgo.

Scorpio is a zodiac that includes a large number of contradictions. Reading descriptions of Scorpios, you focus on thoughts about poison and revenge. But still, many people under this sign are distinguished by kindness, sincerity, friendly devotion, a desire to help loved ones at any time. These character traits are increased by innate emotions, with the help of which Scorpions attract other people to themselves.

Capricorn's thrift quickly turns into greed, often resulting in the burden of a partnership. Positive traits An especially positive trait for people born in Aquarius is that they are extremely tolerant of everything. Aquarius is a true philanthropist, no matter what stratum the religion or race belongs to, which doesn't matter to Aquarius. Aquarius is a very resourceful and original guy. These qualities are highly valued in him, especially at work. Aquarians stay true to their principles and solve problems quickly.

His special charisma is very positive for his fellows. Negative Qualities Born in Aquarius, they are often closed and cool to their fellows. As a result, Aquarius often distances themselves from society. Aquarius acts on his neighbor with his stubbornness, and his capricious behavior is very aloof. In relationships, Aquarius usually doesn't allow for true intimacy, which can lead to attachment and relationship problems.

They are so friendly that they are ready for a lot for loved ones and loved ones. Often choose a profession, combining the provision of assistance and care. Due to discipline, energy and perseverance, these individuals feel self-sufficient and achieve significant advances in life.

But, unfortunately, along with help, there is a manifestation of narcissism, suspicion, intolerance and ruthlessness. And what character traits will be more in those born under this sign will determine the upbringing, social circle and lifestyle.

POSITIVE FEATURES Pisces is a sensitive and helpful person. Whether in family or with friends, the fish is always there when you need his advice or help. It also has to do with sensitivity and understanding of the nature of the fish. People born in the Pisces sign can fully express their creativity because they are very creative. A fish goes through his life with vigor like no other person. Similarly, the fish loves to communicate and generously shares with him.

Negative Traits People born in the Pisces sign are very naive in their lives. This naivety can be fatal for them. Their lack of decision making makes fish selection very difficult for a reason. Pisces live their amazing fantasies in their dream world. Desirable thinking in the world of your dreams cannot solve problems. Then the problems pile up. Pisces can be as capricious and disciplined as to influence their fellows. When the desires that a fish desires for itself are not fulfilled, they very often wrap themselves in self-pity.

Thinking about which zodiac sign is kinder, you can say about everyone. Naturally, ardent individuals of the fire element - archers, lions and rams, sometimes seem to be friendly to everyone, due to their inability to emotionally restrain themselves.

Cancers and scorpions can show a good-natured impression, but do not allow anyone to enter the soul, which complicates relationships.

This is self-pity, he is trying to drown in alcohol or drugs. According to astrologers, the position of the stars at the time of our birth greatly affects our personality. Believe it or not, each of the traits that define our character is closely related to the signs of the zodiac.

Although there are many people who claim to not believe in the importance of their zodiac sign and horoscope, this is one of the most talked about sections in newspapers, on television and even on the Internet. If you leave aside the magical and divine powers of the horoscope, you are a person who believes that each zodiac sign has its own characteristics and you want to know more about yourself, this is your article.

Air signs such as Libra, Aquarius and Gemini are very sociable, have a lot of connections, yet are selfish. But it’s not worth saying that they don’t know how to be kind, it’s just difficult to have a large enough circle of acquaintances and be benevolent with everyone.

The signs that are softer are Pisces and Taurus. They will gladly try to help in every possible way without difficulty, help out at a difficult moment, advise in a difficult situation, and be sincere in any experience. They will never start a quarrel, otherwise they will try to quickly resolve the conflict and come to reconciliation.

The sign of the virgin is characterized by kindness, immeasurable faith in man. There is no suspicion in them, but only gullibility, and because of this they often fall into all sorts of adventures. Representatives of this sign trust their loved ones and friends to the last, despite the spoiled relationships, justify the traitors, hoping that everything will get better. Therefore, the virgins have earned the title of the kindest sign of the zodiac.

People of this sign are quite sacrificial. Because of love for a particular person, they can do anything to fulfill all the whims of her passion, surround their loved ones with their support and care. The best and reliable friend and partner in business. They can sincerely open up, talk about their dreams and plans for the future, the virgins will not humiliate the person they value.

They are independent and responsible in the performance of any tasks. To protect themselves from selfish people, virgins need to be extremely careful and prudent.

However, do not forget that not necessarily any sign of the horoscope can influence character traits, there are many factors that determine and shape a personality.

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